Cosmic Reality Podcast

SAY WHAT 6-29-24 - Nels Busch Law of War to Human Design

“Say What” Nancy Hopkins, Walt Silva and Nels Busch discussing subjects ranging from Law of War to Human Design. Active FB account: "Nels Busch'' Rumble:  Walt - “Say What?” is seen Saturdays 6-8 pm EST -

PODCASTS Archives Audio: Rumble: Shungite Store:

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2h 0m
Broadcast on:
30 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

“Say What” Nancy Hopkins, Walt Silva and Nels Busch discussing subjects ranging from Law of War to Human Design.

Active FB account: "Nels Busch''


 Walt -

“Say What?” is seen Saturdays 6-8 pm EST -

COUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off:MysticalWares:

(upbeat music) - Save on O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner for just $8. Valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ O'Reilly ♪ ♪ Auto Parts ♪ (upbeat music) - Say what? Say what radio show? With no agenda, it's always a surprise, but if we're not having fun, we're doing something wrong. (upbeat music) And welcome to Say What Show. It's June 29th, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins. With me is Walt Silva and Nell's Bush. Now Dolly's not here, she had been with her family there for a while, and they got home, but she's not feeling up to doing the show. You know, she goes out there and she does all this wonderful visiting with her family, but it wears her out. So anyway, let me, excuse me. What is happening here? Okay, I'm gonna unmute the guys right now. And we seem to have a little issue with Nell's setup. If anybody hears something, you know, that is a feedback or something, just put it in the chat. I'll try to watch the chat and we'll see what happens. But Nell's welcome to the show, and we were on together on the Shungite show. I didn't know you, but Walt and the others, Derek and Mark all knew you. And I just am grateful that you were willing on a very short notice to come to this show for, to cover for Dolly. You know, we always like to have more people than less. And Walt, you wanna say hello to the audience there? - Hello everyone, I hope you're having a great day. I don't know the rest of the country here, and Minnesota is nice and sunny and windy. - Carry on, Nancy. - Let me just ask you, are you, Minnesota, is that where they're having a lot of flooding? - No, there's lots of rain, but flooding, at least in my area, there's nothing, there isn't flooding, I mean, are you getting that reports of flooding? - Well, it seems to me that it was Minnesota, but maybe it was Michigan, but there's two states, the other one being Iowa, who are having so much rain that they've got dams breaking. - Oh, no, nothing like that. - Okay. - Just regular rain, but it rains and it stops, and it rains and it stops. It's not like a continuous torrential rain. - Okay, well, I just realized that probably you might not know anything about it 'cause you don't listen. (laughing) - Oh yeah, I am most informed. - I am most informed person, even in your own state. - Yeah. - Oh gosh. Okay, so now let's hope we don't have that, the problem with the feedback and everything, because I think we'll have a good time. So you wanna just say hi to the audience? - Well, first of all, greetings to you and Walt there. You're in Minnesota, Walt's in Minnesota, I find, I learn, and I'm just so happy to be here. And greetings to everyone out there in Listenerville, whatever we're calling it. And Nancy gave me kind of a brief intro to this. It's kind of like a happy hour chat with friends around a table or at the bar, or like that's the format and the style. And so I'm so happy to do that because this is happy hour right now for me. And so I'm spending it at home today. - So you're in California, aren't you? - No, I am in the wrong coast. I'm in Ocean City, Maryland. - Oh, Maryland, okay. - Oh, CMD, they call it around here. And yes, so I'm kind of been well traveling for about two years and a couple of months, looking for kind of a place to be. And I had a business development agreement partnership that I'd acted on and move back to Sacramento. Well, that fell apart and I didn't know what to do. And so I figured, well, it's just kind of gone a vision quest and like, you guys are part of it now, a big part of it too, I must say. So I'm so glad to be here. - So you're alone because there is, is there any family with you? - Oh, I am alone and I spend my days alone and I'm a real loner type person. I'm okay with that 'cause I have so much stuff to do. But then everyone, we're social animals, right? And so that's where a happy hour comes in. I look forward to that pretty much each day 'cause this is a, well, it's a party town. People come here to have fun and I'm interested in music. I play some, I'm working on a music healing system. I've developed that and so, as kind of what I do is like I look for this time of day to go and be with people and so here we are. Perfect. - Well, we're just glad you're here. Okay, so normally when we start the show out, we kind of do a look at what's happening out there. The show before this is Jan Shaw's show and she covered very well the debate between Trump and Biden. Oh, yeah, what happened? - Well, okay, I'm gonna give you my version of it, all right? I was not at all nervous about it or anything. I just, I know Trump, I know he's gonna be fine. And there are so many weird things about the setup because Biden's group won the coin toss, which normally if you win it, you're gonna say I want the last word. But instead, he chose the right side podium. And I wasn't. - That means I'm thinking special to you. - Well, I don't know, I'm looking at it. I'm thinking, Walt, I'm thinking like, okay, maybe they're gonna have a holographic image of him. I mean, he's not even gonna be there and he needs to be in that position, you know, because they kept showing the place that they were gonna have it and it was only gonna be no audience, just the two narrators or whoever they are, what they call the people that were moderators. That's it, the moderators, two moderators from CNN and then the two presidents. And then nobody else was supposed to be in the vicinity. And it was this huge, sorry about that, it was this huge assembly area like, you know, some kind of arena. Well, it turned out that they were in another room other than what they were showing. And the room they were showing was where all of the people that were associated with both parties were hanging out in order for the, I guess I call it the spin room. So after the debate, they got together and they were interviewed by different hosts on different channels and stuff. But, so the only thing I, when I'm watching him come out, the only thing that kind of clicked in my mind was, yeah, he wanted to get to the right hand one because he didn't wanna walk all the way to the left hand one because when he came out, his walk was off. Now, there's been a lot of talk about him taking drugs. And I've been in a, I grew up in the drug culture. I've seen a lot of drug doubt people. And I saw him get off the plane earlier in the afternoon and I'm watching the way he's walking and he's walking fine, not fine, but better than he normally does. - You're talking about who? - Biden. - Oh, okay. - Okay. And he goes over to the crowd that was gathered there and was, you know, interacting a little bit with him. So I thought, oh, they seem to have his dosage up on his drugs really, it was really good. But when he walked down that stage, six, seven hours later, he looked awful. I mean, awful. He was ashen, he just looked awful. And they start the debate. And as soon as he said, started talking, it was like, he had this raspy voice. He couldn't hardly talk. - And 50. - And 50. - And 50. - And 50. Obviously. In 15 seconds, I said, oh, this debate's over. You know, he's talking. And my, looking at it is a drug thing because there was this doctor who, I forget what his name is. He actually was President Trump's doctor. And then after 2020, he ran for Congress. And so now he's a congressman. And he said, the reason that they needed that seven to eight day span to get Biden ready, okay? Wasn't to get him ready in his, you know, what he was gonna talk about. It was to figure out the dosages of the drugs. - Oh, my gosh. - The doctors using, you know, medical names for different drugs. And he said, okay, so he'd give him something to get his energy up. But if you do that, he's gonna get agitated and then angry. So you have to give him a second drug to control the agitation and the anger. And he's naming the drugs. And so when he got out there and he's in front of, you know, he's doing the debate thing, I thought, oh, I think they gave him too much of the barbiturate because they didn't want him to come off like he did at the State of the Union where he was speaking very, very fast, very angry. You know, it was not a good, it was not a good look. But he was not in good shape. And the most telling thing that night about the condition of President Biden was not actually shown on live TV. All right, I was watching the whole thing. They cut off before they left the podium. And both he and Trump did not leave immediately. But there's this video after, you know, Trump has already left the podium where Biden is still standing there and Jill goes up and he saunters over to her. They kind of meet, you know, sort of still on the stage. And she had to help him down the stairs. - Oh, wow. - I mean, it was obvious that he was having a, he couldn't get down three steps. And he wasn't, he was, she had to help him. And that to me was a real indicator of how bad this guy was. Never mind the fact that he lost, oh, he kept, he kept. - Yes, there's something out on me then. Is that why the need for all this manipulation, when the real one is dead. So I don't understand why the need for, you know, you know, this drug assistance when the real one is already being gone for so long, you know, so. - Okay, okay, Walter. Let me just. - I'll be late on that, Walt. - Well, just let me say something to him and to Dolly and to all those other people out there. Look at it, when you go to a movie, do you read something about what the movie is going to be? Do you listen to, this is a movie, but let's pretend it's real, we know it's not, but let's pretend it's real. Because if you keep saying, well, he's dead, well, why are we talking about it? We got, you know, I mean, I told this to Dolly and I told it to Jan too. It's like, yes, yes, yes, everybody knows that, but let's just talk about the movie we're watching. I don't want to talk about that stuff. Let's just focus on the movie. However, Nelson, why don't you tell them why it is not a real live person? - Well, from what I've seen and gleaned on this, and I paid very close attention because this battle that's going on between good and evil worldwide, it has impinged things that I am doing and things I am bringing forward. I've been very cognizant of this. And so who I found, I go to a source, is Derek Johnson, you review his presentations on presenting the documentation. Derek Johnson is, well, he's now like a country music kind of star or performer, singer, songwriter, but he's former military. He wanted to get back in and couldn't, but he found this new niche, 'cause he's such a bookworm, he's Alabama down home boy, but he's smart, he got out of the service, he got his MBA and whatnot. He's really sharp, detail-oriented, and he knows the book, the laws and orders of the military. He's one of these guys, he knows the rules. And so he has applied that, his own intellectual ability to these issues, and his podcasts are invaluable in describing the laws and orders that are in place, they're public knowledge, they were Trump's executive actions, and the history of this, and he puts the history together, essentially of the White Hats versus Black Hat Battle, is what's going on that we don't know those details. Instead, we are watching exactly as you said it, Nancy, this movie that is scripted. And so here's one thing that Derek talks about that proves it in the documents that it is scripted. And Walt, what you were saying, I've seen those same reports, the real Joe Biden and a lot of these other people were offed, were executed years ago, some years ago. And I know where you can find a list of those on the podcast that I watch, making those claims, but what Derek points out is that Trump put these executive orders in place that had an expiration date, as they all do, and in order for them to continue in place, Biden had to sign them, he had to renew them, and he has done so, and these are exactly the orders that are going after him. So I do believe that that is a fake Joe Biden, that that is an actor, he's doing a brilliant job. I don't know if he's got the props set up with his underwear and all that stuff, if that's real or not, but we won't sweat the small stuff, but it is, I do see it, and I remember turning a corner in my thinking on this, and it was not too long ago that I was just so glued to all the news to try to understand things, and then it kind of came together next to Derek Johnson, and in a way it gave me this, okay, I can kind of sit back, these guys have it under control, I can watch the movie "Mixin' Popcorn" enjoy the show, and so, I believe that you are both right in those respects, and I agree, and again, back to Derek Johnson, and the whole body of knowledge and history of these laws and orders, but then also the military, just before Trump got in, rewrote kind of the laws of war, the legal handbook that they go by in terms of accommodating the actions that they would be needing to do now with Trump still being a commander-in-chief, behind the scenes. Potato Joe is the figurehead puppet president, and all of these things are being staged to show, to wake up the normies, I mean, I'm woke up, but there's so many people who need to connect these dots, well, put the dots out there and people are connecting them, and that's what we're seeing happen with all these goofy things going on, like these hair-brained court decisions, rulings against Trump, all this obvious anti-constitutional stuff that's going on, but that's to get a consensus of knowledge, because we've been mockingbird media for how many years to believe in the false narrative. Well, it takes a while, as years of programming, that has to be unprogrammed, and we're watching that with this movie, it's a program. - So Hollywood rules the day. - Well, they used to, but they're going down, they're taking those guys down, too. You look at the Nero, is there kind of a little puppet on a string? Like that guy's off his hinges with, you know, and so everyone can see it. It's being shown to everyone, you know? - Okay, let me just go back to what you were talking about. You were talking about the Department of Defense Law of War Manual. There's a picture up on the chat right now. I saw a, and this young man admitted to being autistic, which to me is like, well, you're bragging. But he had this incredible chart that matched the cue postings for the four years that President Trump was into office, with what's happening in the real world right now against the, you have to go through a whole series of things for it to be legal to have the military take over the country in martial law. - Yes. - And he was going through, it's not just the book itself, okay, 'cause the book itself is kind of boring in a lot of ways, but it was his marrying in with the cue posts that was so fascinating. And as a matter of fact, it's up in the archives right now, the cosmic reality radio go to archives and you're gonna see it under the radio tab. I think it was last week or the week before. So anyway, when he did this video, and I don't know his name, it was like, for some reason I just don't have his name. I'm sure I did it when I did the show originally. Maybe I never did this particular show. I don't remember I've done so many things. - Anon, that's what the anons are. It's not cue anon, it's cue and the anons. And it's all these digital soldiers, but as you're saying, please, apart from my interruption, you're right on. - So the, where he was in the scenario that you have to go through, and I'm gonna just summarize it, okay? And I mean, based on what I can remember that he said. Okay, so you have a situation where we are under attack. We've been under attack. It's coming from outside and inside forces. This is simply, I'm a military person, you know, captain in the army. - Well, I didn't know that, really? - Oh yeah, I was an electronic warfare officer and the army's expert on the Soviet Union. - Oh, no, that's why I love you too. Another reason, I keep calling. Thank you for your service, Nancy. Thank you for your service. Welcome home soldier. - She's a black male or two. - The thing, the thing I've been in is that you take an oath of office to the constitution, but once you get out of the military, nobody says, okay, you're not under that oath anymore. You know, it's like, no, I swore an oath of the constitution in the United States. To me, I'm still under oath. And that's what motivates me to do the things I do. Why? Because when I took the oath, I said, I would defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And so this is what this is all about, because it was written in 15, but I don't think it really got out there until like 19. But the book I'm talking about, The Manual. - Yes. - But the key to it is when you know that you're under attack, but you've got to prove it. And so they go through and they say, okay, this has to happen and this has to happen and this has to happen. But basically, if you look at it at the very, you know, foundation of what they're talking about, is that you've got to prove that the Congress and the House and the Senate, that they've been taken over, that the FBI has been taken over, NSA has been taken over, you have to prove that those agencies and those, you know, branches of the government have been taken over. And the last one to, oh, I mean, there's other things like, you have to have enemy forces inside the United States. Well, we've got them, you know, Pelosi, good example. You know, Biden, good example. The enemy is in the building. So the next thing, when he put this out, and it was very early in the game, I think it was 21 maybe, but they had to prove that the Justice Department had been taken over. So, if you look at it from that standpoint, they were actually, if they're following the manual, they're actually, the scenario, the story that we're seeing is the story of how they're proving that we're under attack for the end result being from a legal standpoint. It's a legal procedure. And that's why people, including myself, get kind of agitated about, you know, why do you keep doing this? Why do we keep doing this? Because you have to prove that something that will hold in a court of law, that you did not just say, we're gonna have martial law and go a halter, scalter, fascist style all over the place. No, you have to prove that you're under attack, internally and externally. And if you follow this guy, God bless him, he was showing absolutely that they were clicking off, one after the other, the things they needed to show, but the Justice Department one, that the whole branch of the government, the third branch of the government has also been taken over. That got interesting because you have to kind of look at some of the decisions that they were making, the Supreme Court justices were making at the time that I heard this. And it didn't look good. It looked like they had been taken over, but how do you prove that they were taken over and they're the bad guys? And it was like almost like, all right, we've got a big hill with the climb here. How do we get around this one? How do we demonstrate it? And when they started to put on all those different court cases about the stealing of the election, and it wasn't coming from Trump's people, it was coming from Trump's people in some cases, but in a lot of cases it was coming from the states themselves. People in the state said, you know, we don't have that many people voting in this district. Why is there so many votes, stuff like that? And so there were cases that were trying to go through the court system and they kept throwing them out. And they were all using basically the same regulation law slash. And that was, they didn't have a standing, which means that you weren't hurt by this. Well, we stole the election. What do you mean I wasn't hurt by this? You know, this type of-- - Frankly, yeah. - You know, but that's what they were doing. And it looked like, okay, this is a setup. The white hats are in charge. They keep shutting down the justice department to demonstrate that it's not working. All right. Again, if you're looking at it from a legal document, we showed you every step of the way we followed the manual. We did not break the manual's law. When we declared martial law and took over the country, it was because we were under attack by foreign and domestic terrorists. So now you've got a switch of rule happening because the Supreme Court is actually making decisions that are kicking the head. You can't believe that this is actually happening. Okay, the one that just happened this yesterday, I think it was, was so important. And it seemed like such a nothing thing. But some of us had been following it because it was so unfair. They've got these fishermen. And this is Biden gets into office. And all of a sudden, this whoever's in charge, the fishing department is in charge, environmental, whatever. They started, they told the fishermen that they had to have an on-board live person when they went out to fish to tell them whether they could catch that fish or this fish or whatever. I couldn't figure out why they were on there. And everyone came clear to me is why, why are you? - The fishermen had to foot the bill. They had to pay through the nose to have that government bureaucrats looking up their everything and costing them money and harming them, harming their business, yes. - Yeah, so they work on the shrimp boat. That story stuck out for me. I know about this stuff. What it would have cost us on that boat to have some idiot watching us and the limitations and just the nightmare that would be in the cost. - It's so unfair. It's just fair. I mean, by any judgment of fairness, it was very unfair. So they started a court case. It took years to get there. But yesterday the court, the Supreme Court said, we're finding for the fishermen. Now, what that meant was, and it was like, yes, I'd been following it. And I was so happy for the fishermen. But then you get the legal pundits out there that say, and they're like, do you know what this means? Do you know what this means? Oh my God, do you know what this means? And I'm going like, what does this mean? Because they were so excited. Because what it did was it took down the deep state. - Yes. And all of these unelected, essentially appointed, Soros people that are out there controlling actions of the American people that are not legal laws. They are their interpretations. It's the thumb, it's the boot, you know, on your throat that's being squeezed down. And yes, that ruling said no more boots. Yes, it's big, yes. - It's huge, because when anybody talks about the deep state, I believe what they're talking about is what myself and others have been talking about for decades, is that you put the various elected officials into these positions. But those positions are very limited in power. The power are the people that never get elected. The third tier. And those people, I mean, let me tell you, one day, I was in an arms business and I was having a problem with the state department regarding a license. So I'm talking to this guy and I said, look at that. And he said, oh my God, you're right. I'm sorry. And then he looks at what kind of a weapon I'm talking about. And he said, oh my God, he said, I'm so sorry. I can't help you. I have to send you to this woman that was named Ruth somebody. And I'm going, why is he so, who's this Ruth person? And she gets on the phone and I say the same thing to her and she says to me, you know, it doesn't matter to me what the regulations say. What matters is what I think. And that was, I mean, I just was like, oh wow. Somebody, the third tier, she's a supervisor of the ATF. And I mean, the state department in the division that we were building grenade launches, it was a different category of weapon. And, you know, oh, it just was like, I've never forgotten, you know, that that voice in my ear in the telephone, it's like, you know, this is the truth. It matters what they think, not what the regulations say. And that's how they're running everything. But now the Supreme Court, he says, you are not the legislative branch. You are just bureaucrats that take orders from them. And if you get a law, 'cause they're, you know, they're falling back on the concept of, well, the law passed by Congress is so vague that we're making our interpretation of it. And yes, you are, and you don't have any legal right to do that, cease and desist. And, you know, it's just sounding. And we see it that played out, like in Roger Stone's raid, these raids that they can just go willy-nilly and do what they want. They can monitor and raid parents who are speaking out against the, you know, at school board meetings and do all these things, they have boots on the ground so they can act on it. January 6th, same thing. All those people that got locked up, grandmas who were in Washington, D.C., you know, they traced through their credit card. You were there, oh, you were ex-military. They really went after the ex-military people persecuting them too, innocent citizens. And now you're caught in the jaws of their machine and you have to defend yourself. It will destroy most people financially just to fight the legal fight they have to. And they're in the right, but because of the deep pockets on this bad side, you're screwed. They're in control. They can do whatever they want to. - And prove yourself innocent. We condemned you. And that's what's going on. - Not anymore. The woman, she was one of the people that brought this case. She's a fisherman, you know, manages fishermen and stuff. And she said it leveled the playing field. She said now, right? Well, she said, now an American citizen has as much power in a court of law as does the government. And it's just-- - What about the immigrants? Do they have a standing on the bar or are they going back to square one? Why are you bringing in the immigrants? - Well, because you're making a point of how powerful a true citizen is. So what is that going to do with the immigrants? Are we getting rid of them at last? - No, not net. Well, I mean, yes, because, yeah. I mean, yes, well, they're gonna be thrown out. I mean, Trump has said that. We'll have to-- - Well, I could tie this into what Walt's saying, bringing in the immigrant aspect of what's going on. And it comes when we think about all these spending bills and they do these omnibus bills that they put everything together instead of single issue. And so they can stick all their pork in there and like nobody has time to read the bill before you have to vote on it. So they ram this through so they get these monies. What do they do with them? A good amount, I don't have a figure, but they go to NGOs, non-governmental organizations. What are they? For example, one of them, there's a non-governmental organization that gets funding for the immigration, call it housing, housing, just housing. And I've seen the video footage of these places that they go and they get housed. Well, that's a business. Some deep stater is making big money off of that, of that trafficking business where they go and hold them for a while to really put them on a plane and fly into some other city somewhere else in a red state or whatever to affect the voting balance. And so like, okay, who flies them there? Okay, some other organization is like transportation NGO. They're making money off of this immigration thing too, all about this unconstitutional actions that these deep staters are doing. So yes, it's like the swamp is wide and deep. Yes, it goes everywhere. I've seen it. So it's money laundering. Follow the money, it's money laundering. All these third level bureaucrats. And when I was in the military, I gotta tell you, those level of people are so screwed up. They are just, even back then it was like, you didn't want to be around them because they were, they felt phony. They didn't feel real. They felt like they were reading from books. I'm talking FBI, State Department, you name it. They all had the same kind of really bizarre, you knew they were a third level bureaucrat, let me say, tell you that, you know. But as far as the migrant situation, when I say we're under attack, that's what I'm talking about, we are under attack. - Yeah. - It's not just the terrorists that are engaged. I mean, there's 22,000 last count I heard of Chinese people that have come into the country. Do you think that you can just say, I'm going to America, see you later and leave China? China comes to you and say, why don't you go to the United States and we'll tell you what you're going to do when you get there. That's what-- - They know they can't destroy us from outside, so it's from within. And that's what we're seeing, this plan to infiltrate and destroy from within. - But see, there's more to it. You know, that's a side to what's happening, okay? And there's terrorists, there's, forget, I mean, there's so many terrorists here right now that should be terrified if you thought, you know, thought about it. Yeah, they are building an army, Dolly said in the chat. But it's even more profoundly evil because what they're doing is they're taking all these, and yes, we're talking about the illegal immigrants, not people that have done this legally, you know, Irma's asked the question 'cause she's an immigrant from Russia and she doesn't want to be talked about bad. We're not talking about you. We're talking about these people that have been taken out of prisons, out of the mental institutions, off the streets, you know, where are they getting the money? They're paying $10,000 to somebody to get them over the board. Where are they getting that money? I don't have that money. You guys have that money? I don't have that money, but that's what they're doing. They're getting paid to do this. But why, why, why? Well, everybody's looking at the concept of, well, they're gonna make voters out of them. And that's true, there's like, I don't know a lot of states that right now, if you were an illegal immigrant and you had a driver's license, you and a social security number will help you. But the driver's license, you can become a voter. You don't have to prove your citizenship. Okay, in the states. So you got all these people that could affect the states and I don't know how they're taking somebody that's a voter and telling them, well, you can vote in the state but you can't vote for the feds because the feds, you have to be an American citizen. So you've got that problem happening, all right? And everybody comes over, they got t-shirts on. Thank you Biden, thank you Biden, right? So everybody's focused on that. But what's really, really, really happening is they're putting them on a social security. Social security is gonna be in the pits in a matter of probably months at this rate because nobody has fed the money. It's an account, a savings account for your old age. And every one of us, it's on social security. We paid in for our entire lives. These people have come over the border and are getting on social security. It's gonna tank social security. It's already tanking the entire medical industry because they are being led into hospitals in front of American citizens. They are, the hospitals are being paid by these, you know, what do they call them? The ones we were just talking about, the non... NGOs. NGOs, the NGOs. And so it's not just, I'm virtually more concerned about the economic attack that is being made. You know, I'm a military person. I have to look at all the various things that are happening. And that one to me is more damaging. Why? Well, if you find a terrorist and you kill them or you throw them out or you do whatever to... There's a reason for that that most people can get behind. But if you say to the American people, well, we've got 15 million people here that we're gonna send out of the country. They're gonna go, how can you be that awful? You're evil. Why would you do that? You know, because they're gonna take the country down because of the economy. Right now, the last statistics showed that the people who were getting the new jobs were virtually all illegal immigrants. There weren't any American workers being hired. This is what it's all about. Did you say that was happening right now? Is that the true citizens are being fired because the illegal immigrants are getting paid under the very low wages in comparison? Correct. And Tyson, Tyson, I don't know, they put out meat stuff. Tyson was the one that got caught at it because they shut down one of their factories in an American city that was absolutely dependent upon them. And then they went to New York City and they got workers to fill another factory in a different state. So they replaced all the Americans with these immigrants. And that was, they got caught at it. There's a lot of other, I mean, that's what's happening all over the place. So yeah, we're definitely under attack. - I'm Tyson, just last night. I met a fellow at the Tavern, at Fast Eddies, great music night here in Austin City, met this guy Frank and it turns out not only was he a drummer and he had like played with all these different acts all over the place, great stories there. But back story is he grew up, his parents had a chicken ranch for Tyson and he talked about that. They had like, I don't know, 200,000 birds or whatever and they had to, well, they dealt with this control of the food supply and we saw it recently, these attacks in Texas on meat production and all these infrastructure food production systems that have been like fires and everything, that they're destroying this, like creating famine conditions, food shortage and to push the agenda to, well, here eat these bugs instead. You know, you can go round and round and on and on with this, with China owning all this farmland, Bill Gates, you know, and all the agricultural lands that he bought up, it ties in with GMOs and controlling what's in our bodies and like it jumps over and out of 5G, you know, and those systems which I was reading your book, this your brilliant part on being able to sense those 5G Nancy and oh yes, this is a real thing. All these, all these full spectrum levels that essentially were under attack by this, whatever we want to call it, cabal, global Satanist, it's all true, it's all part of the deal. And in this border thing, again, the other thing that goes along with that is the human and child trafficking, not to mention the drug trafficking, you know, it's like cocaine's not a big thing with the cartels anymore, it used to be that. Now it's, as I understand it, trying to move their fentanyl producing facilities to like Central America and Colombia and whatnot. And so like they're making that crap there to get into this country, to permeate our population and weaken us from within. And all of these like, I mean, horrific things when you add them all up and really look at it, it's like, but I do believe that the tide has been turned in watching this movie, I believe that the information has been dripped out to the public and we're seeing it, the debate was won, Trump was masterful, they designed, set that whole thing up to have Trump at a disadvantage, no crowd, you know, a green light on the mics and all this stuff. And that was perfect for Trump, he was masterful, he was so presidential. And I mean, he was like Biden's proctologist like who tore him a new exit, he ramped out and like, and reamed him out. I mean, just, I mean, it was there for everyone to see. So again, this movie, I mean, it's really playing out to a climax and again, I go back to this, I'm so glad I feel so comfortable and confident and not worried, I'm not sweating it because I do feel it's scripted, I do feel the white hats are in control. You know, I don't know, Nancy, you know these, all these things and you mentioned 2015 and that was when the law of war manual was updated to be able to account for these conditions were in now updated so that this continued government devolution, they call it COG, that's been going on. And like Trump said, as to figure it, we have it all and they do, they do. But it's a matter of bringing it through the institutions in this country that have all been taken over, but playing it out through them so everyone can see it so that I believe there is going to be some kind of 10 days of darkness, there's going to be some kind of like mass, like global, we're like, okay, we got them now and they're going to shut down all media and they're going to play the proof over the airways, go be the only thing on TV, it will be unavoidable to miss and that will be, oh my God, just the great revelation of what's been going on. And so to take it to, I mean from all this ugliness that's been going on, what might you know Nancy about Nissara, Tissara, and as that fits with taking down the global Rothschild banking system and BRICS coming in, asset backed gold, silver commodity backed monetary system replacing the US dollar as the petrodollar and what do you know about that Nancy? Well, they seem to have the system set up but every time they've tried to actually activate it, something would happen and I don't remember, I don't want to get into the details but it would be kept being stopped. But from just looking at what's happening today in today's reality, the Saudis, the Russians, I mean everybody is leaving the dollar as the petrodollar so that's another indication that the entire financial system is in the tank and yet nobody seems to be panicking. Everybody that is anybody knows this in the financial world but the stock market keeps going up higher and higher breaking all sorts of records. So if the stock market is not just a game and I believe it is. - It is. - Yeah, but if it wasn't, that's still a weird indicator. If you know that the whole thing is coming apart, why are you doing this? Because everybody knows that there's another system. And the fact that the Russians have said that we're not going to use the American dollar anymore and I don't even know, I don't know, maybe it's a ruble, I mean I don't know what the hell they're using. But it's like that's devastating to America but it doesn't matter to the rest of the world. Money is just based on your belief system. And if the Russians tell you you got to use Russian money and you say, oh okay, I'll use Russian money. You know, it's like, it's a belief system. It's all phony, there's no gold and silver behind most of it. - No, and it's just, so I don't even worry about it. First off, there's not a damn thing I can do about any of that because if it happens, it happens. But if it happens, it would be a good thing for everybody. - No, we're seeing it happen, we're seeing it happen. You look at the BRICS nations that have joined, that have left the Rothschilds behind. And this is exactly the reason why Putin is so demonized by the mockingbird media controlled by the globalists to keep Putin being this horrific man where actually he is a good guy doing the right thing and saying, they hate him because he's ditching the petro dollar saying, we don't need that. And the globalists, they can't have that because they control that exchange rate. And what I've been seeing in terms of this NSR and whatnot and this switch over of the world banking system that the countries around the world are no longer using the petro dollar. Why? Because they get gypped on the exchange rate. It is set so that their value, they get less. Whereas you go to asset backed and you have kind of a fair exchange. And so for international commerce, you wanna buy something internationally, you have to go through this system that used to be the petro dollar and where all the little countries got screwed and the fat cats, the Rothschilds made out. Well, that's ending, they're ending their financial control. And so it's in a way also takes time for that to play out. It's a war of attrition. It goes to like bond markets and all these other lists of financial indicators. Silver being one of them and buying shorts, they're all invested in that. And they have these big entities. Cobblists have kept the price of silver artificially low because they've got shorts on it. That means like I heard a figure, the price of silver goes up a dollar. From say 30 to $31 and Bank of America loses like $8 billion on the exchange because they had to cover that difference out of pocket. And so that's how the global financial war of attrition have been playing out so that these black hats no longer have the money to fund their stuff. Same with the drug traffic, same with interrupting the human traffic. The adrenochrome business is absolutely huge and that's been disrupted too in Ukraine. Putin, he went after the adrenochrome harvesting spots. He went after the bio-weapon manufacturing places. He went after those targets. You don't see that in mainstream media, but that's what he's doing. - Actually, actually the biotech labs, that's the one thing that we can point to, that we can prove he actually, that was all true. And it was the assistant. Oh gosh, what was the department? It's a major department and she was testifying before the House in the Congress. And she was asked, so are you saying that the US Army set up bio-labs in the Ukraine? And she said, yes. And this follow-up question was, are you worried about this? And she said, yes. Now she was probably presenting it as, well there's these labs there that we've been doing that the Russians might get their hands on. I couldn't figure out why she was saying it, except it was part of the release of information. So that's absolutely been proven, that the government of the United States has admitted that the US Army, well it wasn't even the US Army, it was US Army facilities that were involved in it. I don't think they knew about it, because it was all orchestrated by, well Bill Gates was involved in it, I think. But I can't remember. There was somebody else that was, oh geez, I don't even remember now, but it doesn't really matter. - Yeah, it goes to where the Biden family and their involvement that we're seeing, hunger and charisma and all this stuff, this is the money laundering, this American taxpayer is going for these purposes. And what does it do? It funds these bio-labs, it funds the industrial military complex that build the bombs and where we drop them, we'll just send them these armaments. Well that's what I warned us about, this military industrial complex that makes these huge profits off of these called never ending war games that are played out. And that's where we've all been paying the bill for that, that's where it comes from, to do these really terrible things. And that's, again, that's coming to an end. And so it's being played out. - Do you remember in the debate when Trump said, "As soon as I'm elected president, "before I take the oath, "I'm going to stop the Ukrainian war?" - Yes. - And they keep yelling about, "He lied, he lied, he lied, I'm keep going to myself, "would you please explain to me what he lied about?" Because he said that, "You don't know it's a lie, "all you know is that he said it." And that man has said some outrageous things over his political career. And he is either made every promise of real thing, or was doing so when he got interrupted with the Biden show. So yeah, I mean, and why? Well, because Putin and Biden have been working together, do you think that just because Trump, I mean, Trump, that Trump left the White House, that he wasn't still talking to Putin? Do you think he was still not talking to the, what's his name, the Chinese guy and the North Korean guy? - Carson Jim, and yeah. - What, he just, he wasn't president anymore, so they don't want to talk to him? Oh, BS on that. They've been in contact the whole time. - The same horrific things have been played out in their countries as well. That this, it's been labeled the Cazarian Mafia. It's a bank of Rothschild and all that has been going on for centuries that these are essentially fake Jews. They're Satanist in terms of their theology. And this is all been playing out. And so these countries, Kim John Hill, is that his name, North Korea? - North Korea, yeah. - You know, they've been under the thumb too. They've been getting squeezed. We Americans aren't the only ones. It's been going on worldwide. And it's a world war against these evil forces by the good men and women kind of led by the American army or led by, but, and the white hats that have been planning this since Kennedy's death. You know? - No, actually, actually it was right after World War II. - Okay, yes. It goes back even before that. Again, that's where Ike was before Kennedy said, "Hey, I see this going on and all this other stuff." But- - Well, let me just relate this, okay? What happened at the end of the war was you got people like patent, okay? And Eisenhower and the others. And they saw what was their enemy, supposedly the German people. And they realized, oh my God, the German people were victims, all right? And that's when they started to turn things around and look at things differently. And patent himself began to become very vocal about, we did not lose, we did not win this war. Because we didn't even, who the enemies were. And he started to, you know, really ring the bell. And that's why he was assassinated. I know we got an automobile accident. It was an assassination, the assassin. You know, 40 years later admitted to it and explained how it happened. But the key to it is that right off the bat, there was a movement to take over the United States. And they tried it as a, essentially a military takeover, but the guy that they approached to be the guy that was gonna be the head of this thing, he just said, no, no, no, no, no, we're not gonna do this. And he released all the information. And so it kind of blew up in their faces. But where they actually got the, let's say the tread to be able to take over, to really to get inside everything. And I'm talking about the black hats, they consider themselves the black nobles. Okay, so what happened was that they went for the industry. And the industry that they targeted at first, well, not at first, they did them all, but the one that got them going down the road the fastest was the nuclear industry. Because there wasn't any other, you know, people out there that were making money like the oil. You're not gonna go to that oil and say, let's make nukes, well, why? We're making money on oil, we're not gonna do that, right? They went to the people that essentially was a money-making thing, the entire nuclear industry. And the people who were in the center of it was the Bechtel Corporation. And the Bechtel Corporation is the one that owns, oh gosh, the Redwood, Bohemian Lodge people. - Bohemian Grove. - The Grove, yes, yes. - Bohemian Grove in California, yep. - Right, well, that's owned on Bechtel, they have it on, it's Bechtel owned land. And all of the people that work at Bechtel, you couldn't find out who they were until they became government officials. And then you'd say, the Secretary of State, so-and-so who worked for Bechtel. That's the only time you'd ever see a reference to it. You never knew, you don't know. And I'm telling you, every time I saw the name, it was a German name. (speaking in foreign language) So that's a lot to do with what is happening here. And just to finish up this one subject. When I was in the military, I was a Russian expert. And I was in the electronic warfare department. So what's happening is that we're listening to Russian communications, telephone, radar, military, civilian, government, economies, all that sort of thing. And it's going through NSA. And then it comes to me because I've got to figure out what the frig is happening based on all this information. And my final judgment on what was happening was that the Russians were not looking at the US military. They were looking at the finance and economy. And they were spending all of their intelligence efforts to understand what was happening there. And that made me turn my attention to it. And once you start studying that, then you see the whole very nightmarish control that they do have. But not on the people. So we're going to take a break here. And well, it's the same one I keep doing over the rainbow because it's a feel-good song. - I love that song myself. - Here we go. Mute yourselves. ♪ Somewhere over the rainbow ♪ ♪ Way up high ♪ ♪ And the dreams that you dream of ♪ ♪ Once in my love ♪ ♪ The bar high ♪ ♪ Somewhere over the rainbow ♪ ♪ Bluebird slide ♪ ♪ And the dreams that you dream of ♪ ♪ Can you hear me do ♪ ♪ Go true ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Someday we should call to stop ♪ ♪ Wake up where the clouds are far behind ♪ ♪ We will travel much like lemon drops ♪ ♪ High above the chin when it comes to wear ♪ ♪ You find me old ♪ ♪ Somewhere over the rainbow ♪ ♪ Bluebird slide ♪ ♪ And the dreams that you did too ♪ ♪ Oh why ♪ ♪ Oh why ♪ ♪ Can't I ♪ ♪ I ♪ ♪ I will see trees over Greenland ♪ ♪ With roses too ♪ ♪ I watched them move for me and me ♪ ♪ Me and you went back into myself ♪ ♪ What a wonderful world ♪ ♪ The last few skies are blue ♪ ♪ And I see clouds away ♪ ♪ And the brightness of thee ♪ ♪ I like the dark and the into myself ♪ ♪ Got a wonderful world ♪ ♪ Think to myself ♪ ♪ What a wonderful world ♪ ♪ But someday I wish if I was not ♪ ♪ Wake up where the clouds are far behind ♪ ♪ Be the trouble melts like a lemon drum ♪ ♪ High above the tim and eat up as well ♪ ♪ You find your somewhere over the rainbow ♪ ♪ Way up high ♪ And welcome back to the Say What Show. You're playing on June 29th, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins with me is Walt Silva. And Nell's Bush, our newest fun host. Thank you so much. I hope you are. Are you there? Oh, I got you muted. Can you hear me? I didn't take a chance on you guys muting yourself. And then I forgot to mute myself. All right. You're unmuted. You can talk now. Oh, good. Because I was singing. I was humming along to Rainbow. I thought, am I messing up the show here with me in the background? I couldn't help it. So, but I feel good now. Yeah. So, um, well, carry on, Nancy. I'm here, dear. Okay. I want to do something totally different. We often do this on the Say What Show. As we completely change the subjects from the first to the second hour. Because, um, Walt, are you ready to do a human design on Nell's if you'd like one done? Well, sure. I have the, uh, I have the, uh, thing here, the, uh, what do you call it? The charts. The charts. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. No. Do you know anything about human design? Human design. I, it, the term is new to me. I could speculate, but I am all ears. I bet it has something to do with Fibonacci or the Golden Mean or something. But I, I'm, I'm curious. Cause like Walt is like this amazing adventure in applied technologies and stuff. So if I can be like your guinea pig test subject, test tube dude, I'm that a volunteer. So please continue. Okay. Because I'll tell you, um, when we started talking about it, it, you know, okay. Yeah. All right. Yeah. And then the more, the more you'd bring it up, the more accurate I would realize the whole thing is. So, um, if you haven't found out what it is, we're going to just, and we want, you don't, you probably don't want to say it over the air, um, but put it in the chat. Can you get to the chat there in the sky? Hey. Hi. Yes. You. Oh, I will, I will try because, um, since my screen went to rest and black, I haven't seen anything for the whole time now, but I'll bring that back up. Just, just click on your, just click your clicker and the screen. Okay. Back in. Okay. Click on just click, just click the clicker, just click it. It's telling the machine you're there and want to talk to it and it'll open up the window. Um, no, sorry, I'm such a doofus at this. I'm not click the clicker on which box you don't just click the clicker. Not on any box. Is the window up yet now? Did you say that you said it was a black screen, right? Oh, no, I brought, I, I have the kind of home screen for Skype up now where I see both your, your box and he doesn't need to calculate anything at all. I'm the one that needs his, I know, I'm not sure that he wants to say his birthday and that information. Oh, okay. I got it. Okay. Sorry. I'm hoping both. I don't care. I don't care. If you don't care, then just get you to have a conversation and well, tell him what his human design is. But before we do that, let's just have a little bit of a overview of what the human design is, and I don't want you to get into too much of the history. Just tell him, it came from some guy talking to a, a well, right? But it's this amazing concept that let me let him explain the basics of it. So you know what we're, what we're about to do. Okay. Go ahead. Yeah, the human design tells you how to put it. There is a five basic human designs. We, we think we are all the same that, that everyone follows the same rules. No, that's not true. There is, there are definitely differences in, in some of, for example, in a agent, you, all parents want their kids to go gooders and be, be, go for it and be, no, not everyone is designed that way. So there are five, four basic human types. And depending on the type of human is how you will function, how you will operate. So the best way to start is to begin by telling you who you are. So let me begin, okay, can I say your name? Say my name. Yeah. I'm going to be putting that in the boxes to, to generate the chart. Okay. Full name. No, no, no, just whatever name you want to use. I don't care. Well, my given name and in using numerology and finding a life path number, you enter your name and you turn that to numbers. So my full name is Nelson Edward Bush. And it's spelling numbers that spell correctly and on my name icon there, B-S-C-H like the beer, not the Illuminati family presence, can I just put Nelson Bush? Sure. Well, you're, yeah, you're inputting the data. I'm just like giving you a TMI, I guess. Too much. Is it the B-U-S-H or is it the different spelling for the last name? It's spelled like the beer B-U-S-C-H, not like the thing grown in the ground. Oh. C-H. Yes. Okay. What day were you born? March 12, 1954. Okay. Do you know what time you were born? 30, in the afternoon, 1.40 pm is on my birth certificate. Okay. Hold on a second. 13. 40. Oh, that's 15. What city? Columbus, Ohio. So this is astrology chart information. I understand. I get it. Okay. Ohio. Ohio. Ohio. Ohio. Oh, here it is. Okay. Got it. Along these lines, my older brother, year and a half older, and my younger sister, oh, she's like 10 years younger than me, they both are astrologers. They have been, my brother started in high school, my younger sister started in college, and I never got interested in it until about, oh, about 10 or 12 years ago now that I started looking into it. So please continue. I'm fascinated. Okay. Okay. It tells me here, I'm here, you're a manifesting generator, just like my mother. Manifesting generator. Oh, wait a minute. Keep going, Walt, I heard of this, a manifesting generator, here's how to compare them regular generators, manifesting generator, a manifesting generator, they have to do everything fast. For example, if you put a generator to work and a manifesting generator, don't ask manifesting generator to go back and check their work, they're going to say, no, they're going to quit. I refuse. Oh, no, you got the next thing you got to do, you can't backtrack, you've got a one and done and move on. Yeah. Yes, that's what a manifesting generator does, because what a generator wants in their life is satisfaction. They want to be satisfied with what they're doing, because their not self-themed is frustration. Frustration is what happens to them because they're not, their energy is not being used correctly. Therefore, they're always frustrated. Yeah, we're not getting any work fast enough, that's me only, that's like, can I hold myself to that? That's what everybody else like, they get to do it, but keep going, Walt. Brilliant. Please. Well, the generators have these centers in the body. The body is made up of nine centers, some are shaped like a triangle, some are shaped like a square, because these do not correspond exactly to the chakras in the yogic system. This is based on energy centers, and they're set up in the body, and it happens with nine centers, because the body, the human body is changing. The human body used to be based on nine centers, but that's the old system that used to be, because, okay, in the old human system, all the kings and all the queens and all the pharaohs and all the people in charge were always manifesters. They're the ones who were all the kings, they're the ones who would tell the rule, because a manifester has a human design center in such a way a manifester doesn't need to depend on anybody or interact with anybody in order to determine how they function. For example, if we are going to, what a manifester wants to do something, well, what they have to do whether they like or not, they need to inform people, why? Because they scare everybody, because manifesters function without asking permission of anybody. Even the smallest children, they are so independent and so active in the way they are, that in order to put everyone out of ease, they need to inform people what they wanted to do. That's it, but they don't need to, but they do it anyway so that everyone's, oh, I'm going here, oh, I'm going to be doing that, oh, I'm going to be closing the story, so that your enemies, because you're happy, you know what he's going to do. So that's the way the manifesters work, but in your case, you're a generator. A generator has to be, for example, a generator, they can't go to bed early. They've got to go to bed exhausted, because if you go to bed early, you can't go to sleep. They need to be exhausted exactly, that's the way they work. So you need, also, the human design, the way it works, the human design, the big concern in the human design system is, what is your true inner authority? Because the mind is not meant to guide us, the mind doesn't know, the mind doesn't know the hell to do with us, they don't know. So when you use them, I believe this is a manipulation by the cabal, they convinced everybody to follow their thoughts. Well, let me give you an example here. How can you use your mind to decide what to do when you're constantly choosing pros and cons, look at someone deciding on how to, what furniture to buy, what card to get, or what schools should I go to, you're constantly evaluating pros and cons. I should, should I go for this, should I go for that? So if you knew what you really should do, you don't need to ask. Yeah, what you're saying, if I may, is like, and you mentioned the cabal and controlling the input into our minds, so we are limited with our topics of choice because of what is not there. And if you follow that, you'll be following their programming, you know. Okay, all true, it's like all this stuff, what you're saying, okay, yeah, keep going. Or if I may ask you right now, sure, I need to ask you this, what I've encountered this system before, because that manifesting generator term about me, I've encountered that somewhere in the past, but if I wanted to search this, what are the search terms, what is the name of the system that you're using, please? Okay, and this particular website, where I can go and generate a chart, is, I will be there after this show,, yeah. And it's got it written down. This is where you can go and just put in your chart data, and it gives you a very basic chart. So, got you. So okay, so keep going, Walt. Yeah, so in your case, your inner authority is your what do you call it, your solar plexus, which is a very interesting, some centers in your body, some are what do you call it, some are motors, and others are merely in energy centers for different things. But in the human body, the solar plexus has this particular function that is both, is both a center of awareness, and it's also a motor. It does both things. And in your case, it's what your main center of awareness is the solar plexus, which is a new center the way centers go. This is actually brand new, and it's actually what it's moving us into the stage of our new evolution, where before people weren't aware of the solar plexus and what it did. In your case, it is. So, you care, Walt, if I may ask to say in talking about describing these energy centers in the body, and as you say, they're not precisely the chakras, but generally, but I mean, okay, so I'm thinking of the solar plexus energy center, well, above that is the heart, right, and below that, well, in the chakra system is the sacral, right, the orange, you know, in the solar plexus, the gold, the yellow between, you know, heart, you move up, and it's green, and up the electric, you know, and so, is it fair to say then to bring it to a point, is that representative or analogous to what you feel in your gut versus like making the distinction between what's in your mind, is that fair to say within the system, is your gut, what your gut tells you? It depends on how the other centers are set up, because when you're looking at the human design, not all the centers are designed, design means they have a definition. When they're, when a center is not defined, it is white, it is completely blank. So that makes it like, I'll give you an example, you and me and my mother, we have the same, we have the same idiosyncrasy, is that both our head centers are undefined, they're open. What does that mean? You have at the top of the body, you have a triangle pointing up at the head center, and then there's another triangle beneath that one is called the Ajna center, which is where you hold your thinking, how you conceptualize things. Now here's an interesting case, because both these centers are open, pay attention to this, because both these centers are open, nothing, remember these words, nothing that you worry about has absolutely any value for you at all, nothing that you worry about has any useful value at all. So what does this mean that you shouldn't worry about anything? Because nothing that you worry about has any use to you at all. So the more, if you start worrying about anything at all, you get yourself into a little trouble for no reason at all, it's not going to help you in any way, shape or form. Because your centers are open, gotcha, gotcha, your head center, they're both open. So whatever you're thinking about, it's just a waste of time. This is, in your case, when these two centers are open, this is ideal for the person who likes to meditate, that meditation type of meditation where you go blank and you focus on nothing at all, that set, that type of human design is perfect for us, is it perfect? Because we can actually concentrate on nothing at all, there is the opposite, there are other people where the head center and the extra center are defined, and they can't shut it off. They can't stop thinking, in fact. I'm like that. No, that's because we are programmed into thinking, but we are in our natural state. We don't have to think about anything, only if you want to. If you want to, you can focus on something, but you don't have to. No, I keep thinking about my to-do list, which doesn't get any shorter every time I do something. Two more things get added to it. It's like I'm falling behind, I've got to keep busy, but you're describing my nature, my mental energies so very well, but let me just mention what I find in terms of actually being able to meditate. Two things. I have been practicing sun gazing for, oh gee whiz, I'm 10 years now, and I find when I do that, I focus, I meditate on just the visual imagery that I'm getting in my eyes when I'm looking at the sun, and sometimes I'm closing them and saying what kind of colors and shapes, and when I do this, all these conscious, rational thoughts do this, do that, all that stops, and I just watch the light show as I'm thinking about my axons and dendrites and like all this and that other stuff, but it is meditative for me because the others thought flow stops, and this is just very peaceful for me, too, but I'm still active with it. It's interacting with it, so that's just, so that to you, keep going, please walk. Well, for example, you have the G Center, which is a very important center because it has to do with the heart, and in your case, your G Center is open, is undefined. What does this mean for you? It means that every time you're going to do, for example, let's say you're looking for a new place to move, let's say you're looking, you're going to look for a new place to move. You can ask your friends, ask your relatives, you can go to a realty office, and ask. All you have to do is ask, that's all you have to do, and then just go home, and then wait for the phone calls to come, because everyone is going to be coming to you, to answer you. That happens to me once. I found the most amazing place to live, exactly like what you're seeing. Keep going. That's because your G Center is open. For example, I'll give you an example. You have a heart center, and the heart center is open. What does that mean? That means that you don't have to prove yourself to anybody. You don't have to. You can if you want to, but you don't have to prove yourself to anybody. Every time, whenever you feel like, oh, I need to prove this, no, you don't have to. When people have a defined heart center, they are up there, but they are going to say this. When they have a defined heart center, they are constantly having to prove themselves. Always having to prove, whatever they're doing in their business, they're always having to be proving their capacity, their attributes, everything. But in your case, your heart center is open. It's undefined. That means that you never have to prove that you can, you never have to prove that you're capable. Nothing. You're free. What you're saying is blowing my mind with what it's like as a mirror of me from what you're saying and how I've lived my life, that I went through this kind of dramatic change about 14 years ago. I found my true spirit lived that, but prior to that, my whole life in terms of construction that I did was exactly what you're saying in terms of, I had to prove myself every day, prove my value, a day is done. You got to start it all over the next day. You got to produce every day. But you were doing it incorrectly because you didn't have to. It brought me a skill level and a attitude of production because that's what was required. It was physical, manual work at the end of the day. You see what you built and you and everyone else, the team that you're on and it didn't exist before that day. But there you were operating unlike yourself. You were proving yourself. You were proving that you could do something when in reality you had no need to. Right. That's how I see it now because what I can see now is what I did is I spent my life building others dreams. This is a dream, some building somebody wants and I built their dreams. Well, what about mine and so these changes happened to me to build my own and I've been doing that and that's why I came to know you guys because of that. What you're saying? Oh, say some more. You're right on. You had, this one is your spleen, your spleen is open and is undefined. The spleen, let me explain it to you what happens when the spleen is defined. When the spleen is defined, it is the more prehistoric sense of awareness that we have. If you had like me at the fine spleen, you, the spleen is the one that tells you to watch out that ladder is going to fall in your head. The spleen is constantly protecting you and constantly warning you what's going to happen. So the spleen is like an early warning system and it's also concerns yourself with you feeling good. I may ask you about because within the organs of the human body, I kind of know a few things about most of them but the role of the spleen, the function, there's adrenals or pancreas, what does the spleen do in the body? Can you explain that to me? Its job is to keep you safe, safe and healthy and alive. But organically within our human machine, the stomach does this, we've got the kidneys do that and that other thing does that. I know the spleen is the thing with my body, like what is like I'm just curious and I can look that up if that's not at your fingertips. Or if you're looking at organic cancer, I'm sorry I'm not, I don't have the thing on me to tell you what's going on. But it's a metaphor, it's an analogy for this organic chemistry system. In your case, your spleen is undefined. Okay, undefined spleen. Undefined. Now what does that mean, it means that it will not warn you, if you have something that's going to, that will happen to you, like say that something is going to be dangerous or something, you don't have a way of receiving that warning. So because it's open, the spleen works differently, it's telling you what to watch out for. Whereas in my case, the spleen job is to keep me informed and to keep me safe and to give me happy. Yours is the other way, it's going to, it's going to tell you, watch out. Don't do this. Or don't go here. It's warning kind of warning you, okay, no, you shouldn't be doing this. So the spleen is telling you to watch out, but the thing about in your case, when this spleen is open like this, in this case, it's actually great for warning you about others. If someone approaches you, who's a dangerous person that I don't, I wouldn't go near this person, not even with a ten foot pull, that's what your spleen will do. Watch out. That's the dangerous person to hang out with. Warning, Rob, Will Robinson. Oh, yeah, oh, you're flashing me back to a number of situations where that warning system was like, yeah, something happened, something bad happened, like out of that, yeah, yeah. And you have, for example, in your case, the sacral center, the sacral center is defined. So that's because that's why you need to work so much and you work ten hours, because you have your sacral center and the solar boxes, they're both engines. And you have the root chakra is also defined, which means you, the three centers, which are engines actually defined, now you also have the throat is defined, meaning that the way that you express yourself, this is how it's better to teach people with comparison or what happens when you don't have it and when you do have it, like, for example, in the case of the throat, it's great to compare it with somebody has an open throat, like, for example, singers, men and women singers, they make the best singers in the world because the throats are open. If you find an excellent singer, I bet you that the throat is open, it's undefined. They control how they express themselves. Now in my case, your case, we have a fixed way of how we express ourselves on the, we, there's something we can do to change that because of the way it's our thoughts are defined. So your throat is defined, it will express it, it always expresses itself in the same way. Wait, no, what you're saying, you're blowing my mind with just your analysis because, and I forget where I, who told me this, but my throat chakra, this has not been open. I've, I've, and throughout my life, I have not expressed myself. I mean, I can go back to childhood and see this that I always reserved and let my older brother, he said everything, I kind of sat back and watched and I didn't say anything. I was kind of afraid to talk back to dad where my older brother, like he went toe to toe with my dad, like, for all time, and I said, no, I can't say that, I can't express that, I can't be genuine, I can't really say everything. And so that's so right on. But being aware of this, I look over at my keyboard stand where I have my mirror code is, and I have been doing voice training, okay, train myself to sing because, or to train my voice because it, it, it was, it became important to me or interesting to me. And so I have these kind of on my, on my keyboard, these lip, cheek, mom, and boop. Those are my four voice training exercise I got from this guy named Adam Misham, I bought his course on my own, I did that. But I interspersed that with these mirror codes, Lloyd, mirror, dows codes, and that, that pertain to this, and I'm looking at the very first one, and it's his number, his code for throat chakra, open, it's like, open that puppy up. Now, I'll read you the other ones, I'm looking at them. Your pitch, singers like that, identify sound frequency, you need to be able to hear and know what you're hearing. There's an energy for pop singer, there's an energy for stage fright, I put that up there. And then Bob, Bob, but you're not, you're not, you're not, you're the speaker. You don't, you don't, but that's ideal for someone who isn't in the fine throat system because they're, they're geared for all the stuff that you're reading. You don't have that, you're working on it, I'm working on it, I'm working on that stuff, so I'm putting my time in, I'm, I'm working it. Well, you have a, what do you call it, the two centers, the 12 and the 22, they're defined, and you have a circuit, hold on a second, let me, let me look up the circuit. Oh, by all means, I am just fascinated by what you're sharing with me, Bob, and looking like, what else does enough matters, but now you're an expert at it, bro, you're the bro, yo, talk to me, I'll show you what Wally's looking at up, I just want to point out and what you can correct me if I'm wrong. But when you're talking about energy shock, it's, it's not the same thing, there's a shock system that's a manifestation within the 3D body, and then you have the energy, good lord, who wants what, can you hear the cat, I can hear headphones, but what you're talking about is something in your energy field, the blueprint of your body that was there at birth. Can you check, can you change those things, or do you have to work within the confines of what they're, if they're open or they're not open, in other words, what happens is, is that, unfortunately, the, this very ancient civilization that we live in is forcing us to function based on their rules, which are incorrect, because they, they're like, like I said to him, children at a, at a, and schools, they are forced to learn that they use, for example, use your head to make decisions, that's wrong, because your head is useless for making decisions, you, you have an, an inner authority, and that's the correct way that you make decisions. So from the get-go, we are taught incorrectly. So we function incorrectly, because we are taught incorrectly, if we were allowed to be our true selves, everything would be perfect, everything will be all right, because we are functioning the way we were meant to be. So that, that's why I'm looking at, like, for example, I will, he has a gate 22, and gate 12, gate 12 is on the, on the throat connected to the server complexes, and that's, yeah, and I'm looking at it, and, and that particular gate, it's called openness. So if you don't mind, I'll read it. Is that okay? Can I read? Okay. The 1222 is a very mysterious channel. Think about social dynamics. If you think about a tribe, you, you have two specifically social channels for the tribe. That is the 596, obviously the intimacy of 596 and the 4037, the channel community. These are so-called social channels. There is only one other social channel, that is the 2212. Every collective channel is social social. So when you see the social capacity, diminish, diminish, you begin to understand something about being as well, and the way in which the layer of humanity is structured. The collective is social at every possible level. So we end up with multi-racial societies in certain places where people can all exist together, and so forth and so on. This is a collective. It is social at any level. But the moment that you step into the tribe, you can see that the tribe is very limited. I mean, when it will be social, it will be social in order to make more, it will be social within its own community to maintain its viability. But this is a close of social environment. You notice that anytime you step into a foreign tribe's environment, you know it right away. You are neither somebody who is part of the intimacy or part of the community, and you're not going to receive any kind of true social invitation into that. Unless you happen to stick into a farmer's daughter's bedroom, let me change the story. Either you're not shotgun or you get married one or the other. But when you come to individuality, it has one and only one social dimension. I know this is an incredible limitation in the individual. Individuals are deeply handicapped when it comes to establishing social bonds. Now, of course, when we come to the nature of seeing the holistic body graph, we know very well that people have all kinds of mixes of aspects within their design. So I'm speaking just theoretically from an absolute point of view. In other words, looking at the pure individual, somebody like me as an example, that only has individual definition. Only having individual definition gives on handicap socially. Now, I have some advantages in that I do have the 12th gate and I do have the 40th gate. So I have certain ways and I have certain collective gates in which I can learn and connect to the tribe and collective. But it's unnatural. So when you are looking at the 12th 22, you're looking at something very unique in a sense. In the individuality, it's not allowed to be social because it's not here to be influenced. It is not collective. It's not here to be influenced. Individuality is here to express mutation. That's the whole point of having individuality in the body graph. It is the evolutionary process in all of us. So it's not here to be influenced, which means it's difficult for individuality to form those kinds of long-term bonds because it's very difficult for them to actually embrace the social dimension. It's against their nature. And yet the irony in all of this, in all that is and that all our concepts of romance come from individuality, this yearning for the bond because it's so difficult to find it. And of course, where do we find that? We find that in this stream from the 12th 22 to the 55 to the 39th. It is here in this stream that all of these concepts of romantic love and all of these things exist. It's interesting to see it in that way and to understand loneliness in a sense of individuality, that loneliness of why can't I. So the 12th 22 becomes a mechanism not for the individual to be able to express their romance, but for the individual to be able to seduce the collective with its mutation because the collective lives on social interaction. Individual action is intended only to mutate the collective and you can see it in the expression of the 12th 22 because this is the channel of a social or an antisocial being. And it's so easy for it to be turned off because the whole point is mutation and the whole point is to be able to mutate the other with his or with this voice. The individual takes action to try to affect the other and that you can see that in the 12th and in the 35th, you have fundamental manifesto themes, the impact that we can talk about in terms of a manifesto. This impact is in both of these gates. It is what drives us. One drives us experientially and the other mutates us so as we move along, it is very powerful in your impact, manifesting gates. So for the individual, it is all about this possibility in action to impact the other, to make them fall in love and not necessarily with us as a being, but what you have to say or what you have to offer to or what you have to offer or what you know, I know, I know that period. So it takes time. So this particular circuit is called openness. So as you can see, there's a lot to be said for the work of a single circuit. Now, you think about the rest of all the circuits in your body, but that's the only one that you have completed. That's a complete circuit from the end to end. The other circuits are incomplete and they only complete part of the way. Okay, so what does this mean in the lay terms? In other words, this circuit that you're talking about, it controls the social interaction of the individual with the tribe. No, what he will do is he will mutate the tribe. Okay, so he stands his ground and makes the tribe mutate until they're compatible with him. Exactly. Okay, interesting. But it explains why he's not I'm not I'm not trying to guess. I'm just I'm trying to ask a question. Is he like a like a loner kind guy? Ask him. Sorry, ask me again. I just had to go to the fridge and grab another. No, I just I was just wondering if you're kind of a loner type of guy. I don't know. Oh, totally. Oh, God, you got me so pegged again. You're blowing my mind. And like, I'm going to I guess you are a 12 22. Yeah, you walked out in a very important conversation. So it 53 minutes out, you go back and listen to what we just said. Oh, I will. I will. Yeah. And it's also good to see his incarnation across his incarnation crosses the left angle cross of informing. Let's see what it says. Left angle cross of you. You've only got six minutes. Okay, then maybe in another in another show, we'll talk about the incarnation cross. Well, now you got me interested. Can you give? Can you give a summary of what that means? At least not necessarily. It's very fair. Very short left angle cross of informing 22 47. Left side, no problem. Left side, no cross of informing two 47. Let's go. Now you've got five minutes. Best I know, cross of informing two 47. But if you don't mind my adding to what you were saying, hold on, hold on. You have a great gift of energy to listen and the energy to communicate. You carry the energy to be attentive to others as they speak. And they are able to eloquently communicate what has been told. You are the gallery and distributor of information. Every family, community, government needs somebody like you. That's it. That's your incarnation cross. That means that that's what you were. That's what you came to do. Wow. This is what you every community needs someone like you. Well, wow. Is he, see, I kind of have come to realize this about myself mostly through astrological terms in the 12th, you know, the last month, the Pisces, the collector, the one who looks after the other 11 and just all of these things like perfectly contextualized within these other, call it mirrors that are out there for us to look at ourselves, these systems for and oh my, what is on my mind right now, though, is that you articulated this. So let me just use the word professionally or professionally. So if you wouldn't mind telling me a little bit about yourself and how long have you been doing this? How does this work? Do you talk to people like, I don't have enough time to have this ability to do this. The bosses are going to kill me. But listen, he gives on his website, new paradigm There is a button there that says human design. You can ask him for human design. You're going to pay for it. But you can see how deep he goes into it and he gives the option or you can have both of a written response or you can have end or you can have a Skype conversation with him. So, so please repeat. I have two words written down new human tools. Was it dot com? No, no, go ahead, Walt. Well, what's your new paradigm tools dot net new paradigm tools dot net paradigm GM tools dot net is where you do this work? Okay. Oh, yeah. My question, Walt, how do you know? All you have to do is, you'll see that he's got his Gmail or whatever email account and you just have to write him because the website that he's using was giving him a lot of trouble. So they just decided to make it simple as possible. So you can find out more information about what he does and his pricing and stuff, but then you just write him an email and say, "Hey, it's Nels. I want to know blah, blah, blah." Right. Well, I've recognized for quite some time actually from the start about Walt's really got something going and what is it? And so now I know, you see, I didn't realize this is okay, so now I have it. So I am so grateful for this intro. Oh, thank you. Bless you, sir. Yeah. Well, you know, like I say, when he first introduced it, it sounded a little far out, but the more I have seen people get a real understanding, a deep understanding of themselves because of it, having that knowledge. So anyway, would you like to say good night to the audience? And we are going to have a live show. This will be a live show, noon, Monday, the cosmic soup show. Nels and I are going to be on it together talking about whatever. Wait, is it Monday, Wednesday, isn't it? Did you say Wednesday? Yes, Wednesday. Gotcha, man. I was like missed a couple days a second. All right, hurry up. Say goodbye. Bye. Thank you, everyone, everyone. I love you all. Good, man, everybody. And I appreciate you all being here. We'll start up live shows on Tuesday. And like I say, that'll be shungite show and cosmic reality. And then on Wednesday, we do have cosmic soup. And it's the first live show we've done in quite a while. So it should be fun. It'll be Nelson. Maybe we'll bring Walt in if he wants to come over. He seems to be able to play with me, Walt. All right. I'll remind you, Walt. Yeah, everybody. Thank you. Say what? Say what radio show? With no agenda. It's always a surprise. But if we're not having fun, we're doing something wrong.