The Howie Carr Radio Network

Who Will Kamala Pick As Her Running Mate? | 7.26.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Newsweek put out an article on the leading candidate to be Kamala Harris's running mate, Pete Buttigieg seems to be leading. Then, Howie takes calls on the FBI Director's comments that Trump may not have been hit by a bullet.

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26 Jul 2024
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They have refined this process. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. You know, he said anytime, any place. But more than that, he agreed to this specific debate on this specific network on this specific date. And now he's pulling out. So we're just done with phrasing, right? That's not a thing anymore. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I don't want to work. I just want a free Obama phone. Hold on. Phone's for you. I think it's the devil. We call to say Michelle and I couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office. This is part of the Albert Bush. Dr. Biden said being committed to him, she said because he had these little babies who had lost their mom. That this had to be a commitment for life. I wasn't going to do it because I didn't want to put those babies through that. That was all bullsh*t. She just pocketed the cash. She just, she, she, she. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Car. 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. So, this is a couple of stories. They were good columns, I thought, about Joe Biden and, again, the hagiography that is going on here. They're making them out to be a saint. And I just want to read just some of them, because I think you've been feeling the same thing that these two writers, Joseph Epstein and David Arsoni, have been talking about. This first Epstein, Joseph Epstein, in the Wall Street Journal yesterday. After more than 50 years in government, Mr. Biden has become the emblematic politician, which is no compliment. He came into office promising to heal the rifts dividing the country and instead widen them by his own leftward political turn. He continues to call himself Catholic, yet his blithely pro-choice on abortion. Everything about him, his ideas, his language, his very smile seems fake. He claims to have inherited high inflation and worked sedulously to lower it. He claims to have enlarged and held a North Atlantic treaty organization together. He claims to have created millions of new jobs. None of these claims hold up under even cursory investigation. So true. He frequently recounts uninteresting advice his working class father gave him. He never misses a chance to tell you he lost his son Bo, who served in Iraq, but didn't die there. No Irishman has ever taken in by Irish charm. If I am any measure, it doesn't work so well on Jews either. I don't think it works on any sentient human being, does it? Joe Biden, the Blarnie, kissing the Blarnie Stone. He just kissed the ass of all the union bosses and the Democrat masters. He has managed, says Joseph Epstein, to seem somehow fragile yet unsympathetic. Of weight, I have heard him referred to as lovable. Not a word about how he became rich in political office, owning several costly homes at Corvette and who knows how many other cars, nor of a son or, and brother, not to speak of grandchildren, who have also grown fabulously rich as his star ascended. Many say Mr. Biden's term as president has been historic, and so I suppose it has been. Anti-Semitism has found a home in the Democrat Party, where identity politics have taken a firm hold. All this while Mr. Biden pursued the electrification of our vehicles and was off chasing climate change. If America is one day to have the equivalent of Roman historians, our sutonius is likely to emphasize Mr. Biden's plagiarism, as well as the cocaine found in his White House. Our tassitus may dwell on his contribution through ignorance to the decline of the American Empire. As for me, I have come to view him as the Russian people were said to view the Tsar. That is, may he live and be well, but not too close to me. I just want him, I don't care if he lives well or not, I just don't want him anywhere near me. I love that line, boring advice from his father. From his working, how about alleged working class father? His father was running a car dealership. I mean, it doesn't make you necessarily upper class, but I don't think it makes you work in class either. It makes you at least lower middle class, right, in terms of income. Then this is David Harsani, he's even more brutal, I think. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. should be remembered as a failed president, a cringy, blowhard senator, perhaps the most shameless fableist, fableist. I always think, well, I don't like that word fableist. Number one, I don't know how to pronounce it. Why don't you call him a liar, a liar? That's what he is, American, use the Anglo-Saxonism, if you can, the Anglo-Saxon word. In American political history, the patriarch of a shady family and a preternatural liar. Now, there's a good word, preternatural liar, who couldn't hold a single, consistent, principled position in his very long career. Of course, they're going to try to canonize him. Then he talked, he missaid, they began writing hagiographies. There's that word again. After the speech, the Biden family posed for some legacy building shots, and the media took debate. A powerful photo, the hand towards his father's face, this is Robert Costa of the Washington Post. About one picture of Joe with his son, renowned artist, Hunter Biden, the eyes, put aside politics and everything related for a moment, imbued simply on a human level. You can see two men, father and son, still at each other's side, more than a half century since the darkness of December 18th, 1972. Get a grip, man. I mean, are the Bidens the only people who have ever lost any close relatives? I mean, who hasn't? That's part of human life, is it not? Costa's emotional projection in myth-building, and he's not the only one, are being transposed into one of the biggest mediocrities ever to live in the White House. Biden has always been a 200 hitter trying to bat clean up. He won his first Senate race in Delaware in the middle of Watergate, and only because Richard Nixon convinced incumbent J. Kayla Boggs to unretire and run. 1972 was his first Senate election in which 18-year-olds could vote, so Biden relentlessly attacked Bogg's age, 63. Yeah, sometimes we forget that. He said Boggs was a good guy, but, you know, he was getting a little, a little wrinkly, 63. Therefore, thereafter, he basically ran for a house-sized congressional seat every six years until 2009. That's another thing that kind of gets overlooked, Delaware. You've driven through, everybody on the East Coast has driven through Delaware, right? You blink, you're through it. There's nothing to it. It makes Rhode Island look like, maybe not Texas, but, you know, North Carolina, or Tennessee. In the Senate, Biden, by his own admission, spent a chunk of the 70s sucking up to segregationists like James Eastland, voice of the White South, and Herman Talmadge. So he could grab plum committee seats. Biden sought the praise of racist George Wallace, lied about it, actually, and worried about his kids being swallowed up in a, quote-unquote, "racial jungle." There's tape of that, racial jungle. What a swell guy. Then he ran for president, and we've talked about that. Dukakis took him out. He took himself out, Dukakis, just provided the evidence. The rest of his Senate career was spent zig-zacking and flip-flopping and lecturing people much smarter than he, always landing exactly where the party was going. Biden helped turn one civil Supreme Court confirmation hearings into smear-fest against conservative nominees. He embarrassed himself, explaining natural law to Clarence Thomas after smearing Robert Bork. Biden would run for president again in 2008, famously calling Barack Obama, quote, "the first mainstream African American who was articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, while coming in in fifth place, winning less than 1% of the vote." He and Kamala really do have a lot of common. So then they put him up, obviously, because the alternative was Bernie Sanders. Running his campaign from his den during a once-in-a-century epidemic under the protection of the Praetorian Guard press, Biden narrowly defeated Donald Trump. Biden quickly adopted every far-left position imaginable. His presidency is a disaster. Even before the debate, Biden was rightly behind on virtually every major issue in every poll, but he's a Democrat. And Democrats fail upward. Their legacies sanctified no matter how disgraceful and pathetic. He is disgraceful and pathetic. 844-542-442. Marilyn, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Marilyn. Oh, hi, Howie. I'm glad that you read what those men said from the Wall Street Journal of Joseph Edstein and the other guy that starts-- Arstanis. Yeah, Arstan. Because, you know, yesterday, the poll that you had, everybody came out. Most people said he was the Biden's worst president ever. And most people are thinking of him as bumbling and stumbling man, and he makes mistakes. But I hope history records that Joseph Biden is a hardened criminal. He's responsible, but he's done in the last three and a half years. And even before, he's responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people in the Ukraine, in Israel, and-- In the United States. And I just hope that just, yeah, exactly. With fentanyl and all the people murdered and killed by illegal alien drunk drivers, whatever. And, you know, the other thing is, I mean, I want them to take a deep dive into his taxes. You know, they went after Donald Trump and his taxes. Let's see, let's take a look at it. There's a lot of, you know, according to accounts in even the Wall Street Journal, there's a lot of unaccounted income in his taxes. And again, by his son's own admission, he kicked back 10% for the big guy, right? And by Joe's own admission, he ran the most inclusive voter fraud organization in modern American political history. Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing him in jail. I am too, I am too. And, you know, it wouldn't be a frame job like they're trying to do with Donald Trump. I think he deserves to be in prison. I think he's committed crimes. And I'm not talking about political, I'm not talking about political persecution. I'm talking about crimes like income tax evasion, you know? And I guess you can't put him in jail for violating the Constitution. You could have, you could impeach him if you had an honest Congress, but you obviously don't have that. Thanks for the call, Marilyn, 844, 542, I'm sick of hearing all this stuff about what a great guy he is, though. And now we're hearing how wonderful Kamala is. But, you know, it's not unexpected, but it's still rather distasteful. Until Wednesday, July 31, American Independence Gold is saying, thank you to any investor who spends a minimum of $10,000 with a Valkombi 5 gram bar. I'm holding it in my hand right now. This investment could be in cash or an IRA transfer, meaning you don't have to come up with cash if you use transfer the money. This is one week only, so contact them today at This is worth, yesterday it was worth 425 bucks. I don't know what it's worth today, I haven't checked. But it's a good deal. It's a nice little bonus for moving your money over to American Independence Gold Group, which is veteran owned. It recognizes the contributions veterans have made to our society. 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Today's poll question is brought to you by American Independence Gold Group until Wednesday, July 31, American Independence Gold is saying thank you to any investor who spends a minimum of $10,000 with a Valkombi 5 grand bar like I'm holding in my hand right now. This investment could be cash or an IRA transfer. Meaning you don't have to, if you transfer, you don't have to come up with the cash, obviously, and you get the $400 or $400 plus dollar 5 grand bar. This is one week only, so contact them today at That's Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is if you were Donald Trump, would you agree to be questioned by the FBI about anything? No. 92% of the audience now says, "No." You know, that's like if they put a hit on you, the wise guys. You don't go, you don't go in, "Excuse me, is there a hit out on me?" That doesn't make sense. They tried to put a political hit on him. Repeatedly. They knew that there was a hit. They could have stopped a hit on him in the presidential election by just pointing out that the laptop was real. They had it for 10 months. They had known for 10 months. It was real, and they didn't say anything about it. It was one of the congressmen pointed out when that Monta Bank, that fraud, Christopher Ray, was in front of Congress the other day. I'm getting into Monta Bank. That's an H.O. Minkin' word, "Monta Bank." It means fraud, okay. I know, I should use the Anglo-Saxon words. I'm going to use fraud. 844-542-442. Gary, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Gary. Hi, Howie. Hi. I like Jim Jordan. I think he's great, but I watched this hearing, and I think he missed the follow-up question with the shrapnel stuff. They should know all the trajectories by now, where those bullets went, was something hit. I've never heard anybody talk about something being hit that would create shrapnel, and it just bothers me awful, and nobody's asking this question. And you would think that would be the first thing they ask. Well, if it's shrapnel, you're going to have something on that stage with a hole in it. Well, you know, people have been talking about this, Gary. Where have they recovered any of the bullets? We know they've got some shell casings, but have they recovered any of the actual bullets? No one's talked about that, have they? Howie, if you shot a dairy legal in the state of Maine, the game wardens would find the boat. This is not-- I know how you understand it. This is something that's simple, and in what's 13 days in, they should know it. We know it with three bullets went for 100% into them poor guys. And then you got one one by his head, or let's count that one. Maybe that went into somebody. But we're not talking about eight bullets anymore, and they should have that. It's very simple. They know where these people were seated. They know where they got hit. This is something that should be done by now after 13 days. And I'm surprised Jim Jordan didn't push him on it. Just surprised me. And one other thing you always say is when in these matters, you look for incompetence, not conspiracy. -Right. -And I can't do it. I just can't look for incompetence anymore. This is something happening here that never changed my mind. I'd like to say I was wrong, but I don't believe it anymore. You know, it's a possibility. But again, look at what this woman, Kim Cheetell, was into. Look at what her orders, her directives, her memos to the Secret Service were all about. They were all about diversity, reaching out on Pride Day, transgenders, seminars on pronoun usage. She didn't care about anything. None of these people care, you know, the people in the Department of Energy don't care about producing more energy for the American people. The people in the Department of Education don't care about education. Everybody is into one issue, and that's indoctrination. They want to indoctrinate the American people to the party's narrative. Everything is the Ministry of Truth now, including the Defense Department. In the Justice Department, the Injustice Department is the Enforcer, and the FBI is part of the Injustice Department. I'm Howie Carr. ♪♪ Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542. 42, as you know, Trump put out a truth-social that tweet yesterday about, you know, criticizing Christopher Ray. One of his most unfortunate appointments, and I'm sure it grates the hell out of him every day that he appointed him at. At the behest, I always point out, you can't forget this, of Chris Christie. Um, let's see here. He, FBI Director Christopher Ray told Congress yesterday he wasn't sure if I was hit by shrapnel glass or a bullet. The FBI never even checked. Wrong. He knows nothing about terrorists and other criminals pouring into our country at record levels. He's focused on destroying J-6 Patriots, raiding Mar-a-Lago, and saving radical left lunatics, like the ones now in D.C. burning American flags and spray painting over our great national monuments with zero retribution. Again, he was prescient. They dropped the charges against 11 of them. Apparently, there's only 19 that have been charged. 11 of them have had the charges dropped. What was that? I was reading yesterday. 200 arrested. Where did that number come from? Was that, was that from a state-run media? There's not, there weren't 200 arrests. The most I ever heard from a reputable source was 23, and that's even wrong. Trump continued. It was, unfortunately, a bullet that hit my ear and it, it hit hard. There was no glass. There was no shrapnel. The hospital called it a bullet wound to the ear. End quotes. And that is what it was. No wonder the one-storied FBI has lost the confidence of America. I agree. And as it's been pointed out, the, the meaning of the word "traplinal." It's a piece of a bullet or a win on a battlefield of the ordinance or any other weapon deployed to kill or maim an enemy. He was wounded. He was wounded. That's the, that's the key. He was shot. And Ronnie Jackson, you know him, he's the former White House physician. Now he's a congressman from, I think, Abilene, Texas. He was a former White House doctor for 14 years. Having served, this is what he said, having served as an emergency medicine physician for over 20 years in the US Navy, including as a combat physician on the battlefield on Iraq. I have treated many gunshot wounds in my career. Based on my direct observations of the injury, and he's been flying around with Trump ever since, he's been acting as like his personal physician. My relevant clinical background and significant experience evaluating and treating patients with similar wounds, I completely concur with the initial assessment and treatment provided by the doctors and nurses at Butler Memorial Hospital on the day of the shooting. Where again, it says on the, on the report that he suffered a gunshot wound. Congress should correct the record as confirmed by both the hospital and myself. Director Ray is wrong and inappropriate to suggest anything else. So now they want to interview him. The FBI wants to interview him. Is Peter struck back on the payroll yet? Lisa Page? How about that guy who falsified the report on Carter Page? Is he back on the payroll yet? I know he got a suspended sentence. He lied. He said he was a lawyer, an officer of the court. And he lied to the secret FISA court, secret. Meaning, meaning you don't have any sixth amendment rights to confront your accuser in the FISA court. It was supposed to be used against terrorists. Now it's used against Republicans more than terrorists apparently. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. So there, this guy Jim Acosta, he must think, he must think Trump's going to win. Jim Acosta, he thinks he's going back to the White House maybe. It's going to be off the weekend. It's the equivalent of the graveyard shift. 530 on Saturdays on CNN. And so he's been, he's been after yesterday or yesterday. He was criticizing Netanyahu's use of the term Iran's useful idiots. Cut 21. And what is your response to the Prime Minister referring to protesters who have been demonstrating against the war in Gaza as, quote, Iran's useful idiots? Is that kind of language, the kind of language that ahead of state should be using in an address to Congress talking about Americans in that fashion? I mean, people have the right to free speech. Should he be describing critics of the war as Iran's useful idiots? Especially in the middle of the campaign. Well, number one, how many of them are Americans? That's why we want to see the, the arrest sheet. We want to see the list. How many of them are Americans? We don't know. But, you know, if, if, if Democrats have the right to freedom of speech, the First Amendment shouldn't heads of state have the same right, but it was, it was worse than that. Listen, this was Jim Acosta the previous day talking about Trump's criticism of the secret service. Reaction coming in from Donald Trump apparently said on Truth Social, the Biden-Harris administration did not properly protect me. And I was forced to take a bullet for democracy. It was my great honor to do so. I mean, that, that appears to be what the former president is saying. Perhaps he's not aware that the director has stepped down, but that's what he's saying right now on Truth Social. Let me go back to Jonathan Wackrell, who's still with us, I believe. Jonathan, when you hear the former president saying something like that, what's your reaction, which obviously the secret service is a professional operation that, you know, the fact, to say something like they did not protect me, it just sounds just wildly irresponsible. Jim, did they protect him? In effect, sir. He, he was, he was wounded either by a bullet directly or by a piece of shrapnel, most likely a bullet. But either way, the secret service was supposed to protect him from being wounded, from being shot. They did not do that. So how is it wildly irresponsible to point out, again, the fact? Just like, are they useful idiots to Iran? All the people that were burning American flags and chanting death to America and that hate Jews that were chanting Allahu Akbar. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42, 774. Trump earned a Purple Heart, John Kerry, not so much. Again, John Kerry got a Purple Heart for an injury, a wound he received. Three days before he wrote in his diary, when he was on the swift boat, saying that he hadn't seen any action. But, you know, you can't, you're not supposed to say that because then you're, you know, you're a, you're accusing him of stolen valor and that's, that you can't do that with John Kerry. Even though, again, it's his own words, it's facts. 844, 542, 42, 442, Joel, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Joel. Hey, Howie, how are you doing, buddy? Good. Hey, I was just curious, man, what do you think of that article? You know, if there's somebody Harris needs to nail her VP pet, she has to get the, you know, the skeptical dams, you know, the Biden guys, she has to nail it. I was reading this article where Buttigieg is like starting to push his way. I'm, I'm all in favor of Buttigieg, aren't you, Joel? You're kidding me. Are you joking me? I mean, it's Friday and I look at that and I'm like, yeah, baby, pop a beer. You know, it's like, yeah, I do think that's for real. You think they're just like, I can't, you know, I can't imagine it, really. Can you, I mean, he was the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, a small city, a city about the size of Worcester, I think. And they have a fairly significant black population. The black population hated the guy. They hated him. I mean, he, he had no, no connection to the black community in any way. And I just, no, I think he would be the perfect candidate for Donald Trump. And they, and now they're saying they can't go after Shapiro. I mean, Shapiro is the governor. He's a hack. He's a Democrat hack. Just been a politician his whole life, like, like all of them. But, you know, he would bring something to the table because he's semi popular in, in Pennsylvania and they can't, but they can't have him apparently because he's Jewish. And, and they, it would, it would start a dumpster fire in Michigan and Minnesota. They, they, all those Muslims out there, the Muslim Democrats apparently hate him. They hate, they hate, they don't, they don't hate him. They hate the fact that he's Jewish. That's what they hate. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, seven, seven, four, strange how these radical Palestinian supporting thugs, many of whom are, I think, not even American citizens. They're just here, you know, on a, on a free ride to, to college or, or their, their refugees or a psyles on welfare. They get away with their crimes, but people who were only present in D.C. on January 6th are being arrested without cause. Or, at the very least, they're being investigated. You know, again, the FBI is demanding credit card records of people who were in D.C. For whatever reason, it could be, you could be there on, on business, pitching a government agency on a contract, visiting a kid in college. And, you know, if you, if you were in D.C. and you used your credit card, and especially if they can see that you bought a gun or any kind of ammunition, firearms-related materials in the months prior, they're going to, they're going to give you a, a deep dive, the feds. And, and they didn't get any court orders from a lot of these banks where they got their credit card records from. 844, 542, 42, because it's all the deep state. You know, they don't need, they don't need the subpoenas. They don't need any probable cause. No fourth amendment for Republicans. No sixth amendment for Republicans. No fifth amendment for Republicans. 8, no attorney client privilege either. 844, 542, 603, Hillary will be, Paris will step down because the job is too hard and let Hillary. No, they, no, there's no way. No. I mean, it's, you, you could have that fantasy, but it's a night. That's not going to, they can't, they're not going to have both of those hideous parodens on the, on the ticket. 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And don't forget the code howey. I'm HoweyCar. Got a great cop story? Email it to and listen to Police Plotter Facts Friday every Friday at 5.30. Your story could win you a great prize from the HoweyCar Show Store. [MUSIC] He's HoweyCar. 71 says, just let that sink in. The Dems can't pick a beep candidate because he's Jewish. They brought us backwards 100 years and it's further proof of the dangers of unassimilated immigrants. I just pulled, I just read that before the break and then I pulled up on YouTube the famous video from the 1968 Democrat convention in Chicago. Senator Abraham Ribicoff from Connecticut is speaking and he's talking about the rioting going out on the streets of Chicago and the mayor of Chicago is there Richard J. Daly and he yells, "An anti-belief you," he calls him a total anti-Semitic. It's right there. It was on national TV. They did a cutaway of it to Daly and you could see him. He's screaming and that's where we are again. And the convention's going back to Chicago. That the texter is really right, 781. 844-500-4242-4239. Say what you want about the new Boston FBI office. They didn't want anything to do with checking bank records here in Boston with no court orders. They wanted to know what the crime was. I will give him that. Joseph Bonavita. You'll notice that he was shortly thereafter out the door as the special agent in charge of the Boston FBI office. You know, maybe he was approaching retirement age, but he didn't last long after he put his foot down and said, "We're not going along with this extra constitutional and I'm being kind, grab of power." Let's see here. Scott, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Scott. Hi, Ms. Flakar. How are you? Thank you for taking my call. I just want to throw three things out there. I know you're busy. You're very busy. I just want to talk about the worst thing that scares me about the election is AI. The second thing I want to say is the FBI leaded the investigation into the shooter's gun and they found nothing out of the ordinary. And the third thing is, the third thing is, so I own an AR-15. It's a small high-speed caliber bullet. And if you look at the pictures of Trump when he was hurt, you can see a chunk of his ear at the top of his ear with his ketchup-filled face. It's all a conspiracy, Scott. As you say, you know, it's just a big conspiracy. It was all a plot by the MAGA Republicans. That's why he was allowed to stand up again. It was just one of those things that the other three people were shot, one of whom killed. 844-542-42. Dan, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dan. Hi, Howie. You might have already mentioned this or somebody might have, but I just wanted to say something about the FBI kind of downplaying the fact that he may have been hit by shrapnel instead of a bullet. Well, in the military, you don't have to have a bomb or a rocket landing. You have a lap to get a purple heart. If you're in the area and you get hit with shrapnel, you get a well-deserved metal. So, for them to try to downplay that, to me, is pretty disgusting. It is. I agree. I mean, I think if somebody takes a shot at you, you're a combat veteran, aren't you, in my opinion? You know, I mean, if you're in the military, you're certainly a combat veteran, aren't you? And if you're in the theater, you're a combat veteran, right? And so, for this guy, Christopher Ray, who stood by and allowed the election to be influenced by these crooked 51 Democrats, when he knew that the laptop was real, this guy who was the director of the FBI, he was new, but when they were still going back to the secret FISA court to continue the wiretapping of Trump's associates, when they knew it was a fake story planted by Hillary Clinton and paid for by Hillary Clinton, this guy now to go and say that the president of the United States, Donald Trump, was not hit by a bullet. It's disgraceful. He's just a blister on the American body politic. And he's going to, I tell you, as soon as Trump takes the oath of office, he should, before he begins his speech, if he wins and is inaugurated, he should just say, before I begin my speech, I just wanted to say, Christopher Ray, you're bleeping fired. You are fired when I fire a lot of you people, but you're the first one to go, Christopher Ray. Victor, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Victor. How we love your show, brother. Thanks. Two, two quick points. Number one, with Barack Obama and Michelle throwing their endorsement to the VP Harris, that wasn't really an endorsement. That was the signal that this lady has passed the test. She's going to be the nominee. And what's our friend's name, Mr. Biden, is going to be retiring. In about six weeks nudged out, she is going to be the sitting president of the United States in the election. I, I would not, I would not dispute that too greatly. Biden will try to to hang in, but he tried to hang into the campaign too.