Jesse Kelly Show

Guest Host Sean Parnell Kamala Harris Analysis

Broadcast on:
27 Jul 2024
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5280 Exteriors James Hardy Siding is a low-maintenance siding made primarily of cement that resists flame spread and repels wood-borne insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole-house siding. That's installing additional insulation behind your siding, or free, but only for the month of July. Call today for more details or visit,, a James Hardy preferred contractor, 5280 Exteriors. The Altitude of Quality. Final hour of the Jesse Kelly Radio Show starts right now. My name is Sean Barnell, and I'm in the chair for the great, and powerful, and very, very tall Jesse Kelly. I'm a combat veteran and I'm a New York Times best-selling author, more important than no to those two things. I am a humble servant of America. I love this country. I believe that it is our duty to protect and defend this country. When you leave the military, your oath to the Constitution doesn't expire, just because you don't wear your uniform or your boots anymore, doesn't mean that that oath doesn't mean something. It means a lot, and so I take that oath seriously to this day, and that's ultimately why I'm doing this show and filling in for my body, because I believe as Americans, we all have a duty and responsibility to the next generation. You know, I don't like the term "silent" majority, and the reason why I don't like the term "silent" majority is because silence accomplishes nothing. You see what the left is capable of. Now they're a very small percentage of America, but guess what? They're loud. They have shifted the overton window in this country drastically to the left. To where they used to be abortion, safe, legal, and rare, to now the Democrats in Congress in 2020 voted against the Born Alive Act twice, which would have rendered life-saving medical care to a baby should it have survived a botched abortion. That's how extreme the Democrats have become. We are facing a very loud minority. So what good is it if we're the silent majority? Silence does nothing. I don't like it. We discard that as fast as possible, because right now we have Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket. Kamala Harris is by far, and it's not even particularly close. The most radical person to ever run for president in this country period, full stop. Yes, all Democrats vote alike. They do. Like there are some Democrats just fake it better than others. The moderates, no so-called moderate Democrats. But Barack Obama, listen, he was every bit as radical as Kamala Harris. There's no question about it. He was just better at faking it. Well, Kamala is on record embracing just about every radical position there is decriminalizing legal border crossings. She's all about defunding the police. She's all about banning fracking. When she talks about fundamentally transforming this country, well, that's leftist speak. When you talk about fundamental transformation, well, listen, America. You can't fundamentally fundamentally transform anything without first tearing it down brick by brick. And that's the America that we all grew up in. Do you like your home? Do you like your life? Do you want to leave an America for your children? It is that is better than the one that you had. If you want to do that, then you should oppose Kamala Harris with every fiber of your being. Because I would like for you all to realize where we are at this present time in this moment. The Democrats don't care about elections. They just selected Kamala Harris. So if you're a Democrat out there and you're hate listening to the show, well, you're welcome. We love having you. Thank you for listening. Why would you vote for a party that doesn't care about you? Why would you vote for a party that does not care about your voice? Do you not want to have a voice in the political destiny of this country? Do you not believe in charting your own path? Because if you allow the Democrats to remove your voice and erase you, believe me when I tell you, there's no stopping what's coming next. You just become a subject, not a citizen. You understand that, right? So with all of my heart, I'm speaking to you right now, Democrats and moderates in this country, but specifically Democrats. I implore you to vote Republican with all of your heart, even recognizing that you don't agree with them because at least in voting Republican, your voice will be preserved. You can always live to fight another election another day. But what the Democrats did with Kamala Harris by selecting her and not by electing her should be a line in the sand for every single one of you. You should not fall for the propaganda. You shouldn't fall for, oh, the Joe Biden's a good guy. And Kamala Harris is the second coming of Jesus Christ because that is what's happening right now, but you know in your heart of hearts that Kamala Harris is largely despised by everyone in her own party. Her colleagues in the Senate, this is not a, a well kept secret. They don't like her and they never have Kamala Harris. It is not garnered a single Democrat vote, yet she sits atop your ticket. Does this not concern you Democrats? I mean, it was just in April of 2024 that Chris Wallace and other lackeys on CNN were saying that Kamala Harris was going to drag down Joe Biden's ticket and they were actually making the argument that she should be discarded as a vice president. Now they've pivoted in a week's time and are painting her out to be a Messiah like figure, a transformational figure. I mean, don't forget that in 2020, in the, in the 2020 election, she didn't even make it to Iowa. She didn't make it to the first primary state. She was getting her butt kicked so bad in her own party that she had to quit. No one likes her and you're going to let the media tell you that she's the second coming, that she's a Messiah, that she's a transformational figure, that any of what you're seeing and experiencing in your party is right. You know, it wasn't too long ago that I, I said that if the Democrats managed to push Biden out, that their sole path was through Kamala because they could transfer all the money to her, it would just be an easier transition. But what I said back then, I'll say it again now. She is one of the most unpopular Democrats in her party. She's the most radical person to ever be at the, at the top of the ticket and conservatives to my fellow conservatives who compare her to Hillary and they say, wow, Hillary, Hillary was unlikable and so is Kamala and Trump beat Hillary. So because Kamala is unlikable, Trump is going to win. Can we just pause for a second and say that Hillary Clinton is a much better politician. She's smarter. She's more cunning. She's more ruthless. She's more accomplished. I mean, listen, you don't hear anyone talking about heels up Hillary or talking about her accomplishments in such a crass way as they are about Kamala Harris, right? Why do you think that is? And believe me, I am no fan of Hillary Clinton. I'm not sitting here defending Hillary Clinton, but what I am saying is that Hillary Clinton was a much, much tougher opponent. And oh, by the way, secured millions of Democratic votes. And Kamala Harris to Hillary Clinton is not necessarily an analogous thing. And we should stop doing it because at least on the conservative side, it might lead us to get a getting a little bit complacent, which we absolutely, positively cannot do. Kamala Harris is radical and she's stupid. I mean, she just is. Do you ever hear her when she talks? She can't just say things in simple ways. And she always tries to sound so profound and everything that she says that she ends up making no sense whatsoever. Listen to her talking about being unburdened by what has been. I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been, you know, what can be unburdened by what has been, what can be unburdened by what has been, what can be, unburdened by what has been, what can be, unburdened by what has been, what we can see, what we believe can be, unburdened by what has, what can be unburdened by what has been, what can be, unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been, who we can be, unburdened by what can be. I mean, crazy, right? And did you know that allegedly Kamala's family is a family of particularly ruthless slave owners? So no wonder she wants to be unburdened by what has been. It makes perfect sense. We'll be right back. We're going to talk more about Kamala Harris and about why we as conservatives should not take her for granted all that more on the Jesse Kelly radio show. Stay right there. Welcome back to the Jesse Kelly radio show. I'm in the chair for Jesse Kelly. My name is Sean Parnell. We've been talking about Kamala Harris. We're talking about her history in the Democrat Party, the fact that she's very radical and also that she's very, very, very stupid. And I'm not trying to throw political jabs. She just is, look, folks, America, we ain't exactly sending our best here, right? Best and brightest don't necessarily reside in Washington, DC. And now listen, I am not trying to paint in broad strokes. Sure. There are some good Republicans. There are some good Democrats, but by and large, we ain't sending our best. And Kamala is certainly the bottom of the barrel. There's no doubt about it. So I told you that you are about to witness one great propaganda campaign trying to position Joe Biden in the minds of Americans as some sort of George Washington like figure. Well, the other propaganda campaign is to cover up for Kamala Harris's stupidity. Because I mean it. She's really, really stupid. I mean, just listen to this interview. We've been to the border. So this whole, this whole, this whole thing about the border, we've been to the border. We've been to the border. You haven't been to the border. And I haven't been to Europe and I don't understand the point that you're making. I think everybody in America understands the point that he's making. You are appointed the borders are and you haven't been to the, to the border and, but I haven't been to Europe. That's absolutely insane. There are sound buds like this about Kamala Harris all over the place. Here's Kamala Harris talking about the border as a candidate and talking about the border as the sitting vice president. A mother who pays a coyote to transport her child through their country of origin, through the entire country of Mexico, facing unknown peril to come to here. Why would that mother do that? I will tell you because she has decided for that child to remain where they are is worse. But what does Donald Trump do? He says, go back to where you came from. That is not reflective of our America and our values and it's got to end. To be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous trek to the United States, Mexico border, do not come, do not come. And I believe if you come to our border, you will be turned back. I found a million of these sound bites. This woman is a disaster. But here's the thing, you know, Joe Biden and Donald Trump are largely known quantities. I saw a stat and this is why I thought it was a huge risk for them to even try to pass the torch, even to somebody like Kamala. But I think, you know, if I'm a betting man, that they're making Kamala Harris a sacrificial lamb. In other words, like maybe they expect her to lose if they win, it's great, right? But I think maybe they're expecting her to lose. Well, she do better on the ballot than Joe Biden. Yeah, it looks like she might be doing a little bit better. But her doing a little bit better nationally and in swing states might help save a Senate seat or two. It might help save a couple of house seats and might actually prevent the Democrats from getting shellacked in the house in the Senate and Republicans taking full control of the government. Because remember when I told you that Kamala is, well, first of all, she's stupid, but she's largely reviled in her own party. The donors don't really like her. Her colleagues don't really like her. The American people don't really like her, but she's a problem politically speaking because she's the sitting vice president, you simply can't pass her over because she's a DEI appointee. And this isn't Sean Parnell on the Jesse Kelly radio show saying it. Joe Biden said it. He said that he appointed her and brags all the time that he appointed her because of the color of her skin. What happened to Martin Luther King's quote, judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skins. Well, that's the opposite day in the Democrat party. They don't do that anymore, but don't take Kamala Harris for granted. We're talking about Kamala. See the borders are or not when we come back in the Jesse Kelly radio show. Stay right there. Welcome back to the Jesse Kelly radio show. My name is Sean Parnell. I'm in the chair for the great Jesse Kelly. I'm a former infantry officer with the United States Army, combat veteran New York Times best-selling author, humble servant of America. We've been talking about the fact that Kamala Harris is not the brightest bulb in a house, not the sharpest knife in a drawer, and that you are about to be on the receiving end of one of two great propaganda campaigns, one of which is making Joe Biden out to be like he's George Washington, which of course we know, of course we know he's not. The other is going to make Kamala Harris someone who is been stupid and stupid for her entire life into somebody that is highly accomplished. And so listen to CNN doing just that. He's watching this. Look, I think Trump is going through a mental meltdown because he doesn't know how to run against somebody like Kamala Harris. Not just that she's incredibly accomplished as DA, AG, Senator, VP, but the fact that she is also very attractive. I mean, I have to say it. And that is that combination. And in addition to that, she's not only a woman. She's a woman of African American Asian descent, daughter of immigrants, Jamaican descent. I mean, it's this sort of cauldron of all of the things that Trump has nightmares about every single night. And so that's why you're seeing, I think on the other side, everyone around him trying to go to these attacks that they think are going to work. But in fact, they're all going to backfire because her theme I think is right on fighting for families. We're not going to go back. She's fighting for us. He is in it for himself. And I think the other thing that is really making his head explode is that she's getting all of the headlines. And he's not. Oh, she's so, so accomplished. She's so accomplished. She definitely did not date Willie Brown when he was 60 and she was 29 and definitely did not use any of what happened during that relationship to get a job. And you know what else? She's also very, very, very pretty. This is the kind of hard hitting analysis that you will get on CNN about their politics. So of course, the Democrats in the media are busy, very, very, very busy rewriting history for cackling Kamala Harris. Of course, you saw Axios talk about how she wasn't really the borders are. And then they got community noted on X slash Twitter and said that actually Axios themselves referred to Kamala Harris as the borders are and then gov track deleted with back and deleted the page on the internet that Kamala Harris ranked as the most liberal United States senator, even to the left of Bernie Sanders, these leftists, these commie losers are rewriting history before our eyes. And the next thing is the Minnesota Freedom Fund CBS News, Minnesota Trump falsely accuses Harris of donating to Minnesota Freedom Fund, bailing out dangerous criminals. The community note on that tweet is this on June 1st, 2020 at 3 34 p.m. Minnesota time Kamala Harris tweeted, if you're able to chip in now to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota, I mean, these people realize that we have video. These people realize that this stuff is in print, right? And now you even have people like Akim Jeffries talking about how Kamala Harris definitely didn't step into Joe Biden's position in any other way that was that was fully embraced by the grassroots. Now remember, all of these sound bites you should listen to as if it's opposite day, because that's where the Democrats are right now with everything, everything, everything that they say, just assume the opposite is true. And you'll probably be in a good place. But listen to Hakim Jeffries talk about Kamala Harris vice president Harris has earned the nomination from the grassroots up and not the top down. So saying that Kamala Harris earned the nomination from essentially the bottom up and top down. Mr. Akim Jeffries might you want to rethink the language there, bottom up, top down Kamala Harris, Willie Brown, I mean, I'm just saying, like maybe we should just rethink all that right? I mean, just the Democrats are good with language. But see, Democrats America, Democrats are not just liars, every politician lies. If you're looking for politicians, Democrat or Republican to solve your problems, you're probably not doing it right. But Democrats really, really lie. They're anti truth. They say the opposite of what is true. And what they do is is they control the media. You see, Democrats and Republicans look at America in two fundamentally different ways. Republicans, we are the party that the founders always intended. We the people. And what I mean by that is that as a Republican member of Congress from Western Pennsylvania is very different than a Republican member of Congress from Southern California and is very different from a Republican member of Congress from Southern Florida. Why is that? It's because their constituencies demand very different things. They live in different areas, different geographic regions. Their citizens demand different things. And because of that, every time there's an issue in the House of Representatives, it's like Republicans are hurting cats. You can't get them to unite on anything. Well, it's because we're the party of we the people. This stuff is supposed to be difficult, passing legislation. Well the Democrats look at America in a very, very different way. The Democrats are the party of they the people. And think about this, a Democrat member of Congress from Western Pennsylvania, a Democrat member of Congress from Southern California, a Democrat member of Congress from Southern Florida, they're all exactly the same. They might talk a good game and say different things on the campaign trail. But America never, ever, ever listen to what a Democrat says or what a left winger says. Look at how they vote. This is why I say there's no such thing as a modern, a moderate Democrat. They all vote exactly the same way. Some just fake it better than others. They're the party of they, the people, case in point. A Democrat lawmaker confirmed a Fox News that Dems have received a piece of paper with talking points slash lies about how to discuss Kamala Harris's role at the Southern border. And America, I'm going to read from this little piece of paper directly for you so you can hear it for yourself. First talker, Vice President Harris was never appointed borders are. Second talker, there has never been such a position. It doesn't exist. Third talker borders are titled invented by Republicans and then in parentheses, press repeats. Like you see how tightly they control this stuff and almost almost almost makes me respect the Democrat. She was not asked to lead on the administration's immigration or border enforcement policies. She wouldn't have to lead. In fact, the title of him of borders are was completely made up. And here is a Keem Jeffries talking about Kamala Harris being appointed the borders are. She was never assigned the position of borders are they're making that up. It's like literally right from this Vice President Harris was never appointed borders are that's the top talking point exactly, like they take these talking points, five people in Washington and the Democrat party determine what the talking points will be and they send out their these little pieces of paper to other Democrat members of Congress and they're more on Borg like allies in the media and all they do is rinse and repeat. It's just it's it's comical. So here is what the real truth about Kamala Harris and the borders are. This is the media going back and forth talking about Kamala Harris is the borders are and then saying of course she was never borders are listen, listen, listen quote unquote borders are vice president Harris was not a borders are being time vice president and borders are Kamala Harris facing some backlash what he said about Harris and immigration was not true. She was never appointed borders are. And this will be her first visit to the US, Mexico border regions and she was appointed as the borders are by president Biden. People have to counter the misinformation. You already hear folks talking about the borders are she wasn't the borders are president Biden tapped Kamala Harris vice president Kamala Harris to be the borders are now she wasn't the borders are that's what Republicans labeled her. They were very critical of Kamala Harris, especially in her role as borders are now what she's up against is folks lying about her border record calling her a borders are Kamala Harris who was appointed as the borders are the Biden team didn't declare her the borders are they wanted her to work on kind of the root causes immigration. There has been so much criticism against Kamala Harris, you know, she was the borders are calling her sort of the borders are which wasn't necessarily the case. So the border if they weren't planning to address it in a major way, do not make her your borders are. She met with some of the Northern Triangle countries, but nothing has effectively changed. This is exactly like all of this stuff when they're all she's not the borders are vice president Harris was never the borders are there has never been such a position as borders are it doesn't exist borders are title invented by reput this is these people are crazy. Alright America there's hope there's light at the end of the tunnel and I'm going to tell you why home stretch or the Jesse Kelly radio show will be right back stay right there. We are back here the home stretch of the Jesse Kelly radio show. My name is Sean Parl. I'm in the chair for the great Jesse Kelly and it's been an honor to be with you all boy. This is three hours flew by, you know, we've been talking about these multiple propaganda campaigns that the American people are about to be on the receiving end of we're talking about the media and the Democrats rewriting history in a way that would make George Orwell in his book 1984 blush. We've been talking about the next six months in America being very, very dangerous. But I think that there is hope I really do. I think that the American people are starting to wake up. You know, that Trump assassination attempt, which is where we began this show is horrible and as tragic as that was an attack on my home state of Pennsylvania, killed and wounded my fellow Pennsylvania citizens and obviously they tried to take President Trump's life as well. I think that moment will be like 9/11 in so far as people will remember where they were, what they had for lunch, what they were doing that day conversations they had with their children. You see moments like that are etched into our very consciousness as American citizens. I think it's because they engage us in multiple ways. And we see them, we hear them, they touch us emotionally. They engage all of our senses. I think that's a lot of the reason why Americans remember and will remember, and I could tell you exactly where I was during 9/11. And I bet you, America, you could tell me as well, I think that Trump assassination attempt was one of those days and I think what this country experienced watching Matt was a mass awakening. And once you've had the scales removed from your eyes and you see things for how they are, that the media is lying to you, that maybe you can't trust politicians, that maybe our institutions don't necessarily have our best interests at heart, that maybe you can't just put your head in the sand and raise your children and hope that the government stays out of your life, that maybe you should take a more active stance in the direction of this country. Because it's interesting, the American people, by and large, want to be left alone. They want the government out of their life, the American people, they work hard. They want to go on vacation. They don't want to be taxed into oblivion. They want to raise their kids. They want their children to grow up in a country that is successful and rich and free and prosperous and safe. But I think the American people are starting to sense that things are coming apart at the seams. And I think they saw that on that day that cowardly assassin tried to take Trump's life. And I think that woke a lot of people up and the assassin himself was not victorious that day, although he murdered and wounded people from Pennsylvania. By and large, the people in that crowd, actually, every single one of them stood strong. I watched people from this state with no military training whatsoever help lift those casualties down the bleachers and care for them. I watched people roll people out of that event, 30,000 people strong. They could have stampeded, but they didn't roll people out of that event who needed help who were in wheelchairs. They were elderly themselves. It was 95 degrees they had elderly people pushing them. You see the best of America in those moments, just like in the wake of 9/11 where most Americans instead of running away from the flames, we saw one American after the next run head long into them, stormed up those tower steps, tried to save people that they'd never met before in their life. Most of the people that ran in never came out again, never met their loved ones again, never hugged their children again. That's who we are as a people. That's who we are as a country. That's what makes this country truly exceptional is the people. And I think the people are awake now. So take that to heart, take action in your community, don't stay silent. The best is yet to come, folks, keep the faith. God bless you all and God bless this amazing country that we call home. See you next time. Good night. 5280 Exterior's James Hardy sighting is a low maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resists flame spread and repels wood-borne insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole house sighting. That's installing additional insulation behind your sighting, or free, but only for the month of July. Call today for more details or visit 5280 Exterior', 5280 Exterior', a James Hardy preferred contractor, 5280 Exterior's, The Altitude of Quality. [MUSIC PLAYING]