Cosmic Reality Podcast

COSMIC REALITY 7/16/24 - Thoughts about Shooting to Truths Revealed

Cosmic Reality Radio Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Walt Silva and Dolly Howard discussing the shooting of President Trump and truths being revealed.Free PDF, Cosmic Reality Free PDF, 911 Crusade *Walt -

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at *NANCY'S BOOKS

1h 56m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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Cosmic Reality Radio Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Walt Silva and Dolly Howard discussing the shooting of President Trump and truths being revealed.

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Free PDF, 911 Crusade

*Walt -

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[Music] Welcome to the Cosmic Reality Radio Show, where our hearts are our master of production of Cosmic [Music] And welcome to Cosmic Reality Radio. It's July 16, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins with me as Walt Silva and Dolly Howard. And mind you say hi, Walt. Okay, hello there. Everybody, welcome to this new reality because you should know, if you are listening to the show, it's no longer the old reality. We are now coming into new territory and new energy and everything is new. So just get used to the new news and let's go on forward. And here comes Dolly Howard from Bizarro World that we're living in. I've been here for a while and I should be all the ketchup. [Laughter] There's so much to talk about, but I'll just turn it over to Walt for a second. You're not, you don't watch TV, you don't know what they're doing in the Republican convention and so you're probably an average American. You don't know really what's happening. You're getting a second hand. Whatever they're saying is not true. So should I bother? Hello? Anybody? Anybody? Well, we bother. I bother because you need to be informed because you are sharing information to as many people as you can. You are responsible in that sense. You have to let people know what's going on. I'm not a radio producer so I don't have to. Yeah, but that's why I came to you first because I think you're the average person who's not saturated with the information. And it's dribbling down to you because you're listening to people like myself and Dolly. And I just want to know, from just a guy that's been listening to one side of the story, because you're hearing our story, you're not hearing what the Democrats are saying. But maybe you are because the Democrats, I just said to these guys, I said, well, you were the one. You said something about, they seem to be, you know, already badmouthing. The thing that just made me like I shook my head. Within, well, let's see, it was yesterday they started it. Well, Donald Trump brought this on himself because he talks so bad about other people. That's where they've gone. Yeah, and people believe this. Well, I hear this and they believe this. I don't know if they believe it, but I've actually heard it coming out of their mouths. The truth is considered bad. So if he spoke bad about other people, it means he was saying the truth about them. So that's why they're offended. It's really, oh, by the way, if there's anything wrong with the sound chatters, can you let us know, please? Dolly, you might as well start. Why don't you tell people what you've been thinking and seeing and all that sort of thing? Well, I thought that the Union President last night gave a really good speech. He even told those assholes who are there, the Republican. Well, the Republicans who are supposed to represent the people, he told them that they are not doing their job the way they should be. No, I'm paraphrasing here. They need to do a better job for us, not for themselves. Oh, man, I was applauding and cheering and why I don't usually care for answers because they are so crooked. But I really appreciated everything that he said in his speech, and it shocked me that I was so agreeable with them. And I was a little bit surprised when the Biden mafia started badmouthing immediately. I mean, they hardly got the words out of their mouths that yes, eager spirit, yes, it was the same one. It was not the real Trump. When you see the real Trump, you will know it. No one will have a doubt when you see the real Trump. But yeah, it was the same one aptly convention as at the shooting. Okay, because you brought this up, I want to pursue it. Okay, because I had to be grudgingly agree that, you know, the real Donald Trump when you do see him, like the best, the Donald Trump that you don't really get many pictures of, but the one that attended Barron's graduation. The only picture I really saw was the back of him and a picture with him and Barron. But if you look at that guy, that's the real Donald Trump. We have talked about the fact that actors may be playing different people. And we've also said, well, maybe there's also clones. In my opinion, don't forget what the bossy said. They are all these are even though it's not long, but they are blessed and protected because of what they're doing. Right, the clones, yes, because I don't think that, well, I first off have never thought that it was a mask with Trump. I always felt that if it was anything it was a clone or an android type of thing. But correct me if I'm wrong, Walt, but in cloning they basically grow a human body. And then they somehow or another upload the consciousness of the person inside that body that's been created. And they can create them for different life, I mean, certain ages, you know, they can be young, they can be old, they can be whatever. But you can't have that much blood and that much damage and not see a mask. So that guy did not have a mask on. That was a clone. And yes, I went back to the concept of what the bossy had said on say what, that Dolly didn't use the word clone, but whoever's representing Trump is a real spirit. Even if it's a clone of the person. And when I look at the Trump that's out there that did get shot in his, see, he, yet last night he showed up at the Republican convention. And they had the camera on him as he walked up by himself. I mean, there was security guy, I mean, Secret Service around, but they were, oh, 10 feet away from him. So he was basically this lone person walking up a hall with a bandage on his ear. That was not the same Donald Trump that was shot. I think it's like, no, just please let me finish. That he's the same clone. He went through it. It's all true. That was him. But something changed, something changed in that version of Trump. Because I think that these clones are so accurate that a piece of them, maybe we all could have dozens of clones doing different things and they're all feeding the higher spirit. I don't know. But watching him last night, I got very, very sad. Because the Donald Trump that we would see at the rallies, and he's not there anymore. Just think of him as a human being, even though he might not be the, in quotes, real Donald Trump. He's been changed by that. One of the things that, you know, yes, I listened to a tremendous amount of great television box news. And in doing that, I hear things that are only said once. And I listened to days of it, and they still haven't referenced certain things that I already know. You weren't listening to the same thing I was. And to give you an example, there's a lot to do about the fact that the shooter was identified a good half an hour before anything even started before Donald Trump started talking. Because of something he did or had with him at one of the security gates. And it seems like a total breakdown in the ability to communicate because they never did quite go along with getting there in time. But then you had people, the people that were there, the attendees, who are pointing, we got film of the shooter on the roof. They saw him climbing up the roof. There was no ladder. He climbed up the roof. In the interest to the building, it looks like if you had any kind of athletic ability, you'd be able to climb up on that roof by climbing up on the overhang. It didn't look like a difficult climb to me. So finally, they get some of the local police to go and investigate. And this is where the Keystone Cop kind of thing happened. So they go over to the building. There's no ladder. But people are screaming at him. He's on the roof. He's got a gun. A rifle. They got a rifle. He's on the roof. And so what happens is, and this was from one guest last night late, who is a police officer that has ties to different police officers. And he was able to actually talk to the guys that were on the ground right then and there. So what they did was they had one cop climb the shoulders of a second cop so he's standing on the cop below him. And he picks his head up over the roof and sure as shit, there's some guy with a rifle and he turned around and pointed the rifle at the cop. And the cop tried to duck down and fell over and onto the ground. And so now the shooter is in position sort of. And he's just confronted police that are about to come up over and probably the next time they do it, they're going to have guns. So immediately he started shooting. So he started shooting early. It was probably not completely, you know, but he started shooting early. But it didn't really matter because he was so close. I mean, this rooftop should have been, I mean, when we started talking about it and say what, those people that don't know, we were on say what, 20 minutes into the show. The shooting happened at 6/11. 20 minutes into the show, we were notified that he had been shot, but he was okay. So I turned on my television and played what Fox was saying because nobody really knew what just happened. And so they were recounting it and I played that for the audience. And then they showed the actual sequence of a minute and 26 seconds where the shooting happened and they finally got trumped off the stage and into the car. And during that I was narrating what was happening. We started talking about, well, what kind of, how did they get in there with a weapon? And it seemed like a low caliber weapon because my thing was I wasn't seeing anything happening behind him. I didn't realize the shot was so far to his right. The guy was more on seeing him from the side than the front. And so I'm looking at the crowd that's on the, you know, in the video and I'm not seeing people like bleeding or hurt. But what had happened is that he was slightly to the side and so the bullet, the first bullet that went through Trump's ear. The only reason that Trump survived was that they were starting up a slide show on a big monitor that was to Trump's right. And Trump turned to look at the monitor. So not only did he turn his head, he tilted his head slightly and boom, the next thing you know he's reaching for his side of his head. And he looks down at his hand and it's all blood and he dropped down, right, dropped straight down. And the reason that he did that was that he was trained. I'm sure he trains with a secret service. What to do? Drop right down. And you know when you look at the front of it and it's got the Trump podium there. And then there's this, oh, I would say it's probably three feet wide, maybe, you know, yeah, wide. And then it goes right across the stage. And it's all stars and stuff, you know, it's looked like a banner thing. Well, that's actually bullet proof. So he ducked down behind the podium because it was not the podium that he was hoping would protect him, but it was that barrier, that bullet proof barrier. And if the poor guy, he hits the ground, he's doing it, he's in control, he's done this. When he hit the ground, he got tackled by at least four FBI guys. And last night when he was at the Republican convention, did you see he was struggling to get it out of the chair, Dolly? You know, it was like every time he stood up to clap or whatever, it was not the easiest movement he was making. Yeah, you just had, you know, 500, 700 pounds of body on you, you know. So probably his ear wasn't bothering him, but he's probably stiff from having been jumped on by those guys. But later on in the night, there was, and he had been referenced through the day, they finally had the surgeon on that helped, I'm going to try to say his name right, Corey, compare it to our COM, P-E-R-A-T-O-R-E. A-T-O-R-E. A-T-O-R-E. A-T-O-R-E. Yeah. Popular Corey, I think. And he was a retired fireman, and he was the one that was killed. They say that he jumped on top of his wife and his daughter. But I'm not so sure that might have happened because, and this is why it got so weird, it really got weird. Because the surgeon is explaining where he was in comparison to Corey in the bleachers and how he got there. And he said that when he got there, he said there was a tremendous amount of blood, and unfortunately brain matter also. So he knew that he was not going to be able to save Corey. But he started to do CPR on him. And he said the wound, and he described the wound. And it totally freaked me out because he was describing the wound that the president would have had if he hadn't turned his head. And it was such a synchronicity. It was like, he wasn't, one of them was shot in the liver, another one I forget, or he was shot. They're at least stable now. But he took the bullet that would have done to him, would have done to Trump, what was done to him. And exactly the same place. You know, it was just kind of a freaky side to all of this. And when I looked at Trump last night, and he was not the same man, and I felt sad. Because it seemed like he had been somewhat deflated. But then I started thinking about it. And if I knew that somebody else had died the way that I almost died, I couldn't be happy. I'd have to be sad. I'd have to think why that person, not me, you know, it's survivor guilt. And I'm sure that he knew about it. If I knew about that, I'm sure he was well aware of that. So, yes, they may be clones, but they're real too, Dolly. He's real, you know. And we'll see. I agree. I put a picture of a last night's Trump in there. Yeah, and you can see, that's not the Donald Trump that we have been excited by. I mean, I can't wait to hear his speech on Thursday night. Because he said he took the 20 pages that he had already written, he said it was an amazing speech. But he threw it away, and he rewrote the speech. He has changed. We talk about near-death experiences where you go to the other side. But I think that some of these near-death experiences that you don't go to the other side, they've got to make a massive change in you. And this guy is, I'm telling you, I got, so many people, there was this one girl that was saying I voted for Trump in '16, but then in '20 I voted for Biden, and she said, "And today, in '24, I will climb over glass to vote for that man." And I think a lot of people that had hesitation about him are saying screw this, anybody that can do what he did and have such a command of his own beingness. I mean, one of the most critical things that I think that for a lot of people is going to be the fact that he was so together, he's been, you know, a millimeter, two millimeters, three millimeters, a half an inch from dying. And he gets up after having been tackled by, you know, 700 pounds of bodies. And what does he say? "I've got to get my shoes, let me get my shoes and eat my shoes." Because he was not going to walk down that stage and have people take pictures of him and his socks, you know, it's like he's got this real, he knows himself. It's almost like he protects his own personality, his own persona out there. And then, and Dolly, when we were on say what, we saw a film, and it was the film that was happening right then and there, and it looked for, he was saying FU, FU, FU. And now you see that it was, no, he was saying fight, fight, fight. Well, I think that he did go FU, FU, FU, FU, because if you-- That's what I saw. And you can't kind of, you know, imagine thinking it's FU when it's saying fight. It's not the same movement of the mouth at all. But if you remember back at what we were looking at, it was a very close-up of Trump. You know, I mean, it was like Trump was in the frame. You knew that the Secret Service was holding on to him and stuff, but he wasn't smothered by them. And I think what happened is when he, they first got him to his feet, that that's when he said FU, FU, FU. It was when they took him, they were getting him off the stage. And he said, no, he wanted to continue the speech. And they wouldn't let him. And he gave the fist pump. You know, remember, I don't think he was giving a fist pump either. But that whole-- and people keep an eye out for it, because I can't find it. It's like it disappeared, Dolly. But I think we saw him. You know? It wouldn't have. They didn't want him saying that, you know, and people-- I don't know. But I'm not going to say that we didn't see him say that because I saw it. I saw it. You guys pointed it out. Three people in the chat pointed it out. And I looked at it and I was like, oh, yeah. And somebody in chat said, you know, it's not hard to see somebody saying FU. I can read that. Let's say that. Yeah. They were agreeing. So I kind of think that that video is not there. Sometimes it might come up, but right now they're only showing the fight, fight, fight. And that was when he was throwing his fist in the air. And I don't remember him throwing his fist in the air. He was being held up by the Secret Service. I remember him throwing his fist. Maybe it's one of those things like the mandala effect. Maybe. He was trying to get around them to get his arm in the air. And he finally did with his fist. But he said FU before that. And I don't remember him with his fist in the air. Well, of course, I was looking at his lips. I was trying to lip read, you know. So I don't know. I mean, there's so many weird things about that whole story. And the head of the Secret Service is a woman. And I mean, a man could have done this too, but I'm sorry she's a woman. She's a D.I.E. or whatever D.I. You know, I want to say D.I.E. are you driving intoxicated or whatever it is? But that woke thing. What she said today, or I saw it today, was that the reason that there wasn't anybody protecting that roof. That was so close that the distance from the shooter to the president was the same distance that if you were in the military, you'd go out to the range. And at that distance, that's when you're firing, you're tuning in your weapon. One of the first things you do is at that distance. So this doesn't take a superior rifle person to even get close. I mean, it's just ridiculous. And that building was so close. And when we were talking about it, we were talking about a gun. Not a rifle, because who would have thought in the day of drones that there wasn't a drone up there that would have easily seen the guy on the roof? I mean, it's such a bad story that you go like, "Whoa, this is in your face." You know, that this looks like a setup or incredible, incredible stupidity and incompetence. But the FBI or Secret Service had, she said, "The reason there wasn't anybody on the roof, supposedly there were police inside the building." Okay, that worked, didn't it? You know, was because the roof had a slope to it. And it was a safety decision, not to put somebody up there that would de-tier. And it would be assassin from climbing the roof and trying to get up there. Because it was a safety hazard, they might fall off the roof. What? And then if you look at the snipers, they're on the same kind of a roof with the same kind of slope. So the things they're saying don't even make common sense level. They're just flat out, stupid. And this is the head of the Secret Service. And... Her last name is Cheetled. And she was asked, "Are you going to resign?" And she was, "No, no, I'm staying." Okay. So there's a lot of... And the deeper they get, I mean, it's like they came out and the President's saying, "We've got to stop all this rhetoric and stuff." Well, guys, just before we came on the station, they were showing Biden at the NAACP... NAACP, whatever that is, a rally thing that he went to that he was giving this speech. And I've seen the man angry. He was incredibly angry. He was screaming. His face was red. What is he screaming? "We've got to stop all this violence in any of its form." And he's screaming at people in a violent way. You know? It was like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, what is this about?" So the visions you have right now is this mad man screaming about, "We've got to get rid of violent screaming." And you've got this picture that Dolly just showed you of Trump, serene, you know, calm. I think he has a new vision of what he needs to do. And I think he's going to do it. It's going to point out that the Secret Service woman's last name is Cheetah. The shooter's last name is Crooks. Or of these frickin' name things I've been noticing. You can't make this shit up. I mean, yeah, you don't... I mean, I don't know of anybody else that I know has those last names. And they're like something a fiction writer would make up because it was tongue-in's cheap fiction. Yeah, yeah, just ridiculous to me. I have another picture on a post while we're talking about Trump that I just... You'll still love it, too. Yeah. I have a couple on y'all. And I want to be sure to share with y'all post it when I get a row to it. The other ones. Okay. Well, you know, I... Okay, you're into Jesus and stuff, and that's a very beautiful picture. But there's another aspect to this because, yes, I believe in Jesus, but I don't believe it's the only way that he was protected. Oh, I'm not saying that, you know. No, no, no, no. I'm just commenting on the vision, you know, the photograph. I don't really know what God is, except that I think that we are all fragments of God. And we talked about this, Dolly and I did. We never said anything to each other, but we both had felt it. Every time we would watch one of these rallies, we had to fight with ourselves because it seemed so dangerous. He seemed so vulnerable. You knew people hated him. You knew they wanted him dead. And so you had this little, you know, paranoia about the safety for the President. And I think that probably maybe even attendees, but certainly a lot of people out there just watching it had the same kind of fears. But instead of getting into the fears, we went the other way. We thought of protection. We thought of throwing love blankets. We thought of, you know, this amazing protection around the Trump character, let's call it that. And I have to wonder, was that us? You know, did we put that kind of energy out there that helped protect him? And, you know, then you get into the weird things that I don't even know that I want to get into, but the idea of the devil and evil and they project the same kind of thought attacks. We're trying to protect. They're trying to attack. And it's clear that somebody was going to die that day from a bullet to the brain. And it did happen, but it was not Trump. So we have to at least give a little credence to the fact that we are important in this story. You know, it's like one of these books. What I'm trying to think of, there's certain books out there that you can actually, there's the ending. There's different endings to them. So I don't know if any of you have gotten into this, but it's like books where the author says, well, here, this could be one ending, this could be one ending, this could be one ending, you know. And so you can kind of pick and choose the ending of the story. And I think that that's where we're at. We have to become engaged in thinking in terms of a spiritual battle and doing our best to put good God love out there. Because it's not just the only way that most of us can fight, but it's a very powerful thing. And we shouldn't underestimate that power. You know, I don't know that we have to think. God was there, Jesus was there, Muhammad was there. They all could have been there. They all could have been there. But I also want to put on the table that it also could have been all the people that love respect him and have a tremendous amount of gratitude for what he's doing. I believe that all the people that were there, who love them, all the people that were watching TV, who love them, they always send out, oh, oh, for him. They always make little prayers. Because when you hear them interviewed, you can say, you can hear them saying, yes, I prayed about that. Not just that the worry got shot, but all of them. I always love it when they interviewed people and say things. Well, I always like to watch the live rallies. I don't go, if I miss the rally, I'm not going to listen to it. No, I like the live ones because the energy is there. You know, yeah, you get to get off the, but when it's really happening, you feel the energy, not just from the television, but all around you, all the people that absolutely believe that he is the, he's, you know, we don't look at, I don't look at him and I don't know anybody that does. We don't look at him as a, you know, like a version of God or Jesus or any of that. That's not what it is. He's an extremely good human being who is doing extreme good. And for that, we should be proud and support him. Some beings are not all trash bags. You know, there's some very brave and good human beings out there. Like us. So, yeah. Interesting. I see that. Okay. So, is there anything else you wanted to mention about that? It's tough in my head. Did you move? Oh, I got a... Did you do something? Did you, did you move your microphone? Yes, I did. I put it on the top of my head because I took a drink. I'm sorry. Um, while we were talking about God, I got really, really sick. Oh, and I've been sitting on the toilet while I was sitting there. God, I am so sick right now. Please either bring me home or make me better. I came out, made it to the bed, was throwing up and that was how I'm holding the bar cutting off. But five minutes later, I felt better. So, God was purging my body of all the sickness. He answered me really fast. But there's no way I can't believe in God. There's too many things like that in my life that happen. And I just wanted to share that with you. Oh, I wanted to say the way I look at those bullets that everybody was hearing. I think those are more bullets that were heard around the world. So, that's the way I look at those bullets because it changed in an instant. The whole world changed. I felt it. That felt it. Everybody that I've talked to has felt it. You can see the difference in the Trump and Biden. I think he did change too. He got more violent the way he became more anger and animated. He's going to blow himself. I wouldn't surprise me if he has my head blow apart on TV. He's so full of hate. He's so full of hate. And that's all. The only things I have off the top of my head, the rest would have to come from my list whenever you're ready. Well, one of the things that's happening. It's been like every week there's been more and more good things happening. Was it Saturday? No, I think it might have, maybe it was Saturday. But the Judge Cannon, who's in charge of the document case here down here in Florida, she dismissed the case. Now, what do you mean by that, Nancy? Well, what happened was that there was some Trump people asking the judge to dismiss because Smith wasn't legally by the Constitution to be doing what he's doing. And it turns out that he was not a member of the Attorney General's accepted Attorney Generals that have to be looked at by the Senate and approved. He wasn't one of those. He's like a private citizen. And he was made special counsel, so the government thinks that the judge is just an appointee by Trump and can be overturned. So the case has not been dismissed. It's been dismissed with what's his face, Smith, Jack Smith as the prosecutor, and that they have already been told to refile. So this thing is going to continue, probably. However, it's certainly not going to be able to get off the ground before the election. So what the effect on the election will be null and void because they're saying that they're going to continue even if he's elected President of the United States. And they will continue to get this case before the jury, before he takes this inauguration. I mean, it's just more of the insanity that's associated with this. And you want to tell them about Bob Mendez, Mendez, who is the Senator, Dolly? Okay, maybe not. She probably can't find a mute. Senator -- Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was muted. Yes, I'd like to tell them. Okay, go. Senator Bob Mendez, Democrat from New Jersey, found guilty today on all counts. He's -- he'll spend up to 20 years in prison. He could when he gets sentenced up to 20 years. He's one of 12 U.S. senators to be indicted while in office. He was found guilty on bribery fraud, acting as a foreign agent and obstruction. He tried -- he took bribes from three New Jersey businessmen in exchange for political influence. He tried to nominate a federal prosecutor, listen to this, that he thought could make a bank fraud case against businessmen disappear. In other words, so he would be found innocent. This guy is so crooked. I don't know how he can walk straight. Look at this, you can breathe, but anyway, he was found guilty. Yes, yes, yes. That's it, that on there. His wife is also going to be brought before the jury. But right now -- right now she has cancer of the breasts. And so until she's through her cancer treatments, they're not -- that's why he's on trial and she's not. But, you know, we'll see, we'll see. There's -- because this is the way that they do it. This is the way they run the Congress. Know that about it. They get to a certain position. They're compromised morally. And they end up basically, you know, I'm just going through your list here. Basically, they do the same stuff. So it's -- I mean, and I've said this and I'm going to just repeat it. When they -- the Cumberland case where they said that the regulations that is controlling the small business people, never mind the big business, controlling the small business to keep them down, that's been completely overturned. And the reason that it's so important is that this law that they had back in '89 or something says that the regulators can take what the Congress says and then make the laws or the regulations to fulfill whatever it is that the Congress wanted to do. But what they do is they do their own thing. And there's no way that the businessman, you know, the small business people can win in a court case because they've got that stupid law behind them that that's what they can do. Well, that's been overturned. So that means that you can, essentially, now get rid of the third and fourth layers of bureaucracy. Oh, the Beck, my office saw me. He was on -- and he was -- he actually ran against Trump in the primary. But he was on -- and he said that if it was up to him, two-thirds of the entire federal bureaucracy, the federal bureaucracy would have, you know, told the league. He said, "We have got to clean out this mess." He said, "Even the top layer, the top echelons, the ones that are appointed by the whoever's the president at the time, and then, you know, accepted by the Senate, even those people, they're controlled by the bureaucracy. They listen to what the -- they don't know everything, so it's like any kind of a leader, you know. Trust the guys below you to give you the truth, and they're not getting the truth." So he says, "The only way that you can, you know, weed out everything is to just get rid of two-thirds of the bureaucrats, and then go back to see, well, do we need all those bureaucrats?" No, of course not. You don't need -- if you don't need to control the regulation, not only were they controlling the regulations, they were the court that you went to to say -- to try to save yourself. The very people that are, you know, doing these control things, making it so expensive you can't run your business because of the regulations. So a lot of -- he's got -- that's a very powerful tool that he did not have. When he went to -- when he went through the -- into the first term, he was going to drain the swamp. But when you say drain the swamp, you mean get rid of all that bureaucratic -- there's too much government. It's too big. There's too many ways of manipulating it, just so people understand you've got those nonprofit organizations that take money to give to various need, and they steal the money. And nobody goes after them. It's so widespread that if somebody says, "Oh, I work for an NCO," I'd say, "Oh, well, you must be the bad guy," because I have -- there's so far and few between groups, NCOs that nonprofit organizations are people trying to support, you know, the needs of other people and animals. They're all taken over by these people that don't see their reason for being to be this wonderful soul-enriching job. It's, "Oh, boy, I can get a lot of money." The government keeps giving us money. We keep putting our pocket. And if you look at all of the things that they funded, that's absolutely true. You can find it. It's on the books, you know? Where did the money go? Oh, I don't know. We weren't keeping records. Yeah, right. So, you know, it's -- but now he's got the ability to be able to go in there and just get rid of these people. Yeah, you're going to get rid of some people who are probably good, but, you know, they walk with God, they'll get help. But the bad ones, you don't know where they are because they're bad in what they're doing. A lot of these people, you'd say, "Oh, they're so nice. They're so wonderful. They're so caring." And maybe they sort of are, but they're involved with an organization that is basically stealing from the rich and giving to themselves. All right, so what else you got here? Well, I just posted in there that Biden was -- he said, "I have one job and that's to beat Donald Trump. I'm absolutely certain I'm the best person to be able to do that." So, we're done talking about the debate. It's time to put Trump in a bullseye. He was interviewed by, oh, that old-timer guy. Oh, Holt. Oh, Holt. And Holt's asked him about that statement, and he tried to say, "Well, I'm putting him in a place where you go after him." And the more he explained it, the more he put his foot in his mouth about saying to put Trump in a bullseye. I just wanted to point that out in case he hadn't heard it. What he said, what he said, Lester Holt, what he said to him was, "Well, I think what I wanted them to do was to focus through the -- Oh, what did he call it? The scope thing. It was so insane because he made it sound worse and worse. What was the word of you? Shoot. Because when you're targeting something, you're looking through a scope type of thing, and he was using that. No, the focus on him. But he didn't take blame for it at all. And the look on his face, he almost went into a panic thing. Did you actually say it, Dolly? Because he seemed to be in a panic. Oh, no, no, no. You've got to understand. I was just trying to get them to focus on him. Yeah, right. Use the bullseye. He talks first and thinks later. I don't think he thinks at all. He knows what the questions are going to be. This wasn't something that wasn't going to be brought up. Oh, God. Yeah, that was the other thing that they were noting, is that in San Francisco, MAGA people all of a sudden put the hats on and started walking around with the MAGA hats. And somebody said something to the ex-speaker there. Oh, not the current one? The other one, again, I'm sorry, I'm not getting his name. McCarthy. I can't remember it either, and I know it. McCarthy. McCarthy comes from, he's a California representative. And he says, yes, and they're not being picked on. They're not being bothered. So now people are coming out, and that was one of the things that was sort of being pushed to. The MAGA people are going to feel more empowered, and you're going to see more people. You know, wearing the hats, obviously, trumpers, and doing it probably. This is going to be a big change, because I think that once people really begin to identify themselves, you're going to find out there's a lot more people out there than most people thought. And then it's just going to be more and more. Okay. Joy Mann Arena from ex said, "Thou Trump is okay. You cannot kill he who is anointed in the blood of the Lord." Just wanted to point that out. People are starting to talk like that. And here's one I think I can get this with. You need to see the one I posted from Russell before a break. I think I can. Here is something that I found. I copied from my son's Facebook. Don redeemed men of God is the one who posted it in Russell's Facebook. I want to copy the picture. I'm trying to do that just a minute, copy, because I love this picture. And then I'll read to you what goes with the picture. Here's the picture. Did it go? Yes, it went. Okay. False fable. Don't argue with donkeys. The donkey said to the tiger. The grass is blue. The tiger replied, "No, the grass is green." The discussion heated up and the two decided to submit him to arbitration. And for this they went before the lion that came up the jungle. Already before reaching the forest clearing where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey began to shout, "His Highness!" Is it true that the grass is blue? The lion replied, "True, the grass is blue." The donkey hurried and continued. The tiger disagrees with me and contradicts and annoys me. Please punish him. The king then declared, "The tiger will be punished with five years of silence." The donkey jumped cheerfully and went on his way content and repeating the grass is blue. The tiger accepted his punishment. But before he asked the lion, "Your Majesty, why have you punished me?" After all, the grass is green. The lion replied, "In fact, the grass is green." The tiger asked, "So why are you punishing me?" The lion replied, "That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green." The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave and intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey. And on top of that, come and bother me with that question. The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality. But only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on arguments that don't make sense. There are people who, no matter how much, evidence and evidence we present to them, are not in the capacity to understand. And others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment. And all they want is to be right even if they are not. When ignorant screams, intelligence is silent. Your peace and quietness are worth more. I just thought that was pretty darn good. Yeah, true. But I still think all that time silent is not fair. I can see it, I can see it. But maybe the last sentence of the line, he said, "But don't worry about it. I'm going to give you a pardon." Yeah, basically, yeah. Because I'm kind and considerate and just wanted to teach you a lesson. Not punish you for being stupid. Talk to the donkeys. And why would you have a political party that had a logo of a donkey? I don't know. I have never figured that out since I was a child and saw it. I thought their meaning was that they chose a beast burden, elephant on one side and a donkey on the side. They are both creatures used for moving weights. So they are just beast burden. I thought that was the meaning behind them, but I don't know. Works for me. Yeah. Of course, I always saw the donkey as an heir. I mean, when you're in the farm, you call it an ass. An ass, a-s-s. Yeah. It sounded like you were saying an app. Oh, no, I'm sorry. No teeth here. I didn't want somebody looking for an app. Yeah, true. Jackass. Right, but we reviewed it to an ass. Yeah. One of them, I think it's the jackass, is a combination of a donkey and a mule. Yeah. Is that right? Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. No, the donkey, I think the mule is something that is a hybrid from a donkey and maybe a regular horse. Mules can't have big babies. Right. Right. So, anyway, we've got the top of the hour here on Paunus. So I'm going to do over the rainbow because I just feel like it. And we'll be right back. And welcome back to the cosmic reality radio show for July 16th, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins with me is Walt Silva and Ollie Howard. Okay. So, um, you guys back? Hi. Did you move your microphone again? No. Maybe I just didn't talk loud enough. Maybe. That's better. Walt, are you back? Yes, I'm here. Okay. So, Dolly, what I'm suggesting now is that I just play the clips that I have had for just this third show, I guess, with some of these clips. And just play them and then talk about them, okay? Okay. So what we've got here is Christian McGann, M-E-G-H-A-N. And she's talking about chemtrails. And she's somebody that knows about, is in a position to know about it. So let's just play it. Military veteran, right? Yes. I was in the U.S. Air Force for nine years. Wow. And you came out and blew the whistle on geoengineering, things that you witnessed were going on. Can you give us the real nutshell? Absolutely. Basically, I had heard of what many people know as the term chemtrails. Um, and I worked in a job called Bio Environmental Engineering. And I figured I thought that was insane. And why would we do something like that? Modify the weather by using hazardous materials in our atmosphere. So, and actually the process of trying to debunk it or disprove it, I realized it was actually coming right out of my office as I was one of the people that was approving the chemicals. And it really shook the core of my oath. And I did a lot of sampling, a lot of investigation. And I blew the whistle and I got out. And I've now used my credentials, my oath, and my powers for good to help people understand. It's very real. It's now openly admitted. There are multiple forms of weather modification. I specifically found the one of- So that was just a short clip of her. I would love to get her on an interviewer. Maybe she's out there. I'm going to do a search of her name. I get to remember that. So, there we go. We got somebody from the inside that told us something we've known for decades. What cracked me up was it was coming from her own office and she didn't go away. Right. But she was honest about that too. Yes. Yes. You know. No, I don't want to do that. Oh, I have a choice. Okay. Now, we're going to- Did you want to say anything about it, Walt? Well, no, I'm just listening to you guys. Okay. Okay. So this is Chip Roy. He's a congressman. And I don't even actually remember what he was talking about, but he's a very, very, in my opinion, good congressman, trying to do the good thing. I kind of dare him. Kind of dare him to vote no on a bill supported by 81 to 87 percent of the American people. I dare them to vote no against a bill that says that only citizens, American citizenship vote in American elections. Kind of dare them to go ahead and follow a president who has put out a policy against a bill, the purpose of which is to guarantee citizens are the ones who get to vote. And to vote in American elections. We'll see. We'll see if our Democratic colleagues want to go to the polls in November having rejected what clearly the vast majority of their constituents, even in the most liberal jurisdictions in the country, believed is right. But that's what's likely to occur tomorrow if you believe the news and you believe the accounts and you look at what the president's done and you look at the posturing of the House Democratic leaders. They are on the precipice of staking out a position of believe that non-citizens should be able to vote in our elections. Now that was the, I thought that Biden had acted, that it had actually somehow passed the Congress and Senate because the Congress puts up a bill, then they send it over the Senate and the Senate yays or not. The Senate yays or nays it. If they nay it, they send it back to the House. The House makes some changes and this goes on until it passes or is dumped. So I thought that it had actually gotten to the president's desk, but no. He came out after it passed the Congress and said that don't bother sending it to the Senate because I'm going to veto it. So this is what this is about. And what is this about? Well, why have they led in, you know, 13 million people that are not United States citizens to let them vote? And what do the t-shirts say on these people that are coming in? Biden, isn't he wonderful? So, you know, this is like, and that's what Chip Roy was saying, is that I dare you to, this is so stupid. How could you possibly think that American federal elections should have non-American citizens voting? And the numbers of Chinese people who have crossed in illegally into the country is in excess of 20,000. So they want Biden in because Biden is their pawn and you go to, you take these 20,000, you know, there's a lot of ways to attack a country. You take these 20,000 and you put them in the key positions because like the weirdness about the United States is that you have a situation where it's not just the populace saying, yay or nay to whoever. It's the fact that it's done state by state. So every state has a population and that population gives them a certain number of what's called electoral votes. And the electoral votes, you need a certain amount, you need the majority to become president of the United States. It's a lot of people think like, well, so you've only got maybe a half a dozen states that really matter because the others are Republican. The others are Democrat and it's these half in the between that will go sometimes red, sometimes blue. The swing states they call them. And those people are what's really dictating the final outcome. Yes, and what gets even more preposterous is that it's only a few, 20,000 could completely change the federal election for president. You just have to put these people in the swing states where like Trump was winning, put some of those people in there so that he actually loses that state, therefore losing the electoral college votes. Now the reason that it's in the Constitution, this electoral college and the voting thing is because otherwise the states that had the most population would be dominating the elections. If it was just based on the population, the number of people out there, those people in what are the Democratic song holds on the East Coast and the West Coast, California, New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, all those states, they have a higher, well, not so much New Hampshire, but they have a higher population. So it would be the people in any given, a small number of states that would actually dominate everything that was happening at the federal level. This at least is a way of leveling the playing field where based on population you have a certain amount of electoral college votes, but I wouldn't be surprised if that didn't come under some scrutiny and people thinking, hmm, maybe this isn't a good idea. But we'll see, but anyway, you know, 20,000 Chinese people that have come over illegally, never mind the ones from Iran and Russia and the stands, you know, all these different countries that end up in stands, they're basically not our friends. All those people could sway the next election if, if they were to be allowed to vote and not be citizens of the United States. Now, the thing if it is, is that by the Constitution, you have to be a citizen of the United States. All this bill was doing was to say that part of the Constitution that says you have to be a citizen cannot be overturned by any federal or state government or agency. So they're only reaffirming what is in the Constitution, and yet Biden who is screaming about democracy, he's going to veto that. And that that's why that means that he does, he has no veto power on that. Yeah, but it gets confusing because you're trying to get the minds of other people, you know, you don't want them out there saying, oh, no, no, no, you can't do that because it's launched or it won't. Yeah, but isn't this, isn't veto is something that either you can, or you cannot do. And in this case, the video, he has no veto. It's not a, it's a fact. There's, there is a path, if he vetoed it, then it would go back to the house. The house could easily say, you stupid jerk, it's in the Constitution. Here it is. They could go back and fight his veto, which, you know, again, would just be, it's chipped, say, show your hand. Show your hand. Show your hand. He's telling the Democrats, show your hand. Let's see how many of you really believe in a republic, you know, and that's basically what that's about. Now, this next one that we got is very short, but it's Newt Gingrich. And he was the speaker of the house many years ago. At the time that he was the speaker, I really didn't like him, but at the time I wasn't really knowledgeable in politics. I would just like listening to the media, you know, mainstream media. But over the years, he's become a Fox contributor, and he really does speak his mind to speak the truth, so we're going to listen to Newt. I think Trump is the most aggressive and competent opponent that the Franklin Roosevelt coalition has ever faced. They've run the country now since 1932. They've built huge bureaucracies, huge sets of rules. They've paid off millions of people with taxpayer money. And all of a sudden, they have an opponent who's very serious about dismantling and replacing their corrupt system. They're terrified of him, and from their standpoint, breaking the law, rigging the game, whatever it takes, they're going to do to try to beat him at every level. The trial in New York is just one example. It's totally dishonest. I actually think that the judge in the New York trial and the students illegally occupying the building in Columbia University are really the same people. They're people who believe in breaking the law to impose their will on the United States. And I think that you're seeing a trial, which is probably the most dishonest, most corrupt trial of any political figure in American history. Now, because there's two New York trials, I wasn't sure which one he was talking about, but Dolly, did you see anything about merchant or whatever his name is, the one that was overseeing the Stormy Daniels trial? Something came up in the Skype thing when I turned Skype on, and it was like Skype news or something. Oh, no, no. It turned out to be Menendez, because they cut the name off, so that's right. It was Menendez that he had been found guilty. So, yeah, but I appreciated Newt putting that out there. And it's true, the reason being because of connection to FDR, when the Democrats were in power under FDR, that's why there's a term limit now, because FDR was into his fourth term before he died. He died while he was in an office. And I don't know all of the ramifications and the details of it, but he was the one that really started the concept of the government taking care of the people. What did he call it? It was a program that they put into the government to hire people to work, and a lot of other social-ist kind of regulations and laws came into effect. So, they sort of set the stage, but way back then for this socialism, and trust me, I can understand what they were trying to do. And I believe that a lot of the people that participated in this thought it was a good option, or the preferable option. The other option was the Republican Party, which was all for the corporate structure and, you know, supply and demand, and that the workers were, they always would be paid less. It wasn't a fair, I personally feel that the best way to run an economy is what I call compassionate capitalism, where it is based on supply and demand, but that it's also based on compassion for the workers, the ones that do the work, the ones that you have to rely on to be able to get all this done, and all these people at the top take all this money. I mean ludicrous amounts of money, and yet they couldn't survive without the workers, whereas the workers could survive easily without them. So, like I say, we've got to be a gracious and compassionate nation, but not because the government's telling us that, but because that's what we need to be successful. So, it's more like a local thing, it's like the business that you're working in, they should treat the workers just like they're treating themselves. As much profit as we get, we're going to share it in an equal way, and at that point, you don't need a big government trying to tell you how to be compassionate. You are compassionate, but somewhere along the line, we've lost that as a nation. It probably never really was built into the economic structure. And another thing to look at when we talk about an economic structure is that the real build-out of the United States, the small businesses and innovative industries came after World War II. And if somebody pointed this out, I think it was honey, I was teasing. And what you see is that the people, because so many soldiers were looking for jobs, you had some innovation, small businesses happening, but they were trained in how to run a business by the military. And this is very true of the military. You have a person who is the leader and they're the captain of the company, but they're so good at what they do, they've given a position raise and become majors. And they're still good, and then they become a colonel, and they're still good. Then they become a general. And all of a sudden, they can't go any further, except in the general ranks. And that's when you get the five-star or the one-star, that sort of thing. But what would happen is that you'd get somebody that was doing really well as a major, and you'd raise them to the level of a colonel. They couldn't do the job. But they're stuck there in a job that they can't do. It's called the Peter Principle. But that same kind of a concept went into the industries. And because of that, based on merit, that's what's happening, that you get the promotions. There's something wrong with that concept. I don't say I know what it is or how to fix it, but that's where you end up having dysfunction in businesses because you keep promoting until they can't do the job. And that is really part of the structure of what you get paid. I'm sure that a lot of majors would say, "No, I like being a major. Just give me the money." I don't want to take that position. Why you have to pay people more money for the position that they're talented enough to do doesn't make sense. The guy that is running the machine should get the same kind of a payback as the guy who's telling him how to run the machine. I don't see this need to do this. And so I'm sort of semi-socialist in that belief probably. But I call it compassionate capitalism. Compassionate capitalism. Anybody want to say anything about that? Well, I like what you said about the issue of the ascension and the person gets ascended and they get to the point where they're ascended. But what's the point since they're not meant to do that work? But as you're talking, I'm reminded of human design. The human design works on a different principle. And they just focus on what the person is good for. Because putting a reflector on a generator's job is wrong. You won't get the results you're expecting. So I like the fact that human design, they fit the people to the position that they're capable of doing. Not the proposition that they want. Because all this is a lot of money in this position, so this is what we're going to fight for. Well, why? It's not going to make you happy. So a generator is going to do more work than a reflector and a projector knows how to get the people to do the work. So put the people in the correct position that they're meant to do. And that way they'll be more successful and they'll have more money because everybody's doing what they're actually meant to be doing. As opposed to trying to fit them all know this person is more good. No, because the person or this person is very well connected and he knows that other guy. So instead of doing that, why don't you focus on what is their power? How are they? Where are they true to themselves? And you can be fantastic on it. A generator will do different work than a projector and a different work than a reflector. And that's why a lot of people are so dissatisfied because they're not doing what they're really good for. They're just doing it because I have to do work and I have to get this paycheck and I have to so that I can buy food. So you're not doing what you love. You keep talking about compassionate. This is compassionate and it's in its essence because when you are happy in what you're doing, aren't you more productive? And you're productive in such a way that you feel happy going to work because you're doing what makes you happy? For example, you got into the army but you're not a generator. You're a projector like me. And that's exactly where you fit in because you were doing that intelligence work and you were excellent for it. The problem was the human element. You got faced with a character that actually wanted to manipulate you and you had no recourse but to blue, what do you call it? Black man went into letting him go, into letting you go because the other way you had no recourse. They jumped over you and they did not ascend you where they should have. So you got out. But you were great at your job and your job to such an extent that they actually consulted you because you knew more than they went in doing the work. But that's where your attributes as a projector come in. Generators could do your work. But you're a projector. You knew how to do it. It was just second nature for you. But then we know how that went. You had to get out and you had no choice about it. But that's a very good example of that kid. I had to get out so I could survive. I knew I had been targeted. I said, "Oh, oh, oh." They knew who I am. I better get out of here. So you weren't bad at your job on the contrary. You were far too good at your job. Yeah. Well, my job wasn't the same job as they thought. I was in there spying on them. They thought I was working for them. No, I'm a spy. I'm a spy for knowledge. The people that want to really know the truth. How are you going to know what the bureaucracy is all really about in the military as part of the bureaucracy? Unless you join it. It's funny that the military does not focus on knowledge. It's focused on ignorance because the less you know the more successful you are. They don't want you to know anything. Everything is compartmentalized to death. Nobody knows what anybody is doing. So it's not something that's based on knowledge. It's based on ignorance and lack of knowledge. Well, that's true if you're talking intelligence but not in the grunts on the ground because the grunts on the ground, the ones that are the mechanics, the ones that drive the tanks, all of them, it's really built on knowledge. That's why you have the hierarchy of the sergeants and the steps. Control regulated knowledge. About how their job is. Whatever the job is, it's really a knowledge based structure up until you get into the aspects of intelligence. Because at that point then the spooky comes in and everything is shut down. There's compartmentalization in that. But not in the regular Army. The regular military signs the intelligence part of it. It's a very efficient way of teaching people things because you either get it or you don't get it. And if you don't get it, you don't go anywhere. You're given the lesser job because they need the people who know and are talented and can execute. And it's a very good training place because you realize that knowledge is power and that in the military the power is to be able to succeed. And there's very much a success orientation in the fact that people wear a rank. You always know exactly where this person is in the organization because of their rank. And I would tell kids the best thing you can do for yourself is to get out of the high school but then do a two year stint in the military to learn the skills and how to work as a team and get the feeling that knowledge is power. And then the other thing that they would do was that they would make it easy for you to get education. The military would pay for your education. Like in the case of JD Vance, I don't know what his specific story is, but he came from a very poor family and he was a Marine. But then he went on to Harvard Law. Now how did he get there? Probably because the military was paying for it. So, you know, there's a lot of beneficial things in that structure. But now I wouldn't tell anybody to join the military because it's so stupidly woke and incompetent. But not by the people that, you know, you hope that enough of the same people are still there. Just trying to ride this out. So, yeah, there's good things and there's bad things. But the intelligence world is concept of keeping information from people so you have power. That's where everything starts to fall apart. So anyway, okay, so Dolly, did you want to comment on anything? Yeah? No. We're a backwards utilization because the opposite of the, for example, listening to Alex Collier talk about the Andromeda. The principle is the opposite. The longer you live, the more you know. So you're always learning, always learning. And everyone is supposed to be educated at the same level. You're supposed to say, no matter how old you are, someone would say the young people, well, they're supposed to be educated to your level. So everyone knows that instead of secrecy, everybody is informed. Everybody is educated, has the same level. It's not like, oh, these are people here in this group. Their knowledge is secret. Only they know how to do the other group. For example, take a look at all the secret societies, the largest, the masons. What is their coin is knowledge. In fact, they kill members who break that oath and dare to share a little bit of knowledge. Oh, they're going to be killed. So their knowledge is based on, you know, their power is based on knowledge. So this is not the way the Andromeda's work on the contrary. Everybody is educated at the same level, so they don't have that weakness that's going to affect your civilization. Everybody's educated the same way. Everybody knows what everybody's supposed to know. Nobody's left behind. Here on Earth is the opposite. Oh, okay. The less you know, the more you're going to be controlled. The ambition is to learn as much as possible so that you could survive. Why? Why do you have to have it to be subject to ignorance in order to, I don't know, it's just back. This is what I said. This is what I thought of this world, even as a little kid. I was four years old and nothing made any sense to me. Why does nothing make sense? Well, because it's what meant to be that way. Nothing makes sense. Nobody is. The narrative is changing. Now, what's interesting about it is that if you listen to Biden in particular, he continually tells lies that have been completely discredited. And it's like he's still saying that when he got there, the was at nine points of inflation, and it was at one point five. And everybody corrects him, but he continually says it. They continually tell the same lies over and over and over again. And to be honest, the people at Fox, they don't even correct him anymore because it's like, there they go again. They don't even have to point it out. But the thing of it is, is that things that are very personal to everybody regarding, for instance, the COVID thing, the story is completely unraveled. Anybody that has done just the simplest research knows that the vaccines did not work, that they were probably a bioweapon. And now you've got Dr. Redfield, who was the head of the CDC Center for Disease Control, the guru group that was telling us six feet apart, where the masks do all this stuff. Well, he was in front of Senator Ron Johnson. And Senator Johnson is, again, somebody that really knows the truth and really pursues it. And this is a three minute clip of Senator Johnson talking to Dr. Redfield. We were told this was going to stay in our arm, right? We were told this is mRNA, going to degrade rapidly in our body, right? But it wasn't mRNA, was it? It was modified RNA. It was actually produced synthetically, so it wouldn't degrade. And we now have studies that say the mRNA is circling the body at least, I think, two months, and we haven't done studies beyond that, correct? I know in your own practice, you don't administer that because you realize the spike protein is toxic to the body. I prefer the killed protein vaccines. When did you first determine, or once you first find out about the biodistribution studies, Pfizer had done that the Japanese regulators released in February of 2021? Probably the lipid nanoparticles. Yeah, probably somewhere in the spring or summer of '21. It was clear that the mRNA in some patients was persisting much longer than it could. But when did you find out about the biodistribution, the lipid nanoparticles, or when did people in the FBI, FDA, when should they known about the fact that they were by distributing all over the body? Yeah, I don't know the answer to that. I was telling you the summer of 2021 is when I became more aware that this -- Only because the Japanese regulators released that. But again, this is part of the Pfizer studies, so they knew that the lipid nanoparticle, which is designed to permeate -- difficult permeate barriers, correct? That's the design of the lipid nanoparticle. So they knew this was going to biodistribute all over the body, concentrating the ovaries, the adrenal glands. It crosses the blood brain barrier, correct? Correct. So what would -- let's just -- again, you're a doctor. What happens when you have a lipid nanoparticle biodistributing, and let's say this mRNA, this modified mRNA, attaches to a heart muscle. But what is it -- it injects itself into the cells, causes that heart muscle cell to produce a spike protein, correct? Which is toxic to the body, and then what does the body do? It has a very strong pro-inflammatory response, which is problematic. Again, I think, Senator, what you're getting at, which I'm 100% agreeing with you, is I think there was not appropriate transparency from the beginning about the potential side effects of these vaccines. And I do think there was inappropriate decisions by some to try to underreport any side effects, because they argued that would make the public less likely to get vaccinated. I do think one of the greatest mistakes that was made, of course, was mandating these vaccines. They should have never been mandated. It should have been open to personal choice. They don't prevent infection. They do have side effects. So that's the man that told us another story back then. Nobody, nobody manages that they want to kill everybody, but they want to eliminate the population. That subject never comes up, right? That doctor is the man who stood beside fauci and lied towards all those years. Yep. Yep. But it's coming out in so many different ways, and yet the average person, they don't know that. They don't listen to the things that we listen to, and so they just don't know. They're donkeys, and don't waste your time trying to convince them otherwise. Right? What a program, huh? Yeah. Yeah. Um... I have another thing I'd like to... Okay. My list. Now this is, let me set it up for you. This is a black man. What is this name? What is this name? I will probably entase the link because on the link, it has a video. On the video, you can see the man say the words that I am going to say. I can find that I lost the dog or anything. Here we go. This guy, he is... Everything he says is so true, and it's so funny. Oh, comical. But he's not saying it to me. Comical. He's very serious. So you can go there and listen to the video if you want. Here is his words. This video is blowing up approaching 150k+ likes. Black Americans warning to Donald Trump. Say Mr. Say President Trump. My President. United States President. You know who I'm talking to. This can even go to Trump Jr. Hey, if you're going to continue to do these debates in these states or in these little cities and you want some proper protection, this is just a suggestion. This is just my opinion, Bill, because you have a lot of people out there that love you a lot. Right, and it's obvious that the CIA and all these alphabet agencies don't like you. They don't want nothing to do with you. They don't want to protect you. They don't want nothing. So here's my suggestion to you, Mr. Trump. Mr. President, even Trump Jr. If you get this to your father, go to the hood. Go get you about 30 to 40. Maybe 50 of them get a last mother of you. Ever, you know. Excuse my French. I don't care if they white, black, right? And maybe for you, give them most a particular color to wear to protect you. I promise you that won't ever happen again. Now listen to what I'm saying. If you decide to continue to do this, and you go out here on these little stages and do all this other stuff, you go straight to the hood. And we'll get you folded to 50 of them, standing around on the blocks on the corners, and you have them protect you. Because I guarantee you that wouldn't have never happened. Because as paranoid as the cats in the hood are, that dude would have never got up on that roof. I promise you. Don't let these people protect you because they didn't want you out there in office in the first place. So you know what? Just a little bit of advice from my little brother from the hood. If you ever come to watch this day, you want somebody out there, man, with you to protect you. You give me a call, man. Hit me up on TikTok, bro. I'll be more than happy to stand up there for you. You dig? Just my opinion. God bless you. And that was from that man. Bless his heart. I can't talk like a black person. He's a black person, but I can't talk like one does. I tried for him. I think that was... I just think that's wonderful of him to have said that. It's him. There's another thing, Benny Johnson did this. It's morning Joe pulled from air Monday because of Trump. They pulled him because it's not a good book when your show gets pulled because the network fears you'll praise in a assassination attempt. That's why supposedly they pulled morning Joe because they were afraid he'd love. So I'll break the assassination attempt. You mean they can taste that week? Oh, there it is. That's for that. But that's it. I guess he's back on because I happened to be ever earlier this morning. I turned a TV on and Fox was showing a clip from Morning Joe from this morning. So I guess he's back on. Did you have a good news story in this list? I didn't notice it. I didn't think I'd hear it. There was another good thing that I could read. Okay. Let me see. I gotta find it. I guess I have Brussels. Why isn't Jackass and bulky? I'm sorry. This is from David said. Yeah. Okay. I know a hero when I see one. Washington Post names me along with Elon Musk as one of several business men who are using their megaphones to spread narratives about the assassination attempt on President Trump. I'm not sure what narratives they're referring to, but I know what I saw and I know what the crowd in Butler witnessed why. As it turns out, my father-in-law lives in Pennsylvania. And he was at the rally on Saturday when the shots rang out and Trump went down. He said pandemonium broke out around him. Everyone heard the worse, but then Trump rose covered in his own blood, resisting the secret services efforts to whisk him away to safety. Trump raised his cystif violently and the crowd put see him say fight, fight, fight. What did I say? Okay. Immediately the fear of the crowd dissipated. The chaotic uncertainty lifted and it was replaced with steamy resolve. The crowd responded back as one saying, "U.S.A." This is not a narrative. It is the truth. Trump stood defiant in the face of an assassin's bullet. There is no way to fake courage like that. It was more important for Trump to let the crowd know that he was unbound and unbroken and to be taken to safety. Donald Trump has already been in the fight of his life for months as vindictive Democrats seek to imprison him. But on this day, he came within inches of losing his life. He has risked everything for this country. It is now up to us, the American people, to show him that he does not stand alone. Let us reject the lies, the hopes, the hate, and the division that the media has spread about this brave man and support his resounding victory in November. That's supposed to be an encouraging type thing or a great toy. I guess it's not so much a good news thing. But I did want to share that and try that. Here's a good news thing. I'm not exactly sure how much money it is. But last night when I was watching the convention, I think it was Laura Trump, actually, that brought it up. Elon Musk and somebody else have said that they will give $10 million to the Republican parties. They've got a project out there. It's a project that they've got out there to go house to house, just like the Democrats do, and get everybody to vote early. And that for every month, up until the election, they'll give $10 million to this project. Because the Democrats go out there, and this is what they do. They harvest votes, and this is stupid that people can go around to nursing homes and say, "Here, here's a ballot. Why don't you vote for Biden, or why don't you vote for Trump?" And then you'd rather them up and you bring them to the, you know, but the Republicans don't want to do this sort of thing. But so I think that what they're trying to do is a dual thing. They're going to work within the concept of helping people, whether they're voting Republican or Democrat, to vote by harvesting, but to not force or, in some way, get them to vote for who you want to. Because they don't want to fall into the illegal immoral trap that the Democrats have been engaged in, which is why they've been stealing elections. So what they've got is like, it's not just the money to help promote all that they need to do to get volunteers, basically, to do this. But they are going to hire a huge number of legal people to watch the Democrats to make sure that they're not stepping over the boundary of the, you know, what's right, what's legal, and that sort of thing. But the fact that... You're not going to use immigrants? Say again? You're not going to use illegally immigrants? No, well, the Democrats are going to try to do it, but that was an amazing, and specifically because that's what they want them to do, get the early vote out. And stop, you know, you've got to play the game that the Democrats, none of them are happy about it. They want you to be able to go to the one day voting paper ballots. It's the only way with, you know, voter registration documents that you're a citizen of the United States. That's the only way you're ever going to get it under control in this day and age. And so before they can get there, they got to get through this 24 elections. So the fact that these two guys put up that much money is like, oh, I started, you know, thinking, okay, maybe now, maybe now. They fight. I mean, they understand the word fight. You know, go door to door. Talk to people. I've done that for other issues. And it's a very interesting thing that happens because... Well, the first time I... Well, one of the first... It was the first time I was going out into the neighborhood regarding a zoning problem. Somebody wanted to build a halfway house in our residential area. Yeah, okay. You know, people that have gotten out of prison and living, you know, in our neighborhood. I don't think so. And so I was going house to house. And it was interesting because a lot of the people that I would approach were like, they didn't want to open their door to a stranger. But when I explained I was their neighbor, and this is what I wanted to talk about, a lot of times they would open up the door, come out, and take me to the next neighbor and introduce me. And I had such a feeling of, yes, we have... I live in a very diverse neighborhood, the white people here are like 13%. So you got this diverse neighborhood. But if you reach out and talk to your neighbors, they're just like you. They're just like, you know, everybody you know, and they're willing to help. But you have to go out there and you have to reach out and say, "Can you help us?" So the fact that they're putting that much money into that project is very good. I don't feel like I have to put money in now. They're doing it. I'm happy. Okay, so we're coming. Go ahead. I have one more thing. The last thing I heard on TV about a gold fund we made for the family, the man who was killed, they had collected $2 million for this family. Well, there's got to be some soul connection between him and Trump. Yep. I will take you. Yeah. So, um, well, I'm going to get off of this station and then I'm going to prepare this show to go up. And then I've got to prepare for tomorrow. And tomorrow's show should be interesting on Cosmic Soup because we're going to be playing a tape of Lee Merritt talking about the connection between parasites and cancer. And then Nell's Bush is going to be on with me. And he's going to talk about the different kinds of natural foods that you can take in that are actually anti-parasitic. And it should make for a very informative discussion. So I'm going to be doing that. So you and Nell's will be live. Yes, we're going to be live. Oh, yep. And I'm going to get something to eat and then I'm going to also have the Republican Convention on. My favorite part of last night was when they had the average person come up and talk about what was bothering them. Oh, yeah, that was good. I found those people to be just so persuasive. They're just average people. And this is what it means to me, you know, and yeah, you got it. So you guys want to say, uh, Adios to the, to the listeners? Adios listeners. Please don't forgive. Get loved like it. Thank you for being here with us. I'll say good night to the listeners and I say thank you for being here with us. Giving us your energy on your time. It's very important. And I know this sharing. And like Dalisa said, is love blankets everywhere. Thank you. Have a good night. And it's really critical that we, like I say, that we continue to participate. You know, don't get gloomy and do me and just start to try to get yourself into a state of, you know, positive thinking. Put it out there because, you know, the concept of human design in the way we run our economics, that's a new reality. You put those things out. They're simple to do. We've got Shanghai. We can clean so much up very quickly. And it's just going to be a really nice place we're going to. So thanks all of you for being here. And we will see you next time. We've been listening to the Cosmic Reality Radio Show produced by Cosmic Reality Radio. Thank you for listening. ♪♪♪