Cosmic Reality Podcast

METAPHYSICAL MARTINI Ani Avedissian 6/19/24 - Cats, Kibble, Karma

"Metaphysical Martini” with Ani Avedissian  – Cats, Kibble, Karma with guest Kate Shadock a most informative animal communicator. Kaate: Ani http://aniavedissian Played on every other Wednesday 7-8 pm EST Website - http://aniavedissian.comAni's Podcast Archives: on Rumble*Ani on Bitchute SUPPORT COSMIC ANIHey Peeps!I make these shows on my own dime to promote social awareness, to encourage We the Peeps to share ideas and opinions. Without open, civil discussion, we cannot build a better world. We need space to share, to declare and above all, we need to relearn the importance of discussion for the sake of evolution, not for the sake of winning an argument. All donations are gratefully received. PayPal:

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1h 1m
Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

"Metaphysical Martini” with Ani Avedissian  – Cats, Kibble, Karma with guest Kate Shadock a most informative animal communicator.


Ani http://aniavedissian

Played on every other Wednesday 7-8 pm EST

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*Ani's Podcast Archives:
*Ani on Rumble
*Ani on Bitchute

Hey Peeps!
I make these shows on my own dime to promote social awareness, to encourage We the Peeps to share ideas and opinions. Without open, civil discussion, we cannot build a better world. We need space to share, to declare and above all, we need to relearn the importance of discussion for the sake of evolution, not for the sake of winning an argument. All donations are gratefully received. PayPal:

If you do not wish to use PayPal, my mailing address is:
Cosmic Ani, P O Box 714, Wilsonville, OR 97070


This podcast is sponsored by TalkSpace. You know when you're really stressed or not feeling so great about your life or about yourself? Talking to someone who understands can really help. But who is that person? How do you find them? Where do you even start? TalkSpace. TalkSpace makes it easy to get the support you need. With TalkSpace, you can go online, answer a few questions about your preferences and be matched with a therapist. And because you'll meet your therapist online, you don't have to take time off work or arrange childcare. You'll meet on your schedule, wherever you feel most at ease. If you're depressed, stressed, struggling with a relationship, or if you want some counseling for you and your partner, or just need a little extra one-on-one support, TalkSpace is here for you. Plus, TalkSpace works with most major insurers, and most insured members have a zero-dollar copay. No insurance, no problem. Now get $80 off of your first month with promo code space80 when you go to Match with a licensed therapist today at Save $80 with code [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome to the metaphysical martini show, where wit and wisdom come together to bridge the gap between the spirit realm and the physical world. With Ani Avadisian, the mad shaman of production of [MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, everyone. I'm Ani Avadisian. Welcome to metaphysical martini. Three-part spirit, one-part rational mind. Add two drops of optimism. Give it all a good, hard shake, and pour. Dress it with the olives of grace and empathy. Sit back, sip slowly, and contemplate the wonder of cosmic co-creation. And a hearty hello to everyone out there. Hello, hello, hello. Thanks for joining me for yet another round of cocktails. On this week's metaphysical martini, the show that tries to sort out what's true, don't, don't, don't, what's a woo, don't, don't, don't. And what gets flushed down the loo. In a world where we ask, with so many peeps declaring the last election was subverted, how long before the issue can no longer be scattered? While the establishment pretends to ignore the shift to the right, how many patriots are actually ready, willing, and able to fight? And the question that troubles both mankind and the manatees, how do we deal with the travesty of illegal mass amnesty? Good afternoon, martini heads. It is lovely to be with you again. Now, if you're not yet a martini head and if you're joining us for the first time, if you are martini virgins, a very warm welcome to you. Fair warning, though, my darlings. This show is politically incorrect, so as not to erode the intellect. Martini heads, we are free thinkers. With, I would say, a libertarian approach to life. And I have to say, a slight nod to what used to be termed conservative. But in fact, what we're talking about here is common sense, common decency, and common courtesy because we are common folk. You could also say that this show is where the Holy Spirit meets top shelf, distill spirits, and what a lovely combo that is. In fact, let me take a drink, a little sip of my drinky poo here. And let's see. Is it a winner or is it a sinner? Hold on, my darlings. Don't go away. Sipping is happening. Oh, lovely. That is lovely. Oh, I went all London there. Oh, when I get excited, I go all London. Yes, that was delicious. More about that. Towards the end of the show. I wish you could drink it, but you can't. It's all mine, mine. So to all the newbies out there, what do we do on the show? I drink, really, mainly, but we do other things. But let me tell you a few things. If you're the type of person who thinks CRT has merit, this is probably not the show for you. And if you believe that BLM and anti-far and the like grassroots organizations, you probably have your head up your ass. And again, this is not the show for you. But unless you're able to entertain another point of view without needing to take refuge in your insulated safe space, if you are open-minded and you're up for anything, welcome, you might have a laugh, you might learn something, or you might end up hating me. It's all good with me, you see. Martini heads, we are spirit-centered folks. We're dedicated to the restoration of the American Republic, a land with a sacred purpose to unite mankind through a common ideology. If you want to become an American citizen, God bless you, but you must respect our Constitution. For example, if your religion contradicts our Constitution, please go away and find another country to live in. And thank you very much and goodbye. We do not indulge the woke agenda on this show. The woke agenda is not a grassroots movement. It is an establishment creation designed to divide and conquer, designed to appeal to empty-headed morons with no thoughts of their own. And if you fell for it, how sad? But it's a new day. You can get up now, you can dust yourselves off and start behaving like mature adults. Stop asking the establishment to tell you what to be offended by and how to react. If you want to be coddled, like a little egg, and have everything done for you without giving anything in return, reincarnate a some rich old lady's lap dog. You can eat all day and poop all day, and you get treats and cuddles and no one cares if there's a single thought in your head as long as you're cute and make the old lady happy. What do we have on today's show? Well, we're going to stick to the usual format. We have quack, questions, answers, and comments, as always, because that is the meat of our show. And on this show, we do eat meat. So there we are. And then we have also American civics and history. And we end always with my favorite part of the show, the cocktail du jour. But you might have noticed the theme of today's show is cats, kibble, and karma, animal spirituality. So all our questions today are animal themed. In fact, I am dressed as a zebra. I wish you could see me. I just look fantastic. I am rocking the zebra outfit. But I'm not really somebody who has pets. I work on animals, but I don't know a lot about animals. Not in the depth that our guest does. So to help me tackle all things animal, I have invited animal communicator and healer, and medium, and all around good egg, my old friend, Kate Shaddock. Kate, welcome to the show. Thank you, Bonnie. I'm so glad to be here. Well, we're delighted to have you. Now, Kate, our martini heads, they have been busy, busy, busy with their questions, and they have a bunch of questions for you. But before we shake up the fishbowl of perpetual perplexeter, I want to know a little bit more about you. Well, I don't. I know all about you, but I want the world to know about you. Now, Kate has always had intuition. She's always had a special talent with animals, but that's not where her focus was in the earlier years. So Kate, my lover, would you tell us how you went from corporate world to becoming founder and owner of radiant animals? Well, I finally woke up and came back to who I really am. As you said, I started working with animals when I was very, very, very young before I started school. And then I, oh, I must conform to the rest of the world and I must have a paycheck and all that. So I pretended that I fit into the corporate structure and did it for many, many, many years. But through the whole time, the animals were still there. And they got more animals, louder animals, more in my face. And finally, I had the opportunity to walk away from the corporate world and come back to the animals, which is where I've been for over a decade now. And I love it. I love doing it. And it's so much, you know, when the rest of the world is cuckoo, I love dealing with the animals because they don't have politics. That's true. That's true. They're very, very in the now, very in the presence. Yes. So tell us a little bit about how, you know, the rest of the journey is, you know, and what it is that you do for people at radiant animals. I am a medical intuitive. I'm a trained medical intuitive. So I am able to connect with people. All of my training was with people, but I knew from day one, my work was going to be predominantly with animals. So as I was going through the training, I was automatically adopting, okay, this would work this way, this would work this way, this, oh, I can do this, I can do that. So I initially, when I first started radiant animals, I only worked with animals. I did not work with people at all. Then it became clear that sometimes I had to work with the people to help the animal because sometimes the problem with the animal was the people. So I got better and better at it. Now I'm, it's probably 40% people, 60% animals that I do. And, you know, I tune in telepathically, which is wonderful because I can work with animals and people around the world. And I do on a regular basis. I can connect to them, have conversations with the bodies, whether it's an animal's body or a people body, find out what's going on, find out how I can help, go in, do some rearranging, some massaging, some clarification and support them without having to be on an airplane, which I like a lot. - Yeah, I'm with you on that one. There's a lot to be said for the internet connections. - Yes. - Is it any kind of animal? I mean, do you just do pets or say, for example, I go and I adopt a giant iguana and a rattlesnake. And I want them as my pets. Are you able to connect with them? - Yes, yes, I connect with exotic animals, domestic animals, et cetera. It's a little different when I work with exotic animals because languaging is not something that they have to the degree that like a dog or a cat will. So with the exotic animals, we're doing a lot of pictures. We're doing a lot of, you know, they're giving me images with pictures. And so then my job is to translate, okay, what does that picture mean, how do we? And it is a lot of fun. Sometimes the pictures they show me crack me up. Then I have to stop laughing and get back on track. Okay, that's what you meant to say. And so we clarify that way. So I've done a lot of work with sanctuaries, different kinds of animal sanctuaries around the world. I've done some work with zoos. Their politics make them a little leery of working with me because as I tell them, watching me work is kind of like watching paint dry because, you know, it's all mental. I'm not, you know, rebinding a bone. So it's not as easy to see what I'm doing. You can see what I've done when the animal, you know, acts different, works different, et cetera. But in the process, it really is like watching paint dry. - Okay, yeah, I know I get that too. I know when people watch me clear property, they expect me to dress up in weird feathers and do strange dances. And so, you know, I actually, I did buy some feathers and I bought some bells and I do my best for people, you know. Yes, it can all be done with your eyes closed, can't it? Sitting down and just closed eyes. Now, I have a question for you. Before we go on to all the, I've got a lot of questions here from my people for you. Now, pineal glands. So in my shamanic training, pretty much if you have an individualized pineal gland, you are an individualized soul and therefore you can communicate very easily. Now, tell us a little bit about snakes. What kind of pineal glands do they have? What have you come across? - Snakes, I have done a lot of work with big snakes like Anacondas, you know, the fact that, you know, there are three times my size, both in weight, as well as in height. It's like, yeah, but they are, the thing that's interesting about snakes, a lot of people don't think that snakes have any recognition of individual people, other than dinner. And it's like, no, they actually recognize individual people. I was talking to someone about that this morning, that there is a snake in a zoo in California, and that's all I can say about it, but he recognizes me. When I go to that zoo for any reason, or if I'm just there socially and he sees me, he will unwind himself from the tree so that I can get to him and I can massage him because that's when he and I first met. I was massaging him. - You were massaging an Anaconda? - Yes, praying, praying very hard through the whole time. (both laughing) 'Cause it's like, you know, you really could do me in and that would be really unfortunate. But, you know, when you recognize they have those abilities, it takes a lot of the fear away because you're not dealing with a not thinking creature. You're dealing with a thinking creature. You might not care for the thoughts, but you're still dealing with a thinking creature. And the number one thing that almost every animal asks me the first time they meet me is, are you gonna hurt me? And it's kind of entertaining when a bison asks you that because bison is a ton. And it's like, no, I'm not gonna hurt you. That's not the agenda at all. And so, now that we've got that under control, I was like, okay, I'm here to help you. I'm not gonna, and in fact, if you don't want me to touch you, I won't even touch you. 'Cause again, these poor animals, you know, they've had people lie to them. So, when they get a human that says, oh, I'm not gonna touch you, I'm not gonna hurt you, they're, ah, yeah, right. But you actually hold that and you don't touch them and you don't hurt them, it's like, oh, okay, okay. And so, so much is here. - They're assuming you're a vet initially, I guess. - Yes, yeah, needles, you know, needles, things of poke and prod, and it's like, nah. And now, one of the times I was working with some bison, there were four men around the pen with rifles. And of course, my question was, who are they gonna shoot me or the bison? If something was wrong, 'cause I knew the bison. The bison was probably more valuable to them than I was. And so, there was this little moment of, like, oh, dear, oh dear. And so, the bison and I, you know, chatted about this for, you know, a nanosecond, and we both agreed, let's not give them a reason. And so, the appointment went very well. The bison, you know, I did what I needed to do for the bison, the bison, you know, we were able to get the bison on the right track, remind the body what the body was supposed to do. The bison was fine, I was fine. Everybody walked away and no guns were discharged. So, we're all happy. - Beautiful, you couldn't wish better. I just wish I had a video of you massaging the anaconda, 'cause I'm pretty sure you get like a million hits on that. - I probably would, especially when you realize that, you know, the middle of the anaconda was bigger around than my biggest part. - I was like, holy, you know, when you realize that, your hands can't come close to reaching all the way around the animal, it's like, ah! - Yeah. (laughs) - So, these anacondas, I mean, I've got many questions to worry about, these anacondas. What do they feed them? Do they feed them to the poor little pigs and stuff? I mean, what do they get them to eat in the zoo? - Yes, yes, yes, yes. - Do they kill the little pigs first? - Well, yeah. And, you know, like if a deer has been hit in traffic, they have arrangements pretty much all the zoos on the west coast, that if an animal's killed, struck by traffic, the animal is quickly recovered and taken to the local zoo, because that's a valuable resource for the zoos. 'Cause your deer will feed a couple animals, so that's a good thing. - Yeah, okay, fascinating stuff. All right, are you ready to take some of our listeners' questions? - Yes, ma'am. - Okay, let's shake up the fishbowl of perpetual perplexityre and see what pops out. Okay, let's see. Here is one from Mandy, who lives just south of Tacoma. And she says, "Dear Arnie, could you ask Kate, "do animals ever incarnate as people?" Okay, now, here's the trick, when you ask these questions, if you take the word animal out and you put the word spirit or soul in, you answer your own question. So yes, souls can incarnate as animals, souls can incarnate as people. And this is the trick that takes a while for people to accept that, you know, your dog Fido could come back as a person or your dog Fido can come back as an elephant. If the soul wishes, so yes, absolutely. - Lovely, well, yeah, very well answered. I remember having a conversation with Suzanne Ward's, she fosters thousands of dogs over the years and she had a three-legged alsatian who was previously a human in a previous incarnation. Interesting stuff. No, thank you, very well answered. I like the way you put that. Okay, and the other question she asked is, "Do people ever incarnate as animals?" But I think you answered that. Yeah, I have run across a couple animals who are, you know, souls don't reincarnate as in a complete intact soul because obviously parts and pieces of our souls have other journeys that they go do. So it's not like 100% of the soul of Kate comes back in the next life as 100%, the soul of whatever. So, you know, there may be some, there may be 50% of Kate that comes into this next life. There may be 20% of Kate that comes into this next life. So you have these other parts from other lifetimes 'cause we've all lived bazillions lifetimes. So every now and again, I run across an animal. I ran across a camel many, many years ago that had some of the specter of Sebastian Cabot, the actor, Sebastian Cabot. Who I was thought was a classy actor, I loved him. He had this wonderful deep voice. And this camel had a specter of Sebastian Cabot. So he had the voice and that always throws me whenever I run across an animal that has a very distinct person voice. And it's like, but that, that, that, but I was like, oh, okay, yeah, you part of you with a Sebastian Cabot. Okay, got it, yeah, yeah. And again, if you take it from the spirit, the eternal journey of spirit, it's just another experience. Why would you not want to try out all of the different vehicles on planet Earth? You know, yeah, interesting. Now, here's another one. Do animals have karma? - Yeah, again, this, this is one that, you know, I've had people ask me that before and I pondered and pondered and pondered and it's like, again, go back and ask, does the spirit have karma? So if you accept the fact that any spirit has karma, then any spirit has karma. So this is one of those, either all of us have karma or none of us have karma. I don't think there's a, okay, you get this but you don't get to have this. So I believe that, yes, animals can have karma. Yes. - Thank you, yeah. I mean, I, yeah, they're souls. They have journeys. They've got things they want to work out, just as we do, perhaps not as complex as, you know, humans like to do things, but all right, let's take a look. Here's one, and this is from Joe and Joe lives in Ashland, which is a very trendy little town in Southern Oregon. And Joe says, please ask Kate, I really want to communicate with my cat. I don't know if I'm intuitive. What is the first thing I should do to get started? - The first thing is to accept the fact that we all have this gift. We're born with this gift. A lot of it, somehow magically, I didn't get it beat out of me before I was four years old. Most of us do, but we all have this gift at birth. So it's not something that we go to the store and we buy. We have it. The first trick we have to do is we have to allow that it's possible. And once we allow it's possible that I can talk to my animal, that's the first step. And so what I tell people as you're wandering through the living room, the cat sitting on the couch, you can just ask the cat in your head, 'cause this is a great thing about telepathy, telepathy, however one wants to pronounce. It goes across barriers, it goes across geography, and it goes across time as well. So you can just ask the cat, would you like a cuddle or would you like dinner? And surprisingly enough, the answer is not always gonna be dinner. Everybody says, "Oh, it's gonna be dinner." No, it isn't, not necessarily. So just say, would you like a cuddle or would you like dinner? Give the animal a choice and give it a few seconds to respond. This is the trick. Most of the time we're too impatient. We want, you know, we would like neon signs and I like it like your intro. So people know to pay attention. It's like, no, it'll be subtle. It'll be subtle, it'll be quiet. But in your head, you'll hear an answer. You mean that here is the first 100 times, but 101st time you'll hear it. - Yeah, so you just got to really allow it. Do you teach people the telepathy and the basics of animal intuition? - Yes, I do. - So that they can come to the little beginners? I certainly, huh? - Okay, you know, for all the people out there who say, well, you know, I can take the course from Kate or whatever, but it's just not part of my makeup, I can't do it. Let me tell you, I mean, I'm obviously an intuitive because that's how I make my living. But, you know, in the whole at talking to animals thing, that is not my specialty. But I took Kate's advice and I settled down 'cause people do bring their pets in to an energy session. And there was one chap I had and he had diabetes and he was gonna lose his legs and he just couldn't stop eating the foods that he shouldn't have. Anyway, long story short, he always used to bring his lovely big lab in with him. And so he would come in and I'd go, "Hello, Mr. Blank Blank Blank." So how are you doing? How's your blood sugar? Are you being compliant? Oh yes, I'm only eating meat and vegetables. I go for a walk every day. I'm doing very well. And then I heard a voice. And the voice was like, excuse me? And then I saw little pictures and the little pictures were of a giant tub of ice cream and a very large obese lady walking into a room and, you know, pulling out the ice cream and putting it next to a pie. And so I looked at the dog and I said, "Is this coming from you, Betty?" And she said, "Yeah, you know, the woman next door brings him pie and ice cream every day." And so I turned to him and I said, "Mr. Blankety Blank, what about the pie and the ice cream?" And he just looked at me with like daggers in him. So trust me people, when Kate says, "You can do this. You just have to chill, quiet the mind, trust. You can do this." For me, when I began, it was more little pictures. But I mean, I know our pets know our language. - But that's the thing, you know, pictures. This is why, you know, it's like small children. You can teach small children sign language before you can teach them spoken words because the physical apparatus of their mouth, they can't control. But sign language, it's not that they can't communicate. They just can't control the apparatus, which is why sign language is so good. Same kind of thing when we're working with the animals, sometimes it's easier for them to do the pictures than it is for them to do the thoughts or the words. - Hmm, yeah, that makes total sense. I'm beginning to see in you. I mean, I saw this a while ago, but I'll just say it in my view as, you know, you did train as a mechanical engineer, correct? - Right, yes. - Right. So I mean, I love the fact that you have that portion of you that blends so beautifully with, you know, with all the intuitive stuff. It's just, it's a match made in heaven, in my opinion. - Okay, here we go. What else have I got? Let me take a look at these questions. Ah, I've been told, and this is from omit personal details. Kate, I have been told that a beloved pet can come back to you in another form in this lifetime. But if you had a bond with an animal three lifetimes ago, would they come back in your life again? - Absolutely, that's one of the questions that I often ask. I don't ask every time, but I often ask, how many times have you been with this person? And I have had a couple animals that have been 10 times. They've been with this person 10 different times. The person has changed because different incarnations, the animal has changed, different incarnations. But they've been together 10 lifetimes, which is cool. - Oh, that is very cool. 'Cause you know, you do hear about soul groups, but you assume that people. - No, no, no, soul groups can include animals. - Oh, wow, okay, this is good to know, making notes here, all right. Now, let's see, what have we got? Ah, this is a good one. This is from Toby. Toby writes to us fairly often, but we don't always read his letters 'cause Toby, anyway, he has an interesting way with language, but this is in perfect English. Please ask Kate. This is about animals coming back in incarnations. Do predatory animals still have the killer imprint if they come back? For instance, if you were a lion in a previous incarnation, would you have killer instinct or predatory behavior if you came back as a household muggy cat? - You would have that predatory behavior in the right circumstances, such as when you're chasing a toy or you're chasing a mouse. That mouse, you would attack, the house cat would attack the mouse just like a lion would attack an impala. So that absolutely would be universal. However, the house cat would not attack their family with that same behavior because the pieces aren't there. Predatory behavior is a compilation of behaviors that come together. So if you take a third of those behaviors away, you're not gonna get the same behavior. - I love the way you explain this. It makes perfect sense. Thank you. I was having a conversation with a recently deceased doggy the other day. And she was saying, you know, up here, the animals are getting ready for the shift in Earth's consciousness. And so this little doggy that died, little peanut, little Susie's dog actually finally did die and stay on the other side. And she's a little doxy. And she said, oh, she said, you wouldn't believe what's going on up here. She said, all the little animals like me are allowed to play with the giraffes and the lions and the elephants. And they're learning to be gentle with us in preparation of Earth's shift. Do you ever have conversations like that with some of your animals? - Oh yeah, oh yeah. Animals that I have been close to, animals that I've dealt with a lot that I've gotten to know really well, when they pass, they show me. And it's really a little discombobulating when they show me, 'cause whatever reflective surface is available, they will show me on that reflective surface. Whether it's my microwave, it's my bathroom year, it's the front windshield of my car. And they will show me them passing. So I know that they've passed and I'll get home and I'll call the person and say, I saw that so and so passed and they're very happy and everything's fine. But a lot of times they will come to me, they like coming to me when I'm asleep 'cause all the gates are down and they'll wake me up and give me messages for their people when they wanna get a message through to their person. One of the funniest ones that I've ever had was a horse. I did not know this particular horse in person, I only knew this horse from working with them remotely, but I had worked with them quite a bit and the person that they lived with did a lot of work with equine therapy. So I knew a lot of her horses. And this particular horse had a message for his person. And so he woke me up and he told me this whole thing and he showed himself to me and he gave me this whole explanation of who he was and everything. 'Cause you know, in the middle of the night when an animal shows up to like, who the heck are you? But, so I called his person the next morning. I did wait until she was awake and I called her and I was talking to her and I said, you know, and this is what he showed me. She said, he was a Welsh mountain pony, which is a fairly small, you know, it's not a big horse. Well, as he passed, he was tired of being small, which I completely sympathize with. I'm coming back tall and he was a percher on. He had exactly the same markings as a percher on that he'd had as a Welsh mountain pony, except who's about three times the size. Oh, wow. Wow. Interesting stuff. Okay. All right, moving on. More than the fishbowl here. Actually, I'm a little jealous, Kate, 'cause you've got more questions this week than I usually do. So I don't even know if we're gonna get through them all, but we're gonna do our doneness here. All right, here we go. This is from Anita and Anita says, "Is it easier to communicate with living pets or ones that have crossed the rainbow bridge?" That is totally independent. You know, that's dependent on the animal themselves because sometimes when they've crossed the rainbow bridge, they're so busy going, "Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow." You know, kind of the squirrel, that is a little hard to get a consistent message out of them, but when they focus in and they really want to get a message back to their person, they're very focused and that is quite easy to talk to them. I usually tell people if an animal has passed, give them a month to recover and to recalibrate and settle in and then let me go talk to them. Then I'll go talk to them and see if I can connect. And I usually get some really good connections and some great conversations. So when I work in person, you know, when dealing with a living animal, it is almost always easier to work with a living animal when I cannot see them and they cannot see me because we distract each other. It's so interesting when an animal meets me for the first time after I've been working with them telepathy, telepathically for, you know, a year, two or three. And they're like, oh my gosh, it's you, it's you, it's you. And they get all excited about it. She was like, you look different. It's like, yeah, I know, I'm taller in your minds than I am in person, you know, trust me. I'm very tall mentally. I'm just not physically very tall. So, you know, it depends a lot on the animal. I have only had, it's so funny, with thousands and thousands and thousands of animals I've worked with. I've only had two animals that refused to talk to me, completely totally refused to talk to me. You wanna guess what animals they were? They were same species that everybody guesses cats. Everybody guesses cats. These were actually dogs. And it was really interesting in, I'm like, well, why would you talk to me? And I had to go back three, four, five times. And I finally had to talk to the person that sent me to talk to them who was their aunt, not their person. And I said, why won't they talk to me? Well, the issue was their person was extremely private. And nobody's, her business was nobody else's business, including her own children. I mean, she passed away before her children even found out she was ill. Because it was her business, it wasn't their business. And so her dogs hadn't been, you know, indoctrinated into the, it's nobody's business, so we don't talk about it. - Wow, the family culture goes across the species. - Absolutely, wonderful. This is a lot of good information here. I wish we'd had you on sooner. This is great. Okay, this is a question that I have from one of my neighbors here, who lives in the complex in Wilsonville. She goes, can you ask Kate if she's met a cat that has memories of being an Egyptian deity because every cat that I have met has an Egyptian god complex. (laughing) - Yes, yes they do. - There's a question, Kate. - Yes, yes they do. You know, I was talking about the pieces you have to put together to get the predatory behavior. The same kind of thing happens with cats. It's part of the DNA of the structure of a cat is to have that I'm a god, you aren't. (laughing) - How much food is that? - Yeah, and if you've dealt with cats, those of us who, and I adore cats are my absolute most favorite animal of all. I tell people that it's a cat, it's a complete explanation. And people who've lived with cats are going, uh-huh, it is, so when people say, well why does that, it, it, it, it happens because it's a cat, and people who haven't dealt with cats are like, but, but, but it's like, those of us who've dealt with cats are like, yeah, you're right, it's a cat. I remember, many years ago, I was doing something in your home, uh-huh, and your cat got rest her soul. I think it was dusty. - Uh-huh, it was dusty, yeah, yep. - Yeah, she was following me around, and she was not happy with me because I wasn't paying attention to her. I was paying attention to what I was supposed to be doing in your house. And she got so, she, she got up onto the wash basin. She looked at me, and she did a flying bite on my bum. Do you remember that? - Yes. - Yes, she, yes. - On the bum. (laughing) - Can we ask for another butt fighter? - Yes. - Yes, she blew me on the bum with a flying leap off the wash basin, and she looked at me like, huh, and walked off. - Well, the thing was because dusty could see spirits. That was, and I, you know, I miss her terribly, I miss her terribly partly because of that, because she could see spirits in the house, and you had all of these beings with you, so there was you, and all these beings, and no one was paying attention to her. And remember that whole deity thing? - Yes. - That is not acceptable to a deity, thank you very much. So, yeah, she was by golly, go to teach you. - And she did teach me, because after that, if animals started following me around, I, there was a reason, and I would include them, I do, I include them in the clearing. - Yeah. - So, it was worth getting a bit, I've got a nice big soft bum, so it didn't hurt. But it was a really good lesson for me, I'll never forget. She was, by the way, a very beautiful cat. - Yeah, she was gorgeous cat, yes. - Yeah, absolutely awesome cat. All right, let's see what else we have here. Oh, yes. So, this is, oh, this is another one from Toby. This is about breeding. So, I'm gonna paraphrase this, 'cause this is a PhD dissertation. - Okay. - This chap has written me, but in essence, what he's saying is, what are your ethics, Kate, on the following? He does not, he understands that we breed certain breeds of dogs, horses, whatever, for work, right? To have certain qualities, et cetera, et cetera. But he feels that it is not ethical to breed dogs just to show them and to make them so pure bread that they can't actually naturally reproduce. And he says, some of them have to be given the velvet glove treatment. I think I understand what he means by that. Don't want to get too racy here on the market, you know. But I think we can all figure that one out. What's your opinion on the ethics of that? He's only asking for the ones for show. - This, you know, I lived in Portland for many, many, many, many years. There were a lot of things I loved about it. One of it being, they had two huge dog shows every year. They had a huge one in the summer, which was five or six days long. And it was one of the biggest dog shows in America. And then they have another one in January, right before Westminster. So a lot of the dogs you saw in January in Portland are the same dogs you see in Westminster. So you got to see some of these really phenomenal dogs. And the summer show is a bit show. So the dogs are there, and they're long enough you actually get to look at them, see them, talk to the owners, talk to the breeders. And it was valuable to me because I, there were a couple dogs, a couple of breeds that I really, really would have liked. And then as I got to know some of the physical limitations of the breeds, because again, because of the breeding, it's like I don't feel compelled to have a dog that requires four doctors on staff to be able to keep the dog healthy. That's just as cuckoo. So we have messed up a lot of dog breeds. In this country specifically, we have messed up a lot of breeds. So to the point where I myself do not particularly want to have a purebred dog. In fact, I have a toy poodle. And the very first thing I adopted her, I adopted her through a rescue operation. And the first thing I did is I did her DNA. I had her DNA done because I did not want a purebred poodle because I know they have a lot of physical challenges. And I'm thinking, okay, how many thousands of dollars do I need to bank to be able to keep this dog healthy? And I was very delighted when she was only 85% poodle, 10% Maltese, 5% sneaky neighbor dog. That's, they called it something different. They called it toy spaniel, but, you know, sneaky neighbor dog. That bit of mutt in there has kept her much healthier. And in fact, my veterinarian, when I took the results into my veterinarian, my veterinarian was doing the happy dance because a veterinarian knew the same thing that I did is that a purebred, we've got some challenges. Now, I totally understand people who want a purebred because they want certain characteristics, which is one of the reasons I wanted a poodle. You know, I happen to love poodles and that people love them and hate them for exactly the same reasons, but I wanted a poodle. And so I wanted the characteristics of a poodle. So I understand why people want the purebred because they want those characteristics. So, you know, it makes sense to me, let's like, you know, if you're buying a horse, you know, do I want a cutting horse or do I want a thoroughbred? What am I using the horse for? You know, depends upon how I'm going to use the horse, which one am I going to want? So I'm very, very leery of purebred, especially purebred dogs, especially purebred dogs, simply because we've had 150 years where we've been mucking them up. And I know that the AKC breeders are going to come down on me like a hammer. And that's okay because I think AKC breeders are some of the best in the world. Unfortunately, not everybody is an AKC breeder. And we're not getting all of our dogs from AKC breeders. We're getting our dogs from other people who are not as careful. - Okay. Thank you. - Kate, if someone wants to get a pet, like for the first time, and I'm just, I'm not doing anaconda or, you know, trying to be lion. - They're exotic animals, you can't have them. - Yeah, right. - Yeah. Like a moby or a doggy, a doggo, a lovely little doggo. Okay, so I have this fantasy, which I won't talk to you about because we're talking about dogs, but I have this fantasy that I want to own Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Pitbull Terriers. I love the breed. And I, you know, I just adore them and I feel that when I have property, that's the dog I want. But I would be a first time doggo now. Where should I, and I don't want a purebred, but where should I go as a novice to purchase my animal? - I think the other thing is don't purchase. Don't purchase. That's the first thing. You know, they're adopt. And this is the thing, every breed, every breed. And even the cat world is starting to get into this as well. Every recognized breed of dog has a rescue group. So it doesn't matter. And I live out in the middle of absolutely flipping nowhere. People pretend this is a state and a city. Of course, some people don't think we are a state, but anyway, yeah, I know. I love it when I have to show my passport to get home. It's like really people, I live in America. No, no, we don't fly there. Yes, actually you do. But anyway, yeah, it's very annoying. But look at the rescue groups. And yeah, okay, I might have to drive 300 miles to get it. Okay, fine, I'll drive 300 miles to get it. If I care enough, I will do it. And you can go through these rescue organizations and they may have an animal that's like my poodle who's 80% or 85% poodle. They may have the same thing. So you could kind of, okay, this is what a poodle is. This is how poodles act, okay. Yeah, I really do want one or, oh my God, no, don't make me put up with that. So that's the first thing I'd say is do your research. Do your research. And people say, oh, but that just takes too much time. Well, how long do you think you're gonna have the dog for heaven's sakes? Right. These small breed dogs, they live 15 years. And if you adopt them when they're four years old, you got 11 years, so if you can't invest six months to learn what you're gonna be doing for the next 11 years, you're nuts. Agreed, agreed. It's part of your family. You have to take the time, the care and all of that. Well, people don't do that with their kids either, but that's a whole other podcast, right? So, okay, moving on from that. Animals are, it's an expense. But you can't just, you have to budget for your animal. Is there such a thing as medical insurance for animals? Yes, there is. Again, do your research. I did a major project on this a couple of years ago. There are some extremely good animal insurances out there. However, the vast majority of them expire when the animal turns five. Really? Yeah, so if you have an animal that lives till they're 15, that doesn't do you a lot of good. Now, if you have a good to know. Yeah, the bigger animals such as a golden retriever, a golden retriever in a boxer, those are both breeds that have a high incidence of cancer, very high incidence of cancer. The fact that, you know, you almost never find a boxer who's eight years old because they've died of cancer already. So, if you have insurance that expires when they're five, it's not so traumatic as if you have an animal that's gonna live to be 15. So, you need to know those things. Now, people don't think of insurance expiring. It's like, yeah, it expires right about the time, you really, really need it. So, do your research. That's the biggest thing I can say. There's a lot of them out there, and a lot of them, you know, sound great until you stop and you read the fine print. Thank you. People out there, you know, please take this to heart. All right, you're gonna get a little animal, it's gonna bond with you, it's gonna bond with your family. You need to be able to afford to look after it. I know that these shelters are full of animals that the owners have sometimes come on hard times, but if you're gonna get an animal, please budget for it. And now you know that most of the insurance is gonna run out at five years. Do a little savings account. Do a little savings account for your animal so that if something comes up, so a little muggy gets sick, you can't just kill it 'cause you can't afford it, you know? Well, and you can't afford to kill it either because it costs a lot more than people realize you euthanize an animal. And then if you're gonna have the animal cremated, that's another two or $300. - Yeah, I'm sure there's quite a few people that have alternative ways of doing that. - Yes, yes. - We shouldn't talk about that on the air. - So I'm gonna ask you a little bit about vaccines as well. Do we need to vaccinate our animals? I am personally an open anti-vaxxer for any vax, but I can hold space for, you know, for other advice. What's your advice on that? - Again, do your homework, do your homework, do your homework. Now, federal law requires that all of our animals get rabies vaccines. That's federal law. Now, do we have to have a rabies vaccine every year? - No. - Do our state rules say you have to have a rabies vaccine every year? - Yes. - There are ways around that you can have the animal tested to make sure they have the antibodies and if they still have the antibodies in their system, they don't have to be vaxed again. My veterinarian, that's what we've done with all of my animals. And I also have a veterinarian that is not a, let's go just pump drugs into the animals, which is part of why she's my veterinarian. I appreciate that. Now, one of the things you need to be aware of is sometimes your community law, the way the law in the city is written, the veterinarians have to report if you've refused to have certain vaccines for your cat, dog, horse, whatever. So the veterinarian has to turn your name into the city. So do your research. That's part of why I live in the city I live in because my city does not require that. The city 20 miles away does. - So city by city, this can change. - Absolutely. - Oh my gosh, okay, this is good information. - Thank you. - All right, what else is there? I've got so many questions here. I've got to choose the best ones here, hold on, hold on. Oh yeah, here's one. And this is from Tim, and Tim lives in, I cannot read 'cause this is on a postcard, but he lives somewhere in America and I can't read the postmark either. But it says, "Dear Aunty, "something, something, something, "can animals count numbers?" (laughs) - Okay, people ask me, "Can animals lie? "Do animals lie?" And the answer is no. They absolutely do not lie. They can't lie. It's not in their wiring. They cannot lie. However, numbers are one of the places where things get messed up. So if you ask an animal how old they are, you will get any number under the sun. You can have a four month old puppy tell you, "I'm 10." You can have a creaky ancient, decrepit little dog say, "I'm a puppy "because numbers mean nothing to them." Now you can teach them to count one, two, three, four, but not necessarily what four means. Four is just the fourth strike. That's all it means to them. It doesn't mean four years for apples for whatever. So this is where numbers get kind of weird with animals. You've got to accept that our construct of words is not necessarily theirs and allow them, put it together in a way that they can respond or they understand. - Got it. Okay. All right, now I want to go back to something you said. You said animals don't lie, it's not in them. Right. Okay. So I had an instance when I was pet sitting, many dogs a few years ago. And one of the dogs went to the other dogs, and I got this from the owner, right? One of the dogs went to all the other dogs and said, "I just heard Mummy say that she prefers me over all of you." (laughing) And then the other animals, and the woman who, you know, who owns these dogs is an animal intuitive. And when the other dogs came to Mummy and said, "Mummy, Mummy." So and so said that you love her more than you love us. That's not true, is it? And Mummy said, "Of course that's not true. I love you all equally. Why did you say that?" And then she said, "I didn't say that." (laughing) I don't think they don't lie, but can they? I mean, they've got personalities, Kate. Maybe she was a little maker? - Oh yeah. Okay, and there are absolutely, there are the animals that can't stand when everything is calm and peaceful. And it's just like people, you know, you grew up in a large family, and there's always gonna be the one kid who can't stand when everything is calm and peaceful, so that guy goes stir. There'll be animals that do that. Let's go stir. Let's go see who we can get upset. And one of the things that I tell people, whatever you do when you're working with your animals, because animals read minds. That's what they do. That's how they communicate. So in your mind, you're going, "Oh my God, if this doesn't quit, somebody's gonna have to leave." Don't ever think that, because then instantly what happens is your animals start beating one against the other to try and get rid of the other one. And I've seen this happen where, okay, Mama says that if things don't calm down, none of us has to go, so you're gonna go. I'm gonna make sure you're gonna go. So I'm just gonna keep things stirred up and things upset until Mama gets rid of you. And so that absolutely does happen. - Okay, okay. So yeah, they can do a little bit of poop-stirring. - Oh, yes, yes, baby. - Okay, that's good to know. Yeah, and this particular dog, by the way, who did that, God rest her soul, was a very intelligent dog. A very intelligent alsatian. I think only had three legs. And we had her personality down as a valley girl. Like, yeah. - Oh, my God, do you still love me? 'Cause I have three legs. Oh, my God, everything's so stressful. Oh, my God, oh, my God. And, you know, so that actually fits in with what you said really well. Insecurity, you see, people behave badly when they feel insecure. - And so do animals, so do animals, yep. - Yeah, so here's one from Andrea. And I don't know where she's from, but she says, "Unnie, please ask, "my dog often gets stressed and comes in "and sits and pees on the carpet, "looking us in the eye, "when he knows that he has to go outside. "And more often than not, he does go outside. "But what makes him get stressed and pee on the carpet?" Ah. This is one of those things that as a pet person, pet parent, you have to stay calm, even though you want to twist their little heads off, because you know they know better, and you know they know better, and they still do it. So there's a couple of things that could be going on. Something has happened to them when they're outside. Something has scared them when they're outside. And it can be something, I know in my neighborhood, when the garbage men come down the street with that great, big, huge truck, and they're dumping the bins, and there's a rattle in the bang and the crash and the boom, it scares the stuffing out of our poor animals. And if they can't get away from that, 'cause you know they're going house to house to house, so the animals will hear it for half a mile or more, they're like, "Oh my gosh, I'm gonna get got, "there's this terrible monster out there "that's gonna get me." So it can be something as simple as that that scares the stuffing out of them. So the next time they have to go outside, they're like, "Oh my gosh, I'm gonna gosh, I'm gonna gosh," they don't want to go outside. Which makes perfect sense. So then what you have to do is you have to like, if you kind of, okay, that could be what's caused in the problem, we're not sure, we're not positive. So we go out with them when we hear the truck coming down the street, and they're on a lead where we have control, and we're outside, not necessarily in the front yard where it's really scary, we're in the backyard where we can hear it, and we can calmly respond to it. And it's like, it's okay, you're fine, nothing's gonna hurt you, it's okay, you're fine, nothing's gonna hurt you, kind of thing. And then the animal won't do it. But that's what's happened, is something has scared them when they've been out there, and where I live, I don't have a cougar in my backyard, my next-door neighbor has a cougar in their backyard, the cougar has been in their backyard 10 times now, thank God it has a bit of my backyard, because I'm not sure who'd have the heart attack first, the dogs are me, but I do have coyotes that use my backyard as part of their highway system. So it can be something, they smell the coyote, the coyote is long gone, but now my animals could smell the coyote, and they're like, this is not an okay thing. So it could be something as simple as that, that's the trick, that's the nice thing about living someplace where you have coyotes, and hawks and owls and everything else in your yard, the dogs don't go out without people, so the dogs don't have as many opportunities to be frightened. I'm a firm believer, and if you're gonna put your animals outside at least make sure they're contained in a covered dog run. - Gotcha, gotcha, that makes sense. - And oh my God, we're getting close to our time, this has been so much fun. I've got this one more question I wanna ask, and again, this is from Toby again, Toby Darling, you've been so prolific, I should send you a gold star. And there's about 20 questions we haven't answered, so Kate, I'm just gonna go ahead and invite you back on the show another time, okay? But thank you, what I would also like to know is this. Toby says, look, when my dad was growing up, the dog ate whatever we ate, scraps off the table, whatever the neighbor gave him, why do we have all this dog food now that's just ultra-processed rubbish? What should we feed our dogs? - I know a lot of people that cooked in or for their dogs, and it's usually some kind of straight meat, chicken, beef, almost never pork, pork is not something most of us feed our dogs. And green beans, carrots, and a little bit of rice. So the biggest thing is that most of us don't have time. Most of us don't cook for ourselves. A lot of people in this country don't even cook for themselves, so how are they gonna cook for a dog? So yeah, but I would prefer that we, plain meat, plain vegetables, a little bit of rice, maybe a little bit of potato, but rice is better. So yeah, I agree. The junk that we'll feed. - Keep it simple. - Yeah, well, and the same thing for our own food. Same exact thing. - Yeah. Kate, I can't thank you enough for being on the show today. Very enlightening, I know that I have learned a lot. And we're definitely gonna have you come back. Can you just tell everybody how they can get ahold of you? - Okay, it's And that's Shadok SH, like Sam Harry You can also find me Kate @radiananimals, any of the above. - Thank you, thank you very much. A very big thank you from me and from all of my listeners here. Kate Shadok, everyone Honestly, in my opinion, don't waste your money elsewhere. If you have a problem with your animal, whether it's a giant anaconda, or a little ouchy, ouchy, ouchy, ouchy, ouchy. Kate will take care of it. And when Kate takes care of stuff, it just goes, boom, boom, boom, there you are, done. All right, my darling's, oh my God, we're almost done for today. I have finished my drink. And that always means the end of the show. I hope you enjoyed listening in as much as Kate and I enjoyed recording it because we had a blast. And again, thank you, Kate, for making time to be with us again. Also a shout out to mystical wares in Mount Vernon, Washington for graciously making possible the intergalactic distribution of the show. Mystical online or on location, you'll be sure to give them a standing ovation. And today's real life cocktail was, or wait for it, a bulldog smash, here's how you make it. Two ounces of bourbon, three quarters of an ounce of quantro, half a ripe peach pitted, half a lemon, one teaspoon of sugar cane syrup and some mint leaves. What you do is you take the peach, the lemon and the syrup and the mint and you muddle it. Really give it a good muddle. Then you add the bourbon and the quantro and you give it a bit of a stir. Then you strain it and you serve it over crushed ice. And it is absolutely delicious and perfect for the summer. I will just say, if you get a peach, you have to get a really ripe peach. And if you live in Northern Oregon, a ripe peach is probably going to cost you $5 for half that ripe peach. But this cocktail is so delicious. I promise you, it is worth it. I'm sorry we didn't have time to do American civics, but we'll do it the next time that Kate is on. She has a lot of ideas about American pets in American history. But I'm going to sign off now and say, remember, folks, cocktails are great if they are an occasional treat. If you use top shelf ingredients and take the art of mixology seriously, one drink is all you need. I'm Arnie mad as the day is long, Avadissian. This was Metaphysical Martini, a production of cosmic reality radio to whom we are most grateful. No, no, no, no. Until we meet again, do not comply. Prepare to kiss the fake Biden regime goodbye, build that border wall good and high, and above all my darlings, let the spirit inhabit the human and the animal. (upbeat music) - You have been listening to the Metaphysical Martini with Avadissian, the mad shaman, the production of (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Save on a Riley Brake Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of a Riley Brake Parts Cleaner for just $8 valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Riley, auto parts. [MUSIC]