Cosmic Reality Podcast

COSMIC REALITY 7/9/24 - Nothing Is Real

“Cosmic Reality Radio Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Walt Silva and Dolly Howard. Nancy gets angry and Matthew Ward and the Chatters talk her down. Frustration can lead to anger. Friends can make it right.Matthew: Free PDF, Cosmic Reality Free PDF, 911 Crusade *Walt -

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at *NANCY'S BOOKS

1h 56m
Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

“Cosmic Reality Radio Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Walt Silva and Dolly Howard. Nancy gets angry and Matthew Ward and the Chatters talk her down. Frustration can lead to anger. Friends can make it right.


Free PDF, Cosmic Reality

Free PDF, 911 Crusade

*Walt -

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at


[Music] Welcome to the Cosmic Reality Radio Show, where our hearts are our master. A production of Cosmic [Music] And welcome to Cosmic Reality. It's July 9th, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins. With me is Walt Silva and Dolly Howard. I had a hissy fit just before we went on, so I hope they're still talking to me. Are you guys going to talk to me? There are two additional people in the chat room, so yes I guess they want to listen to what you have to say. Right. Dolly are you there? Hello Dolly. I'm here. Okay. Don't let me anymore okay. I didn't mean to get you upset if it was me. It wasn't you. It was me. I was the one that got upset. You didn't get upset. You were just doing your thing and you know it's like I'm burnt out. I am burnt out totally. I've been trying to get this house back together and it goes from one nightmare to another nightmare. Not nightmare. I shouldn't say that, but a bullshit situation because it's not. It's just and it's cleaning, cleaning, cleaning and I don't have any time for my own headspace and trying to do the radio stations. It's like I've got to figure out what we're going to talk about for two hours and and it's like it's getting too much. So I don't know what I want to tell my list don't help. They help but it's not two hours worth of list. You know sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't, but most of the time I've got some kind of backup. I didn't have time for a backup because I did the the the the shungite show and then I put that up and then I did I don't even remember what I did after that something. Oh yeah I was putting together some stuff from your list and you know I just had to take a nap and then I slept for two hours. I woke up. I had blown past. I was I was rushed to begin with and I have nothing planned. Nothing. So it's like shit. Do you want to do a replay? No. This is barely the beginning. No. We're not going to do a replay. Do you know how long it takes me to get up a replay Walter? It would take 20 minutes. You know no. We're not going to do a replay. You know we're going to take we're going to take a breath and we're going to do this show and we're going to do it right and we're going to have fun. And part of it was I had the friggin television on and Biden was talking. I turned it off but it's like I can't handle listening to him or seeing him. So I don't have a TV on in the daytime anymore. I used to have it on like 24/7 but I just can't handle it anymore. And all they're doing is talking about Biden Biden Biden Biden. All day long. I mean they're what I guess nothing else is happening in the world. It's all Biden. It's almost shut down. It's the most preposterous thing I've ever seen. And meanwhile you you did and I want to get into that when my eyes will start without. Why not? Because this let me just get to this one. I was so glad to see it because I'm going like oh okay maybe maybe this is uh no that's not it. All right I'm going through her list. She gives me this list thank god. I do the best I can on the list is like you were saying it's just Biden. There is nothing to report Biden. That means they're desperate. Yeah they are. I saw the binders having a meltdown telling people they need to respect her and well they did the they did the entire briefing yesterday and I guess they did because I I was mostly turned it was mostly off because I can't handle her but um I just can't everything is Biden Biden Biden and now I can't find this article that you put up. I've got that but I didn't finish it. Um oh for heaven's sakes. Where is this thing? It was uh all right project 25 is out there and you're right. Everybody's talking about it but Trump says he didn't know what it was. Oh I can't find it now. All right this is the list. I think it's at the bottom Nancy. I want to talk about it. Go ahead. I want to talk about this thing that I saw yesterday the only the only other news that I saw yesterday was Mike Johnson doing a uh a presser and I don't I looked it up that that was the other thing that was what really tripped me out was that he got out there and I heard something about it but then he got out there and he's talking about apparently a bill that had been passed and apparently by both houses and it regarded the elections and basically what they were saying is that no government official can change the regulations that are constituted or congressionally has already been in law. So they were reaffirming the law that is already on the books and it dealt with you have to be an American citizen and Biden vetoed it. Okay now what I'm seeing here is that this whole this whole thing about the gee Dolly I know you patted in here. It was like they want they want to be able to take that what happens is that the immigrant comes in and illegal immigrant comes in these nonprofit organizations they jump all around and oh yes we're gonna we're gonna make everything right for you. Oh and also here's the driver's license change your social security number and you know you can go and vote. They're trying to throw the vote with all of these immigrants these illegal immigrants that's what they're trying to do and there are states I that was stunned by this there are states that you don't have to be an American citizen to vote. What? Why? Isn't this America? Isn't it supposed to be the voters that are Americans? Well but in the federal law you have to be an American citizen. That's why the Democrats keep saying we don't want voter ID. Why don't you want voter ID? Well because you have to be an American citizen and we want to throw the election and you know it was a matter of all these frustrations about all of this absolute BS that is going down it it I don't feel like I'm listening to the news anymore I feel like I'm listening to some rumor mongers and I'm listening to Fox I'm listening to the people that are supposed to give me the news not blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah oh Harris you know what I'm saying it's like enough of this where is sanity we're on the verge of world war three there are suicidal people out there that want to create world war three and the people that are supposed to be keeping us on track and giving us the news all they can talk about is Biden the whole the whole world has gone nuts in the last 24 hours it's worse than it was yesterday I mean I'm really kind of concerned about you know the mental I don't know you guys you say something I mean well you don't even look at this stuff you know I don't you you probably the smart one will dolly is giving up well to if they're making so much noise on on one specific character that means that they're losing and they're desperate beyond control they don't know which way which way is up they don't know which way to run so this just to me this shows me the level of desperation is beyond beyond the beyond the numbers they're out of their out of control they don't know which way is up they know they are going to lose big time so that they're they're running crazy ships you know rats running out of trying to escape the ship and they don't know which way so that's what it shows me it doesn't show me anything that's they're not showing me oh this is these are the winners they're so successful in what they're doing they're the best they're no they're showing desperation desperation and lack of control and they don't know which way to run the proof proof of the pudding is the media which is totally controlled is out of control because they're they're they're playing one single song i love Biden and that's the only song they're playing on the radio so it just goes to show you what control they have they have no control whatsoever they just act as if they are in control but they're not well the the mainstream media CNN and all those people women's NBC initially right after the debate they came out and they were saying we didn't know anything about this oh my god you know well bs you didn't know anything about it box has been talking about it since he's before 2020 you know we when they were in the they're like why is he in the basement is he incompetent enough that they won't put him out in public and then they started showing all of these different things let's call it that that were indications that the guy has got real problems and the more the more reason for that desperation because they have that this thing they don't know how to spin it how are we going to succeed with this guy they don't know but which we should we let people know that the real one is that no no no no no no that we pretend that it's really alive so they're trying to run but they don't know which way to run well dolly's got on her list videos of interest opposed to the chat room not necessarily to play and i had done the audio capture of all those things and didn't finish it before all of a sudden i was out of time i couldn't even finish it but the first one was a Joe Biden body double caught on camera sneaking by that was a very interesting thing to look at because you the cameras got this Biden walking he was walking by himself although there were some on the peripheral i'm talking about 20 feet away were a couple of other people and somebody you must be yelled at him in or whatever and so he turns around and he waves but he wasn't walking like Biden he looked like Biden but he wasn't walking like Biden and so this video which i will put in chat i did already oh you did okay thank you um it shows this guy walking up Air Force one stairs and he's walking like a normal person and then he gets at the top of the stairs and all of a sudden he's you know shuffling and he turns around and then he salutes and then he goes back into the plane you know well then later on when he's getting off of this plane he goes down the stairs as if he's okay so you look at this and you go especially when somebody's pointing it out to you and you go god you know if i just saw that i'd really have to wonder who who this is their body doubles you know i mean it's um dolly's been saying it for years is there so then she gives another one and it's again hidden footage captured a fake joe biden masked body double and that one it was i didn't think that was as impressive i can't even remember what it was about to be honest with you did you put that one in the uh chat too i'm working on it right now okay but the one that really got to me was this strange thing about him paying off somebody and that one was biden the v a biden is coming off of the plane walks up to some i guess military people according to the you know whoever was talking on the video and you can clearly see in his hands this round disc and then he shakes hands with one of these military people and it's obvious he doesn't have the disc anymore he gave it off he handed it off so then they did a discussion of what this disc could be and apparently they've got some kind of a bitcoins thing of hickey that you can hand somebody like this bitcoin thingy and then you can go to wherever you're supposed to go and put it in and have it scanned and boom you get some money and it's like you're paying off the millit what what is this all about and i guess part of my my problem with all of this is is this a black cat operation or is this a white hat operation who who's putting these these phoneys out there because if you look at it without a concept of the white hats it looks like he was made president of the united states and somebody else is running the country and that he's just some phony maybe a few of them out there so very clear in their point yes so is Jill Biden Biden a phony too yes and hunter you think they're all phonies oh yeah if you pull up the older pictures of them like when he was senator whatever you want um you can compare them to today it's freaking blatant well it's i don't know it's just like i guess i don't like not knowing i just don't know anymore yeah it's like are we in some kind of a matrix where everything around us everything around us is a lie it's it's all theater you think it is yes but you are at the place now like right now this moment today you are finally at the place where i have been for many months now and i have been trying very hard to keep my temper to not scream and yell and cry and i can understand the emotions that you're going through i've been there for quite a while now i don't like i don't like living in a phony world and only you know it's like so trump's gonna come into office or maybe he gets into office and what what are they gonna do are they gonna start showing all the things that you've been looking at for all this time trying to get the rest of us to look at i mean i was looking at it and i agreed with you your assessment was right but it didn't make any sense to me because if it's a white hat thing then how how is Donald trump going to get up in front of us and say you know for the last four eight years i've been lying to you everybody that was a democrat is actually a a a actor they've all been in mass how how how is an american i mean they're saying that you know biden is a phony and and you've been hoodwinked and you know and there are people on fox and some of the other networks that were as angry as i was you know you're playing as you're playing us stupid you're telling us that he's fine and he's not fine at all how many people are in on this scam you know now the mainstream media except for a few of them have all gone back into the to the narrative it's biden he's going to stop that hitler character called trump you know it's like just just lately i hear they see something a little bit i would have said well that's uh the black hat but i'm looking at it now when i'm seeing no this bad stuff i'm seeing and would have thought was black hats i swears white hats trying to because it's not moving fast enough i would think the white hats are doing making the bad things happen very very very blatantly so hopefully more people will pick up on it and like i said before about the about the border um i swear that the bus people in to cross the border and then they gather these people up in a certain area where nobody knows nobody can see they put them back on buses across the mexican border and make they make them come through again i don't think that many people can be coming into this country if that's my opinion that's my thoughts it makes sense it makes sense they're mixed total sense i've been saying this but nobody believes he oh no that's not true well okay all right you can believe what you believe i believe what i believe i'm assuming wandering humanoid that you're my mary hello Aquarius thank you for the love blankets um mary says if it's mary yes we are watching a movie yes this is all about waking us up to see that the governments of the world have been taken over by evil who are enslaving us and now actively out to kill us they will show us everything as more time goes on everyone is in on it six corporations own every media in the world and they get their four a.m talking points and they pair it the same thing the only reason they are all trashing Biden after the debate is because it is time to remove Biden and put in michael you know michael bomber and killery best will play out as we get closer to the election that's what mary thinks um or wandering wandering whoever and um i agree i agree with everything that she put in there at this point and uh i've been trying to serve this with everybody but i get flustered because because it's so hard for people to believe it is very i felt you mary i love you um but and i don't even tell everything that i see uh with my eyes happening because i know nobody will believe it at this point in time and i don't want to upset people i just want people to fucking wake up excuse me to to just wake up i'm sorry i i've been so upset about this for so long and and uh because you're you're a play lawyer you're really getting frustrated with this ship missy i just wanted to share what i shared well i just don't know i mean i i i i don't know how you're going to make this right you know you're going to show you're going to whether it's white hats or black hats you know how are you going to how are you going to find how is the world going to finally wake up and say you lied to us you played us dumb what in i mean i i wouldn't trust anybody including trump you know concluding everybody out there you played me stupid and i spent all these years and all this time and i have still no concept of what is really happening it could be exactly like you're saying you know and i think that what what when i'm demonstrating is what is going to happen to people they're going to get angry and you know so okay yeah now president trump is in everything's going to be right oh yeah and biding and all those people were players what do you mean they were players they were actors none of it's real then why do i believe you now i mean it's just like bizarro land i don't think i signed up for this you know why don't you go to earth where it's all a story nothing's going to make sense to you i mean i've spent my entire life after the blackouts i mean i don't have a family i don't have i don't have friends i don't except for you guys and i don't have any family that you know i talked to at all really except my brother michael and i spent all this lifetime and you're telling me it's all bullshit i don't know what is real or not real you know do the corporate people are they in on this or are they being played too i mean why is that why is the stock market doing so well and yet it's exploring it's imploring only imploring it very fine but maybe this is necessary to wake up because the cabal has been controlling mind control for centuries not not when year or two years so it it takes that much energy to okay how do we help people out of this mind control and yet not make them crazy for because if you think about it to get out of this level of mind control is a tremendous effort i mean how many people would commit suicide once a day they hear the truth of this this isn't real and that isn't real that isn't so the only solution is to kill yourself so they have to avoid that they have to avoid causing even though part of the humanity are people that want to kill the population you don't want to kill the population so they're doing their best and it's taking a lot of control because i don't think you can deprogram people that quickly even those who make a living being professional deprogrammers like for example i remember seeing a movie about the guy that was involved in controlling about he he was like remember Jim Jones the way he had the people in a special center and he programmed them to believe the way he wanted so the i saw a film with Walter what was the what many or something where they have to fight to bring their son out of that of that mind control thing and oh it was terrible what they had to go through because the the mind control on the on the young man he was maybe in his 20 was so complete was so thorough is that it took that this the this mind deprogramming work tremendous work in fact he he actually at one point he relied on physically punishing the man the the son the the father of this boy so when when he saw his father being hit by this stranger that's when he finally reacted something something in him woke up and he said no stop hitting my father but if the movie just goes to prove a point it takes so much energy to put people in in their in a specific place it takes that much energy to get them out so you don't think that people are it's very easy to to control them but you can free them whenever you know no no no it takes so much as much energy to break them out of their control as it is to put them into control in fact when they went into the control they did it peacefully and they did it they they loved it because they thought they were doing something good and they thought that it would be worthwhile when it when reality it wasn't so that's why it's so difficult to get them out of there because there's nothing more self destructive for you to realize oh it's all a lie so should I kill myself should I pay for for this mistake that I have made a message a terrible mistake I don't I don't deserve to live so this is we we look at it from the form our point of view but how how about the rest of humanity not everybody's thinking the same thoughts or not everybody's a thing oh oh this guy's a lion it's big deal he's just a big liar okay maybe it would work for those but there are people that so innocent in their way of thinking that they think that what they're being told how many people go for that they think about oh the police are saying the absolute truth the police would never lie to me anything right no well I guess that's that's where populations are so different in Argentina we grow up from from a early youth we grow up with such this belief of the leadership that we don't have any trouble dealing with a big big way we know they're not going to lie to us all the time so why bother about it why why because get obsessed about it we know it's everything's a lie so I guess that way we have a little bit of an advantage over the population here in the Americas because in Argentina they don't leave anything the leadership says well the of course do you think it's difficult for them to accept that Biden is it's false no they don't they don't they don't find it difficult in fact they expect it but there are people here that believe he's real they don't know they don't they don't they don't even you can't even say the words of the real one is that oh they won't believe it so you know you know it two things came up first off the amount of veterans that are killing themselves is outrageous it's absolutely outrageous and I think that that is one of the end games that you were just just discussing people just commit suicide oh it's all illusion boom you know oh shoot what was this the second thing there oh crap I lost it but you're talking about the veterans no no yeah the well the veterans yeah the suicide of the veterans it's like yes what you're talking about is the suicide you know how many people how many people that spent went into war saw the horrors of war saw their friends killed went into that post-traumatic stress thing and then you know find out that oh well you know nobody cares that you went to war we don't even thought it was a worthwhile sacrifice yeah and now that you got people out there saying down with America burn America you know I mean it's like why did I go and fight for this university's presidents people in this in the universe I mean all these people in the streets everything and it's hot it's just it's it's it's too I think it's too too much to bear for most people you know say most people you know they will have to deal with it in some way or another and my way of going through this is trying to figure out all right so who's playing what role and you know who's in charge and stuff but now it's like I have no idea who's in charge because even the people why would Fox spend every minute virtually they go from Biden Biden Biden to Biden's border and that you know I mean those are the two stories you know and then once in a while they'll throw in some other oh yeah and somebody got killed here and there and all this you know I mean it's like why would anybody want to be here you know is there a ticket out of here yeah die oh okay I'll do that so I can see and this is what's partially you know behind my like not wanting to think that this is all BS because it gives you no anchor it gives you no no place to go you know you want to turn to your religions or your spiritual beliefs well that you better do that because you're not going to get any respite from this BS if you keep listening to us you know I mean we talk about this stuff all the time so it's a matter of I go ahead go ahead finish huh go ahead and then after you get done I have two things I finished go ahead oh guest in the chat room is saying you need to hear this new thing although I mostly only watch and listen to the Tuesday shows to the Tuesday shows here's something I really look forward to it's the light of each week I wanted you to hear it and I also want to say we need to read Matthew again really this today we need to read Matthew again but I guess I have two things um Mary is saying we are being shown all sorts of things especially in past four years Biden may be in the White House but Trump is still commander in chief they are showing us the control migration to replace us they are removing Christianity they are showing us pedophilia is their currency they are showing us their rituals and transgender agenda the depopulation of the world the enslavement through the central banks and so much more Nancy what makes a great movie great actors it is is a role and I don't know because I roll on but you just have to sit back and slowly you will see what we see and then you cannot unsee it it will make sense and you will realize we are at war and you will find out that everything we have been taught is one big lie um worldly soul from the chapter I greatly appreciate you all discussing these things thank you so much for sharing on this show and then back to Mary the saddest thing in our life we feel so guilty for very small things we do in life this has been conditioned in us and it is a great part of humankind so when we find out that everyone in authority who we have been taught to trust that they are evil especially when you find out about them being involved in pedophilia child sacrifice devil worshipping trying to kill us etc and they have no guilt it is way too hard to believe that a human can do these things that is in my opinion that they are not human they must sell their souls to the devil in order to get into high places such as presidents high court justices police actors musician royalty included they worship the devil this war is about good versus evil literally god versus devil and god wins we just have to stay alive and safe in the meantime and spread what we know to others so that we wake them up to the truth a bit at a time and that's all yeah why is it why is it why isn't she on this show i mean i i couldn't believe it when i started looking at which she had posted and said oh my god how did she have time to write that and why how could she write it so well but she's a fast tiper and now i'll shut up she's a intelligent lady wow and she does a lot of researching she's not married oh and she said now i'll shut up please mary don't shut up no no yeah um she's one of the fully awakened persons is absolutely yes well i i don't feel like i'm i'm unenlightened i know like i say i know but the there's no anchor you know it's like i watch a tremendous amount not just the boxing but alternative news and stuff and i can most of the time stay very observant and and not get emotionally tied to it but it's like getting into a crescendo it's okay she says when i found found all these things i was so alone and if i tried to share people looked at me as if i was crazy i even lost friends yeah i know i know that feeling yeah well you got no one's mary he they love you too mary yeah i'm your i'm your friend trust me you see somebody that can write that fast and that well and be right on point oh my um yeah yeah yes yay yay it's it's an amazing experience but i'm really over it oh at least you will listen and not call me crazy now it was horrible you know i i might have looked at dolly sometimes and thought mmm little crazy but i believed her in my heart of hearts i knew that you know she's not crazy she sees things differently than i am so it might all be true but in support of myself they do enough that it makes you know i'm a storyteller i look at the you know the narratives and what's happening and i've been watching Jill Biden real well everybody's sort of like now looking at Dr Biden and she's a very attractive woman she moves with a grace that is um soothing it's not like she walks into a room like Hillary would you know when everybody gets jittery because oh my god Hillary just walked in she she's kind of plays lays back and and you know is but how evil is she if she's not playing a part but they are focused now on Jill and be and and what why is Biden who obviously if if we see i mean see this is the other thing is maybe Biden is not as crazy as we thought maybe he's maybe this that could just be an actor so that narrative is like in question and you know so why would they put this this little skit on that they're doing right now that everybody thinks he's too old to do the job so why doesn't he get out of the way let Kamala come on and instead they're they're promoting this game to go further and further and as a military tactician i'm scared to death because if i'm if my enemy has a leader that is absolutely bonkers and doesn't know what they're doing that is scary because you can't anticipate what the next thing will be and you know from from just that that standpoint so i mean it's like there are so many sub stories that are evolving and yet it may all just be bs maybe the chinese and the trumpiers are the good guys you know they're all in this together and they're all doing you know what they need to do to present to the human beings this this narrative of a story and it's like i think i kind of woke up to the whole crazy shit that i've been watching for so long it's it's very strange two bidons okay so mary i guess he is an actor Nancy there are two bidons the original got put to death five years ago watch this and then there's a thing about hickey here hmm i will i pulled that up boy i'm gonna watch it yeah yeah that's a good one i wish the listeners who aren't in the chapel listen to us when we're off here or just listen while we're here but they aren't in a chat i wish they could see these links some of them i think are very important but okay i'm being told are they the ones that aren't in the chat room at this time aren't quite ready or to see this stuff or they will look at it's up to them how they want to approach it because they can always come in the chat room and see what we have posted in the chat thank you day so i'm going to stop fussing over that one i want to i want to do something here i want to go to that she says it's only a little over a minute yeah okay so joe bidon from 11 to 82 and it's all just all the faces is there is it got narrative to it i'm going to do something i didn't and then okay i'm going to open it now and i'm going to see because i'm going to leave my mic open and see if we can't put it over the station so if it starts echoing let me know here we go why do we have to use that the car car guy why do people we so rapidly pro-protein the meat love socialism is facing china it wouldn't be the first time china after china come party the ccp talk okay so there's no narrative it's just the pictures okay so you should probably look at that because it does show it shows well it shows changes and sometimes i look at it and it leaves you these things and i say oh well maybe they did that echo didn't anybody else there get an echo i i did not hear one but i don't know if it's happened yeah let me know if you heard an echo because if you didn't then we've got a new way of putting these things up except we have to go through the through the advertising you know but um yeah very interesting uh yes you can't make someone see we are all get there in our own time no narrative she's saying ads it echoed oh it echoed uh yes it did but not too bad huh i can't figure out why that echo is in the system thank you thank you thank you um so well at least we found something to talk about today dolly oh i had no doubt they would yeah um so Walter down in Argentina you guys always well i got to say this you know that thing i couldn't remember what it wanted to say well what that ad that came up said china and it was about china because when we were dolly and i were talking after a show and somebody started to chat even though the show was over and the person had come in as china yes and i'm looking at this and then i start paying attention to what they're saying and it was somebody who was actually in china listening to us just right after a live program and you know it was like i i i was stunned that anybody from china would have access to us but at the same time i wanted to and that made me a little bit leery about asking questions that might get them in trouble because i'm sure everybody gets monitored over there but what she and it was i i say she i think it was a she but it could have been a guy that that we didn't get into that it was only maybe a half a dozen of her responses but one of the things she said i i asked her wow you know how hard when i when did you start listening to us and she said two years ago i've been learning english listening to your shows which i thought was interesting but then we something was said and she her response to it was you in america do not understand the chinese way of viewing and i'm paraphrasing of viewing the chinese governments they come in they go out some are good some are bad we just don't care sounds like i do dinner and that's that's what you know it made me think of that's why it made me think of that wall so that's basically how you handle it all is that nobody pays any attention to it well we we we first off we start by accepting the fact that everybody's a lie everybody tells the tells the false truth so everything is a show so no no nobody's gonna tell you the truth about anything phrase is if somebody's talking let's say a government somebody from the government a minister somebody whatever they're saying the first reaction from someone listening to the this course it's gonna be all the guys lying through his face oh god he's uh the the first word out of somebody's mouth who's looking at that is going to oh i bet you they're lying about this oh who's who how much did he get paid the all the all the comments about what's being said on tv are going to be criticism people are going to say oh how much money did it oh i bet you i bet you he's he's left with somebody's wife and nobody has anything good to say about anybody you this you just because they're on television you automatically disbelieve what they're saying and and if it's going to be successful whatever they're saying is like the this guy who won the election the reason i i i paid attention to some of his videos when he was on the internet the reason why everything he's saying made sense and they were paying attention to what they were saying because believe it or not first time in history to have this happen in Argentina somebody was looking in the at the screen that was looking in the cameras and they were saying the truth they were saying they were actually they were saying the truth and he was saying something that the government needs to do and they actually did it so for the first time in history someone's words actually met met their their actions and they were they they said the truth and they actually did it so that's that's why everybody if he's got believers now and people that that worship the sky that is so successful is because he's actually saying true things and that has never happened in Argentina politicians don't tell you the truth about anything and so he that's what made it successful because he started telling the truth about things there you have it well it's it's a fascinating view of reality and i'm not sure where it's going to take us so i guess i'll just sit back and go back into the observer thing and not turn on the tv because it really pissed me off i mean it's it's Argentina we need to learn something from Argentina we need to learn you know end from China you know that it's it's it's it's another it's a fantasy thing but wall these people have control of us they locked down the world they told everybody they were going to get covid and everybody was going to die and you know i mean tucker Carlson on his new format one day said well they say that millions of people died from covid but i don't know anybody that died from covid do you you know and the figures for how many people died from the flu in a given year matched the supposed deaths of covid victims and there was no flu deaths so you look at that stuff and you can see clearly that this was all all just made up plus the fact that we knew that see certain certain things of this of art the media is all made up everything that comes in the mirror and media is is made up how much how much of it is true if it's coming from the media apparently not much you know but um to me i'm glad we're having the conversation because i think it's well i didn't realize it was going to have a meltdown i mean i was really angry how when have you seen me that angry i mean i i i was like oh geez i've lost it here i'm really angry well i was ducking and i'm three hours away from you oh my god well you noticed how quiet i kept so yeah i said is that quiet i thought poor walter he's probably under his chair oh my gosh um Matthew yes i think we should at least read the part about the gratitude because since since that show even before that show the word gratitude to come up and then he gives that amazing reading about gratitude well since then every time i turn around i'm hearing or seeing that word gratitude and today on the shungai show one of the guests we had on said that she was giving away these palm stones that had the word gratitude on it so maybe we should listen to that again you know um well you i just took it down but i can find it i'll find it during the break and then i'll send it to you okay and we'll reread it because we read it on say what okay um but i think that dolly's right so what time is it 56 about three minutes four minutes two yeah i want to go back to dolly's um list here because because i want to um you do have the good news thing but that's probably going to take more than four four minutes right oh yes i didn't realize i was muted yeah real people yeah okay and okay this one is well let's just go through this real quick alvin bragg and judge merchant ordered to respond read the latest on the case okay latisha james will have she's the georgia that was the uh the case in new york bs in new york latisha james will have to respond by rules of the court long before merchant consent sentence trump cook it alvin bragg and corrupt judge merchant will be exposed in one of the most significant election interference cases at all times condemned usa he does it again apparently it's some expose breaking the court has granted a motion to block top officials and ah see there it is okay all right the court has granted our motion to block top officials in the federal government for violating the first amendment rights of millions of america plus more no that's not the one i'm talking about that it was really bothersome to me that the congress put that law out and apparently the senate agreed with it that says you that you have to be an american citizen you see there are all these different election rules and regulations that have been totally ignored since 2020 and all the congress was apparently trying to do was to kind of say you can't keep doing this for any reason you know go back to the to the original recommendations you can't make changes then they were you know the executive branch the judicial the all of that you know you can't be making these changes to what what is law on the books of the united states and biden you know vetoed it it was like okay this guy it is i couldn't find any information that was part of it is i couldn't find them information that i wanted i went on three different search engines looking for more on this story and could find nothing you know so it's a it's a matter of not just it would be the the true things that are happening are now not even being covered it's very frustrating i think anyway so when we come back we're going to go listen to matthew again get our bearings and hopefully figure out what to say in the next two hours but here we go let's see so let's just do somewhere welcome back to the cosmic reality show it is july 9th 2024 i'm looking at matthew's uh july third message and walter i'm going to put it into the chat and then we'll read it but before we do that well i took a bathroom break for some reason i think very many aha thoughts in the bathroom i don't know what that's about but yesterday and the day before that was what thursday and friday no i'm sorry no i got my whole week at wrong it was uh sunday and monday sunday my helper killick was supposed to come over any just before he gets here all of a sudden there was no rain forecast all of a sudden it starts pouring and so we had to cancel it and as soon as i canceled it to monday the sun came out but i was so i had so much focused on getting the awful awful room cleaned out the awful awful awful room three awful because of the flood thing you know i knew that some of that stuff was probably because the flood had gone higher than it normally does so i opened the door and i went oh my god this is worse than i thought it was i think i should have put a fourth off on it but i just got into it i started doing it bit by bit and this is a storage room this is all everything was in these plastic heavy expensive plastic bins that should have kept them protected but they didn't and it was like just it was disgusting so the first thing i did was to turn on get the ozone energy generator and put that on and i this is an industrial one they're less expensive than the home ones so you have to watch it because if you get when you get a little bit of ozone it's great it kills mold and and stuff that you just don't want in your home um it's really they're very good but you can overdo it very easily with these industrials because they put out a lot of ozone instead of you know a trickle of ozone type of thing so i'm get it three times i went in there turned it on let it set let it get out you know until it was okay all right so i go back in there and i i actually did an enormous amount of work that day and i was got to the point right off the bat where even though this was the storage room for my life i mean every one of these boxes had stuff in it from businesses that i had it had writings it had discs that went back to the big floppy ones you remember those big discs i mean all of this stuff was just and so i decided not not gonna look i'm just gonna throw so i just started cleaning out and i'm thinking about it as i'm doing it and i'm going like i'm throwing my the memories of my life away and i said well who cares nobody nobody cares because it would be junk if i died they would have done the same thing i said well what if i end up somebody realizes how important i am and i become famous i just threw away the history the documentation of my entire life you know but okay and then there were other things you know just like you know to do i got a do to do list we also have probably things around to do you're supposed to take this material and do something with it you're supposed to take these beads and these rocks and do it i mean all this stuff and and then there's the the pile of stuff that you have where people gave it to you but you that's why you can't throw it away even though there's no reason to open a box even so you've got all these things now most people they move i haven't moved in 38 years so i never went through it like people do who move who just say i've got to get rid of some of this stuff so it was all there right so i get i like i say i worked all day i was really consistent at it and got a lot of work done then the next day kilok comes over now the reason that kilok was coming over to begin with was that i had i lost a dryer i lost the mattress i lost a heater that um was too low on the ground it's those gas heaters they stand up like the old radiators that was in that room and that went under and there was a water heater and all of this stuff plus some chairs i mean there was a lot of stuff that had to go to the curb so down here you have to bulk bulk pickup and get it out there only three days before they're supposed to pick it up so i we could put it out sundy for the wincy pickup but we had to wait and i was hoping it wouldn't rain because in that first downpour you know the front of the yard where we would have put this stuff was already flooding anyway it clears up on monday it was a beautiful day and he takes out the water heater and the dryer and he says he comes back in he comes back to me he says well they're out there let's see how long they last it wasn't an hour before somebody came picked him up and okay so then i go out there and he was he he ended up going back into the room and cleaning out the rest of it and so i'm taking the bags that i had packaged and i've taken them out to the front and i go out there and there's this guy with a truck and he's rummaging through everything he's taking every piece of metal he can find and i'm like it was it was funny i had a sort of like this is my junk what are you doing with my junk type of thing and so he he he he he's i don't even know if he spoke english he seemed to understand it but he didn't say much and so i realized what he was doing he was a scrap metal scrap guy so i said wait a minute come come back here in the yard with me because kilico hadn't even put out some of the stuff that had metal in it and he took it all so okay so all the metals all gone he came and took it all so then i said well maybe it's safe to put the bags out so we we put well there was bags out there already but we finished up we put the bags out there we put you know a few wooden things out there and then we put the mattress out there now the mattress was one of those situations where they don't tell you until the time they tell you that now you can put your trash out but remember and it said you had to encase the mattress in plastic and i'm like i threw away enough plastic from the mattress that i bought that would cover this thing you know 20 times why didn't you tell me this when i set up the appointment so now i've got but luckily back in the awful awful room was a huge roll of blub bubble wrap that i used to use when i was running the store the shungite store out of my house so we had to cover this mattress in this plastic you know thing bubble wrap and so we get it all done it's on the porch it's it's dried out and i think it was dried out i didn't feel any wet but um you know and we get the plastic on it and i said how are we going to carry this what are we going to grab onto if we grab onto the plastic it's going to come off but we figured out how to do it and sandy had given me this new cart from my birthday that was really cool we were able to balance it on there and we get it out there to the curb and so he says to me i bet they take the mattress and i said oh come on i said you think so and i'm laughing because by that time i said well maybe yeah it could happen you know and we put the mattress out there well they took the mattress somebody came by and took the mattress and when i went out this morning this pile of at least two dozen you know 13 gallon bags plastic bags hefties they they were all opened up there was just a pile of trash and there was my life my photographs the CDs the stuff that you know um lay in there and you know what water soaked books of of stuff and the picture that i the picture that i got in my head was of bolters you know you've seen that you've seen the pictures of bolters coming down on a dead thing and then when they leave and go away all that's there is like nothing just a skeleton and so i'm looking at this pile this morning and i'm going like well that leaves my life fair you know there's just this stuff that you can't throw away but there it was you know so it was it was two things it was like very cathartic i guess you would say but it was also freeing it's like okay so who i was represented by that stuff that stuff is just garbage out there so i think that that might have been in the back of my mind you know when all this started exploding around me today so i wanted to share that because it was sort of like there are reasons that we get into to like anger you know that for the most part you don't want to dwell on the things that tripped your button but on the other side you really do have to look at the stuff of why did i get tripped because all the stuff was inside you it wasn't it wasn't in the box it wasn't in the cd it was inside you so you were getting rid of you were imagine you know like that those those being that that time act time and in the life comes where they have to shed their skin or you know change the the skin all together like like some reptiles do it it's the same thing we we have to get to that point where we're going to change we're going to mold so we have to get rid of this stuff that's no longer serves us yeah i think i'm a caterpillar that's going to become a butterfly you know yeah you're breaking out of the cocoon you're a caterpillar but then one of the funniest things i ever saw was a picture of these two caterpillars and they're looking up at a butterfly and one says to the other you'll never catch me up in one of those things you know it's that i put matthew's thing in there yeah so um anyway that's my story i'm sticking to it why don't we read the first part of that did all did you want to say something no okay okay i just i'm enjoying what here and what you're saying i know when i when i purge i feel like well there goes another part of my life but i look at it as okay so that chapter somewhere moving right along yeah well you know one of that one there's another story to that dolly knows it because i i message it to her i go at one point and this is when i left it let the last time it would the bags were all intact i come back and it's not i mean it's just this is not hours and hours this is you know an hour and 15 minutes would happen hour you know it's like it i go out and somebody has been there and opened up all the bags to see what was in the bags and there was a woman there and she's looking through the bags and she had a older van and she was well she told me she was 73 years old and she is black and she she she was apologizing to me about what others had done she wasn't saying she had opened them up she said that she found them opened up but look at this she says and it was a bag full of cables and they were after the wire and the cables she said and she she had made a hundred dollars that morning on her first run out you know she made a hundred dollars and so she was um very grateful to me for this trash because she was going to make money on it but the whole time she's talking to me in between our little conversation she kept saying oh i hope i'm safe here because she's not on the swale she's she's stopped on the side of the road and she's pointing in the direction of the oncoming traffic for that side of the road right and she said i was parked over there but then i got concerned you know these Haitians because there's this this community i live in i think the white people are like 13 percent it's black it's Haitians the latino it's a real you win kind of community and i thought she was Haitian so i mean when she went off on the Haitians i said oops because i can't tell them apart i don't see black white or brown i just you know see people but she's complaining about the Haitians driving and you know it just is so appropriate that i kind of like back away from the conversation and she she was putting things back together she was really cleaning up after herself so you know and i was appreciative of her if what she was telling me was the truth i had no doubt that maybe it could be and i was going and i was picking up a garbage pail that they had finally came and took that garbage pail dumped it and i was putting bringing it back in so i got distracted with that and then when i turned around there was this car that had been coming down the street in the direction that her car was and he had swerved off into the swale because she just pulled off into traffic and he almost hit her and i'm going like no i don't think the problem is with Haitian drivers it was just it was like oh my goodness all right so but anyway that was a side story to to what was out it was a very interesting day yesterday and i didn't even leave my yard oh there you go wall wow July 7th Matthew uh which part you said that it was a specific part you wanted let's start with the first part work yeah just start with the first part well let's see oh okay maybe we'll read the whole thing i don't know let's see okay uh with loving greetings from all souls at this station this is Matthew dear ones please take a break from fitting the weight of the world on your shoulders and inhale deeply exhale slowly repeat this three times it is if visualization comes easily to you on the out breath conjure the image of a pristine earth being gently unfolded in glistening blue golden white light if that feels disruptive just breathe in and let your heart feel light thank you it would be good for you to do that so often it comes naturally your rhythmic breathing draws in an anchor's light to nourish your body mind and spirit and to maintain balance during this final stage of reading earth of darkness that kind of breathing also arm armors is armor on in the midst of low vibrations the dark ones will not go gently they intend to cause chaos and destruction until their final moment with this answers why this in a way it answers why they you don't see anything else on tv use that's what you said the only sure one thing on to on television Biden Biden Biden well here's your answer to your question they intend to cause chaos on destruction until the final moment and we know only what they cannot pull off the savor rattling that may provoke our arm squirmishes will not result in World War three and if by brushless or error missiles with nuclear warheads are shot into space the donation will be prevented United States would which soon must be ended as a corporation and returned to the republic form of governance the founding fathers established is imploding politically the charade of an imposter in the presence in many it's to be over and done with it remains to be seen what will happen to others in this sad government that includes clones and doubles that are controlled by puppets of the darkness on the fourth of july next year this country citizens finally can celebrate actual independence so i guess we have to wait a whole year so it's not going to be uh well well for the celebrate for the celebration for the celebration let's hope it doesn't take a year we'll have a celebration in a year okay i guess that that that that another another uh answer to your question is what what's going on whatever the documents thrust at your world at your world the white hats extraterrestrial special forces and crews in spacecraft surrounding earth are ready to counter a punch you know the light already has won the battle so just be alert confident and fearless in the months ahead now let us respond to this dear soul whose feelings are shared by many other lot workers who like he incarnated several decades ago in quotes for year messengers like Matthew have said the light one darkness on earth is ending i'm old tired and disillusioned by wanton killing and destruction means use technology deepening polarization pandemics and lethal fake machine vaccines well we ever see that we really did change anything for the better his response our memories of helping their their third vent third density civilizations whether the battle ending times are clear and present and it is with profuse empathy that we ask you to please be patient a little longer for evidence that you are making a world of difference literally literally a different world beloved brothers and sisters you are so close to seeing the benefits of the right forces and not and actions these words isn't that the message that deadly got from the the two characters that called her that she had that call on the on the on the door and there was nobody there and then these these beings showed up there and she said they were almost visible and that's the message that they told her to be you are so close to seeing the benefits of the light forces and action isn't that the message that she got at her house oh god what are you talking about my people's yeah you you're the event that happened in your house where they told you to yours to be you're very close to seeing the benefit of the life forces in action remember that yeah because they still visit me they still are ringing the doorbell and nobody said we're winning that book they are with me they keep me company through the rest of the stuff and they keep encouraging me because you heard how Nancy was when we first came that's how I have them and they came to give me encouragement hang in there you are making a difference you are here for a reason you agreed to be here at this time don't give up they tell me you can if you want to but please don't give up we're here to keep your company and encourage you so it's an essence that's also telling me that I should not be focused on the news I should not be focused on the media because whatever they're putting there it's just bullshit okay the divine plan to liberate Gaia and her life forms from darkness fits into a universal timeline that primarily affects your solar system because it is the part of the universe in which earth revolves all major events in the plan must happen in order that keeps the synchronous relationship of affected celestial bodies within the time frame of optimal benefits for all the more expensive they objective the more action require the greater and grander the achievement transforming life on earth is a monumental undertaking because it requires eliminating every trace of darkness other bodies in the solar system are assisting by directing extra light to this specific activity whose frequency attracted it we are not talking about a process on hold on does somebody knocking on my door so okay I'll take over okay you take over we are not talking about a process ongoing for years longer but months and we are suggesting that you not try to make sense of what's happening nothing is as it seems along with blanketing the globe with benevolence and undergirding all light-based efforts high vibratory levels can cause fatigue and lack of clarity in individuals dealing with physical mental and emotional challenges the vibrations may be releasing submerged conditions so they can be consciously known handled and healed to benefit from those kind of growth opportunities booster energy and stabilize your centeredness by sleeping longer than usual drinking a lot of pure water spending time in nature and breathing rhythmically keeping in mind that the universal law of attraction operates 24/7 think and speak with care thoughts and comments about being exhausted confused anxious or discouraged for instance is asking the universe to give you situations that cause those kinds of feelings uplifting thoughts of feeling strong happy positive and fulfilled will help you be that way please take good care of yourselves beloved family um did you come back well yeah do you want to interrupt you do you want to continue I don't know where you left off it's in the italics Matthew is the paragraph and other like me messengers about five paragraphs off when we were uh you I guess you continue because I don't know where you are Matthew and other light messengers talk about advanced beings who love us and help us I just read an article about entities who said there's oh this is a question apparently it's in quotes in a talent I just read an article about entities who said their civilization can't clean up a world its people's chose to mess up because they can't interfere with anyone's free will I did it didn't sound very loving or helpful could Matthew comment on it and Matthew says we would not venture to speak about information without knowing exactly what it is but we will happily comment on the reader statement connect the dots that show why people's earth need and deserve the massive amount of assistance that they are given first we say it is true that no civilization has the prerogative or the responsibility to clean up another oh shoot civilizations were it yeah I know I did that thing with it moving it down farther than it was um prerogative to clean up another civilizations world according to universal law assistance is given only if requested ancestors of a population may cringe at what they see going on but they cannot interfere unless they are asked and I did ask the ancestors to help us like I can say that that years ago I said well you guys on the other side you know get into your last human body you know energy and help us you know so I I've done that because I thought well there's got to be an awful lot of people on the other side that would like to help us if we asked so I asked now into a century ago guys planetary body was so weak it was at risk of flying into space in certain destruction she cried out for help and countless number of extraterrestrials immediately answered her call it started with highly evolved civilizations beaming light of such intensity that it freed the planet from the depths of third dimension third density and it able to embark on a steady ascension course during the passing decade souls from those civilizations incarnated on earth and spread their own light to wake in the populace so to speak so so they could take charge of their world your and your predecessors participation has been invaluable and that will continue with those to whom you pass the torch let us digress a moment mother please copy the message Gaia gave you some years ago and this is Gaia speaking I am Gaia the soul of the planet you call earth just as you I can feel heavy-hearted or lighthearted for long ages I wept when my spirit was broken my people were hateful to each other and my body was soaked with their blood I weep no longer because there are so much to feel joyful about so much to feel thankful for my light is not yet in full force my body is not yet balanced that is because some wait a minute I just lost it again I'm telling you sometimes some of my children some of my children still thank you are being hateful to one another do you want to continue reading no no I'll keep track of it okay yeah you help me out some of them are without love without compassion without the understanding that differences can be absolutely splendid when harmony and respect flow along the heartlines yet I am joyful because I am on a journey like no other soul in this universe has ever traveled I am going home and you who are holding the light that is helping me move steadily and quickly forward are coming with me can you imagine a greater distinction every time I hit that it goes I well geez oh man I'm apologizing here Walt can you imagine a greater distinction than this journey we are sharing keep going can you imagine a greater excitement than our ascension I cannot I asked to speak to say to tell you of my gratitude for all of you all this is the party you want to read right you were chosen from a great number of souls triple the number that could incarnate and participate this level of light service never before has been undertaken we are playing a part in the grandest show ever performed on this universe I feel the humidity then mingles with sublime satisfaction for a job well done in the continuum our job is completed our travels continue many wonders are in store for you and this world of ours you have been told of many so you can think of them and look forward to them but actually living in the glorious time since coming is coming is is beyond your imagining all beings in this universe are watching this unfold did you know I cannot imagine such a vast audience all the souls of light are cheering for us so we shall continue giving them a good show an experience worthy of even God's applause I share my heart with you and my love for you is overflowing and Gaia gave me that message during the global meditation on June 2011 solstice it is Gaia's message thank you dear thank you mother dear dear dear ones whether you think of yourself as volunteers light workers way shores pathfinders star seeds or soul searches you need to know from Gaia herself how grateful she is that you are helping her go home home is a high fifth density where she God and soul created her body her planetary body moving on now it is not true the earth's people chose to mess up the world the population differs immensely in evolutionary status reasons for incarnating attitudes actions and tensions you left advanced civilizations to help earth's populace wake up rebel rebel against control and manifest a peaceful world they want those who just now are waking are shocked by the extent of deception and corruption and don't know where to begin to change it souls who are further along in awareness may not yet know about the ages all battle between the light forces and the dark but they see what is wrong in the world and are stepping up to fix it the energy of those groups desires to be peacefully harmoniously and prosperity attract the high vibration sent out by various sources in the solar system individuals who are adamant about everyone conforming to their opinion of an issue keep polarizations low vibrations going full tilt still there could be a choice to mess up the world or not to it could it could only be that what the dark forces and their minions have done with their free will choices furthermore chose indicates alternatives were available and none were the universal law about requesting help also specifies that no civilization can impose its will upon another nevertheless long before terror was called earth purpose of the dark forces ignore that law and bulldoze their way to controlling the planet's residents since then the playing field never has been even successive populations were predominantly people with only two active DNA strands and their greatly reduced intelligence and stick the instinctiveness intuition and health made them easy prey for the dark forces once in captivity did the defenseless people endure severe hardships and in their early years that from the seas famine battlefield injuries or childbirth struggling to merely survive brought out the worst in some individuals at the expense of others that prevented souls from attending the balanced experiencing that leads to involvement so got established karma the universal law of call and effect or choices and consequences and the planet that that once had been the actual garden of Eden become became known as an excellent schoolhouse for mastering emotions souls from all over the universe who needed that for balance incarnated on the planet and jumped on the karmic merry go on they did that again and again because puppets of the dark forces figuratively and literally kept one generation after another in the dark social engineering is a more current and perhaps less ominous term than brainwashing but it's the same principle control information available to non suspecting populace in this era it is mainstream media the internet publishing houses educational system religious teachings communication methods and timeless effectiveness of repeating a lie until it is accepted as fact repetition or of false information or suppression of truth produced population that unquestioningly obey authorities too but this is okay i have to make i need to make a comment here where it talks about it but the repetition of false information of truth and then it produced populations that unquestionably obey authority well but this is not true for the entire planet because when looking for example Argentina for example where you have a repetition of of false information and suppression of truth the people don't don't do not unquestioningly obey authorities quite the contrary they dissipate authorities because they know everything is false so that's a different uh i from my point of view i think it's a bit of a difference in the perception of what the population how the population is acting but if it's if it's anything like Argentina they they because a name for information is being repeated the people automatically assume it's false i don't know maybe it's a particular thing that maybe that maybe that's happening here too now oh maybe you know we don't know yet because we haven't seen what the election is going to do oh maybe that's the end game for the white hats people are asking more and more questions you've said it now they're asking where the things where us be before they accepted and believed blindly now they're asking questions more questions and more questions so they're changing the tune to firmly establish divisiveness the dark one's device political cultural religious financial and ideological labels then topped bigotry and hatred for differences the wars ignorance in punishment and fear for many many millennia this evil empire kept captive the souls who incarnated on earth Gaia could not survive more suffering unblush it and wanted to be rid of the darkness that is so entrenched her people did not even know it was controlling their lives and that beloved sisters and brothers is why universal family members on earth needed massive assistance why your homelands responded immediately why you eagerly volunteered to help and why Gaia is profoundly grateful all like beings in this universe honored you for steadfast fastness in your vital missions and support you with unconditional love well that's what it's saying more that's why more and more are people are asking questions where before they didn't that's they're asking questions because they see that just blindly believing it's not working anymore blindly accepting is not working anymore what's going on so now it's asking more questions where they didn't want the people to they they thought that they did with the thing with the call with it they thought that forever and ever and ever they can ever they were able to control people's belief systems or acceptance of things whatever they they told people people will believe that said you wouldn't have to worry about anything but covid was the end of that people started not believing anymore and started asking questions so i think covid was the the end of the of their last big plan because it didn't work if anything at the end what happened people are more and more people are accepting how they were lied to that's never happened before to the cabal the cabal never had problems with people believing whatever idea that they were being fed well now they're now they're faced with it so that explains why and on the television media it's out of control because they're running out of ideas of how to spend something to make it more believable and people the more they try it people are not believing so well i'm sure i'm sure glad that uh dolly said we should read that again yeah you know because yeah it it well you know these aren't we glad we didn't play a replay oh you know i i wanted to let you know that i i followed the thing at the bottom where there's a there's a campaign uh uh uh a campaign to stop this this uh thing happening in iceland where a millionaire guy got the got the law rules as accepted so that he could do the whale hunting in in iceland so the soy idol and you lent your efforts on on people and there's a gazillion people putting in their their name on it they're they're not wanting it so it's getting a lot of correction thank you for reading that dolly i think we've got enough time to do the good story good stories the good the good story good news story good news network by Andy Corbley july 4th 2024 can you do the copyface i will uh yes yes look out world 12-year-old prodigy finishes high school and heads to college for double major 12-year-old siborno berry has graduated from high school completing just grades 10 and 12 when all was said and done skipping fifth sixth seventh ninth and he left grades in the process he is the youngest ever scholar to graduate from malvern high school in malvern new york but despite his stratospheric intelligence he says his peers have always embraced him subernos family designed his education so that he would spend the majority of school hours socializing with kids his age to ensure he developed like everyone else he might spend the morning taking core classes at an eighth grade level in the local middle school and then hop on a bus and spend the rest of the school day in the fifth grade classroom on electives and after school activity rebecca that's man the director of k through 12 school counseling at malvern union free school district said she first met siborno in fourth grade in that even after 25 years in education he was the most impressive student she had ever seen every year school counselors are asked on behalf of the students that are applying to these colleges to answer the question is this one of the most exceptional students that you've ever seen near career I can say without any doubt that siborno is the most exceptional student I've ever met academically that's when told ABC's Good Morning America he's really a prodigy the young man said that even though other students were aware of his talents they always treated him like he was just another friendly faith like any other student scoring 1500 on the sat 34 the ACT and taking five AP classes siborno said he's all he's ready for college in the late summer he'll be heading off to a new york university on a scholarship where he hopes to double major in physics and math oh good Lord those are my classes but not for the reasons you might think many people are doing it only because their parents said so or because engineers just make the most profit not because they actually love what they're doing so I hope to fix that and help other people understand that and science and love it in all its beauty siborno said and it's pretty darn good at age too but he has to be deprogrammed all the stuff they they give him in the university yeah because that's not that real knowledge is not there because they program you to believe what they want to you to believe and the real stuff in fact everything I saw a video of a scientist I remember I forget his name even though I know him from me from having read his book and he says everything in every university in every state wherever there's a universe of every book is a is a is a lie is lied it's a it's made up information it's not real because it's the design in a way to make people think a specific way so it's not really real so that tells you you know you have to forget what you've learned if you're going to make any real burgers so okay I'd like to read one more thing that's why I'm rushing through this wall okay for risha july 7 2024 this is for men and I think I need to read this cuz men are taken a really bad rap season dear men I'm talking to the alpha males the men who open doors for women walk on the outside of the sidewalk pull out a lady's chair and then who hold doors open for strangers with the smile men who are gentle enough to cradle their newborn child and strong enough to lift all of the gross reason one trip men who buy or admire their wives new shoes and don't want to wear them men who can hunt and cook and deer mow the lawn and help her plant roses the men who every morning regardless of the weather or if they're feeling under it give up go to work and come home because he values his family security the men who will sacrifice a weekend fishing mark golfing trip with the boys to take his daughters to their dance recital the men who will defend women and children the elderly even if they are not family the veterans whose oath never expires please know real women appreciate you your sacrifices your convictions we know we can do almost everything you can that's not what makes us feel special your scent your embrace your surprise note your dedication and loyalty are irreplaceable you feel uncomfortable enough to share your daydreams plans for the future and what worries you the most makes us love you all the more men are not given enough credit or claims this is us reminding you you're appreciating with love she cure women and for you by their so Walt do you feel like you just got a compliment I'm complimented every single day by my mother yeah so how's she doing well she yesterday they delivered the new wheelchair and today she's she was all over the facility oh good good good good good for her yeah so she's really regaining the power of walking so what she wanted to do for the longest time trying you know get back the power to walk nice thank you for that dolly that was um something that every man should should well not every man some of them are scumbags but every real man every real man yeah you that that's one of I mean that is they are under attack but so aren't women I mean that's what's so odd about everything is that you know they attack women and they attack men and they attack children and they attack attack attack attack and so we're not going to go there with them we're just going to get off of this show right but you notice that the the one the ones doing the attacking they're the weakest one of all that's why they are attacking because they they're so weak the okay one more thing I really want to get in while i'm starting sure sure uh this is Wendy Patterson July 6 2024 I believe that we figured out why they want to change by the note with anyone including Harris at this point and it all has to do with the parvings if Joe stays in and signs his pardon list we're going to immediately challenge it in court because Joe doesn't have the legal cognitive ability to understand what it is that he's signing the her transcript made that clear and the her audio will support that conclusion the drama that you're witnessing is because of Joe Biden's ability to sign pardons that will be challenged in the court of law in the court rules if the court rules in our favor based Joe Biden's dementia that means everyone he pardons will not be pardoned this drama has nothing to do with the race against Trump it all has to do with protecting all of their asses who aided Joe and Hunter Biden in his crimes for his I just wanted to get that out there very good information well that's what I you know my my thing right away was that there especially because Hunter is now right beside Joe in secret discussions and I mean this is really getting to be such a farcical situation but I did I said it's the pardons and I'm so glad that somebody else out there started talking about it because think of it okay right now he's got the felony counts against him because of the gun thing and he I think Biden would be able to pardon him because he's had the trial he's been found guilty but now he's pardoning him but the tax one in California that one hasn't even gone to trial yet so I think he has to hang in there until there's a trial and Hunter is found guilty and instead of going to prison he gets pardoned by his father that's that's where I went if it wasn't all theater but that's thank you for that and we are at the end of the show here so well you want to say anything more you want to say adios to people have a wonderful night everyone and remember love blankets all the time all the time let me ask you did you get your station back yet did you check on it today 24 hours I have to wait 24 hours oh for heaven Jesus I'm sorry about that um give me your your email in case anybody wants to talk to you about anything I have to do with what they might email is okay and dolly you want to say good night yeah good night everybody thanks mary for coming I know you're up at mary's hours are 24 hours different than ours so she's up in in her morning um and I want thank you for coming mary and thank you for learning more about her y'all and thanks for being here and I love you love blankets and I want to thank mary because that was a very profound and thank you for that and we'll see you tomorrow maybe at noon time we're going to do a cosmic soup show with myself and mark be safe everybody you have been listening to the cosmic reality radio show produced by cosmic reality radio thank you for listening choose your heart as a master