Cosmic Reality Podcast

SAY WHAT 7-6-24 - Parasites and Cancer to Gratitude and Matthew Message

“Say What” Nancy Hopkins, Dolly Howard and Walt Silva discussing - Parasites and Cancer to Gratitude and Matthew Message Walt - “Say What?” is seen Saturdays 6-8 pm EST -

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1h 55m
Broadcast on:
07 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

“Say What” Nancy Hopkins, Dolly Howard and Walt Silva discussing - Parasites and Cancer to Gratitude and Matthew Message

Walt -

“Say What?” is seen Saturdays 6-8 pm EST -

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(upbeat music) Say what? Say what radio show? With no agenda. It's always a surprise. But if we're not having fun, we're doing something wrong. (upbeat music) And welcome to say what? On July 6th, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins. With me is Dolly Howard and Walt Silva. And welcome Dolly. Dolly. - Thank you. You know, it takes me a minute to line up the cursor with a new button. - Say hi, everybody. - Say hi, everybody. And it also made my mind go berserk too, Nancy. - What made your mind go berserk? I thought that happened years ago. (laughing) - Even a war berserker. - Hey Walt, are you there? And how are you? - Hello, Nancy. Hello, Dolly. I hope you have a happy show tonight and full of information, like every weekend. So I'm just clinging to my chair in suspense waiting, what's the next thing that's going to come out of you? - Well, like that Joe Biden disposable had an emergency health issue on Air Force One. And he's canceled the ability of the press to fly with him. And he's canceled his upcoming rallies. And something else, benefits are going to, you're trying to get the people to give him money. And so you got one lady that's saying she's heard this and then I just went over to Twitter to see what it was all about. And they're all yelling at her that she's a slime bag and she's kind of yelling back. - I hope he suffers. - Who's this woman that everyone's ducking? - Laura Lomaar, let me look at this thing. - Is there a reporter? - Yeah, she's, well, she, I'm not sure who she is. Let me look at this thing here, here, here, where is it? Laura Loomer, yes. I am happy to see Joe Biden suffering. It makes me happy to know he's going to have a terrible time in his final days in office. I'm happy his wife gets to watch him rot away. Like the trash potley has always been. And she goes on after that. - I guess he didn't like him very much. - She said, today was very satisfying for me 'cause she's the one that released the information to begin with in a couple of three tweets. I think that Jan covered on her show. Don't ever forget that what Joe Biden and his enablers took away from all of us. Biden doesn't deserve any sympathy. He's twisted, sick old man, and that's how he will be remembered when he's gone. So there's, there's the, what would you call it? Biden, what are they called? - A literary? - No, yeah, maybe. - I thought in the work he's going to be frozen. He's going to be alive forever. - If he's frozen, how can he be alive? - They said, I was a kid when this happened. I was in the sixties and I was in Mendoza when the news came out of the television that what do you call it? Well, Disney had passed away. So for four months on end, then the grownups talking about this, the rumor was that all testing wasn't really dead. He was frozen. He was, because the going story was that he would have been frozen so that he would be thought out whenever there was a cure for cancer. So they would bring him back and cure him. So I don't know. - Was it? - There might be something to that story because I just saw the Disney series about Walt Disney and the Walt Disney World and all that. And he went into the hospital for some minor thing. And then all of a sudden he's got lung cancer. And then all of a sudden he was dead. I mean, I don't remember the exact timing of it, but I remember when they were talking about it, I'm going like, "Geez, that's really fast. What's that about?" But then I said, "Well, it's back in the '60s. Maybe they didn't have anything to kind of slow it down or whatever, but that's interesting Walt." Because I also remember, when you started talking about it, I remember something in my little kid's brain that, "Yeah, I think I heard something about freezing walt." - Yeah. - You know, what Disney. - Oh my God, that's, yeah. - Imagine having to live with a frozen present. Would not be interesting. - I think we've been living with a made up president. Oh my God, this guy, I mean, it is pathetic. When he's, you know, all right, I've been watching him since he got, you know, did the debate and he's going around and he honestly does look better and sound better, but it doesn't look like the same guy at all. It was on the debate stage. So you have to wonder, see, I felt like the debate was kind of staged. Nobody could be that bad. Why would you walk out there? If you were, why would they let anybody walk out there that looked that bad? Well, I would have declared that-- - It's like they did it on purpose. They let people show how terrible the, what state the president was in. They wanted to, would you please realize, please, this is not a real president. This is a piece of work and it's just a big mess. Please, would somebody just realize what's going on instead of playing an idiot so much? Because there are still people that still believe that he's, oh, he's a good guy. Well, really? - Well, when I was watching the debate, I mean, no exaggeration. When he walked out, I thought, oh my God, this guy looks terrible. 15 seconds into whatever he was saying, I said, oh my God, he sounds terrible. This is not what should be at all. It felt like, wait a minute, wait a minute, what just happened? And so then I started kind of like analyzing, well, is it a setup to show people that he really is on his deathbed? Or is it something else? Because as I watched the debate, and I watched the whole thing, as I watched it, Biden would look at Trump with such evil in his eyes, such hatred, that I didn't think it was acting. So I'm kind of wondering if they don't have the real Biden still alive, in some place that he thinks he's the President of the United States, or he thinks he's the Vice President of the United States, and when they want to show the feeble Biden, they bring him out instead of the actor. Because I could not get beyond, I mean, I actually grabbed my camera, well, the phone, and was trying to get pictures of this evil look, that stare that he was giving Trump, and Trump wasn't even looking at him. Trump wasn't even talking to him. You know, it was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, that much emotion coming from that guy was like, I mean, I've seen him when he's blank stared, you know? This was hatred, it was an emotional hatred. It was almost like he hated him so much that he couldn't even deal with it. So I don't know, I do know that in the most recent places I've seen him, it's not the same person I saw in the debate. And I think that other people are having the same problem. Well, this is not the guy I saw in the debate. But we gotta remember that not everybody watched it. You know, an awful lot of people just like Dolly, oh, I'm not gonna watch this, you know? But she had a better reason than most people, she knew what was gonna happen, you know? But it was, you got 330 million people in the country. And I don't know what the voting percentage is of that. But there was probably a lot of people that don't have a clue yet that that debate showed anything 'cause they didn't pay any attention to it. So I don't know how far the story goes. Is there still people behind and behind? Oh my God, it's behind. Are you crazy? Run away. You might teach-- - Are you being paid to work like that? - Well, that's very possible too. I don't know. - It's a combination of both. It is and paid. - Yeah. You know, I was listening to a doctor, Dr. Gideon. And he was the show that I was listening to was before the debate. And he said, "I'm gonna make a prophecy." And he basically nailed what happened. He said, "This guy's gonna come out. He's not gonna be able to do anything. He's gonna look like he's on his death bed. He's gonna be thrown out and they're gonna bring in Hillary Clinton." That's what he thought. It would be Hillary Clinton, I think. I think that was it. Her name is now being taught. - Another corpse? - Another corpse, yes. - Absolutely. - So it happened, the invasion of the walking dead. - Yeah. - Yeah. - They've been doing that show for years. So it was bound to happen, the walking dead. - Well, they keep pointing to this movie, Dave. And apparently Dave is a movie with, what was a client in it? What's his first name? But the president has died and they've got a phony in there. And for some reason, they needed to show that the president had actually died. So the phony had a mock heart attack while giving the state of the union. - Oh, do you mean give me a client? - The movie? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's a lot of people that keep saying, "Anybody seen Dave?" They say, "There's no new stories out there. It's just rehashing old stories." Well, maybe they said, "Hey, you know that movie, Dave? Why don't we do that?" - Yeah. - I don't know, it's really strange. - Yeah, Sigourney Wheeler played a wife. - Oh, she found them in the shower and she knew it was him. It wasn't her husband, so. (laughing) - So she was gonna blow the whistle? - No, very interesting is that she played her wrong because she knew that he was playing a role and they needed to protect the presidency and there were all these other characters involved. She had no choice but to play along. But in the end, they ended up together because she ended up backing up his, I think he ended up being, he was running for a position of lesser importance. I think he was running for Senator or some minor position, but he was going to play that in the running. So she showed up in his office. She was going to work for his, what do you call it? - Campaign. - Yeah, exactly, for the position of his campaign. - That's a funny movie. So it was a comedy. - Yeah, it was, it was not drama, no, no. - Well, when they were talking about it, nobody was saying it was a comedy. I kind of assumed it might be, but then again, it might have been a drama. - Well, his wife hated him no end because he slept with everyone that he could find. So he was the most unsabri character there was. - So she didn't cry a single tear when he passed. So that gives an idea of what a great president he was. - Right. Because we're on that subject, I got to pull up Dolly's list here. Oh, the second should have been up, but it wasn't. Now we got to wait for Google to load itself. Load yourself. Come on, Google, shoot. This has taken longer than normal. - I can't really want it to do the good news network story. - Do you want to start out with it? Or do you want to, let me go down here, what is this called? - Oh, that guy, that guy, that guy, the soldier that was it. I want to read that one about Hillary. - Oh, yeah, yeah, that's right. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Last one. - I got it here. You want, you want to read it or you want me to? - Oh, no, you can read it. - Okay. All right, this is from Buzz Patterson. And it's July 5th, 2024. I'm hearing rumors from several sources that the Democrats are planning to dump Joe Biden after the upcoming debate and replace him. And he was obviously caught talking about the second debate, I would assume, because it was before July 4th, that first debate. So it must be the second debate. It's not going to be with Kamala Harris. It's going to be Hillary Clinton. As some of you know, I was an Air Force military aide for Bill Clinton, lived in the White House, traveled everywhere they traveled, and carried the nuclear football. As such, I was always in close proximity to both Bill and Hill. Among the military who served in the White House and the professional White House staff, the Clinton administration was infamously known for its lack of professionalism and courtesy, though few ever spoke about it. But when it comes to rudeness, it was Hillary Clinton, who was the most feared person in the administration. She set the tone from the first day of my assignment. When I first arrived to work in the White House, my predecessor warned me, "You can get away with pissing off Bill, "but if you make her mad, she'll rip your heart out." I heated those words. I did make him mad a few times, but I never really pissed her off. I knew the ramifications. I learned very quickly that the administration's day-to-day character, whether inside or outside of DC, depended solely on the president's or absence of Hillary. A reputation preceded her. We used to say that when Hillary was gone, it was a frat party. When she was home, it was Schindler's list. Oh, God. In my first few days on the job, and remember, I essentially lived there, I realized there were different rules for Hillary. She instructed the senior staff, including me, that she didn't want to be forced to encounter us. We were instructed that whenever Mrs. Clinton is moving through the halls, be as inconspicuous as possible, she did not want to see staff and be forced to interact with anyone, no matter their position in the building. Many a time, I see mature professional adults working in the most important building in the world, scurrying into office doorways to escape Hillary's line of sight. I'd hear whispering, she's coming, she's coming. I could be walking down a West Wing hallway, midday, busier than hell. People during the administration's work, whether in the press office, medical unit, wherever, she'd walk in and they'd scatter. She was the Nazi school, school mom, and the rest of us were expected to hide as though we were the kids in trouble. I wasn't a kid. I was a professional officer and pilot, and I said, I'm not doing that. It was also a period of time when she attempted to ban military uniforms in the White House. It was a reelection year of 1996 and she was trying to craft the narrative that the military was not a priority in the Clinton administration. As a military aide carrying the football, for those who don't know what the football is, it's a box that has a coding system in it and the president's supposed to punch in a code and then that goes to Cheyenne Mountain and they launch nuclear weapons. That's what that is. That's why they call it the football. As a military aide carrying the football and working closely with the Secret Service, I objected to that. It simply wasn't a matter of her political agenda. It was national security. If the balloon went up, the Secret Service would need to find me as quickly as possible. Seconds matter. Finding the aide in the military uniform made complete sense beside what commander-in-chief wouldn't want to advertise his leadership and command. She finally relented because the Secret Service weighed in. If the Democrats don't Biden and I think they're going to have no choice, good old Hill will be on the short list. If she runs, I will dedicate this space to reigning hell on her campaign. The Clintons are corrupt beyond words. Hillary is evil, vindictive, and profane. He wrote a book called "Dereliction of Duty." I witnessed account of how Bill Clinton compromised America's national security paperback. He published in June of '04, sorry, 2004. So, in another fact, they were doing, I guess maybe it was onnie. Doing quiz on American history. And the question was, who has had more suicides in their inner circle than any other politician? Hillary Clinton. That's why people say, "Killery." Because an awful lot of people around her commit suicide. She's really, really nasty. We won't even get into the other stuff about her. Jan kind of covered it too. I mean, it's just so sickening what these people can do. But anyway, so let's hope that they do put her out there. And the other thing is, I don't know if it's true or not, but Dolly thinks it's true because she's seen what they call his junk. Michelle is really Mike. And the scrutiny that they would come under now, especially because there is documentation that Michelle Obama was, well, they have her voting registration prior to the election with Obama. I'm trying to think it, when did he go in? Oh wait, just prior to that, like within a year, that election registration had her listed as a mail. So I don't- - Yes, it is a mail. - I know, but I mean, she actually, I mean, there's proof. And of course, all you'd have to have is a real concerted effort to talk to. Where's your mother, you know? Wasn't, no, it was Michelle's mother that hung out in the White House. But who's your mother? Can we see the photographs? You know, I mean, it's gotta be known that they couldn't have cleaned up everything. There'll be a document. Something will happen. Somebody will say, "Oh yeah, I know the whole story." And there are people that have said that, but maybe they'll get more, let's say, press time. So I don't see that Michelle would take that chance. Mike would take that chance. Because that would- - I got a- Oh, yeah. - Go ahead, no, go ahead. - They've got a picture going around now of Michael and- - Obama. - Yes, yes, himself. Sitting like the rocks around him and what kind of a scene we around him. But Michael is in his true form. He's gained weight and you can play Obama's hunch down. He's, Michael looks way bigger than what? Obama looks and Obama's got his head kind of tucked into Obama's own shoulder and then tucked into Michael. And like me say, like he's being, "Oh, I love you so much." Kind of like that pose would be. And there were so many on the internet that it pissed me off and because I've known all this time, nobody would believe me. Michael is a man and I just was pissed off so I didn't copy and paste it. - That's mature of you. - I know, isn't it? - Really? It's just really, I can't test you. Well, here it is now. Why couldn't they let it be? Why couldn't they show those other pictures that were taken back then that would prove the case? So I didn't really copy and paste it there. - Okay. All right, before we do the, we've got two things. We've got Matthew. Matthew's statement for July, Matthew Ward. And we also have a 21 minute video, audio capture of Dr. Jane Ruby. And I'm inclined to play that one now because then we'll get into Matthew and we'll get into the good story, okay? In the second hour because this information has been, it started up, I don't know, I think I started hearing about it about maybe three or four months ago, but it sure is getting traction. And it's the concept that cancer's caused by parasites. And I don't know how many of you out there in the audience have heard this yet. But I wanna play Dr. Ruby. She is somebody who is very knowledgeable in a lot of ways. But she's been interviewing particularly Dr. Merritt. Dr. Merritt has been talking about this and she's got her own podcast and that sort of thing. And Lee Merritt, Dr. Lee Merritt. And Lee Merritt is somebody that I really, really listened to. Well, Ruby does too, and she had had Merritt on her show a number of times. And this is, what I liked about this is this is Dr. Ruby kind of talking like an average person. Like are you kidding me? Is this true? So if you don't mind, I'd like to play this because what you're gonna find out is that nobody has to have cancer. All you need is ivermectin. Or to eat foods that are full of nature's way of getting rid of parasites. And that's a hard thing to say that you mean, you first butchered my mother and then you gave her all this chemotherapy and all she needed was an anti-parasite drug. Are you kidding me? You're gonna have a lot of very angry people. But look from the other side of it. If this is true, and I feel it's true, if this is true, then for God's sakes, you won't have a future where you're gonna have cancer. Because everybody's getting cancer, you won't have it. You just start taking antiviral stuff and I mean anti-parasitic stuff and boom. It's not gonna be a plaything in human health anymore. So nobody's saying don't play it, don't play it. I don't wanna hear it. So I'm gonna just play it. Because like I say, I love the way that Dr. Ruby, Jane Ruby, I love the way that she's presenting this 'cause she's doing it like an average person would like, are you kidding me? - Exactly, what is the parasite cancer connection? Most people understand that cancer occurs as a result of uncontrolled growth of regular cells in any organ or tissue of the body. But parasites are similar in their ability to proliferate and survive in the human body, to be resistant to the body's natural ability to destroy invaders, and parasites like cancer have an ability to evade the host immune system. The parasite cancer relationship is very real because parasites can cause cancer directly, they tell us. So which comes first, the parasite or the cancer? This is the Dr. Jane Ruby show and you're about to enter truth in medicine. Welcome to the Dr. Jane Ruby show on this Wednesday, June 26th, 2024. I've started a number of teaching efforts around the issues of parasites. I once thought of only as something that happens in third world countries, but that we are now learning, very rapidly learning, that parasites are at the foundation of human disease. One of the areas where the discussion of parasites is becoming more and more critical and the connection to COVID shots, turbo cancer, parasite, egg sacs found in cancer tumors and is the issue around cancer. I've had Dr. Lee Merritt on the Dr. Jane Ruby show a couple of times now to discuss her findings, her discoveries around the history of how parasitic infections and their relationship to cancer have been hidden, buried by wealthy medical school benefactors like the Rockefeller's and the Rothschilds and all of that. Their spawn, their legacy, still conducting these nefarious activities to this day. They're all eugenicists, but I digress. What we need to look closer at, I think, is the actual relationship between parasites and cancer. I wanna dig into that a little bit more. And I want this to set the stage for all of you to keep it top of mind and to do your own digging and reading. So it seems like the parasites come first and then cause the cancer. We know the cancer is an overgrowth of what would ordinarily be normal cells, grow out of control into tumors, but does the cancer start first? And then the parasites come on top of that? Or do the parasites get into the body, organ, tissue, cell, and then end up through a series of processes of their own symbiosis with the host, then cause the cancer. And there are a lot of interesting discussions on how that happens, whether it's directly genetically, whether it's chemical disruption. It's really getting more interesting now that the doors have been opened to what they tried to hide from us at the turn of the century. Tonight, I'm going to explore these questions and look at ways maybe to prevent or reduce parasites that are part of the cancer picture. And by the way, pets are no safer than we are from parasitic infections and possibly cancer from that, as you probably well know, they're not safe from the potential to waste away and die from cancer that is related to parasitic infections, perhaps many of which are undetected. And as Dr. Merritt has often said, you deworm your pets, why are we not regularly deworming ourselves as human beings? Well, in the early stages of talking about the importance of parasite infections in humans and the recent increased discussions around the fact that they could be at the foundation of almost all human disease, I've also asked the question, were some of the earlier videos and photos that were sent to me in 2021 and 2022 from doctors all over the world, containing suspicious worm-like moving organisms in the screenshot that didn't make any sense coming from the supposed vaccine injection, but what we were seeing in the blood also of those injected, and perhaps they're still in the injections to this day, were visible signs of moving small worm-like objects that we might consider to be parasites, and also would appear to be parasite egg sacs, small bubble structures with many more little balls-like structures within the larger one? As early as mid-2021, European doctors were sending me videos of stolen vials from Moderna and Pfizer vaccine batches, and I suspect this was because I had broken the original story of Lakita Columna and the Graphene Oxide found in the Moderna and Pfizer vials, and then later on, the white and bomber clots that are being seen in the injected post-mortem. And anyway, they were curious to know what was in these liquids that were being injected into people. Their patients were coming in complaining of strange illnesses, profound fatigue, and these doctors were having a difficult time diagnosing and treating their patients to try to get them some relief. So they started to get vials secured from like local healthcare centers that they got smuggled out. They established a legitimate chain of custody. These were unsealed vials, and then they went to setting up video documentation of their analyses. Here are some of the pictures I received from a number of doctors in Germany, Austria, South Africa, and the UK. Some of them looked like little crystals that were sparkling like your Christmas lights. Some of them looked like a real worm moving through the fluid. Who knows if they weren't carrying eggs? Who knows if they weren't synthetic lab created? Metallic parasites. Doesn't have to be an organic animal parasite. Lots going on here. So I wanna focus on this because it's really important, and I've got some interesting stuff to show you. Welcome back to the second half of the Dr. Jane Ruby show tonight. Well, what we saw before we just went to break was an interesting description of the misdiagnosis of parasites as the source of human disease. And I mean almost all human disease. And this is the way you need to start thinking. I don't think this is an accident. She's asking legitimate questions and my apologies for cutting off at the end a little bit, but what she's really asking was, are we just figuring this out now? Or are we diagnosing it more 'cause we're looking for it more? And actually both are legitimate questions, but when you recognize the history that parasites, parasitic infections are the core of disease in human beings, and this was hidden from the American public, it helps you to see that this is intentional and it is part of the deep agenda. So we continue our discussion right now of the role of parasites in human health and disease. And in this particular show, I've been focusing on exploring more of the relationship or the connection between parasite infection in humans and cancer. What if all cancers are parasite egg sacs and parasite activity? And with a simple anti-parasetic regimen or a regular de-warming, deep parasite program, you didn't need chemotherapy, you didn't need surgeries, you didn't need radiation. I have a personal interest because as many of you know, I'm a two-time survivor of breast cancer, three-time total survivor of cancer, malignant melanoma before the breast cancers. And I tell you the story because I went through the whole gamut, the chemo, the radiation, it just takes over your life. And the seven or eight surgeries, under hours under general anesthesia, to mastectomy down to the chest wall, reconstruct the breasts from my abdomen, abdominal tissue, the recoveries, the rehabilitation, the bandage changing, the four drains coming out of your body for weeks at a time. All of that complaining, a lot of, I am complaining because if it was unnecessary for me and millions of other Americans and people all over the world that have been put through this allopathic cancer treatment. Ooh, you know, President Nixon, the war on cancer. It was 50 years ago. We shouldn't have turbo cancers unless we're being injected with it, COVID. We're looking at explosions on the rates and types of cancer since these COVID shot mandates. Coupled with lots of proof that many doctors from all over the world have shared with me as I started to talk about in the first segment. They sent me in 2021 and 2022 when they secured vials from Pfizer and Moderna COVID shots. These doctors put them on, they aspirated out some of the vials, they put it on their plates under their microscopes. To their horror, they found moving animal-like parasite structures. They also found geometric shapes. Some of them luminescent or would appear to be radioactive materials under all kinds of different types of microscopy. The literature around this topic is not naive. It heavily focuses on an organism named Trappasoma, Trapanosoma Crudsey, a very common parasite that's related to human cancer. Because it's one of the most prominent or common connections between parasite infections and cancers in human. Let's remember, though, that this is not an exact science yet, or right now, it's just coming into its own. So much evidence still points to the connection. Remember that if parasites are living organisms with their own life cycle of ingesting, metabolizing, excreting, and the relationship between their presence inside of you, you know, conducting chemical reactions, living off the host, and then spewing some of these chemical reactions or results or products that happen. They exude them back into the host environment. These are all important factors. And some of them have been studied already and began to be studied. Given the awareness that's growing around the relationship between parasites and cancer, and of course, parasites and any other human disease, it's now a legitimate question to ask. Can you catch cancer? I mean, on its face, that might sound like a ridiculous question, but think about it. I just laid out for you based on some of the literature. And you see that you see the title of one study that was published and there are hundreds, hundreds, hundreds. Why didn't this get out into mainstream medicine? How do you get an entire profession to collude and to keep it under wraps? Do I have to play that song? Money, money, money, money, money, money! Wow. Money has flushed out a lot of human capability for deception or knowingly harming the least among us, the most tender among us, babies and children, the elderly. It makes me very sad, but it's a reality that I think we have to face. If you have gone to Dr. Merritt's website, if you haven't rather, I suggest you do. It's called Lots of great information. I do think she represents some product lines of things, but I don't think that's bad. It doesn't overpower the good that she's doing and she's not owned by anybody. She doesn't have sponsorships from big companies as far as I know. If she ever does, I may rethink having my faith in her, but I have a lot of faith in her and there's a lot of great education. Every time I'm, I have her on the show, I learn more. And I think she is discussing this parasite cancer connection, quite heavily. If this is the mechanism for cancer and the explosion of the rates and severity of cancer, again, then can you catch it? Because if you can pass on parasites or their eggs through food, through intimacy, then why, and they're causing cancer, or they're part of the cancer cycle, then technically the answer to that question could be, yes, you can catch cancer. But on the other hand, the good news is, if it's parasite driven, then we do have a lot of foods. I'm gonna put the chart up here. This is, there are natural approaches to eradicating not just the parasite adults, but you've gotta eradicate their eggs. They're two separate things. And I think the eggs have protective mechanisms around them. I think that's important. There are foods. Let's take a look at some of the anti-parasite foods. I think these are fascinating. You don't have to go to medicines, and these are good preventatives. However, if you have a serious infection and it's leading to other illnesses, you definitely may want to use the pharmaceuticals, but I would get them compounded by a compounding pharmacy, not like some company in India or China, just my thing for myself. Papaya seeds, cayenne pepper, pumpkin seeds. I eat a few, like a handful or two of pumpkin seeds, raw pumpkin seeds every day. Raw coconut, thyme, pomegranate. So obviously you're not gonna put all those together unless you're on a cooking show like chopped and you're gonna try to, but you get the point. You have a little bit of those things every single day. Now there's some beautiful salads you can make, anti-parasitic salads. We've got pineapple, dates, onions. Honey is anti-parasitic. Of course honey would be anti-parasitic. Blueberries, some things more than others, sunflower seeds, but those pumpkin seeds keep coming up every single time. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds, they expose them to the air for a few days and dry them. Yeah, they're talking about raw pumpkin seeds. Natural treatment for parasites. And it's just, there's so many resources online. Screenshot them, take them down. You're gonna need them because there could come a time and we don't have access to all of this. So another question that comes to my mind, I think we should consider. Do parasites change human DNA? Okay, hold on. In other words, if it's not mRNA, because it's so delicate. Remember how we were told? Sasha Lotta Poas said, "Hey, mRNA, you know, to mass produce it and keep it stable? It's not likely to be happening." Again, that doesn't mean nothing happened. It means that didn't happen, okay? So you take that piece of information and you think, "Huh, maybe it's the same mechanism of action of what modified synthetic genetic code would do in the body." In other words, the parasites by integrating with human genomic material, right? And we've seen, there's a lot in the literature about that, could actually be doing the dirty work that we believe the famous mRNA is doing. Maybe some of these people said, "I invented it 'cause they know it's harmless, 'cause they know that they're not good. It's not gonna be associate. It's a red meat over there. Jump on that red meat. Don't look over here with parasites 'cause I guess it doesn't matter what the vehicle is to get there. It sure seems like the entities that wanna injure and kill us and who've been part of hiding the role of parasites might actually use parasites to commit their crimes, right? Call me crazy. There's a lot to think about here and it could take, it's gonna take a lifetime to soar through all of the medical lies and deceptions to which we've all been subjected. But it's worth it. It's worth it because it's liberating. And to me, when I heard the parasite theory from Dr. Lee Merritt and not just the theory, it's a lot of the evidence that she brought forward. I was actually relieved, as disgusted as I am by parasites and thinking about them in our bodies and all that, I was relieved because it's an answer to things. And it's an answer that ties in that makes sense. And that's where it gets important. So I wanna keep these issues around parasites in the front, for front of your minds. Because when you're thinking about foods, daily food, eat the protective foods, preventative measures, learn more about it. When you're hit with certain illnesses or diseases or your loved ones are look at parasites as a possible. When I think about 2021 and 2022 and people were getting sick with these mysterious flues. And we do believe, I mean, most of us believe a gain of function. Antigen was developed and spread so that a lot of areas of the country showed illnesses and people had testimonies and all that. But when you think about it, one of the things that always hit me, saying, wow, I watch, I'm an analyst and as a nurse practitioner, I watch patterns in medicine and life. And I started thinking, basically every single time somebody used Ivermectin, they got better. So is it that Ivermectin has a different mechanism of action other than anti-parasite? Maybe it's antiviral, but then there's so much discrepancy around whether viruses really exist or not. Are they lab created? They're not really whole organisms. They need to live off of another organism. That sounds parasite-like. Or is Ivermectin working every time? Remember, back in 21 and 22, people sneaking in the horse, paste of Ivermectin into the hospitals and putting it under the tongue of the patients, they got better a few hours there. Is Ivermectin working every single time? Because it's treating parasites every single time. And keep your mind open in the wild or from a lab. Gain a function is just an umbrella term. Lot of ways to get that accomplished, isn't it? Interesting to think about parasites. Keep thinking about it, keep reading about it, teach your families about it, increase the awareness about it, especially when it comes to the connection to cancer. When you look under the hood, there's a lot about it that is verified, validated, substantiated, and it makes the connection you own. - So, did you find that helpful? - Did you see my comment in the chat? Dr. Jennifer Daniels and the treatment with turpentine? - Oh, I did see that, yes. - Yeah, that's ideal because the turpentine, that's exactly that. They cleaned the body of all the parasites. That's why the black people, for example, this doctor's grandmother was so old, and she never took any medicine. All she took was turpentine. And she was always clean, and she didn't have to deal with the parasites. - Well, the original pharmaceutical books before the AMA had turpentine curing all sorts of diseases. Which fits in with the concept of parasitic diseases, because turpentine is anti-parasitic, and all these diseases are caused by parasites, including cancer. It all makes so much sense that you shake your head and you go, oh, come on, let's get on with this. Let's do all the research we need. And the turpentine, like you say, is basically anti-parasitic. So, what I'm putting out there is that years ago, when I first interviewed Dr. Daniels, the best interview I've ever done in my life, and she was talking about the turpentine. I said to Walt, I said, okay, Walt, can you make me a spiral, a shungite spiral, with the frequency of turpentine in it? And so, he does, and he sends it to me. I have a number of, well, I have dozens, to be honest with. Shungite spirals made to emit certain frequencies. The one that I sleep with is the turpentine one. And it just, it's got so much, it's so alive. And yes, it's a lot because I've been working with it more than the others. But I can't tell you how many times I've said to it. Like one day, I was having to do something. And it's not, I mean, you can even do it for like, you know, a muscle pain or something. I mean, it's got to range, but the turpentine is the one that, to me, is the driving force behind it because the attention when we made it was to make the turpentine. Of course, we didn't understand why we were making, why Jennifer Daniels was right and why we were following her advice. But over the years, like one time I was having it work on me. And I went into the back room and one of the cats was not acting healthy. And so I just put my mind out there and reached out to her. And I said, you know, stop what you're doing there and see what's wrong with this cat. And I get this voice of my head and it says, you don't, you think I can only do one thing at a time? You know, and this to me is an indicator of the vastness of these devices. But also it's an indicator to me of, there is a sentient being associated with these things because I wouldn't have said, that surprised me, I laughed. And if you get voices in your head that you, it makes you laugh because you, you know, it's funny or whatever are profound and you're going like, where'd that come from? You know, assume that it's some sentient being around you. And a sentient being can take many, many forms. But back to the concept of the turpentine spiral. Do you, I don't know that you have that specifically up on your website, new paradigm tools, floor. - Unfortunately, my website is, it's on the fence before 48 hours, I'm until it comes back. Because if you try to go to my website and you get 404 page not found. So I call tech support and I thought it was, I did something wrong, but it's something on there and according to the men, I had to wait 40, 24 to 48 hours for it to come back online. So I'm sorry to give you that better news. - I'm looking it up right now. - Did you get that 404 page not found? - I haven't gotten it up yet. - Okay. - Okay. I forgot that I've got Norton's up now. - Oh, okay. - No, gee whiz, that's so weird. I put in your new paradigm tools and you can't believe how many websites came up. It's a Norton Safe Search. - Oh. - I got up now, but I'm gonna put it Okay. Yep, you're right, 404 page not found. - Yep. - Still, I'd call them back. - Yeah, I was on the phone with them and they told me it's 24 to 48 hours until it'll come back online. So I'm just on a waiting mode. - Well, okay, if people specifically wanna try this turpentine spiral, why don't you give your email out to them so that they can contact you directly? - How? - Just tell them, what's your email address? - Oh, okay, yeah, this - Okay, so if somebody wants a turpentine spiral and you know, let's try to keep do these so that you're, well, it depends on stuff, but try to get them as small as you can. - Okay, so for the pricing, because the price of copper and everything else is so high that if you can figure out how to do it without, it's the cheapest rate that makes-- - Yeah, by using a thinner wire you can just make it inexpensive. - Right, well, not too inexpensive. You gotta make a living here. You know what I mean, like people who think, I mean, we have not, we have made, well, I haven't virtually made anything on work in the shungite angle because I was very fortunate and I would use it to replace equipment and stuff, you know, the money we were making. But Walt left while he got laid off during an economic down thing. And he took a chance with me and being able to sell enough of this stuff to keep him going. So he's made a living on this. But right now, you know, it's like he doesn't have the store, that's all been taken over by Derek. And he needs some kind of income coming in. I'm not saying, I'm not talking out of turn here. It's the same for all the energy workers, you know? I mean, these people like Ruby herself, you know, I cut out the ads and stuff, but she has ads. All of them have to make some money at this because they can't survive otherwise. And I'm just looking forward to the day that we can, you know, have a holistic, natural research center. That all of these very talented people who are out there doing all of this on the, you know, by the seat of their pants, flying into new territory can come together and share their information. And you know that there's people out there because the people that are out there and selling, you're going to know the difference. There's a difference between those people that are in it for the money and those people who are just, you know, I need enough to survive period, you know? That's all. And they're our family. They're the cosmic reality family because that's who we are. We're all trying to survive and bring good information and light into the world. So I personally hope that you find that last audio to be something that's going to make a difference in the way you look at things. 'Cause I've seen it coming, I've been watching it for a while, but now that it's out there, it's like, yeah, you go between being pissed off and being grateful that now we know we don't have to die of cancer. We don't have to die of a whole bunch of stuff because you just take, eat the right food, take Ivermectin. - Well, one of the things that they did with cancer, they mystified it so much. I mean, there's so, how you catch cancer is so mysterious and you have to go through all the treatments and all these studies. And it turns out that it's nothing at all. It's just caused by parasites. Not what they want, right? They want people to find this super complicated. So it's, oh, it's tremendous. It'll be, it'll be very lucky if you'll be able to survive cancer, right? Because they make it so complicated that nobody survives it. - Well, it's like she said, money, money, money. - Yep. - The thing of it is that people got to keep in their minds is that when they're talking about these parasites, these are, you can't see these things. You have to use microscopes to be able to see these little tiny parasitic things. And you know, when I was listening to this, I was, you know, the third time I was listening to it. And all of a sudden I was back in the house that I grew up in between up, you know, three years old to 12 years old. And I'm in the bathroom with my mother and my bum, you know, the a-hole. It was itchy as hell and we were all having diarrhea. And I said to my mother, why was this happening? She said, you've got worms. And, you know, all of a sudden I hadn't thought of that in, you know, 65 years or 70, 74 years or whatever. You know, I mean, it's like, I hadn't thought about that. But, you know, maybe they knew back then. I want to get ahold of Lee Merritt's discussion of the beginning of all this story. Anyway, did you want to say something, Dolly? Otherwise I'm going to go to break here. - No break time. I didn't enjoy that video you played, but I learned from it and I thank you for playing it. - Oh, okay. Yeah, well, you know, it's information that can help you down the pike here. So, why am I, oh, I'm on the wrong playlist. Couldn't figure out what was wrong. All right, so Walt, did you want to say anything more? Hello, hello, I guess not. - Walt said he's got to take a break. - Okay. And welcome back to say what? It's July 6th, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins, with me is Dolly Howard and Walt Silva. I hope they're back. Dolly, are you there? - I'm here and I did go and get that picture. It's posted in there, the link in the chat. - Which picture? - The one with the Obama's. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Okay. - Thank you. The link has real dreams, which there you can see them. - Yeah. - Hard to believe, okay, all right, thank you. Thank you very much, very much. Okay, so. - Huge. I've seen him huge people. Michael, he's huge. They try to make him look smaller, but he's huge. - Well, he obviously likes big girls, Obama, I mean. (laughing) Big man, he likes big man. - I'm waiting for it to load up, but anyway, we have Matthew Ward's report. Would you like to read that now, or do you want to do the good news thing, Dolly? - What? - Let's do like a ward. - Let's see. You know, the boy. - Oh, Matthew, you want to do Matthew Ward? Okay. - Yes, yes. - Okay. Walt, did you want to do it? - Sure, I need a link for it. I don't have it on me right now. - See, I, okay, I'm doing that right now. It's in there, I'm putting the enter in, there it is. - Okay. So everybody can look at it. - Breathing. Okay. - Yeah. - Okay. Breathing, current status, divine plan, karma, low attraction, message from Gaia, ET, assistance. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Dear ones, please take a break from feeding the weight of the world on your shoulders and inhale deeply, exhale slowly. Repeat this three times. If this realization comes easily to you, on the outbirth, conjure the image of a pristine earth being gently unfolded in glistening golden white light. If that feels a disruptive, just breathe and let your heart feel light. Thank you, it would be good for you. Hold on, I need it, okay. Thank you, it would be good for you to do that. So often it comes naturally, naturally. Rhythmic, breathing, breathing draws in an anchor's light to nourish your mind, your body, mind and spirit and to maintain balance. During this final stage of ridding earth of darkness, that kind of breathing also is armor in the midst of low vibrations. The dark ones will not go gently. They intend to cause chaos and destruction until their final moment. And we know only what they cannot pull off. The saber rattling that may provoke our army squamishes will not result in World War III. And if my brashness or air missiles with nuclear warheads are shut into space, the donation will be prevented. United States will soon must be ended as a corporation and return to the public from form of governance. The founding fathers established is imploding politically. The charade of an imposter in dependency needs to be over and done with. Remains to be seen what will happen to others in this sad government that includes clones on doubles that are controlled by puppets of the darkness. On the 4th of July next year, this country citizens finally can celebrate actual independent. So not from the reader. We still have a year to go, everyone. You notice that? Okay, let's continue. Whatever the dark ones thrust a year world, the white hats extraterrestrial special forces and crews in spacecraft surrounding earth are either ready to counter punch. You know the light already has won the battle. So be alert, confident and fearless in the months ahead. Now, let us respond to this dear soul whose feelings are shared by many other life workers who, like he, incarnated several decades ago. In quotes, "For years, messengers like Matthew have said that like one. Darkness on earth is ending. I'm all tired and disillusioned by wanting, killing and destruction, misused technology, deepening polarization, pandemics on lethal fake vaccines." Well, we ever see what we really did change anything for the better. Our memories of helping the third density civilizations, whether the battles ending times are clear and present. And it is with profuse empathy that we ask you to please be patient a little longer for evidence that you are making a world of difference. Literally, a different world. We love our brothers and sisters. You are so close to seeing the benefits of the light forces in action. The divine plan to deliver a Gaia on her life forms from darkness fits into a universal line line that primarily affects your solar system because it is the part of the universe in which the earth revolves. All major events in the plan has happened in order that keeps the synchronous relationship of affected celestial bodies within the timeframe of optimal benefits for all. The more expensive the objective, the more action required, the greater and grander the achievement. Transforming life on earth is a monumental undertaking because it requires eliminating every trace of darkness. Other bodies and the solar system are assisting by directing extra light to the specific activity whose frequency attracted it. We are not talking about a process going on for years longer, but months. And we are suggesting that you not try to make sense of what is happening. Nothing is as it seems. This reminds me of Dali. Dali keeps saying this from Dave. Nothing is as it seems. Along with blanketing the globe with benevolence and undergirding all light-based efforts, high vibratory levels can cause fatigue and lack of clarity in individuals dealing with physical, mental and emotional challenges. The vibrations may be releasing submerged conditions so they can be consciously known, handled and healed. To benefit from those kinds of growth opportunities, boost your energy and stabilize your centeredness by sleeping longer than usual, drinking a lot of your water, spending time in nature and breathing rhythmically. Keep in mind the universal law of attraction operates 24/7. Think and speak with care. Thoughts and comments about being exhausted, confused, anxious or discouraged, for instance, is asking the universe to give you situations that cause those kinds of feelings. Uplifting thoughts of feeling strong, happy, positive and fulfilled will help you be that way. Please take good care of yourselves, be loved family. In quotes, Matthew, another light messengers talk about advanced beings who love us and help us. I just read an article about our entities who said their civilizations can't clean up a world. Its people chose to mess up because they can't interfere with anyone's free will. It didn't sound very loving or helpful. Could Matthew comment on it? We would not venture to speak about information without knowing exactly what it is, but we will happily comment on the reader's statement and connect the dots as to why Earth's people need and deserve the massive amount of assistance they are given. First, we say it is true that no civilization has the prerogative or their responsibility to clean up another civilization world, another civilization's world. According to universal law, assistance is given only if requested. Ancestors of a population may cringe at what they see going, but they cannot interfere unless they are asked. Night until a century ago, Guy's planetary body was so weak, it was at risk of flying into space at certain, uncertain destruction. She cried out for help and countless numbers of extraterrestrials immediately answered her call. It started with highly evolved civilizations being in light of such intensity that it freed the planet from the depths of third density and then able to embark on a steady ascension course. During the passing decades, souls from those civilizations incarnated on Earth and spread their own light to awaken their populace so they could take charge of the world. Your and your predecessors participation has been invaluable and that will continue with those to whom you pass the torch. Let us digress a moment, Mother. Please copy the message Guy gave you some years ago. I am Guya, the soul of the planet you call Earth. Just as you, I can feel heavy hearted or light hearted for long ages, I whipped when my spirit was broken. My people were hateful to each other and my body was soaked with their blood. I went no longer because there was so much to feel joyful about, so much to feel thankful for. My light is not yet in full force. My body is not yet balanced. That is because some of my children still are being hateful to one another, some of them are without love, without compassion, without the understanding that differences can be absolutely splendid when harmony and respect flow along the heartlines. Yet I am joyful because I am on a journey like no other soul in this universe ever has traveled. I am going home and you are holding the light that is helping me move steadily and quickly before coming with me. Can you imagine a greater distinction than this journey we are sharing? Can you imagine a greater excitement than our ascension? I cannot. I ask to speak to say to tell you of my gratitude for all of you. You were chosen from a great number of souls, tripled the number that could incarnate and participate. This level of light service never before has been undertaken. We are playing a part in the greatest show ever performed in this universe. I feel the humility that mingles with sublime satisfaction for a job well done in the continuum. Our job is completed. As our travels continue, many wonders are in store for you on this world of ours. You have been told of many, so you can think of them and look forward to them. But actually living in the glorious times soon coming is beyond your imagining. All beings in this universe are watching this unfold. Did you know I cannot imagine such a vast audience. All the souls of light are cheering for us, so we shall continue giving them a good show, an experience worthy of even God's applause. I share my heart with you, and my love for you is overflowing. Gaia gave me that message during the global meditation on June 2011, solstice, it is Gaia's message. Okay, thank you dear ones. Whether you think of yourselves as volunteers, light workers, wayshores, pathfinders, star seeds or soul searches, you need to know from Gaia herself how grateful she is, you are helping her go home. Home is high fifth density, where she got unsold, co-created her planet, their body. Moving on now, is it not true that Earth people chose, it is not true that Earth people chose to mess up the world. The population differs immensely in evolutionary status, reasons for incriminating attitudes, actions and intentions. You left advanced civilizations to help Earth's populace wake up, rebel against control and manifest the peaceful world they want. Those who are just now waking are shocked by the extent of deception and corruption and don't know where to begin to change it. Souls are farther along in awareness, may not yet know the age is all battled between the light forces and the dark, but they see what is wrong in the world and are stepping up to fix it. The energy of those groups desires that, of those group desires to live peacefully, harmoniously and persperously, attract the high vibrations sent out by the various sources in the solar system. Individuals who are adamant about everyone overcoming, conforming to their opinion of an issue, keep polarizing low vibrations going full, still. There could be a choice to mess up the world or not to. It could only be what the dark ones under millions have done with their free will choices. Furthermore, shows indicates alternatives were available and none were. The universal law about requesting help also specifies that no civilization can impose its will upon another. Nevertheless, long before Terra was called Earth, puppets of the dark forces ignore that law and bulldoze their way to controlling the planets residents. Since then, the playing field has never been even. Success of populations of predominant, where predominantly people with only two active DNA strands, under greatly to reduce intelligence, instantaneous, instantaneous, intent of knee, intent of net intuition and health made them easy prey for the dark forces. Once in captivity, the fastest people endured severe hardships in their early years died from disease, famine, battlefield injuries and childbirth. Struggling to merely survive were the worst in some individuals at the expense of others. That prevented souls from attaining the balance and experiencing that leads to involvement. So God established karma, the universal law of cause and effect for choices and consequences. And the planet that once had been the actual guardian of Eden became known as an excellent schoolhouse for mastering emotions. Souls from all over the universe who needed that for balance, incarnated on the planet and jumped on the karmic merry-go-round. They did that again and again, because puppets of the dark forces figuratively and literally kept one generation after another in the dark. Social engineering is a more current and perhaps less ominous term than brainwashing, but it is the same principle. Control information available to a non-suspecting populace. In this era, it is mainstream media, the internet publishing houses, educational systems, religious teachings, communication methods and the timeless effectiveness of repeating a lie until it is accepted as fact. Repetition of fourth information and suppression of truth produced populations that unquestionably obey authorities to firmly establish the divisiveness, the dark-owned device political, cultural, religious, financial, and ideological labels then taught bigotry and traitor of differences. Be a wars, ignorance, empowerment and fear. For many, many millennia, this evil empire kept captive, the souls who incarnated on Gaia. Gaia could not survive more suffering or unblushable and wanted to be rid of the darkness that is so entrenched in her people that not even know that it was controlling their lives. And that, beloved sisters and brothers, is why universal family members on earth needed massive assistance, why your homelands responded immediately, why you eagerly volunteered to help and why Gaia is profoundly grateful. All like beings in this universe honor you for steadfast the fastness in your vital mission and support you without unconditional love. Love and Peace, Susan Ward. - Thank you very much. Appreciate that. - Deli always reminds you of what Dave says. - Things are not as a way as they appear. (laughs) - That's true. (laughs) - Things are not as they appear. - And I swear, Matthew said a lot of that stuff for me. I've been questioning some of the answers that he gave in love. I really appreciate that you read that to us, Walt. - Okay. So maybe just about it sounds like we're close. - It sounds like November 5th, 2024, the most important date in the world. - Oh, okay. - Or maybe before that. (laughs) - I hope before. - Yeah. - I don't know what's gonna happen, but I do feel that God has a plan. The plan is God's. - Absolutely. Only God knows the time. And somebody is trying to tell you dates and times. Don't believe him. - Unless, unless it's me. - Oh, I'm even nasty. (laughs) - Okay, but you know this really sets up that good story. Don't you think? - Yep, I put it on the dot. Yeah, it does. - Yep. - I can kind of sort of try to read this. - Do you want me to read it or do you want Walt to read it? - No, I really want to try to read it myself. - Okay, well, let us know if you get tired. - Okay, can you do the-- - Is this a, yeah, I'm gonna take a, is this the Houston Chronicle story? - Oh, no, I was talking about the good news story. - Right, I'm trying to find, oh, you started it out. - I knew it was just at the beginning, yeah. - Yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay, got it, got it, got it. Sorry, people, it's just what happens here. (laughs) - It's real life, people, enjoy it. - Okay. - This is our good news story from Good News Network by Andy Corbely on July 5th, 2024. Having gratitude linked to lower risk of death and independent of confounding factors, innovative study shows. Okay, now you'll understand the title as we read through it. I'm gonna read what I take to Nancy, and then we'll get into the article. I was absolutely led to share this information. I'm being told there are certain people who need in all hands to hear this, and will be led to this particular see, let's show them. I'm to share, I am also to share that I have a big liquid container that I put orange juice or iced tea or whatever beverage we're drinking. I put it in that container. On that container, I have written in big letters, all capitals, the word gratitude, and the word love. I have a cousin who noticed the words on the container as soon as I placed it on the table in front of everybody. He knew what it was all about, and he was grateful, grateful, like if the word great, like the word I had written on a gratitude, he was grateful that I had done that, 'cause he got the message. The word gratitude reminds us of the good things in our lives. We have to be grateful for. We have to be grateful for one Jefferson, and of the bad thing that have happened that have led us to places of gratitude like having experienced the bad thing. Okay, now here's the article. It makes sense, isn't it? Okay, a new study looking at the effects of gratitude or being grateful on mortality risk showed the independent of classic mortality indicators of cardiovascular health, smoking and chronic disease burden. Grateful people showed lower rates of early death than less grateful people's. The study examined over 49,000 older women in the nursing profession, and is claimed to be one of the first studies to investigate the effects of gratitude on mortality. This is notable because gratitude is already associated with better biomarkers for cholesterol, immune system function, inflammation levels, and cardiovascular disease risk, as well as lower risks for depression and better adherence to healthy hygiene like exercise and good sleep. The authors noted, however, that a surprising death exists in the-- - I know it looks like death, but it's a dirt. - Oh, yeah, you're right. - Maybe somebody better take over a man in trouble, see him right now. - No, no, no, it's a simple word. - I know she cares. - She can't see. The authors noted, however, that a surprising dearth exists in the amount of insight on gratitude's effects on mortality. Gratitude was assessed with a sixth term gratitude questionnaire, sixth item. Now, Walt needs to help me out. Gratitude questionnaire, a respected, validated, and widely used measure of one's tendency to experience grateful effects. It's made up of six questions answerable by marking between one and seven. The questions included, if I had to list everything I'm thankful for, it would be a long list and I have so much in life to be thankful for. Study leader Ying Chen and her team found that in comparison to women with lower gratitude scores, the most grateful tended to be younger, have a husband or a partner, and be involved in social and religious organizations. The average ages of the nurses who answered the gratitude question was 79, and by the end of 2019, 4,68 of them had died. Looking at those who had died, higher gratitude scores were associated with a 29% reduced risk of death overall. When controlling for a history of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes, gratitude was still associated with a 27% reduced risk of death. And a 21% reduced risk after controlling for lifestyle habits like smoking, exercise, drinking, and eating a healthy diet. Benjamin Levine, MD, is of central force in the field of exercise psychology and cardiovascular health. Has argued for physical activity to be tacked, tracked in hospitals as a vital sign, equivalent to temperature and blood pressure. He also advocates for people who look at exercise as personal hygiene rather than something that makes us, makes up for a healthy lifestyle. Even out of shape, out of weight, excuse me, overweight and sedentary, people take showers, brush their teeth, and trim their nails and Levine suggests exercise should be in the same bracket of consideration. This new study suggests that permitting yourself time in the day to feel grateful should be something similar, personal hygiene, like brushing your soul in the same way you brush your teeth. And to that end, keeping a gratitude journal, making time for prayer and inviting family members to announce what they're grateful for at the start of a meal together, are all good ways to open your mind to grateful things, feelings. Put reminders out where you can see them. Tie a ribbon around the door handle, so every time you leave your house, you're reminded that you have one. Or put a wallpaper on your smartphone that reminds you to be grateful for the things you have every time you turn the screen on. Aside from feeling one feeling better during the day, according to Dr. Chen's study, it could save your life. - Well done. - That reminds me of the story that we think. Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done. It reminds me of that song. - I don't think I know that song. - Oh, I think it's the most beautiful song. - Count your blessings, one by one. Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done. Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blessings, see what God has done. - Old Bible song. - Well, no, no, it's very true. Oh, I know what it was just reminding me of this. It was Nell's Bush when he was talking about getting out of the funk that he was in. And he started to write down what he was grateful for. And pretty soon he was filling up, you know, one side of an envelope and down the other side. And, you know, it just started to make him appreciate himself because he was in such a self-loathing kind of a head trip. That's for it. So this is great, this apparently you were right, you know, people need to know this information 'cause it's the second time that this thing has come up, writing a list, you know, thinking about things that you're very grateful for. I mean, I'm very grateful. - Unfortunately, they thought that the way society works, they forced you to think in terms of what are you complaining about? What is it that you don't like in your life? Or what, you always look at the negative thing. If you're thinking of a positive thought, somebody comes along and tells you why you shouldn't do that. Or why you shouldn't waste your time thinking with it. Oh, what if somebody takes advantage of you always pointing to the negative? So you end up being discouraged. You're, oh, maybe I shouldn't fight anymore. Maybe I shouldn't bother anymore. Maybe I shouldn't make the effort anymore because there are so many negative people. And that's always gonna be that way because they program it on purpose to make you think negatively. So it's knowing that this exists and somebody's out there creating negative thoughts. The more the reason why we should invest in things in time and effort in songs like Dolly's song, that you need positive. This is a thing about it. Somebody is so invested in negative thinking. Why? Because positive thinking is the best thing ever. So they want you, they want to nullify it. You know, they wanna make you think of negative thoughts because that's what they want. So we have to learn to deprogram ourselves. We have been programmed for such a long time. So we have to do it over, you know, get deprogrammed. So we don't do it anymore. So sorry. I was thinking of something that, something about Nancy that was saying, talk saying something about Jen, what do you call it, President Kennedy. But unfortunately, it's a different subject. I don't want to change the subject, it's too good. I'm not going to mention it because I don't want to change the subject. - Well, one of the things I was taken with was when he said, first we say it is untrue that no civilization has the provocative pre-provocative, what has the pre-provocative or the responsibility to clean up another civilization's world. According to universal law, assistance is given only a pre-quested. Ancestors of a population may cringe at what there's see going on, but they cannot interfere unless they're asked. And that takes me back to 1989, I think it was. And I've told this story many times, but I tell it not out of ego, but out of explanation. So I come home one day, I worked a midnight to eight shift, I come home and my cat, yes, it's the cat story, darling. My cat was very ill, but instead of rushing him to the vet, I actually picked up the phone and called a friend of mine who was an energy healer, and I was really only beginning my journey through energy healing at that moment. But she had demonstrated an incredible power of being able to look in the human body and see what was going wrong, like Derek does. So she reads the cat and finds out that the cat has what she called a jammer that had been implanted in his chest by two humanoid people that had come down in black garb and put it in his chest. And she said, "It's a jammer." And I'm going, "A jammer, what's this all about?" I said, "Well, can you get it out of there?" And she said, "Well, I don't know. I mean, we're going down the rabbit hole together here." And so she said, "Well, let me try." And so I sit there for quite a long time, five minutes, I bet, while she was trying to figure out, I guess, or getting guidance as to how to get rid of this thing. And when she came back, she said, "He's gonna be very sick for at least three days. Do not bring him to the vet." And so for three days, I was like, "Oh my God, is this cat gonna die on me? He was so sick." And then I came back the morning of the, what it would have been in the fourth day. And he's walking around like nothing's happened to him. And I kind of like feed the animals and everything and do the things I had to do. And then I sat down in my chair and he comes up and he jumps on my lap and he looks in my face and he said, "Yes, those people put that jammer in me. So I couldn't talk to you." And I was like, "What in the heck?" I mean, I've never heard of a cat doing this and animal doing this. I mean, actually having, and he said that he was sent to me to act like essentially a radio to the galactic federation. I had no idea what the galactic federation was. And he said, "The problem is is that there's an attack on earth. And I don't know that he's used the word marauder, but I always think of it as that. This group of people I call the marauders. I don't remember if he said that or I just made it up. But they were ETs who had been mining tourmaline from the planet, but specifically the green tourmaline. And the green tourmaline in combination with a pink tourmaline is an energy field that helps balance the male and female energies of earth itself. But they had mined so much of the green that they were using in some kind of technology that they had actually were in the process of unbalancing the earth. So it was going to become too female. At the time, I didn't have any thoughts about what that meant, but it didn't sound real good to me. And so what the Galactic Federation was saying was that they had no right to keep these people from doing what they were doing, which was they were realizing that people like myself and others were waking up. And that sooner and later, one of us was going to essentially accept the duty and responsibility to be the caretakers per earth. It begins with D, to be the, it's a caretaker basically. There's another word for it, word they used. And because of the free will, this is the first time I'd ever heard of this free will thing. And they explained that somebody had a call, yeah, take dominion over the earth. They said that somebody has to claim dominion over the earth. Some human person who was born in a human type person has to claim dominion. And I said, only one person? And they said, yes, it only takes one. And I said, so essentially you want me to claim dominion over the earth? And they said, yes, and all of a sudden, my head got filled with all sorts of pictures of what they meant by the word dominion. And so I get the idea and I said, so, well, okay, I claimed dominion over the earth. And it was like, okay, thank you very much. And I will take care of these, we'll get these people out of here. But you're not gonna believe any of this that just happened to you because after all, you had a cat talking to you. So we want you to go and look up, find out what happened outside of Moscow on October, it was in October, I think of '89, '88. And then you're gonna understand that we were telling you the truth. And what happened there that day was that a flying saucer came down in a city 200 miles from Moscow, landed in the central part of the city. And there's a whole story. And it was written up in the Russian papers. And they gave me the full date, the date and everything. But this is what, why I'm telling this story is because of what he's saying, is that according to universal law, assistance is given only if requested. And Christina Cumming Slack told us that about the angels, that they're there to help you, but you've gotta ask for it. It's the free will thingy. So each and every one of us has to be willing to claim dominion over their own lives or around the planet. It's like sometimes words and intentions unlock doors or barriers to getting to a new level of understanding and participation in this amazing trip that we definitely are on. So I just wanted to kind of share that story with you guys. I've said it many times. I've written it in the book, I think. - I like can't stories. It's a network of other sizes talking about this. (laughing) - She would go ballistic every time. - She would. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we've got 12 minutes left here. - Well, I got something to share. I just, I love it, came in my head. - Okay. - Wait, wait, I've been so sick. And good to know that I have been seeing feeling up. It's like this, I have a free spirit that have been around me. They are almost to the point where I can see them as a human body, but yet they don't come all the way from the spirit light that I see them in into a body, an actual body type deal. But every once in a while, they will come into body form. And those are the ones I see out of the corner of my eye. And that I would get the feeling, hang in there, you're not done yet. Just hang in there, you're not done yet. They were repeated. And then Annette told me today, what wrong with that? She has been getting notification from our ringer thing that there's somebody at the door or out in the land. And she says, I run out there, there's nobody there. I look on the ringer, I don't see any money. She says, one time she was standing there in the house in dining room, looking out into the front where she went on. And she said, the ringer went on. And she was notified by Alexa that a package was delivered. And she said, this happened like yesterday. And I said, you didn't see anybody? She said, no, mom, there was no way there. The ringer goes off, there's nobody there. She gives notification about a package being delivered. Nobody's there. I said, that just confirmed to me that I have been seen, white type beings attempting to become into human form into my eyesight. And I don't know what that's all about, except that they keep saying, you're not done yet, hang in there. It's gonna happen. So I'm thinking that they're telling me that things are gonna happen faster than what we think they are. Oh, oh, I got goosebumps. Yes, that's confirming that what I just said is true. So hang in there, folks. It's coming to some kind of a conclusion for something. So hang in there. And done. Well, maybe this is a biblical revelation type of thing, because last night on ABC News, Biden had a interview with Stephanopoulos. George, hold this second. And George was in a situation where he really had to not play nice because the media is turning against Biden. And if he didn't, if he acted like a democratic plant, he could be in trouble. So for the whole 15 minutes of this taped interview, but 15 minutes that was shown, he kept saying to Biden, well, are you gonna quit? Are you gonna quit? Are you gonna quit? I mean, it was really, I'm like, this is really strange. I mean, the whole 15 minutes was, well, what if Nancy Pelosi tells you to quit? What if your family, you know, and Biden responded by saying, if the good Lord came down and told me to quit, well, maybe I would. So maybe this is emerging of, you know, the biblical story of Jesus coming out of the clouds. They tell Biden to quit. Wouldn't that be sweet? I mean, I don't know. The story has gotten so strange, you know, that I'm willing, I'm willing to go anywhere, you know? - Yes. I keep looking up at the sky. Those are the day I was able to get out yesterday. And on the 4th, I was able to get out in the pool and watch the firecracker spiral or whatever they're called. The police things that go off. And I kept watching the sky, the clouds, to see, are they gonna part? Jesus will come down in an array of fireworks, beautiful, beautiful fireworks. I just was doing some wishful thinking and it was fun. - Well, I know there's people out there that talk about all the biblical stuff that, you know, happens. But there sure is a lot of science stuff that's happening. And one of the, I'm doing a show on 5G, Radio 5G on Wednesday, and they were talking, they got talking about the clouds walled. And I kept thinking, oh, I wish Walt was here. He could explain to them exactly why a cloud is, you know, flat on the bottom. But, you know, they actually were talking and discussing it and doing the stuff like we do. And one of them started to talk in terms of, well, you know, I heard a report that it's actually an electromagnetic relationship and they didn't get into it fully, but I kept thinking caterer still, people still don't know about caterer. It's just so strange to me. I mean, that guy had so many secrets still. We should think about-- - And his book appeared just at the time when you needed it because he appeared like a magic. You needed his answer in me, it became immediately. - Yep, so I think we should look at caterer again. Yes. - I've been noticing science and Bible stuff have been coming together a lot. Wait, wait, wait, wait, very noticeably, yeah, no. That makes me excited too, 'cause not only is science starting to prove itself out, but it's also science and religion working together is proving that it goes together hand in hand whether people agree with it or not. - Yeah, I love the story about Exodus from Egypt and they have all of these plagues and too many frogs and all of this, one on top of the other. And there was this great little hour show I saw where they went through each of these particular plagues and it all could be attributable to an explosion of this island about King Island in the Mediterranean. And every single thing that the Bible talks about, this one event could have caused it all, it was fascinating. And then they went and they looked at the parting of the Red Sea and they found out that it wasn't the Red Sea, it was this area that had reeds in it, okay? It was like an area that was water area, but it had reeds in it. And they showed how you could have a parting of the water because it's a, you know, shallow there and the winds can cause this landmass to be there. I mean, it's like, there's so much about the Bible that they're scientifically saying, well, it could be this happening. But the key thing is, is yes, God needs a mechanism to make these, or Gaia, you know, make them, have the mechanisms and that's it. So why don't you, we're at the last two minutes here, you wanna say bye-bye? - Yes, Irma says yes, the sea of reeds is what it's called. Thanks for being with us, y'all. And don't forget love plus blankets, re-send love plus whatever they are needed who receives them. Thank you, talk with you later, love y'all. - Walt, are you still gonna bring it? - Okay, take care of everyone. Have a super, super night and a great, super night for tonight and club blankets to everyone. Our please, very important. Good night, everybody. - And good night to both of you. Thank you for taking this little weekly journey with me. I appreciate you guys in the chat room. We always like knowing you're there and hearing your chats and you people out there in podcast land, thank you. We're all in this together and we're gonna get through it. And it does seem like it's coming to a head. I mean, I'm gonna hang up here and I'm gonna find out if there's any news on the health emergency of Biden. Be safe, everybody. Tomorrow, Shungite show at noon time, Wednesday cosmic soup show. We'll see you then, be safe. (upbeat music) - Say what, say what radio show? When no agenda, it's always a surprise. But if we're not having fun, we're doing something wrong. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]