Cosmic Reality Podcast

SAY WHAT REPLAY from 11-23-19 - Out of Towners

“Say What Replay” - Nancy Hopkins, Dolly Howard, Barbara White and Judy Carroll from 12/7/19.

“Say What?” live show is seen Saturdays 6-8 pm EST and the "Say What Replays" oldie shows are seen 2-4 pm EST-

PODCASTS Archives Audio: Rumble: Shungite Store:

COUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off:MysticalWares:

1h 54m
Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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“Say What Replay” - Nancy Hopkins, Dolly Howard, Barbara White and Judy Carroll from 12/7/19.

“Say What?” live show is seen Saturdays 6-8 pm EST and the "Say What Replays" oldie shows are seen 2-4 pm EST-

COUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off:MysticalWares:

(upbeat music) Say what? Say what radio show? When no agenda, it's always a surprise. But if we're not having fun, we're doing something wrong. And welcome to the Say What Show. It is December 7th of 2019. With me is, well, I'm not exactly sure. I think Dolly's here and Judy Carroll and Barbara White. I think you guys are all here. I sort of didn't have the time between the shows to talk to you. So anyway, welcome to the show again. It's been another month. How's everybody doing? Who wants to go for it? Dolly, you go first. Oh, my gosh, Jan's show was super fantastic with Ani. I was so into it, I didn't even realize I needed to get my headset plugged in and all that get ready for this show. I just want to shout out to you, Jan and Ani. Fantastic discussion. And hi, ladies, I'm glad you're back. - Hi, Dolly. How are you feeling? - Okay, okay, a lot happened since last month. My daughter is now the proud owner of Six Heart Stents. Five Heart Stents. - Oh, oh my gosh. - Wow, that's awesome. - Yeah, that's awesome. She scared the poop out of me. We almost lost her. But it's not time for her to go yet. - No, I'll be asleep, not. - And Dolly, how are you feeling physically? - Actually, pretty good. I have my updates and down days and I've had more updates lately than down days, so this is good. - That's very good. - Yeah. - Okay, I'm gonna ask you, do you all have headsets on? - No. - Okay, 'cause there is a bit of a feedback and so it's probably with the person that does not have headsets. - Hold on, I noticed that there's any electronics around that it can do that. Is that any better? - Talk, people, somebody talk. - Hello, Judy here. Judy, you seem fine. Dolly, talk to me. - Okay, talk to you, talk to you. I'm talking to you. - Okay, Barb, talk to me. - Hi. - Okay, we'll see what happens. Sometimes it comes and goes, but it sounds better. I think it was your headset. So anyway, you were asking Dolly how she's feeling and Dolly was saying she's feeling good. So, Judy, how are you doing? - Yeah, really, really good. I'm extremely healthy. I have those people talk to it on side that way, but no, I've had a pretty good year. Good health. - Awesome, and Barb, are you doing good, yeah? - I am pretty healthy also, except I've been really under the weather since Thanksgiving. - Oh, nice. - And I got frightened Thursday night, 'cause I was, I've been very involved in a bunch of stuff, aren't we all? And I had to do some shopping, and I was feeling so weak, I didn't know that I could walk, or that I could push the cart. And I thought, I've never felt like this before. I could walk, I could push the cart, but I felt like I didn't. So I did, finally, what Judy had suggested some time ago, we asked the guys upstairs for some help, and I was really frightened. I thought, is this Perkins? You know, I don't know. I'm not that girl that gets sick, and to feel like this was very, I'm not something in my 76 years I've experienced. So I had a discussion with the people upstairs by other family, and Thursday night, I woke up before midnight with chills, and I thought, oh, something's happening. And I was up until nine o'clock last night, and greatly improved. - Oh, fantastic. - So I think we need to remember when we're not feeling top, you know, top notch. - And you gotta ask. I mean, we've been really busy upstairs on the last couple of weeks, but you know, you gotta put it out there, 'cause we don't just come and take it, you gotta ask if you wanna help. - Oh, so I have to pretend I need help and ask you all so I can get up there? - I think so. I don't think to ask, 'cause I don't get sick, but that makes it an event, you know, when we're healthy a lot, we've had good health all our lives, and something happens, it does make it a big event. It's not like we have this kind of experience all the time. - Hmm, I know if everyone's feeling sick or in a bit off, I really get into them. Come on, guys, help me, come along. No, I need some healing. I've done that enough. So I got distracted, did you get the healing from them? - Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. - What was wrong, what did they have to heal? - Oh, just, you know, I like if I'm feeling tired or something, or I've had a big day or a big week and I'm feeling a bit burnt, now I just ask, or maybe I feel a cold coming on or something, I ask, I do it all the time. - I mean, Barb, wasn't Barb the one who was having me. - What was your question, Dolly? - Yeah, I got involved in Judy's answer. - Oh, we're getting distracted here. So Barb, you were feeling bad. - Yeah. - And did you ask for the help and did they give it to you and what was the reason for you feeling bad? - I don't know what I got. Apparently, other people in the family got it too. I live alone and I don't have a lot of exposure. And you know what, this is not unusual in a way. When I think back about it, I have gotten sick when I've gone to Columbus, Ohio, more often than not, I just don't go very often. And I forgot about that. I used to think it was either the trip up there, I go across flat country and there are all these farms and they're blowing round up all over the place and I thought either that or it's a chemtrails, so much thicker up there. And I'm just super sensitive because there isn't as much of it down here. But sure enough, I went and I don't normally, my brother doesn't usually invite me to join them for holidays. It was very surprised. So I went and had a pleasant time and came home and got sick. - I did-- - You weren't under any stress. Oh, sorry. - No, I was just gonna confirm that the reason I don't go to Massachusetts anymore is that every time I went up there, I would come back very sick. It would take me out of the game for like five days afterwards. One day at one time it was worse than that. And I think that, 'cause I went through the same thing, they've got like more of this and more of that, but now that I look at it, I think it really comes down to the fact that we are totally energetically in a location that is not compatible with our own energy bodies. - I think that's an excellent point, because I've tried to leave here since 1973 and I have not been able to escape. - Where you at now? - Right, right. I'm in Appalachian, Southeastern Ohio in a very small town. And, you know, I've always felt like a fish on water here. I grew up in a big city and, you know, anyway, I am very contented here now, even though I have zero primary relationships, everybody important is not here. But I am contented. I'm not distressed, I'm not trying to leave. I think, you know, I talked with a gal named Nancy, who was a walk-in, who lived in Boca Raton. I don't know, 12, 15, 20 years ago, I don't know. You know, everything from this moment behind all kind of gets jumbled up in a big trash can. So I can't tell you how long ago it was, but I was whining about living here and she said, well, look at me, you know, 'cause I don't have any folks my age who think like I do. And, you know, I was like, anyway, I need to be in California or something. So... - Can I interrupt you again? Because in fact, the fact that there isn't anybody to talk to there is why you're there. - Well, Nancy, I think you're right. And it's funny, I'm running into a bunch of young people, a number of them are homeless. And that's a whole new area in my life. - But they're being drawn to you. Remember, when a student is ready, the teacher appears. It's the same thing, when they find you. - They have, it's been a very interesting ride, the past couple of months or so. But anyway, to me, it's been interesting. This gal said, well, look at me, I'm in Boca. And I said, what does that mean? And she said, well, you know, I'm in Bling City. And here I am, I'm this walk-in that, you know, uses crystals and, you know, she's a woo-woo person. And she said, people are only interested in material things here. She said, we have been put here, just like what you said, Nancy. She said, we've been put here to anchor lights. And I thought, oh, I'm here to anchor light, oh boy. But, you know, it isn't about our egos. It is because of who we are. And I am more and more, more and more. I am just totally, totally convinced. I don't, I'm not from here. And the past life's memories I have are probably genetic coding that came in genetically. It has nothing to do with my own past life experiences. But I'm here to clear some of that up too, you know, to help my physical ancestors. But, you know, I don't have a lot of common sense. And I am absolutely zero grounded. And sometimes it being 76, I think, gosh, you know, I'm really kind of dumb. I don't know how to deal with this world. But I think we are exactly Nancy here for another reason. And I think it jars our energy to be out of here. - Yeah, the last time I went up there, we drive most of the time from Massachusetts to the south central New York. And you're going through a lot of farmland and just, you know, but I was like every, oh man, every 20, 25 miles, I was just getting hit with this awful energy. And I said, this is the worst one when I've ever been here before. They've done something. They've upgraded the electromagnetic system. And I don't have on the one pendant I should have had on. I had anyway, but my sister who I had given to one of the first water turtles we had, she gave it back to me. And as soon as I got that thing in my hands, I reprogrammed it to protect me from the radiation versus be a water turtle. And oh my God, I felt so, I never felt another whack, you know? But I started getting sick. I mean, the first night I even ate the food that was there. I started to get sick. And everybody else, nobody else did, you know? But I just think that as we increase in our, the energetics of our own etheric energy bodies, that the location and the energies of a location affect us more than they did before. Of course, because we become more sensitive. Right, right, exactly. So I will never leave my house again. [LAUGHTER] Well, I've told the family, no, don't expect me. I'm not coming. Because I'm not going to jeopardize who and what I am to do something that is a requirement of the 3D world. Because unfortunately, those people are still in the matrix 3D, and I'm not. I'd be wasting my time, and, you know, so I'm just going to stay here and, you know, continue to focus on the new reality, even though I look at the other one. But, see, I look at the other one. I don't engage in the other one, except the Fight 5G and, you know, the sixth extinction event. But that's the way I've got a story as to why all that doesn't happen on this reality. You know, the new reality-- In other words, you create your own reality? Absolutely. But you got-- well, you know what was happening, Judy? It's like, you know, having-- you know, I'm 71, I think it is. Are you 72 dollars? She's a year old, and I have to ask her what I will be. But when you look back over your life, it's like you get a bigger and better picture of who and what you are. I think that's why, you know, the people that were working with energies to begin with, you know, the ancestors, that they really did respect the elderly ones because of the knowledge that they could see. They could see so much more than the person who is younger. You don't have the vision to see it. And so as we-- and that's, you know, I mean, the number one enemy against the matrix right now is the 65 and older people. Actually, it goes back to about 55 because we remember, we remember what it was, you know? And we are a danger because unfortunately, so many people aren't-- don't remember, you know, because they're too young. And that's why you see a lot of young people being, you know, really attracted to, like you, for instance, a 76-year-old Barbara because their inner self knows that you have the secrets. And so they're drawn to you. But if you keep moving around or if they allowed you to move around, the energy basis that you've created just by being there, just by thinking the way you do, just by researching the way you do, just by being on say what that amazing show and cosmic reality radio, you know, all of this stuff, it creates a quantum entanglement. And so, you know, you're there and they're coming to you. And you're in for a really nice ride. Well, it's not me changing. I was just saying, you know, I'm not an activist. I'm not marching on Washington. I'm apolitical, you know, I'm not interested. I don't do media. Of course, I do alternative media. But last night, we had a vigil for the homeless here in town. And we had a big banner. And there I am, tromping along, holding the banner with these four homeless people. And we had candles. And we stopped at City Hall and the courthouse. And we walked in silence with our intentions. And it was really, I thought, oh my god, I might not watch them. March on Washington, but I'm marching on my local hometown. It was quite, I don't know what's happened to me anyway. It's a, anyway, we'll see. We'll see. I want to hear what everybody else has to say. And then I have a question about 5G. Or you want me to ask it now? Ask it. OK, I still listen to Simon. I don't know what to think of Simon. But I listened to Simon. It's interesting. And he's talking about this company that has figured out some kind of a 5D device that protects people. And it goes out, I can't remember how many hundred feet or whatever. And I want to know if you know anything about any devices that are beneficial. I am familiar with it. It's called biotech or something. And I listened to what Simon said, and he said nothing. He's not talking about the technical. What is it? OK, you know, if this is true, then I guarantee you it's based on Shanghai. However, even if it was true, and I don't like, I don't like, we, Walt and I did a show on this. And I can't tell you it doesn't work. It's supposedly coming from Russians. And we knew, because it's Chernobyl, that they were on to Shanghai and protecting against radiation. But-- so it could be real. But I will stand on this, even if I had a product. Now, there are certain situations. We do have-- well, let's say we're testing something. But even if I have it, I'm not going to release it to the world. I'm going to release it to light workers that happen to be, unfortunately, on the front lines of 5G. Because if you don't stop 5G, you can protect yourself. You're going to be living in a world where you're going to starve to death shortly after that. You know, it's like insanity. The only way to stop 5G is to stop 5G. There is no protection against it. You can't protect against it. You know, I just finished the cosmic reality-- Shanghai reality. I just finished the book. It's up there on Amazon. Now, you can get it through the store. My store, Cosmic But I'm going like, oh, thank god, that book is done. Oh, I can get back to radio. And then all of a sudden, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, I start getting these images in my head. And so I'm in the process of writing a book that apparently is tentatively called the 5G Death March. It's fiction. Because it's so hard-- I mean, Mark Steele and myself together have done many shows regarding the technicalities of 5G and why it's a weapon system and a surveillance system. And it's just awful. And it's so convoluted that people can't get their minds around it. So I could write another nonfiction explaining 5G. But there are people out there-- there's dozens and dozens of very technically qualified people that are saying it. It's just that your mind is overwhelmed by either science, b, the atrocity. And you just go into cognizant dissidents. But Dan Brown taught me this regarding his book, The DaVinci Code. Because the story of Jesus living after the crucifixion and the connection to the Maravinci-- all of that, I had it. Others had it. But nobody would pay attention to us because it was so shocking to the perceived reality. So Brown comes along, and he puts everything into fiction. And the people go, oh my god, I can't believe-- oh, it's fiction. So they keep reading. Or they watch the movie. But you know what they walk away with? They walk away with a story. And they will not remember the disfiction. So that's why I think the only way to address the complexities of 5G is through a fictional story, where you can go, oh, wait a minute, this is fiction, this is sci-fi, because that way you can emotionally continue. And it'll make a bigger impact than all of what we've been doing. And what we have been doing is working, you know? The Providence in Ireland just shut down 5G. The FCC has been turned around in court. They've been telling people that they have to disregard laws regarding environmental and cultural concepts. They used to have to do studies to say, no, it's environmentally safe. No, it's culturally not damaging. You know, you're not doing this on Native American cemetery. And the Native Americans, along with what is the name of it-- environmental research, study group, or whatever. They beat them in court. The DC Circuit Court heard the first case in August. And they found out-- they won the case. The FCC's overreach by what they did in the spring time this year, which made every government from the county on up to the state saying, well, the FCC says, we can't do this. We can't stop it. We've got to let it happen. Well, now you're being told by the District Court of DC that know that they don't have the power to do that. That ruling has been overturned. And in fact, you must, by law, do all these studies. So we try to get this out to people because you're not going to find it in mainstream media. But it's been turned around. And about 10 days ago now, the appeals court of the District Circuit, District of DC, they said, yes, we're going to agree with this decision. And the appeal was denied. So we're winning. But it's winning within the courts. And unfortunately, the matrix doesn't care about the courts. They just disregard it. But your locals will not. And that's why I'm so glad that you went to your local streets there, Barb, in March, because that's where the activity has got to come from, from all of this. I agree. We're not going to get any support from the governments. No, just go to the streets. And local governments will, because they're not that far from you. They're the same neighbors. But it's the local areas, and it's a system. If the city says, I'm not going to let you do it here, well, your system isn't connected. So you can do it city by city, county by county, state by state. And this is the only way that we can guarantee, no matter what the federal government says or does, or the courts or anything, do not stop fighting at the local area against 5G, because 5G is a gift from God, or Gaia, or whoever, because it's galvanizing people to realize if we don't come together as a human family, we're screwed. Right. So not to have gone off on the pulpit, but to me, it's like this is where we've got to really get it in order. No 5G, you talk about overreach. You know, but I am going to write a book about it. Well, talk about Elon Musk. I can't believe his thousands of satellites up there. What's he got in this? This is quite amazing. That's another story, because when I knew about what they were telling us about 5G, I said this doesn't make any sense to me. And then Mark Steele explained what the situation is. This is not for telecommunications. If you're using microwave signals, why would you have to have antennas that are like 800 to 500 feet apart on the ground? And yet you're thousands of feet above, and you can still communicate? Does that make any sense to anybody? No. Technically, no. So the only thing that they can be using up there is what's called sub gigahertz signals. And these are the low end of the electromagnetic spectrum, the low frequencies. Now, low frequency means that the wave that's coming off is very, very long. Right now, the 4G systems that you see up there have a wave. When that wave starts out, and we're talking about a sine wave, it goes up, and then it comes down, and it goes low, and then it comes back up again. It's a sine wave. Well, that sine wave, the first boom of it, is 20 miles. So when you're talking 4G systems in the frequency level that they're in, you're talking about 20 miles between the towers, the cell towers. The reason you see so many more is because of the amount of power being drawn off of them, but technically, along. So the lower you get in the spectrum, the longer becomes this particular signal. And so you have sub gigahertz, which is lower than low frequency. In these satellites, what you've got is you've got an unbelievably saturated monitoring system. It will see everything. You think the cameras on the street corners are intrusive? These are satellite systems being able to look right through your roof into your home to see what you're doing in bed. This is what this is all about. It was never about telecommunications. It's always been about surveillance and control. Because those frequencies are able to, like a radio frequency, carry away. They are able to add thoughts to those signals. So you're being bombarded by these signals. And you're getting thoughts in your head of Donald Trump is a danger in peaching. You know what I'm saying? Oh, so Elon Musk and all his thousands of satellites up there aren't about 5G. No, but well, they can put 5G as being the caveat. But 5G is-- if you want to accept that as the caveat, then 5G includes the LED streetlights that are going up. It's the satellites. It's all these little antenna thingies that are hanging out there. It's all your smart, everything's, you know, the everything of everything, all of that. All of it is monitoring and being-- look, right now they can't send it into my house because I don't have the smart stuff. But they could probably send it into anybody that's got anything smart that's actually connecting the smart. Well, maybe I do. I got a TV, but I don't know. Maybe they could, but they can come and zap me. Have a massive heart attack. It's been around for decades. I was an intelligence officer. I was aware of this capability back in 1976. So no, this is Orwell. Orwell would be like, oh my God, that's-- I even I wouldn't have written about that. Orwell being 1984. Control of everything. Yeah, it could be very frightening if you-- but all over the world, people are standing up to it. So to me, because 4G was destroying the biosphere, we were fully engaged in the sixth extinction event. Now, I would like to ask Judy, do your people-- do you just watch what's going on down here and you kind of already have looked at the end of the book so you know the ending? And are you as concerned as I think we could be? I'm not saying we should be, but could be. OK, look, we tend to look more at the bigger picture. Planet Earth is, after all, shifting from fourth world consciousness, the fifth world consciousness. So from our perspective, we see that all these things are being brought in to force people in a way. I mean, it's not us forcing it. It's all this stuff going on down here, forcing people to start operating on a higher dimensional frequency, to stay in line with the planet. Now, I write about this in my books all the time, that our only protection is to raise your vibrational frequency. And I always go back to a group of raky people who went over to Chernobyl to help out over there, people who were affected by the nuclear plant explosion over there. And depending on the level of raky they'd been attuned to, when they used to come back to where they were staying, they had a Geiger counter put over them. And depending on their level of attunement, their level of being affected by the radiation was reduced, so that, for example, a raky level one person would be fairly protected. A raky two person would be even more protected. Once you get up to mass the level, they'll basically protect it from the nuclear fallout. Now, I'm not saying raky's handy path, but it's the path I work with. But to me, it's happening down here for the reason to induce people to start working on higher vibrational frequencies. So to me, it's not about technology or having this to protect you or that to protect you in the way of technology. It's within your own vibrational frequency. The other thing is, as I've just been reading the book, Secret Journey to Planet Serpa, and the zators have actually given technology down here to people, governments or whatever, to be used to help this situation, but it's just not being released. So again, we can't force it. It's a free world planet, so if they want to release it, they do, if they don't, they don't. But again, the bigger picture is people need to raise their vibrational frequency through some sort of spiritual practice, and then you don't have to worry about 5G or anything. - Yeah, that's why we have the Shungai World Grid. - Yeah, yeah. - It's a way, you know, I mean, we've got, you can check in with your people, but I think that the devices that they've given the government are now in the hands of civilians simply because they couldn't deal with the government, so they just had people realize it. They, you know, there's people down here that just get downloads of this stuff. I think it's all-- - It's not, it's still not being released. Whoever's hands is put into aren't being allowed to release it. - Well, yeah, but that's what I'm saying, is that you're looking at the officials. I'm talking about the light workers that are getting the information. I know devices that are absolutely astonishing. But the thing of it is, is that the devices are only teaching us what we can do ourselves. - Exactly, that's the point I'm trying to get to. It's great having a device if you've got the access to it, but you don't need it. You know, we don't use things like that. You know, we just raise our own vibrational frequency through certain practices, which we're trying to teach down here. - Well, see, that's why the, I tell people you don't really need Shungai, because all Shungai is doing is like the perfect molecule to be able to connect to the quantum field where all the proto energy is. And so what you have when you have a Shungai field is you have a device that will, let's say, excite your own thought patterns. So that because they're being directly fed by the proto energy of the quantum field. So manifestation is, you become more and more powerful, but you don't need the device. You don't even need Shungai in your hands because there is a Shungai weave. And this weave has been designed by Shungai and Gaia and probably others to absolutely be a protection. You cannot have a negative thought if you're working with the Shungai grid. Because as soon as they, I think it's a heart frequency, the Shungai responds, you almost have an on switch on Shungai and that is a specific frequency coming from the heart. And if you've got an amazingly normal human heart that knows emotion and love, then Shungai turns on for you. But if you come in-- - It would be working on that level because the same was right here, it's based in the heart. You know, the heart's the key to the whole thing. - Yes, absolutely. And so the Shungai energy in the grid, which is a quantum connection, it's quantum entanglement. I actually write about quantum entanglement in the book in Shungai reality because I suddenly started realizing, well, you know, it's the synchronicities too. All of a sudden they were able to actually get a photograph of quantum entanglement at the photon level. And that was released at the same time that I'm writing the book and I'm getting into quantum entanglement and I see this picture and I went, I love the universe, I call it the universe of spiritual intervention because they throw you these gems. I'm trying to work it out in my head and you just sent me a picture, you know, but quantum entanglement is what holds everything together. - Yeah. - And energy-- - One of us in other words. - Yes, but it's in pieces when you're in the 3D. Where you're born creates a quantum entanglement with everybody that's born in that location. Where you go and you, you know, your experiences. The experiences between the peoples that are doing the same thing, a quantum entanglement. It's all this quantum entanglements. But the thing that's so amazing about it is that these little quantum entanglements in innerology are called parameters, signal parameters. So as you're going through life in your energy body, you don't think 3D, you think energy body, we start picking up these like sub-programs of a computer system, but they're parameters of signal. And so, you know, somebody that's been born where you were born or in the culture, you had experiences, you know, and of course, the genetic thing. You got these quantum entanglements. Well, because you have them, you now resonate closer to people that have the same parameters. And so I think that what it is, is that in the scheme of how it works down here in the 3D, is quantum entanglement holds everything together, but resonance keeps it moving. - Yeah, that makes sense. - Yep. And so it is spirit. - Yeah, 'cause resonance brings about synchronicity. - Yeah, yeah. And so if you start to look at life in the terms of energy, you know, it's everything starts to make sense. - Oh, well, that's how the ET is operating. This is what we find so frustrating down here because we see things in terms of energy in the bigger picture, in other words. And to try and get this across to people who aren't into this sort of thing is so hard. - Well, I'm trying to help you out here, Barb. I mean, Judy. - Yeah, you're doing well. I mean, that's the bottom line. The whole universe is energy vibrating at infinite frequencies. That's the bottom line. There's a common denominator. Everything's energy. You know. There's this guy that, okay, you know, all right. Wal Silva is just an amazing technical person and when working with energy. And he said, he found out that I think it was non-croft, was using psychics who could see energy to help Doncroft out with his organ devices. - Okay, yeah. And so Walt said to the universe's spiritual intervention, I would really like to have somebody that could do that. Well, Bach, all of a sudden I'm in his life, you know, and that's exactly what I can do. I can see energy. So I would say, well, this is what I'm seeing and he would figure out a way of testing what I was seeing and then prove or disprove. Of course, he never disproved. It was always proving it. And so, you know, you have this amazing coming together of two people who, 'cause I had said to Guy, I said, Guy, give me somebody that can take the stuff in my head and make it real. And she gave me Walt, you know. So we both had asked for basically the alternate person, you know, to come into our lives and boom, they're there. So now you've got a situation where two people, because I had done a tremendous decade or more than a decade worth of energy work with pyramids and Trist crystals and all sorts of weird things. And so you've got Tupi and he had been working with Orgon and, you know, devices of Rife and Rick, Wilhelm Reich. And, you know, it was just like we had all done, and all of a sudden there's this book that shows up. And I said, Walt, I said, this book is, I said, how did we not know about this book? It was written in 1989. Why didn't we know about that book? And why is this book still in print? And so I knew enough about it. I actually, we had the PDF of it, and I actually went out and got hard copies, sent him one, me one, and Derek Honda at one. So last night I started reading this thing. Now we had already gotten some reports from Walt, he was really into it. But I got to tell you, I just want to throw this out because it was like last, it was last night's aha moment. All right. Why do clouds float? Why do they stay up there? Why don't they fall to the ground? They're made of water molecules that are heavier than air. They're not floating on air, they're heavier than air. Why do clouds not fall to earth if earth is the source of gravity? See, it doesn't make sense. Right, all of us watch them floating up there, but it doesn't make scientific sense. And that's because this concept that an earth has got a gravity that pulls everything down to it is absolute hogwash. What he's saying, what he proved back in 1958 that the government actually was involved in proving is that gravity is an electromagnetic wave. Okay, and once he started getting, I mean, oh my God, all of a sudden you're looking, they know about the energy universe. But they have made up a science that when you start to analyze it doesn't make any sense. He talks about the moon and that the atmosphere on the moon is actually heavier than on earth. And he gives you all these examples of it, including the lunar rover that was riding around like it was a little joy buggy. And you know, when you start to think of the science, if you know anything about it, you go, oh my God, and I bought into this because the lunar, my enter, if it was actually operating on a celestial body that was the sixth of the gravity of earth, it would have huge tires, it would weigh hundreds and hundreds, 800 pounds, I think they said. And it would be a totally different vehicle. And you cannot take the vehicle that they say was working at one sixth gravity. If you had made the turns that they were making, it's on film, you can see the tracks of it. They would have flipped over. If they had gone over some of the hills that they went and got bounced up, they would have gone off into outer space. None of that made any sense. And the reason they probably brought in the land of rofers were because there were too many photographs of the astronauts supposedly carrying like hundreds of pounds, I think it was 160 pounds or some weird thing of equipment on their backs. When they would almost, you know, they'd lean back a little, well, if they lean back that much and they had that much weight, they'd have fallen on their faces. I mean, I mean, on their backs. It's astounding when he just takes what we've already seen and then analyzes it from like, well, let's take another look at this. Does this make any sense? Why don't the clouds fall from the sky? It's because it's an electromagnetic wave that's gravity and it doesn't affect those tiny little molecules. It doesn't affect the dust that surrounds the planet. It all should be falling to the earth. It doesn't because it's an electromagnetic wave. And the key to it, you know, the thing he got into the moon thing about, well, I'm telling this each of these stories. This is crazy, but I'm telling the rest of each of you. - Well, that's what I'm sitting here wondering, don't they already know this? - Well, maybe, I mean, they should, that there's an atmosphere on the moon. - You know, I mean, yeah, I would think so, but we don't know it here on the planet. And, but yet this guy is just giving us all these little pictures that we already know about and we go, oh my heavenly day, isn't this interesting? But this book just shows up, so I said to Walt, I said, Walt, does this make any sense that we never saw this book before? And he said, no. And I said, do you think it just showed up on this timeline because we needed it? And he said, yes. You know, it's like the universe can actually make up a story of this guy who lived in 1989. And he lived, he was on another timeline. And they just kind of like, bring it over here so that we've got that book because that book is gonna give us such another version of reality, the science of it. So Dolly, be prepared on cosmic reality because we're gonna bore you to death with science. - Oh boy. (laughing) - Well, I have a question for, for, uh... - Judy? - Yeah, that's what I'm debating, probably Judy. Well, for both of them, how about if there is, if it's for both of them? And hold on, because I have to put it in chat because I won't be able to remember how I said it 'cause it was so confusing to me. Okay. You ready, ladies? - Huh? - Ready. - I have been hearing of lots of people having health issues in the past couple months and their bodies being helped and/or healed or in the process of being made better. I'm wondering if it is because some of us needed to have these health issues in order for the upgrade in our bodies in order to go forward in the new year, which will have different energies on Earth and in the universe, or if there's a big event or happening coming up that our bodies need to be ready to accept what's gonna happen. What do you think of that? - Short answer, absolutely. - And I agree. (laughing) (groaning) - And I thought of it. (laughing) - Just think of it. - I was trying to tell a friend of mine, she got all sorts of health issues, and I was trying to explain this very concept to her. Oh, she got so mad at me. Because a lot of them, it's almost like they get into being sick, you know? It's like, I want to leave. I mean, they torture themselves with the way that they're even thinking. And she'll talk to me about everything, but that particular question was, you know, no, she doesn't want to talk about it. And I found that to be very interesting. You know, it's almost like, I don't know. I don't know. Dolly, yeah. - Yeah, well, I mean, it's the same as when you're sending Reiki to a person, we always ask permission. And in some cases, people refuse. They don't, not consciously, but on their higher self level, they refuse it. Because there's a karmic balance that needs to be carried through, or it's their time to die, or whatever. - Exactly. It's much more complicated than, you know, just the body upgrade. It's like you're-- - Yeah. - And the reason that I'm kind of going this way is because I would like to be able to figure out what can we, 'cause if they could get their heads about around it, they would even go further faster. - Yeah. - You know, so I don't know if it's that they're sort of in a victim mentality, you know? - Yeah, well, sometimes it's that, or sometimes it is a karmic death that they have to have another, or they're balancing karma. - Well, not even necessarily their karma. - Well, was that sorry? - Not necessarily their karma. - No, that's wrong. - It could be the karma of humanity. - Exactly. - You know, and I just wanna hug 'em and say, it was like my friend, I wanted to say to her, look at, you're not dying because you made an agreement at those soul level to come here, and to take on certain ailments before this upgrade in your body for the upgrade, you know, that will assist everybody else because it goes back to the resonance and the quantum entanglement. You know, one time, Dolly went through a whole upgrade, and we were talking about it on the radio, and so the question was asked, you know, I don't even know how it happened, but Walt said there's 40,000 other people, human beings, that are resonating so closely to Dolly, that the fact that Dolly made the jump, they made it, they couldn't even help it, it was resonance. - Yep, yep, yep. So, anyway. - I've seen something like that happen around me with a close friend who's only all over. She's always been very, very open to things, but just over the past year or so, she connected with my friend and co-author, Helene and I, and realized that she's one of the out of towners, as we call it, of course. And she had a little bit of difficulty with this at first, you know, sort of accepting it and things, and she has gone through some amazing health things over the past eight months, that's really totally opened her up, and made her understand that she's doing, like that karmic thing healing a whole lot of people through it. What happened, right back, and I think it was about February this year, she had a fall, which resulted in a very badly dislocated elbow. Now, this had to be operated on, which led to blood clots. The blood clots led to deep vein thrombosis, and then a scan that was done, the deep vein thrombosis was in her left leg, so a scan was done on the lower body, and this revealed a non-diagnosed fibroid in her uterus that would have remained undetected. So all this led up to this being discovered, but at the same time, she's going through this amazing healing journey. Now, in the middle of all this, of course, she was put down for an operation to health, the fibroid removed, which has happened now, she's on her way back to good health, but in the middle of all this, she started getting fibrillation in the heart. Because of work we were doing with Reiki and opening up to the upstairs family, it was all heart stuff, and it was like, she was processing it and over processing it. She's one of these people who really, I'm going to do this, and it goes to extremes, and I think she was being pushed a bit, and this heart fibrillation started. So she had to be rushed into hospital, and they were keeping an eye on her with the defibrillators all ready to go, and she passed out and had a near death experience. Now, she woke up from this NDE with this massive hand-shaped bruise with very long finger marks on her buttocks that hadn't been there when she was taken to hospital. Now, the nurse founded on her and made some feeble excuse. Oh my God, what's this, you know? And of course, this friend didn't even know what she was talking about, and when she explained, oh, it must have happened in the ambulance on the way to hospital, which is absolutely rubbish. So anyway, I recalled, when I heard about it, I recalled us taking care of onto the ship, and we actually administered emergency first day because it wasn't her time to die, so she had to be brought back, and I mean, she's only one of us really opening up so well. And there was an excessive energy in the heart chakra, and it had to be grounded in a hurry because it was this excessive energy in the heart chakra that was causing the fibrillation. So when the grays do healing, they can be extremely heavy-handed. I remember having healing done on my throat once by my teacher, Maris, and oh my God, he was pressing so hard. So anyway, what we did up on the ship, somebody put their hand there and pressed down really hard on her buttocks to bring the energy, ground it from the heart, down into the base chakra, and the amount of energy that was being put into it actually caused the bruise. She does always, when she's been up on the ship, she always comes back with bruises on her body. She's got that type of skin, and she came back with this massive bruise. So yeah, she's undergone a huge amount of work that's involved health problems, but now she's really coming out of it and doing so well. I wasn't done. I wanted to share with y'all Sam from our chatroom. On Tuesday, he had a minor stroke, and so he was in the hospital for a couple days, he said, and now he's home. But I'm thinking, well, I'm wondering, does a minor stroke count for getting his body ready for just going with us to, through this next thing? Yeah, of course, any problem with the health system can, because it's changing the vibration frequency of the body. So yes, it can result in things like that happening, particularly if you're not particularly looking after yourself. Like this friend has had to change to a vegan diet to get herself healthy. So often it does take massive life changes when you go through these health things, because your vibrational frequency is trying to come up and the physical body can be fighting it. And so you can get things like strokes and heart attacks and things like that. And then also Aquarius, a year ago today, was in the hospital listening to Nancy and I on say what? And he said he got encouragement from us, but since then I have noticed a change in him. You know, for in like the spiritual type, in his mental thoughts and his emotions, I've noticed it myself, but I didn't say anything to him. But he'll know now. And also happy who is from the chat room. She, today is her first day. She had, I think it was a horse, she had an accident and got hurt in April. Today's the first day that she's gonna be able to ride a horse again. So she's gone through a traumatic body upgrade type. Health thing that's helped her body and improved her body. And she mentioned to us that one of her therapists or somebody she knew that was working with her told her that when they were working on fixing her body, and she's going through all this stuff, I hope I can find it in the chat room that you don't, you're never the same. You're different from then on. - Yeah. - You've grown in different ways. - And I just thought that was so freaking cool. - Okay, well, thank you. You answered my question, what I was concerned with. Thank you very much. - No worries. - Well, you know, even when, okay, last week, I essentially was on a four, what was the six foot ladder and I was at the four foot wrong. When I just forgot I was on a ladder and turned around, took a step. And luckily I pushed off from the ladder so I landed on the floor on my feet. But it jarred my body, you know, like whack. And I knew because this, you know, I'm going to be the most surprised person when I die because I'm going to go, I actually died. - I'm going to be there and tell you, yes, you're here. Because even though I, at the 3D level was going like, oh my God, did I break anything? You know, at the other level, I'm going like, wow. Did they just reset my energy body? 'Cause they, I mean, they slammed that 3D body down and it jarred everything, you know. And it was like even that event, Dolly, in my opinion, changed me. - I believe it, I believe it. - It's all energy. - Wow. - Isn't this awesome? - Okay, so we're at the top of the hour. I'm going to play that five minute song of, I said that I would sing because we love it. So you got five minutes, we'll be right back. Well, welcome back to The Say What Show. It's December 7th, 2019. My name's Nancy Hopkins. With me today is Dolly Howard, Judy Carroll. And Barbara White. So I'm going to unmute you guys and, hi, you back? - Hi. - I said that I would talk. I love that song, it just brings tears to me. - It's beautiful, it's beautiful. - Yes. - It's so accurately depicts the feelings for so many people, I can't tell you how many people say it, I don't feel at home here. So I just think it's amazing story. 'Cause it is a story. - Well, I think it's a true story. - I am. - For many of us, maybe more of us that are here right now than not. Well, maybe not. I think about, oh God bless them all, the people who are just not willing to go anywhere, but with mainstream media. And you know, this is what all the alternative, lots of people that are being interviewed are talking about my same experience. They remember being dropped off here and it was like, oh my God, what have I done? I mean, I've heard that again and again in the past, I don't know, year or so. I thought I was the only person that remembered that experience. But you know, there are loads of people out there that are talking about it. What they don't appreciate is that it's the best ticket in the universe. Don't you think, Judy? Don't you think this is a really good ticket to the universe? I mean, that's what I've been told. - Yeah, it's a good ticket to the universe. - Yeah. - Yeah, good white balance. (laughing) - I mean, you know, some day we're gonna be able to say we were there and we were awake and we saw the story unfold. And all you people that slept through it, mmm mmm mmm, sorry, it was a great, it was a, we'll tell you about it. Read my books. - As I said, to follow me the other day, couple of my friends, we've all decided that if they want to send us back again, we're going to chain ourselves to something up on the ship, some immovable object on the ship. - Amen to that. - I remember going up there once to have an implant put into my heart chakra and I was really, really digging my heels in. I did not want to come back down here and I can remember a couple of poor little grays saying to me, please, you've got to go back. You can't stay here and I was just about doing, you know, that star jump that cats do when you try and put them in a cat carrier but it's to take them to the vet and I was just about doing that in the doorway and the ship. - No, I don't want to go back. I don't want to go back and I was crying, you know. (laughs) - I can identify with this. - Well, speaking of the grays, we were thinking about talking about the bad press and that people need to know more and there certainly as most of it is bad press. - Oh yeah, talk. - I was listening to Ray Hernandez and he didn't have anything bad to say about the grays and I was listening to Leo Sprinkle and he doesn't have anything bad to say about the grays. I mean, they both said no matter a fact. - Yeah, Leo is brilliant. He's a good friend. He's a lovely, lovely man. - And what a gentle soul, you know. He's just like honest, true and true, you know. - Well, he wrote the story from my latest book, "Extract your presence on earth lessons in history." He wrote a beautiful, forward, full manner. I asked, it was so helpful and encouraging to me when I was writing that book. - Well, just a gentle and honest man, I really respect. And you'd mentioned him so many times, Judy and-- - Yeah, beautiful. - Ross is the interview, yeah. - Beautiful soul, yeah. - So Judy, talk about the bad press. - Oh, look, we're done. - Preface. - Because the grays are down here trying to free the planet up from the hijacking that happened how many millennia ago and the ones who hijacked the planet, the ones I talk about in my extraterrestrial presence book, the Reptariums, who are earlier reptilian human race that were actually developed here on earth. They're not negative reptilians coming from off planet. They were created right here. They hijacked the planets and they're the ones who are still around today. They continue to reincarnate, holding the planet in control, manipulating and brainwashing humans through all sorts of avenues. So they don't want humanities to be free. They want to keep people here in enslavement and the grays and the other ETs are here to try and free people. So of course, the Reptariums appeal to the racist side that Earth's humans tend to have, that anyone who doesn't look like you is wrong, or evil, or don't, or whatever. And they're playing this to the hilt to make people scared of the grays. That's the bottom line of the whole thing. - Does that have any connection to the book you mentioned at the very beginning of the interview tonight when we started talking? - No, no, I was talking about my book here. The other book that I was talking about the beginning is Secret Journey to Planet Serbo, which is very, very interesting. I'd like to talk about that in a minute. But yeah, it's just a whole lot of propaganda and disinformation has been put out about the grays. - Well, everybody in the alternative media, just about, has those bad comments about the grays. Oh, the grays, not the grays, oh, the bad, you know, it's really widespread in alternative media. - Yeah, very widespread because people don't realize how much control these reptarium controllers have over the alternative media. They've got a huge amount of control over it. - Well, I read something about the Green New Deal being actually started by the dark side. - Yeah. - So, boy. - Yeah, what's the Green New Deal? - Oh, it's a big movement that's going on, you know, with liberals and people who are, most of the people I know who are interested in it are very staunch Democrats because it's apparently a social justice movement. And I thought it sounded really good and I have a friend who's not living here anymore. And she went to, I don't know, a nearby town and saw a presentation on it was very, very excited. And a lot of the people that I know are very excited about it and have been going to this town in different places, you know, going to lectures and watching PowerPoints on it. And I don't remember exactly what I read. So I can't quote it, but it was started not by loving, gentle, social justice people. It was really started as a sham. So I don't know if it's true or not, but I'm so skeptical of anything that gets pounced on by, you know, the populace. - Yeah. - I'd say it was probably started with the right heart, but what happened, I mean, it's the same with religion down here. That's been completely hijacked by the controllers. I mean, the amount of brainwashing and manipulation of humanity that goes on through religion is frightening. And then the same things through a new age belief systems because religion started to get a bit unpopular. The new age thing came in the 1960s. Now that's been taken over. - It was started by that frickin' three-letter bimbo in Congress and it's just frickin' joke. There's no way that what she has said can be done. It's impossible. But I think what it's done is spawned off some real, green, what do you call it, green? - Green new deal. - Green deals. Not that frickin' green new deal she proposed that everybody's laughin' at her about. I think what it did was it really did a good thing and it spawned off some real green deals within cities and towns. And I think it made people more conscious of doing real things like that that go along with the green deal. So even though I don't like her, I have to be, I have to thank her for spawning off some good things. - Well, you know, I like believing that in the end it's all gonna be just fine. I'm just skeptical of what runs across the media is getting pushed in. - Oh my God, I'm with you on that, believe me. - If you want to destroy a movement, you organize it per Wilhelm Reich. (laughing) Well, it's true. - So what happened to United Restall, a smart phone? United Restan divided, we fall. (laughing) - Well, yeah, but that still is true as long as you don't start up a government. - All right, all right, I think there's truth in that because you know, 12 step programs. One of the traditions in a 12 step program is that they might, they ought never be organized. And you know, there is such order, such power in the society that is not governed by anyone. There are no stars or VIPs, there's no one important. We have people who are servants that are responsible to those they serve. But there is no hierarchy, there's no order. There are term limits for people who volunteer and get voted in and everything is run by traditions. It's sort of like, you know, a group of elders. And so I think you're exactly right, Nancy. When we get organized and we have people in charge, that's a dangerous place, that's a dangerous place for humanity to let itself get into. - Well, you know, I started out on this new reality, conspiracy crap on the other one. When John Kennedy was assassinated. And so many times in my life, I said, "Oh, Kennedy had done this, he'd survived." You know, we wouldn't have that, you know, if Kennedy had survived, and a couple of years ago, I realized, no, if Kennedy had survived, we would have just followed the leader. It was like not having a leader forced all these independent people to come to their own understanding of what was going wrong, very much without any input from anybody else. And then we get the internet, it was supposed to control us. And instead, it brought people of alternative thinking who didn't know about each other together. And it's continually the individual finding another individual, finding more individuals. It's not an organization saying, "Come here to me." You know, and I'll pay you this much, or you'll get this, or, you know, here's our platform. None of that is involved in it. It's just people who are similar in energy coming together. And once you've got that kind of a, the only thing you're coming together over is issues, not philosophy. - Right. - And I think that's where the religion comes in, the cultures come in. You know, they play on this idea that, well, there's only one right way. No, every way is right, otherwise it wouldn't happen. - I was listening to, I usually don't do media, but I was getting ready to go to a meeting this morning, and I did push the button, and they were talking about the new president or prime minister or whatever of India, and with the stroke of the pen, he just took all the privileges of the people in Kashmir away that had been given when Kashmir separated as a Muslim state. And they were interviewing all these people and all this awful, you know, I thought, here we go, we're using religion again for divide and conquer. And of course it happens everywhere. And you're absolutely right, if we came together, if we came together on the same page with a common cause that we killed in our heart, we could be very powerful. And just envisioning, you know, just envisioning. Someone said recently that when she was meditating, she was just envisioning houses over the heads of all her friends who were homeless, and she said she kept that vision in her mind the whole time. I thought, yup, that's the way to go. You think about people with vision boards, and there's a speaker, Tom Dually, he goes all over the world, and you know, he talks about he had this vision board, and you know, he's homeless and destitute, and finally he threw his visions and his efforts. He's sitting in this restaurant, I don't remember where it was, you know, Austria or something, he's looking out the window and he's saying, oh my gosh, this is the exact scene that was on my vision board all those years ago. And you know, vision boards they say are very, very powerful. - Well, every timeline that's out there, I mean, every thought that you've had, every time you went one way instead of someplace else, timelines start up. But if you don't focus on them, they just lose their energy. Because you're feeding them with your thoughts. So when we're in the situation we're not, we are in now where there's actually another reality emerging, it's very, very critical that we continually look at the reality we want, not the one that we are leaving. However, we're in a weird spot because we're trying to not make changes to that, because that thing was designed to control people, but we're trying to make stories of how humanity woke up in time so that they didn't have to go through that timeline. They jumped to a new timeline, one that is based on the golden rule. And the fact that energy is the dominant aspect of the universe. - Well, more and more, keeping positive, you know, it's not like we don't know what's going on in the world, but, you know, if our main focus, our main thoughts, rather than being reactive, rather than blaming, but then, you know, if we can come from that, I was just, I love this one author. He is just darling. He's written all these books about the cat that lives with Dalai Lama. And so I'm reading his latest one, and I want to go back to the first one again, but he gives all the philosophy. The cat keeps learning all this wonderful stuff because he's the Dalai Lama's cat. And, you know, in each book, the author continues to say, you know, in Tibetan Buddhism, love is the wish to have compassion for all beings. And compassion is the wish to relieve all suffering. And I thought, oh my gosh, that's it. That is it. Love is having compassion and compassion is wishing to relieve suffering. - Yeah. - Yeah, you know, conditioned love is all about. - Yeah, yeah. I mean, how simple is that? - Yeah. - Well, you know, it's a worthy goal. - In one of my darling shares, I was encouraging people to send out to the universe love. And in opening of people's minds. And I told him, I have no other way of being able to work in the universe other than with my voice over the airwaves. And Dave taught me and Nancy is providing me the platform. And I was trying to encourage people to do what they could do with what the talents that they have. And I thought to myself, I really would like to have a way to know if people have heard that message. And if they have done it and, but I got the message back, no, don't get so egotistical. (laughing) So I thought, oh, okay. - Yeah. - Non-attachment's really, really important. 'Cause once we start attaching to outcomes, that's the other Buddhist teaching. Once we start attaching to outcomes, we reverse the power. - Yeah. That's what basically they said. You did what you were asked to do, and now let it go. - Yep. - Yep. Yep. (laughing) - All these wonderful lofty ideals. (laughing) - Yeah. - Yeah. - This phrase says, what an order I can't go through with it. But, (laughing) yes we can, yes we can. - Oh, I question many times. You want me to do what? And then they say, I'm Dave in. (laughing) And when Dave comes in, I know I'm in trouble. (laughing) - Does Dave have anything to add to our conversation tonight, Dolly? - Oh, let me see, I haven't felt him. Are you here, Dave? Oh. (laughing) He's coming, he's grown. - Oh, good. - What do you want? - That's 'cause he was here. - I didn't feel him, is that why he's grumbling? - 'Cause he was with me. - Oh, well you tell him what he says. - Oh, I don't have that relationship with him. - Oh. - I just sometimes know that he comes here. Because just the fact that we're electronically connected is of massive input, important. You know, the galactic's listen to us. - Yeah. - You know, so sometimes all sorts of people come here and use this computer setup to send out little energy spikes. And he was here when you asked the question. I didn't realize he was here until you did and he's like, started grumbling. (laughing) - I'm glad you heard that too. - Who's grumbling? Oh, Dave, oh, you guys, Dolly's calling you. Dolly's calling you, Dave. (laughing) - He was grumbling because he didn't wanna be disturbed. - Well, sometimes I think that they, you see, they're multiple dimensions. You know, I mean, they've got, okay, Dave can be here and with Dolly at the same time. Dave is not here. I mean, he's here all the time. Whenever we think of them, you know, they go like, oh, I'm being called. So this personality of Dave from the higher spirit goes and interacts with us. That's the way I see it. - Does Judy know who Dave is? - Ask Judy. - What'd she say? - Yeah, we have multi-dimensional things, so that makes sense that we can be in many places. The sun's on. (laughing) - Yeah, but do you know who Dave is, Judy? - No, I don't know. - Oh, he's the man who started the Wolf Spirit radio. He was an MK ultra soldier. And he started this, he started, first radio we started was with a partner and the radio was called Peg. Well, then he and his partner broke apart and Dave started Wolf Spirit radio for the vets to have a place to come that was safe. And then it just grew into the people who were attracted to come there. And I ended up there. And he helped me because when I woke up, I didn't do it easily. I woke up very scattered and frustrated and scared and I didn't know what was what. And so the first night I went in there, Dave took me under his wing. And we've been together ever since, not in a man-woman type relationship, but because I think we've always been together and always will be. - Well, you never met him on the 3D level physically. - No. So we were just close and he comes and talks to me. - Well, he has now died. You forgot the punchline. He's now passed over. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah, we'll see him in the back. - There is that. - I still see him and talk to him, which in a better way than I did when he was here. - And I called him a dead man once and he hit me in the back of the head. Don't do it, don't do it, Dave. No, I'm just... - She's just telling people, don't do it. - I like it when the three of us can talk. - I mean, he's so, let's say, adept at what he does is that one time my computer started ringing on Skype and I answer it and I hear, "Who's this calling me?" It was Dolly. - No, I was thinking I did something wrong. - Well, but Dolly didn't intentionally call me. And then, you know, and we're going like, okay, well, what's this about, you know, and boom, Dave shows up and we did like, I think it was at least two hours of recording because that was one of the times where he was, he told us in that it was, I think, 2017, December of then. - I think so. - Yeah, and he related a whole bunch of things that were gonna happen in '18. - Wow. - And in fact, they did happen. I mean, we didn't know what he was talking about. It was like, what does he mean by that? But as the year unraveled, I'd say, oh my gosh, that was what Dave was talking about then, you know? - Mm-hmm. - So, in one time, Dolly asked him, "Dave, what are you supposed to be doing "instead of being with us?" And he said, "Oh, you're supposed to decide "where you going next, but I decided not to make the decision." (laughing) - But since then, he has. - Yeah. - Because he's found out that he can do that and other things, plus still come and be with us. At the same time, oh, he tried to explain it to me, but I said, "Oh, it's okay, Dave." (laughing) Just so you're here with me when they meet you. (laughing) - He's linking into, he's linking into the multi-dimensionality of his being. - Yes. - Yes. - Yes. (laughing) - They're working on stuff, and he seems to be very excited right now. Oh, oh, oh, hold on. You gotta back off a little bit. I got goosebumps all over mine. I got chills. (laughing) Okay, back off. I got, oh. (laughing) He's very excited. He said, things are really happening. Now we are going to be able to see what's been going on in the background. And things be, because I was, I got to the point lately where I just didn't believe anything anymore. I was doubting. He says, "The doubting Dolly." But, and he's not going to be Thomas and show me the nails and his holes and his hands. (laughing) Oh, shit. (laughing) All right. So, that took me. He knew it would. They're all laughing now. Where were we, Dave? Oh, yes. He says, with the reports that are coming out now, the first one, the Horowitz one, is going to expose a lot of people, which is going to be waking up a lot of people for real. I mean, the ones who are kind of on the fence are waking up, they're going to wake up. Just, they're going to wake up. So, he says, "Be prepared." You're going to have a lot of people who are in a great state of shock. And he says that there's others that who have buried their heads in the sand, their heads are going to start coming out and they're going to start looking around. But still, there are going to be a lot who refuse to take their heads out of the sand. And he's telling me, "Now, don't fuss over them." That's their choice. 'Cause I started a fuss immediately right now and he knew it. So, and he's saying that he's showing me the barge. A barge going to Gitmo and he says, "Yes, though, there will be beings put in Gitmo." He says, "He doesn't know for sure. "They don't know for sure if it will be made public "who's going there or not, but beings will be there." 'Cause I greatly doubted that, too. Even though I did the, I didn't do that. Even though I did it, I went there and looked and saw something. And so, he says, "Good things are happening "and I'm hearing bells of happiness playing, going off." And I'm seeing everybody being happy and dancing and good music and they're telling me, "Keep encouraging people and keep aware that more people "are going to be coming to us now wondering "what's happening with the world and with them." And he says, "That's always going to share for now. "He'll share more later." Well, all right. You know, I want to know, are they going to push the book? I mean, you know, we need to get this book out there. Oh, let me -- he heard you. He said, "What was Dolly talking about Eagle earlier?" You know it's not Eagle. It's a good -- it's got a good message. I mean, I don't -- I mean -- No, he's chasing you next day. I know, I know. I'm your butt down. It's just a good book and I'm getting so much reinforcement through this particular day of listening to radio because so much of what I talked about in the book is now coming out all over the place. You know, the synchronicities are just like hitting all over. OK, I got to tell you. OK. He says, "Be quiet for a minute, Nancy." Yes. You want to hear about the book, so let me tell you. OK. He says, "Yes, your book is going to get distributed." But your book is going to be distributed greatly. And you won't even know how greatly it will be distributed because some people are going to share it. He says, "Don't let that upset you. Just accept the fact, yes, it's a good book. Everybody is excited and they were partying when you did the last period and sent it out." And he says, "People like Dolly even will understand most of it." I wrote for Dolly. I figure if Dolly understands what I'm saying then, you know, because she falls asleep during science lessons. Thank you. But that's great because so many books are written that people can't understand. Yeah, you're average person in the street. I find that too. You know, keep it simple. You know, they all say and keep it simple, stupid. I agree with that. Well, all my life I've been at somebody that would research a lot of details and then be able to regurgitate them because I was an army briefer. I had to take a lot of information and make it understandable to a general. It was a difficult task. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, you know, any of this stuff that we get into, like the book itself, I could give you, you know, hours of the things that were just like ridiculous. They shouldn't have technically happened. So they had their hand in this book the whole time. Yeah. Pictures that one picture, this still baffles me, that in the PDF wouldn't come out. But I put a different picture in it. They didn't like that picture. They wanted this picture of a black heart. Okay. So I put it in there because we do have a shungite magnet that's in the shape of a heart. And some people were just appalled that it was a black heart, which makes me laugh because one day somebody asked me, "What's the color of God?" Well, Nancy's never really considered that question. But, you know, you ask the question, you get the answer. And so I... I know the answer to that. It's black. I know exactly. Exactly. Exactly. So vibrating so high, it's beyond the color spectrum. It takes in every single spectrum there is. That's why shungite is black. Exactly. It contains all color. Yeah. That's why the great teachers dress in black. People think, "Oh, they're evil." You know, but it's not. That's what it is. Black contains every color. Yeah. I mean, again, if you just look at the reality of it, we've been taught to question black. So it's used in, you know, when you have a funeral. And, you know, to show this morning, this darkness type of thing. But why do the priests wear black? Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Thank you, Dave. I love you. Yeah. Why do priests wear black? Because black is a power color because it's got so much energy attached to it. Yep. That's why, that's why when I have my computers, I always have the desktop, a black desktop. Oh, well. Because it holds all of the energies of the universe. Mm-hmm. You put up a picture and you are tied into the energy field of that picture. Put black. Yeah. The world is yours. Yeah. That's right. I mean, it's like they talk about dark matter and black matter in space. It's vibrating. It's such a high frequency. You know? There's no color to it. It's with you, Nancy, playing with the kitty. Outside? Yeah. These kids, I've got more cats involved. I can't come in. And they are, they are like, I'm just kind of baffled. But I will tell you a little trick I've learned here in the last working with these cats and stuff. Your 3D mind that has been programmed by your experiences is not stupid. And it knows the average situation is that somebody is going to die in the street. Because they're all getting run over in the street. So I fight this 3D thing because it's like, you know, I don't want to be stupid. And so, yes, I understand they die in the street. But you want to focus on something else. And all of a sudden, I said, what can I, how can I get away from this, keeping getting this dragged into this, you know, this, this stuff that goes on your head in a 3D. And they said, just say, not on this timeline. Oh. You know? And so I started using it. And it's an amazing feeling because it forces you to, to, to look at the, you know, the rule of the, you know, the golden rule reality. But it also brings in this amazing sense of serenity. Oh, that's right. That's that timeline, not this timeline. On this timeline, everything is safe. You know, so. You're talking about the kitty is getting hit. Is that what you're talking about? Well, see, there's more cats. My, my, the ones that the E.T. Kick characters are all locked up in the back. They, they have a, they have a huge, uh, caddio. It cost me a thousand dollars to build this thing. Right? For them. But it's like, and they have the back room, so they have a lovely, lovely place. And they're very, very happy. Um, they're very funny. But now I got this other one that everybody, well, anybody that knew a cat named Kissy thinks it's Kissy come back. And then there's the dude is now in the picture again, because the dude is the guy that's the father of the ones that have their caddio. And then there's all of a sudden this guy that's pretty old. I mean, he's not, he's not a youngin at all. And he's, he's all gold. And he comes strutting around and he like, that was why I was getting angsty because he's going across the street to my neighbors across the street and then coming over to me. One day my neighbor said to me, is this your cat? And I looked down and said, I go, no, I don't know where he came from. But, but he, he is like, very, very friendly. Um, when, when he first showed up, I was on the phone with Derek. And I said, oh, by the way, I got in and Derek says, he started laughing. And he says, he's just a friendly guy. He's, you know, and, and I, I, Derek didn't say it, but I got the feeling that, you know, this is some kind of a real watcher cat, you know, interacting out there. It could be an E.T. or something. Is one of your zettas down here in this orange cat body? Mm-hmm. One last cat with an orange cat. Well, maybe this is your cat playing in my yard now. I think, I think it's the same cat that cat was an E.T. is. A huge eyes that is turned black. In other words, cats are usually yellow. They come right up to your face in these massive black eyes. Really? No, this one doesn't have black eyes. That would freak me out. No, it was when, when the frequency changed, you know, like normally she had yellow eyes, but she'd come up and reconnect as E.T.s and the eyes are turned black. I love it. Yeah, you never know who you're talking to, you know? It's like, who are you? Oh, it's, I, I personally am glad to, I'm honored to be here. I think this is the, the most amazing journey of life, you know? It's, it's, it's, it's part of the planet is just in, just in hell actually. You know, it's so awful, but we're growing out of it and into this new reality. And guy is there. I mean, all the animals that ever were, were on the planet before are in the new reality. Things are happening that are just like magical because magic's only the manipulation of energy. Of course, exactly. And once you understand, you know, how to manipulate energy, you become master magicians. Yeah. It's all very very simple. But I'm seeing it. We're not talking about static magic. No, no. And this is, this is what, what gets me excited is, you know, I'm, I'm so grateful that I'm as old as I am to see how far we've come. You know, in one way with this, this planet is just in a nose dive of, you know, self-destruction. But on the other side, humanity, the people that, even myself, I mean, I was pretty progressive, like, you know, in the, in the front line, I'm, I'm like, you know, the pathfinder. But even me, I've, I've, I've expanded in ways I never would have anticipated. Because I just, your imagination only can take you so far. And the farther we get into this whole thing, the more our imaginations kicks in. And once that starts happening, then you have magic, manipulation of energy, the most powerful energy in this 3D. It's thought. Yeah, creating another timeline or other words. Yep, yep, yep, yep. So I found it, I found it was a shortcut that just, like, not in this timeline. And boom. All of that, that chatter that gets into your head just goes away. Oh, that's right. That's true over there. But no, I forgot you guys are all living over there. Yeah. So, uh, yeah. It's trained. It's, it's, I, I say to people, you know, somebody's going to control your mind. Might as well be you. And there are classic mind control, you know, procedures that you can use against your own mind to keep it in check, you know. They just have to stop that, you know. And then Dolly pointed out one day, well, when you're talking to yourself, are you talking to God? Yes. Mm. Very good. I did a Dolly shares on this. I had good comments too, Nancy. Did you see them? No, actually, I didn't. Oh, you should go see even Falcon commented on him. I, I was impressed. Well, that was a while ago. Yes, I probably did because I get notifications anytime anybody comments on any of my YouTube's. And I have no hesitation of taking off somebody that's just, it ain't going to happen. You're all crazy. You're, you're, you're, you're. Bye. See you later. I don't like your energy on my YouTube. Go away. This is not a free will universe in my YouTube station. I do edit. I don't edit the shows, but I edit the comments. It was this last one, Nancy, young, on 12, 4. Oh, it was. Number 64. And Falcon. Oh, no, I haven't actually had the time to edit the comments. Yeah, you should check it out. We had some good comments there. Oh, good. So, ladies, do you have anything else you want to impart? I can't think of a single thing that I need to share right this very minute. Well, will you in the next minute? I do like the idea of saying not in this timeline. You know, I have a, I have a saying cancel, cancel, cancel. I have friends that say this kills me. I think, oh my gosh, don't see that. And, you know, so in my head, I say cancel, cancel, cancel, but not in this timeline is excellent. Nice little trick to use. Yeah, it's programming, but it's really good. And the sense that you get, I mean, don't forget to do that because the sense of like, oh, wow, I don't have to go through that. Very calming. Very calming. It switches off the freak panic, you know, just stops that in its tracks. I like it very much. Good thinking. Like in this timeline, we've got friends of ours that go up every night to a zeta craft and work magic because they manipulate energy. I mean, that's how wonderful this timeline is. And you know, on that other timeline, Barbara, they think that's crazy. We know different. I've been thinking about, okay, I have such, I have a total blank when I go to bed at night. You know, no dreams. I mean, I dream, I'm sure, but I'm sure I'm up there. And, you know, three people have said that they've seen me on the ships and I cannot recall. And my sister had, you know, Linda, you guys know Linda. Yeah. And, you know, she had a dream and was really clear on the inside of the ship. And Judy said, oh, yes, that's exactly what it looks like. I thought even my baby's sister gets to know. So I thought, you know what? Maybe I'm just going to find a hypnotherapist. Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute. I go to bed every night. Every night I go to sleep, I wake up. No dreaming stuff. Okay? Yeah. Why? Because when I'm asleep, I'm up on another ship. And it's none of my business. It's none of Nancy's business. What's happening up there? I got enough of my plate down here. You don't have to, if you need to know, you will know. Oh, yeah. You know. And I remember, when we're up there, we're working with a much more expanded conscious awareness than we are down here. There's no way a little poor little human brain would be able to process it. Well, you know, I told you the first time I had a snippet of a memory many years ago, I got up in the morning and I said right out loud, and it was clear I was on a ship. And I said, what does that mean? And I told you guys before on a show, you know, the voice came through really clearly. It's none of your business. So as I'm thinking about, I want to go, I want to find out. And then I got to thinking that again, you know, I was told it's none of my business. And you're absolutely right, Nancy. You know, we have enough to deal with right here. Yeah. And, you know, we don't have to have. And so I've shoved brushed, broomed, swept that idea out of the picture. Well, I don't want you to take away that you might not have been important enough to remember or, you know, any of those type of victim, oh, poor me, I can't remember. Because the fact of the matter is, is that every memory is an energy signature. And they want you in a pure energy signature. And if they were to allow you to have the gift of knowing, your energy would not be the same. Does that make sense? Because you're special. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We have to be focused in one or the other. Well, I guess the thing. I didn't look at it with those exact words and the way you're stating it is much more general. It was just like the last time we talked. Where I was really kind of frightened about that huge lapse of memory about the wheelbarrow. And you said, simply Nancy, you were just on a different timeline. And it was like, oh, yeah, it was such a, again, a gentle way of looking at it. It's always, it always comes down to timelines and energy. And anytime you, any, any little fraction of energy that you take on, those parameters, those little subcomputer programs, well, it changes. And expand on that. Yes, please go. Go. Go. Judy, talk about it. Yeah. You were talking about timelines and energy, but I suggest to expand on that. It's a multi dimensions of energy. It's not just one timeline. It's multi, multi ones. And from what I can understand and have been told is that some of the stuff we do up there, it's just, it's beyond, you know, 3D, the 3D ability to imagine. It's so very different. Not for long. Oh. I have to apologize. I got confused. The one that I was talking about, the Dali shares was the latest one, human or non human. Right. What you were talking about was two, well, last time, time before the last. Yeah, the time before that. Yeah. That's okay. Thank you. I wasn't confused. I knew I was right. Okay. It's okay. Somebody had a book that had all these different t-shirts, things on them, you know, and people in the room would say, oh, yeah, that's mine. You know, that's mine. And then one comes up and it says, assume I am right and we will save a lot of time. And everybody looked at me. Just assume I'm right. We'll save a lot of time. See, I should have known. That makes life simple. Yep. Well, the good thing is when you're right and if you're right all the time and we're all agreement with you, then we're going to have a better life because you stay in the positive. I was sent here to explain it to you guys. Now, it's my job, you know, just take it and make it so that they understand it, you know. And that's what I've done all my life. I'm a briefer. You know, I take things that are complex. I mean, if you look at the Cosmic Reality book, I'm talking about big subjects, but I'm giving them tea in a nutshell. And that's not me. That's my training. That's what I was trained to do. It's like the song. I promised I would brief, you know. And then they send you me who doesn't have this knowledge that you have to impart so that you will realize you have to say it's simple in your book. Yes. Just send me to you to remind you. Make it simple. It's amazing when you get, when you start to see what the real program is with the people that are in your life. Yeah. What they're there for. And that all comes, you know, this doesn't come from, it comes from observing, you know, and not getting emotional. It's like we were talking about earlier. Not getting emotionally vested in the, whatever happens. Yeah. The conclusion. Non-attachment. Non-attachment to, but always being the authentic self. Yeah. Compassionate non-attachment is a good term. Yes. I don't like that. Because that's why you're not being cold and not caring. You are caring, but you're not getting caught up in the person's dramas. Right. Right. And so many times, because, I mean, I was one of these people that, you know, like, I cry at everything. You know, don't take me to a movie. I'm going to cry, even if it's a sports event. Yeah, I take things deeply. I mean, I love my animals with just, you know, I mean, so I know that about myself. But I also know that I can't do anything about much except to trust their souls. Yeah. You know, it's their journey. It's not my journey. Trust their souls. And that is a hard lesson to learn. Because it requires us to really comprehend the concept of a free will universe. And it's not necessarily free will for the 3D person, but it certainly is for the higher self. Absolutely for sure. A lot of people don't understand the difference. Well, the higher self is that peace of God. Exactly. Exactly. That's why when you talk to yourself, you're talking to God. I got into it. I got into a conversation with my higher self. And it was so weird because I can tell who's talking to me by where they're coming into my brain, where the signal is. And this was a new signal. And I'm going like, who the heck is this on this end of the signal? It's me, your higher self. And I went, really? You've suddenly developed a signal thing, you know? I mean, because you feel like your higher self is sort of all around you. But now I'm getting signals in, you know? And I'm going like, okay, so what are we talking about? And my higher self got into some subject and I said, you know something, I'm really bored. Can I take a nap? Oh, yeah. Okay. It was the strangest conversation I've ever had with myself. I know this sounds crazy, but boys and girls, I'm the path binder. If it's happening to me, be prepared. What happened to you? We are at the end of this show. I've so enjoyed being here with you guys. Would you like to say a parting something? Okay, I'll jump in first and say, just keep positive. Think positive. Don't buy into negativity. And wishing people well on every level. Physical, mental, spiritual, emotional. How nice to be well and balanced. Yes, ma'am. My turn? Your turn, darling. I'm so glad to see him that you're okay, but I'm so glad you had that experience because now your body is getting, and your mental is getting upgraded. And I'm so glad that happened to you, Aquarius, last year, and that we were here to give you encouragement and that you shared that with us. And thank you, Arianism, for coming and an array. It's Jan for staying and everybody, I didn't think of their names. And love you Nancy. Love you all. Bye-bye for me. Thank you. Bye-bye for me. Well, thank you, Dave. We'll see you next time. Oh, you have a name of Dave? Well, he's sitting behind me. I mean, what about me? What am I doing? Thank you, Dave. I'm still grumbling. Yeah. Okay, guys. We'll see you next time. Be safe and thank you all for participating. It's been fun. Next time. ♪♪ Say what? Say what radio show? With no agenda. It's always a surprise. But if we're not having fun, we're doing something wrong. ♪♪