The Howie Carr Radio Network

Cheatle Resigns and Biden Spotted for First Time in Days | 7.23.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

This hour starts with Grace talking about US Secret Service Director Kimberley Cheatle resigning, and what took her so long? Then, Biden has been spotted heading back to the White House.

Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trataria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much, Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. You know, it's funny, I just asked a question and then the Chiron on Fox is answering it from me. I said, "Did Kimberly Cheeto go visit the roof?" Because an ex-navy seal congressman was able to go visit the roof. A seven-year-old was able to get up on the roof and check out the slope that supposedly prevented the secret service from putting a sniper up there to surveil the area. So why hasn't she been there? And the Chiron right now says the director did not visit the scene before resigning. Yesterday's hearing was a disaster for Kimberly Cheeto. It's never a good thing when both sides of the aisle can unify against you. When they're both united in the fact that you're a moron or that you did a terrible job, it's not gonna be a good day and it was four hours and a lot was packed into that four hours. We started to understand more about the resources who was sent where, why for example, the shooter in this case was designated as a suspicious person, but not a threatening person or not a threat. And she seemed to use that. I thought Taylor is kind of an excuse in a lot of circumstances. I was like, oh, we didn't keep them from going on to the stage for 15 minutes because we didn't have that person labeled the threat. He was just a suspicious person. It was weak, it was pitiful. And today she has resigned. Again, I don't know why. If I were her, if I were in that situation and I knew I was going to have to go test to buy on Capitol Hill, I would have resigned the day before. - We should play that cut from yesterday. This was representative Raja Krishna Murthy with Kim Cheetel and he played the video for her of people identifying the shooter on the roof. This was after he had played that video and identified three different points where this guy should have been determined to be a threat. - Turno, was there ever a moment where the Secret Service actually considered pausing the rally? - The Secret Service would have paused the rally had they known or-- - So the answer is no. - There was an actual threat. - The answer is no, correct? - I can speak to you in generalities. - No, no, I don't want generalities. - I don't know all of the communications. - The answer is no. You did not consider pausing the rally, correct? - The people that are in charge of protecting the president on that day would never bring the former president out if there was a threat that had been identified. - Well, they did because we've now identified three points in the 20 minutes before the shooting that the threat emerged. - I can speak in generalities. Oh, great, that's gonna be, I have a feeling that's gonna be really helpful. - That's exactly why we brought you here, Ms. Cheetel, thank you. - The more vague you can answer the better for us. Yeah, so she has stepped down, she will no longer be the director of the Secret Service. I want to mention that I give plenty of plugs to other columnists out there because there's so much great work, but I do have a column myself at spectator. You can go to and check out my latest piece. It's all about Kamala Harris and the news that broke yesterday that there was this virtual roll call essentially where a lot of delegates got together and said they would throw their support behind Kamala Harris. Now, in a lot of ways, it seems like this is a done deal. I happen to think that she's going to be the nominee. I don't think anyone else is gonna throw their hat in the ring, but it was something to behold that this party of people who have pulled their hair out and run around the town screaming about how Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, decide that as long as it's their person, that they're electing, or they're selecting, is probably the better way to put it, then they can do it on a Zoom call. - They keep saying, "He's a threat to democracy." I'm saying, "What the hell did I do for democracy?" Last week, I took a bullet for democracy. - The lesson being in all of this, that destroying democracy is bad unless you do it over a Zoom call, in which case it's totally fine. That's why you always have to read the fine print. And so later, that's when Harris goes to the headquarters, she reads from this teleprompter, she takes this call from Joe Biden. But a lot of people were talking about whether or not this is right, whether or not 14 million people should be disenfranchised, whether or not this is the correct democratic process. Of course, it's not, but the Dems are in panic and they're desperate. And when you're desperate, you'll turn to anyone, no matter how weak of a candidate it might be. Desperation is the mamala of invention. And now we have Kamala Harris. And all the Democrats, all of the media, they've already done this, but it's gonna ramp up. Like if you think what you're seeing now is slobbering over Kamala Harris, you ain't seen nothing yet. They are going to try to invent a new version of this woman. Force it down the throats of the American people. You know, you weren't supposed to believe your eyes about Joe Biden for the last four years. Well, surely they can convince you that she is brilliant and astute and wonderful and poised and classy. Surely they can get you to buy those lies for what are we at now, like 106 days? That's nothing for the media. They just, they just finished a four year run at this. Do you know how tired they are of carrying water for Joe Biden? Compared to Joe Biden, she's easy. She's gonna be, it's gonna be no issue trying to make her look better. And so I want to say a little to Kamala. If she can hear me, I know she's gonna be speaking shortly. And I want to say that the team embraced her. She's the best. I want to call it compared to everybody in separate. I know yesterday's news is surprising and it's hard for you to hear, but it was the right thing to do. It doesn't seem like it was hard for anyone else to hear. I think that might make him feel better and I don't want to take it away from him at this point, but I didn't get the sense that anybody, even Kamala Harris, she was having a hard time. You know what I'm reminding me of? There's a great scene in Curb Your Enthusiasm where Larry is planning a golf trip and it's really amazing because his best friend gets way too excited about it. And then the wife starts to figure out as he's dropping her off at the airport that he's excited for her to leave. And so she's so ticked off that he's so excited that she's leaving for the weekend that she cancels her trip and says, "Forget it. I'm staying home. Jeff, you're not going anywhere." And so then when Jeff goes back to Larry and he goes, "What happened?" He goes, "I was too excited when I was dropping her off at the airport. I was like singing in the car." And Larry says, "You can't show your excitement. You got to tone it down until you drop her off at the side of the road. You can't let her know how happy you are. I was thinking that with Kamala Harris, she walked into this HQ like, "Dude, duh, duh, duh. And I mean, she's always laughing. So that's nothing new." But you could tell she had a real pep in her step. Like, "We did it. We did it, Joe. We got rid of you." Now it's, if I were someone in her team, I would say, "You've got to put on the look that's been a rough day, that you're excited about the future. But of course, you're sad to know that your partner in crime, Joe Biden, and I mean that literally is no longer going to be running for president." But she didn't do that. She came in, giddy as can be. And then she did the phone call with him. But what she really should do, Kamala Harris, is she should write Joe Biden a thank you note, for setting the bar so low. It is on the floor. Like at this point, if she gets up and she doesn't fall asleep at the microphone, if she doesn't start talking to a ghost while she's holding one of these rallies, she is now considered a political savant. - I went off script a little bit. (laughing) - The puff pieces, the fashion magazines, the softball questions, it will all be fast and furious. And now it's not just the media elites that are soaking up Kamala's awesomeness. You're gonna start hearing from all these people who in the past have been very shady towards Kamala. Like remember all the stories we used to get? There were plenty of leak stories, and I used to hear that they were being leaked from the Biden White House, that his team was leaking them about Kamala. That's how much he didn't like her. About how she's incompetent, about how her turnover, it's like 92% turnover. She can't keep anyone in her staff because apparently she's not very likable, she's not easy to work with. She has kind of an Amy Klobuchar duck. There's a fork coming at your head problem. Or I'm sorry, was it a fork? No, a binder, she's a little bit of a loose cannon. Oh, Chuck Schumer has endorsed Kamala Harris. - We are here today to throw our support behind Vice President Kamala Harris. (laughing) - Please clap moment. He started clapping himself, nobody else did. - What's up with the lack of clapping though? - Look, you know, if we had VIPs in here and they were that hesitant to clap, I would pull them aside. I would say, hey, listen up, this is a show. When it seems like it's time to clap, you clap, damn it. - Do you gotta tell them that later today? - The hesitation is what kills you. It's like either clap or don't. Or just keep rolling with it. You know what's better, Taylor, is if you're talking and people clap and then you start to realize, oh, everyone wants to clap, then you pause. It's like theater, you know? You have a good joke, you pause for a minute, you let the laughs go. Telling people to clap is a strange move. Anyway, so now she's got Chuck Schumer, but I think what's really important to note here is that they are going to have to reinvent her because she has a very bad reputation, not only as being unprepared, disorganized, unable to put together really a coherent thought, but also she doesn't have rave reviews from her staff. There's been a crazy amount of turnover. People don't really seem to like her behind closed doors. And even people like Elizabeth Warren, who are now out there fawning all her blubbering statements about how she's a powerful woman and she can be Trump, Elizabeth Warren didn't think that she should be VP in 2023. She was hesitant to say that Joe Biden should keep her on the ticket. And you know where there's a lot of story, there's a story in the hesitation. There's a story in the lag between when Joe Biden announced he was running, or I'm sorry, not running, when he actually, 'cause think about it like this, he puts out on Twitter, I'm not running, there's a lag between that and his next statement where he says I endorse Kamala, what's that pause about? Then there's another pause where Obama doesn't say anything really, he comes out and says thank you to Joe but doesn't really, he doesn't endorse Kamala. Pelosi waits a while, she comes out yesterday, Schumer waits until today. This is not typical, this is not how people who are super excited that they have the best candidate possible behave. The little bit of hesitation is them thinking to themselves, is there anybody else we could throw in? Are we sure we wanna commit to her? 'Cause we can't swap again. This is it guys, we get one more mulligan here and then we have to stick with whoever we choose. And so that's what that hesitation's all about. They're trying to figure out like, do we really wanna go all in with this lady? Because as bad as some people think she is in front of the cameras, they must know her on a different level. They must know the true incompetence that they're afraid they can't hide. And we always talk about the Peter principle, but let that sink in for a second. Joe Biden, at least in my lifetime, I'd never seen a president get on stage and make the amount of, the sheer amount of mistakes that he would make. Calling for people in the audience who were deceased, not the amount of times where he either shook hands with someone who wasn't there or he couldn't find the exit or he said something inappropriate or he smelled someone. I mean, this was someone who set the bar really, really, really low. And even with that, they were all sitting around thinking, I don't know if she's the best choice. That right there is very telling. But I will say this, and I'm gonna read a little bit of this Axios piece. I don't believe the story is to say, oh, Joe wasn't sure. He wasn't confident that Kamala could win. Joe's not doing anything because he's concerned about the party. I just don't think he wanted to give it up. I don't think he was hesitant to give it over to Kamala because of her chances. I don't think he cares if the Democrats win or lose. I think this was all about Joe. This was about his ego. 844, 500, 42, 42, Biden emerges. So this is a Chiron on Fox. They must have laid eyes on Joe Biden. We'll have more information about that for you when we come back. - The Grace Curly Show will be right back. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - So now that the process is played out from the grassroots bottom up, we are here today to throw our support behind Vice President Kamala Harris. I'm clapping. You don't have to ask. Please clap. - Please clap now. - They'll never learn about the clapping every single time. We're gonna take your calls on this in just a moment, but first let's do the poll question. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm and you can too. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. So take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code GRACE3. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question which you can vote in at is Joe Biden plans to address the nation tomorrow night. Will he resign the presidency? - I really don't know because part of me would think no, but he's been so incognito and I know he has COVID and I know they're saying that he was just recovering, but it's still strange that he didn't even do a Zoom call for yesterday's HQ meetup with Harris, that he was on the phone, that he didn't make it, how about recording a video when you announce you're not gonna be seeking re-election 107 days before November or before the November election date to put that on on Twitter. Like we don't talk about that enough. That's strange to not hear from the president and the repercussions of that, not only here in the United States of America, but abroad is very alarming. Everyone should be alarmed because when we do not have a person who is in charge, when we do not have a commander in chief, when we're essentially in limbo, other people, including some bad actors, take note of that. And I want to say no, I'm gonna go no, because I just don't think we can take any more surprises this week, I think the universe has hit us with enough surprises. - Can I try to sway you with one more point? - I'm so lutely. - He's boarding Air Force Two, not Air Force One. - He is? - That's Air Force Two, that's not Air Force One. (sighs) - I'm still gonna go with no. - 74% say no. - Yeah, and the other thing too, how he had Caroline Levitt on yesterday and how he had a good question. He's like, you know, J.D. Vance, other people keep bringing up the 25th Amendment. Why do you want her to be president? Because isn't it gonna be harder for Trump to beat someone who's already in the office, who's already at the White House as president of the United States? Doesn't that give her an advantage? And Caroline, and I love this response, she was like, we want people to see her be president for three months. We want her to be able to test out the waters for three months just to show off, just to expose, to highlight her incompetency. And I thought that was a great way to put it. Elena, you're next up on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Elena. - Hi, I wanted to take your timeline back even further. Like, do we really think that he had COVID? Like, how convenient that all of a sudden he has to cancel all these rallies and go into seclusion and not make any public appearances. And then this, during this decision is made in the middle of that. Like, to me, it's like a little too convenient that that happened. - Yeah, Elena, a lot of people were wondering about, just because so much of this stuff felt like a movie, and almost even a little too choreographed for a movie. Like, if you were watching a movie like this, you would say, man, this isn't believable. Just because of the way everything felt like dominoes. Like, Joe Biden and Elena, to your point, and I put up a post on the website about this a few days ago, it went like this. Joe Biden would say, I'm not getting out of it unless I get hit by a train. I'm not getting out of it unless God intervenes. I'm not getting out of it unless they can show me polls that say I can't win. And then, like a day or two before COVID, he says, I'm not getting out of it unless I get some sort of medical condition. That night, there's the chiron. Joe Biden has COVID. I'm not saying he didn't have COVID, but I do understand. Why the timing of this makes people uneasy. When we come back, we have so much to get to. I want to continue to talk about Kamala Harris. I also want to talk a little bit about Karen Reid. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. So let me be real clear. We're still fighting in this fight together. I'm not going anywhere. And I want you to know I've always, you've always had my back and I promise you, I will always have your back. And I'm anxious to see it all to hear from, come on. So thank you, thank you, thank you, Julie. You're the best. - Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. That was Joe Biden's phone call yesterday. Some people think it was a recording. Taylor thinks it was a recording. Taylor, a lot of people on the text line, and by the way, if you want to text in and give Taylor your two cents, if you ever want to point out that Taylor's wrong, we encourage that. - We should have a separate text line. - Just the, Taylor's wrong text line. - This one keeps breaking down whenever I'm wrong. - 617-213-1066, just start the text with the word curly. A lot of people on here, we've got at least two, saying Taylor's comments about Air Force 2 are bogus. 508 says, "Grace, any plane the president is on "is Air Force 1, the tail number is irrelevant." 904 says, "The Air Force 1 747 has been down for maintenance. "They have been using the 757s "for the presidential support or transport." - Sure, go ahead, defend Joe. - Do you want to say that you're sorry? - Absolutely not, no. - Do you want to say that you're wrong? - No. - Okay. - The big plane traditionally known as Air Force 1, I agree, any plane the president is on, is technically Air Force 1. That's what the call sign becomes. - That's not what it sounded like you said though. - The call sign, but the big plane, the big presidential plane, the big boy, as they call it, they call it the big boy. - Don't bring Trump into this, okay? - That's the big one. - 'Cause Trump would know the difference. - That's the big one. They keep saying the smaller one is Air Force 1. That's not true, I say it's the big boy, that's Air Force 1, that'll be always Air Force 1. - Well, 904 and 508, we thank you for weighing in with your wisdom, and I'm sorry that-- - The defenders of Joe, sleepy Joe Biden. - I'm sorry, he can't understand. He can't admit them when he's wrong. Okay, I did wanna play a cut here from Chris Coons from CNN because this really did play in for me what I read today from John Daniel Davidson. He said, "As things stand, it's as if we are expected not to notice that Biden has been ousted, except that Harris's campaign is normal and natural, and play along with all the usual trappings of the campaign season, but swapping out Biden's name for Harris's." And that's what Joe is saying. He's like saying different names, same mission, as if that's gonna make us all go, okay, cool. We did a little swap sees. We brought in somebody new. - Well, Yankee swap. - They're acting like, this is, you know, you go to a country concert and they change the opener. Like, oh, I know we said it was gonna be Brad Paisley. - Dude, Broadway play tonight. Tonight, the role of whomever will be played by somebody else. - Yeah, but if you go to see Bette Midler and you don't get to see Bette Midler, you get upset. - Don't let me do it, don't let me do it. - You wanna see Macaroni Midler? But I just think that they're asking too much, and it's like they never level with you. They never say, all right, we get it, he's old. They go from, he's not old, it's cheap face. You're lying, you're crazy, you're being mean. He has a stutter to the very next day he's gone. He was too old, but Kamala's here and isn't she wonderful? Listen to Chris Coons, this is Cut Ten. - Kamala Harris knew that President Biden wasn't up to four more years. I mean, they would say that about you, I think, as well, and they're gonna allege a cover up. They're gonna say she knew, she covered it up. How do you answer that charge considering what we have seen transpire over the last month? - First, I think it's BS. Second, I don't think it's particularly relevant, because what the American people are going to be looking at in November is Donald Trump versus Kamala Harris. And that is a fundamentally different race going forward and a different electoral challenge and a different direction for the American people. - You know what I think is BS? I think it's BS how you don't feel as though you have to answer any question, honestly. And that you think you get a free pass for lying to people for the past four years, specifically the past six months. Like, no, and I love, you know what I love? I love when politicians tell us that they know what voters care about. Voters don't care about that. Oh, they don't. They don't care about the fact that there was an old man who has no idea what's going on and you guys lied about it over and over and over again until you brought him out on a debate stage and he basically collapsed in front of everyone. We don't care about that. I care about it. I know I'm just one, but even if it's just one person, isn't that enough? I certainly care about it. I certainly would like to have answers on that. I certainly would like to know how that's not going to happen again. How can we trust anything you say? Even if you want to take away the issue and say, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Does it bother you that no one trusts you anymore? Does it bother you? The people think you're a liar? Considering all you do all day is lecture us about how Trump's a liar and how Republicans are liars and all they do is lie. Does it bother you that this is the most pure evidence that we could have that you lied to people over and over and over again? - Aren't you embarrassed? - Like that's my whole thing. It's not that it's going to be the number one issue, but I think it just leaves people feeling really concerned about what you're going to be honest with us about. Because if you don't level with people once in a while and say, all right, you got us. Like we lied about it. Sorry. Then we're going to do four more years of you lying about everything. And who are you to tell us, oh, no, voters aren't going to care about that when they go to the battle box as Joe Biden calls it. They're not going to care. Who says who died and made you king, Chris Coons? Like you can tell us what everyone's going to care about when they go to the ballot box in November. I think there's plenty of people out there who care that no one in the media and no one in the Democrat party had the co-honeys to be honest about Joe Biden. That you all fall in line so easily. You all tout the company line with such glee that no one there had enough of a moral compass or a backbone to actually say what they were thinking. That's how weak you all are. That God forbid you veer from the narrative and actually say what you see with your own two eyes. That's what bothers people. You're a liar. 844-500-4242. I do want to talk a little bit here and we'll continue to take your calls. We'll continue to discuss Kamala Harris. Kimberly Cheetah has officially resigned. She will no longer be the director of the Secret Service. People have been calling me up saying, "When are we going to get answers on this?" I don't know if we'll ever get answers. I don't know if we'll ever truly know what happened. Here's what I do know. Yesterday was such an embarrassment for the Secret Service. Kimberly Cheetah, as bad as I knew she was going to be, she had less answers than I expected. Like she couldn't answer anything. She showed up saying, "I want to speak." What was the term she used in generalities? - To be fair, it's only been nine days. - Nine days, it feels like the longest nine days. It feels like it's been 84 years. But something else I wanted to talk about here, and like I said, if you have thoughts on Kamala, if you think that the $81 million, the historic fundraising haul, the fact that George Clooney's in her corner, if you think that's going to be enough to carry her over the finish line and beat Trump, you can weigh in with that. If you have some ideas of what Trump should do strategically, I thought it was a really, really cool interview with Caroline Levitt yesterday when how he asked her, essentially he said, "Why do you guys want "to use the 25th Amendment? "Why do you want Kamala Harris to be president?" Doesn't that give her the upper hand going into these elections? And Caroline was very honest. She said, "We want people to see her be president. "We think that will scare people into making "the right choice. "Maybe if they see Kamala Harris," and these are my words, not Caroline's, but maybe if they see Kamala Harris in action, they'll get a little taste. It's like a little sample, you know? You go to the ice cream shop, you get a little sample, you go, you know what I'm feeling? I always get the Minch on the chip but I'm feeling a little crazy. Give me the cotton candy blast and then you take a spoonful, you go, "Oh God, thank God I didn't order that." That's terrible. That is horrible. They're hoping that people will see her in action and understand that they can't survive this for four years. I don't know why you'd even really need that. I think just watching her talk about space or electric school buses or Venn diagrams or whatever she's talking about, for me, that's plenty of proof that she's not meant to be the commander in chief, but she's getting the support of Schumer, of Pelosi, still not Obama. I'm still keeping my eye out on Obama for when he's gonna come in. But how about this? Does it strike anyone else as a little bit ironic that Joe Biden has spent the last 16 years of his political life kissing Barack Obama's ass and this is the thanks he gets. He gets the heave-ho and Obama's BFF Kamala Harris gets to show up and take his job. And what it's really bringing me back to was remember that time Obama, he hadn't been at the White House all that much in the last four years. He came to the White House and there was this video that went viral of Kamala and Barack ignoring Joe Biden. He was like off in the distance trying to get there. It reminded me of when I used to go to a middle school dance and I was trying to get in to the crowd that was dancing and I'd be tapping people on their shoulder, "Hey, hey, what's up guys?" He was tapping them like, "Hey, over here." And they were just completely ignoring him. So this is the big thank you gift from Barack Obama, for being BuzzFeed's bromance for the last 16 years is that Joe Biden is getting the boot. Let's go to, actually, we'll take your calls. David, everybody else, stand the lines. We'll take your calls. Biden is heading back to the White House. Fox has live video. He's in Delaware. He's heading back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And I'm trying to, I'm waiting for the moment we're gonna see him come out of this car. Okay, here he is. - Here it comes. - Okay. Yeah, he doesn't look great. I'm not gonna lie to you guys. He looks very unsteady on his feet. All right, well, we're hoping the president is okay. Holding the mask instead of wearing it. Yeah, I mean, I don't care. But if you're gonna bring it out, you get aware of it. He's never been one for mask etiquette though. You know, when he takes it off so he can cough, like he'll lower it. - Wait, let's just wait to see him get up the stairs here. He's doing good. He's got a good pace going. - 9, 10, 11, 12. Do you use scented candles, cover up sprays, or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Stop masking these smells with more odors. All you're doing is adding more harmful odors to your home. You need to destroy odors with an even pure thunderstorm air purifier. It uses oxy technology to send out all three molecules into your home that destroy bad odors rather than just covering them up. Candles and cover up sprays must be bought over and over again because they're just covering up the problem. Don't cover up the problem. Eliminate the problem. The thunderstorm starts working in seconds. There's no filters to buy. Doesn't take up a lot of space and it's really quiet. That's something I've come to appreciate because right now it's hot out. I got the ACs cranking a lot. I can't even hear at the TV. The ACs are so loud. The thing I love about the thunderstorm is, if I turn one of those suckers on, I don't even know what's running. - I can hear them make an air conditioner next. - I know, I can tell it's working because the air is purified, the smells are gone, but you can't hear it, which I really like. Get $200 off a three-pack today for a whole home protection. Visit Don't forget to use discount code GRACE3. That's Don't forget discount code GRACE3. We'll be right back with your calls. And either in the next segment or in the two o'clock, we're gonna talk Karen Reed and they're gonna retry this case in January. I'm not so sure about that. I don't know if I believe that. Can we take one call here? No, we'll go to break and then we'll come back. This is Grace Curly Show. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. (dramatic music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. - So you're looking for a deal and you want to make it real? - A money-saving deal. - It's Grace's Grease. - Goody, goody. - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. As you guys know, one of my favorite restaurants is Aviva Tratria. They have so many locations. Hanover, Malden, Marbro, Maynard, Stoneham, Rentham, Westford, and Rochester, New Hampshire. There are so many great places and these restaurants are beautiful. The food is delicious and the service is impeccable. Now, if you want right now, you can go to, click on store. You can purchase a $50 gift card to Aviva Tratria for just $25. I'm saying it now. Don't get mad at me if they run out because these do go very quickly for good reason. So go to and click store to get your $50 gift card for just $25. You're getting this card for half off. You can use it at any of their locations. Like I said, tons of locations in Massachusetts and also Rochester, New Hampshire, will we will be for a remote on August 9th and if you spend $20 of that remote, you can get a copy of Paperboy. Joining us now to talk about today's Grace's goodies and Aviva's latest updates on their menu is Aviva's senior district manager and chef extraordinaire, Charles Belanger. Charles, thanks so much for coming on the show. What's going on right now at Aviva? Tell us what you guys have that's fresh on the menu. - Hi, Grace, how you doing? - I'm great, thanks for coming on. - Thanks for having us. Yeah, we have some really great things that were coming up on the menu here. Of course, we have all the Italian American favorites, right? We have the chicken parms, the noollies, the ravioli. In addition to like the wine, craft cocktails, and local beer, we're doing a pan-seared scallop salad with beautiful pan-seared sea scallops, some pickled pears and some goat cheese with a beautiful little pear vinaigrette. We have these lasagna fritters from our house-made lasagna. We serve that with a little spicy cherry pepperioli and some pesto with a little rabiata sauce. And then of course, our signature month and our pizza, our little fried crust that we can do your way. - That sounds so delicious. I know how we call it right now is just salivating over. Anything that has fritter in the title, how we is a fan of. That all sounds so yummy. I also wanna let people know that the stonum location is open and the first 10 people that mention Grace Curly in stonum will receive gift cards good for their next visit. This is really, really cool. I'm excited for everyone to do that. So go to the stonum location, mention Grace Curly. Charles, you know this better than anyone, but something that I really love about Aviva. And this is why we have so much fun in our remotes, like the one we're gonna have in Rochester on August 9th, is that the staff at Aviva, everybody who works there, from the second you get in the door, to the servers, to the bartenders, everyone is like family. They are the best people and they do the best job. And also the food is just such high quality. You guys are getting ingredients from local farms, from local areas, and you're always changing it up, but you're also keeping it really classic at the same time. - Yeah, we have a really fun and inviting staff at all of our locations really. And everyone's a little different, right? Just like all of our locations. And the local farms that we use, like Fatman Farms there for all of our mushroom blend that we use there in the restaurant, there's a whole bunch of moving parts that need to keep the family together, you know? - Yeah, absolutely. And just for people who are tuning in, I'm speaking with Charles Belanger, he is the senior district manager and chef at Aviva Treturia. And I wanted to let people know that it's not just the delicious food. Obviously that's the star of the show, but you guys also have an amazing cocktail menu and you're always changing it up, you're always working on delicious new treats for people. So tell people a little bit about what's going on at the bar. - So we always have our culinary team and our mixologists there working on stuff. It's like a little lap, right? It's a little board, they have going on. And they're always keeping up with the trends. You know, we have a beautiful aperol spritz. That's kind of our signature thing, our Aviva spritz. We do a great prickly pear margarita. It's got a little spice to it as well. We like to use the ghost tequila. Everything's always changing. - Yeah, and it's always a great time. And this is why I really wanna encourage everyone to come out to our remote on August 9th at the Rochester Aviva Treturia. If you spend $20, you can get a copy of Howie's book, Paperboy, our last remote was in handover and it was a blast. So many people showed up, they got delicious meals, they got to watch the show, they had so much fun and they got to understand what we're always talking about here at the Grace Curly show. So I really wanna encourage everyone to come out August 9th to that remote, spend $20, get a copy of Paperboy. And also, if you're by this donum location and you're one of the first 10 people that mentioned Grace Curly at that location, you'll receive a gift card good for your next visit. So that's really exciting as well. Charles, thank you so much for coming on the show and thank you for the Grace's goodies. - Great, thank you so much for having me and we'll look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks, okay? - I will see you soon. And just a reminder to everyone, go to, click on store and you can get that Grace's goodies. It's $50, you'll get it for just $25. It's not going to last long. They never do because Ibiza is just that good. Senator Bob Benendez has announced that he will resign on August 20th. You know, in a normal world, Taylor, that would be big news. But just because of the events of the last nine days, 10 days, 11 days, it really-- - You could have stayed on. - It's yeah, it's like, why are you leaving, man? This was your out, there's been so much chaos that no one was-- - So what, you took some gold from a foreign entity, who cares? - You stuck some gold bars in your shoe. Who among us hasn't fallen victim to that trap? We'll be right back, we're gonna talk Karen Reed, we're gonna take your calls and so much more on the Biden-Harris front. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)