The Howie Carr Radio Network

More Chris Wray BS Plus Keith Olbermann Deletes Unhinged Tweet Attacks Cardinals | 7.25.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace discusses the latest news coming out of FBI Director Chris Wray's hearing. Plus, Keith Olbermann is melting down over a home run celebration.

Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trataria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much, Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Ever since the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where Trump almost had his head blown off by a shooter 400 feet away on a sloped roof, there had been plenty of attempts by the left to downplay what occurred that day to make it seem as though maybe it wasn't as big of a deal. Joy Reid comes to mind, floating all sorts of blue and non theories. And I did read a headline from Newsweek today talking about whether or not it was a bullet that Grace trumps ear. It turns out that that question is also being asked by the director of the FBI. Someone you would think at this point, I know it's only been what, Taylor, 11 days? Well, it was nine days when we-- - It's only been 12 days, Grace. - 12 days, 12 days. We've got all sorts of footage from this, plenty of camera angles, plenty of resources to figure it out. And it turns out Christopher Ray. Christopher Ray, who spends most of his time, I think trying to find, you know, conservative memes and going after people who attend Latin masses, he still hasn't been able to definitively say whether or not it was a bullet that Donald Trump was inflicted by. Can I have this sound? And I want to let people know, this is representative Kevin Kylie from California who started off this line of questioning. And Jim Jordan catches on to it and he also interjects, let's take a listen. - The gentleman from California just recognized for five minutes. - A direct raid to the best of your understanding, how close did the assassins bullet come to killing President Trump? - My understanding is that either it or some shrapnel is what, you know, grazed his ears. So I don't know that I have the actual distance. - What's that? - Very, very close, you would agree. - Yes. - Is this the biggest security failure that you've seen in your career? - Director, I guess I'm not clear exactly where all, you said there were H.L. casings on the roof, so eight bullets were fired. We obviously know that Mr. Conpertory lost his life, two other rally goers were injured, seriously injured, and then the one that hit President Trump. Does that account for, some of these individuals hit multiple times, where did all eight bullets go? Is I guess my question. - I don't have that in front of me. I'm happy to circle back and get that to you. It's assuming we have that information yet. As I said, I think with respect to former President Trump, there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear. So it's conceivable, as I say here right now, I don't know whether that bullet, in addition to causing the grazing, could have also landed somewhere else. But I believe we've accounted for all of the shots and the cartridges, so let us, if that is true. - It's my understanding that the very first one was the one that hit the President. Is that the very first shot, or is that not accurate? - I don't, as I said here right now, I don't know the answer to that. I believe we know the answer to that. - I'm guessing Jim Jordan knows more about what happened at that rally than Christopher Ray, based off those responses. Now it makes sense why Newsweek's headline was, "Donald Trump may not have been hit by a bullet," FBI director says. That's all they needed. It's music to joy reads ears. All they want to do is be dismissive about this event, to downplay it, to separate themselves from it, because they know that that event, the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, did not happen in a vacuum, that that was years and years and years of vilifying this man, of using hyperbolic, violent rhetoric about Hitler and Mussolini, and making all these comparisons and wishing death on him. And so they want to get as far away from him as possible. And the way to do that is to continually try to downgrade what actually happened. So people don't think it's that bad, or they don't think his life was in jeopardy. And I'm here to tell you, I'm not Christopher Ray, so maybe I know a little bit more about it, but I did see a photo of a bullet whizzing by Donald Trump's head. I think it was from a New York Times photographer, one of the most incredible photos I've ever seen. I feel confident in saying it was really close. Like if he hadn't turned his head at the right time, he would be dead. - Is he also questioning what hit Mr. Caprator was shrapnel or a bullet? Like what is even the point? There was a shooter, and we know there were bullets being fired at President Trump, and you're going to quibble over whether this was shrapnel or a bullet, even though you have evidence, pictorial evidence showing that this was indeed a bullet. What is to gain by that? - I think he just wants the left to be able to run with the fact that it wasn't actually a bullet, it was just shrapnel. Again, it's just an attempt-tailer, and I don't think it's going to be effective because anyone who watched that video and watched Donald Trump get up afterwards and pump his fist in the air, anybody who watched that, it doesn't matter what the media is. - Okay, shrapnel from what? There was a clear shot from the roof. People say, oh, the teleprompters, but after you can see in the photos of Trump, from behind, you can see the teleprompters, they're completely intact. - Don't get so upset. - The guy's a moron, he should've been fired a long time ago. - It's just Christopher Ray's way of letting the liberals know, I'm giving you this narrative, you can keep saying it wasn't a bullet, you can say it was just shrapnel, you can say he's blowing it out of proportion, you can say it's not your fault, and that's all it is, it's just a cover. It's just an excuse, it's the same thing as the letter from the 51 intelligence agents, it's just giving the desperate people in the media, the desperate people on the left, something to run with, something to save them. But you know what doesn't work about it? And I was talking today about this earlier, people, even if they're not incredibly political, if they're not tuned in, if they're not reading Politico or Axios, or they're not watching Fox, they're not political junkies, in general, people have pretty good instincts and people understand what's going on, and they might not be able to verbalize exactly what's going on, but they can tell that something's off, like there has been something in the air for the past, I'm gonna say four years, where you can constantly tell that people are being evasive, that people in positions of power, like Christopher Ray, like Joe Biden, like KJP, like Kamala Harris, like John Kirby, that they're not giving you the full story, that they're hiding something from you, and you don't have to be entrenched in this world to have that feeling, to pick up on that vibe, and that is exactly what happens at all of these hearings. You can tell that there's an ulterior motive here to throw that in there, that oh, it could've been a bullet, it could've been shrapnel, and that's what he's going for. Now, I do wanna mention a really funny story, that when you look at all the things that are going on, with the Pro Hamas protests, you know, vandalizing all these things, we're gonna come back to that. It's easy to forget about Keith Overman, but I won't let that happen, okay? I'm never gonna let them forget about you, Keith, because you are a gem, you are a needle in the haystack when it comes to complete lunacy. Keith Overman tweeted out, okay? He was watching, he probably wasn't watching this, he just saw go viral on Twitter. It was the Cardinals, okay, the baseball team, and one of their players got a home run, and so the players in the dugout start pumping their fists, they're very excited for him, they start celebrating. Keith Overman, and this is what I love about Democrats, is they are so, they cannot help themselves, they jump to conclusions, they assume things so quickly, they don't, the arrogance they have, they don't ever feel, like if I think something, if I have a thought, and I'm like, oh, that would be a pithy tweet, that would get me a lot of likes, I tend to go back and check, and make sure, like if I'm overly confident, this tweet's gonna kill, if something that's almost too good to make up, I double check it. What I love about liberals like Keith Overman is they never do that, if they have a thought, they are so superior to all of us, that they don't have to double check that they're telling the truth, they just vomit it out onto the internet, and it makes for a really, really funny display of stupidity. So Keith Overman sees these baseball players, right? They're pumping their fists. And this is his totally not insane, unhinged reaction. Attention, he tags at MLB, because if nothing, if Keith Overman is anything in this life, it's a tattletale, it's a hall monitor, okay, he's a rat. So he tags at MLB, ban these guys from baseball for life, confiscate the Cardinals franchise, and implode the stadium. Cardinals equal Trump Nazis. Stick to sports, bleep the St. Louis Cardinals. America has had enough of this bleep. Now he thinks that by pumping their fists, 'cause they're all kind of doing it in unison, Keith Overman is so Trump obsessed, he's so in love with Trump, he has this toxic relationship with Trump, that he sees those baseball players, and he immediately thinks that they're replicating something that Trump did. Maybe it was when Trump was on the stage after the shrapnel slash bullet, whatever Christopher Ray decides, and does pumping his fist fight by fight. Keith Overman sees those people, and he thinks they're replicating what Trump did. Implode the stadium, the Cardinal players are Nazis. Compascate the franchise, ban these guys from baseball for life. That is his reaction to a video, but here's the best part. The guy who got the home run, he used to be a DJ, and you know how DJs will put a hand over their headphones and they'll pump their fists like the Jersey Shore? So it's a joke that the players have about this guy being a DJ. And so not only, even if they were doing a Trump fist pump, it's an unhinged reaction to say, implode the stadium, not exactly toning down the rhetoric in these violent times, but beyond that, it had nothing to do with Donald Trump. I just think it's Keith Overman in a nutshell, and I love it so, so much. 844-542-42. - Did they do this before with the okay hand signal, like that was-- - But this is even worse. - All of a sudden white power somehow. - Taylor, implode the stadium. What does that even, implode the stadium, confiscate the Cardinals franchise, ban these guys from baseball for life. - I'd go a step further and just ban baseball. - What an absolute lunatic. And you know, my favorite part is that after he did that, people were like, it didn't have anything to do with Trump. He deleted the tweet, which is, you know, Keith, if you did a little bit of research, if you just even waited, how about patience as a virtue? If you just waited 30 seconds before pressing send, you wouldn't always look like such an ass. Pat, you're up next on the "Grace Curly" show. Go ahead, Pat. - Hi. - What's going on? - "Grace?" - Yes. - Oh, okay. I just wanted to add, I love the series, Paul Dork. You'll love it too. - I just finished season one, Pat, and I love it so much. The end of season one was very emotional. It was very sad, but the main character, Pat-- - Oh, yeah. - He is so handsome, the main character. - Isn't he, isn't he good-looking? Nine books altogether, nine books altogether. - Oh my gosh. Well, Pat, thank you for calling, thank you for listening. And yeah, I'll keep you posted on my "Paul Dork" journey. We'll be right back, we'll take more of your calls. I wanna talk about Kamala Harris and this decision not to go to watch Beebe Netanyahu's address to Congress. Not only, I wanna talk about it from the perspective of what it tells you about how she feels about the Jewish community, but I also wanna talk about it from a political perspective of what it says about her instincts, what it says about the journey she's about to go on as a presidential candidate, and whether she's made up of the right stuff to handle this career shift. And I don't think she is. We'll be right back, we'll take your calls. Don't go anywhere. - Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. (upbeat music) - This is "The Grace Curly Show." (upbeat music) - Today's poll question is brought to you by J.J. Manning auctioneers, and you still have time to vote. Whether residential, commercial, or land, J.J. Manning can get your property sold now to learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111, or go to J.J. with over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients. You can be the next one. Taylor, what is the poll question, and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what will be Biden's lasting legacy? The border, Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Gaza, Afghanistan withdrawal, or Hunter. - I think the border, which is weird because Joe keeps telling us what a great job he did on the border. He talked about it last night during his 11-minute address. And yet, the media seems to be trying to distance Kamala Harris from her title as "Borders Are." Doesn't make sense to me. If you guys did such a great job with the border, shouldn't she be proud of her title as "Borders Are"? Shouldn't she be bragging about it? Shouldn't she be talking about that as much as she talks about electric school buses and being on burden by the burdens of the burdens of the past, that burden you when they're burdening? I'm just, I don't understand deflecting away from being the borders are. (laughing) It clearly is something you guys are so proud of, your progress on that front. So I'm gonna vote for the border. - 67% say the border. 4% say Ukraine, Russia. 19% say the Afghanistan withdrawal, and 10% say Hunter. - All righty, let's go to Mark, you're up next on "The Grace Curly Show." Go ahead Mark. - Hey Grace, yeah, just a couple points. Number one, I saw some of Christopher Ray yesterday is the same old Ray. I mean, under the pretext of getting to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, he says absolutely nothing. If you said to him, I can guarantee you happiness for the rest of your life, his first thing would be, well let me be careful here, I have to think about this. I have a propensity to change my mind and I'd be remiss if I didn't say that. - Yeah. - That. - Yeah. - And you get that profile and courage, Joe. He's given up the presidency for the good of the country. He's passioned the torch. Well, if he didn't pass the torch, he was gonna get hit over the head with it with Pelosi, Shoma and Schiff. So, I don't believe he's as patriotic as he's making out. - Mark, excellent call, and to your first point, there was a great meme I saw this morning, and it was the top of it was Cheeto, and she was saying I refer you to the FBI's investigation and the bottom of the picture was Christopher Ray, and he said I'm gonna have to refer you to the Secret Service's investigation, and this is DC in a nutshell, these are these, this is the swamp, this is very indicative of the Biden administration, it's all, it's like the Spider-Man meme, I'm pointing at you, you're pointing at him, he's pointing at me, nobody ever takes accountability for anything, nobody has any answers, you're right on the money with that, and Joe Biden is not doing something out of love of country, or because he's worried about democracy, he made a deal that they would let him stay, we're gonna let you stay for three more months, we're not going to evict you just yet, but you're gonna throw your support, we don't care how much you don't like her, we don't care how little faith you have in Kamala Harris, you and Dr. jail are gonna throw your support behind her, and in the meantime, we'll let your wife take the plane around with all the grandkids, go to the Olympics, you know, pose in the magazines, get all the little prose of the job that she likes, all the little benefits, and then in three months, you gotta hit the road, Jack, that was the deal here, this has nothing to do with Joe Biden being a patriot, 844-542-42, and also speaking of Christopher Ray, some people didn't catch this, but Representative Chip Roy from Texas, he was asking Christopher Ray about members of the FBI that express disappointment that Trump survived, the assassination attempt, we'll have that sound for you when we come back, plus, Hollywood is taking an interest in politics again, now that Kamala Harris is their new hero, and Jen Aniston is going after J.D. Vance, we'll break down why, and we'll take your calls on it after the break. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio. - Welcome, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Obviously, a big story is still that Kamala Harris is the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party, despite the fact that she did not receive one vote, she's just that good, she doesn't need no stinking votes, and the 180 that the media and the talking heads on all these shows have done over the last 48 hours is pretty remarkable, and I have the lowest opinion you can have of the media. Like, you cannot make me like any person in the mainstream media, at least. I find them all to be sellouts, liars, and just really, most importantly, just very bad at their jobs. Their jobs are to deliver the truth to the American people, to hold people in powerful positions accountable, they don't do any of those things. And the backflips that they're trying to do, they're trying to rewrite history, and it's not like they're trying to rewrite history from 10 years ago. That's what I find so offensive about it. I'm like, you wanna try to pull one over on me, something that happened 10 years ago, I could get a little murky. Okay, I was a lot younger, I was a lot less concerned with politics. - You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? - 10 years ago, maybe I fell out of a coconut tree. But you're trying to convince me something 10 days ago, or 10 weeks ago, or 10 months ago, you're trying to rewrite that? I have a phone, I have Twitter, I remember the videos, it wasn't that long ago. And that just leads me to the point that I've made a few times on this show, which is they just really are hoping that people are that stupid, and that's where I think they might be wrong. They're overplaying their hand a bit. But listen to their attempt to change their tune on Kamala Harris being the borders are. So there's before and after cuts here, this is a news buster's compilation, this is cut 30. Quote, unquote, borders are. Vice President Harris was not a borders are. - Being time Vice President and borders are Kamala Harris, facing some backlash. - What he said about Harris and immigration was not true, she was never appointed borders are. - And this will be her first visit to the US-Mexico border region, since she was appointed as the borders are by President Biden. - People don't have to counter the misinformation, you already hear folks talking about the borders are, she wasn't the borders are. - President Biden tapped Kamala Harris, Vice President Kamala Harris, to be the borders are. - Now she wasn't the borders are, that's what Republicans labeled her. - They were very critical of Kamala Harris, especially in her role as borders are. - Now what she's up against is folks lying about her border record, calling her a borders are. - Kamala Harris, who was appointed as the borders are. - The Biden team didn't declare her the borders are, they wanted her to work on the root causes of immigration. - There has been so much criticism against Kamala Harris, she was the borders are. - Calling her sort of the borders are, which wasn't necessarily the case. - So the border, if they weren't planning to address it in a major way, do not make her your borders are. She met with some of the Northern Triangle countries, but nothing has effectively changed. - It would seem that you all have some correcting to do. You're, every member of the media, you guys were the ones calling her the borders are, if you wanna issue an apology for that, if you wanna say you were wrong, that you got it wrong, that you misinterpreted what Biden meant, that's fine. But don't try to say Republicans call her this, we didn't come up with this. This wasn't our idea, you give us credit for way too much. You're always trying to give us credit for everything. I'm starting to feel like Trump, there's nothing that Republicans can't do or can't be held responsible for. Any time there's a violent act, even if it's Trump getting almost assassinated, that's also Republican's fault. It's the right-wing's fault that Donald Trump almost had his head blown off. Now, in this case, it's our fault that the media labeled her the borders are before they knew she was gonna be so bad at it, and now they're hoping that they can convince us that they never said it, that we said it, it's our fault. It's like being in a relationship with a gas lighting person who every time you bring up a problem, they go, you sound crazy. You realize how crazy you sound? You're insane. They're like an abusive person just trying to convince you that whatever you experienced didn't happen, you called her the borders are. I wanted to bring something else up here because there was a story, and I've seen it pop up over the last few days. There's a cut going around of JD Vance. He was on with Tucker Carlson, and he made fun of, or he called out what he called that, and childless cat ladies who are running the country. And a lot of people have picked up on this, Jennifer Aniston and others, and we're basically saying that this was... - We're really gonna get, are we going? Where I think we're going? - What? - This progresses, 'cause now they're making fun of JD Vance for something. Oh, have you not seen? - Oh, the thing in his book? - Yeah. - No, I don't wanna go there today. - Okay. - All I wanna say is on a serious note, because as a woman in media who's following all of this, I was talking to Sean Spicer today, he asked me about it. He said, you know, they're making this into a huge thing. They're saying women are offended. How do you feel about it? You guys know, I'm not easily offended by anything. But I did say from a strategic standpoint, I said, I don't think as a Republican party, we ever wanna make people, and I really don't think that's what he was trying to say, but you don't want to make it, first of all, easy for the media to create this narrative. And second, you don't wanna make people feel like we're a judgmental tent, or we're not letting people in, or we're not welcoming. And the reason I say that is because I am a young woman, a woman, I understand what a sensitive topic having children can be for women. And I think there was a more articulate way for J.D. Vance to phrase that. And at the same time, two things can be true. I think there's a way to have a conversation about parental rights and the importance of family values without throwing in a cheap shot at childless cat ladies and making those people in our society feel like, be dismissive towards them or make them feel like they don't have a place in the Republican party. But at the same time, I also think what the media is doing is dishonest because these are the same celebrities and the same members of the media who have said nothing over the last four years when there's been plenty of death, plenty of destruction, plenty of horrible policies under Joe Biden, but what do they choose to focus on? It's selective outrage over a two or 15 second cut from J.D. Vance with Tucker Carlson in 2021. Like you're gonna sum up that guy based off a 15 second cut where if we're being honest, I think he was trying to be funny. And that's something that I've learned from doing this show is every once in a while, there's a topic that deserves a serious conversation. And if you're too focused on being flippant or funny, you can kind of miss the mark. And I do think that's what happened in that interview with Tucker Carlson. Do I think that the outrage that is being fomented in the media about that cut is in any way honest or reflective of how those people really feel? No, I don't, but two things can be true at the same time. I did promise people that we'd play this cut from Christopher Ray with Representative Chip Roy. This is cut 31 talking about, we've discussed this before, the members of the FBI who are going on their social media to express their disappointment that the assassin in Butler, Pennsylvania was not successful. Can I get cut 31? - In 2016 and 2015, top FBI officials infamously texted about quote their insurance policy to make sure Trump was never elected or inaugurated as president. Have any FBI agents texted email or expressed disappointment that Trump survived the assassination attempt or otherwise editorialized about the assassination attempt? - I don't know about any agents. There have been at least two instances, I think, or one instance of an individual who posted something that I consider outrageous and totally inappropriate. And unacceptable. And that individual has been referred to our inspection division, which is the arm, our sort of internal affairs, investigatory arm that does the disciplinary process. - Who knows how long that investigation will take? Maybe when you guys wrap up the shrapnel versus bullet investigation or the hunter by the laptop investigation or any of the investigations that seem to go on forever. You never really seem to put a pin in any of these. Maybe you can get to firing the member or the person who works for the FBI who was sad that the assassin didn't get Trump square in the head. I don't know when that will happen. You guys seem to be on a strange timeline. You seem to be years out from accomplishing anything. 844, 542, 42, you know, yesterday we mentioned that the Olympics this year were gonna be politically charged because of the pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel, pro-Hamas, however you wanna describe it, activists, who really have a knack for finding things that either people worked really hard to attend or people put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into, things that people enjoy that always is on their radar. They have a knack for finding those things and then ruining them, golf tournaments, plays, concerts. They will find it. And of course, traffic, like anytime there's a chance to cause a traffic jam, there they are. But I mentioned that I was curious if the climate people were gonna kind of have their panties in a bunch because it's like, well, hold on. The anti-Israel people are kind of stealing all your thunder. They're showing up to all these things. They're ruining property, defacing monuments. That used to be your thing. And so I did a little research. And I was just curious if the climate people were going to show the anti-Israel people whose boss. Like, hey, the Olympics is our thing, back off. And I came across this piece in the business times. Airports Wall Street in Olympics in crosshairs of climate activists. They are, however, planning mass occupations over the summer, including one at the start of the Olympic Games opening in Paris on July 26th. Organizers in France say this could last several days, but would be more visible than disruptive, but have not offered further planning details. So it might be two groups trying to ruin the Olympics. Two groups trying to disrupt the Olympic Games. Just a heads up. Just in case you thought the climate people were kind of losing their edge, like they were being overrun by the anti-Israel people, they're still in this. They're still working. They still got something up their sleeves. - I think ruining the Olympics should be an Olympic sport. - We should have all the activists get together. You're right. And then Greta Thunberg can hand out the gold medals. - That would be a great Olympic event. I would watch that. - Like tire slashing. - How far can you throw a can of soup at a painting? - I love it. - Now we're thinking. - How many tires can you slash under 60 seconds? - Yeah, yeah, cross country slashing. - Give us your best ideas for the social justice warrior Olympics, and we will put it together. - I think that could be pretty cool. What else do they like to do? Maybe he gets in private planes. How many planes can you spray paint? It's gonna be a lot of timed events. Like, 'cause obviously a lot of this stuff, it doesn't take a genius to be able to do it. But the question is, how fast can you do it before-- - How quickly can you stop highway traffic? - Before people show up and arrest you. And that could be the other part of it, Taylor. That could be the defense. You know, we have people who can participate and create the obstacle where it's like, yeah, can you throw the can of soup at this painting? But can you do it if there's a cop who's running towards you and is ready to put the little zip ties? - We need to get in touch with Daily Wire or somebody Matt Walsh could make this happen. - It's genius. That's all I can say. We'll be right back. Let's take one call before we go. Michael, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Michael. - Hi, Grace. - Yes. - Yeah, I just got to say, I laughed out loud when you said that was a recording in "Mother Tell me about your recipe." But anyway, like two quick things. If you like Paul Doc, you're watching the remake of it. I think, go back to the original with the late '70s. That was like the Golden Age of British TV. - Oh, okay. - Robin Ellis played Paul Doc. So just check that one out. It's up on YouTube, I think. I think the whole thing is up there. So you can see, you know, it compared it to, but I think it was much better. But anyway, you'll be talking to Caroline Levitt. - I'm gonna try to get her on the show. If not tomorrow, definitely next week. Do you have a question for her? - Well, yeah, I mean, they always talk about lawyers. You know, it's great. But they had lawyers in 2020, you know, and they got no standing. It didn't make any difference, you know? And the guy that Howie had on, Jay Valentine, he has a website that's called Omega 4 America. He used the number four, Omega 4 America. He even has a recording of his interview with Howie, I think, towards the bottom. But when he makes his case, it's much more persuasive, you know, than just someone else talking about it. You have to hear him do it, you know? - Okay. - And I just wish you would get her to listen to it, just once, you know? Just so you, I know, you know, she's a friend of yours, but just so like, you know, that no stone was unturned, you know what I mean? 'Cause we can't lose this thing. - Yeah, yeah, no, Michael. It's a great point. And I now am even more motivated than I was before to get Caroline on the show. Now that I know people wanna hear from her, people always wanna hear from her, but that's a very good question. Thank you for the call, Michael. Thank you for the recommendation. I had no idea that just saying pole dark, that we had so many pole dark fans out there. - Never heard of it. - It's very good, it's very good. We will be right back, it's kind of soapy, you know? It's a little soap opera-esque, it's a little down-to-nabby-esque. - Would I enjoy it? - No, I wouldn't recommend it for you. - Okay. - It's a great show, but no, there's just, there's too many like wholesome characters. I think you'd be like sitting there, like I don't like him, I don't like her. We'll be right back with Howie Carr, another person I wouldn't recommend the show to. So don't go anywhere, stick with us, we'll be right back. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. - She experienced, she's tough, she's capable. It's tender, it's juicy, it's delicious. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show soon. Howie Carr will be taking over and how he joins us now. Howie, thank you so much for joining us today. - My pleasure. - I wanted to get, first of all, your take on the 11-minute address. I know that you didn't watch it live, sir. I know you have bigger and better things to do, but it didn't take a lot of time to watch it today. - Like some of my listeners, I was organizing my sock drawer last night. But what did you make of it from what you saw today online? - It looked like he escaped from Madame Toussaint's museum, wax museum, but they're gonna have to work on the sound a little bit 'cause he was mom playing on the wall. - He was in the White House, I guess it was live. There is talk that Trump wants equal time. Do you think that he has shot at that? - No, I don't think he has a shot at it, but I don't blame him for asking. It was a campaign speech, and it was just more of the same nonsense. Lies and gibberish. - Yeah, now, how is something else that I wanted to get your two cents on a big story today? And this is kind of a follow-up from the media trying to rewrite Kamala Harris' borders are history. Well, now there's another one. GovTrack, the website, has deleted the page that showed Kamala Harris was ranked as the most liberal senator in 2019. I know that we're used to the media being terrible, but it seems like they're outdoing themselves when it comes to Kamala Harris. - They are, they are, they're desperate, but I don't think it's gonna work. I really think this is one of these cases where, I think it was one of your, that guy, Ari today said. I think he said, just put her out there. Again, like I said yesterday, when they were debating the first Iraq war, that Barbara Boxer and Joe Kennedy wanted more time. And they thought about it and they said, you guys got as much time as you want. Just take-- - Run out the clock, baby. - There's no time clocks on you guys, just go for it. And then they passed it overwhelmingly, the revision that they were opposing. - Yeah, it's just, well, I actually wanted to ask you about some of the protests that we saw after BB Netanyahu's address to Congress. You were so impressed by his speech yesterday. Obviously Kamala wasn't there, Nancy Pelosi wasn't there, Steve Lynch wasn't there. And here's the headline from Politico. "Republicans pounce after Netanyahu protesters burn U.S. flags and wave Hamas ones instead." - How about a Lahu Akbar chanting that? That was a nice touch, wasn't it? They pounced, huh? - That was insane. - Again, it's almost like they're trying to play the cliche game. - I know, it's like they're really leaning into it. They're almost like becoming the Babylon B. So it's taking the fun out of it a little bit. You used to have to look for these things deeper in the article. Now it's just right in the headline. - Yeah, I know, it wasn't like anyone had to go out of their way to see the burning U.S. flags. - But NPR described it as largely peaceful. - Largely peaceful. Okay, largely is, it's a synonym for mostly. - Yeah, not my favorite, but I prefer mostly peaceful. How many cards coming up next, he's got a great show planned for all of you. I'll start working on trying to get Caroline on tomorrow to talk election integrity. I know people are worried about it. We'll try to get her on the show. We'll see you all tomorrow. Thanks for listening. - But the atmosphere was largely peaceful. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)