Cosmic Reality Podcast

COSMIC REALITY 6/25/24 - Dogs Saved to Debate Show

“Cosmic Reality Radio Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Walt Silva and Dolly Howard discussing subjects from the Trump-Biden Debate to good news saving dogs Free PDF, Cosmic Reality Free PDF, 911 Crusade *Walt -

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at *NANCY'S BOOKS

1h 55m
Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

“Cosmic Reality Radio Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Walt Silva and Dolly Howard discussing subjects from the Trump-Biden Debate to good news saving dogs

Free PDF, Cosmic Reality

Free PDF, 911 Crusade

*Walt -

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at


and welcome to Shanghai reality it's June 25th 2024 my name is Nancy Hopkins with me is Walt Silva and Dolly Howard so Walt you want to say hi to the people hello everybody and welcome to the show and we have Dolly with us so this will shoot should be a great show. Dolly thank you Walt how'd be looking forward to sharing with you some exciting new issues from the news yeah the news where do we begin there's so many things happening out there that are just kind of mind-winding but you know it's all it's all theater but the best theater that's coming up is Thursday night they're gonna have the yeah the debate between Biden and Trump and Biden is taking eight days off so he can prepare and he's got 16 people telling him what he should do. Do you know what which model are cloned it's gonna be playing the part. They've had new ones lately. Oh yeah the new one's better than the new one. My kids just didn't believe me did not believe me about Biden and all the different versions and when I found that article I think I put it in the list and it showed the pictures of them how they're putting the mask is on the different actors and they finally believe me. That was on the list last Saturday and I meant to go back and look at it and get a picture of it but I didn't so we'll see is the list have the see Dolly always makes us a list and thank God she makes us a list. It was getting harder and harder to do this show because I had to do so much prepping to figure out what the heck was happening but then she started doing it and now I have half of my life back. I'm looking I'm looking for it because I know that it was on last did you just add to this to last weeks or is this a brand new one. I this one is kind of brand new the first one are they closer our new maybe and and there was the stories that I had linked so I left that in here in case we run out of something to talk about we have that I'm looking for the I think I erased it from this list it's got to be on there yeah it's not on this list it's on last okay well I want to get I want to get the I want to get the link at least so people can see it because explain what you saw while I look for it they had what they call it when they have a bunch of pictures in one big picture a lot of pictures of Biden's and they were talking about the mask is how they each Biden has its mask that they have to accept it put on and that's that's all I can remember about it but it was real people putting it on yes I'm hoping I can find you do you have I'm looking at I'm looking at oh okay just get a hidden face is fake masks oh shit I swear that I my fingers do this spastic stuff I just found it and then I took myself right out of it again oh do they stutter you mean or do they shake my fingers stutter and shape well this one hasn't got a link to it so let me see if I can pull it up I'm gonna excuse me I'm going to stick this in the chat and you guys in chat you check it out let me know if it works anyway okay good so let me let me just talk a little bit about this debate because it's funny so he's got all these people that are gonna help him out here but they've actually taken an aircraft hanger and made it into a TV set to be the same place I guess look like the same place where he's gonna debate and he's practicing I'm reminding you he's taking eight days to do this you know so some of the people have had some comments about they're gonna get this guy so screwed up that he's not going to know what he's supposed to be doing because according to the rumors a lot of rumors one person said why are they telling us all these details you know there's 16 people there they named them they gave pictures of them I mean it's like why are they saying that this poor feeble old man needs 16 people to get him to a point that he can stand I don't think he's gonna be able to stand up for 90 minutes all pre-end well young actors who pretend they're old and they tell them here and stumble over here and and pretend you're falling over there and so don't get yourself all worked up this is an old man stumbling and shit it's an actor um sorry so it's a it's just a job is your full full delivery requirement for a job for a job yes but some people just think it everyone just some people get so freaking upset me because they're saying thinking in their head he's real gosh he's not they're not abusing an elder man don't worry well I'm not sure if it's true or not Dolly I'm just telling the story that's being played out I'm telling about the show the play you know the back the back story to it I don't know if it's true or not what you say it could be it seems like a lot of people believe it but you know until I have some real concrete stuff I'm not gonna jump off the wagon and say oh none of this matters because it's all you know different people it might be different people but I'm I think that there is a very good likelihood that it's still Biden see I think a lot of conspiracy stuff is that conspiracy stuff they put out this information so there's so outlandish everybody jumps on it then everybody starts talking about it and the rest of the people listening to everybody else like Dolly Howard said boy that woman is really crazy you know I don't I don't trust the narratives on either side now you could be seeing something that you know sometimes I think I see it but then I'm going like there's so many ways of manipulating I mean you I'm a photographer and you can change the look of a person by the light you know what kind of light is in the room what kind of shadowing is happening you can do and and that's just the nature of light and and perception so as far as perceiving different changes in them will you pointed it out on the last show makeup you know on one of the people on Fox you know they can make a couple change them I've seen people who I'm sure have had facelifts you know so I don't know who anybody is I don't even pretend to know who everybody is all I'm doing was reporting on the scenario that they are reporting on and you know in this case I don't think that the man that they have been displaying could stand for 90 minutes God he he he can't hardly walk across the tarmac and he's supposed to stand there against Donald Trump but that wasn't and that's another interesting thing because in the original proposal for the debate they were supposed to be sitting and Trump said I wasn't going to go sitting and that was the only change that was made but why would they make that change because they if this is all contrived to make Trump look bad which is they want they want they want they want Biden to be able to stand there and he we he we we know we know he's got the questions that they see and then is provided Biden with the questions the debate with Hillary and Trump Hillary had the questions you know they're all in cahoots and the two the two moderators that are sitting there I don't know why they need to but the two moderators that one of them trapper has you know called Donald Trump a Hitler and a Nazi and you know he should burn in hell and somebody should take him out because he's dangerous I mean he said terrible things and yet he's supposed to be one of the moderators so people are saying yeah Trump's gonna have to debate three people that two moderators and Biden but it should be a very interesting show let's put it that way but Trump's gonna have someone there when they were talking we'll we'll run across it in the list but who was supposed to be Trump is gonna have one or two of his supposed nominees for vice president with him according to that article because because Biden is supposed to be having all his I forgot how many 16 coaches with him well I didn't think they were supposed to have anybody as an audience I didn't either but I did hear Tim Scott and Bergman asked if they were going to be there at the debate and they both confirmed they were but in both cases they made a reference to the after show oh so I'm not sure they'll be in the room when is the debate Thursday night yeah it's on CNN but it'll be on Fox and I'm sure that it'll be simulcast on the internet somewhere maybe Fox will do it on the internet too but it should be get your popcorn ready it's gonna be quite the show the interesting yeah well Biden is out there in eight minutes you know I eight days sequester Trump is out on the campaign and he says to the Philly Philly audience I think it was he's having rallies in the the Democratic strongholds while Biden is with 16 people telling them what to do but he gets up in front of this crowd and he said you know I'm gonna be debating that Biden guy should I be nasty and gruff you know nasty and gruff and he projects that personality and then he said should I be nice and consider it he was so sweet and I really couldn't tell which way the crowd crowd wanted him to go you know it was like no we want everything I think by now the crowd with the specters is all the show who knows I mean he gets I mean he was the Philly the Philly and he said he said outside because what he does is he he does this the speech he thing and has a rally and everything and then he went to a local stake place stake sandwiches homies you know take the things and he watching him in that environment was so much fun because he basically was buying these sandwiches for everybody and then he he gets the receipt and he writes on it Donald Trump will take away tap tip taxes and then he signs it with his name right and he's flashing this receipt because that's what they're doing he told he told Las Vegas that he was gonna get rid of the taxes on tips and that is so incredibly important to I worked for tips for the first 20 years in my life and you know we were hiding the money and back then didn't have the computers to be able to do it because if you had to pay taxes on what you were really making on tips you you couldn't survive the taxes were very high on tips and so you were forced into a situation of being deceitful and stealing from the government but this man is brilliant I mean the go the the fact that he's going to take away the tip taxes is gonna give more money to the people making tips to be able to spend which then comes back into the coffers of all of the states as sales tax because when he lowered the taxes on the everybody everybody had really low taxes when he was in in the White House when when you when you had that kind of a situation people had money to spend and they actually said that they made more money when the taxes were lower than when the taxes were higher the federal government so because they're there people are buying more yet you know it's just it's kind of common I'm a common sense economics so he told them that he was going to get rid of the taxes on tips and now there's a whole phenomena where people customers they get the receipt they put the tip but out and they say boat for Trump he's getting rid of the tip tax all these receipts have got these no no not all of them but you know a lot of these and it's probably going to get bigger and bigger so with with one statement he can win do you know how many people make their life livelihood on taxes he probably without one huh yeah the he's probably won the election by making that that promise and people don't point this out people don't point this out but Trump made a lot of promises and he kept him he kept him I've seen the list it's it's he said huge list and every single one of them he kept or had attempted to enact when he got tossed out of the the job so yeah but anyway that's it's it's it's fun and it's so much fun watching Trump and and the debate on the other down the side of the host you know like that news media people is both I mean liberal and Fox they're saying you know which which personality is gonna come out the the ranting Trump or the Trump that's so common collected that you kind of he kind of intimidated you know in that he's she she he walks in that that's what they say he walks into a crowd the crowd goes absolutely berserk Donald Trump but I was listening to the guy that owned the sandwich place and he said that that he was talking about it and he was halfway through the interview when he said he said oh Trump gave him a $500 tip the people there you know now you see Biden go into these places and he's pulling out money and he and there's a tip in there for you too yeah right you know it's like so pathetic but and I know he has like one or two people in the restaurant with him whereas Trump is the whole restaurant filled right but the guy that the guy that was the sandwich guy owner he said what you don't know is that Trump came back and he ordered like 60 of these things he was feeding some group of people and he said these things are so good I want another 60 and went back to the place and bought another 60 I don't know he did he said Trump went back but I wasn't sure that Trump actually went back and sent somebody back but he bought another 60 after the fact but the guy the guy the guy the guy also said when Trump left office he said my grinder I guess subs they call these subs were were eight dollars and fifty cents he said now they're fourteen dollars and that's my yep and he said he said I can't help it he said everything the steak the oil he was listing all the ingredients that you need to make one of these things were the everything had gone up he couldn't stay in business if he lowered his prices and that's why oh who there's Apple a whole slew of known restaurants are now closing some of their sites because of the inflation it can't keep up with it because the people can't afford to go and eat at those prices you know I mean another four years of Biden in these we're not going to have any place to go to eat okay well I don't think so but I didn't think he'd lose 2020 what a waste of time I didn't eat it's such a waste of time we could have had four years four years of amazing things happening like I think I've mentioned I mentioned it on some shows but I'm watching the news that's what I think about the only thing I put on and all of a sudden I'm looking at this car and it's like whoa that is one beautiful car so I turn up the sound and it's a hydrogen car it's already been built and they are actually selling them it's either South Korea or Japan one of the two some place over there it's stunning car but hydrogen is water it's you take in water you're splitting it between the oxygen the hydrogen you bring the gases together quickly and you have an explosion that moves your piston and therefore your car runs the only difference between the the hydrogen running car and a gas-powered car is what you're using this the basic building blocks of it are the same and there's no it's water you take it I'm sure they've got some kind of oxygen tanks or something or maybe I mean some of the the design I've seen on them because this has been around everybody that did this before died nobody got it to production they get almost I mean there's a list of like ten of them at least there's a they would get them people the money to be able to build the plants and this sort of thing and then they die you know all sorts of reasons they die but they've got the company has actually got a car out there now so and I've got to look into it I just got so many things to look into because if they get if they're on the stocks exchange I'd put money on them you know because this is though this is the future we've known that for at least 30 years probably more so good things are happening it's all I get to say I won't what I actually don't want one of those hydrogen cars I'd like I like Mike my Toyota it's a 20 year old Toyota and was it last year or 18 months ago probably 18 months ago I had all the security electronics taken out of that car it's so old it didn't have all the stuff that's in it now but I had all the security stuff just stripped out of that car now it's like an old fashioned vehicle that is so comfortable to be in and it doesn't drain the batteries for those people out there that have these new cars you're probably finding that my god it's only been two years and I my battery is but bad well what's happening is that you park your car now if you're going out every day the alternator is replenishing the battery because the alternator works on the engine and then puts electricity back in the battery but if you're like me you go out every three weeks your battery is just sitting there if you've got a new car it's sitting there but the electronics draining the batteries now down here in Florida because of the heat these batteries as soon as they get too low they began begin to deteriorate because of heat and the structure of these batteries so I recommend to everybody that is in this situation or even if you haven't gotten there yet think in terms of buying a battery tender and what this is is the little electronic device that monitors the battery and when the battery power gets low it trickles charges the elect a new batch of electricity back into the battery and it's monitoring not just the the level of the power but the temperature because apparently in an alternator it's putting out the same amount of power no matter what the situation is and a battery apparently in heat or in cold will take a charge differently so it's not just like all put you know a battery charger on it every once in a while no that's not going to do it you need these little gizmos that are going to monitor your battery because I don't know what the price is in prices now but the last time I bought my battery it was it was a hundred and sixty dollars you know and that was probably five years ago because I've had that better battery tender on it and that's why I keep and I've got all the stuff shipped up one of the things that I can't help but think about it is the electrical cars too many of them have gone up in flames and then they are so dangerous because the immediately they they they get a they catch fire the the situation is called what do you call it has hazmat exactly so I'm wondering if these hydrogen cars have the same explosive nature how they are they dangerous do they catch fire if they explode I don't know well the reason the reason they catch fire is that okay the electric cars are have a stack of batteries like a dozen different batteries underneath the chassis yeah you're driving around in a giant battery yeah you're you're sitting on a you know a dozen batteries those batteries are giving off EMF that I saw one study that said that a 13 year old girl who's driving in one of these things for half an hour could all could likely be sterile before the she gets where she's going half an hour now whether that's a true or not I don't know but I'll tell you it could be these things are that dangerous if they explode and they're you know there are batteries they they have trouble with them and plus you got a whole series of them in in in this car if they catch on fire and you see a car I don't care if you think it's electric or not get the hell away from it because the fumes from that thing are deadly that's why it's considered a hazmat situation and some fire departments have been told not to even attempt to put out the fires to let them just burn out because it's too dangerous to deal with them okay now the newest thing that's happened with them is that what we know in the summer time I mean in the winter time if it got too cold the damn things wouldn't even turn on the batteries were couldn't handle the cold so it get then it becomes summer and now in summer time the the the the bed some of the batteries like one battery is for the electronics or maybe more but it's just powering the electronics and for whatever reason that particular battery has gone bad in a number of cars nobody knows exactly how many but what happens is you can't get out of your car it locks you in the car and there are people telling stories about being in the middle of the desert when the car stops and you're locked in your car you can't even get out so you're sitting there cooking so you know anybody that's got an electric car give them one of those glass breakers so they have death traps their death traps oh wow yeah and they can absolutely give them one of those glass breakers forget about drowning you're gonna cook to death you know you gotta break the glass as a matter of fact what one situation the woman got a 911 call out in the fire department got there they had no cold the first thing that happened was she called a toll tow truck and the tow truck driver says I don't know how to open that up you know and I don't know why he didn't think well breaks a friggin window but they had to call the fire department and the only way the fire department couldn't get in was to break the window so these things are there's nothing there is nothing right about them nothing but yeah I have to have the latest thing it's so wonderful it's so new it's so modern I just have to have it that's that that's not what they're doing well they're it's virtually mandated in California they're gonna stop selling the gas ones they're gonna all go electric this is a grid they can't keep up with the air conditioner in the in the heat there's there's nothing not even smart about them it's just a friggin nightmare I thought that 5g was stupid these electric cards are double stupid quadruple stupid and thousand times stupider than anything else they've ever built well but maybe they couldn't use the covid to kill everyone so maybe they're not they're using cars to kill everyone well they're they're using mandates I mean they're taking away the water in some places they they have restrictions on how much water you can have in your house your brand new built house has all these restrictions restrictors on the water system I mean it's like their utopia is a nightmare a scary nightmare we got to get rid of these people and in my opinion we got one last chance and that's 2024 November 5th and then and then they'll probably try to have a riot or something you know it's okay because we got people in the in the hills that are practicing shooting according to the dams their soldiers practicing how to take us over okay yeah it's it's pretty stupid what we're living through from their standpoint in my opinion but we'll see it's a hell of a story I just look at as a story so okay so what do you want to where do you want to go we could read Deanna's email to us okay now I got to pull up to the new one I have the oh yeah it's a person Deanna one of our listeners and friends sent us an email telling us about what she's been going through it reads on how you three cuz she sent it to Walt Nancy and me I had a very bad bike accident three days ago you know I didn't even ask her when she says bike is it like a bicycle or is it a motor cycle I thought I thought it was a bike like a bicycle oh I hope so anyway I had a very bad bike accident three days ago I am Nancy's age I hit see man really hard both knees both elbows twisted bright me keeping it simple no bruises was that because I wear shungite much where I sleep Walt's resonator hurt at West bracelet and quit and all water usage is shungite I say thanks every day to the Shanghai and give gratitude to be connected to the shungite worldwide grid I have gifted many spots with some night normally I would be black and blue for the pain was very strange that I am not I think I think my intuition is I am protected in many ways by this beautiful empathy shungite she's talking about wow in all games I wrapped my worst injury in shungite rubber all night for four days gathered sunshine for an hour rounding rounding mat I don't know what that is for an hour or so saturated it in castor oil my first day can barely walk second day about 35% better third day about 50% better fourth day about 75% I will continue with shungite rubber just passing this along have a happy day so I asked in that if if I could share this with you also that you could send her love blankets etc what I call up now I changed their name love plus blankets and the plus part is anything else that they're that they need and and got him so I'm asking you to please send her prayers for healing and please don't forget to send her love plus blessing like it well you know I had that I had that flood and I'm doing all this work trying to get things clean and I started getting a backache and I was using heat and cold and the tens unit nothing was working because I'd go over to Sandy's and I get on the cold and you know that and three days into this thing I am in agony I mean it was awful and so I sit down I go oh Christ what is wrong and I realized I hadn't been on the shungite rubber I had changed my shoes I was into boots I was going from boot to boot to boot I had three boots and but none of them had shungite rubber and because I had picked up everything that was low in the house I had also picked up and put the shungite rubber off of the the chairs that I sit in and and the only place I was would would have gotten it at that point was in the couch bed but I wasn't sleeping at the couch bed I was sleeping at Sandy's house and when I realized it I went and I made sure that everything all the shungite was back and where it should be and the next day I woke up and no pain none whatsoever I was in agony I didn't do anything other than put the shungite rubber back out so don't yeah what color are your boots brown black and some pinky thing with designs you'll understand I think there's a gift waiting for you what oh I don't know people are sending me stuff and I'm continually going out to the gate looking in the post the mailbox legs get filming over it looking at the front of the house to see if anybody stuck something there it's like oh good Lord but I got my new mattress yeah I lost my mattress I lost the dryer the refrigerator was up enough it didn't get hurt the washing machine up enough the water heater you know but the dryer and the dryer I had replaced it 20 years ago when I had a three foot flood so it was kind of you know not coincidental but ironic I guess that I had to replace it because of another flood but I had to replace the mattress now I had one of the old mattresses you know the ones that are like we grew up with the springs in it I don't think there's I don't know it's heavy as bitch oh my god heavy and you get them wet it's like impossible you know luckily it just got it was like probably just at the bottom the water wasn't completely saturated through the thing and I've let it sit for days with the fan on and the air conditioning on and hopefully you know getting the water out of it but I ordered this new mattress and it's one of these foam thingies you can't I mean they got all sorts of versions of these different things but this one was made in the USA was a great price and they the description of the construction of it it sounded like something that was you know okay they were very environmentally concerned and you know all the material in it was you know healthy stuff so I get this thing and one of the big things about it was it was only 26 pounds so the next flood that comes I can easily pick this sucker up and put milk cartons on it and I got another you know 12 inches or 18 inches of space between the water and in the mattress and I was like yeah this is this is gonna work but you have to you have to take it out of this box and the box has got a you know this story it's got that plastic that wraps around them so they're all compressed and it takes three days for them to uncompress so I get this box and it with the box itself was more than 29 pounds at 26 pounds and when I got to unwrap it I understood why there was probably 10 pounds of plastic I can't I can't pull this plastic and pull in it and I had the thing the mattress on the bed in its round shape you know all rolled up and I would pull the plastic and it would roll and I'd roll it back you know bring it back and I'd do it again and by the time I I was finished I had a pile of plastic that was four feet tall it was she was just like oh my god they all this I don't think I can put it in my 50 gallon garbage bill there's that much of it I mean it's nutty and then when I finally got to the mattress it also had plastic on it and but they sent you a little cutter that you could you know like a razor blade thing and that special things you wouldn't cut the mattress too so I'm experiencing I'm experimenting with a new mattress we'll see what happens because it's another purple mattress no that was the first version of these things that I remember coming out because a friend of mine bought one and I had to I had to help her undo that one and that that that was a heavy piece of oh my god that was heavy and they didn't have that little cutter I mean you're cutting it and you're trying to not cut into them oh it was it was the nightmare and then getting it on the bed because it weighed a lot I mean I think more than the regular mattress no that but you know no this one is I'm telling you if you go look for a mattress you'll find everybody's got these new phone things I didn't even actually see while they were probably there by that time I wasn't looking what is that thing somebody's got an open mic he's doing something weird I have a oh turn it off yeah there was some weird thing I did it was walks because I had turned it off and I still heard that oh oh it was well yeah I heard it I heard some similar thing but not as is loud on the Shungite show that was a good show the Shungite show we got into a lot of different things that were well the people that like Shungite was on anyway okay so we've done that Shungite rubber Deanna okay let me read the last thing from Deanna okay um she said she sent me this article or video thing that I am going to paste right now in the chapter you can go at this website and hear this guy if you want to listen this is like a two-hour video thing and it's healing while sleeping Egyptians did not sleep for many health benefits sleeping inclined with clap ring many health benefits sleeping inclined with top part of your head fire where your head is and lower where your feet are from snoring to MS Andrew Fletcher is the name of the guy brought this to the world 20 years ago and she says where was I same idea as the heart is not a pump won't we'll enjoy the science Valley will take Valley will like her testimonials she didn't scratch me up and Nancy probably won't have time to listen as it is a long video two hours Andrew has about five or six good videos and she signed it be Anna that's what Deanna sent us if you want to go there and listen to her well actually I I did not look at it because when you sent the email Norton has said that this incline inclined better bed therapy dot com inclined bed therapy dot com is a bad website they won't let me open it Norton's darkness but it could be just some weird thing well Derek had the problem Norton was blocking his access because it had some as fine in mind when I have Norton it opened just fine well it didn't open online it's got a big red thing around it and if I go to open it Norton's will tell me Norton now warns of suspicious links in your email to protect you from malicious activity and when I knew that mystical wares it was it was bullshit that mystical wares was a dangerous website and some other one came up and I said that's not a dangerous one and I actually clicked on it and what happened was my computer was taken over yeah so for whatever reason Norton Norton knew there was a problem with it even though I had gone to that website many times but again it was a conspiracy conspiracy I don't even know what to call us anymore that was a patriot a patriot website and somebody probably messed with it the things that they're doing to people with their websites it's like you know years ago when we left wolf spirit to come over here I had opportunities to go big you know bring a whole audience with me I didn't want to do it and I'm so glad I didn't because we're flying under their radar they don't like me but we're flying under the radar and so they're not spending them resources to take us down because some people have I mean Whitley Streeberg who spent a million dollars trying to protect his website he was having terrible trouble this was years ago because he was one of the people out there talking talking truth that they really didn't like so and I don't think he was the one with a million dollars but it was a lot it was thousands thousands of dollars it was mccola dr. mccola he spent a million dollars I was with him through that he was you know into the new medicine and stuff and very let's say talking that nasty about the other stuff and his site was huge because he had so many products and so many articles and they took him down and it you know he came back and he said this was this was a nightmare he said it took over a million dollars to get this thing totally protected and then they'll find some other way of getting into you so how many people have that kind of money it you know that they can actually go into it so this is in a lot of people that just tried very hard to do the right thing and I think couldn't keep up with what the attacks on him if they were successful but anyway so we don't get we don't get that kind of attack thankfully anyway so none of us have actually seen this but it's an interesting because I one day I was laying down on the couch and I put my legs up on the armrest and so my legs were higher than my heart and I thought I don't think I should be doing this I probably shouldn't have because it's the opposite that you want to sleep that's healthier yeah I can't breathe if my legs are higher than in my head I have to sleep and with my bed up so my head is up I'm swam it right here on the top here then I can breathe well there's another thing here from Patrick Webb breaking trying to copy it on talking that's gonna happen too good with me I'm gonna paste a link in here now hold on take off what I'm gonna read this is breaking today's Supreme Court decision and this was June 21st ruled that a jury must be unanimous to convict someone of a crime opening the door for Trump's hush money case to potentially be declared a mistrial due to alleged judicial misconduct by Judge Murchin who has been accused who has been accused of violating violating due process and allowing a non unanimous jury verdict so looks like Murchin might be in trouble right down here well what he did the you know rules of constitutional and everything else says that you have to have unanimous jury in their decision of two whether you know guilty or not guilty and Murchin gets out there and he says okay yeah this is the hush money thing so there was a bookkeeping error according to the feds or according to the New York district attorney brag that they paid a lawyer some money and they put it under lawyer that's supposedly the infraction they don't know where else they should have put it but that's the infraction so they wanted the jury to assume that if they if this if they could find him guilty on that particular thing then they could also find him guilty on a number of different things in other words they never proved that he was trying to influence the election by hushing up the story and he did not appear to be trying to hide taxes and then there was a third one I don't even remember what it was so he tells the jury oh you just have to unite us unanimously say that there was a bookkeeping error that should have been a felony that we should have been tossed out two years ago but you're gonna we're gonna make it real because it it indicates that there was one of three options and you can make your choice and that's so if if the Supreme Court said it has to be a unanimous jury verdict that's not unanimous because they could choose what what the what the second part of it was so you nobody knew what was the second part you said he's guilty of all these account these count accounts of you know indictment things but you're not telling us what he's guilty of we have three options oh we just decide on which option it was it it was insane every legal person out there said this is illegal so this thing is all going to be overturned but is it going to be overturned before the election because once it's overturned you know then it's just going to blow up in the faces of the stupid Dems you know I I just changed my my democratic party affiliation to Republican not because I want to be Republican because I want to vote for a Republican in the primary the the sheriff of the county I didn't really care what I was signed up for you know it hardly mattered but a lot of other people did this and those people said the party left them I didn't leave the party the party left them that's not the democratic party that you know we we grew up with the John Kennedy party in fact it was pretty dirty even then but there was two layers of it the deep state kind of thing and and then what was intended by the Democratic Party you know to keep the corporations under control yeah it's a it's strange world politics and who the hell even cared about it ten years ago not many then then a guy by the name of Trump came on board didn't he shake things up he's still shaking it up and I'm loving every minute of Trump you know one of the worst things I've seen this week was this situation in I think it was California where a group of these pro Hamas terrorists went into the area of a synagogue and we're keeping Jewish people from attending the synagogue only this time the Jews said not now and they started to have a riot a fistfight between the two groups and the video that I've seen I couldn't tell who was Jewish and who was a mosque except the Hamas people had that weird colored thing on their necks scarf all around their faces but it was it was rather terrifying because this is what they didn't not see Germany and you know I mean it's people were saying the president should send more my orcas to California right now and stop this this is not this is not America and you know nothing's been done oh yeah they had a fistfight the police tried to break it up more having a bitch about time now they did bring in a large contingency of police officers into the area to protect it right now to pro protect it take pro action but it was just very disturbing to to see that hey I just it's beyond me I mean it's beyond I think anybody that has grown up in a world where the Nazis not the German people but the Nazis were just terrible but the German people were complicit in it because they didn't stop them when they could have but then again we're not stopping them here it's a it's a replay if you don't know history you're a damped certain you're gonna repeat it and you know Trump is not the Hitler we know that for sure oh god who won the fight I don't know because I couldn't tell who was who was Jewish and who wasn't all you saw was these that that people battling each other and nobody seemed to get really hurt because you know these pussy little Hamas terrorist you know they if you stepped on their toe they'd probably start crying it just absolute jerks and then and then they took and they put the powder paint all over the Stonehenge oh I saw there well but then they went they went to the biggest pro golf event and on the 18th hole last hole just before the guy who won it actually made that made the made the putt into the hole and won it but just before that all of a sudden there's these snap a dozen people running around with smoke thingies and throwing paint all over the places this powder paint and there was one guy that was my age and they got him you know his answer behind him I'm sure he was cuffed and they're taking him away and he had this shirt on and it says there's no golf on a world that's not what did no golf on a dead world is what it said and he had this weird smirk on his face it was like it was creepy and the other people there were young people juveniles and you know one of the commentators said what are they protesting you're saying they're protesting the use of oil well we're playing golf there's the only things that would use oil are the golf carts and their electric what are we doing wrong people are walking in the sunlight people are hanging under trees you know I mean like what what's the point of this it's like they you're insane how did he say it's a dead planet I don't see dead planet anywhere around my area they're protesting for the heck of it oh no no we're gonna be dead well they keep moving it because that little crazy girl that was running around oh we're gonna be dead years and the eleven years went by and she said oh well it's another eleven years or whatever they keep changing the yes we're having a heat thing and this is natural the Sun is burning hotter it's nothing we're done is that that bimbo's name what her name I don't know teenage girl yeah but she was that she was a ten year old when it started now she's yeah and she's just a stupid she didn't learn a damn thing they actually say that she thought that they say she's autistic and your parents have got her into this oh now that would make sense to me yeah parents are great a great a great a good a good enough there yeah yep yep that's what we're talking about all right so let's have us a little a little song here do you want somewhere we can't play disturbed because he gets disturbed so let's just play somewhere we'll be right back and welcome back to the cosmic reality show June 25 2024 my name is Nancy Hopkins with wall silver and Dolly Howard you guys back hello we're back okay um should we go on with our list what happened to your voice is it better now yes thank you so we we've got the running mate thing and you know Trump again Trump is so funny because he keeps kind of like oh yeah I know who I'm gonna pick but we're not gonna tell anybody until the Republican convention so you got oh well yeah because he's got the the on this article they have Senator Marco Rubio who to be honest with you I've never really liked until Trump came into the picture and he's a good supporter of Trump but Tim Scott I mean not Tim Scott shoot was it oh yeah we'll be and we'll mark a wubio he's from the same state that Trump is officially in Florida and you said that this says that he could still be vice president because of what I'm looking for I don't know let's read the article it's long well all right you want me to read it you want to read it please anticipation over selection who over who President Trump will select as his running mate reached favorite fever pitch over the weekend as the 45th president proclaimed just before rally in Philadelphia he had already made the pick in his mind now reports have emerged that the list of contenders for the coveted number two spot is narrow news nation has learned Trump has finalized his list of three candidates north the colder governor Doug Bergman Ohio Senator JD Vance and what happened here for some reason this thing just jumped on me I hate that and Florida Senator Marco Rubio CNN and ABC have also revealed the same three names their finalists on Trump's list Trump originally lists that Trump's original list included Senator Tim Scott Tom caught and represented Byron Donald's and Lisa's step in it as well as former secretary housing and development Ben Carson in addition to three others okay NBC further reports of the choice will likely come down to Bergman Vance and Vance NBC notes that Bergman has made a massive impression on Trump particularly with his loyalty looks and wealth another point in Bergman's favor is that he that his understanding understated demeanor means there's no risk for him out shining the 45th president Trump wants work horses to help advance his agenda not folks looking to rush into the cameras more moreover Bergman will also be in attendance at Trump's debate with Joe Biden this Thursday according to news nation this is potentially significant because Trump has said that his pick would be at the showdown oh so the pick will be there at the showdown they call it the showdown it is unknown at this point whether Rubio and Vance will be there but Tim Scott supposed to be there I heard him say he was gonna go Vance has powerful MAGA forces in his corner including Trump's eldest son Donald and turning point USA Charlie Kirk key arguments at arguments advocates of Vance make on his behalf or the his blue collar repeal and youth JD is the only person in the three final Rubio Bergman and Vance that is a popular elected official in the blue wall and he's also under the age of 40 so I'm on team Vance said Kirk Rubio remains in the game due to his relationship with top Trump campaign strategist Susie Wiles and other Florida GOP insiders who are assisting Trump's campaign but NBC says concerns remain about his ability to a paint obtained residency outside of Florida along with his overall Tuesday as a for the job I don't like Rubio I don't think that he's he's no I wouldn't be happy with that I actually like Bergman a lot and I got Bergman I like Bergman and JD Vance but I don't trust reveal well Vance this I don't know you know it's like everything looks good about him but my stomach gives me a little indication that no when I say his name or I look at him or something there's something that's saying in me so I'm not sure what it is but Bergman I just love the guy somebody said he looked like George Washington some interviewers said stop the interview and said do you know you look like George Washington you know but I like him because he's a businessman I've said from the very beginning that the only type of president you want is a good businessman this is a huge corporation that they're running and Biden has never even had a job except a government job you wouldn't know how to he couldn't run a McDonald's you know that type of you know pure politician is not what you need for some for nations you need somebody that understands how to run a business so that's why I voted for Trump in the beginning why I decided I like Trump because he was a businessman he wasn't politician brought up in the Congress he was he's a businessman and he's a darn good businessman yes yes and she and he's run that state very well and I also like his demeanor you know it's like he was talking about North Dakota we're talking about his North Dakota North Dakota is a very interesting state because they during the oh wait was it oh wait gosh she said been that long when we had the big crashing economy and stuff when all that was happening in the interest rates were going up it's the recession before Obama got into office North Dakota has a state bank and that bank never had a problem there was no problems in North Dakota because the concept of a state bank is that the state owns it the people of the state own the bank so when you put your money in there and you give them money for interest that interest is really going into the state and they were able to go through that entire thing without any kind of a hiccup even and the state was very solid never had much of a problem whatsoever and it just makes sense because you go to I don't know Washington Mutual I don't think it exists anymore but if you went to Washington Mutual and you gave them your interest it would go into the pockets of the banker but because the money the interest the bank was making the states bank they were able to invest in riskier companies but state-run companies the new company comes out they haven't been proven but they were more inclined to get help as far as banking in North Dakota than they would like in Florida or anyplace else so it's a very very interesting state to begin with and Bergman is everything I hear about what he did in that state is very very positive because he ran the state like it's a corporation and so I'm I'm thinking there but you know I don't ever know that I've never heard that Trump said this is the list this is the list that somebody's leaking he could very well pull somebody else out that nobody would be even seen coming but I doubt that he's gonna do that I think it's Bergman I hope it's Bergman I just like him okay the other thing that's happened is Julian Assange because they're going to well they've made a plea deal apparently you want me to read this one or do you want to read it Dolly you can read it thank you okay it says this is a summary Assange not expected to face new prison time because he's already served five years I don't what this means Assange to return to Australia after court proceedings charges against Assange sparked outrage among global supporters and press freedom advocates that's just a summary thing okay WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is due to plead guilty on Wednesday to violating US espionage law in a deal that will end his imprisonment in Britain and allow him to return home to Australia ending a 14 year legal Odyssey Assange 52 has agreed to plead guilty to a single criminal court count of conspiring to obtain and disclose classified US national defense documents according to filings in the US District Court of the Northern Mariana Islands he is due to be sent sent is to 62 months of time already served at a hearing in Saipan at 9 a.m. today 9 a.m. local time on Wednesday the island in the Pacific was chosen due to Assange his opposition to traveling to the mainland US and for his its proximity to Australia prosecutors said Assange left Belmarsh prison in the UK on Monday before being bailed out by the UK High Court and boarding a flight that afternoon WikiLeaks said in a statement posted on social media platform X this is the result of a global campaign that spanned grassroots organizers press freedom campaigners legislatures and leaders from across the political spectrum all the way to the United Nations the statement said a video posted on X by WikiLeaks showed Assange dressed in a blue shirt and jeans signing a document before boarding a private jet with the markings of charter firm Vista Jet he will return to Australia after the hearing the WikiLeaks statement added Julian is free his wife Stella said in a post on X words cannot express our immense gratitude to you yes you that have been all mobilized for years and years to make this come true the only Vista Jet plane that departed stands dead on Monday afternoon was headed to Bangkok flight radar 24 data showed I don't know what this is about a spokesperson for Assange in Australia declined to comment on his flight pants Vista Jet did not immediately respond to his request for comment that's weird the Australian government led by prime minister albanese has been pressing for Assange release but declined to comment on the legal proceedings as they were ongoing the prime minister has been cleared mr. Assange's case is dragged down for too long and there is nothing to be gained by his continued incarnation in cars there is sir a government spokesman said a lawyer for Assange did not immediately respond to a request for comments historic charges WikiLeaks in 2010 released hundreds of thousands of classified US military documents on Washington's war in F wars in afghanistan in Iraq the largest security breach of their kind in the US military history along with swaths of diplomatic cables Assange was indicted during former President Donald Trump's administration over WikiLeaks mass release of secret documents which were leaked by Chelsea Manning a former US military intelligence analyst was also prosecuted under the espionage act and that guy I'm trying to see it I'm already forgetting I think he was a guy and now he's a girl he's made a transition during all this but I think he started out as a guy but now he's Chelsea Manning a girl this he was working for the military gave all this information to Assange in the and WikiLeaks and then on the radio I'll call you back please thank you that was Derek you think he'd know better he said he you think he'd know the schedule of a station that he supports financially so anyway there was over 700,000 documents included in the cables and battlefield accounts and Manning was arrested and I think he's still in jail but this well 14 years ago was you know then as they went after Assange and he was first arrested in Britain in 2010 on a European arrest warrant after Swedish authorities said they wanted to question him over sex crime allegations that were later dropped he fled to Ecuador's embassy were remained for seven years to avoid extradition to Sweden this poor guy he was dragged out of the embassy in 2019 and jails for skipping bail he has been in London's Belmarsh top security jail ever since from where he has for almost five years been fighting extradition to the United States because they there was talk in the United States of trying and protrasing and hanging him those five years of confinement are similar to the sentence imposed on reality reality winner and Air Force veteran and former intelligence contractor who was sentenced after she removed classified materials blah blah blah blah that's it so yeah so he's married to Stella and he has two children and he was able to see her while he was in the Ecuadorian embassy but you know I can I can understand why people were so upset about it because he did release obviously classified documents but he didn't break the law to do that I didn't think because somebody had given him those documents but I guess because I mean he wasn't he wasn't under some security contract with anybody or anything but I guess that he shouldn't have done it I guess if he wanted to stay out of jail but he should have done it if he was trying to tell the truth and bring and that's what he set that company up to do was to just public published as many documents as they could publish that they considered telling the truth instead of falling into the you know corrupt version of reality by the mainstream media oh yeah that this is the other thing people keep wondering why they letting all these aliens into the into the states well there is a federal law that says you have to be an American citizen to vote in the federal election like the president United States but I found out a couple nights ago from the AG of Texas that most states in most states you do not have to be an American citizen and what they're trying to do is they're trying to get these various illegal immigrants to they're they're making it so that they can get a social security number and get a driver's license well with those two proofs in most states you can get to vote you don't have to prove your citizenship and that seems to be what the Democrat party is trying to do right now they have 10 million people that have come in illegally and if one percent of those people actually vote for Biden he could win the election because the entire in the entire nation it was only like about 700,000 votes that took away the the election from Trump they were changed 700,000 that's going to be an easy change so even though that's why the Trump campaign is you know saying too big to rig they're they're in an attack mode to get people Republicans to the they're actually doing a thing now Laura Laura Trump is out there talking about she's a co-chairman of the Republican Party and what they're trying to do is they're trying to get Republicans to or anybody independent anybody going to vote for the Republicans to vote early and then to spend the time between when they vote and when the election actually happens getting other people to vote so they're really reaching out I've got all sorts of stuff that comes to me because I'm now registered Republican concerning you know their efforts to get people motivated to go out and actually volunteer to get people who may not be able to easily get to to vote get them to the get them to the someplace where they can vote early you know a lot of early voting or make sure that they've got the I use mail mail in ballots for a lot of reasons but so so to do this but to people have it on the ground have to go off they have to go to their neighbors they have to go to their friends they have to reach out to people and say look at you know if you think you're not you can't you got a vote this is so important this vote one way or the other Joe Biden or Trump if you're gonna vote for Joe Biden well find another ride but if you're gonna vote for Trump I'll take you to the polls yeah I'll be saying that but yeah there's now because that's the that's what the Democrats were doing that's why they kept winning is that they've had a plan on the ground to go out and to get the votes so so let me read this one sure this is from Jay Michael Walker on X voter registration apps welfare offices in forty nine states are handing out voter registration applications to illegal aliens no proof of citizen required yeah forty nine of our states doing that yep so too big to Rick is the only way you're gonna buy this this is gonna be the longest night in the world I thought Christmas he's long I was a kid this one's gonna be worse yeah but don't you think they're gonna carry it out longer than overnight over still counting boats three months later there's still coming you know that's what I'm afraid is gonna happen I'm not so much afraid of that as I was the last time because they're those votes that come in late are really gonna be looked at that's another thing Republicans are doing a training people to be poll watchers you know I mean they've got they've got truckloads of ballots after the fact being delivered to poll counting places on film and nobody goes to jail for it I know but no I know it's just very upsetting to me these things it everybody's getting away with doesn't matter especially if you're an illegal alien be free my dear be free go go out and murder hey frustrating to me that was you were me we'd be in jail for the rest of our freaking night so Jim Jordan is going after the IRS now oh yeah that was pretty cool I watched that video huh well it had a video attached I didn't see that video I saw it at least maybe it was through the internet here Jim Jordan is so interesting is a Republican congressman from Ohio and you want me to read it or do you want to read it okay is demanding that an inspector general hand-over documents about an unprecedented and widespread leak of tax returns that the Internal Revenue Service admitted targeting at least 70,000 people including President Donald Trump this Heather Hill enacting Inspector General the Treasury Inspector General the tax administration must produce documents related to her department's investigation into former IRS contractor and document leaker Charles Littlejohn to Jordan's House Judiciary Committee by July 5th specifically they must provide communications that had with the Justice Department in the IRS its findings and recommendations Littlejohn applied to work as a consultant for the IRS with the expressed intention of access and closing then President Donald Trump's tax returns Jordan said adding that Littlejohn also access to a leak protected taxpayer information belonging to thousands of others individuals and entities the Department of Justice charged Littlejohn with only a single account of unauthorized disclosure of tax information Jordan said even though the judge who sent his little judge Littlejohn admitted that he pulled off the biggest heist and IRS history in his attack on our constitutional democracy Littlejohn leaked Trump's and other billionaires documents and sensitive information about partnerships employer retirement pension plans mutual funds investment firms and hedge funds the IRS still does not know the extent of his crimes she's that's just friggin nuts and this is Victor Hudson I like victory I do too the Biden years did the country great damage and rendered Biden himself one of the most unpopular incumbent presidents in American history but his agendas may have fundamentally changed the country for decades if not longer and will require tough remedies that may be almost as unpopular as the wreckage they brought yeah he's uh I forget he's got a lot of credentials he's written some books and he's one of the most laid-back people that I've ever seen on television you know and he's being interviewed and he's like oh yeah Biden is and he goes through a whole slew of these awful things that Biden has done and he's just saying it's sort of like yeah he's gonna he's destroying us all I don't even know we'll be able to recover you know he's like a doomsday sayer but he's saying it so yeah that you kind of almost missed the the impact of his words you know I mean it's like you have to pay attention oh crap Victor that doesn't sound good that's what the links in the chat oh yeah here we go again we got some other Congress's issues subpoenas to 15 Biden regime cabinet members over their plot to steal the 2024 election using federal employees and taxpayers dollars evidence shows that the executive order executive order partners federal employees with partisan advocates to registers voters ahead of the 2024 elections right after being installed though examples include I mean it's like they're doing all this crappy things all over the place but now you got the Congress talking about it well is this gonna be enough I mean they talked talk talk talk and the you know that Ryan Garcia I don't want to get into that it's kind of too long yeah those link stories are way long yeah okay now you think we have left it go ahead you said Nancy I don't know who this guy is she's interviewing me every you do and it's some kind of a but it says today is a good day remind everyone that January 6 was a set up used by the unit party feds and Intel agencies to entrap vilify and attempt to destroy Trump in the magma movement Tucker Carlson does just an amazing job of interviewing the head of the the Congress is the head of the Congress is police force and that guy tells a story about what happened that day and they were absolutely set up the police in the the house of the house in the Senate that building what am I aware of a group of that Congress the Congress he it was amazing because what's come out is that you had first off Trump didn't tell these people to go to the Congress and stop the action was occurring which was the verification of the election for Biden and there were senators and congressmen that were telling them telling the this meeting that no they didn't agree with this and this is why they didn't agree with it and they were asking for time to investigate accusations in different states that there was funny business happened on the 2020 election so when they start this thing up and all of a sudden you have this eruption around the outside of the building itself so they took everybody and got them out of there I don't know where they put them but they got them safe and then the riot happened the so-called riot you know the rebellion against them and what had happened was that Trump had and they he said at the time it was the biggest group of people he's ever been in front of and he was talking to him and he said you know go in peace you didn't say go and riot that he go in peace but as he's still talking and and you can hear in the distance the smoke bombs going off and the gas going off they had already started it so he was still the people that he was supposed to have sent there hadn't even left before it all started and you can hear it on the tapes of him speaking so the people that were there were ushered in there's a great I don't know three-hour tape I think it is showing every single side of the building because there were different groups attacking the building in different ways every side of it and they were doing it by timestamp on the north side this was happening outside this was happening on the west side this way and they were going through it and it was so revealing as to how it happened and and my summation of what happened is she had a bunch of people that went over there see what was happening they were ushered into the building the guy that looked like a shaman type of character he had a police escort taking him all through the building they were all having a good old time doing it and he wasn't you know threatening anybody nothing like that what's happening then you find out that on the ground where outside the building you could see there was a small group of people that were tearing down the barriers and creating the openings and telling people go in go in Russia and it was orchestrated you could see it well all those people that were doing that have been identified as FBI agents or FBI what do they call them people that work for the FBI even though they're not officially agents there was 200 of them in the building by the estimates of the people that were on the ground okay and there was there was no weapons the only weapons they had and the only weapons discharge was one of the guards in the in the building itself shot a mega unarmed woman who was trying to keep people some of these feds from breaking into a breaking a door and she's one that was shot there were three people that died there that day that nobody ever talks about because basically it was you know kind of health issues that were involved in it it's an amazing and and when you look at this stuff you see that the the police officer that was supposedly hitting the head with a fire extinguisher which turned out to be absolutely not true he had a stroke after the fact but you see him alive like walking around I think it was 20 minutes 40 minutes after he was supposedly dead there's nothing about the January 6 story that they told us that is in the video records none of it it's all disproven and the kangaroo court thing that the Democrats did one live TV every night for I don't know how long I never watched a minute of it to make it look like all these this terrible thing happened that they still are just traumatized by this attack on the none of it happened and no matter how much I know no matter how much talker knows no matter how much everybody knows the Dems keep talking the same thing and these poor people like if you were in Washington that day and use your credit card they investigated you and the they're putting them in jail for trespassing and they're giving them you know terrible conditions to live in right now and prison time it's just an insane situation that if you look at I mean it's just so sad that so many people have been told such a blatant lie and it goes back to Hitler saying if you're gonna tell a lie tell a big one and tell it often so it's gonna be really interesting on Thursday because they're obviously gonna bring this up and if Trump has got his is I mean you just have to do basically what I just did you know but do it in a more polished way well there was no guns the average age of the person that the group of people was probably 50 or more they they were 200 FBI agents working in unison with him and Tifa people if you just go through the the list of things that it's been proven that's one of the reasons Tucker Carlson I think got dumped from Fox was it just was just was a little bit I'm still suspicious that you know that was all a setup that he was absolutely okay was losing his job oh God oh and I see that right under this there was a Tucker Carlson thing oh for 106 no I don't know what happened something happened it just disappeared you want to read the good news one yes all right go on I you got to give me a minute to get okay I mean this um are you gonna copy and paste them I can dress in a picture fishermen pull off dramatic rescue of 38 dogs treading water with no shore in sight what started out as a nice weekend fishing track turned into a massive rescue operation for two colleagues at state farm insurance for a pack of hunting dogs that almost drowned in a Mississippi lake Bob just 61 and his friend had hired a local bass fishing guide named Jordan freshman to take them out on Granada Lake and after a morning without my caption they decided to change spot that's when they heard the barking casting their lines the pair along with just friend Brad Carmel deduced that some hounds had chased and deer into the lake which was paddling along at a good flip with the dogs unable to keep pace eventually Trish men noticed that the dogs were still there driving water and barking and asked guest if he could take time out of a fishing trip to investigate when their best boat arrived on the scene it was pandemonium 38 dogs struggling to stay afloat we're just flabbergasted because it's dogs everywhere and they're all going in different directions because they can no longer see the bank on either side just told box news digital the three men then knew for sure they were hunting dogs because they had large GPS callers on which provided a good grip for hand hauling the soaking wet dogs out of the lake and onto the boat they needed to make three trips to get them all bringing the first haul of a dozen hounds to the shore where their anxious owners rejoiced and relieved traumatized by the event the dogs were afraid to disembark believing everything beyond the confines of the boat to be water or babies one of the men had the tracking equipment for the dog of scholars and joining the rescue effort led Trish men and his to a third group of dogs that had gotten separated these were in a very bad way and could barely keep their heads above water in the end none of the dogs the hero is Jordan just told ABC News noting that the guide had recognized the danger and sped the boat over if it wasn't for Jordan there would have been 38 dead dogs if Brad and I had been there in the boat by ourselves we wouldn't have known anything was wrong but that 20-something-year-old kid in the guy says I'm 61 so I'm calling him and the kid he knew something needed to be done just said similarly this time to fall the dogs were rescued all of them the only thing that they're not saying is that they're not it's specifying if the the whole group of dogs belong to a single owner or these are multiple dogs with different owners okay I didn't think that mattered they were all rushed no no I know it's important I'm just curious is like because I mean if you own 38 dogs are you going to take them all of them on a hunting and a hunting session and post them in the late that that's why I'm wondering I suspect it was a group of people got together with their dogs and they all went running off into that makes more sense yeah I mean I can't imagine all these dogs for hunting I mean the dog every dog's got something down and you're one of you is out there trying to you know it's had to be a group thing that's what I would think and I guess they were chasing some kind of a deer or something that went into the water they went in after it but they couldn't get back up the shore line that's what I saw they couldn't get out of the water yeah it was moving too fast I guess they couldn't they jumped off of a it in other words the the safety was up above where they could get out it's like a bug caught in a glass jar I've seen them they can't get up the side of the jar to get out you know what I mean apparently not what yeah so but yeah that that's you know if these are miraculous things happen all the time and it's just so good that there's a website that actually publishes it you know good news good news I enjoy them and I do like to let people hear every show something really really good I think that's what comes out a good thing is that they had a boat that they could put that many dogs on you know can you imagine if you had to decide which dogs to save because you didn't have yeah and the boat is overloaded because you can look at the pictures see how low they in the water that boat yeah yeah didn't they say they had to make three trips yeah needed they needed to make three trips to get them all ah geez so that means that the picture is only part of the whole the whole group right right right exactly okay so well we don't we got 12 minutes here I want to tell a story because it's one of those examples of what we really don't know about history there was nothing on and there was this two-hour presentation I don't like two hours I mean it's like I don't have time for the long things that was short things but this was on Cleopatra and so I start watching it now they actually the vast majority of the time was spent in a facility in Egypt that was a temple dedicated to ISIS and ISIS is the female high god of Egypt well Cleopatra was considered the representative of ISIS and one of the symbols of ISIS is a snake sorry Dolly and she would be pictured in with with like a throne thing a throne thing crown thing that had snakes in it and our understanding of who she was comes from Roman writers really and of course Rome won the war against Egypt and took Egypt over as a subsidiary of the Empire Roman Empire but so that's what we know well there was a I believe he's an Egyptian guy and he decided that didn't make any sense to him that somebody that was that powerful in that age that there's no documents at all referencing her or that time frame except for one small parchment it's the only document that they have that is absolutely Cleopatra you know time frame one document and yet she you know was the concubine of of Caesar Caesar's almost what do you call it Mark Anthony Mark Anthony but the the person that there were two people that Octavian Mark Anthony that were trying to get to the Empire the Emperor of Rome and she has babies from them that's how she was getting there you know them to collude with her when she was having sex with them having their son in Caesar's case and two kids I think from Anthony but what he learned was that if you didn't look at the Roman history of Cleopatra but you looked at the Arabic what were the Arab countries thinking about it she turns into something that it was not a sex kitten that was you know nothing like the Romans portrayed her to be it turns out that her palace in Egypt was virtually in the same compound area as the library of Alexandria she spoke eight languages was the acknowledged most educated woman in the world could speak on any subject and was a master from the concept of a ruler and the Arabic people saw her as being somebody that was just an amazing for lack of another word politician ruler she this means that she didn't commit suicide they took her off oh no no no no no one of the one of the things is that very well-known bust of Cleopatra where you know this beautiful woman there and what they found was that they couldn't authenticate the the bust and it's a very beautiful woman it's the one that you see in museums that's been copied and everything else but the supposed original what what it made it up was not a source of material that was used at the time of Egypt however there was a lot of trade and it wasn't a definitive no this is a fake so they still don't know about it but that was the only image of her that anybody knew of so they're digging in the Isis temple when they are doing archaeology work and they came across a large number of coins from maybe that error but they didn't know because they were copper and they were just so deteriorated you couldn't see what the writing set on until they got this new capability of looking through all the grunge to what's underneath it some of the camera stuff that they've got with lasers and everything else is just astounding so putting it under this new technology now they could see what the faces on both side of it were and on one side it absolutely locked it into the Cleopatra Empire that these were clear these were coins from Cleopatra's Empire and on the back of it was an image of Cleopatra and what they were saying is that the Queen would have had absolute complete control on the image that she was stamping her money with so they took that image which was a profile and they put it through another kind of new technology where you're using AI to take one shot of a human face and then based on everything they know about a human face to give you a 360 view of this person and instead of being this extraordinarily striking beautiful woman she was beautiful in a much different way and I still can't get the picture out of my head that this computer came up with because it was one of strength the facial character was characterization was one of strength and it's just a totally different version of Cleopatra so I I enjoy I enjoyed the show let me put it to that way it's two hours I enjoyed the show it might be that in this particular temple area that bought the gravesite of Cleopatra is located and one of the interesting things is that Octavia who ended up replacing becoming the emperor when Anthony killed himself and then she killed herself because she thought he had killed himself but he had botched it and oh I mean it's like one of these horror stories of love and murder and you know suicides and everything else but he graciously allowed the burial of Anthony and Cleopatra in the same tomb which is something I had never heard before and so they're looking for a tomb that might have two bodies in it and male and a female and during this like I say this two-hour show they were showing this digging up of a you know that area and don't you know they found a tomb that was hidden it was definitely that they said that this was definitely people that were associated with the royal family they didn't say it was Cleopatra and Anthony but it was left you know they're going to do all this other studies on it they never made it even you know made a suggestion that this was actually Cleopatra and Anthony but you kind of like got the feeling that oh maybe maybe it is so but it was it was an interesting show and you're gonna ask me what show what station was it I think was a science channel I'm not sure oh not the history channel no was not the history channel of that I'm sure but yeah a different perspective I have a lot more respect for Cleopatra she could speak eight eight languages apparently fluent well too smart for a woman oh she would be targeted do it the cabal was never never take it easy and if they didn't like you oh boy I don't know if the cabal was involved in that time frame but I'm not saying it wasn't I'm just saying that the history says that she I mean I'm a historian I went to college got a degree in history I just find history to be a fascination yeah history doesn't like smart women well unless that they hide unless you go back deep into it they do like women that we have a lot of power I mean women really were the dominance people on the earth before men started thinking that they shouldn't be as far as I anyway say good night or running out of time have a good night everyone on La Blanc is everywhere please good night y'all thanks for joining us and we'll be talking with you next time love you guys be safe everybody out there be blessed and tomorrow radio 5g I'm gonna have its other voices nobody's gonna be talking about it but it's kind of interesting it's about Google and how they manipulated the election be safe and we'll see you next time you have been listening to the cosmic reality radio show produced by cosmic reality radio thank you listen