The Howie Carr Radio Network

Debate-Gate: Pete Buttigieg and Kamala thinks Trump Should Stick to Old Debate Agreement | 7.26.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace is discussing everything from the Trump-Kamala debate to the Secret Service declining using drones at the Butler rally.

Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trataria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Hello everyone, happy Friday. And welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. We have an excellent show prepared for you today. I like to think we always have an excellent show prepared for you. But today is no exception. Libby Emmons from the Post Millennial is gonna join us at one o'clock. We're gonna talk all about the shrapnel versus bullet debate that has now taken over. Blue and non, it's just music to their ears. Joy Reid and others who were doubtful of this attempted assassination. 'Cause the video didn't convince them. The same way the videos of Joe Biden not being able to put a sentence together over the last four years, they were able to write that off and not believe their own eyes. They're doing the same thing with this attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump. I also should mention and I'm just giving you the headline. We're gonna get into an unpack it all as we go. There's a committee that's being put together to investigate this assassination attempt. And I think one of the more noteworthy choices on this committee is Dan Goldman, Representative Dan Goldman. Remember Dan had a huge part to play in the impeachment hearings of Donald Trump. He also famously said, "Can I get this cut, Taylor?" This is a flashback of Dan Goldman not too long ago expressing how he feels about the former president. But his rhetoric is really getting dangerous more and more dangerous. And we saw what happened on January 6th when he uses inflammatory rhetoric now and his recent true social post is incredibly, incredibly scary for anyone that might be trying to work in government. And it is just unquestionable at this point that that man cannot see public office again. He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy and he has to be eliminated. - Yeah, so he's going to be the one looking into what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania. Was Maxine Waters not available to get up in Trump's face about it? Well, why don't we make Keith Oberman an honorary member of this committee? Why stop with just one nut? You know, pack it like you want to pack the Supreme Court, pack this committee with all the Trump haters you can find. Let's get, who else? Who else would be a really good crazy person who hates Trump so much they can't see straight? Put Joy Reed on there. She's got a lot of questions about this assassination attempt. She might be the perfect person for this blue ribbon commission. I love that cut Taylor and I know it's from November and I didn't spend as much time on it as I should have. Maybe I was lost in the holiday season. - By the way, it's November 20th. So that was one day before the 60th anniversary of the JFK assassination. - Well, the reason I love it is because there's something so perfect about Goldman talking about inflammatory rhetoric right before calling to eliminate Donald Trump. Like, doesn't that encapsulate the hypocrisy of the left perfectly? He's really dangerous. He's really, he's gonna be a dictator and we have a lot to worry about and he's really scary and he's politically, he's violent and the rhetoric he uses and that's why we need to eliminate him. - The way they've toned down the rhetoric is just repeating the phrase we have to tone down the rhetoric. - Yeah, it is, I say this expression a lot but it is physician healed by self. Like, do you guys have a mirror? Because that might be helpful. Maybe stop calling and that would have been an easy one to throw in which I do a lot. People who listen to this show know this but it's a good way to cover your ass. You get a caller who's a little out there. They say something like that and you say politically speaking. Like, as Joe Biden might say, at the battle box. It's not hard to throw that in at the end. Just to make sure people don't misunderstand what you're trying to say. Unless, of course, what you're trying to say is politically violent rhetoric and you're unhinged which I think is definitely, that definitely tracks for Dan Goldman. We will talk about that. We will talk about what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania. Why the Secret Service declined the use of drones at that event? I'm guessing that they didn't want their drone to interfere with the shooter's drone or maybe like he's allowed to have a drone there but the Secret Service has no interest in having a drone there. So we'll talk about that as we go on. Also, worth noting, Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu is currently on his way to Mar-a-Lago to meet with former President Donald Trump. Just arrived. And the two leaders will have a meeting together and as I mentioned earlier, this week when Netanyahu gave his address to Congress, which Kamala Harris couldn't make time for. You know, she had a sorority to attend to. She wanted to get back with the Kappa Kappa Beta Phi whatever the sorority is and chat with them so she couldn't meet with Bibi Netanyahu. She did meet with him yesterday. It was a pretty pitiful speech that she gave afterwards but what's so amazing about Bibi Netanyahu is that he was able to give Trump kudos what she deserves for all of the work he did in the Middle East and also he threw Joe Biden a bone too because he's not there. Like I said, to play American politics, he's there to get the tools so he can finish the job. We will talk about that. There's so much to get to but what I wanna start with today is something that's really jerking me. I have to always start and it's unfortunate but I have to start with what is raising my blood pressure the most and today it is and this is in the thing that bothers me about this is it's working. Like what the left is doing right now is working on me so I have to imagine it's getting under Trump's skin. They're doing this thing right now where they're all coming out. Like the arrogance of these people to go from one day telling us Joe Biden's not dropping out of the race. Joe Biden says he's gotta get hit by a train in order to drop out. He's so strong, he's so sharp, he's so fresh. You can't move him out of this race. He's our guy and then the next day they insert, they select Kamala Harris and they turn around and they're like, you guys are a mess. You don't wanna debate? What's your problem? What are you afraid? Hold on a second. Dare I say you're getting a little ahead of yourself here? You haven't even made her the nominee. I know that you got together a bunch of delegates on Zoom and backdoor smoke and mirrors meetings. You've decided that politically it's more expedient and it might be more beneficial maybe to choose her over Joe Biden and you bullied him into a corner and pushed him out of the way. But that does not mean that Donald Trump has agreed to a debate that was meant to be with Joe Biden that he has to keep the same terms for Kamala Harris. It drives me crazy 'cause I have Republican saying it to me. Oh, did Donald Trump back out of a debate with Kamala? Kamala's not even the nominee. They did this yesterday essentially. They changed it yesterday and now Pete Buttigieg is like, wow, wow, this is a real show of weakness from Donald Trump. I wanna read you his tweet. 'Cause it's really, really got under my skin which of course is the point and I'm ashamed of myself that they're even successful. But Pete Buttigieg said, has a presidential nominee ever agreed to a debate and then pulled out an incredible show of weakness here? I have some questions for Pete Buttigieg. Why should Trump agree to debate someone who is not your nominee yet? Why wouldn't he wait until after the convention? Considering you guys don't have a great track record of keeping the person who you say is gonna be the nominee in place, we have no idea who your nominee's gonna be. I'm betting it's gonna be Kamala Harris but I can't take any of you at your word. You change your mind, you flip on a dime. So who's to say it's even gonna be her? Another question I have. Unless the convention already happened and I missed it, nothing's official. So this feels very undemocratic. The Trump is supposed to step in and agree to something because the donor class and the elites who knocked off my boy Joe Biden, decided it will be this way. I don't think he should get along with that. It feels like an insurrection. But also, why should he stick to the debate rules established back when your former friend, your fantastic, sharp BFF/hero Joe Biden was going to grace the debate stage? And speaking of, since we are asking if things have ever happened before, Pete, since we're asking like, has this ever happened before? I have a question about something. Has a sitting president ever lied to the American people over and over and over again about how he was not going to drop out and let's God himself told him to. And he was focused on staying in the race and then after being bullied into a corner by Craven Lunatics suddenly drops out via Twitter, via Twitter only to re-emerge days later when people are worried that he might be dead to not explain to the American people in an 11 minute address why he dropped out in the first place. And we're just asking whether or not things have ever happened before. That feels like something kind of unprecedented. Dare I say, it feels like an incredible show of weakness. - And they're not going to let me read it all. - And again, Taylor, I know that this is why they're doing it 'cause they want to bait Trump into taking this debate on ABC, a network that clearly has it out for him, that clearly is all in for Kamala Harris. That's going to be telling us how she was never the borders are and she was never involved in the Afghanistan withdrawal and she was never involved in any of this. And I know Kamala Harris tweeting, "What happened to any time, any place?" Again, it's supposed to bait Trump. But I have to imagine if it's this effective on me and I'm not even Trump, I'm just somebody who's so sick of the hypocrisy that it is going to be effective on Trump. And what I love about this sudden Haggiographies being written about Kamala Harris, they want to rewrite her entire history mostly by deleting everything that she's ever been a part of. But I want to summarize what they're trying to do with Kamala Harris, okay? Kamala is so proud of her work as vice president in this current administration, but also would like you to know that she had nothing to do with any of it whatsoever. Full stop, period. Everything was such a success over the last four years, but I don't want to be tied to any of it. Joe did such a great, we did it Joe. We did it, but really it was you who did it because I had nothing to do with anything. I was playing Wordo. - You gotta go. - I was playing Wordo for four years. Don't look at me, I wasn't the borders are. This current administration is fine tying her to this disaster because they want her to be able to take the money that Joe Biden raised. But the only reason she's there is because the selected, the powers that be selected her to replace Joe Biden. And now they're trying to tell you that, yeah, yeah, she was a huge part of this team. She was the other half, but like she didn't make any decisions. The stuff that went wrong wasn't her fault. And as always, the part that bothers me the most is that I worry that people out there are gullible enough to buy this, to this double speak of she was never the borders are, but she did do a great job in the border. But other people called her the borders are, but it was actually us who called her the borders are, but now she's not the borders are. She was never the borders are. It's like eight, four, four, five hundred, 42, 42. And there was a really good meme on Twitter that said the people telling you Kamala is great, is a great candidate this week where the ones telling you Biden was fit for the job last week. I wish it was like a little bit more nuanced than that, but it's not. It literally went from one week to the other. And now they're so full of themselves that they can't even take a beat before trying to act like the Republicans are a mess. We have it all together. And I really liked Margot Cleveland's response. She wrote to Kamala Harris, "Last week you wanted to debate JD Vance, and before that the big guy assured he would only withdraw if God himself told him to, figure out your own house first, honey, honey." I like that. By the way, big news in Kamala's world, she got a super awkward, cringy, staged phone call from Barack and Michelle, finally endorsing her. I don't know what took so long if the rumors are true that Barack didn't think she could cut it. But we'll talk about that when we return and we'll take your calls. It's Friday. I sound angry, but I'm very excited. This is The Grace Curly Show. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for two eight Tuesday, Tuesdays at two p.m. (dramatic music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) Tough talk is this guy's calling card, and there's this extraordinary show of weakness. He agreed to, you know, he said any time, any place. But more than that, he agreed to this specific debate on this specific network on this specific date. And now he's pulling out. And of course. - Was it with this specific person? 'Cause I think that, am I crazy to say the game has changed just slightly, P. Buttigieg? Have you been on vacation and haven't realized that there's a new candidate? She's not even a candidate yet. But if I were to hear you speaking, I would think she was. I would think that it was, that's just how democracy works. A couple of people jump on a Zoom call and bingo, bango, it's all set to go. We've got a new person. We've got Swaparoo. It's Freaky Friday. And I don't know why it gets me so mad, 'cause if you listen to this show every single day, I'm not mad all the time. I'm really not. I'm not one of these people. I try not to be. Who screams? But this gets under my skin because it's like they're trying to turn around and look at the Republican party and accuse us of being in disarray. Or like we're scared, or we're the ones changing the rules. You literally swapped out your candidate last week in the most undemocratic fashion known to man. I have a tip for Pete Buttigieg. Why don't you focus on the planes, trains and automobiles? Because that's been your job for the past four years. You've been the planes are. And you've managed to bungle that as much as Kamala has managed to bungle the border. I hope when Trump writes on True Social about this debate that he constantly refers to her as the borders are. Because the border has been such a disaster. But if you listen to Kamala, if you listen to Joe, they talk about it like it's rainbows and unicorns. Everything's great down there. We got it under wraps. Arm last month has less crossings than Donald Trump's last month when he was in office. Great, then why don't you wanna be the borders are? You were the last one in the room when Joe Biden made the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan. Why, now we're trying to backpedal on that too. Like she had really nothing to do with that. That's weird. It seems like you had nothing to do with anything. What were you doing for the last four years? Besides cackling and putting out dumb posts on social media. Reese, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Reese. - You're up. - Ooh, sorry, Reese. Reese, call back, not a great connection. Let's go to Baxter, you're up next. Go ahead, Baxter. - Hi, Grace, good afternoon. I know you're gonna talk about this theory of, you know, bullet fragments and all that stuff coming up. But I know a little bit about ballistics and all I wanna say is when you get to talking about that, don't, you know, your eyes are in, okay? So you've got a shooter in 150 yards. He's got an AR-15. That round is a .556 millimeter or 2.223. It travels at 5,000 feet per second. So do the math. The minute he's pulled that trigger and you can get, and you can get, because I have done it, you can get off five rounds with an AR-15 with it less than a second. - Baxter, hang on the line. I'm gonna go back to you when we come back. We're gonna talk about this bullet versus shrapnel debate. We're also gonna read you the letter from Trump's Dr. Ronnie Jackson when we come back. (upbeat music) Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. - You know, this is a campaign that really has struggled to be about anything but Donald Trump and Joe Biden. And I think that's the bigger pattern that you're seeing here and part of why the Trump campaign is having such a hard time adapting. Think about it, just in a matter of two or three days, our campaign adapted to literally the biggest possible change, which is a change in the top of the ticket. And yet, within a couple of days, that's worth it. - God, it's like such, it's all buzz words with him. Why don't you worry, instead of the pattern of the campaigns, why don't you worry about the pattern of the planes? Or the pattern of the trains? That seemed to, those have seemed to elude you in the past. Perhaps you can focus on that, Pete. But it's the turnaround that now they're going to start lecturing us on, again, like how, out of sorts we are. Well, forgive us, Pete, but you guys did just kind of pull a fast one, don't you think? Is it our fault that you swapped out your candidate? I love how he says, he agreed to all the specifics. You know what's a big part of a specific, I would think, is the person that you're debating. I would think that that would be considered an important detail. Now, you might say, well, Grace, why does it matter to Trump? If he can handle the debate, it's not smart to agree to someone else's terms completely and not try to negotiate your own terms. How come the Republicans are expected to go on these networks that clearly hate us, have lied about us, have lied about the agenda, have lied about Donald Trump and his family and his record and his career over and over and over again? And he is supposed to go, yippee, Kamala Harris has dained to debate me, wonderful, I'll do it anytime, anywhere, anyplace, why? It's a different race than it was with Joe Biden. The goal with Joe Biden was to get him to speak for as long as possible. And you know what happened? The last time Donald Trump did that, Joe Biden dropped out of the race. And you can say it's because of family issues or because of health reasons or whatever. The debate was a huge part of that momentum of the Democrats cornering Joe Biden like hyenas and telling him it's over Joe. It's time for you to move on. Donald Trump could easily say, I don't think I wanted debate because I don't want you guys to lose your only candidate you have. I don't want to knock her out of the race as well and then you guys will be left with nobody. But what they're trying to do and the reason I worry it's going to be successful is because it's working on me. I'm getting so ticked off here is that they're trying to go Trump into doing this, go Trump into doing this and get him to abandon any details that he wants or negotiate for a debate that he thinks is fair. He offered to debate her on Fox News. Why is she backing away from that? Why doesn't she want to do anytime, anywhere, anyplace? Oh, only Trump is supposed to do that? We had a caller on before this who wanted to talk about the bullet slash shrapnel debate. Let's go to Baxter, you're up next. Baxter, go ahead, finish your thought there because you were discussing the logistics of what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania. Walk people through this again. - So I'm speaking from experience that qualify with that with the ARF 15 for many years in law enforcement. So my speculation from what, and I watched it live, is that the first shot was his kill shot on the scope. And the following shots in rapid succession were basically, you know, I've been made, I'm gonna just shoot as fast as I can for as long as I can. So I don't know why these people minimize, try to minimize this because number one, you have an innocent person that was shot, killed, and two people wounded that will probably never be right again. But technically, if you looked at Trump, he turned his head to the right, and as that shot was fired, that bullet, that round on him in a millisecond, and explained to me if it was shrapnel, now if it's possible, the only way it could be possible that there is maybe photographs of the, of the, what he called the plastic readers there with the teleprompters. Now, if there is, it's possible that around, the subsequent rounds maybe hit the teleprompter, but it was a bullet that hit Trump because he had his head turned to the right. So you tell me how a chunk of plastic from the telepromp that jumps over his head and goes through his ear on the right side of the teleprompter. That just dispels that whole thing. I mean, maybe the telepromp that was hit, but this thing that makes me disgusted is that we're trying to minimize. - Yes. - It's like throwing a hand grenade at Trump and say, "And the hand grenade said, "Dud, you go well." Hey, you know what? It wasn't that bad. It was just that "Dud" hand grenade. It didn't go off. - Yeah, yeah. And Baxter, you said so many things that I need to comment on. Number one is, you're right, the entire purpose of this, the only reason Christopher Ray would say this in a hearing is to give Democrats cover so that they can start to minimize and be dismissive about what happened to Donald Trump. It also isn't lost on me that when a Democrat gets like a death threat on Twitter, if they get a mean message on Twitter, I'm not condoning death threats, but we all get them. Okay, it's nothing new. But if a Democrat gets one, like Gretchen Wimmer was on TV a few weeks before this assassination attempt, being like, "Every time Donald Trump spoke bad about me, "I got more death threats." And we're all supposed to go, "Oh my God, he's so evil." Meanwhile, he gets shot in the head and they're going, "Well, I really wasn't adding a video." Like, I think he's being a little bit of a baby about it. Did he really need to wear a bandage that was that big? It's crazy and it's ghoulish and it's strange, but it's who they are. And by the way, the whole thing about the teleprompter, can a piece jump up and hit him in the ear? It's starting to sound like Hinton. It's starting to sound like we might need Trooper Paul to break down how this happened. Give us the logistics. But again, we saw the photo. I know photos don't mean anything to the blue and non-people, but we saw the photo of the bullet whizzing by his head and whether it was shrapnel or whether it was a bullet, I tend to think it was a bullet. It was told to me by the crime scene. The crime scene spoke to him. The start of that brie? But whether it was shrapnel, let's just play that hypothetical. Let's say it was, let's say in a week comes out. It was shrapnel, Newsweek hits us with the piece, the bombshell news, it was shrapnel. It was still too close for me. It was too close for comfort. I don't like the idea that someone was able to shoot at the former president of the United States from 400 feet away. I don't like the idea that the Secret Service declined to use drones in the area, but had no issue with this would-be assassin flying around his own drone two hours before the event. None of that makes me feel good. And I'm glad that Chris Vooray is looking into it and that at some point in the next five years, we can expect an update maybe after he gets back from the Adirondacks. But none of this makes me any less concerned about what happened. The fact is that the president was on stage and this 20-year-old shooter was able to fire off multiple shots at him. And if he hadn't turned his head, he probably wouldn't be here today. I don't need Christopher Vooray to connect the dots on really anything else beyond that 'cause I don't think he's even capable. That's what's so funny though about these guys like Christopher Ray and Kim Cheeto and all these people. They can't tell you anything. Like, everything's like, "Oh, that would jeopardize you." And they're like, "Oh, that would put too much at risk." "Oh, we can't risk telling you that." Oh, they would, but when they want to throw out something that they know is going to completely drive people insane and going to throw gasoline on the fire, then he's like, "It could have been shrapnel." Yeah, it could have been a bullet. It could have been shrapnel. Oh, that's so weird. You guys seem so tight-lipped about all the other details, but you have no problem throwing that around. - Yeah, we don't want to disclose any information for fear of speculation out there, but we'll just outright speculate about things without evidence. - As long as it goes one way, as long as they know it's going to serve one side of the aisle. Sue, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Thank you for the call, Baxter. Go ahead, Sue. - How are you, Grace? I haven't heard from you in a while. I mean, I called you in a while to hear your voice. I just wanted to- - Sue, I just wanted to- - I just wanted to- - I think on two things. Sorry, go ahead. - No, I just wanted to say thank you for calling. I know you haven't called in a while. We appreciate it. Go ahead. - I know. So I just wanted to touch base. First and foremost, we debunked Ray, who's unfortunately, how sad is it that the FBI has gone political on us? I mean, really? It's debunked because the doctor just came out with the facts saying that it absolutely was a bullet wound in Donald Trump's ear. And again, how sad is that? But they have to come up with that. So it wasn't anything. It wasn't glass. It was a bullet. And yet he could have been dead. So thank you, God, for saving our man. The thing I wanted to talk about what you were talking about earlier was with Kamala Harris, okay? Now, this is the deal with the Democrats. This is what they're doing. They are winging it. I think you said winging something earlier. You cannot wing being the president of the United States. You just cannot do it. And that's exactly what they're doing. Oh, let's just do this. Nobody voted for her. She's got no votes. She's just put herself in there or, you know, they put her in there, look pretty, be happy. And she doesn't know what she's doing. Her record is so bad. And I just want you guys, we all know this is a honeymoon period. And the bottom line, there is no chance in hell. She can be Donald Trump unless they steal the election. I really, I really hope you're right. And there's no chance. I will say I've been seeing polls, like there was a poll today out of New Hampshire that Kamala is up six points. And I tweeted it out. And I didn't editorialize. I just tweeted out the article. And I said, what do people make about this? And a lot of the responses I got did mention the honeymoon phase, that like everything looks great right now. They're just giving her sweet wet kisses. They cannot get enough of Kamala Harris. She's wonderful. She's Mamala. She's friends with Barack. Kesha endorsed her. Everyone loves her so much. And the more people are going to see of her, it's the same thing that happened in 2019. The more people see of her, the more they realize, yeah, I'm not so crazy about her. But one thing that I do want to point out about Kamala Harris that gets me nervous is that I don't think she's going to go off teleprompter really ever. And even when she's on teleprompter, she's terrible. Like yesterday, she made those remarks after meeting Beebe Netanyahu, which I really did find disgraceful. Everything she had to say about like a two state solution, trying to create this moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel. It was really, really pathetic. But beyond that, I don't think she's ever going to take questions. I went off script a little bit. And if she ever does take questions on the off chance, it is painful to watch. The reporters are going to ask her, you all know what I'm about to say. What are they going to ask her? What's your favorite ice cream? Do you think you'll get a dog if you become president? Maybe you'll get a cat. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? What do you think of all of your comments going viral on TikTok that the younger generations think you're cool? It's going to be something like that. What's your favorite Tupac song? It's going to be all the same. You know what everybody knows your name? Give us your favorite recipe for cupcakes. It's all going to be the same garbage. And so I do think there needs to be a debate at this point, because I don't think she's ever going to be forced to actually articulate an opinion that hasn't been prepared in remarks. This same way that Joe Biden was never really forced to articulate his opinion unless he had like a cue card there. But I think there has to be a debate, but I don't think Trump has to fold to their demands that it has to be on ABC. Why? What's wrong with Fox? Why can't we get one once in a while? And I want to mention about these remarks that she made, because, again, people, if you just listen to it, and if you really don't have a full understanding, most of my listeners would. But for people who are just at home and maybe don't have a full understanding of what happened on October 7, and really the doctrine that drives Hamas, then you might go, oh, that was a fine speech. She talked about peace, and she talked about, you know, not seeing things in a binary way, and that there needs to be a two-state solution. That all sounded nice. All those platitudes seem to work. But if you understand the concept, it doesn't take, you don't have to understand it that much to understand it more than she does. You will know that what she's saying is garbage. It is garbage, it makes no sense. It's unicorn fairy dust. We'll talk about it when we come back. Do you use scented candles to cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Well, stop. Stop masking these smells with more odors. All you're doing is adding more harmful odors to your home. You need to destroy odors with an eat-in-pure, thunderstorm air purifier. I don't know if Kamala's gonna get a cat when she, hopefully she doesn't get into the White House, but if she does get into the White House, will she get a pet? Will she get a dog? Will she get a cat? She seems like a cock-a-two person. Well, Taylor, you know this from experience. Sometimes when you got pets, things get smelly. Yes, they do. They get smelly. We had chickens, well, it was still have chickens, but the baby chicks, they had to stay in the basement for a little while, they get smelly. Oh, gosh. They were in the basement? Yeah, you have to keep them inside and sheltered and warm. This is like the start of a movie where, you know, it's like, where was ground zero? Oh, Taylor Cormier's house with the chicks in the basement. That's where all the funky, you know, nonsense started. Wait till you come into your own chicken phase there, Grace. It's coming. You already started with the sourdough. Do you think I'm gonna head into a chicken phase? You're gonna get chicken. Don't you have to be careful with birds, though? No, they have all sorts of diseases? No, they're fine. Okay. They're fine. But chickens got smelly in the basement. So you have to use the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. Clears it right up. Okay. You place a thunderstorm in your basement. You don't have to worry about the odors from the cats, from the chickens, from whatever you got going on. We keep all of our animals strictly in the basement. Get $200 off a three pack today for a whole home protection. Visit and use discount code GRACE3. That's, discount code GRACE3. When we come back, I wanna talk about these comments from Kamala Harris after her meeting with Bibi Netanyahu, after she refused to go see him address Congress. We'll talk about all of that when we return. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. (upbeat music) This is the Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) I have reviewed President Trump's medical records where he was initially evaluated and treated for a gunshot wound to the right ear, having served as an emergency medicine physician for over 20 years in the United States Navy, including as a combat physician on the battlefield in Iraq. I have treated many gunshot wounds in my career based on my direct observations of the injuries, my relevant clinical background, and my significant experience evaluating and treating patients with similar wounds. I completely concur with the initial assessment and treatment provided by the doctors and nurses at Butler Memorial Hospital. - Dr. B. - Dr. B. - On the day of the shooting, yeah, that was Dr. B. Again, thank God we have her as our general surgeon. I know that was Ronnie L. Jackson. - She's a hell of a doctor. - He is a hell of a doctor for sure. I'm not sure if Dr. Jill gotta look at it yet. We'll have to, maybe that's where he'll go for a second opinion. - Second opinion. I wanted to mention here something about Kamala Harris that, and I'm not gonna spend the time right now to talk about her statements after meeting BB, 'cause I think it deserves a little bit more time, but I did wanna say that, I'm seeing all these flashback clips now, and you know it's one tailor that's horribly underrated, and I take responsibility too, 'cause I used to be sharp, man. Back in the day, I could remember all this stuff. I remember when she told an anchor, they asked her, you know, you haven't been to the border. This was back when they still were acknowledging that she was the border czar, before they wanted to rewrite everything and kind of memory hold that. They asked her why she hadn't been to the border, and she said, I've never been to Europe either, and we-- - We've been to the border. - Do you haven't been to the border? - And I haven't been to Europe, and I don't understand the point that you're making. - Beautiful, beautiful, and I forgot about that, but something else that I've noticed in all these flashbacks that are now showing up of Kamala Harris, is that she has this habit, and you could say to me, well that's just what politicians do, all politicians pander. But what she does is almost worse, because no matter what the people ask of her, whether it's a CNN anchor, whether it's a voter, whether it's at the breakfast club, no matter what she gets asked about, she will agree to it. Like, will you ban that? Yeah, sure, will you ban that? Oh yeah, sure, sure, and she's just like a yes man. Whatever people ask of her, she's down for it. She's like, sure, yeah, okay, is that what you want? ♪ Well I've never been to heaven ♪ ♪ But I've been to Oklahoma ♪ Yeah, she's never been to Europe, and that was her excuse back then for why the border was such a disaster. Now that the border is supposedly running perfectly and everything is so up to speed and there's no complaints, now she doesn't even want to be the borders are. Now she's claiming she never was the borders are, but whether she's talking to someone at CNN or at the breakfast club, it doesn't matter. She's just going to yes people to death and tell you whatever you want to hear. The problem is that if she's president, which I hope to God never happens, she's gonna have to back it up. And she's gonna actually have to do the things that she's telling people she'll be willing to do, and that is a frightening thought. We'll be right back with Libby Evans, don't go anywhere. (upbeat music)