The Howie Carr Radio Network

Gerald Malloy Calls In, Plus We Have A Market Update | 7.24.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Gerald Malloy calls in and tells Howie he's running against Sen Bernie Sanders For the senate seat. Then, John from New York calls in with a market update and illegals in the news.

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24 Jul 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space, there are no filters to replace, and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code howey3. "Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howey Cars." "Well, obviously on many levels, I'm really sad. Joe Biden is a patriot." "Wish." "Biden relented, putting his country before his own ambition." "This notion that the media is trying to peddle that he's like George Washington refusing power for the good of the country. He had no choice. They were knifeing him in the back." "It's too brutal." "Live from the Matthews Brothers Studio." "Why was President Trump not kept off the stage?" "I don't know. Why was crooks allowed to get off A-shots?" "We don't know the answer to that." "These are just racist dog whistles. Whenever you hear DEI, I want you to think about the N-word. I want you to think about racial slurs. That's what they actually mean." "To me, the values of adversity, equality, inclusion are literally, and that's not kidding, the core strengths of America. And it starts at the top of a vice president." "Well, this is very awkward." "Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's..." "How we car?" 844-542-42 got a lot to get to this hour. I got some news, illegal alien news, Democrats in the news, etc. etc. But first I want to check in with a couple of people on the line. First one is John from New York. John, what happened? There was, to use President Trump's favorite word, there was a bloodbath today on Wall Street. "Yeah, the uncertainty, with the people, news media out, out in polls that are kind of fake, but Harris is beating Trump or Ty with Trump. The market doesn't like that at all. But that's really the genesis of it. But I'll tell you what, you'd appreciate this. I want to give you two companies specifically. Lamb and Weston, which is not a household name, makes all frozen French fries, basically everybody. Anyway, their sales are down even though they raise prices. So basically, I think their sales are down 5% or 6%. Nobody's going to restaurants. "Really? Do they make Crinkle Cuts? Those are my favorite Crinkle Cuts." "I believe they do. You can check their website. They make sweet potato fries. They make extra crispy fries. They supply almost every restaurant in the United States. I think there might be one other company that does it. I'll have to take a look at the stock because it was down 30% today." "30%? Wow. In the middle of the summer, when people are out and about at fast food places, the clam shacks in New England, places like that." "Now you'll know why all the people in the Biden administration that are running the show are so desperate to stay. Service now is a big software company. The chief information officer resigned today to spend more time with his family. He apparently had the army chief information officer award a contract to service now about a year ago and then he dutifully gave the guy a job at service now and violated company rules." "Service now. I'll have to check that one out. What's the name of the French fry company?" "Lam and Weston, the symbol's L.W." "L.W. Lamb, L.A.M.B.? Yep. Weston, W-E-S-T-N. And the symbol on the stock is L.W. So, yeah, it's down 28.25%. I guess it was down a little bit more earlier, but bounced back towards the end of the day, about a half a percent. But this thing was $125 stock, so Gavin Muscombe's policies of raising the minimum wage were really starting to come home to bite." "Oh, yeah. I hadn't even thought about that. Yeah, the fast food industry is buckling in California. All these chains that have been around for 50, 60 years are just totally totally collapsing, aren't they?" "Yeah. I mean, we have fries at home. We buy the frozen bag and cook them up, sometimes we're out in hampers, but you tend to eat them more generally speaking when you go to a restaurant." "Right." "Restorative visits are down and it doesn't matter if the price is low or the price is high. If people aren't going to restaurants, they're not ordering fries." "Well, everyone's going to be staying in tonight to watch Dementia Joe with his farewell address. I am not a lame duck, he's going to say." "I just have one thing, Halley, for you on this. This is the mass state police story." "Yes." "And I don't know why it's popped into my head, but I thought about it as the travails of the Cinco back and forth. It reminds me of the Disneyland song. It's a small world after all." "But I wouldn't want to have to paint it, John, from New York, you know? And it's also, it also reminds me of an old mob guy, I think, from New Jersey. He said that's a bunch of bleep about the honor. He said when push comes to shove, it's like a bakery on Sunday morning. Everybody's grabbing a number to wrap you out. And that's what these guys have got to be. That's the way it is in Wall Street when something cracks. It's part of human nature, you know? You just try to get out from under. You try to cut a deal. You rat out somebody. And it's going to happen. It's going to happen again. John from New York, thanks for being with us. We appreciate it. And check in again. Okay. Bye-bye. Yeah, I'm the limerick guy. He says, "Why can't the stock market handle BS, which is what the polls are? I don't know. I don't know. They do pretty well overall, but they do seem to react and overreact." I mean, the polls don't bother me. I mean, it's BS. It's again, it's these polls are put out by the same people who told you that Biden was the most consequential president. Maybe he is consequential in the sense of being a disaster in American history. Gerald Malloy, is this deploy Malloy that I'm talking to? Yes, it is. How are you? Great to hear your voice again. I wish you were the senator from Vermont. So do I, but I'm giving it another shot. And you just mentioned BS. I'm running against Bernie Sanders. Oh, I didn't know. You're running this year? Oh, yeah. I'm already the nominee, and I was at the RNC for four days. It was absolutely fantastic. Oh, that's great. I'm with you. I'll wear your sweatshirt tomorrow. I was going to wear it today, but I had a Moby Dick's cheap bastard deal. So I went with the Moby Dick's, but I'll wear a deploy Malloy tomorrow. I'm with you a hundred percent. Thank you, sir. I could tell you the RNC on Monday, you could feel our country making a turn and moving back in the right direction. And I actually gave the roll call. Check it out. It's a little clip on CSPAN. I gave the roll call for Vermont on Monday and talked about President Trump really reuniting our country among many things. And he's here by the grace of God. So great event all week. And of course, with the whole Biden and Harris thing, you know, Democrats are a mess right now, including the Vermont delegation at all protested Netanyahu today. None of them went. None of them. Bernie, Bernie didn't go. Bernie, Bernie didn't go. I'm not surprised, but still, you know, yeah, 0-3. None of them went. Yeah. So it's a meltdown on the other side. It really is. Well, you know, how old will Bernie be if he's elected and finishes another six-year term? How old will he be at the end of that last, that final? He'll be 83 here in about six weeks. And so he'd be well into 89, if he were to be reelected. And I can tell you things are going, well, as far as my campaign, they're going great in Vermont, because you probably know, I mean, our governor, Republican governor, last 13 months has said 12 vetoes overwritten. It's become unaffordable and unsafe for people leaving and people are irate, which is we just got a 14% average property tax hike. So folks are very, they're furious actually. 89 years old, you know, Chuck Grassley's holding up pretty well, but you get to that age. Most people are heading into die-fie territory. I'm not going to pick on age. Bernie is a sharp guy still, but the truth is, at some point, right around his age, you're not really representing the people and being accessible to the people, because he's not accessible at all. He's hardly in Vermont, ever. Yeah, he's got two houses, though, in Vermont, and only one in D.C., right? Or does he pick up a third house yet? A fourth house? Excuse me. What am I saying? A fourth house? I'm really, yeah, I'm not sure. It is multiple. I know that. Oh, boy. So if people want to get involved with your campaign, Gerald Malloy, where do they go? Sure. Well, it's the same deploy So all one word deploy And, you know, one thing I want to, at the conference at the convention, how we, I went to the American Jewish Committee reception, and I really got a lot of the... You might have heard the Nutra, the mom and dad talking about their son, and it really, you know, it really, it bothers me that there's no outrage and we don't hear about American hostages being held by Hamas right now. We're all the yellow ribbons, and with the outrage, it's terrible. And now we've got, you know, Congress, when our whole delegation doesn't even go to see Netanyahu who comes over here, they're our ally. They're going to help get those hostages released. I actually think... I hope to get released today or tonight, but I think as soon as President Trump becomes president again, we're going to see peace again. He said it, didn't he? And his acceptance speech, he said, "You better get those hostages home before I become president." Just like the Iranians did when Reagan became president in '81. Didn't you think I was a great speech today by Netanyahu? Oh, I've been driving all day, so I did not see it, to be honest. You've got to check it out. It's great. I will, and I was pulled out of classes at West Point in 1981, right after the inauguration of Reagan, and we all saluted the 52 hostages when they came back to West Point. So I know what you're talking about. That's great. And by the way, Gerald Malloy, I want to thank you. I haven't thank you personally, but last year, when I got dehydrated and passed out right during the show, you sent me some maple syrup, and it really helped me recover very quickly. And I really appreciated it. It was very thoughtful of you to send me that get well-gift. I appreciate it. I appreciate you having me on, and it is, that's having additional value. It does. Not just on pancakes, on ice cream, too, and on oatmeal, just about everything, actually. So again, what's your website if people want to get involved in your campaign? Sure, it's So DEP, And I hope to you, Bernie, excuse me, I'll be in touch. I want to tell you more about the campaign, the beaten Bernie, and I appreciate you having me on here on short notice here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Gerald Malloy. That's great to hear from you. He's a really good guy, and he's been a VIP down here. He's a really good person. He's a military veteran, and he ran a good campaign against Welch, but, you know, he came up a little short, but he's got another shot. And Bernie will be 89 if he's elected again, and when he finishes his term, 89 years old. I'm Howie Carr. Listen to The Howie Carr Show from anywhere. You're jazz. What's up? What is this? Go to and click "Listen" to start streaming Howie live in crystal, clear, high definition. And whispering right in your ear, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. Howie Carr is back. I ride on a mail trade. Can't buy a thrill. Bob Dylan. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, Attorneys at Law. If you need advice on family law, check out my Meet the Expert podcast with attorney Joe Roach, wherever you get your Howie Carr Show podcast. Matt, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Should President Trump stop having outdoor rallies as recommended by the Secret Service? Yes or no? I know most people disagree with me, but I say yes, he should. Yes, has 28 percent. No, has 72 percent. All right. Speaking of an indoor rally, he's having one now in Charlotte, North Carolina. He's predicting a landslide in North Carolina, and he says that Kamala has led in 20 million illegal aliens into the United States. I'm sure there'll be a fact checker on that. That's only 15 million. Come on. When, when do the lie stop? So, anyway, let's take a little bit of President Trump live. We added them up. They won't have done the damage that Crooked Joe Biden has done. But this November, the American people are going to tell her, "No thanks, Kamala. You've done a terrible job. You've been terrible at everything you've done. You're ultra liberal. We don't want you here. We don't want you anywhere. Kamala, you're fired. Get out of here. You're fired." Back the blue, the sign behind them says. And yet the fake news, which a month ago said she was incompetent, said she was a stiff, but just said, "Don't be stiff, the worse." Nobody talked to her. She was firing her staff, left and right. The staff hates her, "Oh, wait, do you see the sewers that are going to come out about her staff? Oh, if that were me, they'd be all over the place." But the fake news tries to cover her up, but when you see, she was the worst with the staff of anybody. But the fake news is talking about lying Kamala as if she's the savior of our country. That she's so brave. I've never seen a turnaround like this. Three weeks ago, four weeks ago, she was the worst politician in America. Now they say, "It's an amazing look at her." She's so beautiful. She's so magnificent. She has a crowd of 1,000 people the other day. And the fake news, they worked hard to get that crowd. We have crowds of 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70,000 people. And the fake news said, "Oh, her crowd was amazing. It was a maid, you see it? The other day, shut up." I've heard the Biden's. It was. They said, "Oh, this is such a big crowd." She's got such momentum. I don't think she's going to have a lot of momentum after this speech because I'm telling you about her. We're telling you the facts. I'm just giving you the facts. But they said it was such a big crowd, such a beautiful crowd. They never mention our crowds. Like this crowd. Look at this crowd. You can multiply her crowds times 20 and 30 and she wouldn't get what we get. 107,000 people recently in New Jersey. We got, we might win New Jersey. We're up, we're up in New Jersey. 82,000 in South Carolina. 82,000. And by the way, we would have had a number here that would have been through the roof. But, you know, we are confined. As beautiful as this arena is, I just met the owner. He said it's an all-time record because, you know, they have basketball hockey. But with basketball hockey, you can't fill up the floors, right? So we set the all-time record and it's a very, he's a very nice gentleman, great family. But we set the all-time record. Is this where the Hornets play? And if this thing were twice as large, it would be filled up with the people outside. 68,000 people in the great state of Alabama. 68,000. Alabama shut down the DEI programs at the University today. That can be a rough place. But we did one and it was like a love fest. This was an amazing thing. We had 25,000 people in the South Bronx. Amazing. And if I ever had a crowd like Kamala, assuming she had 2,000 people, which I don't think she did. If I ever had a crowd, they'd do headline stories, Trump is over. It's all over. It's not working for him anymore. They never mentioned a crowd. I tell those, look at all those cameras back there. Boo! Boo! We'll take your call so we come back 844-542. I'm Howie Carr. What do you have from the Matthews Brothers Studios? 844-542-42. Susan Rice says calling Harris a DEI hire is dehumanizing. Didn't she use the work for Joe Biden? Want to take it up with your former boss there, Susan Rice? We called her a DEI hire. We tweeted that out by the way. Grace just posted at BB's greatest hits from this afternoon. The speech to the joint session of Congress. It was a great speech and she got in a lot of great of his great sound cuts praising the UNC Fidell chapter and saying you're useful idiots. If you're backing the people that are hanging gays from cranes in Tehran, you're right. I ran useful idiots. That's a great, so many great sound bites. She's got a lot of them in there. So go to and it's right at the top of the home page. 844-542-42. Illegal aliens in the news. Down in the Bayou, two teens were killed in a crash early Sunday morning by an underage drunken illegal alien from Honduras. The two vehicle crash in La Forsch, I'm pronouncing that correctly, Parrish, claimed the lives of Ryland, Enchail, of Raceland, an 18-year-old Talia crochet of Huma. The driver, the drunk illegal alien driver, was 18-year-old Axel Flores-Cordova. And I get compliments on the hyphen? Yes. He had a blood alcohol concentration nearly seven times the underage legal limit, seven times. Of course, that's only .02, but still. He was double drunk even for an adult, an illegal alien from Honduras. Do we have a statement from his mother in his native tongue? It's from Wincico, when we wincico. Now, is this Honduran killer of Americans is not to be confused with another killer of Americans in Louisiana. One of three suspects accused in the shooting death of a popular French Quarter tour guide had reportedly been living in the US illegally for years. Christie Thibodeau, Thibodeau 43, was fatally shot in her car on June 30th. Joshua Bonifique Facio Haifen Avila, 19. And I get compliments on the hyphen? Was charged with the murder, one of the three illegals, entered the country illegally on an unknown date at an unown location. He had been arrested at least twice since he was ruled the deemed inadmissible into the country. Once last October, and again in February of last year, for theft and other charges in Jefferson Parish, Jeff Landry, the new governor took to Twitter Wednesday, writing, "This man should never have been in Louisiana. How about he should never been in the United States? Enough is enough. We must close our borders and keep our community safe." Edith Romero, a Honduran immigrant and organizer with Union Migranti, said, "I think it's very important for us to think about what the root causes of crimes are." Well, in this case, the root causes of crimes were illegal aliens. Three Americans dead in one state, Louisiana, because of illegal aliens. And they're all from the same third world hellhole, Honduras. Here, this is one. This is this is a story that's not getting picked up by the mainstream media. It's in the legal insurrection. Remember, Zacharias Musai Musoya? I forget how to pronounce his name. M-O-U-S-S-A-O-I-U. He's the one terrorist who got arrested before 9/11, and he was convicted of murder and sentenced to, he was sentenced to life in prison. One of the jurors voted not to put him to death, so he's in Supermax in Colorado with his fellow Muslim genocidal maniac killer Sarniev. So he has written the letter to his sentencing judge, and he has asked to be sent to France. Do you know why? To serve his sentence out in France. I'm going to read it as it's written. He's not very good in English, despite having been here. He picked up bombs a lot faster than he's picked up our lingo. "You honor, as presenting and sentencing judge, your court sentenced me at life without parole. Instead, your honor might concur that there is a possibility, if not a probability, that if the ex-US president Donald Trump was to be re-elected, he will sentence me to death by presidential little executive order." Indeed, I was warned. I'm reading this handwritten motion to the judge. Indeed, I was warned by Judge, by attorney Charles Freeman and professor resident U.S. law permit the U.S. president to sentence to death any threat of all a prisoner deemed to be a threat to national security. I want to apply to this court in the U.S. government to be transferred to France to finish my sentence. I could be transferred to France to serve the rest of my life sentence and before the potential inauguration of ex-President Trump. I like that. If he's scared, I'm happy. No word on whether the judge is going to let him go or not. Try not to let what I'm about to tell you, destroy your faith and the integrity of the Democrat party and the diversity, equity and inclusion programs. A former aide to New York Governor Kathy Hochl had her $3.5 million long island home raided by the FBI early today. The G-Men carried out the pre-dawn search at the five bedroom property where Linda Sun, one of Hochl's former deputy chiefs of staff, lives in a gated community in Manhassett. The search warrant was obtained by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Brooklyn. She's 40 years old, lives in a $3.5 million mansion in a gated community in Manhassett. While working as an aide to Hochl, Sun focused on business development, Asian American affairs and wait for it, diversity, equity and inclusion. Yes, indeed she did. She went to Barnard College in Columbia University. I wonder if she knew KJP or Barack Obama. Oh, they're a little older than she is. Try not to let what I'm about to tell you, destroy your faith and the integrity of the Maine Democrat party. The Maine Democrat candidate for State Senate District 19 has been charged with operating under the influence, according to records obtained by the Maine Wire. Bruce S. Bryant, 62 of Rumford, for that is indeed where he's from. I wonder if he likes Bacardi Rum or Captain Morgan Spiced Rum. He's a rummy from Rumford. He was arrested after 11.30 p.m. on Friday, May 10. His blood alcohol level, although he's listed as a DUI, his blood alcohol level is not listed in the report. He's running against Joe Martin, the longtime chair of the Oxford County Republican Party. This is not the DIPSO Democrats' first DUI. In 2003, the DIPSO Democrat, Bruce Bryant, was ordered to pay a $400 fine and surrender his driver's license after pleading guilty to driving under the influence of alcohol. His blood alcohol level that time was measured at 0.11%. So he was less drunk than the illegal alien in Louisiana who killed the two Americans. Bryant, then 41, was pulled over after leaving Margarita's Mexican restaurant in Augusta. So he was wasting away in Margarita's Mexican restaurant, looking for his lost shaker of salt when an officer observed him striking a curb on Western Avenue at the time he was in the state Senate. And by the way, he's running on one of those, this Maine has one of those systems where you get a few bucks contributed to you by the hacks of the Democrat Party, and then you get taxpayer funds. He's got $80,000 in taxpayer money for his campaigns. You can buy a lot of, you can buy a lot of Margaritas with 80 grand, huh? 844-542-844-542-42. David, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, David. Oh, wait, when I was watching those hearings today, and I saw Eric Swallow sitting there, all I can think of is his Corey Comparture who jumped on his wife and child to save them for a bullet. And I wonder, you know, is Hillary Clinton think he's a diplomacy? President Biden think that Corey Comparture and all those people there are a threat to democracy. I mean, really, I'm looking at Eric Swallow, Howie, and he was with the Chinese spy, and he kept the nerve to be able to ask the question, is anybody intellectually honest who's ever listening to you right now really think that someone like Corey Comparture, he is a threat to democracy. Well, you know, there've been stories, you know, from FBI whistleblower saying that since the assassination attempt on Trump, the FBI has been concentrating on right-wing mega-extremists who may be planning some kind of blowback operations, you know, liberals fear retribution like, you know, after a Muslim terror attack, it's always Muslims fear, fear, fear retribution from Christian nationalists. It's all BS. Thanks for the call, David. Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Howie, Howie, you guys are awesome. I live in every day. So I go home and I'm watching the new and I'm seeing the protest with Netanyahu to everything else. And this guy goes up there, of course, with a bandana on his face and he's spray painting on the statue. Hamas is coming and they took the flag down. How come they were not arrested? I know. Wasn't this an insurrection, Tom? Wouldn't you describe this as an insurrection? Of course I would. What would it happen on January 6th that they took the American flag down and put a KKK flag up with this spark in that? Was there anyone burning any flags? I saw these these these filthy hippies burning flags. They were. They're right. What didn't that used to be a federal crime? Yeah, I think it did. You know, the thing is though, does this, does this help or hurt Israel's cause? I mean, I think it helps it. You know, I mean, these people see, see, you know, people that are, you know, paying attention as much as we are, they see, they see who's against Israel. These people are the scum of the earth. And by the way, they all had, they all got a day off from their jobs, Tom. I wonder how they, how they all managed to get the day off. Sorry, I couldn't go to your rally. I had to work. Exactly. Exactly. I remember when they, when they had the first though, the resolution on the first Gulf War and it was Joe Kennedy. He was a congressman and Barbara Boxer, she hadn't been elected to the Senate and they wanted to protest the war and they would, they would, the guys who were managing the vote, I think it was a New York Democrat actually was managing the, you know, who was going to speak. And they said, well, Kennedy and Boxer want to speak for a long time on how they oppose the war. And the guy, the guy was thinking about it. And he said, the more they speak, the more votes, the more support the, you know, we're going to get for going in. And they let him speak as long as they want it. I think the same thing here, the more they show of these, these vermin, these scum, these filthy dirty rotten Nazi sympathizers, the more, the more support Israel is going to have for, and, and you know, this is a battle as, as BB said between civilization and barbarism. It's as simple as that. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Rambo 413 is the, is the Rumford Senate candidate also charged with impersonating an illegal alien? Yeah, he should be Rambo, he should be. 508 says the FBI hasn't figured out that retribution is coming via the ballot box in November. It will actually be a peaceful protest. Yes, it will. Yes, it will. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show returns after this. The Howie Carr Show is back. President Trump is on fire tonight. He just said correctly that Kamala Harris has talked in the past about outlawing red meat. She maybe not used the word outlaw, but she's talked about we've got to learn to, you know, take better care of the planet and we'll have to just change our diets a little bit. And, you know, she said she's crazy on abortion, which is backed up by Senator Elizabeth Warren, the fake Indian. This is an amazing cut from, this is the fake Indian talking about, does she think she's helping Kamala Harris when she says things like this cut three? What do you think has been her biggest accomplishment since she's been vice president? Oh, I have to say, since the job's opinion, the way that she has rallied women and friends of women, also called men, around this country on the issue of abortion and just taking it home. First vice president in history to visit an abortion clinic, go get them. Go get them. Go get them. First vice president in history to visit an abortion clinic, go get them. But there is a problem with Kamala Harris. Karen Hunter never heard of her. She's some kind of a radio to black radio talk show host. Listen to what she says is Kamala's big problem cut for. I'm going to just be honest with y'all. The white husband was a problem for a lot of people. The white husband was a problem for a lot of people. Brian Kilmeade got in a bit of a GM today when someone needs to visit the Bias Hearing Center in Quincy because they misheard what he said. This is what Brian Kilmeade said about Kamala's plans today, rather than going to preside over the joint session of Congress where Bibi Netanyahu was going to speak cut 21. The most recent decision already got a question. She will not show up for the prime minister's joint session of Congress today. She'd rather address in the summer a sorority, a colored sorority, like she can't get out of that. A college sorority. So some knit with tweets out that Brian Kilmeade said that Kamala Harris was going to address a colored sorority. Well, first of all, he didn't say that. Second of all, that's like, that's a word that it's kind of fallen out of favor, obviously. It's considered a slur, but it's still the NAACP, you know? And the thing is, it's a word that's used by older people. It's a slur that's used by older people. He's in his like 50s or early 60s. He's from Long Island. It's a southern word. Listen to it again. Listen to what he's accused. This liberal said that he said a colored sorority. Listen to it again. Cut 21. The most recent decision already got a question. She will not show up for the prime minister's joint session of Congress today. She'd rather address in the summer a sorority, a colored sorority, like she can't get out of that. To buy us hearing, it's made all the difference for me. Whoever this guy is who said that, he got a call from Fox News. I'm Howie Carl.