The Howie Carr Radio Network

Kamala Calls Biden in First Campaign Appearanceā€¦and things Get Weird | 7.23.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace & Taylor start the show discussing the weird phone call Kamala had with Joe, or was it Joe?

Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. - Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. I am so excited to be here today. I've got a few big headlines for you right off the top. If you miss this, Secret Service Director Kim Cheetel has resigned. You know what, I tell her, I listen to a lot of radio shows. Podcasts now. And people love to do these victory laps when they predict something correctly. I don't get a lot of things right. - You've been on a hot streak lately. All the poll questions have been on point, relevant. Next day there's results. You gotta take the victory laps when you can. - A lot of people yesterday said, "No, there's no way that she resigns." And you were all big losers on that one. - Bye-bye. - Bye Bing. I was right, you were wrong. But you know, I- - You're gonna play my boss. - Bye Bing. I do understand why you guys were saying, "Hell no, she won't go." Because you've been burned. You've been burned so many times by the incompetence of this administration and how no one has ever held accountable. I mean, no one got fired after the Afghanistan withdrawal. So what makes you think this is any different? But here's what was different. It was just too much. I mean, when Comer and Raskin are signing on to a letter calling for you to resign, those two guys, they don't see eye-to-eye on a lot these days. When you're grilled by AOC, only to then be grilled by Jim Jordan, and they're both equally disgusted at your performance, there's really only so much you can do. Here's what I don't get. Why resign today? If she had resigned the day before these hearings, it would have been totally different. Like she would have still, you know, she would have still gotten her fair share of questions. You come in, you answer questions, but all of those people, Nancy Mace, who went scorched Earth, Moskowitz, I mean, they would have automatically dialed it down a notch or two, just knowing that this woman had the decency or the self-awareness to say, "I don't belong here." - Well, her words would have carried weight saying that I take full responsibility. I'm accountable and to myself for this. That meant nothing yesterday. It means something today, but meant nothing yesterday. - It could have helped her, that's my whole thing. Selfishly, if she had said I resign, I'm stepping aside, it would have made yesterday a lot less brutal for her, and it was brutal, Taylor. I've watched a lot of those hearings. That was like four hours of just everyone in the room telling you, you suck at your job, you're a clown, you all should be embarrassed. And today you resign, and it's like, you probably, you probably could have, I'm not saying she should have, but you probably could have kind of just gotten by at this point. Like, if she had just stayed on, you know, 'cause that was the big moment, that was the big reckoning, and what happens? We've seen this before, what happens? We do this theatrical, and I'm not criticizing what happened yesterday because it was part of its theater, but I like that theater. But after the big boom of, you know, people asking you all these questions and you flubbing, then what happens is people forget, and there's another scandal, and there's another disaster. - Another disaster, another call for a firing somewhere else. - There's another agency that bleeps the bed, and all of a sudden Kim Cheetah can ride off into the sunset, nobody's paying attention to her anymore. That probably would have happened, so I am a little bit confused as to what happened between yesterday and today. Now, logically you might think, oh, she was just embarrassed. I mean, she saw her picture all over the place, she was just embarrassed. Hmm, I don't think these people feel shame. There is no shame left in our society. I think, and I actually read this, I believe I read this from Red State, so I want to give credit there, but I agree with some commentators who are saying, this White House must have told her, "Hey, if you don't step down, we've got to have, we have to look like there's a little tiny modicum of accountability in this White House, and firing you would be a great way to do that. Firing you would actually give us a really good, I had a friend text me yesterday, I kept saying, "Why are all these Democrats grilling her?" Like, what's, I was happy, but I was hesitant to say, oh, they're doing a great job, we're all unified, common sense prevails, because there's always an ulterior motive, there's always an MO with Democrats, and I had a friend text me yesterday and say, "This is how diabolical Democrats are." They're piling on Cheetah so that Kamala Harris can come in and fire her and look like a hero. And now, obviously, it's still not Kamala Harris' job, Joe Biden is technically still the president, but that did cross my mind, and I thought, that's not the craziest thing I've ever heard. - I mean, to me, it's, all the evidence so far, or lack of evidence points to me that this was not just a lone gunman here. - Right. - And firing Kim Cheetah or asking for a resignation lends at least some legitimacy, or the appearance of legitimacy, that there was no deep state conspiracy here. It keeps that illusion a little bit. It's a very thin shred, but that's what they had to do in order to keep any illusion alive. - Yeah, again, though, I don't understand the timing of it. The timing is always my question. Why? - Oh, their timing clock has been thrown way off. They're on to plan C or C right now. They have no idea what to throw at anybody. - Well, did you see, and I first heard of this today, I was listening to Kill Meat. He was talking about how an ex-navy seal congressman was on the roof and he was demonstrating the true depth of the failure here. This is from the New York Post. It says ex-navy seal congressman has demonstrated the true depth that the secret service failure to protect former President Donald Trump by broadcasting from the roof where would-be assassin Thomas Crookes opened fire. I'm up here on the building where the supposed sniper took a shot. It's not that steep at all. We just had a seven-year-old man back here climb up the roof easily. That's Eli Crane, representative from Arizona in a video shared to X on Monday. Now, that's also an issue because it's like, has she been on the roof? Has she been looking at the, maybe she has, but why do you need 60 days to come up with a lot of information that an ex-seal congressman can find us in like 15 minutes on the roof? - You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? - Now, speaking of the coconut tree, I would be remiss if I did not fill you all in on what's going on with Mamala. Last night, Kamala Harris took to the podium. She went to Biden. I guess it's Biden Harris HQ, but now it might just be Harris. - It's just Harris HQ, H-H-Q. - Harris question mark, H-Q? - Double HQ. - And it's in Wilmington, Delaware, and she gives these remarks. And everyone's, you know, chomping at the bed. The media can't wait. They cannot wait to tell you how great she did. They had it ready to go. She met the moment. She's our hero. - She's exactly what we need. And what she ended up doing was she brought up a lot of Trump's legal cases, talked about her time as a prosecutor. And then she had a phone call with Joe Biden, who we haven't seen now. Do we have a count, like, a clock on this? How many days it's been since we've-- - Think one, day six. - Since we've laid eyes on him. - Correct. - And so what does she do? She decides to call him, to do a phone call. And it was weird. That's the only way I can describe it. It was strange. Some people think it was a recording. Some people aren't convinced. I think what's easier than doing a recording, rather than say, oh, Joe, sit here and record this, I think it's easier just to have a Joe impersonator. Like, you know, Ferris Bueller, when he pretends to be the dad and he calls the principal, why not just have somebody do that? For me, the recording, then you have both of them trying to time it out, right? - Right. - Yeah, that's what you need. You need someone who can just kind of ebb and flow with the conversation. - You listening to me, Rudy? - So let's hear. I first want to focus on Biden on the call. Now, we can focus on what Kamala Harris said, but the important thing is-- - It's weird. - That she raised $81 million yesterday, and she's a star according to the media. - A dollar for every one of Joe Biden's voters. - There's nothing organic, by the way, John Daniel Davidson said this too. There's nothing organic about one day, $81 million. Like, oh, we're all just supposed to pretend that you guys didn't have this in the pipeline for a very long time. We're supposed to pretend this was an highly curated and choreographed. Who are you? Here's my thing for people. Aren't you just sick of the charade? Aren't you just sick of being lied to? I can handle things. That's my whole thing. I can handle the truth. I understand that most of the people in our government are morons. But what really bothers me about Biden, about Harris, about KJP, about John Kirby, it's been four years of constant lies. And for voters out there, it's an insult to you that they think you're buying this stuff. And it's also unbelievable that they think right after they give Joe Biden the he-ho. So they tell you for four years, he is the sharpest tack ever, that he's socratic, that he is brilliant. And then without missing a beat, they've moved on to brilliantly astute Kamala Harris. And she's so great and she's so wonderful. And the other guy is nowhere to be found. And again, they're acting like it's not bizarre. They're acting, it's like they're gaslighting us. I hate that word 'cause it's so overused, but it's true. We're all sitting around here watching Kamala Harris talk to Joe Biden on the phone as if it's normal. - I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. - In the Federalist, John Daniel Davidson did a quote from 1984 about how like, whatever they said was just how it's always been. So we're at war with East Asia. We've always been, or ocean and whatever it's called. We've always been at war with them. Like in other words, whatever we say, you just have to now pretend that's always been the truth. And so now they want us to forget about the fact that there was an 81 year old old man who was stumbling around the White House and now he's gone and now this person that he didn't even think could win is in his position. And we're all supposed to act like this is great. Like this is normal. Are we gonna get any transparency on this? - Where is everybody? - The part of it that I think is so funny. Enough funny, ha ha. But they were supposed to be the most transparent administration ever. And everything is shrouded in mystery at all times. Even now, it's like, oh Biden's calling in. And she kind of seems like she's saying it's a recording, but then she catches herself and she says it's a call. This is like some sort of horror movie. There's nothing transparent about these people. Whether it's the German shepherds biting the secret service or whether it's Kamala Harris calling up Joe Biden, every single thing they do is steeped and lies in deception. All right, so let's do Joe Biden on the call. Oh, so her campaign manager has to introduce the call. I'd like to cut one please, Taylor. - And now I'd like to introduce a man who we all admire and respect because he has done and continues to do so much for our country. Mr. President, thank you for calling in today. Over to you. (audience laughs) - Julie, if I didn't have COVID, I'd be sitting there with you, standing there with you. I'm so proud of what you've all done. (audience cheers) I just think that I'm keeping me out of people's hair for the next three or four days, but I'm gonna be on the road and I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna, it's just kept me away a little bit. - Well, first I wanna say, that is the most boisterous applause he's received in a very long time. I think he's going to start getting a hero's welcome because people are so excited that he's not running. Like Democrats are going to start giving him the energy that he so desperately wanted over the past four years, but that's another thing. And we're gonna play all these cuts. That's another thing that I keep seeing. And I saw there was a business owner. I think he's a restaurant owner or something and he was being interviewed in the New York Post and he said, we've been lied to for four years by Democrats. It's so much longer than that. Like these people lied during Trump's four years. They hamstrung this guy over and over again. So he couldn't, I mean, he still was able to get a lot done, but not nearly as much as he could have if he had had a fair shot at it. And they lied for four years about how bad Trump was and then they lied for four years about how great Biden was. And so when people say, oh, we've been lied to for four years, it's been so much longer than that. And now they're gearing up to place her in there because she has enough delegates now. She did it over Zoom last night. They saved democracy by having a Zoom call where all these big donors and delegates got to decide whether or not Kamala Harris was gonna swap in for Joe. And that's that. And now they're getting ready to place her in there so they can lie to you for four more years. So they can- - That's fine. Vos, come over here and just tell the nice toys that you're not dead. Boy, you fellas to infinity and beyond. Hey, look, it's fun. - I don't blame people for wondering what's going on. I hope he's okay, but it's like, can we see you? What is the, what is all the hiding about? We'll be right back. We'll take your calls on this. Don't go anywhere. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace. And it's only one third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code GRACE3 Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is Joe Biden plans to address the nation tomorrow night. Will he resign the presidency? - No. - 74% say no. - You know what I really don't like? I don't like all of these people. I don't like mean girls. You know, all these people to me seem like mean girls. It seems like something you do in high school if you're bullying someone. They all force Biden out. You know, George Clooney wrote the op-ed. Everybody else chimed in. They, you know, the Chuck Schumer showed up at his house, his house at Rehobeth to say, "Hey, it's time for you to move on." And then he does it because the hyenas have him, you know, encircled and he can't get anywhere. And so they say, "Hey, you gotta go." Then he finally does it. And what I don't like is now they're going, "Really great call, Joe. Really wonderful job. You're a hero." You made him do it. Stop acting like he did this. It's like the guy who breaks up with you and tries to convince you that you're the one breaking up with him. Like, you're gonna be so much better off without me. I really applaud your decision. And you're sitting there going, "Wait a second. You didn't mind the decision. This was your decision. What are you talking about?" No, but it's really for, it's for the best. Good on you. That's what they're all doing to Joe. So George Clooney turns his back, writes an op-ed in the New York Times. And now he comes out and tells CNN, "President Biden has shown what true leadership is. He's saving democracy once again. We're all so excited to do whatever we can to support Vice President Kamala Harris and her historic quest. Shut up. Why don't you do us all a favor, Casa Migos, man, and stay out of politics, okay? You turned on your friend, your supposed friend, Joe Biden. And now you're giving us your two cents on Kamala. Nobody cares. You're giving me the "It's Not You, It's Me" routine? (audience laughs) I invented "It's Not You, It's Me." Yeah, he's, oh, I really think that, you know, he's showing what true leadership is. You forced him to. You left him no choice. It's not true leadership. If you don't make the choice yourself, if other people tell you, you either do this or we move in and we force you out, then that's not him making a choice. That's him being bullied and pushed around by Hollywood heavyweights like you, George. Just really annoys me. And then here's another one, okay? This is Sonny Hostin, this is Cut 11, please. You know, he's the first president since 1968 just to step down. - And then jobs, yeah. - I think it shows what a statesman he is. I think it shows what a patriot he is. I think it shows that he can put his country before his ego because he had such a great record as president. I think, has, I think that history will note him as one of the greatest presidents that we've had. - I think you guys are some of the greatest bullies that we've had. But I don't know how much of a statesman he is for cowering to the mob of hyenas. We'll be right back, we'll take your calls after the break. - Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Joe, are you watching? You hear this clapping? Can you see it? - I'm walking, I'm walking. - I know it. - Oh, God. This is gonna be the longest three months of my entire life as painful as it's been to cover Joe Biden. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, I think it's gonna be worse covering Kamala Harris because, and I'm torn on which Kamala, I like least. There's the laughing, cackling, giggling, whatever you want to call it, coconut tree Kamala, who's just full of fun and doesn't really take anything too seriously. And then there's the Kamala Harris when she puts on her serious hat, which we saw last night where she's like. - So equity, as a concept says, recognize that everyone has the same capacity, but in order for them to have equal opportunity to reach that capacity, what we must pay attention to this issue of equity if we are to expect and allow people to. - Oh God, no, stop, stop, stop, enough. Oh my gosh, it's like, I don't mind people explaining things to me, but at least put me at third grade level. She talks to everyone like we're in pre-K. You know, there was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me. - You know, my favorite Kamala is, not my, I don't want to go out. I, it's hard to choose my favorite, you know? It's like picking your favorite kid. But one of my favorite Kamala moments is when she tried to explain the war in Ukraine. And she essentially said, there was a big country and a smaller country and the big country went into the small country and the smaller country said, don't come in here. It was really like-- - Break down a layman's terms for people who don't understand what's going on and how can this directly affect the people of the United States. - So Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. - You got to decide to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically that's wrong. - She really is, you know, a real, a real implementer of the soft bigotry of low expectations. And it really, it doesn't matter. On one hand, I guess you could say that on the other hand, she kind of treats everyone the same. She treats all of us like we're totally out to lunch. Maybe it's because this is how she has things explained to her, maybe she looks at KJP or she looks at whoever's in the White House and she says, explain it to me like I'm five. And then that's how she regurgitates it to everyone else. But there is something insulting about having a person break things down for you like you're a five years old. 844, 542, 42, I will say this before I go to the calls. Ted Cruz has a great podcast. And I got a transcript from Red State of some of the things he was saying about Kamala Harris and I do think he's on the money about this. He said, I think people are underestimating what billions of dollars of free media of the entire corrupt corporate media complex, pitching her as a combination of Mother Teresa Oprah and Gandhi. Keep in mind that as much of a shine as they tried to put on Joe, as much as they tried to sugarcoat, his issues and his decline, she's an easier person to protect. Because just physically she's younger, she's more with it. So, and I mean protect from criticism. They're gonna, she's black, she's a woman. They have all of these methods they can use to fend off any criticism. And they also can have her read a teleprompter. She knows how to read a teleprompter. So there is plenty of reasons why she's going to be a harder candidate to beat come November. Because the media is going to take everything they can and they're going to use it to try to protect and pump up Kamala Harris as this God-like figure in the Democrat party. Let's go to Jamie, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead Jamie. - Hi guys, I have a quick question. And I don't think anybody's mentioned it yet, but how does Joe Biden with COVID call Kamala Harris and not have a cough or a sneeze or a sniffle or anything? - I don't know, some people, well let's play this, 'cause some people are wondering if the call was recorded. She kind of did slip up for a minute. She meant to say on the call and she almost said on the recording, here's cut eight. - It is so good to hear our president's voice. Joe, I know you're still on the call and we've been talking every day. You probably, you guys heard it from Doug's voice. We love Joe and Jill. We really do. They truly are like family to us. And we did everybody here though. (audience applauds) - This is mutual. (laughs) - I knew you were still there. You're not going anywhere Joe. - Oh my gosh. - I'm watching you kids, I love you. - I love you Joe. - This is so, this is such a joke. These are not serious people. She sounds like someone who is FaceTiming her elderly grandpa for his like 85th birthday. - I love you Joe. - And also, does anyone buy that? Like let's really, they really want you to suspend your disbelief here. We know these people don't like each other. You know who dislikes Kamala Harris more than Joe is Jill. So she has to throw that in. We love Joe and Jill. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. That's not what I've read. I haven't read that Joe is a big fan of yours, Kamala. - Do you think that was actually him on the phone? - Hmm. I'll tell you, I'll say this. I don't put anything past these people. I don't put anything past the Democrats at this point. - I'm calling AI. - Yeah. - 1,000%. - Someone could just be tied to the net. - Real time AI and we've had it happen here. We've had, oh yes, screening calls. We've had people call in as Jordan Peterson, as Ben Shapiro, to the point where the screener would tap me on the shoulder and say, "Hey, I think we have Jordan Peterson on the phone." And I picked up the phone. I said, "Mr. Peterson, how are you?" And it's, "You know, hey, how are you?" And, you know, it sounded just like him, but there's just like this slight delay. And it's real time. I would ask a question. He would answer it, but there's like a three second delay because somebody was typing on the other end pretending to be Jordan Peterson feeding it through AI. So I think most of that speech was AI and the interactions with Kamala were typed in real time. So he said, "Oh, I know, feeling's mutual." It did not sound like Joe. He sounded like he was getting too many words right. Wasn't stuttering enough. - Yeah. - And there were just enough Bidenisms in there to make you think, maybe it's him, 'cause he did say at one point my word as a Biden and a few other of those things he throws out there just to throw out there. But I'm not buying that that was actually him. - Well, you know what really sums up? I saw Bridget Fettissi wrote this and I thought it was true. She said, "A lot of people don't know "if the president is alive right now "and that's like the third weird thing "that's happened this week." - Right. - Like if you told me, "Oh, the AI," you know, it came out that they used an AI Biden bot to talk to Kamala Harris. I would say that doesn't even crack my top five of the strange things we witnessed. To quote Kim Cheetel, "It's been only nine days or 10 days." But I mean, the AI stuff had us fooled to the point where RFK Jr. actually called in to the show and we didn't believe it because we'd been fooled at least twice before and he had to call back and say, "No, it's really me." So, I mean, it's-- - Yeah, it's like you have to-- - It's confusing. - You have to have one of those things you know when you log on and they say, "Are you really a robot?" And then you have to show us-- - Yeah, I like capture. - Yeah, or like click the pictures that show a bike. Those really irritate me. It's like, "You're the robot. "Why are you asking me if I'm a robot? "I'm not a robot." - That's a good point. - It's like, "Oh, the traffic lights." And you know what else I don't like when you do a password and it's like, it's okay. They tell you what they think of your password. It's okay. - I don't care how strong you think my password is. I have to try to remember my password. - Not to over, you know, analyze this, but when those captures come up, when you choose, like how many pictures have the-- I'm like looking in the background. Are they trying to trick me? I'm looking way in the background. And if I see something, I'm clicking it. And then it's like, no, you overthought this, try again. - How about the things now where you have to slide the puzzle into the thing? I'm like, "What?" I didn't sign up for this, okay? This isn't like a cognitive test. I just want to see a TikTok for God's sakes. And I don't have TikTok. That's why, by the way, don't worry. I haven't downloaded it. But sometimes I get sent them and I want to open the link. Dave, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Dave. - Hey, Grace, I just want to call up on the cheaty. - Yeah, cheato, go ahead. - The retirement. Okay, if she resigned one day after, they would have been hunting for a new director of the Secret Service. But when she waited a week, she goes in on Monday, takes the pounding, resigns on Tuesday. Now, it's going to take them a month to find a replacement. And that person's going to take a month to figure out getting up to speed. And they're never going to answer questions from the Secret Service before the election. With the ongoing FBI investigation, Grace is going to come and say, "Oh, it's an ongoing investigation. I can't comment." So we're not going to hear anything for the next, probably until the election about what happened. - Yeah, and yesterday she did tell AOC that she needed 60 days for a report. And AOC said that she thought that was unacceptable. That's how you know you've lost the plot when AOC is questioning your level of competence. But that would put us at two months. So I don't disagree with you. I think, and this is how sad it is. And I don't mean to sound pessimistic. You guys know I love nothing more than to show up here and be a ray of sunshine for all of you. - Same. - But yeah, we're on the same page about that. But for the last few years, I've been covering this stuff and I've been hardened a little bit. I've been burned. I don't think we're going to get any answers as far as what actually happened. There's been, think about all the mysteries, the pipe bombs on J6. You know, like all of these things, the leaker from the Supreme Court, there were all these things that have happened the last four years that it's like, "We're going to get to the bottom of it. This can't stand. This is unprecedented." The time goes on and we all just kind of, we're all kind of complacent and used to this level of, you know, deceit. And we just don't find out anything. And I know that it's not right. I'm not saying it's right, but I'm just saying that it wouldn't surprise me if I was in this chair next July, with as many answers as I have right now. I probably have more questions by that point. Mike, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Mike. God, I couldn't agree with you and Tyler Moore. I mean, this is an absolute calamity. I mean, you know, everything does seem like it's orchestrated. You got a woman that, and I hate to use the word 'cause I hate it, but from a hoodsy groupie to a prosecutor, to a mistress, to vice president, this is like, it's like painting place. And yet, people are taking this woman absolutely serious. I don't even know what that word means. Thanks for the call, Mike. I'm not sure. So sometimes it's like, I wanna tell someone, hey, we don't call someone that, but I don't even know what that means. So I'm kind of lost here. Do you know what it means if you heard that before? - No. - Well, if it's anything derogatory-- - She's from the Popsicle Stick Gang. - We don't. - Hey, hey, watch it, pal. - We do not condone it. Again, though, I don't understand it. So I'm lost. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two. I'm gonna talk about Kamala Harris when we come back. The 59-year-old's unconventional road to the general election, if you missed it, there was a Zoom yesterday. And the Zoom pretty much confirmed that she has enough delegates to secure the nomination. Now, some people who believe in democracy, the old-fashioned kind of democracy, not this new-fangled democracy that Adam Schiff and the Democrats keep telling us about, but the idea that people's votes should count, and that 14 million people shouldn't be disenfranchised, and that you should actually have to vote for Kamala Harris in order for her to be the nominee. Those people are a little bit upset by this, but I will say she couldn't have hoped for anything better than this. She was never going to win the nomination to head into the general election in the classic sense. She tried it in 2020, she didn't get one delegate. I don't think she even made it into 2020. I think her campaign was over by 2019, if I remember that correctly. So this is the best-case scenario for Kamala Harris. There are some people who might look at a situation and go, I wish I had earned it fair and square, you know? I wish I had won it fair and square. I think I could have been a contender. I think I could have done it my own way. She knows that's never going to happen. So for her, this is the closest chance that she's going to get. We'll talk about that, and we will continue to discuss Kimberly Cheadle. Don't go anywhere, it's Grace Curly Show. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gunworks. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is the Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - By the way, I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to be out of the campaign with Kamala. I'm going to be working like Kell, both as a city president, getting legislation passed, as well as campaigning. - That was Joe Biden last night on a phone call. - No, it wasn't. - Our tailor thinks it was AI Biden. I'm not here to try to tell you one way or the other. What I will say is that I think it's very important heading into this reset of the election that Republicans do focus more on policy and on Kamala Harris' failure, rather than... And I see this a lot. I see the jokes, her past relationships, and that she checked all the boxes for Joe Biden. He said he was going to pick a black woman as BP. That's how she got the job. And I understand that, but I think when you rely too much or make her into too much of a punchline, you're also... You're taking the easy way out, as opposed to really explaining to people the colossal nature of some of her failures. And I got to give Ted Cruz credit again here, because there's a reason why he's such a successful person. He's very smart. He said, "Republicans, I worry vastly underestimate Kamala Harris. They don't think very highly of her. They don't think she's terribly bright. When you or I bring up Kamala Harris' name in Republican circles, people laugh. It's immediately a punchline. I think people are underestimating what billions of dollars are free media of the entire corrupt corporate media complex, pitching her as a combination of Mother Teresa, Oprah, and Gandhi. And I agree with him. You don't want to underestimate this woman. You don't want to write her off. You don't want to focus on the really, the low-hanging fruit here, because you want to explain to people why Trump is the better option, why you shouldn't just vote for someone because she's a woman or because she's black, or because you saw her TikTok, where she talked about coconut trees. You really have to vote for someone who knows what they're doing. And a very important thing to remind people is that not only did Kamala Harris know that Joe Biden was incognative decline, not only did she lie about it, not only did she cover up for one of the biggest scams pulled on the American people over the past four years, but she's also tied to the worst parts of this administration. She is also the borders are. She has her hands in so many elements of this administration that have failed. And that's the story that needs to be told. She's not qualified. And her failures have followed her throughout her entire career. And so sure, can she read off a teleprompter? Yeah, she read off a teleprompter yesterday and there was no major, major problems, but beyond that, I don't think this is going to be the slam-dung candidate that so many Democrats, I know she raised $81 million. They're all very excited about that, but I think this is going to be, this is going to be a tight race if I really, and some people don't want to hear that. Some people want to say, no, Trump's got it. He's got nothing to worry about. If she can't be Trump, she can be Trump. We have to go into this knowing that there's work to be done. And that now it's time to make the case of the American people, that do you want four more years of this chaos, of these lies? Or do you want some efficiency in DC? We'll be right back. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)