The Howie Carr Radio Network

Karen Read Date Set for January but will it happen? | 7.23.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

A date has been selected for a new Karen Read trial, but Grace doesn't quite know if it'll even happen.

Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trataria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Kamala Harris is gonna have her first campaign event today. I believe in Wisconsin. We used to play the song, "Where in the World is Kamala Harris?" I don't think we're gonna have to play that as much anymore. I think we're gonna be seeing a lot of the VP. Where in the world is Joe Biden though, that's a different question. We did just see him for the first time in a few days getting on Air Force One to go back to the White House. I wanna mention here that on that call that he had with Kamala, there's some debate over whether or not it was him. If it was an impersonator, if it was AI. But let's just for the sake of the hypothetical, say it was him. That was a very strange call, mostly because he kept saying, I'm not going anywhere. He said that multiple times and it's kind of like the faster he spoke of his honor situation. It's like, are you trying to convince us? Are you trying to convince yourself? Is there something that you're trying to tell? He keeps saying, I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere. And then he goes on to list all of the problems that still exist, all of the problems that he hasn't fixed or that he's, here's a better way to put it, the problems he's created. - And by the way, I'm not going anywhere. - Yeah, that was the theme of the phone call slash speech. And I also, I want to give credit to the Biden campaign manager who introduced him because she had those people on their toes. She made it seem for a minute there, Taylor, like it was a Jerry Springer. Well, he's here right now, come on out, Joe. Like for a minute, those people thought, oh, is he going to come out and talk to us? And then she threw in Joe Biden on the phone. I want to play this one more time for people because I found this amusing, this is cut one. And now I'd like to introduce a man who we all admire and respect because he has done and continues to do so much for our country. Mr. President, thank you for calling in today. Over to you. - Julian, if I didn't have COVID, I'd be sitting there with you, standing there with you. - I think for a minute, you got people's hopes up. The way you kind of phrased that, people thought he was-- - Kind of a letdown. - Yeah, and now Mr. President, on the phone. - What, why? - I think they were just happy to hear from him anyway, if that was him. - And then he gets on the phone and he starts complaining how climate change is still an existential threat and there's still wars going on, and he's really just, I mean, he wasn't-- - But we still need to save this democracy. And Trump is still a danger to the community, is a danger to the nation. And just, you're just asking my foreign policy colleagues, my counterparts and other people around the world and at home. I know I'm not the first one to say this, by any means. But I really do think, I think the first person I saw write it down was someone from the daily caller who said, "Why are you all wishing, "why are you all sending thoughts and prayers to Hitler?" And this kind of makes me think of the same thing. It's like, if you really feel like Trump is a danger to the nation, then why are you happy that the assassin wasn't successful? - Well, you have to be publicly. - Right, but that's my point, is that it's either one or the other. Either you actually don't believe that he's a danger to the nation and what you're saying is a complete crock of you know what, which is true, and you're happy that he didn't die because you understand that you're just spewing political rhetoric and hoping that no one actually acts on it, or you truly believes that he's a danger to the nation, he's an existential threat, he's a threat to democracy, he's all of these things coming from the people who just elected a woman via Zoom, that he's all of these terrible things, then in that case, why are you happy that he didn't die? Like it cannot be both, those two things, this is so much of who Joe Biden is. He wants everything to be true at the same time. He wants to transition away from fossil fuels and tell us, "I shipped out more oil, we produce more oil than Trump did." He wants his cake, he wants to eat his cake, he wants to have his cake, he wants everything at the same time. At a certain point, the rubber meets the road and you have to say, "Choose a lamb, bro." Is he this Godzilla style threat to the nation? And if that is true, if you believe that in your soul, in your dignity, it's your word as a Biden, if you believe that, then why are you calling him up after the assassin almost misses, just barely misses his brain? Why are you calling him up going like, "I'm happy you're okay." Sending out tweets, Jill and I are happy he was okay. Is it because you are an empty suit who's just spouting whatever nonsense you heard on Morning Joe? - He also said in that cut we just played, "Go ask, go ask our foreign leaders or our allies "if they want Trump back, oh, why don't you go ask "Bibi Netanyahu is gonna be meeting with Trump tomorrow "because you wouldn't meet with him." - And Kamala wouldn't meet with him. - Wasn't gonna meet with him. Nobody from the White House was there to receive a BB when he landed yesterday, it was an embarrassment. - One of our only allies in the Middle East and nobody showed up to meet him. - So BB requested to meet with Trump and Trump said, "Okay, so they're gonna meet at Mar-a-Lago tomorrow." - But also Biden always told us, "Oh, all these foreign leaders behind closed doors, "they tell Joe Biden that they're happy, "that they want him to stay in there, "that they don't want Trump to be present again." Number one, that tells you a lot about the people who are so-called allies, that they want this guy at the helm. That's how highly they think of us, that's how much they want us to thrive, that they want this 81-year-old fool as our president. But number two, what does that say about Kamala, like that they weren't saying to him, "Hey, you've got this young VP pass the torch to her." They didn't say that. They might be seeing things that we're not even seeing. We'll get to all of this, it's 844-542-42, and obviously the women on the view. Besides Joy Behar Taylor, because keep in mind, Joe Biden turned her on, you know? Joe Biden, she thought he was sexy, especially when he got angry. And I don't think she's as excited about Kamala Harris. I don't think that she's not gonna have a picture of Kamala Harris in her bedroom, but they're all starting to write the hagiography about how wonderful she is, and she's a real superstar, and she's a political force majeure, and you don't want to mess with her, and she raised 81 million dollars. But the difference this time around is that as little credibility as the media has ever had, it's even somehow worse now. Like they were on the thin ice, they just plunged right through. You need to give people a beat to wrap their heads around the fact that you were lying about Joe Biden being a socratic wizard behind the scenes before you start heaping all of this false praise onto Kamala Harris, who couldn't get one delegate in 2020. She couldn't even stay in to 2020. She dropped out in 2019, but please keep lecturing us on how great she is. I wanted to mention a local story here because we are going to bring on Toby for the rest of the hour, and I'd be remiss if I didn't make mention of Karen Reid. I listened yesterday when Turtle Boy was on with Howie, and I was surprised, did you listen to this tale or at all? I was surprised at how confident and Turtle Boy knows this case way better than I do. I would argue way better than 99% of people following this do, but he was very confident that the feds were gonna drop some indictments, that the feds were looking into this and that people are gonna be held accountable, and I don't, he just really seemed like, he thought the shoe was gonna drop, or I don't know if that's the right expression, but he thought the justice was gonna prevail and that the feds were not going to let this go. And I'm always skeptical, especially now when it comes to any of these agencies, especially the FBI, and his reasoning did make sense. He told Howie, he's like, they gave, they're the ones who brought in those reconstruction experts who really did blow such a hole in the Commonwealth's case. They don't want John O'Keefe's death to go by without anyone being held accountable. They want justice on this, and Howie's point was, he was like, I haven't seen anything. I haven't seen anything coming out that leads me to believe that justice is gonna be served, in Turtle Boy. - It was told to me like the crime scene. - Turtle Boy said, this is how they work though. Like, this is how they work. They're very, very quiet. They get all their ducks in a row until they know they have a strong case and then they drop it. And then it's, he said, ask Roger Stone. He brought up all of these people who have witnessed that. So what happened yesterday though, is that a new phase, we've begun a new phase of this. And I guess in January, there's a date that is set to retry the case after obviously the first trial ended in a mistrial. And now we found out that two of the charges, the jurors or at least, I think at this point, four or five jurors have come out and said, two of the charges including the big charge, the one that the murder charge, they were unanimous 12-0 that she was not guilty. And Karen Reed's lawyers are saying, well that should count. Like that, those charges should be wiped off here if she got acquitted on those two charges. The idea, I saw Joe Biden, the idea, the idea that they would retry this case to me is highly unlikely. I do not, here's what I actually would guess is going to happen. And you know, Taylor, like you said, I've been on a bit of a hot streak as of late. So I'm gonna put down my prediction and we'll see if I'm right. I would guess that Michael Morrissey in the very near future is going to be out the door. There'll be a new DA and the new DA is going to say, no thanks, we're not doing this. If I had to predict how this is going to play out, I just don't see a world where we're sitting here in January, going over all of this yet again. And that the Commonwealth would wanna put all of this on display a second time around. - It was exciting to watch the first time, not that we've took any pleasure in watching it, but I couldn't do it a second time. As speaking selfishly, as somebody who pulls the cuts, I don't wanna sit there. Yeah, we've heard all this. And it's coming out exactly the same way. Adam Lally is still doing, he's still boring. He's still a drip. I don't wanna do this again. - Okay, well, we will make sure that we submit that to Judge Canoni, so she knows. She's gonna, she's gonna come forward and she's like, we were gonna retry it, but you know, Taylor's fine here. - We're done. - He's tired, he needs to go home. - I was tired and I needed to think about it. He needs to think about it, okay? I just, I really see Morrissey. Morrissey's been over his head on this for so long. I don't think he, every time I talk to somebody about this case, I say, I don't think in his wildest imagination he ever thought this was going to have this much attention, this much scrutiny. They thought they were gonna get this right on through. No one was gonna blink an eye. Instead, it has been a microscope. It has been, even yesterday at the courthouse, so many people showed up with free Karen Readsons. There has been so much attention paid to this case. If they retry this, they are actually, I already think they're crazy based off how this entire thing is played out, but if they retry it, they are certifiably insane. Let's do the poll question here, and then we're gonna take your calls for Toby Larry. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace, and it's only one third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code GRACE3. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Joe Biden plans to address the nation tomorrow night? Will he resign the presidency? No. Unchanged, 74% say no. All right, when we come back, we're gonna talk to Toby Larry about what's going on as far as these gun control bills, this legislation in Massachusetts, and more importantly, we're gonna take your calls for Toby. It's 844-542-42. Toby Larry from Cape Gun Works joins the show next. Follow Grace on Twitter at G_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Joining us now is Toby Larry from Cape Gun Works in Hyannis, and Toby, there is some huge news out of Massachusetts. I know that you save a lot of this for your rapid fire radio audience. I'm hoping that you could give my audience who also loves hearing from you, a rundown of what is going on, what is in this new bill, and you're telling us it could potentially be one of the most severe attacks on the U.S. Constitution, so what actions can people take give us a little bit of an update on what's going on here in the crazy state of Massachusetts? - Yeah, thanks Grace. We're all waiting with, you know, chewing our fingernails off here for Mora Healy to sign this. I'm sure once all the brew-ha-ha around Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, stepping down or not running, dies down a little bit, she'll call Gabby Giffords and all the red shirts and the Bloomberg groups to have this massive press conference while she gleefully signs away your constitutionally enumerated rights here in Massachusetts. It's the worst civil rights attack since Jim Crow. There is, you know, no authority of the legislature or the governor to sign this into law. They are in complete violation of their oath of office. They did it knowingly and willingly. And if you did that in the private sector, Grace, it's called fraud in the inducement. And you can be sued for treble damages. You can be sued under the Consumer Protection Act. It is extremely stiff penalties for this type of action in the private sector. But because they have something called legislative immunity, they can willingly violate their oath of office, they can break their oath of office, they can violate the Constitution and abuse their power. And that's exactly what happened last Thursday. They did it, they rushed it through after the conference committee, which has been working behind the scenes for three months in Massachusetts emerged with a bill that they could sign. And they didn't debate it. They just put it out there and said, sign it. You got, I think it was signed into law lesson, well, not signed into law, but signed by the House and the Senate in less than 24 hours. It might have been just over 24 hours from when the actual text of the bill came out of conference. And they didn't have any debate. They tried to do a reading. They shot that down. They tried to do a positive to debate it on the floor. They shot that down. They also tried to say that there's a lot of things at stake here that are already in the court systems throughout the country. Maybe we should look at that. They didn't want to look at any of that. They wanted to rush this through the way they tried to do it a year ago. And it is really, really bad. There's nothing in this that, there's a couple of things that are okay, but they should be standalone bills. They should not be piled in with this nonsense. That basically is a semi-automatic rifle band, guns that are in common in ordinary use. And after DC V Heller in 2008, the Supreme Court said that guns that are in common in ordinary use cannot be banned, but yet they are doing it in complete defiance of the Supreme Court. We also had a lot of Supreme Court precedent in Catano and Bruin. And they are just thumbing their nose. They're giving the single finger salute to the court system. And they are acting as pure tyrants. They have violated the oath of office. And every single one who voted for that bill should immediately resign in disgrace. And I called upon my Senator Julian Seer to resign for breaking his oath of office and violating his oath and committing malfeasance as well as stripping away his constituents rights. That is by definition, abusive power grace. And it's a sad day in Massachusetts where the shot hurt around the world, the tyrants that are in power now are trying to finish the work at King George III. - Wow, really well said, Toby. Thank you for that update. And if you have any questions for Toby, he will take them when we come back. The number is 844-542-42. I know people get a little bit shy sometimes about coming on the radio. So you can also text in, it's 617-213-1066. Toby Leary from Cape Gun Works can answer all your questions, yeah. - If I may before the break, just put it out there. If people think I'm wrong about what I just said, call, I'm happy to talk to them too. - Oh, he's throwing down the gauntlet. Toby Leary wants to debate you. If you have any qualms with what he said, call in. I would love to see it. 617-213-1066 or 844-542-42. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. - Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. It is 2A Tuesday and it's brought to you by New England's largest safe source, Eastern Security Safe. They have gun safes by Fort Knox Safe and Browning gun safes offering an economically priced safe that still offers quality not offered in big box stores. Protect your Second Amendment rights, go to Mention you heard about them on 2A Tuesday and you can receive 5% off your entire safe purchase. That is Toby Leary is on the lines and boy, oh boy, to see if a lot of people calling in to ask him their questions. Let's start with Tim, your first up today. Go ahead, Tim. - Yeah, Grace, great show. Toby, thanks for taking time to kind of clarify what's going on here. I had a question for you specifically on, you know, which semi-automatic rifles are gonna be further restricted, but before you answer, I just wanted to say it's frustrating when you may have heard last week, there were two Boston police officers that were almost run over and killed by a criminal in Rosendale. And that same guy was arrested back in 2021 for a legal possession of a firearm, a legal possession of ammunition, discharging a firearm within 500 feet of a residence and including a bunch of other motor vehicle crimes. And it's just frustrating to think that the politicians in our state are further restricting our rights when the people that are out there actually committing gun crimes just seem to be able to walk time and time again, really frustrating. - Yeah, great point. It's happened for decades and it's getting worse and worse. They have no harder resolve to lock violent people away that rather the level their sights at the responsible gun owners of Massachusetts. And so guns that are in common in ordinary use that have two or more features, they call it, are now gonna be banned from sale in Massachusetts. This ban goes into effect around August 2nd. And they've added evil features from the 94 assault up in ban, which was basically ban at lugs, flash hiders, threaded barrels, collapsible, folding stocks to now include thumb hole stocks, shroud that goes around the barrel that keeps your hand from being burned and a vertical four grip. So if it has any of those evil features, you can't buy it in Massachusetts. So there are some guns that are gonna thread the needle like the SIG MCX regulator, which has a shotgun Monte Carlo style stock on it. So it doesn't have a pistol grip because of the shroud, you got to eliminate another feature. So we're gonna have to get very, very creative going forward, but it doesn't do anything to make anybody safer for all the people that are on the street that you just mentioned. - Thank you, Tim, for the question. Let's go to Mark, you're up next with Toby Leary. Go ahead, Mark. - Hi, Toby. I had a question, I was a little concerned about, it looks like they double stated the grandfoggling of the semi-automatic rifles from 2015 to 2024. - Yeah, so basically, I think what they're trying to do is delineate that if it's a pre-healy like AR or AK, then it can be owned and possessed, transferred, sold and bought if it was registered prior to 2016, as like an AR and AK or something like that. But then after that date and up to the August 2nd date, it looks like a shrouded weapon. So any weapon that would no longer continue to meet the definition of the ban, but was owned prior to August 2nd, will be okay to be bought, sold, traded, et cetera, et cetera. So that's what the two dates are. And then of course, there's the original date of September 13, 1994, which is a true pre-ban. So you don't even have to neuter the gun, it can have all the quote unquote evil features, but so there's really three different ban dates that this still identifies and you gotta know which one you got. So it's really confusing. - All right, thank you, Mark. Let's go to Harry. You're up next with Toby Leary from Cape Gun Works. Go ahead, Harry. - Yeah, how you doing, Toby? I didn't know it was just rifles. I thought it was pistols also. And another thing too is it says you can't purchase that kind of weapon in Massachusetts. What if you happen to go to New Hampshire and say, "Hey, I want that weapon." And he gives it to you and you bring it down to Massachusetts. It doesn't say anything about owning the weapon. It says you can't purchase the weapon. So I would imagine that that's a loophole with this law. And also... - Let me stop you right there, Harry, 'cause that's not true. The verbiage in the law says that it must have been lawfully possessed in the state prior to August 2nd, 2024. So there's no loophole in that and they wouldn't sell it to you in New Hampshire anyway. And it does, as you indicated, affect handguns. There's a bunch of handguns on the current approved weapons roster that will no longer be able to be sold in this state. Anything with a threaded muzzle, like the 509 tacticals or the HK VP9 tacticals or the new SAR SOCOM pistol just was added to the roster in June. These are in total conflict with this new law. So we're gonna see how that all plays out. But thanks for the call, Harry. There's definitely some areas to tread lightly on. - Thank you for the call, Harry. Let's go to Jack, you're up next with Toby Leary. Go ahead, Jack. - Hey, Grace, thanks for this public service. Toby, awesome store, awesome show. Thank you. First question, if you don't mind too, is I'm an NRA certified instructor with 30 years experience. Now, first question, Toby, if you have a pre-band or even any one of the bands, can you still import an upper, just an upper receiver from whichever company you wanna buy one from and still use it on a pre-band lower? - I believe you can. It doesn't look like it affects upper receivers at all. And I don't know how they'd enforce that anyway because it's not a federally regulated part. So just like you can order uppers now, you'll continue to be able to get them. And that's a serviceable part to the lower. So if you have a pre-band lower, you can use any upper you want on it. - All right, second question, if you don't mind, like I said, I'm a 30-year military guy and I'm an instructor, certified all that state police, the whole line, yeah, you know, the deal with Toby. I heard the training situations are gonna change now too, where they're adding on suicide prevention and legal definitions and all sorts of stuff but the state police would have to do it. We could do ourselves previous. What do you think about that? - Yeah, that's pretty comprehensive. I'm not gonna have time to get into all of it right now but if you go over to's website,, you can look. They have a whole section on this gun ban but licensing is significantly affected, training for the licenses significantly affected and what you have to teach. We don't even know what it is because the state police has been tasked with coming up with a curriculum that everyone's gonna have to teach and the state police, I think, is gonna be the one to issue the certificate, not the instructor and also they didn't fund any of this so they're giving them a year to come up with all this stuff or six months in some cases and there's no funding mechanism there. This is a totally unfunded mandate and we'll see how that goes. I don't know if the governor might line item veto some of the things that aren't funded. I highly doubt it but anyway, that's what we have to look forward to. - All right, thank you, Jack. Let's go to Denise, your next up. Go ahead, Denise. - Hi, how you doing today? - Good. - I'm just wondering what will happen with some of the weapons that have been added. Like, we're confusing with glocks and that's something because you can see them, you know, excessive amounts of ammunition. What, how are we gonna see in compliance? Like, are we able to carry that and feel carried? What will happen with just that specific one? - Yeah, it doesn't really affect any gun that you currently own prior to these dates of, you know, enactment. So just continue to carry what you always had. What it does affect is pre-band magazines. There's lots of people that are heavily invested in pre-band magazines that have been bought that were manufactured prior to 1994. And the state is now telling you that you can no longer carry those lawfully possessed and purchased magazines. In your gun, you're stuck with carrying a gun with a 10 round mag. And if you own them, you can continue to own them. But if you ever wanna get rid of it, you gotta either sell it out of state or surrender it. And you also, they are trying to tell you you can't stage the magazine loaded in your house, that if you have a pre-band high capacity magazine, it needs to be unloaded. So that significantly affects a lot of the Glock pistols on the market today because a lot of them, people love Glock because the magazines existed prior to 94. So that's where I see the most significant impact on pistols is the fact that you can't use pre-band mags in them anymore. But I think a lot of this will be struck down in the courts, but we're gonna have to deal with it in the meantime. - All right, thank you, Denise. Let's go to Rick, your next up with Toby. Go ahead, Rick. - Yeah, hi, Hawaii today. I got a couple of quick questions for you. I just moved from Massachusetts to New Hampshire. I still have my math permit 'cause you don't need one in New Hampshire. What happens when I come to Massachusetts with a handgun? - Well, as soon as you left the state, your mass resident license to carry is basically void. It's no longer valid. So I wouldn't rely on that to come to the state. I would probably see if you can renew it as a non-resident license. You're probably still gonna have to appear in person in Chelsea at the Department of Public Safety and go through that whole nonsense. But it should be an easier process than if you just have to take the class and all that. So you've already proven that you have the certificate and the license. So, and when this new bill goes into effect, believe it or not, there's a language in there that says you can carry your gun while in the car, driving through the state. But I wouldn't walk around with it until all of that law is settled. But there's a bunch of lawsuits right now for non-residents carrying guns in Massachusetts. And I'd let the courts play out first before you go into that practice. But I will say if you're in New Hampshire and you bring a high capacity magazine into the state, you'll be in, you know, that's a felony that they would love to charge you with. So just tread lightly, Rick. - All right, thank you, Rick. Let's go to Kevin. You're up next. Go ahead, Kevin. - Hey, Toby, Kevin here. Hey, SIG and CX, the stock flash guard that comes out at the end of the muzzle. Are those legal in Massachusetts or do you have to switch that out for a pinned device? - Yeah, those are flash hiders, which would be an evil feature. And because the gun has a pistol grip on it, you wouldn't be able to have the flash hider. So, and it needs to be pinned to the muzzle, otherwise it has a threaded muzzle. So they're very difficult to get off. Ask me how I know, but we take a ton of them off and we pin and weld a muzzle brake on to be compliant. So yeah, you definitely have to do that for the SIG MCX. They do make one called a regulator, which is probably gonna become very popular after this date goes into effect. We have several in stock, but again, they have a Monte Carlo style stock and they have a muzzle brake instead of a flash hider. So those I see, I think we'll thread the needle here and we'll be able to sell those going forward, but make sure you get that flash hider off because it's an evil feature. It obviously makes the gun too assaulty, Kevin. So, yeah, let us know if you need some help with that. We'd be happy to help you. - All right, thank you very much, Toby. Could you let people know where they can find you, where they can call you, visit you in person and where they can follow you on socials? - Yeah, of course. Just the best place to stay up to date is if you like and subscribe on whatever social media source you use, we are @capegunworks and @rapidfireradio. I did a two hour question and answer yesterday that's available on YouTube and on X and rumble. So you can go back and see that if you wanna, if your question didn't get answered today, you can view that stream and I'm doing the best I can. This is all new. It's very difficult to go through the minutia of interpreting law from people who don't know guns and trying to make laws that are bad for you and I. So, there's gonna be probably some changes and some evolutions to some of the stuff and that with all thought was gonna be legal and isn't. So, stay up to date by following us. You can listen tomorrow on @rapidfireradio. We'll talk a lot about this from four to six p.m. Go to and sign up there. Again, if you're on socials, it'll pop up that we're going live and I'll try to answer as many questions tomorrow as well. But come down to the shop if you wanna buy something before it's too late. We're right in Hyannis, Cape Gun Works, or visit a shop local to you. Everybody's gonna need all the support they can get to stay in business and whether this storm, this is probably gonna significantly affect most shops in the vicinity of 30 to 50% of their business. So, think about that after August 2nd. When you have some discretionary income, maybe you could help the local gun stores stay alive and survive and whether this storm until things get made right in the courts. But I appreciate everyone listening in. I appreciate your listeners grace, their true patriots, and we will get through this together. It'll take some time and money and lawyers, but I know we will be victorious on the other side. And you can listen to us wherever you find us. We have a podcast and archive. Just go to and you'll be able to listen all that. And I'm looking forward to being with you next Tuesday as well. I'm sure there'll be even more craziness to talk about. So, thanks for having me on, Grace. - Thank you, Toby, for taking the time to come on the show. We appreciate it. And when we come back, we're gonna talk to Howie Carr about the complaints from Kamala Harris's former staffers that she was too obsessed with being prepared. She would interrogate them with a ton of questions. Does this sound familiar at all? 'Cause I'm not buying this narrative either, that she's this brilliant mind who's quizzing everyone when they walk into the White House. We'll come right back with Howie. We'll ask him about it when we come back. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. - This is The Grace Curly Show. - All right, so I have a pet peeve, Howie. And I wanna know if you understand where I'm coming from. I read these articles in Axios, and they used to do the same thing with Joe Biden, where they talk about how their staffers who are unhappy or there's criticisms, but the criticisms don't make, I don't believe the criticisms. Like, in this case, the criticism was that Kamala Harris was too hard on her staffers. She interrogated KJP at one point. She would want them to be prepared. They're all coming forward saying like, well, she's a hard boss, but she just has high standards. I don't believe that. - No, she doesn't have high standards. Again, that guy, I gotta check it. I gotta pull all the clips on that guy. I think his name was Wallace that worked for her, you know, in like three different offices, and he was just harassing the hell out of everybody. You know, women, men, I mean, he was different ways, but you know, he was just the most horrible person. And she loved the guy. She kept him on. - Well, Dr. Jill kept on her work husband too, and he was doing the same thing, I think. Howie, why does she have a 92% turnover rate? Is it just because she surrounds herself with bullies like that, or is it because people really do not like her style of leadership? - I don't think she knows what she's doing. I mean, and I think she blames other people. You know, they say, I've read too that she doesn't do any kind of research. You know, she doesn't keep up with any briefings, or she has no interest in any of the issues that she has to talk on. And then she screws up and she blames the staff. - Well, I thought one of the really telling parts of this article was, it says, in 2022, the White House internally pushed Harris to be the headliner for DC's traditional gridiron dinner, but she resisted, so they brought in-- - And she was scared, is that the same story that says she's scared? - She doesn't wanna be in any risky situations where she's gonna have to actually talk or anything like that. - So she's gotta be hoping that Donald Trump puts his foot down and says, I'm not gonna move on the debate unless it goes to Fox. And then she can turn him down. - And then she can-- - She's gotta-- - She's too afraid of me, just like-- - Yeah, she's gotta be freaking out. You know, the thought of debating Trump. You know, Trump's gotta go with the same rules of the CNN rules. You know, shut down the mic and split screens. That's all he needs to win. - And I think her team must be telling her the same thing they told Biden, but it didn't work. They must say, stick to the teleprompter and do not ad lib. How we car is coming up next, he's gonna a lot to talk about. I'll see you all tomorrow. (upbeat music)