Cosmic Reality Podcast

SHUNGITE REALITY 7-16-24 - Shungite Eye Mask to Eyes Wide Open

“Shungite Reality” Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph, Walt Silva discussing subjects ranging from Shungite Eye Masks to the making of a new reality. Shungite Beehives Mystical Wares Shungite Store & Information - https://mysticalwares.comCOUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off -

*Shungite Reality" Live Show - Tuesdays Noon-2 pm EST *Shungite Reality" on Rumble *Shungite Reality Archives *Shungite Reality Book

Walt - https://

1h 59m
Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

“Shungite Reality” Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph, Walt Silva discussing subjects ranging from Shungite Eye Masks to the making of a new reality.

Shungite Beehives

*Mystical Wares Shungite Store & Information -
*COUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off -

*Shungite Reality" Live Show - Tuesdays Noon-2 pm EST

*Shungite Reality" on Rumble

*Shungite Reality Archives

*Shungite Reality Book

Walt - https://

Can you believe in a finite object possessing infinite power? Or that a mineral can be proclaimed in medicine for the 21st century? Or that the power of nature can win over the ignorance of man? If you can, you will know why our mission is to get shungite to the masses. You are entering the shungite zone. This is the Shungite Radio Show produced by Cosmic Reality Radio. And welcome to Shungite Reality. It is July 16th, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins, with me is Derek Condant, Mark Joseph and Walt Silva. But before we begin the show, I want to tell you guys a little story. Back in, I think it was, well, I know it was, it was 2016. There was one of our customers was walking down the streets, and the traffic was really slow, it was virtually dead in the street. And she notices this big car. And then she notices that Donald Trump was in the car. Now this was at the time that he was not the Republican nominee for president. He was running for that position. So there wasn't any police or anything around. It was just him in the car. And of course he was not driving. And she walked up to the car. She was prompted to walk up to the car, reach into her pocket and hand him a Shungite nugget. And he took it and he looked at it and he said, "Oh rocks, I love rocks." And then the car moved. Okay. Now, I'm just telling you guys that because you're Shungite people. And I got to tell you that based on what happened Saturday night, anybody out there who believes in God and still hates Trump may want to reconsider. Because we were in a spiritual battle. Those of us that have been in it for decades, we understand it because we've been watching it for so long. You can see the hand of God. I don't know what else to call it, of destiny, of cosmic consciousness. I'm not sure what to call it. But I know that we've seen some really miraculous things that you can't call it coincidence, chance or synchronicity because according to cosmic reality rules, those things are a thought. Somebody's thinking something and creates a paradigm of timeline where this is going to happen. But it takes a thought. So you manipulate and you have all these coincidence and chance and everything else. And we would be in a totally different world if Donald Trump did not turn his head at the exact moment that an assassin pulled the trigger. When we look at that kind of a thing, the more we get away from it, the more it's just really compelling to me. And it made me start thinking about the other magical things that we have happening to us. And Shungite is just like on the top wrong. Think of it. We get this thing from outer space. Some thought behind it. Some thought that had to be from the mind of God because it certainly wasn't around. Humans weren't around at the time. 2.5 million years ago and it smacks into Russia. And then... Oh, billion, huh? You mentioned million, that's billion. Yeah, I said million, billion. Because, well, I mean, time is just like, you know, it's so weird now, but billion, yes. And then you have a situation where we find it in 2014, we begin to work with it, we worked with it for a decade. And then, in the same spot, some blue plasma ball comes out of the ethers into the space of our reality and explodes over the same sight. And you know we work with energy. This is enerology. It's Shungite's teaching us things. But there is magic in it. And I'm not saying that the Shungite and Donald Trump connection is magic. It's just another flag that there's something really, really powerful working and we're part of it. We've kind of like got into it because of our ability to look at Shungite and say, wow, what is this? And to look at life in a different way because we've looked at Shungite. When you get a piece of rock that was a meteorite created in outer space and it can detoxify water, it can reverse the spin of electromagnetic energies. It can balance a human being, animals, plants. It can be used to make plants grow better, faster, and more nutritious. It has been proven to lengthen the lifespan of rats. I mean, it kind of like, I guess, I just wanted to pass on to remind us all that when we talk about Shungite, when we work with Shungite, when we work with enerology, that this is a whole new reality that we're building. And I just felt it was important to acknowledge the miracle that happened on Saturday and to acknowledge the really miraculous experience we're having when we went down the Shungite path. Do you think it's a coincidence that it's able to hear thoughts and intentions? No, no. Exactly. It's part of the whole thing. I mean, I believed in God and I certainly believed in a creator consciousness of this Earth that I call Gaia. I certainly believed in all that. But the farther we go down this trail, the more it's like, whoa, whoa, you know? I mean, it's like, and it's getting faster and there are more things that are happening on an hourly basis right now. So we are in a great position. We came here for a reason, each and every one of us, and it's exciting, but it's also turmoil. But it's exciting. It's exciting turmoil. So I'm just going to throw it back into the 3D realm here and we're going to have some interesting conversations. But I wanted to bring that out because everything has changed, everything. And it keeps changing. It keeps morphing. The more we expand our understanding and our knowledge, the more reality morphs. So look at where you're at. Be grateful that you're aware and awake and that you have Shungite. Because I don't think you'd be listening to this show if you didn't. And if you don't, maybe you ought to think about getting some. I know somebody named Derek that will send you whatever you need. So there you go, Derek. I'm throwing it over to you. Excuse me. Can you hear me, Nancy? Yeah. Okay, I'm just asking because my monitor completely just shut off. And it just popped back on. That's really weird. I'm not even touching one chord. Okay. I have no idea what that's about. Well, that's happening. That's been happening. That's really weird because I've seen a lot of, I'm actually, well, I used to be a computer technician. So I've seen a lot of things and built hundreds of computers and that was really weird. But anyway, I think Mark has a list as well. I have some local, it's more mystical ware stuff and stuff happening, but we can get to that at the end. So, but one quick note from the last podcast, I was asked to expand on the description of the three, six and nine-day cosmic silver Shungite nuggets and pendants. So I have done that and I'll probably expand it even further, but there is that description on website on the cosmic Shungite page. So there's that there. And then again, near the end of the podcast, maybe we'll go over the other things I've done here at misscores locally. But did you want to jump maybe? Why don't you read that? What have you added? Because the three, six, nine is so critical and it's, again, it's a keystone. Now, what I've heard that Tesla said about it was that three, six and nine are... How did he say it? I'm trying to remember, three, six and nine are the energy points of stabilization. In other words, the way I interpreted it was that the three nuggets together, okay, we call it cohesion, but stabilization, it stabilizes. And six, again, it stabilizes and nine stabilizes. There's something about that relationship that he felt was very important and we have discovered it is. So I would really appreciate listening to what you have to say about that, Derek. Sure. And what I'm talking about mostly is, again, and I've never read what Tesla says about three, six and nine. I will, but I haven't yet. So I'm talking about the three, eight, nine day or six and nine day. The... How do I tell you that? We as a perceiving them are using them in the cosmic silver nugget. So, remember, I'm going to also expand on this for maybe new listeners. So we're talking about regular shungite that I tumble in a... And I won't go through the whole description because it's on the website. But I tumble in a hexagon shaped rock tumbler with little silver bars and other types of pure silver for either three days, six days or nine days. And then it comes out with a... And I'm holding a piece right here, actually. It comes out with a coating of silver on it. So that's what we call cosmic silver shungite. And then I'll read the description, but first I'll kind of go through a little bit Nancy on because it wasn't a planting. So I'll describe kind of how these came to be. And then if there's another part that I don't remember, you know, filling the blanks, of course. But the three day was intuition just to do it as far as that. And I know I like to truncate everything or shorten it. But that's where that... Because it's more about all three of these rather than the whole process. So three day was intuition. I was inspired, you can say, to tumble it in there. For those many days, and Nancy and I talked about it a few times, but now the interesting part is the six day, it was by chance. There's just a coincidence, air quotes here. It was some nuggets that I didn't remove because it's... If you can just visualize a rock tumble that's maybe a foot tall, again, the shape of a hexagon. So it would look like a bee's honeycomb, one of the cells, if you look down into it. And that's darn near filled half way with little tiny silver bars or silver wire, some silver coins as well. So just lots of silver. And then you add the shungite after that and turn on the tumbler and it tumbles. So the six day... There's a lot of stuff in this room, I'm getting that. So I didn't find some of these nuggets from the three day, left them in. And you could tell the difference, absolutely, when I dumped out the nuggets after the next tumbling, which I thought was again just three day ones. But lo and behold, it had some now six day nuggets. And they were so unique that that's just how they came to be. It wasn't... I didn't use intuition and it was just one of those things by chance, which means it wasn't random, but it did happen. So that's how that went. Now, let me break in here a second. So when you realize from the look of them or the feel of them, that, oh, I'd left others in there. I mean, why were you able to detect that they had even been in there? Initially, it was from the feel, I'll say, not physical feel, but the energy feel, because I'm just plucking nuggets out of there trying to see which ones made it. And it depends, especially when I'm getting into nine day tumbles or six day. So I felt it and grabbed my attention, and I've done this out on how many times now, so I know better. Regardless if I'm driving down the highway or pulling cosmic silver shungite nuggets out of a tumbler, if it grabs my attention, there's a reason for that. And so I felt it and like, oh, okay, so I'd look at the nugget, and then I pluck out another one next to it. And I've been in a rock tumbling for, oh my gosh, since I was probably 10 years old, I have tumbled a few rocks in my day. And I have six tumblers back there. So I know the difference of, and I don't usually have them all going at once, almost never. But it's real clear and antsy once you have done this a few times, especially if you're using the same type of rock, like shungite, if it's been in that tumbler for a longer amount of time. The edges are way more honed down, you know, the roughness, it's more polished. So it was real clear from the visual perspective as well, which is when I didn't, I'm like, well, shoot, I mean, there's did I miss. And there's, I don't know, just a few of them. I don't remember exactly how many of them work. So it was obvious on all levels that they were different. But yeah, it was the woo-woo level that caught my attention first to have me slow down from this plucking nuggets out of there. And then nine day was, maybe you remember, but it was somebody's suggestion. Why not do nine day? And then it went from there. So that's how we got all three, which is what I describe on the website. My perspective, and it's going to expand the description as I work with them more, because I just, I think it was actually Mark, probably, who asked about this, or maybe came up in a question. But, so it's one of those things that, as I focus on it more and read it, which I will do now, it's relatively short, everyone. So, but, and again, for those that want to read it later, it's on on the cosmic Silver Shine Guide webpage, and you'll see that link on there. So, here's how I went through, or how I perceived the three day cosmic nuggets first. So, I'm just going to read it, three day, the three day silver tumbled nuggets are highly effective in addressing excess energy attachments, or other energy issues that have often accumulated over lifetimes. Thus, restoring an individual's bio slash aura to a more cohesive and aligned state of being. Now, I'll expand. So, what I'm saying in there is that it's really good, the initial cosmic Silver Shine Guide ones, the three day, to for a sudden energy shift, or just removing the excess stuff that's affecting your own energy field. And that's what those are really good at. Now, the next step, because there's more to you than just, you're not just physical, you're energy, and you're mostly energy, like 90%. So, and this is where they kind of tie in. So, now the sixth day, as I was perceiving them and using them and working with them as I have, I don't know how long we've had those now, but a while, I'll read it. The six day cosmic Silver Shine Guide serves as an energy tool that aids individuals in healing themselves physically. Following the use of the three day nuggets, a person's energy becomes more aligned and free of excess energy, creating an optimal state for restoring perfect health and wellness, both physically and energetically using the 16 nuggets. So, in short, what I was saying is in there, if you've used the three day, and people tend to do that, they have the three day first, that again removes the excess energy, so they kind of even out, and now it's something they can more easily work with without having to struggle through what sometimes you call a karma attachment or just attachment or energy and all that stuff. So, this helps you even out and align with your physical state of being. So, now I would use your intention when you're working with the 16 nugget to imagine yourself already healed. If you have an injury, well, start telling yourself, no you don't, and then seeing it already gone, things like that. So, now you're working because you've removed the, I would say excess energy on your aura, you're now, again, more aligned with your physical body, so then you can start some physical healing happening and do things like that. And then, once you've dealt with a lot of that, well, because that's a big hindrance sometimes, of course, well, then you can start working with the nine day, and I'll read that one. So, with our physical and energy bodies now more aligned, the nine day tumbled shungite nuggets facilitate connections to higher densities. These include our higher selves, spirit guides, past loved ones, and other beings who coexist with us at higher frequencies. Once energy blockages are cleared, these connections are within our reach for communication. So, again, what I'm saying there is, you've worked at the three day first and then the sixth day, now you're more aligned physically and energetically. So, then you can start thinking more, again, rough terms to work with your, but higher densities. It's not a dimension thing. So, the nine day, well, then you'll start looking within yourself, and if you want to communicate with your guides, things like that, you'll start perceiving more of the metaphysical frequencies using your metaphysical senses, your chakras. So, again, so, okay, well, that's those, and then I'm going to kind of paraphrase the rest, but there's notes under that. It's not for everybody. So, it's not like everybody has to go get the three day, the six day, the nine day. If you're led to do it, it's maybe a thing. So, but it's definitely not a, you have to do it sort of deal. And then just shorten a little descriptions on the bottom, basically saying what I just said, really the three days, fantastic one, just to start with, and that's what a lot of people use and stick with it. And then the six day ones are, you know, often recommend if we're addressing deeper energy issues that manifest physically, which is a symptom of deep energy issues is what we call sickness or disease physically. There are no diseases. You can cure all that and that's under certain understanding, too, and that's what you'll get working with these nuggets on what I'm talking about. And then the nine days intended for individuals seeking to explore, you know, the more metaphysical aspects of our cosmic reality, as Nancy would say as well. So there are differences in those. So that makes me want to ask an answer a specific question. The spooky scalar machine has a receiver and a transmitter. There's two units to the thing, you know, because you have one. So on the receiver is the one where you have the one where you put rocks and you put samples, samples of whatever energies you want to apply to that person. Since you've said that to me, I have on the receiver the nine day Shanghai specimen and I have Nancy's picture in the machine. So I want to know, can she detect the Shanghai that the specific nine day Shanghai is having an effect on you at all. I didn't realize you were still running the scalar. Yep. Well, walls, I walk around with big hunk of the nine day in my pocket. Okay. So that's true. Sorry. Only maybe only Dolly will fail since she doesn't have that many pieces. Well, what I'll do is maybe I'll offer in the future as one of the free scalar sessions on Fridays as well. The three day is six day or nine day scalar session because I can do the same thing. So anybody that signs up, you know, put the name on the list and then you'll definitely have an experience. I mean, I've already used the six day on it for someone else. I took my hand in there for one thing. Yeah, the casas in one whole day. The, what was I going to tell you? Yeah, so I'll look at putting it out. I'll make a note now. So, um, scalar session. So if anybody's interested, I mean, I can do something like that. Well, I'm definitely interested, but wait, you just brushed by that we had our show last week. I think it was and he had a cast on his hand and you took it off a day later, but the wound has been healed. Oh, yeah. My hands completely fine. The only subsequent issue and it's already darn near gone anyway after a few days was because when we put the cast on, I had it stopped too, because of course I have no idea what I'm doing. Um, I had it stopped too short. So long story short, when I was, because of course I'm still going to lift things with a broken hand. Why would you not? That's just my personality. So when I was still lifting things with it, but thinking what pressure on the cast, it put excess pressure on my wrist and just kind of strained the tendons and stuff in there. So that was the thing that lasted after, but as far as the hand goes and I'm right now, it's like said, check it off the next day. I just got a Dremel tool and cut it off. Um, and that's completely fine. So again, for those who saw, I don't know, we had it. I showed, I think, an image of the cast before and after I sprinkled shungite. So S4 powder, cosmic silver shungite powder, um, on the, it's just a sock, basically, that we purchased online that's made for a cast and sprinkled the powder on that. And then, jalissa cast my hand. And again, that lasted for a show and then it was the very next day, cut it off. Um, so no, it absolutely had an effect in the cat. The, it was kind of funny next because when we cut it off, I thought, um, jalissa was with me out there at the end and we thought, oh, it's really bruised not thinking that well, yeah, the shungite powder passed through that. It's just like I said, a sock material. Um, and then there was gauze above that. There were layers, um, in the cast, of course, but my hand ended up being all black, but it washed off and no, it's completely fine. So I definitely, and the, what I would do, I wouldn't have tell, I'm not telling anybody to go cast in their own hands. I said, definitely not, you know, you know, do what you need to do. But shungite rubber. So if you go to a professional, which is what I would recommend, excuse me, if you need a cast, um, see if during that casting process, they can sprinkle some shungite powder on, and, you know, it's nothing. It's just black powder to them. So I don't know how much they would push back on that, but it's an idea. And if not, or if your cast is already on there, get a piece of shungite rubber and then just, you know, get an ace bandage and just wrap it around there. I mean, I guess possibly you could kind of push in one of the little guys into the cast, but really it doesn't have to touch your skin. It has to be in your arm, which is also the energy field around your physical arm. That's all of your arm. So meaning it fixed it to the outside of the cast. Might be not a bad idea. And then, uh, and actually what might work, well, I knew, I'll jump into this for a reason. Um, this new product, Jelissa just made them the other day, but they're shungite rubber eye masks. So just like that, you know, I mask, you might wear it to keep the light out or, um, things like that, or sometimes they're cooling ones, but we have a shungite rubber version. They'll be available soon on the website and in store. Once we finalize the, um, the design and the cloth we want to use as the sleeve for it, and then have the elastic band around your head. But I'm bringing it up because that would already be a pre-made set. Wave, you know, affixing it on the outside of, say, a broken arm or leg or something. You know, just wrapping eye mask around it. Or even if it's not broken, if you got a sore arm, a sore leg, either way, you can now more conveniently get that shungite rubber where you might need it. Um, so yeah, that'll be available soon. I'm sure an image online, but again, I don't have the, uh, the cloth sheet for it made yet. Well, when you get it made, I definitely want two of them because I have a friend of mine that's always putting that mask on. Eye mask. And I want to see, I've got a cataract that I treat it with, uh, honey. I'm not saying everybody should do it. Just what I do. I treat it with honey. Um, but I, to be able to put the mask over your eyes, I mean, that, that might be a very, very interesting. Uh, I'm just, you know, yeah, so I want to be one of your, your, your, your, your guinea pigs. I've already put it up against my eyes and I'll just tell you from the, the metaphysical perspective, it widened my, again, I'll just say perspective or view, um, because we talked visual. So it'd be, uh, you know, be you have someone to use it for if they're in the meditation or, you know, calming practices goes by lots of news, but so that's a thing as well. Uh, so yeah, no, I'll get more feedback as I use it. Um, and you guys will all receive one. So all the podcast hose. I'm just, again, well, I want to get that, that sheath or sleeve or whatever. Heck we're going to call it so that you could pluck it out and wash that if need be. Um, rather than, I've got sitting right here next to me. Um, but, you know, once you roll over, if you're trying to sleep with the thing, it's not, it's going to fall off or if you're trying to sit up and meditate. So I have to finish that. Well, the eyes are the window to the soul. Yeah, that's I could do. I'm going to have fun with this. And I'm looking at it. I'm thinking, I may give Jalissa some of these little, I have powdered crystals of different type. So those can be embedded in there as well. Not necessarily where you'll see them, but they'll be within the, uh, you know, I don't know what, eighth inch thickness of the shungai rubber. So we'll see. We'll see. We'll see if we'll get different flavors of these masks coming out in the future. But let's get the first one out first. Yeah. Yeah. Um, better, better to be done than perfect. Yeah. Again, it's just the sleeve that we're, we're looking to get done. Well, I guess let me just get it out of the way real quickly here. Um, because I, that way we don't forget later either. And since I'm already talking about a new product, um, I want to announce because you may have a question, Nancy, but there's a new couple events we have coming up at mystical wares. And unfortunately these things can't really be done remotely and you'll see why. But coming up on, uh, July 17th here in stores, a magical ones class. So we've actually been scouring the beaches here in the Puget Sound where you're able to and pluck up small driftwood pieces, um, that would resemble what you might, you know, think of as a, um, magic wand. And then Jalissa's gathered all kinds of, um, things to adhere to them. Everything from feathers to, uh, you know, little crystals and gems and shiny objects, all that kind of stuff. So it's going to be a free class we give here that, you know, maybe parents want to bring their kids in and everybody make a magic wand sort of deal. Uh, and then the other thing I wanted to mention was on July 27th is, and this is my first attempt at this everybody in this kind of setting, but it's psychic Saturday where we're going to open up mystical wares after hours. And we're going to bring in for those that are interested. Um, there's a person that does, they, they usually call them paint and sip parties where you paint something and they give you wine and drink. So we'll have a, that person come in, not painting, but they're going to have their option of sampling different wines if people want. And we'll have other beverages as well because I'm not a big wine guy myself. Um, but it's going to be psychic Saturday after hours saying where we'll have, where we've invited people come in and I'll do a group reading and just, and my ears just lit up and I was just saying that. I like started tingling, um, during that, for that night. So that's going to happen. I think it's a couple hours long. Um, so, and then just the one last thing is on July 28th is the art of smudging. And that's where people can come in. We'll, we'll help you. Um, and show you different ways and options of building your own smudge, sticks or kits. It's not just sage. There's a whole lot more you can do and use. I'm actually a palisanto guy myself, um, which is a wood for those that don't know. But anyway, lots of cool stuff, uh, coming up on, uh, in miss scores in the coming month or so. I wanted to mention that, but do we want to maybe throw it to Mark now? And so you do that. Those events are posted on your website. Yes. There's a calendar and dates and stuff like that on the website. Yeah. Right. Yeah. We can throw it to Mark. Mark, did you see the, um, JPEG that I sent with a list of all the clips that I've got in the player? I didn't. I'll, I'll take it later. It's in the Shanghai chat. Just scroll up. Okay. Yeah. I wanted to read the Tesla quotes. Um, supposedly it's 1931 interview. Um, oh, I can't read it. Sorry. It's, um, my screen, but there is a question. Let me see if we find it. Uh, from, from Gretchen Falcon, I feel like I need a refresher on why three nuggets work. Better than just one. I'm certain I've heard it on the radio show, but it kind of blew my mind and I need to hear it again. It has to do with the golden ratio. Correct. And directed, give a long explanation for that on the Shungai reality Facebook group. And then I link to a book. Which is, I think I lost it. Um, yeah. It's, or give me a second here. Oh, here it is. Okay. Uh, the book is by Marie D Jones, the Trinity secret, the power of three and the code of creation. And we read the quote here. The Trinity secret began with a simple discovery that a Trinity or tree in nature plays an integral role. And all that ever was, or will be, from religion, mythology, folklore and psychology to neurophysiology, quantum physics, and even the cutting edge world of the weddings and human consciousness, the concept of a Trinity is universal. The number three is a profound and sacred number that speaks of a secret old, older than mankind. Some tree, Trinity's include father, son, holy spirit, unconscious, conscious, super conscious, heaven, hell and earth. Made in mother crown from a Vishnu Shiva, birth, life, death, Newton's three laws of motion. So people can check out that book if they want to find out more about the, the power of three. Um, let me see. Well, I just put into the chat, I just put into the chat, the curly and photography, okay, done by Sophia Blanc. And the pieces in there that you see the, the square, the, the triangle, that's Shungite. Okay. And what you're seeing is that each of them has its own field, but then you'll see three of them have got this secondary field that is over, I mean, much greater than the other, you know, by themselves. And that confirmed our experiences with Shungite is that when you have the three, there's a secondary field that creates cohesion between the three pieces of Shungite that, that cohesive energy field, they all begin to resonate with each other and become this cohesive field that is a secondary field to the, to the single one. And when we do it with six, you see the same things start to happen. Nine, probably the same thing. I mean, I haven't seen the curly on, but, um, you can see that, that those three are absolutely connected. So that's in the chat room. Post that, we'll post that in the Facebook group too. If people want to hear when this was originally shown back in. So if you go to cosmic in the archives, you want to find the 2019 episode of February, 19 through the 25th of cosmic reality show. And in the beginning, you guys talked about it for details about the person who did it and how that all happened. So pretty, pretty cool as far as. You, you amazed me. I don't know how you do this. I mean, you, you're YouTube page that's gone. I think you had shows from 2017. I need to remind you Nancy, so people can only access, I tried to go as far back as I could. There's only a partial access of shows from 2018. And I couldn't get 2017 and back. So it, I think, I think this site was called Hagi Shack. It's not showing the other. We call it the other show. So I was wanting to request if you can take a look at that. So I can access the 2017 shows because I've been taking highlights and notes since then and wanted to resurface them for, for. You know, current discussion. Okay, I'll take a look at it. Thank you. Yeah, Derek, you recommended a crow triple seven show. A few weeks ago on heavy metals. I was supposed to listen to it, but I didn't. Let me, let me read what you posted back in. A couple weeks ago. In your mystical wares. Facebook group. Yeah, that's, that's a show worth listening to. Of course, we won't go through it all here or anything, but definitely check out. So it's the, I'll just spell it out for those who aren't familiar with crow triple seven. But CRROW777 is the name of the podcast. Those guys are fantastic. And in this episode, they brought on a guest that was talking about heavy metals and nancy. It just lines up with what we had talked about anyway, a couple of podcasts ago. But basically some, and it was definitely not just about zeolites or things like that. It expanded on a lot of levels. But there are, there is a zeolite option that does work well without the aluminum and everything we talked about. So again, I'm trying not to just, you know, jump back into the entire podcast and do it. But I would definitely recommend and crow triple seven gives you the first hour of the podcast for free. But even that, there, I don't think there's hundreds and hundreds of podcasts they've put out over the years now that are well worth listening to. So you definitely get your money's worth if you sign up for a subscription with them and it's relatively cheap as well. But yeah, that most recent one was, was really, was really good and inspiring. So definitely options for heavy metal detoxing from our, you know, our heavy metal saturated environment we live in right now. So there's, yeah, definitely recommend listening to that. Yeah, the creator is, is Dr. Robert O. Young. He's been, he's done a lot of interviews recently. SGT report is one of the podcast people can take a look at. What's another one he did? I'll think of it later. But I wanted to read what this person put in, or dare that you post it in the, your mystical Facebook group, said recently I ordered home tests for heavy metal levels in my family. The results set, set me back even though I was expecting to find levels on some of the metals tested for. It turns out both me and my wife were off the charts on all metals tested for. I meet, I immediately began plans to detox and purge the metallic poison. Just no wonder why the mention is found in nearly every household. In short, this episode is about getting rid of heavy metals before you lose your mind or health. Yeah. So that's the episode 582 people who want to look through their phones, podcast app. And then, okay. There's, there's a Shungai Facebook group poster that's struggling in the UK with pollinators, not much bees and butterflies about due to the weather. And who knows what else? How can we use Shungai outside to help them back, back in? And also wondered what difference to the area if I scatter Shungai rocks around. So, of course, we, we're queuing the Shungai world grid. I don't have the link here, but Derek or whoever wants to answer that question. Okay. Can you repeat the question one time for me? Because I was trying to answer some questions in chat as well. I'll just want to get it right. Yeah. Struggling in the UK with pollinators, not much bees and butterflies about due to the weather. And who knows what else? How can we use Shungai outside to help them back in? Also wondered what difference to the area if I scatter Shungai rocks around? I mean, I would definitely, you know, expand the Shungai grid in the area with nuggets where you can. Even if you can toss them under the beehive, you know, on the beehive prefers to the bees and get to them. But even around them, just as far as the grinning goes, it will assist the bees. The other thing I would say is have, and even if you're not a beekeeper, have Shungai bird baths or bee baths, or even little bowls of water out there in your yard or on your deck patio, wherever, with Shungai in it. And then make sure some of the rocks in there are high enough out of the water so they can land or get out of the water if a bee lands in the water, because often that's not talked about. And the bees don't always make it to the edge where they can crawl out or the containers maybe not built such. But long story short, get a container filled with Shungai water and then put some Shungai in it and then other stuff. So again, they can get out of the water if need be. But that's a huge thing that you can put all over, because that's one of the biggest things that affect and help contribute to colony collapse disorder is the fact the bees sometimes have to travel. They'll go up to seven miles just to get water, a little bee. So imagine that. I mean, sometimes on these hot days, imagine yourself walking seven miles, you know, to get some water. And then still, you know, get nectar and pollen and you know, do the whole deal. So that's what I definitely recommend is making a Shungai bird bath outside for birds and bees. I just want to jump in here and say don't underestimate your ability to change the weather. Because we don't have to think of being victims to the weather. The weather works to make it better for everything. It's not something that the weather does. It's the fact that the electromagnetics in a natural setting, the sky and the earth can't communicate to one another. That's why we have the eagles. If you think in terms of that, if you're putting all this Shungai all around you, you are affecting the electromagnetic energies around it. You're getting rid of the discordant ones. So it's not just to help the bees, it's to change the weather that will also help the bees. And we've done many shows on how you can use eagles that are now in existence, how you can use your own intentions, there's so many ways of doing it, but don't just accept that it's the weather that's doing it. Well, if it's the weather that's doing it, then change the weather. Just observation. Thank you. And they convinced that the weather is out of our control. That's one of the programs that they shoved or downloaded your throat. And it's not true. The weather is in our control. The problem is that we don't believe it or we don't accept it. Exactly. There's a question, will the water also attract wasps and or hornets? Thanks. They don't attack each other and they don't attack each other. That's an interesting thing when the Shungai did present. We have some videos of that too. Videos are images. I don't remember. From years ago when we were starting all this in the bird bath and it would be in the Shungai bee bath. I would do that. But even that, no matter what, it's a calming environment. You want to give because wasps and hornets aren't necessarily bad. They're not friends with bees, of course, and typically humans either, but that doesn't make them bad or negative. But yeah, a water source is going to attract all kinds of things and they tend to get along and you're just helping nature anyway. So I've never seen bees and wasps, hornets, fight in a Shungai bird bath. They literally will drink together. I don't know if you've got a chance to talk about some new items or the more recent items in your store, the glass sculpture of cosmic silver. Oh, no, I forgot about those. And also the expanded Shungai area in the story. Yeah, what he's talking about is, I appreciate that, Mark, is, and there's only a few available right now, but we have cosmic silver Shungai pendants available that are glass encapsulated cosmic beads. So I tumble six millimeter Shungai beads in the silver, so go through the whole cosmic silver process and then take those beads encapsulate them in a little one inch to one and a half inch glass tube, I guess you'd call them, then they get sealed off. And some have designs, some have some coloration, but it's another way of having that Shungai and/or cosmic silver in this case, showing it around you, and in this case, I keep seeing this case. It avoids the nugget from maybe transferring black powder onto a white shirt, if that's an issue for someone. And typically that's not a big issue because the wire offsets it enough and/or it just stops happening. But it is a thing, and maybe you don't want to have a black rock hanging around your neck, so we're just trying to give other options of wearing the cosmic silver Shungai. And then the other thing we've done in the story I did not mention was we've expanded, I think, Darnier doubled it, the Shungai area of mystical wares here in Mount Vernon, Washington. So now there's several more cases we've dedicated cases as far as display cases with multiple shelves and lights and the whole deal going on, and we'll get images at some point. But we're bringing out some rare or hard to find types of Shungai, which are massive chunks, by the way, that are many pounds each. And then other stuff, so we're going to just pack the shelves with that. Again, it just expanded the Shungai area, so when you come in, it's, you know, yeah, I don't know how many types of pyramids and spears and cubes and the raw Shungai from beads and go on and on and on. And again, with the addition of the new Shungai rubber eye masks that expanded our Shungai rubber area into different shapes and sizes, so we had to do that. But yeah, and most, well, all of that will become available online as we get to that final stage. And then the last thing was that I forgot to mention, too, is we're always doing something around here. So now there's in mystical wares is a new build your own bracelet station where we have thousands of beads out there and we give you your extra strong pre stretch bracelet cord. And it's only five dollars so you can sit there and make your own bracelets for five bucks all day long if you want. So just another hands on interactive thing to do, and it's kind of parked over by the all the selfie spots we've we've had with the Bigfoot feed and the new sluice. So yeah, lots of changes in store for those that get to come by. Yeah, thanks Derek. So there's some comments here in chat wanted to read Diane's testimony or just sharing some experiences here. Recently I picked up from my son-in-law who was a family doctor that I was gifting Shungai and he wasn't with it about it. I gave my grandson a new bracelet, Shungai bracelet, and put a Shungai piece on their new Wi-Fi modem where my other grandson plays. My 13 year old grandson got a chungai rubber. I took off my water bottle bottom to put on his forehead for a headache. He says it works. I then noticed how all the Shungai had given them his loss. My grandson had asked me to give him something for his headache. The next time I see my grandchildren, the amount of time all seven of them entered the front door and most were smiling in the knowing way saying Shungai. I nodded and smiled back. And the question here, which was answered, would wearing two of the three day silver nuggets work like the one nine day? Walt said it's a different density in the Shungai and you see I think Derek answered at the bottom here. Unfortunately, using two of the three day cosmic silver shungai nuggets won't equal a six day, they end up being totally different frequencies once they've tumbled longer times. And anybody doing art or drawing paintings, you can put Shungai powder in paintings with us. You already answered that part about the wasp, right? Will the water also attract wasp and hornets? If it's Shungai water, you already answered that, right? Yeah, it'll attract anything that wants water, to be honest. But again, they get along there, so it was never an issue. You know, something I wanted to ask from last week's show with Catherine is if you've solved the, I guess it's one way to solve the hornet and wasp issue is having Shungai water around us so they don't attack each other, right? And then just so others, people know, it's not like it's, it's not like a gang gun in LA where they see the opposite members tax on. No, it's not like every time a wasp or hornet sees a be a jumps on and starts attacking it. That'll happen when they're trying to, you know, raid the hive, you're rid of the colony, something like that, so it's not a huge issue at all. Yeah, you know, we tend to think our thoughts like, well, if there's a lion drinking from there in a goat walks up, it's going to jump, but no, and actually that does not happen in nature all the time. I mean, watching the document is just, you know, how many animals sitting around a watering hole in Africa drinking that, you know, eat each other. So, yeah, no, so it's not, and I'm just going to make it a point that it's not always, you know, the fights on when they see each other. So it's not a big deal. I think that the chatter chatter had a different reason for asking the question. She has wooden siding on the house and she doesn't want the making nest again. So she doesn't want to attract the hornets or whatever to the water because then maybe they'll take up residence in the house. No, it won't. It's not going to attract them anyway. It's when they find it sort of thing. I mean, hopefully there's a strong guy grid already around there. So it's, I mean, I really wouldn't see it. I mean, okay, I mean, you push it off of the house if you can then. So I understand what she's saying. I mean, but there's wasp in the area. They're going to, they go everywhere anyway. So, yeah, if it's being attracted to the water, it's also seen the house. I mean, it's, but it might have been in the house and just came out for the water. Yeah, so, yeah, I'm not sure it's seen on that one, but yes, I wouldn't worry about that too much. Yeah, and, you know, think in terms of all the animals and bees and everything that you would help by getting the water out there versus having fear about was coming in. Yeah, but I see what she's saying too, because I mean, if you have the water source and wasp number one goes and tells his 20 buddies and he has more than 20 buddies, you know, come to the water source. So then there's more, you know, I get it. So it's not, it's not really much. I'd push it away again. And I don't know the situations. You could have a 10 foot backyard by 10 foot or, you know, 100 acres who that knows, but push it further away. It's probably what I would do. Just wish them all well and give them the water. Don't worry, don't worry. Worry brings in worry. It's easy for us. We haven't had to remove the wasp from our siding or her new siding or whatever she had to go through. Yeah, well, yeah. Yeah, so anyway, Mark did you have, I'll go ahead. I remember my father when we had a wooden house and when I was a kid, well, actually we had a wooden house all my life, but there would be this big, you know, look like the paper thing. All of a sudden you'd notice it hanging there and my father would take a torch and burn it. You just would burn it, but I don't suppose that behind the wall you'd want to use that. That probably wouldn't work, but that was my introduction to him. You know, dad taken and burned in this thing and almost burned in the house down at the same time. Peppermint oil, things like that. We don't want wasp and hornet, so that's a natural thing people can do is get a cotton ball soaking in peppermint oil and tuck it in every so often in the siding. It's not a bad smell for most people, but yeah, it'll inhibit hornet, so wasps. And that also supposedly small rodents like brats and mice don't like peppermint oil. Yeah, that's what I mean. There's almond oil, coconut oil. I mean, you know, people can search engine in and see all kinds of ways, but that's one way you can do it. So, but anyway, it doesn't affect bees. I got a timer. Actually, that's okay, because I think what it was. Sorry about that, everybody. It was a timer that's going to let an employee in a whisk of words, but I think it is probably being taken care of. So anyway, Mark, back to you. Did you have other questions? Yeah, you did a redesign on your private sessions page. So, okay, everybody can get on the free weekly scaler session. And this week's is overall well-being, which starts Friday and people can put names, but you have to leave like a phone number and email to part of the registration. So, I don't know if you want to detail these things of. So, you have different remote sessions from 30 minutes to 60 minutes, and then there's an in-person hour. And then you also have an emergency one, urgent remote session, time sensitive sessions, and then the in-person is a half hour. And you also have the shungat room reservations for an hour, all very reasonable options. And I already mentioned the classes, which is posted there. So, yeah, this is pretty cool as far as your new layout and design. I just want to detail those things. No, I'm laughing because I'll be honest, Mark. This is the first time I've seen it. Jelissa did this, so I have to give her a big thank you, but it looks great. And it's, yeah, I mean, the same classes or sessions and things are on there like you were mentioning, but the layouts are a whole lot more readable. So, that's, and it shares my reviews and all that. But for anybody even find this stuff, I don't really advertise on mystical wares. So, a lot of people believe in us still don't know I do sessions, but you have to go to the About Us page. Unless we have the direct link, which Mark sometimes provides, but for just going to the website and going to the About Us page, you'll see some spiel about me and mystical wares, and then down near the bottom, you'll see, you know, maybe sign up for a session or something. And then you'll end up where we're talking about, which is where, just like Mark said, you can, I do remote sessions and in person for either 30 or 60 minutes. They can be scheduled all online. And if it's remote, we use Zoom. You don't have to have video, but that's always an option as well. The urgent ones are a little more pricey because it jumps into the days where I typically don't do sessions and I have no forewarning and maybe I have to reschedule something else, because I just do a lot of things we'll say. So, those are available if something needs it. But then, yeah, and the Shungai Room has been a hit to you guys about. We had something in there I think yesterday, or it gave before yesterday, because we were closed yesterday, but reserving the Shungai Room actually are recommended from a local doctor. To come in here and I didn't get to chat with this group to listen to it, but, you know, they had their own reasons for wanting to be in there and they were really happy with it. I got to hear. So, and then also on the same page of the new everything I talked about was the psychic Saturday and art of smudging and the free scalar sessions and stuff. So, yeah, it's a decent layout. It's funny kind of hard because I hadn't seen this until you just mentioned it. Yeah, yeah, glad you got to detail that. We've got two minutes to break. You do have a Instagram and YouTube page to be able to type in mystical wares and it comes up. And you got recent, you have a recent one in terms of the sluice box activity in store. But a bunch of Shungai stuff too, past classes and. Yeah. Yeah. Sluice box has been a hit. I actually made some. We renamed them to banana size. So I've got a couple size bags that we fill with rocks and gravel and then, you know, kind of chum it with everything from soapstone animals to bracelets to crystals and couple sizes of those like, you know, think kid size and then banana size. I think we call it small one, Eureka, but that's, that's been a lot of fun. So now you can dump it in there and, you know, so there's been a big hit in store. I'll just say so it's in this video online and somebody's interested on the website because we want to make it interactive when you come in. So you get a little gold panting experience. And Nancy, I think we're close to break. I'm not sure if you want to jump in on it. Yeah, we can go. We'll be back in three minutes. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] The movement of the people is coming. Everything's going to be okay. [MUSIC] The movement of the people is coming. It's never going to go away. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] The people are coming. It's never going to stop. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] And welcome back to the Shungite. Hold on. Okay. All right, Derek says that his employee didn't show up. He'll be back as soon as he can. Okay, welcome back to the Say What Show. It is July 16th, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins. We have with us, well, Derek Conden, who may be back. Walt Silva and Mark Joseph and Mark has been asking us some questions. And so I'm going to turn it back over to you, Mark. What would you like to go now? All right, so in chat, someone's asking update on Walt's site, which used to be new paradigm, but they can always email him. Or what's the, I mean, you have a Facebook page too. What's the recommended way to get ahold of you and someone's asking what do you sell? Well, I was selling energy devices and everything is based on Shungite. But unfortunately, there is no site because the people have been messing up my website for a week now. So during the break, Derek is going to explain to me how to switch over to WordPress. So I can take my website to WordPress and get rid of this messy operation that is square. So I do have a page in what do you call it? Facebook. But I don't know if it shows a different, hold on a second. Why don't you just give them your email address that they can contact you right now for any information until you can make that change? The email is very simple,, quite simple. Yeah, the question still, what do you make and sell? So I think they're asking for specifics. OK, the organized Shungite devices. For example, the resonators are units meant to condition the energy for you. If I had a page, it would be self-explanatory. I don't have a page right now. So I'm struggling with the definition because if I had a page, you would be able to see the picture of the devices and you would be able to read on what the devices do. But unfortunately, that it's no longer possible. That's why it doesn't lend itself to give you an explanation because I'm going to spend hours talking over for maybe you won't even be interested. All right, let me jump in here. What Walt provides that's different from what mystical wears is providing, is that he is working with devices. He doesn't sell the Shungite, everything Shungite, but everything he makes has Shungite in it. So he's got Shungite devices that you can have as bracelets, as devices you put in your ground to control the weather, evil. He has devices to change the electromagnetic fields in your house and in your car. He has a lot of varieties of devices. So if you're thinking in terms of just becoming somebody that is introduced to Shungite, probably not Walt, but maybe. But those people that have really gotten to a point where they're understanding neurology and Shungite and how they interact, that's when you might want to look at what Walt is providing. He is the guy that he was brought into my life when I was having my first introduction to Shungite. And I can see things, I see energies, I was getting a tremendous amount of information, but I didn't know what to do with the information. It was like, how do I get it out of my head and make it something real? And that's when Walt walked into my life, and I'd tell him what I was seeing, and then he would figure out a way of either, and most of the time, testing what I had said to him. He'd figure out, okay, if she's seeing this, how do I test to confirm that it's an actual thing? And then he would figure out, if we found some new thing that Shungite was doing, he would figure out a way to make a product. So all of the products that Derek have are based on the initial productivity of Walt Silver. He's the one that built the Shungite rubber, that built the concept of cosmic reality Shungite of the three nuggets. I mean, the stickers, but he also does these amazing devices that people that I've worked with them. And we've done some really amazing, let's say, magical things, but magic is just the manipulation of energy. So anyway, I want to say I do have a Facebook page, it's called New Paradigm Tools. So you'll be able to see pictures of the devices. Okay, good. Good. Mark. Yeah, so another reference is the Reiki Accountant on YouTube, and I did make this post in the Shungite Facebook page. So if you look at that channel, it has a video called Climate Change Solutions with cloud-busting technology. How Ren was manifested in California, it's over an hour. I don't know, maybe someday you can make that as a replay. That would be a good thing, but it's a thorough take. And of course, the Shungite podcast and your other shows have detailed this even further since 2021 in August when that was first placed there and no more drought in California. The Shungite cloud buster, so that that's a good place to get some ideas on that. And then the Shungite Facebook page does have different pictures of various eagles and even while your device is right, so people can read the testimonies there and hear more about what they do. So hopefully that answers the question, the page. And you already said, Nancy, go ahead. Well, you have a clip that came from Cosmic Reality regarding the eagle. It's a little bit long, it's 15 minutes, but it gives a reading not only from what Walton and I were talking about, but Dolly Howard was getting information from her spiritual guides regarding the eagle. Is that something you want to pursue? Yeah, since you're talking about it now, let's go ahead and play it. Okay, and while we're doing this, I'll look up some photographs of the eagle. And now we got the eagles. They're all built with the love. And he sent to the people who are receiving them, blessed to receive them. He's sending them with love, the people, special people who were blessed with receiving these special eagles are putting them up with love. And now they're in this triangle, they're stronger. I know they're telling me there. And not the eagles, but the posse. And we can use them, we're sending love out, have the strength of the triangle and the placements of the triangle, where the eagles are, can reach more, more territories and places. And if we all send these eagles or even they're showing lines coming from each eagle coming up and meeting. So there's the three triangle lines that meet up in the top and form a triangle up at the top, even from down. And when they meet at the point, they're even stronger. And if everybody can send good things through the eagle, send it to the top of the eagle, the eagles can spread out all this goodness in the world. And evil is, it's going to be more on the run than it has ever, ever been. And see, I keep saying, well, it's very important. Well, it was blessed with his ability. Look, he built the eagles, and he sent them out to three points, where they can connect a serically. And we can all send the good things out in with the help of the eagle's strength and ask the eagle to send rain, where it is needed the most for the highest of this wall concern. And thank you, God. And with whole rain from where it's got too much, because that was his purpose, I think, of building it. But eagle, of course, because wall to build eagles, they have more powers than just over rain. And eagles have many abilities, all for good, all with love. It eagles won't accept bad. You can try it, but I think you're the one who's going to end up being zapped if you try the evil stuff. Yeah, they say, you'll be zapped, all right, it won't necessarily be like a lightning bolt, but you'll know that you were zapped because you tried to send evil into the world. So, they want to say thank you, Walter. You really are blessed. You might not think so. Well, they're saying he doesn't think so. But what you are very blessed person. You are here with special, special purposes. And you are fulfilling those in more ways than they thought you could even. So they want you to know you're very blessed. You're very special. And thank you for being you. And I'm done with that. Okay, but there's something else about the eagle. His eagles. Yes, they do. And that's that they have nectar in them. Yep, nobody else in the world has it except me and he. And that is an energy field that, all right, I told the story. I got directed to take all these different energies and put them in this water and then put a wand in there that's got a laser crystal in it and let it stay overnight. And it just is this a magical stuff called nectar. That's why I was so familiar with what's shown. In many ways, it's very similar. But the still. Well, yeah, it's more than that even because I never mentioned that the person that was telling me to do this was Saint Germain. And the reason that Saint Germain got into it was at that time back in probably, well, early 90, round the 90 mark. There was a, oh, geez, I think it's this book here. It was this book here. It was a God free book. You remember when Saint Germain would show up with, well, his name is Guy Guy. What's his real name? Guy Guy. When Guy would have Saint Germain show up, Saint Germain would give him this drink and he'd drink this thing. And it was like you felt absolutely wonderful and he'd be able to do these things like take off and fly to different places with him and stuff. Well, somehow or another, maybe in the book and I haven't come to it, but I got the name nectar for that particular drink, nectar. And this was before any of this other stuff happened. And so I was at a meeting with some people that were the course, the course in miracles. And this guy is talking to me and I've never paid any attention to the course of miracles. And he's saying something to me and he starts describing this particular energy that, you know, I said, are you talking about Saint Germain's nectar? And he looked at me baffled, you know, and it was like right after that, the meeting just ceased. We were at lunch and it just stopped. And it was after the fact, now actually I'm seeing that, oh, okay, so I needed to make this connection of nectar with this, for whatever reason, this nectar had to be in my head. And right after that is when he had me make this concoction that's now called nectar. And the gallon of water that I used is in a glass container and very little of it. It's still pretty near a gallon. I mean, we took very, very little out of that thing. But it's been sitting there since the 90s and it's absolutely pure. Nothing's grown in it. It's, you know, just sitting there doing its thing. But we were able to make out of it a powder. You could charge powder, in particular, talc powder. There were other powders that will take it too. Basically, any crystalline shape will take it, but the talc happened to be a perfect repository of the energy because at the molecular level it's a double tetrahedin. So, you know, with a basis together, like a diamond thing. And it just was like this incredible battery of the energy. So, beyond anything that you could take the eagle and you could repeat it exactly, but you cannot repeat the energy that Walt puts into it and the fact that it's got nectar in it. Because nectar is pretty darn amazing, magical. And so, yes, not only do you have the concept of the cloud buster type of thing that we call the eagle because it's Walt's device. It's much more intricate than anything else out there, but it has nectar in it. So, very powerful. And maybe that's the most wonderful thing that they're talking about because it wasn't Mark supposed to get it today. It's an edgerton, it's an edgerton, uh, Kansas. So, it's brought out, right outside Kansas. Because K-S is Kansas, isn't it? Yeah, that's, that's where it is. It's scheduled after Thursday. Uh-huh. So, it's in the vicinity. Nope. Did you have it turned off? I thought I told Mark, and I told him in a document that's in with it that, like, all the things that I make, I can't assume, you know, one size does not fit all. So, like, in your case, what went in it, even the length of the pipes, everything was doused for you. Because it's what you would need it in your place at that time, you know, in your domain. So, everything was done according to what NASA needs. And in this case, the same thing happened. I started asking questions, and, like, for example, the length of the pipes is not the same. So, the full, the full height of the, of Mark's unit is five feet, as opposed to four feet in your, in the case of yours, and that's what they wanted. I said, it's not supposed to be four feet? No. Okay. So, it's five feet. Also, this is the first time that I make one of these, and it has magnets in it. So, it has 32 magnets arranged in a special pattern. I guess they have plans for whatever this thing is supposed to do is more complex than the other ones. So, I just followed, I'm just the guy taking instructions. Because I know that my trial and error profile is, you know, make mistakes, and I learned to, and learned by making mistakes. So, knowing that, I'm going to do my damnedest, not to make mistakes. So, the best thing to do is, that was the question. Okay, should I have this? No. Okay. Like in the case of the, of the stones, I would keep, I have to keep, I would ask all the stones that I have. Okay. Do you want to go? No. Yes. And I keep asking, each, each one had, was asked, do you want to be part of this unit? Yes or no? So, that way I avoid lots of mistakes. Hopefully, all the mistakes, but whatever, whatever mistakes can make it through, it's because I wasn't responsible enough to ask a question, I guess. So, we'll see. They all have different abilities. Yeah, like for example, Mark Nancy's, for example, has a lot of gold leaf in it, in the mix, in the, in the metals mix. Mark's has, has a little bit of gold leaf, but a lot of silver. They wanted that. Like for example, I should the silver be at the top on top of the metal note. So, they wanted all the silver at the bottom of the metal pile. So, I had to go every single detail I had to doubt to make sure that's what they wanted. Like the crystals before, before even the crystals went into, into the body, I had to purify them. So, I used the rose technique and I kept sweeping it with roses until the roses would be completely white. Meaning that the crystals were completely cleared and purified. Because heaven knows how many people touch those crystals before they reach my hands. So, I don't know. So, yep, let's, let's put on the, uh, mathematically speaking, the most significant part. And the one that I have to focus on is because the body is a cylinder, the body of the base is a cylinder. If you take the surface of the circle and divide it by the surface of the side, you get phi 1.618. So, that's one of the things to keep in mind when you think about these, these, they're made to project. They're made with that proportion 1.618 and they're projecting this. So, they're part of the, uh, that life spiral, you know, that, that, that golden, the golden mean proportion, that all life forms grow along the, along that curve of the golden mean. That's, the, the eagles are living things. They are designed to, to have that, to have that, uh, infrastructure, the golden mean ratio. And we know how conscious, uh, the shankitis, so. So, there, you have a real rendition of what it was that we were talking about way back when, and I don't think I have the, I've got the date somewhere. Was that 19? I think, not sure. That was a pre, that was, that was a pre-struck, uh, talk. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But thank God we've got all these recordings, Walt. Yeah. Thank you. So, um, anything else you have on the Eagle? I mean, we've been there all over the place now. I don't know how many you've got out there, but, um, the last one ended up in Canada. It's right across the border from where Derek is in Washington state. So this, the north of that is the woman who asked for it is because when she asked for it, they had the terrible smoke. You remember the, they were having terrible, well, the smoke cleared. In fact, there's a man living south of the, he's in a town in Washington state. So he's a neighbor of Derek, and he, before this woman got her Eagle, I offered it to the man to send them a picture and project your stuff for the smoke and then use the picture of the Eagle. So before she even got her Eagle, this man worked with the picture and he cleared the smoke where he was. So there was no smoke in his town. And later she got the physical Eagle and it helped her immediately because she was, she had terrible. I don't know how many, for how many days they had this, this terrible smoke affecting them. So they finally cleared up all that smoke because it started raining for her. So the rain took away the smoke. So I guess it did, it did the work it was meant to do. Yeah, they're amazing. Anyway, Mark, you got something else you wanted to. Yeah, so I got that show at The specific one is the cosmic reality show August 17, 2021 at the 43 minute mark. People want to check that out. Sorry, sorry, it's an hour and 19 into it. Mark, you need to remind me of what happened when you, when the thing reaches the Philippines. Right, because it's big enough to cover it to the area that this thing will cover, will actually cover the entire island. And more, right, even the surrounding southern eastern southeast. Yeah, I should post that map some eventually, but I'm going to be, hopefully today, this week for sure. So what I did, just like with my resonator I got from you is, I got this idea of a device called a remedy plate. And we're going to have a guest next week that specializes in. So Karen McDonald, we've had her on this show and radio 5G, and she has this, this frequency scaler app. The genius biofeedback, which you can put in your phone and even get like on the spot or our readings, how your or is based on your picture and birthday, things like that. Oh, so what I did was, I, she recommended this thing called a remedy plate where you can put frequencies into any or you put frequencies into the genius app through this remedy plate like a supplement. Let's say, a bad example, but, or no, like copper supplements, and then you can change it into a frequency into the app. And then, by placing it on top of the remedy plate and then later, you can like say if you have a ring, you can put the ring on top of the plate and then put the copper frequency into the ring. And you can do that for an endless number of, say, supplements or whatever food. And so what I'm doing is, is doing that with your resonator. So then the frequencies are in, you know, I don't know if it makes it to where it's permanently there. Or even can be connected to the world shungite grid, because supposedly the expiration time expiration is six months, I think it was. But there's a genius biofeedback YouTube page that talks about that like an hour class. But are these frequencies in touch with the shungite? I mean, they are now because I put it sounded like, for example, pearl powder, I put that into into your resonator that they have here. So then technically that can be connected to not just the other resonators, but the worldwide shungite grid, right? But that doesn't, what I'm saying is that that doesn't have any duration in, I mean, shungite will last forever. So it's because you were saying that how long will the frequency last? But if there's shungite in the equation, it will last as long as it's shungite is there, it's not going to wear out. The frequency, maybe I misunderstood you. Yeah, let's clarify that because before I send the resonator overseas, I'm going to be putting a bunch more frequencies into this resonator. And that's what I thought too, where once the frequency is put into the resonator, there's no expiration for that. Yeah, there's no expiration because it's got shungite in it and it's got three different mixes of shungite, so the more the reason for it to remain. The only way that I have seen a resonator frequency stop is when you tell it to stop, when you're making a conscious decision to stop a projecting a specific frequency, that's the only time I ever seen a stop, but if you take a resonator and you're projecting and you have the intention, okay, I want this frequency. Unless you tell it to stop or change, it's not going to stop the frequency. Everything has to do with the human consciousness, so if the human is not stopping that frequency, it's going to keep on running. And run and run and run. Now, if you tell it to stop or change it, that's why I wrote in the instructions. But if you change the frequency, or you stop the frequency, that's the only way that you will change what the device is doing. But if you don't tell it to change, it won't. And the thing is like Nancy's experience with the turbine, with the what do you call it? The spiral, the turpentine spiral, when she heard the turpentine teller, I can do more than two things or something like that. So, just because you're giving it a specific frequency, it's not like you saying, "Oh, this resonator is transmitting to frequencies I can't do." No, as many frequencies as you want, it's not limited. Limitations are always in our consciousness. We are limited in what a device can or cannot do. It's our imagination that's limited. They are not limited. So, that's an interesting question the person has there on friendly legend. Who has the power to stop? Well, let me rephrase. One person has to stop, but the owner wants it to keep going. Who has the power? Well, that's the thing who owns the device. It's the owner, the one that's going to decide what's going to be running. Because that's the first thing that when you get your device, that's the first thing you do. If you get ownership of the device, that's the person who is going to give it orders and what to do and what to not to do. And it's all pointed out. The people that get these things are special people. You're not going to be drawn to getting it if you're not the type of person that it's on. And then he makes it special for you. So, it's unlikely that your device could be hood-linked unless you said, "Let this person program you." Right? Yeah. That's a special case. You're giving permission for a program to be embedded in it. So, now your consciousness is still having to say, because it's making a conscious decision that someone else should run this or that program. So, you're still in charge because you're making the decision. Nobody else is deciding it for you. Yeah. Thank you. Well, I posted a bunch of your new paradigm tools, Facebook page. What do you call it? Testimonies and images in the Shanghai. Thank you very much for that. Thank you. Thank you. So, I'll make some posts here in the Shanghai reality group. So, the word physical. There's a guy in Dan Winters group. I'll get the name of it. But his name is Holy Trinity. And he was saying that if you take the phi symbol and then the torus field, so it's phi cycle as in physical, the cycle of the torus. So, that's important because when you take the S4 silver saturated shungite by Walt Silva, also known as cosmic silver, mystical wares, you take the magnet and you put it in or on the refrigerator. It creates the torus field and it structures your water. If you get water or ice cubes out of your fridge, keeps the food longer, saves energy. That's why people also use the magnet on stoves, ovens, microwaves. And during the summary, a lot of people, unfortunately, are indoors, more than outdoors to get the sun. So, you want to put the S4 magnet on someone's favorite chair, like whether they play video games or even an entertainment center. Let's see, next one. So, I did this post. There's a really cool guy. I've been following on X or Twitter. It's not coming up. But he was saying that in the wrong page here that scientists have found piezoelectric microcrystals inside the pineal gland. It's a cosmic antenna to higher dimensions inside our head. And so you see if his account is coming up. At ION Tech's underscore PEMF. So, he's been pushing Shanghai a lot. The good commentary mentioned our group and in that too. But, yeah, I asked a question, but the answer was really, really long. Do you notice that the NELS answered the question? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Because I didn't understand about near death experience, like people, there are people that have a near death experience, and they spend the hours and hours. They're officially dead, and yet they have full memories of what they went through. So, if they were officially dead for hours on end, and the brain was officially off because it was not operational. How come they remember? That means that there is a memory that's outside of the physical body. I want to correct something. It's not normally hours. They perceive it as hours. They may be dead for three, five, seven minutes. But in their reality that they're in, they simply shift their focus on a new reality. There are cases, for example, the man that was dead for six hours, and then he came back. There's examples of it, but in most cases it's not that. You're in a totally, I mean, I've read accounts where the people thought they were there for days, maybe weeks. And you're not going to be held. They're not going to keep you on life support. But why do they remember? Yes, because there is that consciousness that lives outside of the body, and you talk about it as the lower soul and the higher soul. And the higher soul is just recording what it's going through. Now, what happens is that when it gets back into the body and now you're confronting the lower soul, that lower soul is preconditioned to certain tendencies. If the lower soul has been listening to the higher being and gotten some metaphysics and is a little bit more aware that it may not be exactly what I think it is, then it's more malleable to allowing changes in its structure to be more compatible with the vehicle that the new soul, not new soul, but the expanded soul needs to get into. So if you've got that kind of lower soul, let your brain kind of be more acceptance of different type of knowledge. If you're in that position, then you can remain in your body because your body is made energy adjustments to allow you to be. But I think that anybody that gets to that other side does not come back in the same frequency signature, it's called a frequency signature. And it's all of the things that make up your frequencies. Yeah, I see that in the different shows of Michael Salah, all these people that have had near death experiences, they never come back the same. The before and after person, they're completely different. Now the concept of memory and existing after life, to really find the best, let's say, the thing that is going deeper than most ever has ever happened, is with Sir Roger Pimrose, I think it's Pimrose, and he's an anesthesiologist by the name of Hammer, Hammer something, I can't remember right now. And those two guys got together because the anesthesiologist was confused as to why he puts people's bodies in a state of death. And yet their consciousness, just like you're saying, comes back like nothing had happened, and he wanted to know where is this consciousness being kept. And Pimrose is a very, he's a Nobel Prize winner, but he's really into a lot of quantum mechanics kind of science. And together, weird combination, but together they discovered that because I think that Hammerfield or something Hammerfield, not quite, I'll get it maybe. But the anesthesiologist was looking at it from one side and then Sir Roger comes along and looks at it from slightly different. And what they came to understand was that when we have aha moments, those moments where we go, oh, two and two is four, I understand. Okay, that aha moment takes on a frequency level that is then in their paradigm in the mitochondria of the cells. And they said that they were lambasted, the two of them, I mean just like nobody wanted to believe any of this. And Pimrose said, look, in the future you're going to be able to measure quantum effects and you're going to find out that at the mitochondrial level of the cell, I think it's the mitochondrial. It's the skeletal beingness of the cell and I think it's the mitochondria. And inside there is a quantum reality that maintains consciousness. So we don't really, we're just in these bodies and if we're open to it, we are working with our lower body, our brain, plus the consciousness concept to not just evolve the consciousness of the soul, but to evolve the consciousness of human beings. So it's an exciting time to be because we're in an energy cycle of the cosmos where because of our position in the galaxy, we are lined up with the black hole that's in the middle of the galaxy holding it together. And people think in terms of the black hole is sucking things in. Well, yeah, it's sucking 3D in, but what's coming out is quantum energies. And that quantum energies field is talked about by a lot of people as the photon belt. And we've been in it now for the last about 10 years and we're traveling through it. And during this timeframe, all through history, when we're in this position, there has been drastic changes in the human species. So whether you like it or not, boys and girls, we're on a really interesting and interesting ride. This is the thing that they were so afraid of. That's why everything they tried to implement, they didn't work because people, people have been changing so quickly that they couldn't keep up with it. They just couldn't do it, they couldn't keep people asleep. For example, take a look at the COVID. COVID was going to be run for decades. And they had to accelerate the whole thing. They had to go through everything super fast because people were changing much faster than they could keep up. And every time their reality is falling apart totally, it's just collapsing. And I suspect some day I'm going to have the television on and I'm going to see all these people go, "Help! I'm melting! I'm melting!" You know, I mean, be excited about what's happening out there, guys, because I mean, well, a week ago, I went into a complete meltdown. You can listen to it on cosmic reality. I was so angry. I could get that angry when I was younger, but not in the last 30 years. I just don't get angry. But I was furious, absolutely furious. And what happened was that it happened before we got online on the show. And then I got myself together, I was cool, started up the show, like a happy little self. And then Dolly says, "I'm so sorry when I said pissed you off." And it was like, "You hear this long silence in the radio?" Because she stripped my button again. I had gotten it down. Now she's tripped it again. And I just wanted her to not bring it up. "Just keep your mouth shut. Don't let's not go there." But no, she brought it up. So now I said, "All right, obviously this is some lesson to be taught and learned." And so I explained what had happened, and what happened after that was really amazing. Because I've never seen the chat room as busy as it was that night. People really got into this. Whatever was happening to me was happening to other people. Maybe not to the extent that it happened to me at that moment, but they understood exactly what I was saying. And it turned into one of the most amazing shows. I actually put that one up on Mumble because I felt that that was a real eye opener for myself and for so many other people out there. And the fact that the chatters were so engaged. So yeah, there's a lot of really good things that are happening. That's why I sent you the other interview with this woman, Starr. Yeah, she had had a near-death experience or walk-in situation happened to her, and she was learning from some extraterrestrial races. The bird people and the aviary people and the cat people. Okay, but her picture, she looks like a cat. Her eyes look like a cat. It's freaky. But she went through a whole, well, it was a 90-minute show. Most of it was about the history of these particular groups of creation and how they interact with Earth. And the reptilians were brought up and this sort of thing. But what she came to, the question, the last question that Michael Salat asked her was, "Well, can you give us some insight into what's going to happen in the near time here on Earth?" And she said that twice before we got into this point of awakening and we blew up the planet nuclear explosions. She said, "But this time, we have all the potential and possibility and probability of succeeding, but it's going to be turbulent. But it's not going to be as bad as it could be. Oddly enough, she mentioned Florida." She said, "For instance, Florida should be virtually underwater by now, which, you know, was forecast." And she said, "It's only, you know, not even a foot that the waters have changed in the ocean." She said, "That was human beings doing it, mitigating." And I paraphrase it, mitigating all of the terrible events that could have happened. So she said, "Just hang in there. It's not going to be years. It's not even going to be months. It's going to be virtually weeks of turmoil. But when you get to the other side, you're going to have a new reality, one based on goodness, joy, gratitude, compassion." So we're into a good cycle. And it was, and yes, Walton found that particular video and had sent it to me. And I had clipped out that forecast of what was to happen. And that was so valuable in kind of bringing that entire show together. And the other thing that we did was we reread Matthew Ward. Now every week, Matthew Ward and his mother, he passed, when he was 18 years old, they've been doing this for decades, he gives her messaging. And she writes it down, puts it on the internet. So the one for July was, we'd already read it on say what? But Dolly said, "We should read that one again." And when we reread it, it was profound in its answering of those questions that had caused me to do a hissy fit. But then others, you know, got on the bandwagon for them. So this is a little off the shungite track. But I will say this too. Tomorrow, no, not tomorrow. Let me see. All right, we've got a shung, say what replay, and hold it from the say what shows. And then we've got 5G, Radio 5G. And that's Mark and myself from last Wednesday. And that one is a very, very interesting. Second hour, we talk a lot about shungite. So if you want more shungite talk, that's the one you want to listen to, too. And it's in the archive. It's for last Wednesday, the cosmic soup show. So anyway, Derek, are you still there? Is there anything you wanted to comment on? No, no, I think I went over everything I had on my notes to chat about. Maybe I'm not sure maybe Mark had something else. Yeah, question in the Facebook group. Can you still have your phone case over the disk that sticks to the phone? And I asked them, what are you talking about? Disk. So I think he's talking about the shungite disks that you stick to the phone. So I know that the question makes sense. No, because I think they're talking about somebody else's product, probably probably a solid piece of shungite. I mean, I guess you can try that, but that's also one of the reasons we have stickers is so you can put your case over the piece of shungite in our case, the sticker. Yeah, and it's most likely just a regular, you know, raw, polished. So, so what was your answer to his question as far as what he was asking? I mean, I'm not sure what he's asking, but yeah, I mean, I guess it depends what they're holding on to. You can put the case over it. The case isn't going to inhibit the shungite's effect at all. So it can be whatever you use in a sticker or a nugget or a little disk. It can either be on the phone and in the case over that or stuck on the outside of the case and still going to have an effect. But I'm jumping in here and I'm saying that if you do not have silver with that on that sticker or silver associated with shungite, you're not going to get the full effect. I agree. Yeah, I was just talking about his placement, but yeah. No, no, I want people to understand that. You know, you get a piece of raw shungite and you put it on your phone. You're going to feel a difference. The battery especially will, well, they used to heat up terrible. You put that on there and it wouldn't heat up. But in order to make the change in the spin of the Wi-Fi signal, you have to have the silver. And we've talked about it many times, but you know, I'm sorry if you don't have cosmic silver in your stickers, you don't have the optimum. It's not that the others don't work, but you don't have the optimum. And you can get them if you're very inexpensive and they're saving your life and the people around you. Look up shungite sticker. What I do is I went to the site and then there's the search function, just type in sticker. And then it's I mean $10 like get three of them, put them in your phone because if you run into a friend, acquaintance family or whatever, you could easily give them one, talk about it. So you have what three different kinds and obviously the best one is the silver shungite scalar sticker $10 each. I mean, can't go wrong. I tell them that in the group and I'm recommending other people to put extra in their phone to to give to, you know, friends family to expand the shungite group. That's why all my resonators have silver in the shungite as well. So because of the necessary of how it works. Yeah, now to you already talked about Radio 5G that's coming up, right? We got two minutes. Anybody else want to chime in? Last two minutes. You're going to sell the last two minutes. Well, I'm all right. There we go. God, it took forever for the station to reload. I couldn't figure out what time with the countdown. It's like, oh, what do I do now? No, we can say goodbye because we've only got a minute here. You want to say goodbye, Dark? Yep, I appreciate everybody being here looking forward to next week. Thank you. Yeah, thanks everybody. Have a super day, everyone. I love blankets for everyone. Right. Tomorrow on 5G, we're going to have, Nells is going to come back. Nells Bush, and we're going to talk about the connection between parasites and cancer and how food can help you overcome your problems. Thank you everybody for being here. We will see you at the Cosmic Reality Show, hopefully, which is at six o'clock tonight. Be safe. You have been listening to the Shungai Radio Show produced by Cosmic Reality Radio. Thank you for being here. Be safe. [Music]