Cosmic Reality Podcast

COSMIC SOUP 6/12/24 - Enerology with Celeste Solum, Matthew Rife, Dr Tennant

“Radio 5G's Cosmic Soup – Nancy Hopkins and Mark Joseph commenting on two presentations discussing the concept that our physical bodies are at the core energy bodies. Celeste Solum and Matthew Rife, the Great Nephew of Royal Raymond and Dr Jerry Tennant of the Tennant Institute provide information that will further understanding of why EMF can heal. Celeste Solum

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“Radio 5G's Cosmic Soup – Nancy Hopkins and Mark Joseph commenting on two presentations discussing the concept that our physical bodies are at the core energy bodies. Celeste Solum and Matthew Rife, the Great Nephew of Royal Raymond and Dr Jerry Tennant of the Tennant Institute provide information that will further understanding of why EMF can heal.

Celeste Solum

Dr. Jerry Tennant:

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Rife's work in this area abruptly stopped. When Matthew Rife asked his grandfather about his brother Royal, Matt was advised to stay away from the subject because he could be killed. For my research, the grandfather was confirming that Royal Rife had been stopped by those realizing if EMF frequency could heal, they could also kill. And that weaponization is now called the Havana syndrome. Matt disregarded his grandfather's warnings and today has his own version of electro medicine products. The second very short presentation is by Dr. Jerry Tenet of the Tenet Institute, giving an explanation that will provide further understanding of why EMF can heal as well as hurt all life. I hope you enjoy the show. I'm sure you'll find it informative. Here we go. - Hi, this is Celeste with the celestial report. And today we are going to be talking about the Rife machine. It is another frequency device. And as you know, we have been going down a lot of rabbit holes with frequency devices. So we are going to talk to the great nephew, I believe Matthew, right? Welcome Matthew. - Hello, thank you for having me on, I'm excited. - Yeah, I'm excited too. So why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself and your background and how you got into this and we'll go from there? - Well, you did get it right, I'm a great nephew. And it's just always been part of my life. It's never been publicly part of my life. It's kind of like, you know, like if your dad's a huge baseball fan and you grow up and there's always baseball and you just happen to know it. It's like, when did you get into this? It's kind of always been there. So yeah, I just grew up studying different notes, looking at blueprints, like understanding this stuff. And I've just always had like a draw towards electrical items and technology and just always enjoyed it. So, you know, growing up, I would just learn different things. And you know, like my favorite game on Nintendo Entertainment System, the old one, the gray one, the version one, my favorite game was always disassembling it and, you know, recognizing and identifying all the components on the boards. I just loved it, like mechanical engineering, electrical engineering. So, you know, I just never did do anything with this. I didn't even know Royal was famous or anything growing up. You know, I never got to meet him, wish I would have. But, you know, him and I have a lot in common. I've read his personal journals and that's kind of how I've just gotten to know him. So he's always been like this figure in my life. It just was on Broadway. And, you know, so whenever I turned 18, I grew up here where my business is. I'm in southwestern Virginia and growing up here, there's no cell phone signals. Plus cell phones weren't even around whenever I was younger, like a little bit of that era. 'Cause I was born in '83. So I got kind of like that mix of no technology and then all the technology. So I got a cell phone whenever I turned 18, I moved away. I was like, I wouldn't go live at the beach. So I went to Myrtle Beach and I got a cell phone, first cell phone I ever had. And it was like an old Nokia phone. And I started just looking stuff up on the internet on it. And, you know, kind of like how we've all done, oh, let me look my name up. Let me look at my parents. And I just ran across Roy's stuff. And he's like, Dr. Royal Raymond Reif. And I just started looking through it. And I was like, there's no way, this is my uncle. There's just no way. And so I was like, I know these machines. I know that microscope. I know all of these different things. So I made some phone calls. I'm like, hey, is this like this? Is uncle Roy famous? And he's like, yeah, don't ever do anything with it. Matthew, they'll kill you. They said, you know, just work hard, you know, provide for your family and you'll die happy. You'll die fulfilled. Just focus on these things. And I just never really had that full fulfillment. All right. So when 2020 happened, it was, I know that 2020 and the lockdowns and all this stuff and the propaganda and the pushing of the vaccines, all these different things, it was horrible. But I look on the bright side of things. And it was great in the aspect that every bit of this stuff, it shined like a huge spotlight on the allopathic medical system. And people started looking at this and they're like, wait, stuff just doesn't seem right. Like what is going on here? Trust the science, but don't question it. You know, do your own research, but don't do it in this instance. So people really noticed this. And so I kind of just took to social media. And I was seeing all this and I'm like, well, yeah, it's called the allopathic medical system. And you know, this happened through the American Medical Association, Morris Fish Bean and the AMA. And I just kind of educated people. And some people picked up on what I was saying. And I was like, ooh, I'm staying away. So I deleted my Twitter account, everything. 'Cause I just didn't want to be tied to the Rife machine. And I started thinking about it's like, you know what? No, I need to do this. And I think it'll truly make me happy and it has. But so I jumped on TikTok, made an account. And I just made a video one morning. And I was talking about this and Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. And then I went to work. And so went to work, spent 10 hours at work and come home, had 10,000 followers whenever I got home. So people know about it. People are interested. And it just kind of went from there. I spent about six months in my office and just straight six months, 20-minute power naps, working the rest of the time, working out all these different equations and just, you know, working on the engineering to this. And after that, it just, it's just kind of taken off since then. So this was in 2022 when this happened. So I've only been open a couple of years. And it's just, it's been a huge blessing. It's been amazing. We've seen so many different positive changes in people. And it just continually gets better and better. So I'm just excited to go down this road. So I think my grandfather was a little bit wrong. I can go down this road and still be happy. - Maybe, let's talk about it. So there are people, believe it or not, that don't know what a Rife machine is or what it does. So can you walk us through your great uncle of what his work was and then what your work is and then what does the Rife machine that you're putting together actually do for our health? - Yeah, so it is frequency, right? And I'll explain the Rife machine really quickly first. A Rife machine is healing through frequency. We are carbon-based electrical beings. Our body communicates and reacts and runs off of electricity. It's called a synapse within your body. So like if I stomp my toe or my foot or I drop something on it, it's gonna send electrical synapse to my brain and keep on going back and forth through these neural pathways, so these nerves. And so why are we sticking oil in our body to help us be healthier? Why wouldn't we use electricity? So what this does, it runs off EMFs, electromagnetic fields, kind of like a speaker, right? A speaker puts out sound. EMFs travel like sound, kind of, except for it doesn't require atmosphere and it's pure energy. So you don't have to touch it. There's a lot of devices that, they're microcurrent devices. Basically, they're just glorified electro-muscular stimulators, just EMFs units. And, but this is different because it travels like sound waves. And whenever these pure energy waves travel and they can penetrate your body, they can go through the vacuum of space. The only thing they're not really getting past is a very thick cage and still you can get past it a little bit. So these go through your body and they pick up on nerves and it sends an electrical synapse through the nerves and then it goes into the muscle and it stimulates things. It also structures water so that you can have structured water that's ionized. Now ionization is very important because whenever we're born, we're born with a lot of negative ionization, right? There's a lot of negative charges. As we grow older, we start to lose the negative and we start gaining positive electrical charges or ions. So people that ground, I'm sure you know about grounding, it works because it's an electronics change. The earth is sucking out these positive ions in your body and it's replacing those electrons with negative. It's an electronics change. And a lot of people don't know this and I always like bring it up 'cause I love dogs, love dogs, love animals all the good, but dogs are electron donors. So it does the same thing as grounding and it'll exchange and it's just amazing. So anyway, you get the negatively charged ions in your body, it helps you to build a hill faster to have more energy. And so all of this stuff did come from a royal and I want to get his name where it should be in the history books. There's a lot of just trying to make him look bad and people were like, "Oh no, he was a hoaxter "in his oil snake oil salesman." It's like, "Oh, well, he held many different patents. "He was the one who held the patent for the white "on the bottom of a microscope. "He built the world's best microscope, "especially at that time. "Electron microscopes can beat it." But I mean, there's just like at his time, it's just newly innovative stuff. And numbers one through five microscope, number five microscope gets used all the time in colleges and laboratories all around the world, but he's a snake oil salesman. And yeah, people don't realize this stuff and they've discredited him. So his name needs to be where it should be in the history books. I really believe that, give him the credit. And so he built this, he called it a frequency generator. He had called it a rife machine. Other people used to say rife machine and that's kind of where the branding come from. But he built an electromagnetic frequency wave filled generator. It's essentially the same thing I built differently. So in this time, there's not like, there were radio signals and a few other signals, but not like what you have today. Wi-Fi signal. Bluetooth is 2.4 gigahertz, essentially the same thing. But you have wireless power meters on houses. We have way more electrical activity, all these different signals going through the earth, everywhere. So he was able to go throughout and live in a natural world and use his machine on very high hertz. I can't do that. So actually, let's talk about what a hertz is. A hertz is a pulsation per second. If you have 15 hertz within a one second period, I don't know, 15 pulses, that's 15 hertz. That's all this means. So he was living in this and he would go up into like three million hertz, like three gigahertz. He would run sweeping waves. Then later he stopped 'cause it's really not the best for you. So I can't do that. I only do, well, he was focused on, hey, let's identify this virus. Let's identify the frequency of it. Now let's destroy it. So how do you destroy a virus? You get the resonant frequency and you run that frequency because then this EMF frequency and this virus will interact. And just like an opera singer who sings and matches the resonant frequency of a wine glass and makes it oscillate and shake, if she ups her amplitude, it's gonna shake so violently, it's gonna break. That's what's happening to viruses. Now, since I can't do that 'cause we have so many synthetic waves and activity of radiation within our environment that is hurting a lot of people because of cancers, just overly charging people's body 'cause you wanna be around negative 70 millivolts, I think it is, on your cellular level to be able to be healthy. And some people are overly charged. We'll say have the positive ionization. And it's just, so I can't do that. It would actually add, it would actually just be bad for people. If I went this high. So I only use natural frequencies, 20,000 hearts and below. Things that we find in nature. This is God, God created an earth provider, right? His earth, our universe works on what he created and this keeps us healthy. You can't leave the surface of the earth. Like if you're gone from the surface of the earth, like you'll like, okay, Russia, they'd be like, oh, here's a master not sleeping. And then when they come back, they'd be severely ill or dead. So people, even on the International Space Station, use these, like use, they use a pulsed microcurrent like EMF device, a little bit different kind of the same theory, but they have to use this. You need the earth's electromagnetic field to live. Have to have it. Like no two ways about it. So we know that and it keeps you tuned up. Why not use it for health? So how can we use it for health? Negatively ionize your body. Start your water like I was talking about. Let's keep your system tuned up. Let's get it working how it should be because you're probably very low voltage and you wanna hit this part to where it's good voltage. So how do you do it? You match the frequencies, but I'm doing it by nature's frequencies. 18,000 hertz at a beach, right? If you're out in the beach, barely anything on, you're grounding, then in the sun, like just basking in the sun, you're gonna get about 10,000 hertz of just natural energy. That's a detox frequency. So animals like a deer stand in the middle of a field on a bright and sunny day, he's not standing out there. So some hidden guy can shoot him. He's out there because deer eat some wild stuff and they have to detox their body. So that's the reason they're out in the field. This is the reason dogs and cats lay in the sun. Like, you know, I'm sure everybody seen like that little spot in the light from a window and the dog will go curl up and lay right in it. He's wanting these frequencies. They know what's good for them. We've lost touch of it. So, you know, but anyway, you have, you also have your ionization from water spray coming off the ocean, landed on you, you're collecting those electrons as well. So all of this stuff adds up and it really helps your body to be healthier. We've had a lot of success within things. Rheumatoid arthritis. There was, it was so awesome. I don't, this woman, she decided, and I do not recommend this. FDA says, I have to tell you, nobody under three, nobody pregnant. Some other things, heart stuff. But she used, had a tooth come in, started turning black, just dead. That's gonna have to extract it. Use the machine. Turned white. The dentist just cleared him the other day. So we're seeing a lot of these things. And a lot of people are like, I wouldn't trade the world for this machine. And so it's just been amazing. This is the reason that we can offer like a 30 day money back guarantee. And, yeah, if it's not for you and you feel that way, return it, I'll send all your money back. But our returns are only like half a percent because people love it. You just feel better. We've had people with gray hair turn in black again or turn in dark whatever the natural color is. 'Cause it stimulates the roots and it gets these follicles active again. So anyway, I'm getting off track. So Royal's machine, totally different animal. He did it by plasma cell. I run mine by electrical coil because we have better math. We have better manufacturing. We have this quite a few different things from a hundred years ago. We have a greater benefit. So I engineered a wire that I need. It's my own low alloy composite or yeah, composite. And I have it specially made and I've worked out all the details on the actual winding of it, how it works, why all this stuff. And so I make mine out of hard coiled wires instead of plasma cell. I don't want to make quartz tubes and then have it tuned and then everybody has to adjust it. It's a really in-depth operation for people to buy one of Royal's machines or have one and to be able to use it this way, it's just more straightforward as technology involved. You know, you use a smart device to run the frequencies. Our app is out now, it's called Rife Technology. You can go through there, see the different elements and see all the frequencies that line up to it. Still add this stuff on at the moment. So if it's not on there, just be patient with us. And so we're doing a lot of great things and people are learning about frequency and how it works. And once they experience it, they just love it. So instead of matching a virus and just making it oscillate to the point that it dies, I've chosen the route of, "Hey, let's support your immune system. Let's support your system to fight these things off. Why just destroy it for you whenever I can, you know, we can give you like the tools needed for your body to do this on itself." So there's a little bit of differences within it and the explanation. Hopefully that covered it pretty well. - Okay, so let me just make sure that I understand what you said, that the original Royal Rife would go after a specific pathogen and would destroy. So kind of target it and destroy it by frequency. Your product, on the other hand, is going enhancing and nourishing the immune system. Is that correct? - Yes. And so it's not that we don't have the same capabilities as Royals because, I mean, you know, at 10,000 Hertz, right? You can run 10 Hertz and still accomplish 10,000 Hertz. It'll just take longer, it'll be a little bit different because whenever you keep on dividing 10,000 by two and keep on dropping it down, you can still get in that same pattern of this one moving these pulsations and this one kicks in every once in a while. So, but yeah, we're, I'm more focused on nourishing the body for the things that it needs because there's a lot of people that have like just mitochondria that are kind of just effectively dead and worthless. People are not being hydrated. It doesn't have enough energy to be able to work. And the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cells and we do target different things as well. So we do target and it's just, we also want to be able to build the system. So it's kind of a little bit both. So each sequence, it has multiple frequencies in it. And what we do is we always throw these different enhancements in there as well. There's nothing that's going to hurt you. I mean, there are bad EMFs, don't get me wrong, but we stay away from those. Those are not on the app. And, you know, we just, we run all the good stuff for you. So not only are we targeting things, but we're also benefiting. - So what, how does your system deal with all the synthetic biology that's being or nanoparticles to smart dust, a hydrogel, to quantum dots, how does your system, or does it deal with those issues at all? - So this one's a kind of a tough question 'cause I never want to speak out of turn or really speculate. And so I'm going to tell you, just what I've come up with before any scientific evidence. Now the quantum dots, they are crystalline structure within the body. These are going into the cells. And it's a semiconductor of electricity. - Absolutely, yes. - And I think that they're really trying to mine our bodies for power because the more you move, the more energy that's in the cells, the more that can be slowed down and then you can suck this power right out of the body. I cannot say without a doubt that we've been able to remove quantum dots from the body because of this. But just like cells in your body, dead cells, your lymphatic system processes them out as waste, but that cell has to be replaced. So that's something that this is doing. It's helping your body cells to be able to, you know, split off and be able to double and to be able to replace these cells. And hopefully that's what's happening are these other cells are dying off. Now I've switched to, what is it called? The name of the water, I'm sorry. It's, I don't even, I can't think of the name of it. Just, I boil my water off to purify it. I mean, even though I have water filters to get down to, what is it, 1,000ths of a mic around the size of a, of a water, I just, I boil it out because you still can't get the fluoride out, right? So luckily I live in a mountains where everything's filtered naturally too. So I kind of drink that water. But, you know, whenever I'm in cities, I'm subjected to everything just like everyone else. The hydrogels, the hydrogels, I'm doing something completely different. I'm actually taking RTM microbes from Dr. Jeffrey West. So I take these to be able to eat up the hydrogel. And I've shown a lot of people the hydrogels and it's just, it's been disgusting of how many people are like, that's not happening. Well, it is happening. And so it's, it's disgusting how, what our allopathic medical system has done to people as in fear and loathing and, oh, trust me with this poison. What are you guys thinking? I mean, but I saw, I saw a message today of somebody saying, it took the government 60 years to find out if marijuana is held, or if it's okay or not, but it only took seven months to say that this vaccine was okay. It's like, none of these things. - Actually, it was a lot shorter, it was 90 days. Well, so let's hop to another thing. So what is the difference between, 'cause I'm trying to, this is the first time I've really broached this topic with my audience. And so we'd like to get your input on it if you, depending on what you know or can shed light on. So there's the royal rife, there's your nurturing and upholding the body. What about spooky, what is the difference with spooky? 'Cause there's something called spooky too. What is that all about? - I'm very familiar with spooky. I take about 20 to 30 a part a year. I have one at the office, I got to take apart right now. Spooky's a microcurrent device. It's an EMS device. That's basically what it is. I've hooked it up to the oscilloscope. It's got good signal, don't get me wrong. It's put together pretty well. But you can save about $2,700 and get an EMS unit. So it doesn't operate the way the rife machine should either. It's not EMS. It is microcurrent going into your system. Big difference. So there's a lot of these companies that are they good rife machines? No, not one bit. But are they a good device? There is a place for it, for that kind of system and that technology. I don't like it being marketed as a rife machine. Obviously I don't. But I mean, I know all about spooky. It was John White, electrical engineer at a New Zealand. He ended up going to Australia, came to America, went to Canada. He has worn himself, or they want him in Canada. They want him in the United States. They want him in Australia. They want him in New Zealand. He's held up in China. And people are like, how do you know that? Well, I mean, he just is. Like the CCP owns part of his business. Like the majority share of it. And that's just where he is because other companies, like he's done a lot of bad for himself, honestly. And I hate that for him because I do think devices like that have their place, EMS device, just like an electro muscular stimulator. There's a couple of other ones like JW Labs. I don't like their machine at all. Their wave signal's not good. They don't have the right pattern. There's just a lot of things I would change. And the first one would be to scrap it all, except for the idea behind it and rework it. And none of these companies will talk to me. Like I reach out to these companies. I'm like, hey, I just want to work with you and give you some advice. I mean, you don't have to take it, but let me help you. They're like, oh, no, no, no, they just don't want me around. And I'm just trying to do good for him because there's some good devices out there. - So how do you, if you're, I mean, you know the vast landscape of the internet, you can find anything and some of it's top of the line and some of it's bottom of the line. So as a average consumer that is not into electronics, like you are, how would, let's say, do I go and do a search for a device? What are the different classifications of devices and what red flags should I watch out for or are there red flags? - The first thing I would say is honestly, if I'm looking for a rife machine, I would buy one for an actual rife. The name holds a lot within itself just because of the lineage. So, secondly, classification, it's kind of difficult to say because the laws have changed with the FDA since 2020, like therapeutic device, it only has to meet two different points of criteria instead of filing it for something like a 215 or whatever it is to register it. So classification, it's kind of like, what classifications of massagers are there, right? So I don't think there's really a classification. The red flags, look at some reviews, you know? I mean, I do this with a lot of companies. I look at their products and I see the things that they say in fine detail. Like there's a company that said, we believe that it just lightens the entire room and everything feels better because the EMFs are no longer hitting it. In fact, give me one moment, I'll show you what I'm talking about. - Okay, I'm going to grab you some of these quick. - There it is. Okay. Like this one, and I do this a lot. Have you ever heard of Qi Shield? It looks like this. And it's got, it's just a copper pipe with two ends on it. This is a $1,500 device. And they're like, oh yeah, it'll block from EMFs. I read through all of their stuff. It looks all too great. It looks too, too unimaginably great with all the things they say. So I ordered it and I took it all apart. It's just got little vials of organite powder or organ powder. That's it. And it's got just a piece of wire and something in it with emblems on it. So look at reviews, be critical of it. If there's no bad, be critical. I've always told people, if you buy my device and you have a negative review on it, please let me know. I will post it on the front page of my website because I have to be very transparent with things. And we just haven't had a negative review. There's some people that's like, oh, it's not working for me. I don't feel any better. Okay, send back, I'll give all your money back. So there's not a negative review. It's just, it's just not for me. And, you know, our customer services, you know, it's un-part. Like we don't do calling trees. We talk to people. I send a business card and every device has my cell phone number on it. So people call me directly. I think a lot of that really speaks for quality of what the product is. So I would look for that. I'll give you an example, JW Labs. They've been operating for years. I think that guy's name was John White also. Just like the spooky guy. But the man who invented it, he's been passed away for years. Nobody knows it. The wife operates the business as if he's still alive. And it's just, it's sneaky things like that. - Well, it's not really sneaky. I mean, I don't know if you're married or not, but things do transfer on. And sometimes operations, because it's usually not the inventor that is in his basement making him a crew, doing that. - So he had a man pretend to be him on the phone. - Oh, I see. - That's the sneaky part. I mean, I get people pass away and he doesn't have to be alive for all of it. But whenever it comes to practices, like just look into a company is what I would say. Find out what kind of device it is. Is it a micro current device? Do you have to be connected to it? You have to have it touching you because therefore it's not going to work. Or it doesn't operate like a Rife machine ship. It's not an EMF device. - So that's another question for me, for the audience. So we've got three different types of things. Now there's the original Rife that's your product and there's Spooky, which is, which does not have to be connected to you like you're not touching it and it can be used over distance. So what about the original Rife? Did you have to be connected to it? - No, there were different models. Obviously, when he was going through everything and building this, the first design, it was by John Crane. He did this design for like the version 1.0. And that one you did have to connect and they just completely threw that away. So then after that, you don't have to be touching it. EMFs are like literal electrical energy that goes through the air. So I try to tell people this 'cause it's various things. They're like, I don't have to touch it. It's going to make me feel better. Yeah, it's like, and I tell them, think of a speaker. You don't have to touch a speaker or have it on you and you can still hear it. So there is a transfer there. And what about Spooky, too? - Spooky, you have to connect. It's a straight microgrid device. You have to connect to it. - Okay. Now let's talk price because I know that everybody out there is feeling the pinch or at the gas station, at the grocery store, whatever you're doing, the prices are going. So what are we looking at the original Rife, your device and the Spooky? What is the price ranges? - The original is not around. Royal never got to put these into production. He went to five different manufacturers and every one of them either just told them no or they just couldn't do it or they got shut down. The Spooky is, last time I saw it, it was a little bit over $4,000 US. And mine has a range of it. So mine range from $420 to $5,500. And it's priced a lot of it. I mean, obviously my overhead, my employees' wages, all these other things factor in. But the majority of that price is because I have to have my own copper wire made. And I have to have it made to my specifications. So to have somebody to purposely switch up their manufacturing just to get a run of my stuff in. And I happily tell people an 86-pound roll of copper is $26,000 and it doesn't go far. So this one's not my wire. This one's not my wire. But something like this on wire, I mean, this could easily be $600, $700 if it was my wire. So, but I've made different ranges because they all, they can all run the same frequencies. There's no hold back on that. But these are like riding a moped to work or riding a Bugatti, right? The higher it goes up, you're gonna have a more comfortable ride. Okay, there's, I don't know how to explain the feeling. You can fill the frequencies more on the Royal because it's more powerful. You can get from point A to point B faster. You're not running into hiccups, like the rain or whatever, just something like a hiccup. Because on my $420 device, it is charged. I call it my travel device. That's real name is like the copper, copper ride machine. And you recharge it and you have a battery in it. So that battery could run out and you have to recharge it. It doesn't have as much power. The effective area, the area of effect is a lot less. Like it's a radius of about three foot for like good efficacy on how far the EMFs are gonna reach. Because the more an EMF travels, just like sound, the weaker it gets. It takes energy to build a travel like this. The large unit, I can do my entire house with it. My shop, my office is like 50 foot by 50 foot and one unit will cover every bit of that. But there is a mass effective range. And just like anything else, I put a very, very steep cushion unaffected area. So the radius on that's like, I think it's 10 feet, 10 or 12 feet. But so, but I've made these to where we do have different levels for different price points. 'Cause like you said, everybody's fell in the pinch. I don't wanna pigeonhole everybody into something that, hey, maybe they just don't need the $5,500 unit. There's a lot of women with fibromyalgia and/or endometriosis even, and they'll just order the travel unit and they're perfectly happy with it and they love it. So they don't feel like they need it. Hey, great. Yeah, God bless. I'm glad that you got to save some money on it. And this actually works for you. But yeah, that's basically the different prices on it. - Okay, how long do these machines last for? Is it something that I like the Chinese stuff that you open up and two months later is broken and it goes out to the dipstick dumpster? Or what can we expect for the longevity of the product? - Just to say, how long will this copper last? Very long time. Just as long as you don't run it over with your car, the only thing that you may have to replace is the transmitter and what this is, it takes current and changes it into microcurrent to be able to run. 'Cause you have to have the microcurrent to be able to run. You're just not connecting it to you in an electric unit yourself. So that would be the only thing that could wear out by the rest of the stuff. You know, it's a very good base, very well built, long lasting materials, and then you got your copper. So there's not much it's going to break on it. Your expensive part is very well protected. In fact, have you seen the smaller unit? I can show you how one's made. Now this design is changing, but that's it. So you're not doing anything to really hurt this thing. That's pressed together, as tight as it'll go. And it's a large wire of copper. But yeah, as long as that copper is lasting within nature, you're good to go. So there's a good longevity. I really believe in quality over quantity. So like even my accent's hanging up right here, that's an expensive X, but that X is a very good quality. It's very well made. It's made in Germany. And this is something I can hand down to my kids and they can hand it down to their kids. And it'll just last a super long time. Only thing I'd wear out is a handle on it. Replace the handle. - Okay, I'm gonna ask you a question totally random if you know the answer. I would love even just a guess if you say it's a guess. And so I do a lot of coverage on direct energy weapons. And I started with acoustic when the details of Havana syndrome came out. And then I went to laser, which is what they used to start the paradise and the malle fires. And I actually have a picture of that. So the scientist, when Havana syndrome's details came out there was two scientists and they're playing around in a physics lab military, of course. And they're shooting each other with direct energy weapons to see what could prevent a direct energy weapon attack. And so they were shooting each other at the head and all of their bodies and stuff. And what they found is that two wire mesh, two inch wire mesh at your temples would thwart any direct energy weapon attack. But the thing is, is it has to be grounded. You can't just put two pieces of mesh right here and think you're good, good to go. How would you ground something like that? - How would you ground it? - Yeah, somebody, I've been looking for somebody that knows electricity to help me figure that one out. - Yeah, just earth ground, so. - So you actually have to have a wire from each one of those to the ground? - Yeah, the way this works is, just like our atmosphere, we have a positive charge in the upper atmosphere and the earth is a negative. Now, electricity technically does go from the negative to the positive, but we're just gonna take that. So grounding what it does, the earth is such a large negative, it'll suck in all these positive charges and it kind of just dispands it. So it kind of dilutes it, wears it out. So grounding is just grounding. So the same way that you practice grounding, that's how you could ground that. Did they say why the temples were so important? Because on DEWs, you do have the lasers, you do have EMFs, you do have acoustics, you have all these different mediums, well not mediums, but different varieties of DEWs. Why were the temples so important? - Because they said that no matter where you shot it, from whatever angle, whatever distance, it would not allow it into the body and due damage. And for some reason, the temples were it and I guess they were playing around, they played around for a good long time. And like I said, they had the military physics lab and they were playing around shooting this thing at each other and that's what they discovered. Now they did not go into the details of why the very question that you asked and they didn't go into how to ground it, which they did say you have to ground it. And so I get thousands, thousands of emails. How could I do this? And I really other than just a grounding wire, but walking around like that and usually direct energy weapons are not your everyday thing, and they're not hitting you all the time, but you can get hit, but you'd have to walk around with these all the time to be prepared because when you're in the middle of it, it's too late. No, it's not that long of an event. So yeah, I've played around with some of this stuff. I've done a lot of heavy research in the DEWs, like the barrier one, and these can come from satellites and it is a light source. So you got a photon and a wave. Yes. And what it does is as a resident frequency as skin, but it's a little bit more higher frequency. It's just off the spectrum just a little bit. But it heats up your skin. It throws off some of your electrons within atoms that set a reflecting light, and it's reflecting heat. So whenever you cross a certain location, your skin just all heats up. So that's the reason I ask about the temple. It kind of makes sense at the temples because, I mean, that's gonna be a thin spot. You have a bunch of neural pathways, but what these wire meshes are, these are fairly dangerous. It's essentially all it is. You could probably wear a beanie, but I mean, the ground isn't as an issue. I'm guessing what's happening. - Yeah, that's the ground. A lot of people have suggested the beanie thing or whatever, but it did, 'cause it affected the size of your shoe. - And then ground your shoe out with a rivet or something. I mean, you could ground that way. It wouldn't be, it would be effective, the most effective, like your house. And all buildings with electricity on them, yeah, if they're up to code, they are grounded. You have a six foot rod that's hammered into the ground 'cause you wanna go deep. You wanna go at least six feet in the ground to be able to make a real good earthly connection. Otherwise you're just in top soil and all these other things. It does work, but it's just more effective than the ground in the deep. So there's a ways to do it. You could do it simply by wire that is this gauge right here and run it down the beanie, down through your clothes and hook it into something in your shoe that's sticking under it. - Okay. Well, thank you so much. Where can people get a hold of you? What, do you have a website? No, get your information so that people can get in touch with you? - You can find me on Twitter @RifeTechnology. My website is I'm also on Instagram for Rife Technology. I have TikTok Rife Machine. I'm not on there much. There's people pretending to be me. So if you ever get a message and say, "Hey, I could really use some help." You think you can get me $300 and I'll give you $1,000 discount tomorrow. That's not me, don't do it, you know. But, okay, so Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, And then I'm starting a YouTube thing. It's Rife Technology. Good luck with that. That's all I gotta say. (laughs) - Well, rumble, I'll probably be on rumble. - Yeah, but both YouTube and rumble, quite frankly, they've been taken down my health videos. - Really? - Yeah, they have. - You don't know why, I know a lot of people at rumble, like maybe I can call them and ask them why. - It's because they're health oriented and they're certain things they'll allow and certain things they won't. So, it just some of my videos have been taken down. And then of course I hear from the audience 'cause they're not very happy about it, but what can you do? Well, I've wanted to thank you, Matthew. And I wish you all the best. And I'm gonna look at your website as soon as I get off right now. - Well, if you have any questions, you can schedule a consultation. We have free consultations. And it'll be one of my employees who you're talking to, most likely Amber. Amber has a vast knowledge of medical and just very good person, very super intelligent. And she'll just walk you through everything. And, you know, it's free. Like I said, so if anybody has any questions, feel free to sign up for that. - Okay, well, thank you so much. And God bless you. - Yeah, thank you. God bless you as well. - Okay, this is Celeste with the Celeste Report. And we will see you the next time. (air whooshing) (upbeat music) - Let's look at a few bullet points that we need to understand, understand this concept. First of all, if we think about conductive electricity, that is the reason this light is on electrons, conductive electricity. But in the liquid, we have a difference. Circumstance, we have the possibility for a liquid to be an electron donor or an electron stealer. And so, one uses a sophisticated volt meter called a pH meter. And you put it in the liquid and it will give you a readout in millivolts. And by convention, if it's an electron donor, you put a minus sign in front of the voltage, and it's an electron stealer, you put a plus sign in front of it. So cells are designed to run at minus 25 millivolts of electron donor. And if a cell gets worn out or gets injured, then you need minus 50 millivolts to make a new one. So the body has several different battery systems that provide the voltage necessary for cells to function and for cells to repair themselves. And as I'll show you, also, to help protect themselves from various infectious diseases. So the first bullet point is to understand that pH and voltage and liquid are synonyms. And it's much easier to get your mind around it if instead of talking to pH numbers, you're talking in millivolts. The next thing to understand is that voltage is necessary to transfer and to hold oxygen in a cell. So if you read about a liquid, particularly water, you'll find that one of the things that controls the amount of oxygen that will dissolve in a liquid is the voltage. Now there are other things like temperature, et cetera, but if you take a glass of water and you put a tube in it and you start bubbling oxygen in, the amount of oxygen that will dissolve is dictated primarily by the voltage. So if I raise the voltage of the water, more oxygen goes into solution. By lower the voltage in the water, oxygen comes out of solution goes away. Well, our cells are 90% water. So if you lose the voltage in your cell, the oxygen's gonna go away. So oxygen is critical because oxygen controls a lot of the things that happens in the cell. In addition to the energy and the voltage, oxygen is very important as well. So when oxygen drops, one of the things that happens is things get painful. So chronic pain is caused primarily by there being lack of oxygen or when you have lack of voltage, things are acidic and the acidic things make things hurt, but also primarily the lack of oxygen. Another thing that happens is that the efficiency of the cell drops. So inside our cell, we have a rechargeable battery system called ADPATP. When it's charged up, it's ATP. When it's discharged, it's ADP. And then we have a battery charger called the crib cycle. So for every unit of fat you put into the battery charger, if oxygen's available, you get enough electrons to charge up 38 of those batteries. But if oxygen's unavailable or low, for a unit of fat you put into the charger, you only get enough electrons to charge up two batteries. So it's like having a car that goes from 38 miles a gallon to two miles a gallon, it's very inefficient. And then the next thing that happens is that as oxygen and voltage drop more and more, various infectious organisms can start having their way with you. And I'll discuss the mechanism of that in a moment. But the point is that there are many organisms inside the body and outside the body that can cause damage to the body. And most of those can only function where oxygen levels are low. So that's called anaerobic. So most of the bugs that harm the body can only live in little levels of oxygen, which by definition is an acidic or low pH or low voltage. So low voltage creates the environment where you have low oxygen which creates the environment where bugs can either way with you and they always show up. So again, we're back to voltage being the controlling mechanism. Now, one of the things that happens as the voltage in the oxygen gets reduced is that bacteria moves their cell membranes and become what light a matrimon of a researcher in Chicago called cell wall deficient organisms or stethopathogens, stealth pathogens. And so the issue is when a bacteria loses its cell wall antibiotics don't work because antibiotics primarily work against cell membranes. And so as voltage in oxygen drops, those disappear. So you give all the antibiotics you want and they don't do anything except, it's been shown that if you want to grow these cell wall deficient organisms in a culture, the only way you can make them grow is to add antibiotics to the culture. So when you start giving antibiotics to someone with no voltage in low oxygen, you can actually make it worse. And that's not generally known, although it's been in the literature for many years. Now, the other interesting bullet point is that the only way you can get rid of these stealth pathogens is to raise the voltage, which raises the oxygen. Or if you can figure out a way to put oxygen into the tissue at higher levels that puts them back to sleep or destroys them. And or the other way of doing it is what's called oxidative therapies. And of course, oxidative therapies, which is ozone, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, and vitamin C works in a very similar way, then all of those are involved with the ability to provide more oxygen in the tissue. Now, what I hope is that I've been able to make clear enough is that the root cause of all of this failing is losing voltage. Because voltage is the primary controller of everything that goes on in the body. So without with the voltage drops, oxygen drops, oxygen drop, all kinds of infections show up and then have their way with you. And so when we want to get down to the basics of everything and we want people to be healthy, we simply have to address what's the voltage in every organ system in the body. Now, I didn't really mention it in the beginning, but it's perhaps worth doing at this stage in the conversation that is that our muscles are piezoelectric. So what does that mean? If you take any substance and you distort it and it emits electrons, that's called piezoelectricity. So anytime I move my muscles, it's some generating electrons, but our muscles are also rechargeable batteries. And so exercise charges up our muscle battery packs. And our muscles are stacked one on top of each other, like stacking batteries in a flashlight to form a power pack and surrounded by a common sheath of what's called fascia, which is the body's wiring system, to carry the voltage every place in the body. And a stack of muscle batteries, what's been called an acupuncture meridian. So if you have an acupuncture meridian that loses its ability to store voltage, then whatever organs it powers will mean the organs that were the voltage drops. And those are the organs that are going to end up not having the 25 millivolts it takes to work and it doesn't have the 50 millivolts to repair itself. And it doesn't have obviously the voltage to inhibit infections. So one of the important things to understand about a rechargeable battery is this, if this is a battery and it's got a plus and a minus, if you're taking discharge that battery all the way to zero, it flips itself upside down. Well, a battery upside down won't take charge no matter what you do. So once you have a muscle battery pack that's flipped itself upside down, anything you do may make you feel a little better because you've inserted some electrons that it can't provide but you very quickly use those up and you're right back where you're started. So critical to getting the body back to its normal physiology is turning that battery back up like so, which you can do with scalar energy. Scalar energy will correct the polarity of the battery. Now once you turn it back up, it's still discharged so you have to use electromagnetic energy to charge it back up. And now you have a battery pack that allows the cells to do the things they're designed to do. Do their job, make new ones to do their job. And of course, you can't ignore the nutrition piece because when you're making new cells, you have to have all the parts that it takes to make those cells. And you can't just do little bits and pieces. You have to have everything it takes to make a cell. And then if there are any other toxins hanging around, you got to deal with those. But basically, what I've hoped to help you understand is that no matter whether you're in a season between fall and spring every year, where we're prone to have infectious diseases, or whether you're just feeling bad all the time. You just are tired all the time. Tired all the time means that one or more your battery packs has lost its charge. And so fortunately, we now understand how to measure the voltage in every circuit. And then there are five things that make it lose its ability to hold a charge, not in a thyroid hormone, a scar across its wiring system, a dental infection because every circuit goes through specific teeth in this and decay in a tooth acts like a resistor and drops of voltage, emotional baggage, which blocks the circuit and other toxins. So whether those toxins be microbial bacteria, viruses and fungus, or whether it's pesticides, or heavy metals, or the list of toxins goes on, all of those things are electron stealers and can drop the voltage. And if you dress all of those, you can get the battery pack back to its original function. When you get the voltage up, oxygen comes up, when the oxygen comes up, all the bugs go to sleep, and there you go. So our muscles are rechargeable battery packs, and they're stacked one on top of each other, very much like stacking batteries in a flashlight to form a power pack. So every organ in the body has its own battery pack, and a stack of muscle battery is what has been called an acupuncture meridian. Okay, so our muscles are rechargeable batteries, and every battery is surrounded by a magnetic field. It spins this direction around the positive pole. However, if you put something into that magnetic field, it will grab it and spin it with it, sort of like throwing paper up into the wind. However, if the battery is discharged, it spins the other way, counterclockwise. So we can use that little trick to figure out if which of the circuits in the body have lost their charge. So when you use scalar energy, it will take your batteries that are upside down and turn them back up like that, so that they can now take a charge. - Hi, everybody out there. This is a second hour of the June 12th, 2024 cosmic soup show. My name is Nancy Hopkins with me as Mark Joseph, and I hope that you listen to the first hour. It's kind of a fascinating discussion because so much of what I started doing within the concepts of the study of energy or in neurology started with Rife, and it was very nice to see that his nephew, his great nephew is taking up the study of it. So Mark, you've been real busy flying around and doing things, but you wanna tell people what you're doing or do you wanna just get into discussing what we just heard? - Yeah, we'll mix it up. So the clip was from Celeste Solum's Rumble channel. I guess by the time this plays, it's about two weeks ago, the interview happened. And of course, I recommend her, you know, most everything she talks about, Rumble channel. She did mention, I think in the interview that she was being censored in Rumble because of some of the health stuff. - Rumble, yeah. - Yeah, I mean, Michael Jacob's going through the same thing. So I don't know what's going on, but I mean, if you have a Rumble channel, also have what maybe Briteon and Odyssey seems to be pretty good, but Celeste does have a membership. I do plan to go in there every once in a while 'cause she gets in deep with stuff. But there was also another, oh, I can't bring this up. Another Matthew Rife, oh, here it is. Interview, a recent one from June 5, the podcast is called So of Conspiracy. So if you want to hear his take on a bunch of other stuff, like free energy and to gravity, he does go into that where he talks to other people, different ideas of pyramids. And so not only is that his, one of his more later interviews, but he goes into other stuff, even in the history of Rife and the Rockefeller interference with that. And I didn't get a chance to look at the product page, but I did listen to the interview that made sense to me. And I'm glad you chose this one. Let me look at my notes here. So I like that he was keeping continuing on with the legacy and that he wasn't afraid to put himself out there. And I like that he, this is in the information more angle where things get out there so fast, there's almost like, no, I like how he has an unstoppable attitude. And considering that in the cult of conspiracy, I only got an interview he did, he was talking about where he lives and how it's a mountainous terrain and it's hard to get to him and all this stuff. So he's protected in so many different ways if there's any kind of interference. And I thought also that Celeste interviewing him is really good because she has in-depth questions. And from what you've heard, it's really good where he's able to get into the different angles of targeted individuals, defense versus offense. And yeah, I think this is really exciting where we have so many of these different options in the future of medicine is frequency, light, and sound. So yeah, just, I mean, he's been interviewed a whole bunch of places and looking forward to learning more about it. Let me get, send it back to you and I'll look at my notes as you give your impression of it. - Well, I really enjoyed listening to him because of a couple of things. First off, he did say that when he asked his grandfather about his grandfather's brother, Royce, the grandfather said, "Don't get into that, you'll get killed." And I've always felt that in researching Royce, I always felt that he was on to something, but he was stopped by the government or the super state or whatever they call themselves. I think they call themselves the black nobles, to be honest, but he, he just, you know, okay, grandpa, but he didn't get into it, he just let it go. But he was warned from the very get go, you're going down in very, very dangerous rabbit hole. So with your eyes wide open going down it, you're a lot less likely to at least get surprised. Let's put it that way. You know what can happen. I think that the same thing happened to Wilhelm Reich, and Wilhelm said, "Screw you people," and they ended up arresting him, putting him in jail and a year later he was dead. Royce on the other side of it, he had a very productive scientific medical science job. He was working with the microscopes. And you know, so much of what we know now is because of microscopes. And he was very, very much an actor in that. So he just said, "Okay, I'll go along. "State secret, we don't want people to know about this, "because if you can heal with electromagnetic energies, "then you know, you can kill with them." And you know, so it could be a weapon system. And oh, oh my God, I don't want to be responsible for that. So I'm just going to go along with my life and get out of it. But the fact that his brother knew that he had been threatened obviously. I found to be very confirming of what I knew and I think a lot of other people believe that too. So I have to honor the young man for having the courage. But he also pointed out something that has become very obvious. COVID was terrible for the world, but it's been devastating to traditional medicine. It'll never recover, in my opinion. Because so much alternative medicine is now being looked at by people like, you know, Celeste Salom, people who have got the credentials, have got the, well, in this case notoriety, of looking at alternatives and not being afraid to go down roads that are not traditional. It woke him up and he realized that within two years of starting his company, he was, you know, a solid company. That never would have happened pre-COVID. So there's a real movement out there and we have no clue as to how deep it really could be. I mean, I've been doing this for, well, I don't know, something like 50 years into the, what it can do to you as a weapon system. I was an electronic warfare officer. My first indication of a problem was I was also designated the safety officer for my unit and I got notification that, because we were also, excuse me, involved in radars and I got notification as the safety officer that they had, I don't know if you say, discovered, but they had gotten enough evidence that the radars were causing brain cancer in the operators, that they, by military law, had to inform the rest of the military and through their safety officers and they also had, basically in the same timeframe, they came out with another warning, but this time it was a verbal warning that was given to us and it was in the safety officers of the various units had to get together and had this meeting and we were told then that the night goggles stuff that they were using, this is Vietnam era and the night goggles were first introduced into Vietnam. That that was causing real problems with the eyes including blindness and so they're telling us this and I'm a young officer. I hadn't really gotten, I was not indoctrinated, let me put it here that way. So I said, well, how are we gonna tell all these people that have used these devices and the room went silent? And I said, how are we going to tell people who've used these that they may have an eye problem? You're never to mention it. What, what do you mean you're never to mention it? And they wouldn't even have a conversation about it. They just shut me down. So if you're not gonna let me, as a safety officer, tell my troops, you may have a problem. Why the hell did you tell me? You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I'm stuck in trouble. Yeah, yeah, I mean, it's like, but it gave me the, I mean, because of being a safety officer, I suddenly became very aware of the dangers of electromagnetic energies. That was my first heads up to, whoa, wait a minute, this stuff isn't safe. What's, why not? And of course, that led down to the very deep rabbit hole of E.W., as weaponized in ways that at that time, just back in '73 timeframe, you know, yeah. And then because I was the Soviet military expert, I was contacted by the Pentagon because they had too many cancer deaths appearing in the State Department. People that were in Moscow in the State Department were coming down with too much cancer for population. So they came to me and they asking me if I knew if the Soviets had some kind of a device that could cause cancer. And that led to, I had to use some of my wolves capabilities because the only way I could answer that question was to do a remote view of the facilities to find out what the heck was happening. And sure enough, I found it. And I told them what to look for. I said, you're looking, I said, do you need to go get a meter that will pick up microwave? I said, they're doing it at the microwave frequency. You go in there and you scan it and you'll find the microwave equipment hidden someplace, you know, and within 24 hours they came back to me and they said, you're right, we found it. And I said, you found it. And they said, yes, I said, go back. I said the place is full of it. And it turned out that not only was the building filled with it, but I found out not too long ago from people who've done more research into that very event that they actually were, the Soviets had set up a station in a building across from the embassy and were really putting in, I mean, what would be Havana syndrome kind of energy into the embassy. So the Soviets were, why was I with the Soviet military expert? Because they were the best in the world in electronic warfare. So I was an electronic warfare officer who also happened to be a Soviet specialist out of college and bringing those two things together made me understand what was happening within the military context of the Soviet Union and how much they were putting into electronic warfare. And I could go on telling you spy stories there. I was one spy story after another because luckily the military didn't understand my abilities to get the information. The CIA would send me information on a truck. Okay, a new truck that they had seen in East Germany. And, you know, so they send me these pictures telling me the location and want to know what it is. Well, I could get my engineers to look at it and there was a, you know, certain, you know, antenna systems on the truck. We could do analysis of the antenna systems and we could figure out what they were looking at based on the, what the radar equipment was. But again, you know, what are they using it for? Well, being a remote viewer, I went to the truck and I didn't walk up the stairs. I kind of walked up the stairs but I went through the door. I didn't open the door. Just went through the door inside. And there was a young, two people were in this truck. And one guy had some earphones on and he was looking at a manual. So I just looked over his shoulder at this manual and this is something that I never marked. This is a weird thing about remote viewing. I knew that what I was reading was Russian but I could understand it. It was weird. So, because I wasn't a Russian linguist, you know. So, I reported back to the command that this is what I'm thinking that they're doing and blah, blah, blah. And the next thing I know, I'm being interrogated by a major and where did I get this information? And I couldn't really tell the major, "Well, I went there and I remote viewed and I wanted a dent." Yeah, I mean, I don't think he was gonna buy that story. So, I just said I saw the picture from the CIA and I had my engineers look at it and blah, blah, blah, blah. But it turned out the Americans were doing the same thing but they didn't have it in the truck. The Soviets had been able to put it in the truck and over here we had a big, a good portion of a very big building that was designed to do this. And what it was, the Soviets are the best in the world, I'm telling you, what they were doing out there with those little trucks with taking and listening for airborne radar from planes. And they had gotten it down so that A, they knew what radar signals would come from a given type of aircraft. In other words, you'd have this one radar around this, maybe two or three different planes, but it was the same technology. But those were different planes and because of the engines in the plane, there would be a secondary signal added to the radar signal that was being put out by the plane, the Russians would pick up and then once they picked it up, they could identify the exact plane who was coming in. So, best in the world. Why did I get into that? I'm getting into it just so you understand that this has been a situation since the '70s where this warfare has been going on. So if it was that good back in the '70s, you can only imagine what they're doing to us now, it's called 5G. They just upped the ante, you know, "Oh, well, if we can build it for this one specific battlefield, we can build it for the world and we can control." And again, in the minds of the military, it wasn't so much for control of population. The really bad guys wanted that. What they wanted was information, surveillance. And that was one of the reasons that 5G was allowed to propagate. Oh yeah, it's surveillance. No, it's surveillance and control. Oh, it has no control, it's surveillance. And they can justify the billions of dollars that went into these projects. So, did you find something in your notes? - Yeah, just going back to what you're talking about, that, and you call this and your others, shows sci-fi reality. And in my new detail, the centralizers tell you everything. In movies, books, TV shows. And it's all out there. And you've shared before that, what they have in the military and secret projects, Intel agencies are so many decades ahead of what's released to the public. And what's, like what you've been saying now, and other shows where you just connect a source, connect to the heart space, and then you can access things that will counter these things. And there's a good Catherine Fitz essay, I gotta find it. Of, it's not so much a Hegelian dialectic, but it's like the insane versus insane. Those that are lawless, and those that follow the law, and decentralization, decentralization, that the division is getting more and more obvious. And those that want to help create and build new earth, it's pretty obvious working with nature, getting out, I mean, now that we're in the summer season, getting sun, getting grounding. And I like that Celeste and Matt were detailing exactly what that means. And so I wanted to Matt, you see his, what do you call it? Products, and he has a ton, I mean, a lot of them are supplements, but you have a wide spectrum of choices of what kind of rife machine you wanna use, and they do give the details, and there is a section of Royal Raymond Rife's notes, the old school notes that people can go in there, download it and see the actual how it looked like back then. So I thought that was nice for vintage, and just like, this guy's the real deal kind of thing. And I like his emphasis on, most of the negative ions that as we age, the negative ions that we have decrease, and it's interesting how in your other shows, you talk about the animals around you, how Shanghai has helped them, and the reason why it's like whenever you're on your computer, you have your dog with you, your pets around you, and that's like one of the best things to ground. And let me see. Yeah, so I like his approach too of, rather than, you know, you have this thing of, what is it called, I can't think of the term, but exogenous versus endogenous. So it's, his technology is raising up your immune system. It's just like that quote of a rising tide lifts all boats. So like when you have Shungite on you, and we'll detail this in the Shungite show, but you need more than just the regular, oh, pyramid, sphere, Murkhaba, that's the Rashungite. I mean, you need to have the silver in there if you're gonna counter things like Wi-Fi, and now that the, I forget which number of iPhone, was it like the 13 or 12 or 14, where France banned it because it exceeded the allowed radiation, and so I think maybe we can have wall measure where Shungite is at now, and because back in 2014, you had mentioned that against Wi-Fi, it wasn't enough to, this regular Shungite is not enough to counter even Wi-Fi, let alone what these higher gaged phones that they keep updating every year, and then the cell tower and smart meter pulsing. So I think that would be a good update. - Well, you're forgetting something, okay? Yes, yes about the silver, when we first started out, I knew that we were affecting the cell phones, but I could still feel something was wrong. And it was when we got the silver saturated Shungite that I realized what it was, because in your normal electrical systems, you have a sine wave, which will reverse very easily with just regular raw Shungite. But when you have a Wi-Fi signal, it's a different signal, it's called a square signal, and so think of it as a square. It's got multi facets to it. So the raw Shungite would start to make this spin, but for some reason, raw Shungite connects with a quantum field, but it pulses. So it's like the quantum door opens and shuts, open and shuts, and for whatever reason, the silver would keep the door open. So with just the regular raw, you had the signal would begin to turn, then it would pulse out, and it would come back, just blowing, blowing, blowing, whereas when you had it completely open, the quantum field completely opened, it would just spin it. And once it would spin in the other direction, it would be fine. You still have a tremendous amount of energy that's not natural coming at you, but at least it's spinning in a biocompatible way. But something else happened, and that was that plasma strike of the Shungite field. The picture that I have on the Rumble Station or even on the podcast, why is there such a weird picture of like, what looks like a church in this blue light behind it? Because that's a picture of something that came from outer space that I know was a plasma ball. It was not a meteorite, it wasn't a comet, it was a plasma ball of energy that hit, hit, the mother load in Karelia, blew up right over it. I know this because we have contacts that are in Karelia, including the people at the mine. At that point, that's when Walt measured the power of the Shungite, and it was astronomically higher. I'm just saying higher, more. There was more of it, more signal than previous to that. So even the raw or regular Shungite mark is substantially more powerful than what we began with in 2014. So people don't have to kind of panic that their Shungite's not enough. It's better to have the silver because it kind of works faster. Let's just say faster. Better? I'm not sure because I haven't really done measurements at this point, but I recommend it, and you've got people out there that are saying they've got silver Shungite. Well, you don't have cosmic silver Shungite, and that's what Derek Condit and Mr. Whereism creates. And that's the first Shungite we made, which was silver saturated Shungite, was made in colloidal silver. We just walked out a batch of colloidal silver and he put some nuggets in it. And within 12 hours, the solution, which normally has a yellowish look to it, was clear. And it had a smell of fruity-tootie. I'll never forget that. It smells like fruity-tootie, but the silver molecules that were in the water had attached to the Shungite, it was attracted to the Shungite, and taken out of the water. So if somebody says that they've got silver saturated Shungite, that may be the way they're doing it. But in Derek's case, he's taking pure Shungite, pure silver, with Shungite nuggets and putting them in a rock tumbler. So it's not just the molecular level of nanoparticles that's in there. If you look at it under a microscope, an electronic microscope, you'll see it's virtually covering the entire surface of the Shungite, and it's not covering it like a cover. It's imbued in it because you can't scratch it off. And at the molecular level, you can see that it's not a layer. It's absorbed into the structure of the Shungite itself. So if you're gonna go with silver, Shungite, 'cause people call it silver, Shungite, and then they put this huge price on it. Well, it didn't cost him much to do that. In Derek's case, he tries to keep the prices down, but he's thousands of dollars of Shungite of silver that he has to use to make a finite number of cosmic Shungite products because you're putting them in a rock tumbler. I've gotten some of them that were just pieces. I mean, virtually so small you couldn't wrap 'em or do anything with 'em because that's what happens when you put Shungite in a rock tumbler for three days. Anyway, yeah, so the Shungite and the other thing about Shungite is that the more people that use it, it's like the belief system, reality is what we think it is, it gets stronger that way too. And it's stronger and all that, it's more energetic. It's just more energetic, it's more. More seems to be the way to explain the fourth dimension. 'Cause I think a lot of this stuff is just a connection to fourth dimension. So what's next? - Yeah, I still do lean towards, I mean, it depends on people's affordability, but then it's also risk versus reward and what do you wanna take a chance with? Where are you living? It's all individually based, but why would you considering the history of demicide government killing their own population? And we've known for, since 1913, that the government's always labeled it's own populace as enemy combatants. That's more than enough to constantly detox, oxygenate the body, have a whole function stacking tool set on you, then have a network with Dr. Jack Crews as your circle of six that you trust. And constantly, not necessarily upgrade, but you're in a sea of even, what's his name, mom? The Invisible Rainbow Guy, Arthur Firstenberg. So he has a really cool website and like email update list, but he does have him listed. Like they're trying to set up this, I should read it, but they're trying to set up this cell phone-free town or something or like a space, a commune, if you will. And it's pretty expensive and not that we need to go that far, but it's a nice idea and even Crews is, and I'm a regular list of his, that they wanna move to the equator, to best optimize your health. But it all starts with, and you can get like, what's your name? The Regina Martino's book showing the data of what it can do and then your book, Nancy, of the measurements, but like, for me, I have the Cosmic Silver. You know, the most expensive piece you can get, which is only like 20 bucks if you get the Palmstone. And if you don't wanna go there, then you can get the resin, shungite and silver version, which is just $10 and just put it in your left pocket. 'Cause we all know that the left side of your body is receiving and the right is projecting. That's how the electromagnetic structure of the body works. And bare minimum have that, it's $10. And obviously much cheaper than these other big name, places that sell shungite, and you have to have so many rocks in your pocket. Quality, no quantity. And you guys have had your shungite archive history since 2014. And with the bombardment of other people's cell phone having the latest, greatest, whatever, the Wi-Fi, the cell tower, even if you're not in the city, just have the bare minimum, it's only $10 and have an extra spare in your car, that's what I do. So I've just bought a recent batch to send to relatives. And to me, if people forget to put it in their pocket, I bought the silver shungite powder. So just put it in your shoe. You don't have to think about constantly putting in your pocket or necklace, putting it on bracelet of the S4 silver shungite. So it's always in your shoe, the powder. So there's different options, depending on-- - You don't need much powder. I want people to understand. It's not like a lot of powder. One of the odd, another odd thing about shungite is the lesser, the better. Because if you had a three pound piece of shungite in your one hand, you had a nugget in the other, you're gonna find that the nugget feels more energetic. And that's true, that's exactly what happens. So when you make it into powder, every one of those little teeny pieces of powder is putting out the same kind of a field as the big thing. But there's all these little fields. But they're big fields. It's like, shungite's not limited. And I just so wish that these people that were into the energy healing, whatever you call it, he calls it electoral medicine, whatever you wanna call it, if you would get with shungite, shungite would teach you so much. It's just such a great teacher because it over-emphasizes stuff that other things do, but not in the same, let's say, capability as shungite is. Gosh, I just wish that they'd wake up to it. It's so amazing. But they're waking up to at least the fact that it's an energy universe. That's a big thing. So yeah, basically COVID woke people up to the fact that there is an alternatives, let's say alternatives. And the ionization, ionization is another not, it's underestimated what ionization has to do with stuff. There's a book out and I'm trying to think of what it, I think it's ion, it's the name of the old book. And there was this guy that was working in Geneva, Switzerland. And he'd go to Geneva and he would get sick. He'd come back to the States and he didn't. And so he knew that there was something there that was different, that was making him sick. And he started talking to people over there as to what it could be. And they said, "Oh, that's," I think they call it a poem in German because the Germans have the same thing. A lot of these European countries have different versions of it. But what happens is the mountains, the wind comes down on the mountains and creates a powerful field of positive ions. Negative you like positive you don't. Positive ions that just kind of like roll down off these mountains into these cities to the point that in Germany particularly, I don't know Switzerland's rules right now, but in Germany during this time where this was happening and they can know it because the winds, they watch the winds and when the winds come down in the mountain in a certain way, it creates a lot of positive ions. They won't let you have elective surgery. It's not something, they'll take care of emergency things but they find that people have a much harder time healing and there's got a lot of positive ions. Now, where do you get the negative ions? Well, like the ocean. Why is Florida, why did Florida become so much a destination of the elderly? Because they felt better when they were here. Because they're surrounded by negative ions because we're surrounded by the ocean. That's why the longevity here in Florida was better. Other examples of ion situations is when you have the full moon syndrome and that's a true thing. You can talk to people, medical people and they'll tell you, I was worked in a nursing home and I can tell you, you knew when the full moon was because your patients would be agitated and the crime statistics go up during that. Why? Well, because when you've got the full moon, the moon's closer to us than other times. And what happens is that the negative earth and the positive moon, when the moon gets too close, there's more positive ions in the air during a full moon. So positive ions are not a good thing, negative ions are. There's a lot of ways of doing it and what he said was that when we were younger, we had a lot more negative. As we get older, we have a lot more positive. Well, because we're taking in all these toxins that are causing your body to malfunction as, what's his name, Ted? Good Lord, what's his name, Taggart? - Linda Taggart? - No. - We've got, no, the guy we had on after him. Tannett, Tannett, Dr. Tannett. - Okay. - It's like he's talking about, your cells are little batteries, discharging the energy you need. And if it's discharging correctly, you're getting a lot of negative ions. If it's not, you're starting to get positive ions. So if you think in terms of this is pure science, it's that, whoa, and it's all based on electromagnetic. Now, we take it further because we get into organ. And what is organ? We're not gonna get into it now. But there are other energy fields that we've learned about. And, you know, Tannett was saying that scalar waves will reset your batteries. Well, scalar waves were something, I don't know, maybe you're a little young, probably not, that it used to be people who talk about torsion fields or scalar waves. And I mean, I was one of them. I go, what the hell are you people talking about? And now, if you don't know what they are, you haven't been paying attention. Because people are beginning to understand the real mechanism behind the cosmic reality, which is electromagnetic energy. And part of that is organ. It should be considered electromagnetic organ energy. But they don't know how to detect the organ, or they didn't, so they didn't exist. But I was an electronic warfare officer. I know a lot about this subject. And it was obvious from the way that these signals were working, that there was a third component. You know, and I was talking to some of the best scientists in the world on this stuff. And I'm going like, just so you're telling me that all we got is an EM. We don't have anything else. No, there's nothing else. And I said, I don't believe that. And it was probably me having access to higher information. I'm going, I don't believe that. I think there's a third field you haven't identified. I said, just telling you what I'm thinking. So, you know, and now I know that's exactly what's happening. Haven't proved it yet. But, yeah, the grounding thing was important to understand. And my experience with Shanghai is that it is it is another grounding mechanism. Because what's the purpose of the grounding? Well, the purpose of the grounding is so that you will discharge the positive negative, the positive ions in your body and allow the negative ions to build up. But reason that you probably are more positive than negative is because you're being bombarded by all sorts of toxins. They're attacking yourself. How are they doing that? They're doing that because of the rotation in the energy field that they're putting out is not biocompatible. It's the opposite field of what is healthy. And the shungite reverses those things. So by eliminating the toxic environment, you're doing the same thing as you would do if you were grounding. Does that make sense? Yeah. Mm hmm. Yes. I thought so. Yeah, I wanted to touch base on what you're talking about the full moon thing. So one of the reasons that it seems to raise the energy is people's parasites, pretty much everybody is parasite. If they're yeah, it brings it up to the surface or closer to the surface. That's why I forget who was it that said it was either oh, what's his name? The electric culture guy, Matt something. It was either him or Dr. Daniels, but Dr. Dennis has a free PDF on the history of turpentine and the medicine that the slaves used in the south to pretty much bring their slave masters back from, you know, almost being dead the turpentine pyrgum spirits. And the best time to do that is number one full moon around the full moon phase and then the new moon because of the parasites come up. So then that's when it's best to chop them down. And that's what I've found. So it helped to greatly reduce my sugar addiction that they had for many decades. And then the finisher to that was because I was nutrient deficient. So I did a lot of the low carb, zero carb. Diet. And that pretty much finished it off where I have chocolate here at home, but I barely touch it because my body doesn't have that need to reach out. And so we know through the interviews that Dr. Bright artist has done. I don't know how many years ago, but it was with an Egyptian parasitologist. So they tell you that parasite eggs and cancer cells look exactly the same under a microscope. Allopathic doctors will never tell you that because conflict of interest, money, greed, power, all that. All that good stuff that centralization has blessed us with. And oh, yeah, so that last two clips that you played the different approaches because he was using a scaler device. And so we do have, let me get to the page, book class every week is a free scaler session for a whole day. Every Friday, you put as many names as you want. And this week's is anti inflammation. So at the latest, get it in there before, I don't know, Thursday night, I don't know how the latest is. We'll have to ask Derikka on Tuesday. But I mean, give it to family and friends, tell them that they can explore the rest of their excite that are very cheap, very powerful tools and devices and advanced shungite devices. What was the other thing? Oh, yeah. So I really like that clip you talked about where, you know, you got to have the person's electricity up, oxygen up. And I read my very close relative had asthma and bronchitis issues for over a decade. And I did the sodium chloride and citric acid mix, also known as MMS and chlorine dioxide. And then within, so she's been taking medications, seeing doctors over and over, trial and error. I mean, she's taking medication and still coughing like crazy, using a nebulizer. And then less than, there's pretty much on the second day, the cough started to reduce and then you saw a big change by the third day of using sodium chloride, which is the chlorine dioxide, which increases the oxygenation of the body. So the one I used, I think it's like Patriot Bulldog. Something Mike Adams interviewed Dr. Will Spencer, I think it was August of last year. And but it's basically the, say it's the advanced oxygen therapy, but it's it's MMS, chlorine dioxide. And so you could get the free PDF book of MMS health recovery guide book by Jim Humble. If you just type in that and then PDF, you should be able to find the PDF on some site and download it for free, but I prefer people to get the physical book because it's just there's just something with physicality that has more of a connection with your physical body and getting through the material because with internet, you just kind of get lost in everything and forget. At least that's how it works for me. And so as we're going more into seasonal changes, weather changes, have different tools in your tool belt, toolbox, and Sean got a whole primary above most other things. And yeah, I think we covered pretty much everything. And I love Celeste Solom's questions about DEWs, biosynthetics, and how to combat them. And and Rife, Matthew Rife's take on the spooky versus other technology behind it. So yeah, yeah, and and Derek uses spooky. But again, they forget that Derek is a kind of a unique, unique character. And there's also intention in it. You have the we've dealt with scalar energies where they said, I've got a million people on it. I'm trying to think of what his name was. He was on the radio show. But he's got a million people who on a daily basis were getting a beam of scalar. And you know, that's what Derek does. Doesn't matter where you are, you're going to feel the scalar. That goes beyond what I think Matthew Rife understands. The intention, the the thoughts behind things can can make all the difference in the world. And so even though he seems to be hesitant, he wants you to look at his stuff, which I could he could be very true. I don't know. Remember, it's your your intentions to what you're thinking. Remember that the placebo effect, 73% of the time, the placebo, the sugar, is what people say helped him, not the drug. So if 73% of the time, you don't need the drug. You need the mental image in your head. Why would you go with the drugs? It's all in your mind. But do they tell you that? Do they promote that? Do they research that? Oh, hell no. Why? Because you can't get any money off of it. So you know, all these different modalities, they all probably work. It's what you feel comfortable with, what's going to work with you? Because why? Because your mind is saying, that's the one I want. And there may be that, you know, we're different enough that we all need something a little different. So we just know yourself, know what you're feeling, know what you're thinking, and be guided. Because there's, I mean, every time I turn around, every time I do a show with you, Mark, we're getting into something else I never heard of. It's just the way it is. Okay. Do you have something else there you wanted to talk about? Yeah, I mean, just not much time we have, but we got nine. Okay. Yeah, so it was kind of in the 5G cosmic soup thing. So the islands I visited, they're smart, smart meters everywhere. It was the, you know, like the three little pigs, you got the pig with the brick house and then the wood house and the straw house. All the straw houses up in these tropical places have smart meters every single one of them. It's crazy. And the cell towers are all over the place, especially in the cities. So the close relative, I posted this in a shunga reality group where she had two smart meters basically surrounding her room and then the Wi-Fi in the other room, which is where it was just closer ahead. And I sent these people the stickers specifically to put them on the Wi-Fi and then that didn't happen. So it's a good thing I was over there, like, had Derek's help and Derek does have private sessions very, very affordable where he can do the same for you, receiving remote viewing of what you're talking about. He can look at it, feel the energy. So I put his shunga S4 scalar stickers behind each of the meters and then also behind the wall, right behind the meters and inside the house. And then there was a bunch of plants right next to the meters, front of the house, and I put like three rocks in each of the plants. And then he recommended shunga rubber on the person. And then I also have the cosmic silver under the pillow and then the bed, or wherever there's a metal, I put the, what do you call it, the S4 magnet. And so Derek checked it out a second time and says, there's a huge, I mean, the pulsing of the meter is thousands of times a day. And so even if you biocompatibleize, transmute the energy, it's still a lot of energy going that direction. So it's redirectionalizing and keeping the flow going so it's not stuck in the room. So with that putting, I put like three clusters of nine rocks in the bag around the room. And that seemed to work. So shunga, so we'll have Derek take a look at it again. But that's the general blueprint of, now you have these building biologists, which is popular now in biohacking, and they bring in their meters. But what kind of a meter do you do for something of a quantum level wave and combating against that? So that's why those two other clips you did, the guy was using a dowsing approach. And so bio geometry has that approach too of measuring with dowsing their own version. And then, of course, each of us are our own antennas and just how the person will feel. So it's a work in progress, but Derek did post his response in the shunga reality Facebook group. If people want to read and follow up and try to copy what I did and then what he did. So all very affordable and even talking to Derek himself, you can go into it. You don't even need to sign up for the session. The live show happens in 9am Pacific Standard Time Tuesdays. Go in the chat room, share what you want, take a look at it. I mean, we do need show materials. So at the very least, you know, that that's what you can do. Nancy, I'll bring it back to you. Well, one of the things that really convinced me that we were energy bodies was a book called Vibrational Medicine by Dr. Gerber. And he just goes through and he does a study on all the studies that have been done. And this was back in the 70s, I think this book came out. But one of the things that he wrote about, I think it was a Japanese or South Korean scientist who had taken a phosphorus substance and injected it at the acupuncture points into the acupuncture point itself. Okay. Well, he did this to a fetus of a rabbit. And so what they were able to see is that this phosphorus liquid that was just, I mean, you got a point on your skin, looks like any other point, and you put a needle into it. If you did it in any place else, the phosphorus stuff would become, you know, under your skin type of thing. I forget sub something or other. But it's under your skin. It's not flowing through a system. But if you put it in at the point of the acupuncture point, you could see that the phosphorus liquid was following a network. And what they discovered watching this in this fetus is the fetus was growing. And they're just able to get a, you know, probably an x-ray type of machine and see the phosphorus and what was happening. It was following a system that was the meridian system, what the Chinese call this, the meridian system. Now, I don't know if he had an idea about the meridian system, he probably did to do this. But that's what was shown was that this meridian system goes to all of the organs. So as it grew, you could see that there now starts to cluster in an area and out pops a liver, out pops a kidney. They could see that the first things in the development of a fetus was the energy field. Now, you also hear them talk about the NODIS and a DIS. Well, what's that? What's that system? That is the system that is the energetic system which turns into your nerves. So if they didn't do it to my knowledge, this study would that, the NODIS system. But I suspect you would get the same sort of things. You would see the network of your nerves as an energy field, an energy system before you would actually see the nerves. We're an energy being. And once you begin to look at that and look at the healing that goes on, like study homeopathy, it's a very short study. But study it because the effects of homeopathy are very, very real. I can tell you because I use it on the animals a lot. When I have to use something, I'll go with energy versus anything else. And myself also. But it'll give you the concept and then they can't really explain it. I can probably explain it better than they can, the people that are studying it. But this was a doctor that used to have to be at a hospital. Every hospital had to have a homeopathic doctor on their staff until the American Medical Association came along, took over the hospitals and threw all of the natural paths out, including those people that understood homeopathy. So it's like I say, the COVID woke people up to alternatives and I think that the old traditional medicine is not going to survive. It's going to be wonderful. People won't have to be sick. And they just came out with a report that people who are obese have like something like a 33% chance of having a different type of cancer once they've had one cancer. And the question was why is that? And the doctor went into some crazy ass explanation of that and what it does. And I'm going, if you're that fact, you're eating a lot of toxins. You've got a toxic body. Of course, you're going to have more cancer. You know, it just is like there's common sense understanding of working with nature. And then there's the bizarre world of pharmaceuticals. We have to get out of here. You want to say bye bye? Yeah, thanks everybody. Have fun in the summer season and get out there and expand your, what do you call it? Or a field to share out their love and empowerment. Thank you people. Be safe and blessed and we'll see you next time. You've been listening to Radio 5G, a production of Thank you for listening. To the teacher's assistance and support staff who see potential in every child, Grand Canyon University recognizes you. We created the National Center for Teacher Preparation at GCU along with a generous scholarship so you can become a licensed teacher with paid benefits. Over 100 GCU alumni have been recognized award recipients, including Superintendent, Administrator and Teacher of the Year. Find your purpose at Grand Canyon University, Private Christian Affordable. Visit