Cosmic Reality Podcast

SAY WHAT REPLAY from 12-14-19 - Ani Avedissian

“Say What Replay” - Nancy Hopkins, Dolly Howard, Ani Avedissian 12/14/19.

“Say What?” live show is seen Saturdays 6-8 pm EST and the "Say What Replays" oldie shows are seen 2-4 pm EST-

PODCASTS Archives Audio: Rumble: Shungite Store:

COUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off:MysticalWares

1h 56m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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“Say What Replay” - Nancy Hopkins, Dolly Howard, Ani Avedissian 12/14/19.

“Say What?” live show is seen Saturdays 6-8 pm EST and the "Say What Replays" oldie shows are seen 2-4 pm EST-

COUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off:MysticalWares

[music] Say what? Say what radio show? With no agenda. It's always a surprise. But if we're not having fun, we're doing something wrong. [music] And welcome to the... Say what show? It is December 14th, 2019. My name is Nancy Hopkins. With me is Dolly Howard, and Ani Disavit... [laughter] Ani had... [laughter] You really can't see it. I didn't know how many times it happened. Avadisian. Well, you know this... No, it was so weird because I was earlier. I don't know what I was doing, but I was like, "Avadisian, Avadisian." I don't know why I was doing that, and so now I screw it up because I absolutely know your name. Yes, that's my name. Oh my God. Okay, so... I hope you appreciate the fact that I did American drums and flutes, not because you're an American shaman, because I'm not sure you are, but just in honor of our... What do you call your sobering shaman, yes? I'm a suburban shaman, yes. Yes. Yes. What's happening is somebody's messaging me on Skype while I'm trying to do this, you know, and it's like, "Ugh, look at that little dangly thing," and then I go, "What am I doing?" Stop me. It's not Dolly. I know that. Okay, so Dolly, why don't you say hi to everybody and... and whatever. I can't find my teeth. Oh, okay, so I'll go... I'll move on over to... Yeah, honey, how are you doing, honey? I'm really good. Thank you. Someone just wrote in chat. Nancy's been on the martini. Nancy probably should be on the martini. I'm doing fabulous. Thank you. I think I'm probably going to have to say that yesterday was one of the happiest days of my life in quite a very long time. Oh, can you share that? It can. Yeah, Boris Johnson won the election in the UK. The Conservative Party had a landslide victory, and it means that we're going to go forward with leaving the European Union, which was one of the major reasons, I think, to a lot of people like me or not a lot of people, but, you know, we had to leave indirectly one way or the other, was this forcing Britain to be as part of this globalist third Reich Nazi agenda of a one world government, which the European Union is, a brainchild of a third Reich, and not good in any shape or form for mankind's evolution. And I'm delighted that the Conservative Party, I mean, I would have any party that wanted to get us out of the European Union. I would have supported, but I'm delighted that the people realized the importance of national sovereignty, not nationalism, national sovereignty, that you get to make up your mind, you, the people, what happens in your country. It does not have to be run by a bunch of overpaid, but, you know, idiot bureaucrats sitting in the European Union telling other people how to run their countries. That's the beginning of New World Order. So I am so happy I could just bust. I won't. Now, that happened yesterday? Yeah. For some reason, I thought the election had already happened. Well, that we got the results just the other day. Because, well, Jan, on her show, said that people were already in the streets protesting the fact that he had been elected. I didn't think it would be, you know, the day after. No, it was just, it was literally just the other day, but as the votes were coming in early, I think it was obvious who was going to win, because it was such a landslide victory. Oh, really? Oh, like-- No, it was a conservative majority. And the conservative party haven't had a majority in the UK, a serious majority, I think until the late '70s, early '80s, something along those lines. It was a general election. It wasn't Brexit. Brexit was a major issue as part of the general election. But the reason that it was a general election as to who would run the country. So the conservative party won that in a landslide victory. But the major thing on the table, of course, was exiting the European Union. Because three and a half years ago, the British people voted to leave the European Union, and the establishment did everything they possibly could to reverse the people's vote and do all sorts of delay tactics. And we had Theresa May, who I'm convinced, who was prime minister, who I'm convinced isn't a real person, but some sort of automaton, who did everything she could to stall the exit to the European Union. And finally, the people who understand the globalist agenda and the dangers of it, those would be right now. Apparently, those who are slightly more right-wing, Boris Johnson and his cohorts in the conservative party just decided enough was enough. So it was a general election to decide who would be the prime minister. Boris Johnson is the leader of the conservative party, became the prime minister. Conservative party have a big majority. And we will get Brexit done. Is it because he looks like Trump? I don't think he looks like Trump. Have you noticed his hair? They have the same stylist. You don't think they look like... I don't think they look alike. I think they act alike. Yeah, I don't think they look alike, but their astrological make-up, their past, the contracts that they've chosen to fulfill. You know, yes, there's a similarity there, and they share a common purpose, which is to... They're both part, both Trump and Boris, a part of an organization that is sworn to expose and bring down deep state. So there's a lot of similarities. But I think Boris is kind of cute, to be honest. I didn't find Trump cute. I saw these two pictures, and they... I mean, their hair was blowing in the wind in exactly the same way. Oh. That's why... I didn't see that pic. Yeah, well, it made me laugh. I said, "Okay, they get it from me, too." Anyway, I'm happy. I'm now looking at real estate in the UK to see where my retirement property might be. You'd go back now, yes? Well, I don't think we'll go back, because I'm married to an American. Although, you know, she is quite an Anglo-file and would like nothing better to retire in a little village somewhere and have her cup of tea and her Sunday roasted of the local village pub. And I think it's just nice that that part of England is actually going to be around now, that it isn't all going to be some sort of homogenized ethnic-free zone and just be called European Unit 1B. So I'm not going anywhere yet, not for a while, but I would like to have a holiday home back home. So maybe after I retire, I can spend six months a year in England and six months a year here in the States. Dream on, and it will be. I'm dreaming. I'm decorating my cottage as we speak. So if I sound distracted, that's where I am. Okay, I got a little problem here. You two keep talking. Okay, all right, you know. Dolly, are you back? Did you find your tea? Yeah, I did. We're in a place I don't usually put them. So this Boris Johnson, I think he plays dumb, but I think this dude is very smart. He is smart. He acts like such a little dingbat. Yeah. I think that's part of him. Yeah. Yeah. Well, he almost encourages people to be distracted by his behavior, by his service behavior. Yeah. You know, I don't know. I've always liked, I've always liked Boris probably because he reminds me of the brother of every girl I went to boarding school with. You know? It's that kind of jolly, good rubab, let's have a cup of tea. But behind all that, he really is, he really is, he knows what he's doing. And so do the members of his cabinet. For the most part, there's one or two there. Anyway, my whole thing is not about conservatives or labor or liberal Democrats. Everybody else was just labor completely lost it in this election. You know, the left wing party, labor, they really lost it. Their leader completely lost track, lost the election. And there was a campaign against him anyway. They tried to accuse him of being an anti-Semite, which actually what he was talking about was Zionism, politics is dirty. The Lib Dems, Scottish National Party, DUP, there's nothing there. It was a conservative landslide, which means that people want to restore Britain to its sovereignty. And hooray, I just couldn't be happier. So there we go. That's really sweet. It was in the same, it's in the same way as the Americans here. Trying to say, hang on. It's a force. Yeah. It's a force. Yeah. Hang on. Hang on. You know? Yeah. I know we've lost, you know, we've lost track of what we were supposed to do here in America. But just turning it into an open board of money laundering operation wasn't the purpose. Yeah. And there's people that want to stop that. So we support them. Well, I'm glad they finally voted that impeachment to go through because I'm just sick of it. I just watched it. I was good. I did not watch it because I knew I would just, I'd be leaving this world because I'd get that upset. But not by my, it would kill me heart attack wise. But I am so glad that Republicans finally, I know they gave it a good fight from what I saw on Tucker and Hannity. The Republicans gave it a good fight. But it was a given from before Trump was elected. If he got elected, they were going to impeach him. I mean, that's a given. And so, and Nancy Pelosi was on, and I saw her say, oh, this hasn't been so quick. It's been 22 months, two and a half years. So they even admit it. They have been doing this ever since the beginning. Thank God. The impeachment is out of the house. And I don't think the Senate's going to drag it out unless Trump wants it to. Well, we'll see. Yeah. Well, we'll see that they're opening up a giant can of worms. I hope they're ready to be infested. So you mean the swamp beings? Yes, the swamp beings. Yes. Oh, they have. Every time you turn around, that bug-eyed guy. Oh, Chef? Yes, yes. He's always trapping himself and showing that he's already lying. I mean, he exposes his own lies. Except we're going to condemn himself. He goes down by his own words. It's just interesting. Again, you know, you read posts all over the place. In a social media, unfortunately, is a generally a very good place to see the level of public awareness. And there are people so entrenched in their political parties. They are not thinking straight. Yeah. So I say, you know, you want to impeach him. Good luck to you. Let the poop hit the pavement. Yeah. But you are going to be so surprised when all this poop that you were throwing around ends up on your face. So I said, bring it. Bring it. Let the truth be told. This is what Trump was all about. Exposing corruption, exposing deep state. I'm just really surprised that they went for it. But it's for the highest good of all. I think that it all comes out. So let's do it. I'm really not surprised because they have been doing their swamp stuff for so many years that they're very comfortable in that position. Mm-hmm. And so they think, oh, we can do anything we want to. We'll just impeach this dude. They're finding out after 22 months. It's not going to be life for them. It's not going to be like it used to be. Yeah. There's the resistance, you see? Yes. Like they're all the money they're going to make from all of the payoffs, et cetera. All that. Trump wants to make all of that go away. And no one wants that. Yeah. Yeah. So I say bring it. Yeah. It's time we shattered the illusion. Let there be the proverbial shitstorm, you know? And let people awaken to see what they voted in. Yeah. It's an embarrassment the way business is done in modern day first world governments. It's an absolute embarrassment. Yeah. So I just pray and I hope that Boris and his team deliver what they promised. Oh, I do too. I really do. Geez, honey. I hadn't even thought of it if they didn't. Yeah. Geez. I'm just concentrating on, oh, this is wonderful for England. Yeah. It is hard. Never entered my brain. Yeah. It is. They know they've signed their own death warrant if they don't. I see Trump when I do the journey, you know, when I do journey, I see Trump being re-elected in 2020. So we'll see how that goes. What about you? What's your feeling? Oh, I think it's a given. Yeah. I really do. I really, because there's a lot of time between now and next November. And I think a lot of stuff is going to hit the fan between now and now and November. I hope we all come out of it. And after the election, friends. I hope so. Because you know how bad the Trump, what do they call it? Trump Disindra? No, Trump. Trump syndrome? Does that what they call it? Yeah, I see. I think I know what you're saying. Yeah. The derangement syndrome. Yes. Yes. That is really bad in some people. And I began to understand it once I got hit with Bugeye and Pelosi and the toad. The guy that ran the last impeachment thing. Jerry Nadler. Fabulous names for these people, though. I called by what they look like to me. But I got that syndrome. And I thought, oh my gosh, no wonder these people get this Trump derangement syndrome. I can understand it now because I got it for some of these swamp beings. Well, I think we're at a pivotal point in our contemporary history. So, hooray. Hooray. What happened to Nancy? Is she gone? I don't know. She had an issue. She had to deal with. Oh, well. And she must deal with her issue. So what should we talk about? Oh, I couldn't wait until now. Because I had listened. She let me listen to your show earlier today. You know, I love her fear. I'd fall asleep and not hear it when you did it. Because I do. I tend to fall asleep just before our show. The thing that wakes me up is I know it's time for Jan's show. I love Jan's show. Yes. And so I try to wake up for at least Jan's show and some things. I love it early so I could listen and I listened to it earlier. And what I'm getting at is I love the part about the clones and the aliens. Oh, reptilians? Yes. Yes. Yeah. And I had heard that Diana had seen the change. And when I heard she was assassinated. Oh, well, yeah, she was died in a car accident. I thought, wow, I wonder if that played a part in it. Because she knew way too much. Yeah. And she went against them and did things that they didn't didn't approve of. So. Yeah. I wasn't too surprised by the car accident. No, I don't think any of us were surprised by the car accident. And in fact, David Ike has made a very nice video about the ritual, the symbolism and the ritual of the place in Paris where she met her demise. And he's tied it in to all sorts of an Illuminati symbolism. Oh, geez. Yeah, and he's very articulate David Ike to make some very good videos. So I would advise anybody who wants the details on that to watch is like a 25 minute video, I think, about her passing. Undoubtedly, we have, she called them lizards on going back to Princess Diana. Yeah. She did call them lizards on more than one occasion. Yes. And very lovely. Yes. So, you know, then there is this thing, of course, that the royal family, you know, whether anyone chooses to believe it or not. And I don't care if anybody buys it. I'm not selling. I'm just sharing, you know, they are an Illuminati bloodline and they are a reptilian bloodline. And it's not the first time people have mentioned that down in the bowels of Buckingham Palace or wherever they will reveal themselves to the people. Who are going to, as it were, take their seed and, you know, grow their offspring. So, I mean, again, like I said in my show, I personally have seen shape shifting, but not with reptilians. But I know it happens and I don't doubt that Diana saw it. I want people to put themselves in a position, though, just imagine for one moment. That happens to you that you've met your mother-in-law, be she the queen or whatever, and you've married into this family that's going to give you all the advantages to do a lot of good in the world or whatever it is you think you're marrying into. And then at some point, when they know that you're actually fertile and you're going to become pregnant, they reveal to you what they are and what they expect you to serve. Can you imagine what you would feel like, what a shock it would be to your psyche, to see a human turn into a different type of being? I don't believe in suicide, but that's when I think I go out and buy a gun with a bullet. It would be difficult to handle, wouldn't it? Yes, yes. It would be impossible for me to handle. I know this of myself. Well, I'm not going to reveal myself to you, then I don't want you to go cut. Don't ruin our bubble. We have such regard for you and such high expectations. Please don't turn into a lizard. You never know. A cute cuddly gecko or something we could live with, but you know? Well, actually, I saw... I don't even know what you're talking about. I just... I had this weird thing with a dog. The dog is an energy sensitive, and all of a sudden he acted like he was going to puke, and so I took him outside and all he wanted to do was eat grass. I took him in three times, and he still wanted to go back out and eat more, so I'm expecting him to puke any minute now. But, and I pulled out the shungite rubber, because it's the only thing that seems to get the energy stable again with him. It would be better. I think so. He's not running around in circles anymore. Oh, good. Bless his heart. The first time I saw him, he actually looked like he was having a stroke, and it was so scary. But I've had energy workers come in and clear the energy, and they all say the same thing. He's just got too much energy. He's not able to get rid of it. And so he starts to... I mean, it's like he's having a stroke. And so once I started understanding what was happening, and then I'm reaching for the shungite rubber, you know? And one day I put in a call to Gene Rockefeller, and then I thought about the rubber, because I was right there, and I grabbed it, and I put it on him. And then after a couple minutes, I could feel her come in. And she messages me, and she said, "He had something on his back, but I got rid of it." And I thought, "No, you didn't." Because the shungite rubber. But she could even see that that was there, but yeah, very strange. So apparently there's a lot of excess energy floating around. Oh, wow. See, you got fatigued, and I got pretty bad. So maybe there is some strange type of energy going around. He's up walking around again. Nope, no, he's just laying down. So I can't open the doors because there's all sorts of critters that raccoons and possums and cats come to the front of the house, and then he goes berserk and he slams into the door. Then it jars me so much, I turn around and kick a door and break all the doors. And they were like, "Thank you very much." But at least it was a door with slats in it, so it just sort of all the slats just came out of it. I didn't even hurt my foot. I am a kicker. If I feel that explosion, I don't normally, I'll start to scream, but then if it really needs to get out, I kick something. Thank God I don't hit things. But I have had a number of, well, maybe broken foots. I don't know. I can picture this in my life. Oh, Lord. He's breaking me up. Oh dear, oh dear. So did you finally settle the English question? Yes, we settled that it was actually a general election, but the big thing on the table was Brexit. So because the Conservatives had a landslide victory, and Boris Johnson is now the Prime Minister again, then Brexit will go through at the end of next month. So we are delighted to be the missing link in the European Union globalist agenda, and I hope that many other European Union countries will follow. Well, it's pretty inevitable. Because it's not working. And regardless of what they're trying to do to us, human beings are still somewhat in control of their own minds. And when you see something that's working as disastrously as that was, you're going to take that action like they just did, and congratulations on that. That's awesome. I don't pay much attention to anything anymore out there. I wish we could free ourselves too. Well, I think we're getting there. We're getting there. You know, I see more awareness every day, and I see more. And by that, I mean, I don't mean people going, oh, I'm awake. People are talking. People are talking and discussing things they never discussed before. So I know we're ahead. And I facilitate a lot of groups. I do a lot of mediating, a lot of arbitration, and teach a lot of classes. I do a lot of small groups of privately hosted groups of 2030, retired librarians, retired police officers, retired teachers, whatever. So I get around a bit, and I hear, and most of the people are, I don't think I have anybody younger than 40 coming to any of my events. So what I'm hearing is that there's a great amount. There's a lot of people out there who have paid attention, who've known something wasn't quite right, but didn't have the voice to articulate it. And now with Epstein and with the impeachment and with Brexit, people are getting out there and talking about, you know what? Yeah, that wasn't working. They are, they are, as yes, hope just wrote on the chat. We are joining the dots. People are connecting the dots. And even Jan's talking about, Dolly, do you see Jan's talking about how Trump and Boris have got similar hair? Really? Yeah, on the chat. I'm telling you. Yeah, we said they got similar hair, but it was Nancy who said that they looked together. Jan, find that picture with Clinton, showing what I'm talking about. Yeah, let's find that and we can see it too. Now, okay, are we done with the Brexit stuff? Yeah, yeah. I'm done. Champagne is open. We're all good. We can talk about something else. Oh, goody. I want to go back to the clones. Okay, I wasn't done. Sorry, what do you want to know about the clones? You really surprised me about Jimmy Carter. I never entered my mind that Jimmy Carter was clone, but it makes sense when you said it. I love Jimmy Carter. Who can't love Jimmy Carter? He has the sweetest little thing. Yeah, when you're that sweet, the Illuminati don't like you. Yeah. Okay, now was he cloned when he had the cancer and was about to die and then suddenly had some awesome medical procedure that made him a clone? Or was it while he was president? I think it was after. I don't actually know that the entire time. I don't know the exact date. But I don't think it was while he was president. I'll have to ask next time I go. I'll have to ask because I don't know exactly, but they didn't clone him just once. I think they've cloned him at one, two, three different stages, because you know, your clone isn't going to age. Yeah. Well, it's not going to last very long, correct? No, no, they don't. They don't last long. They're better now. The technology is getting just as all technology does. The technology was getting better, so they do last longer. I heard it's like a six-year period form. Oh, if they go that long, that would be great. But they do, they make at every age group that they're going to clone you, they're going to clone three to five at a time. That makes sense, yeah. Yeah, and have them in different parts of the country or wherever it's expedient to have them because they do malfunction. We've seen it. I can't say the name. I don't want to flag anything, but we've seen it. A female? Yes, we might have seen it. She might have been a female. That tried to get in a van? Yes, that could be good. Oh, okay. Then we're on the same page. Yeah, that clone is malfunctioned more than once. Oh, boy. That was a major malfunction. Now, do you remember that day? That was a day they were commemorating 9/11. And she had the issue in the limousine. But then within an hour and a half, 90 minutes, they took her, not to a hospital, they took her to her apartment in New York. And like 90 minutes later, without any security guards, supposedly Hillary Clinton walked out of the building and waved to people, and I think there was even some kind of an exchange. But everybody at the time said that's not her. It wasn't a clone, though. No, it was a double. So, I mean, they were taking her apart. It's a double. But they do some really stupid things like you let her walk up in the streets of New York without any security. Yeah. A kid came up to her and said hello or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. This is what Dolly was talking about earlier about the fact that the establishment have become so accustomed to having their own way and so accustomed to pulling the wall over our eyes. They've become blase. You know, they're in shock when we actually figure something out. And right now they're deeply offended by the fact that we figured something out. Too bad. Yeah. So there's the cloning. The last time I was talking, oh, yeah, Jan's posted up the pictures. Yeah. She did the killery one. We were looking, Jan, we were looking for Trump and the British guy Boris. No, the one I wanted was the Hillary one because they say that, yes, because they say that the clone doesn't even look like her. Oh, I thought you were one of the Trump in the board. Thank you. The clone looks exactly like you. That's the clone. If it's not, if it doesn't look like you, it's a double. That's the whole thing of cloning. It's a cell by cell. It's a direct reproduction of what you are at that moment. If somebody was to clone me and I wish they would, I could get so much more done. If someone was to clone me, all of the memories that I have up until this moment would be incorporated into that clone. And physically I would be identical. Okay. You've got to look at this picture. Are you looking at the picture? I'm looking at the picture that Jan sent. Yeah. About the killery and this other woman that's supposed to be Hillary. Well, they're different people as far as I can see. Well, yes, but it's supposed to be Botox or something. But this one on the right is the one that's that Hillary that's out there now. And she looks very clone-like. Rise are freaking me out. Yeah, but it doesn't look like an exact clone of Hillary, except here's the thing. I questioned that when you do see the original Hillary, she was in really bad shape. Right. Yeah, she's ill. She's wearing this giant trouser suit. She's got what looks like ankle bracelets and pumps in her waist. You know, she's thick and she's clearly she's got some sort of equipment under there. So that wouldn't be the clone. They don't bother to do that to a clone. They just dispose of the clone and boot another one up. So when we're seeing that, we're seeing the original Hillary. So all I can say is that they certainly wouldn't clone her looking like that. So they would have to be previous clones, but a clone looks like the original. But what if it's a broken clone? What if they can't? What if it's gotten to a point where she's had so many clones that, you know, it's like a copy or make a copy of a copy of a copy? Pretty soon you got something that doesn't look like the original. They don't copy the clones. They copy the original. Oh, oh. Well, what happens when the original is sick and all that? Can you still clone? Well, they still have the DNA from the original. Yeah, the original, no matter what happens to the original, whatever condition the original is in, the clone is going to mirror that. Strand by strand, cell by cell, nanoparticle by nanoparticle. That's the whole thing. A clone is a direct replica. Now, you know, while the original is alive, they can do as many clones as they want. And, you know, Jan, I think it's a body double of Hillary. Yes, it is. It's Trump and Boris. Oh, there you go, Nancy. I told you, I told you about the hair. Yeah. I still say they don't look alike, but the hair, yes. The hair, yes. Absolutely. Oh, come on. They get the same nose. Good Lord. Look at the mouth. No. They're not the same person. They've got the same mission and the same energy around them, but I don't think that's it. So did that answer your question about the clones? Dolly, do you understand how it works? Oh, I understand how it works, but I was surprised at who they were, like Jimmy Carter, that surprised me. Why would they clone him, but they would clone anybody who is either a threat to them or that they would use. Nobody. There are very few people who get up there in the upper echelons of the economic and political elite, who get up there to the top echelon of middle management for the Illuminati, who really, once they get the whole world agenda thing, embrace it fully. They go into shock and that their humanity goes, this is absolutely effing effed up. You know, there's very few people. I could mention what Tony Blair didn't need to be cloned. He's already, you know, sociopath. You know, so you have to clone these people. You have to use that as a threat for them. You have to clone them if you're going to use them. Well, with Trump, I don't think it's so much a threat. I think he turned that around to his advantage. Because when you see Trump in the White House, it's the white-haired Trump. Very rarely do you see the white-haired Trump outside the White House. When you see him at the rallies or out in public, it's the red-haired Trump. And when he's at rallies, they do not put the protective shields up. The thing they can see through, but bullets can't go through. But I did just see him at some kind of a -- it wasn't a rally. It was an outside event where he and -- I forget her name -- his wife were speaking and -- well, he was speaking -- and they did have the protection up. And it was the white-haired Trump. And I thought, "Ooh, he -- they're really letting him out like that." But I saw that there was protection all around him, so I could see where they would do it for that occasion. But when I see him out and he's got the red hair, I know that's one of the clones. And so many people don't even look to -- I mean, that -- nobody would notice that. You know, it's only people who discuss these things that would notice that these are -- That always understands how they're going to be. Yeah. But it's -- again, it's just -- it's too subtle for most. But, yeah, when you know to look out for these things, I hear so many energy workers who come to work with me or train with me or -- -- saying all sorts of things about Trump. He's surrounded by reptilians, and he's got this dark energy, and he's completely evil. And I don't -- what -- I have to -- Where are they coming from? Where are they looking at? Do you know how to read auras? Yeah, really. You're really looking at this from -- you're not looking at this from the eyes of neutrality. You're not looking at this as the eyes of an energy worker, because you would see your own filter has to be there. I was shocked myself when I started to look into Trump. I was shocked myself when I had to go and take advice from my gurus on the other side. And I had to go and take advice from my elders and my extraterrestrial elders. I wasn't expecting Trump to come forward and do what he was doing. But I had to look through the eyes of neutrality and just look at him as I would any other client or any other being. And it's all there, completely plain. I will say that there are a couple of reptilians there that are looking after him, but they're not anything other than on his side. There's a particular -- reptilians are very, very intelligent. And they're very, very focused. And they're not all particularly evil. That's not what it is. They're a military conquest type of mentality. So from time to time, I have seen a couple of reptilian not so much bodyguards, but I've seen -- I don't quite know how to describe them. They don't look like warriors, but they would look more like a secret service person would do. They would sort of try to blend in, but they don't because they're wearing all the same suit and they have this thing coming out of their ear. So I believe that there's a wonderful array of support around what Trump is doing for this planet. But he is not dark in any shape or form, so that always surprises me when people come to me and say that. Yeah. I really don't get bad feelings when I check something out with him. No, and I was prepared to. I'll be honest with you, at this point in -- I've been talking about perceptual engineering deep state for decades. At this point, if Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones came and decided she was going to take down deep state, I would support her. I would support anybody who was trying to bring awareness to the one real problem that we have. So I was surprised that anybody else, but you know, I have to go with what I see and I have to go with what I know. What I know is that he's one of the very few people who has the guts to do what he's doing, which is bring down deep states. It's all family. Yeah. Yeah. They all buy into it. Yeah. So let's see. Okay, honey, I got a question for you. Is John Jr. alive? I don't believe he is. We'll go bust the bubble, that gear. I'm sorry. I've looked for him and I can't find him, so maybe you'll have better luck. You're probably a better remote viewer than I am, but I've looked for him and can't find him. So if he's hiding, he's hiding in between crevices somewhere that I can't find him. And I see that there's an entry for him on the other side. So he would have had as far as just going purely by private eye research, there's an entry into Nirvana into Heaven for him. So there we go. Interesting. That's what I know. I know it doesn't, you know, that's what I know. No, I still feel he's alive. Okay. Okay. You know, it's a timeline thing. You know, and some time line, he's not alive and some time line, he is. Oh, yeah, I'd like to be. And I just, that's just me up so bad. Yeah. And I would, I would rather, it's a better story if he's alive. Okay, I like the story. So, so until somebody proves differently, I'm, Q said JF, yes, I know he said that, Jan, but they did, but it doesn't matter. I mean, Q's not going to tell you he's alive. Jan just said Q said JFK Jr. is dead. But there's a theory that it's because he was reported as dead. Okay. No, I, you know, because there's so many different timelines. And I hope that, you know, the timeline that, that I'm on and try to stay on is the one where, you know, everything comes to light without this total psychic psyche destruction of human beings. If John Kennedy Jr. could come out and say, look, it's all true, let me tell you the story. You know, people would have a lot easier time understanding it and believing because they, people still need that. You know, I think, who is it that said it? I think actually you said it, you know, the, the Prince Valiant. Yes. They're still looking for Prince Valiant. And good luck with it. Good luck with people. They want to have a leader that comes in. That's why so many. They think Prince Valiant's still alive? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, not actually the, not the cartoon character Prince Valiant. No, not. I don't think anyone believes the Prince Valiant of law is actually still alive. It's the archetype of the pure night on his horse with his sword of light coming in and saying, the whole world is rubbish, everything you've learned is rubbish, everything's crap. But with my brilliant white sword, I shall make everything fabulous again. I think they call that the Antichrist. Right. Beware, beware. They would make it much more palatable for people to hear that truth coming from somebody like John Jr. And that's why, you know, until somebody, and plus the fact that I feel that it's, I don't feel, I don't feel anything that tells me that this could be, you know, yes, he's alive. Okay. And some time line, he's alive. And I just think it's a, it's a preferable way of explaining things to people. I mean, you and I and others have been explaining it for four decades and they still aren't, you know, you people are crazy. All things are possible. I will always, one thing I have learned in my 60 years on this planet, all things are possible. And if you can't imagine it, you can't see it happen. Right. Okay. So, so, what do you guys want to talk about? Well, just a minute. I'm not done. Okay. All right. Okay. Well, then say something. How do we know when you're not done? If you're not saying anything. I really don't panic because an edit placed the order and I, I needed to add saltine crackers. I'm, I'm multitasking here. Yeah. Don't, don't you hold on a moment. I've got to turn off my heat. I'm dying in here. I'll be right back. Okay. I'll go ahead and make sure this saltine crackers will add it to the order we picked up tomorrow. Yeah. I don't want to miss anything you say. So, you're not adding saltine crackers to some soup or something while you're on radio. You're making out the list for tomorrow? Yes. Oh, okay. All right. Okay. I didn't think. I got it done. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was sitting here thinking, ooh, tomato soup sounds good. Talk about multitasking. Yeah. And I paid a, a bill from my hospital stay and I've been busy. So the clone stuff, where was I? Let me think. There was another one that I wanted, well, oh boy, this came in my head. Speaking of reptilian. One time when I was watching the abomination on the TV, I swear, I swear, I saw his eyes turn reptilian like that and gone and it scared the shit out of me. Hmm. What do you think about that? I don't doubt that you saw what you saw. I don't happen to think that his, I don't think that he's particularly human, but he's not a reptilian. He does come from a different race. My understanding with Obama is that he came in or he was asked to come in to stabilize our country at a time where it was just beginning to awaken, but we're about 12 years late in the awakening process. So he wasn't, when he came, his coming in was one of the very few things that were pre-written for our history because they thought that the awakening had taken so long that it was if so important that America had a peacemaker manager. So they brought in this soul from a different, he's not a reptilian, but he's not a human and he came in and birthed as a human and he wasn't able to fulfill his function because number one, we hadn't awakened in time, but it was already pre-ordained that he would have to do what he did at that time. And number two, he fell under the influence because no matter what you are, when you become human, I think you're compromised on some level, he came under the relentless, evil influence of the Bush family and the Clinton family who boycotted him and threatened him even from the very first moment that he walked into the Oval Office to take a look at it after election. They threatened him with just about everything under the sun, including cloning him. Well actually, actually I found out that from somebody that I happened to think might be telling a true story, that because there were reports that when Obama left after going in to meet Junior in the Oval Office as was the tradition, that he came out of there completely shaken. And that's all I heard for all these, you know, all the time that he was in. But then I found out that when he went into the office, Daddy was in there too. And Daddy said, "Look at you, use the N word," and said, "You're going to do everything we tell you to or else," and he walked over and opened up a closet, and there was a clone of both Barack and Michelle. Michelle, I wouldn't put it past them because my intelligence says that he was threatened from the first moment, I mean, literally from the first moments of the presidency. And it was relentless. I heard that too. Yeah. So he came in, I don't think he's a bad guy. He didn't come in as a bad guy. He came in to be the manager during the period of awakening, which is happening now. It didn't happen then. But he fell under the influence, and unfortunately, all of the hopes that people had for him, including myself, knowing what he was, he couldn't handle it. He couldn't handle it. It was too much. Well maybe the role has changed because hopefully the man is still alive, and hopefully he is an insider who can absolutely tell the truth about what was there. And perhaps he can be brought under the protection of the white hats, I call them the white hats, the group that's behind Trump, Trump's a figurehead to them. And his role may have adjusted slightly, but he still is the inside man. You know, he is, you're right. And when all the great prosecutions happen, et cetera, and as they will, he will be part of those who are going to be prosecuted, but he will be exonerated very, very quickly. Because he's true to his mission. He just wasn't able to fulfill it. Then there. Yes. He wasn't able to fulfill it then and there. He has not been cloned. Obviously not. He is aged like unbelievably. Yes, exactly. He is not. He's scared and bone. Yeah. So he's not been cloned. It's still the original thing. And his soul is a high level, honorable soul. He will, till the last breath he takes, he will do what is needed to fulfill his contract, which has changed. Of course, because it couldn't do what it was around to do. So he'll be prosecuted and then exonerated. Well, he tried to tell the Democrats just recently, "You guys got to back down. You're hurting yourselves. Really bad. You all need to back down." And I thought, "Wow, where'd that come from?" But then I thought, "Well, yeah. He's looking at the image that they're portraying, the swamp beings, not just the downs, but the other ones too, because there's republicans that aren't so." Yeah. They say it is on both sides. Yeah. It's not a, it's not a partisan issue. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Here is one other thing, I wanted to say, "I don't know why can't I think of it?" When I think of it, I'll say something. Okay. But I see we only have a few minutes before break time, and rather than open up another topic that we will get interrupted with, I want to say something else. "I got the book today, Shungite Reality, a study of energy, N.L. Hopkins, in collaboration with Walt Silva and Derek Condit." Mm-hmm. And I opened the book and it says, "Shungite Reality, a study of energy, N.L. Hopkins, in collaboration with Walt Silva and Derek Condit, edited by Jan Shaw." Yeah. Okay. I'm so excited, but there's a problem with the book. I found it about five minutes into looking at it. It does not. It isn't autographed by Nancy Hopkins. Oh. I'm so upset. That's terrible. You can't complain. I know. I did. Well, you know, the book, because I just got the copy too, I hadn't seen it either. And Jan, don't look at the book. I wasn't two paragraphs in before I found a problem. Little one. No. It was there, and it was an editorial thing because she should have caught my mistake. Anyway, but when I got to the fourth chapter, I sort of started getting downloads of information that taught me a great deal. And one of them was the concept of quantum entanglement. And on one show, I think it was a Shungite show, I said, "Look it." I said, "The chapter on testimonials is already up online. We took them from online. The FAQs, I will get them up online. You don't need that chapter." But in all of the other stuff that's in there, in one way or another, I've already talked about it. So you essentially, if you want to understand just Shungite and, you know, but this book, like every book, like every creative thing that's out there has a quantum entanglement. It's got the quantum entanglement to the person that created it, but then everybody that, you know, engages with it, there's a quantum entanglement. And so, Derek and Maureen thought about that and they said, "Hey, we got an idea." So when you buy the, now you can buy the book on Amazon, but unless you've got prime, you're going to pay postage. If you buy the book from us on, you're postage, you're still going to have to pay it, but you're going to get an S4 sticker. So the $25 book is, you know, going to cost it $20 over there, but on top of it, they're going to take a stamp of a B and they're going to use Shungite ink and they're going to stamp the front page of the book. They do what you like to say. Isn't that awesome? Nice. I like that. That's sweet. Yeah. Because I was talking about the quantum connection between the Shungite, all the Shungite, every piece of Shungite is connected to the motherload that came from the cosmos. And so anybody that starts interacting to it all over the world were all linked by this common denominator, not denominator of Shungite, but to stamp the book with the ink, anybody out there that happens to work with art ink, you ought to get some of that and the pen, because it's one of those fountain pen types things, I have never signed a signature that was like so perfect and so it just flows. It's a different feeling from an ink pen. But anyway, they're going to stamp it with a Shungite ink. I'm just so tickled to that. That's great. I like that idea very much. Yeah. Well, you know, sometimes stamps don't work too well, but it might be a little smudgy sometimes, but because they're not going to throw out the book because they screwed up the stamp. So some of you might be blessed with a little screwed up stamp. Hey, that doesn't matter, you think. It's the ink. It's the ink. Shungite ink. Yeah. I'm just so tickled with that. I'll order one of those two. I ordered a couple from Amazon, but I'll order one of those two because I want my sticker and I want my ink. Yes. Yes. Thank you for doing that. I appreciate that. Of course. Yeah, it's going to be. I'm going to use your book for my next raffle prize for my cosmic conversations, which I haven't even read it. Oh, it's fine. I mean, I can, I'm pretty sure I'm going to resonate to it, having worked with Shungite now since, well, since you first introduced me to it years ago. Was it earlier this year, March or April? Yeah. Well, I mean, I'll read it. I'm a speed reader anyway, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to resonate to it. I'm very interested to read your years of research on it and your take on it. I saw, I had a young man contact me and I don't think you listened to this show, but you did listen to the Shungite show. We were making a comparison between somebody presenting the Orthodox theory of Shungite and then what we present as a neurology. And he came back to me and he basically said, you know, I disagree with you about justice in this. And then he tells me he's 19 years old. And so I went back to him and I said, well, the only fact on the table is you're 19 and I'm 71. That means that I was likely 19 before your parents were born. You might want to listen to me because I might just know a little more than you. And if you do, you're going to save a lot of time, you know, it's that thing with longevity. If we've gotten anything, we've got the experience that you can't ever catch us. And that's why, you know, so many indigenous people had such a high respect for the elderly. Well, we're not elderly, but the, you know, the older people. And because the elders elders, yes, yeah, that's right, elders, the elders, not the elderly, the elders. But anyway, we are at the top of the hour. So let me ask, Ani, Ani, are you typing in the chatroom under a non 66 48? Yes. Well, let me log in. Oh, OK. I just want to make sure that was you. OK. Yeah, that's me. All right. And welcome back to the say what show. It's December 14th, 2019. My name is Nancy Hopkins. With me is Dolly Howard and Ani Avadisian. See, I do know you last. Oh, yeah. So, OK, so we can, do you have anything else you wanted to add to that previous hour? I don't. I'm good. OK. My question to you, Ani, do you mind if I ask you some shamanistic shaman questions? Like when you, when you've talked about meeting your guy or meeting the ETs and talking to different ETs, do you do that while you're on a shamanic journey or do you have, is it something different? Because we know of shamanic journey because of, of Walt and the way that he would talk about, you know, and he would meet ETs and have conversations, but it was within the shamanic journey. Is that how you operate also? Primarily, yes, because that is the one thing that sets shamanism apart from being any type of other medicine person is that you have to have personal experience of slipping in and out of various dimensions. So being on the various other sides and speaking to various dimensional beings is a huge part of shamanism. Personal experience is a very big part of it. So one of the ways I do, most of my training was done during journey. Your teacher would join minds with you and you would go on journeys together. So the ETs that I've been talking to for quite a while, the ones that have guided me, yes, I go into trance and I go into astral form and I travel with them that way, what you might call a traditional shaman journey, but I also have somebody I go to who has an absolutely direct link to the extraterrestrials in orbit over Earth and has just the best communication with them. I almost like talking on a telephone, you don't have to go on a journey and when I see something in one of my journeys and I want it for whatever reason to be expounded on or clarified or validated, I will go to this place and speak with that person and see what their people have to say. So then, yes, I would say 90% shaman journey, 10% running it by this other group of ETs. Now which group of ETs are you dealing with when you're doing journey? Some are Palladian, some are Octorian and quite a few are reptilian because I like the way they operate, they're very focused and they're very no nonsense and they're very direct in giving you the answers without trying to filter it or justify the answer in one way or another. So it's a mixed batch, I would say mainly Palladian though, which is a huge conglomerate anyway. Yes, it's not just one world, it's many. It's a community called, we call the Palladians, I don't know what they call themselves. As a matter of fact, Earth is part of that system, I believe. Well, yes and no, but I see what you mean, yeah, I could go with that. They might go with that too. If we level up a little bit, I think they'll accept us back in. But yes. Well, if you just think in terms of where we are, we're looking out towards the Palladians and so we're seeing the seven sisters, plus there's others that people don't seem to talk about. But if you were in a different position in the galaxy, you would see a different kind of constellation that I would think would include Earth, our solar sun. The ETs that I speak to don't consider that Earth is part of the Palladian system. But then again, there might be other Palladians that do. Everybody I talk to, I think I asked that question on your behalf a while ago, if I'm not mistaken. I thought we had the conversation, yes, and so they're saying no. They're saying no. Okay. I generally don't argue with 10 foot tall beings with advanced worlds talking to me from advanced technologies, I just knock my head and go cool, thanks bro. Okay now, are these ETs, are they working together or are they working individually on their own agendas? I'm sure they will have their own private soul contracts, but they're working in service to keeping Mother Earth and this solar system stable during the ascension process. So they're part of a command system and part of Ashtar Command is one of them. Okay, so Ashtar Command, what would that entail? It's just like you used to report to your battalion chief, right? Yes. It's a structure, just like any other military and exploratory and scientific exploration group, they have a structure. So the Ashtar Command is a fleet that's under the command of Ashtar, which I understand the vast pretty much all of this solar system is under that. And then I talk to a couple of extraterrestrial officers in the Ashtar Command whose responsibility is communications director with Earth. And they are in charge of making sure that Earth's universal fortress grid is stable, her chakra system is stable, and they're responsible for communicating with whatever members of their brigade are boots on the ground in various forms here, and also for communicating with any Earth people who are able to, and desire to talk to them and are able to do that. So it's, you know, whatever you want to call it, it would be the first division, the second division, the seventh Panzer Division, it's Ashtar Command, but it's a huge fleet. And part of the ones that are close to this planet, they have said time and time again that they have a rest and recreation area on the Moon. I believe that. Yeah, I mean, I've heard that from many different ETs in many different commands and, you know, multidimensional, that they go to the Moon for their rest and recreation because the ones that really fed up with dealing with us, I suppose. And it also gets boring being so far away from home and in orbit over and over and over again. Well, are they under the prime directive? Yes, I mean, they're on our side. They're not here to interfere, per se, Dolly. Okay, that answers it. Yeah. Yeah, they're not here to interfere, per se, just like in Star Trek, they're not supposed to interfere, but they do work closely with certain groups within the White Hat movement because their job, I suppose, really loosely the way they put it is, look, we two are once like you. We went around killing each other and eating crap food and talking bullshit all day long. And one day we woke up and we owned our minds and we had an intellectual revolution and we found that maybe it was the 100th monkey principle, but we found that other planets and obviously we're having the same sort of problems and we all started resolving at the same time. So we know what it's like to be locked in dark confinement. We know what it's like to have your perception engineered, blah, blah, blah. And they came out initially around 1913 is what they told me when Mother Earth, the planet herself, said, "God, these people are killing me. I love them and I want to host them, but I really want not to lose my physical body before we get into the ascension process. I want to ascend while I'm in physical body and my body is falling apart. And would you please help me to maintain my physical structural integrity within my Earth body?" And God said, "Well, short child, of course," and sent the first group of these extraterrestrials as my understanding to put what they call a universal light fortress around her, like massive energy work around her. And they've been in orbit in this solar system, not just for this planet ever since, because as far as the ates tell me, Earth was destined to, she was dying. She was going to go, she was so emotionally distraught. She was going to go into ice age. So that's my information, and they're still here, and they're very bored, waiting for us to wake up. And the last chat I had was with, I don't want to mention their names, because for so many reasons, you know, but the last chat I had with one of their commanders was, "I said, 'Joon, what do you do, you know, you're so bored and do you think we'll ever wake up?" The same problem we're having right now is separating the establishment, the Illuminati from their funds. We're working with your people to try to make that happen, because that's when we'll begin to collapse them. And he said, "I'll talk to you next time you come. It's my recreation time now. I'm going to go and have drinks." And I was surprised, because I said, "You guys drink alcohol? I don't think you drink alcohol," because we don't drink it in the quantities you lot do, but yes, we do, and if you were on the spaceship going on 78-year orbits over and over again, you'd want to drink, too. So that's what they're doing on the moon, golly. They're in the bar, recovering from helping our white hats. So the moon is the Las Vegas for the E.T.s? What happens on the moon, Nancy stays on the moon? I don't know if it's Las Vegas, but it's certainly the village pub. It's certainly an area of Western recreation where many different races who are all part of the same command, Ashdale Command isn't just pladian. It's multiple races. They can come in and they can do Western recreation. They don't actually do any repairs or anything there, I understand. Their repairs are done out in space. One of the ships I went on, clearly in astral form, it was amazing. I mean, the first time I went up on it, it was alive. It was made of biological material. I mean, the ship itself was a sentient being, and it was huge. An entire civilization could have fit on there, for all I know. And the very first time I went there, I mentioned, I said, you know, this is such an amazing ship. Why is it battleship gray? Why don't you throw some pastel colors out, put some curtains up? And they said, my child, you're not at the level of awareness to be able to see the multiple colors. And this was about what, 30 years ago? So as I kept going up and going up and going up, gradually more and more colors came into play. And now when I go up, I can see all the magnificent colors and the colors change in the ship. The ship is actually alive in its own way. It's just mind-blowing and so exhilarating to be there. And then they're very gracious. They're very gracious. They'll answer any question that they can. Now, have you ever met the Zatas? I have met two Zatas one time. And they came to visit me in my office here, one Christmas season. And what they were doing, they were working on reworking the astral highways after the ascension process had started in 2012. And they came in and it was after midnight and they looked at me and they said, you're on a list of people we can visit, we're going on a break from work, and can we talk to you for a bit? And I said, of course. And then they lectured me on the beverage I was drinking and said that it was going to colonize me and kill me eventually. And it was beer. And they said, we can see what is happening in your body when you drink this. It is colonizing your intestines. You will die eventually. I still haven't died, by the way, because I'm still drinking beer. And it turns out what they were doing is they were the equivalent of flaggers. You know how on the motorway when this road works, you get flaggers that say, go this way, go that way and slow down. So they were the equivalent of that. They had these small crafts they showed me where they had, because all the astral highways apparently, not all, but many of the astral highways had to be rerouted after the ascension process started of Solstice 2012. So they were working on that and apparently they were given permission to pop in and just visit certain humans and tell them not to drink beer and then leave. That's the only, that's the only conscious memory I have of working with Satan's. Well, last week we had Judy Carroll with us and Barbara White. And they have absolute, I mean, she wrote a book of Zeta at night and earth earth earth earthling in the daytime. And so she is up on the ship every night. And that is as much real to her as her waking hours. And so we've had, you know, conversations with with Zeta's and she's told stories about them. You know, how many, how many, you know, okay, let me ask this, what's, what's, what do you know what the Galactic Federation is? I know there's an intergalactic federation that these people are a part of because what is it? Well, because when my cat Benny got out of my lap and started talking to me, he identified himself as a representative from the Galactic Federation. Okay, so he's part of the, he's part of the intergalactic federation, then I guess, that are getting us ready for the mass ET appearances, which, you know, after awakening, after we awaken and after we sort out all this corruption and all this base human crap that we're dealing with, it won't be long before that's all declassified and it won't be long before negotiations to start showing themselves and with our world leaders will start up. So you should ask your kitty cat. How did, how is it looking? Oh, he's long passed. Oh, yeah, this happened back in '89. Oh, okay. All right. Let me tell you the story because you might have some insight in. Okay. So he, I come home, I was working nights, I come home and he's very sick. And for some reason, I, well, I didn't go, I didn't go the vet route. I called a friend of mine who was at that time the most accurate psychic I'd ever seen. And she had gone from working with human beings being able to see inside the body and see what was going wrong. And she wanted to work with animals. So I called her up and I said, I got a cat, many sick. And she says, okay, wait a minute, she gets silent and she gets connected to him. And she said, he has something that's implanted in his chest. And I said, well, what is it? I said, it's artificial. She said, yes. And I said, well, you know, what is it? And she went silent again, she said, it seems to be a jammer like they're preventing him from getting some kind of a signaling out. So I said, well, can you remove it? And she said, well, I don't know. I've never tried before. I said, well, then try. And so then she went silent again and she came back and she said, I'm not sure I removed it. I don't think I removed it, but I think I just, it's shut down. She said, but I'm very sure that he's going to be very sick for the next three days, but don't take him to a veterinarian. You know, you got to go through this, just, just, just trust the process. And I said to her, well, what happened to him? And I went silent again, she said, oh, I see him in the yard and I see two black figures come down beside him and they froze him and then put this implant in him. Okay. So that's, that's what I hear from her. So I go through three days of agony because the cat is virtually dying and I'm not taking through that. You know, it's like, and I kept going back and forth, you know, yes, though, you know, and finally I just stayed with it and on the third day, I came home from work and then he looked like he had not been ill at all. And that's when he jumped on my lap and he said, look it, I got to talk to you. And I'm like, Benny, Benny, I had just heard you say you wanted to talk to me. Yes. Yes. Yes. He's, and that's when he told me that he was a representative of the, of the federation and he had been sent to essentially be a backup system. So that if they needed to tell me something, they could do it through Ben, because I apparently wasn't receptive enough to their signaling, you know. So, and then Ben proceeds to tell me that we were under attack from ETs and that I should go and look up ET in Russia and that they were, I don't think he even called him anything. He just said, and these people are stealing green tourmaline from the planet, and they've been doing it for decades. And I, and he, he was so, he was anticipating every question. And so he said, and the reason that the prime directive wasn't in order was because nobody has claimed dominion over the planet. They're destroying. It's like a garbage heap. It's like putting your garbage out in the front of your house and somebody steals the old lawnmower, steals it, picks it up. You put it out there. It's theirs if they want it. And that's the way that these, I call them the more otters, that they, that that's what they were doing, but they were pulling so much green tourmaline out for technological purposes. Some, some technology they had, that it was causing the earth to become out of balance because green tourmaline holds a male signal and pink tourmaline, the female signal. And so they realized that things were going to go a little haywire and that at the same time, human beings were waking up and they were afraid that somebody would claim dominion and shut them down, right? And I, so I'm going like, so, so Ben, let me understand this. You guys are up there in spacecraft and you could just tell them to get the hell out, but you can't tell them to get the hell out because nobody's claimed dominion over the planet. Is that correct? And yes, it is. So I said, so just one person has to claim dominion and, and you can, you know, scare them away. Yeah, that's right. And I said, well, okay, I'll do it. I'll claim dominion, not having a clue as to what that meant, but it seemed to be the thing to do. I didn't want us attacked by ETS. So anyway, so, so I go to the computer, you know, after Ben's, I said that, you know, we, yeah, it seemed to have got the message. Okay. The, I did it. And so, so then I go to the computer and I, I, I Google because that was when Google was telling you the truth. When I went to Google, this was 1980, oh, I don't even think Google was out there. No, it was 89. How the hell did I find out about this? It was 1989. And if you look up 1989, E.T. Russia, it's a city that has begins with a V and is about 200 miles from, from Moscow. But I look, I found out, I, maybe I went to a newspaper. I don't know how I found it, but I'm looking, I can see myself looking at this article. Written about this spacecraft that came down in the middle of this square of the city. And they estimated that a thousand people were there when it happened. And so this, this vehicle, you know, it's like a, a, a spying saucer type thing, comes down and out pops some human looking person and right behind him, a robot. Now what does this remind you of? You know, the day that Earth stood still and it turned out that those people in that story were the good guys, right? You got to stop all this bad stuff you're doing or you're going to kill yourselves. That was the message of the movie. So these Marauders figuring, well, these human beings, they'll fall for this. We'll just pretend that we're the, the good guys and they've got this movie memory and, you know, and we'll see what happens. So that's what they had done. They'd actually landed to in the first phase of a takeover of Earth when Ben said you've got to claim dominion. And as soon as I. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. This was in Voroniz. Yes. Voroniz. Yes. I believe. Yes. Okay. Okay. So you remember it? Yeah. Yeah. I just had to think for a moment. Okay. Awesome. So you can verify that I'm not making it up. No, no, no, no, at least that part of it, Ben and the cat, this thing, this thing did happen in Voroniz. Yes, it did. Right. It did. Yeah. And when Nancy told the story about talking with the cat and the cat talks to her, that's one and that one. Oh, no, she's full. We're all full of we. You know, it's interesting. The first, from my understanding, anyway, from my shaman law and from my shaman journey, so I have no reason to doubt it, but the first time that higher level advanced sentient people came to planet Earth, they were from one of the palladium from the Lyron constellations. And they came looking, they were just scouting for certain minerals and metals. And they came to Earth looking for someone that they could negotiate with because their scouts had picked up that there were certain minerals and metals that they wanted that Earth had. And this particular scientific exploration group found them on Earth and was supposed to apply to the interplanetary galactic council of mining or whatever it is for permission. And when they found that they couldn't find anybody on Earth to negotiate with, because Earth didn't have any higher universal mankind on it at the time, they just went ahead and marauded as well. Interesting. Yeah. So there was no one to talk to. There was no one that said, this is our place and they didn't go and ask for permission. What you're saying is interesting. I don't disbelieve you at all because it resonates. But shamans for quite a while have done ceremonies where they have put rings around planet Earth and claimed it in the name of those who live here upon it. It's a fairly standard practice. So they planted a flag. Mm, you know, that's just interesting. There's just a, so yeah, clearly then we're not putting our names on the dotted line or whatever and saying that that is the whole dominion over it thing. I'm wondering if the, if the marauders really did do that or if they just went ahead and did it just because, because they could, I'm just trying to figure out what it takes to a fee, what it takes and where does it have to register that you have claimed dominion over a planet. Well, all I had to do was claim dominion and then give permission to the, in this case, I was told it was a galactic federation. Now this could just be BS on my, I mean, you know, everybody's got a different story, a different perspective, you know, but I have no reason to doubt my memory nor the fact that it happened. I've been telling, I've been telling the story for since 1989, you know, and what, so when, when they gave me the mission, you know, here, this is what we need. We need to have somebody claim dominion and give us permission to get the marauders out of here. You know, that was, I don't, I don't doubt that it happened. Well, yeah, and then after that, they did some amazing stuff with, you know, a very well known psychic, she actually started up the first psychic telephone companies. And she and I got together and she had this black rock that was shattering other crystals and she didn't know what to do with it and it was like an inch square, now I think maybe it was shungite or, you know, black goo in a hard fort, but it was the perfect squares that she, that somebody had picked up on, in the Mayan, on a Mayan site. And so they, you know, all of a sudden that's there and they had me put these three things together and boom, she went one place, I went the other place and it was this adjustment because what I've learned is that they can do all of this but to this sort of, it's sort of, I don't know, there's probably some rules someplace, but it, it really needs the witnessing of a human being. Well, that I don't doubt, you know, that it becomes real in our reality when it's witnessed by a human being. Gosh only knows how many times Gaia has saved herself from our mission, you know, our craziness and sanity. Right. Right. Now it's very critical that people do make that connection that, you know, it takes the human interaction because I think that Gaia herself, I wanted to ask you, well, we'll get in that second, but I think that Gaia to make the new leap that she needs to make actually needs the energy basis of an aware human being. I mean, human beings mean, you mean, you know, the species to make the next jump. So it's like, she goes a little higher, we go a little higher, she goes a little higher, we go a little higher, you know, it's like feeding off of each other. Now my question to you is, what do you define ascension as being? Well, I think all beings, you said sentient. Is that the way you use? No, ascension. What is the ascension process to you? What does that mean? One to me is when we get to a place that there's a cycle, for example, when the black hole opened up in the Milky Way galaxy at the around the winter source just 2012, it's a predetermined time that allows people to start an ascension process and the ascension process means that starts the illumination where the monastic, the Christed energy, if you will, or high cosmic energy, pours in to a particular planet or in a solar system and illuminates the world and the minds of the people so that their actions are illuminated. Corruption is exposed, you know, lies are caught out. It raises the vibration of people and gives them the opportunity to align with source energy and suddenly everyone's pre-birth agreements and soul contracts start to kick in and become illuminated and people don't know about that sort of thing. But the way they feel it is they're suddenly unhappy in their marriage or they're suddenly unhappy in a relationship, they're suddenly unhappy at work. It's about alignment into a higher level of understanding and consciousness. It's not a thing. It's a process. Does that make sense? Yes, so you wouldn't buy into the concept that we're going to the fifth dimension. Well, considering, I think planet Earth wants to end up in the fifth dimension and be of a higher consciousness because she was birthed in the upper fifth, but we're pretty much in third dimensional general awareness and the vast majority of high-sentient life in the physical universe is fourth dimension. So what happens to the fourth dimension, these ETs that are flying out around the place, very few of them are fifth dimensional beings, most of them are low, middle and upper fourth. And even to lower fourth, there's a huge gap in our understanding of what unconditional love is and what theirs is. It's not just a gap in technology, it's a gap in source alignment. So I can't say what we're all going to fifth dimension. What happened to the entire fourth? Supposedly the boogeyman lives there. Okay, so do billions of other life forms. So I'm saying just doesn't make sense to me and the universe is a perfect mathematical equation. There's a lot of common sense to the way that it grows itself. So I can't, it doesn't make any sense. Well, plus the fact that the way they talk about it is like there's some doorway into the fourth and fifth dimensions. It's layers of energies, wouldn't you say that? These are dimensions, I describe dimensions as levels of awareness. There isn't just a place where it's all lower fourth or middle fourth. I mean, there's all sorts of dimensional frequencies happening on earth right now from first dimensional earthworms all the way to, I'm sure, some mid fifth and upper fifth dimensional, well, mid fifth dimensional gurus. But the general level of awareness is upper third. A dimension isn't so much a location, it's not a place as much as it's a placement, you know, where the majority of the vast majority is vibrating to that. You don't just open a doorway, a gateway, and go through a black hole or a portal and go, oh, everything's lower fourth now. That might be the primary vibration. So it's multiple, multiple waves of frequencies or layers, as you call them. I wish I could explain it the way a quantum physicist does, but that's not my major. They don't understand it. Well, they're trying at least. They understand it because they can see it from the standpoint of at the quantum level, you know, but from their ability to see it at the quantum level, to understand how that is above is so below. So if you can understand the below, then you have a better feeling for the above. But even the quantum physicists have to get to another layer or level of resonance, energy, you know, knowledge, awareness, to be able to perceive the higher realm. Correct. My understanding, though, is that a lot of the scientists in AASHTAR command are working with some of these very young, very bright quantum physicists in shattering all of settled science as it were, because so much of it is BS. Well, some of them are old farts. Oh, yeah, and some of the old farts, too. But there's a tremendous excitement, Nancy, with some of the some of these very young, very brilliant, newly minted PhD cosmologists who are so in love with the cosmos. I mean, when they talk about when they give lectures on, you know, on cosmology, you'd think they're reciting roomy or half this poetry. And it's that they're in love with the universe again, and I think that's what we need with our scientists. They're not interested in just labeling it. So I'm delighted to know that a lot of the higher level ETs are influencing the minds of these young people and saying to them, you know, don't just go, you can go forward, of course, but let's question what you just learned. Let's take a look at that. What do you know? Things in time and space exist simultaneously, but what does that really mean? Because you have a past present in a few, you know, so anyway, I'm excited. Well, I'm, you know, odd, because we got this far, this quickly. I mean, I know that it seems like a long trip, but you're familiar with Anastasia, the Cetus, yeah, okay, so she made the statement that Earth is continually going through this this storyline, and they always get to the same spot, and they always destroy themselves. And so it starts over again. She said, but in 20, when was it, 2001, I think she said, something happened and we were not destroyed. So that we are on a totally uncharted new level of learning, we're going to, you know, the chances are we are actually going to make the ascension because we are in the process of it. Whereas before we got to this point and boom, you know, let's go around again. We are going to make the ascension, otherwise I don't know that the divine would have sent all of you, the supreme cosmic intelligence would have sent everybody around in 1913. We are going to make it this time around. I've never been so positive about anything before. Well, yeah, I totally agree. I totally agree. I mean, well, you know, I mean, when you've been at it for as long as we have, and you see the changes that are now occurring, and it is the way that they're talking about subjects they never would have talked about before. And this was a few years ago, all of a sudden my brother-in-law and my sister were talking about the Federal Reserve. Now I had tried to explain to them why the Federal Reserve was really woo-woo, you know. They wouldn't listen to you. They get this classic look, they wouldn't listen to you, you know. But now here they are having a conversation, now they didn't include me in the conversation because they don't remember that you've been trying to tell them this forever. You know, it's a convenient forgetting. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know. I know. My mother does the same thing to me. She goes, oh, you know, she calls me up and she says to me, uh, uh, actually, she has to say, what, uh, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, she's Armenian. So I'll translate that. She goes, she goes, my daughter, oh, I have this, I've read this really interesting thing about Jesus the other day, um, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I go, mom, we had this conversation 10 years ago, you know, and you told me I was going to go to hell for it. So yeah, I know, I know exactly what you mean. So, uh, you know, so, so now she terrorizes her, her altar guild there in her Armenian church in central California, um, every so often she'll, she'll put a little well-placed comment in there, like, she'll go up to the priest, uh, during a meeting and she'll go. So, uh, Vika, um, so the, the ascension of Jesus, yeah, do you think it was a spaceship he went on? Oh, no. You know, stuff like that, so if my 85 year old mother can do that, the world is in good shape, Nancy. Oh, my. Oh, my. We're on our way. We're on our way. Dolly, you've been silent here. Do you want to ask Connie any specific questions? We should use her while she's here. Okay. Go for it. Um, Jan wants to know, honey, do you have any insights on the Phoenix lights in 1997? My friend, Dr. Lynn, K-T-A-K-I-T-E-I made the documentary about it. Oh, really? Okay, let's see, um, offhand, no, those were the, uh, the UFOs, uh, was it Arizona, Nevada? Yeah. And part of Mexico as well, I think. Um, I don't know that I actually looked into that. Um, I'm pretty, I will do though, I can go, I can go visit it, if we like we could do a little time journey, or not now, or not now, because I have to teach class, after this, I have to go teach class. I just wondered when, so we could let her know. Yeah. Okay. I got another one from Jan. Didn't the Luciferians claim it? Claim what the Phoenix lights? So I, I'm thinking the world, like Nancy claimed the world. Oh, I see what you're saying. Um, well, I, again, where would they, where is this thing where you register your dominion? I mean, this is what I'm having an issue with, with the, yes, clearly I agree with them, my fellow Jack, the Luciferians, as far as they concerned, own the world, because they own all the banks and all of that stuff. She says, this thing that you go to claim it, claim it, give it a second, claim it to Nancy, let's go claim it again. Oh, I still think I claimed it. Well, okay. You claim, I'm going to have to claim it. You can join. You can join. Anybody can, anybody can join. All they needed was one. She says, maybe it's in the Akashic records. Well, undoubtedly it is. Everything isn't there. Well, it depends on which one you read. Yeah, I mean, everything's in the Akashic records, everything. I did it, Jim. Well, you see, here's the other thing is if the Luciferians say, well, I claimed dominion over this earth. Well, does that mean nobody else gets dominion? That's not true. You know, you can't, there is unless there's an office somewhere that we can walk in and check all the signatures that tells us what we can and what we can't do. This is a free will universe. Apparently some universes are not completely free will universes. This is a free will universe. It doesn't matter to me if, let's say the Luciferians did claim dominion over earth, because they certainly think they have dominion over earth. But if our consciousness overrides that and throws them out of power, as far as I'm concerned, we've claimed dominion over earth. It's actually, it's, it's actually very simple. Reality is what we think it is, okay? So I thought that my cat told me to claim dominion to save the world, not a problem. So I set up a timeline where Nancy has claimed dominion. All right. Now if I can convince all you people of the same thing that Nancy claimed dominion, then Nancy's got dominion. The reptilians on their side, they're on another timeline. And if we don't give them dominion rights on our timeline, well, they don't have it. It's not some place that you register it. It's really, because the first rule of cosmic reality is realities, what you think it is, but the second rule cannot be overlooked. It's majority rules. That's my point exactly. Exactly. There isn't a place you go and you register it. Well, I registered it in my reality and my real, I'm very grateful to you. My reality. Everybody is. It's another thing. Surely I like your reality. Yeah. Apparently. I mean, it's a good reality. It's got all the good stuff. It's, you know, I mean, I'm, I'm all for it. You have my gratitude sister. Right. And not only that, but we've got, you know, Las Vegas on the moon for the ET's. How bad could it be? Damn right. Yeah. I don't know. Okay. They were talking in the chat room about Prince Harry, not being Charles's son, which it was, it's been rumored ever since the poor kid was born, but I, I, I agree. And then I had talked about it before and the name of the man who is said could possibly be his father is James Hewitt. I could not think of that name before. And so I wanted to make sure we got that one out because there's a very strong resemblance between James Hewitt and Harry. Oh damn. Right. There is. And she did have an affair with him. Yes. Yes. I think it's just sometimes it's just the, the, the most hidden in plain view. As we say, I don't think there's doubt in anyone's mind that he's not Charles's son. So if he is not royalty, now this is coming from me, he's not really of royal blood. Well, he is because his mother. Well, yeah, but I mean through Charles genes and the Queen's genes could Harry become? The King. If something happens to William. Okay. Because as long as they, as long as the Queen officially recognizes him. Well she hasn't not recognized him. Well, there we go. Because they're the air and the spare is what they call them in England. The air and the spare. Oh no, I didn't know that. Yeah. I think Diana called them that and my two boys, the air and the spare. Oh, I didn't know what's there. As long as no one challenges his paternity. If something happens to William, then I guess it would be Harry. The question we have to ask is when the heck is Her Majesty going to get off that throne? I mean, she's in a kick the bucket. She has glued her ass to that thing. I think for as long as she's sitting on her throne like both of her has it. I'm not leaving my throne. But Annie, she's like Kissinger. Yeah. They live for American ever. No, she's done a wonderful job for her as far as, you know, her duty and all of that thing that Illuminati, reptilian bloodlines do and she's been quite fabulous. But I, let's, you know, who's next? Will Charles get a chance? I wonder. Well, no. Oh, I don't know. It's just me. It's just me, William. Well, does William have a child? Two. Well, then, if something happened to him, wouldn't it be his son's, not his brother? Um, well, someone has to take the throne. I mean, the kids are very little. William. That's it. William has. Three. Yeah. And then now she's having twins is what I read in a rag. Oh, my God. They've been at it. Those two. Yeah. There's lots of, there's lots of what they're trying to make sure that the, the bloodline remains there. Yeah. They won't run out. Will they? Yeah. They get spares and spares and spares. So I don't, I don't think Harry's going to get the throne no matter what happens. Yeah. I mean, all the kids would have to die. Well, I, I just hope that they, that they all ascend very quickly. Someplace. Yeah. You know, it's, it's like, let's, let's clean the swamps and it starts there. Yeah. Yeah. We, besides with the Prince Andrew thing coming out now, um, we will see. So the queen, Her Majesty, Her Mag is very supportive of Boris Johnson's government and supports England's exit from the European Union, which, you know, is a cherished reptilian Illuminati thing, but she has no option if the royal family is going to survive all this to support the will of the people. It's a very interesting times ahead and, um, there was another, oh, who's having a twin. Um, uh, Williams, Kate, Kate Middleton, yes. Yes. Thanks. There. That's lots of kids there. Yeah. So is there any message you would like to, uh, in part, I mean, is the energies have been very squirrely, but when haven't they lately? I don't know exactly where we are, what we're doing. Well, in my timeline, yes, in my timeline, we're about to have a really big shattering of the illusion and shock awakening, but we're going to recover a lot better and a lot quicker than we thought. And I think a lot of that is because we are a good 10 to 12 years behind our collective awakening. And timelines are sort of going to match up the way that I see it. So I would just urge people to open your hearts and open your minds and to follow the money if you have any doubts about how the world is run. Look at everything through the filter of your divine eyes and your divine heart. And that will put you into that state of objectivity and neutrality where you will rise above the disease dysfunction and the drama and see things for what they really are and take a look at what kind of world you really do want to co-create. It's a pivotal time in our history. It's very exciting. And for the first time in a long time, I can say, "I really think we've won. We're moving it. I can feel it. I can see the dominoes dropping." Okay. Another one from Jan. Dolly, can you ask Ani about the Luciferian hand sign that Harry did in the photo with Melania, very deliberate. I'll take a look. I haven't seen the photo. Okay. I haven't seen the photo, but I'll take a look at it and see what it is. So I know a lot of people said that they've seen the Luciferian hand sign here and there, but sometimes they just text us long-born fans. You just don't know. So I'll take a look at the picture. Okay. Well, there was somebody who was saying that if someone's funeral, everybody was making the sign of Lucifer, but they were all, they were all text us long-horns. That's what they were doing. They were signing that, so, which is a football group as far as I know. So, but I'll take a look at it, Jan. That Harry, he's naughty. I'll take a look. Oh, Harry's naughty. Oh, he's a bit of a lad. Really? Oh, yeah. Well, he's settling down now. Of course, he's married. It changes you, but it's quite a party animal and given to going off in strange directions and mouthing off, so he's married now. Well, what do you think of Randy Andy? Oh, my God. Everybody has known that there's something wrong with that man for a very, very long time. I didn't know that. Oh, well. Back home. Oh, well. Yeah. There's, they hid the scandal of the paedophiles for so long, it's just repulsive and repugnant, and I'm just, I'm delighted that things are falling into place, because now the royal family have lost a significant amount of power, and the queen is a very, very powerful reptile. Yeah. So, yeah. That's all I have to say for now. Well, when did you realize they were really reptiles? I was told that, I think probably as early as I, my mind would, seven, eight, nine years old. Listening to David Icke or listening to your parents? No. Listening to the, listening to my teachers, you know, oh, I'm taking a look at the picture with Harry. Yeah, I was going to say it's in there now. Yeah. Well, that could either be, I mean, that is a leucifarian symbol. So we'll see. Very blatant. Yeah. Yeah. We'll take a look at that and see what it is. I sure he wasn't, he sure he wasn't doing the V for victory. It was the, the, the pointer finger and the little finger. Is that what's up? Yeah. It's, it's, no, it's not always Nancy. It's not that. It's in his suit. Look at the picture. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, we'll see. Who knows if he could just have his hands in his suit. Right. And the devil could be sitting right next to me now. It's possible. Take a look. Oh, that's true. It's possible. But I don't think so with all my angels. Yeah. Very interesting. I'll take a look at that picture later. I'll take a look at the, the Phoenix lights. Sure. So we'll see. Is that, is that Mrs. T with him? Yeah. Oh. That's Melania. Hmm. Interesting. I don't know what to think of that. Anyway, we're, we're pretty much, we're pretty much out of the hour or two hours here. Do you want to say anything to wrap up, Dolly or, or onnie? I think we've had a pretty darn full show. I think so too. Holy crime, I'm exhausted. And I'm so glad that everybody was here. I like when everybody comes in. Yeah. It's the usuals and, and I like getting new peoples too. So new people come in and talk with us. I think I'm done. Yeah. I'll just wish everybody blessings of the season. Oh, yes. That's true. Okay. Oh, yeah. Because Christmas is only what 11 days out. Whoa. Oh, then I'll be talking to him before then. Yes, you will. Donnie's going to do, because Wednesday is at the Christmas, so she's going to do a pre-recording. That's right. Yes. I'll be pre-recording, so anyone's bored on Christmas day, tune in and listen to me. Hey, hey, did you have a nice Thanksgiving? You went and visited. Yes. Matthew's mother. I did. I did. We had a wonderful time. Thank you. Really wonderful. Awesome. Yeah. I guess we'll just wish everybody a good day and a good night, sleep well, and we'll see you next time, and please, be safe. Yes, be safe. Say what? Say what radio show? With no agenda. It's always a surprise, but if we're not having fun, we're doing something. We're doing something wrong. a lot. Yeah. We're doing something wrong. We're doing something wrong. We're doing something wrong.