Cosmic Reality Podcast

COSMIC SOUP 7/9/24 - Daniel, Dr Glidden, Dr Monzo on Energy Healing

"Cosmic Soup" – In the second hour Mark Joseph and Nancy Hopkins will discuss a conversation between Daniel Kristos, Dr Glidden and Dr Monzo on the Rumble Ba'al Buster station. Their discussion covers a variety of subjects on health and healing including hands on healing to energy healing devices. Free PDF, Cosmic Reality Free PDF, 911 Crusade *Walt -

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at *NANCY'S BOOKS


1h 58m
Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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"Cosmic Soup" – In the second hour Mark Joseph and Nancy Hopkins will discuss a conversation between Daniel Kristos, Dr Glidden and Dr Monzo on the Rumble Ba'al Buster station. Their discussion covers a variety of subjects on health and healing including hands on healing to energy healing devices.

Free PDF, Cosmic Reality

Free PDF, 911 Crusade

*Walt -

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at


(upbeat music) - Welcome to Radio 5G where we sort of fact from fiction, conspiracy from falsehood, reality from the unknown. And by doing so, we change the collective consciousness of humanity. Pay production of (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Welcome to Cosmic Soup of pre-recording airing on July 10, 2024. In the second hour, Mark Joseph and myself, Nancy Hopkins, will discuss the conversation between Daniel Christos, Dr. Glidian and Dr. Montzo on the rumble channel, Bob Buster, BA, apostrophe AL Buster Station. Their discussion covers a variety of subjects on health and healing, including hands-on healing, to energy healing devices. Thank you for being here for this informative show that definitely takes a dive into how Sjungite fits into the conversation. Appreciate you all. (gentle music) - Hey, welcome. We are here once again, it's Thursday. Today is another, oh, look who just popped in. Oh my, well, hold on one second. So we're here with Dr. Peter Glidian. Once again, today is Thursday. It's a live call and show. I am going to have a surprise for you right now. Hey everybody, we have a third man in the room. He made it, and there he is. - Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. The return of the Jedi. Dr. Montzo, in the house. Sorry I missed you last week. - Oh, that's okay, that's okay. - So, while, man, so good to see you. This from the Department of Redundancy Department, I don't know if you talked about it last week, but I don't care. (laughing) What's dearest data available? - Gladys with the whole FDA bullshit thing. What, where are you at with that? - Yeah, well, the status hasn't changed. As far as we know, there are no charges yet. They still have my stuff, of course. And I suppose they're still investigating, but so we're still working on our side to try to get that to end without giving away too many details and what we're working on. - Yeah, so how can-- - We think we have some pretty strong points. - How can a governmental organization come into your house with a search warrant, without any charges to back it up? How is that possible? - I don't know. - So it's like they're gonna take your stuff and then try to find a crime. That's ridiculous. - So they like the original, I guess it would be considered an affidavit with the charges that you need to get a warrant is sealed. - Oh yeah, bullshit, it's sealed. - So my lawyers say that they do this a lot so that they can spring something on you at the last minute and you can't prepare. - Yeah, yeah, there's no there there. - That's, yes, or there's nothing really there and somehow they convince the judge there was enough for them to go in and look. - Yeah. - Which, whatever. - Right. - So are you able to-- - Well I do have an hour so I have to leave around three, just so you guys know. - Yeah, me too, that's all right. All right, so what are you doing in the meantime? Are you still able to treat people? - Yeah, I mean they didn't give me any cease and desist. - Yeah, so the only thing we're not doing is anything related to the stuff they took right now and specifically the Quest 4 was the main thing they mentioned on the warrant, which was the testing device I used. - That they thought you imported but you hadn't imported because it was made by a US company? - Yeah, which we think that's a big problem for them. - Yeah, because they falsely assumed that it was a different device or related to another device, which is mainly used in Europe. So could we go and get another one? Yeah, I mean they're not cheap. They're, you know, $18,000 devices usually. Wow, which isn't pocket change. But if they are gonna bring anything up with that device any charges the lawyers recommendation is just stay away from it for right now until we know exactly what happens. Lawyers. - That, and I can't make my imprints. So we can do imprints but what happens is we are getting blank imprintable bottles from a company that already makes them. So instead of being sprays, they're more like drops. - Well, all right. Are you sleeping through the night? Yep. - Sometimes, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can imagine. - It does keep you up sometimes. You sit there and you go, okay. Are they just gonna barge through the door? - That's all right. - And arrest me or. - Yeah. - Because you don't know. - Right, you don't know. - Supposedly, you know, our lawyers have talked to them and, you know, if anything changes with charges or if anything goes to a grand jury, they're gonna let us know. And, you know, tell me to come in peacefully and all that stuff. - Since they won't tell us anything else, it's like, is that even a thing? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So you don't know what happens, I guess. - Well, the American state national thing might be a thing for you. Moving forward, I'm gonna have a better understanding about it in the after July 15th. So I'll keep you posted. - Yeah, there's gonna be something you guys can use to protect yourselves against this stuff going forward, you think? - Yeah, well, what I understand about it is that all of the alphabet agencies in the United States government are inside of the jurisdiction and under the auspices of the corporation that is the United States of America, that actually George Washington started to help pay the debt for the Revolutionary War. - My glasses. - And you're all cap's name in indication that you are embedded under in that jurisdiction. And there's a way that you can remove yourself from that jurisdiction legally and peacefully. And when you effectively do that, their hands are tied, they can't do anything because the all caps person. - Yeah, cap just immunosho maxima, which is what that is in Roman law. - Doesn't exist. It's a fiction. So you then become the authorized agent representing the person, the all caps person who is assumed dead. You were assumed dead because of birth certificate shenanigans that happened. - Oh, goes to the trusts and all that stuff, yeah. - Yeah, and so you can extract yourself from the whole enchilada if you feel so inclined and that's what I'm doing. And once I'm successful at it, I'll tell you how to do it. - Now, do you have to withdraw yourself from voter registration and all that stuff as part of the process? - No, actually my understanding is that once you've completed the process, you have five votes. I believe that you, you have five. You're able to vote five times. - Oh, well, you're five times far. - I know probably 60% of it. I don't know 100% of it yet. And when I do, I'll be very verbose about it. - Yeah, so this is a completely separate thing than a sovereign citizen. - No, and this is actually becoming a American citizen again under the constitution. - A constitutional state citizen, right? - Yep, that brings up the question as to like, who really owns the FDA? Well, it's like the Federal Reserve, is it really federal? Is it really part of the government? No, it's private, so is the FDA private? Is it even really owned by the government? I mean, they've passed laws, but that's because they have lobbyists to get the laws passed. - So that was all because of Roosevelt's New Deal. And you've heard of the time, the phrase, the switch in time to save nine? - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Well, when Roosevelt was in office, before Roosevelt was in office, there was a separation. The only people that could make laws were members of Congress. That was the job of the members of Congress to make law. And then the president and the Senate would rubber sample laws and everybody was good. It was the job of the Congress to make laws. And until Roosevelt, every time that someone in the government tried to come along and say, look, we need to let the Congress and be able to delegate the power to make laws to other people, it was shot down as unconstitutional, shot down, shot down, shot down, shot down, all the time, for, you know, 150 years. Then Roosevelt gets into office and the not Roosevelt, the New Deal guy, who was it, was it Harry Truman? - Well, the New Deal. - The dirt bags I know are Wilson Truman. Eisenhower was his come back and so was Truman. - Yeah, it was Truman. - Yeah, I was Truman, you know, the New Deal after World War II. And he did some funny business with the Supreme Court judges that said, he was either gonna let the judges, the Supreme Court judges go. - And it was Roosevelt. - Roosevelt, okay, and then we're gonna- - 1933 to 1938. - 1938, yeah. - Okay, there you go. - That's a bankruptcy. That's after the Great Depression and everything. So it wasn't- - This was after the Great Depression, not after the war, after the Great Depression. Okay, very good. So the judges capitulated and the deal was that the judges were gonna rubber stamp the ability of the Congress to delegate lawmaking authority to other people, which was unconstitutional, but the Supreme Court judges signed off on it in order to keep their jobs. They switched their position at the last minute to save their jobs, and there was nine of them that did it. So after, so when Roosevelt's administration, it then became, that gave rise to all the alphabet agencies. The CIA, the IRS, the FDA, the FTC, right? And they, these organizations now, because of the deal that was struck, have the ability to make law. And they're not elected. - Wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the reserve. That was, that's their police force. - They're not elected, they're appointed. So the people that make laws since the 1930s are unelected bureaucrats. The president still has to okay it, but you know, that's a joke. So all of the laws that we are all subject to now are made by people that were never elected, and it was never what was intended in the original constitution. So all of the stuff that the FDA does, all of the stuff that the FTC does happens because the people in the FDA and the people in the FTC say so. And since nobody above them, nobody in the Senate or nobody in the Congress says, "Yeah, hey, wait a minute, this is overreach." It becomes law. And then if you are a member of the corporate United States of America, you are inside of that jurisdiction and subject to all of the administrative rules and regulations that these people create. And they create it for their own good, you know, towards their own ends, right? So. - Yeah, there's a lot of jurisdiction arguments that are made up, you know, they only have the 10 by 10 in Maryland, it's really their jurisdiction, but it doesn't, doesn't really apply when nobody follows that rule, you know? - Yeah, so, so here we are, you know, here we are. And by the way, everybody says, oh, you know, the FDA needs to be disbanded and everything. And well, you know, that's not true that the FDA is doing a super good job. - I think what it does. - Because that was the FDA's charter to protect the drug industry. That was their charter because it was considered, you know, national security to protect the drug industry. So that's what they do. And they do a really, really, really, really good job at it. You know, the charter needs to be rewritten. Quite frankly, the whole, you know, United States corporation needs to just come to its freakin' knees. - Right, and that, like you said about FDR though, like that was the hastened bankruptcy that was perpetuated from 1913 to 1933 when the reserve came in. So we had, that was, that was their track record already. They took a fruitful country into the dirt because they say so with their policies and regulations and being in control of Wall Street. And that was that, that were all made, what do you call it? - Made to pay the debt and what is the collateral? Oh, ourselves, we're the collateral. - Right, a creature from Jekyll Island. - Right, yes, for sure. - So here we are, road warriors all. You know, but it's a good point, Monzo. It's like, you know, who died and made the FDA king? I mean, why is it the Food and Drug Administration that gets to say what's medicine and what's not? - Well, you know, it's the Food and Drug Administration - It gets to say that. The question, a better question is that, you know, that's just ridiculous. And that's like saying that the only people that can make alcohol in the United States is an anhydro bush. Nobody else gets to make alcohol. And the only people that can regulate the sale of alcohol is someone that's in the anhydro bush family. We wouldn't be okay with that. - No. - But that's exactly what's happened with medicine and because most people are unaware of it, it persists, right? I mean, just look at what happened during COVID. I mean, you know, 80% of the population was hoodwinked and they believed it and they still do. I mean, I still see people walking around in masks, driving around in masks. I want to shoot myself in the head when I see that. It's like, oh my God, these people are so freaking stupid. It's not even funny. Even when I go to the grocery store these days now, I'll still see a few people that way. Older people sometimes, but still I see them. I still have them in the masks on. Some of the employees, like at Sam's Club and stuff, I'm like, are they making you? They're not making you do that. So why are you doing it? Yeah. - Because you're a freaking idiot, that's why. - Terrible, I know we're nothing. Well, at least there's finally some wall suits. We'll have to see if they go anywhere. - Yeah, we'll have to see if they go anywhere. There's a lot of visions on the Vax. What is it, three states now suing? - To me, that seems like distraction. The system always protects itself. If they want to shed something to make it look good for the public, they'll have their expendables, but it's not going to get anywhere. The system isn't going to eat itself. You have to get rid of it a different way. - Yeah, I mean, I think the lawsuit only against Pfizer. - Oh, well, there you go. I see it. - There's nothing against Moderna, as far as I know. - You see what happened yesterday with the Supreme Court? - But they are getting them for conspiring with other agencies like the FDA, so. But they're probably pulled ahead of the FDA in front of Congress and make them testify a bunch of stuff and then nothing will happen. - Well, there was just the Supreme Court. The case was just brought to the Supreme Court. It was brought to the Supreme Court four months ago. The Supreme Court looked at all of the facts. A couple of states were suing the government is saying that the government colluded with the Twitter and Amazon and all the social media platforms to censor specific content and that they did it on purpose and it was unconstitutional. It was direct, you know. - When cited. - Suppression of the First Amendment. And the Supreme Court had to look at it because the Supreme Court had to look at it because the states brought it and they looked at it. They looked at all of the facts of the case. And then because the facts of the case unequivocally proved that the government colluded with the tech industry, they colluded in order to suppress information. It was clear as a bell. And after the Supreme Court saw all of the information, there was no way, based on the facts, that they could have ruled in favor of the government. They couldn't have done it because the facts argued otherwise, right? So they said that the plaintiffs had no standing. That's what they said. The plaintiffs have no standing. This is dismissed and which is bullshit because if the plaintiffs had no standing. - How'd they get there? - Then they shouldn't have looked at any of the information to begin with, right? So it was a complete pivot at the end because they didn't want the verdict to be what the verdict was. And so it's the globalists that are running the show. And you know, they took them into the back room. The people in the court and said, look, you can't find his favor of the states here. You can't do it because it's gonna bring the whole thing down. So the Supreme Court justices, six of them, who ostensibly are bought and sold, they said, oh, it's the plaintiff had no standing in the first place. - That should be enough to make people grab their tiki tortures and pitchforks. And for the, you know, I mean, like that's big and that's the biggest tell of everything, that everything's controlled and there's no, there's no justice here. Nemesis is not going to be served. - So I don't know what to do, honestly. I lost three channels on YouTube to Health Truth. I mean, some of them were just replay, read uploads that were already on YouTube but they still gave me a strike. They're like-- - Yeah, it's where the space banned my COVID information and Amazon fiddled with my book. - Yeah. - But you know, I mean, those are small potatoes, what that is. - Compared to what they're doing and that the whole point was just a chat of warm people so they had a fair amount of information. They could make a better decision. They didn't want that. They wanted people to walk in blindly. - So what do you think about all this suppression of your homeopathics, Dr. Glidden? You see all the homeopathic eye drops are gone. They rude those unapproved drugs. - So are they removing them from the stores completely now? - Yep, you can't get them in the stores. Not homeopathic eye drops. - Can you get homeopathic medicine still? - Yep, from what I understand. But not homeopathic eye drops. - But not the eye drops. - Which is ridiculous on its face. And which is, it's just another testament that it's good to be the king. And when you are the king, you can do whatever you want, even if it's completely illogical and makes no sense, you can still do it because, well, you're the king. And so that's how they do it. You know, it's been a lot more harsh with the control of nutritional supplements and the European Union with Codex Alimentarius. - Yes, and about that. - So, but you know, I mean, it's still, it's bad, man. And it's gonna reach a breaking point, at some point in time, it is gonna reach a breaking point. And people are just gonna start pushing back big time. Maybe that's what they want. I think that's a contingency that they're planning for, for sure. - So then they can just start to, you know, lock people up just because they can. - We're all domestic terrorists. - Yeah, we're all domestic terrorists. - We're all enemies of state according to the, the bankruptcy, we were just talking about 1933 as well. - You know, I've been watching this Netflix program with the guy that played Obi-Wan Kenobi in the "Star Wars" movie. - You and McGregor? - You and McGregor, yeah. - It's called the "Gentlemen in Moscow." And it's about the, you know, the overthrow of the aristocracy in the early 1900s in Moscow. - Oh, the Bolsheviks. - The Bolsheviks and the rise of Stalin. And it's the same shit that's happening in this country. It's not any different. - So that's up on Netflix for mockery, then. - Yeah. - They can take your face and nothing can happen. And I'm always gonna pick up on it. - But the parallels are crazy. So, you know, so much for the land of the free and the home of the brave. And I'm gonna-- - We have people too, by the way. And we know what the Bolsheviks are mostly. I'm just saying. - I have a prediction about tonight's debate. - Oh, that is tonight, isn't it? - Did you ever see the movie "Dave"? - Yes, a long time ago. - A long time ago. All right, so you wanna watch it, if you can, before the debate tonight. So it's basically about a United States president that becomes incompetent and incapacitated. And so they find a double for him. And the double during the State of the Union address, I forget what happens. He has a seizure or something, but he, you know, in public, he falls down and he's incapacitated. And so they have a reason now to replace him with somebody else. And that's what's gonna happen in tonight's broadcast. I bet you there's two things gonna happen. - I hope it's a go-n-new lever. - Either Biden goes completely blank, is unable to answer the question. You know, and he's staring into the camera as a demented person would. And then Trump kindly, you know, walks over to him and helps him off the stage. Or Biden's gonna collapse. Full-face plant during the debate. Either way, it's gonna give the Democratic Party a reason to remove him and forward their new candidate for the president, which will be Gavin Newsom. - Gavin? - Yeah. - Good God. Jesus, that's like having the Governor Jerry Brown, that song, "California Ubarales" coming to life right in front, before us. The dead Kennedys have predicted the future. (laughing) - It's a dead Kennedys. (laughing) - So, no matter which way you shake it. - I thought you were gonna say Big Mike was gonna step in with her dangly dangles. - So Dr. Monzo, refresh my memory because I was thinking about this today. I don't know why I was thinking about it, but it just popped into my head. So, if somebody is having a stroke, where do I put my hands in order to help stop that? - Yeah, a stroke is a little bit more difficult one. 'Cause it depends on if you know what type of stroke. - Yeah. - If you don't, one of the best things to do is the actual, the stop bleeding. So the right hand on the body left over top on the head. - Okay. - So the right hand over the part that's bleeding and the left hand on top of that at the right to the right to the right to the angle. - So if you don't know what's causing the stroke and you don't know where the clot is that's causing it, just doing that over the head is a really good procedure. The other thing is it's called a craterling, which is when you create O2 points. So, your fingers are touching one side and the palm is touching the other side. So you would create all the 20s on the forehead and then the other hand goes to the 15s, which are at the groin, right over top of the pubic bone. So you're touching the 20s and the 15. That usually helps any type of stroke no matter where the clot is. Now, if you know what type of clot or what kind of stroke, then in the book, there's other procedures that might be a little bit more specific, but that's almost impossible to know unless the person's speaking all the way in. - What's the monomic that you use or what's the brain trick that you use to remember to stop bleeding, it's right hand down. What have you developed? - Right to remain. - We'll say again? - Right to remain. So you want the blood to remain in the body and then left to leave. So if you put the left on the body, that's the pull out. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yep. - Okay. - All right, very good. - And then you just think of it like a screwdriver. - Mm. - So righty, tighty, lefty, loosey. - Yeah, there you go. - So you want something to go in or do you want something to come out? - Right. - And that goes right along with the magnetic. - And that really is the physics part. That literally is the physics of it. - Okay, here's what I'd like to know unabashedly from the mind of the monzo. And you know, I don't care if this is sensational because it doesn't matter anymore. What is the most remarkable thing you've seen somebody recover from under your care? - And I know everything's remarkable to every individual because I get it, right? - Yep. - But what do you think? - I think it was a person I worked on who had a severed spine, severed spinal cord, wow. And the cord came back together, rebuilt itself. And that took like two or three years of them consistency coming in and being worked on and working on themselves at home because you have to continually get the energy flowing through the spine. So the innate wisdom is like, okay, fix this, fix this, fix this. - Dr. Monzo, do you think that's the biggest problem with the hands on is people give up too early because it's not always instant. So people would, you know, place their hands on their body. All I did it once, it didn't happen. It's like, well, if you have a significant problem doing it once, that's like taking 90 essential nutrients for one day and saying, oh, I did it one day, didn't do anything. You didn't even finish one bottle. - Whoa. - So is it, do you think that only works for people who have a fresh injury? Like if somebody's been living with paralysis for a long period of time, do you think it would be closer to work? - Do you still work? - It would still work. - It's gonna take longer. - Have a friend. - So it's just like anything, but the closer to the injury, you start working on the person, the faster the results are gonna be, the longer that they're set in, well, that's decades of, you know, scar tissue and all kinds of things now that need to be worked through to get that energy circulating through. So it just takes longer, the longer the problems in there. - You know, I have to tell you that it's been a pain in the ass changing the name on my driver's license and all my legal stuff to Alex Tov. I mean, that's been a real, it's been a real pain, but whatever. (laughing) - Yeah, that's pretty remarkable. I mean, that's in the category of, you don't know what you don't know. - Oh, you want another, here another one to school? - Yeah. - This isn't necessarily a recovery, but an experience. - All right, let me put something heavy on my head so it doesn't explode. Wait a minute. - You have your, and I don't have anything, go ahead. - Yeah, I'm gonna say you have your foil hat. (laughing) - We told you about the guy who called and cussed me out on the answer machine. - No. - Okay. - Yeah, he said that Daniel was a Nazi, and you were a Nazi, and I must be a Nazi too, and go F ourselves and go wear foil hats. - Oh, really? - That's a riot. - He never gave his name, but I was like, okay, whatever dude. - That's the next show. - He comes on, Dr. Bonzo's got him already. He's like. (laughing) - Oh, I did what you asked. (laughing) - Oh, phantom pain. People have heard of phantom pain. - Yeah, yeah. - Let's see, your legs cut off, the legs no longer there. - Yeah. - There's pain. Well, what's going on is the energy circulation still exists. Even though the physical matters not there, the energy is still circulating. So you can literally get, just to trick your mind, you can put a pill where the person's leg would be, and you can touch the point where the point would be, but there's no leg anymore. And you will start feeling the energetic pulses, and they will balance, and the person's pain will start disappearing. Because the pain is a signal that there's energy not circulating through that leg. And though the physical leg's not there, the energy's still there. - Boy, that's fascinating. - Now that will really, you have one of those experiences a couple times. And you go, "Huh?" - Yeah. - You know who Stephen Greer is, Dr. Stephen Greer? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, he did the something project, the Disclosure Project. - Yeah. - Right, and all these officials from all over the world, government officials who had experiences with the UFOs, they all came out and testified, right? - Well, Greer said that he was taken to an underground base somewhere. Might have been in Denver, but the location is irrelevant. And he said he saw technology that they were using to regrow limbs because the energetics were still there. And the technology was harnessing or was interfacing with the energetics that were still there. - And regrowing the limb. - Well, some sent me a gift through Amazon and it's really interesting. It's a plate that has some type of electromagnetic motor in it. And you take a light bulb and you put the light bulb on top of it and the light bulb hovers. It floats on top of the plate and lights up and it can start spinning. And you can put anything you want right underneath it and you can see that the light bulb is hovering. It's levitating. - I need one of those. - It's the coolest thing. Everyone comes in the office now and looks at it. I'm like, yeah, doesn't that make you think? And they're always like putting something underneath it. They're like, that actually levitating. I'm like, yep, and the light bulb's on. No wires. That doesn't make you think. - You know, I look at clouds all the time, excuse me. And I wondered to myself, how does a billion gallons of water stay up in the frequent sky like that? Number one, number two, what is it that all of a sudden makes it come down? And number three, why are the bottoms the clouds always flat? - Oh, that's a good one. - Great. And number four, why do clouds always exist at the same altitude? - Oh, that's interesting, yeah. - They're always, you know, like in layers across the sky. And every time I'm in a jet, I'm looking at it going, what? How is that? What? You know, plus it's minus 47 degrees Fahrenheit that high in the sky and clouds are still there. So why hasn't the little micro crystal of water that's frozen now fallen to the ground? Because you know, it's heavier than gravity for the gravity is going to have an impact on it. So there's all this stuff, man. Stephen Greer did another documentary, you should watch it if you haven't, it's called The Lost Century. And it's about all of the scientific discoveries which the discoveries had patents to, which the government confiscated the patents in, you know, for national security. - National security, but he's really, at least, security. (laughing) - So, so we're screwed, glued in tattooed. We have been for a long time and, you know, if they lock you up, Monzo, I'm going to war. So, just so you know. - So there you go. - I don't have the before and after, but that's a leaf with the crillion photography, looking at the energy field around the leaf. And so they cut the leaf and you can see there's an interference here now, but you can still see the energy field. So if you would have saw it before, then, you know, this would all be one complete. - Yeah, that's fascinating. Isn't that fascinating? - So that's the lake in the pillow. Oops, you lost him. I think he clicked off the wrong thing. He'll pay back. I think he may have clicked the wrong box. - There's so much and just in the wonderful world of science and that's we've been lied to about or that the information we've got in half of the information. I mean, all of Einstein's theories are built upon the fundamental notion that the speed of light is constant. - Or if there's even a speed at all and they didn't take the field perturbation based on the ether that's there. And it's just the agitation of the field around it that causes illumination. And there is no truth to a speed to it at all. That would change things a little bit. - Yeah, that would change things a little bit. - I think he has some of those questions in that book. You have the book now with... Oh, what's his name? Fourth phase of water. - Yeah, it's just gonna talk about Pollock. - Pollock, yeah. - Yeah, his research was kind of pivotal in my early days of studying plasma, physics and stuff, but I mean, he answers a lot of those questions about the clouds and water and why it works the way it does. - Yeah, if you're familiar with the coral castle in Florida. - Yep. - Yeah, like how did that guy build that stuff? - Yeah, so that guy wrote a little handbook. And-- - It's going. - It's like 10 pages long. And it explains all of it. - Really? - And it was kind of, you have to read it like 20 times in order to be able to understand where he's coming from. But his basic position was that there's that atoms are magnets. - Makes sense? - Period. - Electrons are. They're not even material to electrons. Magnets. And there's, because of the pressure at the center of the earth, the atoms are being released. And as they travel out of the earth, they have positive and negative poles and they interact with everything else. It has positive and negative poles and that's what creates gravity. It was fascinating. - Makes sense. - It's a fascinating perspective. Didn't he create some kind of electromagnetic device? - Yeah, nobody knows what he did, but he had these giant, what was it, limestone or sandstone blocks giant that he moved all by himself and-- - The cones, the cones too. The kids said they looked like two ice cream cones in his hand. And if you look at some of the old ancient hieroglyphics or the carvings, it shows people with the cone or things like that. So it's something to do with manipulating that magnetism that you're talking about. - Well, it's interesting. Another thing you can experience, usually in our in-person classes when I'm teaching, is we usually get some experience with this, but you can get people and they're laying on the table. And one of the things I like to do is I like to check underneath them with my hand to see where the areas are that are the heaviest. And sometimes you can check on top of the body and when you get to the areas of the body that are really congested, it will feel really heavy. In fact, I've worked on people before where I have bolsters and stuff, so my hands completely relaxed. So I'm not holding it up or anything and I'm touching a point on top of the body and it starts going to sleep. And it feels like someone's laying on your hand because the energy is so congested. - No kidding. - But when you get the energy un-conjested and you go back to those same areas, they're super light. (clears throat) - That's really interesting. - So that's part of my evaluation is going underneath the person and finding where are the areas where the body is the heaviest? Because that's usually where the most energy congested is. I mean, they could be, you know, 80 pounds wet on the table and you find an area that's congested and it feels like 500 pounds. And then sometimes you can do another thing which is you can get, like at their lay, like I said, the energy in their legs really congested and just get to the point where you can barely lift their leg. So you're using only enough force to barely lift it. And then you go on different points on the back until all of a sudden that leg's like super light. And when you touch that point, you know that point is what's causing the energy not to be able to flow up the leg and causing the heaviness. - So not withstanding direct, you know, hands-on applications by a practitioner, right? Are there things that people can do like every day at home in order to decrease energetic blockages? - Besides touching themselves in a nice way. (laughs) Yeah. - Yeah, deep breathing, of course, helps pump the energy in the body. Water intake, movement, getting out in the sun. But one of the most simple things is just working on your fingers, hold your thumb for a couple of minutes then go and hold the next finger and then the next finger. You know, even if you're only doing five minutes of finger and then you do your next hand. And I mean, you can just be sitting here holding your fingers when we're talking and you're working on yourself. - Dr. Monzo, I got a question then. The coil wrappings, right, for a round of screw. Does it matter if your hand is this way or like this or the energy? - Not to a minor degree, but not enough to really. - Do you guys have time for a call for a question? - Yeah, we've got 15 minutes here, we're good. - All right, Ohio, how are you? Can you hear me? - Yes, hi Daniel, how are you? - Good, how are you? State your name and ask the question. You got both gentlemen on today. - I know that's fantastic, I can't believe it. I'm excited here. But I've asked, hi Dr. Glidden, hi Dr. Monzo. And I have both of your books. I have Dr. Monzo's book too. And I've applied some of those techniques. And I also do the 90 essentials. But my question, I asked you once before Dr. Glidden on what you know of the QRS system or the quantum resonant system. It might be pure wave now, I'm not for sure. I know zero about it. - Yeah, okay, I was calling too because I thought maybe Dr. Monzo might be able to elaborate on it if he's ever come across the QRS system that's supposed to help the mat and different other attachments that they have. Does it really help or what does he know about it? - Hmm, well there's a bunch of them, I'm trying to think, is that like a pulsed electromagnetic mat? - Right, I think it came about in 1990. It was one of the first ones supposedly out. If that was the case, but it evolved out of Germany, I believe. It's from some of the claims. And I'm trying to think of the scientists, but eluding me right now, I can't think of as many. That was supposedly it. And they talk about the hurts of the body. And they talk about EMF and stuff bouncing off of you. If the hurt of your body is running optimal. And I'm trying to think it was between 70 and 90 hurts. And as you get, of course, as you get sick or your energy level is down, of course, supposedly your hurts is lower, but this is supposed to optimal your energy level of your body for healing and transferring oxygen, minerals, nutrients. - Is this a gerry tenant thing? Is this a gerry tenant thing? - I don't think it is. The research was Dr. Robert Becker. - Yeah, I know Becker. Body electric and cross currents. - Yeah. - And someone else wrote a book that's called the fifth sense or something or the sixth. It's basically a pulsed EMF. I can't think of the title of the book. But I think this was one of the devices he was recommending. It could be good. It gets into a lot of things. - I've already done. - The problem with the pulsed electromagnetic devices out there is actually, if you look at the early work of Becker, he was really down on these devices because they did studies and they found that a lot of these devices actually increased cancer cell development. And they had a whole big thing with the FDA and everything and they submitted all this evidence. The FDA basically said, "We don't care." And it was approved. Then they basically what happened is they found out that there was a certain level of frequency and EMF that these beds could put out where they were safe and then a certain level if you were over that was damaging to the body. So most companies today build in a safe, but you don't really know until you get an EMF meter and you measure these things. 'Cause it's the biggest problem with the pulsed electromagnetic field devices is how much EMF it's putting out. What you want it to do is put out a strong magnetic field. But some devices when they're made cheaply put out high EMS, electro-magnetic fields. And those electro-magnetic fields are when it's not good for your body. So you have to be diligent because a lot of the companies, well, most companies these days are just known for lying and they're say, "Oh, ours is safe." And until you get an EMF meter, like a tri-filled meter and measure it, you don't know. And then you have to see, it's really hard to measure the magnetic fields because it depends on what type of magnetic field it is and what type of device you need and they could be really expensive. Like thousands of dollars for the right type of magnetic field measuring devices. So it could be good. - Yeah, I know. - It may not be. My biggest-- - I know the device. Oh, go ahead. - My biggest caution with these devices now is because all the weaponized nanotech pathogen crap they've been making all these years. The nanotechnology stuff, you have to really be careful with high amounts of electromagnetic fields or EMF fields, manmade fields, because that causes a test of feresis. Which is Rice University came up with that terminology and they said, well, we discovered that in the presence of electromagnetic fields, nanotechnology can self-assemble and build itself and self-replicate. So if you have nanotechnology in your body, which almost everybody does at this point and you're around high amounts of EMF fields, you're gonna have synthetic biology going on or they're gonna start self-assembling and building crap in your body. - Resistance is futile. - That's right. So I'm really weary about those type of devices until you can measure it or if you have a company that's good enough that actually tells you these are the EMFs, this is exactly how many Hertz, this is, you know, if they provide all that information, I can look at it, then I could probably tell you better. But there's like a thousand million of these devices. - I mean, and you know, also we are all about discovery and in the field of holistic medicine because what we do is based on natural law, we add things, we never subtract anything. Like conventional medical doctors, they subtract stuff all the time, you know, like back in the day of bloodletting, that's the rage and that's the standard of care and then it was high doses of mercury and that's the standard of care and it's nonsense, right? And all of that stuff has been discarded because it was nonsense and it was castles made on sand. In holistic medicine, it's the opposite. The stuff that we do, because it is based on natural law, stands forever, but then we'll discover new stuff and add it and discover new stuff and add it and discover new stuff and add it. So I'm all about the discovery of new stuff and the simple fact of the matter is that without any of these electromagnetic devices, without any of them at all, holistic practitioners are curing diseases all around the world left and right all the freakin' times. We're curing them. We're not just suppressing them, we're not just managing them, we're curing them all of the time. So there's that and we don't need to discount that and also a little bit of perspective goes a long way here. So if you bought a brand new Tesla automobile and the batteries died, okay, the car's not going anywhere but so you need to put the proper electromagnetic energy into the car in order to get it to run. Well, that's great but what if there's no air in the tires? What if there's no oil in the axles? What if the air filters are clogged, right? The car's not gonna run even though the electromagnetic's are perfect. What's the same in the human body, right? If even if you are, you find the perfect electromagnetic frequency to help your body optimize its structure and performance. It still needs the 90 essential nutrients. You still need to stop eating food that's coming up the works. You still need to detoxify the body. You still need to kill the damn parasites. So people, I've been around a lot of people in the last year who are big fans of this tech and the electromagnetic stuff and the medbeds and it's gonna cure for everything and oh, just you wait. And it's like, well, yeah, all that stuff is great and everything that I just said is also true. So, so as long as we keep it all in perspective, we're good because you know, as far as I know, and I might be wrong about this, but I don't think I am, your body can't make calcium. Your body can't make vitamin C. Your body can't make the 90 essential nutrients. That's why they're called essential. So we have to maintain the discipline here with the stuff that we're already doing, right? And then experiment with this other stuff is add-ons, but it's not a replacement for its in addition to, as long as we all understand that, we're good to go. - Absolutely, one of the big things, oh, here it is, PMF, the fifth element of health. But one of the big things that you promote with these things is it helps ground your body again. And that's why it's supposed to help against negative EMFs and all that stuff. But heck, if you want to ground yourself, it's a lot cheaper just to go outside and work, barefoot. - Yeah. - And buying a couple thousand dollar mat. - You know, I just came from a presentation that I wanted and just it was a couple months ago with a naturopathic presentation, this guy did a presentation on hydrotherapy in Europe. And apparently, in a lot of European towns, they have hydrotherapy areas, where like people regularly go and they walk in the mud, bare feet, they walk in the grass, bare feet. They have pools of water that are up to their knees that are really cold and they just sit in the cold water. And so it's just a part of the culture there. And that really blew my mind. And I think we need more of that here in the US. - Yeah. Are you good, ma'am? Does that answer your question? - Yeah, I'm good with that. I guess I'm, you know, I invested in that back in 2019. And I'm thinking I have this, you know, this QRS, it's supposed to have been one of the first one and has all the patents and then you've got all the competitors that came out that they're supposed to have a higher wave, like the beamer and different things like that. But, you know, now I've got this QRS system on Picking Man. Should I use it now? Now that you're talking about manotec and all of that. - Oh, you know, put your dog, put your dog on it for 30 days and see what happens. (laughing) - And rub it out. - And that's what I want. I'm serious as a heart attack. I would do something like that. You know, get a hamster. - Right. - So to catch our us, get a hamster and, you know, put him under the frequency for a month and see what happens. - Yeah, that's perfect. - There is a veterinarian that they put their dogs on it on the sensitive frequency and it actually helps them. So, you know, if that was, I guess there's many videos out there and I watched quite a few of them before I ever purchased this back in 2019, but it's supposed to be, you know, very beneficial. So I don't know, maybe I get. - You've got to give it a run, ma'am. Thank you for calling. - What we need in the world is a very well-funded, the Holistic Research Institute that can answer all these questions. - Yes. - Because it would be easy to answer this shit if you had to write people doing the research. - That's for sure. - Thank you, ma'am. - It'd be easy. So I have a question for Dr. Manzo. All right. So I am of the opinion and I know that I don't know everything. And every once in a while I'm wrong. (laughing) But I don't think that the electromagnetic frequency negating devices that are sold, you know, here's the pendant, wear it around your neck. Here's the device, you put it on the back of your phone. Here's the ring, you wear it on your finger. I don't think they work. I think it's all bullshit. What do you think? - Probably like 95% of them. - B.S. - I mean, how can something-- - The only one that I like, which is the Erie's tech. - How does it work? What does it do? - It creates a, it creates another field. It actually has a small processor in it. It creates a, what we call a Fourier field around your body. And what that does is it helps change the shape of waves. So when the electromagnetic waves come in your body, it changes the shape of it. So it's not, it's more, it's not chaotic anymore. It's more harmonic to the body. But it's not blocking it. It's not changing the information on the wave. So your device is still work. Because the worst thing you can do is try to block the EMS of a cell phone. - That's what you're gonna say. That's what I was waiting for you again. - Because the phone will actually work harder to try to get a signal and produce more. - Already. - So the blocking technology really doesn't work. And then the only other method besides trying to change the shape of the wave that most 90% of the companies out there are using is they're using natural stones or they're taking something and imprinting in it thousands of homeopathic frequencies and other frequencies into it to try to boost your body so your body's stronger around the EMS, which really don't do a whole lot of anything. And of course, those devices always muscle test well because well, you have all these frequencies your body can pick from that actually might help something, but you don't actually know what it's helping. But is it actually stopping the EMS? No, even the area's tech is amazing. It is, I don't think it's enough with what we're getting bombarded by. - So have you actually-- - They have some really cool science on their website where they do like the brain scans with the person using the phone before and after. It's pretty cool. - So have you actually been able to see the field or measure the field that the device generates? - Oros, that's how many of them you're gonna ask you about. - Oros, okay, go ahead, sorry. - To a degree with my, what's that called? The experimental life energy meter. You can see kind of like the organ energy and it does have a higher reading when you put that device on there, which is what you would expect. Now the tricky thing with a device like that is you can't use a tri-field meter because it's not blocking anything. - So the EMS from the phone are gonna look the same before and after, but the question is, how is it affecting your body? - Well, shouldn't you be able to measure the field that the device itself is generating? - Yeah, that's what I mean with the other device. - Oh yeah, the ELF thing, you can measure it. - So besides that, I don't know if too many other companies that really are doing anything that provides too much benefit at all. I'm just gonna wrap my house inside a Faraday cage for goodness sake. - Yeah, yeah. - I mean, a lot of people use the stones and they say the stones absorb the radiation and it's like, okay, but is that enough to stop it from affecting you? I mean, it's not gonna suck in all the radiation to that little stone. - Here's a question about iridology. I'm a big fan of iridology. It's freaking fantastic and it should be taught in every medical school in the country. - I thought that was really interesting that you can look at the eye and see what's going on in the body. - I was actually better at sclerology, which is also really cool, what's that? - Oh, that is. - The white of the eyes. So you look at the little red little squiggly lines in the eye, in the white part of the eye. - Come on. - Yeah, it's really interesting. Your see things show up there first before it gets to the iris. - Really? - Yeah. And based on the squiggly line and how it goes and where it goes, it tells you different things. I used to do it a lot, but don't really do it much anymore, but it was quite on when I was really interesting. - So many things to discover and understand and all of which are blocked by the Food and Drug Administration, they're just rat bastards at their core. - All right, POCA's got one. I think we got a weak make fit this one and can both of you provide guidance and advice on the best way to optimize a 72 hour fast. I got up to 48, but I don't think I fully optimize its benefits. I think the third day is like the, when you're fasting really starts to do something, right? 'Cause you're kind of like scaling down from the last time you ate for the first 48, I would say. - The only thing I could say that you could do to optimize it would be you could drink coconut water. Yeah, take the 90 essential nutrients while you're doing it or at the very least, the minerals while you're doing it. And drink coconut water, organic coconut water and sit in a sauna for at least 20 minutes. And also you wanna ground yourself, right? For at least 30 minutes a day, we'll just walk on Mother Earth and bare feet, especially in the morning, do walking is really good. But really the biggest thing as far as I'm concerned is just time. You have to be drinking adequate amounts of water when you're fasting. And if you think that you have a big mucus burden in your system, because most people do, you could add lemon to the water. But as far as Pollock's research goes, coconut water increases fourth phase water in the human body. That's one water. So as do fresh squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. So there's that. I would pick something from the ATV book and work on it. Even if it's as simple as holding your fingers. Yeah, there you go. Yeah. All right. Erisites, how dangerous are they and how rampant do you think there's anything? Dr. Bonzo, you probably wanna chime in on this one too. I had my friend Neesh. She's actually going on the full moon parasite cleanse that Dr. Glidden was talking about. And so she started that a couple of days ago, I guess, but from when we talked, but what do we think? Do you think there's more parasitic things going on now than before? And by the way, Dr. Glidden, it came up in our conversation when I was talking to Neesh that apparently they found a dead worm in our FK Jr's brain. And you were saying that you think you could fix is the way he speaks. So it could be a parasitic thing. I'm not sure if that's the direction you were headed with it when you were talking about it. Yeah, so the first thing to consider with that type of a speech thing that developed later in life is osteoporosis of the skull. That's the first thing to consider, right? Because there's, you got the 12 cranial nerves and they come out of the directly off of the brain and they go to the eye's ears, nose, mouth, and throat. But to get to the eye's ears, nose, mouth, and throat, they got to go through the skull. That's a problem, how are they going to do that? So the body builds tunnels in the skull that the nerves go through. Only problem is the tunnels are in the skull and the skull is made out of bone and the bone is made out of minerals and the minerals need to be replaced all the time. So if you're minimally deficient, which everybody is, the tunnel can start to collapse. And the body in its wisdom knows that the tunnel is collapsing and that you're going to go deaf, dumb, or blind if that shit continues. So the body puts connective tissue inside the tunnel to keep it short up. Now invariably, it shouldn't be there. The only thing that should be in the tunnel is the nerve. So now we've got connective tissue rubbing up against the nerve and if it's the nerve that goes to the inner ear, you get vertigo. If it's the nerve that goes to the eardrum, you get tinnitus. If it's the nerve that goes to the eyeball, the muscles around the eye, you get a lazy eye. If it's the nerve that goes to the voice box, you get funky voice and I'm pretty sure that that's what it is. - Very, very interesting. - Other than parasites, it's like, yeah, they're a big deal these days because remember that the drain theory, well, guess what? Everyone's deficient and everyone's full of toxins today, more than they can imagine. So guess what's going to move in? Anything that can live off of that crap and basically actually trying to keep you alive by eating up all that crap, that's why they're there. You know, if you have a perfectly clean house, you don't get cockroaches. - Well, unless you're a Democrat. - I'm like, man. (laughing) - Did I just say that out loud? Did I, did I, did I think I did? - Yeah, you know, I saw the best bumper sticker or t-shirt, I forget which one it was. It said, make Orwell a fiction again. (laughing) - That's great. - So in these days, I think, you know, there's root cause and then there's root cause and then there's root cause. And the parasite stuff isn't really the root cause. It's the problem is you're mineral deficient and you have all these toxins in your body. However, once they move in and they're thriving, you're going to have more problems. So it's like, do you ignore them and just, well, let me try to fix your nutritional deficiencies here for the next year before we try to get rid of any of these parasites. No, you might want to get rid of the parasites. But these days, what I'm seeing more than the parasites is this all this synthetic, weaponized nonsense that they've been making in the labs. When I'm wearing my scans, what I see is there are a lot more of this engineered crap than the actual real ones. So then what I mean by that is, let's say you have a meldu in your body, a type of fungus. You almost always find a weaponized meldu. And the weaponized meldu, which was engineered, puts out a homing beacon to summons other types of meldus. And your body is just busy fighting the meldus and it can't do anything in the weaponized version. So you don't get rid of the weaponized version, the normal one's not going to go away. So it's causing recruits to come to keep you busy. And I see it's getting worse and worse every year since COVID. So we all need full body MRIs. Yeah. Knock out those nanotech with powerful magnets. I get the wands. I got the wands. I don't think it's enough though, is it? I don't know, is it? It knocks them out pretty good, but not completely. Oh, I'm going to have a full body MRI. That's what I'm going to do. Then do your parasite cleanse and see what happens. Yeah, rock and roll. All right. I will report back. Gentlemen, it's always a pleasure. Mons, I'm glad you're still with us. Yeah. And if anything happens, I'm going on the warpath. So. And for those of you out there, it's, E-I-F-F-E-L for the young Joe D-90 Essentials. And you can find on, the links to Dr. Peter Gliddens membership. By the way, we picked up like three new people this week, since last week, I think it was. And so three more SuperSmart people in the SuperSmart club, put also on the same website, Top right is Dr. Gliddens. And then there's two for Dr. Monzo. One of them is Azure Well, and the other one's where to get his book and the mons and things like that. So you'll see them all on It's just easier because they're quick links to each one of them, so. Daniel, you continue to be the man. Keep up the good work. Monzo, don't ever stop. Thank you so much, Dr. Gliddens. See you guys in the future. I've been getting some pretty cool dreams and visions again. Nice. So my inventing brain is back online with coming up with some new concepts. So see where it goes. Gotta love it. All right, keep this in the loop, buddy. All right, see you guys. I guess my next one's probably here, so I need to go on. Take care, guys. All right. Hello out there in Radio Land. This is Kai's McSoup for July 10th, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins. With me is Mark Joseph, and we're going to give you our thoughts on what we just heard. So I'm gonna turn it over to Mark to tell you, to have him tell you exactly who these people are. 'Cause he listens to him, and then he sends me, and they always seem to be having a good time, or at least we get informed. Mark. Yeah, thank you, Nancy. So I'm glad that you were able to add this to this week's lineup because I'm a big listener of any updates from Dr. Alfonso Monzo and Dr. Peter Glidden. And they're pretty regularly on this podcast. It could be found on your smartphone, podcast app. Just type in B-A-A-L, and then next word busters. Or just, yeah, 'cause if you type in B-A-A-L, very few podcasts have that name. In the podcast, those should come right up. And they've been on pretty regularly since, I think, late last year. And another easier place to find them visually is Rumble. So, and the Rumble one is cool because you can do, I think they accept call-ins, and of course you can put in comments, and then the host does answer the comments. So on this clip from the Rumble channel is ball busters from June 27th. And I put in a couple of things on Shungite because they, I don't know what the subtext was, or implying about, and let me give the timestamp here. It was about 53 minutes of EMF negating devices. And how Dr. Monzo was saying 95% of more BS. And he made a really good point that one of the worst things you could do is block a signal. And I guess the new B thing is that this thing blocks it. I mean, if it blocks it, then how are you gonna make the thing work? So, and what's even worse is the phone has to work harder to get the signal, which makes you know the exposure worse, obviously. So, and obviously the first thing I thought of was Shungite, and then something I did reply in the comments, the Rumble page of, or then the check out Regina Martino's Shungite book, which is also an audio book, because her book shows measurements, a specific meter, and it's a visual measurement too, of how your body is with the cell phone on, without it, and with other rocks and how it increases the body's energy level. I think it was up to 110% and now this is just with regular Shungite. And I also posted the mystical where's visual test of the blood in the microscope with the cell phone, and then with the S4 sticker, and then the stem cells increasing. So, that's on YouTube still, goodness. And so back to the, I always like hearing from the two doctors. It's almost like a all-star round table for me. And they've been, so they were going, like Dr. Manjos was a monthly in ballbusters. And Dr. Glidden is weekly, I think, and he has his own Rumble channel. It's called Medical Mythbusting. Mythbusting is one word, and he's also on Twitter. I'll give that later, the Twitter handle. But yeah, I like that they seem to jump around, but it's all connected in terms of natural healing, personal transformation insight. And yeah, I mean, I wanna play some of these clips, some of the earlier ones, 'cause when they first got together, it was back in January, that was the first. I'm gonna read less into some of these, and play them in the Shungite show, because, you know, Shunga, we don't just talk about crystals and rocks, it's also about energy and different kinds of concepts that, through you guys, Nancy Walt and Derek, who've made the most advanced Shungite devices in the world, and hearing what they have to say and how you guys can comment on it. So one of them, the really big one, was something about Russians were able to... See, I think it was a visual technology of whatever happened in that room, you could, they were able to see, as in, like, it doesn't matter how far back in the past, or something like that, and they were able to see it. So I wanna find that clip and play it in the Shungite show, 'cause it sounded really cool. And yeah, of course, the Russians would be the one to find something like that to work, and that kind of discussion, and maybe it could lead somewhere. And, yeah, so I think that that's it, as far as... And Dr. Monzo does have a, what's the word, a give send go, because he was recently rated, I'm surprised he didn't talk about it too much here, recently rated by, I forget it was FDA, or one of those government alphabet agencies, and they took a step from his home, but not the office, which was strange. And he told the story, which podcast was it. Oh, it was in, also Ballbusters, his most recent one, which was June 20th, and that was where the give send go was given, I'll give the link later, you can find it there. And yeah, I mean, I can go into the highlights of what I liked and what they were talking about, but I'll just send it back over to you, Nancy, I'll try to find Dr. Glidden's X-page. I don't think Dr. Monzo's on X, but... - Well, the thing that we have to start pushing, okay, is that there is absolute concrete, measurable, study information regarding apparently Shungite. We don't know if it was our products or somebody else's, but this is a document from the National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotech Information, Biotechnology Information. And it came out in October of '22, so it's recent, but the title of it is Mobile Phones Induced EMF Stress is reversed upon the use of protected devices, resulting from two experiments testing different boundary conditions. It's a science trait, or what can I tell you? I'm just gonna read a little bit of the abstract here. This work examines the impact of electromagnetic fields on heart rate variability, saliva cortisol, arterial blood oxygenation, and tympatic temperature, tympanic temperature, and the potential effect of protective devices developed to counter EMS induced stress. In a pilot study, recordings were taken during a 15-minute mobile phone call, emitting a high burden of EMF after a base measurement of rest was very low EMF. In other words, they're taking these people that have volunteered and it was 100 and something, and they're taking those things I just mentioned. They're taking those measurements, and the reason they wanted to use those measurements is they were immediate. You could take them as the test was going on. So in the main study, four experimental arms were employed, two of which replicated the experimental setup of the plot pilot study, and two of which examined the effects, only one mobile phone chip in an open hidden, I don't know what that's all about. It gets into the concept of placebo and stuff. But the results were that, and I could go through this, I'd like you to look at it yourself, there's other reports that they're citing too, that you can look at different types of the dangers of it, this problems with sleep, all this other stuff that's associated with the problems of EMF. But what they did was they essentially tested the shungite and they didn't explain how, what it was or what they did, but they found that with the shungite on the, they first off they got, when they turned the phones on, they got crazy readings on these things, they all went completely off the charts, but when they put the shungite on the phone, not only did they not go too bad, they got better than the base. So this is just one study, and that's because somebody took the time to do the study. And Glideon said that he wanted to see a research center for natural, pathic solutions. It's the only way we're gonna get it all, let's say, because you got this one talking this and this one talking that and that one talking that, but they're not really in a place where they can share on a real-time basis, the information that is being done by others. So you need a center to take all this information in. Well, the center right now is basically your search engine's Google, but you've gotta know exactly what it was that the test was talking about. Otherwise, it's just like, you're gonna get so many different things, but that center, yes, that's the key to everything. You know, where people share instead of, oh, I found this out, now we can make a product and we can make some money off of it. No, it's gotta be this free-flowing center for information. And as soon as we can get that happening, the amount of information regarding healing, energy, what's wrong with us, what's happening, all of that, it's just because it's been done in many different ways all over the world, but nobody's ever put it together. And it's people like you and me that, you know, at least in those guys, they're trying too, but when you, see, I don't particularly have a tremendous amount of respect when somebody says, well, I don't know much about it, but no, they can't work. Dismissing it like Lydia did. It's like, no, you haven't studied it. You don't really know. That's what your assumption is based on what you think you know. But, you know, people shouldn't be out there just saying, no, it doesn't work. I mean, I have reasons when I say this to people that if it works, it's got shungite in it, it's the only thing that does it that I know of, and they'll hide the fact that it's shungite. I know that because I've been told that by some of the people that were hiding the fact that we're shungite, you know? No, they don't want people to know that you don't need to have these expensive devices. What you need is shungite. And like I say, in the case of this, they basically proved it because they just said, they didn't specify if it did, I didn't see it. What kind of a medium the shungite was in, was it a sticker? I suspect it was. 'Cause we're not the only one of the stickers. We were the first, but we haven't, you know, people have copied us all over the place. If they used one of ours, yeah. Because ours are based on, you know, cosmic silver-saturated shungite. It's more. But we were getting the effects. You don't get the effects on the Wi-Fi unless you've got the silver in it. You get effects, but not like what we get with the silver. So I'm gonna pass it back on to you. But I just wanted to, you know, I'm gonna put the link in our conversation right here because you might wanna just post this particular article whenever you find somebody talking about shungite. You know what I'm saying? It's so important. Yeah, that's really the key because I'm constantly looking for a new content to share on the shungite podcast. And nobody, only you guys and one other company, and they give you guys credit in Europe about the silver. And they always cite you guys. But it's like, you have, I mean, X is one of the more popular places to talk about whatever. And that's where I get my shungite, like where the material we've even gotten guests. And, you know, I got a, that one from Myorka near Spain, the island I gotta find her article about the bees, shungite bees. But that thing of, it's a stratification thing. Stratification is water seeking its own level. And of course, since we're dealing with energy, life force is the same thing. Or, you know, very similar, it's parallel. So, you have to say, 'cause it's cell phones and then what are these kind of gradients? You got the cell phone and from the cell phone, you got the Wi-Fi, different Wi-Fi, you got okay, smart meters and then the 5G and then the towers. And that's sort of the bubble that people are concerned with. But, they can't break through. They just think, "Oh, I have, what, like these beads. "I have a pyramid, the standard," and then of course, people will get allured with. And I did too, the noble, the elite thing because it's shiny and it catches the eye. But that's not the same as with the added silver. And I recently resurfaced a old show, let's see if I can find it, from Cosmic Reality where some of the times, pretty often you guys cover advanced shungai topics that should have been talked about in the shungai reality. So I'm hoping I can resurface some of these highlights 'cause I started listening 2017 to your guys' YouTube shows, which are now gone. And, but you do have in archives. And even, I went through a lot of podcast stations like iTunes, iHeart. They only go up to 2020. They don't go past that. And I'm glad you posted the 2014 shows on Wolf's Spirit, from Wolf's Spirit Radio of your guys' shungai show in the Rumble channel. And so the one I'm talking about with the Cosmic Reality show, who was a big shungai topic was on the curling photography. So if people go to, the archives, and it's the February 19th through the 25th, that week of 2019, you go to the Cosmic Reality show and the show does start out, I think the first hour is a good talk about the curling photography of shungai pieces and even of this cedar necklace. - What was the date, February what? - It's the week of February 19th through the 25th, 2019. And so I posted that back in 2023, but I bumped it up in the group. So I'm listening to it and you guys do go into detail in what I was mentioning, I don't know. But what I noticed was the curling glow, the picture is the same as what you would see in ice. So I was like, oh, okay, so similarities and how the effects of the ice freezing, of the S4 magnet on the fridge is what I'm referencing to. And yeah, as far as how, I mean, and of course the curling was talked about with Dr. Monzo and of that leaf, another reason to go to the rumble channel and see that even though a leaf is cut and separated from the main, you know, leaf, it still shows that energetic connection, but there's a slight, what do you call it? A slight disconnect, the visual portion of it. So the point being is that the measurements are there with different devices like, and I need to contact Derek about the Dr. James Demayo's experimental life force meter. Those videos are still in mystical wares Facebook page. I think one or two of them are in the "Shung That Reality" Facebook page of, I think they measured a cube or no pyramid, probably a cube and it is a sphere of the experimental life force meter. So there you go, you know, if you want something, something with numbers, that's showing it. I mean, there's over a lines of meters. I mean, it's still having a tri-filled meter, because the EMF meter is still important. So as far as the other highlights, I mean, I love hearing their discussion. So at around the 24-minute mark, there was talk, he was talking about what are the hands-on healing applications for a stroke? And I don't know if it was specifically referencing the Aloftab, what I'm saying that right. Book, I highly recommend everybody get that. It's in the, oh, what is it, Dr. ebook, and I did buy, I read most of the book and I wanna talk to Walt about how it's helped his mom. But I don't like flying and I had to fly out, visit family about a month ago. And I think it did work, but I like what Dr. Monzo was talking about. I did have impatience with applying to Aloftab. It's a form of hands-on healing, electromagnetic structure of the body. And there's a approach for almost anything. And I liked that Dr. Gooden was talking about what to do for a stroke, because I'm not sure if that was specifically covered. And so I'm glad that Dr. Monzo specified the two approaches of what to do, but yeah, I mean, everybody should have that book put on your phone. And, you know, and so I did try the... - What exactly is the book about? - It's a hands-on healing based on the body's different energetic anatomical structure, but it's the Hebrew based. And Dr. Monzo's take is that this is the original universal language of God and the body's energetic structure. And so the book is mostly of... - Just get the title and the author. - I don't have the title now. I mean, I have to look it up and then give it later. - Okay. - I was mentioning that, so Dr. Gooden is on X, so Gooden to these, one word. And I just noticed today that a month ago, he made a new rumble channel. It's... If you just type in Dr. Gooden, one word, it should come up. And so his latest Q&A is from a week ago. And he has about a month's worth of Q&A. Let me see if I can find the Aloftab book. So if you go to that page I mentioned, there's the ATB book. Aloftab body system, restoring the bio-energetic temple. Aloftab is spelled A-L-E-P-H. I think those are the Hebrew letters. So, and of course if you go to the BallBusters rumble page, there is a discount code you can use for Dr. Monzo's site. But everybody should have this book. I mean, you don't know what kind of emergencies happen and then you just do the hands-on healing. And we got to do it for a minimum five minutes. That's one of the key highlights with it is. Yeah, but, I mean, it worked for me. Yeah. - Have you ever tried to do hands-on healing? - No, that's what I was getting into. So I read most of the book. And so when I was up in the air flying, and what was it? I think it was, 'cause I don't like flying. So I did this particular one. I think it was on the legs or like in the back. 'Cause there's different hand positions for different things you wanna work on. And I think it did work. Oh, I think it was one of them was the head pain because the stupid plane was just, they did not pressurize the cabin correctly. So I hadn't felt that kind of pressure in a while, that hard pressure. So I put my two hands and it did ease some. But like, how do you know, unless, so in some of these modalities you do zero for no pain and tend for like the worst pain. And you gotta do that beforehand and then after. So you know that there's a change going on. Otherwise, how can you tell? Just by feeling like that's pretty vague. And you just, 'cause you just call it placebo. So whenever I recommend somebody to do these hands-on whatever's, that's what I always tell them first. But I think it did work. And obviously I gotta use it more and keep up with, I mean, it's anxiety. Almost anything you can think of, there's a different hands-on healing thing with it. So hearing won't talk about it again in the show, I think I want to ask him that. Back to you Nancy. - Well hands-on healing is so old. It's what people, I mean, how to explain this. When you give somebody a hug, you're actually giving them a hands-on healing session, okay? Because if your energy field is putting out the right, let's say the right intention, okay, to heal, to whatever, that you are a machine of just energy. And it doesn't, it's good energy. You don't have to be afraid of this because the person you're sending the energy to or working with, they have a free will, they have the body as a decision whether to accept the healing energy or not. So it's not breaking any of the rules of free will in that. You're just giving a gift of energy. And when you're doing the hands-on healing, I went through sessions of this very early in the beginning of this journey of down the rabbit hole of energy healing. And there were three of us together and we realized that when we just got quiet and we had volunteer in front of us or whatever, if we just got quiet, it was almost like our body sinked together. And we didn't know what we were doing. It wasn't like some teacher was telling us that. This was like back in the early '90s and it was a situation of, well, hands-on healing, does anybody know what it means and what is this? And so we sort of decided, well, let's just see, let's just work with this. Let's find out what's really happening. And interestingly enough, all three of us, when we would do this and we had some amazing people felt what was happening. But internal to us, it was like, every time we would do this and we didn't do it very often because we sort of like, well, let me explain what we were feeling. We would feel like we were back in time and that we had been trained to do this and we all went back to Egypt. It was like we must have been in a group of healers or maybe just the three of us back in the time of Egypt because we all kept getting the same kind of visual inputs as we were doing this. And what we came to understand was that, yes, it's very real, but all three of us didn't want to do it again. It's like, yes, I know I've got this power but I don't want to spend my life healing people. It was just, and we weren't really talking deeply about it. It was like, you know, and we all just agreed. But the only way you're going to know, and I'm talking to the audience now, the only way you're going to know is to play with it. Because like I say, when we started out, we knew nothing. And one of my sisters, I said, you know, there's this thing called hands-on healing and would you let me just, she has a lot of health issues. And I said, would you just let me kind of play and see what you feel? And she was stunned because she could feel the energies. So I don't, again, I keep saying this to people. You don't need to go out and read a book. What you need to do is experiment because every person has this ability to heal, in my opinion. It's just a matter of doing what's right for you. And a book might give you a lot of information and a lot of techniques that you can try, but you don't have to go that way. Initially, just go with little tests, like, you know, and we've all done this. You know, the little boy is crying. Why are you crying? You know, well, my stomach hurts. Well, come here, let me give you a hug, you know, and pretty soon the stomach settles down because the kid was just overexcited or whatever, you know. But if you take it step by step and just practice, we've got to kind of train ourselves. And I think we know the information. I think that true light workers have been trained in other incarnations, maybe on other planets or all I know. So I just want to say that, you know, play with it. See what happens because that's what we did. And we did have effects. It was just that we didn't think that that was the way we wanted to go through life. So, but I still use it. You know, I mean, it's like, yeah, first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to touch you where you think you've got the problem with love and the focus on whatever the problem is and just let the life God force run through us in order to do this. I mean, I know, see, I've also dealt with people that took the route of healing people. And in no occasion, were they actually trained in the modality that they developed for themselves? Let me put it that way. So over to you. - Yeah, for me, I've done. And it's one of the more significant healing things I did was with Lynn McTaggard's power of eight. And you don't even need to sign up for the masterclass or these online workshops. She has the paperback and hardback version. I forget which one is the, what do you call it? Extended version. But, and it's interesting because the technique is similar to quantum touch and matrix energetics, which is basically people are always stuck in the head. And so what you do is you transfer your point of awareness to your heart space area, the chest, upper chest. And then from there, you would project out visually and imaginatively energy from the heart space. And they do have thermographic imaging of this where energy is most concentrated in this like emotional, when people are emotional, like what does it look like with thermography and anger, love and these other different emotions. And then the most powerful one, I think, was love. So, that's what, that heart space idea and theme of love you project out. And that can help with long distance healing, even with just thinking about the person and the area you want to work on. So, matrix energetics, quantum touch, and what was the third one? Oh, yeah, Lynn McTaggard's technique. There's a similarity from that point. And so, I have this group I meet with, I think once a month now, where we meet on Zoom and then we all work on somebody and then report the results later. And it's been pretty consistent and it's worked, but there is a limitation to it. And obviously, so you have to do a multitude approach of somebody improving themselves. And of course, this is all educational purposes. We don't offer cures or anything like that. It's just for fun and entertainment that we're talking about here. Let me see what I was gonna talk about. Oh, so, another thing that's free is has a weekly Kayler session where I think it was a whole day, which happens every Friday and you can put as many names as you want in this And this week's is Immune Boost. And Nancy Reuben talking about these Shengai studies so people can also mysticalwares, put in the site, forward slash Shengai dash studies. And there's also a frequently asked questions there. And people can also come in Tuesdays in the chat room, 9AM Pacific Standard Time, ask questions to anybody. We're always looking for content and newbies come and go all the time. And yeah, Nancy, we're gonna say something. - Well, you just need to go to and you'll find it put in scaler session in the search or whatever we've talked about. You can just put it in the search and it normally will come up. But it's also probably listed. This is a very deep website because it's got products but it's also got one of the best research sections that I know of one on the bees, one on the, just, you know, what's new in the Shengai research field. There's so much information there that you have to, you know, sit back, relax. And because there's so much, it's like, you know, look through it a little bit until you get comfortable and then you'll start to open up the different links that take you into a lot of information on Shengai. I just wanted people to, you know, all you have to remember is And now, why do we keep pushing them? Well, the Shengai store that Walt Silva and I set up back in 2014, by 2019, I was basically running the store and he was basically making the products. I was making some of the products but it was mostly on him. And we just were, we couldn't keep up with it. The sales had doubled every single year. And then Derek came in with the Shengai bees and I began to talk to him and, you know, I realized this is the next phase, let's say, what we're doing here. And so we moved the headquarters of the Shengai store to Washington where he is. And he and his wife began to run the store and began to produce, do different, you know, be able to do what Walt was doing and myself. And so now the only connection that we have with mysticalwares is that mysticalwares supports this radio station. It's expensive to run a, you know, we gotta sign up with all these different sites to do the things we do. And mysticalwares pays for that because this is his way of, it's basically advertising but it sure makes it advantageous for the rest of us that are participating in this really exciting venture that we have of not just the Shengai but of bringing people together for the same purpose of just finding out what's what? Because right now, who knows what's what? Unless you are with people who are grounded and not full of greed. This concept of making money, I mean, yes, people have to make money to survive. But so much of it is, we've given it all away. We tell you how we do everything. We tell you how to build the products because that's the only way that you're gonna spread the knowledge. And so I recommend him because I know exactly where he gets the Shengai. It comes from the mine, put on a ship and comes to his place. You can't get it, there's no way you can get it that smooth. That it's pure, absolutely pure. Now, is there a phony Shengai out there? Yes, there is. And so you have to be careful. You know, that most people are dealing real Shengai. But I've gotten burnt ordering beads or something that like the figurines and stuff. A lot of times those things are on a Shengai slab but it's not Shengai in the, you know, in like a dog or a cat or that. And the ones that he has are, you know, all Shengai. The dog or cat or whatever is made from Shengai. Well, not me. I mean, it's Shengai in resin or whatever he's using at the time. So take a look at Derek. I mean, because he's got so many different products out there for everything. And I've played with, and we talk about him all the time on the Shengai show. And we do have a Shengai show, Shengai reality on rumble. And I put up all of the Shengai shows. There's also a cosmic reality on rumble. And in that I put some of our other shows up too. We are on Twitter, I am falling way behind because of the flood that I had. And it's causing me to go through every inch of this house to, you know, clean up and check. You know, it's something you have to do every decade maybe. And but just just be aware that the solutions are not complicated. You just have to, and why would you believe us? Because we've been at this for 10 years. We've seen what it does. And more and more people are confirming what we were saying way back when. And other people are out there, you know, saying, this is Shengai, it's the best, but they're not getting it. It's the energy behind the Shengai. The Shengai is the carrier of the energies. And you've got to go into your real deep science to understand it or just accept the fact that it does not block, it does not absorb. The energy field of the Shengai is so powerful that it takes an electromagnetic signal and reverses the spin. It has nothing to do with blocking or absorbing. Reverses the spin. Because what's damaging from the electromagnetic field is the fact it's rotating counter to your own cells. It's as simple as that. That's why it's damaging. If you get it in the Shengai environment, boom. Now it's rotating in the same direction your cells are. It's actually giving a boost to your cells. It's helping your body get stabilized and centered again. Because of a spin of the molecules that are associated with Shengai. And a toxin comes in. A toxin is a toxin because it's running contrary to your cells. It hits the Shengai field, begins to turn. But because it's not an electromagnetic wave, it's actually a 3D molecule. It loses its molecular cohesion and falls back into atoms. While Solis had a water purifying like the kind you put under a canister you put under your sink since 2014. And all that's in there is Shengai. It doesn't have any carbon or anything. You took a carbon base one, took the carbon out, put the Shengai in it. And after your decade, you can open that thing up. And it doesn't have that smell that you get when you've got a carbon filter that's got too much toxins in it. It smells awful. And it doesn't go there. It never goes there. Because all the molecules are being turned in atoms, there's nothing to absorb. They've all been neutralized a decade. And he's never had to change it out. So if they've got you buying something and replacing something every month, well, probably not Shengai. Or they're telling you a lie. And where this information came from was some two different Russian companies that were making water purification units for under the sink type of things. They actually had independently researched their own product to see, well, when you have to replace the Shengai, and both of them discovered, oh, shoot, you don't have to replace the Shengai because they make money on the replacement. But they discovered, no, it doesn't need to be replaced. I mean, I don't know if you know this, Mark, but there are water purification buildings for civilians, residential businesses, that sort of thing. And I think it's Indonesia. When I was initially studying it, one of the things I came into contact with was these big companies that were making these water purification systems for community service that were based on Shengai. But you don't hear anything about it. Probably if you looked for it, you might. But I got that when I was studying the Russians. Who are these people that are doing this? It turned out to be, I believe it was Indonesia companies. That's pretty exciting. And they've used Shengai and Fukushima to help purify the radiation. Are you there? Yeah, listening. Another option for people is at mystical, where they have that option to look at prices from high to low or low to high. Because I mean, you keep hearing this talk about silver going up, and it is, as far as right now, it's $31. And their prices are beyond reasonable. So if you do the low to high, and you think the added silver is more expensive, there's the silver and Shengai lip balm for $5. And if you think the resin figures-- which you could just put in your pocket, right? That would be good to go. They're $10 each of the resin figures. But you could also get the cosmic silver Shengai beads for $2 to $4, depending on how many beads. That's a question to ask. OK, so then how many beads is enough to sustain one's or bio-electrical field that we can ask that another day in the Shengai show? But a lot of good-- I mean, of course, you got the different resin figures. There's one of a bear, dragon, rose, turtle. And it's just $10 each. You give that to anybody. Just put it in your pocket, and then you're ready to go. Let me see what the other ones are. So there's also the key chain versions. And there's another silver Shengai resin unicorn. And, of course, the beads again. And oh, yeah, the soap. The soap is only $12. So that one is different from other Shengai soaps because it has the silver also in it. And pink Himalayan salt. And so the resins do also come in. And of course, the resins are with the Shengai and silver. And the next ones up are $12, the teardrops, and then the paws and heart shape. So yeah, there's no excuse not to have one if you think these other ebayorets, these sellers are more expensive than you have this. So it's money back guarantee. You know, you're not going to lose money if it doesn't work for you. But once you meet Shengai, if you're ready for it, you're just going to love it. It's just, you know, and if you're not ready for it, well, put it up there. Someday you will be. Someday you'll open up to it and see the magic. It's associated with it. Yeah, wanted to read also, because we're talking about the hands-on healing, the description here. The people can just go to Dr. Manzo's shop, but I think it's important to differentiate. There are two different books. One's $25, one's 125. And I'll just go ahead and read this. We'll click here. I left top body system restoring the bioenergetic temple. In this book, you learn the role of bioenergy in the body, why it's key to proper health, understand how Hebrew is written on our bodies and what that means, bring proper function to the energetic centers and pathways with simple touch. So this is the one that's $125, 400 pages. Manual covering both theory and practice, hands-on applications. If you have, if all you had was this book, you would be able to drastically improve your wellness. This is similar to a textbook required for certification endorsement programs. Emergency and critical needs, applications for situations, so bleeding, heart attack, burns, et cetera. And the option two, which is $25. And then it's still a lot of pages. It's like, I think 200-something. Only because if you look at the table of contents, it covers the energetic anatomy of different things. Like if you have tooth pain or these different ailments, and then there's more than one way to hands-on healing, depending on what's going on and what you want to fix. And so the e-book is Healing Made Simple with L-of-Top Body. Learn the basics of bioenergy healing and how to use it to restore wellness, simple to read and apply. Doesn't include every application in the big book. Be able to apply simply, simple, easy to understand techniques to balance the system of the body. Use this information in both a digital form or print pages as needed. This is the abbreviated version of the larger book, includes emergency and critical needs applications. And yeah, well, he has used it successfully. He has mentioned it in Cosmic Reality Show and Shinga reality, but I want to get an update and maybe backtrack to when he first used it and then up to where he is now with it. And yeah, I'll report also as I go along. I need to re-read just a good few weeks, but I've taken a look at it. Let me see, any other highlights as far as during the hour talk, he was mentioning, Dr. Glidman was mentioning the Derral Pollock Structured Water over the fourth phase of water of what you can do. And he was mentioning coconut water and then doing Asana, coconut water is structured water. But obviously, we just talked about shungite, just put the beads, the rocks in the water, what leech out heavy metals as far as I understand. And people doubt that they can go to the shungite studies page and frequently ask questions and mystical wares. Yeah, that's your best form of structured water. You don't have to, it's constantly keeping it detoxified and energetic and structured. So, yeah. Yeah, they also mentioned that was very interesting, experimental organ meter. You know, because organ is the product of life. It's another energy field that is critical to everything. And we know it exists because we can see it working in different ways, but you can't meter it. Nobody's got a meter for it, but apparently they got an experimental one out there. And that's exciting. I mean, really exciting. But listen, we're down to the last minute of the show. So would you like to just say goodbye or say something else there? Yeah, just people can just type an experimental life force meter on any keyword search engine. It'll bring it to Couple of other things, but it's really cool. Like check it out, we'll cover it more in the Shanghai Show. And thanks everybody. Have fun here and thanks Nick and Nancy. Yes, we appreciate you guys being here and listening to us. And we hope that the doctors gave you information and that you know, you might have found, this is more like a Shanghai Show, but Shanghai is the answer to so much. So give it a try, and for archives and links to podcasts. Be safe everybody. And again, thank you. You've been listening to Radio 5G, a production of Thank you for listening. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]