The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden Uses 11 Minute Address to tell Us Nothing | 7.25.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace talks about Bibi's address to congress, and Biden's address to the nation.

Broadcast on:
25 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace, stand up. - Grace Curly. - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. I am so excited to be here. I can't believe it's already Thursday. Time flies when you're having fun and when there's this much news to cover, a few programming notes for all of you. Ari Hoffman will be joining us at 105 to discuss the protests using air quotes there. The mostly peaceful protests in DC, following Beebe Netanyahu's address to Congress. We also have Walker joke at 130. So it's gonna be a really fun, fast-moving show, per usual. I wanted to start by discussing Biden's speech and the lines are open. The number is 844-542-42. I did not watch this live. I chose instead to watch this BBC show that I'm getting into. And I'm throwing it out in case anyone else has watched this. Don't say any spoilers or anything like that. But it's a show poll dark. It's very, very good. I like it a lot. And so I couldn't tear myself away from that show for even the 11 minutes that Joe Biden was speaking. So I went back today to look it up on YouTube and I knew it wasn't gonna be like an hour long. I know he doesn't have that kind of gas in the tank at this point, but even so, 11 minutes to announce that you're not going to be running for president after putting out a tweet on Sunday is it's a little underwhelming, I would say. Now, it was 11 minutes of Biden trying his very best to explain, and I don't think there's anything that Biden could really explain well at this point, but he was trying his best to explain how he's interested in saving democracy. So that is why his party needs to disenfranchise 14 million people and select Kamala Harris as the nominee via essentially a Zoom call. That's what democracy is all about right now, according to Joe Biden. And I had a few takeaways. One of them is I love, 'cause sometimes, and you know this Taylor, sometimes you watch the press react to something and your blood pressure increases and you get so angry. Or like for example yesterday, when I was watching Eric Swalwell and Hank Johnson questioning Christopher Ray and spewing these crazy narratives about Trump, I get angry. But there are things that are so out there that I can't help but just giggle. Like Joe Biden thinking he's Ben Franklin, Joe Biden comparing himself to all of these people, the press comparing him to George Washington. That one for me, it's cute. You know, I almost feel bad for him. Okay sure, yeah, you and Ben Franklin, man, you're right on the same wavelength. By the way, remember when Trump compared himself to Lincoln and everyone was like, how dare he? He's insane, it's a mad house. But now Joe Biden just, he thinks he's doing us all this patriot. - You got that choice. Remember the words of Benjamin Franklin's hanging on my wall here. - I was hanging on the wall so that you shouldn't mess it up at all if you've got it right there on the wall. Did he manage to hit the right note with that one? Can I hear the rest of that cut? You tease me with that, Taylor. I need to hear the whole thing. - Oh, I thought he said Benjamin Franklin was literally hanging on his wall. - Oh, oh, oh, oh. Yeah, he had a couple of quotes in there that we will get to. I don't know, one of the things I was gonna make the poll question, but it was a little in the weeds. Which one moves you the most? Joe Biden invoking Ben Franklin, or Adam Lally invoking John Adams? It's really a toss up. And their delivery leaves a lot to be desired no matter which person you're talking about. But my main takeaway was besides the fact that he's really trying to spin this, like this was my call. You know, when someone gets dumped and they keep telling you, it was mutual, it was mutual. No, no, no, it was 100% mutual. Yeah, we just, we just, you know, we just both thought. We, yeah, we had a conversation. We just both thought, we're not in the right. It's just this timing thing. That's all it is. No, no, you heard she dumped me? No, no, no, no, no. Oh, that, I gotta clear that up right now. That did not happen. That is what Joe Biden's trying to do. He's trying to reclaim the narrative and say, "This was something that I thought about." As if it wasn't that he was encroached by all of these hyenas, like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, and they were, you know, pushing him towards a cliff unless he did what they wanted him to do. We all know that's what happened. We all know that he wasn't sitting fireside and contemplating next to his leather-bound books about what would be best for the country going forward, although I do chuckle at the thought of that. I hope that's what he thinks happened. But my other main takeaway was that they have no plan. They have no desire to be honest with the American people as to why he's leaving. And really, when you think about it, it's like, why would they start being honest now? That's no fun. You're gonna start being honest on your way out. You gotta stick with a deny, deny, deny. If you've lied for this long, it's really your only option. So he goes out there and he can't say, and this is the sticky wicket that Joe Biden and his besties in the White House have found themselves in. All the people getting ice cream. Did you see my collag? No, what's his name? Peter Alexander said, "Ice cream for everyone." Because after this 11-minute speech, he earned himself an ice cream cone and he went out to greet his team and they were all crying and clapping and it was so nice. We'll get to all that. But they're not gonna start being honest with you now and they found themselves in this predicament because they can't say Joe Biden is stepping down for what is obviously his mental decline. Despite what Frank told us about health issues, they wrote that out real quick. It's like Frank's a booze bag. Don't listen to Frank. Frank, Frank, you sound insane right now. Do you hear yourself? You sound crazy. So you can't talk about the health issues. And the reason for that is kind of twofold. If they acknowledge that what was once floated by NBC in October of 2023 is a Republican conspiracy that Biden wouldn't be on the ballot, if they acknowledge that that quiet conspiracy theory was very much out in the open and was very much based off the truth, then they're admitting to this giant cover-up scheme. And they're admitting that it wasn't cheap fakes. It wasn't Republicans pouncing and seizing and weaponizing, it was actually just a sad story of a man who is clearly some sort of mental acuity issue, whose wife is craving and needs power and is wildly ambitious and pushed him to do this so that their family of grifters could fly on air first one and go to the Olympics and stay in giant mansions on Thanksgiving, on Nantucket. But they don't wanna talk about that. So instead, they're just going to pretend that it's not health issues and they're not going to acknowledge it. But the other part of the reason, the twofold part is one, they don't wanna admit they're lying, but I think that's a less of it. I don't think that they really care that much if people know they're liars. I think it's more so that if they say it's health issues, then the obvious question becomes, okay, so is he gonna step down right now? Why should we go another three months with someone who can't do the job if he has cognitive issues? Shouldn't he step aside and pass the torch to Kamala? Now, the other problem is if they acknowledge, and I wanna go back to passing the torch to Kamala in just one second, but they can't say that he's stepping aside because it's politically beneficial either. And the reason there is that you run the risk of igniting even more speculation over whether or not this was above board legally, this maneuver to subvert the results of the primary in order to bail on this sinking ship that is Joe Biden. You're not supposed to do something. You're not supposed to ignore 14 million people's preferences and votes because you decided that your candidate wasn't up to snuff. That's not how democracy works. - I stole the election. But I wanted to talk about something. I was doing a hit today in Steve Cortez. People remember him. He was from the Trump administration. Then he became a DeSantis guy for a while. He's back on the MAGA movement. He's really smart and he's usually attuned to him. He's very good with numbers and explaining breaking down numbers. But today he said something and it really stuck out to me. He goes, "Why wouldn't Joe Biden?" 'Cause he keeps telling us how he's doing this for the good of the country. And it's not about him, the famously selfless Joe Biden, the man who is so narcissistic, so full of himself, the first one to sing his own praises. He's now running with this narrative that he's just the bigger person. He's doing this for all of us. It's not about him, it's about us. And if that were true, and if he's such a big fan of Kamala, which now Dr. Jill's trying to convince us up to, like, "Oh, you gotta trust Kamala. We love Kamala. I love you, Joe. I love you, Joe and Jill." If we're supposed to believe this is, oh, Lubby Dovey, everyone's getting along. This is so wonderful. He thinks she can win. She's the best candidate. What a gift it would be to her to say, "Listen, I'm more concerned about the country. I'm more concerned about saving democracy. I'm gonna step aside now and let you be president now." Because think about it from a political strategic standpoint. There's not a doubt that that gives Kamala a leg up. Now, Caroline Levitt had said, "We want people to see her be president for three months." But, you know, if she is even remotely able to be a competent leader for three months, which that's a big if, it's a huge leg up to already be in the position. But to me, the fact that Joe Biden is clinging to this last three months, like he's gonna leave, we're supposed to believe he's leaving because he's such a good guy. You know, it's not about him. It's about you. But he's not that good of a guy. He's still gonna finish his term. He's still not gonna let her horn in on his last three months of drifting. And by the way, I don't know if people caught this, thanks to Miranda Devine, I saw this, that the team of grifters, all the grandkids, of course not Navy. She's persona, non-grata in that group. They're all going to the Olympics, like 20 of them. It's like home alone. There's all these people going to see the Olympics. And Miranda Devine tweeted out and she said the grift is an overdrive 'cause they know, you know, the clock's running out. But he's such a big man. He's such a compassionate, decent, George Washington-esque person that he's gonna step aside, but not before he caches in on these last three months. And I think that was part of the deal. I think when he was having this sit down in Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi were threatening him, saying if you don't step aside, we're gonna kick you out. I think he must have said, I won't run and I'll endorse Kamala, but I am finishing this. 'Cause that's an ego thing. That is, if he didn't have an ego like he's trying to tell us, the normal thing to do would be to say, I'm passing the torch and why wait, I'm gonna pass it right now. I don't feel up to running for a reelection. And in fact, because of that, I don't really feel as though I'm doing the best job I can as president. It would be a crazy move for him because it would make sense, which we know goes against everything he stands for. But it would also put his party in a much stronger position. And this is his final bleep you to them. It's like, no, you kick me to the curb, that's fine. But I'm not helping you. I'll get out and you can run somebody else, but you're not getting my last three months. - It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him. - We've got a lot more to talk about. I wanna talk about the activists, the social justice warriors, the Hamas sympathizers in DC, the fact that Kamala didn't go to this speech by BB Netanyahu and so much more. The number is 844-542-42. We got a lot more to talk about when we come back. - You're listening to "The Grace Curly Show." This is "The Grace Curly Show." (upbeat music) - We're looking at this office. I promise to always love with you. To tell you the truth. The truth, sacred cause of this country is larger than any one of us. Those are also cherries that cause. Cherries is so much. A cause of American democracy itself. Must unite to protect it. - The other part of the speech I didn't get was there was a lot of flubs, which would make sense if it were live, but based off the pictures of his watch, I didn't think it was live. I thought it was prerecorded. Wasn't the fake White House said it was the real White House this time, but I don't think it was live. - You saw the watch pictures? - Yeah, is that conspiracy theory stuff? - I saw the watch pictures too, but then I saw other watch pictures, which seemed to indicate the correct time. - Okay, so maybe it was a cheap fake. Maybe I've done it again. I did want to mention, maybe it was live. It would make more sense to me if it was live. - It was just a bad watch. - Because I used to wear a watch all the time that didn't tell time, but it was cool. It looked cool. And then people kept calling me out for it. They're like, "You weren't a watch that doesn't work?" I was like, "Okay, no more." It's called fashion, sweetie, look it up. But I have something else to say about Kamala Harris here for a second, because Joe Biden's heaping praise on her. Dr. Jill's writing her letters. The media is in full, blown, I mean big brother style propaganda would make North Korea blush. They are trying so hard to sugarcoat this disaster of a candidate. And they're really trying to work their base up into a lather. Like all the Republicans are mean. Oh, the Republicans are sexist. Oh, the Republicans are racist. All that good stuff that they always do. But something that dawned on me today is after watching Biden's speech this morning where he's talking about how great the border is doing. We've done such a great job with it. The amount of encounters are down. And there's less people crossing now than there were in Trump's last month in office. It's convenient for him to say because once it was Trump's last month in office, a lot of illegal aliens knew there was a new guy coming in, Joe, and that's when they started flooding the border. But I don't even wanna get into that. I wanna bring up another point. We had Axios, we had all these, and we're gonna play the compilation, the montage. All these talking heads, all these outlets, the alphabet outlets telling us that we never, Kamala was never the border czar. That was never her title. She was in the border czar. That's misinformation. Where's Nina Jankowitz? Supercalifragilistic Expialidocious. That's not true. And my question is, which one is it? Because if everything's going so well on the border, if you're all doing such a bang up job that you're so proud of, according to Joe Biden, then why don't you want her to be the borders czar? Why are you taking away that title? You gave it to her, you all called her that. You're the ones who made her the borders czar or who ran with that for a very long time. Now you're trying to rewrite history. But wouldn't it be a feather in her cap if they've done such a great job on the border, if something they should be proud of and not worried about going into this election? They're going to tell us how all of the numbers, all the facts, all the crimes, the lake and Riley crimes, everything you've seen over the last four years is just Republicans in right-wing media pouncing and seizing and weaponizing. It's all cheap fakes. And the reality of the border is it's running smoothly and it's better than it's ever been, then wouldn't she want to be the borders czar? Wouldn't that be a part of her resume that she would be, I don't know, proud of? But again, everything they say, they contradict themselves without even realizing it. He's out there bragging about how great the border is and at the same time Axios is trying to go in and stealth edit old articles about Kamala Harris. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers, whether residential, commercial or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now to learn more contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to With over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients, you can be the next one. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what will be Biden's lasting legacy? The border, Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Gaza, the Afghanistan withdrawal or Hunter? I'm gonna say the border. 60% say the border, 29% say Afghanistan withdrawal, everything else is under 10%. I want to get to this compilation. We'll save it for when we come back, but it really does make me laugh that they're saying, well, she was never, that was never her title. Borders are, and I'm sitting here going, you're the ones who wrote about it. I didn't write about it, maybe I did write about it, but most of the American people, we didn't come up with this, are you trying to tell us that we came up with this, had a thin air, that all of a sudden one day, somebody on the street started calling her, the borders are caught on? Is that the Mandela effect? Yeah, like we got it wrong, it just caught on. Where did it come from? You, physicians heal thyself, the calls coming from inside the house. We'll be right back, we got tons of sound, we'll take your calls, it's 844, 542. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. - I believe I record as president. I leadership in the world. I vision for America's future. All merit it a second term, but nothing, nothing, can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition. So I've decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. It's the best way to unite our nation. - Wait, I'm confused though, if you've had this great record, and just a few days ago, you were telling us that you're ready for it. Come on, you're yelling at Lester Holt. I can talk about man, look at me. Challenging people to push up contests, and then something switched, something happened, somebody got to you. And I think we all know who it was. It was Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer, or insert any Democrat higher up oligarch, anyone who came in and told him what to do. But even in saying that, he's kind of admitting that this is just political, that it's not about, oh, you know, if he wanted to say, listen, I'm gonna level with you, I'm not all there, and so I have to step down, and I have to not run for reelection, then I would throw him a bone and say, that that was the decent thing to do. But you're essentially telling us that the pollster has finally got to you, that the Democrat machine bullied you into a corner, and you kind of thrown up your hands, you can't fight it anymore. There's nothing brave or courageous or selfless about that. Let's go to Mike, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Mike? - It really is remarkable when we look back on everything that Democrats accuse Republicans of, they're the ones that do it. I mean, it's just, it's unbelievable. So the one thing though that they can't do is, Joe can't, he can't step down. So he can't step down because it would be admitting that for the past three and a half, four years, that he had not been running things, because this didn't happen overnight, right? We all know that, everybody knows that, and it's verifiable whether or not Kamala's been getting briefings, whether or not, as the number two in charge, the number two in line, whether or not, as she'd been meeting with the joint chief, what has she been taught on foreign policy calls with other leaders, which she hasn't been, right? She's, I don't even know what she's doing. But clearly, they can't let him step down because then they're gonna admit that we don't know who's been running the country. So it's impossible, imagine Grace for a moment like you were gonna take over how we show, right? 'Cause we know how he's lost that he can't do it anymore. And all of a sudden, he's gonna nominate you to take over. We say, okay, Grace, well, how do we know you're prepared? Talk to us a little bit about what you've been doing to take over, and we know you haven't. So what do you do? We know you're lying, we know he's lying, we know they're lying. That's what everybody's missing. So he ain't going anywhere, you can't. - Well, I kind of, okay, so here's why I disagree with you, okay, on one hand it's like, yeah, Kamala, if he were to step down right now and hand it over to Kamala, she might turn around and she might start getting questions about, if there were any decent journalists, which was based off last night and Peter Alexander is essentially yelling at, "I scream for everyone!" Oh, wait 'til I read you the tweets about the photo of Hunter and Joe hugging. It was worse than the Obama crease in his pants moments. These people were like sobbing over the beauty of these two grifters embracing. But yeah, she's gonna get some questions, like, hell, you told us he was sharp and now he's passing the torch to you and he's not finishing off his presidency, his term, why did you lie? But when you add in the fact the media is going to run overdrive, they're going to fawn over her, they're going to spin so hard for her. Like, harder than I think any of us even thought possible. If you thought they spun hard for Biden when he was stumbling around like a crazy man and had the people in the circles during COVID, like seven people listening to his speech, they're going to do even more for Kamala Harris. And so I don't know if that is enough to keep them from having him step aside just because they're gonna be liars because they've already been proven to be liars so many times. Like, they put him up on the debate stage and right there a lot of people in this country said, "Oh, so it wasn't cheap fakes." Oh, so he actually can't put a sentence together. I think the bigger issue here is that there was a deal that was made. I don't know if it was in Roe bit, I don't know where it happened. But over the last few days when Joe Biden was coming to this decision when they were cornering him and telling him what to do and basically like giving him a swirly in the White House bathroom, you're like, "You better get out of here, 'cause we're gonna eat your lunch, we're gonna push you in a locker." I think part of that was fine, I will do this, but I want my last three months. I think this has to do with the grift. And here's why, Mike, I'll tell you this. Dr. Jill got on Air Force One with her daughter, Ashley. Maisie, her grandkid, Maisie, Finn, Naomi, Peter Hunter, five of her grandkids, not, like I said, not Navy, they don't acknowledge Navy, but they're all going to the Olympics. Like I think these people just want three more months to grab all the silverware before they head out. Like they want to go full Howie car. They want to collect all the pens and grab all the snacks and then hit the road. They don't want, for them it's so much about the grift. I don't think it's about really the Democrat party anymore. I think he feels completely betrayed by the Democrat party in fact. I don't think there's any love loss there. And something else I'll add in is I thought Dr. Jill's letter was very strange. She writes this letter and then she posts it on Twitter. And Taylor, I want your take on this because maybe I'm just reading into it too much. This is what she writes. To those who never wavered, to those who refuse to doubt, to those who always, I got to put on my Dr. Jill voice, to those who always believed, my heart is full of gratitude. Thank you for the trust you put in Joe. Now it's time to put that trust in Kamala. Love Jill. Now maybe it's just 'cause I'm a woman and I pick up on these things. But my takeaway from that is it's extremely passive aggressive. She's saying to all those people, to all of the people who didn't stab us in the back, to all of the people who didn't turn on us, like vultures, we thank you. And now it's time for you to try and trust that other lady. To me, this is not a huge endorsement of Kamala Harris. She says, thank you for the trust you put in Joe. Now it's time to put that trust in Kamala. She doesn't say you should put that trust in Kamala. She doesn't say like she thinks you can put that trust in Kamala. She just says, it's time. - And she doesn't say, and here's why you should. - No. - No, there's no endorsement there. - She just says, love Jill. She's like, I'm out. I'm going to the Olympics, bye. I'm getting on this plane a couple more times before the clock runs out. 8, 4, 4, 542, 42. And it's not just, it's not just the media spin now trying to cover for Kamala because there's two things they're trying to do. They're trying to make Kamala into something she's not, this like political savant and this amazing candidate. And she's not. And the reason we know she's not is because in 2020, she couldn't get one delegate. I think she dropped out before 2020 actually even happened. It was like 2019. She was, at one point she was pulling behind Andrew Yang. Okay, she was not a political heavyweight. She was not a top tier candidate as she once described herself. She was a joke. And so they have to try to convince us all that not only is she not attached to the worst parts of the Biden administration, but that she is a really strong contender and she's the right person. And here's the one that goes beyond suspension of disbelief that she would have been the candidate if there had been a primary. Like if there had been other options, she would have still come out on top, which is ridiculous. Kamala Harris is probably extremely happy that this is how it's playing out because this is the closest she's ever going to get to this position. This is the closest she's ever going to get to being elected president. She could have never done it the traditional way. She had to do it this unconventional half hazard way of getting in there. Because if she had to rely on making a case to people that she's the best one to run, it never would have happened. With that being said, they're trying to paint Kamala. They're essentially like trying to write her hagiography. And at the same time, they're rewriting the past three weeks of Joe Biden. He's gone from this kind of egotistical stubborn man in decline who won't drop out, even if it's the best thing for the party, they've totally reversed that. That was part of the deal. Now it's he's George Washington, he's this, he's that. We love him so much. And John Meacham wrote a speech and what a great job he did. He met the moment. Now that's all well and good, but I think what's even worse than that slobbering BS and Peter Alexander tweeting out how everyone in the White House is getting ice cream after Joe Biden's speech. And we're all so happy for him. I gotta give a shout out to Robert Costa. From CBS. He puts up a photo of Hunter and Joe embracing. And this is his caption. A powerful photo, the hand toward his father's face. This reads like a Robert Frost poem. It's so dramatic. It is, these people are all theater people. I say this as a thespian. These are theater kids who went into journalism. The drama is unbelievable. He says, a powerful photo. The hand toward his father's face. The eyes. Put aside politics and everything related for a moment. And viewed simply on a human level, you see two men, father and son, still at each other's side. More than a half century since the darkness of December 18th, 1972. What are we doing? This is a photo of Joe and Hunter Biden. Are you supposed to be a journalist? Are you okay? Like every time I read these things, I'm like, these people definitely are giving themselves chills. They're writing this up and being like, oh my God. People are gonna cry when they read this. This is so good. This is so good. Take a step back. Take a step away from the keyboard. Remember what you're at least supposed to be pretending to be, which is a journalist reporting the truth to the American people. I know it's such a crazy character you're expected to play, but let's go back to the original bit here. Angie, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Angie. - Hi, Grace. I wanted to bring out two things. One is when Kamala was running for president, she brought up the story when the children of color were going into the white schools and all, and she gave up big story. She was that child. I remember two days later, they said that was a lie, and she's bringing it up again. Secondly, I believe all this was planned out because make sure Hunter gets pardoned and make sure, like you said, about the silverware and stuff, but you can stay there as long as Kamala makes sure Hunter is pardoned. - Yeah. - And now all of her, all of her, all people of color, and I don't mean that wrong or bad or anything. It's just the way things are. They're all now hugging her and all because they're gonna get what they want. But that story is a lie, and she's still telling it. - See, I disagree with your second part. I find that Trump is making, I just read an article today of all these black men who are supporting Donald Trump because they feel that his agenda is more beneficial to them and to their American dream and to their livelihood. So I disagree, I think the Republican Party is making huge inroads with black voters, and I don't think that black voters all vote the same way. That's something that Joe Biden, that is a Joe Biden ideology that I vehemently disagree with. I think you have to take all different sectors of the voting population and make your case to them, knowing that people have their own minds and their own opinions and they're gonna do what's best for them and what's best for their family. And the Republicans need to make that case and they need to point out that Kamala Harris has not been that, she has not been someone who has made the lives of black people in this country better. And there's so many examples, if you wanna go back to her time in California, prosecuting people, putting people away from marijuana charges and then fighting against them being able to expunge their records. So there's so many reasons why I think that black people are not going to flock to Kamala Harris. As far as Kamala lying on the debate stage, I still remember afterwards, when there was kind of a lot of hoopla about the way she attacked Joe Biden on the stage, that was really the only bump that she saw. It was short-lived when she said that little girl was me, but it was the biggest bump she saw in her 2020 campaign. And it was from basically calling Joe Biden a racist. She was asked about it later on Stephen Colbert. And she just started laughing and said like, "It was a debate, it was a debate!" In other words, I will say whatever I need to say in a political jam to try to make myself look better and to try to win more power. I don't have the courage of my convictions, I don't have any sort of compass. I'm just in this to try to make the best of each political moment, that's all. And that's fine, at least she's honest about it, but that's what that, she doesn't actually think these things about Joe Biden, but she's willing to push him under the bus on the debate stage if it fits her narrative and her agenda in that moment. That tells you a lot about Kamala Harris. And it tells you a lot about her since the beginning of her career, whether it's abolish the police, start from scratch with ICE. These are all issues that she's been on every side of because it just depends on the day and it depends on who she's talking to and what she's trying to accomplish. She will totally change her tune. And I don't know if that's someone that you want in charge of the country, someone who's not going based off what they think is right or the agenda they believe in, but is solely focused on winning. You have to stand for more than just wanting power. 844-500-42-42, we'll be right back with more. Don't go anywhere, we'll take your calls on the other side. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for two eight Tuesday, Tuesdays at two p.m. (upbeat music) - This is "The Grace Curly Show." (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to "The Grace Curly Show." A few people in the text line did not hear the show that I recommended. It's "Pole Dark." It's a period piece on BBC. I think you get the first season for free on Amazon Prime and right now I'm on the second season and I have to buy it and I'm not sure. I'm gonna buy it because the guy's awesome, but I don't know, I hate buying things. I hate how Amazon gets you like that. They're like first season free and then all of a sudden one day, boom. - Well, it's Amazon Prime. You already have a subscription. Shouldn't I get all this other stuff for free? - They get you, man. They get you one way or the other. - I paid for Jaws the other night. - I've seen that movie a hundred times. - That's like when my brother bought "Good Fellows" and my mom was like, why did you buy this? It's on TV every day and he goes. - No, you can't watch "Good Fellows" on TV. - He goes, it wasn't on TV at 9.15 last night when I wanted to watch it. Brandon, you're next up on "The Grace Curly Show." Go ahead, Brandon. - Hey Grace, long time listener. All right, so yeah, long time listener. - Thank you. - Just real quick. I just wanted the elections coming up in what? - Four months, correct. So why are we doing due diligence? I mean, having some kind of receipt 'cause obviously they're gonna try to steal this thing, right? We have Kamala Harris at one time stating that Barack Obama told her, hey, you know what, anybody could be president. She's actually on tape saying that. - Well, here's what I'll say about election integrity, Brandon, I don't know if people caught this. I'll try to get her on. You know what, tomorrow would be a great day to have her on. I think she's pretty busy. She just had a baby. But Caroline Levitt was on with Howie earlier this week and he was asking the same thing 'cause it's really, you're not alone, Brandon. It's people's number one concern. And as you know, better than anyone, it's a lot easier to handle it prior to an election. It's hard to litigate this stuff and it's hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube after the election fraud occurs. Caroline Levitt assured Howie that in Nevada and other states that they're working on it, that they've got a lot of lawyers on this, that they're trying their hardest to ensure that they're not counting votes like four days past the election. So there's that. And also I just think winning by a larger margin, you know, making this a landslide election is a nice way to give everybody that kind of reassurance that we're in the clear. It's easier said than done, obviously. But that would be my piece of advice. I think it was Chris Christie who said, "Win's so big they can't steal it." And that's what I'm looking to do. We'll be right back. We'll take more of your calls. We've got Ari Hoffman from the Post Millennial when we come back. (upbeat music) You