The Howie Carr Radio Network

Bibi Brings the House Down Plus Unhinged Anti-Israel Protester Screams at Fox Anchor | 7.24.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Prime Minister of Israel Bibi Netanyahu addresses congress and he brought down the house. Plus Grace plays audio of one of the unhinged anti-Israel protesters.

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24 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. (audience cheering) - BB Netanyahu is on Capitol Hill. He's addressing Congress today. Plenty of Democrats were not there, including Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren. A lot of people from Massachusetts opted not to be there to greet the prime minister, to watch his address, you know, one of our allies in the Middle East, the only democracy in the Middle East, and they're also fighting a war against Hamas savages, and this is the level of respect that he gets from the American progressive politicians. And I do want to get into that, but before I do, this is a little bit of a side note. There's a lot going on on Twitter today. And one of the best pieces of advice how he gave me when I started this show many moons ago, was he said, you don't want to spend too much time on social media, like talking about social media on the show, because a lot of people aren't on there, and they're not interested. But there were a few things today that I think you guys have to know about. One of them is that Axios put up a piece where they tried to claim that Republicans are the ones labeling Kamala Harris the borders are, even though that was never a title that she received. And then after, I don't know, like a 14 second Google search, plenty of people pointed out that Axios had actually called Kamala Harris the borders are. And then they had to put an embarrassing editors note in their piece saying, by the way, we are one of those outlets that mistakenly referred to her as the borders are. That's one thing going on on social media. Now, another thing happening on Twitter that I saw right away when it happened, and since then it's kind of blown up, is that Brian Kilmeade is being accused of saying something that he did not say. And this is pretty amazing. I just want to give you the person's name who first said it because I was amazed that, so this is Eugene Daniels, and he's new, he's the head. Oh, this is why I can't find it, 'cause he's deleted the tweet. He's the head of the WHCA. And he tweets out that Brian Kilmeade talks about how Kamala Harris is going to a colored sorority. And he puts that out, it goes viral, like plenty of Democrats are retweeting it being like, it's 1950 at Fox News. Oh my gosh, how could he say that? And I see this, this video, I'm like, Brian Kilmeade is not only is he on the air all the time, but he's never said anything remotely like that. It just, it didn't mesh for me from what I've seen at Brian Kilmeade. Then I heard the cut and I realized that the reason I was so confused at the accusations that Brian Kilmeade said Kamala Harris was going to a colored sorority is because that's not what he said. That is false. He said college sorority, can I have cut 14, please? The most recent decision already you got a question. She will not show up for the Prime Minister's joint session of Congress today. She'd rather address in the summer a sorority, a colored sorority, like she can't get out of that. So he puts it up and he says, this is Eugene Daniels, she'd rather address in the summer a sorority, a colored sorority, like she can't get out of that. And he says, not this in the year of Beyonce 2024. He later says, a Fox rep has reached out to me, asserting Kilmeade said college instead of colored sorority here, dot, dot, dot. So even with that tweet, Taylor, he's still basically standing by the fact that this is what Fox says, I think the ellipses there is supposed to tell you, I'm not so sure. Then he comes out and he says, I spoke to Fox news about this and plan on speaking to Brian when he is off air. They've made clear to me that he used college, not colored. The audio is garbled, but I'm going to take Brian and his team at their word. Oh, that's so good of you. Oh, aren't you so sweet? We are not worthy. You have such dignity, taking him at his word after accusing him of saying something that he did not say, bravo Eugene. Is it any wonder that you are part of the White House court? No, I'm sorry, the president of the WHCA and also a co-author at Politico Playbook. It makes total sense, but what a wild morning for Brian Kilmeade, 'cause he's on the air for like 14 hours straight. There must be people telling him during the commercial breaks wait till you log into Twitter. - You've had days like that. - Have I? - Yeah, somebody thought you said something that you didn't say. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I never said anything like that, and I don't even know what that could have been. There was actually another instance of that today on ABC News that actually had some of the producers back here, fooled for a second. Let's hear what you hear, Grace. - Oh, gosh. - Chief Justice Coruscant of Pierre. Thomas starts us off from Washington. Good morning, Pierre. - George, good morning. Our audience is about to see the frantic seconds in the moments after the government tried to kill former President Trump. - What did you hear? Who tried to kill President Trump? - I only heard the frantic seconds. - I'll play for you one more time. - Please do, this is an interesting game. - Key in on who is trying to kill President Trump. - Okay. - Chief Justice Coruscant of Pierre. Thomas starts us off from Washington. Good morning, Pierre. - George, good morning. Our audience is about to see the frantic seconds in the moments after the government tried to kill former President Trump. - The gunman? - He does say gunman. - Okay, what did you think he said? - But some people think he said government. - Oh, this is a weird thing about-- - George, good morning. Our audience is about to see the frantic seconds in the moments after the government tried. - Oh, no, I think he said gunman. - He said gunman, definitely. - You know what it is. - But people think government. It's like the yanny, yanny, whatever it was. - Where everyone can hear such different things. And once someone tells you something, once someone tells you, for example, if you saw that clip of Brian Kilmeade that was put up by Eugene Daniels and he says to you, he said that she was visiting a colored sorority and then you listen to it after he tells you what to hear, you will hear what he said. It's just this weird thing with audio. Whereas if you hear something fresh, you wouldn't even think of that. - Our suggestion. - Absolutely. I did want to talk a little bit here. Kamala Harris, as I pointed out in others, are boycotting Beebe's address to Congress before we went into the sorority business. That was just a little bit of a side tangent. I'm guessing Kamala is avoiding meeting with our ally that is currently in a war with terrorist savages. For the same reason that CNN's John King thinks she won't pick a Jewish vice president, which is to say it wouldn't sit well with the Hamas loving sector of her supporters. So instead of meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister, she's choosing to visit a college, college sorority that's called priorities, if you're in the Democrat party. Some other people who aren't going to make it Elizabeth Warren, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Ta'ib, AOC. And I also saw Jamal Bowman put out a tweet that Beebe should be arrested, not in Congress. I found that one particularly ironic considering this is the same guy, the same insurrectionists who pulled a fire alarm in order to obstruct a congressional vote and lost his primary because he is such a rabid anti-Semite. So he won't be anywhere near Congress come January and he's weighing in on who else shouldn't be allowed in Congress. I don't think you should be in Congress, not only because you just got voted out and you won't become January, but also because you have a habit of trying to open doors by pulling fire alarms. But I thank you, Jamal, for weighing in. There's also the anti-Zionist protesters who never miss an opportunity to showcase their ignorance and their hate. They were taking over DC yesterday. They were in the canon rotunda in their bright red shirts and it's just, it's embarrassing. It's embarrassing that we don't have the vice president. And I mean, you know what else is weird too? The fact that maybe no one else has noticed this, isn't it strange that no one's mentioned? And I know that Kamal Harris is right now VP and so she is the head of the Senate. So that's why people are saying she should be there. But shouldn't Joe Biden be there too? Or is that not something he would typically go to? No one's even mentioned Joe Biden. I know he has this speech tonight that people are waiting for. But the amount of Democrats who didn't show up to this is pretty appalling. 844-542. Let's go to Dina. You're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Dina? - Hi, Grace, not to change the subject back, but I was just curious. I would have loved if you had talked to Mark about the fact that he's now representing Eden Kearney. Turtle Boy. He gets to actually question so many of these players that are involved in Karen's case. It's, to me, it's fascinating. It's almost more fascinating than the Karen Reed case in and of itself because now somebody that we've been listening to and we respect and we kind of know where he's coming from, he's going to be a major player in this whole deal. - Yeah, you know what? Dina, someone who's going to love this call right now is how we car because when I went out during the break, he's like, why didn't you talk to Mark Bettero about helping Turtle Boy in his cases and Dina's right on the money. Turtle Boy announced that today that he is bringing on Bettero to help him as far as his legal team goes with all of his own legal issues that he's battling. It's a really good point, Dina. Here's what I will say. I've learned my lesson. I'm always open to criticism. That was a missed opportunity. If we can get Mark Bettero back on, I will ask him about it. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, this is like, I'm really gonna make your day. I'm gonna try to get him on again tomorrow and we'll ask him all about Turtle Boy. I don't know why I didn't. I guess I was just trying to keep it on Karen Reed because once you get into the Turtle Boy cases, it kind of goes, why are you laughing, Taylor? - Why would you want to keep it on the main story and not go on a little side quest race? - No, but she has a point. It's big news. It's big news that he's going to be involved with these Turtle Boy cases and how he mentioned it. So she's not, she's not off the mark. I thank you, Dina, for the call. We will definitely get to that with Mark Bettero. One thing I do want to say about Mark Bettero, which I thought was funny about that caller, Todd, and I don't like when, when I get a caller who's critical and then everyone, I mean, I like when you guys start dunking on them, but I don't like to go back to it too much. But one thing I do want to say is, I didn't address the fact that he's like, "I don't know who this Mark Bettero guy is." Well, he's a New York City criminal defense attorney who previously served as a Manhattan assistant district attorney. So he's not some guy that I found on the street who's pretending like this isn't an AI bot who I'm just having call up and chat with us for 15 minutes. He does have credentials. He's no trooper Paul. I'll give you that, okay? He's no trooper Paul, but I think he's a credible source on all of these things. We will be right back, as I mentioned, Beebe Netanyahu speaking now. We have a lot more to get you. We'll continue to take your calls. Don't go anywhere. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Netanyahu is sharing stories about Israeli soldiers, about hostages who have been brought home, have been saved from Hamas. And he's getting plenty of applause. He doesn't need to pull a Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi or a Jeb Bush or Kamala Harris and say, "Please clap." There's plenty of applause happening right now on Capitol Hill for Beebe Netanyahu. Although Kamala Harris couldn't show up for this, she had scheduling issues. She had a sorority that she needed to visit, which was more important than greeting our ally from the Middle East, the only democracy in the Middle East. And I've said it once, but I'll say it again. When John King was on CNN and he was asked about Shapiro being a potential BP pick, and he said that there could be issues, I actually don't wanna misquote him here, Taylor. Could you pull that sound for me? He brought up the fact that Shapiro is Jewish. And that could be a problem for Democrats choosing him because I'm looking for the cut from yesterday of John King on CNN bringing up the fact that Shapiro is Jewish. And that's the same reason I think why Kamala Harris decides not to go to something like this because of appearances. She wants to appear as though she does not support Beebe Netanyahu, she does not support Israel. And she probably doesn't deep down, but what's more important is sending that message to that sector of the Democrat base that hates Beebe Netanyahu and thinks he should be in prison. Take a listen to this. - Pennsylvania's Governor Josh Shapiro is being discussed as one of Harris's potential running mates. He also endorsed her tonight. In your view, what are the pros and cons for putting him on the ticket? - Well, he's certainly under consideration. I know that from key Harris allies. He's a first term governor. He's Jewish. There could be some risks in putting him on the ticket, but certainly some of our voters here in Pennsylvania said, "Hey, we like Governor Shapiro, give him a look." Also told though Anderson that some other governors Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona were on the list of the Harris team. One Harris ally told me today, they hope to get her within a few days, assuming her path to the nomination continues to look good. And it does tonight, but we still have some question marks. They hope to get her a list. They say within several days through a week of four or five names. - There could be some risks. Maybe Kamala thought there would be some risks if she showed up and shook baby Netanyahu's hand. Otherwise, I don't really understand how the scheduling, the sorority meeting took precedence over meeting with the Israeli prime minister. I did want to mention though, since we just brought up that cut of John King, the VP talk when it comes to Kamala Harris, and you have to keep in mind, it's the same thing that we saw with Trump. There's all these different rumors floating around, but there was something trending today on X that maybe Kamala Harris would consider choosing Pete Buttigieg as her vice president. And I would love that. I would love to bring up East Palestine. I would love to put some of Pete Buttigieg's issues back in the public eye. - Hey, it's Pete, I'm here at the office. - And I really think that would be a wonderful combo. I support that duo, Harris Buttigieg. I think that that would be a disaster for Democrats, which again, I want to make it clear, is why it has my 100% backing. Keep it up, guys. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844 a Perfect Smile or visit And just one more thing I want to say on the Veepstakes. There's a possibility that she offers this to someone and they're like, "I really, I keep going back to the show Veep with Julia Louis Dreyfus where she's such a train wreck that she keeps bringing in all these people to be her VP and she keeps getting rejected over and over again. I wouldn't be shocked if Gavin Newsom doesn't want to be tied to Kamala Harris because as much as we know that she's incompetent, it seems like the people who know her behind the scenes know something even worse. Like they know that whatever we think of her, she takes it a step up, she takes it a notch above when it comes to really being a disaster politically. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? - Today's poll question which you can vote in at is, will you be watching the Paris 2024 Olympics? Yes, no, or I'll tune in here and there. - Well, the Paris mayor made this big stink about jumping in the sun to show everyone that even though it used to have the coal lie, now it's good to go. You can swim in it because look at me, I'm taking a dunk in the water and that to me will be interesting. I might tune in for that and I also like to watch the gymnastics. But I'm only gonna watch it here and there. I'm not gonna have it on all the time or anything like it. Especially now that I know that these anti-Israel protesters are gonna show up. - 27% say they'll watch it a little bit. 67% say absolutely not. 6% say yes, they'll be watching. - I wonder if the climate people get word that the anti-Israel people are showing up. They might feel like, hey, this is our turf. Like this is a big event that people look forward to. It's a great opportunity that people work hard for. We get to ruin it, you get to ruin it. - MMA. - We'll see, we'll be right back. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. - I will, Jonathan, are you saying, are you saying you would support Hamas? - Are you saying you support genocide? What does Hamas have to do with 20,000 babies and children? Massacre and butcher, women and families, 400 universities, schools, hospitals, hospitals, thousands of hospital workers murdered. Do you think that is anything to do with Hamas? Or humanity, it's human rights, for human rights. - In what? - What about the hostages? - What do you say about the hostages that are getting held in captain? - On October 7th, most of those people were killed by Israeli forces using the Hannibal's directives. Hello, wake up. - All right, so that's obviously not been proven to be the case, but the protesters are getting very passionate out here. - Oh, fish them into your face. - Thank you, ma'am. Thank you. Let's take another look. - Godspeed, Griff Jenkins, dealing with those very, very nice people, those educated, brilliant minds who are boycotting or protesting or rioting, Beebe Netanyahu speaking to Congress. And based off that woman and her shrieking, I can now firmly say that anti-Semitism has nothing to do with this. These are clearly people who were just worried about Palestinians. This has nothing to do with conspiracy theories about Jewish people or Zionism. This is all very much just about the children as that woman was so eloquently describing. I did wanna mention that people like that lady who are out rioting, they are from what I've read, they're starting to use pepper spray on a lot of those rioters. And the other thing that I would mention is that that is part of Joe Biden slash Kamala Harris's base that they have been cow-towing to over the last year. It's people like that who they are afraid are going to turn on them. With friends like that, you know the rest. I wanted to highlight a couple of great tweets we just got. I mentioned that Kamala Harris could be considering bringing Pete Buttigieg onto her ticket and 781 wrote, "Imagine Vance going against Buttigieg on East Palestine." Yeah, that would be amazing. Obviously JD Vance, Senator from Ohio. And someone who truly does care about the working man and a lot of these forgotten communities because he was part of one. He was raised in one. He understands it in a way that a lot of these politicians don't. And I would love to see him debate Pete Buttigieg, but I would really love to see him debate anyone. I don't think, I'm not going to be typically in Taylor, you know this about me. I watch these debates and I'm a nervous watcher. I don't enjoy them. I enjoy when they're over, I'm very happy. But I watch them because I'm not, I'm not calling balls and strikes here, I'm a conservative. So I watch them wanting the conservatives to best lay out their agenda, to communicate their message to the American people. And because I have high expectations and high hopes, I watch it like biting my nails. - I watch them for the golf fights. - Yeah, well the golf, yeah. The golf was when I took a deep breath and I was like, okay, finally, a little levity here. But for the most part, I don't enjoy them. But I don't think I'm going to be feeling that with JD Vance. You know what it's like? It's like when you watch a singer, who you know is incredible and can hit every note. And you can just relax when you watch them. You know those singers, Taylor, who are good? But they're a little pitchy and you watch them, you're like, I think I'm going to be able to hit this. Watching the national anthem. If it's someone who you're not sure they're going to be able to do it, you watch it with like a kind of like wincing little bit. - It's on the edge of your seat. - Yeah, like you're not sure if they're going to be able to do it. I'm not going to have that feeling with JD Vance. I'm going to feel just fine. - You have that feeling with other candidates? Oh, I always get that feeling with Trump. I think you have to be deranged if you don't have that feeling with Trump. - No, that's, I do the opposite. I'm big bucket of popcorn sitting down and let's go. - Oh no. - Whatever happens. - I get nervous. - It's kind of phenomenal. - I get nervous. And I will tell you this. Bonchi, who's been, I should start by saying, has been very critical of Trump. He put out an article today that I thought was excellent. I encourage everyone to read it. It will get you angry if you're someone who's like blindly, like the people, some of the people on the Rumble Chat, if you're blindly in love with Trump and you don't think he can do any wrong and you don't think he needs any criticism, then you won't like this article. But it talks about how Trump needs to come into this Kamala debate in a very different way. He came into the Joe Biden debate. The Joe Biden debate was all about him letting Joe Biden speak. That was his biggest hurdle. Was like, can you let him speak, not interrupt him, not get angry, let him run himself into the ground? And he did that with Kamala. It's a whole different ball game. I'm not trying to say Kamala is brilliant in any way, shape or form, but she's also not 81 years old and incognative decline. She's gonna have one liners. She's going to have rehearsed little bits that the media is going to fawn over. So he has to do, and again, giving credit to Bonji here 'cause he reminded me of this, he has to do something very similar to what Tulsi Gabbard did in 2020, which has hit her on her record. Talk about her record. And that brings me to our next topic because there's so much there. Actually, Rusty-- - I ate no for breakfast. - Rusty Weiss, also from Red State, broke this down as well. It's important to focus on her actual failures as a prosecutor because she's leaning heavily into that now. Like, I'm the prosecutor in Trump's the felon, and here's what I'm gonna do about it. Well, let's talk about that. Don't shy away from it. Do what Tulsi Gabbard did, bring it up. She's so proud of her job history. She's so proud of all of these things she's done. Well, if she wants to brag about smoking weed and then oversaw thousands of weed convictions, and that her office fought against reducing sentences or expunging records, that's something Donald Trump should bring up, and he should have it at the ready. That she supported a bail fund after the 2020 George Floyd riots. And one of the criminals who benefited from that bail fund, I believe it was called the Minnesota Freedom Fund, the one that she promoted, and she talked about, and she supported. One of the people who benefited from that fund went on to be charged with murder. That should be brought up. Or how about that she supports defunding the police, and that she thinks we need to start from scratch when it comes to ICE, whatever that means. I really don't know. I think it's probably somewhere close to abolishing ICE starting from scratch, or if you want something more recent. I think a great way for Trump to handle it is, why didn't you say anything about Joe Biden over the last four years? You've clearly known he's in cognitive decline. You couldn't even, if you're Trump, 'cause like I always say, Trump has gotta be everything. He's gotta be the moderator. He's gotta be the debater. He's gotta just handle it all. But you could also just ask, did you really not know that he was in cognitive decline? Are you that out to lunch that you had no idea? Why were you willing to parrot the lies from this administration about how sharp he was? And what other lies would you be willing to parrot in the future? There's so much to criticize, and there's so much he has to answer for for, and something I would advise conservatives who don't want my advice, but hey, too bad. I would steer clear of the personal attacks. It's kind of low hanging fruit. I've seen a lot of people on memes, and I saw today on Fox, one guy made a really tasteless joke about Kamala Harris. You're playing into exactly what they want. They want to be able to say that she's the victim. They want to be able to drum up the sympathy for her, and if you attack her on her personal relationships or on whatever, the way she laughs, like I've done it before with the way she laughs, but if you attack these personality things or these identity things, what ends up happening is you play right into the left's hand. Whereas I think there's so much to focus on when it comes to her policies, when it comes to the fact that she's tied to the most abhorrent parts of this administration, she's the head of every bad idea that Joe Biden has, and so I think that that's the way to go with this, is to keep it about Kamala and her policies and her mind, and not a meme you saw on Twitter that's making fun of whatever. I don't know, some of them are really, really uncalled for. Eight four, four, five hundred, 42, 42. Side note, Eugene Daniels, the guy who tweeted out that Brian Kilmeade said Kamala Harris was going to a colored sorority, when really he said college sorority. He's since taken that back. He said he's gonna take Brian at his word. He's gonna take Fox at their word. And he also said the audio was garbled. 71 says it wasn't too garbled for him to put out his tweet accusing Brian of being a racist. Yeah, you seem to have a pretty good grasp on what he was saying before you got backlash. If no one had called you out for it, I'm sure you wouldn't have cared. And part of the problem with this that really drives me crazy is this guy, Eugene Daniels, he's not some random looney tune on Twitter. Like I have plenty of people like that who tweet crazy things that are such obvious lies, and you click on them and they're like bots. They have like four followers, whatever. This is a guy who's part of the WHCA. He writes for Politico. He's supposed to be a semi-serious person. And he's pushing this smear campaign against Brian Kilmeade for no other reason than he's an anchor on Fox. And I have a feeling that Fox called him up and not only clarified for him that that's not what Brian Kilmeade said, but they may have said you better delete that ASAP or our legal team might have a word with you. If I had to guess, Jerry, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Jerry. - Grace, do I understand the point that you're trying to make? Not that it's not valid, but I just want to make sure that I understand it correctly. That it's okay for Donald Trump to have every sexual status he may have said at one point in time and/or in discretion. He's fought her for the left, but we can't do that same thing to Camille for her sexual history. - Jerry, here's a question. In any of the times in the past where anyone has said anything about Donald Trump, his sexual history has made fun of him, has that made you not want to vote for Donald Trump? - Has it made me not want to vote for Donald Trump? I would say no. - Okay, so it hasn't changed your heart or your mind as far as being a Trump supporter. - No, because there's some of it that I'm not necessarily I give credence to, that I think it might just be slander or overblown accusations. There are some behaviors that he was suggested of having or saying that I, as a man, I know 100% were accurate. - Okay, but here's my question, Jerry. Here's my question. When that was utilized by the left, when they were doing all these things, it wasn't an effective way to get your vote, correct? Or to bring you over to their side. - No. - Yeah, so that's my point. I don't think it's an effective way to win over any hearts and minds. There's a lot of people out there who we need. We need to win this election. I don't think ostracizing women. And Jerry can say, well, that's not fair. That's fine, but it doesn't change the fact that there are women who are gonna be turned off by that. There are women that we need to vote for Donald Trump. And I don't think making sexual jokes about Kamala Harris is the way to get somebody to go from, and I'm not really sure to coming to our side. That's what I'm concerned about. I need to make something very clear to the listeners. I am not here to be a pillar of morality. I'm not trying to make anybody feel bad for the jokes you wanna make with your friends or whatever you wanna say. I'm not anybody's priest or babysitter. You do whatever you want. I'm talking political strategy. I do not want to overplay our hand and make her a sympathetic person. I don't want to go for the low hanging fruit that isn't gonna win anyone over. And it's just gonna make us look bad and it's gonna give the media plenty of fodder to paint us as the exact things we claim not to be. Racist, sexist, all of these other things. So to quote Michelle Obama, when they go low, we go high. The stakes are high. We need to be better than the other side. You can't tell me, well, the other side does it all the time. I don't care about the other side. I care about the Republicans. I want to win. I don't wanna look at their playbook and go, well, they do it. So I wanna do it too. 'Cause it didn't work on you, Jerry. Everything you just told me, they said this about Trump. They said that about Trump. How did it make you feel? It probably made you more defensive of Trump. It probably made you support him even more. There's a real risk you run here when you attack people for things and it rubs other people the wrong way. Or they don't like it. Or they get a weird vibe from it. You really do risk pushing them to the other side. That's what I'm trying to avoid. My goal here, and I think all of our goals, whether I criticize Trump in the debate, whether I criticize anything his team is doing, it's because I want him to win. It's not because I'm trying to preach to anybody. I wanna win. End of story. 844-542-42. Do you send to candles, cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? We'll stop masking these smells with more odors. All you're doing is adding more harmful odors to your home. You need to destroy odors with an eat impure thunderstorm air purifier. It uses oxy technology to send out O3 molecules into your home that destroy bad odors rather than just covering them up. Candles and cover up sprays, your heart's in the right place, but it's not gonna work. You're just adding more fuel to the fire. You've got a bad smell in your house and then you put lavender over it. It's a crazy concoction that nobody likes. What you wanna do is just start saving money, get yourself a thunderstorm. In fact, get yourself three because you can get the three pack today. Get $200 off a three pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code GRACE3. That's, discount code GRACE3. Don't forget to use discount code GRACE3. We'll be right back. Follow GRACE on Twitter @g_curly. This is The GRACE Curly Show. That Iran is funding and promoting anti-Israel protests in America. They want to disrupt America. So these protesters burn American flags even on the 4th of July. And I wish to salute the fraternity brothers at the University of North Carolina who protected the American flag, protected the American flag against these anti-Israel protesters. Let's hear it for the five delts. How we liked that speech already and then he brought in the UNC frat bros and how he was all on board. It's an incredible speech he's giving, but how I wanted to ask you, because there's another speech that people are going to be tuning into tonight. I was going to say, Grace, this is probably the best speech any of us are ever going to hear until eight o'clock tonight. Well, here's my question for you, because you asked me this yesterday and I haven't really seen many rumblings have been online. Do we have confirmation about whether or not? Do you know what I'm going to ask? Yes, and we don't. And you know why we don't? Because nobody cares. Have you heard anyone talking about this today? But tell people what my question would be. Is the speech going to be live? Or is it going to be on tape? Or is it going to be AI? I guess that would be a third option if there were a poll question. His schedule says the president addresses the nation and the press pool be restricted, obviously. But I mean, I think he kind of, I would like to say he has to be live or at least they have to pretend he's live. Maybe he'll be at the fake White House and they'll record it like an hour earlier. But if there's jump cuts in this, Howie, if there's like 50 jump cuts in this speech, I'm not going to be convinced that everything's hunky dory in the White House. You know what, Grace, I'm going to have to find out about it later because I'm not planning on watching it. Are you? No, no, no, no, no, no. I've got a really good show from the BBC that I've been tuning into at night. Howie, what do you have planned for the show today? Obviously Christopher Ray was on Capitol Hill. I know whenever you see Christopher Ray, that's something you do tune in for. I thought he was pitiful as usual, but compared to the crazy people in the Democrat party like Hank Johnson and Jerry Nadler, you're always going to look a little bit more sane. Schiff was really despicable today. I, you know, no one's picked up. Very few people have picked up on it because it was so bad what he said, but we'll play the cut just to increase people's blood pressure. We'll also have on both Sean McDonough and Turtle Boy to discuss what's been going on with the even more state troopers getting jammed up. Well, I had a caller today who was telling me that there's absolutely no chance the feds do anything with this. They're not moving on it. And really, it kind of made me feel like I was stupid for even suggesting it. So then I popped into Howie's office. He's followed a lot of these things more than I have. And I said, do you think it's crazy to suggest the feds will move on it? And what did you tell me? I said, I think they're on top of the case. And it did start under Rachel Rollins, but she assigned it to one of her top deputies, a guy by the name of Josh Levy. So he brought it with him when he got the temporary assignment after she departed in scandal. So he's all in on this case. And they've spent a lot of time and a lot of money. And they got another case going on. It's called Sandra Birchmore. And did you notice that they threw one of their lieutenants under the bus at about like six o'clock last night? And then around seven 30, they said, Oh, Lieutenant Manning, we did investigate him, but we couldn't find anything to press charges on him. They don't do that. They don't treat drug dealers or wise guys like that, you know? I mean, what does that tell you about what they think of Lieutenant Manning? I think it tells you a lot. Howie Carr has a great show plan. He's coming up next, everyone. Don't go anywhere. I'll see you all tomorrow. It's proclaiming gays for Gaza. They might as well hold up signs saying tickets for KFC. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)