Cosmic Reality Podcast

SAY WHAT 7-13-24 - Trump Survives and Timeline Secured

“Say What” Nancy Hopkins, Dolly Howard and Walt Silva. We were 20 minutes into the show, when a chatter said Trump had been shot. Fox News was turned on and we played what they were saying and narrated what we were seeing. Trump turned his head as the trigger was pulled and that secured the Life Timeline. At the end of the show we played a clip from Michael Salla’s show entitled “Galactic History According to and Bird People - Jelaila Starr”. Walt - “Say What?” is seen Saturdays 6-8 pm EST -

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1h 55m
Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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“Say What” Nancy Hopkins, Dolly Howard and Walt Silva. We were 20 minutes into the show, when a chatter said Trump had been shot. Fox News was turned on and we played what they were saying and narrated what we were seeing. Trump turned his head as the trigger was pulled and that secured the Life Timeline. At the end of the show we played a clip from Michael Salla’s show entitled “Galactic History According to and Bird People - Jelaila Starr”.

Walt -

“Say What?” is seen Saturdays 6-8 pm EST -

COUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off:MysticalWares:

(upbeat music) Say what, say what radio show? When no agenda, it's always a surprise. But if we're not having fun, we're doing something wrong. (coughing) And welcome to the Say what show? It's July 13th, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins with me is Dolly Howard and Walt Silva. And it looks like everything is happening online and all of that good thing. So hi there, Dolly, how are you doing today? Dolly, she can't find her unmute button. - I forgot I had that one mute. I hope you're hearing me, okay? - Yeah. - I had to turn my volume thing down because you were blasting me out of it. So I'm talking now so that you can keep hearing me and make sure I'm okay. - You sound right to me. Let's ask the chatters and I want to thank the chatters on cosmic reality on Tuesday. I've never seen the chat room just so engaged in what was happening on that show. We're going to get into that later on, but if anybody is wanting to hear it, it is up on rumble, I put it up on rumble. We have a cosmic reality radio station on rumble. And make sure you put the radio in. There's also cosmic reality, but that was because this person named Nancy didn't know what she was doing when she set up the rumble thing. And now I don't know how to get that one down there, but it's not, the station I'm using is the cosmic reality radio. And I put up shows on that in rumble because when I did Facebook, I had every show up, every show. And of course, when Facebook took me down, every show disappeared. So now I only put the ones up that I think are the better ones. Let me put it to you that way. There's something in them that people need to hear. We have all of our shows up on the archives, which you can get to just by going to the radio station and If you go to, you can see the archives under radio. And you can go to the podcasts, and there's podcasts, every major, well, every podcast I think in the world, station, podcast, station, does have cosmic reality. So, but we'll cover that more later. But I just wanted to thank you all that might have been there for that. It was a very, very, it just, it was so good. It wasn't as good to hear the people being engaged with us. And a very, I mean, boy, but they were writing some long things. We need to marry, we need to marry, marry, marry, for Australia. She said if she's awake this morning to her tonight to us, she will definitely be here. But she had gone to Bedroom and got up early. So, oh, she wasn't sure she'd make it tonight. See, Mary lives in Australia, y'all. And they are 12 hours different than us. So, when it's six o'clock in the afternoon, large time, it's six o'clock in the morning there. But over the Earth is flat, isn't it? The same time, Mary, anywhere, everywhere? [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHTER] I'm not born there. [LAUGHTER] The sun comes up everywhere at the same moment. I mean, these flat earthers, they, well, you know, they're probably all Democrats. [LAUGHTER] So Democrats, let's just get into what's been happening there. Because the bone of contention on Tuesday was that I kind of had a meltdown because I'd been listening to the news and it was Biden, Biden, Biden, Biden, Biden, Biden. And pretty soon, these guys come on, you know. And they said one thing to me in my head exploded. Boom. [LAUGHTER] She didn't find a happily done. She fell out blown, Hannah. [LAUGHTER] Right. And it's because it was just like it had gone beyond being anything that even seemed rational. Everybody-- I mean, the news is still Biden, Biden, Biden. Thank God the Republican Party is going to have a Republican convention so that they have to talk about that instead of Biden's meltdowns. But, you know, Dolly, it's really, really hard to dispute you concerning Joe Biden and that there's versions of him, different actors, or one actor that can do a lot of different things. Because we saw what happened in the debate. There was just this pathetic old man that-- oh, my God, it was scary. It was so bad. And then he came out. It was supposed to be the big, big boys press conference or some damn thing that they named it. And I got to tell you, I sat there, and I wasn't-- by now, I'm back to being an observer. And I'm looking at it, and he was actually very good. Now, very good from the standpoint of a Democrat because he was presenting. And I also thought that, like for instance, there was-- he would start off on a train of thought, and he'd say, anyway. And he'd go back to what he was saying. The Fox people are saying he couldn't remember what he was talking about. No, I didn't feel that. I felt that he was, let's say, keeping track of himself and not letting himself go off the script and going into some story that might lead him into saying something really weird. I was seeing that. I wasn't seeing that he was losing his train of thought. But it was very marked. I mean, if you want to look at somebody-- Hi, Irma, if you want to look at somebody who is totally confused, you could see that he lost his train of thought. But for somebody that is a Democrat and wants him to-- I'm not talking about the higher rationalons. I'm talking about the average person. I can see where they would have thought, oh, he's doing all right. Yeah, he's a little slow. Yeah, but he's doing all right. Yeah, yeah, I feel good about it. And I was really happy that I was seeing it that way because I thought, I don't want Harris up there. I mean, I don't want Biden either. But it might be easier to beat Biden than to throw in Harris at this point. It just seemed like Biden's not going to win this because there's just too many people that don't think he's all together. And so it was like, OK, so maybe he will be the guy that goes against Trump. I still don't know because every day it's a different story, different people saying, get out of the race, get out of the race. Well, Jan and I were talking about the Biden character. He says that they're so good at doing what they're doing, at their acting job, that maybe they should get an Oscar. And I threw in, well, maybe they should-- I keep going between an Oscar and a rope in Kansas. Well, we think that he had the rope a couple years back. So I'm still going between these actors, between the rope and the Oscar, because they really are doing a good job of pretending to be Biden. And the different phases that they want Biden's character to show, like completely crippled in the brain area and a little bit with it at other times, because they don't want to make him look crippled in the brain during that particular talk that he does. It's really-- see, I reached that complete meltdown that you had had-- last show, I had reached a complete meltdown over the Biden ship quite a while ago. And that's why, at this point, I seriously cannot have a box on for more than 10 minutes at a time. So there are no more politicians, and they're just using actors. All politicians are now being replaced by actors. I did not say that. I did not say that. You said that. I don't know. I seriously do not know. I think there are still real people left, but I think they know who is and who isn't. They just keep their mouth shut about it. They're playing the movie out the way that they agreed to, that they would do. That's my thoughts on me. I guess William Shakespeare was right. The whole world is a theater. The whole universe is a theater. The whole world is a stage. Is a stage? [LAUGHS] Well, I'm not going to argue that one, I'll tell you. No, it's-- but there's so many other things that are happening behind the scenes. OK, and I just want to finish this, because when Biden gets up and he's making a speech, even if he looks good, he's still lying like crazy. I mean, they just persist in telling the same lies over and over and over again. It's kind of stupid. No one's calling him on them? No one's perceiving these lies? What is this? Yeah, everybody that really knows the truth knows it's a lie. But you see, they're still talking to those numb nuts out there, the ones that-- well, he had a rally in Michigan last night. Yes, it was last night, I think. And that was in your face kind of thing, because the governor, all the big state representatives of Michigan had something else to do. Nobody showed up from the Democratic Party, the higher echelons of the Democratic Party at that rally. And he was introduced by somebody that nobody knew. And I don't know what she was saying, because they had the video on, but they didn't have the sound on. And she was a black woman who kept talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and I'm thinking, are they ever going to put him on? He might pass out while he's waiting. But when he got there, he was pretty together. And apparently, there was quite a few people there. And they were just-- it kind of reminded me of a Trump rally. Oh, we love you, Biden. We love you, Biden. So you still got an awful lot of people out there that are so terrified of Trump that they're not going to vote for him no matter what. And somebody suggested that Trump meets with these people that are die hard, never a Trumper, and actually find out who Trump really is. Not the persona that he portrays when he's doing a rally. And one of those people is Vance. What is his-- I don't even know-- J.D. Vance or something, but Vance, who was being considered for the vice president. But he started out. He was very-- he was a never a Trumper. And suddenly, he's all turned around. And I've seen other situations where people who were never Trumpers, who actually met Trump. And then it was a whole different story. Apparently, when you're in his presence, he's very-- his energy level is just like outrageous. And it was the guy that has that Garfield is it, the cartoon with the cat, Scott, I think is his last name. And he was very anti-Trump. And then he gets an invitation to go to the White House. And he's very funny. He did a presentation of this that I saw. And he said, I don't know why I was being asked to go to the White House, but hey, what the hell? The White House? All right, I'll go. And so he goes over there, and he was ushered into the-- where is that? The round office, whatever it is. And the oval office? Yeah, the oval office. And Trump was in the room with a number of other people. And when he saw this guy walk in, the cartoonist walk in, he immediately focused on him. And Scott was saying that he said, I was in the room with a whole bunch of other people, but I felt like I was the only one in the room. He said, I've never been in the presence of somebody that was that domineering, but also that focused on me. And this guy came out of that office, and he was an ardent Trump supporter. So the person that the people who are dealing with Trump all the time, they see somebody that is just pretty awesome, whereas we're listening to him doing a rally instead of-- and he's saying outrageous things. But we understand those outrageous things. We think it's funny. But the Democrats, they take these outrageous things that are obviously not true. In some cases, they're based on truth and just exaggerated. But it wasn't meant to be this true statement. It was meant to be funny. It's like they've lost their ability to see comedy, and he's very good at it. So I feel bad for these people that are still hate in Trump. But I can't remember what it was talking about that, was that if they ever could have a sit down with Trump, they probably wouldn't feel that at all. We have a listener, her name is Diane. And she says that her sister said in text just now, that Trump got shut, but he's OK. Have you heard it? Yeah, Diane says, my sister said in text just now, that Trump got shot, but he's OK. CNN just posted two minutes ago Trump forced the ground on stage at Raleigh, unclear what is happening. All right, I'm turning this box on right now. And I'll put it on mute until they say something. He was scheduled for a Pennsylvania rally that was supposed to start at 5 o'clock. Oh, she's. This puts a real-- if you got it on, I'm trying to get there. Of course, today they're messing with me. I'm going to turn my TV on, too. Hold on. Different show tonight. Trump forced the ground on stage at Raleigh, unclear what is happening. For my president, Donald Trump fell to the ground on stage at a rally in Pennsylvania. This is breaking and will be updated. Trump really interrupted by incident. I got blocked. Wait, we will wait here for any kind of medical update for this. Oh, yeah, something definitely happened. It's OK, we got-- well, I'm going to-- I don't know to do this, but I'm going to turn my TV up. You listeners see if you can hear what I'm going to put on you. Another spirited rally, as we have just days away from the Republican National Committee, the convention here in Milwaukee where we are broadcasting from, thinking that maybe we would have gotten a vice presidential pick or announcement for president Trump tonight. Instead, the headline is something much more serious. As we wait to see what has happened at this point, he is gone from that location. And we know that folks are there in the sun silence. They have questions. Who knows if the crowd is being controlled at that point or locked down? It's possible, as a law enforcement would try to make sure they have that situation fully in hand and able to see who may have been responsible for what happened there. But it happened very quickly. And we are waiting to assess what more we know. Alexis, if you can hear me, I'd like to check in with you as well to see what you are hearing there on the scene having just witnessed this moment ago. And if you do not have Alexis, I mean, it's always possible that they're moving reporters away from some of these areas or they simply lost their connection because obviously there's a lot of communication going on there. You're looking wide toward the crowd who has been there on a day where this battleground state of Pennsylvania has been a very high ticket. It is in play in this election. The polls show a slight advantage to President Trump. And these folks have waited for hours. And what Alexis told us at one point was up to 100 degrees, at least the feels like temperature there. President Trump was just a few minutes into his speech. He had just taken the stage after a bit of a delay. He had quickly gotten to the stage. We understand there was some concern about how hot it was for people there. And so he quickly got to the stage. He had done what is normally his arrival. God bless the USA. He will spend a couple of minutes working the stage, waiting to the crowd as that song plays and he prepares to go to the podium. He had done that. He had begun the speech and was not long into it before Alexis told us what you saw in your perspective there on the crowd in Butler, Pennsylvania. Shannon, to tell you the truth, I think everybody here is so shaken up and confused on what's even going on. We heard several gunshots and we saw some smoke in the front. So far it all kind of turned where we saw it. It would have been on the side of the stage here. While the former president was referencing the legal immigration numbers kind of pointing to that graph, all of a sudden we heard several pops. And then he was on the floor. We saw the Secret Service move in. We saw people walking in with the federal authorities, with their arms drawn, their guns. And then also all throughout the hours leading up to this, we saw these snipers up here on the roof there, trying to survey the crowd and make sure everybody that came in was checked. And that's what we see when we go to all these events, especially when the Secret Service is involved. They check as many people as they can. People were out here for like 12 hours almost waiting some of these people. We don't know if the person who fired these shots was in to the crowd mixed in. After former President Trump was moved off that stage and rushed away and the motorcade left, we did see some Secret Service members and possibly state police moving in, again with their guns drawn, and looking like they possibly took somebody in for questioning or custody, you couldn't see, but there was a lot of movement over there to the other side of the stage. That was after the former president was carted off. He yelled, Shannon, as you might have heard, during those remarks, after they picked him up, he said, "Let me grab my shoes." I mean, he had fallen to the ground. They were trying to do everything they could to make sure that he was okay. He walked off the stage. And before he left, he pumped his fist into that crowd. And everybody started cheering, make America great again. But to come to these events, right, when you see the Secret Service, you know there's possibly this risk for the former president to come in when you see these big clouds, but they really did everything they could it looked like to check everyone. We went through several metal detectors. You know, they check your backpack. They want people down. And it takes a long time for those people to get in because they're so thorough. So at this point, not sure if this person who fired either a weapon or it almost sounded like, I didn't, it was just some type of little pop, like pops, like explosives. And then to see that smoke come up, we'll have to figure out exactly what this was. That was either thrown or fired. But to see the president on the ground there, and you know, people were crying when they were leaving and very upset. - Yeah, it is shocking and very upsetting, regardless of how you feel about President Trump. This is a moment nobody wants to witness in our country. Alexis, please stand by. We'll be continuing to return to you. But we have now turned back this video so we can again take a look at what happened. Again, it is going to be troubling to some folks. I would caution you that we're going to re-wrap what happened here when President Biden, or excuse me, President Trump had taken to the stage and was speaking. Listen to what happened. (crowd yelling) - They're replaying what was on the video. And he just banged and collapsed. - Are you ready? On you. Move. Move. Go. (crowd yelling) - I don't know how long they're going to play that particular thing. But what they're showing is that he was up there. You heard these pops, it was a far away shot. He's standing now. They've got him up. - They're holding him up. - Yeah, they're holding him up. - Just fist up, fist bumping. - Yup, yup. I don't see any blood or anything. - I don't need it. They're taking him down the steps. - Yup, he's got five, one, two, three, four, five, six. He's got six sacred service people around him. He's waving to the crowd. He's being, he's walking down the stairs. - Oh, she's behind mine. - Yeah, now they've got him in some kind of a van and they're probably going to drive off in a second. But he looks fine. I mean, he's got his fist in the air. He's standing up on the thing where they step into the... - Oh, yeah. - No, the man, the van thing. And he gave him fist thing, they've shut the door and they're just standing around the thing, looking at the crowd, absolutely freaked out. You can see they're freaked out. Now here's a close up. Oh, oh, okay. So he got hit in the face with something because he put his hand up to his head, to his cheek and then he fell down. They're showing a replay of just as it was happening. - Your replay is after mine. - Okay. - I'm the near, so don't. - Someone in the chat is asking Dali if there is any word from Dave or the posse about this. - I got no word. - They'll come in later, they say. Did you see though, Nancy? I know you're the narrator. But tell the people that nobody left their seat. - Well, the thing if it is is that when he got hit, you could see his hand went right up to his face. And yet there was nobody behind him that got hit with anything. You know, if it was a bullet, I'm looking at it again. Yep, yep, yep, yep, he did not fall down. He got down. - Yep. - He did not fall down. He got down. You know, and I didn't see anything on his face, but there was nobody, he's got a crowd behind him. If a bullet, if it had been a bullet, you would think that somebody behind him would have been hit or at least reacted to it. Like they didn't, you know, like something had just happened to them, and I don't see any of that. - They just ducked down a little bit that they didn't fall. - Yeah, yes. Yeah, as soon as he put his hand up, he got down underneath the podium. So he didn't fall down. So, uh-oh. - There. - Yeah. - The blood on his cheek. - You see the blood? - Yes. - Okay, 'cause you're ahead of me. I don't see it yet. It's when they stand him up. - Okay. - You can see the blood on his door. - Right. - Oh, there I see. - It's not, yeah. Oh, yeah. Jesus, right across, he's got a six-inch blood stain on his cheek. He must've got a spray. - Yeah, he got great. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know what he's saying, but holy shit. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. - I think it get great, but nobody in back of him got hit by a bullet. - Yeah, that's what I'm seeing, too. And you don't even see, you know, anybody reacting like it was a miss, you know? I mean, if bullet goes by you, you pretty much know it. And I'm not seeing anybody concerned like that. Yeah, well, (chuckles) Okay, so do you want me to put the sound back up or do you want, what do you want to do here? - What do you want in the chat room? Do you want sound? - Let's put the sound back up. - I'm not here, but we know the level of law enforcement that is involved every time there's a movement of a secret service protectee. Your thoughts as we are just starting to learn a little bit more about what happened here, huh? - Well, first thing I would say off the top is that we should remember that in any incident like this, of the first 10 reports, nine are going to be wrong. So we shouldn't overreact and obviously wait for the facts to come in. It does look like he stood up, he was okay to the extent that, you know, he raises arms, he seems like he's strong, doesn't look like a raise wound to his ear or around the neck. We don't know, you know, if you have any injuries below that, but you know, you seem to be fairly surprised. So, you know, there is that. In terms of securing a situation like this, look, it's hopeful it's best. You're going to want people when they come in, you know, if there are not metal detectors, which are slow and cumbersome, and sometimes a metal detector is just up to set up. So you're going to want people, but it's not perfect. There were a lot of guns out there now that can defeat a wand, people, you know, you can't wand every inch, but somebody, and if this was a firearm, and even that's not clear, assuming it was a firearm, my understanding, I think it will pops heard. A lot of people don't realize what a gunshot actually sounds like. But sometimes it doesn't sound that percussive, and so it could have been a light caliber gun of some variety that somehow or other got in there that defeated a wanding, and it just, you know, thanks God, it looks like it wasn't more serious. - Yeah, I mean, as we play the video here, this is what happened just moments ago so that people can see, it appears that President Trump touched his ear and quickly was taken to the ground by Secret Service because that is what they do. Their job is to stand in the gap and to protect him, and these men and women do that every day for all of their protectees. Like you, all these are the folks who have chosen to serve and put your arms in the way of harm potentially. And it seems like, honestly, as he will re-watching this tape of what happened, that we see him appearing to be on his own, walking, gesturing to the crowd, standing up, getting out of there. It seems like the Secret Service was slowed down only by him, by trying to get him out of there. I think he wanted to reassure people that he was okay, and hopefully we will very quickly get some kind of response, but you talked about the distinct sound of something, a firearm versus something like fireworks. I mean, any of that can create panic. Can something that is short of a firearm, something like a firework or something that would be not a gun as we understand it, would also be capable of sustaining an injury, I mean, certainly causing panic here. - Certainly good cause, panic. I mean, look at likely in light of the wounds and in light of, apparently it was some smoke spotted that it almost certainly seems to be a fire, a lot of fire on, but again, we don't have all the facts, we have to take a step back, learn a long time ago and situations that are quickly developing. You have to keep your mind open and proceed cautiously and maturely. The main thing is that he appears to be okay. It would have been, you know, we're gonna, sort of do a forensic here. I think that it's unfortunate to say by having an ambulance standing by on somebody who is causing all the reporting, likely to be the next president. We'd be having cages, so, you know, they have enforcement to, you know, to an SUV to get them out of there very, very quickly. There's another aspect of this that I would go to and it's just a nuance in all of this and that is intelligence. A lot of people, you can't touch it all, because intelligence is also a very hopeful field. But I would just like to know that if the threats regarding Donald Trump have been actually monitored, because, you know, there are a lot of people online who are acting very judiciously, in my opinion. And I've seen some things that are very close to threats and I would just like to think that's not really the Secret Service's valley wing. And that's something that others should be doing in the federal government and I'd like to think that, you know, the, yeah, sure, you can secure the site. And Secret Service people are great. They'll throw themselves, anybody who's ever seen, excuse me, the Ronald Reagan film of Reagan getting shot, know how quickly they react and how selfless they can be. But really, you know, I hope that these things are scrubbed, intelligence-wise on social media and elsewhere and I hope there's a real weapon on that because this should just, should not happen, man. And I hope that they keep an eye on it because, you know, frankly, I have said to people, I know that I hope he's being careful because there's a lot of rhetoric around him and a lot of it has been very, very unfortunate. - Okay. They're gonna just start talking about the same stuff here. Do you want me to keep it on? You know, I don't know where our audience is right now. We're talking to the audience that we have but there's also an audience that, you know, is gonna know all about this before they hear the show. - Well, I was observing, I think, I don't, I'm gonna keep the TV. If something different happens, I'll let us know when we can turn it back, you know, the volume of that. - Okay. - I have been noticing he was standing at the podium. He turned to his right and he was talking to somebody over there, people, what if, of course I didn't have the volume. And all of a sudden he kind of jerked his head to the side and he put his hand to his cheek and he looked at it and that's when he ducked down 'cause he saw the blood on his hand and he ducked down. And that's when all the secret servicemen fell on him, jumped on him and fell on him and fell over. - Interestingly enough, and I totally see what they're talking about. I'm not sure who said it. Jan Shaw, eager spirit said to Jan Shaw. Interesting in that clip, you can see in the back of the guy, in the back, the guy that was said to possibly be JFK Jr. Vincent Fuchsia. And I haven't heard about Vincent Fuchsia this entire campaign, but he is sitting behind Trump off to the right. - Well, I've heard a lot. - He's got to, well, to Trump's right. He's got the weird hat on and he's got the beard. And I'm watching it right now, Dolly, and he's been up here behind him. He's standing there just staring out at the crowd. It looks like Fuchsia. But then again, Fuchsia, I mean, he was this long story, and it was years ago, that he's, there's some very, we've done shows on it, because the guy that we're talking about, I wish I could photograph him. - Oh, I see him. Yes, he's there, Nancy. - Yes, yes, he's absolutely there, right? - Absolutely, yes, and he's on his phone, yeah. - Yeah, so that's very, very interesting, because like I say, this guy was pegged as JFK Jr. Now, remember where you're seeing him? He's sitting behind Trump. So it's not some imposter or whatever. He's sitting behind Trump, and we've done shows, so we showed that this guy was in a lot of different rallies in 2016, and there were connections made that he's actually JFK Jr. Down to people doing analysis between the two faces, what JFK Jr. would look like now, and this Fuchsia guy. And it went on for a while, and then when it was before the 2020 election, he just, I stopped seeing him. I stopped hearing anything about him. But then I heard that he had, the Fuchsia guy had died in some automobile accident or something, and it sort of was like the end of the story. It's very confusing. - Well, there he is. - But there he is, there he is. And now what I'm looking at is you got military people up on the stage overlooking the group that, I don't know, now it's one of the reporters said that people were leaving, but nobody's leaving, well, this is replay too. Sorry about it. - Yeah, the stands are cleared now. - They're cleared now? - Yeah, the stands, yeah. Or the people sit behind it. - And the weird thing is that Fuchsia's just sitting there. Oh, he's talking in his phone. I see what he's doing. - Yeah, that's what I said. He's talking in his phone. - Yeah, yeah, oh God. This is gonna put a, whoa. Nevermind, you know, and as they're pointing out in the chat room, remember the real Trump isn't there. - Right. - But I don't care, whoever it was, you know, I mean, it's just like, we just watched a miracle because the guy obviously had a bullet go right through his, increased his cheek. And I'm talking like six inches long and it's not bleeding very much. You know, facial bleeding, it can be really gross for Fuchs. And so it seems like it was just like, just a complete grazing. - I wonder if it got his ear on the way by, but I didn't see any blood from his ear, just that once that on his cheek, and it had to have been a bullet or a projectile like that because there was no, like a can or something like that that you could see. - No, no, no, this was a bullet. Well, it was a projectile, let's put it that way. You know, it's, it's, this is stunning. It's not unexpected. I can't tell you how many times I had to fight off paranoia, watching his events. You know, because it was just like, you felt like this could happen at any time. - I kept that feeling for the last month and I thought I'd keep ignoring it. I'd keep saying no, go away. I didn't want this all. - Yeah, I kept, you know, turning around, you know, everything's fine, everything's fine. You know, but getting it into my head. And now I know everything is fine because it could have gone the other way so easily. I'm not, I'm not an expert in the firearms, but I know firearms. I was trained in the military, you know, I know what these things can do. And God, I mean, this was, this is a miracle. The fact that he's gonna maybe have a scar. - Oh, there's more blood. Now I see more blood in this picture they're showing. Oh, his ear did get grazed. I see the blood on his ear and top of his ear. So his, his ear did get grazed. And when he, when he wiped his blood, it's coming down around his cheek, toward his mouth. Then it goes over his left and back toward the cheek. So, oh, ouch, so there was more blood than what we first saw. - And it almost looks like he's got two cuts. - Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I think the blood was just a splat, not splattered, but smeared type thing. - Well, now I'm wondering if he didn't get hit with some, not a bullet, but a projectile or some sort because, well, just because there's two lines, now I can see the two lines. But we don't know. We don't know what he was hit with, but he was definitely under attack. And the guy that supposedly JFK Jr. was in the audience directly behind him. - To the right. - To his right. - To his right. - From his right, yeah. - From his right, our left. And I started to say the chatters are saying, remember it's phony. It's all set up. - There, who put that picture? Eager spirit. I gotta blow that picture up. See, the picture that's in there now does not have the blood going down his lip and the cross there yet. So that's why I'm thinking it was smeared over. It just has the top above his top lip on his cheek. It doesn't have the other blood, but see, if you look at the ear right there in that picture, you can see the blood is there. But it wasn't as bad as the next time when you see the blood coming down from his lower lip and across the right cheek. - Yup. - Thanks for that picture. Boy, you guys are under, you're right on it. I'm so excited over you all. - Oh man, that's so sad. I mean, it really is sad, but I'm looking at it. - It is. - Oh, you don't, you're behind me. People at Chanaki and you'll see the blood on his face and his ear. - No, I did. I did. I was looking at the... - Oh, you did. - Right now I'm looking at the photograph that shows that, you know, and it's just, it's so sad to see, to see that this is still going to, oh God, you know, I don't know. It makes me wonder, no, what's this on purpose? - Well, he's going to make a really impactful presentation at the RNC that starts Monday. - Yeah, he is. - Trump's going to go up before the RNC and the entire world. - Yeah. - Bandages, if not a scar. I mean, I take the bandages off. This is what they did to me. And I'm so lucky. I'm, you know, working for God. - What does RNC mean? - Republican National Convention. The Republican Party's holding their National Convention, which at that time, they officially acknowledged Trump as the Republican nominee. See, until he's, you know, appointed at that meeting this coming Tuesday, I mean, coming Monday. He is the presumptive nominee, but boy, if they had shot him before he was, oh, Nikki, Nikki would be in. Oh God. Nikki Haley, isn't that her name? - Yeah, what about this party? - Well, if he was, if he had died just now. - Oh! - At the Republican Party, the only person that had any votes was Nikki. - She would probably be the front runner in that. Boy, that would have just thrown it. I mean, neither party would survive. Well, the Republicans will. But, I mean, without Trump, I don't know. I just got a ballot in the mail, and it's the first ballot where I'm listed as a Republican. And I did it, I changed the, from Democrat, I changed the Democrat from independent, because some friend of mine was running for a political office, and I wanted to throw him a vote. And then I did it when I met some of the people that were running for sheriff in Miami Day, and there was this one woman, Rosie. Don't even know her last name. It's one of those Latino names. It is at least two names, maybe three. And I just was so impressed with her energy that I couldn't get her out of my mind, and I said, "No, I've got to help her in the primary." So I changed to a Republican. So this is the first time I get to vote Republican, which I thought I would never do, because this is not the Republican party. This is the MAGA party. This is Donald Trump. And I just am so grateful that I'm looking at the man and he's walking off stage, even though he's walking off help. But he's got, now, every time anybody sees him, you think that the Democrats have a chance now? - In that picture where Trump, they're holding onto him, trying to get him off, you can see he should be behind him. Off to the R left, he's right. You can see it. - See, this isn't the thing I saw. But even when they stood him up and he had the blood on his ear, they showed the blood on his ear on the side, other of below his bottom lip, they showed future. Just in the very hippie top left-hand corner of the TV. - Yep, yep, yep. Yeah, he doesn't look very upset, does he? No. - He doesn't, he doesn't look upset. - Oh, no, I'm looking at him. The people around him, that were behind Trump and behind Trump, their heads are moving right and left and going like, oh my God, what's happening? Oh my God, they're not talking to one another. You can just see, and he's just like, looking at it, he's standing up. Other people are sitting down. Yeah, it's like, oh yeah, okay, that went well, good. - Yeah, that's exactly the way I would interpret it. - I don't know, this is... - Oh my God, well, it'll be interesting to see this play out. - I'm so glad you gave us a list today. - Yeah, really. - Oh, you just have to save it 'til next so, oh my gosh, I hate seeing him like that with the blood. - Oh, it's breaking my heart. I mean, truly, I understand it's, but he's the persona of Trump. - Yes. - How many hours have we spent looking at Trump rallies, watching Trump? - There he is. - Eager's spirit got future in the picture behind Trump. You see it? - Yeah. - He's on his phone. He's talking in that phone. - And that is "Stranger's Blood" pattern that I've ever seen. - Yes, yes, yes, there's a little blood there, red on his collar, too, when they show the, he's standing up and got his fist in the air and yelling. I'm okay, everybody. - They're going to kill me. - They can't kill me. Oh, when? See, I told you they're trying to get to you and they're trying to kill me, but but can't kill me. They can't kill you. I can tell you. (laughing) That's what he was probably shouting to the crowd. - Oh, yes, it's a secret service statement. An incident occurred the evening of July. Shit, but hold on, I gotta rerun it. I can't, all right, because I did. An incident occurred the evening of July 13 at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. The Secret Service has implemented protective measures, now, and the former president is safe. This is now an active Secret Service investigation and further information will be released when available. There's the official statement. - Well, you know, they probably aren't letting anybody leave. They haven't said that they've got some kind of a perpetrator under wraps. And I mean, if you're in a crowd like that and you shoot the gun, people around you are going to notice that you shot the gun. - Well, yeah, they would even jump on the gun. - Oh, they'd beat the crap out of them. - Yeah, so that's why I'm not. I don't understand that. - Why? - I don't either. - So many questions. - So many questions. Oh, God. That was, you know, when Walt interrupted the show and said that, it's like, I'm going like, oh, this is probably just bullshit. - Yeah, I thought that. - You know, and then it was like, oh my God. No, it really happened. - It's real. Holy shit. - When I saw he was doing this, I was like, oh, good, good. And then I realized, oh, not good. He's doing it while I'm having a radio show. Not realizing that we would integrate it into the radio show. - Yeah. Oh, I see your spirit says July 13. Any link to numerology, we know 13 is an important number. That's interesting. 713. - Huh, I don't know. I don't know. But it's in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is a critical state in the election. - Really? - Oh, yeah, just for people to understand what's happening over here right now. You've got some states that are absolutely Democrat, some states that are Republican. Oh, somebody just posted Fuchsia's picture. Oh, it was Walt. Good catch. Oh, Jan says, when you read his lips, he was saying, fuck you. - Yeah, that's what I thought, but I didn't want to say it. (laughing) - 'Cause I can read that as plain as the day is bright. - Oh, well, that's our Trump. - Yeah, oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah, his ear got clipped really well. Oh, my God. What a strange happening. And thank, I mean, could have been so awful. I mean, this is just a present. Diego says, that's what I was thinking, Jan, a presidential FU. - Yeah, yeah. - Walt says, good lip read. - I know that's what he was saying, but I didn't want to say it. - I wasn't watching his mouth move. I was trying to figure out how badly he was wounded. I knew he was shouting stuff. And I've never heard him say it. Oh, actually I did. - He was- - He was being interviewed by some local Florida people here. And he was in his golf cart with his son, Baron was in it with him. And he starts to talk about the Harris and blah, blah, blah. And he said, I think I remember it being, you know, he's just such a fucking bad president, you know? But he actually said the word. And I was like, oh, wow, I didn't know he knew it. - He did another thing on the TV. Trump campaign statement. President Trump thinks law enforcement and first responders for their quick action during this heinous act, during this heinous act. He is fine and is being checked out at a local medical facility. More details will follow. - He's being called president, not vice president or. - I'm gonna re-rime that. - President Trump, yes, President Trump thinks law enforcement. - He's not saying ex-president. - No, no, no, no. The Democrats use the term previous president, former president, ex-president. But in reality, if you think back, every time they would introduce somebody, even if they were no longer a senator or president, do you hear them saying former president Obama? No, you hear President Obama. That's a made up democratic thing, former president, former president, you know? So it's as official, when somebody gets to a high position wall and then they leave it, they still maintain that accurate, I guess you'd call it. So that means nothing except the Republican say president, the Democrats say former. - Boy. - That's more excitement than I wanted tonight. Oh my gosh, but I can't wait to see what comes of us. - Jan couldn't leave the show. I knew you were here just so late at night. For Jan, you know, it's like, gosh, they weren't on her timeline, were they? But there's a whole bunch of people around the world that somebody earlier said this is the first time hearing about it on this show. And so there's gonna be people out there that hear us and they already know more than we know right now. But this is a raw representation of what we were seeing as it was happening. And I don't know who got us the information, Walt. You said somebody in chat said it, how did you? - I was looking at the jetters and it was Diane of 1111. She's the one who wrote it. - Well, I don't know. - I don't know, we know her by a different name, but I'm used to seeing her in posts. - I just thank you, Diane, that you were watching something that we weren't seeing. - Yes. - Yeah, all meant to be. - I wanna see, I'm trying to see what he's saying. I'm trying to lip read. - Oh, it was when he was up on the stage when they were getting him up and he was doing that fist thing. He was saying, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. (laughing) - You'll see it when they play it from the beginning when he went down, when grabbed his second time. - I'm sure I will see the video many, many times. Yes, meant to be an eager spirit, meant to be. Oh, you're okay, wait. Wow, I wonder what this is gonna be. - Oh, she got a message from her sister, Diane did, and I passed it on to you all. Well, thank you, sister. - Yes. Thanks for very much for us, please. - Wow. - I mean, if it hadn't have been the time it was, I would have been watching it. And to see it so soon after it actually happened, it's like, we could have gotten off of the radio show and found out about it and said we were here to be able to at least provide a window into the storyline that's going on now, the theater. Oh yeah, I can see that he probably was saying the F word because his face is like so determined, so angry. - Oh, yes. - Oh boy, oh boy. - It's nice to know he's human and he can talk like that. - Yep. - Now we have to wait for Matthew to see what they have to say. It happened during a live radio show, Divine Timing. Oh, I hope we didn't cause it. I feel you all would have known right away that this happened. That's probably true. Oh God. Anyway, we're at the top of the hour, so I'm gonna play a song and... - I'll try to contact Dave and the posse. - And Walt, I know you hate depressing, whatever. So what do you wanna hear, hon? Let me see, we got somewhere over the rainbow, but for some reason I'm not real inclined. Want disturbance? - Do whatever you want. I'm gonna take all the things off my ears so I don't have to listen to it. - I would like disturbance, really. - Here we go, here we go. - Welcome back to the second hour of the day. What show for July 13th, 2024? A memorable date in history. - And Dave and the posse are here. - Awesome. Go for it. - I'm so freaking excited. I'm just gonna make me a second here. I gotta take a night tour. I'm just, I'm so freaking excited. (laughs) I'm gonna get my tone, Dave. Dave. Passy. They're repeating. July. Okay. Where do we start? The day's all excited. I'm not as excited as we are 'cause they knew it was gonna come. And he says, this was one of the big things I've been talking about for a long time. This is one of the big incidences that everybody's been waiting for. He's talking spirit world now. They've all been waiting for it. This is a big thing, not only in history, but in all the planning everywhere. In all the galaxy and then everyone out there, not just here on planet Earth. This is going to open very, very many doors in this layout of what had to happen. And boy, that guy looks rough. The fox guy on the right. I can't remember his name. But anyway, they say that this is going to affect a lot of behind the doors scenes that meeting they just recently have the one of the organization that's pure evil. Oh, why can't I think of it? I keep wanting to say you, but I don't. - The World Health, World Economic Forum, W.E. - No, no, not that's the other thing. - NATO. - Yes, NATO. I don't know why it could then come through, Dave. I wasn't taking it up. No, I'm getting chest. Okay, so that NATO, that kind of pushed this up in the program. It had been pushed back at one point because something happened. Now it got pushed up and they're very happy because it should have happened a while ago. And now they're very happy. It did happen. It happened sooner than what they were at this point thinking it would happen. They were able to put it in this particular spot in what we call time. What they call life, then we call it time. So they said, keep your eyes open. Now you're going to be able to see more. Everybody's looking to. Trump's right, our left. And Dave says, that's okay. Keep the audience up to date on what you're seeing because they're opening my eyes to see what I'm seeing on the TV. Okay, thank you. So I can report it. So all the people on the top row of the ones to our left, Trump's right, they were looking to their right. So something, whatever happened came from Trump's right, which we had already assumed. But that's going to be important, Dave says, when we're listening to things from this night on, that will be important, the direction it came from. They will be howling, what it was that hit him. And it's showing him saying, fuck you, fuck you, TV, and they were saying, that's a true soldier. I see, I really into it too, you guys. This is a bigger thing than they can even express to me that has happened, bigger and everywhere, bigger than they can even express to us how big this incident is. And I'm asking him, is this, wait a minute. Okay, I said, was our radio show planned to be on at this very exact time? And he says, it's not a funny question, Dolly, it's true. And the answer is, yes, your show was planned to be on at this time because we were able to report as we saw it, as we felt it. Our emotions came across in that a lot of days we're wanting us this to happen with us commenting on it, because it's important for now and in the future. Because in the future, people will be hearing this. And they're going to tie this in with something that's happening in the future. Ah, they can't tell me that. They don't really know what that is. But there's, in the future, this, our poor radio show is gonna be important, not to hundreds of millions, but to those who matter that this is important too. Certain special peoples. This is important too in the future. So yes, this was, it was planned that we'd be on here at the same on the radio at the same time this occurred. So even we are being manipulated and it's involved. Who knows, isn't that wonderful? And God says, no, no, no, no, not Trump. Dave says that this was a God watched over. God was watching over the whole thing, even though it's not the real Trump. These people who pledge Trump are very important. They're like the disciples were to Jesus. So I'm not comparing Trump to Jesus, y'all. I am saying that he's anointed by God. Trump is anointed by God. His doubles are, they are like the disciples to Jesus. Dave says, I can use that example, but make sure people don't make sure people know I'm not comparing Trump to Jesus. No, come there some, Mary, y'all. This is a different thing. But Trump is anointed by God and the other, the Trump's who played his double are anointed by God too. And they are specially picked out. They aren't just any Sam Joe or Harry off the street. They are special picked out people to be his doubles. And they have certain missions that they are here to fulfill besides being Trump's double. And it's all been blessed. It's all been blessed by God. And if you don't believe in God out there, I pity you. I'm just gonna come out and say it. What I'm feeling right now with God's blessings is so incredible that I have goosebumps on my goosebumps. And then I can hear the singing of angels. I can hear it, y'all. And if you don't believe in God, I sincerely pity you, and I pray that you will find your way to God. This is an incredible happening. And for me to be able to hear angels singing and I'm in my body, that's kind of special because I don't usually hear angels singing unless I'm having an NDE, and I'm out of my body. It's beautiful. - We have a question for Dave. - Okay. - And what was the question is, what was the purpose of having Vincent Fuska framed perfectly in the frame of the Trump shooting? - Because he plays a big part in this. And that's all they're gonna say about it. - Okay. - He was right where he belonged. He plays a big part in this, not just what we can see, but in the background. That we can't see in the parts that's going on in the background that we can't see. - I wonder if he's gonna be named Trump's vice president. - I wonder too. You know, we used to think it all the time, but then things like happened, and we kind of put that in the background, but I don't know who's gonna be the peaky. Can you tell us that? - No. - You know better than that. - Yes, I do, that's it. - I had to ask, all you could say is no. - No, he can't tell me that, but he plays a big important part. - We'll find that out later too. - And it's, if you notice, they says notice this Trump's hair. This is the closest double that they have. It looks like Trump now. But when you see Trump again, you will see why Dolly always knows it's not Trump. Oh, can I really tell him this? Okay, so I have seen what the real Trump looks like. I have been blessed with the image of the real Trump. And you will be completely amazed, I think. Some of you won't be human. A lot of you will be completely amazed. You'll know that he's blessed by God, anointed by God. You're coming down now. He says, they says, oh, the popcorn. Popcorn group is going absolutely deserved. I mean, I thought they could throw popcorn around, but now they got caramel corn. All sorts of flavored popcorn stores. Why in all over the place? They're yelling happily and jumping around and dancing. There's the gun, Nancy, look on TV. For the couples laying down on the ground, look above their heads. I think that's the gun of something that looks like a gun. Okay, I told him, yes. So he says, Nancy, you'll be sure to watch and see it when it comes up again next time. So you can put your input into it. I saw this. I'm not sure, but it did seem like there could be. And there were secret service right there, like they had knocked him down. But I'm still not seeing anybody saying that they've got any suspects. - No, you won't hear that for a little while. Little while, what's little luck? - It could possibly come out like about before the end of this week. - No, this is the week. - Yes, Dave, no, or he's talking. Okay, he's talking Sunday, this Sunday that week. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Monday. He says that week, no, but it was. 'Cause it's not a gun like what we've attempted to gun. It's similar. Okay, well, it's likely that what we saw was a low count if it was a gun, okay? 'Cause I don't know what they could have had. - Compressed air, man. - It could have been a compressed air, but it was probably plastic. I don't think it could have been, I've not ever heard a compressed gun fire. And there were some popping noises. That popping noise is something that you would hear from a low caliber gun, like a 22. And if they have these, it's a matter of fact, the reason I think this is somebody brought this up, that even if they've got metal detectors, they've got these new plastic gun things that could get past the metal detectors just a night ago. So, it could have been that. And the reason I'm not sure that what we were seeing at all was because she wouldn't have had that gun in her hand. The secret service people- - You mean the woman on the floor? - Right, no, she didn't have a gun. It's above their heads. An arm is reaching from above their heads. - Okay, I'll re-look at this thing then. - Yes, yes. - I'm looking at it at a very strange angle because I'm on the radio and the television is right next to me, so I have to kind of like, I've got a skewed thing, but I will look for this now. And I'm- - And then the woman are just laying on the ground, stuck in shock, and then above them, above their heads, is a hand, an arm up to the elbow coming out from behind the screen type picture in my head, and it has a black thing in it, like a gun. But it's not a gun, Dave says, like a gun, but not a gun. - Yeah, it could be compressed air maybe. - It didn't have much- Because like I say, the crowd right behind him didn't react like somebody had gotten hit, and I can't imagine that he would have gotten that grazing, and somebody else with a, like even with a 22, that wouldn't have stopped that bullet from traveling quite a ways. But if it's a very low caliber gas injected one or something, it doesn't have a lot of velocity and wouldn't have gotten very far. So conceivably when it hit him, it just wasn't moving that fast. - I'm only conjecturing here, you know, we're just talking. - I wanna- - In the chat room, a shooter was caught. You might wanna open there, sorry. So Dave says that's about all they have to report to us. This was one of the big E's. Actually, he says, this was the biggest one, Dave. Oh, I got a question, Dave. Is this what the Bible talks about? In rev- no, he says, no, no, no, no. In revelations, there's a place where it says, it refers to Satan being shot in the head. - Dolly? - Yes. - Walt, are you there? - Yeah, I think Dolly is having a confabulation with Dave. That's why she can't talk. - No, that's she's off too long. - Oh. - Hello? - Yes. - Okay, yeah. Dolly, talk to us. Can you hear us? Well. - No, yeah, okay, go ahead, talk. Oh, geez. - Hello? - Yes, can you hear us, Dolly? You know, I think the internet is overwhelmed. - She's lost all time. - Okay, I just messaged her that we can hear her. - You can hear me? - Yes. - I can't hear you. If you can hear me, I'm not supposed to say what I was gonna say, and I have even forgotten what I was gonna say, so... - Oh, we just lost her. - You're not letting her talk. (laughing) - Oh my gosh, this is a strange show. - Oh. - I hope you're going to record this very well, because this is going to be replaying for a long time. - Hello? - Oh, she's back, yes. Can you hear us now? - Yes, yes, I was cut off because I was gonna say something, I tried to say something to you, all that they didn't want me to say. And I didn't realize that they were that, that I wasn't supposed to. And so I kept saying it, and that's when you lost me, I lost you, whatever. So, I can't even remember what it was. - All right, well, we're not gonna talk about it. Did they have anything else they wanted to pass on? - No, not this thing. There will be more things happening, keep your eyes open and Trump is safe. - Okay, okay, this is interesting. Jan saying, "From Yorkshire laughs on Twitter. "Part of the movie script. "Shots were fired exactly at 6/11." 6/11 is 9/11, 6, but I don't know what things are going to escalate. It's something, oh, it's 17. I don't know why, I don't know what the math is about, but 6 and 11, yeah, 6 and 11 is 17. You know, what do we do? - Where did 6 and 11 come from? - That's when he was fired, when the shots fired. - Oh, the time? - The time. - Oh. - Uh-huh, interesting. There was something, I came back here. - Thank you, thank you, thank you. - Okay, oh, thank you, thank you. The Vincent Fuchsia thing has been picked up by, I guess it was Lee Merritt. So people are focusing on the fact that Fuchsia was there. It's very interesting. And I'm serious about this, you know. And he said something about the next few days are going to be critically important. Well, this is the Republican convention. It starts on Sunday. And to me, you just, the dark side, this is my interpretation of it, okay? The dark side just upped the ante. And people are gonna be traumatized. The people that saw John Kennedy's head blown off are gonna be really traumatized, like me and like Dolly. You know, we've been through the worst case, but why I think it's so incredibly important and what Dave was referencing is that they missed, they missed, and they left a scar for everybody to remember. - Yeah. - Okay, now, when Dave was giving his message, what I was feeling is that the good timeline, the MAGA timeline, the Trump is an embersary of God. That timeline has been absolutely set in stone. They missed. If they had killed him, we would have been on a totally different time projector because this is not in any of our scenarios. I mean, in my heart of heart, you know, yeah, I can have paranoid thoughts, but that's a human in me. In my heart of heart, I do feel the connection that he is a special man that was sent here for this special mission. We all are. We all are. We're just playing different parts. He happens to be the central character. So, right now, if you've just changed the game, if the dark side has just changed the game, I suggest that if the story about Fuchsia, and I mean, this is really weird that he was there and his reaction was very strange. I might be missing something or putting something in that, you know, but it just, these are just telltale signs of, you know, what's really happening behind the scenes? And I would not be surprised if he doesn't nominate John Kennedy, Jr. as vice president and walks him on the stage. - What does that blow people's minds? - Wouldn't that absolutely shatter everything? Because then the truth about why is John Kennedy, Jr. may be Fuchsia now? Because he faked his own death because Hillary Clinton told him that if he tried to run for Senator against her in the state of New York, he would be killed as well as his family. And right after that, he planned this, and if you study the John Kennedy, Jr. accident, it does not look like what they say it is at all. It's one of the, what? - AP, from AP on the shooter dead, rally it can be killed at rally. - Really? Well, that's convenient. - Yeah, isn't it? - Jeez. - Well, shall we break? Shall we take another listen to it? - I don't know what they're saying. We can try to see what they're saying. - And the current situation that we're at. - Katie, thank you for that. Katie Pat, which, joining us from Washington, DC, and I will see you in Milwaukee a bit later in the week. - Shannon? - Yeah, let's check in with Alexis McAdams. She was there as this happened, and I believe she's got a eyewitness or maybe more with Alexis. We talk to you. - Yeah, so we were able to get out of that area after they turned it into an act of crime scene, Shannon and Bill, and we were able to talk with some people who heard what we heard too. Those several pops as they all took a couple here in Butler, Pennsylvania. I'm gonna take you closer here to who we're talking to. So you guys are aiming to shock one. You can't leave because it closed down the roads. And two, you're still trying to figure out exactly what happened. What did you hear when you were inside of that rally? - I heard about seven or eight shots. She better than she may have heard you were talking. - But what did you do as soon as you heard that? Did you try to get down or? - I don't try to film it, but it didn't work very good. They're the ones that hit the ground. - So walk me through too. - I would have taken a film for you. - What you heard? I mean, you were pretty close, so where were you? We were right behind where the chairs were at. And we started hearing, I thought it was a firecracker, so I'm like, who would be shooting my firecrackers in here? Well, then everybody, somebody started y'all hit the ground, hit the ground, but I looked over, then I saw the smoke from the gunfire. So then everybody hit the ground and he kept standing. You gotta get down, boy, you gotta get down. They're gonna shoot you. 'Cause if they were to have like a machine gun, they're gonna take us all out. So then, we laid there for a while, we saw different places where the gunshots were at. And then they got, they put President Trump down, Secret Service did, and they took him out of there and got him off to the stage, and he was bleeding. And so then my son and daughter-in-law was back behind us, back behind the fence. And we was worried about them, we couldn't call them. And so we started trying to get back to them then, when they finally let us up, and they had been right by the fence where the other shooter was. There was one I heard in the water tower, there was one about the fence. And still, obviously, initial reports. So what we do know, according to the AP, this is coming about, they'll from the Butler County District Attorney's Office, saying the shooter dead and a rally attendee killed. So this is all still developing out here. But to hear those numerous pops, and then to have so many people in that crowd is how to take cover there. People were trying to get out of there as quickly as they could to see the former president down in the ground, to come back up to see some blood possibly on his ear, but then leave with a fist pump. People were pretty emotional. You think about all this, right? When you go into these events, as you both have, before you go through that Secret Service check, they go through your bags. They want people down, but it's always a concern when you're going to a big rally like this. And people were excited to be out here. They were here for hours, just trying to get a glimpse of the former president. That includes you as well. So tell me a little bit about what you heard. Just sort of puff, puff, puff. What do you think about the many fire crackers and the kind of stun? And then fire, and then like return fire, and then get down. So we got down, and we hugged, and we just started praying. The lady is front of me that laid on top of me. She was crying. I said, "This is going to be okay, honey." We just prayed, we prayed, and then after a little while, we saw, we could see Trump get up. He gave them, like, "I'm okay, I'm okay." And so then we got up. Like as a true leader, he was like leading us. - You could hear him. - Yeah, I'll take to the Secret Service number, saying, "Let me get my shoes." I mean, he wanted to walk away. There he is leading us, like, "It's okay." - Hey, honey, I'm-- - That gives you goosebumps. - Were you afraid for your safety? - After, when I heard the get down, then I realized, yeah, for sure, it wasn't, it was for sure shots, and then, but I, when we started to pray, I felt protected, and I just wanna give God all the glory. God gets all the glory that Trump was protected, and people were protected. I'm sorry about, like, I said, fatality. I'm sorry. I said, "I thank God, come with those people." We've been praying the whole time since it happened or anybody involved. Did you see any blood on the former president when he got back up? I talked to NBC News, and they just said that there was, ABC News said there was someone in his ear, but they said that that could have been from secrets that may not have been his blood, and it may have been from Secret Service getting him down. - Okay, thank you for talking to us, and why that you're okay? Thank you. So we're just gonna walk you a little bit over here to kind of see what this scene is going on here. This is where everybody was lining up, okay, before they went in. We're talking like eight hours in the hot sun out here in Butler County, where these people wanted to catch a close to the president. They were out here buying hats and doing everything they could to kind of get ready for the day. It was up there only for a few minutes of former president before this shooting happened. We were in the media area, and when we heard those pops, you know, you kind of look around and try to get your bearings if they're not what's going on. Then you saw the Secret Service really swoop in there and get into action quickly, the former president down on the ground behind that podium. We were talking to some law enforcement out here as well when they were trying to figure out what was happening. They were trying to survey, you know, where these possible shots were coming from. But one person we talked to was out here on the ground with law enforcement said it sounded like there was a silencer. And that's why people were wondering really what it was, 'cause you couldn't hear it. It was like muffled. And so that's why they moved in so quickly and tried to do everything that they could to make sure the president was okay. By the West of the Gaddoms, on the scene, you're going to stay with us if you want. Do you want to hear from anybody else? - Sure, Alexis, if you are ready to go, if you want to, I know you guys are enrolling at Hubbard, you just might as well, we're trying to grab as many people who say, is there a lot of-- - Yes, yes. - If you were inside and just kind of tell me what you heard. - Oh, you don't have a better mind. - Well, we were basically standing. There was a Trump campaign, people at the tent right there on the corner. And we kind of went all together towards where he was speaking as much as you could get. And one of the kids was really tall. So my wife's like, "Hey, can you take this, "you know, and give me a picture of it real close?" And next time you know, as soon as he pointed the camera, I'm sorry, as soon as he pointed the camera, I'll help, right, please. - Walk me through how many shots or pops rather, you heard and what you were thinking. I mean, were you afraid for your safety or here with your family? - I just wanted everybody to be tall and don't panic, you know, 'cause they're not aiming for us, you know what I mean? So... - Do you ever think, I mean, you came to this big rally. I think you think about... - Well, I'm not waiting for the anniversary. - Okay. - It just seems odd. - Yeah, well, to know though, that there's that many people waiting here and then they did check everybody. I mean, did you think the service, the secret service did a good job checking people? Or is there anything that you kind of, you know, do you bring in bags or anything? - As good as you can expect. I mean, I was expecting a lot of people here and that's what we got today, you know? So... - What would you say to the former president if you could talk to him? - We love you. And we're back, yeah. We're back, yeah. - Were you worried that he was badly injured when you saw him hit the ground? - At first, I didn't see him hit the ground. I just was mainly trying to get people not to panic and never run each other. I mean, a situation like that, everybody just wanted to scatter. - Did you get out pretty quickly? And there were a lot of people that were pushed into that. - I wasn't worried about getting out quickly. I just wanted that, you know, the people around me to be safe. You know, I mean, that's all you can hope for. - I know how much is going on in the world. And when it comes to politics, I mean, it's like you can't even, people will get mad at their neighbors. They get mad, they lose friends over politics. Do you ever worry about kind of coming to these rallies and being unsafe? - This is my first rally. So, I mean, what an experience before everything happened. But, I mean, people are gonna deal with people doing, man. - Okay, well, that's what we're hearing out here. Thanks for talking us. We'll set it back to you. - Alexis, thank you very much. - Really great stuff, Alexis. Thank you. We'll get back to you in a moment here. There was a lot of reaction coming in, Shannon, which is gonna wipe up through a little bit of what we're thinking out. Robert Kennedy Jr, who's running his own campaign for the White House in the summer of 2024, sent out this on X a moment ago. Remember, this is a young man at the time, and his own father was shot and killed in Los Angeles in 1968. He said, now is the time for every American who loves our country to step back from the division. We announce all violence and unite in prayer for President Trump and his family. In addition, former President George Bush, 43, he said we're grateful that President Trump is safe following the cowardly attack on his life. Here's another one from Team Trump and Stephen Chong, who is an all likelihood traveling with the president was wicking there today in public, Pennsylvania. Quote, he says on X, President Trump, thanks law enforcement and first responders for their quick action during this heinous act. He is fine and is being checked out in a local medical facility. More details will follow it. We'll try and get more reactions removed through the evening here. There is, you know, Shannon, as we go, there's a lot of information flying out there and a lot of it's on social media, and we're trying to parse what we think we can report now and what we can't. There is a video out there that shows an individual lying on a rooftop and not moving. The suggestion is that that could have been the men. We have no confirmation of that. But if that was, from a certain distance away, a person with a firearm with a long range rifle would have been able to reach that stage fairly easily from that location. So we'll wait for more information from authorities and we'll be patient as we go. - Yeah, we will, and we do know, from local authorities there on the ground are telling the Associated Press that the shooter is down, that another attendee was killed, there are others, at least one other we believe in critical condition. We're also hearing from the former speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who has walked through this local violence with her own family, her own husband attacked in their home out in California. She says it's one whose family has been the victim of political violence. I know firsthand that political violence of any kind has no place in our society. I thank God the former President Trump is safe as we learn more details about the qualifying incident, let us all. - Okay, I could keep it on, but I'm sure anybody out there is gonna be able to hear everything they're saying. All right, we talked about that. Okay, what I wanna do right now, is I wanna kind of break from this subject, but not really, because Walt gave us a link to a video that was like 90 minutes long, and he said, this is talking about what I was talking, what we were talking about on, oh, what do you call it, cosmic reality, and so it's only six minutes, I think it's six minutes, let me get it here. Yeah, it's just over six minutes, and this is a woman, he's gonna introduce her, and I'm gonna put her picture up on the television, so you can see that this woman does not look exactly human, if you look at her eyes, but her message, and for the 90 minutes that I listened to it, well, it was full of information about galactic history, and I highly recommend that if you wanna get the full version of it, but what is critical is what she said in the last five minutes, and I'm gonna just play it now, so here we go, this is, well, he's gonna introduce her, and this is Michael Salah talking. - Jalala Starr had a life-changing walking experience in 1992 when she learned about her extraterrestrial origins. Soon after her walk-in, she began communicating with a mysterious lion being named Devon, who telepathically contacted her. She next became a messenger for the Niberian Council, involving highly evolved lion and bird beings. She's written two books and a series of booklets, and given many courses helping individuals learn about galactic history, healing traumas, and reconnecting with their extraterrestrial origins. - You're listening to exopolitics today with Dr. Michael Salah, your source for the uncensored truth regarding the extraterrestrial, global, and political agenda. - But I guess that's what you're saying, that we have to develop that ability so we can discern who the imposters are from the genuine beings. - Right, and you have to be able to trust that, you know, because your brain will tell you one thing and this is saying, oh no, it's over here, it's not over there. And you've got to be able to trust this enough to follow it regardless of what this is saying. Because, you know, for 30 years, I have been so far out there, I used to give myself daily sanity checks. Am I insane? Have I lost my mind? 'Cause I have given up everything for this. Self-respect, my reputation as a businesswoman, my family, my ex-husband tried to have me committed, you know, all this, took my getaway to follow this, but this kept proving itself over and over. And so I stuck with it. And so we all have that ability. See, the reptilians, they don't have this ability. We do, they can't feel what we feel. They can't create like we create. We are the poster children of creation. And that's, they can never get that. They can never achieve that. Even through a hybrid, they can never achieve that. Because this is what makes us the most awesome and yet one of the most unpredictable and possibly deadly species in the galaxy. 'Cause we can create stuff and blow our tails up. Or we can ascend, we can ascend ourselves. We can ascend through levels of consciousness because of this amazing abilities that we have. - Well, my final question, what lies ahead for us over the next six months or a year or two years? Where do you think we are heading as a planet? - I think we're at the end of this grand experiment and you know why, you'll know that you're at the end because they said everything will be flipped upside down. Black will be white, men will be women, right will be wrong. Everything will be the opposite. And it will just be absolutely insane. They said the day will come when people will literally be losing their minds in multiple ways, not just one way. And I think we're there. So I think we're just a few months away from this whole climax where and then there's gonna be a lot of re-education. There's gonna be a slow process after that. We'll create a new reality that's gonna be fantastic but it's gonna be an ugly ride for the next few months and then it's gonna get better. So we just all have to hang in there. We didn't make it twice. We blew up our planet twice, a nuclear planet, nuclear demise. We're getting it right this time. We just gotta hang in there and just keep going, you know? One foot in front of the other, it's hard right now but it's better that it be hard than we just ended because we got impatient or it was too hard online. - So where do people go? Do you like walks and any kind of upcoming conferences, workshops or events that you're hosting? - Okay, they can go to and I do a weekly support call every Monday night at 730 call the Compassion Creator Call where we did all the templates for this session, for this last mission, we've done them all. The blood in the streets, the child sacrifice, multiple templates to get through this period and all that's recorded. So then go back and look at the archives. Everything you just go to the website but they can join the calls for free. And I'm not doing any workshops right now. I have recorded workshops for guide communication and DNA recording and that kind of thing but I'm just now coming back out and there was a reason I was supposed to come out and you were obviously chosen as the vehicle and I thank you for that. But that was to tell people that we're near the end here, hang in there, don't give up. Maintain your hope, this just, we just got to get through this ugly stuff because we have to show the people what they were, they were going to experience, they had to have a taste of what they were, of their life was going to be like if we did not stop and take the planet back in a non-violent way, we cannot go into civil war. If we, if we go into civil war, if we get routed into civil war, we lose. They will take it back. - Very important. Well, thank you, Jalilah for sharing your amazing information and I'm very glad that you've come back and you are now back in the fold and giving us whatever new insights the you're getting from the founder races and I look forward to future interviews and learning more about what's going on from the perspective of the founders. So thank you. - You are so welcome. - So yes, wow, that Dr. Salome video is perfect. In the divinely orchestrated events tonight, yes, I thought so too. I mean, you know, Walter sent it to me a couple. I listened to it last night, I recorded it last night. - Yeah, I couldn't help noticing the message does or I sent it to you right away. - Yeah. Well, next time you couldn't indicate that it was in the last five minutes. - Oh no, you better enjoy it at all. - It's fine. I put it on, you know, 1.75 speed and you know, the weird thing was at 1.75 speed, you could hear her without any problem, but he was very fast. - Yeah, after, I don't know, probably 20, 30 minutes, I turned it down to 1.5, 1.5, because it was just, yes, I'm so excited for our future popular harm and he says, "I love you all, thank you, and thank you. We love you all." I mean, we're into this together and you know, you can't deny the timing and what just happened. It's going to take us a while to even process. And the fact that they've got at least one shooter dead, because that was, I didn't consider that. I didn't consider that it could have been a long range shot, but if he was on a roof like they said and it was a long range shot, it would have lost velocity, but you got to believe that they've got snipers all over the place. You know, I can't even imagine that they would have missed him setting up. So some, there'll be some weird story associated with this, who these people are, but the story is only beginning. - And I'm watching TV right now and a future is looking up. I wonder if he saw the guy and that's what he was talking on his phone about. - I don't know, but yeah, he's, he's a, I mean, never mind that this happened. The fact that he's in the audience and acting weird is really a mind kicker for those of us that know the whole JFK Jr. story. I mean, when I first heard about it, I thought, oh, this is, this is BS, but there was so much information coming out. There were just so much coincidence, synchronicities. It was like, well, maybe, why not? I mean, at one point, remember when they were, he was at a rally and in the audience close by, but not sitting with him, was somebody that looked just like his wife, Catherine? - Oh, yeah, her sister. - Her sister. - Her sister. And that was what made me think, oh my God, this might be real because you don't have, you don't have those kind of, I mean, it was, you looked at, first off, Catherine was absolutely, stunningly beautiful, you know? And you don't have those kind of faces. Maybe they were using masks and stuff. Me, I mean, now I think in terms of masks, but at that time, I'm going, this could not be coincidence. These have got to be the people. And what is it? Mack, oh gosh, why do I always mess up her name? I know her name so well. - Kayleigh. - Kayleigh, yes. Isn't she supposedly his daughter? - Yes, look how beautiful she is. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I mean, there's so many twists and turns here. - Well, posted our new reality is manifesting in joy. - Yep. - So we're done waiting. We're done waiting for the Cabal. That's it. Now it's our turn. Let's manifest what we want. We're done with the Cabal. So. - I mean, I'm thinking about all those young people. You know, the ones that are kind of brain dead, that they have a perception of reality that is so far distance from ours. And they just saw an attempted assassination of a presidential former president. I know what that did to my reality back in '63. It shook it up, a whole generation of kids. You know, in an instant went from being children, thinking like children, to thinking like adults, because the question put to the adults that nobody could answer, and that's when that happens. When a child does not get an answer, they have to start thinking for themselves. And that's when their adult side kicks in. And a whole generation in a matter of minutes went through that explosion because they said to the adults, "What does this mean? "What happened?" And the adults didn't know. They were in shock. And I'm just hoping that it has the same wham, kicks these kids into thinking in a different way. You know, maybe this is their reality that people get shot all the time, maybe. But you have a question there for you or Dolly from the chat room. - I see it, eager spirits asking, yes Nancy, important junction, do you, did we switch timeline? And I said, Dave, Dolly, did we switch time? I don't know, I don't think we switch timelines. That's what I said. I think that the timeline that we are on is solidified now. You see, COVID broke the timelines. There were two timelines. It was hard to see because they were so similar. They were so close. They almost matched up. But think about it. Us guys and those guys, there was a line between us. You couldn't cross that line. They weren't gonna convince us. We weren't gonna convince them. We were so set in the way that we were looking at our realities. That's two timelines. And the timeline they were on, they're buying into the narrative that the dark side wins. And in that narrative, Donald Trump would have been dead. But it didn't happen. So what's being solidified is our timeline. It's just like he said, F-U, F-U, F-U, you know? Yeah, I do think it's solidifying. Feels right. Thank you. Yeah. So I think it's a very good day. - An incredible day. - Thank you for hearing from Davis. We are right where we need to be at this moment in time. That's what we'll let him get. - We didn't know it was possible, but finally did it. Well, a lot of people thought it was possible because it wouldn't have happened if they didn't. A lot of people know that this is real. I mean, the people that look like Mary. Mary knows so very, she's so very sure that it's all a play. Jans there, I mean, a lot of people are there. It's just, it's there to let's watch it. Don't get emotionally involved, observe it, make some decisions and enjoy it, pop the popcorn. - And this is having repercussions across the world because what's happening, what happened today is also going to happen in Australia. Because the example that people are learning is amazing and it's happening, what not to the other? - Well, Donald Trump is a, he's probably the most known person in the world. So everybody's going to know what happened. And right now we're going to have to say good night. So you want to say good night there, Dolly? - Good night. What an exciting time to be together. Just know I love you all out there, I do. And don't panic, anyone who listens to this, it's not the real Trump, but it's the Trump that needed to be there at that moment in time. Don't forget Love Blankets by right. - You won't? - Enjoy the new reality and put it forward that you're finally manifesting the reality that we want, that we all want. And as Dolly says, Love Blankets everywhere for everyone. Good night. - Thank you, everybody. Be safe. (upbeat music) - Say what? Say what radio show? With no agenda. It's always a surprise. But if we're not having fun, we're doing something wrong. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)