Cosmic Reality Podcast

SHUNGITE REALITY 6-25-24 - New Products to 3-6-9 Cosmic Silver Shungite

“Shungite Reality” Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph and Walt Silva discussing subjects ranging from New Products to the difference between Cosmic Silver 3, 6, and 9 day tunbled Shungite.New Products:

Mystical Wares Shungite Store & Information - https://mysticalwares.comCOUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off - *Shungite Reality" Live Show - Tuesdays Noon-2 pm EST *Shungite Reality" on Rumble *Shungite Reality Archives *Shungite Reality Book

Walt -

1h 55m
Broadcast on:
27 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

“Shungite Reality” Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph and Walt Silva discussing subjects ranging from New Products to the difference between Cosmic Silver 3, 6, and 9 day tunbled Shungite.

New Products:

*Mystical Wares Shungite Store & Information -
*COUPON “SAVE10" for 10% off -

*Shungite Reality" Live Show - Tuesdays Noon-2 pm EST

*Shungite Reality" on Rumble

*Shungite Reality Archives

*Shungite Reality Book

- And welcome to "Shungite Reality" on June 25, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins, with me is Derek Condant, Mark Joseph, and Walt Silva. And we hope we can share some very new insights into "Shungite." We've got all sorts of little things to talk about. So, Derek, are you back there? - I'm back, happy to be here. Welcome everybody. - And Mark. - Hi, Nancy, everybody. - And Walt. - Good morning, everybody, good to be here. - All right, so there's your lineup. All right, Derek, where do you want to start? And we've got quite a few things to talk about, including the new products. You've got some new products out there that I really want to go over. As a matter of fact, I've got the page up, so let me just throw this offshoot and hit the wrong one. Well, where did you go? Oh shoot, I had you up. - I'm actually trying to open it right now as well, so I can bring them up. - Oh, I got it, I got it. Not to worry, here's the link in the chat. - Oh, I just, yeah, I released the, did you see the latest, and we'll get into it, I guess, but the mystical worst blend of Sacred Seven Mushroom Blend. It's a think sure, that went online, I think, yesterday. - That, well, that's the one that I said, "Oh, do we definitely have to talk about this because I think it's, oh, for crying out loud, now I've hit something else. I'm going to have so many tabs open. Let me make sure this thing isn't going to start up here. Oh, verifying that I'm a human is banned video. Mark, I was looking at something last night. Oh, come on, stop. All right, anyway, here we go. Okay, so right now what I'm doing is I'm opening up the page on this, and I'm gonna put this in the chat room. The link to whatever this thing is, the new one. Sorry, people, I've been a little bit discombobulated. Okay, so it's a seven mushroom blend. Now, what are we talking about here, darling? - Okay, and now a lot of people already know about this, so it's usually, it goes often by the term, Sacred Seven Mushroom Blend, it's a tincture, so what I did was made a two ounce eyedropper bottle version of it, so everybody can get that kind of visualization. But basically, and of course, we only, we start with highly purified, but it's all of that water, even UV treated. And then shung-eye water as well, so we add the shung-eye water beads to it for the restructuring process before we even use it. And then I'll use that water to, we make our own alcohol here as well, as far as for these tinctures. So then I'll distill the alcohol from the shung-eye water and organic ingredients, take that, blend it in with the organic seven mushrooms. And those are, I'm gonna go with that right now. So the Rishi, Chaga, Cordyceps, Lion's Mane, Chitake, Mitake, and Turkey Tail. A lot of these, I, harvest used to harvest here for years locally. Now it's just kind of a time thing, so I do get organic collections of these and then use those in the ingredients. And then take the bottles, of course, and then we add a shung-eye bead, a little six millimeter bead to each of the bottles so that it maintains its energetic structured aspects of it. Because that matters, of course, and the environment matters. That's why I don't go by, often people just buy bottles of cheap vodka off the shelf to blend with this kind of stuff. No, we, like I said, distill our own here, because that matters as well. And the environment, when that's being distilled matters. So it's, I didn't think about it before, but it's literally surrounded by several tons of shung-eye, the whole distillation process is when it's happening, just by the way it's set up here. So we go through all that and then I'm not gonna read the whole, I mean, you can't, if you want, Nancy, but the description of, you know, why you might want the Sacred Seven mushroom blend, what it's good for, and I get into some of that. So, and then it gets into the spiritual metaphysical aspects of some of the mushrooms and these tinctures as well, all in the product description on there. But it's a good, basically, a really great immune booster. Mushrooms always have been that. Mushrooms, different types, cure cancers, they do all sorts of things. So that's just the long and short of that one. And it's, I don't know, go ahead. - I'm sorry, my mute button. So you orally take some, you put it, it says, take a few drops? - Yeah, you take some, a few, oh, a dropper, it depends on you. So, you know, use your intuition on that, but I'd say at least a dropper full, and I just put it under my tongue for, I don't know, maybe a minute, and then it's basically gone from there and just swallow. It does have, and I've, it was, it started as a hundred proof alcohol, but after adding shungite water and again, processing the steel and filtered to that, we bring that down so that it's not, you know, you know, a shot of alcohol in your mouth, so you don't have to worry about that, but don't think about what else we put on this, is it? - Well, okay, let me just, okay. We're talking anaerology here. So I don't think you need much more than a drop. As a matter of fact, I don't even think you have to take any of it. I think you can keep it in your pocket and you're gonna get that energy. - Oh, they've already shown, oh yeah, that's the thing. Of course, you're absolutely right. So that's, then it depends on the person's understanding on how much they need. So yeah, a drop will do it, or if you feel better, 'cause that's an energy aspect, we'll then take more. So if you feel a little bit, so again, each person on their own. - There's a question in the chart, in the chat, it says, I thought shungite would cancel the alcohol effect. - No, it has no effect on this alcohol, and I'm thinking maybe because it's made from shungite water and it's pure and organic, so there's nothing negative or off in it, but it's had no effect on our alcohol, anything I've made. - Okay. - Well, have you drank it though? You see the-- - Oh yeah. It's called moonshine. I know, yeah. - No, no, no, yeah, I know what you're doing. No, what I'm saying is that the first person, the first person that, well, the first time we ever heard about this was somebody who said, I'm very disappointed. I put shungite nuggets in my wine and I drank the entire bottle of wine and I'm not at all tipsy. What happened? (laughing) - Now, who knows in that wine and what it was made of, and I don't know, it had no effect, go ahead. - I think it's because the alcohol had toxins in it and it rotates it and takes out the toxins. And, you know, I mean, alcohol has been used where the time began and yet here it's all poison. Well, it's poison 'cause what the hell you're doing to it? But you've got a natural, it's probably rotating correctly to begin with. You know what I'm saying? Shungite doesn't affect natural stuff. - Yeah, no, we actually, and when you start even making the alcohol, you know, you can make it from honey rather than some, you know, artificial this out of the others. Lots of ways of doing it. But as long as you watch every step of the process, no, we've had no issues whatsoever. - But it wasn't, it was the taste of the wine and we've had other people tell us this too. The taste of everything is better. You get a better taste on whatever the drink is, but you don't get that toxicity from the alcohol. You're not getting drunk. So whatever makes you drunk or unstable, okay? It's something that's toxic. So you're dealing with pure alcohol that doesn't have, I mean, I'm surprised that anybody would get really drunk on it. You'll have to have, you'll have to do an experiment. See how much you have to drink. - Well, we did it with wine at the beginning. Remember when you told us about wine and shungite and that it worked? We put shungite in a wine bottle and it wouldn't make you tipsy. You would taste it and enjoy it, but it wouldn't make you tipsy. - Yeah, we would tell them people put shungite nuggets in your punch bowl. They'll be drinking alcohol, but you party won't be destroyed by drunks. I love it. Okay, so all right. My recommendation is that when you get a bottle of this bitch, you hold on to it and sit with it. Let the energies of the bottle itself and what's in it start to interact with you. Remember talking energy and not talking chemistry. Let us start working with you energetically right off the bat. And then if you feel like you want to internally take some of this, go for it. But you may not feel the urge because you don't need it. All you need is a container for the energies. In this case, we've got two. We've got a solution, the tincture itself is holding the energies and the bottle is holding the tincture. It's just simple energy. You just need it in your field. It's like you don't ingest any kind of shungite in order to get the effects of shungite. And then you have this stuff forever. You know, I mean, the future is gonna be a medicine cabinet with all these bottles of different things stabilized so they don't bleed into each other. Shungite does that. And you know, you say, okay, I think I need this and all you do is take it and put it in your pocket for a little bit and then put it back. You'll never have to replace anything. - Right, when you read stories of the guys who did what do you call it? What do you call the ancient tequemists? The alchemists, they would never open the bottles. They just move the bottle from place to place but they would never open them because they just use the energy in the bottle, not the chemistry. - See, this is the stuff is that, you know, anaerology, okay, a coin to frame, a phrase, anaerology, the study of energy, okay? But the most information has been known forever. All we're doing is finding sources that are giving us the original, I guess you'd call it blueprint and structure of basic healing. And, you know, it's just knowledge, but is that then there? I don't think they called it anaerology, but maybe they did. You know, we're just finding out the true science and there's so much of it happening. That's one of the things you should be really happy about. There is so much information coming out about how energy heals, just astounding. I mean, to me, I've been in this business for a very long time, I mean, like 50 years. And right now I'm seeing movement and understanding that I honestly thought I never would. Just where it, and it comes from the shows like this. It comes from our studies of Shanghai. It comes from us just talking about this stuff. It feeds the collective consciousness of humanity, which then is your subconscious. And so somebody says to you, "Shungite," and you go, "I've heard that word before. What did I hear that word before?" Well, you didn't hear it through your ear. You heard it through your subconscious because people are talking about "Shungite." And in particular, this show, this show has been on since 2014. And we have never run out of talk on "Shungite." So, well, I'm impressed with this there. And again, I'm impressed with it because I'm looking at the bottle. It's another connection to the energy. Yeah. Okay, so one to the next one. You got the next one in front of you? - Yeah, I got a couple new ones. So the other one that I don't know a week or two ago at most is our organic elderberry tincture. So that's another one that we have out. And I'm actually opening that one up now. But that's a tincture as well. So you take it on your tongue and your mouth, or put it in your vitamin drink or smoothie, something like that. But I mean, most people know about elderberry because I didn't invent anything here. This is just the mystical wear spin on it using again, going OCD on, even down on the molecular level of the water that's in there, knowing that the container matters, the energy container. But yeah, these are good for immune support. There's antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory, it's good for your heart, digestion, skin, lots of things. And then there's even a, again, a spiritual or metaphysical insights section to it where it talks about energetically for protection, nurturing and support, all sorts of things. That one goes a little long in there. And then as the other ones, I even had to know why I add the shungai bead to these different tinctures or linomins or different things like that, the shungai bead inside of the bottle. And say that everybody. So if you do buy these things and you're done with it, pour the bead out and use it somewhere. You know, be able to brace it with it, put it in a plant, but it's something you can use. I'm telling you about what else on that one. The other one, and again, go ahead. - Okay, I want you to talk about the shungai Gewa or Gewa, G-U-A-Shah. - Oh, G washer? - G washer, is that it? - Gosh, yeah. - Okay, isn't this this palm that I don't even remember? We had a guest on who was using these and you said, "I'll make you a shungai one." Is this what we're talking about? - Yeah, this isn't the one I made though, but this is a shungai one. And yeah, I'm trying to find it now on the website. Oh, there we go. So it's shungai, and then how you spell it is G-U-A-Space-S-H-A. I mean, that's the most common way. I'll just put it at that. Wow, I gotta all expand the description. 'Cause this is one of the things I put up new. And I just, as I look, I didn't expand much of the information, but I will. But no, it's a massaging stone. So it's a more convenient and easier way than using a nugget if you need to, you know, want to put pressure on your back or something, then you're interacting physically and metaphysically. As long as you, you know, you have the understanding you're doing that. And that's part of it. Just I thought, well, I'm working on the order as well. And it has an effect, go ahead. - Let's ask Mark, he's got a better memory than both of us. Do you remember the guest that was talking to us about this? Mark? - That was Kat Theravitch on biogeometry, and then she mentioned that. - Okay, okay. Did you ever get that to her, Derek? - I, oh my gosh, I was just laughing to Mark in the background. Like his brain is just insane. - I know, oh my gosh. - He's probably got notes in front of him. I'm telling you. - Yeah, she, I have to remember. I mean, it didn't just disappear. So I'm assuming it must have gotten there, but I know it was such a, oh, and she got it. Such a thing that I wasn't willing to make a bunch of them. But now that these pre-made ones, go ahead. - It took a long time to do that. - I was gonna shape it out of a tile. And now that somebody's already making them, I can just take them, I can tumble them. I can probably make cosmic ones, if somebody's interested. But that's the thing too. So gouache is doing. It doesn't say much on the website, but again, you know, you can search engine more information. I will expand this literally today. I'm leaving the tab open, and I'll get a full description of it. But it's not something I make. It's made somewhere else, and we just get it from our distributor. So I'm trying to look at the he, other product Nancy. I don't know if you have the other one up, but he's, oh, I know it said, I'm getting there quickly, everybody. It's Arnica and menthol. That was literally physically painful to make. And I'll tell you why. So anybody that's ever worked with menthol crystals before, 'cause I actually, again, I make all these items myself here, mystical wares. So, and where I have the organic ingredients, and I'm almost where it is. But the Arnica is such a flower, and this one is for topical use only, so it comes in a roll on. But when I was talking about painful to make was because it's using the crystals. And of course, as I'm working with them, it didn't matter that I worked gloves anyway, and I definitely did. It does menthol when you're working with it, and I use organic ones, so they're just clear crystals, and those need to be blended into the Arnica, again, organic shungite, I guess we'll call it shungite alcohol, 'cause that's what it is. Mixture, shungite, moonshine, I don't know. Mixture, and then you add the menthol to desired strength. And then those things are just, anybody that's used any kind of menthol product, keep it away from your eyes. Wash your hands 20 times. Got our gloves, I don't know what happened, but somehow I got it somewhere, and of course rubbed my eye, and it was not fun. But yeah, so this is something that's called a liniment, and it's available in a couple of sizes, a smaller and a large one, but it's really good for pain relief, anti-inflammatory effects, I should say, improved circulation, reduced bruising, all sorts of things, and then of course our listeners, and us, that's physically what we're talking about, energetically, same effects. So if you have a buildup, 'cause even a physical ailment or manifestation or symptom is tied energetically to something. So then when you don't have to know what it's tied to, just know that you wanna have the perfect energy, or however you wanna use that spiel, but see it already healed in that area, use an instrument, now you're thinking about it metaphysically and physically, and you'll get more done on all aspects. So, and then again, there's a whole, what do I call it, spiritual metaphysical insights of Arnica and all of that on the website as well, and directions and how to use it. I think that's all that's new since last show, Nancy. I'm not sure, I'm gonna try and look. - Shoot, I thought I probably put it in the wrong place. One of the things that you're doing is making changes to the stickers. - Oh, yeah. - And you've got a really good deal, $50 thing. I saw it on your Facebook here, and... - Online orders, yeah. I think it's a $50 plus online orders, get a free S4 sticker and a smart sticker, and it's gonna be up there for a while, so I think what's $30 value it says. So, and plus the, I left that up there, $100 one, so you get both. If you spend $100, you get the stickers and the ounce of Shungite nuggets as well. I was just leaving that up there. The changes she's talking about everyone is just quickly, so we don't waste too much time on this, but there's just over the years been a lot of confusion talking about which sticker for what spot. And so now we're able to produce these in such a way. Here in-house always, and/or vault, so those are the only two locations they've ever been made. On quantities, it were all the same strength now, if that makes sense. So we've taken the energy aspects and physical aspects, depending on if we're talking about the shape, size, location of the rubber, all of that, and the geometry in the sticker itself, integrated them into the scalar, now, so this is gonna get mad at me, 'cause I keep messing this up, but I think it's called Silver Shungite scalar sticker, something like that now, and that sticker does them all, and we've lowered the price down on that, so it's more accessible and less confusion, so it can be used in any circumstance. So that's what we've done there. And then, and there's nothing, it doesn't mean you have to get new stickers, so if somebody already has an S4 here, they're a smart sticker or a bucky, and it's working for them, you don't need to upgrade, save your money, it's not a thing, it's- - So we don't need to ask you, where I can use my stickers. - Where I've got them. (laughing) - Nope, you can use them anywhere. Yeah, and so, like I said, now we're able to get them out, so that's more accessible to everybody, and then we know that some people who place online orders will get stickers out because they're repeat customers, so that's not lost on us, so everybody gets to benefit. So that's happened recently. I think that's all the new, Nancy, I don't know if you wanna, 'cause we're still in the first part when I'm babbling, I can give a story or two about recent sessions, if you know what I mean, or if you want to. - Yes, excuse me, yes, let's go for that. - And only again, I wouldn't even remember this, if I didn't mention it. - Or maybe we should talk about the nine. Let's talk about the nine, 'cause we're talking products right now. - Yeah, leave that, let me bring a couple up. I don't even know what's online, go ahead, Walt. - Did you get the pictures I sent you to your phone, and see? - Yes, let me see, well, you start the conversation there, and let me see if they came in. 'Cause like I say, my system, sometimes they don't come in for a very long time. - Oh, let's. - Oh, but there they are, okay. - We're talking about cosmic shungites, silver shungite, oh my gosh, tongue tied today, nuggets that I make, so I made a small batch of nine day tumbled ones. - Yeah, and I was so impressed, it's like if you were attempting, you were deliberately attempting this effect, you did it, because it's amazing, the personalities live for smallbies in these nuggets, and they will talk to you, don't not be surprised. - Oh yeah, yeah, all of my, I'll just say senses, and I haven't even talked about this yet, other than with Jalissa. They've heightened, and I wear it, like I said, she wrapped me, so I have my nine day, and I had a wrap it so I could wear it conveniently around my neck. Oh, and I've, and I've even told her most of it, 'cause it's just me, I'm just trying to not pick up on it, but all the subtle energies around me, and things that the woo-woo stuff that heightens around me is, I've gotten even stronger since having this, and then be it ringing in my ears, or straight up, you know, somebody wanting to communicate, you're in the store, things like that, it's just, it's very unusual, I wasn't expecting that, I'll say. I wasn't expecting anything, I just didn't know, I just go out of kind of neutral and do it. - Yeah, this particular, this one, this first picture, you can actually see a human face, it's a bearded man, you can actually, and all of the other ones that I did, the same thing, there's one of a lizard, there's another one of a human being, and I was impressed with it, because how can you have so many shapes in a single body? It's just like. - I'm looking at it now, that's funny, I have, you know, I hadn't even taken mine off, and look, oh, it's funny, the second one, I'm looking at it now. I haven't looked at mine that closely. - Yeah, it's amazing. - I'm taking off right now, look at it, but it's also wrapped already. - I got a photo of this one quickly, I mean, she does such a good job wrapping these things, and I had to just wrap up here with one of them. - It's totally amazing, because now I can blow them up on my phone, I couldn't even see them, but what I find very interesting is I also have the same nine nine nine, and I have nothing like that. Mine is completely smooth. There's hardly a change in it, a little bit of ribbing, you know, and level differences, but there is no imaging whatsoever on it. - So you're saying it has no personality, yuck yuck yuck. - No, she, yeah, and I'll show you mine. So I just took picture of the front of it. No, each one of you got, and it was not, I just used intuition to choose them for each of you, by the way, so it wasn't just reaching the, this batch of my hat and randomly grab one. So, and they'd give me more thought than that, so I didn't look at them. So still, from my perspective, it was random, let me... - Well, let me just correct myself, because I am seeing something. It's either a wolf, a dog, or a lion. It could be, well, actually, it could be quite a few things. - And the more you play with the light, the more shapes come out. - This is the whole picture, but I'm uploading one to chat now. But this is also, we're just, somebody listening to the show, later it's gonna go, "We don't know what they're talking about." We're talking about, well, they've got pictures. We've got these nuggets, okay, that he put into the tumbler for nine days. Now, we have been using the three day for cosmic silver, everything, is still three day. Then, and we're working with Tesla concept of three, six, nine. And then we went to six days, but this nine day thing, was something that he had kind of played with, but it was kind of discarded because I don't think any of us were ready for the energies. And then he sort of got fixated on it, and then he did a whole bunch of them. And he sent them to us because he wants to have people talk about it, to find out, you know, what is this? It's like a tester. But then he put some of them on the website. Now, I know, for me, and I never got hold of one of the nine, the original nine, but when it was being talked about and stuff, it was like I was getting this very, very high energy thing, but I didn't feel drawn to it, which means that it's really more of a timing thing. Now, I'm gonna tell you a little thing that's a little off of this, but it's absolutely tied to the story. When I started to, I picked this up and I was looking at it, and all of a sudden, I got a picture in my head of a white buffalo cap, white cap buffalo, and white buffalo cap. And I just read this article about how they had found a white cap buffalo that was in Yellowstone National Park. And it was in the area of the Lakota tribes. There's a number of them. And so they went and they talked to this chief, I don't know, I think he was a chief of this particular local tribe. And then he told them the story about the white buffalo. And I'd heard the story for a long time ago, because it's very prevalent in this type of Native American culture. And they were having a terrible famine. The chief of the tribe, this is way, way, way, way, way back. And the chief of the tribe sent two scouts out. While they were out, they saw a white thing in the sky and out of this white thing in the sky came this woman dressed in white. And she told them that the secrets of how to essentially manifest your thoughts. And it's a teaching, it's accepted within the Lakota, all of the Lakota tribes. And people have been following this story for forever and ever. But the thing that she left them with is that when you need me, I will be, I'll come back as a white buffalo calf. And so in the story about it, that calf energy represents a new level of energy that's come to the planet. It's here, we're here. And we know we've been going through incredible energy changes. And yet there is also a warning associated with it because she said, "When you need me." And so you know that when you see the buffalo, you have to look around and say, "Okay, so what's happening?" Well, we don't have to be warned that there's bad things happening. So somehow or another, the energy off of the nine, the Shanghai nine, tumbled is a brand new energy. And Derek is the one that is manifesting it into this plane. So if you can possibly afford it, it's well worth the money and I don't even know how much he's charging. He's probably charging half of what I would charge. So I just wanted to point that out. And yeah, I guess I'm gonna have to really look at this wall because now I might have some kind of a reptile. - Remember, not all reptilines are bad. This is same shung-aid. - Yeah. - So this is the good reptilin. - Well, I didn't wanna use the word S-N-A-K-E because it's all these in the audience. - Well, that background on my desk, where I share the image of my independent one is horrible 'cause it didn't focus on the pendant. - Oh, that's hard to see much of anything. - Regardless, is there another topic? - No, I just wanted to finish that one and let you know that Walt and I are impressed. Mark, did you get one? - Yeah, thank you, Derek. How do we differentiate as far as energy and application between the 60 and the nine-day? I don't know if that was ever clarified. - Okay, how I do it is, so let's see here. The nine-day I use, it's helping me expand. So I think metaphysically and then six-day is, I don't know, kind of the blend of those two where I use the three-day for physical healing. So I know I went kind of reverse ordered there, but I didn't know it because I wasn't using them in that order. So the nine-day heightened my metaphysical senses, the six-day helped me clear my physical senses so I could start perceiving metaphysically more and the three, again, we're going to reverse. The three-day helped me physically get rid of any energetic attachments or overages so that I could even start working on the connections. So again, I went to reverse there, but that's how I kind of did it. - Okay, let me just jump for one minute. This is one more thing that happened. I've been wearing since we started with a three-day. I've been wearing a pendant, okay? And the day before, I knew he was going to send this to me, but I didn't know when. And the day before I got it, was it the day before the morning of, it might have been the morning of, but within 24 hours. The pendant that I had been wearing for years, it was off of its cord in the bed. I went to make the bed and it's laying there in the bed by itself and then I realized, no, it's not on me, it's in the bed. I have yet to find the cord. - I forgot you told me that, that's- - You know, and the next day I get this. And I totally agree with your reading on the energies, totally. So I mean, it's kind of an honor to have it. - That's funny, that wasn't random that all of a sudden your pendant is, you know. - No, it wasn't random at all. Not at all. Well done, Derek. You brought energy into existence. And Walt, you and I get to play with it. - Yeah. - It's only just, oh yeah, oh God, now I turned it upside down and I think that might be a walrus. - Yeah, you can see the different animals, different type of faces. So it doesn't stop. It doesn't matter as the light changes, the shapes changes. So it's like, when are you done? - I've got it. Oh, go ahead. - I've been told it's not a walrus, it's a seal. Anyway, go ahead. - I was just gonna say, I didn't think about it, but this actually ties into a session I told you about, and I already forgot about it, so you brought it up again. But this was the first session I did with the nine-day cosmic silver shungite nugget or mine is appended around me. And I didn't give it any thought. You know, I don't usually think about these things 'cause it's so much going on here in physical reality for me, let alone metaphysical. I'm here in mystical wares, I mean. But, and I'll be vague, you know, just to keep privacy regarding the session, but it's say enough to get the point across. And these are the stories that, you know, I usually only tell Nancy, and I don't even know how many there are, but in this case, and just so people have a general idea when I do sessions, I literally have just a sticky note in front of me with just the person's first name. I have no notes, there's no anything like that. I mean, after a session, there's no notes taken. I'm onto the next session or next, whatever's going on outside, just so you have an idea. So, and I'm saying that because on this session, which was, I don't know, maybe, well, I just wanted to say that 'cause I don't want pinpoint things too much. I had a session open up, so I sat down here, just a little bit, excuse me, before my session, I opened up, I have a scheduler program. It tells me the name, whether it's Zoom or in person or whatever the deal is. And usually, I never, there's a place on there where the clients can add notes if they want. And I, just to be totally honest, I usually don't ever look at that. It just goes, 'cause it's such a small area, I have to bring it down. And if there's something in there, typically, Jalissa will alert me to it or something like that. But for some reason, and I'm bringing it up because it was unusual, I was drawn down to it. And in there, all it said was something to the effect of, this session is for my little girl or something like that. And that was it. So, again, I'm sitting down, I grab my, well, piece of cosmic shung I didn't have here in my hand. I hold that and then really strongly, and this is what first alerted me to the nine day heightening my, again, I just have to say it some way, metaphysical senses, so the stuff comes in like, stupid, fast, really clear times, and then more info. I don't know, I'll just have to work like that. So I sat down, did it, and all of a sudden, I have this little girl connecting with me really quickly. And she lights up my heart chakra, so you don't feel a whole welling up sensation around her. So I can tell, oh, that one's full of love energy. And usually, I wait till the session gets going, and I give them a spiel about, you know, how you're gonna see me looking everywhere and all this kind of stuff, but this memory, from my perspective, they're entities, 'cause I'm connecting to them remotely. So this entity, she connects, and she goes, and I said, oh, you know, kind of high, you were in, she goes, I'm all hearts. And that's the part I didn't get to tell the individual as well, 'cause what I wrote down was, she says, draw this, and she shows me a whole heart image. So I drew a little heart on a sticky note next to the person's name. And I don't show them this. Part way through the session, it occurred to me, oh, I guess, let me think here. So she did that, we connected. I don't say anything to the parents on the other hand, 'cause it's their session. You know, they have to, you know, let me know who they wanna connect with, what's going on, and they say. And then, of course, I had the note tell 'emies for our little girl. So she starts talking about her little girl, and she ends up being relatively young, I'll just say. So under a year, old, and other things going on there. So, but part of it was she was born with an undeveloped heart. So there's a heart thing, and that's what I saw as well. So it was interesting, even for me, that before this, and she didn't write anything in the notes, so I didn't know, you know, there was a heart issue or this, that or the other. And it was great for the parents, 'cause then they got to see, and it wasn't a dared thing by any means. I'm just the woo-woo guy in this end willing to connect the strength of the little one, and showing that, and communicating that to them. So I actually grabbed, and I never do that, grabbed the sticky note, kind of hold it in front of the camera. Let's see, see what this is kind of thing? As she was just starting to tell me that, so that she knew her little one was connecting kind of thing. So those kind of moments are really nice. I usually never remember 'em, because while I get purged after readings anyway, and again, I don't take notes. So unless I actually get to call Nancy, this stuff just goes. - I'm just a girl, little girl has decided to make the change. - Oh yeah, she's really strong. Yeah, oh no, little thing's built of love. And again, if you're lighting up my heart shock with that quickly, nothing I'm some big hardened guy, but I'll just say I've been working energies a while. This one had no trouble almost tearing me up. - So she's repaired. - Oh yeah, she was all, she's gonna match her physical heart to her heart shock rate, 'cause her heart shock was like harvesting out of her body. I'm like, wow, girl. Yeah, so, but anyway, I don't wanna get, I'm just being vague for reasons again for privacy, but I wanted to get enough of that out, 'cause so many interesting moments like that happen during sessions, or lock-ins, it's unbelievable. I laugh about it around here. And so to some of the employees in Jelissa, but if there was able to be some camera just floating around here recording stuff on any given day, it'd be just unbelievable. But you know, there's a whole privacy thing there and, but I can't think of any stories right this minute, but it happens every day. That's when we got to get Jelissa on the podcast. - Well, you said walk-ins, what do you mean by a walk-in? Because it's not the word, you mean that somebody walks into the session, not that they walk into the human, correct? - Oh, most my sessions end up being, they don't even know they're having a session. It's just an interaction with me out there in the store. They, by chance, happen to, you know, be right there and I'm walking through or something, but no, it's, I'm talking about physical, you know, humans walking in and then, well, they come in with their, they're what do you guys call it, a posse. I don't get to ignore all that. And sometimes they're up to really get my attention, like pointing and just, I mean, all kinds of things. It just really depends. I think most of them end up in the Shungai room and a couple of them came back yesterday. She's a doctor of something or other in the metaphysics for 30 something years. She went in there, she's already wanting to come back for another session. She brought a friend and that's a Shungai room thing. And I chatted with her while she was in there. I noticed, yeah, go ahead. - Shungai, you were gonna put out the powder for the paint. Did you do that? - Wait, I was gonna do what? - The powder for the paint to make a Shungai room. You were gonna sell the amount of paint, the amount of powder that you need for a 10 by 10 room. - Yeah, I mean, no, I mean, I have, I don't think you'd ever made it to product form. So let me, I'm writing that down really quickly. I'm gonna have it for a little. - Ladies and gentlemen, talking to Derek on any given day is awesome. Because he just talks about all sorts of different things. And I'm never sure if he made him or not made him. - Can I bother him with that question that I had at the beginning before the show? - Yeah. - Yeah, so you want to answer the questions? - No, no, I had a question because you had questions about the ego and I'm kind of confused because why were the people asking you? I mean, they can, I have two emails and people can write me questions. So I was confused as to why they were asking you. - Oh, it just came up in conversation because I actually had a session with them. - Oh, I think. - They were impressed with their job, Walt and the ass, they were singing praises. And then they're talking about the ego and they said, well, do you know? So they're during their sessions, so it's their paid time. - Oh, okay. - Like, I don't know, I don't know, but I'll take these notes. So that's, and I said I'd bring it up when I could. - Oh, okay, okay. - Yeah, what's the question? You kind of, were you finished talking about, we haven't got the shungite stuff up yet for the paint. Okay. And then you were going to... - Yeah, I asked Walt the questions that they asked me. - Yeah. - And then I'll get that product up. It made it to my sticky note in front of me, which is the first step. Let's see. So some of the questions were what we're talking about here and Walt, if you want to elaborate on the product, but it's the ego, and it's a larger device that Walt makes. Again, I don't even know that I want to talk about it. I'll let you, maybe you describe it first and then I'll ask you the questions. That way people know what we're talking about. - Yeah, you can see the picture of the ego on my website, new paradigm tools. And it has nine pipes. The maximum height is six feet because the nine pipes are the, I mean the eight pipes are five feet tall and the base pipes are one feet so that there's a maximum six feet high. And the instructions I always give people is to make it flush with the ground so that you only see the pipes. The anything that's in the park is low. - Let me interrupt you for a second because we need to build the image. He takes these pipes and the pipes are attached to a resin base. Inside the resin base is a whole bunch of magic. It depends on, because when you want one of these he really ties himself in with your location to be able to, let's say, produce what you specifically need. So inside this resin, there are different chips of different rocks and it just depends on the person. And it's also spirals that are in there that are based on shungai, correct, Walt? - Yeah, the spirals, their purpose is to keep the energy constantly circulating. So you're not stuck with it because when these, when this device was first put out by a down craft, people had a problem that it would process the energy but then it would saturate and it would suck. And I said, this is no good. This cannot stop. This has to always be running. So I made it. So there are the spirals. There is a spiral pipe on the outside of the base pipe. So that means that when you connect, when everything is hooked up the way it's supposed to be, that means the device is always on, it doesn't stop. So I tell the users that it doesn't matter the pipes. The pipes are exposed but the body, where would be the part with all the resin, is at ground level. So you don't see what you call it, the part. All you see is the pipes that are sticking up from the ground. The rest, you can put rocks on it if you put it, if you change. But what matters is that it's below the ground. The pipes are above ground and the pot is below ground. Does it, quite simple, unless I made it complicated. I guess one question would be, can you consider the base being covered with rocks to be now the ground? So that way somebody didn't have to dig a hole if they were maybe not able to, maybe say the whole property is covered with concrete. They can get, can they just grab a bunch of rocks and connect it that way underground? Just make sure that it's protected from the wind because you don't want the wind throwing it sideways. You don't want the pipes through it. So as long as you're protected from the wind, like for example, in the picture that's on the chat, you see the eagle that's with Jasmine's house in California. And you can see, she's protected. Only the, only the, what do you call it? Only the pot is at the ground level. The rest is protected. So that's all that matters. All that matters is that you're protecting the pipes from strong winds because if you have a very, if you have a strong gale of a big wind storm, you don't want the whole instrument to be thrown in. To be thrown sideways. So you want to be always protected from the high wind. - I guess the other question would be the foil on the top of the poles where those are things you just covered them. - No, no, no, there is a reason for that. The reason you see foils and the top on the top of the pipes is because each pipe has a little mesh because I don't know why. I guess everybody loves strong gale, I guess. I had no choice but to create this, the little, what do you call it? So, sorry, it's a mesh. - It's a mesh, it's like a screen. - It's a very, very thin screen and it's protecting so that no insects get inside the pipes because years ago when I would put no protective, no protection on the pipes, the pipes would fill with all kinds of insects. So I said, and I don't want them to be dying in there. So I would purposely protect the pipes with a mesh so that insects don't get inside. But that's it. That's the reason that there's a little mesh there. (laughing) - Make a little figure why the insects love these pipes. - Mark, did you have any questions for me but for anybody really or topics you want to bring up? - Yeah, got a bunch. So clarifying the three, six and nine day, the nine day increases metaphysical senses. The three day, what did you say? - So I guess the three day, I would use first to get your energy aligned. And then, so that, you know, attachments, overages, things like that, things that are, I'm talking about energy-wise and that has a big effect physically. But then the six day, you can get your physical and energy aspects connected or aligned. So the kind of the two, so now that you've removed all the excess from your aura or bio field, you're now more in sync physically and that happens from, I used the six day for the physical. And then the nine day when I got that around me is when I perceived what had just happened, the two had been more in sync, be it physical and metaphysical. So to heighten my senses, my metaphysical senses. Physical ones some too as well. Unfortunately, hearing for me, 'cause a lot of stuff really gets my attention and that's heightened for me. I didn't give it a much thought. - Have you tried a thing where you get the three days, six day and nine day together and then something happens? - I'm making a note right, I have not. So three, six, nine. - Talk about an energy junkie. - That's right, the nine day with a small, again, after we made the small batches. So if they end up being something people are interested in, I can continue making them. They'll be delays, of course, 'cause nine days just in the tumbler in pure silver. But, and I need a couple of larger ones all. And you have to polish these things too. These aren't, so even these pendants or nuggets, I sent you guys. There were, I had to hand polish them with a cloth to get a lot of that S4 powder to be called off of it. Otherwise you touch it and you're completely black. But the one in my hand here I've had for years now, it's energetically exactly the same, but all this powder is off. So it doesn't leave any residual carbon on you now and you shungite. But that is the thing. That we polish down as we're saying. So they, and to anybody who buys a three, six or nine day cosmic silver shungite nugget online, you can keep polishing that yourself. If you have a cloth by no means are they at their height and state of, you know, the sheen on them, they can get a whole lot more. And you're not gonna get all that silver off. It's in there, it's on there. It's an energetic tool already. So polishing, it doesn't minimize it. - Right, and in the future I'm gonna try a thing where I can convert these things into sound and then share them on the show. And then maybe have Nancy post it or get what Derek thinks about them. So I'll be working on that later. - Oh, interesting. Good idea. - Yeah, and so you're scalar stickers. What is the scalar in the sticker? I don't know if that's ever put in the description. - I don't know any of that. I mean, drop that note too. Make sure you get fixed if that's an issue. So the scalar, we have a, so we have a scalar wave generating device here. It's called Spooky 2. And this information is on the scalar webpage over our website,, talking about the actual device and how it works and a lot more about scalar waves. But we take the, the shungai, the only stickers we have now, the silver shungai scalar stickers, when they're all made and put together and the geometry is there in the shape and the silver and the powder blend is in there. We take those and put them in the, in the middle of these two scalar devices where the wave's generated and place them in there for an amount of time with, and there's a way to add on a frequency we'll call it. I don't know if they call it on this actual device, but there's a spot on one of the Spooky 2 consoles where you can add what we add is a, now it's gonna be upgraded to a nine day. So the new cosmic silver shungai nine day tumbles will be the frequency added to the scalar field which makes any energy field, which I'm not stickers in this case, more cohesive, more structure, it holds its space better, less disruption from other energies. So that's why we have that other scalar aspect to it. And again, that'll now, in the starting the very next batch, 'cause now I have nine day, I'll add that to it. But that's a little bit more on the scalar. And then again, there's all web page on scalar waves and it's something to, again, if you, like anything else we talk about, if you use your imagination and your emotions and work it into your understanding, it's gonna have a stronger effect. And I'm talking about scalar as well. So even if you take advantage of our free weekly scalar sessions, we just sign up, nothing else happens, meaning you don't have to do anything specific, it just will endangle with you energetically, but know it in your imagination and it'll have a stronger effect. I need to jump in here for a second, because the scalar wave that you're putting the scalar sticker in, you're actually putting the sticker between the way, in the way. When you're doing the scalar sessions, you're just basically putting the name of the people that have signed up for this into the scalar field and then turning it on and then we feel it, right? - Absolutely, and I come back in and I, so once, and there's my ears ringing, once I do that, so yes to all of that, and then all armor it as well in the C60 structure and then fill it with love as well. So I'll go through those and sometimes I'll see a little avatar, a little Barbie doll size entity, just a no visual or no, which is facial structure, anything like that. And when I focus and that's to represent anybody on the list, I don't care, it's a cat or doggy, put your goldfish on the list. I just get the visual popping up and then see the energies move around it and then I get more vested in it kind of thing. And so it's, yeah, so that's more the whole deal. - What's the mechanism behind it? Because Mark and I did a show on an interview that Matthew Rife, the great nephew of Royce Rife, he said that you had to have it within the field, that this long distance. - This quantum now, okay, then they call it quantum entanglement or energetic connection. So yes, if the person, let's say Susie, whoever that is down the road, let's just talk about you Nancy. Nancy signs up for the scalar session, you've set the intention for this to happen, when and how you've already connected to it all. That's a thing. And then I don't even have to actually hit the button if we didn't have one, doesn't matter. You do those. So you've made the connection from your end to be part of this. So when I start that waveform generator, the scalar, your name is on the list. And or again, whoever you've added, because you can have a lot of people's why I'm bringing that up. So suddenly it signs up, just put a comma, put another name and you can go from there if you want. But no, that's been shown as well, even scientifically, that the remote connection to things. They've done it with photons, they've done it with plants. I mean, there's lots of studies and all this. And if all we have to do is know that it's a thing, and then you don't have to have the scientific, understand it or be able to regurgitate in such a way, but know it's a thing and be open to it. And then you absolutely connect. I gotta pause 'cause I think we're a break time. - Yeah, yeah. It is science, it's called quantum entanglement. And that's really, I mean, we've gotta keep talking, the talk that what we're dealing with is real science, not the science baloney that you've been pushed, but real science. Craig Stewart, Chungite, we the people will be back in three minutes. And welcome back to Chungite reality. It's June 25th, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins. With me is Derek Condit, Mark Joseph and Walt Silva. You guys back? - I am. - Awesome. Mark, did we kind of disrupted your questioning there at the end of the first hour? Did you wanna? - Nope, not really. We'll just go into other stuff. - And I'll get to elaborate for real quickly Nancy, is the descriptions all sit down and give it focused, thought and attention on the descriptions of three, six and nine cosmic silver shungite nuggets. And I'll put that on that page on the website here while being the next day, 'cause yeah, it's something I should explain, I guess. - Yeah, it's informative, if nothing else, you know, what's the difference? And the differences are clear. I mean, it's, you know, so step yourself up, if you have a three, then go to the six. The six will, you know, kind of. What I see happening is the physical body has to detox. It has to get itself back into a healthy condition. So you need that three. Might take years, but you need that three because you're not only just detoxifying your learning things, your being taught, your brain is involved. And your emotions are, you know, settled down because shungite just does that. It's gonna balance you out in all ways. So you play with the three, then you go to the six and the six is gonna give you what the three gave you. But it's not as well tuned, it's all frequency. It's the frequency of the third dimension in the three. In the six, you're moving into a greater density. So essentially what you're doing is you're fortifying your body now and taking the newer densities and to essentially make a new vehicle. It's like an upgrade in your physical body. So by the time you get to the nine, your physical body, your energetic body are all meshed in this perfect little thing. And now you can access densities that you wouldn't have been able to handle had you not gone through the process. So, and I was saying that shungite's the only way you can go through the process. There's many different modalities that you can use to get here, it's just side no shungite. Okay. That sounds good. What's next? Derek, did you have anything else to add to that? No, I think so. I mean, just the body and Clyde thing if you wanted to get into that. Oh, that's kind of fun. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I guess now that I've mentioned it, they're going, what? Why are you crying? This is just a good story. So, Joe, you're right. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, we'll jump back to Mark. And this is just a quick one anyway. It just happened yesterday. I sent Nancy some photos. But Joe listened to all about this because she knowed about it for years, I'm sure. But on a hike, yeah, there was an event. So, hike, there's an area here locally called Little Mountain. And it's just a little mountain just packed with dense trees. So, so often some sun can get through. And in this area, there's ferns growing everywhere and moss and rocks. So, that's kind of terrain. It's Cascade mountains. That's a really cool little local mountain, Little Mountain, where I was on a hike yesterday. I was on a couple of them, actually. And then, Joe said, mention to me, have you seen the car? You know, I'm like, car, you know, what she's talking about kind of thing. So, and I just put two and two together, start reading the trail maps. I didn't tell Nancy all of this either 'cause it's actually, I didn't tell you much I've been in here, I sent you photos. But long story short, start following the trail that made the most sense after going through others to get there called Bonnie and Clyde. I don't know, who knows? Couple miles out there hike around the mountain. And then all of a sudden, and I'm thinking, okay, well, if there's gonna be a car, you know, it's gonna be off the side. So, this is a, again, a mountain. So, there's pretty good drop off on my left side, we'll call it. So, I'm looking down there for a car. And then, basically, right there on the path or trail. And of course, it's from so many people visiting it and then the park service. You know, I'm sure putting work into the trail. But you have, you walk up on this abandoned car, and Nancy, do you have the photos for chat by chance? Otherwise, I can share them in a little bit. But there's a, and I have no idea what year the car is. There's almost nothing left but the frame, the motors there, no doors or anything like that. It's decades old. It looks like it's probably 100 years old, to be honest, or darn near that. I'm just gonna pinch up against the tree there where it didn't make all the way down the cliff because of the hillside, I guess, because it hit a tree. But down a little further, so if you swing your head left after looking at this car that you just walk up on, I don't know, it's probably a three-foot-tall, safe, down just that rolled evidently out of the car, and I don't know if it was a car or truck, 'cause there's not enough of it there to tell, but down the hillside. And it's open, so somebody at some point got it open. So hence the Bonnie and Clyde trail name, and I didn't know anything about this, and Melissa mentioned it to me. So, yeah, that was interesting. I just sent Nancy photos. - No, I don't have the photos. - No, that doesn't matter, it was annoying. - They're in my camera, I mean, like-- - Yeah, same as mine, the other one, yeah. Take him out. - It's not much to look at, it's just an old rusty stuff. I mean, I wouldn't have really jumped to the fact it was even a truck or a car. - No, you got a really spot. And I never thought about turning on the woo vision and seeing what was going on, never even occurred to me. So there evidently wasn't a whole lot that at least I was picking up on there. I don't mean that negative, it's obviously been there a long time as well. But anyway, there's old gold mining towns I had up to, and I'm just trying, money crystal. So anybody's here locally, that's on Granite Falls, but this deposit is out there, maybe 15 or so. In the mountains, you can come up on an old abandoned prospecting town, it goes down to where it, there is stuff going on. - Yeah, so there's so many things in that area that you live in, I'm talking to the audience now, but over the years as I talked to Derek, there's just all these different places you can go to there. And if you're planning to go to take a trip or something, consider going up there, spend some time at mystical wares, and enjoy all of the benefits that that area has that are so different from other areas. It has a whole history, different history, and just the hills and the mountains and the forests and the mushrooms. - Oh yeah, they're everywhere. Did we, did I have the sluice box done when we talked last, but it's pretty much done now. So that's another thing people can do when they come here. - Yeah, we've talked about that. - And we talked about, I wasn't sure what state it was and all that, but yeah, there's new videos on that on the website as well. But yeah, that's been a big hit, a lot of fun, adults and kids. - That's kind of mining, he's made a little thing that, how much water is going through that, a lot of water. But it's just to bring forth the feeling of the old mining thing where the river's going, they've got a pan, they sift through it and they pull out gold, that kind of thing. And I've watched it develop, but he went from here, this is this idea here, and he's actually the last pictures I got from him. It did, it invoked that old time feeling. So yeah, it seems like a lot of fun. - Yeah, people like doing it. Everything's too big, can't upload anything. It's all right, there's demos on the website, and I said I'm always interested. I don't think I have anything else new on this, and I've got a lot of notes now I've been taking. Mark, did you have something else and or Walt that you had a topic with, 'cause we have 45 more minutes. - Yeah, so this week's, what do you call it? Your scaler, free at anti-inflammation, so people get their names in that. I think it's as many as you can put before Friday. And then people who wanna see the Shengai Science or to show that. And then I just posted, I know we'll have Gary Fong back before the year's over. He's been pretty consistent with sharing his Shengai finds using AI, and then one that stood out is YouTube channel. I think it's just Gary Fong at the Gary Fong channel on YouTube, so this is his newest one, my Shengai origin story doubling rad lifespans in reverse aging, as using the AI tool consensus while which aggregates 200 million peer-reviewed academic research articles I explored, where the Shengai can extend the lifespan of lab rats, the results are astounding. Research from 2012 and 2021 shows that C-60 fullerenes in Shengai can nearly double the lifespan of rats by reducing oxidative stress. And that's not all since I started using Shengai and drinking Shengai treated water in 2020, my own health markers have improved dramatically. My biological age is reversing and I feel more energetic and youthful than ever. And what did I add to that? That I think Derrick, your YouTube page does show the RN from back in 2017, that it does increase themselves and they showed the blood work for that. And Nancy, so I've been going through different podcasts to see how far back they have of older shows. And pretty much everybody stops at 2020 and then so your site stops at 2018. The 2017 is inaccessible. So maybe, I don't know, as a future reference to, 'cause I wanted to make for future replays, I wanted to have maybe Kevin Smith's, which was a 2018 one that's basically the earliest, his talk about the black mirror, S4, scrying. So that was a good episode. But clarifying what you guys talked about earlier. So I thought Shengai makes it so a person does not get drunk if an alcoholic drink is Shengai did. Can you guys clarify that? - Yeah, no, I think that's something we're learning as we go, but that's not the case. So, Nancy, you get more into the feedback you received 'cause I wasn't part of that online where somebody put it in wine sounds like. - We did it years ago. - Yeah, when I use it here with, I'll just call it The Shengai Moonshine. Oh no, definitely does not remove the alcohol content. You can feel it, of course. It's unique, I'll tell you that as far as drinking it, trying it, but no. - You get your drunk. - Oh, it definitely does. Oh yeah, Shengai Moonshine, not the one. - Okay, we talked about this earlier in the first hour, but what I think is happening is that it's, all right, let me put it to you this way. The only way you're gonna test out the theory, because I mean, it could be people's intention that they not get drunk, I'm not dismissing that. But to test it out from your Shengai Moonshine to something that they would just get, you gotta have a friend that's got moonshine or somebody that's just got a regular alcohol thing and try it, put the Shengai in some just off the shelf alcohol and try it yourself and see what you feel. - Because I think you will feel a change, that no, the alcohol is not, because I think it's just toxic stuff in that stuff. - Yeah, I think it's gonna be a very product-to-product or alcohol-to-alcohol, so who knows, it's one. - That's what I'm saying. So we just don't know enough about that, but it's, you know, we throw these things out because this is how we learn. You know, the book Shengai Reality, there's like what, 60-some pages of testimonials from other people who are finding out other things. And if somebody says, well, this is what's happening, then, you know, Walt starts to figure out how he can test that and then we go from there to find out what the mechanism is behind it that's resulting in the results that they get. So, but they were the ones that turned us on to so many, I wonder why that is, let's look at it. So the only way we learn about this is to talk amongst ourselves, even if we don't have all the data, because that's the way you get the data. - So, yeah, no, it doesn't neutralize. In fact, I keep it in there. So I make gallons of this stuff at a time and use it for these tinctures, the elder area of the sacred seven, things like that. So, now it's, I mean, it's lasting there, just fine. I think it's all relative. - Mark, or who's asking questions? - Mark, I wanted to talk about the chat here. Justin asked about using, what is it, using the Shungat Cloudbuster, the Eagle, at, if we can use it ethereally. And he wanted to send brain to Canada and other regions. And Walt said that, and this is all in chat, that a man in Washington State is using the picture of the Eagle to clear the smoke from the fires. - Yes, in Washington State. I don't know how far he is from Derek, because Derek is also in Washington State. But I know that whatever city he is in, that's what they were using it successfully, because when he told me about it, they were a terrible state. They were in a state of, it was constantly, having these clouds of smoke, it was horrible. So I sent them the pictures of the Eagle. And I told them, I said, use them, both pictures, put the pictures together, and you tape the positive and the negative, and you tape them together, and just put it on the wall or whatever you can see the picture. And just intent that that snow, that I mean the smoke back, be cleared. And don't stop doing that. Whenever you see the picture, just be aware that the smoke is not clear, cleared. And he rode back like two, three days later that it stopped, the smoke went away. - Okay, well, you've got to explain the pictures. You've got a negative and a positive. - Yes. - What you do with them? - And you put them on one on one on one on each other. - Well, what, which one do you put on top of the other? - Put the positive on top of the negative. So you end up with the one. - Okay, okay, are you got them face to face, or you got them in stack? - It's stack. - Okay. - And that's it, and that's what you are putting it. I learned that in the thing with the pictures, I was doing work. What was it? I think I was working with the, I forget now what, it explained the reason why you need both the positive and the negative. Because when you're looking at an image, you're only looking at 50% of the substance that's in that image. And he says you want 100% of that image. So that's why he said that you need the positive and the negative. So that's the way I did. I have a color printer, so I print a natural color and a negative of the same picture. And I put them both together. So the picture is positive and a negative. Because otherwise you don't get the effect that you want. If you ignore the positive or the negative, you don't get the results you want. And then I learned that from the Polaroid, because when they were doing experiments with the Polaroid, they were always having excellent results. And the reason for that is because when you're making a Polaroid picture, you have both the positive and the negative. You don't know it because the positive, the negative is inside the film of the Polaroid film. So you never get to see it because it is inside the picture itself. But it's actually two pictures. Okay, in the Polaroid, you've got the, when you peel off the picture, okay, you peel off the picture and the picture is inside the outer cover. In other words, when you pull it off, you see the face of the picture. If you look at the other one, you'll see the face of the negative. So they're face to face, they're not in stack. My question here is the testing that they did energetically. Was it with the face to face versus a stack? - They were, I do them as stack and it works for me. You can do it your way, maybe it works better for you. - It's not my way, I'm just because you were talking that they found that the energetic work was better when they had a Polaroid, which was, you know, when you peel them apart, they were face to face. - Well, when you're looking at the polaroids with the peel, but would you forget that there was actually another part of the film that's, and you don't see it. It's actively underneath. Because you're thinking of the old Polaroids where you used to pull the, what do you call it, like a film strip, like a film strip. That's not it. And actually, in actuality, in the newer tell Polaroids, you don't see the negative. - The negative is inside the film itself. I know, it's kind of confusing. - Yeah, so they're just taking out the top layer, the photograph and leaving the negative in the film canister itself. - Exactly, yeah. - No, I didn't have that camera, I had the first one. I didn't know they had improved on it. - Oh yeah, they changed it. - You had all this negative kind of gunky film that you had to get rid of, it was. - Yeah, that's the old way it was, uh-huh. - Uh-huh, very interesting. God, but what an amazing story that was. - Oh Lord. - Okay, Mark, did they answer the questions? - Yeah, yeah. So Derek, have you ever looked into opening a TikTok page that you think it would be helpful for the store or anything like that? - I think I actually have one. I know, obviously I don't use it. I just have to think about it. Often it's a time thing for me, I know, you know, quick videos, but if I had a place where I could go and get just a list of questions or things like that, and then I could go off of that and make quick video, that could possibly be a thing. Yeah, so maybe I've got to figure out some way to where people can submit those questions. Okay, I'll look more into that and see if I can find a different angle. And, let me see. Nancy, I posted about people sending good thoughts when you were having a flood issue. And of course, last week at the Cosmic Reality Show, you did give us the full details of that. Is that something, can you give us some kind of update, or should I just tell people to listen to last week's show on that? - No, I'll gladly give an update. Yeah, South Florida had a massive amount of rain. I mean, just a few miles from me, it was like 20 inches and 24 hours. That's a tremendous amount of rain. I have the eagle, and I flooded out. In fact, I had probably the second highest flood that I've had in 38 years of living here. So Walt says to me, the eagle didn't work, and I got messaging, and I shouted back, no, nothing worked, I flooded for crying out loud. But the reality is, is that the eagles are designed by Mother Nature. And Walt and all the people that proceeded him in creating this kind of a concept, were working with the concept that Nature made it. And there was an energy exchange of communication between the air and the world itself. It's some weird noise behind somebody. Somebody's got a mic open, I don't know who. And so you have this situation where the clouds, the sky, the sky gods, or whatever it is, I'm not gonna say I understand the energies. But the sky says, are you okay down there on the earth? No, I'm a little dry, okay, and then it makes rain. That's the way that it always was designed by Gaia to work. But over the years with an incredible amount of messing they've done with electromagnetic energies that confuse the bees enough that you have colony collapse, unless you have shungite. And even the communication between the sky and the earth, so the eagles are designed to talk to each, to let them talk again. It's like a human fix for something that's not working right in nature. And so I said, no, it's not working. But then what happened was that we were supposed to get twice again the amount of rain that we had that put one foot in my house. And I have been in this house 20 years ago when they had three feet in the house. So I was imagining the worst. We all were because everything said that this crazy thing was happening. And it's like I've said on the other shows, my property is unbeknownst to me when I bought it, but it's in a floodplain. But it's a natural floodplain from the Everglades. The Everglades gets too much water, it starts pouring towards the east. And it goes straight through my property to what is, was a tributary to Arch Creek River, was just a little river, Creek kind of thingy, but it would go into the Arch Creek River, which would then empty into the Biscayne Bay and the ocean. So the lay of the land says that the water has to go through here. And I'm in the middle of it. So did the eagle work? Well, I got water, but I didn't get three feet in the house. And that was only a matter of like two miles. The storm, we were two miles south of where the edge of the storm was. And I know that it had to have been at least two miles because I've watched the way that even though you've rained stop, the drainage is still happening. And I've had major floods that were two hours after it stopped raining because the water again was going low and out to the sea, but none of that's working. Just me, I'm here. So yes, it worked, the eagle work, because it, see, the aquifer that we get our water from is carved out of the middle of the state. It's a limestone cave type of thing. Well, I'm used to a certain amount of population taking from the aquifer. So you got a hundred straws in the aquifer. Well, now there's a thousand straws because of how many people have come to Florida. And I'm telling you, without the eagle, this state could be in a lot of trouble. Because it had to rain like that to fill the aquifer again. To be honest, if the aquifer completely lost its water, we wouldn't have any water. But probably the state would collapse on itself because it's the water pressure in the aquifer that helps stabilize the structure of the state. It's a very unique geological state. So yes, without the eagle here, Florida would be screwed. But it's here. So that's my final analysis of it, Mark. - Oh, that's great, thank you. - Even though I've flooded out, I can take three feet in here. I mean, this house is, like I said, I've gone through it. So it's got, as a matter of fact, it's got quartzite slabs from all over the floors and up quite a few of the walls. So when you're in this house, people walk in this house if they're not used to it. By the time they get to the house, they're pretty stoned because they've been walking in a yard that's magical anyway, that's also got a quarter of a ton of shungite laying out there. So they get to the house and then they sit down and we start having conversations and it depends on the person, but within 45 minutes to an hour, they're going to fall asleep and they do, you know? And then I can see them starting to go off and I said, just lay down on the couch. What, just lay down on the couch because otherwise you're going to, you'll lay down for 20 minutes and you'll wake up and you'll feel great. And that's what happens to them because there's so much energy to the house. So it's pretty magical. The building itself is over 100 years old. It's got a lot of stories. - Yeah, a lot of layers too in visitors and you had sort of about the shamans have visited. - Oh, I had to add those CD shamans, but this property, I mean, there's an E.T. ship that is always up above it. I don't know who they are, but they're always, it's like something that they stuck there. I don't know, it's manned sort of, but maybe there's an autonomous, I don't know, but they're up there. And they're always protecting this part of my property type thing, not my property, I'm just the caretaker. Because it's a very important point on the lay lines who's connected directly to the Atlantis power point out about 20 miles east in the ocean. Not only does it have pyramids, which they photographed, somebody was diving after a storm and has pictures of blue pyramids coming out of the bottom of the ocean. And Walt did a shamanic journey to the same place and he found a, what do you call that thing? It's got the pyramids together, the, what is it? You know, you take the two pyramids, you put them together and you've got the star of David kind of thing, it's, we all know. - Merkava? - Merkava, yeah, yeah. So, yeah, the place is magical. And the eagle, see on my eagle, which you can see that picture that's up there is old, there's more eagles out there, they're in Britain now. But that was an old show, but I just saw the pictures and I pulled it up. And mine has actually been one day I'm out there and all of a sudden I get them in my ear. You know, you gotta move it, you gotta move it. Why do I have to move it? The dang thing is heavy, why do I have to move it? No, you gotta move it, move it, move it, move it. Okay, all right. So I move it to where they want it now and it's closer to the house actually. And over the years I've worked with it and Wal sent me a Surrey resonator, which is a sun resonator, it has the energy of the new sun. And I was playing with that thing in the house and all of a sudden I got, take it to the eagle, eagle, eagle. Oh, God, thanks, what are we doing now? So I go out there and I actually put this on top of the pipes. So as the energy goes out, it goes out through the new sun thing. And there's so many things you can do with the eagle, it's not just a device for weather. You can use it like, I've used it occasionally when something really bad happened and people really buggered out. And so I would just put happiness and joy into it specifically for, I'm kind of a limited metaphysician. I don't like to mess with too many things because it's all connected. But I feel that in my geographic area, I have something to say about what's happening. So, and these are all connected, all the eagles are connected. We have on occasion used all the eagle system to be able to take care of a problem. And then you can find out, (clears throat) get hold of Walt. Walt had a problem with his website and he didn't realize it, but he was not getting any sales. And so he started looking into it and he found out the essay had a problem with a website that got fixed. So, but in doing this, he's made the ordering very simple. You go there, you see the devices, you see the prices and then you just go to his email and say, I'm interested in this. This is my questions I have, you know? And then Walt will come back with an email telling you what he needs to be able to get it to you. And you can even, if you've got a question, I don't know if I want this or I want that. Well, he can answer that for you too. He'll take energetic readings and see which one seems most compatible for you. And that's at new paradigm tools. That's plural, tools, new paradigm, He and that got screwed up and so he had to go - Okay, Mark, you got to, it's some more of the stuff. - Yeah, and telling your story last week, there was something about Walt sending you scaler in regards to this whole story. Was that, is that relevant to what you're talking about with the whole scenario? - I use a practice, the positive and the negative and the, I put them on the scaler machine and I programmed the flood waters to recede. I ask that they move, move and get out of the property. So far it was good because she had good news to report. - Yeah, because, I mean, I could say that it was the scaler unit that kept the water off of us. But at the same time, I didn't know exactly how he had programmed it. But if he said, "Get rid of the flood waters," I can tell you that I got back into this house two and a half days earlier than I normally do. And I kept saying, "Why is water going down so fast?" I've never seen it go down that fast. So if you had programmed the scaler with that intention, well, you sure made an impression on me, you know? - Yeah, it was very strange how fast it went down. - Yeah, thank you, Walt. So someone was asking, does the, in chat, someone, does the eagle help with man-made weather? So what Nancy experience was a result of man-made weather that was clarified last week's cosmic reality show. - Yeah, and though for the state of Minnesota, when I came in 2003, it was horrible, driving around. Every single, every, without exception, every single lawn, was either brown or yellow. The state of drought was terrible. The police were driving around. If anyone was even attempting to water the lawn that would get a ticket, it was really, really terrible. So I got all the parts together that week. And I made the first cloudbuster. I didn't put it flush with the ground. It was just standing there on the lawn. There wasn't a big rain, I mean, a wind. So there was no problem with anything throwing it. But that first week, it rained. The first time, in a long time, it rained. And then after that week, it rained again. And after the week, it rained again. So it consistently, once a week, every week, it started to rain and it hasn't stopped since. So to that point now, people are so used to the rain water coming down. So people aren't watering their lawns anymore because there's no need. I'm not exaggerating. Everywhere you look, no one watering their lawn because they have natural rain water. So it's been that way since 2003. So that's the work I've done craft. - Well, I don't know about the weather modification mark because yeah, it felt like weather modification this last storm. And I haven't really pursued using the eagle to disrupt it from the concept. And I'm just saying this 'cause I just didn't think about it. From the concept of it's somebody is thinking this. Somebody is putting that thought out. I really didn't think about that. I kept trying to work with it with the concept of don't, don't your, I can't go, sometimes I do go for a larger area. But I really think that my responsibility as far as the eagle goes is to take care of my local area. So I'm always focused on a 20 mile circle around me. And yeah, because they're using weather modification all over the place, they just flooded out Iowa. I always got a tremendous problem and they're supposed to be getting more rain. So maybe we should just all think in terms, I mean, when you get excessive, okay, it could be climate change. Yes, it could be climate change. But when you get these excessive amounts of rain and fires in Texas, all of this stuff, you know what, it has a mechanical feel to it. I know that's a weird thing to say, but when I have seen things that I said, this is not right, I know meteorology, I've been studying it in Florida for, you know, 50 years. And it would feel different, it would feel like mechanical. And I said to Sandy, my next door neighbor, we were out in a storm Irma, and that was definitely, definitely manipulated. And we're standing in it and I said, Sandy, does this feel right, this storm? And she didn't say anything, she just shook her head, no, it doesn't feel right. So I think that they're using it all over the place. And instead of doing a defensive action in that you're trying to protect yourself from it, I think probably the best way to do it is to think of it not being there. Think of just nature taking over, put your thoughts and energy into nature, what nature needs. Because, you know, can't manipulate too many things without manipulating something that you might not want to do touched. - Yeah, so people take note of how to use those pictures because there was also recent New Mexico fires where it suspected it's the involvement of people and not nature. And then you also have the half a million acres in Idaho where the state is shutting off the water to the farmers because of some cobalt or, it was either cobalt or fueling AI because with AI you need so much energy resources, especially water, to keep that thing running. So I know Bards FM was talking about call the governor of Idaho and let him know what you think of like this is unacceptable half a million acres shut off from farmers. I don't know if Derek answered my question in chat, no. About, 'cause he's had a bunch, he's talked to a bunch of doctors if that successful results and even ordering from him, with the shungite room and the products there is there, at least one, hopefully two natural paths or doctors worth interviewing for the podcast. And then he also knows a guy who has had shungite tattoos that would be someone who could talk to Adam if he's still around to comment on that. I'll leave that hanging. - I can answer, I'll have to reach out to the doctors. I know they're really busy 'cause they put on conferences and these are really the two I can think of that come in here personally, walking in and getting our stuff. Yeah, they actually put on the conferences, they're big deal guys and known, so, but even that, I mean, I'll try and see if I can even maybe a remote, you know, Skype, I'm in like we're doing here and do it that way, so yeah, I'll look into that. - Yeah, 'cause I mean, the way you told us about how astounded they were amazed with the results that they could at least even an hour would go a long way. So that would be cool. - What he is gonna do, I won't drop names right now, but the main one is, he's already asked me to come in here and put on a, I don't know, we're gonna record it video, a class of speaking engagement or something on all of this. So at the bare minimum, I can yank the audio from that now we can play during the podcast. So, and that's already started in the planning process. - Okay, awesome, it'd be good. And while I got your resonator, thank you for that, I will still need to go through the details of the PDF and instructions. - You're open to walks? - Yeah, so that was the thing where, as your site gets more popular, people become more aware of the advanced chunk of devices. If someone wanted to give, maybe just a general layout, if someone wanted to give a resonator to someone, 'cause my family's overseas and that's what I'm gonna do, and then walk 'em through or send a PDF and the print out, what's like a basic layout of how to go about communicating to the resonator, programming it, if it's something for like a family to give or give. - Well, did you get the PDF and the emails? - Yes, yeah, I still need to go through it, but maybe just giving people like a general layout an idea. - Yeah, just part of the instructions are very straightforward on how people can program their resonators, because fortunately, the lovely thing about this chunk is that it reacts to your consciousness and your intentions. So it's not us that, not Shanghai, the one that's slow to the low on the uptake, it's the humans. We're the ones that don't know enough. We're the ones that are slow on the uptake, but Shanghai knows exactly what needs to be done and when it's weird, the ones that are the slow learners, so to speak. But if you follow the instructions on the document that I said, that you can see how the key to you, the program is what are you wishing for and how you're wording the question is like, if you're voicing desire, so, oh, don't do this, or don't do this, or I don't want this happening in my property. No, don't do that. You keep voicing what you don't want. That's exactly what you're going to get. You're going to get what you don't want, so you want to be positive with your statement. So the document explains that how we have to learn to control the way we express our thoughts, because people don't realize how used we are to thinking negatively and opposite of what we want. We're not used to it because all of at least me, all my life I was used to do to that, focusing on what you don't want. It will, how does that help me? (laughs) So by focusing on what you don't want, well, that's what you don't get. So I wrote that paper with basic instructions, so the paper can get it used to the idea of how to base your questions and your expressions. So I thought it wasn't, I know you haven't had a chance to read it, but I think it's basic enough. Anyone can pick up and read it, like for example, how to program the resonator to help members of your family, even people that are far away. Oh, one thing that you were able to notice, how huge the coverage area is, is basically covering the entire island. - Yeah, many islands, so even the surroundings, so that, yeah, it's pretty wide, thank you. - So I think the islands, the situation that they have with their electricity is going to be not instantly or maybe very soon, because they're going to, their entire area is going to be covered. As you saw in the documents, the only caveat is that people, you have to respect people's free will. So public places are all covered. They are going to be treated positively by the Samishangai, all the public places, but private homes, because everyone has their free will, and their free will choice. Well, they want to be negative, that you have to respect it. They want negative energy for themselves. They want negative attention for themselves. So that, there's something you can do, because you have to respect people's free will, but public places, they're all going to be treated by Samishangai. So you might start seeing that, I don't know how often you get a chance to go to, how often do you go to the Philippines every year, or twice a year, or, I don't know. - Yeah, it's pretty random. I mean, there's family all over the place, not just there, but... The positive thing was when I brought the resident, I didn't have anything specific, I was just open. So there was a drought, was it for six months, and then higher heat than usual. And so at the moment, I got to one of the islands in the Pacific, then the rains were pretty consistent twice, three times a week. And this was just right when I got there, and then crazy heavy rains. And your description will help, because a lot of the fires that get started, at least in the city, is from bad wiring. So, yeah, I think the resonator, and then Chiangat will take over as far as what's needed, and especially since they have typhoon season, hurricane season, things like that. So I think that'll balance itself out. And... - So now they're going to blame you, 'cause it's raining too much. - I think it'll balance out, and then with what you gave me. Now, I'll keep everybody updated, so. - Okay. - This has also just happened with me not consciously interacting. It was just what was needed to be balanced out in the area. - Yeah, yeah. - Well, no, I hope you to hear more good news from you. - Oh, there will be, yeah. As consciousness rises, so the Chiangat power. And so, Justin was asking in chat, do you make energy devices to wrap around one's neck, and then you recommended the Chiangat spiral on the T-shirt neck. So anybody that's networked? - I don't want to steal pundits from there. So that's his domain. I do, the other thing that I make is the bracelets. - Yeah. - They go on your arm, the bracelets, and the, and you have on the Chiangat spirals. - Yeah, John, can you share your email wall so people can contact you by asking you anything? - Sure, it should be It doesn't get any simpler than that. Or, and the other one, if, for any reason, if someone wants to contact me through my other email is That's it. There's two emails. All right. - Great. - Thank you. - Thank you. Nancy, I had this idea for interviewing 'cause you have a cosmic reality station. And, you know, Dolly's told stories about Chiangat and then each of your hosts have had Chiangat stories. So, bringing them on the show here, I thought would be interesting and then promoting their shows too. What do you think about that idea? 'Cause hearing from Ani would be cool, mad shaman, but her show in Chiangat experiences. And then, Jan, of course, what do you, do you think they'd be open to talk in live or how do you think that would work for each of them? - I don't know. That's a lot of scheduling of, I'll consider it. - Okay, yeah, I'll touch base with you on that over the months. And as far as summer goes, the heat's been going up. I think it was two weeks ago, we talked about air condition that you can use a sticker or even a magnet to purify the air that the air condition brings in, that the magnet, S4 magnet and mystical wares is preferable over the sticker, but there are some air conditions where there's no metal, so then you would just use the sticker on mystical wares. And then, in terms of hydration, I was gonna read this story, but there's not enough time of five minutes, that there's this pilgrimage to Mecca that resulted in, I think, 1,100 deaths because of the heat. There was like 125 degrees Fahrenheit. - Oh my god. - The Hajj is the final of five pillars of Islam who requires that every Muslim who is of adult age complete their religious pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime. So there are authorized and unauthorized people, and then of course, Saudi Arabia does offer air condition and different ways to protect yourself, but then you have the people who don't register it. But anyway, that goes into the thing of the best ways to hydrate. So Derek, you do have the three beads with the silver wire that goes. To me, that's probably the ultimate. Of course, people can just take a sticker on their water bottle or bare minimum, if you have no money, then just three rocks or even nine rocks inside your water container. I don't know any last words on that since we got four minutes. - No, that's not a bad idea. You can put the cosmic silver chandelion at nuggets in your water if somebody has a nugget. So that's an option as well. But I do, I use the water beads, not just in water, but even in a juice or whatever. You can add it that way too. But no, there's, I don't know. I mean, we're gonna start coming out with some new coasters as well in the near future. I'll have to announce those and get different headbands and things. So this is working on those in the background with somebody's stitched up custom, I guess it'd be called headbands. So that's something new coming out as well. Nancy, did you have any last minute topics or questions or anything? - Nope. Tomorrow I'm doing a radio 5G cosmic soup that's about Google. I'm gonna do that Google take because I found another one that's a guy who's been researching UFOs for a long time and the ins and outs of finding out what were the true stories and not. It's a similar theme to the Google one. So I put them together and I'm gonna play that tomorrow in radio 5G and we have cosmic reality tonight, live show and myself and Walt and Dolly Howard. So Derek, did you wanna say bye bye because we're kind of in the last two minutes. - I appreciate Mark, Walt and me, Nancy and all of us being here and all the listeners and we'll see you then next Tuesday. - Do you have anything coming up that you know? - No, I mean, they're regular in store fairs. So next weekend we're gonna have a metaphysical fair in the store and then what do we call it? Metaphysical meetup, I guess, that next Sunday where locals can come in and hang out and chat. So that's a lot of fun. Yeah, and that happens every other weekend and people can check our calendar at if they're interested for that. And then one last thing, the product is up now. So I've got the one pound of cosmic Silver Shungai powder so you can make or paint your own Shungai room is available online now and it's been discounted so. - Oh, awesome, awesome. Thank you. Okay, Walt, you wanna say bye? - Hi, good bye everybody. It's been a wonderful show and full of information that's really valuable, so thank you. - And Mark, quickly? - Yeah, thank you Nancy, Walt, and Derek, an audience. It was fun. - And I appreciate everybody from participating on the panel here. Whoops, I have a problem here. Pushing the wrong buttons again, again. Thanks everybody for being here. Be safe and we'll see you next time. - You have been listening to the Shungai radio show produced by Cosmic Reality Radio. Thank you for being here. Be safe. (dramatic music) [MUSIC]