Cosmic Reality Podcast

COSMIC CREATING 7/6/24 - Biden Losing, UK Election Disaster, Power to the People

“Cosmic Creating Show” with Jan Shaw - Biden losing on all fronts, UK election disaster, power returning to the people. Success Alchemist Success Coach | Business & Marketing Strategist X @CoachJanShaw Telegram - Jan's Podcast Station: "Cosmic Creating" is seen 5-6 pm EST every Saturday Jan is also seen on every Saturday 6-8 pm EST on the “Say What Radio Show” at

Cosmic Reality PODCASTS


Broadcast on:
07 Jul 2024
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“Cosmic Creating Show” with Jan Shaw - Biden losing on all fronts, UK election disaster, power returning to the people.

Success Alchemist Success Coach | Business & Marketing Strategist

X @CoachJanShaw

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"Cosmic Creating" is seen 5-6 pm EST every Saturday

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Is there something wrong? Warning. Live support failure on all decks. Abandon ship. Maybe it is time to take command. Join Jan Shaw, updating current events as only Jan can. Library computer, data being received. Hello and welcome to this week's Cosmic Creating Show. My name is Jan Shaw, the success alchemist. You can find me at the on Facebook and YouTube, Jan Shaw, the success alchemist and on Twitter at Coach Jan Shaw. Today is the 6th of July 2024 and the title of today's show is Biden Losing on All Fronts, UK election disaster, power returning to the people and I hope everybody in the US had a wonderful July 4th. We had a horrific election in the UK on July 4th, I was hoping it was going to be a much bigger win for reform but I'll go into that a little bit later. We now have a WAF puppet, another one actually, in charge in Downing Street, of course Rishi Sunak was a WEF puppet as well but Starmer is a WF puppet on steroids and openly said on an interview he chose Davos over Westminster so anyway as I say I'll cover that later but it's been an amazing week again for various reasons and what I said about Biden Losing All Fronts, I have some breaking news that I saw on Twitter or X this morning and this is from Laura Luma and she's an investigative reporter who apparently has insiders so of course what I'm about to say is not being confirmed officially but then you wouldn't expect it to be because there's so much being covered up about Biden even though many are now calling for him to step down from the re-election campaign. So anyway, Laura Luma tweeted or posted at 12.41am, that's my time of course, so that will be 7.41 UK time, Joe Biden is reportedly having a medical emergency on Air Force One right now. Now of course people are trying to debunk this, the people of course who are supporting Biden. She also said Paul did not see the president when the motorcade arrived outside of Joe Biden's home so where is he and why were reporters who were set to travel with Biden on Air Force One today told they couldn't do so abruptly. Bear in mind this is a series of threads, she also says massive cover up taking place by Biden HQ right now as they are having to explain to press why they abruptly pull their access today when they were told they'd be travelling with Joe Biden. Biden had a medical emergency on the plane today as I reported and is now having a hard time getting up by himself. Source tells me Biden's staffers are fighting among themselves because Source tells me his staff are feeling enormous pressure from Democrat leadership to prove Biden can do his job but some staffers worry Biden is being pushed too hard and is on the verge of collapsing and they don't want to live with the guilt of pushing a sick man into his casket. Dem Source tells me we all know it's coming it's now a matter of when not if. Source also says some staff are thinking about resigning because the entire campaign is now asking all staffers to lie and say Biden is fine some staff apparently aren't on board with that. Why is the Biden campaign abruptly cancelling events today all across the country because as I reported Joe Biden experienced a medical emergency on Air Force one today they know it's true too they are now racing to cover it up they even cancelled Biden schedule events for this Sunday in Philadelphia the American people deserve answers about today's Biden medical emergency breaking Biden campaign just cancelled a fundraiser schedule for this month in Wisconsin allegedly several other events across the country may be cancelled as well and in response to people saying it's false information she also tweets today the Biden campaign told reporters they could travel with Joe Biden on Air Force one and in the motorcade then they were abruptly told today while they were waiting for his plane that they could no longer be around him and travel with him plane was also delayed he had a medical emergency on the plane he was not seen exiting the motorcade either. Biden had a medical emergency on the plane today and his campaign is covering it up because he just lied to the democrat governors at the White House and said he had a checkup and was fine massive scandal that Biden HQ is rushing to cover up right now people are claiming that because there was a video of him Biden supposedly exiting Air Force one a lot of people are calling it out as an old video because he was using the main steps out of the plane which he hasn't used for well months he's been using the short step so that could also be a fake video to try and hush up the story of this alleged medical emergency we shall see somebody on twitter actually said it was a bit like the movie Dave where they had to put a body double and impersonator in place in the White House to cover up for the fact that the actual president had had a massive heart attack when he was in bed with a woman I don't know if you've seen the movie but it is really good and you know they actually fake his the impostors heart attack in congress just so that they can finally officially announce the demise of the real president so it's interesting to see the parallels there interestingly it was Kevin Klein who starred in the movie Dave as the imposter of the president and there are rumors that Kevin Klein may be one of the actors who is playing Biden under the mask so that could be interesting as well anyway I'm going to move on to Ben Fullford's report this week because he's also talking about the Biden Trump debate and other things it's a while since I covered Ben Fullford partly due to the fact that I wasn't able to do the show for five weeks but I thought I'd bring him back this week of course report was on Monday so a lot of things have happened since then but he does have some pretty good info and the title is Biden Trump debate Syops causes Kool-Aid drinkers heads to explode in a military grade psychological warfare operation equivalent to a nuclear bomb the so-called debate between US president Donald Trump and fake president Joe Biden destroyed the entire democratic party paradigm this caused brainwashed Kool-Aid drinkers believing Joe Biden was actually president to freak out big time since this is all over the blogosphere we will not delve too deeply into their reaction instead we have inserted a bunch of clips of Kazari and mafia talking heads exploding on air I'm not going to play these I'm just going to say what clips he's included my personal favorite is an obviously drunk Nancy Pelosi appearing on TV to cling to the illusion Biden will somehow stay as president then there's a clip from CNN sources aggressive panic for dams after Biden's performance tonight Biden makes stop at Waffle House in Atlanta that's MSNBC and then the final clip saying that many democrats are talking about Biden needing to step down from the reelection of course if he's not fit to run for reelection he's certainly not fit to continue in the White House well the fake White House of course on ex Barack Obama is defending Joe Biden of course who would expect anything else considering a bomber is pulling the strings behind the scene time on the magazine cover says things are dark democrats are panicking about Joe Biden's debate performance and what will happen next time we also notice the New York Times put out a panicked editorial saying basically we have got to get someone other than Biden to front for us or else Trump is going to have us all killed the debate Sia shows the avatar playing the role of Biden was likely co-opted by the White House to deliberately show the world he was mentally incompetent and unfit for office here is a typical example of the sort of reaction this debate has provoked now that Joe Biden in inverted commas has been revealed as a hoax president whole legions of public officials appear liable to criminal charges of the most serious degree sedition trees and must murder fraud malfeasance and in the case of the president himself influence peddling and bribery they must be desperate to avoid accounting for all that losing their accrued fortunes to legal fees and going to prison or worse for example outed just this week news that then CIA director in 2020 Gina Haspel knew about and participated in the infamous operation using 51 former intel officers to cover up the veracity of Hunter Biden's laptop days before the election they knew the laptop was real their colleagues over at the FBI knew it was real and that was an extract from clusterfuck nation Joe Biden catches cold the biggest story is this means a defeat for the Rockefeller Obama Hitler bloodline of the km that is because anybody who is aware knows Biden was a front for barack thunder of Satan Obama Hitler and there's a meme if this is a surprise you haven't been paying attention and it shows the mask of Biden being removed showing Obama underneath what they do not realize is just how horrific the plans of this Nazi faction of the km really were a German whistleblower doctor a stair and ukuha dominicus an engineer involved in building underground bases throughout Germany reveals part of the story she says former Chancellor Angela Merkel Hitler had underground bunkers built in each major German city a bunker she worked on was set up to house 200 000 soldiers and 16 000 support staff including wahabi muslin preachers and sex workers the facilities were equipped with mosques but not churches she knows this is why the km paid millions of military age muslin males to enter Germany during and after Merkel's rule the plan was to use them to quote eliminate at least 50 million Germans predominantly old and economically weak without mercy end quote she says it was probably for her role in implementing this plan that barack Hitler gave his cousin Angela Hitler the presidential medal of freedom the highest united states medal that can be awarded to non-american civilians it is a safe bet that at least 7.4 military aged foreign illegal immigrants i think that should have read 7.4 million military aged foreign illegal immigrants brought in by the Obama stroke Biden regime we're going to implement a similar mass murder and enslavement operation in the united states although this plan was scheduled to start in 2016 it was delayed by the election of Donald trump and only restarted with the abiden regime in 2021 to understand why the people behind the abiden administration fear execution with the return of trump and he references the expressions of the abomas and clinton's at the 2018 funeral of george bush senior they had just been given copies of the confession bush sign before he was executed and given notice to expect the same this is what prompted the massive km counterattack that resulted in the obiden administration the attempted demiside by vaccine and the rush to hire foreign illegal immigrant bodyguards in any case the implosion of bident the debate led to a flurry of back-channel negotiations the km offered the white hats a proposal to install gavin new sum as an alternative to bident however as far as they can tell new sum is an ai avatar used by the silicon valley branch of the km and is not seen as acceptable u.s public opinion polls also confirm he is a non-starter attempts to offer michelle big mic obama a hillary clinton avatar looking 30 years younger kamala harris etc a substitutes for bident were also nixed the bottom line was the km said they were to accept anyone but trump and there's a screenshot the whispers of hillary clinton 2024 have started analysis by chris silisa cnn editor at large i'm not sure how true this next pieces but i'll read it anyway in the end they agreed to accept kirnall douglas mcgregor as interim head of state mcgregor himself in the brilliant speech below calls for new elections to be held immediately in it he notes destructive executive orders and policy directives many of which were likely signed when president biden was in a rapidly diminished state of mind inflicted tremendous damage on our nation it is time to ask who truly governs this country is it we the people as our founders intended or have we surrendered control to unelected bureaucrats sprawling federal agencies and affluent donors who do not have the best interests of ordinary americans at heart i would say that i do believe that kirnall mcgregor is working with the white hacks so this may be true to secure the blessings of liberty for this generation and those to come we must reclaim the rightful sovereignty of the american people over a dysfunctional and unresponsive political establishment with today july first being canada day or canada's independence day and with u.s independence day on july fourth the white hat alliance proposes making mcgregor interim leader of the new nation of the united states of north america we note the q-site is saying a military lockdown is coming on july fourth so maybe this year finally there will be a real independence day to celebrate for the first time since 1871 a military lockdown is going to be necessary if the swamp is to be drained and a new republic to be started well unfortunately of course july fourth has passed without that happening take the example of chicago to understand why the military is needed in chicago in 2023 police were unable to respond to more than half of calls made to 911 of a person being shot in related news the number of homeless chicago and tripled between january 2023 and january 2024 due to the huge influx of illegal immigrants in other words only the military can deal with the large numbers of armed foreigners imported by the abiden regime in an attempt to stay in power the q people of course say donald trump is already commander-in-chief and president because he won the 2020 election they say they would accept mcgregorous field marshal in charge of the us military what is clear though is that no matter who takes power a major satanic infestation needs to be cleaned up this is where the sudden release of whistle blower july and assange may play a role we know the original assange used to appear on the balcony of the equidorian embassy in london where he was taking shelter then he stopped appearing after the actress pamela anderson visited him in 2018 with a quote birthday cake later a story was concocted that he was grabbed and put in a uk jail however we sent people to visit the actual courts in the uk where assange was supposed to be facing trial and he never appeared some white hat sources connected to q were saying the person killed in 2018 was a body double and the very different looking assange now appearing in the media is the real deal as a part of this new show assange's supposed wife stellar spoke to the bbc in her barbie pink sweater have you ever seen a real human blink that much while talking a canadian intelligence source comments so it looks like it's a i regardless the important thing is to see if they start using the new assange to release information to the general public about the km in particular we need to see if he is used to disclose information about the industrial scale murder and torture of children by the km elite here as a reminder is an email from john pardesta rocket fella saying he plans to heat the pool because bony will be an uber service to transport ruby emmerson and may blazato eleven nine and almost seven so you'll have some further entertainment then there is the frazzle drip video of hillary clinton rocket fella hitler torturing a young girl to death by ripping the skin off her face etc this sort of practice is widespread among the km he then includes a video and says next look at the expression of winfrey oprah in this recently re-released old video of someone discussing a dranochrome on her show in another example according to a pentagon source the mcdonald's logo is from the book of black magic and the letter m in the logo is a sigil which is used as a symbol in black magic the mcdonald's founder raimand albert crock was a 33 degree freemason that's how he got the money to start his business crock was also a high priest in the church of satan mcdonald's has always had a close partnership because of the masonic brotherhood masons are closely connected to all charities involving children the golden arch in the logo itself is masonic it also represents the arch of boll a satanic god whom the cult worships then of course there is disney the jeffrey abstein and disney connection just got more exposed here is a picture of a little girl being clutched at disney next to apstein who then shows up with apstein again outside of disney disney stage regular snorkeling trips to apstein island and disney cruise ships stopped at apstein island these examples are just the tip of the iceberg since eight million children disappear worldwide every year this is a huge problem involving an estimated one million satanic practitioners so the real reason for the widespread panic among the obeyed and supporters is they fear mass execution for these crimes under trump that is why they are desperately seeking an alternative like mcgregor who might offer them truth and reconciliation instead of death in any case as russian president vadimir poutine notes the current u_s corporate government owes the rest of the world more than 54 trillion dollars the st louis fad and others also note they owe more than 200 trillion dollars to their own citizens what it means is the u_s cannot continue in its current form a must declare bankruptcy and be replaced in a sign of bankruptcy preparations elon musk space x will build a vehicle to tow the international space station back through the atmosphere and crash it into the ocean what this really means is nasa not a space agency is shutting down its fake space travel movie studio and transitioning to quote commercially owned space destinations closer to home end quote that is because they know they can no longer use debt to finance their fake space program speaking of debt please take notice of the picture below it says u_s_a_ treasury not u_s_ treasury that shows what is bankrupt is not the u_s_ republic but the u_s_a_ corporation needless to say it is not just the u_s_ corporate government that needs to be replaced there is also a huge fight underway in the u_k here the british faction led by reform party leader Nigel ferrage is fighting against a km controlled kia starma m i five centers copies of starmas visa to visit communist rule check us levakia in 1986 and say slow vac authorities refused to disclose what he was doing there m i five says if he was not a communist agent the files would have been released m i six for their part says starma is being blackmailed over participation in human sacrifice rituals and will take the u_k_ back into the EU if he takes power after the july fourth election which of course he has and i'll be covering that a little later there was a related incident involving the u_k_ royal family princess an was beaten and sent to the hospital with serious concussions on dune 23rd princess an is known to be associated with the white hat alliance m i six sources say princess an was designated by queen elizabeth to act as regent for prince george the eldest son of crown prince william according to royal family sources this was because king charles is known to be compromised and blackmail by the nazi faction of the km the source is say crown prince william is also disqualified for participating in the satanic sacrifice of his wife cake middleton the source is say the attack also came as the japanese emperor visited the u_k_ to meet with either king charles or the avatar who is playing his role our own japanese source is close to the emperor would not talk much about what happened other than to say narohito would be inducted into the order of the garter established by queen elizabeth the first the emperor narohito himself is also under siege he bears ultimate responsibility for the murder of five hundred thousand japanese by vaccine japanese neuroscientist dr hiroto kamano says that in addition to this study a study of five hundred and fifty thousand people in japan reveals the vaccines caused alzheimer's disease to increase by 20 percent asian secret society sources say so many people were involved in the vaccine crimes that there will be a total collapse of the social order unless the cleanup is done in stages that is what is underway now they say needless to say the vaccine murderers have not given up on trying to kill us all before we arrest them the russian military says an obeyed and owned company by the name of metabayota has relocated its bioweapons operations to various african countries after they were shut down in ukraine the russian say these laboratories are preparing a new pandemic in time for the 2024 u.s elections for an example as republic of the kongo leader denis sazoon new eso met russian president vladimir poutin to discuss his country joining the brix alliance this news came out the most dangerous strain yet of monkeypox virus is spreading quickly along the eastern border of the democratic republic of kongo the who says it shows the current leadership of the west spreads disease and threats of disease to try to stay in control there is a lot of money at stake as the first lady of sierra leon notes as things stand her country gets paid ten thousand dollars for every hundred million dollars worth of minerals taken from her country that is nought point nought nought nought one percent this is why more and more african countries are kicking out western oligarchs overall it has been estimated africa is looted to the tune of five hundred billion dollars a year by km oligarchs the km are also still trying to kill western populations in a desperate bid to stay in power they are now planning to use our food supply to vaccinate us quote the next big product being developed is edible vaccines these are food products like tomatoes and other things which can have the effect of a vaccination when you eat them and now a group of chinese scientists has found that they can relate mrine vaccines using cow's milk says joshua phillip the vaccines may be related to a recent epidemic of fake food in the u.s these criminals are also trying to push the previous types of vaccines the paid off puppets at the u.s centers for disease control and prevention cdc on dune 27th recommended fourth coming covid 19 vaccines for virtually all americans this comes as five states texas utor kansas missisipit and louisiana suing fizer for knowing and concealing the vaccine causing myocarditis pericarditis failed pregnancies and deaths that's ten percent of u.s states the tide is turning us presidential candidate robert f kennedy notes in another sign the tide is turning the ashkenazi jewish syanis sakla family has been stripped by the supreme court of immunity related to all the opioid deaths their products have caused this is a sign they will also strip fizer etc of their supposed immunity from vaccine lawsuits in canada the ontario court of justice ruled pcr test is an instrument that is inserted into the body and therefore contravene section 14 of the quarantine act it is only a matter of time before they figure out like the chinese already have the tests themselves are fraudulent as this sort of truth comes out new branswick mp wane long has joined the chorus openly calling for prime minister just in judo to resign canada is also being forced to release people who were unlawfully detained for protesting the fake pandemic and associated martial law this is happening in the u.s as well the supreme court ruled on june 28th in effect that hundreds of january six defendants would have to be released after being bogusly charged under an accounting law there is also an ongoing revolt against the km in poland they're according to polish intelligence miners have joined farmers they are fed up with the idiocracy created by the government regarding burning coal for power plants generating electricity and the green deal as well as importing coal from russia and blocking polish mining in a positive sign for europe hungry began its six-month presidency of the european council hungarian president victor alban's motto is let's make europe great again he wants a prompt end to the conflict in ukraine and an end to uncontrolled immigration also french president emmanuel micron and german chancellor olaf scholz have now both publicly declared nato will not take part in the ukraine war russian fsp sources say nato are secretly agreed to join a new security architecture in uraja proposed by russia this will force external players to curtail their military presence on the continent russian foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakarova says north korea has already joined and says it will send troops to ukraine to fight alongside russia the north korea news agency reports the u.s strategy for world domination to encircle and contain independent and sovereign states and secure its military hegemony has already crossed the red line and is bringing about a very negative change in the world security environment and geopolitical mechanical structure india has also joined this russian military alliance with the abiden regime now collapsing and europe joining with russia the last domino appears to be israel however it looks certain that israeli crime minister beniam in satan yahoo's days are numbered serenet in yahoo accuses itrael's army chiefs of seeking to carry out a coup against her husband also in what may be the final straw to put an end to beniam in satan yahoo and his cronies israel supreme court rules that the military must draft ultra orthodox men in a decision that could lead to the collapse of netan yahoo's governing coalition i'm going to jump to the end just to his closing statement because i haven't got time to read the rest hopefully the truth behind all of this will soon set us free certainly the news shows the white hats are close to winning however it is not over until it is over so we must keep fighting until humanity is finally freed from millennia of satanic slavery now on to the uk election which as i said was held on july fourth we were hoping it was going to be british independence day but unfortunately we're having to put up with a w e f puppet kia starmer in number ten downing street the daily skeptic is a pretty good summary of what happened loveless landslide starmers mere jorities slammed as most distorted election ever as just 20 percent of eligible voters cast ballot for party that now controls 64 percent of parliament in what has been dubbed a loveless landslide in a mere jorities secure starmer has entered downing street following an election that delivered the most distorted outcome in british electoral history starmers labor won just 33.8 of the vote far less than jeremy corbin's 40 percent when he lost a tereza may in 2017 and just 1.7 percent up on corbin's 2019 lost to boris johnson despite winning just a third of the popular vote on the lowest turnout since the arrival of universal suffrage at 59.9 percent starmer secured 412 seats 63.4 percent of the total for a majority of 174 it means just 20 percent of eligible voters one in five cast a ballot for the party that now controls nearly two thirds of parliament and can make laws with little opposition according to the telegraph the 30 point gap between the popular vote and seat share makes this the most skewed result ever far outpacing the previous 22 point gap recorded in 2001 under tony blare it means labor received only 700,000 more votes than corbin in 2019 but managed to pick up more than 200 more seats the conservatives vote share plummeted by 19.9 points to 23.7 percent earning the party 121 seats just 18.6 percent of the total reform garnered 4.1 million votes with 14.2 percent not far off half labor's tally but one just five seats the distortion is clear when you look at votes per seat depicted below with reform needing around 800,000 votes per seat 34 times the 24,000 labor required the right was particularly hobbled by the non-proportional voting system this time round the chart he includes seems to show the left out numbering the right in overall vote share however it's important to remember that labor attacked the right in this election to win back voters who deserted it in recent years the party has promised to cut immigration no sniggering at the back stop the boats and not raise the main taxes often criticizing the tourists from the right on taxation when the party fails to curb immigration to sustainable levels stops the boats and raises taxes expect to see those voters start to peel away and the article goes on to share some more charts which show how the results would have differed under a proportional representation which many people are calling for now again they've called for it for years as being totally unfair under the first past the post system but with this particular result it's really making people say this is just not democracy the results confirm how hard it is to achieve real change in a majoritarian voting system when voters are let down by the main parties and find themselves desperate for an alternative that the system is not designed to give them the system has been broken this time mainly by the conservatives spending 14 years making promises they had no intention of keeping because the party was packed with MPs who either didn't really agree with the manifesto they were elected on or were unwilling in practice to do what was required to deliver it what's needed now is for a proper right-wing movement to emerge from reform and the Tories that is ready to capitalize on the inevitable failure of this new Labour government when voters realize that it is no more willing or able to deliver what is necessary than the Tories were in a post on telegram by global dissent the post reads the UK's new socialist pm kia starma who once said he'd picked Davos and wef over west minster and british parliament is now calling for a bigger reset after his Labour party's election win on x marjid noas says the uk electoral system is not fit for purpose reform got four million votes and only four seats they actually got five after three recounts in one constituency lib Dems got 3.4 million votes and 69 seats Labour won two-thirds of the seats with only one-third of the national vote in 2010 David Cameron got a higher share of the vote than Labour did yesterday yet there was a hung parliament he goes on politics isn't working it's time to call time on the broken culture in Westminster and have a fresh start with a fair voting system so to conclude the election is absolutely undemocratic thankfully we've got Nigel Farage now in parliament and hopefully he and his reform colleagues will start to shake things up and hopefully starma won't last long when people who voted Labour actually see how he's dead set on destroying Britain i do wonder though if this is a white hat operation to do the great reveal in the UK as they've done in the US with a wef controlled puppet because we do know that Farage and Trump are great friends Farage even was at a fundraiser that was being held in the UK for Trump and as i've said before i think that Farage and Trump are probably working together by contrast is also a report that starma has been mentored by Obama which says it all doesn't it now in the last week or so there have been quite a number of very significant decisions by the supreme court and forbidden new substack reports on this 11 proofs power is being returned to the people great reasons to celebrate July 4th. Sean at the sgt report has put together this very encouraging video showcasing 11 very positive recent developments that have happened in rapid succession which indicate that the tables are finally turning on the globalist scum these are great reasons to celebrate July 4th happy independence day sgt report creator Sean said during his inauguration when Donald j trump promised to transfer the power from washington dc back to the people who could have known the process would take 12 years to accomplish here are the top 11 proofs the power is being returned to we the people as our constitutional republic is restored one biden the dog king imploded on live tv for the entire world to see where biden mumbles incoherently and finally musters we finally beat medicare to which donald trump responded he was right he did beat medicare he beat it to death and he's destroying medicare to the chevron doctrine overturned a death blow to the stay behind administrative deep state attorney robert barns explains the significance of this landmarks go to's decision and its impact on the way things used to work prior to this ruling robert barns and the prediction made was that the supreme court was going to eviscerate the last vestiges of administrative state power and that's what they did last week they had two key decisions first was the one that officially formally overturned chevron and said no the administrative state has no authority to act like it has the article three judicial power to interpret the law any more than it has article one legislative power to rewrite the law by interpreting the law and we hereby say chevron is wrong chevron is gone that's it no more deference to the administrative state both article three of the administrative procedures act requires courts to be exercising judicial power not unelected bureaucrats the second one is the sec decision which said you know what if you're trying to do something that looks like a common law cause of action like a lot of these civil fines look like old school fraud claims then that cannot go through your special little courtrooms at the sec or any other part of the administrative state well we've been talking about this forever that if you're seeking i still think this is true for judicial sanctions if you're seeking something that's monetary remedy then a jury should determine it they did that decision today this week and those two decisions say administrative state you no longer have the power to act like the legislature you no longer have the power to act like the judiciary you could only do what you are specifically delegated to do by congress and by the elected head of the executive branch and you can go no further it is a death nail to the power of the administrative state in america and it's going to apply to a bunch more cases to come we're beginning we're just beginning to see the ramifications of the reversal of the chevron doctrine three the immunity ruling the supreme court on monday ruled in a six three vote that former presidents including trump enjoy immunity from criminal prosecution involving official acts during tenure in office but they are not immune from unofficial acts so what's it mean well first the decision kicks the ball back to the lower court which all but ensures that a trial won't happen in trump's bogus classified documents case before the november election it also puts a monkey wrench in special counsel jack smith's persecution of trump with justice thomas questioning whether jack smith's office is even constitutional if there is no law establishing the office that the special counsel occupies then he cannot proceed with this prosecution a private citizen cannot criminally prosecute anyone let alone a former president also keep in mind that this scotus ruling is regarding only a president's official acts during tenure in office unofficial and secretive acts like accepting bribes for access to power and over treason like pedo joe has committed while in office are not immune from prosecution for joe biden barak obama satoro and the demon rats have been fully exposed to the american people as the traitors they are using the cloud piven strategy to turn america into a communist hellhole charlie kirk explains it perfectly what the democrats are doing is a deliberate plan of destruction against the united states of america biden's team knows what they're doing they hate the country they have bitterness for this republic and they are making intentional steps to ruin it in the 1970s there were two marxist communist political philosophers cloud piven who wrote a document saying that we are going to turn america into a communist country by doing three things one we will destroy the u.s. dollar by printing trillions of dollars we do not have two we will build a deep state of government agents that will go after everyday citizens and that will absorb the private sector three and we will open up the southern border of the united states to allow tens of millions of third worlders to come into the country it is not a mistake or an accident what joe biden is doing it is intentional and therefore it is evil what he is doing he is a traitor to the united states of america five states rising against federal tyranny states are asserting their power and their rights louisiana just passed a bill to protect the right to custody bitcoin and banned central bank digital currencies tennessee famously just banned chem trails in the state texas and florida have asserted there will be no central bank digital currencies in their states again the federal government derives its power from the consent of the governed and the 50 states which it no longer has six scooters just ruled that the obstruction statute used to persecute jan sixes and donald j trump is not lawful and it's a huge headache for the criminal biden administration and long awaited good news for hundreds of persecuted american patriots one of the statutes the justice department used to charge hundreds of different january six defendants is no good and that includes president donald trump because he has actually had two of these counts against him in the jack smith dc case against him that federal criminal case that has been on hold here so what essentially they say is this statute which has passed in the wake of enron they say it doesn't fit here what it means is a big headache for the doj and good news for hundreds of january six defendants charged under this statute again including donald trump seven big farmer the fda cdc and the fake doctors who pushed the mr and a covid vax poison bioweapon on the world are gutless evil pathetic murdering cowards and the whole world knows they will be brought to justice eight elon musk buys twitter fires 80 percent of its moxis stuff and levels the playing field by restoring the voice of the people on the world's biggest town square and the c_i_a_ mockingbird hall mainstream media and the establishment despise him for it nine the world learns the absolute truth about the criminal c_i_a_ and the deep states role in the coup and toppling of ukraine and it's disgusting criminal c_i_a_ zalensky government which was installed ten the twenty twenty election was stolen it was a coup we the people know it the whole world knows it and justice will be served with prison sentences for all of those involved and there's a quote from the joe hoff show podcast on lindall tv and the person who's quoted is greg stenstrom the facts are is that there was an inter-agency effort conspiracy to obstruct federal investigations into election fraud massive election fraud and what we had in twenty twenty was i can say this today i think i would have been more circumspect in twenty twenty but i can say today with great veracity gravitas that it was a coup and he refers to formal charges submitted to the pennsylvania attorney general who is now michelle henry against governor shapiro who is the former pennsylvania attorney general these are specific criminal charges and violations of u_s_c_ eighteen obstruction of investigations and collusion and participation in massive election fraud those are formal charges that have been filed to her they were also copied to jack smith who has been charged a special council by merrick garland to investigate any interference with the transfer of power in twenty twenty which governor shapiro was certainly involved in and the other bad actors we just mentioned and he mentions bill bar amongst others christopher ray uh inspector general harrowitz the c_i_g_i_ um i won't go into all of them so michelle henry now has a dilemma she's got formal charges not only against governor shapiro but the district attorneys here multiple public officials law enforcement officers again former u_s_ attorney general bar is deeply involved and she has a duty she has a duty to investigate they have prosecutorial discretion but they have a duty to investigate they cannot choose not to investigate she must refer these charges to jack smith who's a special council who's also working on the indictments for trump they're in a situation where they now must investigate all the people they were working with and the evidence is overwhelming so that's the bombshell i think and i think that what will come out of it people ask me what will come out of it and i can say with experience that prison will come out of it eventually they will go to prison this isn't something that's going to be able to be swept aside it will eventually result in prison sentences accountability and people who stole the election in 2020 and who intend to steal the election in 2024 they will be held accountable and they will be stopped 11 lapen wins rosh child banker macron is running on fumes nationalism and patriotism are on the rise in western nations and in the united states from sea to shining sea marine lapen in france just won the first round elections that could see her appoint a 28-year-old jordan bardella as prime minister with her setting her sights on the 2027 presidential campaign she said i appeal to the wisdom and the good sense of the people give me one reason just want to share our territory with foreigners who collaborate with totalitarian ideology that wants the death of the french people sgt report creator shawn says friends the tipping point has been reached the apocalypse is upon the deep state because the great awakening is real and there is a sea change of real change taking place all over the world especially in the united states of america where we the people will once again restore our republic and bring justice to the traitors to our nation and tod calendar who was on the show said i really do think this has all been pre-planned i think that president ji and president trump and president put in and frankly king mjong un all had an agreement that this is done they're not going to go along with the program to eradicate humanity and they frustrated it and this is our defining moment there that's why you're not seeing the nuclear exchange even the persians agreed we're not going to destroy humanity because otherwise all of these things would have worked put in would have rolled all the way to care by now and he hasn't done that he's honored the minska cords so for whatever reason i really believe that trump is already kind of in place and he will walk back in and we're not going to have a civil war i pray and i think we're having that near-death experience intentionally and russia and china and north korea and others are in on it including the persians so i think the signs are clear that we are winning and even though the uk election may seem something of a setback i do believe that it is probably part of the plan to expose the depth of evil of the stammer administration just like they did with biden and obviously he's under the control of the w e f so i think it's moved to awaken more of the british people to what's been going on and will continue to go on because stammer is just a different version of rishi sunak and his w e f affiliations so before i finish i just want to share something i came across just before i started recording this show and this is from my favorite astrologer a star seed astrologer and he has a reading on kia stammer which is very interesting kia stammer the new prime minister of the uk was born with a severely tainted sun an astrological condition that vastly inclines a person towards evil his virgo sun is afflicted in three powerful ways through a direct conjunction from pluto also at nine degrees virgo a trine from hadees at eleven degrees torus and an opposition from jupiter retrograde at seven degrees pisces stammer was also born with a social engineering saturn and not in a good way with his saturn retrograde at five degrees aquarius i see him as a man who will continue to advance negative social engineering in the uk toward the service of his secret patron stroke controllers this is an extremely negative chart as some of the most evil influences in astrology concentrates upon his virgo sun which causes a strong gravitation to darkness the Jupiter opposition to his son reads betrayer and in the worst case this man could literally serve the devil although this is a dark chart i encourage our uk audience to maintain faith in god for positive change which i believe will come in the rarest of ways now that we have an astrological glimpse of mr stammer we can all observe actions and events in his life through the cosmic perspective so i thought that was very interesting uh this was on x i don't know if i mentioned that i actually commented that it would be really good to get a reading on nijo ferrage who's the leader of the reform party and as i said earlier i'm sure he's in alignment and in alliance with trump as he's such a great supporter of trump and apparently they are good friends so it's clear from the absolute implosion of the biden bunch who are scrambling to either cover up biden's dementia or they're scrambling to find another candidate to run in the 24 election in november both of which are not doing well at all in terms of where do they find a candidate that is likely to have any success at all against trump's train you know he's got such an a massive support base behind him and he's the only one with any real policies that will turn around the disaster that has uh been inflicted upon the u.s and the world by the fake biden administration obviously controlled by obama and his puppet masters as well so anyway i think well overall things are looking good um people are really uh worried about the stammer administration but hopefully our global change will happen soon so we'll keep our fingers crossed and keep our eye on the prize as i always say so anyway that's all i have time for this week i hope you've enjoyed the show and you'll join me for another cosmic creating show next week just as a reminder you can find me at the success and if you're interested in finding out whatever might be blocking your manifestation i encourage you to take my manifestation assessment which you can find now on the menu bar at the success so thank you to nancy for producing and to Derek Condit for supporting and sponsoring cosmic reality radio you can find him at where there's a wonderful range of shungite products and other metaphysical goodies so until next time i wish you well be safe and bye for now you have been listening to cosmic creating with janshaw updating current reality a production of looking for a financial institution that has fewer fees better rates and gives back to the local community as one of colorado's largest credit unions bell go offers great rates on products like our free boost interest checking and lower rates on loans including our home equity choice line bank virtually anytime anywhere through online banking and our mobile app becoming a member has never been easier visit or stop by any bellco branch membership 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