Cosmic Reality Podcast

COSMIC SOUP 7/16/24 - Dr Merritt on Parasite Link to Cancer

“Cosmic Soup" – In the second hour Nels Busch and Nancy Hopkins will discuss an interview with Dr Lee Merritt on the connection between cancer and parasites. Nels provides stories about healing. Dr. Lee Merritt: The Connection Between Parasites & Cancer + COVID Shots & 5G Active FB account: "Nels Busch'' Rumble:  PDF, Cosmic Reality Free PDF, 911 Crusade *Walt -

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at *NANCY'S BOOKS


1h 59m
Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
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“Cosmic Soup" – In the second hour Nels Busch and Nancy Hopkins will discuss an interview with Dr Lee Merritt on the connection between cancer and parasites. Nels provides stories about healing.

Dr. Lee Merritt: The Connection Between Parasites & Cancer + COVID Shots & 5G

Active FB account: "Nels Busch''


 PDF, Cosmic Reality

Free PDF, 911 Crusade

*Walt -

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at


[music] Welcome to Radio by G, where we sort of act from fiction, conspiracy from falsehood, reality from the unknown. And by doing so, we change the collective consciousness of humanity. Hey, production of Oh, crap. Hi. I cut the theme. I don't know, finger snap. Hi, everybody out there. This is an exciting day because we're doing another live show for Cosmic Soup. And it says Radio 5G, but it's Radio 5G Cosmic Soup. And people know the story. We started out fighting Radio 5G on the show. And now we've got, well, we've got all sorts of other things to fight and analyze and try to find the truth with. My name is Nancy Hopkins. The date is July 17, 2024. And with me is Nell's Bush. Nell's, you want to just say hi to everybody? Hello, everybody. And Nancy? Well, we're going to actually play an hour's show. It's actually an hour and almost 12 minutes. And it's so important that you just take a listen to this. I'm going to tell you up front that some of it is, okay, let me tell you who it is. It's Dr. Merritt, who I love. I mean, she's just Lee Merritt. She's a doctor who was a trauma doctor and worked with the military when she was in the military. And then she starts to analyze what's happening. And she's got one of those minds that just absorbs a tremendous amount of research. So this is on parasites and the connection to cancer. It started raising its head, I don't know, a year ago, maybe a little bit more. But now there's more and more information regarding what this is all about. It's an incredibly important subject. So the guy who is the interviewer, I'm not sure what his name is. The website is a rumble website and it's the Sons of Liberty radio. But I couldn't find out what the guy's name is. So I'm not going to babble here anymore. We're going to just start the show and we will be back when it's over. And we will, especially now, will tell you many things that you can do to counteract the parasites in our body. So here we go. Morning, we got one of our favorite guests to come on. And we usually hold her over for like half the day or something like that when she comes on. But it's so much fun because there's, I feel like we're being educated about things. So with that said, as my privilege is welcome back to the Sons of Liberty, Dr. Lee Merrick. Good morning, Dr. Lee. Good to see you. Hey, good morning. Thanks for doing this a little later. Yeah, yeah, no problem. No problem at all. Now, we're going to be talking about something here. To be honest, well, let me throw that phrase out because I learned a long time ago not to do it. I was brought up to say that. And I had a friend who lovingly told me he goes, have you not been honest with me the whole time? And he did it too. I stayed with him, his family for a week. He did it to me for about two days. I was so embarrassed that I caught myself every time I was saying it. So this is just a reaction to that. But, you know, we had back during the Convid stuff going on. We had Suzanne Hamner. Now, she is a nurse out of Georgia. She contributes to Sons of Liberty You may have read some of her stuff. I don't know. But Suzanne made mention she goes, tell them they're using all these, what's the word I'm thinking of that we're going to talk about today? It starts with the P. Parasites, thank you very much. She said, they're using all this anti-parasite kind of medication. She goes, is this thing a parasite? And this was even before we got in the discussion of whether there was a virus or not. This was an issue on that. And sure enough, I pitched it to Dr. Kalp and he goes, that's interesting. He says that would make a lot of sense. You've come up with something now that you're on to about parasites, but the link is to cancer, which we're seeing is growing exponentially due to the people taking these shots. You want to elaborate a little bit on that? Sure. And I'll just tell you, again, science isn't fixed. What you thought last week, you may not think next week, depending on what you learn. And science isn't a vote. So keep in mind, this isn't a mainstream opinion because our mainstream medicine has lost, has run off the rails essentially, but they're not thinking outside the box. Well, here's what I noticed. Much like what she said. You remember George Carlin, who the seven words you couldn't say on TV. And now nobody cares. You can say all those words and nobody really cares. But now, there's six words you can't say on TV. And those words are the chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, nidazoxinide, phenbenasol, ivermectin and chlorine dioxide. In fact, they'll put you in jail for mentioning that word, chlorine dioxide. Now, why, so first of all, one of the ways I think many of us have figured out that you source truth in all this is see what they're over the top outraged about. You know, anybody that kind of wonders about Trump, the one thing I will say is, hey, they hate him. They hate Putin. There's a reason for this. Okay. They're going after things that the deep state is trying to protect. Now, I think it's the same thing with this problem. Why are they so incensed about parasite medication? That was the first thing that got my attention. Besides the fact that it was working, it was working to help people early on. The second fact was that once this so-called vaccine, and I use that term very loosely, you realize, the second point is the minute that we started doing that and people started taking the vaccine in the military. I just pay attention to the military primarily. I had people telling me that we're in the military, doctors in the military, they weren't just seeing people come in with one cancer. I mean, these are young, healthy guys, right? They don't normally get cancer, but when they do, it's usually just a simple one time. Like you'd see a testicular cancer. I was in the Navy for 10 years. We'd see people that come in and they'd have a lump in their testicle and, you know, it was a testicular cancer. Send them off to the urologist's done deal, okay? And you might find several others because they'd tell their friends in the B.E.Q. or whatever, and they'd all do itself exams, and then they'd find some, because that's just an age-related thing. However, now what's happening, they took this darn vaccine, and they're coming in and they're riddled with what they call metastases. Now, how does this work? What did that do? Okay? The third thing that got me, well, let me just finish that thought. So what I think is going on, what makes sense there, is that this vaccine does something, and we have some technical points about this that we've known, that when you take the vaccine, you have these cells called granulocytes, part of your immune system that now are expressing a different antigen than they did before, and this antigen is associated with cancer, so we know that. But why these young guys are getting it, and what does that say about what cancer is? Well, what's common about these guys? They've been in the military, snooping and pooping through the brush, you know, going to Afghanistan and Iraq and places eating the native food and water, and they're probably riddled with parasites. A lot of more farm kids that grew up with animals, we used to treat people on the farm for parasites routinely, we don't do that so much now. So they've got parasites, but they're young healthy guys, they've got, and guys I use that in the New England term of guys and girls, they've got a good immune system, so they generally have kept these in check. Well, what's happening is, though, they take the vaccine, and it's knocking down that part of your immune system that allows parasites to be captive, you know, it's kind of like, I think of it like the Roman centuries. You know, the Roman centuries would guard the periphery of the empire until the empire got too big, and at some point they couldn't keep the Visigoss and Goss out, because there were just too many of them, and there weren't enough centuries, and that's kind of what's happening with parasites and this vaccine. Now, there's other bits of evidence, so for example, years ago I met at the beginning of this whole COVID thing. I met a Baptist pastor, who, you know, was in great shape, but developed a cancer in his throat, and by the time he was going to MD Anderson, it was going to take him six weeks to get down there to see somebody. His wife had figured out, on the internet, that he could get this stuff, that there was a whole kind of underground movement for cancer, using fenbendazole, which is for animals who get it for Panacure C. It's what you worm horses with, what you worm your dogs and cats with, and things like that. So, he started taking that, and he always thought, over the years that I've known him, he's always thought that fenbendazole had a dual use, that it treated cancer and it treated parasites, and finally I came to him not too long ago, and I said, "I gotta explain what's really going on here." It's not that it has a dual use, it's that cancer is parasites, that's why it made it better, and he said, "You know, I was getting a lot better before I even went to MD Anderson." So, I think this is, the whole thing has gotten me, it's like a very interesting, weird world where God puts little stepping stones in your path just when it works out for you to learn them, and it all kind of fit together. Now, the final blow here is I had lunch a few, well, it was at the World View Weekend, Brandon House, this thing down in the Ozarks, and Karen Kingston and I had lunch, and this is when she was starting to talk about these, what she had discovered looking at patents. Now, I'm giving her credit because, quite frankly, my eyes would glaze over looking at patents, but that's what she does. She's one of these, she used to be for Pfizer, she used to be one of these compliance people that had to help get drugs on the market and she looked at all the paperwork. Well, one of the things that she noticed, which most of us had read these papers, but we didn't pick up on what it was actually saying, Ralph Berwick, who is from North Carolina, Chapel Hill, who was one of the real early researchers into so-called bat coronavirus as weaponizing. You know, that's what gain of function is, when you gain a function is just a nice term that we throw around when we don't want to say he's a bio-weapon there. He was doing gain of function research, but what the idea is you take something out of animals, like bat genetics, and you make it into something that will make other people sick, make people sick, that's bio-weaponization. They call it gain of function. Well, it turns out that, yeah, he did all that and we kind of thought he was responsible in some way for this, but then as it's come out that probably this isn't a real virus and it's not really what we think it is, she found later articles that talked about from him saying, "Yeah, we tried all this gain of function stuff, it just didn't really work very well." So, it isn't what we thought it was early on, and what she did find is, and all this is circumstantial because, you know, the psychopaths running this show have never told us what's in the vaccine. We've only found it out in dribs and drabs through independent labs, but it goes along with what Karen found out, and that is that they've been doing research into artificial genetically engineered smart hydrogel. And hydrogel can be made into a parasitic-like thing apparently, okay? And smart hydrogel is hydrogel that, and this gets a little technical, but it's important, people have gotten enough biology behind them now, they've been paying attention, your videos, or viewers, I'm sure, that they get enough to the science, that they understand. And the point is, is that proteins work because of their three-dimensional shape, their conformation, we call it their conformation. So, if you denature a protein, like you cook an egg, it turns white because it changes its shape, the proteins in the egg changed their shape, and they're no longer functional like they were when they were normal, okay? Well, they can make this hydrogel so that it acts like, you know, a parasite, and it can change its shape based on external stimuli. So, what they did was, and this is what she found, they found they could take this hydrogel and they could make it into a triangle, I think it's a triangle shape, it's one of them's triangle, one of them's diamond shape. And in one of its conformations, it does nothing, but in the other conformation, it hooks into our ACE2 pathway. Now, this is the pathway that we claim the back coronavirus attacked, okay? And made us sick because coronavirus generally doesn't make people sick, it just gets into your nose because it can't get any too deep tissues, but your ACE2 pathway, it's just a little thing in the membranes of your cells, your body uses it for blood pressure control and things. And these, what we thought was this so-called virus that now I don't think exists, but it hooked into your ACE2 pathway and made you sick. What if it's an artificial parasite that they made to hook into your ACE2 pathway? And here's the beauty of that, okay? The beauty is there's two things that confirm this. One is that independent labs don't see any genetic material in these vaccines. What they see is they see hydrogel, reduced graphene oxide, and metal fragments, not nanoparticulate metal pieces, okay? So that goes along with it. The other thing is this hydrogel, which by the way, hydrogel is just a chemical thing that we use in like contact lenses. You notice I don't wear them anymore, but they, it just is like a polymer that absorbs water and can swell up and to do different things to make different shapes. But what if you could make it so that this could be activated to hook into your ACE2 pathway? Now this fits everything we saw clinically. People, you know, let's suppose they smear this hydrogel around Wuhan, China, okay? People have a chance to get into it and they get it on their hands and get it in their mouth. They've absorbed some of this stuff. But it's not making them sick because it's a diamond shape. And then they turn on 5G and they hit and then they broadcast a wavelength that converts this to the triangle shape. And now it hooks into your ACE2 pathway and makes you sick. In favor of this is like in my state of Iowa, you could see the pathway of this going across Interstate 80. It was programmed. It didn't go everywhere like an airborne virus like we think of as, what we used to think of as airborne viruses, which I now don't think exists and causes disease at all. But what they used to, you know, we used to think this stuff went everywhere, but it didn't, you know, they said it was highly deadly. It was highly contagious. But what really happened is it started in Wuhan, China, they didn't shut down their transportation yet it didn't go everywhere in China. It stayed in Wuhan. Now what's special about Wuhan? They turned on the 5G in Wuhan. That was their test city. And I've got the ads for it, how they were going to have this big rollout on November 1st. When did the first victims start showing up October 19th? They were turning it on slowly to kind of get it started. So this goes on with the, so the point being, if this is true, what they've developed is an artificial parasite that they get into your body and they can turn on when they want to. Okay, now this also explains why they really were exercised about hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, all these things, because if this stuff can be stopped with those drugs, because we don't really know how those drugs completely work, even for parasites. If that's, it tends to be something, something general that helps you be protected from in lots of different ways. So again, we don't have all the story here, but they do. They're dark occultists. They, they's high knowledge from us. But they knew that if people started taking the hydroxychloroquine and the stuff, I think, for parasites, it would help protect them the next time they turned on the 5G to the right frequency and made us all sick again. You see, this stuff is probably out in our environment now. And we know, as, I can just tell you this, having studied bio-weapons and the bio-weapon years from our country, is that we have a history of tactile poisons. We know how to do some of this. We've worked on this for years, contact poisons where you get them by touch, you know, and you get them in you and it kills you somehow, maybe in a delayed fashion. So I'm thinking that's what this is all about. Now, how does, how do we miss the cancer connection? That's the last thing to say here. How do we miss the cancer connection? Well, because, again, it's kind of like, I'm making an example, but think about 9/11, how many, how so many people said, it couldn't have been us. We saw the planes. But what did you really see? You saw what they showed you over and over and over again, which could be CGI. We have the same problem looking at biology. We've been told for our whole life there are viruses. This is how we get sick. We get sick from other people. But what if none of that is true? And what if cancer has nothing to do? You know, Otto Warburg said cancer is a metabolic problem. It's not a DNA problem. And what if the metabolic problem is you actually have parasites in your cells screwing up, sucking off your energy? That makes a lot of sense. Let me ask you, is that in conflict with some of the stuff that Dr. Griffin had put out in his book, A World Without Cancer? Because we had him on, and he talked about his view of cancer, what he was seeing was, you know, usually it happens in an area where you've been injured. And he says it's kind of like the healing process out of control, and it has to be done back in. But I don't think it's in conflict. I think that multiple things can add up together. Let's just put another step in there, that when you get injured, your cells are not able to fight off parasites. Now, one of the things we know about parasites is when the way parasites, people need to understand how the way parasites work, parasites are everywhere. We all have them. We've always all had them, assuming that they weren't introduced into humanity artificially at some point. But let's say in our lifetime, we've all had them. And generally, your body maneuvers around them very well. So you get, let's say, and there are different types of parasites. They're not all mackerel. They're not necessarily visible worms. My, you know, friends that are general surgeons, I've asked them, do you see worms that people's got? And they, normally they don't open up the small bowel, but when they do, they don't normally see these things because they're tiny, tiny, tiny. They're microscopic, in most cases. But the mother parasite lays between 20 and 200,000 eggs a day. And these things tend to pass out your gut, but sometimes they get inside. If you have some kind of leaky gut, okay, this is where diet and lots of things make a difference. If you have little pores in your gut that allow these things to get through, they can get into your bloodstream. But again, your bloodstream has walls, and parasites are a little bit big to get through those walls, except in certain circumstances, and injury would be one of them. Once they can get through the cellular junctions and they get into the tissue, they can start propagating. They can also, they get inside, what they first do, apparently the microscopic ones, is they get inside your blood cells. And this is where the German researchers had discovered that the relationship to cancer. And on, I have a, I have a rumble video, it's called parasites, a new paradigm. And if you, and it's just trying to me putting it all together, you know, you know, I'm not the smartest person on the block, and I didn't come up with all these. I didn't do the basic research. This is other people's basic research, and me just trying to think it out and put it all together. But it's on rumble, and the way you find it is you go to videos and you search my name, Lee Merritt, MD, and you'll get to the medical rebel pod, all my podcast videos and stuff. So, not podcast, but my videos. So anyway, and it tells you not only what this is all about, but how to treat yourself. And then I have a very more recent one called The Holiday Herxiber, and that's if you treat yourself wrong and make yourself sick, which I did. I'll tell you about that later. But anyway, so the, these, but these German scientists, and I have a little video in that, been bedded in my video of these German scientists, and you can go and find that and look at it in its entirety. It's about a half an hour video. I just show you a couple minutes of it. But it shows your cells when they first get infected with these parasites, and then further when they start destroying the cells and getting out in your bloodstream. So again, I think that what G. Edward's saying and what, what we thought, it all fits together. It damages your mitochondria by physical contact. It also damages because these parasites are sucking your energy off, so you're getting less energy to you as a person, you know, for your growth and development. And it's also the damage, for example, of trauma. It can, it can, it can magnify this. So there's lots, and that's why when you, you know, let's, we all, we all talk about genetics of cancer, like the brachy gene for breast cancer, but why do 10 year old girls not get it? They have the gene because it's when you get later in your life and your immune system goes down, and you've gotten enough parasites in your body. Now, what these guys show in this video is they show the early stages where these things just are in the cell, and I will tell you, having done live biopsies of cancer, I mean, fresh, fresh biopsies in the OR to make sure we got a sample. These guys have been in the pathology lab. They've been looking at fresh cancer smears forever, and they've not, they've called the motion that they see. If they see something moving around on the slide, they call it the idiot, something is like the idiopathic motion of cancer or something. It's like they talk themselves out of thinking. It could be a parasite because they're not thinking about that. They were taught in medical school and residency. When you see that, cancer cells sometimes move. That's just their weird thing. Yeah. So, so let me, let me ask this question. And that's a good answer. I mean, it makes sense that all that kind of fits together and how it works. Yeah. When, when Mr. Griffin would talk about vitamin B-17, and I forget that this, I was looking to say there was a name that there was used for it. I wanted to say it started with a P, but it was all, it's what is B-17 in all these berries and fruits and seeds and all this kind of stuff. I wonder if it would be safe to guess that what we're seeing in those seeds and such are anti-paracetable. Right. I would suspect that nature had, and it did be God's little protection, right, to give us. Yeah. You know, certain things to eat and certain things to stay away from. Clean and unclean foods, isn't it? Yeah. Right. Right. And so, the point is that when you, without doctors or without anti-paracetic meds, that was probably the natural, the natural treatment. But it wasn't because we, we kind of, and that's the same thing. Why do, why do radiation people get cancer? Okay. Occasionally. Why do you get skin cancer? Well, skin cancer doesn't happen to everybody. It happens to people that had a really bad burn before the age of 10, the kind of melanoma, the kind of deep cancer. Again, I think if we really start looking at this, we're going to find the parasite connection in all of this stuff. We just haven't been going down that road because people didn't want to understand it. Now, one of the great things to come out of the internet is that doctors and, and scientists have been able to share information. They weren't able to share before because they couldn't get published. You know, that's the point is that the medical publication has kept us. You know, when you have $11,000 a treatment dose of cancer medication, you don't want people to know about Ivermectin. But if you go to the, the, the web and you just search Ivermectin and cancer, you'll come up with all these PubMed articles because everybody's checking it. So, and I'm going to tell you what Brian artists, the other little tip of information Brian artists comment got me thinking about this when he told me that he's, he, he said that when he was talking to a, he has a lab where you can get parasite test. Now, I don't do parasite test routinely because I think everybody's got them. Just treat yourself, right? There's a time for testing if you're not getting somewhere. If you really have to know exactly what you've got because you can be infected with multiple different things and festive. So, but anyway, he was talking to this 40 year Egyptian parasitologists. And when I was in training, I always thought that would be a cool thing to be because Egyptian parasitologists, they're like on the top of the heat. They have so many parasites, I guess, in Egypt and they're familiar with it because the Nile River has all these parasites. So, they know how to deal with this and they're very smart about this. And he was telling, Brian artists was telling him, you know, when I look at parasite egg sacs under the microscope because he's really interested in this stuff. He said, when I look at it under the microscope, it looks identical to the pictures of cancer, like bowel cancer or breast cancer. And he said, this is what Brian said, he said, this guy's got big and he said, he says, you know, in 40 years of doing that, I have never had an oncologist, a cancer doctor, make that association. But in parasite circles, we talk about it all the time. Wow, let me translate that. What that means is parasitologists believe that parasites are the cause of cancer, or at least some cancers, they've got it figured out there's a connection. But if they say that out loud, they won't get funded. They won't ever get published. And that's why the internet has allowed these German researchers at a fairly prestigious, I mean, this is not out nowhere. They're at a prestigious university institute kind of place to make this video to get out because they probably couldn't get published either. This is our problem with medical education these days is there, this whole idea of, oh, you have to have a peer reviewed paper, the peer review is just to make sure you stay in line. So what's happening is these stuff is starting to come out. I heard a doctor, another thing that caused me to go along this route was I saw a doctor that was not one of these guys. Another doctor showed a picture of blood and said, they started noticing that everyone 100% of their cancer patients had parasites in their fresh blood. Now, interesting, when I was a medical student, University of Rochester, New York, 1976, we were taught, you should look at everybody, all your patients to be a good doctor, you need to look at their fresh blood smear and their fresh urine. By 1985, they quit teaching students that. Now, so they missed it. What did they teach them to do after that, send it to the lab. And the lab just doesn't, you know, does a frozen and spare or I mean, a fixed smear or they put it in their machine or something. Nobody looks at the fresh blood smear, but now they're starting to let me ask, let me ask you something about that. Do you think the reason they started doing that was to compartmentalize all of this stuff? Absolutely. So people don't. And it's not just that. Let me tell you the other thing I discovered. Now, everybody in your audience probably knows the name Royal Rife. Okay. He developed, he was able to look at live bacteria and he developed mortal oscillatory resonance, meaning he could kill certain types of like tuberculosis, staphylococcus, whatever it was on. He figured out the resonant frequency to kill them and he could do, he could kill cancer. He could kill bacterial infections and tuberculosis and things using by bombarding people with a wavelength. Okay. Now, how did he see this stuff? How did he, how was he able to do that? He developed microscopes that had 15,500 magnification and that magnification was made possible because of quartz optics throughout the scope. He could see ultraviolet wavelength. He could see in different wavelengths than you can see. Today's microscope, and I talked to Carrie Modde to make sure because she's gotten a later, she recently bought a high powered microscope. About the best you can buy on the market is about 2,500 magnification. So why aren't we doing technology that was he figured out in 1920? Really? That's how he got interested in this. He was interested in optics and parasites in Germany. That's how he studied parasites and optics. So this has been suspected by people. It's been, I think it's been a complete, they steer medical education, they own medical education, they own medical publishing. They know. And, and I'll just tell you my creepy world view too about this. The people we're dealing with have this old Babylonian religion that thinks that if you don't kill somebody directly, you're not morally culpable. Now, wouldn't it be great to say, well, I didn't, we didn't kill them with this vaccine. It was their parasites that killed them. I know it sounds bizarre, but it's probably part of the whole picture. Parasites are a great, great way to secretly kill us over a number of years to diminish population. These people are eugenicists, their population, control freaks, and they've been doing this for a century probably. And this is how they've been doing it. I think this is why they've been doing it. And they've been, and they've been convincing you there, these little, uh, animal kills that float out your nose that's called viruses that don't really exist, but that's a better explanation. So you're not looking in the right direction. Yeah. And now you are good friends with the Corey Hillis. And we had Corey on the other, on, on Monday. And, you know, Corey was one who, he's got a solution. He's got a real solution. I told people I said, you know, I'm not trying to sell his product. I just think the guy's found out something great. Yep. I've got him too. And, and he, and we use them. But, you know, Corey was like, look, I, I'm not going to go down the road of saying, you know, somebody's doing this on purpose. He says, they know it's there because they've got a warning label on there. And they're not doing anything about it. He says whether they're doing it for the sake of, I'm not going to worry about it because we don't want to get our pants sued off or whatever the case is. I got a solution for it. And I want to get the solution out there, which I commend him for. Is, would you say in your, your, I think you did say, at least there's some people who do have that mindset. I get it. There are some people who have that. And they're not just in these industries, the medicals that they're in the field industry. They're everywhere. They're everywhere. Yeah. Yes. And I'm going to tell you that this is wearing a war. I mean, come on, we are, we are being attacked at all levels that we have documentation like the war without, it's war without limits. It's a big long name, but in something like under, we call it unrestricted warfare in English, but in Chinese, it's a big log name like war without limits and the age of globalism or something. We have that we have the military doctrine on this height, how to do multi dimensional warfare. We are in it. And if we don't, you know, this is the problem. And this is why we're in it. And we're in the disinformation war. It's specifically to guide us away from thinking this is purposeful. Remember, you know, first they told us this was not a lab made thing. No, this is just natural. That's stalled people. Okay. And it's all about a stall game and, and, and looking at the other direction. So they stalled that now that they've had to admit it's lab made, now it's a lab leak. No, no, it's not purposeful. It was a lab leak. Well, come on guys, I can tell you where we, where this thing was, you know, made. I mean, this is not, this is, there's no lab leak here. And, and we have to start accepting that we tend to project our goodness onto other people. But the world isn't what we thought it was. And I'm surprised. I am surprised at the number of Christians who believe in the actual and specific divinity of Christ, but they don't believe the devil's real. They don't believe there are satanic horses in the street trying to kill your children. And it's, it's not even bad. They don't even believe there is depraved as God says they are. You know, did the Bible indicate? Well, that's what I mean. Yeah. And the Bible indicates to us that we are broken at our core. We are fallen. We are sin for our core. And total depravity does not mean that you or I are currently as evil and wicked as we could be. Should God let us just go in our sin as he talks about Romans 1. But what it gets at is at the root, all of us have this corruption within us. And it is by God's grace that he with, he holds us back from being as wicked as we could be. I think this is the thing that you start to see when you look at Genesis right before the flood. The thoughts and intents of the hearts of men were wicked continuously. And there was violence throughout the world and this and the other. And as long as I've been alive, there's been violence throughout the world. But I've also known there's been peace here in my part of the world. There's been a lot of that. But that's quickly seems to be going out the door as well. Right. And the piece that we thought was here was actually being undermined silently. You know, quiet weapons for silent wars. They've been working on taking us. There's a war against the humanity. And it's been happening for a long, long time. And I'm going to tell you that this has to be purposeful. I'll just go on record to say it. I think it's, and I think that they're subverting it today as long as they can get away with it. And once we wake up and realize this is how evil this really is and what it's really all about and that we've paid our tax dollars into our government to hire bio weaponers to create this stuff, then we're going to wake up and really fight. Because right now we still think, you know, it's easier. How do they hide information? That's really what you have to look at. How do they hide information? Well, they hide information. One of the big ways is to get you not to look at it. And the two ways they get you not to look at it is to one make fun of you. Call you a conspiracy theorist so that because we are herd animals. We are, we like to be in the pack with our friends and we don't want to be the outlier. Oh, that person's crazy. Look at what they believe. I don't think either you or me have a problem with it. No, I don't think you and I have gotten over that. I mean, I got over that years ago, junior high. I didn't need to be one of the popular kids. But anyway, the, the, but, but the other way they get you not to look at things is to make it so emotionally traumatizing to you that you don't look there. Okay. What if you are a doctor and you suddenly are being bombarded with information that this so-called vaccine program is causing miscarriages, stillbirth, multiple deaths, neurologic damage, cancer and all these things. And not only did you, did you give it to your patients, you give it to your family, you gave it to yourself. What do you think you're going to do? I mean, in other words, I think the problem here is is that it's just again, we can maybe get people out of this if they repent. They have to realize that there is a way out of this, at least possible. And, and you can't, but if you think if you, if this is so emotionally, if the answer is so emotionally damaging to you, you don't look, you can't accept it. You don't want to talk about it is a possibility. And you just keep going along this route. See, that's what they're doing to us. And that's why I'm speaking out about this parasites because what if there's a simple remedy here? You know, they're trying to make it. And I think that's part of the problem of trying to convince us of all this highly technical genetic stuff. It makes it sound if, if you, again, this is to the scientific community, to the doctors, if you believe that you've taken this and now you realize, well, shoot, I've changed my DNA, there's nothing I can do. Well, that's a fatalistic outlook. But if you realize that you took something that actually just temporarily shut down your immune system long enough, your parasites could kill you, there is something you can do. That's right. Yeah, and this is why it's important. Yeah, this is what I was talking about with a friend of mine. When we talked about this kind of stuff, you know, his idea was, we're going to try to save some people and we're going to get on the ship and go out here in the ocean and all this and join us. And it's like, I can't go along with that. The reason I can't go along with that is the Bible doesn't call me to go do that. It calls me to confront the stuff right, what's going on. Now, I don't have the expertise you do. That's a, that's something that God's given to you, praise God. He's given people, you know, like you, who will, even despite their training and everything else, they'll look at it and say, wait a minute, something isn't right here and we're not solving the problem. There's got to be something else and you put your heads together with other people who are willing to look at it like that too. And then we can actually get some information that helps people rather than leaves them in the dark and they just have to trust the, the priest in the white lab coats to, to tell them, you know, whether or not they're going to live a year or not. Instead of taking, taking the bull by his horn so to speak and dealing with this. Right. And so priest in white lab coats, white lab coats. We're in a medical death cult. We are victims. We have been captured by a medical death cult. I used to be a member of a medical death cult. It's become a prison for our mind in some ways. Right. And, and let's look at the symbols. By their symbols, you'll know them, you know, look at the symbol. When I was in medical school, again, I started in 1976. And in those days, they still taught that the real symbol of medicine was the staff of Asclepius. Asclepius, interestingly, was the, the son of a God, Apollo, and a human, Coronas. Don't you love it? So he was a demigod of the, of the mother Coronas. And there are all these medical institutions all over the world named Coronas. It's very, this has been going on. This is not by accident. You know, this is all, that's why I know it's not by accident because Richard Rothschild, this is true. I looked at this myself. He actually did have patents on coronavirus testing packages in 2015. So come on now. You know, we didn't even know we were going to call it COVID until 2020, according to the, the pundits. But this is a death cult. And these guys are running the show. And if you look at the symbol of Asclepius that we used to use, it was a symbol of staff, like a, like a walking stick, with a single snake wrapped around it. Now, you know, the reptilian thing with a snake, I mean, that's, you can, you can make of that what you will. I'm not, they, they used to say that was because people fought in ancient Greece that when you die, the soul was carried away by snakes. But whatever that reason is, I can't explain that. But that's not what it is now. What's, you really need to look at it. What the, what the, what it is now. And what you look at now is the Caduceus. And I remember that when I was in the military, we didn't have a Caduceus on our uniform. That was Army and Air Force and maybe Coast Guard. I don't know. But, but the Caduceus was an interesting thing because now it's the single staff. But it's got these two wings on it. You know, it's got two serpents and it's got these two wings on it on either side. And what are those wings? Those wings are the wings of the Cockatrix bird. And the Cockatrix bird was a bird that could kill you by spitting on you, by glancing at you. The Shakespeare called it the darting eye of the Cockatrix. This is a death bird and it's part reptile, part bird, apparently. It's like a flying reptile. And it's a death bird. Why on earth would you make that the symbol of modern medicine? Okay, they're laughing at us. And they know it. This is the problem when you say this is when people want to deny, I mean, that's the last phase of real acceptance of what's going on to us, is to realize this is purposeful. We're at war. We need to fight. We're not going out into the ocean and just hiding ourselves. That isn't what George Washington did. You know, it's time to fight for our nation and for our families and our children and our next generations. That's right. You know, this is a humanity ending event potentially. And what goes along with that is not just what I'm saying about biology, but they are geoengineering the world not to be humanly habitable. Don't make us misunderstand what's happening here. So we have to fight. This is our time. Yeah, and what's interesting is they're hiding behind the lies and deception that they're out to actually protect the planet, the earth and all of this. And that's the thing that gets me. You know, when Jesus addressed the Pharisees of the day, they said, we're of our father Abraham. You're a bastard child. You come from fornication. That's what they said to him. And he said, Abraham's not your father, or you would be doing the works of Abraham. And you wouldn't be looking to kill me. He said, your daddy's the devil. And he comes to kill still and destroy. That's, well, that's how it's that's who is tied to. So we've seen that that he's been a liar and a murderer from the beginning, right? So why would he and his children? Why would he change? Which he's not. He's not going to repent. And why would his children be any different to put on their smile and to tell us that they're doing this for everybody's goodness and the other while they're sitting back doing the very things they don't want us doing. Enjoying, well, they're slaves of corruption. You can read 2 Peter 2 over that. They promise people liberty, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. So it's no, I'm not surprised at the end, but I'll tell you what, the Word of God is pretty clear on a lot of these things. If we would just obey God in that and how we're taking care of our bodies and things and what we're doing, I think we would eliminate a lot of this stuff. And I'm not saying that people don't get sick. The Apostle Paul left a guy in a place sick, and we know Paul had the ability to heal a lot of people, and yet there were some sick people. So, and we know they're in the church. So I'm not saying that just because somebody doesn't obey God, they're sick. I'm not saying that. But I think overall, as a people, we would see a drastic improvement if we would do exactly what you said before, not just repent about the science and stuff like that, but repent towards God and acknowledging he knows best knows better for us what we need. Then we'd do ourselves. Well, and I think that one of my observations is, and I, you know, again, I don't pretend to be a biblical scholar. This is just my observation, is that if you need, if you want to control people, it's hard to control rugged individualists. It is really a lot easier if you have a hierarchy, right? And so when you're looking at how to source truth, one of the things to look at is, is it coming from a hierarchy? You know, God gave us free will, which means we have to think for ourselves. We have to be individuals, but Satan wants everybody to be under his control. He's the great liar. And how do you do that? You've got hierarchies. And I would opine that at the top of every hierarchy, you'll find him. You'll find evil. And that's why even, and I think there, you know, when we fight this war, we have to understand that there are people that look to be the truth tellers that aren't the truth tellers. That's right. They're infiltrators. Okay. And so at the very top of this pyramid are evil people. I use that term somewhat loosely, but they're evil beings that are running this. Okay. This is a, this is a higher principalities, right? It's a spiritual war. There are evil beings running this thing. And then you come down and then you have people that are, they know it's evil. They know what's going on. They've completely sold into them. That these are the people that want to be immortal because they know when they die, they're screwed. You know, I'm sorry. That's why the big Silicon Valley. I can see that on immortality, right? Underneath them are people who just quite, maybe you don't get the whole spiritual picture here, but they've sold out for money. And then you get a lot of people that simply are just clueless about the big picture. They may know that there's some things wrong, but they're not willing to fight it because they don't really get the whole whole thing, but it needs hierarchies. Now, let me tell you one big lie that's going on right now. That's an important thing that all your listeners need to understand. First of all, don't give your children or yourself any vaccines. I'm just going to go on record saying that because I don't trust these people to sell me toothpaste. You shouldn't be taking anything. I don't trust the toothpaste people to sell me toothpaste. That's what I'm saying. I mean, that's all the same people and they've been trying to kill us for a long time. I went back and looked, by the way, at deaths of soccer players over time. It didn't start with this, although this year is dramatic. It really started 2000 when they all were these first generation of people taking all these vaccines and they took the flu vaccine. There's something going on, the military too. Around 2000, the cardiac deaths started going up from young people and we're not paying attention to that. But what I'm saying is we had 20 governors, mine included, you know, desantis, mine is Kim Reynolds in Iowa, they patted themselves on the back and said, "We've written a letter to Biden to stop the mandates and now they're stopping the military mandates. We wrote a letter that we're not going to mandate our children to take the COVID vaccine in our states. Aren't we good people?" Okay, let's look at what's out there now. All the flu shots are combo shots. They're comboed COVID vaccine and flu vaccine with multivalent. I mean, they're got multiple. And nobody's telling anybody any of that, are they? That's right. You see, now, where are these people, and I'm going to name one like Robert Malone, who's out there saying how bad this is, but isn't doing what you need to be saying? He has a pulpit. People listen to him. Why isn't he saying this? Why? Because he works for the Unity Project because he's a deep, dark, you know, guy at DARPA. He's been working for DARPA, and this is provable. I mean, I know he soothes everybody now, but this is provable. He worked for DARPA. He got money. He ran through the cooperative threat reduction agency, things like that. He's an insider, and he's still an insider. And all I'm saying is if he really wanted to help people, why isn't he telling people that they're putting this in a combo? Don't trust them. Don't just stop the mandates on this vaccine. You've got to stop all these vaccines if you're going to protect your children. And you've got to start bringing some points. You've got to start bringing some justice here. I mean, it's not enough to stop it. You've got the guys doing it, and they're doing it all without, you know, informed consent. I mean, that's right. This was the whole point. Wasn't this a part of all the stuff that our forefathers fought the Nazis over? Exactly. Isn't this where we do those laws from for the Nuremberg Code? And yet we're just saying, and it's the same people. It's the same people. You're exactly right. It's the same people, by frankly. The real truth of Nuremberg is we hung the red shirts. We hung the administrators. We let the technocrats come into America and become our pharmaceutical companies. That's the real truth here. So we are not out of the problem of 1943. It's the same problem. And by the way, Bradley used to get a lot of people really onto him because he kept going back to the Nazis. He kept going back to the 1940s, 30s and 40s. And he said, I'm on this. He said, I know the Lord. This has been going on for several years now. He said, I'm on this. I know it's the Lord doing it. And I'm giving you these, because I get people going, why are you going back to this? I don't think Bradley is the only one. I think a lot of people see that. They see that movement towards that. I remember watching the little documentary on Dietrich Bonhoeffer that was narrated by all people, Ed Asner. That's funny. I remember seeing that back when Bill Clinton was president. So that's in the, what, early mid 90s. I remember seeing that documentary. And I thought, that looks just like America. It was all this 30s and 40 stuff. Two cars in a garage, a chicken in the pot, a nice little house that you got. And just everything about Nazi Germany at that time smelled of the America in the 90s that I knew. Wasn't it? It didn't seem evil, didn't seem wicked, but boy, it was brewing up right up under the surface, wasn't it? Yeah, yeah. And, you know, if you look at Ukraine, let me just make a bold segue here to Ukraine, because if you want to think about the Nazis, why are we really funding the Ukrainian army against the Russians and why are the Russians there and what's all going on? And when people, I mean, I had a minister at our Republican meeting give a prayer to the Ukrainian government, and oh my God, I know I just wanted, I was sick, but they're just ignorant of the history. And so just to point this out, we didn't have a CIA until after World War II, and the CIA was brought to bear by basically the Dulles brothers and General Galen, the Galenor. General Galen, Reinhard Galen, ran the spy network in the Soviet Union, and he was one of two generals not tried at Nuremberg in absentia. The other was Kamler of the Kamler Stob that was doing all this weird research in anti-gravity, and so we don't know where it happened to him. But Galen said to the CIA, said to the OSS guys, the Dulles guys that were doing spy work during World War II, he said, "You're going to form this Central Intelligence Agency. I will give you my network. I don't get tried at Nuremberg, and I get to be part of it." And he was, okay? So he became the chief of intelligence in West Germany, I believe, and other stuff. But anyway, he was, and so after World War II, where did a lot of the Nazis and the Nazis and the CIA go? It went to Western Ukraine, okay? It set up shop in Ukraine. And if you look at the Azov Battalion, I noticed this because I didn't know what the Wolfsongel was. I had seen this stuff on, I saw this symbol, this is before I saw that they actually used the Nazi symbol too, but these swastika. But you saw this Ukrainian flag with this weird symbol, it looks kind of like a Z, a horizontal Z with a line through it. That's called the Wolfsongel. Where did we see it before? Oh, the Panzer Division das Reich in the various different divisions of the Wehrmacht, the Wolfsongel. It was a German Wehrmacht symbol. So these guys moved into there, and they are the ones that have been fighting. They've been murdering the Russians in the Donbas. They've been threatening the Russians. And that's what the NATO expansion into getting closer to Russia is. Russia is a Christian nation, the same people that are coming after us with the Bolsheviks that took down the Tsar. That's why they hate Russia. It's got resources and it's under Putin, by the way, 30,000 Christian Orthodox churches stood up. That's why they hate these guys. That's the war. So don't fight with the guy in the t-shirt, there's a puppet for them, for the CIA people in the Ukraine. It was the Nazis that moved into the Ukraine. Hang on with me just for a second, we'll continue over just a little bit. The sun's over to, catch probably at three. We'll see you in the morning and bright and early in the morning. Really? Six o'clock. Right, Dr. Merritt. Now, you've got to do a lot of stuff here. Sorry, but no, we went out a completely different rabbit hole. But I think it does tie in because the stuff that we're seeing, I've said pretty much from the beginning, even though I saw this stuff with China and stuff. I kind of thought this is not coming from China. The governments are doing this themselves. I just don't believe this stuff moved that fast, even with our airport traffic and all the other stuff. That there's something else that was going on there. One of the things that you mentioned was the EMF part of this. And that's what makes me wonder too, not just about what they have in the shots, but we've talked about foods, genetically modified organisms, all this processed food that we have. Many people live today in the United States who've never actually eaten real food. They've never had a state that came from a cow that they grew or their farmer near them grew and they've never had that steak like that. They've never had fresh lettuce that came out of the ground that they actually grew. It's always in the store or whatever. I'm just kind of curious how all that stuff plays into this as well. When you mentioned a minute ago and I said they're compartmentalizing those people, do you think that's happening in a lot of this stuff where there's this hierarchy of a few guys, especially some of the fascist corporatists that we're saying, where they're together and they kind of high-five each other, they're making a lot of money and they're doing this, that, and the other, and they kind of ivory tower talk each other. But then as you start moving down, they have those ideas start funding all these other things. I think this is where people like Soros, Rockefeller, and such, they fund all these things because there's no way they're thinking of all these stuff that they were putting out. Oh yeah, no, that's what I'm saying. The only reason these things work, evil depends on hierarchy. Evil can't live, it's kind of like you can't live in, you know, dreams don't live in sunlight, cockroaches don't like the sunlight, and evil doesn't like rugged individualism. And that's what this is, that's the antidote to this is to break down the hierarchies. But you can't leave a vacuum or a worse hierarchy will come up. That's the concern about this whole called great reset. So you can't be centrally controlled, you don't want centrally controlled money, you don't want centrally controlled medicine, which is what allowed this to happen. We said this as past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, I will go on record and say that we said this, starting in 1943, our motto is all for the patient, and we said government medicine is evil. I've got some somewhere on the line, you could probably find it like government medicine is hazardous to your health. That was one of my speeches I used to give. It just documented what governments had done in the past to kill people, medically, when they got control, and what it would do in the future. And we were right, this is exactly, we didn't have all the details of how they were going to do it, but we knew it was going to come about. Because in Canada, we were told, oh, you are the un, you were thoughtless people that don't care about people because you don't want people to have free health care. And we would say it's never free, it's going to cost you, and it's going to cost you in your life because government medicine only cares about their bottom line. They don't see you as an individual, they don't take an oath to Hippocrates, they don't take an oath to the patient. They take an oath to their bottom financial line, and they like euthanasia more than they like you. And people thought we were just crazy right-wing conspiracy people. Well, look at what's happened. 30% of people going into hospitals in Canada now are being offered euthanasia. In fact, here's a tragic story. They want to let the kids do it now without parental consent. That's right. Oh, by the way, if I operate on somebody under the age of 18 without parental consent, I can be tried for battery, right? This is whacked as it can be, isn't it? But you can get your birth control, you can get your gender changed, and now you can kill yourself using the government medical system under the age of 18 without parental consent. Oh, and you can get COVID vaccination. It's absolutely crazy. They've taken over through an organization, a hierarchy of medicine. And the only way we get our lives back is to stop begging government for your healthcare. You can't do that. You have to assume your own healthcare needs. And this is how we do it. We get outside the system. We go to practitioners that work for cash that don't have to pay. Your insurance company is just another arm of the government. So you have to understand, if you want to be treated like a cash customer, you have to be a cash customer. And it will save money. I can tell you that when I was practicing orthopedics, and this is years ago, it costs $60 just in the overhead of writing up a chart and getting you registered and doing all that before I ever saw you. Now, you know, I could have probably seen you and done the whole thing for $60 had you come in for cash. But no, you can't do that. And the government makes it illegal for people taking insurance in Medicare, specifically Medicare. If you take any government insurance, you cannot treat people for cash, not even charity. You can't even treat them for charity. That's discrimination against Medicare patients. Incredible. Yes. And so that's how they've controlled doctors. And now the doctors, the other way they control them is they made medical education so expensive that now they have so much debt to pay that they have to become specialists and they have to work for hospitals. And that's what's happening. And so when they work for hospitals and the hospitals, oh, hospitals used to be, by the way, the other thing that made this possible. Hospitals used to be run by doctors that did take a Hippocratic oath to patients. And they were paid for by communities. I remember this. My dad was a small town doctor. He would, we'd come in. I remember him too. Right. We'd go to the hospital sometimes when I was a little kid and I'd go with him and I'd sit in the waiting room while he was going in and seeing some patient in the hospital. But it was a, it was a, people in the community funded the hospital. It wasn't funded by government funds. They built the hospital. They owned the hospital. It was run by the local doctors. And they controlled it. Okay. And people got good care and they were cared for as human beings, as, as compassionate care of human beings. Now the hospitals are owned and run by the government. 80% of the income when I was still in orthopedic practice a few years ago came from the government. It's probably almost 100% now. One way or another, they fund it. The hospital administrators are all MBAs in hospital administration. They don't care about you, about your personal needs. They care about their bottom line. So when the government says to them, okay, Mr. Jones, if you're, if you don't vaccinate all your staff or at least 95% of your staff, we're not going to give you Medicare reimbursement. Okay. He's facing going down or forcing his people to be murdered with a murderous injection. Well, let me, let me ask you something. I'm very curious about this. When you had your own practice, you're saying it was 60 bucks before you even saw anybody to get the charts, all this other stuff ready and everything. What was, did you, was your, was your business there? Did you take Medicaid, Medicare or anything like that? Insurance. Well, yeah, because I mean, I'm a spine surgeon by, by, by training and I did trauma call. Okay. So I would be up all night, two, three nights a week doing trauma call, doing surgery three days a week, a complicated spine surgery. If I didn't take those, I couldn't have been where I am. I mean, I couldn't have been where I was looking. Well, the, I guess the question I have is, is it more expensive for you to take those things to pay for, you know, what your patients have than it is to not because, you know, I've shared with people on the show when I had these. Yes. Yeah, when I, you can't, yeah, you can't do it. I mean, again, if you're not a hospital, we're not, there's always going to be a need for trauma surgeons. Okay. And unfortunately, trauma surgeons often take care of people that are uninsured, middle of the night, and you can't, you can't stay in business unless the hospital funds you for that. We got to the point, we were so busy taking care of these people that were in bar fights and automobile accidents and, you know, drug induced mayhem, whatever. You know, speed kind of stuff that we had to take care of them, whether they paid us or not. Well, you think of your business model. I mean, could you, could you function all your life just working for free? No, you have to feed your family too. So that's what gets you into where you have to participate in the system if you're in certain specialties. Well, that's, that's kind of what I wanted to clarify because, you know, you can go in and I've told people on the show about my night in the hospital for, they were going to cut my gallbladder out and they didn't do it. Thank God they didn't do it. I was able to solve that problem naturally. And thank Dr. Berg up there in DC for that. I have a great information from him. But, you know, you, I went in there, then I started getting all these bills because if you stay the night in a hotel, in a hospital. It'd be cheaper in a hotel. It'd be a whole not cheaper. You're exactly right. But I mean, you get bills from people. You don't even know who they are. And they were totaling up to like $20,000 or something for one night in the hospital. I don't have $20,000 for that. So I called the lady up and I'm like, look, don't have no insurance and we're going to pay it, you know, out of pocket and stuff. I said, you know, what does it cost me there? Let me figure that out, Mr. Brown. It come to about $5,000. So, wait a minute. There's $15,000 in here. What do you guys spend that money on? I mean, is that pure profit or is there other things that they have to pay out? What's going on there? What's happening is most of that's going to your insurance company. So I'll give you a simpler, simpler scenario because it's not as many people. So I had a friend that ran an MRI center. And this was down, I lived in Yuma, Arizona. We were right on the Mexican border. So some people would go across into Mexico to get an MRI for cash because they didn't have insurance. Now, if they had insurance, they would go through the MRI center that he owned, for example. And their insurance would be charged, let's say, $1,850 or $2,000 for a shoulder MRI. Okay. And of that, most of it got fritted away in producing the paperwork and all that. But it went to the insurance company for doling out the money and they ended up paying the MRI about $400. That sounds criminal. Well, that's the way it is. It is criminal. So what's happening is, on the other hand, you can go down to Mexico and these guys would go across to Mexico and they'd get a very competent MRI, very nice MRI for $400. So it reminds me of years ago, and maybe it's apocryphal, but I don't think so, when Stalin was making the comment one time, wouldn't it be great if all nations were communists? And his economic advisor says, "Oh, no, Commodore Stalin, you can't do that," because we have to have some country that's a free market economy. And he said, "Why?" He said, "Because we need to know the real costs of goods and services." And that was Mexico's. When you can go down and you can buy things for cash, medical care, too, you know the costs of goods and services, but we've lost that cost. Now, recently, I had a patient that I suggested he needed a shoulder MRI and we were not... So he used his thinking he needed to get one, he goes to an insured MRI. Now, he had insurance, so I didn't tell him about. We could just get you one for cash. He went and got it, and he still paid his insurance company a deductible of almost $2,000. And when he told me that, I said, "Oh my gosh, you know, you could have gone up to this place in Omaha and paid $450 and gotten the same MRI." He was so upset. And I don't blame him. Yeah, I agree. You see, this is a big... And insurance companies have become a big scam that give you trinkets and make you think you're getting some kind of a good deal when they're making the cost of insurance and cost of medical care go way up. You know, I had seven employees in my orthopedic office. I really only needed two. The rest of those people, I could have had somebody at the front desk and I could have an x-ray tech, maybe three, a person to put people in rooms and take their blood pressure and things like that. So, like three. But four of those people were there to document what I did so I could get paid from insurance companies and government estimates. That's absolutely... That's just crazy. That's just crazy. Nobody out here listening though, I'm sure is surprised that all this is going on. But boy, that sounds like a racket because I'll tell you what, if your car got cracked, if you crashed your car and it wasn't totaled and you took it to the guy and said, "Hey, fix this stuff here. But also, can you fix this stuff here because I kind of dinged it up back here and just kind of put that on there." Which would be the same thing as what they're doing and they just put that on with the insurance. They would get you for fraud, but somehow they can do the same thing, basically the same thing and all as well for them. Well, and think about, there's a good example that you brought up because I used to tell people, "Think about what would happen if you expected your car insurance to act like your health insurance." You see, one of the problems here is that people just have gotten out of the habit of paying cash for any medical care. They think they deserve free medical care. This is how we got into this. People wanted free medical care and they got their businesses paid their health care. Yeah, but I think... Let me interject there a second. I think that they think that because they're paying for an insurance plan. I think some people don't because they're not paying anything and I get that. That's right. Their employees are. Their employer is. Well, but in any case, the principle is the same. Let's suppose that I had insurance, my car insurance, now paid for my oil changes and paid for every little dang that happened to my car. Can you imagine the cost of that auto... That'd be ridiculous. Yeah. In your house insurance. When my shingle blows off, I used to say this in speeches, I'd say the way house insurance is affordable is. That when my plumbing plugs up or a shingle blows off my roof, I go down the hardware store. I get the stuff needed to fix it. I reach into my own pocket, pay for it. I put the shingle back off. Yeah, that's right. If I called my insurance company to do it, can you imagine how much I'd pay every year for my house insurance? That's why insurance used to be the way I was actually on Fox News on Fox Network. He was the libertarian. Anyway, I was on his show one time when Obamacare came out and it was about... I was asked what the solution to this all was if you didn't have all this complicated Obamacare, I said... Is that Napolitano? No, it was... Okay. Sorry, I didn't mean to get you off that. I just wondered if that was possible. John Stahl. John Stahl. Okay. And I said, well, we used to have... I used to... and I just made this up on the spot. I said, the three C's of medicine, it kind of caught on for a while, catastrophic insurance and charity. Okay. And we ran our... We made the finest medical care in the world using those three principles. You paid all your outpatient care for cash, okay? And then, when you needed something big, like you actually know how many times you break your femur or how many times in your life you're going to have a heart attack or whatever. What they don't know is how many times you're going to need an eye exam or your ear gets plugged up and you need wax out or you have a cold or whatever and you want to go to the doctor. Those are un-programmable expenses. That's the kind of thing you have to pay for yourself. If the only paid for the big items, it's called catastrophic insurance, just like your house insurance is catastrophic insurance. You pay your own shingle removal. You do your own plumbing. You don't call your insurance agent for small stuff. That was how we used to have insurance. And then we would go into the hospital costs for low because they were not also doing all sorts of, they weren't, it was cheaper to offer the care because they were not having to do everything, okay? And outpatient care you paid for. And then what people, there's always 15% of people that fall through the cracks in any society. 15% of people in British Columbia have no health insurance and you say, "How can that be true?" They're Canadians. They have free health care. No, you have to sign up for it and you can't live under a bridge. You have to have a fixed address. There's certain things that make some people not get it. So 15% got charity. And that's what charity was about. And charity could be cheap because you could do it. I remember one time in my office in Arizona, this Native American broke her arm and she had a fracture that was kind of, it didn't need surgery but it took a lot of work to fix you. You had to put it in a hanging arm cache. You had to follow her closely every week for a while and blah, blah, blah. And this nice guy from the Lions Club came in with her thinking that he was going to do his due diligence as a good servant of the people and help this person get medical care because she's Native American and she doesn't have any way to get medical care. Well she comes in and I'm called to see him in the front waiting room when he's screaming at us when my office manager is trying to explain to him that we can't do it this way. And what the point was is she's under the Indian health care service. So it's illegal for us to do her for free. We can't do that and we can't take his cash for it. Now just because he was making such a stink in the office, I probably did violate federal law and I took his money, he wanted to pay for this, I took a small amount of money and put on the cast and made what we said, we told her, you have to go to your Indian health service and come back next week and sort this out. We'll do it through your Indian health service, we can't do it this way anymore. And he thought we were just the rudest people in the world but that's the system that's gotten to us. It's crazy. It really is. It really is. It's a parody to people. I agree. I agree. I totally agree. And we got a little bit off the topic here to go down that road but I think it is one that needs to be addressed, it really does. So here's one I want to do Dr. Lee, I didn't get a chance to plug into the site here before the radio part cut off. So I want you to kind of give a final maybe a synopsis of what we've done, wrap it up and help people understand a little more of what you've come across here with the parasites, the cancer than the EMF and the shots and how all those things are all connected together as to the problems you're calling and then if you would, please help people where they can find out more about you. Okay. Well, what we were talking about here recently about the medical care and insurance and everything, the point to bring that all out is to show you that they've set up a system which is hierarchical and which is very hard for doctors and patients to get out of. They've made it so it's all inclusive and it's hard to get out of and that allowed them to control doctors to purposely bring you what we call the COVID pandemic or pandemic. I mean, it's not a pandemic and it's not an actual naturally occurring disease. So what I think we're experiencing now is a parasite-based problem, artificial and real parasites. They're using your parasites to kill you and in these injections are probably a form of artificial parasite. That's the hydrogel. Can't prove that completely because, again, we need independent labs to give us more data. That's the only way we'll know because these psychopaths are not telling us this. And then, and I have a couple of videos, I have one called the parasite paradigm, it's on rumble, it's on my website, which is You can find me at three words, And I go through this and I have a written, there's the EMF link to the EMF saw people that do a great job at mitigating EMF because we're in a multi-phased attack here. They've used our biology against us. They've used artificial parasites and probably, and I'm no doubt, electromagnetic frequencies play a role here. We didn't get a chance to talk about the Russian proof of all that. But there is the cosmochay of effect. I have it on my, if you subscribe to my onsite research arm on my website, I have a whole thing about that about, was 1918 a virus or was it an EMF attack and essentially it was an EMF attack in a weird sort of way. So we know about how they can do that and they can present disease with EMF. So this is multi-factorial. We can get ourselves out of this, I think. I honestly don't think God's going to let us go down with this. But we have to be in tune with God and we have to learn the lessons here that we have to be independent of this hierarchical medical regime. We have to take our own freedoms back at every level. And that's really the point I'm making, but the parasite is key. And I tell you, and there's a written thing on there, how to do it. I also have another video called the Holiday Herxheimer because when you do parasite treatment, just be advised, there's a way to do it and there's a way not to do it. And I got traveling with my husband. We waited too long, we lengthened our cycles too long and it makes you sick because if you lengthen your cycle too long, you get too many dead parasites in your body and you get this reaction. Don't do that. You can watch that to learn how not to do this because you don't have to be sick to do this. You can do it right. So that's really this whole story. Okay. All right. Dr. Merritt, thank you as always for coming on. It's always a pleasure to have you on. So welcome back to the second hour of cosmic soup. My name is Nancy Hopkins and with me is Neil's Bush. I hope. Are you there? Yeah. And me yourself. Say hi. And the date is July. Thank you for the incredibly good edit you did to that interview. You cut out all the annoying parts and left all the gems in there. So yes. Yeah, you know, I appreciate other people's work, but it's my show, you know, and I don't do, I do, I do edit these broadcasts. I take out commercials or, you know, just talks. It's extraneous to what we're talking about and, you know, try to get learning that. I'm learning that as we go. And again, not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. You kept the baby and that bathwater was gone. And so that was awesome. I enjoyed it so much more listening to it this time. I listened to it twice previous and prep for this and I didn't get annoyed at all because of what you did. So, yeah, um, okay, you know, I could go on about what, what we just heard. But what I would really like to do is to let you tell the people how they can actually address getting rid of the parasites. And I know you, you know so much more about nutrition and natural healing than I do. And I think it's really important for people to realize, first off, you got to feel a sense of relief. Now, I'll say this one thing. Jane Ruby has a, on her, her, I think it's a Jane Ruby show on Rumble. She has a 20 minute video that talks about her, now she's a, she's a medical person. But her response to what Meredith told her regarding the cancer connection with the parasites. Because she had had three bouts with cancer. And she'd gone through the chemotherapy and the surgeries and everything else. And she's sort of like talking to us as a lay person, the person that was the patient, not the doctor. And she said, and so now they want to tell us that it's parasites and none of that is necessary. Am I pissed? Yes, I'm pissed. But at the same time, my God, this, this will change everything. You know, and all we have to do, and Merritt, if you go and you study what her V medical, if you go there and you look at what she's talking about, she'll take you through the different types of anti parasitic things out there that you can take. And she's on the Rumble, the medical rebel on Rumble. If you go there, she's got an amazing video with a lot of slides. She shows, she steps you through everything she just talked about. But she also goes into the protocol that she uses to rid herself of the parasites. And I think it's interesting that the doctors that I've been listening to on this subject, they don't go through the FDA, they don't go through all this testing and BS. What they do is they take their own protocol, they say, "What would be the best way?" Then they try it on themselves. And that's why she got sick, but that's how they find out, you got to be careful of this. So these are just very courageous people that are working so hard to get the truth out. And the truth is really amazing. Can you imagine a world where you didn't have chemotherapy? And for me to share what my direct experience in research has yielded me on this topic is like trying to take a shot glass full of water from a fire hose and send it out to the audience. It is the flow is just tremendous with all that I have, that dovetails. What Dr. Merritt talks of, and I'm really anxious to go and review that video of hers that you just mentioned over specific protocols, because I have a few to mention here of my own that I've learned from others. But also what I can also speak to is the research I did, and some time ago, back when I kind of, when I began my researches based on my own health problems, oh, in about 2010, and the breakthroughs I made, especially in 2014, but key among those was looking into the history of modern medicine. And one gets into, finds the Rockefeller model, and how that replaced naturopathy that had existed before that. And looking back on and looking into that, you find it's based on pastures work of identifying specific microorganisms that are invaders, and that goes to what I found is the overarching concept that's called monomorphism versus pleomorphism, use the body. And essentially it comes down to the naturopathy espouses pleomorphism. That's many morphism, morphs of organisms, microbes, microscopic parasites living in us, as well as symbiotes, parasites that draw from the host, they kill the host, but then there is all our microbiome microorganisms that we are entirely dependent on. And so, and what I found is that the Western Rockefeller model was concocted, was devised specifically to be a petrochemical profit machine. And in order to have this be the dominant way of viewing the body, they had to eliminate this pleomorphism aspect so that nobody knew about that anymore, and they did. They did. And so Rockefeller also funded all of the modern medical texts and institutions to eliminate this whole other side of the coin that Dr. Merritt so wisely is bringing forward. And these are the things that I have found too. And so, some of the specific things is that, well, specifically say in terms of COVID, I learned in 2014 from Dan Nelson and Lloyd Mir, looking into their work, that was the year I found them, and Dan had given a presentation in 2011 that I drew on heavily. I mean, I transcribed every word of that four-hour presentation so I could learn it. And he talked about the bio-weapon and how these are created and within a protein shell delivery system, think of it as a pill, and this is the same protein structure, and he said what they do is they load it with their own bio-weapon RNA inside of it, and they change that bio-weapon poison that they're putting into you, and they blame it on a different bird or a bat or an animal, right? And they say, oh, it came from there, from nature, and crossed over from animals into humans, and now we're stuck with this natural thing, and so you've got to buy our medicine to get rid of this, and it's all a big lie, as he said, they are doing this intentionally. So I learned about COVID in 2014. I mean, you didn't call it COVID, they called this one COVID, but it's the exact same model they were playing out. So when that came out, I said, oh, what did I do? And I waited a month, and then I called Lloyd and said, hey, Lloyd, how about this COVID? You have any elimination numbers for that developed yet? He said, oh, I sure do, here's two of them, and that's what that is. So within Lloyd's work, he has two entire chapters, subsections of his manual that I've opened to that specifically address parasites, and one specifically is identified as spirochete, microorganism, okay? And then there are other bacterial forms of parasites, and he has this listing, all these essentially scientific names of the different bacteriums, and the spirochete is a paramecium of that also gets into us and causes these problems. And so there's all kinds of ways through Lloyd's method of just reading the frequency analog number that he has developed, he has doused for eliminating these things in the body. And it is akin to what Reif did. Now she mentioned Reif, and I had some encounters with Reif stuff, too, just on my path. In life, I came, I made friends with actually painted the house of this woman who had a Reif machine, her husband, who had dearly departed her, had a Reif machine, and aqua foot detox, and all these Dr. Emoto's books, she gave me Dr. Emoto's books, she loaned me that Reif machine to try out and check out, and all this other stuff. So that has come my way. And one thing regarding Reif that is not mentioned, I really looked into him. And it is neglected to mention, although Dr. Merritt did touch on it, but what he did, what his work, what his breakthrough was, not just in the high-powered optics, because he was an optical wizard, but what he spent years doing in order to observe this mortal oscillatory rate, that is, the frequencies that he put out that would shatter these microbes, these germs. You can watch it in his microscope. But he was the breakthrough that people failed to mention, I thought I would. It took him a long time to, he had the magnification there, but because of the optics, you couldn't see it, it was all clear. It was clear, you could see through it, nothing would show up. And so what he did, painstakingly, is try all these different lighting techniques for lighting that slide. And now you put the right light on it, now you can see everything. And did I mention Reif went blind doing this? He was at his microscope so many hours of the day. He went blind to doing this, and also Reif was, he worked with and attracted top like engineers, electronic engineers, and developing his machine. He didn't have that electronic capability, but others did. And so it was in conjunction with them, and through his painstakingly isolating, say, a cancer cell and trying all these different frequencies, putting them in, and seeing which frequency that was resonant for that structure, and you play that frequency, and it starts vibrating until it shatters, it breaks apart. Just like that old Memorex take commercial, Reif or Franklin hitting the note that shattered the glass, exactly that. Now in terms of Lloyd Meir and Dan Nelson's work, their use of frequencies, they are different frequencies. They are not the mortal oscillatory rate that you kind of dance them to death. You play this music and they die from exhaustion, they break apart. Rather, what their work applies is what's known as destructive interference patterns. Or they identify the waveform of that structure and they present the opposite waveform, which through this quantum process called destructive interference, you present that opposite right next to the positive and the two collapse into the zero point and it vanishes. You don't destroy it, you almost like, you disappear it. You disappear that energy. You present the opposite energy and it goes down to nothing. It doesn't exist and it can happen just like that, just like that, that quickly. Those are two different modes. Just I have to mention this, in terms of Rockefeller, like Rockefeller himself, his own practitioner was an osteopath, was the old school naturopath and he ate a very picky diet, only stuff growing on his farm, his own grounds and he was largely vegetarian, not precisely 100%, but he knew about applying these principles to his own body while he's developing this petrochemical profit model for treating everyone else. Rules for the eat, but not for me, it was this dude, but in looking at this and not liking this man's very much at all, came across this interesting nugget of this really wonderful thing that he did do along the way. Think of the hillbillies, the hillbillies in Appalachia. Why are they so brain dead, sorry, like as a shorthand, I have to put it that way. Why are they so cognitively impaired because he was looking at the country and saying, well, we can really mobilize his country, but except for these people back here, they're just not up to snuff. What's going on with them? So he studied them to try to learn why they were cognitively impaired. And he found the answer, parasites from what? From them stepping in their own excrement and in their bare feet, they stepped in their own poop, got these parasites that took up residence in their brains. This is what happened. So Rockefeller said about developing the antidote, a medication, a drug for killing these parasites, but what he also did in the meantime is say, we got to help these folks out. He instituted, he started them using outhouses. So you don't step in it. It's not like exactly that is what happened. And boom, they got normal. They didn't have these parasites eating their brains and making them stupid. So just another fascinating factoid along the way. But then also what was mentioned in terms of parasites along the way on my path, one night on coast to coast AM, loved that show, stayed up late to listen to it. I heard this man named Dr. Harvey Baghelson speaking one night and I just stopped dead in my tracks from all he was saying. And for one thing, his book that he had out was entitled, Doctors Are More Harmful Than Germs. And like, this is what Dr. Merritt's talking about, this whole system is more harmful than the germs themselves. But what he also had this treatise kind of right underneath that. And he said this, cancer is a mold. Cancer is a naturally occurring organism, phenomena in the body. And if you look at the history of medicine, you'll see this divergence between pleomorphism and monomorphism. And this pleo was what was ignored. And it's an amazing thing. When one examines that work, you look at blood and you see all these things in your blood, the RBCs, the white WBCs, the parasites, the paramecium, you see all this stuff in there. And the Western, and there are all these little things that the polymorph is called protives. But the Western medicine, they ignored them as if they were not even in the blood. As if they were not there, they said, ah, we don't need to know about that stuff. But that's the key to everything because these are all these little microorganisms that are like called them the seeds of cancer, they're in your blood and they're just floating around and they're not really growing yet until the conditions become right in your body for them to grow. And then they go, oh, someone fertilized our garden, it's time to grow now. How does the garden get fertilized? Acid, acidic, latent chronic acidosis of the tissues, that's, and we've all heard this alkaline versus acid in the body. This is precisely that, that the body requires an alkaline condition to remain healthy. And these other things that are all raised in, they just won't grow and they won't bother you unless your body goes bad. It's like, it was also referred to as like the corruption of the body, what you're talking about. Yeah, the corruption within us, that's exactly what's going on. And along in this process too, Christmas gift came my way from sister-in-law, I was so surprised by it. It was this book called The Secrets of an Alkaline Body, Dr. David Jub, Look Him Up. He was Ann Wademore's researcher for all of her breakout work way back then and he has his own call it diet and health model and he is like huge science and he has the call it most stringent eating guidelines of anyone I have ever seen of identifying the problems in our diets that go into our bodies and create the conditions for disease to happen. And so, what else was I going to say, took a couple of notes? Oh, back to Harvey Biggleson. So I remember, I was just astounded and hearing what Harvey had to say. And I looked into him and owed an amazing history. He had medic and nom and he got out of there, GI Bill, he became an ophthalmologist, Long Island, New York, he was making bank doing cataract surgery all day long. He had a Benz and a Jaguar and a driveway and he had life by the tail and could have just cruised out the rest of his days. But something happened with one of his patients that got Harvey to looking into these other things and he dropped that and he became a naturopath. And he went back and he studied darkfield microscopy, went to Germany and learned how to do that and began doing, well, and then also what he did is he went to Arizona and he got naturopathic, naturopath, he written into the laws, the insurance laws, so that one could go to a naturopath and be covered by insurance for these alternative treatments just what Dr. Ramirez is talking about, exactly like that. And so this dovetail, so here I come to find out what happens when I get cancer. Dr. Harvey Biggleson has this 18 day, I forget it was 18 or 21 day protocol for eliminating whatever cancer you might have. And in doing so, he gives you a drip IV of nutrients and meanwhile, he is observing your blood under his darkfield microscope and seeing what's seeing all essentially everything that's dying off, everything that was in your blood no longer is, 18 to 21 days, that's all you need at his clinic. I thought, oh, when I get cancer, I'm going to him. What was so amazing about it is he lived right up the street from me essentially in the next town of out of city. I was in like, Loomis, California, suburban Sacramento, he's like, I would drive past his clinic to go to the lake, my favorite lake out there. So on my way to Lake one day, I stopped in at his office and just to identify where it would be and where I would go. And I had a chance to briefly shake hands with him and meet him. And so now he got persecuted by the FDA, legal persecution, they essentially he had to leave the country. He went to Mexico, just as Dr. Maris talking about, to open his clinic and be able to practice and do this with medical freedom in Mexico. So this dovetails with another part of my story in terms of the energy wellness water that I advocate, I've been taking for nine plus years every day. I won't go into all the details on that, but one detail on a supplied use in terms of parasites, my partner, Ingrid Olson Childress, she, it's her water site. It's actually Dan Nelson's invention to water and she's been licensed and she relabeled it to her brand, it's the same stuff. And so in, in, in getting the word out, a woman who does colonics, she has this business, she's had this longstanding practice of doing colon animals for clearing out parasites. And so she got, she tried using this energy wellness water for her chronic treatments. And as, as Ingrid described it to me, this will be very astute. And she knew her protocols, she knew how big a bag of, of like fluids that each person would take into that area of their body. And when they were full and she knew this, she had done it a thousand times before. And then one day she tried energy wellness water and it blew her mind. And she called Ingrid up and said, Oh my God, what is in that water? What I have never seen this before, I have never seen this before. Because what happened is she used that and she said, all of these parasites. Now these are the larger ones that you can see the tapeworms and stuff. But they came like they were like 911 evacuation, we're getting out of this colon, we're getting out of here. They just came screaming and flying out because they needed to get out of there. That water was killing them. The parasites, these are the mackerel type parasites that she could observe. Well, the micro ones were coming out along with it too. Now, here's another thing that I've encountered directly is more gallants disease. Have you encountered, you know, more gallants disease on Nancy? Yes, and we've had listeners that have asked about it when we've talked about, you know, medical, natural, pathic medicine. Yeah, it's a problem. Well, give it to the people that might not be there. It's a wild weapon for one thing. Lloyd Mir has housed an elimination number for it, and he once wants that number, I've got it. But it crossed my path when my nephew came down with more gallants and he was like a young man. Oh, he was a walk on at University of Colorado football team as a safety. This peak of his life is just brilliant, brilliant physical human body that he had. And he came down with more gallants, and it just devastated that young man. It was horrific to see. All of his energy was gone. He lost his job. He couldn't do it. And now he goes to the doctor, and the doctor, they don't really know what it is, and they're kind of telling me he's crazy and all these other implications. Now I made a friend here in Ocean City. She's got it too. I'm working with her. But back to my nephew. And so symptoms, you get these boils, these like horrendous, like pimples and boils, and they would like pus would come out and it's the body trying to get rid of these things. Meanwhile, this, it's a bio weapon. It's a bio weapon that got in him. And they are these spiral, they're like these thread light structures. And he'd be in the mirror in the morning brushing his teeth. You know how you pull your lips back and see your pearly whites and your brush in them? Well, he's got these more gallant worms crawling out from his gum line wiggling at him. Imagine that. You got these parasites. There they are. They're in you. It is such a nightmare. Now one thing that I learned from Ryan that helped his more gallants go away is food grade diet to Macias Earth. I bought some after learning from him that that was effective for him. I bought some and that went into my green food smoothies every day, diet to Macias Earth. What is it? Well, it's used for water filtration, pool filters and stuff like that. And it is diet time. Those are two celled plants that were in the ocean. Years ago, the oceans dried up. They went away and all those little critters, they hardened and became this mineral form. These rocks and you have its food grade. And what I find out is at their crystalline structure, at their base structure, they are sharp like razor blades so that these parasites in the body, they come across these razor blades and they get shredded. They get cut up and they die. The same thing applies in one's garden, one's vegetable garden that you have, especially where I was living. They have banana slugs and snails, but especially for the banana slugs, they are nasty and but you sprinkle diet to Macias Earth around your plants and those slugs, those snails will not cross it because it hurts them. And so this all fits together. And so let's see, what else do I have? I mean I can go on and on about these, I took a number of notes, spirit chiefs, Magellan's corruption with his hiding info and plain sight that speaks to this medical model tyranny that has been foisted upon us that people are breaking through and we're getting to the end of this. This COVID thing, this is the big reveal about they can't hide this in plain sight. They're all being educated and these good people, many of them, life, Dr. Merritt. Oh, I thought it's fascinating, her calling out Dr. Robert Malone. We won't go into that, but that is like very interesting, that's very interesting and she's got to, she brings the receipts to validate what she's saying. I'm like, oh, let me stop, let me stop you here for me because I do want to tell people who he is. Malone is this doctor that I didn't trust from the get-go because he was dressed up like a con man, like somebody that was going to orchestrate something. He had a suit, he looks good, he's got the beard, he's got all the accepted look for a person of stature, let's put it that way. And he came out and he basically said, oh yeah, I made the MR and I was involved in that. And people listened to him because at the time there was a dearth of information out there about any of this, people were finding it slowly and he came out and he said a bunch of stuff. But and he became the darling, he was not just the alternative, but the mainstream media. And then something started happening, people started looking at him a little too close. And that's what Merritt's talking about. That when you really look at this guy, he's not who he is pretending to be, he's somebody that you should not listen to. So I just wanted to put that out there because some people may. I had heard that he was, a lot of people were not liking it, but I didn't know it until I heard Dr. Merritt just now explain why she's in the same boat. So thank you, I just wanted to interject that for people. Oh yes, in the same happened with me, I was taken in by what he was saying. And but he's a wolf and sheep's clothing too. And like it's like proof's coming out, you know, and so we're all becoming aware thanks to people like you and the good Dr. Merritt and rumble and all others kind of on our team, our truth team that, oh yes, it's coming out. Now let me mention I have Lloyd's manual, Lloyd Merr's manual open or I source the pages for that he labels toxins and parasites and Lyme's disease. And Lyme's disease is in that category of parasitic invasion. And I mean, I really can't go, it's not worth going into explicit details about how many different numbers and identifications, the names of the various bacteria that are problematic and ways to eliminate them specifically, you know, in terms of parasites, limiting parasites. But within his overall body of work, that's kind of the number one aspect I've learned of it all of. It's not a matter of adding more nutrition or more good things or you hear these other people with frequencies and sounds, I'll add this, you know, 432, that's good for you. And like, okay, yes it is, but what they are missing is the fundamental point that you have bad things in you and if you just eliminate the bad, your body can kind of take over and do its own normal healing. So it's all about detox, it's all about cleaning up the body and getting the corruption that's within all of our cells and our DNA. Here's one thing, from my direct experience at Lloyd's house, he did an energy analysis of my body and he found that I have five chromosomes that are malfunctioning and he said, oh, you're not alone else, absolutely everyone I check has the same five. Well what does, what do they do? What is the problem? Oh, well those chromosomes have to do with building healthy blood cells in the bone marrow and until if you have this corruption of those, that DNA, those chromosomes, you will always have inadequate blood. And so just by doing these five codes and I watched it in real time in front of me as I read those energies and he said, oh, okay, that one's working, that one's working, that one's working. And so now I can have healthy blood, I mean, that's what we need, I mean, that's the basis for everything, right? And so I have that to bring forward to people and I haven't done a video yet on my, any bees buzzer rumble channel where I'm bringing this stuff out, but that's on my to do list, get these five codes out, I mean, they're on my initial write-up. Let me stop you for a second because what are we talking about, actually, you're talking about coding, but is it the music that you do? Is it tied to the sounds that kind of like give a frequency or a way of presenting the frequency is through the music? Is this what we're talking about? Well, no, the music is there just for fun. The healing, the energy work is accomplished simply by reading this numerical string of numbers, seven times in a row, and just by reading, not even allowed, although you can say the numbers allowed, but simply by reading them. The same way that Dr. Emoto demonstrated, you can write words on a piece of paper and tape that to water and you will change the water by those words. I love you or I hate you. You will get different. He demonstrated how this works. So this is just an energy system. Okay. Let me stop here because this sounds absolutely insane. Why? I just have to do these numbers and the sequence and then I'm going to be here. I mean, it sounds insane, right? But when the Russians were looking at DNA and they were looking not at the 10% that the east, I mean, the western science tells us is that 90% is junk. Well, the Russians were looking at the junk stuff. But what they determined was that the number one thing that will change DNA is the human voice. They have all the research that can prove what I just said. Now, what I think that the Russians missed is it's not, yes, the human voice gives a sound to it. It's really the human thought. And I've been somebody that has understood that a lot of things in life, you see it as a geometric form, but there is actual messaging associated with those geometric forms that your brain is processed or I won't say your brain, I would say your consciousness is digesting at the same time, but you're not even aware of it. You become aware of maybe a new level of knowledge, but you're not really sure where it comes from. So much of what we see is the universe morphing to give us more information. And it's, but it's an energy that we've got in our consciousness that then we can use our voice or refine music, you know, but it's actually the intention of the human being. Like, that's what we keep missing. I mean, 73% of 73% of all the placebo testing that they do, the placebo wins. Why aren't you finding out what's that mechanism is instead of the drug? But they have to have the test. They always fail and they still get the drug passed. Okay. Yep, that's because our whole system and our whole consciousness has been hijacked so that we don't know these things about ourselves, that we are, if we're created in the image of God, God is in us, it is the Godhead. We have these powers, the Vatican is long known about this, they hide that. And now is that time is that age of Aquarius, the shift is happening, the shift in consciousness and awareness of who we really are and what our thoughts can do, our thoughts can make us sick, our thoughts can make us well, which we want to take to make as well, Lloyd has a bunch of numbers just by repeating numbers, generates those energies in the body to do those things. Awesome. And we only got five minutes left. Can you give some of those to people so that they can just jot them down? I'll make sure that they're up on the rumble promos and stuff, but to jot so that they can just, hey, listen, you got nothing else. Nothing to lose. You just repeat the numbers, right? Yes. Yes. That's the mere protocol. You call it the power of prayer, the power of focused intention. It's the same thing. It's this inherent power every human has and my mission is to alert every one of the power that they have and show them these ways to do it. Now, again, we're about over here. And with my musical method, again, my musical method is just a way it's boring reading strings and numbers. I have done it, but it works. It just is more fun to hear the sound you're actually making a tune. And what I picked out from the very last listing in Lloyd's spiral cheat, spiral cheat elimination numbers, is this very interesting category, which he calls the vibration accompanying B-flat. What frequency is B-flat? That is, well, in the treble clef, it is 466, 466 Hertz. Now, also, the octaves of that are equal energy. So, 233, 466, 922, and what is it, 1764, if you double that 922, 18-- yeah. And so, he dows his number for that. Now what I'm going to do is step over to my keyboard real quickly, and I'm going to play those frequencies, the vibration of B-flat for you, and then it's a very simple code of this elimination number for these parasites. Okay, here it is. That's 466, 2, 3, 3, and octave up higher. And the number is 5, 4, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4. Okay, so that was three repetitions of 5, 4, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4. Is that B-flat parasite elimination number? One can do that. But there are all these words. Okay, is there three-- it's 8, 8, 8, or 8, 8, 8, 8. 5, 4, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4. Guys. It's unusual code. I call this special because it's not 11 digits or 16 as most are, it's something other than that. This one is only 8. And so, that is the vibration of B-flat. And that is helpful. But there's a whole list of other ones that I could present as well as identifying all these other various energy problems associated with parasites in the body, microorganisms. Oh, there's just-- it's just floodgates are open. Dr. Merritt mentioned these holes, this leaky gut syndrome. And if anyone's on the internet these days, they're bound to have seen Dr. Gundry's talking about lectins in plants. And these are these needle-like structures in a lot of things you think are good to eat. But these perforate the intestine and allow these microorganisms to escape into the bloodstream. And they get around the body that way instead of being contained within the elementary canal. We've got to shut down here. You always have to make him stop talking, say goodbye to everybody. Thank you for letting me talk. And I have so much to say at another time, I hope you all are well. And anyone, contact me, I'll help you out if you want it. Thank you, thank you, Nells. This has been so much fun. She's safe, everybody, out there. Annie Avadisian is going to be live tonight at 7 p.m. eastern. And she's got a guest. You have been listening to Radio 5G, a production of Thank you for listening. [Music]