Farmer Sense

Rick & Andrew Chit Chat 7-26-24

Broadcast on:
27 Jul 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Farmer's Sons podcast. We are live on YouTube, just because we're too lazy to do any editing. And we wanted to just-- Get it done. --do it like we do it. But I don't do it. Just do it. Hit it quick and leave it. Let's go. Yeah. So I'm your host Rick Willert. I'm with Andrew Fuff, who is a celebrity in all sorts. He doesn't even know it, so I was on the strip till-- well, I was spraying today for neighbor and soybeans, fungicide insecticide. And I was on the strip till podcast thingy. I was just looking for something new to listen to. And June 5th, I think it was released. They released not very often, maybe once a month. But all of a sudden-- I know this guy. Well, yeah, it was like an introduction or something. It was just the very beginning. And they said something on Andrew Fuff. And I was like, OK. I guess he forgot to tell me he was on another podcast. I mean, what a dick. And then I talked to him two hours later. And he's like, oh, I thought it was just an interview. I didn't know it was a podcast. Perfect. He did well, except he mentioned nothing about farmer sons, which sickens me. I'm sorry, dude. And he didn't say anything about his best friend, Steve Churchill. I didn't say anything about Steve Churchill. No. Or about your other best friend. Rick Wellerke? Oh, no, I didn't even think of him, but-- Yeah, I didn't even think of him. Well, I wouldn't have answered him. I don't know. It was a phone call me. And it was awesome to do it. And yeah, no, that was cool. But no, I didn't realize it was going to be a podcast. Or maybe he told me and I forgot. I took down the banner that said patiently waiting for Rick. I was patiently waiting for Rick. Yeah. Well, don't give me a five-minute head start or a heads up. That's the best I could do, buddy. I was at the farm. I was just taking the battery charger off my semi-truck, which hasn't been moved since before planting. I pulled it out of the shed, parked it along the barn. It's been sitting there ever since. So I have a tuner on it. Nothing real fancy. But anyway, I didn't have that unplugged. And I usually draws. And a few months, yeah, it don't take much. So I got that unplugged and I charged it all day and got it running. And now I get a text message like, hey, we're starting five minutes, you got to be here now. This is life or death. Nope, it was podcast five minutes question mark. Oh, OK. Well, I felt bad that I was like, no, it's going to be 15. It ended up being 26. So that's fine because your computer's slow. And I had a shave. And I hadn't shaved all week since last Saturday night. And that's a no-no when you have a Gillette sensor because it plugs up really quick. So I was like, clean out, clean out. I go like an inch and it just kept jamming up. And yeah. So there you go. Freshly shaved, feeling good and looking horrible. But I didn't show you, but it took a shower because I blew that hose and I got-- I just had an insecticide all over me. So I wanted to show this. So a little backstory there. What I called him, he sounded depressed, but he was nice enough to call me back after he didn't answer. And I was like, you didn't have to call me back if you're still upset about something. But he's always good. He's like me. He just sounds like he wants to throw something. I heard to himself in when he answers. And then he comes out of it like me. And he's like, yeah, I just blew that main hose off my-- well, it'd be-- I'm guessing it's the one like right out front. It's the one that comes over the right side that gets the feeds of boom. Yeah, the one that everybody that owns a haggy has blown off, I guarantee it. Oh, yeah, that was super fun. Yeah. So I told him to make sure he puts two clamps on it this time. I did put two clamps on it. And guess what? It didn't leak and I went and got the rest of it off. I was pissed off because my day had just been a shit show from the beginning. Well, at least you got off. I didn't mean the load. Yeah, I got your load off. Yeah, I got that load off. Technically, you're right. Can't argue with that. Yeah. No. No, have in the tote that had some sugar left in it from spring that didn't get cleaned out or something. I don't know. But it just isn't gel, but it turned to a fucking rock of just shit in the line overnight. So I had to tear the pump apart this morning. So my early start was no longer an early start. And the pump was even froze up. No, the pump was fine, but the fittings on the pump. Yeah, I never shit in the pump. So yeah, so but it was in the fittings where it was solid, where I'd take a screwdriver and jam it in there to get it broke up. So that's been worse than having to cram a screwdriver in it to get your load out. Yeah, that's right. Especially when you wanted to be ahead of schedule. And all of a sudden, now you're behind. Yeah. Yeah, taken from behind is definitely the worst. Yeah. And you are on the any window of the old today. I can play the any window game really well. I didn't know that's what we're doing, but we can do it. We are playing. So we're playing trivia tonight. We're going to do some fun. Well, we didn't have a guest. I reached out to two people. I read that to nobody. Well, I hadn't heard back from one. I heard back from a very intelligent guy. I don't know if he misunderstood that I wanted him on the podcast or I wanted information for the podcast, but him and I spoke for an hour and 45 minutes over the phone. He's from South Dakota. His name is Glenn. He is very controversial when it comes to soil health and thinking outside the box. He talks about bricks levels in your plants and how if it's certain bricks that you don't need insecticide because insects don't like it. You don't need fungicide because funguses don't like it. There's different calcium levels. And things that your soil is telling you by what weeds are growing there and what weeds don't grow there. Oh, that's the guy you talk to. Yeah, Glenn, he's like on TikTok now or something. Oh, he's on TikTok, yes. Yeah, soil is something I've seen him. Yeah, great, great guy. Seems super nice. Yeah, I know. And like I said, I think he misunderstood or he didn't want to, the conversation started out. He's like, "So I hear you got a podcast." And I'm like, "Yeah." And I told him what we do and how we want to help farmers learn more and all of this and that. And he's like, "Oh, that's great." 'Cause that's what he wants to do too, listening to him. And he'll get free information. He doesn't care, but he's like, you know, there's a lot of big companies out there that don't like what I say. And I don't want you to say the wrong thing on your podcast and have companies calling me out and this and that. I'm like, we have one person if that listened to our podcast a week, you know? And it's usually me 'cause I just want to hear what I said wrong 'cause I was probably drunk. And I just want to know like, how did Rick make an ass of himself this time? But anyway, yeah, go ahead and wrap it up. I don't know what his name is, I just, now that you say it, I'm like, I know exactly. When you said the compaction and the weeds, I'm like, I know exactly who you're talking about. - Glenn Rabinberg, look him up. He is soil works, LLC. Watch him on YouTube, everybody. If you're watching us on YouTube, I know you're on YouTube, watch Glenn Rabinberg. R-A-B-E-N-E-R-G. - Oh, I just soil that works on TikTok. - Soil works, LLC. He is a company in Bancroft, South Dakota. He said he has 10 employees, small company, but they have really changed a lot of farmers, lives and lifestyles by, actually he jokes. He's like, my lawyer tells me all the time I'm an idiot because I actually cry my hardest to get people to quit buying my product. So he does offer a product. He did not try to sell me at all. He didn't, I felt obligated. I said, well, I'm gonna do some tests on my soil, see where they're at, and maybe next year I'll try some of your stuff, he's like, that'd be great, but if not, you know, just give me a call anytime. If I don't get back 10, two days, call me again. - Perfect. - So anyway. - Now I'm gonna have to see if I can meet him some way. - Yeah, you know what? - Maybe a strip tell me a strip tell thing or anything like that. - No, I don't, I don't think I-- - That's not his jam. - He does, for example, like if there's a, say I was a pioneer rep, which I'm not, nor would I be. - I was like, geez. - But say I was a pioneer rep and wanted to put on a winter shop or winter conference, he'd come talk to my customers. That's the kind of guy he is. But like he said, 60% of the crowd comes up to him afterwards and like, I think you're goofy as a pet coon. I don't think anything you're saying is right. But if I did try your product and this happened, well, you know, there was a lot. - Well, it's a nice mess, yeah, oh yeah. - It's like everything. - Anyway, great, great, great guy. - Yeah, I just have seen stuff on TikTok the last couple of weeks. Oh, I think it's super interesting. I'd like to try to run them down and yeah. - I ran them down. I was like, I was like. - Yep. - What's that? - Dumb and dumber. - Are you skateboarding? - It feels like you're running at a pass speed. What is that? Remember when he's in the mud in the van and he's waving his arms? He's like, it feels like you're running like a pass speed. - No, I don't remember that. - When they're driving down the road on Dumb and Dumber, Jim Carrey is sitting at the passenger's seat, waving his arms. He's like, it feels like you're running at an exhilarating speed. That's what it is. - I don't remember that at all. No recollection. Normally I'm a movie guy, but that wasn't like, that doesn't even help. - I saw twice in the theater, me and my brother. I went to it twice. So anyway. - All right, so we're gonna talk to movies now for a little bit or what? - I don't know. - I'm like super like-- - Out of it? - Sided, I-- - Well, I would talk to ya like forever, so. - I'm gonna start crying now, I'm an emotional wreck, but no, so Amy was gone all week. And I'll be honest, I don't like it when she's gone on the road. When she's home, we don't talk. But when she's here, I like it that she's here that I don't have to talk to her. But when she's gone, okay, so when she's here on our talk tour-- - Welcome to Maris County 101 here. - When she's gone, I wish she was there not talking to me. And Ava gets a little depressed. She doesn't get as excitable. She kind of just lays by me and we do our thing. But yeah, so yeah, she's been working a lot lately. She picked up over time. So she's been working seven days a week. - Yeah. - And that's 'cause we're broke. - Yeah. - Just so you know. And so she got home, so I'm a little more excited about that and then I haven't really talked to anybody other than my dad, which isn't a bad thing, but even I didn't see my dad Monday or Tuesday 'cause I was just kinda in his own. I was kinda doing my own thing, hanging out, whatever. So yeah, it's nice to talk to somebody, get out there, I was thinking my, I think my thing, like my psychiatrist slash, what's another word for a person you talk to? - Mental health specialist? - No, mental health problems. No, like a counselor. - Okay. - Yes. - A podcast. - There you go. - Oh, and Miller Lite. - Yeah, well, there you go. No, I get it. I know exactly what you're talking about. - But it just went on all week. She got home at 4.30, she was at church camp this week. She got home at 4.30, my sister picked her up at five o'clock. - You're just gonna be looking. - Yeah, yeah, so then they're off to, oh, what's the really terrible country singer? Luke Bryant, there you go. - Oh, yeah, he is. - We have a good sponsor time. - Oh my god. - Oh my god. - Winey bitch country is what I call it, but whatever. - Yeah, the only other one that's worse and you might not agree with me, but, Brad Paisley, if I hear another song about a joke, he's always like, it's always supposed to be funny or comedic, and I'm like, get over it, dude. - Well, he kind of turned into that after the, all the ads with Peyton Manning. - Is that what did it? - I don't know. - Or is that like just into the ads? - No, no, no, no, no. I think it was a lot from the CMA's with what's her name? Carrie Underwood? - I don't know. He's married to that one smoke show. What's your name? - Yeah, they always did the opening that was funny. - Oh, yeah, no Carrie Underwood's married to a hockey player. - Yeah, but they had a segment like every, for the CMA's or whatever the hell it was. And that was the only thing that I told Carly I wanted to watch, 'cause I watched it one time, 'cause it was raining or something, and I watched it my, they are funny. It was funny. - Okay. - So. - Well, it doesn't mean to be funny in his music. - I don't mind him. I don't mind him. There's a lot worse ones out there, in my opinion. - Yes. Yes, absolutely. - All right, so we did see Twisters maybe. - You went to a movie theater? - Yes. - So, I gotta ask you about that. I have friends that I think are smart people, and I feel that they have common sense. - Okay. - And they've been commenting on Facebook that they went to a movie theater and watched Twisters and thought it was good. - Yeah. - Is that true? - Yeah. - Oh my God. I can't believe it. Maybe I'll have to go tomorrow. - There you go. - Or something. - I'll go to that name. - There you go. What we did, and this is gonna sound crazy, was the whole Fuff Clan. We were talking about it here a month ago, probably, that when it came out, we wanted to all go see it, you know? Not really. At that time, we didn't talk about doing it together, but we ended up running the AMC and go in there and you can rent the whole-- - Of course. - You can rent the whole thing in there. - Do you know the money that Fuffs have? - Fuck. - They probably bought the theater. - Yeah. - So, you can take 40 people. - And there's 35 of them. - Well, we did have like 35. - Yeah, I believe it. It ended up being like 850 a ticket. - Which is twice as much as the last time I went to a movie. - Well, yeah, 'cause you have-- - In 1996. - There you go. Since the '90s. Since the turn of the century. - Last and furious, I think. It was in 2003. - Do. - So, one. - It was super cheap. Kids could sit, you know, with the other kids in the family, we ended up having some family that couldn't go, so we had friends go. It worked out awesome. But I'd, hey, everybody, BTW, I didn't get invited. - Yeah, yeah, you didn't get invited. You're a long way the way. - Other than drinking beer, what else do I have to do? - I don't know. Spray fun, just side-on beans. - Next week I have-- - Corn. - Two very good customers of mine that I'm going to be spraying for. I did one customer today. - Oh, yeah? - I did all my beans last week. - Oh, all your corn stuff. Separate the piece across the road, 'cause you said screw that. - Yeah, 95 acres across the road that I rent, that I look out my living room window and I'm sitting in my chair. It did green up from the wide-dropping, so it looks better. It just has like four-foot height differences throughout the field. And there was a corner where there was two trees growing. And I always wondered why the people that farmed across the fence never sprayed these trees. Why are they growing? Like, I mean, these guys are farmer, I mean, they're good farmers, they are. And they don't have fences, they don't have trees and fence lines and nothing. Got to looking a little closer about a year ago. The trees are on my side. They don't fuck with trees and the others. - No, why would you? - Right, I get it, I get it, I totally. So I took them down the last couple of days, finally got rid of them. They were like 30-foot-tall trees. I mean, they were well to do like myself. - Is that where the picture came from that I got? - Uh-huh, it's on TikTok. I'm not afraid to talk about it. So the skid loader that I have that has nine, that had 9.9 hours on it. - Yeah. - There was a tree and it was where it shouldn't have been, an fence line. I love trees, I plan a tree every year, I swear. I like, I'm a tree dude. I got trees everywhere. I got arbovitis, I got spruce, I got hardwoods, all of them. And I just don't like them in fence lines 'cause they fuck up shit, like sprayrooms, all sorts. Anyway, went down into a ditch with my skid loader that has tracks and I made a mistake. I did not go at an angle. I went straight down and that is the, I don't care if you have tires, tracks, steep ditch, not steep ditch, you do not go straight down into a ditch. And I did. - Perfectly straight. - Yeah, so guess what happens? Your ass end gets hung up and you're just kind of-- - Dragon mud. - I don't care what kind of an operator you think you are. To push yourself out with a bucket or pull yourself out with a bucket, it didn't work. And yeah, so that was probably why I didn't do anything Monday or Tuesday. It kind of put me in my spot. It made me very-- - Gosh, it's-- - Very humbled. - There you go. - But I'll tell you who came and saved the day. - Your dad. - And my wife. - Oh, angel wife. - Oh, Amy's the first one I'll call. - Really? - Yup, if she's home. - Oh, if she's home, okay, gotcha. - She has pulled me out of the ditch so many times with my pickup when I've had the skid loader, whether it's been snow or mud. - Yup. - And she's good at it. I'll say, get her fucking hell and she will not let off, like-- - Really? Just gives it. - Oh, like digging foot deep trenches with all four tires. Just-- - Really? - Just getting-- - Side side, yup. Oh, she gives her-- - It's actually-- - Hold on. - It's kind of neat to watch after you think about it, but-- - Yeah. - She did that this time and Dad did it this time. We had two pickups. It took two pickups to get it out. - Okay. - And needless to say, I strung the strap through, hooked it to both hitches. I'm like, go, go. Well-- - She went harder than your dad. - Oh, she let off and dad kept going. - Oh. - And ended up pulling her backwards, pulling the strap through. And I wasn't going anywhere, but he was going really far and she was coming backwards. So he was pulling my pickup through the strap. (laughing) - So then I got saucy. And anyway, we got it all fixed. They figured it out. They rolled their windows down. They communicated and they both pulled me out. - Thanks. - We got it, yep. - I don't think we've talked about one. I got the skid loader stuck here. Probably meant a month ago now. - Oh, no. You never send me pictures. I'm always the ass. - There was no pictures. I never took one. 'Cause I was supposed to be, well-- - So I was mowing the trails down there where the kids wrecked the right rangers and stuff. And I hadn't mowed them yet. I still really haven't mowed them. I mowed one path. Anyway, so I was mowing the river bank to where we go down to the second bar. So I-- - Are you even at the party or did you not invite us already? - I haven't done, we haven't done shit for parties this year. Just feels like I am like a month behind. So-- - Okay, well, I wanna do the sand bar party. - Okay, well, I don't know when that's gonna happen. I'm not gonna lie, but-- - I apologize for interrupting. - No, you're good. So as soon as I, I was like, I'm just stuck the mower out to get the start of where it goes down. I'm like, I'm not gonna go mowed down to the sand bar because the river's been high. There's gonna be mud on that slope. I'm just trying to mess with it. I didn't have any say in it. As soon as I started mowing just a little bit, I slid down the mud and I was screwed. And so I got down on the sand bar, turned around and I kept trying to get up. But there was about, I don't know, 20 feet of mud that was in on the slope that I couldn't get through 'cause it just, you would just sink. But I could drive all over that sand bar. So I had Carla come and we was before Lily's softball game. I said, just bring the ranger down and I'm gonna just see if I can creep up the hill with the, with the winch. - Okay. - He's a creeper. - Yup, didn't work. So I've like screwed it. So I called Flynn, my sister's boyfriend. And so Carla and him after the game, we went to the other access that I hadn't had any ruts in yet. And we put two rangers with two winches and I just went really slow and they winched me up the bank and I got out. - Wow, rangers, that's... - I was impressed. I didn't know that we could, I didn't know if we could get it out or not 'cause there's no way getting a tractor down there. I was like, and it would have been so much nicer to have a bucket on than a mower. - Oh. - Yeah. - So I was, I was helpless. - I was helpless. - With the mower to help push my, I mean, I tried to push myself back up it and it worked. - So I did, I didn't even take a picture of it 'cause it wasn't that exciting. And we were in a hurry to get to ball games and then when I did get out, it was I could drive to the other part and went right up. - So, well, I am currently trying to send myself pictures. - Of? - Of stuff, fuck ups, Rick Willard shit. And we'll pull it off there pretty soon as soon as I get out of my email. But I got a couple, a couple skid loader pictures I'm gonna show. - I should have, I should take more pictures of my fuck ups 'cause there's plenty of them. I fuck up every day, it seems like. - Well, it just feels like all different degrees of fuck ups. How about that? - Okay. - You don't have different degrees of fuck ups. - They're all just really bad. They're just all really bad. - I'm gonna fuck it up, I'm gonna fuck it up really good is what he's saying. - Yeah, a shell. - Oh, downloads, no, I don't know. Let's call it pick one. - Yeah, I've been doing fungicide and insecticide on corn after I got my wide drops done. So, I thought I've been up to since I missed that. And I was trying to fill some time why you are looking at your email and trying to download on your ancient computer. So, is it like a stone tablet when the picture comes up? It's like, (indistinct) (laughing) - We still don't have any viewers and we're live right now people, we are live. - Well, 'cause everybody's just getting home from work. It's 5.45 on a Friday, dude. - Oh shit, I thought I was like eight o'clock, my bed. - Yeah. - I've only been drinking for five hours. - Holy crap. - No, my first beer was at 5.26 or whatever when I finally got the computer going. - As was mine, I didn't have lunch so I had a few chips while I was patiently waiting for you. - Yeah. - I am that tool. - Yeah, it happens. I'm gonna go out, we're gonna go out for supper, I think, since we have new kids. - Oh, that sounds nice. - Yeah, so going out with John and Kelsey Bruce and the friends of ours and then Baker and then maybe. - Brad Baker. - Yeah, I know Brad. - You do know Brad? I've got a sense of saying. - Nope, I have a Brad Baker. - From Green Iowa. - Nope, from Red Oak Iowa. - Well. - I need to finish a flyer for him too, by the way. I need to do that later. - So. - I have to extract these. I didn't even know I had them in the fucking zip file, let alone. - Yeah, what, what, what, what, what. - Then Slim and Emma, if they can find a babysitter, it sounds like so. - Hopefully they can find one, it'll be a good time. - I don't know if we live closer. - No shit, it'll be a good one. We're going to a Donnie, which is Donnie, Macedonia. The back floor to you is what it's called. The best prime ribbons. They have it on Friday and Saturday nights now. It's phenomenal. - And the atmosphere is just fun. They have great food, cold beer. If you ever make it down this way, I'll take you. - You know what else is fun? - Nope. - Us live on YouTube. - Nobody seems to give two fucking chips. - I've never watched a YouTube live. - Envalid. - Envalid file type. - Oh, awesome. - So things to go in swimmingly. - Yeah. - Nope, I don't know, that's why I like the TikTok one. You know, I'll get three to five, 600 people a little popping an ounce. - Well, why can't you get it to work on here? - 'Cause I'm not very smart. - So I did do a live the other day, just to do my 25 minutes. I mean, a lot of people popping pop up, you know, just in and out. So, I don't know, eight to nine people, but I can't see any of their comments when I'm trying to wide wrap or fun to sign whatever I was doing that day. I'm like, I just wanna do the 25 minutes so I can get the live center so I can maybe get it so the podcast can be live. So, and then that's basically all I have accomplished on that. - I put out the skid loader being stuck and promoted it and pick up like 125 more followers, but I only have like 600. So I still, you said I'd have 1000 to be on here. - 1000 to be a guest, like so I can add you as a guest on TikTok. You have to have 1000 followers to go live. - That is so fucking stupid. - I don't know. - You fucking chinks. - They make it so that you, I don't know why they make it that way that you have, like why can't I just go to the live center? Why do I have to do a live for 25 minutes? I met all the other criteria other than that. I don't know if it's 'cause the beta test, I don't know that now, but. So. - Why doesn't StreamYard just let us. - I think they're testing that is what I read. And so at some point we will be able to, 'cause even farmer since podcast has over 1000 followers. - Yeah, and then we tried to get me to be on that and- - Then you were logged in with me. - Yeah, and I can still randomly log in as you if I want. - Again, yeah. - You have to change that password. - I just noticed that the other day I don't need to log in as you, that would be weird. That'll never happen. You can change the password, but you don't have to. - I don't have to worry about it. - Please don't change the password. (laughing) TikTok has not rolled out live streaming access to everyone yet. They've been offering the ability to go live on the platform with third party streaming software using custom RTMP. So I think it's coming. I'm just not smart enough to figure it out yet, so. - Okay. - So, I don't know. You have anything else you wanna talk about or do you wanna just keep this one short? - Soybeans. Soybeans are down 32 cents today. I made $5,000, $5,200 tree. - Nice. - Yes. - Nice. - So it was down 11. - Why? - Because it can. - Really? (laughing) - You know, I joke with Brian's split about this when I talk to him. I'm like, so why is corn down? 'Cause it can, he's like, yep. Pretty much, it can be. Why does it need to go up? There's no reason. - I know, it's been up all week and I'm like, oh, Friday's the selloff. Everybody is taking all risk off the table. - That's what I did. I have no positions going in 'cause you don't know what's gonna happen Monday. The weather might change. - If it rains somewhere, you're probably screwed. If you were long, if you're short, you're probably okay. But if it doesn't rain, we're gonna be hot. And we do need to rain. I mean, I'm starting to see sand spots show up the last couple days. - Yeah, I saw him a week ago. I don't know if we talked about that or, no. Okay. Yeah, I started seeing him a week ago. I'm starting to see top dieback on some corn. Driving around with a sprayer. You can, you know, you're up higher on the road, whatever. A lot of tops are yellow and ugly. And I've noticed some of my neighbors that had the best looking, most beautiful corn ever. - Mm-hmm. - Well, not ever, but this year. - Yep. - Starting to look pretty fucking shitty because they didn't apply any more nitrogen. And I think they thought they were gonna get by and they're not going to get by. - I think that's gonna be the thing we'll see. - Yeah, the lack of nitrogen later on the season. - Yeah, I think there was guys that probably put on 200, 220 pounds of anhydrous last fall. Hell, maybe even the spring, I don't know. But they thought, hey, we're good. We have no plan of why dropping. We're not going to spend that money to have somebody else do it and we're not gonna do it. We didn't have 32% booked, whatever. And it's gonna come and bite them in the fucking ass. And I'm glad I ended up why dropping because my shitty ass corn is actually looking pretty decent even though it's all uneven as hell. - My replant corn looks like no shit. - On even too, or just short? - Short. - Two days ago, two days ago I had my first corn tassel. The way this replant's going, it's gonna be September 1st before it tassels. - Well, yeah, I don't know. It's gonna have to get to like November the way it looks right now. I'm waiting for it to hit the wrap and drill stage and I don't hit it. - I'm waiting for that myself, on myself. - Yeah, I don't. I see where I didn't replay it when I'm wide-dropping and fungicide. And there's nothing there. I mean, there's 8,000, 6,000 plants that look yellow and shitty. They're gonna be worth the fuck. They're gonna be worth the fuck. - I only have one field and it was soybeans that needed a few more spots replanted. Other than that, all my corn came up. Every kernel came out of the ground. There's no doubt about it. But some of it is six foot tall and some of it is three foot tall. - Oop, I got this. I don't know. I mean, just every field has a spot or two that's just like, there's nothing there. There's a few plants. I don't know if it's a wet spot. I mean, some of it's gotta be wet spots like on the side hill seat but on the barn farm. - I'm like, what the hell is this spot from? This makes no sense. - I sprayed the barn farm today. That's what-- - Did you help? - That's what I call one of my neighbors - I know. - Yep. - Yeah, that doesn't make sense. I totally agree. Why? - It had to be wet or something. 'Cause you can, I mean, it's not very big. Wow, I mean, even here across the river, I found one and I'm like, what the hell? It's a circle that's 50 by 20. It doesn't make any sense with a few stocks in the middle. So, but I didn't even think that was wet but it must have just sat water there. So, which it can't sit water 'cause it's flat enough right there. It can't, so. - All right, so who are we gonna have for a guess next week? Go ahead. - Who? - Oh, maybe, yeah, maybe I should talk to him again. But then we're gonna see each other here in like another week or two, strip till. - Yeah. - My wife's coming now, she says. - Are you fucking serious? - So she changed my life. - I'm serious. - Amy's not. - Yeah. - Because of that and, well, she wanted to go because Al was taking his wife, but then were they, they're not gonna stay till Saturday and then Amy's going to her mom's that weekend to like. - See, and Karla said she might not go to Amy in the meeting. She might just go see her friend Julie. - Did you wanna drive like up to my place and have me drive the rest of the way or something? - No. - Okay, good. - I never said that. I don't wanna ride with the individual that long. I did it once, never again. - What is the ideal stage of maturity for alfalfa? - I don't know. - A quarter to half bloom. Blooms emerged. Bud to one tenth bloom. Boot stage. Seed heads emerged. - The first one or the second one? - Amy's not going Karla. - You're going by averages of - Like it's usually A or B. - No, wasn't it? I was going by it's either three quarters or what half to three quarters headed out or. What was the other one like fully headed out? - Quarter to half bloom or blooms emerged. - I'm like a quarter to half. - I don't know. It won't get me the fucking answer. - I love you true. I love your trivia questions. - Yeah, we have to do 106 of them before we can get there. - Oh, it's great. I'm leaving before that happens. - Yeah. - Fuck. - No, no, Karla decided to go. No, see, I gotta remember I'm going to Illinois that week before that. - I'm going to Indiana Tuesday. - Yep. So we got another week in here, right? Yes, next week. It'll be. - It's the following week that I'm gonna be out there. So. - Oh, our neighbors here bringing our raccoon trap back. - Nice. You guys have any sweet corn up there yet? - No. - I didn't plan to need this year, but I am craving some sweet corn. - Oh, I don't know if we'll have any. By the time you come up, it's probably two weeks away from tassel. - So, sorry. - But I'm not planning on, I mean, I'm going to Illinois and then up and then back. I've got to be back Saturday night. I'm going to try to be back Saturday night. - So I am going to Indiana Monday night, coming home Wednesday morning. And yeah, more or less driving to Madison. - Yep. I'm going to what the University of Illinois. - Why? - For the mosaic. - All panel, and then there's like a couple day deal there. And then. - You have to talk at the strip-till thing? - No, but then they're taking me and Dave for shock, I think, I think Dave and I are going, but they're taking us to Chicago. I think Tuesday night, I think that's what it is. Monday or Tuesday night, I don't remember what night is. And we're going to both be on this week in agribusiness. - Oh, which one's that? - The TV show this week in agribusiness? - Yeah, which one though, there's so many. Is that the one with Ty and Morgan? - No, that's Agday, right? - Okay, I like the one with Ty and Morgan. - Yeah, no, it's the one with Max Armstrong and... - I thought he retired, how many times is he going to retire? - No, he, and what's the guy? The meteorologist, it's always on there. - Yeah, Dave Kool-Yay or whatever. - Yes, thank you. - Dave Kool-Yay was on full house. - It was on full house. - But it's Kool-Yay, is his last name? - Yeah, it's something like that. Do you remember where you at? - Does Kool-Yay? - When he spoke, were you there when he spoke of that strip till conference? Oh my God, that guy, he talks so frickin' fast. I didn't get anything out of it. He's like, "Givin' the whole like weather "for the next month or two years or whatever it was." I don't even know what the fuck he said. He was just... - Mark Pearson does that one. - Mark Pearson, yes. - No, it's Mike Pearson. - Mike. - Mike. - His dad was Mark, right? - Yeah, his dad was a great guy. I had supper with Mark at a pioneer deal that he spoke at. And it was like five years later, after he had passed, I had supper with Mike. - Yes. - And he sat on my table. And it was the neatest thing ever. I was actually kind of like, I wasn't like fighting back tears, but when I told Mike, it made me feel, it kind of made me tear up. Like, this is the coolest thing ever because I got to sit with your father and have a supper and we just laughed our butts off. And now here, like seven years later, maybe I get to have supper with you. So that was kind of neat. - Mm-hmm. - And I think he thought it was too. - Yeah. - No, I'll tell you, Mike Pearson's story. He was at a supper in Montgomery County for... - Yeah, what the hell was that for? - I got an award and I wasn't there. - Of course he did. Jesus, grimy. This guy gets awards, he's on talk shows. He was on the view last week. - Yeah. - Seriously, he was. - No, I don't know what to do. - He's like, oh crap. - No, what a damn thing to say. What was the award that I got? Karla had to be there. Karla and the girls were both there anyway. But young entrepreneur or something like that, that's what she said. - Oh, yeah, yep. It would have to be. - Her office, I don't think this, I don't think this. - Yeah, it was doing the financial advising stuff and rhetoric too. So, things are weird. Yep. So Karla and the girls had supper with him 'cause I wasn't there. And then he was there, it was a breakfast anyway. And then he presented the word to her. And I wasn't there. And then there was pictures. And they thought he was her husband. (laughing) - Is that how he ended up getting divorced? - I don't know. I don't think so. What could be? I don't know if Karla's that how he ended up getting divorced. So, she'd said no. That's not nice to talk about. - Oh, I'm, he would-- - I know. - Super risk. - He opened a body when I talked to him in the elevator. (laughing) The hotel, how is that? - Yeah, no, I had a girlfriend and stuff. So, yeah. - No, super nice guy when I met him. But I met him somewhere. Where did I meet him at? But no, I just thought it was funny that you mentioned it. And I'm like, yeah, Karla had, Karla had supper or breakfast with him for whatever reason. And I was in Michigan doing training for the financial advisor stuff. We had, our broker dealer had like a mandatory training. I had to be at. - Hmm. - So, I missed it. - So, I've been thinking since I'm broke. - Please don't do that. - Oh, being a crop adjuster. - Yeah, after last week. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I wasn't here. - It was super nice. - I went on there and filled out all the information that I got to the references. And I was like, shit, I haven't talked to anybody. I don't have any references right now. So, then I just backed out of the whole thing. I had everything filled out. But, just put me in for reference. So, I was like, yeah, you doesn't know shit. (laughing) - It is what it is. - Yep. - Takes your cast. So. - I'm just. - Yay. That's what it is. - Rag. - Did it before, yay. - Dave Kool-Yay. - Yeah. I knew that wasn't right, but it helped me get to the last name, right? (laughing) - Oh, full house. You know Bob Sagged died. - Yes. - He was funny. - I did. - You didn't know about him. - He was nasty. - Oh yeah, that was awesome. You didn't know about that? - I did not know he was as nasty as he was until about three years before he passed away. He was launched. - Oh yeah, he's awesome. I loved it. (laughing) - I did too, but just, I only knew him from full house and then I saw his stand up and I'm like, wow. - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah, he was funny. He was funny. - He was, oh, what's that guy's name? - Dave Kool-Yay. - No. - Greg Sul-Yay. - No, Sul-Yay. - Sul-Sul-Yay. - Stay most. - Well, it has to do with looking at things. Brad Williams, go look at Brad Williams on TikTok or whatever, YouTube. And then Bob Saget with Brad Williams. And it's hilarious what Bob Saget did with Brad Williams to, I think it's-- - Brad Williams, this is a midget. - Yes. Because I can't remember-- - He's from Cedar Rapids. No, he's going to be. - Oh yeah. But I can't remember if it was, oh, John Stamos that is afraid of little people. (laughing) - It's funny. It's what I was listening to, so. - Oh, Brad. - Yeah, so. - There's a Brad Williams from Rockford, but he's not a midget or short person. What do you call him? Dwarf. Says when a dwarf works at Disneyland. - No, let's just call him a comedian about that. (laughing) - But the whole point of the thing is his jokes that he's talking about. (laughing) Oh, it's funny. (laughing) - Does Brad have like little tiny humans and arms too? (laughing) That's the part that freaks me out. He's 40 years old. He was born three years after me. - Yeah. - Oh. And he's probably a way better person and he's 4'4. - Yep. - He's the same height as Simone Biles. - Really? - No. (laughing) - But. - She's not right at all. - The Olympics start tonight and I am a big Olympics fan. I love a track and field. - Yep. - Women's gymnastics. That's about it. - Yep. - Yeah. - No beach volleyball, don't care for that. - Oh, women's beach volleyball. - I like beach volleyball. - I haven't watched it, I will though. I'm guessing it's a good thing to watch. - Yeah, it's amazing. I mean, good volleyball is fun to watch. So even if you just watched a regular volleyball at the Olympics, but the beach volleyball too is really good. It's amazing that they can do. So the men's volleyball in like a gym, holy fucking shit. I don't know how they don't take each other's heads off. - That's what I'm talking about. That'll be here the summer Olympics too. Oh man. - That's fun to watch. - Yeah. - Even the women. - Oh yeah. - I don't, I don't, yeah. Nope. - Frickin'. Yeah, they're spikes and stuff. Yeah, it's crazy. I don't even know how they can react. I think that's what there's videos out there of people just taking a volleyball right to the face. - Yeah, there could be. There could be some from my gym class. - Yeah. - Definitely. Yeah. Yeah. - All right, dude. - We've just found the first one. - You got my hands. You got my hands. - You got zero views the entire time. That's all. - I know. I know. - All right. Anyway, have a good supper tonight. I'm going. - I'm looking for a scene. - It's a trip to a meeting now. - Yeah. - A little. - It's all. - Yeah. - All right. Have a good week. Peace out. - Yeah, YouTube. Take care, peeps.