Cosmic Reality Podcast

COSMIC REALITY 7/24/24 - Tucker, Bongino, Cheatle, Harris, Biden

Cosmic Reality Radio Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Walt Silva and Dolly Howard discussing Biden stepping down to audio clips on the shooting updates from Dan Bongino and Tucker Carlson at RNC Free PDF, Cosmic Reality Free PDF, 911 Crusade

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at *NANCY'S BOOKS https://

2h 0m
Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
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Cosmic Reality Radio Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Walt Silva and Dolly Howard discussing Biden stepping down to audio clips on the shooting updates from Dan Bongino and Tucker Carlson at RNC

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Free PDF, 911 Crusade

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at

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[Music] Welcome to the Cosmic Reality Radio Show, where our hearts are our master. A production of Cosmic [Music] And welcome to Cosmic Reality for July 23rd, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins, with me is Dolly Howard and Walt Silva. Hi, Walt. Good evening, boss. Good evening, Chief. Good evening, Sheriff. Dolly, are you here? Excuse me. Yep, I'm here. Good evening, everybody. So, I don't even know where to start. You know, even the people on the television set, the talking heads, they're saying like, "My God, this has been such a packed full week or so, two weeks, three weeks." I don't know, of just one thing after the other. And for those that I'm sure you guys know that Biden has stepped down. Nobody knows where he is. Well, no, he showed up in Washington just before the show started. Well, not just before, but an hour or so ago. He flew into Washington. Well, I guess he was getting on the plane in Delaware. And I'm not sure if he was getting on a plane or getting off, but the reporters were yelling at him. You know, like, "Where have you been? Why did you leave us with Kamala?" "Duy, what do you want to be saying about her?" And of course he just like, "Huh, huh, huh?" And kept sort of walking. But I wished I had real, you know, paid more attention to it because I wanted to see his walk. That's the thing that, to me, is the telltale sign that this is not the same guy from place to place because sometimes he's walking fine and sometimes he's not. And I just didn't, it was a short clip and I didn't get that. I don't know who it is that might have shown up in the Biden outfit. But no, he showed up, well, it doesn't mean the other stories are not true. It just means that the new narrative. Now we have to ask, would you version this Biden one, two, or three? I don't think it matters. Well, something new for everyone. This is the very first time ever that people have been subjected to true truth. For the first time, they've seen news that's based on truth. It's amazing. That's why everyone is so shocked because they never experienced true truth at any time because people have been used to lies all their life ever since they were babies. So for the first time to be exposed to truth about something is like, what is this? Is this true? Oh my God, this is what truth feels like. I never heard it. I've never seen it. I've never felt it. Cook, pinch me. I don't know. What are you talking about that is supposed to be truth? Well, for example, all the things that are coming out on the public are based on truth. For example, the people and the ones that are supposed to be reporting news, they're starting to report the truth now, something unheard of. You're behind. They were telling the truth maybe two days ago. They're not telling the truth anymore. Because that's what we say. It goes back and forth so damn fast that it's like, the problem was is that they got into the situation where they needed to be the actors that are saying, "Oh my God, the President has dementia. Oh my God, we had no idea. Oh my God, what are we going to do about it? He must leave." See, they were setting the narrative where he must leave. They went on this bandwagon about how upset they were. That lasted no exaggeration. It didn't even last for 36 hours before they started to, "Oh, well, we can go with Kamala," and then there was this timeframe, "Correct me if I'm wrong, Dolly," but there was this timeframe where it was like, "We could go with Kamala, or we could go with this one or that one." And I didn't know any of them except the Michigan governor who was, well, Dolly and I will talk about Dolly mostly. We'll talk about that in a bit, but all these people that were supposedly could go against her and maybe it wouldn't be Kamala. Yeah, they now need to rip several passes with the cards on Kamala and she kept getting negative. And she says the last thing that she said is that she won't last. She'll be there for a little bit, but she won't last. Well, that's what actually, that's what a lot of the pundits, the political pundits are saying on Fox. I Trump is saying it too, basically. But what they're basing it on is their experience with her in the past. She ran for President of the United States under the Democratic primaries, okay, and we've gone through this where they have to be nominated by a given party so they, all the party members that want to play, they run against each other and then last man or a woman standing is the one that becomes the nominee. So when she did this back in 20, she had to bow out before the Iowa caucuses, which is like everybody gets to at least the Iowa caucuses, but not her. Now when she announced in California that she was going to run for president, they said that she had I think they said 20,000 people showed up, maybe it was 2,000, because I get confused with Trump's numbers, but it was a large crowd. It was the biggest crowd that anybody had seen for somebody that was running for president. And she hardly got a boat, it was less than 0.01%, I think it was some weird thing, and she couldn't even make it to the Iowa caucuses. But when she started out, just like what's happening now, oh she's so talented, she looks to the part, she's got the genetics, you know, everything is going to be fine, and then she started talking. Now in the first debate, and I didn't watch the first debate, but I heard what Trump said, and he said that, you know, well, that Kamala Harris, she's kind of impressive. So in the first debate, apparently she did quite well, because I saw reports that she had won the debate, you know, and after that it was all flame out. So what they're thinking is it's going to be the same thing, you know, that she's going to flame out, but I don't think this is the same Kamala. And she's got the same glider. Well, yesterday she went over to the Democratic headquarters for the campaign that's in Delaware, because that's where he always lives in Delaware. And so she went over there, and I know, I mean, I couldn't handle this woman, and he didn't really see her, you know, oh, Kamala's talking, everybody stopped and listened to her and stuff. All I'd get is these soundbites that made her sound terrible, but she was pretty impressive. Now when I'm watching this stuff, I kind of like slip out of being an observer. And I kind of try to get my mind in the mind of what a Democrat would see versus a Republican. And being, you know, looking at it from the Democratic side, it was, oh, President Biden called in, they all love each other, kissy, kissy, kissy, and everybody's going to just march on. And that's why I was taking opposition to your concept of truth. We might see the truth as being something, but they see the truth as something totally different. They don't know what it is. Even when they're told the truth, it's not like, well, you know, hey, listen, she covered up providing, you know, he's been out to lunch since he started. Well, no, now that they don't see that, that's dismissed because now Kamala is going to save the party. So they're all blinder. I mean, all these, all these people that were, you know, bringing all the drinks and all the music. So she's going to save the party. And again, you know, she, she, well, they're saying she may, maybe it was, I don't know, but she has enough boats right now from the delegates that will vote for who they want to be the nominee. She has enough boats to get it in any way. So it's sort of, it's virtually almost a lock in at this point because whatever happens, I mean, yes, the delegates, I suppose, could change their minds, but they're not, they don't have any, any options, let's put it that way, the people that they were citing that could, you know, replace her. Well, the Michigan governor, the governor of Pennsylvania, I think the North Carolina governor, they all said, no, we're not going to, but we're not going to run against her. We're behind Kamala. So the very people that they were looking to maybe save the party, of course, you know, in the end, it could be Newsome. He could, he could, he hasn't said anything. I don't want to be said it. I haven't heard it, but you know, it could be Newsome. He could be ushered in or maybe Hillary, maybe the killer will come back. You know, so there's, there's this stuff, but that stuff is coming from the Republican side and alternative thinkers. It's not coming from the Democrats. But when I was, I was reading that I was looking at the show were John Claude and Janine are talking about this. And at one point, they brought a clip, a video clip where there's a man that he's heavy said and he's got gray hair, and he's, he's supposed to be a big player. He is a heavy, heavy hitter. He find he's the one who gathers donations for the, for the candidates. So they haven't quoting what, what that he's not going to be doing donations for Kamala. So he says, I'm not going to be doing, I'm not gathering the donations for her. So he out, he does out right, giving her the, the, oh, are you talking about John Morgan? I think he got any guy. I don't know. But he was not, he's not in favor of gathering donations to help her. Well, yeah, but he was the only one in the last 24 hours or something. They've got like a hundred and fifty million dollars in donations. Oh, wow. Yeah. Donations are no problem right now. It's all for Harris. Nobody knows because like I say, the people that have seen her out there before, they're waiting for her to fall on her sword, but I don't think it's the same girl. So I don't know what this ploy is. You know, you had to kind of look at her and go, what is she all about? Because Trump put out with within hours, Trump had an ad out there saying, Kamala knew that Biden could not do the job. So she did it, implying she's the one behind the throne. Oh, she's the woman behind the king. I don't watch TV anymore. Mary's the one. She's in there now talking about it. She's the one that knows up on all the stuff. I'm really not. I'm up on what Mary tells me. I didn't even know Biden had made him step down until Mary told me last night, I think it was. Oh, maybe I should turn it TV on. I'm reading what Mary said here. Let me get it up here. Oh, gee, I forget she's a real talker. But she's not on the, she's not on the radio chat, is she? Yes. Yes. Oh, okay, all right, so let me read it. I will bet the Trump card will be when Kamala allows China to attack Taiwan. And literally we will be in World War three. And it wouldn't surprise me if there's an attack on the USA. This is when the sheep will really wake up and they will vote for Trump. The one always saying he will stop all the wars before he is even in the White House. Yes, he has said that Obama is behind the throne. Well, you know, we got to go every time this happens and Obama gets brought back into the stage. Yeah, you remember that we did that weird show with he's the Antichrist. And for those people that didn't hear that show, it was somebody who had done the research and basically in the revelations discussion of the Antichrist and coming down to the light and everything, if you take the original language and you get the original spelling, it says Barack Obama is the Antichrist. And I mean, it was impressive the way she did it. And you look at that and you go and Obama was buried somebody or other and changed his name to Barack Obama. That's the chance that somebody that fits the description of the Antichrist, I'm trying to remember exactly what it was, but it was a very well-known world personality. Somebody that I think it said that people think that it says that they were gay, homosexuals. The whole bunch of other things that fit the bill for Obama. And on top of that, he chooses the name like Barack Obama that in the ancient, ancient language, if you were to read the letters that is in that particular segment of revelations, it says Barack Obama. Barry Satoros, I've always called the mom of the Antichrist, but it may also possibly be Prince William. But the one thing that I know is on several of her card tosses, she keeps getting, Janique keeps getting that, there will be no election, at least not in the print, not by November because she said that according to the cards, there's a lot of clean up to be done. So an election is going to be, they're going to stand by on it until they can do a real election. If I could get my hands around your throat, I'd chuck-choke you. I don't want to wait anymore to hear Walter, don't make me wait anymore, let's get this thing home. Trump is going to be, rule is going to be calling the shots. So as long as he's the one in charge, I don't care who's calling, making the rules and calling the shots, at least he's the one who's making the, making the big decisions. Well, we'll see what happens. But it's, I don't know. So our friend in the chat room, Mary, nobody, I've always called the mom of the Antichrist, but it also must be maybe possible, Prince William, Kenyon, he was brought up Kenyon by well, well, Robin Kenyon that brought up by Indonesian man and his mother was Fuddy, the last name Fuddy, Loretta Fuddy. The one that found his birth certificate and why but managed to be killed in a plane crash, right? Yeah. And Obama was farmed by the CIA as was his mother, Loretta Fuddy, well, born in Kenya. Yeah. Trump was right. This guy, you know, show me his birth certificate. I remember when they all thought he was crazy because he was demanding the birth certificate Obama before he became president. That never made any sense. No, that birth certificate thing was just a real bad BS, you know, I don't remember the details, but it was like, no, that's not a real one. What are you talking? I never understood how someone who was not even born here gets chosen president of this country. Well, that's what Trump was saying. He's not an American. By birth. You have to be an American by birth to be a president. Yeah. And that's why he was pointing to the birth certificate because it was like there's a birth certificate that is called whatever and why when you're born in the hospital, but then that gets transferred to some, you know, registration of birth or something. That's another document and they kept pointing to this other document. Nobody ever made the birth certificate appear as best as I can remember. Yeah. So I saw a thing where Obama was talking to a room of people and he was telling them, I never should have been president because I wasn't born here and my parents weren't here either. And here's a copy of my real birth certificate and he showed them a copy of his real birth certificate, but I didn't, I didn't pay close enough attention to think, oh, I should copy that and paste it somewhere. So I have it for future reference, but I can do it. So I can't prove what I'm saying is what I saw. But that's what I saw. Mary says he's not a Christian, he's a Muslim. Yes, he said that too. And he's not straight, he's gay. Oh, well, we all know that. Yeah, he lied about everything and brought disgust to the world with transgender agenda in the pedophile files. It's a real sick world, except well, half of it. We had an interesting lady on today, Michelle Martin, and she definitely painted a picture that there was a break in the world, you know, like the world coming apart into two halves, and that you've got the people on one side that are believing one reality and the people on the other side that are believing another reality. And I do agree with her on a philosophical standpoint that we definitely have a break in the population. What's crazy about it is if you look at these polls, it's all about 50 people. It's all about 50, 50. And you look at, you say 50% of the world believes this garbage, I think no. I think that there's a massive change out there that the polls can just not capture. As I don't know about the rest of you, but somebody asked me Warren Bolton for it's none of their damn business. I don't ever answer those questions, and it's not because I'm, well, I don't want them to know. You know, my feeling is, is if you don't know how many of us are out there, then you're going to make a mistake because, I mean, if you look at the numbers that Trump really got in 2020, and yes, it was stolen. The documentation proving it was stolen in so many different ways. But it wasn't like it was not 2 million people out there. Well, it probably was 2 million people that they changed the voting for in one way or another, or it was, you know, the ballots were all dead people. But the key here is that 50% of the people that are out there is not what it is. I don't, I just don't feel it. I feel people waking up or getting so be befuddled by everything that they've just tuned out. Either way, it's going to work for our guys because if you tune out, you don't have your energy going into setting a reality, you know. Yeah, Mary saying, Mary, you should come on the show here. She says, yes, he's gay, and his wife has a bigger one than him. Oh, I didn't say that, I'm just reading. If Q is right, they say that there will be 4 to 6% that will never wake up, and until about 80% of the people wake up, then the truth will not be fully exposed. Sadly, it's taking a lot longer than expected, and only 40% of the truth will be revealed to us. They claim that if the whole truth was revealed, that 90% or 99% can't recall exactly would be hospitalized. Well, you know, and then you've got to look at the concept of how many of the background people are out there. I mean, I don't think that there's very many players, and I think that there's a lot of background players. So those figures might be right if you include the background players, but I don't think that there's too many background players. I just don't. I mean, you know, that there's more background players than we think. Nancy, you better explain to the people what you mean by background players, because we've got newer people too, and they haven't heard those segments. Well, background people are, it's something that Dolores Cannon mentioned. She's an extraordinary lady, connected in so many ways, and down the woo-woo rabbit hole for many decades, and wrote, I don't know, probably close to 20 books. And in their last tour she was doing, she said, "I don't know enough about this subject to really give you a lot of detail because I'm just trying to understand it myself." And she started talking about background people, and that she was being led to believe that there were all these people that aren't really souls. They're not spirits, that they're just players, or none, none. What is it? In the games, it's a non-something player. Oh, you mean the non-player characters, it's when in a game situation you have characters that are in the game, but they don't play anything, like for example, somebody selling fruit in the corner, they're not part of the storyline, they're not part of the game. Well, when she said that to me, it was like, "Oh my God, I understand exactly what she's saying." And I've told this story before, but it's like one of those, "Oh my goodness, what in the heck?" It was, I believe it was 2018. And there was a whole series of events, like I got a $3,000 check from an insurance company for some accident, I couldn't even hardly remember. And the vet was able to take the animals, the dogs over Thanksgiving weekend, and I could get an airplane ticket on the busiest airport day of the year, the day before, so there were all these real synchronicities that were very strange to me as they were happening. But it gave me the money and the opportunity to go up for Thanksgiving in Massachusetts. So I get to the Fort Lauderdale airport and I parked the car with a car parking place and I got on a van and went over there, you know, and I get off of it. And as I was walking in, I was detecting, something's not right, but I was focused on getting myself in there and going through the whole rigamore thing. And you know, so that's what I was focusing on. But I went through the outer doors and then I went through the inner doors. And as I got through the inner door, I stopped. I was stunned because there was nobody inside the building. This is the busiest terminal in Fort Lauderdale airport and there was no customers whatsoever, not a one, just me. The employees were there. The employees were there. They were all at their desks, right? So I very slowly and me quickly walked up to this one desk and I said to the woman, I said, "Is this the day before Thanksgiving?" And she looked at me and she said, "Is it the spooky? We don't know where the people are." And you know, okay, and she takes them, the bag and all that other stuff, right? And then I go to the bathroom in the same area of the terminal and I go in there and I come out and as I walk through the door, there was a hundred thousand people there. I'm not exaggerating. So I mean, it was like, what just happened? And I had no idea until I've heard what Canon was saying, the Lord's, background people. And she actually used in describing it. She said the way they showed it to me was that when you go to an airport, you're meant to be the only real person in there. Everybody else might be a background person. How would you know? And when she said that, all of a sudden I'm back in the Fort Lauderdale airport going like, "Oh my God, what's happening?" So I have understood the concept of background people. But as we go down this rather strange voyage we're doing, the concept is easier and easier to understand. There's not that many players that are actually active players. I don't know what it means. I keep going back to the cosmic reality rules. And there is a rule, don't remember which number it is. There is a finite number of souls, which makes a lot of sense. Because you suppose that every single person that is born and we started out with a few dozen people and now we're at how many billion people over here, do you think that there's a new soul that's created for every one of those people? Oh hell no. We're talking incarnations. But can you have many, many different versions of a lifetime or of an experience in a time frame? Let's put it that way. At the same time, for all I know, we're all from the same spirit and we're just different aspects of that spirit. So who's the background players? Well the background players are people that are not putting energy into the change to the new reality, in my opinion, because you can't take the old reality much further out. They're going to blow themselves up in a nuclear exchange. That's what, I mean, that's what we knew about Hillary. She had been elected president, you know, in three months we would have all been dead. So it's a stark kind of like simplification of the game. There's people that want to destroy the world and there's people that want to create a world that's based on love and joy and blessings. And you know, who's going to win? Well, that explains the differences that this one, the lion woman with interviewed by Michael Salah. Right. Right. Yeah. This is the third, this is the third going around of this and this time they're not going to, the bad ones are not going to win. They've already destroyed two worlds, not the third one. Well, it takes me back to Anastasia and the bringing cedars of Russia. She said that she would talk about this too, is that we're going around the sun, but we're also going around as a solar system around the black sun that's in the galaxy. And at certain places, certain things, certain energies are available for really fast learning and advancement and other places is sort of like, we're going to sit here and be here for a while. So there's this continual cycle and she said that every time that human beings begin to get a sense of awareness about their spiritual connection and that the body is like a vehicle for the spirit and they get to the same spot or a very similar spot and they would make the same mistake and it would start all over again. But she said something happened in 2020 that changed everything and nobody is, I've never seen that answer. What happened? You know, but she gives us a demarcation point of 2020 and that's the moment 2020, I think it was December, it was Christmas time. That's when I jumped timelines. My guides came to me and they said, we have to ask you to jump timelines and I'm going like, well, why would I want to do that? They promised that I would win and I said, well, well, I save everybody and they hesitated and they said, yeah, kind of thing. That's another reason that I suspect that they were talking about, you will save those people that are connected to the higher spirits because there's a bunch of background people but they certainly weren't going to get into that conversation with me at that time. But it ties in with, and I was not the only one that made the timeline change. Kristia Cumming-Slack knows that she did, we've talked about it, but I am the storyteller. So they tell me, well, this is what's going to happen and you're going to do it and then you're going to be able to tell people what happened, okay. And that's basically what I'm doing now is that we are on a different timeline than has ever been set up before and I go back to the shooting of Trump that when that happened and he was not killed, that set this advanced timeline into becoming the dominant timeline. Have you heard, I'm sorry to, I don't want to interrupt you, is that you always talk about this lady, have you heard anything from this lady, was it Starfire Tower or something? No, and you know, every time it comes up, I think I got to look at Starfire Tower and then I never do, so something's stopping me from pursuing that. But she's the one that she works with timelines, that's why Walt thought about her. And she was the one that in the 2016 election, she has this, I mean, I listened to her for years, I followed her on Facebook, but I hardly understood her science. The only thing I understood is that she would say, this is happening and so this is what you're going to feel and she was right when she was describing different energies and what you were going to be feeling and stuff. She was pretty near always, I felt, yeah, she's talking about what I'm feeling. So I believe she has, you know, really good information and what happened was that she basically said, every time she would do a timeline with Hillary winning, it was three months nuclear war. When she did for Trump, it was like, if he wins, there's going to be turmoil and chaos, but it's the thing that is needed at the time. So she told her, she had, she had probably 10,000 people at the time on Facebook. She had already gone over the, I think it's 5,000 people in a group and she had to start a second group. She ended up doing a third group, but I think she was still only in the two when this went down. And so she went to her people and she said, what's the qualities of the person that you want to be President of the United States? Not Hillary or Trump, the qualities that you would want. And so then she got a, you know, put them all together and said, okay, I want you to now focus on this. You know, the person who becomes the next leader of the United States this 2016 will have these qualities and Trump won. But Trump won definitely the night of the election, there was a timeline shift. I mean, we get to intermission and I'm sitting here listening to the, you know, break music and all of a sudden it was, there was a shift in the house, it was like, and I mean, I was glad I was sitting down because I've been standing up, I might have tipped over. It was the most dramatic timeline change I've ever seen. And so we get back on the air and prior to that, Trump had been losing, losing, losing, and after that all he did was win. And it was to me a very, very, I can't, I can't give you any other explanation than it was a timeline shift. But now the timeline that we came here to, of course, Dolly's been on it for her whole life, poor Dolly. We came to save her, I tell her. I believe it. Huh? I believe it. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, I believe we both saved me. Yeah. So we're in the right spot, that's, you know, just basically truth. And you know what I want to do right now is I want to play, it's about 12 minutes. But it's Tucker Carlson's speech to the RNC. Because I think once you hear it, you'll, you'll kind of get the feeling of what was being felt at the RNC convention. And what I think is closer to where we're at, then a lot of other, I mean, he's pretty good at what he does. So here we go. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome journalist, author, and American citizen, Tucker Carlson. So fun. Thank you. Oh, this is wild. Thank you. I've been good to see you. Thank you. I feel like I know about half the people in the room. This is wild. What are you doing? Justin' well. Thank you guys. Can I just say, Peter Navarro is back. Welcome to Peter Navarro suffering the faith that has happened to so many who are friends with Donald Trump. Thank you for having me. I have been to many conventions. I've never been to a more fun convention or a convention with better vibes. They literally let Navarro out of prison. First of all, thank you. This feels a lot different from what I thought it was going to feel like. I can't hear you, but I know it's something good. So I watched the video of what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania about 15, 50 times. I think I was one of about 8 billion people around the world who watched it. And the more I watched it, the more it struck me that everything was different after that moment. Everything. This convention is different. The nation is different. The world is different. Donald Trump is different. He stood up after being shot in the face, bloodied, and put his hand up. I thought at that moment, that was a transformation. This was no longer a man. I think that. I think it was divine intervention, but the effect that it had on Donald Trump, he was no longer just a political party's nominee or a former president or a future president. This was the leader of a nation. And I think there's a difference. I've spent most of my life in Washington, where the president is at the top of the pyramid ever wants to be the president. But if you think about it in the presidency, it comes with great power, obviously. But if you think about it, that is a title that is bestowed by a process of some sort that can be subverted. And in the end, it does not confer by itself, as no title does, legitimacy. Because you call yourself the president, doesn't mean that much inherently. I can call my dog the CEO of Hewlett Packard, it doesn't mean she is. It's true. And you hate to say it, but it is also true is a fact that you could take, I don't know, a mannequin, a dead person and make him president. If you... No, you could. You could. I'm just saying theoretically possible. With enough cheating, that could happen. But being a leader is very different. It's not a title. It's organic. You can't name someone a leader. A leader is the bravest man. That's who the leader is. That is true in all human organizations. This is a law of nature, and in that moment, Donald Trump months before the presidential election became the leader of this nation. That was the most obvious to me. And I have to say, you know, I think it changed him. I, you know, reached out to Trump within hours of it that night, and when he said to me that night, having just been shot in the face, he said not a single word about himself. He said only how amazed he was and how proud he was of the crowd, which didn't run. And I thought two things. The first thing I thought was, well, of course they didn't run. His courage gave them heart. A leader's courage gives courage to his people. And the second thing I thought was this is the selfish guy I've been hearing about for nine years, really, not a word about himself, about his people, period. And the second thing I noticed, which I don't think anyone has remarked upon in public, but I'm just going to, since I've run the script, like why not, is that he turned down the most obvious opportunity in politics to inflame the nation after being shot, to inflame the nation, which is an opportunity that almost every other politician I've ever met and certainly his opponents would have taken instantly. And they would have said, well, what is this? How did he get shot? Like, how did this happen? And those are real questions that we have to get to the bottom of. But in the moments, the days, the week after the shooting, he did not say that. He did his best to bring the country together. And I thought, this is the divisive figure, this is the irresponsible person, no. This is the most responsible unifying behavior of a leader I think I've ever seen. So the question is, where is he leading us? And I could go on for hours, but let me just sum it up. I do think the entire point from the famous escalator ride nine years ago until today of Donald Trump's public life has been to remind us of one fact, which is a leader's duty is to his people, to his country, and to no other. That's the point. That's the only point. And another word for this is democracy, democracy in case you're a little sick of being beaten in the face with democracy on television, actual democracy is the proposition that the citizens of a country own that country. They're not renters, they're not serfs, they're not slaves, they're the owners of the country. And for that to be true, their leaders have to represent them, which is another way of saying they have to do what the people want them to do, or a close approximation thereof. But if they completely ignore what people want, not just one year, but generationally, say for 50 years, that maybe I don't know what, it's not a democracy. And so I think the entire Trump project paradoxically, he's attacked as an enemy of democracy is to return democracy to the United States. Hey, let's pay attention to what people actually want. And the lack of interest in that question in Washington is something that ultimately drove me out of the city after 35 years. Lawmakers stepping over the prostrate bodies of their fellow citizens, Odeing on drugs, to go cast a vote to send money to some foreign country. Yeah, actually, we've lost more Americans from drugs in the past four years than we lost in World War II, yeah, our bloodiest war, more than we lost in World War II. Does anybody care? It is pathetic. It is pathetic. And do you hear a single word from Washington about doing anything in it? We know where the drugs are coming from. We know the supply routes. The US military spent billions bombing the Ho Chi Minh Trail. You don't see our commander-in-chief suggesting that we use our military to protect our country or the lives of its citizens, no, that's for Ukraine. And it's too much actually, it's too insulting. It's too insulting. It's a middle finger in the face of every American. It's a very clear statement, which is unmistakable. And that is, we don't care about you. And Donald Trump, whatever you say about him, and I think he's a wonderful person. I know him well. By the way, the funniest person I've ever met in my life, actually, you can't be funny without perspective or without empathy, which is true. But everything else about Trump aside, he actually cares. Because he's interested in the people who live here, because that's his job. A father's job, his duty, is to his family, an officer's duty is to his men, a president's duty is to his citizens. And he seems to be the only one who thinks that. And in his choice for vice president, J.D. Vance, he's made that really clear. J.D. Vance, I'll say this about him, is a thoroughly decent man, and I'll just admit it a friend of mine, one of the very few politicians in Washington who actually is very close to his own wife, which is wonderful to see. And she's wonderful, actually. But J.D. Vance has views that are closer to Trump's voters than anyone else in Washington in office. Therefore, he is the vice president. That's called democracy. So I will stop at just one point. And that is what's happened over the past month since the debate. And particularly on Saturday in Butler, I think a lot of people are wondering, what is this? This doesn't look like politics. Something bigger is going on here. I think even people who don't believe in God are beginning to think, well, maybe there's something to this, actually. And I'm starting to think, I'm starting to think it's going to be okay, actually. I do think that. And the day after the midterm elections in 2018, Antifa came to my house. The Democratic Party's militia, okay? I was at work. It was obvious when I was at work, because it was public. My wife was home alone. They tried to come in through the front door. They terrorized her. She hid in her pantry. It was untelligible. It was horrible, actually. It was not whining about it. It wasn't getting shot in the face, but it wrecked our day. The next morning, we're lying in bed, and the phone rings for my wife, and it's Donald Trump, who's not like a regular text buddy of Donald Trump's. She picks it up. Hello? Susie is Donald Trump. And it's coming through. I can hear it. You know, I'm lying in bed. Oh. And the first thing he says is, I'm going to stay in guard outside your house. And she goes, oh, it's so nice. And he says, I'll never forget this as long as I live. He says, you know, there's a lot of hate out there. And she said, you know, there is, Mr. President. And then he says, but there's a lot of love. There's a lot of love. And we are seeing that love. I don't think it's human love. And I'll just stop with this. I'm not always convinced that I'm on the right side. I've been on the wrong side many times. You'll never hear me say, I'm on God's side, or God's with me, or even I'm with God. I want to be. Not sure I am. But I will say this unequivocally and conclusively, God is among us right now. And I think that's enough. God bless you. So that was our friend Tucker Carlson. I love him. Yeah, what I specifically love about him is that he admits that he had fallen for the BS. And so watching him, particularly when he came over Fox and seeing him evolve into a person who has been down the rabbit hole and has managed to come up to tell everybody else about it. It's a very real, real, real story. I mean, Fox fired him and now he's probably, he never, I don't think he ever lost his audience, but he's changing the way that he interacts with him. So I really appreciated that. No, it's Mary saying Trump usually says Biden is shot and points to his own right temple, his own temple with his hand as if it's a gun. But the rally just before the shooting, he actually told us that Biden was shot 25 years ago, really, very interesting. And I've never heard Trump say something that isn't or doesn't become the truth. He dropped so many truths in his rallies. I'm surprised he was given a visa into Australia. I think, oh, I think she's talking about Tucker. I think our lefty government was too busy pushing their tranny agenda to notice. I went to see Tucker last month. He was brilliant. He actually gets larger audience after leaving Fox. That's Mary talking to us again. Yeah, I listen to his speech, well, at least a speech that he gave in Australia, very impressive. So yeah, but I think he, you know, the crowd behind him and stuff that you heard, these people were having a good time. And every once in a while, somebody will, you know, reporter, opinion person will come out and say, let's just not forget, oh, I know it was his doctor. I think it's Dr. Ronnie Johnson, is that right? But he was Trump's doctor. And then he became a, I think he's a congressman, he might be a senator, I'm not really sure. And he was on talking about the shooting. And it was, it just, it's less than a quarter of an inch difference. Let's say a half an inch between being alive and being able to continue with his mission and having his head blown off in the middle of television land. It's just so stunning. And we can't forget that we dodged a bullet when Trump did. And they'll say, we may never have gotten over what would have happened. And I agree, I don't know that we would have gotten over it. It would have been just absolutely devastating. But it didn't happen. And that's the point. We have to, I've taken, I've said this before, but I've taken to saying to people that are still, you know, following the Democratic loophole. If you still, if you believe in God and you still hate Trump, maybe you should reconsider because, you know, that was not, I mean, unless you believe in, he was really lucky. Well, gosh, I hope you can define what luck is, you know, luck is when you're walking with God, in my opinion. What's she saying now? Okay, that night, it was the first time I felt I could be me with Tucker. She's saying that that night that she saw Tucker in Australia was, she felt she could be me. I knew everyone there was awake. I felt so alone for years, it was a beautiful feeling. They would have liked that I believe Trump was sent to us by God. He will be protected. He is on a mission. God wins in the end. And that sentiment, Ani Avadisim, believes very strongly that the United States was set up by God. And when she gets into why, it's very profound because we don't think about or realize or even know that prior to the United States and its constitution, everybody on the face of the earth was subjugated to some king, noble or some madman leader. Freedom of the individual, sovereignty of the individual was not a concept understood at all. And yet you get this bunch of people that decide they want to be free from England, which has got the biggest military in the world. They managed to win the Revolutionary War and to create a document that for the first time ever, well, in known history, had put the individual paramount to anything else. It's the people, they don't... There's something that you should know about that particular time about the Revolutionary War and everything that happened. In that time, that historical time, 300 years in the past, for 300 years, there was an agreement, I don't know in particular who the agreement was with what groups were involved in it, but for 300 years, earth was left alone. They were left to take care of their own stuff with nobody else. I don't know if they made an agreement with the Anunnakis or some of the reptivians or some of the... However, they came about it. They got 300 years where there would be no alien intervention with the affairs of man on earth. After that 300 years or over, the aliens were back to business, back to ruling and calling the shots. That's why after they founded the United States, they went back to business. That's why the cabal has been in force for so long, because after they proved that the humans want to be free, they went back to business, and that's why they got pushed out now for the last time. That's why Michael Summers speaks about all the aliens have been kicked out of the planet, because they want the people on earth, they want to be free, and they can't be free if you still have these guys calling the shots. That's why the cabal were so afraid when the bosses were kicked out, because who's going to tell us what to do now? Well, I'm glad they're off planet, but the evil is still here. Unfortunate. It really is just taking off the false clothing and showing you what's underneath. Let's take a break here and welcome back to the Cosmic Reality Show of July 23, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins with me as Walt Silver and Dolly Howard. Mary asked when I was talking about the break, the Nissam Dorma, Walt, I'm not sure I pronounce that right, and that's the song that was played at the end of the Republican convention. It's an opera, and apparently it was used in the Some of All Fears movie to backdrop the, I guess I haven't seen the movie, but to backdrop the demise of the bad guys that were overcome in the movie. What's the translation of the words, I guess it's Latin, Nissam Dorma, but I don't know what it means, what do they want to translate, you know, what the words are? Well I can't tell you that, but I believe Jan talked about that when she was covering it. So I will try to remember to pick up this particular song, and at least we'll have it in the playlist so that when Mary or Jan comes, we shall not sleep. Oh, that's what she, see, Mary is really, really very good, she should be on the show. She's saying that I believe that the definition of Walt is we shall not sleep. Let no one sleep, there is an area from the final act of Giacomo Puccini's opera, Turando, and one of the best known tenors there is in the opera, it is sung by Calaf Il Precipe Notto, the unknown principal, who falls in love at first sight with the beautiful but cold Princess Turando, anyone who wishes to wait Turando must first answer her three riddles. If he fails, he will be headed. In the area, Calaf expresses his triumphant assurance that he will win the Princess, although Nissum Dorma had long been a staple of operatic recycles, Luciano Pavarotti popularized the piece beyond the opera world in the 1990s, following his performance of it for the 1990 FIFA World Cup, which captivated a global audience. South Pavarotti and Placio Domingo released singles of the area, with Pavarotti's region number two in the UK. They were part of the three terms thing, so it's an area, it's a very famous area. Well, they were saying that this was Trump's way of saying to the dark side, "Get ready to say goodbye." That's why it's, you know, it's very powerful in so many ways. So I will get that song and I will have it, or tell me I forgot it. Okay, so Dolly, do you want to look at your list and see what we want to talk about? I also have just about 12 minutes itself of Dan Banjino, who was a Secret Service aide, and he's also now a very successful podcaster, but he goes over some of the problems with the shooting. So I've got that, you want me to play that now? One of the things is that the head of the Secret Service, what's her name, Cheat somebody? Somebody Cheat? Kim Chittle? Chittle? Yeah, she did resign today because she was in front of, oh my God, the hearing that they had in the Congress in Washington, D.C., yesterday with her, was without a doubt the most unbelievable BS I have ever seen because the woman would not answer a question. She's the head of the Secret Service. She could not answer questions like, "Well, how many people did you have on the Secret Service detail?" I can't answer that. It's an ongoing investigation. Do you think you walked alone? Can't answer that. Every question, I don't think she answered one except what her name was. So everything was classified? I think she couldn't talk about it because it was an ongoing investigation. And yet, they, the people in the asking of the questions, the Congress, and it was Republicans and the Democrats. It started out with the Democrats actually asking her at one point. Do you think that the reason that the president was almost killed was because of an AR weapon? I mean, it's like they were after the, oh, right from the beginning, I mean, in the opening statement, "Oh, it's the gun. It's the gun." And I was like, "Oh my God, I can't watch this. This is going to be so awful." But by the very shortly into it, they stopped talking about that because they could not believe that she wouldn't answer the most basic, did the Secret Service have a drone in the air that day? I can't answer that, it's an ongoing, but it was, I've never seen anything like it. I don't know why she, well, she was speaking and she was forced to go there. And Democrats and Republicans alike said, "Lady, you need to resign. You need to resign." And so today she did. And we'll see if that's not going to change anything as far as I'm concerned. But all right, we're going to thank you. Thank you, it was not supposed to answer those questions, correct? The only thing stopping her was herself, she's the head of the Secret Service. There was no written rule that she couldn't answer the basic questions that the Congress was asking her, everybody knew what the answers to the questions were. And she wouldn't answer them. I mean it was stupid. Maybe the answer was different, it was supposed to be a different answer and then she was not allowed to... Yeah, not every question, not every question. How many people did you have in the detail, everybody knows what that is. Why did you say the roof was too sloped? Did you have any eyes? I mean, nothing, nothing, nothing and we knew so much more of the story that she just was refusing to, like they'd say to her, "Do you know?" Because they knew because the FBI had released the information. And in that case, she would say, "I saw an FBI report saying that," but that was about as close to an answer that you'd get with nuts. Anyway, this is Dan Bergino, like I said, he was a Secret Service agent and this was a few days ago, but it's still relevant. This we have been to home for breaking news and everything we've told you come out, as we've told you come out, Josh Hawley, Senator from Missouri. Whistleblowers tell me most of Trump's security detail worked in the event last Saturday, we're not even Secret Service, totally 100% correct. There were three Secret Service post standards. Now keep in mind that does not include special operations. The CAT team, the Counter Assault team, the CS team and the working shift around him. The post standards, you need to be familiar with the terminology. There is a shift, the shift travels with the president of the protectee everywhere. I'm not going to say how many guys, that's what we would call the bubble around him. Wherever he goes, they go. He gets on a helicopter, some of them get on the helicopter. He lands, they land with him and get off the plane. The post standards are at a site in advance of the president, President Trump arriving, and they are standing posts. It's very simple. The post standards are probably the largest security contingent. There were only three Secret Service post standards. The rest upwards of 20 were from HSI, Homeland Security Investigations. I'm sure they're good folks. They have very special set of skills. They do not go through specific Secret Service training. It's not a knock, it's just a fact. I told you that a week ago on the Monday or Tuesday show, this is a travesty. The most threatened man on earth had a cadre of three Secret Service post standards, while Dr. Jill, up at an event in Pennsylvania, had upwards of what, 10 to 12? How do you explain that? And by the way, in case you think the Secret Service has gotten there at the management at least, took its head out of its ass, here's what they're appalled about. Not that President Trump's head almost exploded like a watermelon on TV from a 223 round. They're appalled by DEI rhetoric against female agents after Trump rally shooting. Folks, this is not against female agents, it's against female agents who were physically unprepared to protect the president. Folks, Donald Trump is over six feet tall. How the hell are you going to be a human shield at five foot two? Can you explain that? Five foot two, six feet tall, five foot two, six feet tall, and let me ask you a pretty simple question. By the way, all this stuff is in this book, again, get it from the library, steal it from your friend. But at borrowing, I don't give a shit, I don't want anybody's money, look at all the chapters of this book, the special agent mess, the evolving threats from the big six, the threat of a tactical assault on the president, the threat of a medical emergency. Oh, look at this, chapter seven, chapter seven in protecting the president, holy shit, you know what it says, Justin? Page 75, the growing threat to the president from the skies, crazy. Maybe if they were to listen to me and cut the bullshit and stop the DEI crap, maybe we wouldn't have this problem. Explain to me also, which I also go into in this treatise on how to fix this mess. Why are there two sets of physical fitness standards for men and for women? President Trump is the same height and weight. He is a big guy, he's six foot plus, he's a stocky guy. He is not, he doesn't get lighter when female agents show up. But why are there different PT standards? Please explain that to me without sounding like a total asshole. Oh, look, December of 2013, a Washingtonian article, what it's like protecting the president. Former Secret Service agent, Dan Bonjino, tells us tell me, we've been talking about this for 10 kids, people don't know, nobody wants to listen to us. All the media wants to do is bullshit people all the time. Folks, here's a Fox report. There is one thing about this. This is interesting here. The difficulty of the CS shot, when I say CS and look about counter sniper, a Secret Service counter sniper team took out the shooter. Now, he shouldn't know how to take out the shooter at all, period, okay? They should, that guy should not have been on the roof. However, I want you to understand that this was a really difficult shot and that matters. That matters because if this guy missed the local CS guy, they did not hit him, they engaged. The Secret Service guy took him out with one shot. If they missed, it's likely President Trump would be dead right now because the shooter had more rounds left and likely would have taken out those Secret Service agents around him and Donald Trump, who was taller than most of the agents who were trying to get him off the stage. The CS guy, sadly, had to save the day. Again, they shouldn't have been up on the roof in the first, but I'm not absolving anyone of any responsibility. But this report, again, I told you this last week before this aired, the shot was extremely difficult. And thank God, they mitigated that threat. Here's a Fox report on that with an animation. Check this out. >> Hi, Eric. Good afternoon. A source familiar with the investigation tells me that, look, it took a single shot to kill the would-be assassin Thomas Crooks, and that shot came from a Secret Service counter sniper that the source says he described the shot as a one in a million type of shot. The counter sniper could only see the top of the scope, his eye and forehead, because the lip of the AGR building that Crooks was on was obscuring that view. We're also told a local police sniper took a single shot as well, but missed. Remember, this building was about 150 yards away from where the former president was standing on that stage. And it had a clear line of sight to the former president, Federal law enforcement sources tell Fox, that while Crooks snuck up on that roof, a Butler Township emergency services unit sniper team was looking out of the windows of that same building watching for any suspicious activity. So how did Crooks get on that roof, Federal law enforcement sources tell Fox that it was initially thought he brought a ladder, however, no ladder was found on site and we're now told the more likely scenario is that Crooks hid his father's AR-15 near an AC unit, and then he climbed onto that AC unit to get up onto the roof of the AGR building. This as the Wall Street Journal is now reporting, the shooter was able to fly a drone above the rally site earlier that day. The predetermined flight path, the journal reports, indicates that he flew the drone more than once to scope out the site. A Federal law enforcement source tells Fox the Secret Service was not flying a drone over the rally that day. Senator Josh Hawley says multiple whistleblowers with direct knowledge have come forward saying the rally was being treated as a loose security event. Three takeaways from that Fox clip. These are facts we now know. I told you the local sniper, that's the third shooter, there you're seeing it from the Fox clip. They missed. A Secret Service uniform division officer, that's the counter sniper unit, there are no agents in there. I want to be clear. They're uniform division officers. It's a separate division of the Secret Service. It was a miraculous shot and thank God he hit him, or I'm telling you President Trump would be dead right now because the shooter would have continued to engage. Third, they bring up the fact that there was no ladder. The ladder you're seeing in the pictures was put there afterwards, enough on that. Next point. The shooter did pre-op surveillance with a freaking drone, and the Secret Service had no eyes in the sky. Are you shitting me? What is this, Rompa room? This, this, we have been the home for breaking news and everything we've told you come out as come out. Josh Hawley, Senator from Missouri, whistleblower is telling me most of Trump's security detail worked in the event last Saturday, we're not even Secret Service. Totally 100% correct. There were three Secret Service post-enders. Now keep in mind that does not include special operations. The CAT team, the counter assault team, the CS team, and the working shift around him. The post-standers, you need to be familiar with the terminology. There is a shift. The shift travels with the president of the protectee everywhere. I'm not going to say how many guys, that's what we would call like the bubble around him. Wherever he goes, they go. He gets on a helicopter, some of them get on the helicopter. He lands, they land with him and get off the plane. The post-standers are at a site in advance of the president, President Trump arriving, and they are standing post. It's very simple. The post-standers are probably the largest security contingent. There were only three Secret Service post-standers. The rest upwards of 20 were from HSI, Homeland Security Investigations. I'm sure they're good folks, they have a very special set of skills. They do not go through specific Secret Service training. It's not a knock, it's just a fact. I told you that a week ago on the Monday or Tuesday show, this is a travesty. The most threatened man on earth had a cadre of three Secret Service post-standers, while Dr. Jill up at an event in Pennsylvania, had upwards of what, 10 to 12. How do you explain that? By the way, in case you think the Secret Service has gotten there, the management at least took its head out of its ass. Here's what they're appalled about. Not that President Trump's head almost exploded like a watermelon on TV from a 223 round. They're appalled by DEI rhetoric against female agents after Trump rally shooting. Folks, this is not against female agents. It's against female agents who were physically. Is this thing replaying? It sounds like a replay. I don't know what started it up like that because I wasn't even touching anything, so I don't know if it finished and I didn't even know it because I get kind of spaced out thinking about things. That's why I broke into it, I'm going like, I think maybe we've already played it, but I wanted to give you the perspective of somebody that really knows about being a Secret Service person and what was required. And say what? It happened and 10 minutes later we were actually playing Fox Network over the radio to let people know what they were seeing and stuff. This is so... If you put this in a book, nobody would believe it because it's so stupid. Everything you could have done wrong was done wrong. And then again, Michelle said something about it was like, I think it was Michelle, but somebody said that yes, the horrendous thing that happened that day was orchestrated or let to happen by God or the cosmic energies. And the fact that he was saved was also, he was saved by the same forces. But in the scenario of who was in charge and what was happening, it just falls apart. You go, how could anybody, how could a group of people be this brain dead? I mean, one guy, actually I think I have that, do I have that? No, apparently not. But there was this one guy that was a congressman, I believe, and they go, a group of them went to the particular place that had all happened. And he was a military sniper when he was in the army. And the first thing he saw was this water tower. He said, that's where you would put your sniper, the highest point, the water tower. It was overlooking everything. So there was so many things that went wrong with this thing. And yet in the end, it was just such a miraculous saving of Trump. And I'm not the first one to say it, not only was Trump saved, this nation was saved. So we have to be very grateful. And think of the ramifications, you know, don't harp on him, but just think of how bad it could have been compared to how good it is now, because there's an awful lot of people that cannot get that image. You know, the Democrats actually wanted somehow or another to ban the images of Trump in front of the flag with his fist in the air, because it was going to trigger people or something. They actually tried that. I wanted to go over and over and over and over and over all day. Oh, yeah, that wouldn't have already in people's heads if they watch box. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But so Dolly, let's go to your list. Unless you guys got something else. I see, so I guess the first one where I told you, I don't understand much going on there. I guess that's been answered because Biden was out in public. Yes, there was well, what happened was that he went the last time we saw him was when he was struggling to get up the stairs in the short part of the airplane. And I felt bad for the old man, because he was really struggling to get up the stairs because he had COVID and went to Delaware to recoup. And from that image, nothing was heard from him. There was no still pictures. There was no video. The only thing that we heard from was a Twitter post that he was not going to continue the race. And that sent people, and then he still said, was out of sight. Nobody knew where he was. So that started getting talked about all over the place. And then just before the show went off, he actually either got on on the plane. I'm not sure because I saw just the clip of it. But they were shouting to him about the fact that he had given up and that, what do you think of Harrison, this sort of thing? And he just kept waving to him and walking, and he seemed strong. I thought, oh, that's the strong version of Biden. But yeah, so that, I don't know what the, what we talked about it, that he's actually been dead for a long time. According to some people, I don't, I'm not, I don't know. I mean, I get fooled very really easy. I'm just, you know, that kind of person. According to Trump, he's been dead for 25 years from a bullet. I believe Trump. Trump said that? Yes. I heard it. Huh. I never heard him say that. Oh, Mary heard it too, so there's two of us. Well, it depends on who you're listening to or what you look at that the stories are also different. You know, it's like a lot of times on Vox, I'm listening to somebody and I'm going, that's not true. I heard that from a show before, you know, they're not even up to date in some of this stuff. But anyway, so I, you know, it's like we said in the first part of it, I guess that Harris is going to be the, the one until she's not. We'll see what happens. You know, they were so stupid. If they had let Bobby Kennedy run in that primary, they could very easily have this locked up. Yeah, they could with him, yeah. Because if you look at, if you look at his record, I was very much formed. Because I love children's defense fund group and I, he's a very brave man. He's done a lot of, you know, but when I started to really listen to what he was saying about he's, he's liberal, he's way to the left. He's not a, he's not a middle guy Democrat. And I would love to see him in a debate. But if they, if they had him in their back pocket right now, that would be a formidable character to go against Trump, in my opinion. It would be very cut. The liberals would go that way and the Republicans would go the other would be who's got the most, who's got the best get out the vote. But they didn't do it. They threw him to the side, yeah, shot themselves in the foot. And I don't think they can revive it. Yeah. Okay. So what's next here? Well, it's next on Dolly's list. Okay. This is from Travis, uh, on my ex. I put the link in the chat already. The last 10 days of American politics has been like a movie, the leaving candidate almost had his life taken. The so-called president was pushed by his party to step down, yet he refused. The president had a medical emergency a day after seeing. He wouldn't step down and has been my a sense. The director of the Secret Service resigned. The camel Harris was picked to replace Biden in the election, even though. The camel's polling is worse than his. What could possibly happen next? And then Travis goes on with a different post. I think we're still on the work today. They're pretending to be old. Okay. So he says, some clarity before it happens, hiding the fact that the president of the United States is either deteriorating or has passed away without telling the American public and working to fill his seat before it's even public and delegating all of his authority without telling us who's in charge is treason of the highest order. And then there was a comment under that by a Paul A. I don't know how to say the lesson. It says true, but no one is giving prosecuted for treason, because the ones committing the treason would also be the ones prosecuting the treason. I liked that. I just wanted to share that with you. If you think the next 10 days, what the last 10 days were like, and he's right. It's just all a bunch of shit. I'm passing over a Trump stock, Nancy. Oh, overview of the president. Yeah. Here is about Gretchen Whitmer. She is the governor of Michigan, and she's a little piece of work, I'll tell you. Literally a piece of work, because she's not real. If you open that up, you can see the picture of her and be to her right on the table. There's a pair of dice on the dice. The top one says 86, and the bottom one says 45. So she is giving off the message 86 45, you know, kill Trump and stop that in the fricking office. But if you look at it, and if you watch her talk, her face doesn't move. And I get no feel from her, no vibes. That is not a real being. I just wanted to point that out to you all, because they're talking about, oh, she could go in and do whatever they're doing, or sure, they can program. She's already programmed, but they can change her program any time they want to. Who is she? Is she a politician? I said she's Michigan governor. Oh, well, good. Sorry. Sorry. I didn't get that. That's all right. I never. Do everything. Yeah. But she did come out and she said she would not run she endorsed Harris. Yeah, so, um, the thing on Trump, you know, the bio on Trump, yeah. You went by it. Did you want to? I want you to read it. Oh, oh, well, let me undo the pages. Okay, let me go up the page. I'll get that. I'll get the link. Okay. In the picture. I love the picture, Nancy. Okay. All right. Okay. This is an overview of our president and you all might think, oh, I know Trump. I know everything about Trump, but I'll let you, you don't. So I figured, even who loves Trump, the most of anybody in the world in the universe, in the galaxy. I don't know everything about it either. He was born Donald John Trump on June 14, 1946 in Queens, New York City, USA, the political party, Republican, 1987 to 1999, 2009 to 2011, 2012 to present his spouses were Ivanka Zell and then share with Ivanka. They were married from 1977 and divorced 1990. Marla Maples. They were married 1993 and divorced 1999 Melania snouse. They were married in 2005 and they're still married. Their children of Donald Jr., his children are Donald Jr., Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, and Barron. I don't know what that's for. All the modern university of Pennsylvania, he got a BS there. Their political affiliations reform 1999 to 2001, Democrat 2001 to 2009 did you all know that. Independent 2011 to 2012, did you all know that? Or did you think he was Republican from the time he got into power? His residence is Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida and its humongous y'all, except the whole island over there. Trump attracted public attention in 1978 with the launch of his family's first Manhattan venture, the renovation of the derelict Commodore Hotel adjacent to Grand Central tourney. And Trump stunned the political world in 2016 when he became the first person without government or military experience ever to be elected president of the United States. From 2004 to 2015, he co-produced and hosted the reality television series The Apprentice. I loved it when I toured the end of the show, they'd all come in and he'd say, "You're fired!" And he'd point his finger at it. I loved that show. Okay, that's my little side. The Trump name has been licensed for various consumer products and services, including food stuffs, apparel, adult learning courses, and home furnishings. Trump has made dozens of cameo appearances in TV shows and films, including "Zoolander", "The Little Rascals", "Home Alone 2", "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air", and "The Nanny". I didn't know that. In March 1983, Trump was awarded the prestigious "Tree of Life" award by the Jewish National Fund, an organization that raises money to finance large projects in Israel. And that's all I have, Nancy. Yeah, it's a short introduction to all the things that he did. One of the things that we were talking about on one show was that he does a lot of gifting to people. He's very generous. He spends a lot of money just giving it to people. And nobody actually really talks about this, but this is what you hear from the insiders. You know, he's very, very generous. He's a good man. And I'm just so grateful that he's alive because I would be very bummed out. I have an anecdote from Wisconsin. Yeah, he says there, in Wisconsin, there is a man that has a tow truck and he does what he does. He goes around picking up people that have accidents or problems with their vehicle. And he has a gasoline station. So vehicles can go there and they can get repaired. So the story goes with the man. He comes into the station and he sees that there's a vehicle waiting to be serviced. And he goes over to the limousine driver and he says who's inside this limousine? I mean, what passenger do you have? And the driver couldn't say. He says he wasn't allowed to reveal. So what the limousine had a flat. So he got a lot of his car, he got the flat, and he changed the tire on the limous so they could continue on their way. So the man says, okay, okay, what do I owe you for your services? And then the man says, oh no, it's okay, it's just a flat tire, it said nothing. So go about your way, you're in a rush to get the way you are going, so you better go on. Okay, so the chauffeur got into the limousine and the limousine on their way. And then the man, a couple of days later the man gets a letter from, I think it was the people that had the, what do you call it, the deed to the gas station. He got a letter that the gas station, the mortgage was paid off. And when he looked at the signature as to who signed off the gas station, it was Donald Trump. So he fixed the wheel, he fixed the tire, but he got it his own, he got ownership of his gas station. So, nice story, you want another good one, you got time for it, 40, 15, 15, 15, 15. Yeah, tell us another one. Well you got it in your list, oh me, oh my, okay, sorry, I was all into that. Well, in foster care allowed to do with disabled brother, you're going to do the copy. I will do that. This is from Good News Network, of course, on July 21, 2020, boy in foster care allowed to stay with disabled brother when loving parents agreed to adopt them both. At the age of seven, Dawson lived in fear that he and his older brother, Dalton, wouldn't get the chance to grow up together, because they were floundering in foster care. Adoption would be difficult because Dalton has, who really should have this, Dalton has cerebral palsy and epilepsy is nonverbal and they quadruple each, although several families were interested in Dawson. He was worried that finding a forever home could lead to separation. Thankfully with the help from the Dave Thomas Foundation for adoption and Florida, parents Robin and Stephen, the boys are now together and thriving. When Dawson was, when Dawson first arrived at his new Florida home, he was in second grade, yet had a reading level of a kindergarten, but with the love and security provided for him and his brother, the boy began to flourish. The light clicked and it was game on, said his mom. He reached the honor roll for four straight semesters. They, Robin gushes that she couldn't have asked for two better sons. Dawson is the person he is, because he got the opportunity to keep his brother. It's half of him, that's his heart. His brother's medical problems have also inspired Dawson to dream of becoming a doctor, wanting to take care of people, the way Dalton's doctors did. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for Dalton. I just love being with him. Stephen Robin now have a handicap accessible van in the new wheelchair for Dalton and is currently working with local vendors to put in an accessible swimming pool. Dalton is the greatest gift I was ever given, said Robin, in a YouTube video by the foundation. He brings more joy, more love, than any person I ever met. The end. Wow, you got through it without totally breaking up, congratulations. Those are the kind of stories we like to hear, and to me it's, yes, we go out and we say all this stuff and we try to show you what the storyline is, but to give you a feeling of balance and stability because we don't really buy into any of it, and we try to entertain you and to love you. I think of ourselves as having a pretty special mission, but these kind of people, Stephen Robin and Dalton and Dawson, I mean it's like they're the ones that I think are putting out all those good energies that is tipping the scale for humanity. There's more loving, caring people that couldn't give a crap about what we're saying or doing who are actually putting out such a vast amount of just really pure love and compassion, and that's what keeps us going. People like this. Mary has a story too. She does. The mob talk. Trump also had a young black woman sneaked into one of his hotel rooms. And the maids reported it to him. He allowed her to stay. She tells the story that she gets spent for free as a view of Central Park, and it had been six or nine years that she has lived in Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue. That's Donald Trump. This girl has a video on YouTube telling her story, isn't it amazing what love does. Beautiful story, yes it is Mary, thank you for sharing. Also kind of man Trump is. Well if somebody should go out and just contact all these unknown people and put together a documentary on what he's done for other people, oh yeah that'd be wonderful. Yeah yeah we'll have to talk to Laura, Laura, God that woman loves her father-in-law. Oh Laura Trump yeah yeah and the grandkids are just as sweet as could be. When that little granddaughter came to him at the new national convention, the Republican. And she wanted to sit in this lap and he just picked her up so gently and put her in this lap. Like they'd done it many many times over, it's just my heart just grew with love. It was so wonderful. She was so well behaved, I kept watching and thinking when she's going to start picking her nose, a kid that aged, they get bored and they end up picking her and she never did. You know I was very impressed another, another Trumper you know and then there was his oldest granddaughter KAI and she was just, she was very impressive and all she told her dad, I want to talk to the convention and she just made him into this, just a good granddad and it turns out, I've heard some, what his dad was interviewed and it turns out that those two people hang out a lot together, they're both golfers and they're on the golf course a lot. So they're like best buddies. Even KAI and Trump. Yeah, yeah, Don Jr. was saying that yeah in the middle of the day, she'll get a call from him and you know they're just chit-chatting about whatever's happening around him. That's such an interesting, made me think of my granddad, gosh I love that guy. He was fun even though he didn't laugh or smile much but he was fun because he was engaging us and you know he had a little farm thing and you know but there is those relationships are so important and yeah Trump looked like this is what he does all the time. Nothing new, it's a thing and then when that reporter said he was doing that to body protect himself with his granddaughter, I tell you sometimes I just want to take a bomb and stick it up their careers. Oh they say some terrible, terrible things about him and they haven't stopped, I think the 36 hours they kind of mumped themselves but they haven't stopped, it's just absolutely insane. But you know who knows, we're going to have the election, it seems like they're planning to have the election and planning for every state to say, you know, oh yeah it's a three minute speech, she put the link in the chatroom, darling, I mean Mary. So while we're getting down to the last four minutes here of the show, is there anything you wanted to tell people there either of you, either of you? Sorry, nothing here, oh my god, I'm tired, I enjoyed being so much here, I enjoyed so much being here that there were myself out and it's a wonderful wear and out type thing. I appreciate all of you so much and those who listen to us after the live shows, I really appreciate all of you and I want you to know that I'm always praying and sending you love floss blankets and I hope you're doing the same thing, sending out love floss blankets to people. Tomorrow Mark, Joseph and I are going to be talking about, with my hesitation, I can't remember what it is we were talking about, oh geez Mary says she has something to say, just to say thank you to the three of you, enjoy your show, we gotta get her on the show. Which is always important I'm sure, you know, okay I'm looking this thing up here, doesn't she have a computer, is she with Skype? Oh yeah, she's Skype's. Then she can join us on the show, I don't know the time difference, if it's still up. Well, it depends on how she's feeling, we have to find out, but she has all of us, you still. So Mary, do you want to join us sometime Mary, just give me the world, maybe when I met your house, she'll join us in October, I know that's a long way on, 6am here, yeah she wants to wait until she gets here because of the time, because when we're on it's 6am in the morning there and she has trouble sleeping at my times. Yeah, I can always stay on board. The cosmic soup tomorrow is Dr. Jane Ruby and Mike McKay from the Patriot Street Fighter on Rumble, and she goes, they talk about the history of how we got to where we're at to a point, but they also discussed a way of getting everything back to being the sovereign, the individual, getting our sovereign power back, because there's a whole bunch more of us than there are of them, and that's just a fact. And all we have to do is get united, you know, behind Trump, if that's the way it's going to be, or behind just the concept of a new reality, because again, I recommend that right after this show is a show, I recommend you listen to it, that woman, Michelle was really dead on a whole slew of, let's say, subjects, and so there's people out there that really have it together, we're all getting it together, and you know, I feel like, yeah, God's got a plan, and we're just following along. So thank you all for being here, and we will see you, well, I guess we'll see you tomorrow if I'm hoping that you come in, and right now we're going to say adios, and thank you very much for being here, and I don't have the outro up, which is I'm looking for right now, and what are we doing? For some reason I'm not seeing it, and I'm running out of time, okay, so I will put it in, wait a minute, here we go, here we go. Bye. a lot of people. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. a lot of people are going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it, and I'm going to be doing it. 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