Jesse Kelly Show

Guest Host Sean Parnell Guest Internet Personality Bryan Dean Wright

Broadcast on:
27 Jul 2024
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5280 Exteriors James Hardy Siding is a low-maintenance siding made primarily of cement that resists flame spread and repels wood-borne insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole-house siding. That's installing additional insulation behind your siding, or free, but only for the month of July. Call today for more details or visit,, a James Hardy preferred contractor, 5280 Exteriors. The altitude of quality. Our two of the Jesse Kelly radio show starts right now. I'm Sean Parnell. I'm in the chair for the great and powerful Jesse Kelly, and it's an honor to be here. We got a crazy, crazy hour, all sorts of stuff to get there, get to for you. We're going to talk a little bit about the deep state. We've got to talk about Biden withdrawing from the presidential race. The Democrats are busy rewriting history, but that shouldn't surprise any of us. And then we've got the great Brian Dean right on deck in the middle of the hour, not like a radio host guy. So I don't even know if I said the technical term of that right. At 735 there, Eastern time, well, there are multiple time zones here. So I'm getting used to all of this, but he's a former CIA operations officer. He's been, he was a Democrat for 20 years. He's America first or now global intelligence segment. He's one of the smartest guys I know. Stay tuned for that and so much more in the second hour of the Jesse Kelly radio show. Okay. So Cheetah resigns, Ray Stonewalls. We have no details on the assassination attempt on President Trump, but Cheetah's resignation. Of course, she's the director of the United States Secret Service. I mean, it can't stop there. We have to continue to push for transparency. We have to continue to push for accountability, what happened on July 13th. But Cheetah's testimony to me was a microcosm of what is, I believe, a very real problem in America. The concerns, by the way, both Republicans and Democrats, Cheetah's testimony, I believe, is a great example of what makes the deep state really dangerous. Now you're probably paid listeners out there and by the way, we love hate listeners. You're welcome to listen to the show, call them whatever you want. Call them in Transpiriocrats, call them the blob, call them our intelligence agencies. I like calling it the deep state. But here you have an entrench bureaucrat and by the way, just because she resigns, look, guess what, she's still going to retire with a golden parachute. She's still going to go probably be a security consultant for a bank, making a million dollars a year. Do you think Cheetah's going to be held accountable at all? Of course not. Of course not. But here you have an entrench bureaucrat going in front of a bipartisan group of members of Congress and stonewalling, not giving any answers. You have Democrats and Republicans, and I'll remind you all, America, these are the representatives of the people. Now I don't agree with Democrats on hardly anything, but they are representing their constituencies. Are they not? And they're asking the director of the Secret Service questions and she's not answering. So to me, that's tantamount to the American people asking a question of somebody who is subsidized by the American taxpayer and them just thumbing their note and that right there. America is why the deep state in these entrenched bureaucrats are just so dangerous. It's a dynamic that this country can't long endure. We elect our representatives. Our representatives, Democrat or Republican, are representatives of the people in the House of Representatives to not answer their questions is to thumb your nose at the American people. And because of that, our members of Congress, they don't have a whole lot of power. They don't have the power that they used to. And this is concerning, especially in a world that seems to be on fire in the next six months, I believe will be some of the most dangerous America has ever faced because Biden was forced out just by a month ago, him saying, I'm in this race to work. He's not going anywhere. And you know, Jill Biden is behind the scenes who's really running the show cheering things on. Here he is saying, I'm in it to win it. And then leaders in the Democrat party, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, all the Democrat mega donors, push Joe Biden out. And I'm not, I am at a birthday party for my father-in-law on the beach because he lives in Delaware on the beach, which is kind of nice. And my 17-year-old daughter at like 145 in the afternoon turns to me and says Biden dropped out. And I just started laughing because I knew in that moment, because we're here, questions was, well, what are we going to do? Is this going to be better for it? And my oldest daughter is, I think, the liberal of the family. But I knew in that moment that we had her, what are we going to do? How are we going to? How are the conservative movement going to stop this? I knew. This is a great accomplishment as a quickside bar as a, as a father to be able to take a liberal teenage daughter and make her a conservative, I'm just, what are we going to do? Biden just dropped out. And I said, well, this isn't wholly unexpected, but the way that he went about it was absolutely crazy, was it not? Biden quits with a PDF on social media, not on any sort of presidential letterhead. It was digitally signed. It's clear that the Democrat forced him out, right? And then Biden just disappears with COVID or whatever nobody hears from. And then you have ABC releasing segments like this. Chief Justice correspondent Pierre Thomas starts us off from Washington. Good morning, Pierre. George, good morning. Our audience is about to see the frantic seconds in the moments after the government tried to kill former president. I mean, he's probably going to say he misspoke, but it sounds like he said the government tried to kill Donald. So here we have a president that disappears, quits the presidential race after being forced out by Democrats with a PDF on social media that's not on a presidential letterhead that's digitally signed by Joe Biden, then Joe Biden disappears for a couple of days. And he appears five days later to give an oval office address, supposedly to talk about why he withdrew from the race because, you know, it's kind of important. 14 plus million Democrats already voted for the guy. I think it'd be the first time in American history where a primary was over at a bunch of party leaders forced out a sitting American president. So kind of important. So Joe Biden comes out to do this address. And the first thing I thought is, oh my gosh, his skin is orange. It's like he's taken on a Trump approach here. He's trying to mimic his opponent, but he comes out and this is the first 41 seconds of his speech. Listen, my fellow American has been the privilege of my life to serve this nation over 50 years. Nowhere else on earth could a kid with a stutter from modest beginnings of this grand pence of anger claim on Delaware. One day sit behind the resident desk in the oval office as president of the United States. But here I am. That's a so special about America where a nation of promise and possibilities, of dreamers and doers, of ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things. I give my heart and my soul to our nation, like so many others boy, he's hanging by a thread. And you know what? With this. So in that moment, I'm watching this speech. And he goes a kid with a stutter and I immediately was like, well, this is going to be a campaign speech that filled filled from top to bottom with lies because anybody that knows anything about Joe Biden or has watched any old videos knows very well that that dude does not have a stutter. Oh, he's a moron of the highest order and has largely been regarded as a moron by his Democrat colleagues for about 50 years in Washington. But that dude does not have a stutter. If you don't believe me, just go back and watch his questioning of Clarence Thomas where Clarence Thomas is trying to figure out how he's supposed to answer somebody so stupid. But you don't hear Biden stuttering at all. But I pressed on when the grip of the world, we were in the grip of the worst pandemic in the century, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War, we came together as Americans, we got through it. We merged stronger, more prosperous and more secure. I assume he's talking about January six being the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War, worse than Pearl Harbor, worse than September 11th. Well, you know what America, these Democrats are some shameless, shameless hacks. It was stunning to me because ultimately I think that this is just dangerous, but it's stunning to me. Here you have Biden talking about threats to democracy. Biden as his own party shanks him and forces him out after millions of his own voters voted for him to sit the hell with those voters. It doesn't matter. We're just going to select not elect Kamala Harris as the person. No, it doesn't matter. It should be just as good. It's absolutely stunning. And this is what I tell, you know, talk about the golden rule all the time that anything the Democrats say, well, it's just their day project. They project all of their flaws and their true agenda on to Republicans. But now I'm starting to believe that the Democrats are so brazen with their lies, so shameless with their lies and it's doing also dangerous that it's like opposite day, every single day in the Democrat party. So it's, it is pretty safe. But the Democrats say something that the opposite is completely true. For example, the border is secure. He said something like that during his speech. Now America, is there a single solitary person out there that believes the border is secure? 10.5 million illegal alien invaders stream into our country over three and a half years of the Biden administration and the Biden administration as the goal to say the border is secure or crime is actually at an all time low. It. Yeah. You know what? It's kind of an amazing thing that when cities like Los Angeles, Detroit, Miami, Memphis, Chicago, New York, when they don't report their crime stats to the FBI, it's kind of amazing. What happens? Isn't it? Anything that the Democrats say the opposite is true. Just assume that. So now you are going to be on the receiving end of a relentless propaganda campaign to try to make George, Joe Biden into George Washington. So stay right there. We're going to talk about that and how the Democrats feel about having their primary rigged. Stay right there. Welcome back to the Jesse Kelly radio show. I am Sean Parnell, I'm in the chair for the great and very tall Jesse Kelly, and it's an honor to be here. So you America are about to be on the receiving end of the heaviest propaganda push. I think we've ever experienced as a country. The Democrats forced Joe Biden out, they select. They do not elect Kamala Harris and the media has gone into overdrive and not just the media. The shameless hacks that are in Congress, Democrats, Democrats are trying to make Joe Biden out to seem like he's a George Washington type figure. Now David Axelrod, who by the way acts, David Axelrod is Obama's ax man. We know, we know that Barack Obama had a hand in kicking Joe Biden to the curb Joe Biden in Barack Obama. Do not get along despite Joe Biden being Barack Obama's vice president. These two people despise each other. Barack Obama thinks Joe Biden's a moron and he would be right. And Joe Biden thinks Barack Obama looks down his nose at him and he would also be right. We all know that Barack Obama is the guy that pushed Joe Biden out behind the scenes. But here's David Axelrod on CNN talking about Joe Biden as if he's George Washington. Listen, we've, she's done an unnatural thing. Very rare in the annals of history. He stepped away from power and he did it in the interest of the country as he said personal ambition. This will, I think history will look kindly on Joe Biden. And I think people will look differently on him tomorrow than they did a week ago. And they will maybe see his achievements and his commitment to this country more clearly. David Axelrod, just last week was talking about how Joe Biden sucked David Axelrod just last week was talking about how Joe Biden need to get out of the race. Now, the real question is how the voters are going to handle this. And a really interesting indication is you look at Black Lives Matter. They put out a post on Twitter slash X and they said, Joe Biden today, I'm dropping out of the presidential race to defend democracy. We must unite to protect democracy. Nothing should stand in the way of saving our democracy and a democracy. The people, not Kings, not Dictators role. And then today in a smoke filled room, we will create an open fair inclusive transparent process to select the next Democrat nominee. However, the American people will not get a chance to vote for the Democrat nominee in their VP DNC party bosses will vote instead of the American people while a virtual primary for the American people is impossible. We'll make it possible for DNC party bosses to vote virtually. But none of that really matters because the nearly 2000 DNC party bosses have already told the Associated Press that they're committed to Kamala Harris. If Black Lives Matter ain't cool with your plan, Houston, you might have a problem. And it's not just Black Lives Matter. All Democrat voters feel betrayed by this. And I don't think it's going to bode well for cackling Kamala or anybody else. Listen, how do you feel about the process in which President Biden decided not to run for reelection? It would have been nice if he made this decision a year ago because we could have had a primary and maybe decided who we want to replace them rather than just while flocking to Kamala Harris. I think by trying to clear the field and ensure that it was going to be Biden and make sure there wasn't any sort of not allowing us to have an actual Democratic primary process, you know, I'm not saying I think Kamala Harris is going to lose, but I do think that we would have been benefited significantly if he had figured out what was like, figured this out far sooner. So there could have actually been more time to like have internal debate, have internal democracy within the party. Internal democracy within the party. I mean, it's an ironic America that the Democrats have now become victims of their own election rigging. Like, listen, the Democrats rig their own primaries. They did it to Bernie Sanders in 2016, although in 2016 it was after the people voted. They did it to Bernie Sanders in 2020 again in 2020 was after the people voted. But in 2024, the Democrats have really upped their game because the primary is over millions of their own voters already voted and they're basically telling them all to go to hell. So the real threats to democracy, ladies and gentlemen, are the Democrats. It's opposite day every day when we come back. We are back here on the Jesse Kelly radio show, man, we are rocking and rolling. Are we not? The show is absolutely flying by. We've been talking about how the Democrats shanked Biden and kicked him to the curb. But now they're all celebrating him like he's some sort of conquering hero like George Washington and how you America are going to be on the on the receiving end of one of the greatest propaganda campaigns in the history of this country. I'm in the chair for Jesse Kelly today, folks. My name is Sean Parnell and thanks for sticking with us on deck right now we've got a very, very good friend of mine. His name is Brian Dean, right now Brian Dean, right was a Democrat for 20 plus years. He's not a Democrat anymore. He's a disaffected Democrat. He's an America first patriot, but he's a former CIA operations officer and he's the host of a great daily podcast called the right report, which is essentially like your own personal presidential daily brief. And I've put together a segment called the global intel segment because it's very important for us to know what's going on around the world, not because we're citizens of the world, but because we need to learn how to stop these jerks from imposing their will on us. We the people as Americans. So without further ado, Brian Dean, right? Welcome to the Jesse Kelly radio show. My friend. That's an honor. That's an honor, man. Now, America, you can't see Brian, but his teeth are very, very white as we have both confirmed. I'm like Batman. I guide people, ships, things, all of them. Thank you. Thank you. Good. Okay. So Brian, as a former Democrat, you know how the Democrat party operates. What are your thoughts about them forcing out Joe Biden to heck with democracy and selecting not electing Kamala Harris? Look, there are multiple reasons why many of us who were with the Democrat party for 20 plus years have left. We can add this to the long list. What has happened over the past month is is nothing short of anti-democracy. It is certainly an assault on the Republic. We have to understand less than three weeks ago, my former party was saying to each other and to the country, Joe Biden either has one or two problems. One, his poll numbers are terrible and he's going to lose. We got to get rid of this guy, which is anti-democratic in and of itself. But secondly and more importantly, he has some sort of mental disease, dementia of some kind. And that's incredibly important for us to be honest about and for Mr. Biden and his family to be honest about, and it's time for him to step aside. That was the conversation three plus weeks ago. And now we are here to this place where Mr. Biden stepped aside. He didn't actually say why. He just did. It looked like he was in the midst of a hostage video, and trust me, I'm going to do those as a former CIA guy. So now we are supposed to just move on from what we all saw. And I will tell you, just as a guy who has lots of friends still within the Democrat party, if you talk to them offline, they will say, yeah, we know that what's going on right now is it's not kosher, it's not in the up and up, but we hate Donald Trump so desperately that we are willing to do this, and we are willing to ally and embarrass ourselves while aligned. It's such a bold face line. My response to these guys, and my friends for 20 plus years, is you're now sloping into kind of regime-like behavior. You might want to try to justify it, but it's very regimey to try to kill the American people for three plus weeks that we have a problem with this guy, not just the polls, but he might have dementia. And then now he's the greatest American hero, and he's a wonderful man, and more importantly, he should remain commander in chief through January. Now, now we're getting to very sort of North Korea stuff. It's very weird and very unacceptable because it puts the country at risk. So, bottom line, if you're out there and you're thinking, this doesn't make sense. This kind of seems weird and bonkers. You are correct. You were not the crazy one, this country is going through a profound moment of not just frightening behavior by folks in D.C., but a very dangerous moment for the country because we have somebody in the Oval Office who is not well, mentally, and who's not competent to respond to global emergencies. Do you think that Kim Jong-un refers to his actions as regime-y? Did I just hear a CIA-oper, former CIA, use the word regime-y? I like that. We're coining that. We're using that. Done. You know what? When you talk to me, maybe I've gotten into the sauce. I'm going to come up with all kinds of words. Okay, good. Let's go. We're having fun. Yeah. All right. So, we are talking with my friend Brian Dean Wright, former CIA operations officer and host of the Right Report Daily podcast. Brian, let's shift gears a bit and go global and talk about what's happening in Ukraine in this new poll on Ukraine about Ukrainians wanting peace. This war has dragged on for three years, hundreds of billions of dollars of American taxpayer, dollars being sent over there. Give us the intel on the battlefield, my friend. Where are we? So, we've got two sets of polls that are important to talk about. First, we have a poll that shows about nine and ten Europeans say that Ukraine cannot possibly win this war. So, that's pretty extraordinary. When you have nine out of 10, speaking of North Korea, that's like an North Korea number. But clearly, Europeans are seeing something that a lot of folks, perhaps, on the White House and Brussels and other places, aren't talking about or wanting to be honest about. So, we have that on one hand. Second, 32 percent of Ukrainians, according to German press and Reuters news service, are reporting that they are willing to end this war by giving up part of their own territory. 32 percent of Ukrainians, that number was at virtually zero when the war started. Meanwhile, 44 percent are saying that, "Hey, even if we don't give up territory, we need to start a peace deal. We need to start those conversations now, 44 percent." Again, thinking about three years ago, that number was 10 percent. So, you have seen over the past two and a half to pushing three years, the people of Ukraine growing very fatigued by this war, and they're clearly seeing something that we oftentimes in Western press aren't seen. And that is though the war is not going well for Ukraine. There are various reasons for that, but one of the big ones is they just don't have the manpower. Russia is throwing more meat into this grinder than we could have ever imagined years ago, but it's ungodly. And the Ukrainians simply don't have the manpower to fight back. They are now grabbing, quite literally, people off the streets, throwing them into the draft. People are dodging it, going into Romania and Moldova and pretty shocking numbers. I mean about $8,000 to $10,000 to get out of Ukraine, if they are, if they can. Otherwise, a lot of guys in the rural areas of Ukraine are getting thrown into this meat grinder when they don't really want to. So that's why I think you're starting to see, not just 10% of people saying, "Hey, let's look at peace," but now 42 plus percent. And then I think a lot of people in Europe are saying, "9 out of 10, Ukraine's not going to win this thing. We've got to talk about war." So whatever you think about Putin, and I'm not a big fan, I don't think that his invasion was right. You do have some very tactical realities here, and you have to understand and acknowledge that Ukraine is not women, and it's important to sue for peace if you've got this many people recognizing that we're not going to win. Talking to Brian Dean Wright, former CIA operations officer, giving us a global intelligence report. Brian, I'm talking about Ukraine. Can we shift gears and go to South America and what's coming in Venezuela that every American needs to be aware of? Now, my challenge to you is you've got about four minutes to explain a very complex geopolitical situation. Can you do it, my friend? Right. Rock and roll. The dictator of that country is a Marxist dictator, Nicholas Maduro. He took over, and his predecessor, 25 years ago, there was an election this Sunday. All polls say that he will lose. So what does a good Marxist dictator or dictator any kind do? They start throwing the election. That's what they've done. They've pushed out the most leading and strongest opposition candidate, but the opposition man has to throw a new guy in, and he's winning. Also, now that the regime was worried about losing, they are blocking all outside individuals who would come in and offer this former Panamanian president, Argentinian president, Brazilian president. They were going to come in as observers. They are now being blocked. In fact, the Panamanian plane that was flying about one hour ago was just denied air space landing into Venezuela. So what does that mean? It means, or why should we care? There are 10 million people who are polled and asked, "If Maduro wins, what will you do?" 10 million people said they will leave, and they're going to come to the United States. So we've got this profound crisis over the past three plus years of where we have seen 8, 9, 10 plus a million people who've come across the southern border. We've got 10 more million Korean, Venezuela who want to leave as of Sunday if Maduro wins, which for the polling he shouldn't, but he's cheating, and he is likely to cheat. Here's what we need to be thinking about Sunday and into Monday and Tuesday. What does the military do in Venezuela? If they stand up and push him aside via basically a coup, then those 10 million may stay. If he hour cheats, as we'll think he is currently doing, then those 10 million are going to start walking, and they are going to try to get to this country, the United States as fast as they can. That means August, September, October, ladies and gentlemen, we could have a massive day lose of humans crossing the border, which could be very interesting for Kamala Harris who is, well, see the borders are, who knows, but she's supposed to be responsible for something including the border, but it could really have a profound impact on this election. That's why we should care about Venezuela, what happens on Sunday, because it could have a profound impact on who wins in November. Well, Brian, of course, we're talking with Brian Dean Wright. As you're probably aware, America, you're starting to learn that Brian is one of the smartest people around when it comes to global geopolitics and foreign policy, and that's why I love having him. Brian, I want to keep you around for another segment. Are you cool to stick around? Let's do it. Yeah. So I mean, when we come back, I want to talk about, you know, the Canadian wildfires, I want to talk about BB speech to Congress, the Democrats boycotting, and a breakthrough in autism that I think everybody in America needs to hear about all that and more with Brian Dean Wright on the Jesse Kelly radio show, Stay Right There. We are back here on the Jesse Kelly radio show. My name's Sean Parnell. I'm in the chair for the great, powerful and very tall Jesse Kelly. It's an honor to be here. We're in the midst of a global intelligence segment with my very good friend Brian Dean Wright, who is a former CIA operations officer. He's the host of a great daily show called the right report, which is essentially your own presidential daily brief. Although I will admit that even if Brian were in the oval with with Biden, I doubt that Biden would retain much of anything that he would have to say regardless of how smart Brian was. So without further ado, America, let's bring back Brian Dean Wright. And so Brian, we have talked about Ukraine. We have talked about Venezuela. And now I want to talk about these wildfires in Canada that could affect gas prices in a very dramatic way on the West coast. So what do you got on there, my friend? That's right. So about a week ago, there were lightning strikes in Alberta, Canada, which of course is where some of the world's greatest reserves of oil are in those Torsans oil, that there is a new pipeline that started operations in May. It's called the Trans Mountain Pipeline. It goes through the Rockies into British Columbia. That oil has been absolutely a gusher for West Coast refineries that has encouraged more supply and lower prices throughout the West Coast. However, these fires are now putting at risk this major pipeline. So we have seen over the last couple of days in cities like Jasper, one of the gorgeous places in the Canadian Rockies, are now under assault by the fires, 30%, 50% of the buildings burned. So it's a big deal, not just for the people there and tourists who are visiting, but also this pipeline. That is what firefighters are focused on now, if that pipeline were to be impacted in terms of itself denigrated or the pipeline destroyed in any way, or they shut off this figure, that's going to affect the supply to the West Coast. On a temporary basis, you may see some pretty bumpy pricing for all kinds of petroleum products on the West Coast. So that's why I'm telling my listeners, if you're on the West Coast, just be wise about that and think about the prices because you may see some bumpiness, and that's part of the reason why. Hey, it's fine for them, though, man, like they're all driving EVs, right? They're towing the line with the Biden administration's push on electronic vehicles, and that's fine. It'll be fine. Hey, I'm from Eastern Oregon. Come on. They're going to probably be just fine. Okay. So Brian, we've got some real positive news about autism out there, and, you know, we talk so much, you know, we're talking about the state of the world today. So much of the world just feels like it's burning. And on fire, it's a very tumultuous time to be an American. So I do think it's important to highlight the positive from time to time, and this autism stuff, a breakthrough in autism research, potentially a cure, please tell us what you got. Because for any family who's been touched by autism, this is very important stuff. Hey, it sure is, and this is one of the great joys on my podcast. I will find these amazing pieces of research from around the world, and we have two, one coming out from the state of Maryland, the other from Norway. So let's talk about the piece out of Maryland. Two young girls with pretty severe autism, worse with doctors for two years to try to see if they might lessen the symptoms. Some of the treatments were pretty standard, like, you know, working on their communication, some of their behavior. But the other piece they really focused on was their gut. And the belief is that there is this connection between our gut and our brains, and there's a notable impact there, and that includes an autism. What they did that two years later, they looked at these kids, and one of the two girls who had someone who was severe of the impact on autism was basically cured. All of it gone. The sister was about halfway improved, but the parents were absolutely ecstatic, and they believed that the diet, cleaning up the diet, dramatically helped. Why or could we have a little bit more evidence towards that? Yes, coming out of Norway, they looked at some medicines to try to think, gosh, could we reduce some of the symptoms, and do we have anything on the shelf that we could use based on what we know about the gut and autism? And they came up with a drug called low-permod, and that's the active ingredient in emodium. There's lots of great science behind why that could possibly work with kids who are autistic, but what they did is they were giving this to a folks who are autistic in particular, and they're finding a benefit. So this is really wonderful news because it's already on the shelf. The medicine is there. It's been used for decades. So what I encourage my folks to do is I collect all of this evidence I put into the daily transcripts. I've got for folks who want to go to You can download all the transcripts. And you can take that to your docs and say this will put my make sense for my family and their treatment, or some of these other fixes around the gut, because my friend, so many of us who have been touched by autism, and have you just been burdened by some of that condition, any hope is a beautiful thing, and we are seeing some really wonderful pieces of research that are giving people hope, and it's a wonderful thing to remind ourselves of. As you said, as the world burns, there is good stuff happening, and autism is one of those in terms of just feeling good about some good stuff on the horizon. Well, Brian, listen, thank you for giving us so much of your time tonight, man. Next time we do this, I got to get you back on, but you're one of the smartest guys I know, my friend. Thanks for coming on. My pleasure. All right, that's Brian Dean Wright, one of the smartest guys in the business folks. Let me tell you, America right now is leaderless, and our enemies know it. It's part of the reason why I said the next six months are going to be some of the most dangerous times to be an American, most dangerous times in our lives. Our enemies know it and believe me, they see what's happening in the White House. So this election matters. Our three of the Jesse Kelly radio shows right around the corner stay right there. We will be right back 52 80 exteriors James Hardy sighting is a low maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resist flame spread and repels wood one insects and wood peckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole house sighting. That's installing additional insulation behind your sighting for free, but only for the month of July. Call today for more details or visit 52 80 52 80, a James Hardy preferred contractor 52 80 exteriors, the altitude of quality.