The Howie Carr Radio Network

Trump Responds to Kamala's Debate Taunts plus KJP's Mic Drop Attempt Backfires | 7.26.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace covers a variety of topics including the Presidential election, illegal immigration and more.

Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. If you find yourself looking for some content this weekend, you can always find our podcast if you missed any of the hours. I also was on Sean Spicer yesterday, and that's up on YouTube. And I wrote a column for the spectator this week. So you can have plenty of Grace on Saturday and Sunday as well. We have a lot of stories that I've been holding off on, but I think it's time. The first one, 'cause we've been discussing this push to rewrite Kamala Harris' past. And I don't understand why if it's so great. Like if it's so great, why do you have to lie about it? If she's done so many wonderful things, then shouldn't she be proud of all the things she has done? And unburden by the things that she hasn't done? Well, here's the latest. Kamala Harris, and we all know this because we haven't been living under rocks unlike the people in our media, she donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund. And the Minnesota Freedom Fund was one of the bail funds that got out people after the George Floyd riots in 2020. And she donated to this, and it was bailing out dangerous criminals. And actually one of the people that got bailed out through this fund went on to be charged with murder. And so Trump brought that up. And the way CBS framed their article, Trump falsely accuses Harris of donating to Minnesota Freedom Fund bailing out dangerous criminals. Now, I love community notes because the community notes keep you honest. And community notes wrote on June 2020. (bell rings) - That is false. - Kamala Harris tweeted if you're able to chip in now to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota that tweet contained a donation link. So what part of Trump's accusation was false? And it's the part of it that really drives me crazy is it's not that he's saying something that's like been under wraps where you can go, oh my God, he's tweeting out a conspiracy theory. He's tweeting out fake news that never happened. There's no proof of that. There's a tweet that she put out herself that you guys know exists, CBS. Do a little, and I would say do a little research, but they know that it exists. They're just hoping that other people won't. They're hoping they can get it through and just create their own narrative. I did wanna play, there's this awesome cut, and I want you to hear this. So this is from, he's a podcaster, he's a YouTuber, and he did such a great job of letting this woman know. His name is Anton Daniels, and he was on this Zoom call with other black people, and there's a woman who explained why she will vote for Kamala Harris. Let's have the woman explaining her take first. This is cut 11. - Let me ask you a question, would you vote for it? - Yeah. - Why? - I'm gonna just be real honest with this. She's a black woman. - Now, I actually, and the reaction from the other people on the Zoom was pretty funny. They're all like, "Oh God." But I would say I appreciate the woman's honesty, because you're able to have a much, I think, a much more civil and honest conversation if people, as Joe Biden might say, level with you, and she's leveling with them. She's like, "I'm gonna vote for her 'cause she's a black woman." And that's her prerogative. But it allowed for Anton Daniels to break down why that is not a great idea, why that should not be enough to vote for someone. This is the first cut, cut 12. - Just go over, hold on, hold on, everything on the side, let me mind the side. - I think, Madrid, - Is it only because she a black woman? - Yeah. - Do you not see how that's a bad idea? - Elaborate. - Okay, so we're in three proxy wars with some of the most powerful leaders in the world. She failed at the border in which we have an estimation of 15 to 20 million people illegally into this country that is literally overtaking and bankrupting Chicago to the tune of over $400 million per year and they're in the deficit. Oakland is going out of business. San Francisco did a California $65 billion deficit. New York, they're literally cutting trash in which they are the rattyest, dirtiest city and they've taken up resources as far as free healthcare, free hotels to the tune of $600 a day. They're literally taking over your schools. Your taxpayer dollars are going to fund the migrant crisis. She was supposed to be in charge of this. - Brilliant. - I love the way he is approaching this with just facts. He's not attacking her personality. He's just telling you about the things that she was in charge of as of yesterday when everyone all of a sudden decided, and by the way, they sent out talking points. They sent out talking points to Democrat lawmakers. Luckily, one of them leaked it, but they literally sent out bullet points, I guess, explaining them, this is how you should handle this. This is your Baghdad Bob script for when you get confronted with the reality that is that Kamala Harris was the borders are. Here are the lies that you should tell when people ask about her record. Try to distance her from it as much as you can. Just deny, deny, deny, say she was never in charge of it. I wanna hear another one from Anton Daniels. This is Cut 13. - We have a failing economy. Every single day I see people getting on the internet talking about $30 an hour is the new minimum wage because inflation is out of control. At one point, it was at almost 10%, depending on what city that you were. She has no policy, no record to stand on. One of the biggest things that she did in her career was lock up more black men than ever before, but we sit here and vote her in her office on identity politics. It's a very person that she was under as far as the president of the United States of America. She called him racist during the debate. What shows you how fake she is? - Yeah, and her response when Stephen Colbert asked her about it. She said, "It was such a baby! It was such a baby, Stephen!" - He's right on the money. And I brought up the incarcerations and her prosecutorial record that she's so proud of where she locked up all these black men for marijuana charges. And one of the textures yesterday, and it's just, my memory was just jogged by this brilliant man, Anton Daniels. But one of the textures said, "What makes that even worse is the fact that now she talks about how she was smoking weed, and she's had her own time with marijuana, and it just makes it even worse." Because it's like, okay, so when she's with the breakfast club and she's trying to pander to certain people, she will pretend it's cool and that she has no issue with it, but you had enough of an issue with it that you were locking other people up in jail and you were fighting, your office was fighting against those people having the ability to expunge it from their records. That's how-- - Stay off the weed! - That's how passionate you were at one point about it, but it turns out you're just a massive hypocrite. And like Anton Daniels said, she's also a hypocrite because she thought Joe Biden was a racist, that little girl was me, but she has no problem being VP for the racist, she has no problem being his right-hand man, his right-hand woman. And being his borders are, and being in charge of space and the moon and the electric buses. So she doesn't have any actual beliefs. She doesn't stand for anything. She stands for whatever works in that moment. Can I get this last cut here? This is Cup 14. - And the only thing that we can stand on from a policy perspective is whether or not she's black and she's a woman, we did that during the Obama administration and she didn't do anything for black people. As a matter of fact, y'all complained because the only person that he did or the only group of people that he really stood for is the alphabet community. And that's his landmark thing that he's still standing on a day. So the only thing that we have to stand on is identity politics. That didn't work with Tiffany Hanyard and Dalton Illinois. It didn't work with Karen Bass, it didn't work with Lori Lightfoot in Chicago, it didn't work with Brandon Johnson, that then took over his position of Chicago. It didn't work with Andre Dickinson in Atlanta, it didn't work with Eric Adams in New York, it doesn't work across the country. Every single Democratic city is a hell hole. And we sit here talking about identity politics? - He elaborated for sure. I don't think he left anything really on the table. He did mention Barack Obama. And while I had the opportunity, Taylor, because you do such hard work behind the scenes, people don't realize that you don't just throw this together. Taylor was, he's becoming a bit skeptical of phone calls. We played the phone call between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, and Taylor immediately said it didn't sound like Joe, it sounded like AI. And now we have this very, very awkward stage phone call. - Like it's something about this time slot. If you're the producer in this time slot, you just get very inspired, yeah. - Yeah, and so now we have this phone call between Kamala Harris, Michelle and Barack. And they're all just, again, it's very much just patting each other on the back. I love you, no, I love you, no, you're great, you know, you're great, and Taylor has some theory. So let's play Cut 2 for people. - We call to say Michelle and I couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office. - Oh my goodness. - Okay, Taylor, no, that reminded you of something. - Well, the voice sounds weird. Not that I'm not reading into this, but it does sound-- - Robotic. - Demonic almost. I don't take anything by me saying, just the traditional demonic. - We call to say Michelle and I couldn't be prouder. - So it just reminded me of something from childhood. - How are you two? This is Peter McAllister, the father. - Home alone too, when the kids go to the hotel. - Yeah, when he's calling to put his credit card down or something, yes, he can get room service. - Just after meeting Donald Trump in the lobby. - Yeah, there was just nothing about it, and it's also strange to me that when they do these calls and they record them and it's so clearly, you know, cut up and edited and they probably did several takes. So this is the best one they can get. - But it sounded like Obama's batteries were dying. - We call to say Michelle and I couldn't-- - 844-542, AJ, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. What's going on, AJ? - Right now, the country wants something of alternative to reality. And that's what Kamala is all about. Therefore, the only way Trump can oppose that is stating going to policies, then contrasting them with those of Kamala. Otherwise, if he goes and attacks her personally with alternate universe back, he's gonna lose. - Yeah, she is, she's very Orwellian and so are the media and the way they're handling this. Like just trying to convince you that what we just witnessed over the last four years never happened, and what I love about it is the contradictory nature of it, where she's telling you, oh, like Barack, or I'm sorry, Joe did such a great job over the last four years and I love him so much, but I also, I had nothing to do with it. Like don't try to link me to it, I wasn't involved here. I just was his vice president, but today I didn't really have any duties. I wasn't in charge of anything. And of course, she was in charge of fundamentally the most disastrous parts of this administration, of which there were many, so that's really saying something, that she holds like the CEO position of all of these terrible policies is pretty impressive 'cause there's so many to choose from. 844-542, 42, let's go to Justin. You're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Justin? - Hi, I just wanted to say, I lived in San Francisco for a long time, I do now, and she, Kamala Harris, there was an African American man by the name of Mario Woods who refused to stop, he had stabbed a friend, he was drugged out, 31, stabbed a friend with a kitchen knife, and a policeman pointed a gun at him in Hunter's Point, and we ordered him to stop, and he walked forward, said you'll have to kill me, the police could have easily hit him with a baton or done something else, five police shot him 26 times, and he died, and she would do nothing about it, the family was begging her, calling her, there were headlines in the Hunter's Point, local newspaper, neighborhood newspaper, I think it's the beacon, it might be another name, and she did nothing to help him. And then four and a half years later, she said that the guy with a hero, Jacob Blake, in Kenosha, who violated a woman, stole her keys, threw them, wrestled the police on the ground, ignored a case, fought through a case, and tried to reach into a car with three kids and drive off, and he was shot and paralyzed, and she said that he was a hero, she helped bail people out for rioting, and burning cars and protesting that, and she donated to a fund to do that, so she doesn't think for herself, I mean in one case, I think the cops were wrong in 2015, and she supported them, and then in another case, in 2020, four and a half years later, she's condemning the police and acting like the guy's a hero, when that policeman was completely exonerated, so she doesn't really think for herself at all, she just follows the crowd. - Yeah, and there's a lot of different elements of her record that people are pointing to, you just brought up a few, I brought up the marijuana charges, and there's also the sexual harassment accusations of one of the top aides in her office that she dropped the ball on, and we'll get to that when we come back. Thank you for the call, Justin, and for letting people know about that. We'll be right back after the break, we'll go more into Kamala Harris' career, her record, whether it be her voting record, or the things that she's now trying to distance herself from, when we come back. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. (dramatic music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. We've got to do the poll question here, and then we're talking twisters. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844 a Perfect Smile, or visit Taylor, what is the poll question, and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is how do you feel about Trump's chances of winning the presidency? - Now that Kamala is the presumptive democratic nominee, more worried, less worried, or about the same. - More worried, because she's a black woman, and that seems to be the headline in a lot of these articles that she'd be the first black woman to be president, and-- - Even though Joe already did it. - I don't think that identity politics is a way to choose who's going to be running the country, especially when the stakes are so high. There's so many wars going on that we're sending billions of dollars to. The economy is in such a strange situation with this inflation. Yeah, it's going down slightly, but it's not where it should be, and the border is wide open. And I don't know if you wanna choose someone just because Beyonce endorsed her, or Taylor Swift, or whoever's gonna come out and endorse her, we need competence right now. We are desperate for competence in this country. It is so needed, and four years of this experiment of putting in the academic elites, like Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden, not that he's really an academic Joe Biden, but of all these people that have gone to Harvard, and can use buzzwords and lecture us about all these wonderful ideas they have, it's not working. - By the way, I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman, served with black president. - So yeah, I would say I'm more worried. - 36% say they are more worried, 17% say less worried, 47% say about the same. - I think it's really gonna depend on how much people are actually going to be tuning in to what the media has to say. The approval ratings of people in our media is even lower than Kamala Harris's approval ratings. So there is a chance that the things that drive me crazy that I'm watching aren't going to reach anybody else, and people are just gonna vote with their wallets and with their brains. But I'm always, I'm always gonna be worried about it. We'll be right back, don't go anywhere. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trathria Studio. - Here's an interesting quote from James Carville, who's been really sounding the alarm for Democrats for quite some time. So I think he'd be very happy about Kamala Harris, but he's warning Democrats not to get to cocky, and based off what I've been seeing from Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg and all the rest of the Biden minions, that's exactly what they're doing. Actually, KJP went out yesterday to the press briefing, and she said to Peter Ducey, "I haven't seen you in a while." She really thought she was like dropping the mic. She should just try to focus on answering one or two questions. Like, let's start small. Don't come out swinging at Peter Ducey if you're going to then turn to your binder for the rest of the press briefing. But Peter Ducey's response was hilarious. He's like, "Well, you guys haven't had a press briefing since Joe Biden dropped out of the race, so when would you have seen me?" And then of course, her confidence was short-lived. She got a little slice of humble pie, and that's what Carville thinks these Democrats need. He said, and keep in mind, he's a strategist, he's been right before. He's the one who famously told Democrats, it's about the economy stupid in the '90s. He said, "Carville said, 'I have to be the skunk at the garden party. This, everybody's giddy. I look at that coverage and it's great. Get ready, they're coming, all right, and it's good. Everybody should feel good and liberated and everything else, but if we don't win the election, we haven't done anything. They are coming at us and they are going to keep coming. This kind of giddy elation is not going to be very helpful much longer because that's not what we're going to be faced with. I think the vice president put it in athletic terms and needs a really good cutman in the corner because she's getting ready to cut." Whatever that means, I don't know. But yeah, he thinks that they're celebrating too early, which is kind of funny because I was recently at, and I've been trying to get in touch with Ted Cruz's people because I was recently checking out his podcast, The Verdict, and he's just really a smart guy. And he said the same thing about Republicans. He said he watched the convention, and while yes, he was moved by Trump's speech and he was excited about the enthusiasm, he said it had a celebratory feeling to it that I do not like. It is not time to celebrate. This is not like, oh, we coast into the White House. This is a sure thing. You have to work really, really hard in these last few months. And I will tell you all a little update here 'cause we've been talking a lot today about these debates and how if you believe what the media is telling you, Donald Trump's scared and he backed away from the debates. In reality, he agreed to a debate with Joe Biden and the Democrats changed their mind. The Democrats who were all in for Joe who were telling us that he's this brilliant mind, that he's sharp, fit as a fiddle, one day, out of nowhere gave him the hook and they plopped in Kamala Harris. And so there's no reason for Trump to agree to terms when the person that he agreed to the terms with is no longer in the race. And the Democrats are loving this, like P. Buttigieg saw Morning Joe saying, "Oh, this is such a show of fear. This is, oh, you know, Trump's afraid." Trump put out a statement-- - Tough talk. - Tough talk, yeah. Trump put out a statement that was so beautiful today. He's basically, I'm just gonna summarize it for you. 'Cause I don't wanna debate her until they really figure out what they got going on there. They could change their minds again. So we'll hold off until they make it official. Something, that was it in a nutshell. And it was perfect because it's so true. It's like, who's to say that you all seem pretty fickle? Who's to say that the wins change and you don't try somebody else out? And I'm gonna waste my time debating Kamala Harris who's not even the nominee yet. And then you all will end up, if I do a really good job debating her, maybe you change it up one more time. I'm not gonna commit to anything until you have all figured it out and sorted out your own house. How's that sound? Speaking of, I did hear a rumor today. Political rumor. - Do tell. - RFK Jr., they said he was gonna bow out today. - Really? - And support Donald Trump. And I was so excited. I think the mail-er manager was walking around the office telling people. - Interesting. - And I did see it online, so she was on to something. But then our-- - He's polling like it around 10%, so that's not insignificant. - And I think he will eventually. I just hope he does it sooner than later. Like, do it now. Tell your supporters. Listen, he's not gonna win. Support Trump. We don't need Kamala Harris to become the next president in the United States. But by the way, he had this event. He's going to today. It's like some Bitcoin convention. And he retweeted that story about the rumors that he was gonna drop out today and end his presidential race and support Donald Trump. And he said, "Fake news, this is fake news." And I was kind of bummed out about that. I thought that would be a great little momentum boost for Trump right now. - Cats off to him, though. 10% as a third party candidate is not anything to sneeze at. - It really isn't. No, you're right. And it all depends on when you look at this state polling, it's interesting how a lot of it, it's obviously now Kamala is closer than Biden was. It's still very early, though. Like this is still the honeymoon phase. We're not really gonna know what this is shaping up to be for another month or two. But in some states, RFK juniors are like 3%. And that 3% could make a really big difference if he does drop out for one candidate or the other. I tend to think that the people who agree with RFK junior, if they don't have him as an option, are more likely to go with Trump than they are with Kamala. Would you agree with that? Mostly because Taylor, here's why I think that. It's not based off nothing. I think that the people who feel very passionately about RFK junior, and this is just anecdotal, these are just the people that I've interacted with, they tend to be people who are skeptical, skeptical of government overreach, of having their rights taken away, of the government telling them what to do, whether it be vaccinations or any sort of mandates. That really is part of RFK's agenda that I think attracts a lot of people. And I have to imagine that those people, if their only options are Kamala and Trump, of course they could just not vote. But I definitely don't think they're voting for Kamala. She to me is like government overreach, if it wasn't a person, would be Kamala Harris. But there's also the narrative that Trump is government overreach to the most extreme degree that he's going to be a dictator and he's going to be this authoritarian figure. And you're not gonna have any rights left. There won't be another election. That's what people see as government overreach is that terrible fake narrative. - But I don't think the people who are supporting RFK junior fall for that narrative. - They fell for RFK junior. - I know, but I, do you get what I'm saying though? - I do. - I think they're a little bit more skeptical of the media. If you're supporting RFK junior, you are pretty much rejecting the mainstream media at this point and everything you just said, while it may be valid to someone like Joe Scarborough, it's a very elite section of the New York Times reading mainstream media that pushes the tinpot dictator narrative and the people who are supporting RFK junior, they're not tuning into MSNBC to hear what Mika Brzezinski thinks. They have their own, you might disagree with their opinions and you might think, oh, they're very far one way or the other, but I don't think that they're media lemmings, if that makes sense. - I'd mostly agree with that. - Now, let's get to the real matter at hand. This movie, Twisters, remake of the 1996 movie. - Does it remake or a sequel? - I don't know how you do it. - I think it's a sequel because it's got Bill Paxton's kid in it and it's Twisters, the original is Twister. - Oh, okay, well either either way, but yeah, you might be right about that. The original movie, Bill Paxton, Helen Hunt, I actually just caught some of it the other day. I didn't realize, it was a few weeks ago, I didn't realize that they were redoing the movie or doing a sequel. It's crushing it at the box office. This movie brought in, give or take a few dollars and cents, but around the same amount of money as Oppenheimer. Does that surprise you? - I did not see this coming, that the Twisters movie would be bringing in 80 million dollars at the box office. People want to see this at the end. - I didn't hear about it until this week, the movie at all. - It's crushing it. That's one thing in my life that I thought I was very afraid of as a child. I don't know if it's because-- - Tornadoes? - Yeah, I was terrified. And like if only someone had pulled me aside and said, listen, it's probably not something you need to worry about. Just because geographically you're not really in a-- - I've seen more tornado warnings in the past five years in Massachusetts and I have my own life, so I mean, it's not nothing. - But it was like Quicksand. Quicksand was another one I thought, oh, one day when I run into this, it's gonna be bad. Doesn't actually happen that much. But I wonder if this is the movies coming back. Like I haven't personally gone to movies, but my brother, who really likes to, they've been going lately to these movies and watching these epic tales or these blockbuster films, maybe the movies are having a comeback. - I hope so. I mean, movies deserve a big comeback and moviegoers deserve to go to a movie without being preached at. And I think that was what was so appealing about this movie is that in the year 2024, you have a movie about an extreme series of weather events, but it's not necessarily about climate change and there's no deep climate change message that they're pushing in your face. - Yeah, yeah. And when I was watching the 1996 version. - Well, I caught it the other night as well. - There are some parts where you're like, oh, it's a little corny, like, and I mean-- - Oh, the graphics. - The graphics. - Awful. But we bought it then because, I mean, we bought everything. We bought Sega Genesis graphics, we bought PlayStation One graphics. - Because here's the crazy thing, because wherever technology is at in that momentailer is amazing to you. - It's the best, it's the best it's ever been. - Like, I look at photos now on my iPhone and I go, they'll never get clearer than this. It looks like the person is gonna reach out and give me a high five. That's how real it, it's just so detailed. - 20 years you'll look back at that and like, look, I can't even smell this picture. - Yeah, it's crazy. Crazy how time flies. I do wanna play one more cut here before we go. Joy Reid is, I mean, she is up on a shelf with Keith Oberman. There are very few people who are as deranged and unhinged as Joy Reid. She really does stand alone in a lot of ways. And this is what she had to say about Joe and Jill and their family. As I said, the grift right now is going into Overdrive. They're all headed to the Olympics with all the grandkids and not all the grandkids 'cause Navy's not going. But they're trying to make the most of these last three months. And I think Jill in particular feels very betrayed by all of the Democrats who stabbed them in the back. So she's gonna squeeze all the juice out of the orange when it comes to this grift. So take a listen to Joy Reid, cut 18. - One of the things that Dr. Biden said that I thought really was pretty special was she said, she resisted the idea of accepting this date with this guy who she had another date, she changed the date to go and hang out with him and to go out a date with him. But in being committed to him, she said, because he had these little babies who had lost their mom. And so I wasn't going to go into this unless it was for life, that this had to be a commitment for life where I wasn't gonna do it 'cause I didn't wanna put those babies through that. And so that is the kind of couple they are. And even in just reading the pool note and the closeness of this family, it is another contrast with the other family that's on the table 'cause you just can't imagine. I mean, Donald Trump has grandkids too. But just the interaction, sort of physical interactions that they had at the convention just felt so cold and sort of clinical and sort of, it didn't feel real. You really don't see Melania, it's just a difference. - What a horrible person she is. Like what a truly horrible to use, by the way. The beginning of that cut when she's talking about the tragedies that have followed Joe Biden, the fact that his kids lost their mother in a horrible accident, there's nothing about that that she's saying that I would argue with. Like that was a horrific thing that happened to them. But to try to use that, to take that and then try to make it seem as though Donald Trump's family doesn't love him because you were so corrupted by your own hatred for this person that that's where your mind goes. And of course, I could offer up plenty of reasons why Joe Biden's family man portrait that she's trying to paint is false for a number of reasons, including the fact that he has a grandkid that he won't acknowledge. He acknowledged once in like a five o'clock on a Friday people magazine excerpt. But I don't even think I need to do that. I just need to say that for you to use somebody else's tragedy to try to take a shot at Donald Trump and imply that his family doesn't care about him. When his granddaughter told Donald Trump Jr, I wanna get up at the convention. I wanna talk about my grandfather and tell people what he's really like. - His other grandkid went to sit on his lap during one of those speeches as well. - I just, if nothing else this weekend, just be happy that you're not as cold and heartless and miserable as Joy Reid. Because I can't even, to come to that conclusion, to be like, "Oh, Jill loves her husband so much." And this family went through a lot. Now let me turn this into how I don't think Donald Trump's grandkids love him with no evidence whatsoever, just a feeling you have. Because you're so miserable is yikes. Not a great look, but again, it's MSNBC, it's Joy Reid. This is what you get if you tune in, which is why a lot of people don't. We'll be right back with how we car, don't go anywhere. This is the Grace Curly Show. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show, the last segment. Before Howie takes over, it is Friday. I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful day. It's crisp and nice outside. The sun is out and Howie Car joins us now. How have you been very busy today? I've seen that you've been working away on your computer writing stuff, doing some research. What are you working on? - Doing some leg work. - Ah. - On some, I'm gonna do some county hacker amacolums next week. - Okay. - And I was starting to get stuck together. - Yeah, that's always when you seem the happiest, I noticed. You start typing with a giant smile on your face. Howie give us your take right now on debate gate. There's plenty of people saying that Trump should disagree to the terms that he set with Joe Biden before they swapped in Kamala Harris. What say you? - I think that Trump's got a debater. I think he's gonna win. But I think he's gotta lay down his terms. I think that the debate needs to be on Fox or Newsmax. I mean, they've had one on state run media. Now they can have one on not so state run media. - Yeah, he said, I think I deserve equal say too. That's how I feel. I'm like, what about us? Why can't we get a shot? - Right. Why does, you know, again, he's right. I mean, how do we know that she's going to survive this tour? How do we know she's not gonna fold in New Haven? - No, you're right. And that was, he put out a statement where he said, we'll see if you last or if the Democrats change their mind and put in somebody else. - Right, didn't they used to do that with TV shows? And, you know, they put you on in the summer. And, you know, if it did well that swap you in for a disastrous show after Christmas or maybe the next year that put you in in the fall. - You know what else they do a lot on sitcoms. I noticed it yesterday, I was watching a sitcom and I said, huh, that character. It was like the first episode. I said, that character is not the same. They'll change out certain people. They don't think you have the right chemistry. - Right. - So this could be the case of-- - Right, like that woman on cheers, the blonde on cheers quit 'cause she was gonna have a great career, right? - Yeah. - And now I can't even remember her name. - And that's why you want to go where everybody-- - Like, what was your name? - Right. - The Great Gilder Slave. - The Great Gilder Slave. - Shelly Long stayed, though. He's talking about the girl who played who had the role before Shelly Long. - Yes. - No, no, no. Shelly Long, and then Shelly Long quit 'cause she was gonna become a big superstar. - Oh, did they replace her with anyone? - Yeah. - Yeah, they replaced her with some, but I mean, I don't know. They did, I think they did, didn't they? - I don't know if they tried to make it the same character, but I get your overall-- - Dennis Weaver on Gunsmoke, Chester, he left. Didn't they used to replace the guy on B-Witched all the time? Wasn't there, like, four different huddas and pins? - Oh, yes, yeah, there were, yeah. And Danny Thomas had a couple of wives, I think. - We could do a whole segment on this. Howie Cars coming up next, he's got a great show plan. Enjoy your Friday, everyone. (upbeat music)