Cosmic Reality Podcast

COSMIC REALITY 7/2/24 - Verdict to Gas Lighting

“Cosmic Reality Radio Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Walt Silva and Dolly Howard discussing subjects from verdicts by the Supreme Court to debate between Biden and Trump. Free PDF, Cosmic Reality Free PDF, 911 Crusade *Walt -

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at *NANCY'S BOOKS

1h 59m
Broadcast on:
06 Jul 2024
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“Cosmic Reality Radio Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Walt Silva and Dolly Howard discussing subjects from verdicts by the Supreme Court to debate between Biden and Trump.

Free PDF, Cosmic Reality

Free PDF, 911 Crusade

*Walt -

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at


[Music] Welcome to the Cosmic Reality Radio Show, where our hearts are all masked up. A production of [Music] All right, welcome to the Cosmic Reality Radio Show for July 2nd, 2024. I just got to set this station up and see what the heck is happening. I hope you're having a better afternoon here than I am because I just can't seem to get going. I took a little nap like I do and then woke up and I'm like, "Oh, we have to do another radio show." Okay, just Tuesdays, they kind of knocked me out. Okay, so I'm Nancy Hopkins and Walt Silvers with me and Dolly Howard. And, Walt, you want to say hi to everybody? Hello, everybody. Welcome to the show. Cosmic Reality, and I hope we're going to have fun. Dolly is going to fill us up with what she's learned. Welcome. Dolly, you want to say hi? Dolly. Howdy, y'all. Hi, Dad. I can have trouble with the milk button. I'm so tired. Hi, everybody. Another thing I wanted to include, Nancy, was something Diane posted. Who are light workers? I would like to get to that during show too. Yeah, it's short. We talked about Diana's episode was falling off the bike. It was awful. Oh my gosh, I read that. She's lucky to be alive. It was a bicycle. It was not a motorcycle. It was a bicycle. She sent me an email, and she said, "You know, you people get distracted." And the "Say What" show, Diana had sent us this -- she had taken a fall in a bicycle. And she's my age. And, you know, she got beat up a little bit, but she put chungite on it and also cast oil, which I highly recommend for everything. And she didn't get the bruising that you normally get in something like that. So she was asking, can the chungite -- was chungite, you know, be able to stop that? And it was like, we started talking about it, but she had asked the question and we never answered it. So she said, "You know, people get so distracted." And she repeated the question. So on the chungite show, we did answer it. Yes. Yes, it could all be possible. But she said, "She's such a sweetie." And I love her little story. So you say you got another one. That's good. That's always good. Well, this is from the one I wanted to read is from Diane. Oh, Diana, Diana. Yeah. Oh, I thought -- Yeah, not Diane. Yeah. But I love Diana's story. She's been sending us a few lately, which is nice. Yeah, we got a lot of good people out there that have been with us for a very long time. In some cases. Yeah. Longer than we know, even, with some of them, like years. Well, you know, Gutfeld's show. He has Kate Tift on and Kat Tift. And she's first off an award-winning author. And she also was on the New York, whatever it is, you know, best teller book thing. And she seems to be expanding a little bit and doing more. But she comes off and she'll tell you, you know, that she's always thinking negative thoughts. You know, she's very funny about it. I mean, she really does know how her brain works. But they asked her about the debate. And she said, "Well, all I kept thinking about was I was going to die." And she said, "She's watching these two old men having this debate." And she's realizing, you know, sooner or later, I'm going to be like that. And I just, I howled. I thought that that was so funny that how many people sat there and faced death looking at Trump and Biden. But Dolly says that they both had bad masks on. Well, they were horrendous. They were all crinkled up and in mock marks. I only watched it for like three minutes. And I had put on my special dress for it and everything wore it all day. And three minutes in, I looked at Shannon and said, "I can't do it, Shannon. I'm sorry, I just cannot handle it. I'm in, I'm going to the bedroom." That was it for me. So it was a debate between two lousy actors? Yeah, basically, yeah. Oh, I said, "No, very entertaining." They had a script to follow. I guess from what I hear Trump followed his pretty darn good. I'm looking for something. What am I looking for? Oh, I'm looking for something for me. I hope I sent it, I thought I did. I want to show people your dress. She got so excited about the, but I'm not seeing it. Maybe I didn't send it over to me. Oh, there it is. And Sherry was the one who said, "Mom, let's go out and wear you and take your picture." It's a good idea. Okay. I'm going to, let me see. First off, she sent me, she wouldn't give up. You remember we talked about the, what you call it? The raft, the raft that got stolen. Oh, yeah. And so, yes, we talked about that and she's got her money back from it. And she decides that, okay, what happened? Oh, geez. Okay, so then she, I'm sorry, people, I'm trying to do two things. So then she decides she's going to send me another one. And not a rat, another present, another present. And so I said, "Oh, okay, I didn't want her to do that because it seemed like every time we tried to do that lately is another package that got taken." Well, I don't know what happened. Anyway, so it was like, no, please don't send me, don't send me anything. I want to send you something. Not that either one of us are stubborn. Yeah, she just was going to do it no matter what I said. So I finally get the present that she sent. And the present, let me put it this thing in here. Okay, because I have to tell you, I was not exactly, I have never in my life. Played with Legos. And she sent me Legos. That's three and one thing. And I was like, what are you doing to me, you know? But then she, and this is for people that, you know, they go to Amazon and then they say, "Is this a gift?" Do you have to pay for that card thing? No, but I paid for the wrapping, so we should have got it in the wrapper. I did get it in the wrapper. Yeah, it's really cool. I like those wrappers. Yeah, they're fun. But she sends me the Legos. And then, I just put two pictures up. And this is what the card said. Three and one, meaning the Legos. You can make three different things out of the one Lego package. I hope you don't mind construction. It reminds me the older we get, the more we revert to kids' pun from love and dolly. And I thought, "Okay, I haven't played a game like that." Well, I never played Legos because they didn't come out until I was grown up. I've stepped on Legos. My sister's house with the kids. But I never played him. And it just, it was just, I mean... This is an annoyance. Now I got this box of Legos that I can never throw out because dolly gave it to me. So I said, "Alright, when Peter comes, is Peter, I always give him some kind for construction situation because then he feels like he's doing something for me." And this time, I'm going to say, "We've got a construction problem. We'll pull out the Legos." And that will be very fun, you know. Maybe, maybe, let me just check again here. I want to show you guys her. Yes, her. Yes, I found it. Okay, dollies. No, yes. I have to do this. I'm going to show you dollies' dress. That's what I got into there, but I found those Lego thing first. And because I didn't want to have to find it again, that's why that got up there first. However, this is dolly's dress. And I just thought it was, I was rolling over. For the debate. Yeah, for the debate. This is what she was wearing all day. For the debate. And you got to love it. I mean, come on. So we get on the, we're on the phone. The debate starts up. To be honest, 15 seconds after Biden started talking, I said, "Oh my God, this is over." I mean, he was just a mess. But I still want to play the game. "Well, let's watch it. Let's see it." You know, it should be kind of entertaining. And she says, "I'm going to watch the show that I've been binging." And I was like, "So disappointed." It was like, "Huh? Who am I going to talk to during this thing?" You know? You know, I thought of that later, yeah? Because we always talk with each other during things like that. We messaged back and forth. So I was very disappointed. I couldn't do it, Nancy. I just, I could not handle that. They were both Damascus or horrendous. And I don't look at Biden no matter what. Even if he's in advertising, I fast forward. If he's on Fox, I fast forward. I don't listen to his voice. But whoever the actor is, I don't watch him. I got nothing. Biden in the only world on purpose. Well, so I'd say what we kind of covered it a little bit. But the debate for those of you that didn't see it was Biden came out. First off, I had seen him get off the plane earlier in the day and walk over to the crowd. And I said to myself, "Oh, well, they've got him jacked up really good." And then he got to the debate, many hours later, he looked ashen. He was hardly able to walk to the podium. And when he started talking, he had this very, very broken up, wispery kind of voice. It was awful. And some of the commentary about this was how could his handlers have let him walk out on that stage? I mean, this was not him finding the wings of the curtains and then walks out and is like this. He was just a ghost of a man. Was he standing by any chance? Was he standing? Yes, yes. No, he was standing. But first off, he lied. He got facts wrong. He said some atrocious things. The thing that really pissed off a lot of people, military people, was he said, "No military person has died in a foreign land since I was president." And everybody went, "Don't you remember the people that died in Afghanistan at the airport?" You know, what about the kids that died in Iraq when they got attacked? I mean, there was another episode. It was a blatant lie. And Trump would have been all over him, the old Trump. But he had to stand there with him muting his mic. And somebody commented that about 15 minutes into the debate, Donald Trump looked bored. It was like, "Oh my God, this is impossible." And he really wasn't aggressive. You know, when his time ran out and they cut him off, it was, "Oh yeah, okay." You know, some important things he would bring back up. But for the most part, he didn't go after Biden. It looked like he was just like, "Oh, if you can't see what I see." You know, at one point Biden went off saying something. And Trump says, "I have no idea what he just said." I don't think he did either. But that was the only real cut that he made, you know? But what really got to people was the fact that he completely dismissed the soldiers that died in Afghanistan. When they were, Trump had had nobody die for the year of previous to that anywhere in the world. But, you know, out comes Biden saying nobody died. A lot of people got really pissed about that because it's like he just dismissed it. This was the same group of people that when their bodies were brought back to Washington, he went out to be there when they got there. And he kept checking his wristwatch. How long is this taking? And he got caught in that. He's a slime bag. You know, the problem is that he was the guy that I really thought I could trust. You know, I really liked Biden. I was for Biden when Hillary was going against him. You know, he just came off as this really nice guy. And then I found out the truth about him. And he's just a slime bag, always has been. He's a real good actor as far as that goes, him himself. So anyway, so right after the debate, the MSNBC, CNN, all those people, they're like, "Oh my God, we were so deceived. We had no idea he was like this. Oh my God, what are they going to do?" "Oh, it's the end of everything." Right? And then over the weekend, they came back and said, "Oh, it was just a glitch. Not a problem." They were all back on board with Biden being the nominee, and let's go for it. I listened to him all day today, you know. "Oh yeah, yeah, it was just one episode. He had a cold." And the next, right after that, he went to a big rally thing. And then he went here, and there he went here. Yeah, because they got the medication right. And, you know, the press secretary, the rabbit hat, what do we call her? Carrot blossom there. Jean, I forget her name. Catrine, I don't know. I don't like her. I really don't know who you're talking about, so I can't. The press secretary there, the one that comes out and talks and lies. Oh, Carrine, the binder. Yeah, the binder, the binder. Yeah. She was out there today, and it was like stunning. It was like, "Oh, what's the matter with you people? He's fine. He's just wonderful." But the press corps was asking her some really hard questions. Like, do you think he's fit for office? Of course he's fit for office. He's the most brilliant man I know. I mean, it was like, what reality are you living in? You know? And they asked some questions, and, you know, she just lied. And, you know, what are you going to do when they keep lying to you? Lying, lying, one lie after another. And people just say, "Oh, yeah, they do lying." But, you know, but the polls are saying that, you know, "Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, we see it. The American people see it. And they're not going to unsee this." And, of course-- I hope not. Well, who knows? I mean, I still don't trust the election itself. Oh, no. I don't know. I already got that, Lee. If Trump loses, there will be a revolution. I believe that. Because there's just too many people. Even in these polls now. And, you know, I mean, I don't trust the polls. Because I don't answer those questions. You know? So who's the people that answer the questions? The ones that want to have their opinion counted. You know? And those people are probably not necessarily Republicans. Because Republicans and the Trump supporters, the MAGA supporters, have been put down so much that it's like, "I'm not going to play your game." You know? So-- But when you get the kind of polls where they're saying-- I think it was 73% of the people that watched the debate said they would not-- I don't know. There was, you know, people like some percentage-- I had 11 wants to creep into my head. We said, "Oh, yes. I still want to vote for Biden. I thought he won the debate." What? You understood anything he said? And one guy, Tyra, said that he had made some kind of a bet with somebody about the debate. And how many times Biden would stumble or whatever? I don't know. But he started drinking scotch. And he said, "By the end of the debate, my face was numb." Because he had to take a swig of it every time, whatever it was. He didn't get into the details of it, you know, at all. But he was looking at the whole thing. And he's got an interesting take. OK? Because-- We're talking Tyra's here? I'm talking Tyra's. Tyra's is this black man that was a wrestling champion and is just this huge guy and a black man. And I mentioned that who is so-- I mean, Gutfeld says something that's off, you know, kind of a little off and raises a little racist. And Tyra's is all over him. But they're talking about, you know, who would they replace Biden with? And everybody's sort of like, well, they've got to have Harris because she's a, you know, the token black woman BP. Oh, yeah. You know? And he said, "Let's just look at this from a little different way." He says, "We don't really talk bad about her." Yeah, we talk bad when she's doing something that's kind of stupid. But we're not the ones promoting this whole put Harris in a hole. We're not the ones that, you know, told her she was our, the border, and then did nothing to-- she did nothing. They did nothing. She was the head of AI. She can't even spell AI. That's a gutfeld joke. And, you know, so he's right. I mean, it's not-- it's the Democrats that are really saying this. And he says, "What if they don't want her to be president because she's not part of the inner circle? She's an outsider." And so they keep putting her down because they're afraid that if she becomes president, she will act like the president instead of-- Yeah, and I thought, that's an interesting way to look at it, Tires. Yeah. You know, because people say she's a smart woman. That's what they say, you know, and she had the-- she was what? The district attorney of a good area of California, Sacramento or something. So I don't know. I just don't have any clues to what really is happening, but it's like I say. Okay, so we're being shown a movie, a story, you know. Just get into it. But see what they're trying to-- gaslight, gaslight's been used. I think I heard it a hundred times today. You know, who's gaslighting, who? And yes, the white hats are probably behind us. It's probably all crazy stuff. But it's crazy stuff. It's like, what are they trying-- because I used to watch the, you know, CNN and all those different news things. To find out what they were telling the American people. And it's kind of the same sort of thing. It's like, what is their messaging? What are they trying to do here? Just because it's entertainment, that's all. Can't take it seriously. But to me, it's interesting. And I love to hear the pundits, you know, jump from, oh my God, it's the end of the world to-- oh no, don't worry about it. Everything's fine. In a matter of a weekend. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, um, actually, I have a Tucker Carlson tape. And he was in Australia at some convention or something. And it was when the debate happened. And I'd like to just play you Tucker's take on the debate. It's eight minutes, but, you know. Watch CNN today, and they had the presidential debate, the U.S. presidential debate. And maybe some of you saw it. And if you did, well, it was amazing. It was amazing on every level. But what was especially amazing was after they went to the panel of assembled Democratic operatives posing as journalists. And all of them were like shocked to discover that Joe Biden has dementia, like they couldn't believe it. What? Oh my gosh. It's an uncomposed mess. No way. Are you serious? And I'm thinking to myself, what year is it? 2024, ish. Middle-aged people identify with that. Okay, 2024, people are saying. It was 2019 that I heard from a friend of mine who was friends with his sister, Val, that the family was very upset because Joe has dementia and he's running for president. And, well, I said this on TV, by the way, at the time, it was a racist or something. I mean, in the United States, that's just the all-purpose term for a shut up. (Laughter) Racist! It's like, I think he's white. Shut up, racist! Okay. Anyway. (Laughter) But his sister had told a friend of mine, like an actual friend of mine, one of my neighbors, that the family was upset and that his son sadly had passed away, by the way, not in Iraq fighting a war for freedom, but of cancer. I don't think he's aware of that. (Laughter) But sad, and that the family was convinced he needed to kind of get it out of his system by running for president, but, of course, no one's going to make Joe Biden a nominee because we had Pete Buttigieg for that. (Laughter) Now it's a joke, but at the time, they were like, "People are going to love Pete Buttigieg. He's incompetent, but he's gay! Great!" (Laughter) And then people were like, "What? No!" So they had to go to Joe Biden, and he actually became the nominee, and then somehow became the president. But it was obvious the whole time that he had no idea where he was, and that it was cruel, and that his grasping, horrible wife, who, like, poses as a doctor, was pushing this, so she could go to state dinners. And everyone knew this. Like, there's not one person who didn't know this, and when you travel outside our borders, you know, people are always so nice about other people's countries. Like, they don't attack you to your face, and, obviously, I'm the most American person who's ever lived, and I love my country, and I'm going to die there, and would die for it without even thinking. That's so much fun. And I mean that. So everyone wants to be polite to you about your country, and when, like, if I ever went to New Zealand, I wouldn't mention Jekinda Adhorn, or what you know what I mean? That would be rude! (Laughter) I wouldn't say like, "Oh, that retarded girl with the teeth, is she here?" (Laughter) You know, I wouldn't. That would be... (Cheering) No, I wouldn't. (Cheering) Because... (Cheering) It's not something a guest says, right? You're in someone else's... You know, you're having dinner at someone's house, like, the food is appalling. What's so good? You know what I mean? (Laughter) But even given the high standards of politeness offered to foreigners in foreign lands, everywhere I've traveled around the world for the past three years, and there's been a lot of countries, people are like, "Um, so Joe Biden, how is he?" (Laughter) You're like, "Well, I think he has dementia." He certainly does! (Laughter) Like, everybody knows! Everybody knows! Because they have... I can't remember the Internet. And it has video on it. And it takes about 15 seconds to determine the leader, the most powerful country in the world, with this mass nuclear arsenal involved in two simultaneous wars, doesn't know what day it is. And that's really scary. But if you come to the United States and you're in the media envelope, this, like, fake world created by this disinformation specialist who run our media, that's never mentioned. At all. It's like everyone pretend... It would literally be like everyone pretending Jacinda Adhern is like a legitimate person. (Laughter) Which they may have done in New Zealand. I wasn't there. (Laughter) You know what I mean? People say, "Oh, that's the Prime Minister!" What? It's ridiculous, actually. (Laughter) But everyone sort of plays along, like it's not happening. And this is the whole emperor's new close story is based on this phenomenon, which is a very human phenomenon. But for the media today to be like, "Wow!" We just got the diagnosis. This is shocking. He can't run for president. (Laughter) Kind of either they're really stupid, like too stupid to breathe unaided or they're liars. They're truly dishonest. They're hiding the obvious from you. (Applause) And I'm betting on the latter, but even more amazing was the response to that. So remember that our media are not just observers of reality or discribers of reality. People who bring you the story first on the scene. No, they're the gatekeepers to reality. You don't know what the world looks like except through them. Like they are the pipeline through which all information flows. In the United States, they're political actors. They work for a political party, in effect, if not officially. They all work for the Democratic Party. And the Democratic Party, and I think this is probably true here, has one mission this season which is to save democracy, which is gravely and peril. You may have heard by Vladimir Putin who is ending our democracy somehow. And don't laugh. (Laughter) What are you, you, you, Putin lovers? (Laughter) Anyway, yeah, okay. That's fine. I don't care. It's not my president. You can love anyone you want as far as I'm concerned, because I believe in, you know, the autonomy of man. You can have your own opinions. But the point is, in my country, and probably here, the self-described mission of everyone in the media is to save democracy and democracy simply defined is the idea that the people own their country. It was their country. And they hire people to represent them. But fundamentally, they are shareholders in this enterprise. They're owners. They're not sheriffs. They're not renting it. This is a rental car. It's your car. You change the oil in it because it belongs to you. Right? And that's what citizenship is. And so in a democracy, you know, you don't have to do everything the majority wants every moment. But over time, if what you're doing, there's no relationship to what the majority wants, then you know for a fact it's not democracy. And, you know, you can try to convince people of things. You can say, well, you know, you want this. But I think you should want that. And here's why. But you can ignore them. Or else it's not a democracy. Right? It's an oligarchy. And you see yourself as the owner. And they're the tenants, the serfs, the renters. And you can just do whatever you want. And it doesn't matter what they think. So that's the most anti-democratic attitude possible. Right? That attitude is the enemy of democracy. And all of a sudden today, these defenders of democracy are like, well, I mean, obviously Joe Biden's got Alzheimer's. And he's super unpopular. He can't win. And therefore, we need to replace him. And it's like, wait a second. He was already elected in the biggest landslide ever. I don't know if you knew that. But he got over a billion votes, you know, in our country. He got more votes than black Jesus. And because he's just so unbelievably popular, people love Joe Biden. It was a landslide, literally a landslide in 2020. And that gives him the authority to do whatever he wants, whether you like it or not. Because so many of your neighbors voted for him, you don't know their names. But it happens. Okay? It happened. It's sort of like COVID deaths. You never actually met anybody who died of it. But millions did die. Everybody voted for Joe Biden except to use to shut up. So he has this mandate, this moral mandate to do literally whatever he wants. Import 30 million people illegally. And you're not allowed to say anything about it racist. And yet at the same time, and then democratic primary voters just like the other day in our system, the members of the party vote for their nominee. And he's elected by his own party. People actually went to the polls and cast a ballot for him. But all of a sudden, because he might not win against the orange man, we need to take his job away from him by force and let the donors put someone in there who can beat the orange man. Because that's democracy. And that made me start to think for the first time. Maybe we're defining the word democracy a little differently. Maybe you've got a different understanding of what that means. Maybe you think democracy is what we do exactly what you and eight of your friends want. That's what you think it is. Whereas I think democracy is when you do the will of the majority over time. (Applause) Yeah. So that's Tucker on the debate. Did you enjoy it there, Dolly? Oh, gosh, yes, I listened to it several times because I enjoyed it so much. And the one that you said you're going to try to play that I have put in my list, that is flaring to Adam. He's being interviewed by some reporter and boy does he put her in her place. I love Tucker. Tucker's fun. Oops, nope. I'm trying to get back to your list. But I obviously have. Okay, here we go. Dolly's list. Alright, and we'll open this up. Okay, alright, now I'm going to try something. Every time I try to do a live playing of YouTube or rumble or any of those things, we get this very weird echo. And I've got this idea in my head that I may know where it's coming from. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to try to play it. And I'm not probably going to hear the echo, it's going to go out into the ethers. And so people in chat, if it starts echoing or if you guys hear the echo, then just tell me and I'll stop it. Okay, but we're going to give this a thing and turning off certain things and hoping that that's where it's coming through. So we'll just give this a try. Alright, so here we go. Fix your hearing in six seconds with these unique and affordable hearing aids. This new type of affordable hearing aid is taken. Watch what steak does to your gut of the carnivore diet. Why do people lose weight so rapidly? Protein. Very much for your address today. So you talked a little bit about immigration and in the past you've talked about how white Australians, Americans, Europeans are being replaced by non-white immigrants in what is often referred to as the great replacement theory. This is the same. Have I said that whites are being replaced? Well, I don't think I said that. Well, it's been mentioned on your show 4,000 times. Really, when did I say that? On your show. I said whites are being replaced. You have said that before. Really? Yeah. I would challenge you to. Okay, Chris says that they're hearing it. I'm going to start it up again. I'm going to mute my mic. Chris, let me know if it's echoing. It's like that because I'm pretty sure I haven't said that. I said Native-born Americans are being replaced, including blacks. Native-born Americans. Native-born Americans who, like black Americans, have been African Americans, have been in the United States for, in many cases, their families over 400 years. And their concerns are every bit as real and valid and alive to me as the concerns of white people whose families have been there 400 years. So, I've never said that whites. Apparently, it continued echoing. So, we can't do that. What exactly did he say? Do you know what he was talking about? Do you remember? Well, she kept saying that I'm going to post it here in chat. So, they didn't hear it. It's in chat. She kept saying that Tucker said this and Tucker said that and he would call around it. Really? When did I say that? Well, in the, in the, the, the bimbo would go, well, well, you're sitting a hundred thousand times there. You know, I'm exaggerating. And, um, he just kept calling her on everything she said. Is everything she said was a lie and he has proof. He had no proof that he had said anything, what she was accusing him of saying. It just got to be pretty hysterical. And then he said, you know, something about, I know reporters lie, but I was thinking maybe you just didn't know. Well, you were an ignorant reporter or something like that. And then she would say something and he would, he would come back here. Now, wait a minute. Okay, now I believe that you are a liar and that you do really know that you're lying. And, and, and more, and he, he absolutely called her out as an ignoramus, but I can't remember his words. And it was very embarrassing. If I was her, I would have stopped saying those things like in the first three minutes, but she just kept pursuing it. And it just got to be hilarious, even though it probably was the thing she called her. You mean she didn't realize that she was deliberately lying? Was she that? No, she knew, she knew. Oh. So she did it on purpose. Yeah. She was purposely lying. Yeah. To what point? I mean, if you're, if you're basic facing the public and you're being told that you're lying and they have the evidence to prove that you're lying and you keep insisting on it. Where does that get you? It only proves. You're the ultimate liar. You're an ignoramus. Yeah. Welcome to the Democratic Party. Great. They continually lie. Yeah. We know they're lying and everybody else knows they're lying, but nothing is done to stop them. So the person who doesn't know that they're lying believes it. This goes back to Hitler saying it wasn't actually Hitler. It was go, go, go, go. His, his publisher, the guy that was ahead of the, uh, brainwashing. Go, Goebbels, Goebbels. And it's, if you're going to tell a lie, tell a big one. Because people's reaction is, oh my God, I didn't know that. Well, it's a lie. How could it be a lie? It's too big to be a lie. Everybody would know it's a lie. Yes, we know it's a lie. You know, but a lot of people just buy this stuff. I mean, there's still some 34% of the population that says that they're going to be, well, the polls, they say they're going to vote for Biden. You know, and it's like, why would you do that? It's, it's, it's so stupid that you go, why would you do that? And it's because of the stuff they're watching. They lie to him continually. And you know, the other thing that really got to me is they, they came on and they said, yes, Biden had a bad night, but Trump lied. Lie after lie after lie. And I'm going like, I didn't hear him lie about anything. He may have exaggerated in places. And so I'm, I'm going back and I'm saying, what do they think that he lied about? And I can't figure it out. But my best guess is that he got up there and he said, look it. If I'm elected president, before I take the oath of office, that reporter, I think, is a CNN reporter that the Russians are holding, he will be out of jail. Okay. So, but is that a lie? That's a prediction of what he's going to do. It's not necessarily a lie unless he doesn't do it. So that's not a lie. So, okay. Well, he said, basically the same thing, you know, before I even become president, the Ukrainian war will end. And is that a lie? Or is it, you can't call it a lie until you get to the future point where he's president, elect, and able to do this stuff. So I didn't hear him lying. But nobody, even on Fox Network, is saying, what lies did he make? Nobody is doing that. It's frustrating to me. Please tell me what he lied about. Don't just keep screaming that it was lying, lying, lying. So, you know, it's, it's. You're testing the truth of the matter. They tell the public what that Trump is lying. And they prove beyond shadow of a doubt that whatever, whatever they're saying about Trump, it's the truth. Because, because they're lying about Trump, the people believe, oh, it must be the absolute truth, because the media is telling us, because the news are telling us. So they're just proving beyond shadow of a doubt that people are stupid, and they get believed, they believe everything that gets told to them. And that's it. We told them the falsehood, and they believe that it's true. Because we say. Well, the other thing that they do is they say that he's got dementia. Now, I've listened to hundreds of hours of Trump talking, and I've never questioned his, you know, cognitive ability. Yes, he exaggerates, but everybody knows he's exaggerating. It was like when, when, when Tucker said, you know, it was a overwhelming election, he got something like a billion votes. Well, there's only 350 million people in America. So I don't think you got a billion, but everybody knows that. I mean, it's, it's just fascinating. I don't know if the polls are just lying, and everybody is going to vote for Trump, because they can't believe what they're saying, that they are awake. I mean, I'm not, like I said, I don't trust the polls. I don't trust the polls because they're statistically irrelevant to me. You say, oh, this is what they think about this, and you find out that, I've noticed that they don't always publish how many people they talk to. For all we know, it was six people, and they, while they were waiting in line at the deli. You know, but, you know, they'll have a thousand people. And we're supposed to think that that is a sampling of 350 million people? Oh, no, no, it's only the voters that vote. Oh, okay. So I don't even know what that figure is, but let's say it's two million. Is a thousand? A statistical relevant number in two million? No. So, it's all kind of like crazy garbage, and probably Dolly made the right decision. She wouldn't watch some movie or something that she was more interested in. But, I don't know. Oh, that's Hartman. I'm watching Series Hartman. Thank you. So, what else is in your list? Let's see. Dolly's list. Oh, this is the Forbes one. Because that was very, very important. The Forbes one covers a lot. Yeah, Supreme Court. Well, let me just go through it. Okay, well, let me set it up. So, one of the cases brought before the Supreme Court to the best of my knowledge was put forth by the Trump team saying that Donald Trump had immunity because what Smith is saying he had that was so awful, and this is a D.C. circuit for it. He was doing his job. And the things that Smith was pointing to is a conversation he had with Vice President hence concerning certification of the vote and cabinet members, his lawyer, and the Georgia governor and all these people that Trump was talking to regarding the election and the certification. Now, from Trump's standpoint, they knew that it had been stolen. So, he was talking to different people. And it was only like 200,000 votes that made the difference. And he was talking to different official people. But from the president's standpoint, if you thought that somebody had stolen the American election, as the president, you should damn well say something about it. So, that's part of his job. One of his jobs is to protect the election integrity of the United States. So, now Smith has got to prove that Trump did this in a private matter. Well, it wasn't. This is his job. So, the Supreme Court was given the case and had to decide for the first time what is immunity for the president of the United States. And Trump was out there talking about it, and he said, "Look it. If you're making a decision at the level of the presidency, but you're not sure that a lot of people would think it was, well, not even a lot of people. Anybody could go out there after the fact and question your motivation." And it really came down to almost motivation. The Constitution does give the president the right to have immunity, presumptive immunity, they call it, when he's doing his official business. It was like they decided in the findings that Obama apparently had somebody assassinated with drones that killed some civilians that happened to be American. And could he have been brought up on charges for that? That was one of them. They gave a lot of different situations to try to give some guidance to the lower courts, because they said he has presumptive immunity for everything that's official, but not so for something that's private. In your court systems, the lower courts have to make the decision of whether or not it's within his official duties or outside of his official duties. So in the D.C. Circuit Court situation, the Trump team has filed already, I think, to question that he should even be brought up on charges, because all of the things that Smith cited were really within the prerogatory of official duties. So everybody that I'm hearing says that it's not going to make it before the election. So you've got that situation. All right, so I'm just going through it. I'm not going to read the whole thing, talking about Pence. What does it mean for the Trump trial? It's unclear when Trump's case will go to trial or how many charges he'll now face when it does. The immunity issue will first have to go back to the U.S. District Judge, whatever her name is, who will decide what if any acts Trump is not immune from and can still be part of the indictment. Legal experts have predicted that the judge will likely do this swiftly, but Trump can still appeal her ruling, further dragging out the process. Once the case finally resumes, assuming it does, the judge has previously said she expected it will be about three months before a trial can begin. If this gets pushed out until next year, it's possible that Trump, if he wins the presidency, could appoint DOJ officials who would drop the federal charges against him, meaning the... ...putting down here, a case would never make it to trial, even if it acts where he does not have immunity. And because of this decision, Schumer, the head of the Democrats in the Senate, has just said terrible things. That's the end of democracy, blah, blah, blah. And AOC is wanting to impeach the Supreme Court. I mean, every turn of events turns into something that is just like you people just don't have a reality that makes any sense. It goes on and on and on, because the thing with this lawyer, why did you break a situation that the lawyers are not supposed to be testifying against your own clients? It's the silence between what you tell a lawyer is supposed to be held in confidence, but they've made the decision in this particular court, that the lawyer has to tell whatever it is that they think made it something illegal. So you got that one, then there was another one, and this one is with the concept of... There's three laws that they used to indict and jail people over the January 6th thing. And when they were hashing this over again, I had no idea that 1,400 people have been jailed over that. We saw the entire thing play out on a video that went from one side of the building, and it was all time stamped. I'm not even sure that there were 1,400 people there in front of the Congress. It was just nuts. If you went to DC and you used your credit card, you could be brought up on charges. It's horrendous what they've done there, but the Supreme Court decision threw out one of their main... the regulation or law that they were trying to use to do this. We're using it to do it. They threw it out. So there's not that many people that were basically brought up only on that one charge, but it seems like there might be a couple of hundred of them. And they should be released because the Supreme Court says they should be released. You couldn't file a legal case under that ruling, but the same thing was used in the Trump trial. So it's likely that they have to throw that particular thing out too. And the other thing that they've got as a law is just something that is... it was for civil rights. It was something to do with the civil rights. It had nothing to do with what happened there. So those two, you know, affect Trump, they really do affect the people in January 6th, but the finding that to me was the most important one, it's called the Chevron law. And I think it was 1989 where they brought this. No, maybe it was '85 or something. It was in the late '80s. They codified a tradition, let's call it a tradition, that any agency in the United States would take what the Congress was calling the law, and then they would interpret what it meant. So it wasn't the Congress that was really leading the dictates of the law. It was the regulatory bureaus, the third tier of the way the government works, the people that are professional bureaucrats, whether it's a Republican or President or whatever, those are the people that are running everything. And we've known that for a very long time. That's why it's called the Deep State. It's not the people that are appointed or elected by the government. It's actually the bureaucrats below them. So they came out and it was a contention, I've covered this before, but again, it's one of those... Wow, if you understand what just happened, it's like they ripped a hole in the Deep State big hole, because it started with these fishermen off of New England, who were being told by the Department of Fisheries that they had to have an inspector, a live human being, on their boats every time they went out. Okay, and you've got to pay for them. You've got to pay for them. So they have to pay these people to come out and essentially watch everything they do. And the fishermen, you know, the cost of it was very much hurting them and a lot of other things associated with it. So they went through the legal system and actually, I didn't even realize that it was up before the Supreme Court. But they found for the fishermen, which means that what's called the Chevron Act, the act that gave them codified abilities to be able to... Essentially, somebody's got an open mic and they're making noise wall. So you have a situation where it was codified. The government was more powerful than the individual or a group of individuals because of this stupid law and the justices absolutely threw that out. Now, what does that mean? That means that we've got back the government because now when anybody is going to tell you how to do whatever it is they're supposed to be doing, you can say, "I don't agree with that and I'm going to take you to court." And the courts have to listen to you because part of the Chevron law was... This was just like, "You want to know why? What is a deep state?" Okay, you've got the house making a law. And the house makes a law because the agency is saying, "We need this law." So the house makes a law. Then the agency gets the law and they look at it and they say, "Well, this is how we're going to make people make sure that they are following this law." So they make all these regulations. And all these regulations are killing our industry every time it's so bad now under Biden. But if anything you want to do, you have to make sure that there's not some damn regulation somewhere that will stop you. And if you're following the regulations, it's so much red tape that it's very expensive to do anything. And it's a way of destroying the industrial capabilities of the United States on all levels. So now, anytime these people do this, you can say, "You don't have the right to do it and you're absolutely correct." So in one law at the Supreme Court that's decided for freedom, I'm telling you, this is the most important. Forget the immunity and everything else. This one was the biggie. Now, whether they can enforce it, I mean, Biden lost the Supreme Court regarding giving the break to the students that they're going to get their loans paid off. They said, "No, you can't do that." And he said, "Screw you when he's doing it anyway." And nobody's stopping him. So, yeah, if Trump loses the election, I think we'll have a revolution, period. Because who can allow it to happen any further? Well, anyway, but the thing of it is that it's not going to happen. Some things happen to the Justice of the Supreme Court where they're actually making laws that make sense. Except for the Democrats, they want to impeach them, AOC. Okay, which one? All of them? Do you want to impeach the entire court? She said, "She's a really crazy person." She's one of the Congress people. You've probably heard her, or seen her. She was just dancing around on that stage with Bush. Bowman? I didn't get voted in again. Bowman? Yeah. Yep. Yep. I saw it. So, anyway, enough of the politics thing here. Let's just go on. It really comes down to the fact that the cats at the door wanting to come in. So, I'm going to turn it over to you, Dolly. You say something. I got to let the cat in. I've got a food break. It's break time? It's one o'clock? Oh, all right. And we'll do that. One o'clock. Yeah. One hour in. All right. We're going to do that. And, well, let's see. I'm really, I like to say. Okay. Okay. Okay. Somewhere over the rainbow. Are we surprised? Whoops. Hold on a second. Be up high. And love. Dreams that you dream of. Once in your love. Now, by your time, well, over the rainbow. Blue, but slight. And love. Dreams that you dream of. Dreams that you dream of. Dreams that you dream of. Oh, some days we should call the star. Wake up with clouds that fall behind. Be where travel melts like lemon drops. High above the chimney top that's aware. You find me old somewhere. Over the rainbow. Blue, but slight. And love. Dreams that you did too. Oh, why? Oh, why? Can't I? Oh, well, I see trees all green and red roses too. I watch them bloom for me and you and that into myself. What a wonderful world. The lashes, the eyes of blue and I think close the white end of brightness of thee. I like the dark end and think to myself. What a wonderful world. Think to myself. What a wonderful world. Oh, some days we should call the star. Wake up with clouds that fall behind. Be where travel melts like lemon drops. High above the chimney top that's aware. You find me old somewhere. Over the rainbow. Wake up high. And love. Dreams that you did too. Why? Oh, why? Can't I? Wake up high. And welcome back to the second hour of cosmic reality for July 2nd, 2024. So the 4th of July is coming up. You got my dress. Is there another dress? The flag dress. Are you going to go to some fireworks? The neighborhood is fire. Fireworks, crazy. I kind of wall around me. Or I could play in the pool and look up and watch them play. Nice. I walled my neighborhood. They're down to earth people. You know, they probably heard what Mark Twain said. If your vote counted, they wouldn't let you vote. This time, it's really. I know you don't have to do anything but that. But really, please, please. You need to vote because the numbers. If we outnumber, they're cheating. With our legitimate voters. We will win free and clear. If you don't vote. You're non-American and dolly. Looking down your list. It's all kind of the same thing. We'll have the order or PMN. Let's just what I'm going to do now. I'm going to play another Tucker clip. It's sort of in the, apparently this show is going to be mostly political type of stuff. But it's also showing the mind control, the ability. There were so many people that wrote about how you could influence the people's minds. This one is the one that I find very troubling. It's what they've done to the good people in these agencies. In other words, within any given agency, there's people that are going to do bad stuff because they're bad people. But there's people that go along with it, even though they're not bad people, to keep their jobs and whatever. And then you have a few people that are without a doubt American heroes who will actually stand up and say, "Hey, listen, this is not good." And this is Tucker talking to, I don't even know what his name is. I think he gives it in the beginning. But it's about the FBI whistleblowers and how, well, I'm just going to play it. It's not, well, it is 15 minutes, but I think you'll find it informative because this is the FBI, but this is what's happening all around us. And this is why it works. The FBI is the most powerful law enforcement organization in the world, certainly in the free world or what we refer to for our lifetimes as the free world. So the nightmare scenario is that it becomes perverted, subverted into a secret police force. A tantan makut accountable to politicians and used to punish the adversaries of the regime. That's the one thing you can't have happen or your country will no longer be a free country. Well, there's some evidence, unfortunately, that is happening. And the latest comes from an FBI whistleblower. And the documents that he's handed over to John Solomon of just the news suggests that the FBI now has an internal political litmus test. In his case, in order to get a security clearance after 12 years working for the agency, the FBI checks whether he supported the Vax regime. Donald Trump, the second amendment to the US Constitution. And after it was determined, he supported all of these things, which at least half the country does support, he was denied his security clearance. Again, this comes from documents newly unearthed that confirmed the FBI checks before allowing him a security clearance. And when denied that, he was suspended indefinitely without pay. So the FBI has not provided any comment to John Solomon who broke the story and got these documents. Justin Levitt, who's the president of the group Empower Oversight, is representing him in court and joins us right now with an overview of this case. Justin, thank you very much for coming on. My pleasure. Is that a fair characterization? Or why don't, instead, you start the beginning and tell us what you have uncovered and what this employee underwent at the FBI? So what makes this a little bit different from your average FBI employee is that this employee who has chosen to remain anonymous did get swept up into the funnel of folks being investigated after January 6. So the FBI cast a very wide net because of that. There was, frankly, some hysteria within the Bureau, almost McCarthyism, searching out anybody that had views after searching out anybody who had any ties to events of that day, then examining their views. So this client, particularly, is someone who had decided on the day of January 6 to go down in your President Trump's speech after attending the rally, he walked down to the Capitol and stayed outside on the grounds. He never went inside the Capitol. He was never involved in any violence. He was never involved in any conflict. Eventually, the FBI became aware that he had been at the Capitol, which is ironic because the day after it, he self reported his attendance, but that went, you know, that didn't attract any notice within the FBI until a year later. And at that point, the hysteria was in full force. And so there were a number of FBI whistleblowers, several of whom we have represented, people like Steve Friend, Marcus Allen, Garrett O'Boyle, who were objecting in various ways to how the FBI was approaching. It's investigations of those related to January 6. But this particular individual had his security clearance suspended, and that's when all of this hit. And so one year ago, I testified alongside three of those other whistleblowers, Steve Friend, Marcus Allen, Garrett O'Boyle, in front of the Weaponization Committee. And at the time, the FBI had just released information that they had all had their security currency suspended, a couple of them revoked. And so as we started that hearing, Delegate Stacey Plaskett, opened by saying, you know, Chairman Jordan, you've invited these people here who are in our threat to our national security, how dare you. And now a year later, we've been able to pull back the curtain and see the FBI's documentation for why it did what it did with their clearances. And that's the context in which we've seen this sort of questioning going on, asking people if they ever supported President Trump. And mind you, it wasn't just that they asked these individuals. These were interviews by the security clearance division of their fellow employees. So people who were compelled to answer who had to either answer these questions from the security division or have their own security clearance called into question. And they were asked, did you ever socialize with these individuals? What was your association with them? And then asked these extremely intrusive questions. And so that's the context in which this very problematic set of questions came up. And what we are hearing is that this may be just the tip of the iceberg, that there were many, you know, that certainly there have been allegations out there that once people got swept into that security funnel that there was a purge of FBI employees that had conservative views or had skepticism of the vaccine or just hesitancy to receive it. And now in black and white, we've uncovered those documents because of our client's security appeal where we've been able to see the basis on which his colleagues were questioned. And this is extremely problematic. It was pretty clear from the beginning, I mean, there are different threads here, but on the VAC specifically that the vaccine mandates were designed, and certainly their effect was to winnow out people with high testosterone levels, independent thinking, commitment to liberty, common sense, out of positions in the federal government. And that would definitely include the military, but also at the agencies, including the FBI. So did they they found out this guy didn't take the VACs and that was one of the factors? Yeah, it clearly was one of the factors, and it's ironic because this came three months after a court had put an injection on the federal employee vaccine mandate. And so this was not even a live issue. This was not a matter of you're currently required to, and you're not months after that, they're asking his colleagues, did he ever express any hesitancy about the COVID-19 vaccine? Did he pause before allowing an injection? Okay. Yes, and of course, the reverse of this, right? I think no, every American would agree. It would not be appropriate in the future for the FBI to ask employees, did they ever express any support for receiving an abortion? You know, this is this, this idea that that's any of the FBI's business whatsoever is really, really outrageous. Support for Donald Trump, support for the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States are founding document. So these are disqualifying positions? Well, it's that's clearly seems to be the case behind the scenes. Now, again, keep in mind, this is not what was put into the security clearance suspension letter that our client received or that other whistleblowers we have represented receive. It's not what went into their revocation letters. So it's only now, like I said, pulling back the curtain that we see that it's behind closed doors, right? So it's within this black box of secrecy and it's really this secret process that has no oversight from the outside, no generally no oversight from the inspector general, no oversight from Congress. That's an environment that allowed this to flourish because otherwise we never would have known about this had we not seen those backing documents because again, the proposals themselves didn't reference any of these things that we would consider illegitimate. We just talked about whether someone engaged in violence, whether they broke laws on January 6th. And, you know, the things that stretched beyond that into personal political views or even feelings about one's own bodily autonomy, all of that was hidden in these documents. And now that we've ripped the mask off the FBI, again, we're certainly going to push the inspector general to see whether this happened in other cases. And we strongly expect that they will find that it did. So for those who don't work in or around government, it may be hard to appreciate how central the security clearance is if you're working in an agency like the FBI. I mean, you can't do your job without a clearance, but the criteria for getting and holding a clearance are sometimes muddy. There's a lot of subjective judgment and it's particularly vulnerable to political interference, right? Because there isn't, you know, character, for example, is one of the, you know, one of the criteria person of good character. So, like, how much do we know not just about this case, but about all security clearances across the millions of federal employees about how these clearances are awarded? Well, there are criteria that are supposed to be consistent across the board. So there are executive orders, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, you know, puts out guidance on these. It is subjective agency by agency. Several years ago, when I worked on Capitol Hill as an investigator, we did a very in-depth investigation into the Secret Service and how they issued clearances. And, you know, it was clear that there it does change from agency to agency. You know, and what's ironic about this is that, again, as a credential, if you will, if someone gets pushed out of the FBI, you know, because they say, you know, didn't show up for work on time or something else, right, that looks bad if you're fired. If you have your security clearance revoked, you're not in a position to go to another agency, right? You can't say, I want to go to Immigration and Customs Enforcement because I think that they need some help over there. No, you have, you have been deemed disloyal to the United States, and so lacking a security clearance, that's a huge, huge issue. And this came up as we recently obtained total vindication for one of those individuals I mentioned, Marcus Allen, who had been an FBI employee. And just last week, we were able to get his clearance reinstated. We were able to get him full back pay for 27 months to do his without work. But during that whole entire time, you know, it's not just this future idea of a credential. During that whole entire time, he was not paid while he was held in limbo. And so again, it seemed designed to squeeze him to leaving the FBI, which is what this anonymous client in the current case that we're talking about did. And so, but again, if you leave while your clearance is suspended or while it is revoked, you don't have a future hope of getting a job with another law enforcement agency or anywhere that would require clearance or access to secure classified information. What's so baffling is that Republicans hold the majority in the house. There's a Republican speaker. We now know you've proven with these documents that supporting a Republican for president is enough to get your security clearance book. So the FBI is by definition a political secret police organization, and that's antithetical to freedom. And yet the Republicans in the Congress, even though this is all very obvious, just refunded the FBI and allocated hundreds of millions of dollars to build them a new headquarters. They're rewarding the FBI. So at what point do Republicans say, I'm sorry, we're not going to pay for a secret police organization dedicated to destroying us? I think these documents are going to be the tipping point. Frankly, I think that the inspector general, we expect that an investigation by inspector general will open up. We expect that Congress is going to be doing oversight of that. And along with some of these other instances of vindication, I think this summer we're going to see exposed quite a bit how the FBI has had made shown such political bias in what they do. And so I think Congress has a unique opportunity here, a unique opportunity to overhaul the FBI, the personnel that are in it at the moment, to reform that and also to pursue broader reforms, you know, from a legal front. And so to your point about funding, I think this is the time. I think this is the thing that more than anything else these documents demonstrate in black and white, what individuals like Chairman Jim Jordan have been alleging for two years. And now we have the definitive proof of that. So we expect there's going to be a lot of attention given to these, and not just from Congress, but from places like the inspector general Michael Horowitz and the press and others, because now you cannot deny that these political considerations, you know, weren't just tossed around in a general sense. They weren't just, you know, possible considerations. They were there in black and white for individuals in their security clearance determinations. I mean, it just becomes clear every day that January 6 was, well, hoax on one level, but the response to it was one of the most corrupt things that ever happened in our lifetimes in this country. I mean, that's the conclusion I'm coming to. It's difficult. Clearly, that's a touch point for a lot of people. And I will tell you, as a former congressional staffer, it was difficult for me to see where there was violence on January 6, right? And so those that broke laws, you know, I don't have any objection to those people, you know, suffering the consequences for that, right? And I think most Americans, that's the case. But again, within the FBI, you know, for people to have just been on the grounds and the FBI to have gone after those individuals for that to become. And again, that was the tipping point within the FBI for this sort of hysteria where anybody that came to the attention of this jury division, all of these other factors then got wrapped in, right? It wasn't a question of were you present and then did you go inside the Capitol or did you engage in violence? Do you have any views that we don't favor? And so for that to lead to a purge of conservative employees, again, it's just totally inappropriate and wrong, but, you know, it's a sign of how polarizing January 6 was to our country, I think. One of the things that we brought to the attention of the inspector general a year ago was that less than a month after January 6, the new deputy director of the FBI, a guy named Paula Beit, spoke up in a call with all special agents in charge around the country for the FBI and said, "If you don't like our response to January 6 and how we're going after this, the FBI is not the place for you. You can come and talk to me, but we don't need agents like that in the FBI." And it's just not healthy or fair for the FBI to push out, say, roughly half of its employees just because they have differing political views who weren't there on January 6 didn't engage in violence, none of those things, but for the FBI to use that as a pretext to say, "Well, we don't need you and we don't want you here right now." Well, I would go farther and say, "That's tyranny," right? I mean, this is an agency that's allowed to kill you if they deem it justified. They can use lethal force against American citizens, so they cannot be a political instrument or else it's tyrannical, no? It's extremely important that they both perceived as and be neutral, yes, that they are not just hiring people based on one political view or the other. Yes, it raises major, major concerns about because of their ability to use force and the role that they play in American society. But last question, "Why is your client the whistleblower not coming forward by name?" Multiple reasons. I think for starters, there is the fact that they are not a public individual. This is not someone that sought out attention. And to the extent that this is the whistleblower disclosures that are involved here are us raising to the inspector general and others, the misuse of the security clearance process. So this was not someone where the whole process started with disclosures or something like that, but this is someone who's a very private individual and doesn't want to see all this strewn out to the world. Another reason that I think is significant is that in this instance, they are still hopeful that they can, after an inspector general examination, have the possibility of getting their clearance back. That if the inspector general realizes how tainted this whole process was, that the inspector general can help to set things right. That's what happened in Marcus Allen's case, that the inspector general did a very lengthy investigation. And we believe that played a big role in the FBI saying, "Maybe we better reinstate this person." So if there's a possibility like that, I think it means more to this client to have the possibility of their economic livelihood restored than to make some splashy headlines. But, you know, this is significant, and they recognize this is significant, and that's why they're okay with this being shared with the American public. Sure appreciate your explaining that for us. Thank you very much. Thanks, Tucker. So there's an inside story on how they are weeding out their potential opposition. Dolly, Walt, talk to me. Yes, I really appreciate you playing it. I've been to need this thing for a bit. It treats me too. I would like to read that. Who are light workers? Oh, okay, okay. And who's this? It was posted in the chat room by Diane. Who are light workers? We are called light workers because we serve as walking a tennis who channel high frequency light onto the earth by maintaining a high frequency. We affect everyone in our energy. We are strategically spread around the globe so that we create a grid of light all around the planet. When you feel alone in your awakening, don't forget there are many. We can't just all be at one spot because we work on spreading the light effectively. This is what it means to be a light worker. So that's what that just said was basically describing a lot of y'all who come here. It's describing Walt and Jan and Nancy and me and all of us who try to spread what we are finding out in what's happening. With the around us with the government with the world. I really appreciate you posted there in the chat room. I'm done. Yeah, light workers. You know, I was talking to somebody who was lamenting the fact that, you know, their personal lives had fallen apart over their, let's say, reality views. And I said to him, I said, "Look, we talk the talk and we walk the walk." Now, sooner or later, they're going to know that we knew the truth. But what's so sad about it is that these people out there who probably may be on their deathbed. Oh, I should have, Biden should have won, Biden should have, you know, at some point they're going to know the truth. That's just such a sad thing that they missed out on one of the greatest experiences you can have. And that's what I feel bad about because sooner or later, you're going to know we told you the truth. And to be honest, it's none of our business what they think about us or our views. But in the same way, they have no right to judge us. So it's a no win on their position, you know. I'm just telling you a story. You can believe it or not. I really don't care, except that you're going to miss out on a really interesting voyage. You'll get to the end of the get off the boat and go, "How did we get here?" What's the hell of a trip? And you missed the whole damn thing. Yeah. Go see a movie in a few years. This is what really happened. Yeah, I was, what was it? It was Sunday. The Killick the Yard guy came over and we were going to do all this work. And it started raining. Well, because of the things they've done to the street, now I've got a flash flood. And I think that he was like, "Oh my God, I see what she's confronting now." Because he saw it. He was out in the front, mowing the lawn and taking care of things. It starts raining. And, you know, within 45 minutes, the front yard is filling up with water. And an hour later, it's, you know, "I have to move the car." So I took him home. But while we were waiting that 45 minutes or so to see if it was going to stop raining or if it was going to really continue to flood, I started telling him stuff like we talked about. And we've had these conversations before, but he was like a prisoner to me. You know, I'm going to tell you these things. And I kept saying to him, "You sure you want to hear this?" And he was like, "Yes, like, yeah, I want to hear the story." And I said, "Trust me. I know this sounds like it's insane." It's like some sci-fi thing. I understand that. But that's what the real brilliance of what we're living through is, is that it's true. You know, we're not telling you bullshit stuff. How long, well, it was really basically when he went to the basement in the 2020 election that people were saying, "That's because he's not right in the head." And people shouldn't, you know, see him because he's not right. And they knew back then. So they, you know, put him out there. And this poor man, I mean, I say poor man because he's an old part that doesn't remember what he did. He was a terrible person. But, so we're in a, we're in a story that we're having a good time with. It's difficult for a lot of people because so many people say, "Oh, you're crazy." And they walk away from you because they don't want to hear the truth. So anyway, do you want to tell the good, good story there? Yeah, and let me get my right eye a little bit. And it's toward the end of the stuff that I put up. Oh. See? Oh, that's the end of the nation. Oh, I did want to make... Matt Wallace on June 30th. It said, "Pay both attention to day not bad just hands during this clip from CNN debate. I'm going to copy and paste you so y'all can go look at it at the leisure." This... Wait, hold on. He was at the bush. No, at the Biden Trump debate. He was sitting there guiding with her finger. And I believe it was on turn that mic off turn this mic on turn. I believe that's what she was saying, so it was all program. I just wanted to share that. Now, good news. I'm going to make an observation. You didn't watch the debate. And I thought the moderators, I thought they were very good. Did they... They weren't cutting off Trump. They were cutting off Biden. Yeah. And at one point, Dana said to Biden, "You still got... I think it was something like 83 seconds left on his statement." And Biden was like, "Oh, okay. What was I talking about?" And they muted him. But Trump... Yes, they cut Trump off a couple of times, a few times. But not as many times as they were doing it with Biden. They were trying to keep him from speaking. Oh, I figured that would happen. But they were good questions. Not great questions. They didn't get into certain things I think they should have. But for what they covered, the questions were fairly fair. Now, one of the things that happened was interesting to me. They asked Trump about childcare. What he thought about childcare and what was going to be so expensive for people to have these children. And can the government do something about it? And he completely ignored it. And she went back and repeated it two more times, asking him. And he continued to ignore it. Well, because I asked the same question to myself, "Why was he ignoring that?" And then I sat back and I said, "Why was she asking that?" And that is really loaded. And no matter what he said, it would be cut and said he doesn't want to help children. And I think he realized it was a trap because three times she asked the question. And so he never answered it. Besides which, how do you answer that question? If you don't believe in a big government, then how can you say, "Yeah, we're going to support everybody's children." It's a very loaded question. But that was how astute Trump was. That was the one question that he ignored a couple of others. But when they repeated it, or sometimes at the end of what he was trying to say, he'd say, "Oh, and on that question." That particular one was very pointed to me. "Why is she asking that? Why isn't he answering it?" So, yeah. So do you have that in front of you? Yes, I can put the link in the picture in the chat. I hope kindergarten brings audience to tears, remembering late mom in graduation speech. Now hopefully I can make this through without blubbering. Really. There wasn't a dry eye in the room when young Jackson Carter delivered a speech as he graduated from kindergarten. Educating his hard work, good grades, and spelling bee victory to his deceased mother. The six-year-old lost his beautiful mama. Mommy. Here in Murray, gaining an apartment fire in 2022, and was enrolled in a STEM focused public kindergarten just two months later. Everything was new. Life had taken an unhappy aspect of novelty. The school was new, and there were new faces, new rules, and new concepts to take on. But Jackson conquered it all. And as he neared the end of his time at New Dawn Academy, the boy was asked if he could do a very short speech at the Academy's kindergarten graduation. Ceremony. According to Justin Carter, Jackson's father, he worked on the speech with his grandmother in secret. And when the day of the ceremony arrived, it had turned into a full valedictorian speech. When I started kindergarten at New Dawn Academy in August 2022, I was a little five-year-old who had lost my beautiful mother a month before. Jackson said taking a long break after delivering that. I learned to play with other kids, read books, answer or ask questions like how or why. Use correct grammar and use my school tablet. My kindergarten year helped me grow braver, smarter kind tired and more grateful. He went on to thank his father, his teacher, and his grandparents. He dedicated my speech, good grades, all school awards and my kindergarten graduation to my beautiful mommy, who I will always love and miss so very much. He said, I know she will always be with me in my heart. The speech blew away all who heard it, and rapture supplies followed closely and out. The end. Wow. Well, you know, these kids, we look at some of them and go like, oh my God, I mean, I say it's a good thing I didn't have any children, I hate my grandchildren. But some of these children out there have so much knowledge, so much deep poignant knowledge. It's pretty fascinating. I think they're more star seats being born. Could be, could be. So Walt, what have you been doing? Is anything interesting in your life? Interesting, such as. I don't know. You know, mommy, we rest. Yeah. I have something. Oh, good. 55th birthday is today. She was born 55 years ago. I don't know how she got so old because I'm not married. I know these people that were, my nephews and nieces, you know, they're all 30s and 40 years old. It's like, I saw a family picture and I didn't know anybody in it. I'm like, who are these people, and no. Okay, what's that? Did you guys hear that? Yeah, I did. And I immediately hit the mute button and it went away. Okay, something on your system. Something on Dolly's system again. Surprise, surprise. I didn't even watch anything this week that was very interesting at all. It was all this debate stuff and politics. Well, I had a hell of a time getting the list put together because it was all Biden and Trump, Biden Trump. I'm not reporting on Biden Trump. I gave you the best I could out of all the things I was looking at. Oh, gosh. Oh, here, I'm looking at the ad on the side of this website and it just caught my eye. I'm going to see what this says as a t-shirt. And sometimes those t-shirts just have so many, really, you know, profound statements to make. Well, I can't read it because they're not letting me see the whole thing. It's pretty stupid. I know. Long articles I got. I could only see about three inches because they were covering up. They wanted me to subscribe and I'm too cheap to subscribe. So it took me a little while to keep in place. So, I don't even know what to talk about. You see, you guys are, Dolly gives me a list, Walter. You don't come in with anything. Yes, I am the worst. I think you should fire me. You enjoy it too much. Your human design discussion with Nell's Bush on Saturday, a lot of people really got into. That was a very good session. And I was grossly incomplete because I forgot the most important part. And in this case, what I've got is in area authority is the reflexes. And the subtle reflexes is that you cannot make a decision based on a split second. You cannot use that. It'll blow up in your face every single time. I can, because I have the spleen, which allows me to make split second decisions. I can do that. Not no problem. But my mother had to learn it. It took her a while to learn, but she learned it. Every time she made a split second decision, she was making a terrible bottle. So she had to learn to give herself time, wait. And then you get the right decision making mechanism every time you force yourself to wait. Because when she was trying to do things fast, real fast, no, it was blowing up in her face. You're doing it wrong. So that is a very important part of human design. And I didn't get a chance to, I didn't spend any time in explaining that to him. So it was grossly incomplete. Okay, on the same watch show, I prevented you from actually telling the story about who put this together. Do you remember the story about how this all came about? Because it's such, I've been listening to you for years. It does give you an insight into people, if you know what, you know, basically where they're coming from. It's not even the details. It's a realization that every human being has a specific design for them. No. And you can't try to, you know, there's an old adage, you can't change people. And it's true, you can't change them. But you can learn how to best approach them if you have a understanding of what their design is. Yeah, that's why Raul Hu, who brought this forward. That's why he said that human design is for the children. Because they don't have to unlearn stuff. They can actually get going right off the bat because they're so young, they haven't been corrupted. But for a human, it's very tough to learn human design because you have to unlearn everything that society has forced you to learn. Whether it's religion, whatever it is, it's been forced upon you. So, that's why he said that human design is ideal for young people. Because they don't have to unlearn the crap that the grownups have to learn, grow up with. And where did he get this information? I mean, it was a very down the rabbit hole metaphysical way that he brought this information to us. Yeah, he was in the, I don't know what decade it was. I know it was over 20 years ago, and he was living in the island of Eviza. The island is one of the Spanish properties. It's the island of Eviza. And he was a native of Canada. And he had this personality where he, how can I say this? His personality was like he was a nihilist. He, you know, a nihilist, someone who believes in not building something but destroying something. It's a nihilism is a type of philosophy. And it was something that he, and he was living in an old arena. A ruin, a arena is the Spanish word for the word ruin. And what it was, it was just a single room in a very old adobe. It had been an old adobe house. But all that was, all that was left of it was a single room. And that's what he was living in. And everything began because one day he was coming back to the room. And for some reason, there was a kerosene lamp inside the room. And the kerosene lamp was lit. I mean, he thought it was really weird. Why would that be on it? I don't like leaving lights on when I'm not in the room. And when he opened the door, the lamp not only was it on, but it was also turning. It was like something was causing us to, to rotate. And he heard this voice of an old woman. He said she had this, the voice of a, of a, of a, what do you call it? Change-smoking woman. He sounded like a very old woman, but it was just, it was just listening a voice. There was no physical presence for him. It was just, it was listening to this voice. And it was telling him what to do. So it was telling him from, I think he was, he spent eight days going through this period. He was giving him instructions about raves. I know that the word rave represents, for example, very high, for example, for, not for music. But let's say that people are having a wild party. So they throw a rave and they, and they, they say the word rave represents a very wild, exciting, you know, something. No, she was using the word rave differently. Rave is the word she used to explain what the design is for a person. So she was explaining to him what, what are raves for human beings and how they manifest. So he spent eight days in that state because he, he wasn't even, I don't know if he was allowed to sleep. All I know is that, I don't know that detail, all I know is that for eight days, he was listening to instructions of this voice that was telling him everything about raves because according to the way that she explained it, where he was in the room of this ruin where he lived, there was a well. Inside this well was a cluster of crystals. And this cluster is the one that was talking to him. And these crystals were telling him all about raves and how they function with humans. And that's, that's how he spent his eight days while he was still in this, in this kind of a trance, because he said the way the, the way he referred to it as the voice, and the way the voice word if completely demolish his, his ego. He's just dealing with me, you wouldn't think that. But in reality, the voice totally demolished my ego. So he, he, if you, if you think, you know, I have an ego now, you should have seen me back in those years back then. He was all ego and the voice totally demolished it. It taught him everything from scratch and the new way of seeing the new way of understanding things. So that's, he had to learn this, this business of, for example, the biggest lie that we live as human beings is that we have to follow our, what do you call it, our intelligence, our collective thinking and all that. This is how we, we have to, we have to think the solutions to our life. And that's wrong, because he, early on he learned that the mind doesn't have any answers. The mind doesn't know what you need, what you need to do in order to, in order to live your life normally. So he, he had to learn, early on how is it that we function as normal, normal beings, and we don't, we don't live based on what the mind wants. We live based on inner authority. What happens is different for all of us. Mind is the, the, what do you call it, the spleen. My mother's case or Nell's case is the solar plexus. For other people, it's different. It will be the, what do you call it? The, the, not a solar plexus, but the, the other is a center. And, and so, so he, little by little, he learned how to, how we function normally. And like, for example, the, the human designs, for example, the, the, the design of the reflectors, they have no defined centers. All the centers are open. That's the most unique of the, of the designs, because they are not, they, they are inner authority. It's for any major decisions in life that to wait 20, 28 days. Any major decision, like let's say what car, what car I'm going to buy or what house I'm going to buy or what some major, any major decisions in your life, it's better for you to wait 28 days. Because that's how long it takes for you to get the clarity. Okay, this is what I would do. Because the, the reflectors, for example, they were very important people. And in fact, they were, they, other parts of humanity knew how to use them. For example, the, the Nazis, they knew all about reflectors. Because whenever there is a, for example, let's say you, you want to control a group of people. And if you want to know who's actually following you, who's actually following the rules, you want to know a reflector, a reflector can look at a group of people and he'll tell, he'll tell, he'll say, oh, that one. And he knows which one is not following, he is not following the rules. So the, the Nazis would use them effectively, because they knew how it would, it would take a reflector, would tell you who's following the rules and who, and who is not. So they. So the FBI needs reactors working there, then they don't. Exactly. They can just. And 50% of the people would be all like, no, they don't believe us. And I wouldn't advise if they, they are very knowledgeable of this and they are using it because I don't know what year this was, but like I said, his, this thing has been on for over 20 years. A lot of major corporations studied using human design for deciding the what people to put in what roles to put them. So, yeah, that's why the, like, when you, when you look, for example, the world, for example, you spoke about world, the thing. Did you know that when it comes to the, the team of people that were used in, in painting the animated, the animated movies, they all used women? Right. Well, we couldn't take it. We've got to, in the stuff, the show here. You want, you want to say audio to people and tomorrow you're going to join me in Nell's on the cosmic reality, our cosmic soup show. Correct. At what time? Noon. At noon. Okay. Yeah, we'll have another conversation with him. He's just full of information. And Dolly, what would you like to say to the people? I really enjoyed that man, Nell's man. I could only listen the first hour, but I really enjoyed him. So I would just want to say it might be worth you all's. Listen tomorrow at cosmic soup. And thank you for joining us. It's good to be. Don't forget the law blankets. Oh, yes, please. Love blankets. I could certainly use them. You have been listening to the cosmic reality radio show produced by cosmic reality radio. Thank you for listening. Choose your heart as a master. (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]