The Howie Carr Radio Network

"This is Not What Democracy Looks Like": Libby Emmons talks Kamala, Debates and More | 7.26.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace talks to Libby Emmons about the presidential election, the media and a Trump vs. Harris debate.

Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. We will, later in the show, continue to talk about the Secret Service and their response to the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump, Christopher Ray's testimony, the director of the FBI yesterday, what he said about the bullet versus the shrapnel, and we will unpack all of that. But right now, I am so excited to bring on one of our first guests we ever had on the Grace Curly Show, Libby Emmons from the post-millennial and human events, and Libby, I want to start today with this column that you wrote. - Grace Curly Show. - Hold on, one sec there. Libby, this column that you wrote that I loved, I love that headline, you said this is not what democracy looks like. Walk me through this because we've been lectured about saving democracy for the past four, five, six years. And what's happening right now with Kamala Harris and this push to make her the heir apparent doesn't feel very democratic to me. I'd love to hear your take on this. - Yeah, I don't think it is democratic at all. In fact, I think this is the top down installation of the party favorite once they realized that the guy they had chosen to run for president again was not going to be able to win against Donald Trump. That's really all that this is about. This isn't about democracy. It's not about fairness. It's not even about equity. It's just making sure from the Democrat perspective that they have a better chance of winning against Donald Trump. We even saw it in Biden's farewell speech the other night from the Oval Office when he said explicitly that he was passing the torch, as he said, to unite his party. He said unite his party. That's what this was intended to do. That's what this is all about. None of us were surprised necessarily by Joe Biden's miserable performance on June 27th against Donald Trump. A lot of people had said that his mental state was in decline, that he was a problem in terms of his cognitive ability and ability to lead the nation. But what was really surprising was directly after that the Democrats who had been saying for months, Joe Biden had been saying for months. And as you say, for years, they were going on about how essential it was to save democracy. They suddenly realized that to save their party, they needed to install a new candidate. - Yeah, Libby, and you just mentioned equity, and I'm glad you did because there are a lot of different parts of Kamala Harris's job history that people take issue with. There's obviously, you know, cut certain sound bits that are going viral, yet again, flashbacks, you might say. But one that you're focused on is a compilation of all the time she talked about equity. And I was looking at your social media today, and you said this is very scary. Explain to the audience why the message that she's sending, however difficult it may be to really understand, when you get past all the platitudes, what is she really talking about here and she talks about equity, and why does it scare you? - Yeah, so what she says is that we should have a nation where everyone ends up in the same place, and that our economic system should be structured so that everyone, regardless of talent, hard work, or merit, ends up in the same place. And when I think about ending up in the same place, there's really only one place we're all gonna end up, and it's not great. And having the government force us to get there is not pretty, and we've seen what that looks like under a poll pot, and Mao Faitong, and Stalin, and all the rest of the communist dictators who come in there determined that every one of their citizens needs to end up in the same place, and works really hard to do it. Equity, pushing for equity means that you reward people who have not succeeded, and detract from people who have succeeded, so that everyone is even. This notion that we can all end up in the same place, and that that is a place of leisure, and riches, and satisfaction, and wonderfulness, is a lie. It is a communist lie. And we should all be pretty clear on that. All of us have had jobs, we've worked really hard. We know that some jobs pay off better than others. We know that sometimes really hard work doesn't necessarily get you a better salary, right? We've seen that too. But we know that the best way to succeed is on your own merits, on your own talent, on your own hard work. We know that hard work, and the ability to work hard, and to hustle, that is a talent. And if you don't have that, if you're not willing to cultivate that, and that's something that anyone can learn, you're not born with the ability to work hard. Do you know what I mean? - Right. - Like you learn how to do that. I learned how to do that in multiple, multiple jobs, some of which were horrible, you know? Haven't we all had like really cracked each job? You work hard, you say to yourself, okay, I'm grateful to have a job, I'm gonna work hard at this job, I'm gonna take home my paycheck, I'm gonna get some skills, and I'm gonna get a different job. That's what equality is. Is equality that there are opportunities that you can take advantage of, where you will not be disadvantaged by the color of your skin, or prejudice, or anything else. But that's not what Kamala Harris is talking about. She's talking about an economic system that rewards people who have not worked hard to earn anything. People who are not willing to do that, to do that labor to better themselves than their lives. And that is really, that is scary to me. And we've seen that in other parts of the world, and it's terrifying. And that's of course exactly what is happening with Kamala Harris. We had Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer, two New Yorkers out there the other day, giggling and giddy talking about how Kamala Harris was a grassroots candidate. She has not received a single vote from anyone anywhere in the country. When she was running in 2020, she pulled at 3%. She had to drop out after being crushed by Tulsi Gabbard in debate. Kamala Harris is not a grassroots candidate. She is a top-down candidate. You can even tell that by how much they keep telling you that she's a grassroots candidate. No voter voted for her. No donor gave money to her campaign. Yet, the Democrats are trying to violate FEC regulations by instead of returning the donations that were given by voters to the Biden campaign, trying to siphon them over to the Kamala Harris campaign, which looks like it might just be 100% completely illegal. But they're trying to do that anyway. Donors have not given money to her campaign previously to her their little push this past week. No one has voted for her. They are trying to get delegates to nominate her in advance of the convention. The convention is a democratic process. I was just at the RNC in Milwaukee and delegates nominated Donald Trump. And they voted for him to be the nominee for the party. That's a democratic process. That's not what we see happening here. That's not what we see happening here. And it's really scary because also you have a situation where Democrats have been working for years to change the definitions of everything. And they've done such a good job of making it look like everything they say is true, right? They've done a really good job of that. They say men are women and people now believe that. They've said that Kamala Harris is a grassroots candidate. People believe that. They say that, you know, anyway, go ahead. - Yeah, you know, you're right. They have really good control of the language and their ability to manipulate it never ceases to amaze. That's actually what I wanted to talk about next because I was watching when you were on with Tim Cast and you were talking about how you were pretty impressed at how the Democrats have controlled this news cycle. Now, to be fair, it's the first good news cycle for them in quite some time. So that's something that should be considered as well. But is that enough? Like, is that gonna be enough? 'Cause here's my fear, Libby. I don't think she's gonna go off teleprompter a lot. I think that unless they get their way as far as their requests for this debate and what they wanna see, what network, who's the moderator, they're not going to have her debate. And I'm just nervous that no one's ever gonna see her off the cuff, which I do think is important when you're deciding between two candidates is actually hearing some authentic thoughts come from the person who's running for president. And it seems like everything we've seen so far, it's just Kamala Harris reading a prepared speech. - You think there's a good chance that they're not gonna debate at all? - No, I think they really, I think they will debate. - I hope so. - But I feel your concern, yeah. - I think they're going to debate Libby, but I think it's going to be on her turf on ABC with her moderator and all slanted against Trump. But as far as a lot of the moments that I think have really defined her as a politician over the last couple of years, a lot of those were when she was being interviewed and asked real questions, and I don't know if that's gonna happen over the next couple of months. - I really hope it does, I'm with you on that. That is something that I hadn't quite considered that there would be absolutely no debate on the Republican's terms. Fox has offered a debate for September 17th. There's no reason that Trump should agree to a debate with Kamala Harris that we're on terms he's set with Joe Biden. That doesn't make any sense. It's entirely not democratic. Kamala Harris is a completely different candidate. She has completely different views than Joe Biden. She doesn't even think the border is a problem. She has all of this different stuff, and we haven't even heard most of it. I think that she has a real deep climate roots. She's gonna be a climate centric kind of leader even in a way that Joe Biden was not. I think she probably has less interest in aiding Israel than Joe Biden does. I'm not sure at all what she really thinks of Ukraine other than last year. She waved a Ukrainian flag on the floor of the House of Representatives, which seems kind of like a deal breaker to me, like waving another nation's flag in our people's house that doesn't seem kosher at all. So yeah, I think that that's a concern, but there's absolutely no reason Trump should agree to debate Kamala Harris just because they drop her in out of the sky and expect that she can fill all of Biden's responsibilities and obligations. I don't think that's at all reasonable. - I agree with you there. Libby, I wanna ask you one more question. I'm speaking with Libby Emmons from the post-millennial and human events. There's been a lot of talk in this news cycle of all these celebrities coming out. George Clooney, Kesha, all throwing their support behind Kamala Harris. Now you have Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, making that cringe-worthy kind of awkward-staged phone call to her. Does that have any impact? Like, what's your take on that? Do you think that these endorsements, that these social media, you know, support these tweets, these phone calls, does that move the needle at all in your opinion? - I don't know if it does. I think the Democrats really hope that it does and I think that that's a big reason why they're meeting these out one by one. Obviously, all these big names are gonna come out and endorse Harris in an effort to try and get voters to just be coerced and go along with it as well. And that's what this is really all about. But I don't know that it has much play with voters. That being said, the Taylor Swift nomination will be big. You know, if Beyonce comes out, that will be big. Because this is a party that is all about the elites in their group. They don't really care at all about the rest of us. - Yeah, really well said. Libby, tell people where they can follow you on social media and where they can read all of your work. - You can find me on Twitter at LibbyEmmons. And of course, you can check out all the work that we're doing at and And if you wanna hear from me every day, I just launched a newsletter and you could sign up for it at - Perfect, thank you so much Libby. We appreciate your time. We will be right back with your calls on this. I wanna hear what you think as far as this debate goes, as far as the media coverage of Kamala Harris, does she have what it takes? Are you concerned that she's gonna give Trump a run for his money? There are new polls out showing Trump it's still ahead, although she has gained ground as far as where Biden was. So we'll discuss that. And we're gonna talk about Israel on the other side. Don't go anywhere, it's Friday. And this is The Grace Curly Show. - Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. (dramatic music) This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Happy Friday, everyone. I hope we are taking you into a relaxing, fun, jam-packed weekend. And we thank you for joining us. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce out in Nashua. Call 1-8-4-4 a Perfect Smile or visit I went to Perfect Smiles, and that's why I now have Envisilines, and I'm so excited. My teeth are getting straightened out without having to wear braces. They have so many things there. You state of the art technology. So whatever your needs are to make your smile perfect, they can get you there. Don't forget to go to You can also watch their video testimonials at that website. Taylor Cormier, what is the poll question? And what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote at, is how do you feel about Trump's chances of winning the presidency, now that Kamala is the presumptive democratic nominee? More worried, less worried, or about the same? - I don't know if we should have put worried in there, because now I have to hear you say worried for the next couple of hours. - There's nothing wrong with the way I say worried. - It's a lot, I'll tell you that right now. - You said worried? - Thank God it's Friday, thank God. I'm gonna say more worried, not more worried. I'm gonna say more wrong, I'm gonna say more worried. Like a normal person, but Taylor, are you more worried or less worried? - 40, oh boy, 48% say about the same, 34% say more worried, 18% say less more. - Did you put it in that way so you could say it? - No, I didn't think of that. - Wow, there's no problem with the way I say worried. - Sure, sure, Jan, whatever you say. Yeah, I'm more worried, not because I think she's a stronger candidate than Joe Biden, but because I knew the media was gonna do this, as Libby said, I know the Beyonce's, the Taylor Swift's, the Jenna Aniston's, they're all gonna come out and support her, and the media is going to jump on clips, for example, JD Vance from 2021, from a 22nd clip with Tucker Carlson, and they're going to ignore all the clips of Kamala Harris saying things like, she doesn't think it's illegal to cross the border, and she thinks a legal alien should have health care and everything else under the sun, and everything, everything she said over the last four years will be memory hold, and the only people who will be talking about it are right-wing agitators, like me, and it's too much, it's too much of a lift for only a small amount of journalists, like there has to be, this is why the media is important, as much as I can't stand them, they do have an important role to play, and they won't ask Kamala Harris about these things, and they will carry water for her, and they will do it even, I think even more enthusiastically than they did for Joe Biden, because they are so worried right now about losing power, because this has been so destabilizing for them over the last couple of weeks seeing these polls, that as much as Joe Biden's grift is going into overdrive, the media is fangirling over their candidate, is about to go to a place that we've never seen before. Like if you think these people have disappointed you in the past, you don't know what's coming, you don't know what's coming. - To your point about the celebs, I'm not so worried about who it is, but I do have concern with why they would endorse Kamala Harris, and it's more often than not, she's a woman, it's her time, it's this historic moment we can't miss out on. - People love a moment. - And my wife shows me like these things, oh, like 200,000 people were on this white women for Kamala Harris Zoom, and like says 250,000 young people have signed up to vote since Kamala Harris. - Is your wife trying to give you a-- - I don't know what she's trying to do, but I'm-- - I'm trying to make you worried. - This is what I said, I don't want to hear you. - She's trying to make you worry. - I don't want to hear your negativity. - Yeah, the white women for Kamala Harris, can you imagine if it was white women for Trump? I think that'd be considered racism, racism. Yeah, you know what Bill Maher said, he had such a great monologue where he said, I'm not voting for the first, I'm voting for who I think could win, and you can count the amount of delegates Kamala Harris received in 2020 on one hand, as long as that hand has no fingers on it. Now that, that I can get on board with. We'll be right back. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. - And to me, it's not just that their entire strategic apparatus was built around tearing down Joe Biden. I think there's something deeper, which is Donald Trump cannot conceive of a campaign that isn't about the candidate. You know, we're obviously very excited about our candidate. Kamala Harris is a leader that everybody is pulling together around, but also she's articulating a message that isn't about just about herself, and certainly isn't just about Donald Trump, although she has that contrast down. Oh yeah, she really makes it clear that it's all about us. It's all about the American people. I noticed that in that call that Kamala had with Barack and Michelle, that it was very much focused on the citizens of this country, and not just the three of them, soaking up each other's awesomeness. I'm proud of you. No, I'm proud of you. Well, I'm more proud of you, not possible. Let's have this cringy call. This is cut one. Kamala. Hi. Hey there. Aw, you're both together. Oh, it's good to hear you both. I can't have this phone call without saying to my girl, Kamala, I am proud of you. This is going to be historic. Didn't sound forced at all. No, it didn't. It sounded very natural and very sincere and authentic. It also sounded-- Michelle, hey there. My girl, Kamala. Hey there. I'm just figuring out that I've been pronouncing her name wrong. Taylor, just Mr. Worry, just told me-- Well, now that we're on pronunciations. So it's Kamala. Kamala. Kamala. What have I been saying? Kamala. This reminds me of one time I was driving my sister-- Kamala. And my sister said to me, she has a really good friend named Sarah, and she-- I was asking her something. And I said, oh, it's Sarah. Are we picking Sarah up too? And she said, I just have to say, you've been pronouncing her name wrong for years. And I said-- Sarah? I said, Sarah? Because you say Sarah. It's Sarah. Sarah. I was like, I don't-- Sarah smile. I don't think I'm ever going to get that one. I don't think I'm going to change my ways. That one has a lot of new ones to it. But Kamala, people say it a million ways. I think I'm closer than most people. Joe Biden has said it wrong too. So it's not-- I know there's accusations that if you say her name wrong, it's racist. Joe Biden, well, I guess that would actually make sense then, because Joe Biden does have a history-- I've never heard two collars to the show, nothing against them. It's fine. Not a big deal. I've never corrected anybody on this. Oh, so it's so big of you. But I think you, Sarah. I've never heard two collars in a row pronounce her name the same way back to back, never mind correctly. I've heard Kamala, Kamala, Carmella. I've heard just this week on our show. Kamala. Yeah. Kamala and Carmella, or yeah, like from the Sopranos. I want to give people an update here on the debates. So Bill Malujin asks Donald Trump, if Kamala Harris does end up being the Democrats nominee, will you commit to debating her at least one time? Donald Trump's response, I actually let Taylor read it. But oh, yes, absolutely. I'd want to. I think it's important. But I have at least-- and here's the key part. He goes, but I have at least equal say. And I don't like the idea of ABC. I would be willing to do more than one debate, actually. I'm perplexed. Explain to me. Maybe Kamala can explain it to me, because she likes to explain things to people like they're three years old. Explain to me why Donald Trump has to agree to her terms and her conditions for a debate. How come he gets no say whatsoever? He did that the first time around with Joe Biden. He let Joe Biden pick that the mics will be muted. There will be no live audience. It will be Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. You'll get two minutes to respond. He did all that. He gave him whatever he wanted. And now maybe he's thinking to himself, maybe I should get a little piece of the pie. Maybe I should get to set some ground rules here. But no, Republicans are just expected to take it. And it really drives me crazy. I do want to say, and we're going to talk about everything. We've got plenty of time, so don't panic. If you're on the line, stay on the lines. But I wanted to mention Kamala Harris' remarks after meeting with Beebe Netanyahu yesterday. She talked about, so she's reading from this prepared speech. Again, we've seen almost, I think there was one comment she made to a reporter about how I'm ready. I'm ready to debate Donald Trump, but she really hasn't made any off the cuff remarks, which makes sense, because typically, when she's made off the cuff remarks in the past, whether it be about Jesse Smollett, or being burdened by the unburdening of what has been burdened, or whatever word salad comes out of her mouth, it gets her in a lot of trouble. So I have to imagine that just like Biden's team was telling him, stick to the teleprompter, stick to the talking point, stick to the postcard with people's faces on it, do not veer, he didn't listen to that, but she must be listening. They must be saying to her, do not take any questions. So she goes out there to deliver these remarks. Now, keep in mind, there's a lot of people watching this because she decided to skip out on Beebe's address to Congress to go to a sorority. And so she shows up to deliver these remarks about her meeting, and Brett Bear yesterday, he described it really well. I was watching, he was breaking it down with a few people on his panel, and they were talking about how she's kind of in this unique position where she's the vice president, but they're clearly putting her out there more now to capitalize off the airtime and to allow her to be forward facing and seeing the American people. Whereas in the past, they've really kept her in the background. And that could have been part of her choice as well. I don't think she has a lot of confidence in her ability to navigate questions or anything like that. There's actually a piece in Axios about how they wanted her to headline the gridiron dinner in DC and she refused. So they got the Rhode Island governor to do it instead. So there has been examples of the fact that she's not crazy about taking risks, but she's now able to go out all the time. And Brett Bear described it, he was like, this is like co-presidents. This is like having two presidents at the same time. I guess they're both pretty useless, so it's like we're really getting half of a president, but it's still bizarre that all of a sudden now she's meeting with Beebe Netanyahu, she's delivering these remarks, and so she gets up there. And this is her chance to redefine herself and to talk about these giant issues, including the Israel versus Hamas war. And what she decides to say is that she thinks there should be a two-state solution. The issue there, and most of my listeners, especially my Jewish listeners out there know this, the issue with that is that it's hard to have a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians, because one state in this scenario in this hypothetical is run by terrorist savages who were elected to government, they were elected to govern the Palestinian people, and their doctrine includes destroying Israel. It's hard to have a friendly coexistence with people who do not want you to exist, and you know what's a really good example of that, Taylor? October 7th. October 7th is a really good argument against the probability of a two-state solution working out. The senior Hamas leader shared remarks, and this was a while ago, it didn't really get picked up in a lot of places besides the right-wing echo chamber, like Breitbart and those places, but the Hamas leader had an interview with a Lebanese television channel, and this is what he said. We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do it twice and three times. The Al-Aqsa deluge, which is what they call October 7th, is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth. So that's just a slight hiccup in the whole two-state solution nonsense, and beyond that, what really bothered me about her remarks, and it should bother anyone who considers Israel our ally, which I do, anyone who cares about the existence of the Jewish people, which I do. What really bothered me about those comments, and I am reading that it irked BB as well for obvious reasons, is that Harris tried to draw a moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel, of which there is none. But hey, it clearly plays with certain sectors or certain factions of her party. And that's why she's saying, "I hear you, I hear you." You know who she's saying, "I hear you, too?" You know, you've been heard, I understand, I hear you. You know the people in D.C. who were protesting, air quotes, BB Netanyahu's speech, and who were writing Hamas's coming and vandalizing the freedom bell and burning American flags and burning effigies of BB Netanyahu. You know those people, they're the same people who were on the college campuses chanting, how much they love Hamas, chanting against Jewish people, calling Jewish people pigs. Those are the people that she's saying, "I hear you." Those are the people that she's saying, "I'm on your side, don't worry. "I have to say all this right now. "I have to say I'm a friend of Israel. "I have to say I support Israel, but I hear you." Ed, you're up next on "The Grace Curly Show." Go ahead, Ed. - Hey, Grace, this is Ed from South Carolina. I was asking a producer if they'd ever heard of the Mandela Effect. - Well, I think we were just talking about it yesterday. - Okay, sorry, I didn't know that, but this is what the Democrats are doing with Kamala, saying that she's not bizarre. And you know, this whole thing is a Mandela Effect. If you say it long enough, you'll think, well, didn't you not have a cornucopia? - Yeah, you're right, Ed, and they're trying to rewrite this, and what's so crazy about it, and I think I did mention this yesterday, but it's worth repeating. What's so crazy about that, is that they're not trying to rewrite things from like 20 years ago. You know, people say, if you don't learn your history, you're doomed to repeat it. This stuff was like four weeks ago that they're asking us to forget. It's kind of, you're asking a lot of us. You're asking us not to just have short memories, but to have the memories of goldfish in order to buy the Kamala Harris is this wonderful candidate. And I saw a tweet today, and what's ironic about the way the media is falling in line, and tweeting about how Kamala Harris was never the borders are, and that's the right wing. And how about this one? You want a crazy headline, Ed? I saw this today. This is Politico. Kamala Harris faces greater security risks because she's a woman and a person of color. And the Secret Service is almost certainly taking that into account, said retired agent Jeff James. That's from Politico. So while they're very concerned about Kamala Harris, and I hope Kamala Harris has wonderful protection, I'm sure she does. The juxtaposition of how Kamala Harris is being treated versus Trump who got shot in the head, and all these same outlets are like, eh, I think it's time to move on. I think all sides bear a little responsibility in this. I think it might have been shrapnel. It's a big difference. And now the latest thing they're trying to distance her from was her involvement in the Afghanistan withdrawal. And we'll talk about that. But it's amazing to me that the party that was so obsessed with referencing 1984 when it worked for them, they would use it to talk about what a dictator Trump was and authoritarian figure. They don't understand how ridiculously big brother-esque all of this is. And there was a quote today that really stuck out to me. So the Axios headline was originally, the Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the borders are title, which she never actually had. And then people on the internet just did a quick Google search and they realized that Axios had tagged her with that title. And so what did Axios do? They added a little editor's note being like, we also accidentally called her that. It's so crazy. And then they changed the headline. And then they went back and they changed their ridiculous headline. And so I saw this, I was moved by this quote from 1984, which I think sums up this entire media slash Democrat party. And if all others accepted the lie, which the party imposed, if all records told the same tale, then the lie passed into history and became truth, who controls the past, when the party slogan controls the future, who controls the present, controls the past. The only difference here is in Oceania, big brother, and their government, they had a little bit of nuance. They were a little craftier. They were a little bit smarter about it. This crew that's doing it now, it's obvious. It's obvious to everyone watching what is happening. I wanna play this cut, Taylor, when we come back from Kamala Harris bragging about her involvement in the Afghanistan withdrawal. I was the last one in the room. And now she doesn't want any credit for it, it's so weird. What does that thing they say about victory having a thousand fathers and failure or defeat being an orphan? Seems like there's so much in this Biden administration that's being left as an orphan. Nobody wants to take credit for all of the wonderful things he did. Strange. Do you use scented candles, cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? We'll stop, stop it, you sound ridiculous. What you need to do-- You smell ridiculous. You smell ridiculous. You need to get the thunderstorm. 'Cause the thunderstorm doesn't try to cover up smells or allergens or pollutants, it gets rid of them. It gets to the root cause of the problem. And you need to destroy odors with an eating pure thunderstorm. Whether it's for cooking odors, pet odors, allergens, it works for everything and it works fast and it works very quietly, which I really appreciate. 'Cause right now I got the AC in my house, I got one of those units. It's so loud, I can't even hear the television. 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You had to pull all of them. - Yeah, I haven't made my way through the entire list, but pretty good selection. - Okay, yeah, that's for Taylor. That's like a huge, I take that as a huge compliment. - What a soul funk kind of stuff. I like it. - I love a little funk. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. You need to go to the best. I love Dr. Houghton, Stephanie, Dr. Tam, who is helping me in my invisible line and he is the nicest guy ever. He is the best. You need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton or Dr. Tam in Nashua. Call 1-8-4-4 a Perfect Smile or visit Talk to Jamie, Melissa, they're all wonderful there and they'll help you get started. Taylor, what is the poll question? - This is Sam, what are the results this far? - I'm gonna block my ears. Just tell me when it's over. - Today's poll question or is it a poll question? That's how you want me to pronounce- - Okay, okay. - Today's poll question on the Grace Corley show. How do you feel about Trump's chances of winning the presidency now that Kamala is the presumptive Democratic nominee? More worried, less worried, or about the same? - That felt better, that felt a lot better. - Wurried? - I'm going to say, I'm going to say more worried. - 35% say more worried. - I think I'm trying to say it like you now. - You are, 17% say less worried and 47% say about the same. - When we come back, Taylor, I really wanna talk about a few, like we're gonna keep it political, we're gonna keep talking about the big stories of the day, but I do wanna talk about the Twister movie because I have questions. I recently just watched the original, which I think was Twister and this one's Twisters. - Correct. - And I wanna discuss just for a minute. So don't let me forget that. But in the meantime, I promised you guys a flashback from Kamala Harris. She was very proud of her involvement in the Afghanistan withdrawal until she was in, of course. This is cut 10. - President Biden always said that he want you to be the last person in the room, particularly for big decisions, just as he was for President Obama. He just made a really big decision, Afghanistan. - Yes. - Were you the last person in the room? - Yes. - And you feel comfortable? - I do. - Okay, been great. And you should have no problem bragging about what a great job you did on that one on the debate stage, wherever that stage may be, whether it's ABC or Fox. Oh wait, I'm patient. I think Trump's patient too. He'll wait until you're officially the nominee. There's no sense in rushing it after what we saw with the last presumptive nominee. When we come back, we got a lot more to get to, So don't go anywhere.