Grandpa Bill's Podcast

The Greater Portland Crab Caper Mnemonic Memory Palace Fiction Novel

Send us a Text Message.Codman Fishers Carl Crab Cyber space security and more Grandpa Bill Mnemonic rough notes drawing board fiction crime novel involving Portland Maine-Developing Codman Fisher: A Complex Anti-HeroThe idea of the church being a false facade is intriguing. It adds a layer of mystery and deception to the plot.Let's focus on Codman Fisher.Potential Motivations for Codman:Greed: A simple, yet powerful motive. Perhaps the cyberattacks and disappearance were a calculat...
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26 Jul 2024
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Codman Fishers Carl Crab Cyber space security and more
 Grandpa Bill Mnemonic rough notes  drawing board fiction crime novel involving Portland Maine-Developing Codman Fisher: A Complex Anti-Hero

The idea of the church being a false facade is intriguing. It adds a layer of mystery and deception to the plot.

Let's focus on Codman Fisher.

Potential Motivations for Codman:

  • Greed: A simple, yet powerful motive. Perhaps the cyberattacks and disappearance were a calculated move to defraud insurance companies or embezzle funds.
  • Power: A desire for absolute control over the seafood industry, eliminating competitors and consolidating power.
  • Paranoia: Fear of being exposed for unethical practices or stolen technology.
  • A Secret Life: A hidden past or a secret project that requires vast sums of money and secrecy.

Codman's Public Image vs. Reality:

We can create a stark contrast between Codman's public image as a philanthropic businessman and his private, manipulative self.

  • The Philanthropist: A well-respected figure known for his charitable donations and environmental initiatives.
  • The Mastermind: A calculating and ruthless individual orchestrating a complex scheme behind the scenes.

This duality can create suspense and keep the reader guessing about Codman's true intentions. Join us in developing this interactive Novel.

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BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour

Retired holistic health enthusiast, Grandpa Bill, shares his wisdom and experiences in the realms of health, wealth, and well-being. Join Grandpa Bill on his journey of holistic health and personal growth. With over 45 years of experience in the industry, he has a wealth of knowledge to share on topics ranging from nutrition and supplements, to meditation and spirituality. In his retirement, Grandpa Bill is dedicated to sharing his insights and helping others to achieve their full potential. He is an intuitive thinker, humorist, star seed, poetry fan, with a passion for history and coins.

Hosted by Grandpa Bill, 45 year career now retired

Disclaimer:This podcast site content is provided for informational purposes only, and does not intend to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


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everybody and welcome back to another edition of the VH sales chemical ballistic healing all with your host and moderator me up a little while but all some of you by our invitation were applicable my two church mice people involved each and every day now in our sixth year running I'm going to audio shows this is my youtube offering will hold that 87 92 please do like us share us give us the thumbs up more importantly where you're comfortable in doing so please do subscribe we are growing exponentially with your help one star seat at a time paying you forward always talking about subjects group of the mind the body and so today this will be one of my body-o versions main mentor moments in business and in life but it also encompasses my workouts for geriatrics aka a silver streakers good for all kids from one to 92 about health and wellness there we talk about everything encompassing predominantly senior health but nutrition exercise with resistance bands free weights we talk nutrition we actually talk insurance coverages a little bit about business I'm now fully retired but we still talk about tenants in business and in life talk about my coin collection happy client there life skills meditation in studio guests with expertise and all of the above just finished two more powerful interviews yesterday one with Isabelle for nutritionist NTP and Halifax we have a very interesting conversation about hydration and then we also had Byron with him where he and I were in the United Kingdom talking about what if we weren't that was a very interesting show it's his 12 appearance it was Isabelle's 7th I'll have Tim Doyle upcoming in between the two lunar cycles path the one is probably next week there about today talking about magnetic memory method techniques continuing part of my bucket list from many programs I'm entrenched in now to coincide with Dr. Dustin Souslax from certified home healer embarking that program now for three years running magnetic memory techniques for the better part of two years and reading Dr. Medevier's book fly boy which is a memory method detective novel fascinating story I'm about just about halfway through that and that got me to thinking which is always dangerous talk a lot about apprenticeship with my granddaughter Ada here at the show which we're trying to make happen in August right around the corner we are gonna make out a long story short version came up with this idea of a mnemonic and I've been talking a lot about it based on the main history of architecturally trying to devise maybe my own version our own version of a murder novel detective possibly and I've introduced a couple of characters struck note wise Carl crab waterfront here in Portland Maine cottonman fisher better known as codfish over 30 40 years span waterfront influency in the western farm is the Zuka Joe as a comic character from my hey day with bubblegum comic strips yeah Carl crab has a striking resemblance to that character so we may have a little fun with the Zuka Joe in our mnemonic to all emanate the western farm thinking of doing a derivation of Pat butterm is Mr. Haney from Green Acres and that part of it will be diving into how Mr. Haney with the help of my granddaughter who was here to choose me and me and Andrew which all encompasses a magnetic memory method part of language skills that are learned there through the techniques self-taught seven months so during she's here to me on that all bullet points for her aspiring college education applications ultimate career choices as school begins seeing a year right around the corner she'll be embarking on a cybersecurity course she has an interest in she also is gifted in JavaScript coding she actually devised an app and wrote one in junior year last year that all encompasses what we're trying to assimilate maybe devising writing a novel together of sorts and devising a clue type board game with clues so Pat butterm cool for those of a certain age amongst many things he was in my rod outstanding grip Mr. Haney he was kind of the gadget man that had something for everything mr. Haney kind of was a con man not so much in a nefarious bad way but that was his most obvious trade in the world and how mr. Haney had his own charm and do people in and how that might manifest into my local possibly called possibly codman fisher himself codman fisher does get cyber attacked in his multi million billion dollar industries many technology about marine biology also the many facets of fishing industry you can pull the main local waterfront so notes to myself continuing and I've done a couple of off the cuff we wanted episodes recent though the weather's may fall lead the fallen idealist once a promising entrepreneur quadrant vision to actually lost everything in a financial crash in and of itself during the hard times when they were here we can honor you during the decades even though it's a fiction no he did get cyber attack this company did he's been missing for quite some time we might go on route to find out that he may be implicated in his own crime missing maybe ultimate death or potential insurance fraud claim against being involved in his own cyber attack maybe so a formal criminal mastermind trained here possibly as a detective that might be my role scattered brain detective because we're all going to try to tie it in to my former careers with calc fish oil as an example helping scattered brain in reality that plays into my workouts to geriatric but it's going to be encompassed in this new morning murder mystery so a reluctant con man dragged into a criminal underworld against perhaps his will perhaps cognitive issue it will probably involve in reality what is a vacant glacial church up in the western farm area all based on my roots where I grew up as a kid and my son and granddaughter of love to walk through that area and reminisce and retrace my history their history through my history and neither my granddaughter was born on the opposite palm and the ball and the eastern ball so this all ties into the peninsula report when some sort of the cyber crime with these characters that I just have on a very drawing board status so mr. Haney, bazook, Joe, may be influential because of television and serial radio which I've talked about out of the shows people are being so influential in my upbringing as a kid so potential cyber theft, deduction, murder, possibly up codman fishing, fishing, fishing, the vacant church probably ultimately may play into the solving of the clues of the abduction possibly murder possibly the whole time that it never was for sale the church it was bought by a competing family that might be related to Karl Krab and this all is intertwined and not only the great mission industry but worldwide and potentiality technology which is worth so much and side of the stage side of the line. Starting back into my granddaughter as we make this beneficial to she will have tutored me in Mandarin for sure putting it as a bullet point on her collection she will this will be one term over her senior year to develop this ongoing thing here but she may be able to embrace it as whatever in the side of the space class if she takes the structure first. One strengthening the job of stress being able to put that down that she tutored me have a whole book and MP3 that she goes through with starting to follow the songs through the history and listening to native tongue videos and why. Studying men with history she's switching that loves it all of this ties into her interest level she seems to be enthused by doing it she's working full-time this summer and she also just finished her journalism course before school starts in a pretty short week so she'll be writing script for the shows particularly in JavaScript I'm sorry in Mandarin and grabbing me in my practicing of tone and flesion and so forth and this is all tie-in to potential characters and I think we are going to give this world around the world a walk during the mnemonic creating a mystery important main so combining a love of course for my granddaughter the rich history of Maine and Portland which it is and I'm so proud of and Portland so rich in history in Maine Portland the peninsula and Fort Maine will be deciding the western part specifically or Fort Waterfront area over a 30-40 year span creating a mystery novel potentially a board game includes and locations to the lives of memory palaces to granddaughter eight of being so difficult in teaching me and she's fluent in it another cover and a cap again on a bullet point that she has to attribute someone that she's working on devising however that may have been all as she gets to she's already toward two college campuses that would be about to feed at all that will definitely be a business tenant show so roughly that's the vortex that's going around in my head on the continuing saga of for now called crab waterfront cotton fisher that are known as codfish incidentally as a kid it had something to do with leading to one of the development by his dad who had multiple businesses plus the billionaire they should manage in western building side streets tying that into magnetic memory metal techniques because because I'm also introducing my doctor and I hate to do in the meadow yay his memory metal techniques the PDF which of course I have in force which Peter will be avail to use as a study guy which I think will accentuate her already just really good academic issues been recognized as an outcome a poetry she has a pretty diverse and in rich repertoire this is all about her legacy and that's just percivision time in the world all of these things I certainly believe when we get on the backside is to suicide the security on what my avail career choice to get it we adjusted on its access to move forward a sea at the shows we did this in just about 15 minutes continue to pay for we continue to support all people around the world may speak for me may speak USA or wild animals being driven out of the natural environment fell rescue pets investigative pets the same challenges that we humans they own us so the owners of us as our pets those of us that are ourselves to clean goods and medicines rejuvenating the plants on and this planet if we perceived as a harbinger of good information continuing to be blessed with global exposure that's to you guys gals putting in touch with butcher's bakers candlestick makers psychoanalyst psychotherapist nutritionist authors entrepreneurs mediators meditators to interact is two program questions each and every day and everything that I do in my blogs in the descriptions my blogs you can chose to continue to pay report we can't do it without you we go start seeing it at a time join us each and every day and can you pay a call one more time on the YouTube channel go hold that will hold 87 and 92 whether share us to the thumbs up please do subscribe take a safe in today's lesson help me peace everybody
Send us a Text Message.Codman Fishers Carl Crab Cyber space security and more Grandpa Bill Mnemonic rough notes drawing board fiction crime novel involving Portland Maine-Developing Codman Fisher: A Complex Anti-HeroThe idea of the church being a false facade is intriguing. It adds a layer of mystery and deception to the plot.Let's focus on Codman Fisher.Potential Motivations for Codman:Greed: A simple, yet powerful motive. Perhaps the cyberattacks and disappearance were a calculat...