
Upcoming Events in Reidsville 07.24.24

Haywood Cloud, Jr., Assistant City Manager of Community Services takes a look at August-December concerts, special seasonal events, family photo oppoortunities and what's happening at Jaycee Park, Market Square and Lake Reidsville.

Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Mike Moore Media on our Media Line. I'm talking with Heywood Cloud Jr. Assistant City Manager of Community Services with the City of Readswell. We haven't talked in a while. Hey Heywood, how you doing? I'm doing well. Mike, how are you? It's always good to get an update on what's happening around Readswell and I thank you. When it is start with maybe you look at some of the upcoming events in downtown Readswell. There are many. Yeah, we just got out of a Readswell Downtown Corporation or the C meeting yesterday and events from July to December have already been planned out. So July we had the Market Square concert, the eighth party band. With their July 20th we had a nice turnout for that. On August 9th we're doing Rocket and Readville. That's going to be five to seven thirty. August 17th we got a Market Square concert, DZ top-notch. That's a very popular band and they're gonna be there from seven to nine. We expect a big turnout for that. September 28th we got a Market Square concert and it'll be Special Occasions Band from seven to nine. And then we have our annual Fat Festival October 19th. We're band of ours, it's performing. Three will be closed. You know they have a big following. So we're really really looking forward to that as we are the other things. And then then on October 25th we are going to have our downtown Trick-A-Treat from 43730 on Scale Street. It'll be closed and then a movie at Market Square at eight o'clock. And that event the downtown Trick-A-Treat has really picked up in the last few years. We've had a you know a big turnout where we've had to go and make multiple candy runs even though we thought we you know with all the departments that we've had enough that we've that we bought enough initially. And so all of our departments participate. We all have a table set up. Many of our departments get in there Halloween costumes and we really enjoy interacting with the citizens and their children and they seem to really enjoy that event. So that's always been a fun thing. And then in December we have we having to hand you downtown hometown Christmas and tree lighting and the streets will be closed for that. So that's pretty much what we got going on. We do a lot of December you know you have to plan these things out. And so we are getting ready for those things. So that's that's a quick thing. You'll hear updates about those things as they come. But just to put it out there for everybody to know in the market calendar there'll be more information coming. Sure. We get closer to each of those events. Yeah. Well thanks for clicking those off for us as we look at the second half of the year. Let's talk about Market Square. Hey Wood, what a great venue that is. You didn't even mention farmers market. That's going well for the season. But so many good things happening happening right there all through the year Market Square aren't there. Yeah and and one of the things I just named all of those things I just named will be right there at Market Square. Sure. But in addition to that our city manager Woodard Summer has really brought to the city the last one since she's been here. I know many people have noticed this the decorations we're having down here. So it looks like the next thing we'll be doing will be in the fall and she has it the pumpkins and the straw and and she really does a good job of coordinating that with staff and we put everything out and we've become sort of a a destination for people coming to take pictures of the decorations. And the last year she does it you know in the fall and we got for Halloween. And then she does it at Christmas time as well. And last year I think we had a Barbie a Barbie thing because you know the movie Barbie the Barbie movie without. Yeah. He had this whole set up and people put pictures online and people are coming from all across the triad. Not just people in retail. So it's really been something that that they've enjoyed and I think people are really looking look forward to what she does or what she you know the direct staff to do and the ideas that she come up comes up with for those decorations for those holidays. Yeah that's great. Yeah you're you're exactly right. It's become a real destination for photo ops and family and friends and people coming in from not only close by but far away and getting those seasonal pictures. Yeah that's a lot of fun. Yeah. Absolutely. Okay. Well I know I talked to Quentin the other day with Parks and Rec. Lots of good things happening there. Bring us up to date. You and I haven't talked as I said a moment ago. But let me get your perspective on what's happening at JC Park. Wow that just continues to get bigger and better doesn't it. Yeah of course we the last three years we've had the Reed Bill Lucky's collegiate baseball team they've been playing there and it that seems to be going well. We partnered with them back in 2020 I think this is the third year now. Time kind of run it together so they've been here for a while but yeah that could be going well and that's been attended well by people in the community and they seem to enjoy that and so and right now as Quentin probably told you we had a plot for United States Tennis Association Grant to upgrade our tennis court and we're we're finalizing the documents and then we got contractors in place to start work on that in the next couple weeks and then while they're there the same contractor who's working on research opinions of fixing the tennis court will also go right over to our pickleball for one pickleball court we have and construct another one right next to it and put a fence around it and so we have a lot of added pickleball players in the city and they're they line up out there and then they're just looking for some more face to place so we're going to create that form once we build that second pickleball court so that's really what's happening that Jake you know and then we have the normal you know our normal programming with baseball and things like that that are already happening people coming out practicing with their with their teams but in terms of organized things we got to reach the lucky and then what we're doing with the tennis court I just we just got a message from someone the other day that says we talked to 25 these 25 kids out there playing tennis last week so we want to make sure the surfaces is in a place where it's safe and it looks good and so that's what we trying to do with these research program yeah okay yeah yeah there's so many different programs happening there and at your other recreational venues around the city and you know it's a great time to get out and enjoy the lakes you have there too that's something that Quentin and I didn't talk about so maybe you could touch on that hey wood well again our lake is also another destination we have avid campers out there we people go fishing they're getting the patables and you know and everything and recently we just had our independent base celebration and it's always a hit we have plenty of vendors there was a lot of people out there was a little warm but we still had a very good turnout for people to see the fireworks and and everything and that's always a great hit with and we also have our trails and our and they're just plenty to do and so we're looking to partner with more organizations you want to have more things out of the lake so be looking for a lot of that going forward of having more events out there we got the waterland and festival coming up that we've had on previous years that's going to come up in the fall we're planning for that right now so we're looking forward to that matter we got a meeting about that today with those who put on that event and we partner with them so and you'll get more information about that in a later date yeah and so we just and we're in the process of completing the installation of a jump pack kind of a little jump pillow for kids to use while they're out there we'll be doing a ribbon cutting and and I open it for that as soon as we finish all the construction surrounding putting a light around and making sure that the fence and putting rules up for and everything like that so that's going to be another big thing we want to have out there but we're excited about the things we're doing out there sure yeah if someone's listening and maybe they didn't get a chance to write down some of the things you were telling us about do kind of complete their calendar of events that things they want to attend for the last half of the year in Reedsville where's the the best place to go to get that information hey wood I would say go to our regular city website and our rocket and reachville website and our RDC website all those things will be listed there and we'll get those things out for everybody to see and we'll also keep you posted you know we do this these interviews with you and we'll constantly update you so you can get the word out we appreciate appreciate everything that you do all right glad to help anyway we can anything else before we wrap up he would nothing I can nothing I can think of we again we appreciate you putting the word out what we're doing here at the city and so we look forward to the next time so often get the opportunity to speak with you you bet okay well I'm glad we have some time today and yeah we'll reconnect here soon it would thanks again have a great week and I know it's a busy time but thanks for thanks for the update we appreciate it as always are you're welcome thank Mike thank you too bye all right one of our continuing podcasts with our friends with the city of Reed's will he would cloud junior today assistant city manager of community services with the city of Reed's will and let me remind you also before we wrap things up here Diane Sawyer president of the Reed's will Chamber of Commerce had her monthly chamber program yesterday talking to Chris Reed with Reed's computer sales and service and if you miss that podcast you can hear that number of different places now of course on Mike more media and the Reed's will social media sites and all of that but I did want to get in a plug for the Reed's will Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center they're on South scale Street right downtown Reed's Phil they do so many exciting things and what a great team they team Reed's will is a it is always busy there at the Reed's will Chamber of Commerce so please visit them on social media and keep up to the minute on all of those Chamber of Commerce activities as well and thank you for your support thanks for shopping with our local merchants for supporting our businesses and thank you for letting us know how we can help you he would mention a couple of things there in that podcast about some things that people have been interested in and direct feedback there to help in making some of those happen some of those different events and venues happen with input from from residents and that's very important too so thank you for your support and let me again remind you to visit rise up Reed's will calm and yes the city website Reed's will NC dot gov [BLANK_AUDIO]