Cosmic Reality Podcast

COSMIC SOUP 7/24/24 - Dr Jane Ruby & Mike Mckay

“Cosmic Soup – In the second hour Nancy Hopkins and Mark Joseph will describe a conversation on Rumble's “Patriot Streetwalker” Station with Scott McKay and Dr. Jane Ruby. Rumble:  PDF, Cosmic Reality Free PDF, 911 Crusade

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at *NANCY'S BOOKS


1h 57m
Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

“Cosmic Soup – In the second hour Nancy Hopkins and Mark Joseph will describe a conversation on Rumble's “Patriot Streetwalker” Station with Scott McKay and Dr. Jane Ruby.


 PDF, Cosmic Reality

Free PDF, 911 Crusade

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at


[music] Welcome to Radio 5G, where we sort fact from fiction, conspiracy from falsehood, reality from the unknown. And by doing so, we change the collective consciousness of humanity. Pay production of [music] Welcome to Radio 5G's Cosmic Soup. My name is Nancy Hopkins, and later in the show in the second hour, Mark Joseph will be with me. This is a pre-recording that will air on July 24, 2024. The first hour is with Jane Ruby, Dr. Jane Ruby and Scott McKay. And Scott McKay is the street fighter, Patriot Street Fighter. He's on Rumble. I think you're going to find this to be very interesting because they cover stuff that we've covered before, concerning by a weaponry and that sort of thing. But, in the end of the show, they get into talking about, what do they call it, tactical civics, tactical civics. And this is very exciting. So, I hope you enjoy the first hour, and we will see you in the second hour. We go, we're going to jump into this show with Dr. Jane Ruby, a true intellectual powerhouse, and behind the scenes participant in the big pharma machine in the field of medicine. Obviously, as a natural healer and a whistleblower voice, you're going to love this interview. So, enjoy. Ladies and gentlemen, Scott McKay here, Patriot Street Fighter, another great guest. Some of you have seen her make it her rounds once the shit show started back in 2020, Dr. Jane Ruby. Coming from the medical profession, one of the things about Dr. Jane Ruby is she was one of those who decided she wasn't going to sit back. She was going to stand up and start telling the truth about what was happening with the bio weapon deployment. That was the anonymous one we didn't know about and one that was a direct hit when they convinced people to come in to get this kill shot and all the other bullshit that went on. She was one of the few that stepped up back in that time and Dr. Jane Ruby, I'm going to give you a little bit of her background. She was inside the pharmaceutical drug development space for a long time and she's best known for breaking the worldwide exclusive story on the white fibrous embalmer plots. That was some really script strange and scary shit back then when they were pulling out these ropes out of people's their arteries, these cadavers, it was just startling. And she's obviously a huge outspoken activist on these bio weapon injections and all the things, everything's a masquerade. Isn't it Dr. Jane? They have bio weapons masquerading as vaccines. We've got corporations masquerading as governments law enforcement courts. The first thing is basically some thinly veiled bullshit line of how this whole society that they built what we call the matrix works. And it's astonishing because the discoveries that we continue to make moving forward now that people are, you know, I wouldn't say fully awake, but we know enough to know that we're in a really strange place on this planet. Let's kind of wind a clock back. I want to talk for a minute, like take your background from the ground up. You came up through the pharmaceutical industry for a long time. You must have seen some things back then that made you so, you know, what are the things that make you go. Right. Early on. And then I can only imagine what it's like from that point forward. Yeah, that's, that's a good point and thanks for having me, Scott. I've been a major fan of you and your work for quite a while now. A lot tipped me off in the very beginning. You know, having a little bit more about my background. I'm a medical professional. I'm a nurse practitioner nurse practitioners practice within medicine. They under their own licenses just for the general understanding. We don't work under physicians. We don't have to have anything cosigned. But it's not an MD and I've never claimed to be an MD. It wouldn't want to be after the last four years because these people have led people to their deaths. But I found myself teaching at the college level, got a couple of doctorates, two master's degrees, all that academia. And then I got recruited up in. I actually ran my own human research lab. I did lots of multi center trials for pharma companies. So there's a view from the outside protocols and publications and all that expertise. Then I got recruited up into the industry inside not, you know, not like a contract researcher, anything like that. I was an inside employee on the medical research side. And Scott, I've been on the teams across the country in the world that have launched some of the most famous drugs in the world in depression, anxiety, mostly neuroscience, cognition, Alzheimer's, things like that. But so that's sort of, you know, my general background. And because of that time in the industry, inside pharma, working with FDA from the inside of pharma is a very interesting perspective, because there are, you know, there's corruption. There are always little bits of corruption. And why does this company get away with that? And we go to a conference and Pfizer's promoting off label, other drugs that are in review. But we say one thing as a little company, and we get slapped with a $50,000 fine on Monday morning. So there was all those kinds of things that we could see. For me in 2020, Scott, I'll be honest with you. The first thing that tipped me off was the lie that Ivermectin and HCQ, HCQ first, then Ivermectin, where it was that would not be allowed to be prescribed because of this off label issue. And I thought, wait a minute, the public needs to understand for a prescriber, a doctor or a nurse practitioner, we can prescribe off label means something, a reason for other than that, which the drug was originally approved. So let's say we have an amendment for Alzheimer's disease. If I want to use it to restore memory for some other illness, I have that right to do that as a prescriber. What's illegal, Scott, is a company of pharmaceutical manufacturers promoting it commercially for use other than what they were approved for. They are not allowed to do that. Sometimes they pay doctors and nurse practitioners to do that for them. But the point is when they first came out and said, no, you can't prescribe HCQ, hydroxychloroquine, even though President Trump was talking about it and touting it. And I thought, whoa, whoa, whoa, they're lying because that's not illegal. So why are they strong arming doctors and pharmacists? You know, from doing that. So to me, I knew immediately something's in the lockstep nature, Scott, right? It was every hospital, every state, every governor, I thought, wait a minute, how did the whole world get bought off, right? So that to me was like a major. I was living in front of a red flag. You just said one, I want to interject one thing. You said, how did the world get bought off? Folks, that is probably one of the most accurate. That's a question. I'm going to turn to a statement. If it were, that's what they've done. These guys have bought off the whole world because they've been doing it for so long. Yeah, it is definitely something that's been in the works. When I interviewed Katherine Watt, a paralegal up in Pennsylvania, who's put together all the laws and executive orders and everything that led us here, she originally said, this has been going on for centuries. And at first, I thought she misspoke. And I thought, no, she means decades. And she said, nope, I mean centuries. And then you see the, she's got a great sub stack. You see that it laid out every president that signed stuff, every Congress, Congress, by the way, has been selling us down the river for at least 300 years, if not more. Well, I've been saying in probably the one effective thing, I think we did a Patriots Street Fighter. When I first started the radio show before Patriots Street Fighter was from day one, I just kept the same narrative. Washington DC is a crime syndicate. And I continued to say it for, it probably took about 18 months. And then I started here and other people repeated. I'm like, now we know, but I'm thinking to break through this idea that government is good and government is necessary. And it's not, it certainly is necessary to agree, but it's good. And it's, and these are people looking out for our best complete horseshit on every single level. They've proven it, at least from my time of decades of watching the same, the same process, the same bullshit narrative, the same commercials, the same rhetoric, the same everything. And nothing changes except for them. It gets better for them. And for decades, it's gotten better for us. So the idea that they've been at this forever is easy for me to believe. And it's great now because we know people, or we hear people on a consistent basis, basically acknowledging Washington DC and the entire political architecture is a crime syndicate. It is a crime from top to bottom. It's a crime syndicate. It's a walk into the culture and it draws those kinds of people. It's a such, the culture is as such that it draws even locally. It draws people into the culture who want to find ways to shortcut, get backhanded deals, do things, you know, serve themselves rather than people. Anyway, so I would like to meet her. I would like to have that discussion with her and see that research that she's laid out. I think that would be a great analysis to show people. Like, hey, folks, look, it's all right here. It's step by step. This is how... Yeah. In fact, it's called... She's written, she's so prolific in her writing. It's a sub-stack called Bailey Wick News, like, you know, getting out on bail, Bailey Wick News. And I tell that to people because she's got hundreds of articles, but the one you want to look at is called the American Bioterrorism Program. And she lays out and proves that this has been a government/DOD operation for at least 100 to 200 years. And it's ramped up and it's undeniable. When you see the chronology and the documentation that follows, it blows my mind that this hasn't exploded worldwide. Because once people really get this, if you can get it into their heads and they see it, I think they would work in tandem to shut a lot of things down. But they don't. Yeah. Well, so when you were coming up, so your career track, all right, you were a nurse practitioner following your pharma career or vice versa. Yeah. And that's kind of an interesting... It's an interesting question because it does make a difference. I appreciate your insight. Started out as a nurse at the bedside, took care of people in their darkest hours, then got more education, more credentials, became a nurse practitioner. Practiced independently. Then I went into teaching, taught at the college level, taught doctoral research methods, taught graduate and undergraduate nursing. So we had that perspective teaching both in the hospitals and in the classroom. Then started to do more research, had developed a personal relationship with one of the top five sleep guys in the country, Dr. Marty Scharf, and ended up working with him in multi-center trials, then ran my own lab. And then from there, he went on to consolidate his research business. And I had so much exposure in the pharma world, having done some really... I'm a real stickler for protocols being followed. I'm actually a very big internal whistleblower within companies. But Long story short got recruited by one of the companies I had done a lot of research for. Doesn't exist anymore. It's called Forest Laboratories. But what a great company. It was there for 10 years. And then I went on to several other companies before it was around 2020, 2021, when I saw what was happening. And I was kind of nearing the retirement issue anyway. And I thought, "You know what? There's no way I'm uploading any injection, mRNA injection, into my HR file." So it just all came together. I do feel it was like a calling. And then I saw these other shenanigans like the off-label Y and things like that. Then I started to see the shots come in in the end of 2020, the beginning of 2021. I also started to use my expertise to kind of look at, "Well, what are they basing this on? Where's the pivotal trial?" Where's the general pharmacology on the drug, which is supposed to be done before you try it in humans? How long does it stay in the body? How does the body get rid of it? All these things, you know, they're done in phase one called pharmacokinetics. And it was missing. And then the other thing, here's a real kicker. I thought, "You're letting these companies come in with this experimental thing that killed animals." Where's the human subjects review board? There are these ethics committees that came out of the Nuremberg trials. You had to have it stamped. You had to have your protocol so you don't hurt humans. And I'm thinking to myself, "Man, I want to see the informed consent." The human subjects group, these are their disinterested parties. They're panels in the community. They're made up of ethicists and lawyers and professors and things like that. And I thought, "I want to see that stamped document." Never found one at all. And then we later learned FDA said, "You don't need it. You don't need safety trials. You don't need full consent forms or 25 pages." Not the checklist at your local drugstore. You know, you're going to have a sore arm. Where's the informed consent? So I knew something had been hijacked. Big time. The whole process. That would be pretty damn scary in your realm with knowing what you know and seeing how provocative that is. 100%. That puts people in prison. That shuts down companies. That brings devastation to any of these enterprises that ever do anything. Just like you talk about, some of these don't exist anymore. What's the hardest thing to get my head around is how society couldn't see this for what it was because we've seen how many times in the course of our lifetimes that there are cases where people are terminal. And there is a drug that shows promise going through the trials. All these things that show evidence that this particular pharmaceutical drug could be beneficial to this person who has no chance to live. They are terminal. But they will not, even if they beg them and sign any documentation, any waiver will not allow them to have this drug because it's got more paperwork to shuffle for the next two years. Sorry, let them die. Let them die. And that's the way it's always been. And I was trying to get people to think this thing through. Number two is, when does big pharma ever give anything away? When? Because these, I mean, they have drugs that are one injection costs five, $10,000 and they're in the business of making a lot of money. So we're going to put out a, we're going to put out a flu shot. Five bucks a flu shot, let's say, that's what it is. They're paying five bucks for people to get a flu shot. They're paying money to take these drugs. So if you have 100 million, let's say probably more like 30 million people take that shot. Right. That's, that's 150 million. They don't just throw money away. And for what I've been telling people for many years now is, first, I've never taken a flu shot. To me, it's, it's, it's an asinine thing. Your body is built. It's a battlefield to go to war. It strengthens the immune system by giving it a chance to fight things. And, and the fact that that people will just run in to a doctor, get drugs, get a shot to me, always mystified me. But what the people didn't know was the reason they have these type of protocol is exactly what we learned directly about the kill shot is that it has gene altering technology in it. That's how they've been manipulating our genes for a long time through vaccines, through flu shots, all this shit. And I've mentioned this a couple of times to on different shows. Have you noticed how in this time, this day and age, you'll see these young young boys, late teens, early twenties, and they're very effeminate. They seem to run in packs like girls do. And no offense to that, right? But you know that we have now this, this evolution of, of demaskinolized, demaskinolized boys, right? Because of the, the DNA manipulation that they have been, you know, projecting into these drugs for a long time. Now, there, these, these, I see them all the time, and I just think, how does happen? I mean, when I was younger, we were athletes ran around, you know, and, and, you know, we look like boys look like young men. But this is a, this is an evolution. It was very mysterious to me. And when I learned about this DNA alteration through the drugs that they put into our bodies that this is, this is a really sinister thing, but I want to say on the other side. And these people that are like this, there's, there's nothing wrong with them. They're happy. They don't know it should be any different. They don't know they should look like men, you know, act like men, dress like men, carry themselves like men, versus, you know, very effeminate boys. And, and, and that to me, if you see this in society, I feel it's kind of sad because that's happening on a broad scale globally. But these people are stuck with this, and there's nothing they can actually do about it. How the hell do we shift something like that on a planet to put us on a path where we have a natural evolution of our DNA. Well, wow, that's, that's, that questions of a mouthful. You know, when your government's trying to kill you, it's not going to use just one method, and it's not going to just take one shot at it. So if we remember that. Number one, we can help people understand that this is, and, and Catherine Wat talks about this in one particular, she says we're in a kill box, which is a military term for being targeted. The duration is permanent. The, the geographic location is the world. It's, it's a very, it's very important. I don't want to sound doom and gloom, Scott, but to your question. That damage is already done. If you look at the work and the lecture or the speeches rather of incredible man. Former Canadian emergency room physician, Dr. Daniel Nagasi, you must have him on if you haven't already. He is also a molecular biologist, which is what makes him really unique. And he has basically said from what he can see this, the human genome has been poisoned. Now, the dangerous thing about it, and he didn't realize this until he made that speech in British Columbia, like three years ago. That speech got him catapulted up to a high level zoom meeting with some of the big frontline doctors. And in that meeting, he says I was chastised by a front liner who was huge, and I was intimidated because he told me never to speak about reverse transcript days, which is a process fancy word, but let me just break really quickly. Break it down is a process by which God kind of shakes up the gene pool over the generations. You mix it up so it doesn't all stick together and you get differentiation and you minimize congenital defects and things like that. And he said, excuse me, this by virtue of that, whoever created this evil knows that you're never going to get rid of it. Now, miracles can happen. We don't know what the human body is ultimately capable of. It's like the computer you never really know everything about. But he said in a generation or two, you might be fine, your children, your grandchildren, but then your grandchildren's children are going to come up with everything we're dealing with now from the jab. So I worry about things like that. You mentioned everything is under disguise. This and in the D.C. I want to tie a couple things together and D.C. is a criminal syndicate. D.C. is a crime scene, number one, but mostly this whole issue of public, private partnerships. These are Rico violations. This is pure, this is the purest examples I could show you of record hearing. When you have the U.S. government paying Catholic charities and other NGOs to go into the Darian Gap and process U.N. soldiers as pretend refugees. I know I'm throwing a lot at you, but I think you can handle it. And then nationalize them as Americans. I mean, I'm tying everything together because I don't just function in a lane. I was in D.C. for 10 years. I took a sabbatical from pharma around 2017. I worked in the office of presidential correspondence in the Trump administration for 18 months, but what I'm saying is, you know, got to see a lot of other things up close. And I was always more political than medical. The medical thing just came out because it had to after the COVID scam. So the entire D.C. is a Rico cesspool. This whole, you know, what's happening now, I think, is the entire pharmaceutical industry, but with the big boy players, right, are really the D.O.D. It's all one now. Your agency, your alphabet agencies have all collapsed and they are under HHS, which takes direct orders from the who. The who is not a health organization, you know, it is actually the military wing of the U.N. When these soldiers that are coming into refugees. And here's the worst parts got when they come in, they're being seeded. Everybody's heard, you know, they get a cell phone. They get a bag of Iremectin. They get an apartment. They get a bus ticket. And they're all, where do you think they're going? They're seeded across the United States, like fire ants waiting for the signal. And here's the worst part of it. They've been naturalized by the U.S. government through the NGOs below the border. So that when they come in and you say, hey, you know, F off, you're not an American. You're not telling me what to do. They're going to go. Yeah, I am an American with no understanding of America's history, patriotism, what America is about. So we've got huge, huge jobs ahead. Yeah, and that's why I've had grown to have nothing but disdain for the political class. I even have problems with friends of mine running for Senate, running for governor, running for Congress, whatever. You know, and it's hard to support them. And because like, why would you want to go inside this system? Like you're actually going in there to work. And they all think the same thing. They all think the same thing. But I'm going to, and I'm like, you're not going to do shit. I don't care what you say. Correct. Unfortunately, what happens is, and this happens in political, in his political realm, is that something like Joe the plumber, obviously a great guy, you know, said something directly to Obama about spreading the wealth, stuff like that. Of course, he becomes a media focus. And anybody who then gets public attention. I've noticed this for decades. Once they have some public attention, I'm going to run for Congress, right? They think that translates into some moment of popularity or exposure. And that's the thing that most people, it's hard not to buy your own press when you're surrounded by people telling you how great you are all the time. Most people actually start believing that shit. And they think, wow, I really should do this or that. And in my mind, I'm always thinking, you know, if you really want to serve the people, shooting for governors not the place to start. That's not about the people or shooting for Senate or Congress. How about locally, right? How about doing something right here at home where the world doesn't know anything about it. And you go about business in the private world, doing your service for the people, those people who then work their way through that, you know, aspect of the political machine to some degree might get a little bit of my acknowledgement. You know, you definitely want to serve people. That's the problem about the political class is that it's a popularity contest. If it is, I totally agree with you. Totally agree. Just want to say that. I told people, if you look at my social media, thousands of times, you have no government. Your government's being run by domestic and foreign enemies and you have no Congress. When Brad Miller is a very good friend of mine, I interviewed him a few years ago, he put out the manifesto on a military accountability. And then a lot of others deployed and they started going, you see the same phenomenon happening that you just talked about, Scott, these guys like, you know, and well meaning, great soldiers that are no longer in, they resisted the shots. They're trying to be warriors out here. They don't understand the landscape. So I see them up on Capitol Hill. Yeah, they co-op them. When they get a little attention, then the evil side coops them and these guys are selfies and dinner. I lived in DC for 10 years. It's very heavy wine. Trust me, the meetings, the senator brings you to win and don't worry. You know, we're going to get it straightened out. I 100% agree with you, Scott. It's more than a uni party. It's a captured group of 535 frauds. There may be one or two people that are well meaning they know they can't do anything. They try to, you know, look like that because they don't have the guts to leave. Anybody who's really good in there is a coward because they don't have the guts to leave. I'm speaking my language. I'm so happy. So happy to say this is bad. It's back in me of what I'm saying. And you've seen this. You were there for a period of time. You can see it. These people, look, I've said this for quite some time. If these people truly were about saving the country, they would get in there. And that's why I love Trump. And that's one of the things that when I walked away from elected politics in '06, it was 2004 when I was approached during, I was running Mark, Mark Eisler's Assembly Race in California at the time. Wow. I was approached. You didn't know that. Yeah. And so I was working. That was my second Bush election working. I've been doing this stuff, you know, for that point, for 14 years, you know, all the grunt work, all the bullshit, nobody wants to do, you know, door hangers, recruiting teams, all that stuff. Nobody wants to do that. And it takes time and it takes a little bit of money. And I never took a dime for anything I did for 16 years, actually 14 years, because past 2004, that's when the evolution was happening to me realizing that this time scene. Anyways, I remember God coming to me and he said, I told his story enough times, but he was a very wealthy Indian businessman. And he said, you know, Scott, he said, you're better candidate than your own candidate. He said, I've been watching you for a while. He said, you can speak anywhere at any time on any subject without cards, you know, any notes or whatever. And he said, he said, I'll tell you what, he said, if you'd moved from Encino to Glendale, he said, I believe you could win that seat there. And he said, and I can tell you what I can, he said, I can raise, I can raise $10 million for a congressional race. And I was like, that was pretty flattering. Right. And I said, wow, sure. Pretty flattering. I said, but I said, unfortunately, I'm not interested. He said, what, how do you mean you're not interested? Everybody knows you're working your way to eventually get to Washington because my, my objective for all these years was get the US Senate. If I could, but, and, and, and I said to him, I said, well, I said, that's true. I said, but I said, I would never set foot in that beltway unless it was on my own terms. And he said, but what, what are your terms? I said, until I create enough wealth so no man owns me, I'll never, you know, attempt to set foot in a beltway because they're going to get me too. My objective is to get there and be run out of town so fast. Pull the curtain open. Look at all these bastards, not just Democrat, Republican. Look at all of them what they're doing in your country. And that's why I love Trump so much because he came in, pulled the curtain back and said, look at all of these bastards. And I, and I could see it was clear when he was on the debate stage. And the things he would say that was very distasteful against these candidates. It would like turn many people off like Carly Fury. And, you know, have you seen that face on her stuff like that? Or anything that he would say would send people into this, this, this, this mental explosion. How dare you? Oh, good. Well, for me, I'm like, this is awesome. You know why? He has no respect for them. He knows who they are, what they've been doing. They're bought off summer killers. They're part of the SRA gang, all this stuff. And he knows that. And that's why he was just basically saying this person's a piece of shit in a more eloquent way than I would say it. And, and so for me, I have no hope in the political. That's why we've focused the last, I don't know, the year and three, four months focus on, on ramping up this tactical civics movement. Because I see nothing in my 34 years of doing this shit. I've never seen anything that has the viability and the stature. That, that, that, that organization or, you know, proponent of bringing back constitutional county grand juries. Just like the phone handed. We're not going to get registered anything by these assholes. Anywhere level. It has to be the people. A thousand percent. It's only ever going to come from the people. And it's a double edged sword for me because I don't have faith in the people in large numbers like I used to because it was all in my life. I used to because it was all in my mind till I saw so many Americans caving to masks and, you know, just dropping their civil liberties right at their feet and saying, sure, I'll wear a mask to come in your store and those kinds of things. But it's so true. And, you know, Scott, I, I loved Trump in the first election because he didn't need their money and he didn't use their money. And I think it's more than money though, because I think as he went through the meat grinder of the first term and then the election, which obviously was stolen from not only him but all of us. There's more in there. And I don't, I don't know what all that is. But, you know, I remember the night that, you know, we all left the Trump hotel on election night in 2016 that you can imagine people was like two, three in the morning. And I remember walking on air as we walked out of that. And I remember, yeah, I remember a friend of mine who took over. I started the DC MAGA meetup thing in the hotel with some other very well known people. But I remember one of the guy who I we passed the baton to his name is Mike W. He remembered him standing in the middle of Constitution Avenue as we were crossing. And I just have this fear that like when they win, you know, a good guy wins, that they take him from this back room. They show him like the Kennedy film. And then they go, you get it now? In other words, you're our bitch now. So, you know, we did see a lot of good things. We saw some things that were disappointing. I worry now that this 2.0, you know, I heard things that didn't set right. Look, I loved the guy. I was, I worked on his campaign. I worked in his administration. I'm a truth dealer. When somebody says, you know, Leah Locker up work great during that campaign, but after he was a lot, but not so much after I'm elected. She leave her alone. She's good. Think of myself, child sex trafficking, the Haiti thing, the whole bit. And then, you know, the shots. Okay, let me just say this about that. We all know the story. But the point is, if you can't talk about the shots, the C-19, the COVID, the bio weapon that it turned out to be, how will you expect this man to be doing anything about it when he gets in? If he's not campaigning on it. Now, I know there could be always 60 chess, many factors that I'm not aware of and all that. And I can't control it. So I'm going to just sit back and watch it. But, and people say, well, who you going to vote for? It's the lesser of all the, well, how about if there's a third choice? And the third choice for me, Scott, is how about having a town hall? How about having an accountability session? How about subjecting him to these questions and not letting him get away with the I saved 100 million people? Okay. Well, you may think that, sir, but it's four years later in here are these statistics. And there are these issues here. And we've got at least, according to Michael Jan, probably 30 million illegals now in the country, right? That's 10% of our population. How logistically are you going to remove those people? And here's a good question. I'll leave with this. Um, if, if, if, if in the next administration, and you win, President Trump, and you get another set of assholes, like Birx, Fauci, whatever. Okay. Uh, maybe even a whole new slate of them, but they're telling you the same thing. Hey, this thing is bad. The bird flu. We got to do this. We got to get a bit. How knowing what you know now, how are you going to handle it differently? Are you going to ramp up a warp speed or you're going to do something different? Are you going to demand that FDA reinstate its own regulatory, you know, laws and requirements and et cetera? See where I'm coming from? Like my third choice is Trump, but let's have, you know, let's, let's make him understand. We demand. He's a politician now, and we demand answers and we demand commitments and we demand certain issues be addressed. Not autism. That's a nice dance around. Okay. Let's talk about COVID-19 bio-weapon injuries. Right? I mean, let me take it one step further. The VAERS, we know that's a shitty, messy, it's been messed with CDC. But it's, it's all we have right now in addition to a couple of other self reporting things, but the, the government itself, the NIH did its own study 10, 12 years ago. It's called the Harvard Pilgrim study. They did their own study on VAERS to look at the propensity for reporting injuries from drugs. And they had like two lanes. One was all drugs in general. One was vaccine injuries. And what they found was for all drugs, they were reported at a rate of 10% or less. Okay. That's a multiplier of 10. But for vaccine injuries, they were reported at a rate of quote, less than 1%. Well, due to the math, that's a 100 times multiplier. So if they're here, let me bring it up to. So VAERS, if VAERS says that 30 million, I'm sorry, 30,000 Americans are dead from the shots and you know, they've throttled and all that. Let's just go with their number and you multiply it by 100. That's 3 million Americans dead. Right? So, and we, I'm going to tell you, I'm going to tell you something from my medical expertise, from what I'm seeing. We have not even hit the peak of the injury in death. We have to, oh, wait, I'm going to talk to Jane. Everybody's dropping. Everybody knows somebody. That's right. And it's going to get a lot worse. Of course. When this stuff manifests. So it's, it's huge. It took out our military readiness. It's killing Americans every day. And watch this, Scott, and then I'll land my plane for a minute for you. The government just gave Moderna $180 million to specifically create an mRNA vaccine for bird flow. Yeah. That hasn't even killed one chicken that we've been proven. And here we go. They're funneling money into this mRNA. They want to get it into everybody. Everybody wants to be Netanyahu, getting four shots into every citizen. Why? I'll leave it there. The only answer I have for that is they are not going to stop or quit. That's, that's their skill set. That's their, their, their, their greatest characteristic is. They were talking about the satanic realm. We're talking about the ball worshipers, the Moloch worshipers, the SRA gang. They see it as the long ball, right? They play the long game. Their, that's all they've ever done was play the long game. Like for us, they teach us what they teach us. I mean, this, you can go into the biblical side of it. You know, I'm a born again Christian of 14. I, of course, have come up against, you know, that narrative too, because like, we think that the Bible is the only book or it. Any work that hasn't been untouched. It's been untouched by the Kazarian mob, right? Come on, please. I mean, you could point this out all day. Even I was young, like, yeah, this doesn't make sense. This is kind of bold. Anything that's of our creator is perfect, easily explainable and understood. There's no mystery here, right? But yet they're, they're good at, you know, take it on blind faith. The single mind in this. And that's, that's devastating. But, you know, the reality of all this is that trying to think of what direction I wanted to originally go in. Let me, let me skip back to Trump for a second. Sure, sure, sure. It's important to understand this. If you say something against, look, I, I supported Trump from day one. As soon as he came down that escalator five minutes in, I was passing a TV by chance. I saw this and I was like, you know, I checked out in 2006. That's when I completely walked away. I, you know, never stopped doing what I've always done, but I wasn't, wasn't active. And so I knew, I knew it was over 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. Here's a Republican Congress. And the House and the Senate passing a bill to give a, a kill switch on the Internet, control the food supply and control of the power grid in the case of a national emergency to the president who was Obama who signed it. I'm like. Right. It's over. This came out of a Republican House and Senate to this, their sworn enemy signs it. And I knew it was over for the country until this guy, I saw one of them like, what's going on here to stop in front of a TV and five minutes in like. Holy shit. I never saw him coming when he just says, see them back there. They're fake news. Right. As soon as he said, I was like, Oh my God, right. It was amazing. Amazing. Yeah, I agree. So here's a thing. Yeah, you know, we watch the annihilation of him in every way. So we knew he was, he was the existential threat they've never had in their, in their history. So, and then we go through this process of Trump, you know, taking some of these steps and we can rationalize all day. Okay, yes, he went along with it because if we didn't get that economy, open back up, say, yeah, we got a solution and the fear I got my shots. Yes, people are going to die. I don't doubt that we would have lost billions because when you people don't know what an economic is kind of like an economic collapse on a nation looks like this is kind of like. We're in this, in this space and time where wealth can be created overnight through non capital intensive ventures like big tech, right. The idea that a stock goes way up. Hey, I'm worth this much money. And then two days later, I just lost 2 billion in value. Right. They're not capital intensive. Right. When you have a factory or some enterprise with hard assets and you run into trouble. And that place kind of goes down and goes out of business. Oh, the economy just turned around so we can ramp it up again. No, you can't. You got to look at the entire structure of how this massive manufacturing plant runs the relationships that have to be repaired, the supply chain rebuilt because these aspects move on and they got to stay alive and they just write this up. So starting that engine again doesn't just happen in an economic collapse a global economic collapse. Billions are going to die before. So, so here's the, yeah, here's the magic question. If you know, I hear all the time from people, well, Trump's being careful when he gets in, he'll do what he wants. Right now he's got to get to the finish line. What makes you think if he, if that is a fear or management, let's not say fear, a, you know, preemptive management of deep state powers, what makes you think those powers are going to be any less when he's in. They're not less when he's in to wit. That's why John Kennedy's dead. That's why a lot of, you know, I mean, this is why a lot of people cave in Congress and I'm not giving them a pass, but I just, you know, I'm going to make a bold statement. You'll, maybe you'll find this fun. I don't know. Maybe you'll hate me for it. If I was in his position in 2020, if I believed, like I do, I do, that the election was stolen from me. Scott, I never would have left that White House. They could shoot me in the door because I'm going to die anyway. I'm going to die anyway. Let me die like that. Let me die like that, because if I really believed I won, I'm not leaving. Take me out. Take me out for everybody to see in the world. Might sound cavalier of me because I'm not in that position, but honestly, like Dr. Zelenko used to say, I'd rather die standing and live on my knees. That's what Reagan said about Americans. He said Americans are different than the rest of the world, and he was repeating somebody else. I just was made. I'm sure at a letter last night, somebody sent me a gift and something else. Hey, by the way, and they said, this is a person that said it first. True, but American would rather die in their feet than live in their knees. I agree with you. And so I've worked. Don't bother me. Look, it does me too. And of course, we've learned a lot more since that time. Talk to Patrick Byrne. I've talked to General Flynn privately on a plane. Once we were going on a campaign stop and we were he was talking about some things that just didn't make sense to him. So I'm playing both sides here. I don't. I land. It's okay. You should. You got to be open. Yeah. Well, again, and what I want to do is commend you for calling out Donald Trump. That is our job. That's look, you know, I've been all in for Trump from the beginning. I'm looking at the possibility that there were things that he had to do quote unquote five D chess, because this is there is no easy black and white clear cut solution on on accomplishing what needs to be accomplished. And that's bringing down the satanic realm on the planet because because of the it's the fabric is woven with every conceivable lie in some truths. So I don't know what it is and people ask me all the time. You know, what's going to happen? You know, they want predictions and dates and my audience knows I don't do that. And I haven't done it because I have no idea. Anybody that says that they know are full of shit because if there is a plan and we for the first time in probably our recent history that two decades haven't seen a projection of military strategy to the whole damn world. Saying, Hey, here's what we're going to do. This is the first time we haven't seen that since Trump came to power. And I don't know. I'm paying much attention to the whole Biden administration because once I get see clearly the outcome, I have no interest in watching it. But I'm given latitude in many ways because of quite honestly. If it isn't him and it's not this 5 B chess, it's over for us because there's over anyway. Right. So we might as well. Yeah, exactly. But here's what I said in 2020 or 2021. No, 2020. That's from Pedro Street Fighter came online one week after the election was stolen and I'm like, I'm going to figure out how this live stream stuff works on YouTube. I'm going to turn it on. I had a radio show and I used to upload the radio shows to the channel. So I had a thousand subscribers. You have to have that many to actually live stream. So it just all happened. Stance complete a Pedro Street Fighter was the most surprising accident in my life. But anyways, I laid it out for 52 minutes. Here's what's going on. Boom, it goes nuclear. But with with Trump, what was the point? I was good. I made this comment for. Well, I mean, he's he's definitely the guy. I think we need to hold him accountable. Like people are going to be very surprised. Here's a mic drop because I they say I attack him. I tell the truth about what I'm seeing. But here's the point. Here's the mic drop. He's my guy. He's always been my guy too. I want a better guy in him. I don't know what his influences are. I don't know what he's dealing with. I will give him all that. But you got to navigate the landscape a little bit better, sir, because we need a better you. We need we need you on from 2016 on steroids and go for broke. And if you lose your life for it, you know, I'm not going to say the A word. I mean, whatever. So you do rather like, you know, go down standing up, like Dr. Z said, then be on my knees and just, you know, keeping part of the country going, you know, not not interested in the point I was going to make. And I said this here. Did I get you back? We all have to die sometime. Look, we all are half to die sometime, right? Would you rather die for something or die for nothing? I'm not going to die for nothing that I know for sure. But my point back then was, and this is shortly after that all happened. And I said, look, we've gone through the queue drops, all the information we've been getting. I kind of, I welded that together with my experience over since 1990 up to 2020. So we're looking at about 30 years. So my viewpoint, my perspective, like you, having an 80,000 foot aerial view of the whole playing field that most people don't have because they just popped into this three, four, five years ago. They have a certain perspective, but it's based on their narrow view of the world and geopolitics. So things look differently to us. But even then, one thing that I said was, folks, if Trump is not that guy, if the military is not secretly working to try to, you know, do things behind the scenes to end this nightmare. The insurance policy is you. It is you. It's we the people. We have so much power. And again, I keep repeating this. How do we sit back and take this annihilation when we outnumber these bastards by the billions by the billions yet we sit here and we take this. It's astonishing to me and my message is constantly been, folks, wake the hell up. We don't have to stand up and grab guns and we don't need bullets. I mean, look, that's our, that's, that's our last line of defense. That's the only reason why they haven't just annihilated us because of the Second Amendment. There's 750 million guns. But the simple fact is, when we stand up, it's historical worldwide, when a hundred thousand people are at the gates of the palace and they've had enough. It's over because the storm the castle. Yep. Exactly. Even the military says, Holy shit. If this powder keg goes, they understand military strategy. Statistics, they can see the playing field. They know it's over. That's why when you get to that point, good guys in the military say, you know what? This can be done now. Let's take this guy out or the other ones are chicken shit cowards and went along with it. Like, let me pretend I'm going to help take this guy out because they're going to kill me too. So it's just the numbers. When people rise up and say, we are done with the most cowardice human on earth is the politician, the most cowardice. 100% absolutely right. I stand and say, I stand for my beliefs that this is what's best for you in a country and I am not backing up. Okay, no problem. Boom. You're dead. Right? That's conviction. I think there's a Supreme Court ruling that even says the saying that if you are not willing to die for a belief, it's not a conviction. It's simply a preference. Right? A conviction when you will die, where you stand on this belief, politicians don't have that. You know, even world leaders don't have it because they all go into exile. And that's just frustration for me. It's where you have traction. My frustration is it doesn't happen faster than people see. We just stand up. They automatically cave in. They run the flag. Yeah, you're talking about the myth that people live under thinking, what can I do as one person? When in reality, you also described, you know, that thing, remember that thing, Plato's allegory of the cave. It's one guy standing outside of a cave with a mirror, right? Making it look like there's all this danger and then the masses are underneath inside the cave going, holy shit, look at that. It's just, you know, it's too dangerous. We can't go out. And yet, they hold all the power because they're in numbers and they know. So this is a, you're right. This is a centuries old, maybe human kind issue. And you reminded me of something else I think I should mention for your audience. If you guys haven't talked to him, it's the, it's one of the great contributions of Dr. Shiva. Ayur DeRay, right, Dr. Shiva, who's running on his own independent. He shows this thing about how, how do, how do a few people control the 8 billion on the planet. And it is an incredible journey on a whiteboard, just like 20 minutes. And it's the most brilliant thing I've ever seen. And it actually explains how most of us get sucked in and believe that we don't have any power and that let these people run rough shot over us. But I do think that by discussions like you're having, you're actually making people think, well, wait a minute, maybe I can do something. And, and it's not just you alone, right? You know, we form a group, you know, local. I've said to people, you know, one of the things they did on July 4th was they started to look up and down the street. Who's got an American flag out? It might sound a little silly, but probably likely to be more welcome in when it goes south, right? And they do crazy things again with lockdowns and all that. Probably going to be a little more likely to be welcomed in around those, you know, those people in those homes. But we do, we do need those coalitions to form an insulation locally because that's the only way to protect yourself from, from the big, you know, I don't know what we're going to do about the national thing. That's going to take generations of founding fathers, you know, they set it up. They went, they worked for two or three months in DC or whatever the equivalent was at the time. And they went back to their farms. It wasn't supposed to be a full time. Let me make $20 million in five years. It is an elected official. How did that get so carried away, right? And accepted. I mean, when we just accept, well, politicians lie. And like, and like, that's just, it's become accepted. If they lie, you know, that's why the founders set this up. The architecture was perfect. The constitutional county grand jury has more power than the Supreme Court justice of the United States. All matters handled locally at home. The grand jury has a constitutional duty to certify a standing militia. And I'm not talking about the three percenters climbing through the woods of Montana, trying to shoot John and Beth Dutton. These are people that are magistrate, patched, trained, likely military wearing khaki pants loafers and a polo shirt. This is the enforcement arm. They're the enforcement arm. People say, well, it's going to let that happen. You think local law enforcement or whatever. Oh, yeah. Clearfield County. When, when I zeroed in on this, I came across tactical civics four years ago. January, 2020, or January, I mean, summer, 2020, I saw this compendium. I was like, holy crap, this is incredible. It was 17 years of research, tens of thousands hours to figure out where did we go wrong. What, how do we get back there? You know, what is it? What was it supposed to be? Here it is. And so this was languishing after a decade, 17 years, then they launched it to try to get it moving. Four years later, they've got out of 3143 counties, where you want a chapter there in each one and a half a percent of the population part of the chapter. They had 150 chapters and the 600 people. I brought Zuniga on for the second time, Jacob, Nino were on with me and he popped in by accident because Nino screwed up thought he was supposed to be with our roundtable. Oh, shit. Zuniga coming on? No, I supposed to have on my show. Oh, no. What am I going to do? I sent a text over, boom, Zuniga shows up for the second time on Patre Street Fighter stole the show. Finally, it registered with people, a friend of mine from Colerfield County calls me up. He's a farmer, retired school teacher. He said, he got the book The Great We Set. I said, read it. Tell me what you think comes back. Boom. I said, OK, LFG, this is what we're going to light up. So four years of that, I just knew this is a methodology. And of course, a year later, we have over 1,800 chapters, counties with a chapter and over 8,000 people because people can see this. I've had people approach me for decades, this organization. If we get enough people, join us. We can save the Republic here. I've heard it forever. And now when people call me and say the same thing, tell me what I say. Look, I love what you're doing. Keep doing it. But as far as saving the Republic, you get two problems. Number one, you're untested and you're unproven. And number two, we're out of time. We are beyond out of time for experiments. What resonates with people with tactical civics is the only solution I know that actually worked was you got to look over your shoulder 250 years. It's right here. The founders put it here for a reason. It was the only governing architecture we had. There wasn't law enforcement. There weren't all these court. There wasn't all of this infrastructure and human, human infrastructure. So people get that. Holy shit. That's how we do it. Correct me if I'm wrong. But in order to understand tactical civics and be active in it, you should at least have a little bit of a foundation in that in order to understand that the police are different from the constitutional sheriff, right? You have to have a little bit of understanding of that. That we actually are the power that we actually create the credit that we the people actually have the control. It's like they're hate to use the analogy of the Wizard of Oz, but you know, you had the power the whole time and the red shoes. It's it's that kind of notion that we already have the power, but we act like those, you know, those scaredy cats because because we don't understand that there is a corporation, the United States and all caps and there is the United States of America. The land upon which we were born and over which we are naturally sovereign, right? So if people can get some of those pieces without craziness. Oh, I don't want to be a state national. I want to give up my citizenship. Learn what it is so that you can become effective in tactical civics because you have to understand where your power is in yourself as a living, breathing person, right? That's a problem is understanding and what what Zuni could put together. He's got many books. He allows you to download him for free off the website. You don't have to go to Amazon. So it becomes an educational process and I because the great be said is a powerful book. I've wrecked. We've recommended it from day one. People read that. They're like, okay, I'm going to read this and they read it when it's done. They're like, holy crap. Now I see. Now I know why they're and that's the whole idea is to get them in the education process. This is a process to build these numbers because once you build the numbers. You've got a half percent of the population in the county across every county in the country. You know, you can then begin the processes to get ordinances passed to allow the grand juries to be able to do their job, certified standing militia. And there's there's a multi phase process where, and that's this how we get the country back quickly. For the top down. There's no hope. Once one. I agree about neighboring counties like it's happening right now. Actually, Dr. Jane in Clearfield County, Bill Ogden and I made that the number one chapter in the nation literally in two months. And we've we've exploded this thing. Just because of what he's doing there. Somebody invited him to a board of supervisors meeting. So he goes, he's listening to this stuff. He's like. So let me ask you a question. He's like, so you are serving in this position and you're also in a position over here. So you get paid here and here. And then it starts. Well, now what that's led to is that now this scumbag who is a thief and stealing not just from there, but the fire department. He's on a hot seat. He's now being called to resign. And just because this process is working itself out to Pacifics. People are starting to see we're not even there yet. It's going to take time to get to where these actions can be taken. But at the local level, it's already having impact. People are starting to get it in their head, start looking at what's going on your backyard. I don't care what township or county you're in. I guarantee you whoever's in those positions are stealing from you somewhere. They're stealing. It's a modern culture. But once we rectify it, like have one count county as a template. Guess what? It'll sweep the nation so fast because the people realize, holy shit, look what they're doing over there. There's their scumbags are doing to them. What our scumbags are doing, we get it. They did, right? And then it just starts to spread like wildfire. And they can't stop it because, quite honestly, you say, what if they send a police in? Well, Clearfield County, you're looking at about 800 by the numbers 800 people that can be part of the standing militia. The standing militia. They can try the people. And that's the only way to remove these criminal politicians or anybody in the corporation. They're never going to do it to each other. They're like Trump said, their objective is to enrich and protect themselves. But when you have the numbers, well, we'll bring in, that's the whole, we'll send all the state police in. OK, well, we got 800 certified standing militia members. What are you going to do? We're calling in five, five, five, five numbers, right? And it's more than just numbers, too, because think about it. It's about jurisdiction, which is an incredibly powerful thing in both maritime and common law. So if you were going to send in 100 cops, well, sorry, but the 800 of us say you don't have jurisdiction. So it's the numbers, obviously, the might. And it's also, oh, we don't. We don't have jurisdiction. No, you better go back and you don't have jurisdiction here. You know, this is common law. We're the people. You don't have that over us. We have a sheriff, you know, that kind of thing. Yeah, great stuff. It's really incredible. I need to understand more about the tactical civics movement. I know you were quite a bit with Ann Vandersteal, who's a huge advocate and an expert in it. And so I get that, you know, we're friends, so I get that a lot in my ear around the medical stuff. But it makes a big difference. And around the medical stuff, people are going to have to understand the concepts of tactical civics because don't think they're not married. They can't have power over you that you don't allow them to have. And, you know, we've got these mandates and all these other things that are coming out of these unelected bureaucrats, like you say, if you're starting to take out the garbage at the local level, you're going to have an easier time than your, you know, fellow at the next state over and they're not using these techniques to insulate themselves. But the local level, once it's operating that way, no scumbag is going to get through because they know. And there's, there's a lot to learn. It's not like, I don't, the state national stuff. I'm not a big fan of the product that I've seen too many, you know, dark sides. I think Ann's kind of moved back a little bit. And I think that's probably when we had a discussion one day, she was talking about, come with us to the border. We're going to make arrests. Nobody will make arrests. We're going to make arrests. I'm like, hold on a second. If you're going to do stuff like that, you have to operate in the bounds of the Constitution. And she got the wind tunnel for me like you're getting right now. And after 30 minutes, he goes, Scott, Scott, I've already enrolled. I signed up. I was on the site, whatever. Like, great. And, and so she saw that picture. We, if we stick to our rightful place of the constitutional boundaries that have been set for them and us, there is no debate here. They can't say anything. There's no debate. This, then the founders did this for a reason. It was their brilliance to back up these three letters. We, the people, they could have done anything on that document. They could have made really big words at the end of it in the middle. But they chose the first three. And they're these words. And it was a punch in the face to the whole effing world. Here, this is how it's done. We, the people, and they were the governing aspect of it. And they were saying, we are not going to take the power. We are given the power that we're going to let the people have the power that's right for theirs. They're going to tell us what to imagine men in that day and age saying you control us, not the other way. It's never been done before, right? And so it's, it's, it's such a magnificent magnanimous mindset these men had to create this. All we have to do is exercise it. And, and if we get the masses of people saying, Hey, after that, I read the, you know, the, the people's grand jury, or I read the great we said, or I, you know, all these, and they're educated. I've seen it in bold people, like I've never seen in 30 years. I've watched this happen. And they read, they're like, Holy crap, we really do have the power. Yeah, that's what we tell you. And then they become emboldened and they want to learn more and they would become experts on it. And that's what we need that wave to happen because once they get this permeate around the country. There's a process whereby now anybody, any, any politician who sponsors, authors, supports, votes for any legislation that's outside the 17 enumerated powers. It's an active, a convenient grand jury, because that, that bastard's got to come home sooner or later. It can be a grand jury. They can try this person for treason, imprison one of these people once, and then more of them eventually at the local level, nobody's going to run for anything unless they have the true answer to people, because, because the states are too high. Which means what, how do you clean up a state house. As I said before, this person that starts here, the shit hasn't school board of did what they did. Well, eventually the same strategy works because the county supervisors. They're the same shit heads. It just said, Oh, I want more power. And they do this. They go up the ladder. So the level shithead was one of these shit has. It's the same strategy, but what they do now is they're on notice. Number one, they're removed. Number two, if they can abide by it. But number three is the whole culture changes. So then they don't get through to get higher levels of power because they know what happens no matter what level. And, and the next thing is that then you have the very first amendment that was never ratified. Washington only had one request, one, no more than 50,000 people per congressional district. There's only one state that didn't vote. And that's why that amendment didn't become the first amendment to the constitution. Now there's, we can get that ratified. And what does that mean? Once it's ratified by the rest of the states, whatever a number takes. It's really simple. We now have 6,800 congressional districts. Where are you going to swear 6,800 congressmen in? Probably at a football stadium, which sets up and makes the case for what they want to put forward the bring Congress home act. You're going to put this forward. You're all going to vote for it. I like it. Congress home, because to be operating there, they're, they're, they're really right in the district among the people. Yeah. So that way, if they're majority of their work should be done in their district. Yeah, right. They should be sharing an office with two or three other representatives in the scene, not having a big posh. You've ever seen those offices? They don't even need to be there. Look, they proved their, they proved my point by burying us with COVID. They all show that they can conduct government business with Zoom. Like everybody else remotely. They need to be in DC. That place needs to be bulldozed. Their phallic symbols of the Washington Monument, all that, right? Leave the link in and the others. But that these, that was never part of their game plan because these people, if they're operating at home, that's their base and nowhere else. How many Pfizer CEOs are they going to meet as Serena's Pete's in Phillipsburg, right? How many, how many, who, whose wife they going to be banging out in the opening in Phillipsburg, Pennsylvania? When they should be doing the people's business. That's right. When everybody knows everybody, it's not some remote place in the district of Columbia. Right. So that mission is bribing it back to where beautiful nation is. And if the people, you know, get this in mass and they're getting it. That's when we don't know. We really can't do this. Anyways, I've got to bring you back. I think you and I could go for hours. No problem. That's been great fun. I wrestled this from you for the past 50. Once that went, no, I enjoyed it. I just say, you know, nail your feet to the floor. I'm not letting you get away. We're going to talk about. Well, you know, I think what we've taught people is that they're not desperate lanes. The whole medical freedom and the medical, it's, it's your right as a living, breathing human being. So that all ties in with tactical civics and what you're trying to accomplish. And I think it's been a good example for your audience to see that there are so many connections that we all need to work together. Absolutely. I appreciate it. Dr. Jane Ruby, it was such a pleasure to have you here today and get you back real soon. This will be fun because I know there's a mountain of things inside your head that can lay out the landscape that people probably don't have the clear picture of. So we're going to do that. Thank you, Scott. It was great having you here today. If I didn't have to run for another show, we'd go for another hour. Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for having me. Come see me on Twitter and my website is DR Jane Ruby dot com. Yeah, I put out a few shows a week in coffee chats and tell you just the way it is. Don't take any shots. Even ignore the bird flu thing. Yeah. Can they find your channel at Dr. Jane Ruby dot com? They can. They can. It's basically my rumble channel. That's where all the shows and the coffee chats are uploaded. And it's mostly medical education, but it'll keep you on top of this thing because they're trying it again. Scott, I'm sure we can talk about that the next time. And you'll have to come on the Dr. Jane Ruby show and help me educate my audience on technical civics and how it does tie in with everything they need right now because they say, what can I do? Well, let me talk to Scott. We're going to do that. We're going to bounce back for a bit. Okay, good. Great having you today. Thanks again. Ladies and gentlemen, other great guests here in Patriot Street Fighter for today's episode Patriot Street Fighter out. Much love to you, Dr. Jane. Welcome to the second hour of Radio 5 G's cosmic soup. This is playing on July 24th, 2024, and Mark Joseph was with me and I'm Nancy Hopkins. We're going to discuss what you just heard. Mark, I'm going to turn it over to you because you're the one that introduced this to me. And tell me why. I mean, I really do love Dr. Dr. Jane Ruby. She's got a lot of really good information. As far as the Patriot guy, I don't think I've ever listened to a show of his before. So can you give us a little background on particularly him? I think they did a good job when they introduced her. Right. Thank you, Nancy. I picked this because she doesn't get interviewed much. And I do follow semi regularly her ex Twitter and telegram updates. So on x she's at forward slash real. Dr. Jane Ruby. And, and so the interview you played was about, let's say two weeks ago from the time this recording plays. And it's the Patriot Street Fighter rumble channel. I listened to him, Scott McKay off and on in terms of who he interviews people like Kirk Elliot on silver and market updates. So I thought, Oh, so he, he's interviewing her. And then it's like the most recent one that I've seen. And in your other shows you played Dr. Jane before. But more pertinent like when she, she's good. She's good friends with Dr. Lee Merritt and those discussions are really good. And Dr. Merritt's also interviewed her. So it's a good back and forth. That's some of my favorite stuff. And websites, Dr. Jane I like the discussion here, especially when they were talking about. What's your name? Katherine Watt. And, but is it the So it's the word bail, iron and wick. And yes, she doesn't get interviewed much either. And what do you call it? The consistent reference of bringing her up referencing was very helpful. You know, might have to check out what she's been up to lately. I'll just sub stack, but her interviews because I can get pretty like what Dr. Jane said, it gets pretty heavy and it fries people's circuit. So maybe I noticed, instead of reading what they've researched and those heavy details that the interview is a lot more digestible. And they're able to some of things that that you could share with people that are starting to be more open to these kind of things. And, like at the 27 minute marks, the term killbox. I've heard that before, but haven't heard of the definition. So it being, it's like the. In for wars term of prison planet. You know, like, what is this fear porn or being alarmist, these terms where you dismiss what somebody says, because they're just being over paranoid and all this stuff. But no, it's a lot worse than what you can imagine, you know, some of them. But it makes sense in terms of what's happened in the last four years, the fallout. And then it's this thing being continued. Like the bird flu supposedly being the next big worldwide thing to happen. I mean, we've already seen how many millions of chickens animals being killed because of this quote unquote transmission. Not, I mean, for me, for my looking around and reading that if you take some synthetic biology and make a GMO from from a, what do you call it like a living thing with with robotics. I mean, we already know about the nanotech stuff for decades. And so in that sense, it can get into, but the tissues in the organs and do something, but a lot of the common, what do you call it. Recommendations from natural paths decentralized doctors is you have your alkaline at a certain high point, then the body will help flush these things out so a couple people you played before. Dr Robert Young, and he's starting to get more interviews. And he has a rumble channel that's very helpful so he's, he's being attacked and then he has some court issues now. And he does have a give send go. I should try to find that so people can support or just go to his website type his name on a decentralized non Google keyword search. And how to simply know that simplest form combat these things, not necessarily recommending things like masterpiece, but get yourself a natural zeolite. We did play in the Shanghai show, Mike Adams lab breakdown of the zeolites in the metals they would contain so. The, like for example, the one I've been consistently using is the root brands clean slate. And that's been pretty good. So, and I've had better dreams from it. And clear thinking. And the person that gets interviewed is Clayton Thomas. And he claims and he says and he's pretty up on because he's troubles all over the world talking about these things and. And their Trinity, which is there zero in clean slate and there's one more. I forget the name, but he says that that's their formula for reverse aging. But to me, I just want to be able to tackle this transfection thing and getting out heavy metals detoxing regularly. That, you know, is all around us food air and water. But getting back to what Dr. Jane was talking about, generally it's stuff we already know, but I like the details that she went into as far as how far back in history this goes and then it was pretty surprising to hear that it was 100 to 200 years in the making. But we know that even from pilgrims coming here that you have those blankets of. I don't know viruses or I'm not necessarily viruses, but giving giving these foreign agents box, box. Yeah, something foreign to the native people living there and what helped to wipe them out. And then considering your SSP people you've talked to and played out in your other shows that. They were wanting to eliminate a certain blood type. We've had Karen McDonald on talking about those things, a specific blood type to erase them because those are the people who could most likely resist and have the most natural effective remedies against these kinds of attacks. Yeah, so we're on the 18 minute mark, she was talking about the American bioterrorism program and I knew. Years ago that the populace was considered the enemy of the government. It was in some kind of documentation 1913. So it made sense as far as different department government departments experimenting in different regions of the country. And so. I think that I mean people should have different layers of. Oxygenating themselves alkaline, all this is just for entertainment education purposes. We're not offering any cures or anything like that. But. Yeah, so get back to. Decentralized health. Getting on the obvious things like getting sun grounding being outside. And I've noticed too, maybe I'll get get this thing I just heard of copper that. The darker your hair is the more copper your body needs to eliminate parasites power the mitochondria. So that's morally Robbins I was just listening to last night. And it was really good interview. I think it was like early July. So you go through your smartphone podcast app, you can find it. And the fact that glyphosate is everywhere even one of the things he said was was. There's no glyphosate obviously allowed in Europe and France was the country. Morley was talking about. But. 99% of the French population had glyphosate in their urine that was tested. And so this glyphosate thing is in everywhere food air and water. Again, another reason to have shungite on and. Shungite reality the podcast rumble channel. Cosmic reality calm archives, Derek does show. There's a video of it of glyphosate being. The atomized the molecularized on video. And that's another topic we should go on more. You know, revisit now that we know that and I'll get that clip played a timestamp on the shungite show that. Doesn't matter if your food doesn't have glyphosate. It's worldwide. So. Yeah, let me send it back to you Nancy. Well, they didn't get into the history, but. I believe that she was finding the information about Cecil Rhodes. To be why she said it was 200 years ago. He was born in 1853, so it's not exactly 200 years. But he was. Some government official. No, I'm sorry, he was an English mining magnet and politician in southern Africa. And he served as prime minister of the Cape Colony from 1890 to 1896. But that's not what he's known for. He really got together with a bunch of eugenics, the people that wanted to control the population. That's right, eugenics, correct? That's the word. Mark. Yes. Okay. And what they did was they formulated a plan. And that plan didn't just. Concerned. How are you going to. You know, get the population down. It was how are you going to control the population so that you can. Essentially get them to kill themselves. Basically. And that. The reason that I know anything about this was the. The president and creator of. Oh, God. Leader. Oh, what is it? I can't even remember it now. It's a tech company. And they had developed software that then was taken over by Facebook without money or compensation or permission. So there was a whole bunch of legal things that started happening. And in the process of it. Leader technology. In the process of it. They started to research, you know. Laws and regulations and what was really happening. And then they went down a rabbit hole into the wool land. And now we you'll see them on podcasters. Trying to think of what his name is. I didn't think I was going to be talking about this, but. They were the ones that established the intelligence communities. They they're the ones that established the media companies. Because of those two things. They were able to have a predominant control over. What people were seeing. What people were knowing. What people were thinking. So it does go all the way back there. I would like to know, you know, well, I don't really care at this point. I want to deal with what is. But. When you when you look at the whole. Situation were in. I was saying this I think on that say what show. When I was a kid John Kennedy got killed. I never believed the fabricated reality that they were telling me after that. I was not alone. A whole bunch of people. This happened to. So what we did was we set up a movement of. People who would not comply would not bend. They I don't know if we were. Pre adorned pre-adained to do this or it just was a situation of. The break in our their their programming and us was was complete. You know, you just killed everything. You killed the president of the United States, but you destroyed the reality that I had grown up in. And it wasn't just me. It was my mother, my father, everybody. It was just an amazing event. So. If you've got that kind of a group of people that are moving through and. We just kept making these waves. It's like the 5G thing. We started 5G before seemingly anybody else understood or knew it. And then within 3 months there were all sorts of different. Organizations associated with trying to wake people up to 5G. So there is a. Interesting. Behind the scenes thing that happens. That you can call it a spiritual battle. But there. I listened to the to all these people like I get all this information. But I keep kind of leaked like defaulting back to. Well, what is it that we're doing here? What is it that we're what is our real goal if we're considering ourselves spiritual beings. And. Regardless of what was in in the actual interview. What I found most astonishing. Was the discussion that he began to have concerning tactical civics. Have you studied that? Have you heard him talk about that more? Do you know anything about it? Yeah, he mentioned the American national. I forget the exact term American national thing. And for me common law seems to have been pretty effective locally. I did that was one of the stand out word or phrases they were talking about. And so I'm in these telegram. You know, county by county. Group. So. You know, I'm in California knowing the California and. One of the big things is that trying to do another recall for the governor. So you look back in history, I think they. There were two recall attempts on. It was great Davis, I forget which specific governor, but it took a second to get that guy recalled so. You know history, rhyming here. Another one is there's common law groups all over the place and people can narrow it down to their county. So there was an example. Trying to think give people a reference, but it was he was one of my Brazilian performing arts teachers. And when when the whole propagandemic happened. He used common law. To have custody of his children. During when the whole injection thing was was at its peak. And he did share his story. Yeah, I can't. Find that. See if I can find the clip, maybe locally. But. Yeah, I mean, different local freedom groups and one of the best ways to meet them is not just the West and a price. Local groups, because that's also county by county and they have pretty regular once or twice a month meetings. Beyond food. Just different ways that like prepping and. These other approaches of of sovereignty. And I don't know if they do common law, but there are common law groups locally also. So that that's the big one for me. That I've noticed the PMI thing private membership or PM a private membership membership association has helped. Yeah, so. I don't like focusing on this whole theater drama with what happened the last the last week and a half. Last week, but you want actual change, you focus in county by county. So barge FM has been really helpful with that. It's very Christian. Prayer group focused, but it's again, just when wherever your attention goes, energy flows. So. And they've been making things happen. And yeah, there's something like that locally that even in my Catholic experiences, I went up to the mountain to do this retreat. And there were stuff that happened where it's, it's. You know, that other level. The focused intention. The group that the raising of the energy, it's similar with other kinds of mental technologies. So. If it gets consistent results, then yeah, so that's that's one. Angle and I give you pretty regular. Barge FM clips to play and I do listen to him pretty regularly. Because he's former DoD. And he's constantly talking about this is the spiritual warfare and he gives us the tools for it. Very simple. Communication over different social medias. That's not. Invasive. So that tactical civics thing is is a spectrum, like different branches of the same tree. And we got to ramp that up and for me. It starts with health because you have to have the daily energy to keep pushing forward and consistently. I mean. This election year. They're wrapping up the fear and one of the clips I gave you. That Barge FM's take was that what was that operation. Crimson something crimson mist comes inside of forget with Rwandan using frequencies to. Have basically a slaughter of the local populace against each other. And so his take is that that's being used on the black youth of America. Not just in music, but I mean music videos. They have that flicker rate and. We already know through Shari Edwards. And the resources she has that Netflix is already doing this. With that leave the world behind. Movie. That there's an acoustic weapon they use at a certain point to hit the viewer. And if you know Netflix history going back to in relation to. The people who first invented propaganda, it makes sense. And so shari does give the. What's the word antidote for that or like certain supplements to counteract that so if they're doing it for this one thing they're obviously doing it for other. Movies or TV shows that these things. Because politics is downstream from culture. And so of course the CIA you know and you know the CIA in Hollywood connection and you were mentioning. Cecil Rhodes a person who. Covers that pretty extensively and for free. Is Jay Dyer on info wars he's been there for two three years. And he's he's all over YouTube and ex but. He gives a good concise. Summary of all of these. Because the elites tell you everything. They're doing you don't hide it. And he gives the breakdown of all of these books. From him to people doing propaganda to. I was. So the information out there and that to me that's the most easiest accessible. And then even Daniel echelon he recently has new. English YouTube channel that that's helpful. Oh so Dr Jay was talking about this whiteboard presentation that Dr Shiva had easily found also in. I think rumble that you. And he has his own ex channel. And I like that he's calling out. A lot of people you know that the. People are holding up these different messiahs the presidential candidates. And. That you know how they're in bed with certain different pharmaceuticals. But the whiteboard presentation is really good. It's how the. The people at the top use systems programming. In a patterned way to control people and how it's all sectioned out and how they. Teamwork together. To go against you know the populace for hundreds of years the invisible war. As it's called not him but but other people of research. And definitely worth looking at and it does make sense and does. Simplify what's been going on hundreds of years. Well the what he was presenting what McKay was presenting was this new concept. That I had not heard of and what it was was about 50 people got together. And started doing some research specifically with the. Constitution of the United States. And I've got a six minute clip now this is. I think it was 18 minutes or something it was a longer clip. But I'm just giving an overview of this tactical civics group. I think it's tactical not sure. But it's an overview of what they what they're doing and I think that. It is so simplistic mark and and it just. For everything that I know about the Constitution and about the people that set it up. I just think that this has a real profound solid way of making changes drastic changes very quickly. So let's just listen to this. Popular sovereignty is the principle that the authority of a state and its government are created and sustained by the consent of its people. Through the elected representatives which is ruled by the people who are the source of all political power. America is a constitutional republic as James Madison explained not a democracy or a centrally governed so called nation. We the people created the federal government and limited its powers via the Constitution. Our founding fathers practice popular sovereignty after breaking from the English crown. And popular sovereignty just means that collectively the people are sovereign. The highest authority not the servant branches that we created. Benjamin Franklin said in free government the rulers are the servants and the people their superiors and sovereigns. Well all that sounds great but with all three servant branches violating it. How can we make our servants obey it? That's the million dollar question isn't it? We get this done first by learning civics. This is the true structure of our government. Notice we the people are on top. And when we serve in the grand jury and in the militia in our county the two ancient law enforcement institutions brought over from England that we exercise until the Civil War. Grand jury and militia are how we keep our servants accountable. The tactical civics training center has the books, the ordinances and plans teaching you the history of grand jury and militia and the details of how we restore both institutions in each county. Now back to the how. Tactical civics has a comprehensive four-phase plan. Let's look at each one. Phase one, the goal is to build a chapter in every county. So we start a county chapter, we learn basic civics, we get the word out in public and we grow our chapter. This is the face we're currently in. We need to build our membership in our county towards the goal. The goal is half of 1% to succeed our mission needs numbers. Phase two is to pass the grand jury and militia ordinance in every county. We the people finally enforcing our highest law. When we have significant numbers we have county government pass the grand jury and militia ordinances that tactical civics provides to bring legitimacy to the people's law enforcement institutions. Now at this point many if not most of us will have a visceral reaction to that word militia because this word has been co-opted, hijacked and made something to fear. I will just say right now that number one tactical civics is not a militia. Two, tactical civics does not and will not have a militia. Three, there is not a single group in these United States today calling themselves a militia that qualify according to Article 1 Section 8 Paragraph 15 of the Constitution that states a militia will execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions. Tactical civics will on the other hand educate and facilitate the establishment of a militia for the county and ultimately the state in which it resides. Grand jury has also been hijacked to be no more than a tool for prosecutors. You will learn much about the power we the people wield through grand jury. Then comes phase three the goal is to get 27 more state legislatures to vote yes on the original first right in our bill of rights, creating small districts as our founders intended. This face will be a ways down the road. The majority of the counties in Florida will need to have established their tactical civics chapter. The goal of this face is to have our state legislature hold the vote to ratify the original first right in the bill of rights. We need 27 more states to ratify it and then it will become the 28th amendment to the Constitution. What it will do is will break up the US House into about 6400 small districts instead of 435 allowing true statesman to run for the house. The tactical civic training center has all the details about this amazing action project. And then phase four bring Congress home. First, we put over 6400 statesman into office in much smaller districts, giving a voice to America's 31,000 small towns. But secondly, these new congressmen will pass their first and last piece of legislation in that corrupt city. The Bring Congress Home Act will require every member of congress to work from a single modest office in their home district. They'll be limited to two terms either house or senate. Congressmen will get half their present salaries since their districts will be only one 15th of their present size. They'll get no benefits because this is short term service, not a career. And their operating budget and expenses will be audited every year and posted on their website. After being sworn in, they'll leave DC to return home and the congress will never work in that lawless city state again. You know, you're the guy that always talks about local, local, local. And this is the first presentation that I've heard of technical steps that you can take to take the power back. I went over to their website and I'm not a fan of this group. I am a fan of what they're talking about. And I'm not a fan of them because they, okay, it's a Christian dominated organization, but it's more than dominated because they actually require you to be Christian to join them. Muslims forget it, Jews forget it, and that to me goes against everything that I believe in, which is none of that matters. You know, but they're full blown Christians. And for that reason alone, I wouldn't support them because it's, I don't think you should. I don't understand it anyway, but this concept of the people's sovereignty is just so incredible, so enlightening. Yes, of course they would have put this in the constitution. I mean, to be honest with you, I don't know every facet of the constitution. I know the basics, but not the details. And after months and months or years actually of research, these people came up with this scheme that I probably wouldn't have really given it much credence until I've seen what's happened with the Republican party. You know, love them, hate them, whatever. It's a really great phenomenon that we're seeing in that so many people have come together in order for a political reason to make change, to make things better. It's like it was citizens. You know, the citizens are finally rising up and they're extremely organized. They're happy people. They kept dancing and everything. You know, I mean, they were having a good time. And it was, it was just so heartening to see these people, and it would have been any group that came together like that. You have to appreciate that, that group dynamic. And seeing them, and they were all creeds, all nationalities. I mean, it was just a mixture of people. But to think in terms of, can you motivate people in the same way at the local level? You know, that's my hope is that we can start to not me personally. I've got this mission I'm on, but the people can come together and begin to really buck up against the establishment. I've been up against it a number of times that normally wins. County, county establishment is what I'm talking about. So it, but the people that are there are. I have not met many of them that I had any real respect for. Let me put it to you that way. And the idea that the people can stand up, start to pay attention to the ones that are doing their thing under your, in your name, that they may just want to take, take some action. And I think that this information is extremely important. So you might want to keep it in mind because it might have applicability to other groups. And that's the other thing is you got all these different groups doing different things. I'm hoping that when we get some common sense of sanity in the leadership that this information, this type of motivation can really be implemented from the top down. Because you've got visionaries that have the power. But I also believe that it's critically important that local levels begin to become aware. And like I say, I wouldn't endorse this group because they are strictly Christian. They won't let you in if you're any other, have any other denomination that you, you know, attend, I guess. So anyway, Mark, yeah, I found that that was very, very interesting information. Who are they pull? Yeah, but no, go ahead. No, I noticed that ever since you had this RNC convention and then people complaining that there was a Sikh prayer in a couple of other things. I mean, what happened to freedom of religion Christians do not have a monopoly on religion. Right. And considering how human nature is. I mean, not just connection to source, but to being an animal. Right. I mean, the term good guy badge has been used because over the hundreds of years, people give into their human nature and just use these labels as to make themselves feel good. I mean, us growing up Catholic, you and me, we know that more than anybody and the history of that religion. And so, yeah, I mean, you hear these things of was America founded as a Christian religion or a Freemasonry or what, you know, for me, the most economic, the most sense that it makes is what's the economic tie in and they were connected to. Again, with the central bankers, city of London, and the money that the colonies owed and during the civil war, that whole thing. So the corporation again, and how do we free ourselves from that. And considering how human nature is and using the label of Christian. It's like, I mean, prayer is a technology anybody can do. So, whatever label you use, Jesus or source, whatever, it's the same thing. So, it's just like changing hats, really. And then you go back as far as, you know, what the Bible is now to be pre Council of Nicaea and how many more what was edited out. Like, I'll read the Bible that's unedited. That's the one I'm interested in. So, I don't, I mean, I don't use that as a hindrance that I understand, you know, because as me trying to be as faithful as I could as a kid and teenager to the Catholic religion and then wanting to learn more about it. And then just, okay, they're subject to the seven deadly sin, just as anybody else, no matter what religion. But like you said, the focus is on being local. And for me, telegram, the one I go to is East Bay freedom lovers. And so, for example, one of the cities here, they have a documentary viewing. By Chris and Hall, the constitutional lawyer and she teaches around the world or around the country of non compliant to the sheriff that the sheriff has the power in your county. If the feds are doing something, then the sheriff is the one that you go to for what could be done locally as far as enforcement. And if you have a good sheriff or not, so this is a DVD people can buy and share. And Chris and Hall is has a YouTube channel is interviewed regularly is on court TV. And a lot of these media headlines, whether whether they're left or right. It's always just just fluff. And then I like how she breaks it down and talks about the most controversial trends of the moment and what it really is and how it applies. And she's a pretty, pretty regular on the Kate Dally show, and you could get that in your smartphone podcast app. And that's where my foundation is. And it's funny. She was talking about this American national movement that if the Constitution was enforced and followed correctly, you wouldn't need to do this American national thing. Yeah, so check it was check her out as far as seeing past the fog and the smoke of all of this controversy. And, you know, emotional tensions, especially this year. See what else. I don't know as far as like she was talking about the whole injection thing. And that there were three million dead. That's about right. I mean, I tend to lean more towards what other natural paths are saying that we're going past the billion, and just things are just being reported. I'm not remember even locally like what is it with all these help wanted signs. But you're talking about vaccine induced deaths, not COVID, right? I'm talking about the whole thing. Like not. I mean, it's, it's a whole program, right? The COVID deaths never surpassed even the flu deaths. No, I know that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So if there's that much, I have not heard that figure, but if there's that much, then that's vaccine induced. But I'm talking about the whole DOD program, the worldwide thing that they're talking about this, this, what was the term American bioterrorism program run by Nazis, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So COVID with the injections, with the transfection, with the 5G towers, it's all one thing. So COVID is just a convenient way to, to, you know, encapsulate all these things. Yeah. So it's, it's way past. If you're talking about the world. And yeah, I just got to speechless on that, on that. And you want to go off on any of that? No, you know, it's, it's, it's really, I mean, the Christian stuff, I didn't find that that was overwhelming at all. And there was the pastor, he was very, because he was talking as a black man in a very bad part of the city, but Trump went and visited him. That type of thing, yes, there was Christian, mentioned as you realized it was a Christian group, but I didn't find it dominant. And because of being taken in by the Catholic church, I'm really kind of like wary of that. I admit that, you know, as a kid, I'm like you, you know, very dedicated. And then all of a sudden you find out how bad that church was is, and that you feel deceived and all the rest of it. And, you know, Christianity is Christianity, Judaism is Judaism. It has really nothing to do with me. Because I just, that's not what I see. I see all the benefits of what they're saying. And if you believe it, believe it. I mean, I don't talk to, I don't give people certain information because their belief system in something that is wrong is what's keeping them happy and healthy. I'm not going to disrupt their, you know, little illusion there where they're very, you know, very content and everything to wake them up to what we have to live through. But there's people that have gotten there that way and understanding and waking up on their own, and they need help adjusting. They need other people to say, oh, we've gone through it too. Well, with you, we understand. Let's figure this out together. So it's, I don't know if you've heard this, but the breaking news today is that Biden has dropped out of the election. So, and this is Sunday that we're recording. So everything's in Topsy Turvey and it's like, in the end, we've got to believe that God has got a plan. When they talk about the plan, I think, well, who's got to plan? Well, God's got to plan. And there's different versions of God in people's minds. But there was a source that created us and everything else in the universe. And how can you possibly compete with that? And they brought that up, you know, that what started happening was this anti-religion thing and it's still happening. You know, a lot of people just went to different churches or just left the church or, you know, went into their own spiritual space. But organized religion is seemingly deteriorating on its own because it's no longer needed. There's other ways of looking at things, which, you know, outside of the established churches. So people that believe in Jesus, hey, go for it. I mean, I believe that Jesus was real and everything else. But I also didn't say, hear Jesus say, I want you to follow me and blah, blah, blah, blah. I said, I heard him say, you can do the same things I do only better. And that's the message that I keep with me. So that's, but that's me. But, you know, I can understand all of it, but it's also a weird phenomenon when you see how much effort the other side is taking to attack anybody who's spiritual and because the Christians seemingly are a little more organized right now. The Christians, because the stuff that you're hearing on the television and, you know, people in other, you know, arenas there. Man, I mean, it's just like, why are you so upset? Because the Christians happen to be in the audience. What's making you so crazy? And I think it's part of that whole crimson tide you're talking about where you're interjecting this hatred for anybody that doesn't believe exactly like you do. So we have to get over this religion thing. We've got to put it aside. We have to understand it's a spiritual battle between good and evil, but my definition of good and evil is what works and what does not work. So, we're actually approaching the end of our time here. We've got a couple more minutes. Is there anything else that you would like to pass on? It's been a. And so I always have is interesting conversations. Go ahead. And then I think it's a lot of years ago, I think there's a lot of stories. I think one of them was Roger Stone and then a guy named Jared Rand. We are one for all that net guy who claimed he started the Medbed thing and is moving forward with that his version. I think it's just a few weeks ago. And pay attention to, of course, be careful, you know, use what works. But, yeah, I mean, what a crazy month, right? And so just going to keep ramping up. Yeah, that's all I got. This is going to keep ramping up is the word to put it. We thank you all for being here. We don't really know what we're going to talk about, except that we know we're going to talk about a certain discussion. And I always enjoy being with Mark. You can also see us on Shanghai reality that goes off at noontime Eastern Tuesdays and appreciate you all. Be safe. Thank you for listening to Radio 5G, a production of Thank you for listening. [Music]