The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden's Address And Should Trump Be Mean To Kamala | 7.25.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Howie starts the hour taking calls and one of the callers says Trump shouldn't be mean or call Kamala Harris names. Then, we circle back and talk about Biden's address last night.

Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space, there are no filters to replace, and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code howey3. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howey Car Show. My fellow Americans, I'm speaking tonight from behind the resolute testk in the Oval Office. I like the life, it's alive, it's alive! I believe I record as president, my leadership in the world, all merry to the second turn. You were serious about that. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Harris was put in charge, as you said earlier, of combating the roots of immigration. She was not and is not the border czar. Meantime Vice President and Border czar, Kamala Harris. President Biden tapped Kamala Harris, Vice President Kamala Harris, to be the Border czar. Kamala Harris, who was appointed as the Border czar. I think with respect to former President Trump, there's some question about whether or not it's bullet or shrapnel that, you know, that it is ear. What's your source on this, tinfoil hat? Rump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's... Howey Car. 508 wasn't listening to the speech last night, too. He was really gratified to know that Biden was going to cure cancer by January 20th. And so he's canceling his colonoscopy. Because, you know, it's a lousy procedure. You know, why bother? I don't like the most thing. I'm canceling that, you know? Why bother? I'm just going to get a shot. You know what? It's probably going to be even easier than a shot. It's just going to be a pill. You just take a pill and that's it. You're all set. No cancer. 844-500-4242. And as Grace tweeted out and it's getting good play, it's going viral as they say. They say, you know, if they've done such a great job on border security, why are they running away from the fact that she was the borders are? Why do they want to deny that? And when they said it, they said it themselves over and over again. We'll play it in just a bit. It's just like, you know, she's running on all these great liberal issues, yet the GovTrack, which said she was the most liberal member of the US Senate when she was in there, has scrubbed the fact that she was more liberal than Bernie Sanders or the fake Indian. So what's that all about? She said today she said no teachers should have any student loaned that. No teachers. Why just teachers? And I mean, I say that as someone who used to teach at colleges, right? I didn't have any student loaned that. Do I get some money out of this deal? I mean, I'm a very, to use their favorite word of the day, I'm a very selfless person. You know, I thought I wasn't doing it just to make a few extra bucks. I was, I was selfless. I was patriotic. It was my public service. 844, 542, 42, Igor, you're next with how we car. Hey, Howard, thanks for taking my call. Hey, I just want to be full. We start the conversation. I wanted to thank you for all your work that you've done with a whitey bulger, like it's close to home to me growing up in the projects. And some of my buddy McQueen was my neighbor in the 70s. So love, love your information on that. But my point was the reason why I was calling, I feel like that the whole shooting with Trump is a scam because like you have the drug guy that is hiding like in medical information saying they got shot here, whereas you have professional folks that have been in the military. What are you talking about? By the way, Igor, what are you talking about? Buddy McLean was shot in 1965. He was your neighbor in the, in the projects in the 1970s. Yeah, no, it is. Yeah, my, my apologies. That was my neighbor in the 70s in the project. Who was your neighbor? Part of me. Who was your neighbor? Buddy McLean in the flop house for, for his underling there was right there in the mystic front as well, right on River Road, but that's back in the day. Well into the 70s, you would go into gin mills in, uh, in Somerville. And they would say, that's buddy still. That's buddy still. No, we leave that for buddy. I didn't want to tell him. Buddy ain't coming back. Buddy ain't coming through that door. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Dr. Luke, you're next with how we car. Go ahead. Dr. Luke, how you doing? How are you doing? Good. I don't know anybody who watched the Joe Biden comedy segment there. I, I had no interest in it to be honest. I didn't want to. I didn't want to. Trade one grifter out for another one. He's going to be more irrelevant as the days go on. And they just got to hurry up and try and get their grift on for one. Two, uh, we've, uh, just like the rest of the Democrats, you know, it, it's up here in Maine. We have a terrible governor. Yes. And, and her policies, her policies mimic Biden's and this state is going down the tubes. You know, we have more and more government jobs, less and less private sector jobs. Uh, gasoline is more expensive now. Uh, foods more expensive. I hope, you know, the days of Trump come back because this economy that that bozo has left us is horrible. It is. You know, we need to get rid of Jared Golden. Jared Golden got in there by ranked choice voting, which needs to be repealed. I agree. I agree totally. He lost by 2000 votes. But as soon as you, as soon as you heard, as soon as you heard, they're going to keep counting the votes. Dr. Luke, you knew what was going to happen. It was like, it was like a dress rehearsal for 2000. I hate to say it. I hate to say it. Thanks for the call, Dr. Luke eight four. It's being of the, you know, the, uh, his record on jobs, wages and inflation. He said, he said we have the best economy in the world. And he made it sound like the, it's, it's better now than it was under Trump. I got to play this whole thing. We got it. We got tons of people that want to talk and we're going to talk all through the show. But I just want you again. I want to keep, I want to keep reminding you of what he said. I promised to always level with the American people. I said that a lot clearer than he said it. And I'm not looking into a teleprompter either, by the way, but here is his latest from last night when he was leveling with the American people cut 11. Today, we have the strongest economy in the world, creating nearly 16 million new jobs. The record wages are up. Placing continues to come down. The racial wealth gap is the lowest has been in 20 years. We're literally rebuilding our entire nation, urban, suburban, rural, tribal communities. Manufacturing has come back to America. We're leading the world again in chips and science and innovation. We finally beat big farm after all these years to lower the cost of prescription drugs for seniors. And I'm going to keep fighting to make sure we lower the cost for everyone, not just seniors. More people of health care today in America than ever before. I sign on the most significant loss, helping millions of veterans and their families who are exposed to toxic materials. You know, most significant climate law ever, ever in the history of the world. Just ask them on that. First major concept in law in 30 years. So all nonsense. How about literally rebuilding the nation? All that, all that, all those trillions of dollars, truly. How much did they spend on the, on the electric charging stations? It was what, eight billion dollars and they have eight, eight, eight new charging stations. They've spent 42 billion dollars, supposedly on, on internet. And no one, according to the FCC commissioner, Brendan Carr, no relation, they haven't added a single person by spending the 42 billion. It's just, it's just all gone. They've just thrown the money away to their, to their constituents, to their bundlers, to their, we're, we're building a 60 million dollar bridge in Ballmer. That's right. The 60, I forgot that the 60 zillion dollar bridge. Don't forget the 60 zillion dollar. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, nine, seven, eight. I'm disappointed that President Trump agreed to debate Biden before he was nominated. They really use President Trump to get rid of their guy. I feel like he's going to have a tougher time with Kamala and they'll, they'll have an excuse to be able to steal. I think that's the theory behind putting her in that she'll, she'll keep it closer. So they can, you know, try to, try to credibly claim that the, the, the one in these swing states. But he, he couldn't turn it. How does he turn it down? You know, if Biden challenged him and he couldn't, he, he said this. He, I can't turn him down. And, and he also, he knew as, as most of us knew, who've been following Biden, that there was no way Biden could handle him. It didn't, it didn't matter if they had Democrats as the, as the moderators. It didn't matter if they cut off his mic. It turned out that was an advantage. So was the split screen. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, three, three, nine. The world economy sucks. It does things, things are very wobbly in across the, across the planet, but especially here. That's, that's all I care about is here. Many people have asked me, does balance seven really work? And how does it work? Well, if you've wondered for years why I love it so much, you have to take a listen to my meet the experts interview with Dr. Norris Donnie. In the podcast, you will learn about this alkaline liquid that is so important to your health. Here are the seven reasons you need balance seven. One, more energy. 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What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who is the worst president in U.S. history? Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush or Richard Nixon. I'm with Trump. I agree that it was Biden. Biden is at 84%. 84%. Okay. It's faded a little bit. He got the he got that early voting. The mail in ballots came in for him. Don't worry, it's 7.05 p.m. tonight. 40,000 ballots will show up. Joe Biden at 84%, 13 for Barack Obama, 2% for Jimmy Carter, 1% for George W. Bush, and a big old bagel, 0% for Richard Nixon. We're getting random texts voting for other candidates like James Buchanan. James Buchanan, he was the last guy before the Civil War. I mean, he was up against it. You know, I don't think he did a great job. But those problems were rather intractable, I would say. And then somebody voted for Woodrow Wilson and, you know, I know he got us into World War I. And he was a he was a fluke president, you know, when the TR, Theodore Roosevelt decided to run third party against William Howard Taft. It was he was there. There have been a number of disastrous presidents, but I don't think you can really make a serious argument that there's been anybody worse than Biden. And it's one of the textures just said, if Joe did such a great job as he laid out in his 11 minutes last night, why isn't there a groundswell of support? Why aren't, you know, with all those, all those Hamas hippies, you know, burning the American flag and shining Allahu Akbar, why aren't there people saying, Joe, don't go say it ain't so Joe, stay with us. You've made it so much better. You've vanquished two dollar gasoline. We never used to have illegal aliens overrunning our schools and our hospitals in our emergency rooms, killing Americans on a daily basis with guns, fennel and drunk driving. Joe, you've done such a marvelous job. 774 says level with the American people more like level America, Andrew, that's Andrew. By the way, I was going to watch Biden's speech, but I was too busy rubbing my eyes really hard watching the break. How about, how about a mall there? How about a hunter? His is they, you know, they're giving, they're giving Trump crap about these nonsensical charges. This guy was actually convicted on a gun charge. A gun charge and he's coming up on an income tax charge and not, not a minor charge. This is millions of dollars in unpaid income taxes. He's the smartest man Joe knows. Remember that, Jane, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Jane. Hi, howie. I listen every day, so I'm not sure when the call came in about his two TIA's at the meet and greet in in Las Vegas. Yes, yes, it came in. I think it came in. I think from from read Jennifer Van Leer wrote the story. I believe for red state and she was she was basing it on some pretty good information, Jane. There was a there was a news report on a Vegas TV station about how they they were on emergency standby. And there was a BBC reporter who was there at the at the Mexican restaurant and he and he noticed it too. And you could see the video. We posted the video Friday night when when we first saw it about how bad he looked. Right. Amazing. It has not been picked up by anybody. No, it hasn't. I haven't. Are you surprised though? I haven't heard it. No, but I almost tried to get into Clay and Buck to tell them about it, but I didn't bother. Yeah, no, it's a it's but nothing. I mean, nothing. Now we tweeted it out and it's I mean, it's again that that Jennifer Van Leer is a is a very thorough reporter and it wasn't like she was getting. She she laid it out. You know, the BBC reporter was there. He saw the the the Vegas TV crew had a they had a live van at the emergency room, saying they were standing by to take him in. And then there were apparently comments from some of some of the some of the reporters that were on Air Force one that were flying back. And one of them said that they the plane it's always it's a big jet. It always goes fast, but it went faster than normal. They got back to Washington in three hours and at least one of the reporters was saying the saying here. She felt felt sick because it was going so fast, you know, and they were just trying to get him back. And then Jane, did you see him when he when he comes when he comes off of Air Force one and he tries to get into the into the car, the van to take him to Rehoboth Beach. The the Secret Service agent had to swing his legs around. He couldn't get his legs into the into the car. Yeah, I did see that he was done. It's amazing how nobody picked it up and and Jean Pierre says everything is fine. Yeah, I know they're leveling with us, Jane. They're leveled room. That's the word to remember today leveling. Thanks for the call, Bethany. You're next up. We lost Bethany. Mike, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Mike. Hey, how we I have something for KJP. If, uh, if border crossings are down, it's because they're all already up here. I mean, think about it. When you empty a box of cereal, you keep shaking it and no more comes out because it's all in the ball and we're the bowl. I know. Well, I don't believe their numbers anyway. It's like the crime numbers. You know, they're they're just not some some cities aren't reporting any crime numbers or they're just, uh, they're downgrading. A, you know, a car jacking becomes a car theft and they, you know, a violent assault and battery becomes a simple assault. It's it's just it's nonsense. When they say when they say crime is down, does anyone does anyone seriously believe crime is down in the United States anywhere? Really? Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two limerick guy. How ironic is it? Is it that a president with a peanut brain replaced a peanut farmer as the worst president? Yeah, that's that's a that's a good line. Limerick guy eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. I'm how we car. [Music] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four. Five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Someone points out to KJP, you know, there may not be room for her her brilliance on MSDNC or CNN. She may go to the view. She was I guess she had a triad at the view the other day. Five oh eight says it was a gush fest. They were gushing over Kamala how momentous this time is in our history gushing over Biden gushing over KJP. If you come back any time you're always welcome here sickening. Why were you watching it five oh eight. I don't even put it on the cut sheet most days, you know, let alone thought of watching it but thought of watching anything on ABC other than Monday night football is anathema to me eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Joe you're next with howie car go ahead Joe. Hi howie howie I I saw the rally last night the Trump rally and I also saw his interview on Fox this morning and Trump has to be very careful with what he's saying. He should be a little more circumspect he keeps calling her names and talking about her law of you law school record people don't like that and if he keeps doing it he's going to lose the selection. And I think that there should be an intervention with his family and his campaign people he has to stop doing that. You know you know he doesn't take the interventions to well he's going to do what he wants to do I tend to agree with you but you know when he when he hears like the Wall Street Journal had a couple of stories today and the way they usually go and editorial and an op-ed saying the same thing and that's exactly they were they were saying what you're saying and that that's just going to harden his his views on this he doesn't he doesn't think that he has to to tone it down. I tend to agree I mean you know the reason that the the debate was such an easy victory for him was that it was just by talking if he can just let her talk. That that's going to that's going to win the election for him I mean she's she's crazy. This stuff about abortion illegal aliens trans I want to get can we get the cut about the student that the teacher shouldn't have any student loan that. Why are teachers any different than anybody else you know if you sign up to buy something which is an education why should you be excused from it. From your debts are you excused from paying credit card bills because you you went to a crappy weekend resort or you had a lousy meal at a restaurant do not have to pay obviously not. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two thanks for the call Joe Louise you're next with how we car go ahead Louise. I was listening to your show and one of the commercial breaks came on and W. B. Z. does that little news segment and they were talking about how there's going to be five ballot questions. Coming up in November and so last fall I was I was reached out by the mass fiscal alliance and they were asking to have people come volunteer to go get signatures collect signatures. One of them being for the mass auditor to have permission to audit the legislature right and the other one being for voter ID. And so I did I went and collected signatures and you turn the minute city hall and you know and got feedback from the from the alliance saying you know that we had gotten enough signatures and. And so just now on the news I heard that there's going to be five ballot questions one of them being the mass auditor having permission you know for the question for the mass auditor to have permission. And then there were four others one was for ride share and another one was for taxes on tips and another one was about psychedelic drugs or something. Yeah we're going to have to get where to talk about the tips tonight at six o'clock just to kind of like start laying the groundwork I know we'll probably do do segments on all of the questions but go ahead with what you were saying Louise. But my question is they were they didn't say that there was going to be a question for voter ID and to me that was really the reason I got involved primarily because to me I feel like that should be on the. I feel like that should be a question so I'm asking if you might know or know of a way to find out what the status is on that question. I don't know the answer to that Louise it's you know I tend to take most of these ballot questions now with a grain of salt because if they if the legislature and the powers that be the one party state doesn't like it they just don't go along with it anyway like the death penalty in the years ago or the or lowering the income tax back to 5% it took them it was voted on I think in 2000 and it wasn't lowered to 20 to 5% until 2020 it took 20 years. You know I don't know I'll check on that Louise I look give me give me until tomorrow to to check on that voter ID I mean they're not going to they're not going to have any voter ID around here. I'm going to talk about that now I'm now a registered voter in Florida. You know what they want to do you know what they want. I got to bring a driver's license. I like that. I like that. And you know you could vote absentee in Florida. You know what you know how you can vote absentee. If you request a ballot. You have to request a ballot. You know what. There's no shenanigans going on down in Florida. He found in a few counties but then DeSantis got in and he fired the registrars of voters in those counties like Broward County which is for Lauderdale. And now everything is on the up and up. And you know what. They get the election returns. It's a big state the third fourth biggest state in the country. And they got the election returns by I don't know 10 o'clock at night. And those are the close races. And everything you know it doesn't have to be the way it was in 2020 but the Democrats like it this way. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two three three nine. Trump has gotten even worse with his foul mouth and name calling. We were playing some of Trump last night and I was at during the six o'clock hour and I was thinking about that. I was hoping that Matt I thought about telling Matt during a break just say keep keep a close eye on that because sometimes he lets he really lets it fly. You know I don't I don't bother me but you know again we have FCC regulations we have to deal with here. Mike you're next with how we car go ahead Mike. You know how you were talking about ex-presidents and some of them being failures and everything but your poll is absolutely correct. I mean this guy Joe Biden is like the Jim Jones of people listening to him and drinking the Kool-Aid like Warren and Mikey and all the rest of them. And people like you and I and the people that listen to this station are running from the camp but this guy if he owned a corporation he would bankrupt it in six months. I just don't understand how people like Chuck Scarborough and the rest of these people in the media look at this guy like he's the second coming of Christ. Joe Scarborough Chuck Scarborough you've insulted Joe Scarborough by Chuck Scarborough by confusing him with Joe but I know who you mean Mike. Yeah no I like Chuck Scarborough he's a he's an old channel seven hand like myself we went to the we went to the same school of hard knocks in the broadcast industry. But no it's but he's he's the he's the vessel Mike for the fundamental transformation of America they they know he's a fraud but they don't care he's the he's sort of the he's the Trojan horse that they wanted to get in. I got a read of this column by by Joseph Epstein today in the Wall Street Journal talking about you know he said he's he's talking he goes into how they they keep calling him this affable guy and he's like everybody's uncle and his Irish charm. It's sickening it's it's all BS he's a nasty nasty guy and he's any he's not he's not a patriot he's he's never done anything that didn't benefit himself or his crime syndicate family. No four five hundred forty two forty two Kevin you're next with how we car go ahead Kevin. Yeah good afternoon how we hope you have a great day I am thank you. I'm just wondering anyone else noticed that when during the debate they said the reason he did so poorly and. Because he had a cold right and then last week before he quit they he turned around yet COVID and they sent him to a little bit cover and isolate himself and then you've mentioned that I guess in them. Think they had some sort of neurological issue. And yet you're breaking up Kevin I'm sorry thanks for the call eight four four five hundred forty two forty two two oh seven do you blame him for being angry how he got shot. He's pissed. I know I know you know I thought he handled it perfectly at the convention you know he was just kind of telling the story was it was spellbinding to hear someone who especially. You know a president and you watched him get shot it wasn't like a hunting accident you know where somebody. Get shot out in the woods and oh damn that was terrible I ruined my neck. You saw him get shot and he's the front run it to be president of the United States I mean it was it was fascinating. But I don't think there's any real need for him to to to just all he has to do is say look at her record and let the surrogates do do some of the work. Like like JD Vance all those all the said the senators are pretty good at it there's a lot of good good senators and congressmen who can. And a few governors who can you know carry the ball he doesn't have to why he doesn't have to really get down and dirty he can. I mean I know he likes getting down dirty and I and I love I love listening to him. But I don't know I don't it's like I feel like I don't think I'm going squishy even though you know I said yesterday I was on the the short end of the pole where I said I think he should not do the outdoor rallies anymore if the Secret Service tells him not to I mean and people were saying well you know they're not going to protect him anyway. So what does it matter well it's I think it's easier to kill them outdoors as as was shown in Butler PA. So I want to I want to minimize the the chances for the deep state to take him out. eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. You may have heard me talk about Raycon's everyday earbuds before and thought why wait the same audio quality I expect from the big guys but at half the price sounds pretty good. But if you haven't seriously considered a pair of Raycon's now is the time to check them out because they just launched their upgraded model of the best selling everyday earbuds. With Raycon's upgraded everyday earbuds now you also get active noise cancellation ergonomic design and multi point connectivity that lets you pair with two devices at once. Available in a variety of vibrant new colors to complement any and all skin tones or whatever you're wearing. I'm I've got I'm holding my my new Raycon earbuds up right now but they're great but it's better you have to put them in your ears to really really appreciate them. They they have optimized gel tips for custom cozy fit they have ergonomic earbud shape to fit the widest range of ears you don't have to worry about them falling out. They have three customizable sound styles and awareness mode so you don't have to nothing nothing's going to sneak up on you like like a truck for instance. And they are weatherproof and they are sweat resistant which comes in handy this time of year obviously Raycons are the best you're with you're going to buy them and you're going to say why didn't I get these years before. They make every part of the day better whatever you're doing working playing walking exercising anything you can you enjoy your time more when you have those Raycon earbuds in you can listen to anything. Seriously if you've been wanting to check out Raycons there is truly no better time their upgraded model will blow you away Raycon offers a 30 day happiness guarantee so what are you waiting for. Go to buy today to get 15% off your Raycon order plus free shipping that's right you'll get 15% off and free shipping at buy buy I'm howie car. Adding your two cents is easier than ever call howie at 844-542-42 or text the word howie followed by your message to 617-213-1066. I'll be car is back. I want to play this Kamala cut this this really bug the hell out of me I've been I haven't heard I just saw the Kyra on this this morning when I was prepping for the show but listen listen to what she's. So again they've been excusing all these student loan debts even though the Supreme Court told them they couldn't do what they've been doing it and it's and they're the people who are getting the loan write offs are people who are in quote unquote public service public service. That means they're you know they're working in sustainability the Green New Deal D.I. crap like that but they're more valuable than someone who fixes an air conditioner or a plumber or a truck driver apparently because those people they're not in public service. So listen to this this is Kamala today we see a future where every student has the support and the resources they need to thrive and a future where no teacher has to struggle with the burden of student loan debt. So as an example our administration has forgiven student loan debt for nearly five million Americans and twice as much for our public servants including our teachers. Our public servants you mean like Joe Biden he's a public servant you're a public servant. How about other people waiting tables are they public servants. Other people pick a tobacco out in Western Mass. Are they public servants are they doing any are they doing do they deserve to have their loans forgiven. This is this is total BS and again the Supreme Court told him he couldn't do it and he defied the Supreme Court and last night he has the audacity the audacity listen to this cut six. I'm going to call for Supreme Court reform because this is critical to our democracy Supreme Court reform. What does that mean. They ruled that he didn't have the right that forgiving student loan debts is basically a budgetary measure and it's not approved by Congress. If he if he wanted to get it done let him put it through Congress let let's have votes in the House and the Senate but he didn't want to do that. So the Supreme Court says you're you're violating the Constitution so he doesn't say oh I guess I'm violating the Constitution that's an assault on democracy. No he says let's reform the Supreme Court they lose and they want to change the rules. They lose a referendum question like higher income taxes graduated income taxes in Massachusetts just to cite a state example and they keep going back over and over. It went it took them seven times to get it passed seven times. And then finally they they edged they edged it through last election because the Republican Party was taken over by lunatics and now it's now it's the law of the land. Can't can't change it now. It's settle law settle law. Marilyn oh Mike you're next Mike go ahead Mike. Hey how are we thanks for having me on. Sure. I just wanted to share yesterday I was in Washington DC I had to go down for a work event it was a one day thing. I love it I love being a bang or me so I had some time to kill so I figured I'd go check out some monuments and knowing how many imbeciles were down there it was so bad so so bad. So I was I was down there and then just seeing these guys and just gathering and ready to blocking streets and they were they were chanting and they were they announced they had blocked six streets. To attempt to set the stop to get to the capital. Yeah. That was just intense. So last night I walked back in the event is about 10 30 so I walked back my hotel I would stand to high end on Capitol Hill and walking back and just be a mother trash that they left behind. Yeah. Was was fully disgusting. So it was just irritating day. Did you see any American flags being Mike did you see any American flags being burned. So like from a distance I did I didn't get close to the nut so I left I got to stay away from them but yeah I didn't know what the time was going on but definitely. Tom Cotton wants to deport any foreign exchange student that was involved in these things I agree on how we car.