Cosmic Reality Podcast

SAY WHAT REPLAY from 12-21-19 - Jan Shaw

“Say What Replay” - Nancy Hopkins, Dolly Howard, Jan Shaw from 12/21/19.

“Say What?” live show is seen Saturdays 6-8 pm EST and the "Say What Replays" oldie shows are seen 2-4 pm EST-

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1h 53m
Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
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“Say What Replay” - Nancy Hopkins, Dolly Howard, Jan Shaw from 12/21/19.

“Say What?” live show is seen Saturdays 6-8 pm EST and the "Say What Replays" oldie shows are seen 2-4 pm EST-

COUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off:MysticalWares

(upbeat music) Say what, say what radio show? With no agenda, it's always a surprise. But if we're not having fun, we're doing something wrong. (upbeat music) And welcome to the say what show. Everybody's doing well, I have Dolly with me and Jan, Dolly Howard, and Jan Shaw. And this is December 21st, 2019, which means that we have a solstice happening right now. And Jan says she's here and ready to rock, so we're good to go. (laughing) - I've got my cup of tea out. - Yeah, well Jan, for those that might be just turning in for this show, Jan actually was, just did two hours with an amazing guest, Sharon Rose. She was fun. Dolly, are you here? - Yeah. - Oh, okay, alright, just making sure. Yeah, you enjoyed that show, did you? - Me? - Yeah. - I always enjoy Jan Shaw's cast. - Oh, okay. Well, plug her, plug her for heaven's sakes. - Yeah, she just had a good show, y'all. She was on for two hours. She needed to go get some tea, but you should come and listen to Jan's shows all the time when she's on. I forgot what she's on. - Thank you, Dolly. - You're welcome. I didn't know how to plug it. (laughing) - 4 to 6 p.m. Eastern. That's when she's on. And she's not always live, but even if she isn't live, she's interesting because she's got something, a guest on who was live at one point, and they were very interested. - Maybe you should stop plugging. (laughing) She had a guest who was live at the time she had this show. - Of course, in between now and then they croaked in the end. - Yeah, I don't go on Jan's show. You might not make it. (laughing) - I think she's trying to eat most of them live. - Yeah, she's even had some of them back. (laughing) - I survived. (laughing) - Oh my God. - She's turned into a medium. She can talk to him any time she wants. - Oh, she's. (laughing) - Oh, you got me wound up. (laughing) - Oh, that's too funny. Anyway, so here we are. I'm hoping everybody's having a really good day. The solstice energies are very, very interesting. Actually, Sharon was talking about it that, since I think she said the last full moon, and I agree that the energies seem to me to be more coherent for her word, Shanghai, more coherent and more stable than they had been. - Hope he is saying that it's tomorrow. - The actual solstice is tomorrow. Well, that's disappointing. - Yeah, tomorrow the 22nd at 0419 AM GMT. - Yeah, I wondered about that, but other people said to me, I don't really pay attention to the calendar, except, but the solstice energy, last yesterday, I'm going like, what is this energy that I'm feeling? Because, I mean, the concept of the solstice and being aligned and all of that stuff, I don't really focus on that, but I do focus on the fact that so many people have put that energy out there, that yes, in fact, whether or not it makes any difference to where the planets are, they believe it is, and so it is. And it was a very interesting, and when Derek said something about the solstice, I said, ah, that must be the energy that I'm feeling. People getting prepared, you know, it's like a huge celebration. And I think probably much more so in other parts of the world than it is even here. - Why? - Because we're not, we're not as connected to nature. I mean, I'm talking about the population of the United States. How many people, you know, would even think of the solstice as being an important event? - Oh, okay. - Yeah. - I just want to know why. It's pretty big in the UK, because of course it got Stonehenge there. And I've always known it to be on the 21st, but I think that's because of the time difference. So it's always the 21st in the UK, but they're so many hours ahead of us. So maybe that's why it's the 22nd here. - That's true. - Well, there you go. But yeah, they always do these ceremonies, it's Stonehenge on the solstices. So. - Do they let people actually get up close to them? - They used to, and they've stopped that. And there was quite a big protest about that. But I've only been to Stonehenge once. That was 2011, I think. And it's all kind of fenced off the actual stones themselves. I'm not sure whether they might allow on a special permit, people to actually get into the stones themselves. But generally speaking, the public can't actually walk amongst the stones. - Oh, I've heard if you pay enough money, you can go there. - Well, if you pay enough money, you can probably go anywhere. - Yeah. It kind of irritated me too, when they close the stones off and they won't let people get near them. - They're stoned for crying out loud. How are you going to hurt it? - Yeah, you're going to knock them over. Well, there are certain people who wouldn't stop at putting graffiti on things. I mean, we know how crazy some people are, but, or carve their name in the stone or something. So maybe that's why. - Or take a chip out of a stone. You wouldn't take long for chips going out of stones to, you know, debase them. - Well, that's when you have a stone guard. I was going to say body guards, and I changed it. - But then you have to pay those people so it's a lot more sensible and cheaper to put up a fence. (laughing) - Very true. - I don't like fences. - Of this, I am aware. (laughing) - Well, fences have their uses, but not necessarily around Stonehenge and other monuments, let's put it that way. - Right. - Right. - They have their uses to hold the animals in to protect them from getting hurt, yeah. - So now that we've discussed fences, (laughing) those videos that she's doing, the films that Sharon is doing, Sharon Rose, really intriguing, aren't they? - Oh, yeah. And she actually sent me the DVD of the Infinity movie, which is the near death experience stuff. And I also got a copy of her book that she sent me as well, which I've only read part of it. So I'm hoping she will come back and I can have read it all by the time she comes back. But yeah, I mean, I don't tend to focus a lot on kind of the physical stuff. And I think I ought to do more. And the qigong that she was talking about is really fascinating. So I'm definitely going to look into that. And I've actually committed to starting a more consistent meditation practice, actually. And in the past, I've always meditated with like a guided meditation or something in the background. And I was watching a really good video on YouTube the other day. And it's by a guy called Kyle Sees. And he used to be a comedian, a stand-up comic. And he shifted completely into focusing on transformation. He throws quite a bit of comedy into it, you know? But he was talking about how powerful it is to really get that feeling of inner abundance through meditation and literally just doing it in silence. And I started several days ago. And it's amazing, the feeling that I've got when I come out of the meditation of just absolute peace and gratitude and joy and just feeling so relaxed. And I've had these, well, in the first one, I was getting these visions of these images of people. And then towards the end, just seeing like waves of purple light, it was really cool. And I only managed half an hour today. I did an hour the last couple of days. I only managed half an hour this morning because I was up late last night and I had the deadline for the show and everything. But I'm really getting hooked on it now. - Well, you know, I read once that prayer is talking to God and meditation is listening to God. And I've always been, I've never felt comfortable with these guided meditations because you're listening to somebody else, you're not hearing God. And I think it's really important for people to understand that when you're getting, when you're essentially talking to yourself, you're talking to God. You're talking to your higher self that is, you know, in the image of God. So I don't really think that we have to train ourselves and put aside 20 minutes, 30 minutes, whatever it is. I think we have to integrate that concept in every single thing we do so that it's not sitting down and purposely meditating. It's making your life a continual meditation. - Oh, I totally agree. And, you know, this guy on his video was saying, you know, when you start, you'd probably get all these thoughts in your head and everything else. But I've worked on myself long enough now to be empty-headed literally. - Absolutely, yes I do. - I don't get these 'cause I've, you know, I'm not saying I've got everything down to a T and not that I don't get anxious thoughts now and again, but that's my philosophy of you can be in a meditative state through that mindfulness every minute. And it's literally through training the brain. - And somebody's gonna control your brain. Might as well be you. - Well, far better than anybody else. - That's what I think, you know. It's like, yeah. - Yeah, I agree about the guided meditations. I've actually used kind of the Theta tones more than actual guided meditation, but even that tends to interfere, I think. I'd much rather, you know, having now felt more comfortable with doing it just with the silence. It's, it is a much pure experience somehow. - Well, you know what? - I prefer it silent. - Yeah, and constant all day I talk into God. - Yeah, you know, one of the ways that I trained my brain to be, you know, go into that state, you know, is to, 'cause I'm really good with imaging. I love the imaging, you know. So I just think of, I'm sitting myself, all by myself, in a movie theater and the theater, the movie hasn't started. Nothing has started, the screen is there. That's all, and you're sitting in a dark, empty theater with a screen in front of you, you know? And you just, you just sit there and you feel that nothing is happening around you or to you and boom, just let the energy start coming through. And some of the things that sort of float through your mind are like, what the heck is that? And it'll pull you right out of it. I don't even know these people. Who are they? It's like strange things can happen, but what you're doing is you're training yourself to focus on this, it's like you're looking at a television, an empty television screen, you turn on the television and now you got all these different channels that you can tune into. And it really is one of learning how to tune into those thoughts that are beneficial, you know, that make you feel good. 'Cause a lot of these things are, you know, just garbage stuff that's been programmed into our heads. So it takes training, but, you know, you can do it if you just trust yourself to do it. You know, give yourself the opportunity. You know, I'd watch people driving home from work. Before, and I don't know if any, you might have probably, both of you, had these long drives before cell phones, you know? And if you remember, you'd have all these people driving, but they were all kind of zoned out, you know? They were going from this place that they didn't like whether they're coming, you know, when they're going to work, sometimes they're glad to go to work 'cause I didn't wanna be where they were, or now they're leaving work and they're really glad going home. But there's this change that they go through between the work and getting wherever they're going. And I remember watching people and thinking to myself, no wonder there isn't more automobile accidents because these people are not driving, you know? There's somebody, their other self is driving because I could feel that they were just zoned out. But then the cell phones come along and all of a sudden, it's like a totally different environment. And there are people that never ever enter that state of silence. They're on the phone, they've got the television on, they've got this and that. They don't know what silence is. And that'll make you crazy to me. - Oh yeah, I mean, that's one of the things I like so much about living on my own now. 'Cause I can, you know, I'm in control of the environment completely apart from Keisha, of course, but she's usually quite silent. And I've noticed more of a ringing in my ears, which apparently isn't one of the ascension symptoms. So maybe I'm going up. But yeah, I mean, it's like people can't stand being alone as well. Because I think some people are afraid of actually hearing their own thoughts, if that makes sense. They need that distraction because they're still in that place of all those negative thoughts just running through their heads. And, you know, I've worked with people who have this constant barrage of thoughts, which is running and running and running. And it just takes over the whole of their consciousness rather than them controlling their own mind and having the thoughts that actually serve them rather than disempower them. - And I think that's a lot to do with electromagnetic energy. You know, because you're continually being bombarded by signals and those signals are carrying signals that are tuned to your mental capacity. And so you're getting information in your head that's not even biological, it's electromagnetic. And it sets up all sorts of things happening. But once you begin to control the environment that you're in, then your mind starts to come together again. Oh my God, oh, oh, we're back. Oh, thankfully, you know? But I don't think we can underestimate because this wasn't a problem years ago. You know, in the '90s, this wasn't a problem. - Well, which part wasn't the problem? - The concept of people can't, that their heads are all full of this, you know, clatter, clatter, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. They don't ever, they can't stop it. - I've always had that problem. - Yeah, I do think some people are, I mean, maybe it's to do with ADHD or ADD which they say is a made up condition anyway, but, you know, we supposedly have so many thoughts every second, 'cause our brains work so quickly. But the question is, are the majority of those in the subconscious that we're not aware of or are, you know, they're saying that the subconscious controls 95% of what we do and thoughts arise from the subconscious, but I'm wondering, has there been as much emphasis in recent years or in previous years, I should say, on the concept of mindfulness? So unless you know the opposite, you don't know that it's not normal. So people wouldn't even talk about it, perhaps, because they just thought, well, this is the way the brain works, so, you know, this is normal. Whereas now I think with so much more consciousness of mindfulness, there is a lot more awareness of it. - Can you define mindfulness? - Yes, mindfulness is really where you develop a heightened state of awareness of your thoughts and your feelings. So that instead of having all these things going on and you're not, you know, you're not in the present moment, you're out in the future, you're off in the past, you've got all these thoughts running through your mind. It's like the very act of being aware of them, slows them down, because you then are aware of, you know, is this a negative thought? Where's it coming from? What's the source of it? Why am I feeling this way? What can I, you know, what do I need to address to, you know, stop this negativity within myself? How do I turn, how do I heal that? Whatever the source of that negativity is. So it's very much based on that awareness and being in the present moment and recognizing all the thoughts that are coming to you. And, you know, we all get negative thoughts and anxious thoughts, but it's almost like by paying attention to it, we're stopping the avalanche of other thoughts coming behind it, we're stopping and thinking about that one thought. So then we're in control of how we respond to that thought with another thought. Does that make sense? - Yes. Yeah. - It does to me, yeah. - And, you know, being this absolute proponent of neutrality, this is where you can approach the thought from neutrality and say, oh, that's interesting. I'm getting this anxiety about money, for example, you know, oh, that's interesting. I thought I'd dealt with that already. Oh, now I know I've got something else to work on relating to that. So how do I, then, how am I gonna go from here in terms of my issues, the fears, you know, anxiety around money, for example, which is, you know, a big thing in this society, let's face it. And what it does is it, as I said, it kind of slows thoughts down because it gives you this time and the space to actually choose how you're going to respond to it rather than reacting. And I've used the analogy of the runaway horse before now because, you know, if you get attached to that negative thought, very often what happens is you're attracting more negative thoughts and you end up blowing these supposed problems, imagined problems out of all proportion. Oh, I'm not gonna have enough money to pay the bill. Oh, that means I'm not gonna be able to pay my mortgage. Oh, that means I'm gonna lose my house. Oh, that means I'm gonna lose my car and so on and so forth. Whereas you stop it at the first thought and really consider, give it attention. And so, you know, that's so interesting how this has come up. Why has that come up? What's triggered it? So you then, you know, take control instead of it running away with you. - You know how I took control of it? I listened to somebody that said, 99% of everything you worry about doesn't come true. So why waste the time? And I found that when I was getting a negative thought or I starting to get, you know, worried about something, I'd sit back and I would just say that in my mind, right? And it was like, so I'm not gonna waste my time. - Well, absolutely, it's caused an effect though because people that caught up in that fear and they focus their attention on it, which is feeding it energy. And that's why very often people get into this downward spiral because they're more and more obsessed with this problem and end up manifesting it. That's why I always say, you know, a problem is that a fear can be a great alerting mechanism that perhaps I need to do something about this and then focus immediately on the solution, but people get caught up in the problem. And as we know, thoughts create things, you know, energy goes where energy flows, where attention goes. And so that's why you end up actually manifesting the outcome that you're so fearful of. - Absolutely. Dolly, did you wanna say something? - Yes, yes. I've been waiting patiently here. - NRA says, "Sultist floats between 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, but there is not much time difference between the three days. I have worked on meditations on past, present, and future on each of the different days." Now that brought to my mind, wow, so to meditate on the sultist type days, where would that take you to? It's unlimited. - Thank you, NRA. I'm done. - Okay. Thank you, NRA. That's interesting. That's very interesting. Yeah. So, now we've covered mindfulness. - Oh, can I ask Jan about the hot topic in the world today? - You can do whatever you want. Sure show as well as mine. It's Jan's show as well as ours, I mean. - So-- - Taking it easy off to the last two hours. - Well, I don't think it'll upset you. If it does, you say so, and we won't, you don't have to answer. I was wondering how do you feel about Nancy Pelosi holding on to the impeachment papers and how that they finally got them? - I think it's hilarious. I have to say, you know, it's, there's been so much on social media about the fact that they were all dressed in black. - Yeah. - I don't know, everybody's saying it's because they'd gone to their own funeral. - And it's-- (laughing) - I heard that one. I like that. - Well, yeah, because, you know, everybody with even two brain cells to rub together would be able to contrast. Oh, this is, you know, this is a danger to the constitution and national security and we have to act quickly and we've got to rush it through. And then you get the vote and it's like, well, we're not going to pass it to the Senate, then are we? (laughing) - My thought was, oh, good. You just hold on to it forever, you bit, yeah. - Well, I think that the plan is that by getting it to the Senate, the Democrats lose control because then the Senate takes over and, you know, it's only the Senate that can actually impeach a president. The House can vote on it on passing it through to the Senate, but just because they're voting for it doesn't mean that the president is impeached. I'm getting quite an expert on American constitution, actually. And so I think this is all part of the plan that they want it in the Senate so that they can start calling all these witnesses and look at what's coming out at the moment. You know, all the information about the FISA court abuses and how the FISA court have now asked for all the-- - Record. - The FISA applications. - Yes. - That this lawyer was, or attorney, or whatever his name is, was involved in the one that changed one of the documents, one of the transcripts, or something. And of course, Bill Barr is now saying we, you know, he's very much looking into much wider aspects of it. And it's pretty plain as the nose on your face that there was definitely bias. I mean, really, no bias. When you look at Stracham Page's tweets and the fact that Lisa Page was on CNN claiming she was a victim and-- - Yeah. (laughing) - And all the other-- - Oh, poor baby, look what you did to the president. - They're trying to-- - No empathy for her. - Yeah, they're trying to control the narrative. They're trying to control the course of events. And they have, they have, you have no power here. (laughing) - Well, it just cracks me up that Paulsey actually believes she can use that to control the Senate and have them do what she wants. This woman is just, every day, her brain is chipping away. And I don't know where it's going. I think it just dissolves. - Well, what is exactly she's doing? She's not submitting, they've impeached him. And she's not sending it to the Senate now, she's holding on to it? - Yep, yeah, yeah. - And why is she giving some explanation as to why? - 'Cause she wants to control the way-- - No, I'm not asking you what you think. I'm asking, is she given an explanation as to why she's not sending it to the Senate? - Well, yeah, I was trying to tell you. - She actually said that that she's trying to control the Senate? - Yeah, she wants to control how, what they're gonna do so that she will know what representatives she wants to send over there. - Yeah, she's actually trying to control how the impeachment trial is conducted. - Yeah, she's saying she won't appoint managers until she knows what the format is going to be. There's everybody says, well, it's a constitutional format and the Democrats have no power to actually influence that. And it's so ironic because when you think about how unconstitutional the hearings were that the Democrats have. - Yeah, talking about the pot calling the kettle black, but they want to control the whole process because they haven't got a cat in hell's chance of it passing. And also, I think they're scared of all the evidence that's gonna be presented, that exposes all the corruption. - Yes. - So these people Pelosi and the others who actually went against the Constitution of the United States in changing the laws regarding how you even go through the process of impeachment is now trying to change the constitutional requirements of what the Senate is supposed to do in it. I mean, this is all law. - Yes. They don't care. They don't care what the law says. - Yeah, they're changing it their way. - 'Cause they're also accusing McConnell of being partisan. - Yes. (all laughing) - Confaring with the White House. And I mean, the partisan, totally partisan party, accusing the other side. It's all total projection as usual, so. - When did Saturday Night Live start playing in the Congress? (all laughing) - About three and a half years ago. - Oh my God, this is insane. - Actually, even before he was sworn in, they were trying to impeach him. - My God, it's proven. - It's proven. They keep quoting that guy from the Washington press. I forgot who is the name of this. Once the election results came in, he said, "Okay, now we begin the impeachment." - Well, you know, Hamilton, one of the founding fathers. Part of the interpretation of the Constitution is based on the Federalist Papers, which were written by the founding fathers, giving more information regarding what they meant when they set up a particular principle or rule. And Hamilton was talking about the impeachment, and he said, "This is a very dangerous inclusion into the Constitution, because it can be used for partisan reasons to overturn the electoral." - We've heard that many times over these days, yes. They keep quoting the forefathers. But then- - Oh, who's there, the Democrats or the Republicans? - Yeah, the swamp beings, they quote them, but then they abuse what the forefathers have said. It's a farce, they're crazy. - They've got 5G in the Capitol, what can I tell you? - They're freaking insane. I think they're so terrified, because their evil deeds are being exposed now, and they're gonna be in some deep do-do. And so they're just doing crazy things, just 'cause they've lost their mind. - Yeah, and they've got Democrat representatives shifting to the Republican Party now, two of them, I think. - Yes, one of them, for sure. The other one is thinking about it. - And there's a lot of previous Democrat voters that are now turning their backs on the Democrat Party. And apparently, I didn't watch it. I saw a couple of clips on Fox News about the latest debate. And I mean, that was pure fast. - Oh, I never watched it, I don't hear. - Well, I can't watch it because it's laughable, but they show us low lights here and there. And apparently, Sun has got scolded by one of the interrogators. - Pretty high. - Which got a round of applause from the audience. - Oh my gosh. - He was asked a question about race, and he tried to turn it into climate change, and he got corrected on it. And Biden, he was asked whether he would shut down the fossil fuel industry. And as a result, lose thousands of jobs. And he basically said, yes, well, that's going to do him a lot of good, isn't it? - Oh my gosh, that man, oh man. - This is just absolute insanity. I wonder what history is going to have to say about it. How they're going to portray it. - It'll be a footnote in history. It does, everything that they're doing is doing nothing. I mean, this is like, they're not players. They're putting on a sham show. What have they done? What laws have they enacted? Did I miss something? I don't pay much attention to it, but normally I hear about something that has been passed by the Congress. Has anything been passed by the Congress? - Well, yeah, after they impeached Pelosi, who's been holding on to the-- - USMC, yeah. - Yes, who's been holding on to that released it so that they could vote on it, but that was just for a tactic to take the people's eyes off of. Oh, we did all this stupid shit for over three and a half years, but now we're going to finally do something. That's all there was, it's political. So they've done one thing that I know of, one. - But I disagree, Nancy. I think there's going to be a huge amount of going down in history, because what this is all about is the exposure. And if you think about the making a movie or the president's men, just think how many movies that can get out of this. It's, you know, endless. - Jan, I hope we wouldn't care. It's too insane. It's not done anything to teach anything. Anybody except that they're falling apart, the matrix is falling apart. This is the indication. They're all turning into characters who don't even think straight. It's falling apart. - Yeah, but what it's doing is exposing all the corruption underneath it all. That's what's historical about it. - Yes, I agree with Jan on that part. They are being exposed. It's not about how the Democrats are acting on the surface. It's the why behind it, because-- - And I agree with that. I agree with that. I'm saying that all of this pandemonium, you know, is just a sideshow. What is happening is that everything is collapsing. Those people will be a footnote in history. What is going to come out to be the big story is the cabal. The total control. That will be the story. These people won't even have more than a footnote if that, because they're unimportant. - That's a thought story. - That's, I don't think so, because I think that the gravity and the way that we've been manipulated is much deeper than the Congress in the United States or any Congress person. - Oh, that's true, yeah. - You know, in the end, these are going to be just little teeny people, you know, that are demonstrating the lunacy of what's happened. The system that we've allowed to be built, because we had no clues to what the full effect of it was going to be. I mean, one of the things that Michael Henry Dunn pointed out on 5G radio, we were talking in terms with Malcolm Britt, we were talking in terms of the fact that to be successful in politics, you basically have to be a sociopath. Because the only way you get ahead in politics, not when you're getting elected, but within the confines of that, is to be ruthless. And Michael pointed out that the reason that sociopaths are working so well is that it's a system that's based on a sociopathic concept that to get to the top, you have to be ruthless. You have to be a sociopath. You have to not care about the collateral damage, just grow, grow, grow, be controlled, you know? And you know what I'm saying? And this to me indicates that we've got a system that is-- we can't just change the people. It's the system. And we have to make a big change to the system. And that's what I'm saying is that I think this is much grander than anything that's happening right now within the Congress. That, you know, it's all crumbling. And we have to understand what went wrong. What went wrong was that you paid a CEO millions and millions of dollars and you paid the guy cleaning your floor nothing. That is the problem. But it's also about changing the people at the same time. And this is why it's been done so cleverly, because if you disclose everything at one go, people are going to not believe it, because it's so in opposition to the way that they believe things are working. And so by this being revealed, the way it's being revealed, you know, it's-- I mean, it's been done very cleverly, that the Democrats are exposing themselves rather than Trump going in and basically attacking everybody. He-- the way it's been done has been not talking about the corruption, but allowing it to reveal itself. And more people, I think, as a result of that, are waking up to what really has been going on. So it's like two sides of the card, as it were. You need-- Why interrupt your enemy? Why interrupt your enemy who's self-destructing. Right? OK, but I think, really, if we look at why are they self-destructing? I think they're self-destructing, because their matrix is falling apart. As we become more and more solidified and cohesive as a group, an energy group that's saying, you guys are crazy, they're getting crazier. I'm not so sure it's anything the president is doing. I think that backing off and allowing them to self-destruct is the way to do it. But why are they self-destructing? It's because we are taking away their powers, their energies of persuasion and control. And if you look at it from an entorology standpoint, you're talking about millions of Americans who have just looked at something. And if they've got half a thinking brain go, there's something very wrong with the Congress. But they've controlled this in so many ways. But I think that their self-destructing thing is because they can't handle the new energies of the populace becoming aware. That's what I think is happening. But I do think a lot of the fact that the populace is becoming aware is because of how it's been handled that way. The art of war and don't interfere with an enemy that's destroying itself. And I think the Q movement has had an awful lot to do with that because now it's not just, I'm going to look at Q and see what they say. It's all these other-- they talk about the digital warriors, all these people that are doing so much research into this and putting it out on social media. And look at how it's spread across the world. You've got Hong Kong, you've got the UK, you've got the yellow vests in France. It's becoming a global awakening, which is-- I would agree that a lot of it is to do with the energies. But it's also to do with disclosure as well. That kind of supports this awakening process to start to see reality in a different way. The truth movement is working. And these people in very, very, many different ways are forced to tell the truth. So it's like, yes, I'm an idiot, let me demonstrate it. I mean, how many times have we heard people making bizarre statements from somebody that should know better? I mean, like CIA director saying, oh, the CIA. Well, we lie, cheat, and kill until you catch us. I mean, bizarre statements coming from people who are-- I'm telling you, it's the truth movement. It's in this collective consciousness. They have no choice here. They're going to self-destruct. But it reminds me of the interview that Hillary did. Whose show was it? I just can't remember the name now. But where she actually said, she made some throwaway comment about videos on the dark web, which, of course-- there's all this about supposedly she and Huma Aberdeen tortured this young girl, and well, I won't go into all the horrific details. Please don't, yeah. Why would she refer to videos on the dark web? Because they have to tell the truth. Yeah. Well, I must say, perhaps it hasn't got down to Schiff and Comey yet, and Pelosi. The lies that are still being put out there are just phenomenal, but they can't sustain those anymore, because it's becoming obvious from what's being exposed, that the extent of the lies that have been told. I mean, it just beggars belief to me how somebody can tell the lies that are so obviously exposed, just by anybody paying the least amount of attention to what's going on. I think that part of it is because they used to-- OK, somebody would say something that there is a matrix and there is a cabal, and these people would like, this person is crazy over here. Oh my god, don't listen to them. They're really crazy. That was the way they were handling most of us. But then it got to the point that there were so many that they just dismissed, dismissed, dismissed. They were ignoring it. So they put their heads in the sand, hoping it would go away, and that somebody would control these crazy truthers. But in fact, it's grown, and grown, and grown, and grown. And now the full weight of an awake population is causing the matrix to self-destruct. My friend Cindy-- and she didn't send it to me, and I meant to get-- she says that they're actually somehow or another got a picture of the matrix from some kind of a spacecraft that they had way out and space that turned around, took a picture, and it looks like a matrix. You know, it's falling apart. And the more-- Maybe it's similar to what-- I think it was Greg Braden-- it's not the Greg Braden or David Wilcock. I'm not sure where it's-- Greg is talking-- they're talking the same thing. Greg Braden-- yeah. About this matrix-- this energetic matrix is one element. But then there's also this other control matrix, isn't there? Which I presume is what you're talking about here. Well, the matrix concept is that reality is what we think it is. And you know, I mean, the three rules of cosmic reality that I got downloaded to me maybe 30, 40 years ago-- you know, reality is what you think it is, majority wins, and that those people in control of any given reality will keep everybody else from understanding rule 1 and 2. Because if you understand 1 and 2, then you take control back in the game. And that's what's been happening-- is that people are starting to understand that they have been given a lot of bad information regarding history, science. Everything that we know is a lie. And once you understand that, and you've got people who are standing up saying, reality is what you think it is. You just have to think up a new reality, one that isn't dark and causing-- you know, you have to suffer. Why do we have to suffer? We're in charge of reality. We can just make a reality where people don't suffer, you know? And to understand that kind of power, you're drawing the power away from the matrix and it's self-destructing. And the more we focus on what I call the golden rule matrix, the reality that is based on duent others as you would have done unto yourself. You know, as that grows and gets stronger, the other one just fizzles out. You know, there was somebody-- I don't remember-- who said, you know, that's the way the world ended, not with a bang but a whimper. And these poor, pathetic souls are whimpering. Oh, yeah, absolutely. And in fact, what you were saying earlier about noticing the change in energy, was it at the new moon or the full moon? In the full moon, full moon. Yeah. I wondered what popped into my head was whether we'd reached a tipping point with the number of people that are now awakened aware of all of this. That we are changing the nature of reality because we've reached that tipping point of awakened people, souls, that is actually destroying the matrix. I think we're at another level, but I think we've already passed that 100th monkey syndrome. I think we passed it a while ago. There's more of us in the growing exponentially. When Dolly had had a sort of a breakthrough thing, I don't even remember what it was. And Walt and myself and she were talking about it. Walt said to her, well, you know, because you made that leap in awareness and understanding, 40,000 other people did the same thing. And when he said that, I thought, well, that's an odd thing to say. But then I checked in and it felt right to me. 40,000. And I actually said to him, check with a pendulum. Where'd you get that figure? Yeah, 40,000. And I said, I totally agree. So that means that every time one of us has an expansion of awareness, that aha moment. 40,000 other people who are so close to us, even though everybody's unique, we have very similar electromagnetic, personal, sovereign energy fields. And 40,000 other people are almost perfectly identical. So if we make a change, they resonate and they make a change. And then they're attached to 40,000 other people. This can happen in such a fast, unbelievably overnight, right in front of you, instantaneous, once you get to that point where it can't be stopped, we went by that point a while ago. And yes, I agree. There is now some kind of a-- I'll tell you exactly how I felt. I felt like I was in a motorboat driving a motorboat, right? And it's really bumping around. And all of a sudden, the motorboat just sort of smoothed out. And now I feel like I'm stable. That's what I'm feeling. It's rather like what you talk about in the book, Shungite Reality, about the quantum entanglement, isn't it? That's all it is. I mean, I learned so much writing that book in the fourth chapter. Because when you begin to analyze the concept of quantum entanglement, and that sympathetic resonance, quantum entanglement holds together, but the resonance is what makes it go. When you understand that concept, you can't help but being in awe of how we are completely connected. You can't get away from it. We're all energy bodies and energy bodies interacting with one another. And the interesting thing is, like I say, that particular concept, a quantum entanglement-- and not so much the resonance. They haven't quite got there yet. But the quantum entanglement is all of a sudden trending big time yet. When Cindy comes into my house, we have a lot of differences. And she's talking about-- she's talking about Braden talking about-- and she's talking and talking and talking. And I said, Cindy, what you're talking about is quantum entanglement. And she went, yeah, that's it. Quantum entanglement. And I said, it's in that book because I just handed her the book. Because that, no, did I-- I'm telling you, I didn't come to this conclusion. I was shown this conclusion as I wrote that chapter. So the quantum entanglement understanding how quantum entanglement works and the concept of resonance is already in the collective consciousness. I just downloaded it a little faster than other people. But Braden's doing it. Maybe he was before me. Who knows? But we are creating a new reality based on quantum entanglement and understanding of it and resonance and understanding of it, that every time I make a change, 40,000 other people make the same change. So what do you think is behind all the reason for some people still being caught in that matrix? Because we've still got a lot of people that are literally saying Trump's a crook and all the things that the Democrats accuse him of and so on and so forth. There's still a lot of resistance out there. And it's not just resistance. They believe that he is evil in his bones. And they've got that derangement syndrome so bad. I keep wondering what is going to help them to wake up and realize it isn't as bad as what they're thinking it is. I don't know what to do. And they don't want us to do anything for them. They don't think there's anything wrong. Now, I had a-- there was a poster from somebody I know in the UK who was basically having a bit of a rant about Boris Johnson's election and how bad it was and everything else. And I basically just put a comment that said, I think Johnson is actually doing similar things to what Trump is doing. And her reaction was, well, I think there should both be certified and it's like, really. And she's put similar posts out there. And I'm seeing a lot of other posts that are obviously in support of the left agenda, the climate change and the kids are locked up in cages and it's all Trump's fault and all the rest of it from people who were very much in the spiritual community. And I'm thinking if you had any spiritual insight, you wouldn't-- you'd know the truth. And when I say no, I don't mean just from a factual point of view. I mean from an intuitive point of view. Because I kind of-- you kind of tune into some force that's up there, if that makes sense. That tells you there's bigger things happening below the surface that you're not necessarily seeing, but you can feel it. But even-- he's supposed even a lot of the well-known-- I mean, look at Marianne Williamson, for example. I think she-- I don't know that she mentioned his name. Maybe she did, talking about Trump as a dark, psychic force. Why are these people so blind when they're supposed to be tuned into the spiritual? It just totally puzzles me. Well, let's think about it until-- because it's two minutes after the hour. So let's just take a little break and we'll come back. And during that break, a four minute break, let's just ponder that. We'll be right back. And welcome back to The Say What Show. It is December 21, 2019. It may or may not be the solstice. But have a happy solstice, whenever. And that song kind of says it to me. Be the change we want to see. So welcome back Dolly Howard and Jan Shaw. Thanks. How are you doing? I wanted to say something. Give me a minute to think how the people who have the derangement for Trump. I can completely understand them. Because I found that I have the derangement for a lot of the swamp being members of the swamp. I can understand where the derangement syndrome people, peoples, don't want their minds changed. They're quite happy with the way they're feeling. I can understand that. And my thought is some how, some way, some day, they're going to be hit with just the right words at the right time or even us. Maybe we will be hit with the right words at the right time that will change our mind where we can see more of the truth. So it's not just we're all right. We're telling you things that are just absolute positively true. No, that's not true. I mean, we might not realize that some of the things we strongly believe might be in a different way in reality. And so I'm trying to say we all have the right to feel the way we feel. But I really would like to help people to open their minds a little more. And that's what I wanted to say, so I'm done. I want to creep into their subconscious and their dreams. Well, I do too, but I can't do that. Oh, yes, you can. You can with every time you get on a radio show, every time you have a thought. Every thought that a person has goes into the super subconscious. And the more times you put those thoughts, see, when we get to rule two, majority wins, it doesn't mean numbers. It means how much energy are you putting in to making that change? And if every single thought that you have is tinged with the concept that I'm in a different reality, my reality is the one that's going to win. I'm not going to worry about your reality, except that it is kind of amusing at this point in the game. But people are-- I don't know. Yes, it depends on your perspective on reality. I mean, the fact that Trump is a horrible, unbelievable, probably that Antichrist is real in those people's minds, and that's what they're creating. But they don't have the energy to do it anymore, because the people that they were trying to drag with them simply aren't going with them. They were delusional in their minds. I was listening to these two guys that were-- one was 30 years and the other 32 years with the NSA. Very, very high up, and very much in no regarding the actual capability of computers to intrude on everything. And they were talking about the 2016 election and how the problems that were seen in prior elections regarding these electronic voting machines have never been fixed. And even if they were fixed, there was another-- they could get in again. And that based on the numbers in the 2016, where Trump actually won-- where Hillary was walking around thinking she'd already been crowned-- was because he had such an unbelievable, overwhelming people voted for him that it threw the computers off. And the computers only went so that Hillary had maybe 53% of the population out there, right? And because he didn't want it to look so bad that it had to have been fixed, so you want it close. But he had more than anybody anticipated and the computer actually was programmed to stop Hillary at 53% based on population, but there was more people voted. And that's not even been recorded. But that's what these NSA guys were saying. You know, that he's got much-- and again, it wasn't because they were voting for Trump. They were voting against the established reality. Better to give some crazy person that at least is a businessman that they could understand instead of a sociopathic politician. That's exactly why I voted for him. He was different, and he would shake up the establishment. That's why I voted for him. Well, he ran on draining the swamp as well, didn't he? Yes. Obviously resonated with a lot of people. It occurred to me when you were talking, Nancy, that if you look at the behavior of so many Democrats' supporters, they're the ones that instigate the violence attacking people with a MAGA hat and the Antifa bunch and just the general, even on social media, the virulent attacks against Trump and Trump's supporters. You know, it makes me wonder whether they subconsciously or consciously know they're losing, and that's why they're lushing out. Oh, absolutely, because those are the minds that have been programmed to accept a given reality. But they have never had any programming to say, that reality doesn't work. Let's go to this one. They haven't been given the opportunity to listen to you and me and Dolly. Because we are crazy people. We're the alternative. We're nutcases. If you can get those people to start listening, I think they will hear. But they don't even listen. And a lot of them don't have time to listen. You know, they've got them so stretched out on you need to have all these different part-time jobs or a full-time job and a part-time job just to survive. You don't have time for your kids. So your kids are institutionally orphans. They're institutional orphans because nobody's at home to really take care of them because those people are being driven into poverty every single year, and they have to work harder and harder. And so they come home. They sit down in front of a television set, and then they're programmed. And they don't have time to go to the computer and say, what is that Hopkins person saying? You know, so it's a matter of we have to change the dialogue at every level of society. And in fact, I think that's what's happening. And the question that was, you know, we sort of started at the turn of the hour was regarding all of these light workers that have Trump dysfunction. You know, what's that about? Well, some in the chat room made a good comment. That's the biggest problem with the New Age spirituality movement. Folks are actively encouraged to avoid any negative subjects. So they avoid the so-called conspiracy theories. Keeping them in the dark, preventing them from knowing the truth. Yeah, they think they're in the light, but they're in the dark. Well, I hate to tell them, but God, the color of God is black. This black has cut every color in the universe. Whites are reflection. But the color of God is black. Is he? Yeah, yeah. I know he's energy. Yes, and any color? Yes, he's all colors and all colors are black. It's just a science thing. [LAUGHS] The combination of colors create black is perhaps not all colors are black. Maybe that is what you-- Yeah, you take the color-- well, no, if you put all the colors in existence into a pot, turns black. Haven't you played with paints? Does energy have a color? Yes, energy is color. Energy is also sound. Sound is energy. Color is energy. It's an energy universe. Interest. That's why they can heal with sound. They can heal with light. It's just manipulation of energy. OK, before I forget, you were talking about people don't have time to do research. And they listened to us. They think we're crazy because they can't do their research. Well, one of the people who commented on our Say What Show with Ani, Zazoos, says, OK, I just did a search. And oh, my God, I can't believe it. I now find the white and red-haired Trump's exclamation mark. But my question is, why do they allow for two trumps? Is it part of his plan? Does he want us to know about that? The part that I want to point out is she did some research on what will me, from what I said. And she found out I wasn't making stories up. But what I appreciate is she took the time to do the research. Even if it was to prove me wrong, which I keep saying, research proved me wrong, please. She took the time and she found out on her own. And that's the part I just love about that. And so I think people can take the time if they really want to these days. They can take the time and do research. If you want to do it, you can do it, y'all. Yeah, but she had to listen to us to begin with. And what I'm saying is that 99.9% of the people don't have time to go on internet and listen to anybody. They don't have any time in their lives to do this. Yeah, it's true. I think more and more people are, though. I mean, if you look at the number of followers and listeners, there are a lot of the truthers have on YouTube, I think a lot of people choose to find the time. It's just that some people don't want to look behind the curtain. It's like, as we were saying on the show I did, people have been manipulated into so much fear that they're afraid to find out the truth, because it will destroy their whole concept and belief system about what they believe the world to be like. And if you think of so many, you know, there's so many statements about how endemic resistance to change is, and this is one example of it. They don't want to change their view of the world because it's too scary for them. Because they're not being given the alternative. Every time you have somebody that's doing really positive learning work on the conventional media thing, they get taken down right away. Why are they scared? Because they don't know that the alternative is one of-- there is plenty. Plenty. We've got everything we need to have wonderful life. The right resources are not running out. They're being controlled and contaminated. I mean, it's just like they don't know the alternative so they're afraid to jump. And the alternative, if you follow Trump, he's going to lead you to hell. No, he's going to lead you to truth. But because they don't have an access to the alternative story, and that's why we are so important. Because there's no way that we can break through what they've gotten in place right now, the matrix of the media, to get to these people. And that's why I push the concept that we can do it because of the subconscious. If we can actually physically change the collective consciousness by changing the energies that are in there to seeing rainbows and seeing magic and seeing love and abundance and all of this, then it's going to come in from the back door into their conscious minds. We can't overpower them at the 3D, but we can overpower them at the collective consciousness level. And I'm strongly a believer in that. Walt said it to me. He said, the matrix reality is working perfectly. It was designed to control, and that's what it's doing. Why are we trying to change it? It was just build a new one. And that's what we're trying to do. Build a new concept of reality. Take the energy away from that one. We're doing. No try do. We are doing it. I mean, I can attest to that. I see it all the time. You and I had the conversation about the words cosmic reality. The concept of reality is what you think it is. When I started back in 2012, 2011, actually, putting out that same, those same three statements. Nobody would comment one way or the other. I'd get a lot of comments and a lot of posts. But any time I entered into that aspect of reality is what you think it is. People didn't understand what I was saying. And now everybody understands it. Well, not everybody, but most people understand it. And there's a lot of ways of explaining it. So yeah, we are making a difference. Everything is changing. We just have to keep telling ourselves, you know, we're doing it. Let's go, let's go, we're doing it. Don't worry about Pelosi and all this other scary stuff that's happening. It's a distraction. I find it scary, actually. I find it exciting. Well, I do too. I find it amusing. Yeah, I mean, amusing on the one hand, exciting on the other, because it's all happening. It's absolutely happening. Yeah, it's fantastic. And it's all because Dolly Howard, you know. [LAUGHTER] Because of my obsession with watch, and that stuff on TV. Hey, listen, I had somebody ask me, you know-- well, they were saying that they had a little bit of a problem with us. Because on the one hand, and they used you, they pointed it, they dropped her name. And they said, for instance, Dolly is somebody who, you know, is very vehement against, you know, like Pelosi. And she said, she'll call Hillary Hillary, and she'll call shift bug eye. And how can she be that way, and at the same time, talk to angels? Very easy. Angels are fighting our battles every day. If they didn't find beings who they needed to fight battles for, it'd be wonderful, wouldn't it? We'd all be in heaven. You got to fight the evil. I don't feel that I'm doing anything contrary to my belief in angels in love. If I didn't love people, I wouldn't try to help them to see who's trying to hurt them. I would keep my mouth shut and let bug eye get away with all his lies and his treacheries and let him walk all over the people I love. No, I don't think so. You think the angels are doing that? Do you think God didn't fight battles, even here on Earth, for the people he created and loves? No. Battles happen, folks. Face it. If you don't, that's fine. Go ahead, bury your head in the sand. That's OK. You can do it at your pace. But when I go out and I talk like this, it's because I'm trying to make the impact. Maybe trigger something in you to realize the bigger that dude's eyes get, the bigger the whoof and lie is. Well, I mean, Annie had a similar comment. She covered it on one of her shows recently. Somebody emailed her and said what she was saying about some of the deep state actors wasn't very shaman-like. And let's face it, we're spiritual warriors. There's this concept that if you're spiritual, you're all fluffy and soft. But it's the spiritual warriors that I think so many of us are, because we are truth seekers. My soul profile, I have two superpowers. One is truth and the other is power. And that's why I'm so passionate about truth. And I cannot abide deception and untruth. And it's only through seeking the truth that you actually step into your power. And the two are so closely connected. And sometimes you have to do things that kind of shift people out of the comatose state, whether it's names or whatever, to actually shake them up a bit, wake them up. Yeah. So did I explain myself, OK? I thought you did excellent. Yes, thank you very well. I mean, look, Archangel Michael with his sword. Yes. You know, an ideal example. Yeah, but I have it for fact that Michael's sword is just this little wimpy rubber thing. [LAUGHTER] I don't think-- He's so strong. He doesn't have to go to war. We don't need to use weapons. We are the weapon. Our thoughts are that powerful. We don't want something to happen. We just don't focus on it. Everything that happens is because people think it's real and focused and put the energy into it. And if we just have more energy not thinking that way and grabbing the energy and putting it into reality, we don't need weapons. We're stronger than the need to conduct war. I think it was probably symbolic. I know. I know. I disagree. You disagree? OK, go ahead. I do. I think they need their weapons to fight the battles they're fighting. When those five archangels came, Michael being one. Raphael, another, and Meditron, and I forgot the other two. They came-- Raphael and Uriel. Yes. And they came and surrounded me and their wings out to protect me from death coming to take me at that point in time. I felt-- I felt saw their weapons that they carry. They didn't use them at that time. I don't think they have to use them every time because they're so powerful. But yeah, I've seen their weapons on them. And nobody can convince me they don't have them and don't use them for our sake. I've got five archangels standing behind me, belly laughing. They don't need a sword or a saber or anything like that. OK, you can believe that. They have the ultimate power of persuasion, and that is unbelievably infinite love. Oh, with normal beings? Yeah, I believe that. No, no, no normal beings. Not anything. Nothing can do with stand love. OK, we got to agree to disagree on this subject. I agree, Nancy. Actually, love is the most powerful force in the universe. And the fact that they didn't have to use the weapons kind of speaks for itself. I was going to say something else, and my mind's just gone blank for a minute. Oh, yeah. What I was going to say is what is very interesting, if you think about it, is that the old matrix was all about weapons and war and attack and everything else. And with everything that Trump, the T-word, has achieved in terms of non-combatant strategies has been phenomenal. I mean, he's using other means to create leverage. He's done it with North Korea. He's done it with-- well, if you think about it, well, I think I read, this is the first presidency where there hasn't been a war started. Or a war continued. Are we at war? Is the United States at war with anybody right now? Anybody? No, I don't think so. I mean, the strategies is more about withdrawal than I think than aggression. And this is one of the first times in the entire history of the United States that we are not at war with anybody. Now, how can this man be dangerous if he's taking us out of war? How can this be-- He uses words to persuade people and tactics to persuade people that aren't harmful to them, like the tariffs, and he's a master manipulator in my opinion, like a good chess player type person. I think he's a good shepherd. I appreciate everything, well, most things about him. I really do. I think he really, really has people's goodwill at heart. And he is really doing what he can for us. Not just Americans, everybody. No, the world, the world. Well, you said us, you know, us as you was. Well, us as the world. Oh, see, I wasn't thinking us as United States. I was thinking us as the world. I'm sure that he's working with so many world leaders behind the scenes. I mean, as I've said before, when I looked at Johnson-- because I hadn't been following the UK politics that much. I was so immersed in the US politics. But it looked like they would come out the same pod, you know, the hair, color, and everything else. And I really feel that Boris is working for the same-- with the same outcome in mind as Trump is. And of course, he's getting the same attacks that Trump got. You know, people in the street protesting. You know, this is not my prime minister. And this is not my government. I'm thinking this is just-- it's a bit like the mainstream media, where they all use the same phrases in the news reports. You know, it's passed down at 4am. And exactly the same keyword is being used across the whole of that fake stream media network. Well, you can see it in the UK that it's the same response to the election playing out. That we'd be so indoctrinated. And it's so bizarre that Johnson got a landslide. And they're now-- they've got a whole faction now complaining about the electoral system, just like they're trying to get rid of the electoral college. In the UK, they're trying to promote proportional representation, which is, in fact, you know, one vote, one person. And it works in a similar way in the UK where you have different constituencies. And so it's-- you know, if you elect an MP in one constituency, regardless of how many people are there, that gets carried forward into parliament. But-- so it doesn't matter if another constituency has thousands more people, it's the fact that they've won the constituency just like over here. And again, you know, there have been protests about that going on for years, actually. But, you know, it's like a mirror image of what's happened over here when Trump got elected. Well, they're using the same playbook. Yeah. And I actually think that part of the problem is that they're you-- OK, there's a thing in the-- OK, I basically think that the problem that we have with the structure of essentially the everything society is that when World War II ceased and the Americans came back from the war, there was a lot of money because of the war in industry. Everything was happening because industry had been spurned on because of the war. But the only operational organization that most of these people were familiar with was the military. And the military, you know, if you are a ruthless commander, if you are controlling your troops, if you're killing the enemy, you know, we're the one that's going to go to the top of the ranks. It is a sociopathic kind of a situation within the military. It also creates the Peter Principle because if you get to a certain point that you can't do your job, that's where you stay. You don't get relieved. That's where you stay. So a lot of, you know, ill-equipped people are in charge of certain things. But it went into industry. That's what they understood. That's what they had been, you know, new. So if you diagnose industry and you see that it's really based on the military operating concept of you go up higher and higher and higher based on how ruthless you are, how successful you are. And if you don't make a lot of money, well, then you aren't going to make it. If you make a lot of money, it's because you really weren't paying attention to the collateral damage. And that is rewarded by more money, more prestige, more rank. So when you look at, if that's what the problem is, then we have to get back and judge ourselves in a totally different way. We have to change that playbook. And the playbook now is being followed, as we call it in the military, an SOP, standard operating procedures. And what I think is happening is that the basis by which that book was written has changed. So when these people go and they do the same things in Britain as they did in the United States, it's because there is no leadership anymore. I think that there has been a vacancy of the control aspect of the organization that controls the matrix is my feeling. Probably because they know the game is up. So you've got these lesser people playing by the playbook that is now obsolete. And that's why you have, OK, we ran into a situation where we had all these FFs that weren't working because every time it happened, false flags, because every time it happened, nobody believed it, or very few people believed it. Not the people you were trying to-- and we haven't had any of those in a while, you know, because it wasn't working. And there was nobody to change the rule book. So I think that if we kind of like adjust the way that we were looking at, let's say, the battlefield, we're going to see that the higher command is left to field. And you've got a lot of little people. And that's why I say I don't think that the Congress is going to be considered anything more than a bunch of little people who were not being led anymore, because those people had left the scene. And that's why it gets farcical. Just an idea. Very possible. I mean, there's lots of talk about all these people being in Gitmo and clothes being out. And I mean, we talked in a pre-- oh, it was on your last week's "Say What" show when I posted those photographs of Hillary. I mean-- Yes. The supposed recent one looked nothing like her. About that show in those pictures. There was a picture of William. We had a conversation about-- not William Henry. What's his name? What's the-- Harry. Harry, about Harry, and about his hand indicating that he was giving the horn symbol of the Luciferian. But Malcolm Britt actually analyzed the hand and said that that is what he's actually doing because of the way that his thumb is. If the thumb is in, I think it is, then it's a Luciferian. But if it's out, it's actually a sign language sign of "I love you." And he was doing the "I love you" thing, which made me feel a lot better because I like Harry. Who doesn't like Harry? Who doesn't like Harry? You know, so I'm not going to take the picture down or the conversation down. But I do want to annotate it for anybody that is a continual listener, that Harry was not apparently giving anything other than if he even meant to do anything the sign of "I love you" in sign language. Well, that's good to know because, you know, my feeling is that William and Harry should genetically be passing on the DNA of Diana, who was obviously anti all the stuff that was going on in the royal family. And supposedly was terminated for it. There are people that still argue that she's done a JFK and that she's actually alive somewhere, but who knows. Oh, that's like that. I mean, I did see somebody put some photographs up of somebody who was supposedly Diana an older age. But it didn't look, to me, anything like her, to be honest. So I think that was perhaps wishful thinking. But she was such an advocate for so many good things, which is the antithesis of what the royals are all about. See, I think of this self-destructing thing that's happening is because they were infiltrated by Diane and others, the light energy. And yes, it would be DNA in the boys. But I don't feel her alive. I do feel her very active on the other side, still guiding her kids. Yeah, I don't feel her alive. She's still making energy effort to keep them in a place where they can survive the programming that's all around them. Yes. Well, that's a lovely thought, I must say. And it'll be interesting to see what happens with Andrew. Randy, Andy. Yeah, Randy, Andy. And there was some thing about-- I saw a news item, somebody posted it on Facebook, I think, saying that it was Andy who would arrange for Epstein to pay off what's her name. He's our ex-wife. Anyway, her DAX, which I know has been exposed before, that she received 25,000 pounds from him for Epstein to pay off her DAX. Andrew's wife? Yeah. Oh, OK. Sarah Ferguson. Oh, all right, that's right. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Lloyd, forgotten about that. Say that again, Jan. I don't understand. Who's DAX are getting paid off by who? Oh, it's going back a few years now. Sarah Ferguson, who was married to Andrew-- Yes. --and to Epstein. He got Epstein to pay off her DAX. Oh. Because she was-- I mean, there was so much going on about her after the divorce, you know, all the-- well, she was, I mean, a toes licked on a beach somewhere. And she was in a lot of financial trouble and all sorts of things. And she probably knew more than they wanted her to say. Yeah, very probably. Interesting. Well, if you think, you know, that generation and above were so embroiled with the pedophilia stuff, you know, the close connection with Jimmy Savile, who was in the inner circle. And Mount Barton was supposedly a pedophile as well. And of course, there's all this stuff about the queen. You know, these kids that disappeared from this Canadian school or whatever it was. The-- have you heard about-- now, I'm just trying to think what the name of it is. This is this common law court, the international something or other that is looking into-- The international tribunal of human rights. That's right. With all the testimonies about pedophilia and so on. And there was, you know, they were trying to arrest the pope and they convicted and the queen, probably Prince Philip as well, of, you know, satanic murder and everything else. I mean, they obviously don't have any power at the moment. But I've watched some of the videos of the witnesses testifying. And this is all going to come out. And I think, you know, it's literally going to knock people flat, the people that have been following this. Is that tribunal court thing? Is that legit? Well, it's legit in the fact that the people that are putting it on can say it's legit. Is it being-- they're dismissing it by the, you know, the mainstream is dismissing it. But when you look at just the sheer volume of testimony on so many different, they're setting the stage. They do have legal recourse. It's whether or not they can, you know, actually get the response of being, you know, accepted is this is real legal for stuff. You know, it's the same thing that happened with a 5G in that they could dismiss you. But because they've got this rule or that rule that's not a rule that anybody agreed to except like the FCC. Now, so there's a lot of court things that would have to probably be done before it would actually become a world legal situation, Dolly. That's the way I understand it. But are they presenting it in a way that could be presented to a court? Yes. It's not-- it's not woo-woo at all. The people that are involved in it are substantial. So let's just look at the 5G for a second. Because an interesting thing has happened, Jan. I don't know if I-- you might know about it. But there are two guys that were researching for a long time, the telecommunications industry. And one guy-- and I forget what his name is-- but he actually has a 400 page book that gives you the history of telecommunications that you can go to Radio 5G's last show. And that's in the archives. Go to Go to 5G. Go to the archives 5G. And you'll find that show in all the-- it'll send you to the YouTube where you can see all of the links to these people. But they're called the "eregulators" and they're lawyers. And they've actually got a court case with the District of Columbia Circuit Court. Now, this particular legal body has just overturned in two cases. Well, the first case was overturning an FCC ruling. And the second one was upholding the ruling. And so what they're doing is they're bringing a case up to this particular circuit court to make a cease and desist stipulation on the way that the telecommunications companies have been stealing from the American taxpayers. How they're doing that is how they did that was that they created-- and I'm not going to get into all the details of it-- but they created state utilities. The state utilities built wire infrastructure. And actually, we paid for fiber optics. Some of you might remember that you started getting fees for this new installation of fiber optics. They were going to place all the copper wire with fiber optics. And a lot of money was sent from our pockets under every time you paid that bill, your Comcast bill, your AT&T. Every time you-- for the communications, everything you did, the taxes were going to the state to pay for APV, going to the states to pay for the system. Well, it turns out that that system was built for the telecommunications companies. And they don't pay anything to use it. So what these people are saying is that you defrauded because you didn't build the fiber optics. You built nothing. It went to the pockets of the telecommunications people. They've got all the details on this. Very, very excellent lawyers. And so once they get the district court to really look at this thing and to stop the free pass that the telecommunications companies have on systems that we built, it's no longer economically feasible to continue with the 5G and the 4G saturation. They're going after the economy of it. Now, we'll never get paid back the money, something to the-- it's trillions of dollars that have been stolen from my pocket, your pocket, everybody's pocket. We're not going to probably get that back, but we will have a new system in there where we're not getting shammed again. And it's very exciting because, again, it's a district court of DC that has been listening to the truth. And acting on it. So there are some really, really interesting and very exciting developments that are right on the horizon. The court case is the 17th of January, I think. The beginning of it. It's going to take a while. It's going to take on companies going to be forced to actually put in the fiber optic networks, then. Well, first off, all you need to-- first off, in some cases, this is what-- this is real telling. In some cases, the fiber optic systems were put in. But then they went back and they said, we don't want these fiber optics, and they shut them down. Now, fiber optics is not a health hazard. It is cheaper to put in. It lasts much longer than copper systems, a lot less maintenance. So there's no reason you would have shut down those systems if you were seriously considering the economy of telecommunications. But unfortunately, those things weren't the kind of system that they needed for control and surveillance. And so they just shut them down. Because they were also so efficient. They make money like the Florida Power and Light. They go to the public utilities of the state of Florida. And they say to them, we just spent this last year $40 million doing this. So we need to raise the rates of the Florida taxpayers. And if you don't have any thing that you can improve on, you can't raise the tax-- you can't raise the rates. You understand? Because it's kind of a weird thing. But they have to spend in order to be able to justify rate increases. And so that's where they steal the money. And so if you've got fiber optics and you don't have to fix anything, it's like nuclear power. Nuclear power isn't there because it's more efficient. It is much less efficient. You could build-- the coal burning things make them absolutely safe for the environment. And the cost would be minimal. But nuclear sucks up so much money that they continually increase your rates. It's control. It's all control, economic control. And this is one of the ways to break that cycle is by taking back the telecommunications. But more important than even that is the fact that when they win this case, the states are going to be required to stand up. And like it was intended within the Constitution, that the power resides in the state, not the federal government. And so you're taking back the states not only rights but responsibilities to give their state a good telecommunications system that's very, very helpful and not harming. So the whole thing is very exciting. I told you you'd fix it. You won't. No, it's people that have been at this for decades. And then one of them said, the guy that wrote the book-- geez, I'm sorry about his name-- but he wrote the book and he said, you know, he said, I never thought I would see what I'm seeing. He said, 5G, just like I said, 5G is a blessing because it woke everybody up. Because they're fighting the 4G battle still, not even the 5G. But there's no way that they can put in the 5G economically without having a free pass on all this. See, OK, when you're in your house and you're on Wi-Fi, your device is talking to a Wi-Fi device. But that Wi-Fi device is linked to the system by wire, OK? So if the person that owns the Wi-Fi thingy and is sending you out your Wi-Fi charges you $200 for that aspect of it, it's because they can charge you whatever. They don't have to pay for the line that they just came in on. And that's why we keep getting zapped with these Wi-Fi-- why are these Wi-Fi things so expensive? It's a way of ripping us off. And we expect it, because we think in our delusional minds that they-- yeah, man, OK, so you got the Wi-Fi signal from the box, but you got to pay all this other stuff, all this other wire that got it there. No, you're paying for it. You know, it's just-- I hope I made myself clear, because it is so stupid that-- you go, oh, my God, it can't be this stupid. We're paying for them to screw us. There's a lot of stupid happening these days. Isn't that the story of our life? I mean, that's why Teslas, you know, discoveries and inventions were quashed, because it was going to take, you know, you can't meet a free energy. Well, absolutely, that's exactly what happened. But, you know, it goes beyond that. It's just-- I can tell you all the things that, you know-- or others, I'm not saying just me. I mean, there's a lot of people that have really understood this much better than I have. I just listened to them. But when you get to a point where you understand that it could be so easy to make it good for everybody, then you go back to the thing about, well, why are we getting screwed with? Who are these people? And that's what we're trying to pass. This is your best, you know? And we've given them the keys to the kingdom. Well, I'm taking back the keys to the kingdom, thank you. You know? I'll give you a job, you know, sweeping out the barn, and you'll be grateful for it. You could lock them in the dungeon. I don't want to lock them in the dungeon and then they're in there in the dungeon. I just want them, you know, I'm going to make you happy. Go clean out the-- you're going to find that it's going to be all right, you know? Just go clean out the barn. You're going to feel better about yourself. Because you've never cleaned out a barn. You've never-- don't tell me you know you never cleaned out a barn, you're going to find it therapeutic. Trust me. I've had some of my best experience. I know that, that's why I'm saying it. Well, you call it mucking out the barn. Yes. I laughed so hard when I heard Dolly. She's talking-- She's talking real serious stuff. And she says, one of the most amazing experience I had was mucking out the barn. I heard Dan. I thought, oh, poor Dan. She's had such a shelter to like. Oh, God, it just tickled me. Yeah. Oh, I love you, Dan. But I can understand the concept of it. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, look where Jesus was born. I used to have to muck out the barn when we were a milk and cows, I didn't think it was fun. Well, I have to say, it was my usual philosophy. I used to have my horses on full board. Full liver, as we call it in England. And then decided it was so expensive that I'd do it myself. And I didn't particularly relish the thought. But I thought, well, look at it this way. I get more time to spend around my horses. I'm getting exercise without having to pay for a gym. And I can have my iPod and my headphones and listen to all sorts of cool stuff. And I'm talking audio files of learning opportunities and decided that I was going to look at it that way. Well, that's a good way to change it for good. And make sure that where my horse is coming from the field, they've got a nice bed and they've got the hay net and everything else. And they've got some TLC. And instead of somebody who just does it, because she's paying them to do it. So I put love into everything, you know. A lot better than trying to figure out how to impeach the president of the United States, where it's to be handed to the program. Dolly, you were going to say something. We can all change our bad situations to better ones by the way we look at them. Like Janice pointed out. Yeah. 2020, the beginning of the new reality, solid and coherent. And we're going to be just invigorated with the new way of looking at life that's based on love and respect and the golden rule. And Jan, what's your website? So people can get a hold of you. The Thank you. Yeah. Dolly. And you can free down out and read all my blog posts. Yeah. Dolly, you want to say something? Well, this was an interesting conversation. I really enjoyed the whole thing. And I think we showed people that we can disagree in our thoughts and we can strongly disagree about them. And that we can agree to disagree. And that is an important lesson. Absolutely. I think especially with the days we have now and coming ahead, we got to learn we can agree to disagree. It's OK if somebody doesn't think exactly the way we think. It's OK. So that's all I have. Well, I'll point out that if you just assume that I'm right, you'll save yourselves a lot of time. Have a great day. It's all for this. I love you guys. I love you, Dolly. I love you, Jan. Bye-bye. And everybody out there, thank you. Thank you so much for your listening and your support. And I don't know-- yeah, we got Kristia, as far as I know, she'll be with us next week. So that'll be between 2019 and 2020. A Merry Christmas, everybody. Yes. Happy, happy, Hanukkah, or just have a good holiday season. And don't get carried away buying gifts unless it's Chungite. See you next time. Be safe. Bye, thanks. [MUSIC PLAYING] Say what? Say what radio show? With no agenda, it's always a surprise. But if we're not having fun, we're doing something wrong. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)