Jesse Kelly Show

Guest Host Sean Parnell Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump Analysis

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27 Jul 2024
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5280 Exteriors James Hardy Siding is a low-maintenance siding made primarily of cement that resists flame spread and repels wood-borne insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole-house siding. That's installing additional insulation behind your siding, or free, but only for the month of July. Call today for more details or visit,, a James Hardy preferred contractor, 5280 Exteriors. The altitude of quality. It is the Jesse Kelly show, let's have some fun on a Friday now. I wonder if you realize by now that I am not Jesse Kelly. My name is Sean Parnell. I'm an army guy, Jesse's a marine, but I like to think that we are battle buddies. We've known each other for some time now, and he called me and said that he needed me, and so I filled in for him, and I will be there for him and have his six whenever he needs it, even if he needs to take a day off to eat some crayons like most Marines do. That is why I'm here. But anyways, folks, it's an honor to be in this chair for him. It's an honor to be addressing you all tonight, America. My name is Sean Parnell. I'm a New York Times best-selling author. I'm a combat veteran. And more important than that, I am a humble servant of America, fighting to save this country. And frankly, that should be the mission of every red-blooded American patriot conservative out there. Take action in your community and change this country. Now, we got a huge show for you today. This hour, we're going to talk about the Trump assassination attempt. A lot of opinions out there from people who weren't there. Well, guess what? I was there. I'm going to tell you all about it. And I'm also going to tell you about, I don't want unity with these people and you shouldn't either. I'm talking about the radical left. Ray testimony on deck, all that and so much more on hour one in the Jesse Kelly radio show. But listen, Trump just announced just before going live on this show tonight, Trump just announced that he's coming back to Butler. Butler, of course, is my hometown in Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania guy. But I got to tell you, that's inspiring. And it's inspiring because I saw that man come within a millimeter of losing his life. And of course, the fake news in this is CNBC chimed in and said this fight, fight, fight, Trump wrote an all caps on truth, social post announcing the rally referring to the three words he mouth to his supporters in the moments after the shooting. Now listen to this, folks, Trump sustained a minor injury to his ear in the incident in the incident, in which he and former White House physician, current representative Ronnie Jackson maintained was caused by the assassins bullet FBI director Christopher Ray testified Wednesday that Trump's injury might have been instead caused by shrapnel as if that makes any difference whatsoever, right? Well, so an hour ago, the FBI put out a statement that's not attributable to Christopher Ray, but just a general statement from the agency. It said what struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether hole or fragmented into smaller pieces fired from the deceased subject's rifle. So here we are, Trump even gets the FBI to back down in 24 hours, never ceases to amaze me. And he's coming back to Butler, man, I'm telling you, that is some courageous stuff. It just is. And I'll tell you why, you know, having been in combat before many, many times, 485 days of combat, I led an infantry platoon at the height of the hunt for Osama bin Laden, a bit in more firefights than I can possibly imagine every single time the enemy shot at me, I was scared every single time. And any combat veteran that tells you that they weren't scared in combat is either lying or they're crazy. But I witnessed that man on July 13th in Butler County almost die. And I was with him 30 minutes prior to that personally, talking to him. And let me tell you, he is sharp, very, very sharp. And I remember standing there with my wife 20 feet from the stage. He walks out on this little, this little velvet ramp up to the stage and he points to me in my wife. And he goes and he takes the stage and he starts talking and he does this thing. And I have been on the stage with President Trump three or four times, probably actually five times now. And anytime you go to a Trump rally, it is like a patriotic rock concert. Now the media would have you believe that they're all like racist, xenophobe, misogynist, you name it, but nothing could be further from the truth. These people are truly just great Americans. They're just kind and wonderful. And Trump is up there doing his stick and he goes, well, you mind if I go off of the teleprompter, I keep telling my people that these teleprompters are boring, they're just so boring. And he goes, so you mind if I go off script? And of course the audience is like, no, we don't mind at all. And he goes, okay, please, can we put my graphic up there? My favorite graphic. Oh, there it is, my immigration graphic. And Trump is, as if you're watching him on TV, he turns his head to the right and he looks at this graphic on one of two screens that are behind him. And he's like, oh, you see that error right there? That's my favorite arrow. That's when immigration was at its lowest and he turns back and he addresses the crowd and he riffs on immigration during his presidency being at an all time low and the crowd is going crazy. And then he cranes his head again to the right looking at the same screen. This time a little bit harder to look at that immigration graphic. And he points at it in exactly that moment, four or five shots ring out, right over my wife and I probably right over our heads, we were directly in the path of the bullet. And I remember at that moment, President Trump grabbing his ear and going down on the stage and a second later, the secret service was on him. And I remember just like I was in combat, this is the craziest thing about this America is I haven't been in combat in almost 20 years. But here in those bullets, I've been in ambushes before and hearing those bullets, I cracked right back into it. The training just took over. I had my wife on the ground in seconds. I had 95 year old Mrs. Fogle next to me whose son has been languishing in a Russian prison because the Biden administration has ignored him, a teacher from Western Pennsylvania. She's sitting next to me. And 30,000 people, many of whom I've likely never been shot at before are wondering what the heck is going on thinking it's firecrackers. And I remember in this moment looking down at my wife's face, again, many firefights before, but I'd never been in a firefight with my wife. And in that moment, panic kind of hit me because even though I knew what to do, I just believed in my heart of heart, it's my job to protect and provide. And I remember looking in her eyes, she's tiny. She's got dark hair and bright blue eyes and her eyes were open really, really wide. And she kept grabbing my legs saying, Sean, get down, Sean, get down. But in that moment, I knew that we were under sniper fire and I was looking and trying to ascertain the position of the shooter. And I was wondering, how am I going to get my wife out of here? How are we going to get 30,000 people out of here? Many of whom were screaming again, these are fireworks, but they weren't fireworks. They were sniper fire. And then within seconds in the chaos of the moment, America, and I want you to, I want to emphasize this, I immediately said snipers coming from the building or the water tower. Now if I can recognize that in the chaos of the moment, how is it that the secret service did not recognize that? And I'm not bashing the secret service agents who were on the ground. Those men and women, they were heroic. They were on President Trump in seconds. They were willing to sacrifice their life for his. I'm talking about the leadership. How did they know not to have that building occupied with people? And then seconds later, we realized the worst and that people were sitting that were sitting directly behind us. Remember when I told you all that we were sitting directly in the path of the bullets, the people directly behind us were hit. Corey Compertor, James Copenhagen, and David Dutch were all hit in that moment. And people started screaming medic, medic. And then 30,000 people turned and witnessed President Trump stand up. Now I saw this out of the corner of my eye trying to help evacuate these people, trying to keep my wife down in the prone, trying to figure out how to evacuate 30,000 people. But I saw in that moment, President Trump stand up after he had taken a bullet to the face. Despite what any of these morons in the media will tell you, he got shot and took a bullet to the face. And in those moments, we never know how we will react in that moment to react the way that President Trump did to recognize that those 30,000 people that were in that crowd needed to see him. We stood up and he pumped his fist in the air three times. And he said, fight, fight, fight. And I heard that crowd roar. They were excited. And in that moment, President Trump rose to the moment. He wasn't just a political leader anymore. He was an actual leader who had survived getting shot at. In fact, he had just had a shared moment of being in combat with 30,000 people. And yes, it was combat. He would have been shot at with all of those people. But he rose to the moment. And you know what else? What makes this country exceptional? It's not political leaders. Yes, we have some electrifying political leaders. Of course we do. President Trump is one of them. But it's not political leaders that make this country truly exceptional. It is the people and the people in that rally, you know, they didn't panic. They didn't stampede. They didn't cower in fear. They didn't run away, no, they stood there like rocks in a storm. And they helped people, wheelchairs, you ever think of it? It was oppressively hot that day. Wheelchairs that were left behind. How do you think those people got out? Trump supporters stepped up. Next up, I don't want unity with the people who did this. No unity without accountability first, that on the Jesse Kelly radio show up next. Stay right there. We'll be right back. Welcome back to the Jesse Kelly radio show. My name's Sean Parnell. I'm in the chair for Jesse Kelly and it's a great honor to be here. So we've been talking about the assassination attempt on President Trump. A lot of opinions out there from a whole lot of people, but I was actually there. All with my own two eyes, I saw how close that man came to losing his life. And I think part of what led to that was the rhetoric on the left. It is simply undeniable. I mean, think about it. For since the moment that that man came down the golden escalator, they tried to convince you that he was a Russian agent, that he was a stooge of Vladimir Putin. In fact, probably half of America even believed that or was concerned about that, especially during the 2018 election. And I think ultimately that's what helped the Democrats regain control of the United States house of representatives. So mean quintessential election interference. And then after that, it came out to be a hoax. Everyone knew rush, rush of collusion was a hoax. It's well known to anyone who's been paying attention. These very same people started pushing the fake narrative that Trump is Hitler, the Trump is a dictator that every time you turn on morning Joe, they say things like if Donald Trump gets elected, it will be the end of our 270 year American experiment. So how do you think the twisted mind of a sick young leftists is going to hear that? Do you think that they might believe in their mind that Donald Trump might really be Hitler that he might truly be an existential threat? And so in the wake of these attacks, what typically happens when some sick leftist attacks a conservative and by the way, this isn't an isolated incident. The left, a leftist shot up Steve Scalise on a congressional baseball field, a leftist attack ran Paul in his home and a leftist tried to take president Trump. So if any time that happens, the corporate media and the mainstream media, they start saying to themselves, oh, well, we just need the tone down the rhetoric. We just need unity. I'm just absolutely positively sick and tired of that because I know it's completely disingenuous. I know that conservatives will be the only ones once we accept the olive branch to actually tone down our rhetoric. The left doesn't do that. Did you hear the clip of Tenacious D simply? I think a day after a day or two after president Trump was almost killed? Listen to what happened on stage with Tenacious D Don't miss Trump next time. Don't miss Trump next time. Do you see the breaking report that Amazon's now allowing sellers to retail shirts that say the only good Trump is a dead one? Do you think that the left is going to tone down the rhetoric anytime soon? Or how about this interview of a random leftist on the street? Again, listen for yourself. So Donald Trump was recently shot at one of his rallies. How do you feel about that? I wish we'd gotten shot in the forehead. Really? Yeah. I mean, he's basically like teaching our country like what communism is like. So so you wish death upon someone? Him. Yeah. Unfortunately, I hate to say that because I don't have hatred in my soul at all, but I think the way that our country has divided families, marriages, um, all of it about politics. Yeah. Okay. My IQ is diminished. Just 10 points. Just listening to her. This are true believers and it's not just rant, not just celebrities. It's not just randos on the street. It's Jerry Nadler in Congress as well. Listen to him during the during the hearing that interviewed the director of the Secret Service. Listen to what he said. This assassination attempt as horrific as it is should surprise no one. And you would think a political party that almost lost a presidential candidate through an active political violence would have something to say about the way that leaders keep talking about the next election. Donald Trump is warned there will be a quote, bloodbath if he loses. That is a hoax. So here we are moments after Trump almost loses his life on that stage, mainstream media. We just need to tone down the rhetoric, tone down the rhetoric, did the left tone down the rhetoric? Absolutely not. I don't want unity with these people. I want accountability. And when we come back, that's exactly where we're going to go. I'm optimistic about getting any answers. We're going to get into that and so much more. Christopher Ray on Capitol Hill, stay right there on the Jesse Kelly radio show. Welcome back to the Jesse Kelly radio show. I'm in the chair for my buddy, the great Jesse Kelly. My name's Sean Parnell. It is an honor to be here. We've been talking about this first hour, the Trump assassination attempt and we've been talking about the radical left and we've been talking about their propensity for violence. And anytime something like this happens, they're allies in the media. When I say something like this happens, I mean some leftist crazy person attacks somebody on the right. There are immediate calls for unity. Because rarely, rarely, rarely if ever do you see anybody on the right attacking a leftist. It almost never, ever, ever happens. But that one chance that one time out of a hundred that it does almost every conservative in the country gets labeled a domestic extremist. Oh my gosh, somebody somebody is flying the Gadsden flag outside of their home. Put them on the domestic terror watch list. Oh, you dare to pray outside of an abortion clinic 10 years in a prison locker. This stuff is actually happening. Soccer moms who drive around in minivans and have their hair up in a ponytail and wear yoga pants. You don't like the school curriculum that's being forced upon your child. That includes like some of the most horrific child pornographic images that they're out there. Oh, you're also a domestic terrorist too. You see how there's a double standard here? And so we're talking about, Hey, there has to be some form of accountability for all of this, the violent rhetoric, the violence itself before there can be any unity. You cannot have unity with a group of people that pray for your demise on the daily. You just can't. And so it's good to see that the house voted unanimously yesterday to establish a bipartisan task force to investigate with hat, what happened with the Trump assassination. I think ultimately that's a net positive. The house passed a Mike Kelly, who's a congressman from Pennsylvania's 16th congressional district in western Pennsylvania. Mike Kelly led resolution to form a bipartisan task force on Wednesday to investigate the assassination attempt to former president Donald Trump, HR 1367, which was spearheaded by house speaker Mike Johnson and house minority leader, Hakeem Jeffries, passed the house in a unanimous vote. The task force was announced in the aftermath of the US Secret Service director Kimberly Cheetles evasive testimony before the house oversight committee on Monday, which sparked bipartisan outrage and her subsequent resignation on Tuesday. The house voted for 16 to zero on the resolution. And folks, let me tell you something, this is a step, a positive step in the right direction, but it's urgent and it's needed because we have next to no details about what happened on July 13th at that rally in Butler County. We don't know the motivation of the shooter. In fact, the former now former director of the Secret Service, Cheetles testimony, she couldn't even tell you if a rifle was up on the roof overnight. She couldn't tell you how the shooter got to the location. She couldn't tell you how a 20 year old know nothing kid outsmarted the premier protection agency in the world. And I mean it folks, everywhere that you go, everywhere around the world, people regard the United States Secret Service as the best of the best. The fact that they are seen as the best of the best deters attacks in and of itself. But now to me, the United States Secret Service has a chink in the armor and how many adversaries are going to try to exploit those cracks. And by the way, this is not, and I repeat, not just about President Trump or Republicans. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are also protected by United States Secret Service. Their families are protected by United States Secret Service. And I think that's part of the reason why when you had Cheetle, again, Cheetles, the former director of the Secret Service, when she was in front of Congress, giving those evasive answers, I think that's part of the reason why Democrats got fed up with her real quick, because they know that they are protected too. Now, Democrats started out and I'm talking specifically about people like Jamie Raskin. AR 15 style attacks are dangerous. AR 15 assault rifle style attack, they started out on the gun stick and then they realized that she was lying to them and I think they thought, well, this is BS. I don't like this. This isn't cool. And again, no answers, America. And so we're finding out now that the United States Secret Service rejected drones, which are offered by local law enforcement. All of this is happening while the United States Secret Service is trying to blame local law enforcement. I'm talking the Beaver County Sheriff's Office, Beaver County is in Western Pennsylvania, the Butler County Sheriff's Office, Butler counties in Western Pennsylvania. Let me ask you a question, America. When have you ever heard of the feds coming into an area and relinquishing full tactical control of an operation to the locals? Have you ever seen the movie die hard where the FBI agents get on scene or like we got it from here, Sheriff, we're all going and you're like, Oh my God, those FBI guys are jerks. That's how it is. The feds don't relinquish tactical control to local cops, especially when it pertains to the protection of a president. It simply does not happen. And now of course, the United States Secret Service has asked the Trump campaign to stop holding outdoor rallies. Oh, it's that convenient that during high stakes presidential election, the federal government, the United States Secret Service is saying, well, you know, just don't have any more massive huge outdoor rallies. I think that's the solution. Kamala, you're good though. You're totally fine. And in fact, I saw a report by Politico saying that, you know, Kamala, the threat is actually higher for Kamala because she's a woman of color. And I read that. And of course, my head about exploded, not in the literal sense. Perhaps that was maybe a poor choice of words because Trump almost got his head shot off. So how is it that Kamala has higher threats against her than Trump when Trump was the one that got shot in the face? And now we have the local law enforcement's disputing Josh Holly's charge that local police left their post at a building because it was hot. Local law enforcement is saying that that's ridiculous. They never left their posts. The United States Secret Service never assigned them or anyone else to the rooftop. So again, harking back to something that I said earlier on the show, how is it possible that me as an army light infantry man knew that the shooter was coming from the roofer of the water tower in the cast of the moment, but the Secret Service didn't have anybody there despite having an advanced team there, despite conducting reconnaissance, despite being there five days, but yet they're outsmarted by a 20 year old kid. I mean, I'm telling you, this task force is a positive step in the right direction. But I'm also, I feel compelled to tell you that the congressional August recess is only two weeks away. So they assign a task force. They haven't even selected what members of Congress are going to be on it. But then they what they pop smoke and they go home for all of August. They're in their district. They're going on vacation. They're spending time with their family. How much investigating is going to be done then? You can bet none. And then when they get back and you know how this works, America, when they get back, they go right into campaign mode. So how much work, how much investigating is going to get done? Thanks to nothing. And of course, see the news today that punchbowl news is reporting that the Democrats want to put top Biden, Harris, ally, representative Dan Goldman on the task force to investigate the assassination attempt of President Trump. I mean, you remember Goldman, right? He's like the, the Biden crime family's personal lawyer who also serves in Congress. This is what Goldman said about President Trump just a few months ago. Listen, it's just unquestionable at this point that that man cannot see public office. Again, he is not only unfit. He is destructive to our democracy. And he has to be, he has to be eliminated. He has to be eliminated. Oh, great. Great Dan Goldman's going to be. I'm sure he's going to be hot on the trail of the shooter calling for President Trump to be eliminated. He didn't say beat at the ballot box, right? Just enough wiggle room in there to make some crazy wacko left his 20 year old kid thing. Oh my, listen, if there were somebody on the right saying this, it'd be, oh, oh my gosh, this is a dog whistle for violence. The right is calling for violence. You see what I'm saying? Left wing violence is almost always, always excused. Listen, folks, I'm telling you it's very, very hard to imagine how something like this happens. I lived it. I saw it. I've been racking my brain since that day. All at the former infantry officer in me, we do in an after action report. That's just how we're wired. How does it happen? And did you know that every single person that I talk to, my father in law is, is a Democrat. I love them. The death of union Democrat. Every single person that I talk to, every single one, it's like, wow, you sure that maybe the government maybe had something to do with this, like, you think maybe that the gut, I don't want to say it, but, you know, I don't think they really like Trump all that much. You think, like, no one wants to say it, but I mean, look, look at all the things that the deep state has done to go after Donald Trump. They coordinated this massive law fair campaign, all of which started in the White House on November 18th, where you had sloppy Alvin Bragg and Big Fanny and her and her lover, Nathan Wade all meeting at the White House and oh, by the way, at the same time, Merrick Garland, the points, BDI, little freak, commie, prosecutor, Jack Smith, all happens on November 14th at the exact same time, give me a break. It's almost like it's almost like all of this is coordinated. I'm sorry, I haven't met a single person that believes it's not. So listen, folks, when we come back, we're going to talk about director Cheetah and her testimony and what that means. We're going to talk about Matt Gaetz's question to Christopher Ray and why you cannot have faith in this as this crazy investigation. It's not going to be any transparency. Stay right there listening to the Jesse Kelly radio show. So much more on deck for you. Be right back. Welcome back to the Jesse Kelly radio show. My name's Sean Parnell. I'm in the chair for the great Jesse Kelly and it's an honor to be here. Thank you for sticking with us. The first hour is almost in the bank. The show is flying by. So America, just got a question for you. Do you have any faith that the United States Secret Service or the Federal Bureau of Investigation is going to be transparent and honest with this investigation? Like, I can't confront here, you in your car or in your kitchen or preparing dinner. And I think I'm not a mind reader. But I think most of you are laughing to yourselves and probably saying no, but there's absolutely no way. And if the vast majority of America feels like that, then we had a real problem, don't we? So Ray Christopher Ray who talked about Cheetah on Capitol Hill got no answers out of her. Christopher Ray was also on Capitol Hill and Thomas Massey, who by the way I really like, it's Christopher Ray, I think a very, very important question that cuts right to the heart of the issue. And I want you to just listen to it for yourself. Is there any evidence at all that he may have been in contact with somebody else before this occurred that may have had any prior knowledge or may have helped him plan this event? Well, needless to say that that is a question that we're intensely focused on because that would obviously be incredibly meaningful. So far, underlying, so far, we have not found any evidence of any accomplices or co-conspirators far and or domestic. And you're using geolocation data to see if his cell phone was near another cell phone I presume? Right, we're doing lots of different kinds of cellular analysis, geolocation stuff, looking at his accounts. He, from everything we've seen, which is consistent with what we've learned in interviews, a lot of people describe him as a loner. That does kind of fit with what we're seeing in his devices, you know, his list of contacts, for example, is very short, you know, compared to what you would normally see from most people. So that's an important question. Did the shooter talk to anybody? Did he court? And did you get an answer? Well, obviously that's the most important question of the day. It's kind of a lot of filibustering, right? It's absolutely ridiculous. I mean, I would almost feel better if Christopher Ray said, yeah, we think he did because then how would a 20 year old sneak by the premier law enforcement agency in the world, the United States Secret Service. And oh, by the way, we have reports now, allegedly, that the shooter had explosives in his car. He had a detonator on his system on his person. So how is it that the Trump rally is announced 10 days prior to the rally itself there about 10 days? This kid goes to the range, zeros is rifle, becomes a marksman. And for those of you all saying that he's not a great marksman while he hit Trump on his first shot and killed one and wounded a couple of others. So he's not, he's not a terrible marksman. The only reason why Trump is alive is because Trump's Trump went off script. Think about that. Trump's propensity to go off of script is why he's alive today. But this in 10 days time, this kid just learned how to craft explosives. It does not happen. So you're going to get any transparency out of this. Can we expect any positive results from the FBI? Listen to this question that Matt Gates asked director Ray. So when did you notice his decline? In my interactions, in my role, all my interactions with the current president have been completely professional. Right. But I mean, his, the cognitive decline. I don't say he treated you unprofessionally, just maybe not picking things up as quickly as he used to. Again, I don't meet with him very often, but what you're describing is not something that I've observed. 5280 Exterior's James Hardy sighting is a low maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resist flame spread and repels woodwind insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole house sighting. That's installing additional insulation behind your sighting, or free, but only for the month of July. Call today for more details or visit, a James Hardy preferred contractor, 5280 Exteriorers, the altitude of quality. [MUSIC PLAYING]