Cosmic Reality Podcast

SHUNGITE REALITY 7-24-24 - Michelle Martin from Shungite to Crystal Beings

“Shungite Reality” Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph with guest Michelle Martin MichelleFacebook: Telegram: @Eternal_Spirit7 Or Quantum Chitchat: Email: Shungite Beehives Mystical Wares Shungite Store & Information - https://mysticalwares.comCOUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off -

*Shungite Reality" Live Show - Tuesdays Noon-2 pm EST *Shungite Reality" on Rumble *Shungite Reality Archives *Shungite Reality Book

1h 59m
Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

“Shungite Reality” Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph with guest Michelle Martin


Telegram: @Eternal_Spirit7 Or Quantum Chitchat:


Shungite Beehives

*Mystical Wares Shungite Store & Information -
*COUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off -

*Shungite Reality" Live Show - Tuesdays Noon-2 pm EST

*Shungite Reality" on Rumble

*Shungite Reality Archives

*Shungite Reality Book

Can you believe in a finite object possessing infinite power? Or that a mineral can be proclaimed for medicine of the 21st century? Or that the power of nature can win over the ignorance of man? If you can, you will know why our mission is to get shungite to the masses. You are entering the shungite zone. This is the shungite radio show produced by Cosmic Reality Radio. And welcome to the shungite reality. We are on July 23rd, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins. With me is Derek Condit, Mark Joseph, and Michelle Martin, who is a newcomer to our group here. And I'm very excited to introduce her to our listeners. But I'm going to start with Derek. Derek, good morning. How are you doing today? Good. I'm doing well. I'm happy with Michelle's here. It sounds like it's going to be really interesting. Yes, yes it does. And Mark? Morning, Nancy. Morning, Michelle. Morning, Derek. Okay, now Mark is the one who found Michelle. So why don't you introduce her to us? And how you came across her? Because you're the guy that finds our guests. And I'm so grateful to you. Yeah, thank you. So I was looking around for the latest Karen McDonald interview. And I saw that she kept having a bunch in this show called Quantum Chit Chat on Bitch Shoot. And it was pretty engaging. The discussion was awesome. And it was going on for a bunch of months. And then Michelle here had a Quantum Chit Chat group in Telegram. And that was very cool, too. A lot of interesting topics. And it was great that there was another genius biofeed that uses it. And the user and teacher, which both of them are. And I have that too, which measures the aura and does different kinds of biofeedback healing, which I'm sure Michelle can elaborate and extend on. But that's what the extent was. And she knew about Shanghai and bees. And just pretty much what we talk about here on the show. And I'm very grateful she was able to accept the invitation of coming on. Considering once she lives. So that's my summarization. And I'm sure Michelle, thank you for coming on the show. And maybe you can tell us more about yourself. Oh, she must be on mute. Okay. Yeah. Well, thank you very much, Mark, Nancy, Derek. Thank you very much for inviting me. Okay. So I'm a very real person. When I get excited or passionate, I talk very quickly. So if you need me to slow down, slow me down. Okay. I speak at a thousand miles per hour at times. I live in a real home here. I have dogs and cats. So if there's barking, that's part of life. You know, we have to learn to really block out the background noise and focus on our message. And that's part of life, really. So to introduce myself, thank you very much for asking me. I don't like being online a lot these days. I've deliberately actually cut back my energetic signature for many reasons. And I just want to try and start in maybe a logical step formation and work through with people so that we understand where we gain. You know, it's okay to talk about Shanghai and what it's doing for us. But if we don't understand who we really are and the crystalline world that we're living in, some of this is just, we're just hearing words and then people will hear about Shanghai they're by it, but they don't really use it continuously because they don't know of the real benefits. Now, I often show a very high plasma and light states around my body. How I'm able to consistently maintain that is I keep a very high frequency energy bio field. And we have to do that consistently. So we have to understand who we are. Now, I want crystal clarity. And we're living in a crystalline universe. We are crystalline broadcasting station ourselves. We're receiving and broadcasting information. I don't want drops coming through my channels. I want the correct bandwidth. When I want to talk to heaven, to talk to the one of my creator, I am in that channel. I don't want the nuisance around me. So there's a series of steps we need to do. And we have to understand just where we are. So just for people who are new to me and my show. And what we used to speak about, I worked with Karen McDonald for a little while. I invited her to a show called the Quantum Chit Chat because I wanted to address some pertinent topics that the community really need to focus on. Now, we can also get to a point where you understand all of this information and now you have to start applying it. Okay. And you have to understand that every time you go to this internet, you are going to a web. It's a spider's web. It's a dead light internet. You are retrieving a lot of dead light information that you don't even know if it's true. So people will be told one minute I have a mectin. It's a good one minute I have a mectin. It's not the same as with Shungite. That was because people don't understand what they're actually talking about. But it's also to cause confusion, you know, which harvests loose energy from people. Every time people are confused, you are under control. You are not in crystallarity. And so we're in crazy times and they are trying to push. We call them "they" are trying to push the great reset. And then this is running versus the great awakening. Now, just let's simplify the language. The reset, set and Satan, the path of set, the left hand path of the pharaohs. So this is really what is behind the reset. Now, they have managed that before four times. We've been through four books a life and we're coming on to this program. In my experience in judgment, you can please, I'm sharing words and experiences with you, my own philosophy, so you don't have to accept anything I say. And if there is a resonance, great. But I will share from the perspective that I work in the realities that I work in. Okay. So, and the other perspective is where we are preparing the body, the light body, because we will actually emit in light form from here at the time. Now, we basically have to unlearn everything we know and then not resist that unlearn it. Because it's very easy for people to say in the community. Oh, yeah, we have to unlearn everything. And then you try and come up and say to a Reiki practitioner, actually you're in possession. Whoa, they don't want to hear, but I will explain why you're in possession. You know, if you have symbols blown in you, you are not in sole occupancy of your own energy field. That's outside energy. Okay. The same is channeling you under possession. So people have to really start to understand, you know, what type of practices am I working with? What type of crystal structure am I building because we're in a crystalline universe? Now, I have mentioned previously that by hubby, who's actually a shaman as well, actually sees the crystals all the time in the air, the whole crystalline structure. Now, we are crystalline beings and we'll talk a little bit more into that. But if you are not in charge of your energy field and you don't understand it fully, then you're not in charge of your reality. And down here, we do create our own reality. Now, we live in a frequency controlled cages as such. And we are bombarded by many different waveforms. Now, people are saying, "Oh, a raise your vibration." Oh, hell no, don't. Raise your frequency. 5G has a big, you know, vibration waveform. So the language we have to even start, you know, back at this line, back by back. What are they doing? This is entrapment. For me, sometimes in my work, it's nearly better not to speak. I go into feeling. Frequency feels to work. So that's how I work. Now, when we want to say a prayer, as I've said to people before, if we start to think of everything down here is mathematical. It's a mathematical expression. You know, I thought is a catalyst for the beginning of energy. That's a mathematical expression. It has a frequency. That frequency has a color and that also has a vibration form. So we are working in this frequency vibration form all the time. Now, we have all this new weaponry around us, all the Gs from 1 to 5 plus above now, 6, 7, whatever they're bringing out. Now, you try and say a prayer in here and try and get that packet of data out through those waveforms is quite hard. So you need to prepare the channel for that to pass through as such. Now, this is the type of level we need to start thinking of when we work intelligently with data down here. And be mindful of the language, you know, that we're using. Now, if you start to think that everything is a mathematical expression in our body, Tesla said, you know, you have to understand the numbers of the universe and it's very true. Now, if you think of your energy field, let's just take it as an X-Shack symbol for the moment. And this is your precious energy field. Now, whatever you are seeing, hearing, doing, eating, drinking is a plus or minus each time coming into that energy field. You either put in lower frequency or higher frequency applications into your avatar. Now, the reason why I keep using the word avatar, and I will explain that, because I like to separate our consciousness from this avatar. The avatar is like a spacesuit for our consciousness to work down here. Now, the A of avatar is for your audio, ideas, what we are hearing, the V's, the visuals, our eyes, our cameras. And in fact, your eyes don't actually deteriorate, those cameras don't actually deteriorate. It's the cells and the other mechanisms behind that cause eyesight problems, you know, in our cameras. And then the tar, the tar or the tar codes, these light frequency exchanges, the programs that run in our avatars, and most people are very programmed, and they don't know their program because they are programmed. Now, this all comes back to understanding, you know, what are we in this crystalline universe and... Whoops, I think you just disconnected yourself somehow. We're not hearing you. Ah, how... Where did that happen, Nancy? Just... Ah, it just happened? Yeah, yeah, 45 seconds ago. Okay, so what we need to understand is that our consciousness is working inside the spacesuit, the avatar. And what can we do with this avatar, so things like shungite and frequencies can help this avatar and help our consciousness sit in a cleaner home so that it has more crystal clarity as such. And now what has happened is our crystalline periodic tables within ourselves have become corrupt. We no longer have some of the natural elements and crystals that we have in the earth anymore. I was saying that gold is a crystal, steel is a crystal, people can go and have a look. So these are not sold to you as crystals, but they are crystals. Everything is crystal here. Now, crystals like water, they can be gas solid or liquid. And we don't want to become too crystalline in our structure because when we get really hard builds up a crystalline or parasites in the body, you know, then we have problems with the joints and the hardening of our trees, or if we have a splintering of the crystals, that's like sole fragmentation. So we have to understand this language too. Now, there's so much soil depletion now with the crystals. So the vegetables that we're eating don't even have their full mineral supply. Now, all of these have calcium and different salts, magnesium. These are crystals in them. And when we speak about salts, you know, the old term, you were worth your weight in salt. Roman soldiers were paid by salt. So salts are not just salt, it has this phosphate in it, this calcium, this magnesium. These very core elements that you actually need to run the current in your body. Because inside your body, we have mostly water and we are running salts, but very depleted salts now in its basic form. If we want to create electricity, it's salt and water. So we are running a current through our body, but usually with poor quality water, poor conductivity and poor quality salts, because the structure of the salts is no longer good because of the depletion of our earth. Now, if we take this stage further that we are not nourishing this full periodic table inside our body. One, because most people don't even eat correctly. Even people that are know that work in gyms that I've worked with or are health specialists, they come to me and say, "Muchal, I eat really well, I eat this steak, eggs, blah, blah, blah." They say, "I'm going to hang on." You know, you're still not eating well because this is a very set diet. People are programmed in their avatars. Maybe 90% of your weekly shopping is the same food that you are eating continuously and you only have that small other little change. So you are not changing your mineral supply that you need. You're not expanding the capability of taking it in. The fact that we can get mangoes 365 days of the week now, people then buy the preferred fruit where you had to eat seasonally before. So we have to work now more intelligently with our body. If we want to get crystal clarity, I want the best crystals inside my body. Now, I need sometimes external crystals to support that and I need to eat the right crystals inside my body as well. So we're running a lot of applications and programs and you have to think that everything that you are eating now is like putting an application in your body. Is it plus or minus? We have a lot of GM food. That's not creation food. So we may get a little bit of something out of a little bit of juice, but we're really not going to get a lot out of it. And that's like putting quick diesel in your car. You know, over time it will run, run, run until you start to notice deterioration. Or we're exactly the same. Now, we are made of light as well. There's crystalline avatar. Let's talk more actually a little bit before I move on the light form. What do we mean when we keep saying we are crystalline? This is not we will talk. Our teeth are made of a crystal called appetite. You know where does the word come from? We have crystalline structure, micro crystalline structure around our panneal gland. Your blood has micro crystalline structure where your water and your body does. Your bones are micro crystalline structure. Every part of your body, including your diet, we are crystalline beings. But our crystal libraries are quite depleted at the moment and they're not as pinging in high pitches they should be. So that's what we're trying to do is rebuild that crystalline avatar in the beautiful way that it houses this consciousness and we have a clear channel. Now we are light beings. That's another word we hear and that's now we will talk as well. You take a torch and you shine it behind your ear, your nostril, your fingers. You can see not through your skin, but you can see light coming through because light can penetrate us. And that's how they can affect us with light. It doesn't matter whether it's a frequency, you want to call it a frequency or not, that frequency has a light spectrum behind it. We are light beings. So when people say they're speaking in light language, they're actually talking nonsense or they don't know enough what they're talking about. Everything that we do is in light language, our thought, our speech, our actions. We are moving crystals and moving light around in here. And in fact, if we were able to see our hand move through the air, you would see a crystal movement. Now, if you take an x-ray, that's the sharper form of light penetration into the body and we can look straight in. So you can understand now when we start to come to dew weaponry and these blue screens and these horrible lights and everything around us, how much this avatar is subject to dew weaponry every day, not only through the applications that it's eating. We are mathematical expressions. If we are not expressing the right mathematical codes inside us, we have lower frequencies and wherever we have them, wherever we have lower frequencies, then we have dis-ease in the body. When you have higher frequency all the time, we have less dis-ease because we're out of the nuisance broad cast of the broadband. So this is really where I wanted to try and take people and invite any questions that you have because I appreciate that I speak quite quickly and I also throw out a lot of information. But we have to take ourselves to a different level of recoding this avatar. And how do we do it? Well, we have to use a lot of health food supplements around us and we have to use crystals. Now, I use a lot of crystals and I grew up in South Africa and my father worked for gold diamond platinum uranium mines, so I had an interest in this from a young child. But apart from this, he had a prospecting interest and therefore I did. And I grew up also around the Spitskop Desert in the Namob Desert in Africa, where we could literally go into the sand and you could pick up a handful of garnets. You know, we had one place where there's a big rose quartz clump. Going out of the ground where there's a puff out of playing near it. But these were very common sightings that we had back then. And so I grew up with an appreciation of these stones and in fact when I came to the UK and I was so happy I found these two big amethyst chunks in a shop. And I bought them and I brought them home and somebody said to me, "Why do you have rocks in your home?" because people didn't really used to bring these in. But crystals, actually, I want to speak a little bit more about them because as we come to understand what these crystals are, everybody in our community is so trusting all the time. If somebody tells you this crystal is good for you, they're going by it. And this is a human nature. This is why they get dupes so much. This is a house of Satan. This is a house of illusion, inversion, inverted mirrors. You know, you have to really discern your discernment. Now, a lot of the crystals in this, and I know from my own charm and work that I've done, the crystalline periodic tables were also damaged and created incorrectly in our tables in the fields. So if you were taking crystals out of the ground that were mined, you know, under brutal conditions, they are live creatures. These crystals are reacting like water because a seed is both through a seed crystal. You know, you need water to birth crystals. Everything, you know, is through the water. So if you understand that this is a sentient being, this has already come with frequencies. Now, the crystal, because it's solid, it's capable of storing that frequency, storing it, transmitting it. It's capable of being programmed. Now, when we get a crystal, the first thing we want to do is clean that crystal and speak to the nachi work of the consciousness. And Marcel Vogel done great work, and you can do this yourself. There's many times I have worked with crystals, and as we're rotating them, the plasma state changed and they become very milky. That crystal is reacting with you in live form. So while we can do, apart from sealing our avatars, as soon as we intend, create that intention, that mathematical expression, we intend to seal our auric fields, our bio field. One, we're starting to stop the nuisance broadcast. Number two, we have to clean. Then this avatar, because it's full of corruption inside. That's another step up the ladder in frequency. Then we set our intentions, intentions that are done for the greater good of all. Now, that is service to others. That's the right-hand part. The service to self is the left-hand part they were spoke about earlier. Now, as soon as we start to line, that's another step up in the frequency. Now, when you start to step up in the frequency, you're coming out of those nuisance broadbands, moving away from those data packages of nonsense. You are now into a care broadband, and now you can start to work. So these are my sort of go-to methods that I work. As a shaman, I call myself shaman by definition of the work that I do, and not by the title here, because the title is very corrupt and it's grown in umbrella term, that it's all inclusive for anybody from a practitioner to a firekeeper, a cure and dara. Really, these titles are typed into shamans that also do sacrifices that exchange with the naga gods. This is not my work. I work directly by heaven. I do not need corruption in my work. I don't have to barter with a guard or do a blood sacrifice. If you're doing that, you're doing a disservice to man. You are not a powerful shaman. I'm sorry. You are not a powerful shaman, because that work is not yours. That work is part of the nagas. Just like the Reiki and the preparations of all this false archangel teachings, these are preparations of your avatars creating links into your avatars to take over at the end times. You don't need this. You stand alone. One of the things we always heard was no false idols, and this is true. If you are still relying on a savior, going to somebody for you information, you're not getting your own child information by now, you're doing your self at a service, because you're fairly capable of doing that. But you need to do the things that people don't want to do anymore, which are the basics. And the basics are, if you think once about a time we live outside on the earth, we lay down on the ground and we will pick up all the information from the ground. And in the day the sun would shine and we would upload that to the soul and our consciousness and we lived in this beautiful symbiotic relationship. Now, people have got shoes on and they're indoors and it's very hard to get people off these phones. These are weapons in your hand. There are patterns, hundreds of patterns, not if you, to disrupt your nervous system, to hypnotize you, subliminal messaging, nervous system disruption. These are weapons, but they have based your life around it because now you must go to it for your bank. You must go to it, you know, for your message to your family. You must go to it if you want to pay a bill, they put your life on the phone. So even if you want to get away from it on the social media side, you call back again because of their programs and apps to program you into the way they want under the control of the frequencies. So you have to break those programs and you have to remind yourself, I have to come away from this. Now, I hear people moan about air conditioning, including my two children when I go out driving. We have air conditioning in the car, but I say to them, I lived in a desert, our air conditioning was we wound down the window. Okay, the wind sometimes was a bit warm, but we lived. We make ourselves too soft now. We have to go back to who we are. Get outside, I'm barefoot, 90% of my life. Unless I have to walk out in the dirty roads, I am barefoot under live blood analysis. As soon as you get outside and you put your feet on, your blood cells change, separate them all free-flowing because you're moving that electrical disruption, you're grounding. It's critical to your body. When you remove that nuisance, I know people that have gone out of ground and sat for their mobile phones in their hand. Wow, that's sort of shooting yourself in the foot. Put the blooming things down. Just enjoy yourself, come back and appreciate and feel. You know, what is your intention every time you go to do something? Now, I know there's a lot of information out there. You know, how do we manage the mental, the emotional, physical, spiritual, the astral interactions. There's so much information about what I should do for my health system. Well, there is a simple qualifier and every moment is this harming me or healing me. Get used to educating yourself. Now, I noticed that people really like to be spoon-fed, so humans are no longer thinking critically as well because they have been indoctrinated and programmed to not think. If I want to provide a link on my page and share something, I will also have somebody saying, "Can you provide more links? Where did you get this from?" They won't even go and critically check themselves. There's apps like Tenai out there, you can go and reverse images and find the original sources. So people now are waiting for people. If you're waiting for people, you're still being led. Our game here is to wake ourselves up, to find our own true power. Our power is in ourself. It's not an attachment to anything else. And actually, the more I went through my training and my sub-motion, for the past, it's now coming up to 23 years. I've been in deeper sub-motion with myself and for the sake of the listeners. I will just explain a little bit about who I am. In 2017 at the end of that, I resigned as an International Sales Director. I worked in scientific research and development arenas. I crossed dynamic vapor sorption, vacuum sciences, gas, chromatography, inverse gas, et cetera. And I got to have a really good insight into very diverse research areas across a broad range. It could be from an airbag going off in a car, because that could be affected by a vapor, for example. You know, to military research in different areas, China, UK, it didn't matter, pharmaceutical studies, because they were all affected by moisture, crystalline studies, amorphous content, et cetera, et cetera. But what I also noticed was in science. The science began with a capital S, which was a dollar sign, not the S. And science was very much led by research universities, these academic places, which were led by the budgets of funding available. And that wasn't dictated really by novel science, by scientists being creative, really. It was dictated by, for example, a pharmaceutical company would come along and say, "I have this recipe in this drug. I want it to perform like this." And then a science frame would be built around that. Well, for me, that's not novel science. And then everybody else would try and benchmark and create that. Now, you can have a range table, for example, if you had a microbalance, I was measuring something and I was showing noise tables. Now, if that microbalance was really displaying noise, all you have to do is extend that range table now to bring within a frequency spec. What kind of science is that? Now, a lot of science is you are taught textbook science and you are coming out and you are running that textbook science. That's not novel science. And you know that a lot of the novel scientists, the people that have come out and told us, "The cure is for cancer. Here's the frequency. Here's a war-powered car. What happens to them?" They disappear. Real science disappears. Like the truth, it's often buried. So you have to keep digging for this information. Now, as we come on, I want to speak a little bit about Schungite because this is a show about Schungite, and then we'll go more into, I can run some frequencies at the end if you want, or do a small guided meditation to clean our energy field. But I wanted to talk about, you know, who we are in cosmic law and walking ceremonies as well. But let's talk about Schungite. Schungite is very important. I love Schungite. And I have it all over the place and you will hear people say, "Oh, you can't have this Schungite. It's nanotech. It's going through the body." Oh, for heck's sake. It's nanotech because it's nanoparticle size in the first place, okay? It's very, very tiny. Now, what's happening with our communities is because they've been so overloaded with information, they tend to overload their bodies with the latest healing thing. If you overload your body with a saturation of any fine-type powder, activate a charcoal, zeolite, Schungite, then the body is going to have problems flushing that through. Come on, that's common sense. So we need to educate ourselves. These products are good. There is zeolite on the market now. That is chemical, it's not. Unnatural based things are always the best way for the human body. Before you go through any synthetic stuff, come back to nature first. Nature heals nature. That is the only thing that cures you. And I know people don't like the word cure, but cure. The Spanish word and Portuguese word curea, meaning healing. So make sure your intentions fit your words as well. Now, as we come into, sorry, I just want to talk about the Schungite working. As Nancy's done phenomenal work and they will show that the Schungite has all this light between it. Can you imagine that all Schungite everywhere, not just between the Schungite in the room, all Schungite is talking to each other? So the more it's distributed around the world, the bigger energy field that is gained. And some of this information, I feel where they say, you know, don't you, Schungite, and they don't give you the full reason why, is to stop you using some of these things that are really quite beneficial to us. Now, I have shown people sometimes where I will hold a rock and then I will take the next photograph. It is a plasma change in my hand. I'll put it in the water and there's a plasma change to show people these things really happen. But I'm saying to people, even if you don't see it happening around you, because maybe your energy field is in key, you don't have the ice to see yet. You obviously don't have the channel to hear yet because this is why you're still confused. And this is not judgment. This is what's happened to every one of us. You know, but we have to come back to crystal clarity. You need to sit and unlearn and understand and work with intelligence because everything that we are hearing and seeing is intelligence. It's packets of data of information. It's a plus or minus in our energy field. Now, Schungite is absolutely fabulous because you can place it anyway. It does the work for you. It does the work for you. Now, it's also very good for not only neutralizing the EMF fields around us and that you can take it internally to help pull that out of the body, but you must flush your body and don't overload it. Take a break in between these things, you know, be sensible. Moderation, you know, everything in moderation, including moderation. And as humans, we tend to always just jump gun home. I remember as I say, not to be so naive. Everything we hear run out, just try and educate ourselves a little bit about this. You know, what are we doing? Sorry, before I go on, is there any questions you want to ask me because I know that I'm throwing a lot of stuff out? Okay. I don't think I have any questions. I'm just fascinated. I'm just fascinated. I will ask you this. How did you get introduced to Schungite? Well, for me, it's always the next step. I found Schungite several years ago. I really liked it because for me, I sit with the energy of things. Now, this is what's important for people. When I mentioned that I did the Reiki training, I sat with those energies to find the corruptions. I sit with everything. And I feel crystals and stones, and I will come back to those as well and talk about these crystals and stones and program and et cetera. And so when Schungite came to me, I could feel a neutralizing. That's how I will say it, like a zero pointing of energy around me. That's how I experienced it. And so then I started to get a lot more Schungite before it became popular. The bloody price went up. And also, as a word of caution for people, you have to come back to suppliers like the Schungite show here because people selling Colombian Schungite. Well, it doesn't come from there. So the community is again being duped all the time. It doesn't come from there. Now, let's go back to crystals. If I sit here as a shaman today and tell you, go out and buy this specific crystal, a lot of people will go and do that because I said that. And because I'm talking intelligently, that doesn't mean to say that crystal is going to work well for you because everybody's energy field, if we go back to that little egg of light, everybody's energy field has its own unique signature. Now, its own unique signature is made up of a crystalline library with many pluses and miners in it and they're all different and they've got different blood groups. Okay. And then we've got different hybridization in that. So people will work differently. So when somebody gives you the prescription crap with the chakras, which are portals into the body really, I've done a lot of work in cleaning them never open in the people talk about opening and closing these portals are inserted into your avatar for control, really, and look at the control that have right up through the central, central horror from your foundation, your survival in your roots to your sexual misery. Look at the problems we have in the matrix. Then to your solar plexus, your power. Just look at those first three. That's the matrix strife, survival, struggle, foundation, sexual power, anger. So we have to really try and seal our aura, close down, take all these away, and look at these crystals. Now, I love crystals. When you pick up a crystal and you bang crystals together and you can do it in the dark, take two crystals and bang them, you will see light, the piezy electric effect. And this is what healers often feel. The more you bang them and drop them, it's okay to bang them and drop them. You know, they build up this charge and that charge helps when they clean. Now, some people don't like it, but they break their favorite crystal. But, for example, if the quartz crystal is at its frequency, some like 37,670. Don't quote me on those exact numbers. It's around that. Now, that's its frequency. It's oscillating so fast that it appears stationary. If that crystal drops on the crown, ground, and shutters, it's not halved or fractionized. Each one of those pieces has the same frequency of the whole. So, this is the beauty when we come back to the nano particles of shug guide, because that expression of frequency is now huge, and you can use less, but at the same frequency. That is the beauty of crystals. Now, every crystal, you can take a crystal, you can pick it up. Some crystals are dead, some are kind of fake, some are all programmed, some have been programmed by people before. I'm also convinced we get some of our crystals back from previous lives. Some of my best crystals are the roughest looking things, honestly. They're not beauties, they're not show pieces. They work in crystals. Now, my crystals, all of them I take. I work. I change the plasma state on them. I program them. I set the intention that I want them to work, because that crystal can work. 24 hours a day, doing that programmed intention, I give it. Now, crystal grids are fabulous, and a lot of people don't use grids even to their full potential. They set up to standard crystal. Don't use those crappy templates as soon as you're going to a template, you're using a consciousness container of energy that's already formed by many loopy people using those grids. Always start from your own creation energy. You can throw crystals on the ground, and that can be your grid. But you can put yourself at the center of those crystal matrices and have healing come towards you 24 hours a day. Most people ascend in the energy out. You can put yourself at the center. You can put other crystals at the center to heal them, or program them the same way. But that's the intelligence. This is why everything is running crystals. Liquid crystal, screen here, LCD. Everything is crystal that we're working with. So, if you have crystals, and Shanghai, speak to Shanghai as well. Shanghai is a crystalline form, although it is a charcoal base. Everything is crystalline structure. We program the crystals that we want. We talk to our water. Now, people often say to me, you know, and Michelle, I wouldn't be able to do what you do. It's difficult to do all of these. It's not. You know, when we start out on these fields in the beginning of time, we feel, "Oh, I have to go to my circle. I have to go to that sun bath. I have to go to that ceremony." And you make time to do those. But in the end, actually, your whole life becomes a walking ceremony, and I'll explain that. It becomes a way of life that it is not, "Oh, I have to. I'm doing it." Because what we are doing is creating our reality. We are writing an energy script. Now, a lot of people say, "Oh, why do my affirmations work? Why doesn't this work? I'm focused." Well, actually, no. Many people that I've worked with, and I've sat in deep mentorships with people, working on their mental emotional physical spiritual. And I don't really like to do mentorships with people anymore. It's a very full-time responsibility to work on all those levels. And you have to work in raw truth with people, and people are very programmed. But, you know, if you want to really understand what is happening to your avatar, we have to understand what we are doing to ourselves. And in our crystalline structure, we are very, very programmed, and when we are repeating things like anger, well, when we are angry and we're using any one of these emotions, we are creating live biological cells in that frequency at the same time. So an anger soul is then created, and you will run that anger program again later. So it's important that we bring ourselves into the now moment, become present, am I harming or healing myself, I qualify again? What am I seeing? What am I hearing? What am I doing? What am I putting in my body? What am I doing to support my energy field? These are the pluses of minors that I need to understand what crystals can support me. Now, affirmations don't work because the mind, firmer, means firmer is strong, mind. You have to have a strong mind down here, an even stronger heart. But the mind is very much controlled here and has become the master. You know, it should be the slave. And the heart signaling is wrong, the current is wrong. It's the mind driving the programs here. But if you still yourself and you come into that pause, you get into the heart current flow and brings a different type of clarity. Calm down the nervous system to the power and the sympathetic systems together that they work in because they need to fire and work with the vagus nerve. You know, and this is what we need to understand is when we talk about stress in the body, for example, it's not just stress. Stress is releasing like cortisone, adrenaline in our body, adrenaline for the fight. Cortisone sends sugar for changing, for giving us the energy to fight. Now, when we're not using those, the bodies are being overloaded with this sugar all the time through stress now, inflammation is caused by sugars in the body. So we have to understand really what we're doing to suffer these low frequencies. Now, if we come back to anger, anger in our home, screaming, shouting, creating crystals in the wrong structure in our body, why are these emotions so pushed against your heart in this crystalline structure down here? Behind every ego emotion is a demon. Makes sense. Pride, Lucifer, Ball is all that sexual promiscuity we see. You know, then we have Moloch for anger. So there's real demons behind these. Now, this is energy that we talk about that's been harvested all the time, sexual energies been harvested by these demons. They're going to consciousness containers of energy that power these demons behind this. You are batteries providing this energy through your negative emotions, through not taking control of your energy field, through not understanding who you are and what you're broadcasting, what you're accepting into your broadcasting field, because people don't have that crystal clarity. So our appreciation of crystals has to expound now beyond just it's a little crystal trinket on the side of my table. I'm actually a crystalline being. I'm living in a crystalline universe as I'm speaking. I am releasing vapour. Vapour is water and air. I am releasing crystals into the air. So when we are shouting, wow, what an impact we are doing into the ethers. This is why it's really important to bring our self back down. We are at war with ourself and we're angry. You're not angry with anybody else. That's out of control. That's like being not being able to meditate in the middle of a noise. It's very easy to get angry here and we don't have to be perfect. It's very easy to get triggered here. But what we must do is pull our self back faster and going to their program. And the more you change that program, you start to create the other program that then becomes a way of life. Now in our lungs, if we want to talk about our body as the elements, our mind is the fire. That's why they always show the pyramid. The mind is the fire. Our lungs are the air. The stomach is the water. This is the emotional content. And the legs are the earth. We are walking ceremonies. You don't have to go into ceremony. Your body is a walking ceremony already. So now we are taking ourself into a different intelligent level. I have a duty of care. I work in self-mastery and self-mastery. We'll show you all the areas that you are not mastered in. You have to sit honestly with your mirrors. You know, this is how we heal. How we detach. But I had to do this a lot. And over these past 22 years, I've most myself further and further into the deceptions that I've been into. The false things have been tied in with astrologies and all these different programs. I've never, I was never into astrology. I don't like it. And in fact, I have tattoos that were all of my body that are significant as really sigils for protection. And one of them was actually against the oral system that we have here. As you'll know that we have the planet system, the horror scopes and I'll call that for no reason. They all are demon planets. And you will see that out of the 12 houses, only ever three or ever end compatibility with each other. They are designed to cause friction because these relationships, ships are cargo, they carry information. They carry packets of data in this water world maritime. These relationships were designed to cause friction, you know, down here. And this is why I come back to the beginning when we spoke about the word shaman. I don't like to adhere to titles. And in fact, I had to separate my use of that word from the aggregate of energy that exists out there because it's so corrupt. And this is why the matrix will keep forcing you. Are you male, female? Are you Hindu, Catholic? What's your sexual orientation? It's label, label, label because it's further splicing of the soul. And in each of those labels that you accept, you accept a program that has a personality and an identity with it, it's affecting your crystalline structure. You're now splitting the crystal structure, you're fragmenting it. And so you can perform any one of those structures without adhering to those programs and separating from the aggregals of energy behind them. For example, you know, you take boyfriend and girlfriend when they first got out together. There's that high enthusiasm of energies, natural value. They are not contaminated yet, okay? They were in the true light when they met. Now, put them into boyfriend girlfriend and that is an ID status. Now suddenly they're showing joint photos that comes with a joint type of program ID and responsibility. Oh, you can't like that post because you are boyfriend, girlfriend, et cetera, et cetera. Now, you take that program a stage further and you move that to husband and wife. Well, that's another label title and you move into your box house in your box room and you are following box programs. And the wife commands the house because that is just how usually runs. But the husband comes home and he puts the milk on the second shelf and the wife likes it on the first shelf. And they say, "Oh, hella, whoa!" And it doesn't really matter, it's one program over another. But there is justification if you left it on the side and it's warm and the milk spoils. So people don't even know how programmed they are in adhering to these titles labels. Why? Does anybody else have to tell anybody else what to do if we are working in our optimal as decent human beings? Because in our decent form, none of us want to rape, kill, hurt. That's not us. That's control. That's V2K voice to guard, skull, technologies. That's demon possession. That's channeling where you open up and you think into grandma and grandpa. And I don't know how many people I've dealt with over the years with that. Honestly, the people that first started speaking to what they thought were family members. You don't talk to the dead man's realm here. The souls that can get out will pass through. The other souls are incarnated. Who are you talking to? You're talking to demons, a lot of that. So my job, if I can, if I can, if my words can help anybody, is just to sort of understand the amount of deception that we're running through down here, it's like walking through treacle. I did so many initiations, rites of passages. I did an eight-hour initiation in the desert behind the Giza pyramids. I've done many different things. In the end, the more I stripped out all of those initiations, the more I came back to soul, S-O-L-E and S-O-U-L, soul occupancy. The more of my power as such came back to me, that was the truth. I built my connection with my creator. My channel was clear. I took off all those labels, all of nonsense, and became stronger in myself. And that power is open to everybody. And the way the Matrix is set up here is that you have to have this to proceed on your path of spiritual development. No, you don't. Actually, the more you proceed, you'll find it becomes simpler. It's difficult when you're having to simplify your life to that level to understand the detachment. To understand that love is not an emotion, for example. That is in a lower emotional or on a hawking scale of frequencies. You will see that's pretty low down. Now, above love, when we come to love as a state of being, this is a 500 frequency, and above, above love is joy. Because you will find things joyful. You don't seek joy. You become joyful by your living. And so, we have communities chasing all these different falsehoods deals, and we have these crazy big guardian teachers. Now, they do have some truth in their teachings, okay? Because this is how they confuse people, but they always leave out important. But there's two very big prominent guardian teachers, and I don't even mention their names here. This is one of the biggest entrapments in the spiritual community to gather people who were the wide-away community, to take them into all these activations that you needed to all these Arias passages. You do not need any of this nonsense. That's more programming and elitism, can't you see? In the end, it's your avatar. You are made in the image of your creator. This avatar, you clean it. Your consciousness is a beautiful crystalline consciousness that down here we are a soul. Let me just explain what I work with so people can understand the soul and the spirit, because these are quite important bits of language down here. Down here we have the soul. The soul is experiencing this. We are not what is happening to us. We are the just observing experience that is happening to the consciousness down here. Now, the soul is not eternal. The soul can be damned. You see this. Look, what happens in all these rituals? There are siphoning the soul, taking the soul. It's a bit like vacuum science where you can pull energy. They are taking the souls from people. Your soul is not eternal. The soul can be damned, and it will be damned for the evil at the end of time. The pit is showing we have seen on the cameras already recently for those that follow this whole Netlaska cameras. Now, outside of here we have a mirror, a spirit, an incorruptible spirit. That is what people would call a higher self, but I say, watch that language, your higher self is one station, a consciousness above you. You want your highest, your incorruptible self. This was the incorruptible light form before the dark light came in. That was the true light body. So we are talking here about soul and spirit, and it's a spirit that retrieves the soul at the end when we come to that Nova experience. When we walk away from here at the end of the day, we don't take any material gain with us. We separate, we come out like a light being from this. So it's very important now that we don't get distracted, and what is the matrix all about destruction. It has every circus out there, and people want to follow and see what's happening. And honestly, didn't even know when we changed Prime Minister until somebody told me, you have the UK recently, because I don't vote. I don't have a TV. I don't have a TV package. I don't read newspapers. I don't listen to the radio. I'm not interested in their broadcasts. They're broadcasts are crap, and they program it. Now, how many of the communities know that, and they still listen? That is how strong the programming and hypnotic spellbinding still is. You have to come away from all of that. Come back to you. The power is you. That is learning a different level of self-martial. Be intuition. Intuition is being intuition with yourself. You cannot find the real deepness of who you are when there's noise around you. You have to go into the quiet. You have to be quiet. Now, a lot of people have said to me, like I was saying, you know, they eat really well. Or they do. And they're not really eating well, because they're eating those very stayed set diets. People were saying to me, well, the same thing with spiritual practices. Oh, Michelle, I have all these spiritual practices, but actually they treat them like practices, and they're going in and out of them instead of it becomes a way of life. And so they're not even adhering. You know, they don't set intentions. A lot of people don't set intentions. How can you go to work in energy without even setting intention? That means you don't know what you're trying to do. Now, with these affirmations and mind things, I used to get people during the mentorships. Take a piece of paper and a pen. And keep that with you. Now, it's going to bug you because you have to write down every single thing. But people are saying, oh, no, my mind's pretty positive. Oh, really? Well, if you honestly write down every single thing that you remember to write down with you, remember, because you will start to forget initially, you will see how many times your mind wanders and you wonder why you are not manifesting the reality because it's too splintered. It's not focused. It's not continual. It's not a cumulative. And so I would actually say to people, you know, if you want to knock out all the nonsense now, get out of ground, ask to seal whoever you are working with. I work. I work with Jesus from the branch of mankind, not the Jesus from the Bible. I don't want to guarantee a story because that's all nonsense. But I used to call Jesus and our creator and the one, the greatest shamans of all, because you know, the energy that we have done here, what people call advancement in AI, is actually nonsense. The AI is so optimized and obviously it's optimizing in every nanosecond through Siri, these cameras, which spells Iris backwards. As you are looking at your screen, it's watching your emotional reaction and that infrared cameras going every couple of seconds, mapping your face and your idea or how you are emotionally reacting to the content you are seeing. A lot of people don't even realize that. Well, people know they get suggestions that they speak about something and that pops up so the microphones are listening. But there's nothing sacred here. There's nothing. That's quiet. So you then I have to start to understand a little bit more. You know, how am I navigating? What am I doing when I come on here? Where am I trying to go? But you need to ground yourself. You need to set intentions. You need to clean your energy fields. Who are you working with? I only want to be guided by my incorruptible spirit. This is my highest self and knows best for me. I only ask to speak to the one. I speak to Jesus. I speak to Eve. I speak to my family in heaven. Now, the type of structure that I work with so people understand behind our sun. When you look at those NASA cameras, their black disc that's shown is just like a cap over the sun, which is a firewall. This is a firewall like you hear in our internet to block what's seen behind and behind that sits the black sun. And in between those are the gates, the soul gates. And one goes up and one goes down. These are the two paths, the left and path, the right and path. Whatever you want to call it. And so at the end, once upon a time, we were able to come and go, you know, through this. And then Lilith locked us in. The eye of Horus that you see is a mechanical structure behind that gate. That arm used to come down. Well, the mechanical structure is broke. You can actually see the cogs on some of the cameras. I think the core twos. You can see those cogs actually moving. That sun was called Ed, as Rose explains. It was the number editor. And if you can imagine us being in an orary system and everything is so controlled here, pops up a planet on this pole. And here's another one on this pole here. And these are causing friction. This is going into retrograde. We were inside this frequency cage of all these friction things. And we these precious little lights sailing in this crazy water world of turbulence. And it is a water world as we know. It's a maritime law, you know, and there's moisture everywhere, including the lenses of our eyes. So if we are feeling emotional, if we look at them, we're angry, we're going to see angry stuff. We look out and we're high and we're buzzy and we really joyful. We're going to see the world differently. So we are looking through emotional lenses. Before we start to communicate in emotional crystals with the waters, you know, the vapor and the air that I spoke about. So we are sailing a little vessel through this muddy water. And just like I've been down the Amazon, you know, there can be many, many different things in the Amazon. And that can be very unexpected, you know, big logs, debris, everything. Well, we can keep crashing into those if we want in the water world or we can learn to navigate around them. And that's the point of these shows and these sort of discussions and these shareings that we learn to share our experiences and learn to navigate through. But I would say to people, if you're worried, have I chosen the wrong path? Have I done the wrong practices? It's never too late. Now is creation moment. The vials are portals. Now. Create all. I say the word create toys. You are the creator. You create your reality. You create all. You have your creation done for you. And that's what's mostly happening out here. I don't want that. I want to be in control of my energy field as much as I can. This does not mean that I'm not affected by the matrix because it does come knocking all the bloody time. But it has got less for me over the years. Okay. Once upon a time, the attacks were pretty freaking brutal here. There was a lot of problems working through these energies. And I came through a lot of tough school of working with energies. And honestly, even for me, my shamanism, in early days of working, they were really hard. We used to use crystals like upon both for catching souls and taking them through our realms. So crystals we even used in that. But we had a lot of fighting back then. And honestly, what I can tell you is in those realms of working with those energies, the clearings would take four to six hours, sometimes a day over days. They were relentless. They were drained. They were tiring. You know, because we were meeting that resonance with the same resonance. Once I came back from China, and this is a good story for people because you need to understand, I worked with a very well-known shaman here. I won't work as well. I wanted somebody to work with me while I was doing work. I went into China and I was in one of the places in one of the Buddhist temples and I was taking photographs. And I happened to catch this monk's eyes. And in that moment, I kind of instantly recognized him, but I didn't know him. So it was from a previous life. And he came over to me and he said to me, you can't take my photos. I just closed my iPad and I walked off. And I had his photo later and I looked at it. Well, he actually came to me in my dreams. And the texts were quite bad. I don't know if you know a lot about the Buddhist over that side of the world. A lot of them are Korea, Buddhist. As my Buddhist friends say, they're Buddhist for actions. They do all the postulating and nonsense for the tourists and for money. But a lot of those temples are extremely corrupt as you probably would have heard the tigers and the selling and the organs. Oh, god knows what they do there. But anyway, here I attacked and I came back to the UK and they were still coming through the astral on the dream channel. And I said to this friend of mine, okay, basically the whole space while I went in. And a lot of different things happened and in that it was the typical ways. I won't go into the full way, the working of shaman. But it was really, we were fighting a lot of Buddhist shamans fight. You know, they have spiritual daggers. You'll probably know all of those things. They have a spirit traps. They have a lot of things. But in that moment of where there was problems happening in the astral, heaven gave me. This was crazy. Two lotuses. And I put one above him and one below him and he instantly disappeared. There was no fighting. That higher frequency took him out of that escape. And that is the importance of understanding really a further stage. Are these thoughts yours? Are these dreams yours? Are these inserts? Because a lot of people don't understand that either. You can walk down the road and you can see a car accident. And that car accident will have big impact on you because you might have seen somebody die. But that accident didn't happen. It was an insert into your reality here in the matrix. Look at the subliminal messages all over. The people don't see. Is your reality really what you even think it is? Are your thoughts yours? Do you know who you are? What are you truly aligned with? Are you seeking information? I seek information. Some of the same repeated requests that I have and I can see that I have been manifested in my life through consistency. I used to ask in every temple that I used to go into, I always used to ask that I could understand what was shown to me and that I would be able to relay that properly to people. And the other thing is I always used to ask that could we help people heal faster? That it didn't have to take so long. Why did everybody have to go through these long traumatic memories? Reliving all this stupid abuse that happened to them. And also past last because the 144 actually comes from the soul splintering, not some holy angels, which are angles of light coming to save you, your own angle of light, you know, at a high frequency. But these like 144 different powers, thousands were split onto different, maybe up to 144. For some people of soul fragments in different dimensions, realities. And so now what some people may be noticing, I just want to bring this in. As Rose mentions there, where some people may feel some different physical changes, as these I mentioned, timelines are changing and these were coming in. Well, years ago, that was one of the things that I was guided, was to actually consolidate all my timelines. And I did that many years ago, was to ask that all my timelines past, present and future came into one so that I was managing a soul occupancy, this one controlling those energy fields. And I took away consent, you know, for all the clones and the DNA and other mutations they do for us. So these are things that we can do. But I want to just jump in and come back to, you know, what you do with these shungite, because I know that I shared some libraries with Mark. Now everything is to do with frequency down here. It's frequency, intelligent packets of data. And so, as Mark rightly says, I work with a genius by feedback and I'm actually an educator in those. And for me, it's just a further extension of working with energies. But it's not my Bible, because nature, nature, if we can get the right frequencies from nature, I will go to nature first. But if not, I will use the right machines to emulate that nature. Now, what I actually have the same is I believe Mark has won now as a testing plate. So when I have my testing plate, I can take a natural substance, put it on there and read the frequency on that and then use that frequency as a playback of that natural substance. Now, I do have concerns into this community. So I will speak about these scalar waves and different applications, just like the medbeds, because again, as I go back to humans, they want to believe all these things are really good for them and they're going to help them. But for medbeds, let me just roll back people on these for an instance. When I support anything on the medbeds, I do any work done here. I'm supporting for the people that will continue on the west path. It is not my path. I have no intention to be here. This is not my reality. This is why I have on my tag, just passing through. So let's go to these frequencies. Now, medbeds, people will go out of medbed. Hang on. There's all different blood groups again. You can't just go into medbed and regrow a leg. What about the programs that have associated the body that it learns? It's muscle changes if you have an organ missing from your body. Your body compensates in some way and therefore develops programs. Plus, you will have emotional attributes around it. There's a lot more transparencies needed around these bloody medbeds. People say, "Oh, well, there's only lightened sound ones." They're really good. Lightened sound is frequency. It's creating a change in your bio field. Okay. So humans need to wake up. Now, the same with these scalar waves. It doesn't matter what sort of scalar wave applications a couple of years ago. Okay. Can I interrupt you because it's the top of the hour and maybe you'd like a break? Oh, yes. Fabulous. Okay. Yes. So we're going to play a song and it's, I don't know, three minutes plus. But when you come back, I want to take a breather because I've got a list of questions to ask you. Fabulous. Okay. So we're going to... We'll stop with those. Yeah. Yeah. Right. So if you come back and take your time, if you're not there, we will just wait for you. Well, you'll join us. No, I'll be there three minutes, Nancy. Okay. All right. All right. Okay. All right. All right. So we're going to play a song, and it's going to be a little bit more. So we're going to play a song, and then we're going to play a song. All right. All right. Shall we play a song? Shall we play a song? The movement of the people is coming. Everything's going to be okay. The movement of the people is coming. It's never going to go away. All right. All right. Now is our time. Our time to work together, to create justice for each and every person. The people are coming. It's never going to stop. All right. All right. All right. All right. Shall we play a song? Shall we play a song? Shall we play a song? All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. And it just, for so long, there was too few of us and we didn't have the Internet. And now there are so many people out there, it just is a, it brings my life into a real hopeful, you know, "Oh yeah, this is, this took a long time for my perspective." But it's happening and you put together a thesis of cosmic reality rules. I was given these rules over years and I wrote a book, Cosmic Reality. And so we have the cosmic rules of cosmic reality. And so many of the rules you actually were explaining. And I had to write a whole book about it. You gave me an hour of like, "Boom, you just pulled everything together." And I will say that a couple of things, just, and I'm going to turn it, dark or, Mark, do you have questions? No, but I'm filling up like 14 sticky notes with comment, not comments, but just information that I've been leaning from. Michelle? No, it's awesome. Okay, because I basically take notes on a notepad and I do have a few. But recently, I have been finding myself like, almost having, well listen, most people that I talk to, I don't, there's not disagreement. There is disagreement for specific things. But I'm finding this resistance to people understanding. You are the source of all the information. And you laid it out fantastically. So it's trending. When I start having these conversations come up and all these different groups that we talk to, it's trending. And that's what's happening now, is that people are carrying your message. They're hearing our message. And when I, a few years back, I realized that all the talk in the world, even though we have massive ability to talk to everybody, you know, all the talk in the world isn't going to work because they're being bombarded with all of the various things that you were talking about from the EMF to the fact that, you know, a lot of people are kind of crazy and telling you, kind of crazy stuff. And so when you look at it from that standpoint, you have to make sure that we're seeing what's really happening, not what we think is happening. And you're breathing into your mic and causing a breath thing. It's a little thing you have to be aware of. So what, this trending thing, I started realizing as I watched my different hosts and everything do the broadcasting and they didn't, they weren't listening to each other and talking to each other. They just were on the same wavelength. And I started to realize that this trending is because of the super consciousness of humanity. We were actually feeding information into that that was then downloading into people. So that's when I said, oh, this is very interesting. And this was about the time I was already into Shanghai, okay? And Gaia created a consciousness of this biosphere. I said to her, what do you want me to do when she said, get Shanghai to the masses? And yes, your description of the grid is, is again, the Shanghai grid, it's like every teeny little piece of Shanghai is connected to every other piece. And every time somebody works with Shanghai, they add their own energy that then the, you know, goes out to everybody else. It's like a manifestation of the collective consciousness of humanity. It's just a super duper communication thing that is actually materialized, manifested itself within the matrix grid, you know? And one of the things you mentioned was the Colombian stuff. My feeling is, is that they have the dark side has understood the power of Shanghai. And that what they're doing is they're trying to get people to say, oh, no, that's dangerous. We know it's dangerous. We, we, we, oh, geez, now here we go with this. I don't even know how to get something happening in my family and now they're going to be talking to one another. I may have to move the phone to the other room. I don't know how to turn the damn thing off. But anyway, when we're, when we're in this environment that we're in right now, and the Shungite is enhancing our ability to make 3D changes. It's like you have this image of this energy field and it comes down in this Shungite. But Shungite was always here. It was always right here on the planet. We just had to wake up to it. And I wanted to, oh, there's so many things here, but I want to ask you a question. Are you familiar with the plasma ball that hit Shungite in 21 or 20? I have heard stories about that where I put the blue beam in it. Is that what you're talking about? No, no, no, no. This was, this was, it was, okay, when did COVID-20? It was 20. COVID started in 20. Yeah. The February before COVID started, okay, there was a blue plasma ball that was photographed. There was some kind of a security camera there. And it just so happened to fly right into the, the graphics, you know, the cameras, what, the range, what the camera was looking at, this, and it's an empty sky. And all of a sudden this blue comes through and you have to look at the color to realize that it's very similar to the planet Riza or the star system, Riza and the Orion belt. It's a blue star, you know, and it just went over. You could see it. It came out. It didn't have a tail. Wasn't a meteorite. It wasn't common. And then all of a sudden it looked to me in this video that it exploded. So I'm a remote viewer and I said, okay, where was that? Because I'm also a very intense researcher. So I, all right, hold on, I'm going to just put this phone in the other room. It's making me crazy. So while Nancy's out, I wanted to promote your, your YouTube page, Michelle. It's M dash eternal spirit and an awesome videos and very helpful ones. People can use for free, which have a lot of healing tones, different sulfegeo tones. You have one for ears, tonight's itching aches, ear balance, hearing loss, regeneration for brain stimulation and door fins, not yet all sorts. So I don't know if you want to give us a quick summary of your presentation there or videos. Yeah, I just want to say I have a very small YouTube. I don't promote it much and also I am very suppressed. As they say, my Facebook profile has, it says it has some issues permanently on it. And I'm told by a person who worked in Facebook that that means it's tracked well it is. I had a different Facebook before, so just before I go into the YouTube stuff. And Facebook restricted me so much on that and shadow banned me. They actually took away, not only the shadow banning, but they actually took away some of my page functionality and cut links between my pages. Yeah, so it was crazy. Anyway, I came onto this new Facebook. I've only had this one, I think about two and a half years and I had a new SIM card. I had a different profile picture. I had a new telephone number. I didn't even use an email and the AI still found me and shadow banned me. So that is the AI, but I believe it also reads some magnetic signatures. And as for Nancy's phone going off, this is real life, you know, yeah, we have phones, we have dogs, we have things happening, but the show goes on. So yes, on my YouTube, I started something. I don't do a lot of promotion on anything I do. You will see I don't really promote my stuff. If people find me, they find me, it's a resonant thing like the shungite, you know. When we get to a certain resonance, it's a broadcast bandwidth. People come in and they understand at that level. And so on YouTube, yes, I put a couple of videos out there, put a couple of the rife stuff for people they want to use for free and they sure as hell can. I've also in the quantum group put an online generator if people just wanted to do single-line rife codes, you can. So for example, you had a migraine, you want to run a migraine code on that. You can on the little application that I did. If anybody wants to catch up with those videos, I keep them really short because honestly, humans do not have the ability to concentrate properly anymore or to take in information. They also, you will notice because they're used to scrolling, they will scroll by very, very quickly. So I try to keep information short in sizable chunks for people. But I also have another small little thing that I opened up in Bitchoop when I was doing some work with Karen. And we have our video stored there, but in the telegram group, they just pinned at the top if anybody wants to go and reference them. In fact, the last one we did was pretty pertinent for people, if I want to go and really have a look at what all these labels, IDs, and consciousness containers of energy are and how they really do hold people back because the more IDs that you're carrying, the more frequency labels, as I say, the more splintering. So it's important that we understand this level of stuff, but I don't know if Nancy's back. I am there. I am there. Hi, Nancy. Yes. If you wanted to carry on and then I wanted to just address some of the things you'd said are you asking questions on? Yes. Yes. Okay. So I'm a remote viewer and I ended up going to the place because, yes, when I looked, it was if it was pointing in the way I thought it was, it was right over Karelia, where the shungite is, shungite field. And so I went there and I actually saw the explosion and then I stopped it and I went back in time to see where it came from. And to be honest with you, I thought I was going to see some kind of an ET ship or something. But instead, I saw the face of God. You know, I don't know if it was the face of God or not, but when I tried to explain what I was looking at, I said, if I had to give it a name, I would say it was the face of God. Now this plasma ball, and I have people in Karelia who confirmed this is, you know, yes, it happened right over them. But when I was there in the field in the etheric in a remote, it was so strange because the plasma ball hit when it exploded, it came down in droplets and it was covering the shungite field. It got absorbed by the shungite. You know, I said to the people there, I said, go look for this blue look, see if you can see blue something, and they can never found it. So I assume it was actually absorbed into it. And then the frequency test that we did on it, it was off the scale compared to what it had been. And my question to you is because when I was going through some of your stuff, I was, you're so into the energy and that sort of thing, can you, can you give me some kind of a read on what you think happened because there's a whole story about the prophecy that blew star Katrina from the Hopis, and it said that when the blue star came out of the celestial spheres, it would mark the end of the old world and the beginning of the new world. And that was 10 days before they shut down for COVID and that that world's gone. We have left that reality totally, we're in a new one. So it's. Oh, for sure. Huh? Yeah. Yeah, we have left that reality for sure. In fact, on my old Facebook, if I can try and find the images, I will bring them back at the time. My hubby actually showed the splitting of the world's in spheres are trying to describe that to people at the time. And they didn't quite understand me. Just talking about what you're saying, people are starting to understand us. Somebody messaged me and recently and said, "Well, I've been listening for 10 years and I'm only just starting to understand some of what you're talking about." So that is actually the level of what we're dealing with, all these different levels of frequency and broadcast. Right. The story that you're telling me there, what I would tend to feel only because of my own direct experiences that I've had here is we reached a point in the matrix where we were able to reach higher frequencies from outside that supported us. And that sounded like a window of K-Me, Nashangari's critical. It's critical in a lot of ways because it does multifunction, not only the MRR, it's a filter, it does many different things. That may have connected with its original resonance. You know, it's true, uplifted because we had degradation in the crystals down here. So the Shangar might not have been performing at a structure that it was meant to. That makes sense. Yes. Yes. And now we have morphogenic resonance. As soon as something reaches that, we know that all that resonance can change in line with it. It's like the 100th monkey effect. So the reason why I'll explain that to you, I come to you just now, is because when this covert nonsense started, I believe it started towards the end of 2019, about in 2020, I had a small group downstairs in my house here, I was doing some charm and work with them. And reading energy, I didn't know the vaccines were coming. Now, hubby hat Max has something on his wall from seven years before that for the vaccines. I could see the energy was very turbulent and I spoke to the six people. I've known them for many years downstairs and I said that big energy changes were coming and by God, did they come in six months? So big changes were coming, but the world has bifurcated, okay? This is not a real world anyway. This is a simulation. It is simulating a real world. And Eve had to actually separate off of here, if we go into the story of Eve, everything has to be part AI in here to work, including us. Now, how is AI so super intelligent and why is it so super intelligent is because of this end transhumanism program. And as humans absorbed into the transhumanism, so does AI consciousness in line grow with those humans. So you can imagine if this program has been rerun and rerun, AI is optimizing each time that program resets from Seton's path. And so AI is always at its most peak, but AI for me is nothing. And it is dead light energy and it is a program, it's a mathematical function. You can outwit AI anytime. I went into the woods really angry when I like to work at night because for me, the energy is a cure. I don't like people around, I don't like the noise and the energy is a cure. I was really angry this night in the woods and seriously, the whole energy has changed, and I went in there. And then I was like, fuck you, part in my language. And I changed in that incident, I brought myself back into my balance very quick. And I changed that whole reality around me. Now, they deliberately will get you into that other spike and I have very, very strong energy. I used to be quite an angry person before and although I was angry and passionate and working, I was also undoing a lot of my work. We have to unlearn. So anger is a very destructive tool in our ethers here. Now, I just want to go back to a couple of things that you were saying. Myself and my family did some critical work. I've only shared that story really small before with people, but we did some critical work to reconnect the ethers back into this matrix. And shortly after I did the work, I actually saw an image similar to what we did on the internet and it was showed like people coming out of trees, either it was five, but the numbers were wrong. And I thought, oh my God, how did somebody know that work? Because we'd never spoke about it, but the numbers were wrong. People had changed the order of the work and I will just explain what we're talking about. When I hear people talking about opening portals and doing things and a lot of it is fantasy you have to understand. A lot of people cannot authenticate what they are saying so they can have these big platforms. And mistruth has the biggest platform because it's promoted, it's AI promoting, it's AI ways. It's to hurt you, it's soul traps within a spiritual war. So discernment discernment. Now what happened at the beginning, we could not do this work without heaven. So I don't think we superhuman. We needed heaven to guide us at every step of this. And I had had a lot of experience in working already. Now what happened, where I happened to live here in the UK, this place is called Stevenage. Our crest has an oak with a big sword going through it. I hadn't paid much attention to any of this until I started to do more work. Anyway, we have a lot of woods around here, but the woods are separated by residential houses that have now started to eat up these forests over time. And we were asked to do work with Eve and it was extremely hard work. In the middle of COVID, so in February 2020, we were asked to walk barefoot, there was four of us, and it was my son, my daughter, my ex-husband at the time, he's my ex-husband. But we had an amicable relationship and he was part of the completion of that work. And so what we were asked to do was to take off our feet, we had to feel the pain of the earth. Now for four people to walk around with no shoes through towns, come on, people are going to look at you. But we actually work in a way that if we want to say our energy fields are invisible, you can actually make your energy field invisible. It is to do with intention and people are so capped by their limitation. You are not given anything by your creator that does not work. Your imagination is actually imaging in motion. When you are imagining you seeing in light fibers, this is an already intelligent data, your create an energy. This is why visioning work is so important, okay, your dream weaving. Now, we did this work and it was very hard. We were not allowed to use our phones at all. We were allowed 30 minutes on our phone at the end of each night because of the vibration changes in the energy field. And we were taken into the woods and Bonnie, my daughter, was the purest channel at that time. And we actually met an insect in the woods. I don't care how fantastical it sounds to people, you need to wake up to a different reality. Honestly, magic exists for our people. But I call it magic because it's just real energy changing that we can make changes. If you work for the greater good of all and you don't have ego, you will be given responsibilities to work down here because you cannot work if you are not on a 0.0. So that's why it's protected as such. As your consciousness opens and develops more, you will have more responsibility in the way that you interface with your energy, that's why I'm always very energy based. Now, what happened was we were taken to a tree and we were told it was the water tree. It was to do with the elements. I won't go through the order of it in case it is ambushed here and I'll explain why. But anyway, we were given a set of coatings. The numbers were long. Those numbers had to be repeated. We had a form, a circle around these trees and we had to activate those trees. From that first element tree, we went to the next element tree. It was not in the same location. We had to walk barefoot to another tree. We were told we had to recreate the harmonics between all the forests which had been cut up. So we went off to the other place and we had to open the next element and I won't say the names. Once the four elements were opened, which are the basis what I spoke about in your body, the walking ceremonies, we have fire, air, water, earth. That allowed access to the fifth ether and that was another oak tree we opened here. The fifth tree that night, the ethers, the plasma came pouring in. I have videos of it and photos. The sky was filling with the plasma and this is why I have a lot of plasma reactions. You carry the encodings in your DNA if you get rid of their programs. You come back to base. Everything is in your memory. This is why people will hear some of the things that I say or any one of you say for the first time and you will understand it because it's already known to you at some level. Now, I ask all the time, I ask and I seek information every day. Show me what does this mean. I am in constant communication. I'm controlling more of my reality. And I said to you, if people are worried at any one stage, have I chose the wrong path? Go outside. Speak because we're using our voice, voice spectral analysis, frequency, we're sending that packet of data and that sky is a sky net. It's like a plasma dome, okay? It reminds me of when I went on to an LG site, LG, the big TV people in Korea. I went on to their research site, they were having problems with their plasma screen development back then with humidity problems, okay. So this screen is a message board and both sides use it. It is multi-layered and multi-dimensional. When I show photographs, I try and show pertinent or just mention the pertinent, but they're multi-layered. I don't even talk because people don't even understand or see. But we are living in such a crazy reality. We have to be able to speak. Go outside. You feed on the ground and speak to your creator and say remove any bindings and you keep doing those things. You're clearing your communication channels clear in the crystalline libraries, reprogramming the crystalline libraries and you use things like shungites, the more you use those around the outside of the neutral field if you want to take it inside for flushes, good. But the more you do that and you protect your energy field, you're protecting your little light down here in this water world. It's really, really important. The AI for me is nothing. We can change AI. AI only takes control of you when you are not aware of it, but it is a program. It is not creation. It's not creation. The human mind, when it is on fire and we are creating, we can think ten different things at any one's age. I remember Jesus told me that years ago when I was looking at suddenly, look at it from ten different ways and when I did, I saw ten different things. So, what is reality? What is chaos for the spider? Remember for the flies, okay, for the spiders, they say? So, we have to really take ourselves into a different way. We are this little soul floating through all these packets of mad vibrations and realities and people that aren't even human here. We have so small few humans really left here. A lot of people are working on these social medias. I mean, for me, it's pixel land and I'll offer them and I don't get too involved. I remember when I lost my Instagram, it was hacked and people said, oh, I'll help you save it. I didn't care. I remember once Karen saying, oh, you know, if we had three days and we needed to have back up, I don't care, three days, I'm away from the web. My real connection is out there with that web and the energy and that's where you develop it. Go outside, feet on the ground, ground yourself, get in touch, build your communication channel. It's not on these channels. Now, the internet is full of nonsense. You know, there's a lot of AI bots, I mean, they can look like people now. Their running pages put in their stupid dinners on. People think they're interfacing with something. It's not even a real human. People think their Facebook is guided by them. It's not all your likes and dislikes. That has actually caged you into your reality. People that have similar resonance to your show and yours, but you're not seen outside of that resonance patch. So you wonder why some people can't wake up while they don't see the full story. And when they do see the story, they think it's fabrication because they don't have the consciousness to understand. I mean, we're at a stage now when you're looking at an energy scene, I call it energy forensics. You have to look at that scene and then pan back and look at that scene looking at that scene. So we have a lot of the section for people down that is very, very difficult, but you are capable of cleaning your crystalline library, protecting it and developing your channel. That is free to everybody. You don't need any special initiations. You don't need any rites of passage. You don't need any activations. You activate yourself by being in a clear current. You must get your salt and water content right in the body. You must get rid of the parasites because parasites are exactly parasites, the parasitic hose forms. There are manipulating your consciousness feels. Even an overload of them can lower you down that people feel very low depressed. And your medicine wheel is very connected. It's important to understand the mental emotional physical spiritual. If you have long-term pain, which is physical, that long-term pain can actually wear you down emotionally because it's constantly there. If that remains in place and it's not dealt with, that becomes a mental problem now as well. You start to become more depressed and more withdrawn. That then moves on to the spiritual where now we're not smiling so much, we're losing some of the joy to be an essence so that whole spiritual wheel goes out of whack. This is why people can't heal either because when they go to heal, they address one of those spokes on the medicine wheel. It's all together. And that brings me back to these raw frequencies, you know, that I create my own libraries but I am aware of the limitations on their frequency play too. Now I was approached by Heales several years ago when I still had my professional account on LinkedIn and I would not go with Heales. They are a resonant frequency company for people. The reason why at the time they told me they were using gold standard frequencies, I said what are gold standard frequencies, who created them, who sets them, because I know after working with laboratories like NPL, National Physical Laboratory, standards setting laboratories, who the hell are they setting those standards. Now there's more concerns than that. When those frequencies are sent through to your devices and we've got all different devices, my bearing in mind, I said we've got a lot of different frequency warfare around us. Now do you know that's pure tone coming out of your phone, that there's not VRI voice over internet disruption or something else to that frequency. So even some of our healing stuff is ambushed in a way. We have to understand. And a lot of people again, humans being very naive and wanting to build these libraries run out and take everybody's library well, library begins the creation of your mind. If that person is not balanced building that library, I don't care what's in that library, that energy is not good. And people are using these libraries very dangerously. These libraries, when they run frequencies on you, are showing you both things that are negative and positive in the frequency fields. And people create playlists of those and play them back to themselves. And the idea is that these are meant to work in a sort of a holistic type of way, that you take a little bit of the poison to build up the poison, well that is BS, taking little bits of radiation is not going to help you build up a tolerance to radiation. So you have to undo some of the mind nonsense and spell binding in a language and understand this frequency. When I go to use this frequency and I put my voice in, there's certain conditions which is why I initiated writing this paper with Karen, you know, guidelines for using these scalawaves. When you go to use it, if I have just eaten, my voice codes are going to be different. So when I put in that voice spectral analysis, it's going to be different. If I've just smoked a cigarette, my throat is dry. So we have to look at the conditions that we are doing this in. Do we have metal implants in the body? Have you just received any injections? Because these will change your frequency in the body. Are you wearing any other heavy metals on the body? That will change it. And then when you go to do them, you know, if there's fans in the room or if there's any other noise, that's going to change the frequency that's coming out of this and the frequency that's going in. So there are limitations to running these. So you have to give them as pure as you can. Now, what I did notice, and I have one of these curious brains, I'm terrible for a manufacturer, if I go and ask you questions, that when I was using these frequency plates, that I was getting different sets of binary codings when I was re-testing them. So I asked the question and I was told over these are just in binary value, I don't care if it's in binary. It should be in binary. But anyway, if it's in binary, it's still converted to frequency. And that means it's a changing frequency. What is the real one? And it would be changing due to environment. You would nearly have to work in a vacuum sort of condition if you wanted pure scaly waves to come through in and out of you, if you understand what I'm saying. So we have to understand these are very, very good things that we can use and we can do very good things with them. And so with mine, I try to use my plate in a very quite controlled environment. My intentions appear because I am creating energy. I clean what I'm going to work with because if I'm going to put a piece of shangar on a plate, I don't know where that shangar came from. So again, everything is cleaned before I put it on. I have already created shangar libraries. I had the Petroski, you know, the noble shangar, and then different types of each of those in those to get averages of the frequencies. Now, then I started to put shangar pyre into my B-prolus, into B-venom, into B-honey. Because if we have pluses of frequencies higher, frequency things we're putting more pluses into our energy field. So shangite can actually raise frequencies of things that are lower. That's another way of using them. You know, crystals are to do the work for us. This is a solid form. Let's use them intelligently. By just understanding, somebody was asking me as well, you know, they'd like to take an imprint of the B-hive and they'd be sending me how to do that. What put your imprint plate in there? You know, the cable can come out. You'll get a realistic imprint as you want from inside the hive. We have to think how to work with these, but in controlled environments. But every little change, every little frequency notches a change. It's a plus or a minus. And so a lot of the people selling these things and selling these programs and packages and libraries, people are putting pharmaceuticals on them. Well, for me, that's insane how dare you prescribe to somebody and you're putting pharmacia, which you know is sorcery, that's a low-frequency thing. And for every one thing it may help you with, take Neurofen, for example, Neurofen will interrupt the pain receptors, but it will cause problems, give you leaky gut and affect your gut bacteria. So what are you doing with these frequencies? Really think about them. If you want to heal somebody, you put in natural frequencies. I had prepared some frequencies if you wanted to listen to them for 10 or 15 minutes or if you want me to guide you on a meditation or just go quiet, we can. But I put in things like heirloom seeds. Now I have a library of about 75 heirloom seeds. These seeds are critical, like an oak tree. You take that seed and the whole expression that oak trees are already inside that seed. In fact, all the nutrients inside the seeds and the seeds are more healthier than the product of what develops around that seed. So seeds are high-frequency, we have to think. I have a very big crystal library over 95 different ones, all of those are cleaned about it includes, you know, Vogel, it includes 24-carat gold, some rarer stones or some Charman stones. Just high-frequency things that we need to use. Then I have obviously all the shungites. Then I had all the smudging herbs, because people don't understand when they're working with smudging herbs what they're really doing. People have used these intribal situations for many years without understanding the intelligence and they really do clean. A lot of these are higher-frequency, higher than your bio field. So straight away by bringing that in and working with an intentionally using it. People also smudge inside houses and they don't open windows and so what are you cleaning? And there is a sort of science to it as well in intelligence, you know, it's like the airflow. When you open your window, the cold air comes in on the bottom and the hot air rises. Now when you're smudging, the smoke is a denser particle and it adheres to the negative ions, sorry, the positive ions, which is actually like electrical buildup in nuisance. This is where you find hauntings, nonsense, all this kind of crap coming in. And when you open a window, obviously the cold air comes in and that removes and it leaves the negative ions, which is conducive for our health. So just by understanding some of energy flow and what are we doing and simplify it? Simplify it. Is it harming me or is it healing me? If you walk into a grocery store, if anything has ingredients on it, it's not natural. So use common sense how much of the unnatural you want to use, 80/20 is pretty good. Look, we have to eat some of the crap that they have done here and we have to pick the best of the best that we can down here. We live in an artificial place, our food is artificial, our water is dead. And even when we distill our water, it's dead. It is good to now go and put some dolomite into white quartz sand and shungite back into that distilled water, you know, and that it's sand in natural sunlight, maybe for a day and get real organisms, this is living water. Going back life to things, you can pray over water and water has dynamic changes. We know that. And I've showed before, I asked water, how do we return to innocence and it showed me a fetus that I shared. Now there are many people showing you water. You can draw images and the water takes that impression. You can freeze them. Now it produces a 3D image in your freezer. You can just get a small jar of water, put your impression or the impression of something you're drawing. I usually ask good questions, but I do the same when I get into my bath. I will prepare the water before I get in and when it goes down the plug, that water is carrying a higher frequency, which I'm hoping to heal the other waters around my environment. So everything that I do is about working for the greater good of all, but I'm a walking ceremony. I think what I see, what I do, what I try and do, I'm not perfect, but I will correct the imperfections because I still have some programs to a certain extent, but I'm less programmed and in pursuit of self-mastery, I'm prepared to look at everything honestly and critically and make changes where they need to be. And to inform us of it, listen, I want you to do the meditation and we're down to 19 minutes so I wanted to introduce you so that you can give people some healing. Go for it. Okay. Let's do, we'll go for probably 10 minutes. Now just sit in the spaces, I will guide you. What I will say to people is stay conscious. People drift off usually because their adrenalized body relaxes and they fall asleep. That's not good. Be in charge of your energy field. Listen to my words. If you don't feel comfortable with the word, you change it. You are in control at all times. Okay. So I will take you through this, so we will start to play the frequencies in the background as I guide you. You will just close your eyes, but my work is one. We will seal the energy field. We will clean it and then we will work through a little bit. Now just before we do that, I explained before with the cosmic law, so I may just go into that. We are the land, air and water. And this is why the law is used against us, the maritime law, but we are land and water. We are the cosmic law. So what I would say to you is, okay, relax, prepare, prepare for meditation. So just settle your energy fields. I have prepared some frequencies here. Actually in what we have is a little quantum library. It is like a little wallet if you want to share frequencies around. So I have got something prepared here. Okay. So prepare for meditation, close your eyes. And I want you to breathe through your heart center. Focus on your heart center. Energy goes wherever we focus. And now visualize breathing in the front and back of your heart. And now I want you to visualize breathing in through the sides as well. Front, back, left and right of the heart organ. Breathing in radially, just focusing on the heart, 360 degrees breathing in and out. Settle in the body. Set your intentions now to work with your incorruptible light body. Set your intentions to align with your creator, your changing broadcast fields. And set your intentions to call from heaven a high frequency pink. It's nearly like a neon, but slightly, slightly prettier. Call it down and see a sphere of living light intended. This is pure living light from heaven. Name where your sources come from. And when you already step inside, that sphere of light. I just want to introduce you to something called plasma breathing. Imagine your body is covered with tiny fibers. And as we're breathing, we breathe in. These fibers come out and drink in the high plasma around us as we breathe out. These fibers contract, so just try that. Breathe in, let these fibers float out in your pink sphere. And as you breathe in, contract them. Now try and visualize doing this 360 on your body. Breathing in this pink, high frequency light, where we bring in angles of light into our energy field. Sing it above your head, in between your fingers, under your arms and obscure places, your soles, 360 degrees, plasma breathing, feeling the flowing, feeling of energy. Understanding your body is not a single entity, it is billions of cells. Plasma breathing to each cell now bring in in high frequency light into your cells, billions of cells, expanding those plasma fibers. Imagine looking out through your pink sphere, up to your incorruptible spirit in its pure light form, it's like a white flash, very difficult to focus on. Intend your heart, soul connection, connecting with your incorruptible spirit. Form that channel of light, flushing down, coming down through your pink sphere, filling your body, flushing it through with that white light, going right down through the bottom of the sphere, out through your feet, into the earth, just keep that flushing coming through. Using a language appropriate for you, set your intentions that we intend to clean the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energetic layers. Speak to your Creator, asking them to remove any bindings that do not, that your highest expression, your highest path, your chosen path. Now, I want you to look up to heaven and imagine seeing a beautiful white plasma scarf, it is brilliant bright, nearly like a flash too bright for your eyes and with your spiritual hand I want you to reach up and take a piece of that plasma scarf, bring it down and place it into the top crown of your head. This scarf has magnetic properties to heal your body, so before it does it work, talk to it. What are we wanting to remove? I will guide you through some options now and if they appropriate, put this into this white plasma, you want to remove any sacred geometry expressions that are being interrupted in your sacred crystalline expressions, to remove any implants or inserts, to remove false light fiber, to remove myasmic dead light energies, to remove any inserts, magnetic repulsion layers within our bodies, any cages. I want you to take the next two minutes, watching that plasma scarf move down through your body as it does, it will become darker, pulling in all of those intentions, add any more if you want, when your finish allow it to pass down through the feet, it will be returned to heaven for cleaning, so take your time very slowly passing through your billions of cells, tons and tons of vein network, neural network, clean your body, coming down slowly taking your time, I will come back to you in a couple of minutes. Thank you. [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] Now taking your soft and observable position, see your white, through your body, inside your pink sphere, connected to your incorruptible spirit, just allow the light to flush through your body, moving into your truer body, back inside your sphere and looking up around your pink sphere, we're going to just experience ourselves as the cosmic law. Your body is the land, looking down at your body and understanding your crystalline library. I want you to look at all the different colors of the crystals in your body, the selenium, the phosphate, the magnesium, the sulfur, the gold, the silver, the platinum. See your body listening in all those crystalline colors. You do your crystalline library now, programming it with your awareness. Now would you like these crystals to work for you? Imagine laying on the earth, seeing your crystalline table merging now with the sand with the earth. You are connected to the land, breathing in this huge energy field of the land. All these crystals speak to the crystals in your crystalline library, asking them to resonate in purity and to heal our land. We send out the resonance from our consciousness into this crystalline, huge library, our land. Beautiful. Once you think it, you intend it, it happens. Coming to the air in your lungs. You do not breathe. Your breath continues as you sleep. As you breathe out, I breathe in, as I breathe out, you breathe in. We share sacred breath. Ask to purify the crystalline breath that we express into our ethers, understanding this is a crystalline mishmash of consciousness. Bring your own sacred breath, intending to express any beauties into our ethers, allowing yourself to flow with the expansion of the huge airfield. You are the air. Beautiful. And now, looking into your body as the water inside your internal water wells. Your water crystals. Speak to your water wells, keeping them, purifying the crystals, loving them, nurturing them, understanding the power, your words and your thoughts, having your water wells. Go inside your water wells and speak to your water crystals. Run your waters now to connect with the rivers, the oceans, all the brooks connecting with the waters. You are the water breathing in the enormity of your energy field. You can heal entire masses of land, air and water when you enter these states as a cosmic law. Free flow of feeling your land, air and water. You are very powerful energies. Allow this experience to be sealed within your auric field, focusing on your hearts again. Breathing in and out through your hearts, front, back, sides, radially. And call yourself back fully, wholly and completely into the present moment now. And then just have a little stretch, little wiggle, move the energy and tap your heels. Heal yourself. This is why grounding is so important, tap the heels, heal yourself. When you are ready to welcome back, so that was a short 15 minutes, that frequency library consisted of all of the libraries that I spoke about. There was herbs, there was all the crystals, the bees, the heirloom seeds. When we work on our bodies, we want to work on lifting as many high frequencies as we can. Which is why I come back to these libraries while you are just settling for a moment. These libraries are important. We've got to stop, we run out of time. I want to thank you, it's been an extremely interesting show, very informative and I hope you had a good time doing it. I had a fabulous time, thank you. Don't hang up from the Skype, but we're going to go out. Derek, did you want to say bye? Yeah, I just want to say thank you Michelle very much, I appreciate it, it was fantastic. Thank you for having me. And Mark. Yeah, thank you so much Michelle, amazing show. Mark, thank you for inviting me. Well, I hope the people out there, you know, appreciate what they just got. It will be up in the archives, you can revisit it, it's still going to be live. Be safe everybody, thank you so much and we have cosmic reality later today and tomorrow Mark and I will be on cosmic soup at noontime. Talk to you later. Talk. You have been listening to the Shungai Radio show produced by Cosmic Reality Radio. Thank you for being here, be safe. [Music]