Cosmic Reality Podcast

SHUNGITE REALITY 7-2-24 - Shungite Healings to Mold & Water

“Shungite Reality” Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, and Walt Silva and Julissa Condit discussing subjects ranging from testimonies on Shungite healing properties to mold and water realities.Mystical Wares Shungite Store & Information - https://mysticalwares.comCOUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off -

*Shungite Reality" Live Show - Tuesdays Noon-2 pm EST *Shungite Reality" on Rumble *Shungite Reality Archives *Shungite Reality Book

Walt -

1h 59m
Broadcast on:
06 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

“Shungite Reality” Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, and Walt Silva and Julissa Condit discussing subjects ranging from testimonies on Shungite healing properties to mold and water realities.

*Mystical Wares Shungite Store & Information -
*COUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off -

*Shungite Reality" Live Show - Tuesdays Noon-2 pm EST

*Shungite Reality" on Rumble

*Shungite Reality Archives

*Shungite Reality Book

Can you believe in a finite object possessing infinite power? Or that a mineral can be proclaimed for medicine for the 21st century? Or that the power of nature can win over the ignorance of man? If you can, you will know why our mission is to get shungite to the masses. You are entering the shungite zone. This is the shungite radio show produced by Cosmic Reality Radio. And welcome to Shungite Reality. It is July 2nd, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins with me as Dara Condit, and Walt Silva and Jalissa Condit is going to be joining us in a little bit. She's got stories to tell. So good morning, Dara. Good morning, Nancy. Good morning, Walt. And everybody. Morning. You want to say? You know that kind of suspicious is that C60 that it's owed and you're dangerous. To me, it sounds like a cabal move, shungite has proven to be too powerful. Just hold on here. Just, you know, we're not going to talk about that just now. Just get our room. Sorry. Sorry. We were discussing something and Walt just went on with the conversation we were having. Sorry. No. No, no, no, no, no. You don't apologize. Okay. So, well, maybe we should just talk about it. You good with talking about it, Dara? Yeah, sure. Okay. Mark Joseph, who's not here today, he had to work. Guy's always working. I don't know how he does it. But he sent us a list. But he had sent a link from, it was a Facebook posting that he made concerning the dangers of shungite, not shungite, C60. And I could not open the page that he was referencing. So I said something to Derek and Derek says, "Oh, yes, I heard that. So I'm going to turn it over to Derek. What do you know about it?" Yeah. And just somebody else, I'm also called the law of guard here as far as, you know, prep and for this. So I don't have any of the information in front of me right now. But I do recall, and that, I'll get into why also we've made changes, and it's happened some time back now to the shungite, honey, because there's, and just, I guess, I'll elaborate on that a little bit, is because we had, when I was asked, I would tell people, you know, as much as, you know, dip your finger in it. So drop. And, well, again, we'll expand on that even more in a minute with Nancy, as far as, you know, how few C60 molecules are even necessary, or in shungite physically itself, which is how it's different from the lab-created C60s and the different forms that come from there. But so, I guess I better finish that part anyway. So our shungite honey, now, it's just your organic honey with the shungite water beads inside, because, again, we had no way of limiting or regulating or knowing how it was being used. So, but back to the topic Nancy's talking about, which ties in, there's a study where they say the, if C60 molecules are digested, they can enter certain parts of your body, not remember exactly which organs and/or glands, or all of them, where they can kind of set and don't leave. So you can have a build-up of them if you're eating a spoonful of, and, again, I don't want to name certain products, certain products out of there that are, they'll say, "Pierce C60," things like that. So, but, yeah, there's, again, I don't have the documents, we'll try and find them again and get them published somewhere, definitely in the Facebook groups on what we're talking about. Nancy, can you, if you get a chance, at least after the show forward, we would have a mark sent you? Yeah, I'll look for it. Yeah, I will. Yeah, I mean, so the study show, if you have a build, you can get a build-up of C60 molecules, if they're consumed in different parts of your body and they don't leave and that can clearly cause problems. Too much oxygen, by the way, is toxic. So anything in excess is toxic or can harm you or the vehicle we call a body. So that's something to think about. But yeah, and that's, you don't, as we talk to you on the show, it's the energy aspects and the most important of it, which is why we talk about putting shung-eye water beads in your water and not putting in elites. You don't want the particles to break off, that kind of thing. And then you don't need, as Nancy spoke for years as well, and I agree, it's not about, ooh, more C60 molecules or the percentage is higher, makes it stronger, no. That's not a thing, or we'd have been talking more about elite or noble shung guides, which has more, but it's not, one, is all you need of the molecules. And even that, you can use, again, an imaginary or etheric version of it. So it's really just getting the understanding across that there are energetic metaphysical containers, containers that hold your intentions and thoughts and things like that. And their certain structures work well, and that, one of them, C60. But I don't know where you wanted to go if you wanted to go much further in there. Well, yeah, yeah, I do, but I want to talk about this because when I first got involved with the shung guide, it was, oh, hold on, just talk amongst yourself, just like. Sure. Yeah, no problem. I'm going to get into, excuse me, stay in the drink of water. A couple of the topics here too, actually several of them, as Nancy returns on, let me see here, we've got, and then when Jalissa joins us, we're going to get into a couple of stories that have happened here recently, maybe even talk about what happened, and she's coming in right now. So she'll be joining us in just a moment. Maybe what happened yesterday. So actually, let's just introduce Jalissa now. So Jalissa's here. Hi, everyone. Happy to be here. So today, she doesn't know yet everybody. So Walt and Nancy, or the other two, Mark, are going to make it, he's possibly going to be in chat. Good morning, Jivissa. Good morning. Yeah, it's been a while since she's been able to get on the show with us, excuse me, for lots of reasons. Yeah, and Nancy, sounds like you may have just connected me in. Yeah, I just got back and started raining again. Oh my God. I hear something on your, and Jalissa joined us by the way, but it sounds static, or is that the rain on the roof? That's the rain. Oh, okay. That's why I had to shut the front door because I had it open, the porch door. And anyway, hi, Jalissa, good to have you, good to hear from you. Yeah. I'm happy to be here. It's been a while. It has. Okay, I just want to finish the C60 thing. I'm not sure what you might have said while I was gone, but I just want to give you kind of like a concept of what it is. When I started messing with this young guy, I honestly didn't know what was the magical thing in it. It was this composition of all sorts of things, and then I started hearing about the C60 because they had, what happened was that they had, some guys got together, they made C60 in a lab. It's a molecule that does not exist on earth naturally. Well, there's a few places on earth, there's a couple of meteorites strikes, there's a lightning, meteorite, you know, degree fields where they find C60 in the meteorites. And also in gold mines, there's been a couple of gold mines that had some. So it's natural, but not something that earth really makes. So they thought that this doctor that was working over in Russia came to America, and he's in this lab, and the C60 is like the biggest thing happening in science at that moment. And he said, "I've seen this before, I've seen this molecule before." And they said, "Where?" He said, "In Shungite, I've been researching Shungite in Russia." And that molecule is in the Shungite. So with that in mind, I started to really look at the Shungite and see, you know, what are we talking about here? Because they say that, you know, the regular Shungites got, you know, maybe, I don't know, they say something like 30 percent fullerenes. But the elites can go up to like 99 percent fullerenes. And so I have this ability to be able to actually look at something at the molecular level. Yes, it's a weird thing, but I can do it. So I'm looking at the Shungite, and I've got a bunch of nuggets in front of me. And I'm looking at these things, and I'm going like, "Well, most of this stuff does not have but a view of these molecules in it. It's not jam-packed with it. It's not 30 percent. It's much less than that." So then I sat back and I asked the question, "Well, what are we dealing with here?" And it's the concept of quantum entanglement. You don't even have to have a piece of Shungite. It's got a C60 in it. The mother load in Russia has a quantum entanglement. So every piece of Shungite that you get has the energy signature of Shungite, whether it's got a C60 in that particular piece or not. So it was all energy. It's all the energy associated with a C60. And the more I researched the C60, the more I realized that at that time there was still the question of, "Well, was this a meteorite that hit Russia, or was it the fact that the first vestiges of life in the form of plants and that sort of thing was in the Krelia area?" And that just decomposed and did its things and made Shungite. That didn't feel right to me. But now I had the absolute proof because C60, according to NASA, back in 1980, they came out with a report saying that they thought that the most prevalent molecule in interstellar space was C60. So now you've got a world that doesn't really make C60, but you've got this one place in Russia that it does have C60, up to 99% of the C60. So you go, "Well, okay, it has to come from outer space. It's the only place that you can get that much C60 into something that comes to Earth." So it proved the case that it was a meteorite strike, in my opinion. The C60 energetically is like this perfect form of a molecule. And I think that when we look at it, enerology, and you're looking at a molecule, you're looking at a specific energy field, in this case, C60. So what we're discussing is the concept of C60 lab made compared to C60 cosmically made. And we know that the C60, the shungite in particular, will hold on to different energy fields as it's going through the trip from wherever it started to Earth itself. It was picking up all sorts of energies from planets that was flying by stars. Everything in the cosmos was being kind of like programming this shungite with all of this information, with all of this energy. So that when it hits in Russia, you've got this amazing compilation of not just, they look at it and they say, "Well, gee, everything that you need to build life is in shungite. Yes, you've got that." But you've also got the energies, the super amazing energies of the cosmos itself. So I never paid any attention to their lab made C60 because you're making an artificial molecule, not one that's made in nature. You're making it in a lab that has the ability to, let's say, absorb other energies. Well, what if the people working there are having a bad day? Those energies are going into your production line, the fact that you put it in an oil. Well, that oil is going to affect the shungite, the C60. So I never gave it much creams at all. But now we're looking at it and you're going, "Yes, it was not a natural thing. The C60 lab stuff is not natural." So your body doesn't know what to do with it. In essence, your body is thinking probably it's a toxin. So this does not surprise me. But I'm telling you people, stay away from that lab made C60. You can get it, the energies from the shungite, and it can be safe. I've never prescribed the people that they ever take in the shungite. You don't need it. It's the energies that you don't need to digest. Your body doesn't need to do that. But you saw the same report a while back that there was something going on with the C60 lab. So you took the honey that had C60 powder in it, and you decided maybe we shouldn't do that because we just don't know. So you took the powder out of the honey, but you put the energy back in in the form of the beads because the beads are holding the C60 in a situation. It's stable. It's not in the honey per se, but the energy is. So for people out there that want to buy some shungite honey, the best way if you got somebody around you, Derek's not into it right now because it's not, there's only one Derek basically, but when he would make this, he'd get the honey out of a shungite beehive. I'm telling you, it was like unbelievable magic. So he couldn't keep up with that, but he said, no, we still need to get the shungite energy into the honey. And now he's gone from the powder because of this weird crap olive that I don't think applies to the shungite because like I say, unless you use an elite, you don't really have that much C60 in it. But again, you know, being cautious versus not, and besides you don't need it. You don't need the physical C60 molecule. You need the energy of it. So yeah, the more the reason not to use this laboratory made successfully, it's just an empty box, there's nothing in it, there's nothing in it that's useful. Well there could be a lot of stuff in it from the lab itself, from the people working there, from the people that are trying to sell it. All of this energy that we have around us doesn't just stay in its own little pockets. It's affects everything, everything. So you know, I really want people to start thinking in terms of energy, because that's the way that you'll understand the mechanism of the cosmos versus trying to analyze chemistry in, you know, different, it's just, it's just, but anyway, I just go back, you go back backwards, you're focusing on the chemistry, okay, you're not moving forward. Instead of looking at the energy, you're just, again, you're going backwards at all chemistry, you're not progressing, you're not moving forward. Right, right. And a little bit, I'm going to read, Deanna sent us, you got the email too, about her experience in a fall in stone guide, I want to talk about that in a little bit. But Jalissa's here. So let's just talk to Jalissa. Derek. Hi. Well, I don't know if Derek talked a little bit about, we had a couple people come in yesterday, while we were closed to do, to film the store, and just to, you know, talk about, the show is going to be called, is, or is called hidden gems. And so they asked if they could, you know, feature us and we're like, yeah, of course. And it's one of their favorite stores to come visit, so yeah, that was an honor. Yeah, we'll share that link when it gets out. So basically an online short video segment, I don't know how short this one will be, because we're the first store that's, it's going to be all about just the one store, rather than that. So basically local, like she said, hidden gem show, where they featured us and came in and interviewed, you know, both of us and then walked around and took lots of video. So anyway, that was, that's always fun to do. Yeah. But we always like to talk about like some of the, I guess, things that happen, strange occurrences. And there was a moment while they're interviewing, I think me and Derek was like, oh, the lights are like flickering right next to us. And I don't know if that was caught on camera, I think maybe the corner. Yeah. But yeah, we always have stuff happen like that. And I know Derek's talked a little bit about, you know, during his sessions, things happen. And I like where his arm was basically broken, like it, it just suddenly that one. So, you know, stuff like that does happen. And I did see that happened to his arm, just suddenly a bumpster raising and yeah, yeah. That was that. Well, I think I talked about Nancy didn't I a few weeks ago. That's not just nobody knows that even knows we're going to talk about some Shungai cast here in a little while. That's not this issue. This was a whole nother session where I don't want to get into details. Yeah. They want some not nice entities and yeah, man, things are always happening like we just went out to dinner a couple of nights ago and just to a local restaurant called Mexico Cafe, which is just down the road from us. We bring with that place often, but we're just sitting there chatting and our meal hadn't come out yet. But we had, I think our drinks and chips in front of us and the table started moving and I looked at Derek, I'm like, what are you doing? And he's looking at me like, what are you doing? I'm not just moving. It was lifting. It was lifting about two, three inches up into the air off the edge, so then and I looked under the table because I thought he was like kicking the legs. I don't know. I was like, what are you doing, Derek? And under the table, there's no legs to the table. It was mounted to like we're sitting in a booth. So it's mounted to the wall of the booth area, but it's like a shared wall thinking that maybe the people next to us are like moving in and I look over and there's no people sitting there. So it's like, okay, well, I kept like pushing the table just to see like how much force it would take to, because it was lifting up and it was also pushing down. Yeah. It was like suddenly grabbed the end of the table and just lifted it up and all the drinks were moving. Everything was moving. An imaginary visual or something, it was, yeah, it was made up several inches. And I look and then did he wanted to get your attention. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That was no doubt about that. And it got on and on and so many stories like that, but yeah, that was blatant in your face one and just happened recently is why we're kind of chatting about it. Yeah. But when we got up to leave, I stood at the end of the table to like try to like move it the same amount that, you know, we saw moving and it was like, oh my gosh, it took a lot of force for me to do that. Yeah, shit, I was, you know, her whole body weight on the thing. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So we get stuff like that. Well, did you, did the waitress see that stable movement around? I mean, was there any, did you see, I don't know where he was because we were looking at each other. Remember, these moments happened so often that are similar ones or just other crazy ass stuff that, you know, we don't jump up and look around and see who's looking at the thing. We're like, okay. And what the heck's going on now? And you know, so just part of the ride for us. So no, I don't think there's, there's nobody directly standing right there. There are people off a couple of tables, but it's not like the table flung up in there and sort of spinning around. So nobody would have seen it that drastically unless you, and literally what it looked like, I was like, lifting it up from the legs. And I thought that I actually thought it had legs. I had no idea. I don't look at these tables. I was looking because I was like, what are you doing, Derek? You're looking at me. I'm like, we're fidgeting. And anyway, so that's just something that had happened, um, no, but it's not like that happens all the time. So it's just another day, but that one was really in your face. So yeah, I mean, I don't even remember what I looked at. We had a metaphysical meetup on Sunday here locally with a bunch of us sitting out there and what I tell you, something about that pulse went through the room and one of the ladies out there felt like, what would I felt like a make something just walked through or, you know, yeah, remember, some of it now, somebody just can't get into it. Um, yeah. So anyway, we fell into, it's like a layer and it's not too exciting of a story for especially audio, but, uh, many individuals in this case, so not just a mood, everything felt a, uh, a distinct layer of energy pass through a large area here at mystical where as we were sitting at, so a room we were just chilling out in, um, and it's where you could feel it. It was like, uh, excuse me, underwater be called a thermocline. So you would feel where all of a sudden got really cold in like an inch area there and continue. So that happened. Um, just so that they were a lot of, um, and that's not that exciting. So it wasn't like thinking about that. What else is something similar happening to, uh, we went to Great Wolf Lodge with the kids. Oh, I probably wouldn't have said the name of the place, but okay. Oh. Go ahead. So we went there and, um, they have this magic quest game and so there's eyes all over the place. Um, yeah. Eyeballs. She's talking about the, uh, a club's image they like to share and we were randomly on placed on the, I'll call it the eyeball floor so we walk off the elevator. Well, I wish you zoom back a little bit. So we had a, I don't know, two days stint at that place, which is a local indoor water park, uh, attached hotel room. So and for basically kids is what it was. So we had, you know, went there for that. And then just so they have a little bit of image because we just talked about the name of it. And then we got placed, you just went and they gave us this room, right? You said it. Yeah. The eyeball floor. So I guess I can just say more this. I didn't know it, but this is one of many, I don't know, theme parks, destinations. Um, I know kind of wide with this one, um, that that group likes to, uh, that has a hand in will say, and I didn't know that until getting in there sort of thing. Um, so again, it wasn't random that once she checks in that we're given that spot on, I don't know, the floors are designated to set any other. So you can rock out the elevator, there's a bunch of literally eyeballs on the wall. Um, decor ones, but to designate the floor and from straight 3D stands. Yeah, it's to tell the kids you're on this floor of this. Yeah. This part of the quest. Yeah. So anyway, going with. Well, um, that night we, you're talking about, um, like energy, blanketing the area here at the store. We had something somewhere happen in the room, uh, yeah, one of the nights. I mean, I didn't, I couldn't stop that, but I didn't know what was happening. First of all, but it didn't happen here. And missed. Where's like that? I'll just say the outer perimeter. That bucky ball, mystical where sits in the etheric one. Um, so I'll just see as an energy container when we're at the hotel room that night. Oh, yeah. Another, I don't have words for this stuff, but I'll just say a, oh my, it's like a wall of frequency or energy, um, and I can't believe this one was so strong that it could not be measured by some kind of device somewhere, but just started coming from, I remember the direction. Usually I'll focus on that and see and look a little more into it, but I was kind of annoyed. Um, just came through the whole, um, building the hotel, the theme park, uh, it's like they turned on, uh, frequencies, I'll go with the best I can do guys, uh, a frequency scanner and they added another layer to the environment that they were reading. So they didn't have to read the energy environment. Um, people's thoughts, feelings, the sat in the other one, emotions. That's a thing. Um, so they added another layer and they were reading how all the, again, I have to make up terms, I guess here, how the 3D environment reacted with that, um, so that would, that happened. I wasn't expecting that kind of thing, it was just, you know, later in the evening when it happened. Uh, and when it happens, basically I'll feel it, I'll literally feel it. Like I said, thermocline. So I'm going to, I'm a commercial deep sea diver, too, or scuba diver's feelings, where you go just deep enough and long story short, you can put your hand down. I'm talking about underwater and it's a really cold layer that temperature layers separate in water and it was that distinct, um, of a feeling and I'm not talking about temperature, but just energies, um, in the room where I could feel like, oh, it's about an inch past me now and it kind of covers you. Uh, so I started armoring up and do my thing there, but that's when I picked up on that it was a whole, the whole, I guess we call it theme park, I don't know, water park, um, and they had, it just kept happening. So they were reading, they were doing whatever heck they're doing, I had no idea, um, but that's one thing. So I'm not really sure, um, I almost want to tell about that one, but yeah, that whole park was that and layered with stuff. I don't really want to get in, turn the show into, into that. Do you have any questions or anything on any of that, Nancy or Walt, um, if I just kind of really quickly move on and uh, no, no, no, I don't, okay, um, let me think here, what else has happened here recently as far as any move things story wise Nancy, I think we've been caught up on 11, uh, any, did you all talk about, oh, well, I guess we can do whatever we have. And we're only half an hour in. Nancy, do you want me to jump into the whole, uh, why I'm wearing probably the world's first shungite cast? Yes. And I want you to explain, well, I want, because, you know, some people may not know about the first thing that happened to you. You had a, let's say, a altercation that you didn't realize with some entity on the other side that was pissed off at you for whatever you would said to somebody that this thing on the other side was trying to control and they virtually broke your arm. Now your reaction was to get some shungite on it, but to go to the shungite room. Now when, and I mean, Julissa, you can explain what you saw, but he said that it looked like the arm was broken and he goes into the shungite shungite room and he comes out and it's fairly okay. Was that correct? Yeah, it was, uh, you know, just, and things happen, like, all the time, but this one was pretty extreme to where, yeah, he was, like, just his arms started hurting. Nothing was there and then all of a sudden it was like this lump and the, you said it felt like it was like being bent and the same way the lump was appearing and that he just like put shungite on it went to the shungite room as soon as he could, um, pushing through the pain to get there and then, um, it started to go away finally. And I could see, I never got into Nancy, but I could see who was doing it. It was so, for a visual, I guess, I would just say really big entity. So I know it's, we're talking energy, but, so even visually for me, I don't know, it's been about a 10 foot entity, we'll say, grab my hand, grab my elbow and just think snapping your arm in half that way. So you're about halfway up my forearm is where it was happening, um, and I could see that I got the whole hazy visual level going on through the pain. I was remembering I could not scream because it was that much pain. Um, so I knew, and I can get in a little bit more of a, the person was tied to a satanic cult and I removed the attachments. I can talk more about now for a reason. Um, and the, they didn't like that that entity I removed or detached, I should say, um, you know, so they sent in a bigger, badder guy to mess with me is what it was. Uh, you know, I don't get too much into it, uh, and he lost, but it still had an effect. So I'm just, so the part of the story is that kind of matters from my perspective is always know the metaphysical can effect physical, there's no separation and it depends on, you know, where you're at in any given moment. So this stuff is all around. And I'll say, oh, worry about some big, scary guy breaking right now. And always doing what I'm most people aren't, you know, messing around in the waters I'm in. And that's probably a good thing. Um, but yeah, that stuff happens and it's usually I don't ever, and this is far from the first time I don't ever talk about this stuff. So it's unusual for that perspective. Um, but is that enough of that part of the story and Nancy before we jump into better? Yeah. How did you, how did you break your hand to begin with? Excuse me, I was clearing my throat and I'm back in here. Um, well, and that was something else like for a couple of weeks ago that that had happened at least. Um, but now the same, um, extremity, same arm, but it's different. It's on his hand, he, uh, you might have seen a picture that Derek shared where he has a cast on a shung head cast, um, but this was the actual physical injury that occurred. So we're moving or he was moving things around in the garage and, um, I don't even know how many pounds of shung night. Yeah, it was basically, um, I had to relocate someone to shung that around because I'm getting set up and this would be for another show as well, um, to do more of the flame working or, or glass working or a melting glass and integrating cosmic silver shungite nuggets and beads and stuff. So anyway, in a future new pendants and stuff coming there. So I needed that space in there. So I'm moving literally tons of shungite around, just pallets, um, of it, but you know, I'm a pallet jack, so I have a U-Haul utility dolly, just one of those big heavy dollies you can carry fridges around with. So I had, you know, many hundreds of pounds on there, um, it was stacked, you know, probably four foot high with shungite. So we're talking about seven, 800 pounds and I was moving this up a ramp and long story short because it's not that exciting of a story, um, as far as how the injury happened. Uh, so much weight, the ramp split and I didn't know to actually add, add separated. So I'm trying to give you a visual here, just moving it into a, a new storage space and it had to go up, I don't know, six inches. So I had to ramp there and the weight separated the ramp and so I'm going up carrying this weight or pushing it didn't know the ramp split. So all of a sudden I just know I'm holding all of this weight, don't know how that's even happening, but it's all shungite. So that 800 pounds of shungite where my hands on the dolly get shoved to the side and pins my hand, um, this hand got crushed. Yeah. I got crushed. Yeah. Between a metal wall will call it and, uh, the 800 pounds of shunga or so, um, and then I, you know, get it to a destination from there. So that's what happened to it, um, and then instantaneously that one, I don't have those images cause that was not, you won't want to see them anyway, huge, several inch, you know, lump coming off my hand, uh, yeah, severe pain, the whole 3D drama, you can imagine wasn't fun. Um, and I was here at mystical where is moving because that's where our shungite is and then went into the shungite room, actually the pendant, my nine day pendant I'm wearing, he said on TV here next to me and that's what I laid on it and went in the shungite room. Um, so the damage is from, and of course me being me, you know, I re-break it and this happens several days ago, I guess. I remember. Yeah. So, uh, he had been wearing like a splint, but he kept, you know, trying to use the hand and it wasn't, it hasn't been able to heal because he just uses it too often and still moving around. So I'm just like, okay, get a cast. Yeah. So we, yeah. So it has a break. And now for the, it's the, my left hand for those, don't see the images that I haven't shared in chat yet, but, um, they're, I think, maybe the promo, who knows, um, we'll get them up there. Left hand on the top of my hand, basically dead center ish, um, is where it got crushed. So on a quarter dollar sized area is where it got smashed and there's two breaks in there. Um, so we got the casting material, um, knowing that you can't. And I've tried this in different aspects, not this exact one I'm going to get into, to where the medical field doesn't like introducing something that's not from them, part of them approved, this out of the other. So what I'm saying is, um, rather than go through that drama, we went ahead and just ordered the casting material online and Jalissa set the cast for me, um, last night and we integrated, well, shown guy powder, of course. So in the images, again, we'll share, uh, you're going to see my hands in a, uh, uh, black, or a sock like material, it's made for casting and then on that's where we put the shung guy powder and then goes gauze bandages and the wrap and all of that kind of stuff, multiple layers from there. Um, but that's what we did. So now we'll see how, how, and I'm not great at how patient I can be and keep it on here for as long as possible. Um, so, yeah, I'm guessing probably it's the first shung guy cast and I don't know who else would have done something like that. And what made me laugh was that Jalissa had gone to a YouTube video to see how to, how you put out a cast. So. She has about, yeah, five minutes of YouTube training. So she has a YouTube doctorate now and in the cast setting. Now share the image. Yeah. You want to tell me the thing about, um, look for other humans, but I'll show it. So the, uh, I was a nervous about it. Yeah, I grew up playing sports and I actually wanted to be like a athletic trainer. And so I had injuries of my own where I'd have to, you know, get my ankles splinted or wrapped. So I was familiar with how to, you know, wrap it up. Yeah. That wasn't too scary. Yeah. This isn't my first injury. So I mean, I've had casts before and I always cut all my own off is again, I'm not the most patient person. Um, so I'll try and leave on as long as I can, but when you know, I'll just, you know, tremble it off and put on another new one, but just when I figure out, oh, okay, well, we'll show that the fool hurt himself. And then so, and then went ahead, integrated Shengai. So we can use it as an example. So we could something positive out of it. Um, so there's no, it's not like I can test and see how long until it's healed. But it's always a good idea to integrate Shengai when you can. So even something like this. And the black, again, for those in the image, what is that? Fine. Whatever the cast wrap material, she just happened to buy black. So that's not why it's black. It's the black powder on the sock like part. I figured black would be the safest to use. Yeah. Or always work with Shengai. Yeah. And I've already started to damage this thing and so I've been on hours. But anyway, um, okay, in a similar way. We got a, um, email from one of our listeners and somebody who helps us out a lot by fact checking us and giving us more information on subjects, Deanna. And she wrote this and I want you to listen to it because, well, it's just, I had a very bad bike accident, meaning a bike, not a motorcycle, three days ago. Oh, for Christ's sake. Let's see if somebody's going to leave the message. Nope. I am Nancy's age. I hit the cement really hard, both knees, both elbows, twisted right knee, keeping it simple. No bruises. Was that because I wear Shengai? Much, and where I sleep, Walt's resonator, heart necklace, bracelet, anklet and all water usage is Shengai. I say thanks every day to Shengai and give gratitude to being connected to the Shengai. I, Shengai worldwide grit. I have gifted many spots with Shengai. Normally I would be black and blue where the pain was, very strange that I am not, I think. My intuition is I am protected in many ways by this beautiful entity. Wow. I wrapped my worst injury in Shengai rubber all night for four days, added sunshine for an hour, grounding mat for an hour, so saturated it in castor oil. First day, barely walk, second day, about 35% better, third day, about 50% better, fourth day, about 75% better. I will continue with Shengai rubber just passing this along. Have a happy day, Deanna. Now Herk, well, we, we, Dolly read this on one of the shows, and Deanna sent us an email and she said, "You guys get distracted, I was asking you." Was the black and blue that it didn't, wasn't there because of the Shengai. And we've all had experiences with the healing powers of Shengai, recently because of the flood, I managed to get, throw my back out, and you got to understand my house was completely in shambles because it got so deep in here that I was taking all of the cushions, all of the everything, putting them up higher, and it was just a mess. But I also took the Shengai off of all the chairs and the Shengai, the Shengai, my shoes, I wasn't wearing those shoes, I was wearing boots. So for this three day period, I was not in, in a Shengai rubber environment at all. And so I get back to the house, and I, I mean, it was like, was one of the, you know, sometimes a pain will just get into your head as well as your body. And it was like I had tried everything from ice to, to heat to the Tanjoon and electric stimulation, and, you know, nothing was working, nothing that normally would work. And all of a sudden I went, oh my God, I haven't been on the Shengai rubber. So I get the Shengai rubber, put it under my butt wherever I was sitting, put the, made sure I had the shoes on, well, I took the Shengai out because it was still kind of watery in here, and put, put the rubber in the boot. And it was like that night, I made sure that I had at least two Shengai rubbers in the bed with me. And the next morning I woke up and the pain was gone, and it hasn't come back. So that's my testimony, I'm telling you, Shengai rubber to me is one of the most important things that you can have. And she used it too, she wrapped her worst injury in Shengai rubber all night for four days. Yeah. So, yeah. So. That was great. We get lots of feedbacks just like that Nancy, and that's exactly what it does. Shengai, when you have the Shengai rubber, so it's of course, so maybe somebody's a new listener. It's a combination of Shengai powder and silver particles. So it's a silver and Shengai mixture, blending into a non-toxic rubber, kind of like the feeling of your mouse pad or something like that, so you can bend it, it's pliable. So you would put that around an injury, and what you're really doing is that it removes the energy aspect of the injury, because when you get injured, you're not just physically being injured, you think of as an injury or disruption to your order or biofield. So if you get Shengai in that area, and you're still thinking physical body, but it's really in your energy body as well, because you're all around and throughout it, your body, your body then doesn't see the energy injury, so it's already healed. So because we often, we think we're our physical body, and then that affects our aura. It's the opposite. Usually we have an aura or energy issue or overage or attachment, there were lots of different ways that disruption might be a good way to describe it. Your physical body picks up on that, and then we get the physical symptom. So if there's an issue down in your midsection, often that individual will have physical tummy problems, often because of the energy buildup or disruption around those chakras or your part of your biofield, and that's a whole lot of podcasts from there, but that's why Shengai rubber is so good, because 90% of our reality is metaphysical, invisible energy, and 10% is physical, so Shengai affects the metaphysical, but the 90%, and then you'll physically heal faster when the energy aspect's healed, so yeah, it just helps break it up, and that's the biggest product that all the doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths, who come in here and buy things, it's Shengai rubber. We run out of this stuff, and you can cut it into certain shapes if you need it, but I'm just saying it's usable in different forms, yeah, it works fantastic. We get the same feedback Nancy on bruising either doesn't happen or it goes away so quickly, it's amazing, and I've used it for different injuries, knows how many, I'm always doing something, and then he only incredibly fast because of it, so yeah, that story doesn't surprise me. Well, you know, we talk about this stuff, and so many of the people out there that took a chance with us and did this Shengai, they are the ones that motivated us to look at other different aspects to the Shengai, the cat was outside, she's soaking wet, she wants to be in my lap, come on honey, come on, come on up here, well I've never been in your lap when you were in the chair, go, you sit in your chair and I'll get on your lap. But the rubber, when Walt sent me the rubber, I was like I know this energy, it's the energy of a catperer, okay, it took me a while before I figured that oh, catperer, and I knew that it was working very effectively on my skeletal system because I'd been going to a chiropractor for the past 25 years, at least twice or three times a month just to be realigned, and after the Shengai rubber came into my life, I went in once to test it, maybe I'm just, sometimes you go out of balance and you just kind of like learn to live with it and you don't feel pain, but you're not in a straight line, and so I went in and yes, he made slight adjustments, nothing like, and I hadn't been there for months, so I was very much taken with the fact that I didn't have to go to the chiropractor anymore, and he wasn't charging me, I'd been with him so long we were friends, he wasn't charging me, it wasn't a money thing, it was just like, you know, I don't like to leave my house, so when you're using the Shengai rubber for things like we're talking about now, what do you suppose is happening, because there's a story out there, it was written up and something, and they were testing the low frequency because they know that the frequency of, there's an energy field that you could, low frequency will cure, will do with skeletal fixed bones, okay, it works on bones, and they were finding out what other health aspects can be gained from being in a frequency, it's a low frequency, and they're in this lab, they got all these things, all these equipment around, and all of a sudden their equipment started to jump all over the place and they're going like, what the hell is happening, well it turned out that a stray cat had walked in the door, and was walking through the lab, and as the cat went, it was setting off all the meters, so the cat was adopted immediately, and by the lab, and they began to analyze, you know, because the cat is carrying around the low frequency, especially when it starts purring, that's the frequency that they say is bone knitter, well they found out that depending on what part of your body was having problems, just pick up the cat, put them on your lap or over the place that you're having the problem with, and then get them to purr, and you will have a healing, now this is lab improvement, the other aspect of it, just from my own standpoint, is I had a real bad problem with one of my shoulders, very painful, and at that point I knew nothing about anything, so it was like I was living with it, but when I would go home to my apartment, I had two cats, and one cat would get up on my shoulder, and then when that cat got tired of doing that, the other cat would do it, so you know, the cats are working with me to make this healing, but when I see it working like it did on the bruising, and the pain that she had, on me, I don't think that, you know, my back was maybe out of alignment, but it was also a muscular thing, and that pain was gone, what do you suspect, Derek, is it the root of that healing other things other than I can explain, you know, scientifically why the cat's purr would help you with your skeletal system, but what do you suppose it's doing with it, is it all low frequency, or is, because I do believe that every time you put shungite in a different medium, you get a different energy field, and what do you think is the root of why that shungite rubber is so healing, because you've talked to other doctors, they're finding it for other things, correct? Yeah, and it works, they're going to find it works for probably anything, because that what you call in frequency would be just the carrier or the medium for the person's intention, same thing as the placebo effect, they can give you a sugar cube and tell you it's the magical cure, and a huge percentage of people are going to get cured, because you're going to, they'll spell it out for hours and hours, but bring it down to their intention, not just believe, but their intention. So ultimately that's why it works for anything, because really what's doing it is the person's own intention or understanding, and shungite helps remove the disruption that I was saying earlier, or again, if you want to talk about it in the form of frequencies, it turns down the frequencies out of alignment with you, injuries that cause physical injuries or manifest, and get in the way of you being cohesive or aligned. So literally when you break it down another way, if you can stop focusing on and or disrupt whatever's causing the physical injury that you're feeling, and then set the intention that you're already healed and have shungite around you, shungite rubber is almost convenient in the form, is the silver, you're going to heal yourself is what it is, and I don't know, it's always a hard thing to talk about or describe I should say, but nuts, go ahead. But it is something, you should get some of the rubber and at least start playing with it, if you've got aches and pains or whatever, test it out, because it's not that expensive and it will save you thousands of dollars in medical costs. If you just go back to the basics, which is energy, and give it a try. Yeah, yeah, exactly, and give it a sight, there's actually so many chats talking about some larger sheets we had at one time, we made some large enough, we've done custom ones where you can fit them on a wheelchair or different heads and things like that, actually. Archer pieces, I think we were happy with them because they, well, when we ship them, we'd have to like fold them over, so I think they're getting stuck to itself and harder to peel apart. Even with paper in between, the things like that. So we actually are hoping to have some new products come out in the Shumbite rubber, and we'll be hopefully working with a seamstress, because we don't have time to do much sewing, but yeah, I think that once we have a seamstress that we can work with, we might be able to bring out larger pieces so that we don't have the issue of it sticking together as it all would be. Is that a, we figure out like a pillow size piece, so maybe, you know, three foot by two foot or something, and then get cloth, but then the people have to realize as customers that maybe it'll adhere to the, it'll still work perfectly well, but it may stick to the cloth. It's just, it's so many aspects we run into working with that, especially that large a piece of Shumbite rubber. So it's difficult to make this. But it's not needed. Now, no, but, well, I mean, I get it some people want to use it, or some heck, some people are getting cut in smaller pieces. So regardless of why they're wanting it, yeah, because again, as they may be cutting in smaller ones and customizing who the heck knows, this is getting out there and being used, but that's just some of the aspects of transporting. We'll look into it is what I'll say and see if I can't figure out the cloth. Can you still have the Shumbite rubber, the round ones? Yeah. Oh, yeah. We have the small round ones. The ones that are about four by six, I think I get a mouse pad size and then a longer one that's about 13 inches by maybe three that you can wrap around your arm or leg or run up and down your spine. So we have a few convenient sizes and we'll look into others, it's just a, the most wonderful thing is that the Shumbite never saturates. You never, some people are under the belief that after you have worn something for so long, you have to cleanse it and you have to, you don't have to do anything with that Shumbite. You can wear it as long as you, as you want it and it will never be over, over what you call it. It'll never saturate with negative energy. It will always be clear. It's wonderful. So. No, absolutely, um, I don't know, what do we have about five minutes before the break? I don't know if you had another topic you wanted to jump into. Well, does Jules have any other stories that she's, you know, coming across? That she remembers. Yeah, we actually, um, last year, almost exactly a year ago, we had gone to deception past and we talked about it on podcast where we visited this, um, beautiful old tree, uh, and it's like over 800 years old. So Derek just shared the pictures in chat again that we're taking last year. So what was that? Just yesterday? We went there and I didn't realize it was almost exactly a year ago that we had visited. But last year when we were there, we, um, shungite the area. So that tree is just covered with so much shungite, like Derek ended up, he happened to break his bracelet, uh, shungite bracelet. So there's beads all over in the sand and, um, but before this year, this, um, busy season started at Deception Pass, uh, one of my friends had posted on Facebook asking what was going on at Deception Pass at West Beach because they couldn't get into it. And apparently there is a big storm over the winter sometime in January where it, um, destroyed, uh, large portion of the parking lot. And so I was like, Oh no, what happened to Deception Pass? And so I was a little nervous. I'm like, why haven't I seen more information about it? Like that's strange. Like it was, it was devastating there apparently, but there wasn't a huge devastating, um, stuff that happened near us. So it's like we went over there, checked it out and yeah, the parking lot was completely like cut in half. So nothing devastated. Nature reclaimed a huge portion of the parking lot in the area where there's almost 900 year old trees. They got shung guided trees, fine, nothing damage again. So when they talk damage, remember, these are humans talking, she's telling you about 3D damages. We lost our parking spots. No, the beach grabbed back another 25 foot, you know, cause I'm like, the trees are like there's like maybe a couple of down trees, but like nothing that would be like beaches aren't touched. Yeah, it was just the parking lot. So it's interesting that that was all that was taken out from that storm. That reminds me of, um, I forget some guy that was like the mailman or something, something like that, where he was going through neighborhoods after storms. And he realized that the trees that were coming down were the ones that were next to something like a street or a sidewalk, because what happens is that the trees want to have this root system that goes in all directions as far as it can reach. And the water and the nutrients, everything went under concrete, the roots don't grow. So I think you're right, nature said, Hey, we need some more root room, root room. And, you know, just took out the parking lot that was probably detrimental to its growth. And you had shown guided the whole area. So not only is there a shungite grid, there's a tree grid. And years ago, when we were first really getting into this, we realized, I realized and told everybody, of course, I could be crazy, but I got a good track record. I was drawn to looking at the trees and the tree grid. And a tree grid, we've talked about this on other shows, it's the root systems that you got there, they're a similar tree, like all the pine trees. They have root systems that actually are part of a network, more so than just one tree. And then you have the overall force that you got there, that's another weave. And we were also looking at the water weave, the water as a weave, it's connected, it's all connected. And then you got the shungite grid, and that's a weave too. And I saw these three begin to work with each other. So it makes a lot of sense to me that when you see something like that, other people are going to say, oh, the poor parking lot, but you can see beyond that. And that just indicates that the shungite that was put there, it's part of the grid of the shungite as well as the tree grid. So you couldn't get in there? Well, I mean, basically a third of the parking lot is gone now, so they just got rid of it. Did you get into the forest area? Oh yeah, we walked up and checked on the tree and all of that, and it was untouched. Oh yeah, what did it feel like, was it, what were you feeling when you were back there a year after they'd lived in shungite? All the drama they were talking about, the storm damaging again, words like that kept getting used. I mean, no, it was, it had a calming effect in the area after a lot of that was gone. So it removed a lot more of the human presence. And that, so the tree didn't change at all. It was still, you know, energetically charging the things easily over 900 years old. It's massive. And those in our chat can click on the image and zoom in. I mean, it's the crazy tree, the way it's growing in all different directions, all sorts of things going on in there. And then we, again, we had the shungite beads tucked into all kinds of nooks and crannies in the, in the branches. I should probably stop because I think it's about break time. Okie dokie, then we will take a break. Thanks. the tree. Shungite. Shungite. The movement of the people is coming. It's never going to go away. It's not going to go away. Now's our time, our time to work together, to create justice, to reach in every person. The people are coming. It's never going to stop. Shungite. And welcome back to shungite reality is July 2nd, 2024, my name is Nancy Hopkins with me as Derrick Condant and Walt Silver and Jalissa, Jalissa Condant, spaced out there for a second. Ok, so what else? I don't know, I don't, Angela's had to step out in the store, so she may or may not be back. We'll see. I don't know, any more topics, do we have a list from Mark though? Yes, we do, let me just pull it up here. Even when he's not here, he hooks up the show and takes care of it, keeps us on track. Yes, ok, he asked about the Shungite rubber and we covered that. This question is, can Shungite eliminate the fluoride in black, green and various teas? And how about the mold and coffee seeds? It's not going to physically cook coffee seeds and I know that's a thing with many of them, but to zoom out from even that comment, there's mold fungus everywhere on nearly every breath we take and I'm not saying then just ignore it with our hands up. No, I'm just saying the bigger focus should be because you're never going to avoid that and it's not about avoiding it any way and that only becomes a problem when there's you know an immune system issue or an excess of or deficiency of this out of the other. So I would, from that perspective, always add Shungite water. So what I do, Shungite water beats to my water that I'm making the coffee out of and yeah, you can put the Shungite water beats dropping your coffee after the fact if you want. So I make sure at the bare minimum, put it in the water you're using and I use a filtered water so all that stuff's out of it anyway. But I don't know as far as if it's going to like kill all the different molds and fungus and things that are literally everywhere in our environment. It's just part of this 3D and needs to be so. And I'm kind of emphasizing that a little bit because and not that Mark was or anybody else is but definitely it can those things can be heightened in a negative aspect if we focus on them that way. But in turn that again doesn't mean ignore it so just be aware and it's everybody falls in differently on this. So then I would restructure your coffee and or coffee water energetically with Shungite water beats so then it's the best it can be. And then if you still have issues after that maybe you do have a sensitivity to you know whatever and you might not want to drink it. So that's kind of where I fall in on coffee I don't I don't know see that it's going to just neutralize everything in there. Okay what exactly is mold is mold I don't think that mold is always toxic because people will eat moldy bread. And stuff like this but you've got the situation of black mold which is just terrible it gets in the home. Now one of the one of the cautionary things that has been said to me recently because especially with the more frequency of the flooding is is there black mold in this house. I don't think so the house itself is a hundred years old and when I first got here it stuck old frame so you got a wooden frame building that's got mesh and stucco on the mesh well when I first got here I realized that there was no wooden frame. All the wood had rotted out all that was standing was the mesh and the and the concrete. So I had to rebuild the wooden structure from the inside out and everyone of the walls we we changed out all the wood. I never saw any indication of mold in that environment but we got more water and it you know it takes time for these things to dry out but I don't see any indication that there is any. And so I was thinking about it and I said well yeah because if mold is toxic in this case the black mold and this house is completely surrounded with shungite and the water that it's saturated with this shungite water there's a quarter of a ton of shungite all around the property I mean right here on the house. So would that protect me from black mold and I can't say that I don't have black mold but I don't think I have black mold seeing no indications of it whatsoever. But I do question two well two questions is every mold dangerous and your immune system could just fight out some of it or if it gets too much then that's when you get into trouble or is the potential that the negative molds are being changed by the shungite. When the mold is going to affect your breathing you're going to have a reactions you could have like an allergy type of reaction or it can affect your lungs. So somewhere you will have a react your body will react to the present of it but you don't have any reaction so I don't think you have any mold at home. No I don't I don't feel it I mean energetically I don't feel it but you know because again it goes back to the concept of what is what's the toxin it's rotating in a way that's contrary to the rotation of your body. Could it be that you have something I don't know shungite at home that stops things rotating incorrectly? Well is every mold a toxin or is a mold is made by fungi so it's I'm reading it right now looking more into it so it's just a a spore it's a secondary thing from fungi or fungus so it's a thing they make like a call of the container but no no matter what we're talking about 3D you have was a broccoli you're breathing you know a sponge for lungs you don't want to plug the sponge with anything so that's why I mean no excess mold is going to be regardless of what type of mold and don't even have to worry about the toxins or this that the other I mean it's going to limit your breathing it's going to inhibit things especially if you have issues but yeah mold is as I'm reading your confluence and it's dust like colored in appearance and it's due to the formation of spores containing fungal secondary metabolites and it's another way a nature protect itself because for example Slim Spurling when he did his dowsing work he found that wherever he found you I've seen I know you've seen pictures of it there is a fungus that that it's called it's called something like a like a it looks like a little ball it looks like a little ball and when it hits with the rain war hits it you see it gives off buffs buffs of the spore he found that that that's that mushroom gets the develop by the earth protecting itself against something so whenever the whenever there is something contaminating a particular plot of land it produces this particular more uh spore once the the issue has been cleared the spore isn't aware that we found so he found it that it's it's a it's a reaction of nature when it when there when something is contaminating an area so it's a reaction to something it's not it's not meant to hurt anybody but it's a way to protect it's a way of correcting problems of the earth the the spores and he found it for example case in point is anthrax anthrax is a terrible is a terrible condition and it turns out that this particular spore could destroy the the spore of it can destroy it and the anthrax thing so he he's a he does a lot of information on on on on the he on spores and he he figured a lot of it up okay so the answer to the question can chunk I'd eliminate black we have we haven't addressed yet okay we talked about the mold and coffee seeds but what about fluoride now I I've seen reports I've heard about reports that say that florite is taken out of the water are you finding that that's true yeah I've got the action trying to quickly get it but I won't in time on I'm going to the miss scores website under the studies or science and yes there is one or two documented studies where he does affect florite I don't have it in front of me I'm jumping a quickly but anybody can go to the studies page and verify some of this stuff but yeah no they've they've done document studies on it I'm literally searching for now on here and it's trying to get the best way to do this or fluoride I'm not finding it let's see here I didn't set this up for searching reading in the study but yeah this one and I'll find it while we're chatting here by the way it's only take me so long but yeah but another question while I look up the fluoride study and I'll repost it here in the chat room but again for listeners later all these studies that talk about fluoride or radiation or however whatever effects be shown that's effect on chickens I mean regardless and I'm just mentioning that because I just go past it these are all I mean you can read the actual study not not my synops of them on under this Shanghai science page not more different ones in here so there's probably 90 of them up here now but was there another question to answer while I just called this and what I want to do is I want to play I've been trying to remember to play this it's from back in April I found this and it with it's Mike Adams and he's talking about zeolite and she a light late whatever SCHILAT okay he's talking about what he's found about it and this is not the same subject but it's in the same kind of category we've you in particular turned me on to zeolite and basically can you give a little summation of what zeolite is yeah yeah a lot of people use zeolite similar bentonite clay they use it for often heavy metal detox now we're zeolite differentiates from bentonite clay or other ones is it passes the blood brain barrier so it's such a fine particle that when you drink it so for those it just back up a little bit it's a powdered clay you take a teaspoon or so put it in water and you drink it so and then from there what it does is goes into your different organs or again in zeolites case passes the blood brain barrier so it can get part of it into your blood which means traveling to different glands and in your brain and attach or draw heavy metals and toxins to it and then it gets passed out of you through the normal processes of the body doing that where the bentonite clay yep you drink it similarly but it just goes through your digestive system and pulls the stuff out from there which is good too but there are differences and yeah so that's zeolite clay basically and what do you know about that shield what is that it don't wall what's your legit shit legit you know about that anything I I I sorry that and that's I think from India they bring it from India I thought it was at the beginning I thought it was Shanghai the very first time I heard of it but then no I found that it's completely different from Shanghai but it doesn't say Tory black substance and it has many attributes that are similar to Shanghai but it's not Shanghai I just don't know I don't know precisely I know people consume it they set up on these on these little jars it's like it's like a black honey but but but people consume it in small quantities I really don't don't know much about it okay Mike Adams is going to tell us about it because Mike Adams he's called the health rancher and you can find him on YouTube and bright on that's his station actually he created that and he's got an incredibly advanced lab so for whatever reason and it's the same reason I'm doing it here is that people you know you get into this it's a good thing but then all of a sudden you find out it's you know something can be wrong with it and it's normally the production end of it you know what they're doing so it's only a eight minute thing but I think it would be helpful for anybody including myself who got into the in this in my case the zeolite but here we go this is Mike Adams health painter here with the dietary supplement health warning we have both zero hedge and the epoch times now promoting a substance called shilajee which it looks like it might be pronounced shilajee but it's I think it's pronounced shilajee s-h-i-l-a-j-i-t and the headline from the epoch times which was reposted by zero hedge is shilajee boost energy enhance brain function mitigate bone loss and more and the subhead is oozing from ancient rock is a substance that has been used for centuries in healing yeah well so has mercury by the way and in fact there are a lot of similarities between shilajee and mercury given that shilajee has alarming levels of heavy metals at least the samples that we tested we started testing back in 2016 we published test results I'll read some of them for you here but this article goes on to talk about this as nature's ancient elixir high in the Himalayas it says shilajee seeps from the rocks a tar-like byproduct of centuries old decomposed plant matter with a composition rich in minerals fulvic acid and humic acids and it occupies a revered spot in Ayurvedic medicine as a rasayana aimed at promoting longevity and revitalizing the body and mind so we conducted tests on multiple brands of shilajee let's see we tested 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 different brands we found what I would consider to be shockingly high levels of aluminum and lead and arsenic in some of the samples as well we published these back in 2016 and shilajee is in the category of so-called dietary products that I don't think have any business being dietary at all they are not agricultural products they're not plants they're not grown these are essentially mined minerals or in the case of shilajee they are scraped from between the rocks they're basically harvesting rock tar or you know some kind of tar and we found by the way over 1,300 parts per million aluminum in one of the brands that's not a typo 1,300 plus parts per million aluminum we also found lead that was over 2.8 parts per million or over 2,800 parts per billion in the highest sample that we tested but there are several products in this category we've been covering this for many years and by the way let me just say I don't believe that zero hedge or the epoch times intended any sort of malicious harm in publishing this I think they simply did not know and I will mention by the way that the epoch times or zero hedge or other publishers you're welcome to reach out to myself my company if you have questions about the heavy metals content of something that you want to write about or you want to promote or you want to sell I am happy to work with you usually at no cost by the way and we are the most experienced and most qualified food and supplement heavy metals testing organization in the world I think we conduct more tests than the FDA does we conduct more tests than any university and any corporation that I'm aware of anywhere in the world I mean we're talking tens of thousands of tests that we've conducted on foods and supplements and personal care products and we actually run almost every day to mass spec instruments and we've been doing that since what since well 20 what was it 2013 yes seems like we've been doing this for 10 years now so there's nobody who has tested more of these products than we have and all those zero hedge and the epoch times I don't believe they had any malicious intent at all they don't want to harm their readers but if a reader listens to this information from those publishers then a reader actually could be harmed because if they take these products thinking that it's going to enhance their cognitive support or brain function as it says in the headline and then it turns out they're getting a daily dose of excess lead from one or more of these products well lead actually causes neurological damage lead causes retardation it's known to do that low IQs so this is very alarming to me to see a headline that says oh it's going to enhance brain function but if you actually look at what's in the product it contains an alarmingly high level at least the samples that we tested alarmingly high levels of lead which is known to cause cognitive damage permanent cognitive damage especially in children so I believe that these publishers you know they have a responsibility to know the difference between food and something that's just mined out of the ground and sold as a supplement that's not an agricultural product and that's what she does she is now there are two other products that I've encountered over the 20 plus years that I've been doing this that fall into the same category one of them or one of the other ones is zeolites zeolites have also been very heavily marketed they're very high profit item because they can be simply mined out of the ground there are large deposits of zeolites which are aluminum silicates and yes you probably figured out from that term aluminum silicates that they're very high in aluminum and also undigestable silica by the way and I remember for a number of years a lot of the zeolite companies would grind it up into smaller and smaller bits and they would have zeolite powders and they would say it's higher absorption and I was really alarmed by that because we don't need more aluminum you know aluminum has been linked to a number of health issues one of which is dementia or Alzheimer's and the human body actually has mechanisms to try to eliminate aluminum so do animals there's excess aluminum in the soil and a lot of foods have some level of aluminum in them your body is always trying to get rid of aluminum you don't need to supplement with aluminum and so zeolites I've issued many warnings about zeolites over the years one zeolite company that I know I've actually went to some lengths to have a lower aluminum zeolite so there are some zeolite products out there that are much better than others but by and large the zeolite products and I actually still have some from probably eight years ago I save these samples for you know in case I'm ever challenged in court or something I actually have the samples we have the logs we have the ISO accreditation everything I could reproduce the results from day one that we started testing all these things and our lab being that it's ISO accredited is recognized in any court of law in western civilization so we actually keep samples so that other labs can test and confirm what we found and if any lab tests the typical zeolites that are sold even sold on Amazon you're gonna find crazy high levels of aluminum so there are a lot of people out there who are just eating aluminum or aluminum silicates that's the form that they're eating and they're thinking that this is some kind of a daily vitamin of some kind or daily detox and I would be I would be very cautious about that so I found that informative I never use the zeolite except once in a while um but it did make me want to share that with people because we have talked you know good things about it what do you have to say or do you not want to comment oh I'm glad you share stuff like that too because we all have to you know as we all learn more aspects or stuffs found you'll continue to integrate it even I showed in the chat the image of the sheet legit or I don't know how you pronounced it but yeah that stuff is well and I've been gifted a couple jars of that I've tried it that she was talking about I've tried the zeolites well too of course but no as you know your understanding any of ours increases I suggest we integrate it and pay attention to it and I see Mike Adams is a pretty darn legitimate source does great testing you know he does what he does the spectrometer and all that stuff you know is says what it is so I'd pay attention to it no does he have more information on that Nancy or is that the whole segment I suspect that he does on his website he's got extensive information on that stuff but I just listened to a podcast that he was doing yeah yeah any of this stuff of these all not that's the alternative any of these whether it's double alternative or I guess I don't know what the other term would be but the normal stuff whatever I mean there's going to be evolving understand these and I think we should all pay attention to that because nobody knows everything I'm as far as the content of aluminum no that's good to hear and know and I'm going to look more into it and that's why I'm asking if he has more information on that but his stuff's always been accurate that you know I've heard so pay attention I'm going to and my suspicion is he does yeah I mean he comes out with a lot of very very good scientific information and all sorts of things that people don't know who he is Mike Adams the health printer yeah because the type I've taken go ahead no it's just the people should know about him he does he does some amazing work on all sorts of subjects yeah that's interesting that he would be the one to find that out or make it more known when I don't know how many naturopath doctors recommended and it's not a prescription so I guess it'd be a recommendation by then but so that's I mean even how would they know it's not like they can test everything either so no I'm glad Mike's doing that kind of stuff that's why he was referencing the papers that he was talking about you know the epic times in that because no they don't know and part part of getting through this this lifecycle we're going through is that you you know you can't stand I say all the time I don't have to be right but I have to know and the information changes the more people look at it so just because something was safe don't assume it's it really is because it's used as little of anything and treat it like that and keep your eye out I mean yes you have to pay attention no and I mean Mike's not going to tell you everything you need to know about everything but he will help you out in a lot of things and will tell you everything you need to know about shungite and talk about other healing modalities because you know whatever works I mean one of the most amazing things that I personally you know use virtually daily is castor oil and you know I'm kind of old here and my skin is like kind of wrinkled but you put that castor oil on it and you can see the difference immediately but you can also see castor oil is a very effective healer in a lot of ways Edgar Casey called it the palm of Christ so there's simple things that have been there forever and ever that if you work with them and you use it as a container you know we like the word container a container for your intentions it seems to be a over over I want to say excitable energy field that you can create that will heal in a in very short period of time and the fact that Deanna had also used castor oil on the bruising and stuff with a shungite you know cannot be ignored you know because again it's frequency the the castor oil is very much attuned to the third dimensional body the physical body it's a natural product castor beam so shungite which is working in an energetic way needs to have the building blocks of the 3d to be able to make changes not like some things but you know you got to kind of like think in terms of energy and think in terms of okay I've just fixed the energetic blueprint but how can I hurry up the healing because I mean we like to say think of it as being healed but the fact of the matter is is you don't normally see instantaneous healing I think you should but you don't normally see it but you see a rapid healing and that's sort of because our brains can't quite get into the concept of instantaneous but if you fool your brain so to speak and say put the castor oil on it put the shungite on it you know then you're you can see a healing thing because the castor oil is working very quickly at the third dimension I hope that made sense and I get no response well it made sense but think about it and when you take it one step further and go into energy healing I you don't need to deal with drugs anymore because all it's energy that that's real fast healing so you for example you had the the shungite robber that you exposed yourself you did for two for three days you weren't worrying it because you were wearing the other thing for the rain and you and you noticed the difference and you didn't need to consume it you're just in touch with the energy of the robber so yeah but I believe in energy yeah you know something's going wrong I'm going like what's wrong with the energy so yeah what's up I see the whole universe is just this big energy thing and then we have versions that you see it the 3d it's all perception okay so anything more on that because we can go to the next question we've talked about this so many times but he's wondering what and how can shungite do against electric car effects and I'm so against the electric car effects I I'd say don't get in one don't get near one and if they're on fire get away from the area as fast as you can the toxins are deadly yeah the the worst of it is that the energy is spinning incorrectly it's counterclockwise so that's what makes it a very bad thing so when you when you add a shungite to it like for example when I did the experiments with the shungite on the alternators all the all the started spinning normally so the shungite was able to correct the the spin of of the electricity in the car yeah but there's so many other things with it that you know there are true danger I mean the the newest thing is that these cars are heating up okay first off they weren't working in the cold now in the in the heat the the the battery that is the most important battery in the vehicle which is running all the electronics that one is failing and when it fails it locks the car you can't get out of the car and people have almost cooked to death in their damn electric cars this is this is this is hitting the mainstream media I mean this is where I'm getting this not alternative so they thought of covid as a way to eliminate the population now they're thinking of cars to eliminate the population huh is that it I saw when I was working 5g when we were really focused on 5g I saw a report about the cars and it actually said that a young woman a child that's going into the puberty puberty stage can become sterile and they said in 15 minutes 15 minutes and sitting one of those cars because of the amount of batteries that you know another problem with these cars is that they're so heavy that they're breaking up the highways why are they so heavy because the entire bottom of the chassis are batteries you know did you know that they did you know that the car only uses 20% of the battery capacity how and if how ineffective is that is how inefficient is it you think you think oh it's fully charged I can use it almost 90% no the maximum you can get over over another car is 20% there's nothing good about it but luckily the car companies are now getting some sanity and they well they're getting sanity because nobody will buy their damn cars and the people that I have bought them there's a high percentage of and said I'm going back to a gas car just as soon as I can you know so you're asking how can shungite do against electric car effects I wouldn't take a chance on anything I'd stay the hell away from them you know there's a lot better ways of getting to A to B like gas hydrogen hydrogen cars hydro yeah I've got to look I keep saying that I've got to look more into that because there is a company in either Japan or Korea that is manufacturing hydrogen powered and a beautiful car I mean stunning car hydrogen powered cars and I want to see if that gets up on the stock market because I'll buy stock in that yeah because it's in production you know one of our shows well remember I read off the names of the people that had had alternative to gas vehicles and electric and how many of them had died especially once they got somebody interested in it and they had started trying to start production they all died before they got into production this car is stunning and it's in production so yeah don't buy oil stock buy hydrogen as soon as it shows up I got to go look for that yeah and they talk about all that hydrogen is dangerous on you you shouldn't use hydrogen what gasoline can explode too what is it what are you talking about they're not cases um okay his next question is how can an S or magnet enhance performance on a bike scooter skateboard electric or not what's he mean he's just wanting so I have an electric bike myself these are so it's an electric mountain bike he's going to mountain roads up there all the mountains and the logging roads and I do have a magnet on it I don't I don't know why I didn't do any didn't do any initial test so it's not like I measured the distance I could go over the timing on it before adding it because I just knew I wanted to add a shungite magnet to it and actually what I did on my bike was adding the shungite magnet kind of under the seat sometimes we talk about that with vehicles because on electric bike you know especially an off-roadman like I have well you're going down a bunch of rocks and dirt roads I'm not you know right on pavement all the time so a bunch of bumps and things and the magnet can fall off so I put it under the seat so I'm actually sitting on top of it's under the seat but over the shungite magnet is where I put mine and I have no idea about how it benefit or enhances the you know distance or the energy of the bike I haven't done any tests on that and I well the spin of it I think that the best thing you could do it will make the and the workings of the bike will start running clockwise in a positive way and that's why I was mentioning under the seat because if you use these boxes really not a whole lot of spots and I guess you could you know more permanently secured or duct tape it around this doesn't bounce off but again I from my perspective I'm thinking I'm off-road I'm you know do all this kind of stuff and it would just bounce off so I put it kind of up under the springs there's just a little nook under the seat I'll just say on mine where it fit well but if I put it down near I couldn't get on the motors because then in my electric bikes set up the motors are in the hub so they're in the wheels and there was a spinning that's where the actual motor is it's not in the frame or something like that or down in the the linkages so and bikes vary there's different types of course but yeah so now as far as and I didn't even do some comparisons but yeah definitely I prefer to have Shungai if you can't Shungai rubber there in this case I put the magnet under the seat so then it's just I'm sitting on top of it basically but no I have no comparisons but I do do it well my feeling with the Shungai magnet on a car or these type of things I mean I don't know they have electric scooters I suppose I don't think they have electric skateboards but anything that's electric or has a motor a motor in it that like for instance if you put the magnet on the frame of a seat the seat is bolted into the frame of the car so there's a direct circuit into the frame of the car that can go through everything else and I have you know you can put it on the on the door panel you know when you shut the door there's normally a space there that you can put it that's where they are in my car I can't tell you you know I'm not like you're saying I'm not doing measurements and stuff but I can tell you that when I did that the mechanic that had worked on my car for over 15 years he no over 10 years at that point he's he's I'm sitting on the side you know they're working in the bay and I'm watching him and he starts to oh and he's like on and he's like getting really kind of like hi and I'm thinking what is he taking you know and then I realized that the entire car was like a shung-eye car and he's working on it and 10 years he's been working on it he comes over to me and he says oh mama Latino oh mama she is so wonderful this is so wonderful and I'm going yeah because it's got shung-eye down it so I can only give you my observation of how somebody starts working in a shung-eye field from a single magnet and we know that the cars make the miles per hour increases dramatically when you put a magnet on a gas burner so you know if you if I'm telling you if you if you put the shung-eye on stuff it's going to last longer it's going to work more efficiently my refrigerator that was breaking down and making popping noises put a shung-eye magnet on that that thing is over 20 years old now what was built in 1999 oh 24 years old um the dryer that I just had to replace because of the flood that dryer was replaced because of a flood 20 years ago and it's never had a repair so you're going to save money if you just put these things everywhere you got a motor you know it's I'm telling you from 10 years of working with this stuff that shung-eye will save you money and plus the fact it takes less electricity in your house on you if you put in the refrigerator the electric you know anything that's running at a motor even if you have a would equal a smart meter yeah and and also like one of the things that I thought why weren't you stupid the hairdryer you know you turn that hairdryer on and you're putting out a electromagnetic field it's not a nice field at all and it's just but you're all around your head and stuff you put a sticker on that sucker and you're going to know that something changed because the noise changes I can't tell you how many people have said to me you know when I put that sticker on that dryer the noise changed yeah because now it's running correct right there yeah okay um let's see what else has he got in here well these things we've talked about many times uh oh okay we've said this oh I gotta tell you hold one do you remember unlapped I know time before that when Nells was talking about the water molecule Nells uh bush he was talking about the water molecule and how they have found that the water molecule was smaller before the flood oh that's right you you weren't hearing some of this Derek so you might not have heard this um that before the flood the great flood that Noah and all that that story before the flood the water molecule was smaller after the flood it's bigger but the place that is the receptor in the cell for the water is still set for the smaller one so the reason that people aren't getting hydrated correctly is because the water molecule is so big did you remember hearing that Derek I know Walt did no I didn't hear any of that and what would they pull uh like ice samples from the Arctic or something like that and yeah I don't know if that's okay yeah it's a scientific scientific you know I'm talking about but um what do you have to say about that does that sound right to you the fact that that we're not being hired I mean I know people that are drinking an extraordinary amount of water and you yourself said that what how much percentage do you actually piss out 90% of the water that you drink you piss out yeah yeah basically well yeah because not living water it's not you know the term we use is structured water a lot but yeah because the energy container matters of course like you talked about but no I didn't know anything about the study or the different size of the molecules or anything about that so I'd like to read more about it because okay you've done readings on me and told me I was dehydrated and yet you know I'm always drinking shungite water and even you know the coffee coffee's got shungite you know it's it's so I'm going like okay so where's why am I dehydrated if it's structured live water and you know but this would make sense to me it may be structured and it may be live but you may still not have that smaller molecule that will attach to the cells to hydrate you well why can you tell shungite to make the water smaller well that's my point yeah shungite is conscious and aware it just it's waiting for us to give it what to do well we know that most people on shungite water are better hydrated and I considered the rotation now of the water and a spin you know how you you can spin something and make it smaller and I'm thinking well maybe that's it but I think what happens is that the people that really believe in the shungite are drinking the water thinking the shungite's going to make me hydrated and then yes okay the only way we can do that is to make a smaller compress the water compress it down to the size that it should be so I'm just throwing this out there people think about this and you know add that to your liturgy of thoughts that you have about shungite oh yeah I'm drinking this water can you make the water molecule smaller so it'll attach to my body and then I won't be dehydrated because Walt even had a bad dehydration thing oh yeah so yeah but was stupid water was still believing in the in the so-called science of the hospital so that was that was my mistake oh no I avoid them like to plague yeah I can't plague they're in a hospital gosh but everything is changing it's changing so drastically I mean there are so many alternatives so much more COVID they may have tried to kill us but it woke us up to the fact that you're trying to kill us and you've been doing this for a while it's called it's like you know pharmacy drugs um have you checked chat nasty those are a pretty good comment sorry somebody yeah healing can you read it you shungite rubber sure I can do it um it's from well you know these names are signed so from a listener I'll just say um and so this is their commie as I offloaded my moving band lifting a cast iron fireplace screen and of course cast iron it weighs a ton I fell out of the back door onto concrete and the screen landed on me breaking my pelvis in four places cracking three ribs and breaking my wrist I was in the trauma center for four days and my excellent caregiver brought large shungite pads about four foot by five foot to place under and over their body and she created a protection which accelerated my healing process the medical pros were impressed at home we cut the shungite pads into pieces for continued use every night I'm wheelchair free and walker free and then they want to say and and they're so grateful for shungite and Derek and Nancy and all of our for providing so much you know comfort and thinking us so that's great feedback as far as the you know shungite rubber and I'm glad like we mentioned earlier I mean cut the pieces up so if you get them for specific issue or injury like in this case they're good forever cut them in a smaller use it so that's awesome to hear and I appreciate the person giving the feedback as far as the you know their personal experience with it absolutely thank you but that I mean it's it's been the been the listeners the people that we've all we're all on the same trail and the the antidotes the stories that people tell are so important if you ever hear us on the radio and put it into that chat you know it's these are the stories that we I mean we've told some dang interesting stories and then found years later like yeah if you put this stick around your phone you're not going to have the electromagnetic crap hurt in you well now there's a scientific study that was done proving exactly that so you know the science the science we are scientists a scientist observes thinks what could possibly be happening then tries to test their hypothesis to see if they can a make it happen and be make it happen repeating and that's what we do we're scientists but the credentialed scientist you know are starting to support what we we're doing and yeah it's like Walt mentioned in the beginning of the show that is Shanghai it's so good for so many things and it's it's impossible to stop it you know one of the things that that I did in the beginning was I pulled the provisional patent on Shanghai and the stickers and the magnet these type of things okay now provisional patent means that you intend to get a patent and you have a year to do it but during that year nobody else can pull a patent and during that year I went on international radio and told everybody what we were doing what it does how to make it that put it into the public domain because now all these companies out there that oh I've got something magical in this and it's you know they can't pull a patent if it's based on Shanghai because Shanghai is a naturally occurring thing and we have talked about all of the things you can do with it so it would be very difficult for somebody to you'd have to go to trial probably but this is the people's this is the world this is this is leveling the playing excuse me leveling the playing field and participate in it it's exciting I mean I the stories of of healing and and what the products do it's all real it's all real so I'm just thankful that we have so many listeners that shared their experiences with us that helped us you know get it all straight all right so what's we only got five minutes here I think yeah about five minutes any question any where are there any questions in the chat or comments or any questions now it's probably lost some sound what Dali says it am I the only one who lost the sound so I don't know what her situation is okay she may have lost the sound because I see that the signal dropped for some reason yeah actually the player is showing oni oni's show so I look at the player above the chat yeah so we just need to change it too late now it doesn't really matter but it doesn't show yeah glitches in the matrix so um you're having a plan for next week that we want to chat about and will mark you joining us or do we have a I know we have a guest coming up well Catherine's coming back if we ever get together with her that's that's been insane yeah yep she's going to be with us next week Catherine take on from the island right off the coast of Spain in the Mediterranean and she's very much into shungite but you keep we keep trying to have a conversation with her about the shungite bees and I think this is the fifth time that we just couldn't connect weird things like last night I called her five times over almost two hours and her she was at that moment when I started it was like five o'clock and her morning here it was 11 and Derek was at nine so we have that kind of like time time problem happening and what what turned out to be the problem was that she hadn't checked her Skype sound the sound wasn't on I mean she should have looked at the Skype and seen that I would you know visually seen that I was trying to call but she didn't think to do that and the sound didn't come on since she didn't know I was calling it it's I don't know what that's all about but we'll get it but she's going to be on next week so okay yeah and tonight we're going to have cosmic reality with myself and Dolly and Walt and tomorrow yes tomorrow Wednesday we're doing the first live show that we've done in a long time and that's going to be with Nicholas uh Bush Nelson Nelson Nelson Bush well he was on last week here he's going to be on that show he's so very interesting it has a deep and a deep information so you guys both want to say bye-bye because we're kind of getting close actually we're on the end of it so goodbye thanks everybody for being here and I will see you next week Walt thank you for being here and it was very fun and very enjoyable take care and thank you for us there Walt Walt there okay well I appreciate that you have been listening to the Shungai radio show produced by cosmic reality radio thank you for being here be safe