Cosmic Reality Podcast

COSMIC REALITY 6/18/24 - Florida Flooding to Matthew Ward Message

“Cosmic Reality Radio Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Walt Silva and Dolly Howard discussing subjects from Florida Flooding to a June message from Matthew Ward.Matthew: Free PDF, Cosmic Reality Free PDF, 911 Crusade *Walt -

Cosmic Reality plays live on Tuesday 6-8 pm EST at *NANCY'S BOOKS

1h 57m
Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

“Cosmic Reality Radio Show” with Nancy Hopkins, Walt Silva and Dolly Howard discussing subjects from Florida Flooding to a June message from Matthew Ward.


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*Walt -

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(upbeat music) - Save on O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner for just $8. Valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ O'Reilly ♪ ♪ Auto Parts ♪ ♪ Teaching ♪ ♪ Teaching ♪ ♪ The unknown ♪ ♪ I know, I know ♪ - Welcome to the Cosmic Reality Radio Show where our hearts are our master. A production of Cosmic Reality Dark Power. ♪ Master, a rising sign ♪ ♪ Turn away from disaster ♪ ♪ A rising sign ♪ ♪ Choose your heart as a master ♪ (upbeat music) - And welcome to Cosmic Reality on June 18th, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins. With me is Walt Silva and Dolly Howard. And we're so glad that Dolly got here because she's in Orlando, Florida, the home of Disney World. Hi there, Walter. - Wow, that sounded so... - Whoa, whoa. - You saw it, you've loved it. - Oh, yeah. - You lost your speaker. You're sounding like you're talking into the computer. Not the jettie, the jettie, jettie. - It's the only microphone I have, so I don't know. - Well, something's happened. Walt, we can't hardly hear you. - Well, try to unplug your headset and then re-plug it. - No, he's got a solid microphone. He doesn't use a thing like that. There's something happened in the minute and a half. No? No? - Well, I can't hear him at all. - Okay, well, let's get out and start my... - Okay, we're just gonna talk until you get back. Okay. - That's what we can do, go out, come here. - Yes, yeah, yeah, that was weird. Ladies and gentlemen, we were talking to him, he sounded great. And then as soon as the show starts, blah, you might not have heard it, but you guys out there in listening land heard it. So anyway, Dolly is up there and everybody's good. So tell them what you wanna tell them about where you're at and what you're doing. - I'm actually, she's my youngest daughter and her husband is Shannon and Logan lives here. That's their youngest. And so the next drop in me off for 10 days because she's going to Michigan through her best friend's daughter's wedding. It's just gonna be on Saturday. And she leaves tomorrow morning from here at Uber guys gonna pick her up at 4 30 in the morning. So Sherry is mom sitting, Nate. I love that my children love me and they don't, they like taking care of me and Sherry waits on me hand and foot so I shouldn't be such a whiny baby. And I hate the fact that I am to the stage of my life and with my health issues and all, that I have to be taken care of, but that I have to put my pitch in the position where they have to do this for me. Well, they don't have to. They could leave me out on a street somewhere but because they love me so much, they would never do that. But so now it's Sherry's turn to mom sit there well and then we'll sit in and miss the thing. - Yeah, I hope it comes back. Huh? Maybe you should just let me with Sherry. Okay, I've had enough of it. I'll just not go back and Sherry can be here. (laughing) - Oh dear. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but. - That's okay. I just found out, 'cause I was on packing. Sherry, I need out the dresser for me to put my clothes in. And so I was on packing. I found out I left my computer charger in my phone. I got all the other chargers I need, but I got the computer charger at home. So now I'm gonna have to buy a new charger for my phone. Before it runs out of juice. Everybody checked for it. See if they have a laptop thing, but they don't have a charger for it with mine. - Well, you might be able to go to Amazon and get it there overnight. - I'm sitting there right now in Amazon. You think I'm in the chat room. When I'm in the Amazon room looking at the chargers. - You just pay attention to the show, you stop that. (laughing) - I knew you didn't share that. And people, I'm wondering, people are gonna be, I wonder if they're gonna show up because I've been telling them since you've been flooded. The live shows until further notice. So we'll see if they show up. - Well, it's a young guy at show we were live too. You missed that show. You would have not liked it. - Really? - Yeah, because there was a guy named Nelson who was talking about science. I mean, I'm such a science nerd, especially when it comes to energy and stuff. I thought it was a great show, but I'm sure that a lot of people thought it was a great show, but a lot of people probably going like, "What are they talking about?" (laughing) - Probably. Is there anything like me? - Yep, yep, yep, yep. - So, gee, well, it's having a problem getting back, is he? - It is so weird. He was loud and clear, and then all of a sudden we come back and we get on air. Okay. - I don't know. Life is too weird for me. Yeah. Yeah, the flood, shall I tell this flood story? - Yeah. - I'm sure everybody wants to hear it, and so do I. - Walt is working on it. - Yeah, I know, I know I have to shut up, shut down. Okay, there it is. Can you hear me okay? - Yeah, we can hear you, great, whatever. - Okay. I don't know, I don't know if I have a problem with the Yeti, but for some reason, on the certain conditions, it fails to do so I have to bring the system completely down and then start from scratch. I can't even restart the computer, I have to shut down, completely down, and I never heard you having any issues with your bulging. - No, I did have issues. - Oh. - Actually, one of them I had issues with, but it wasn't with that issue. It was with the earphones. And so I told them, blah, blah, blah, and they exchanged it. And the second one was fine for a while, and then it wasn't. But by then I was like, I'm not gonna do this again. So there might be some glitching in Yeti. It's great microphone, but I don't know that it's got durability or whatever. Anyway, I'm so glad you got back. I was just about to go into the flood story. - Oh, good. Okay, so. - No, I'm not saying it. The flooding is good, it's just I'm saying good. Good at it, I'm hearing gonna hear the story. - I took it that way, so don't worry about it. I'm sure everybody did. Okay, so a week ago, they started to talk about flooding because there was an enormous amount of rain forecast. Now, meteorologically there was some kind of a front up in the northern part of the state that was keeping the movement of the weather coming from the south and moving east right over South Florida. And it was coming out of the area of the South Gulf of Mexico. And you know, well, you have to pan over and I wasn't, I just kept looking at, you know, cut of it because what you're looking at is a forecast from the radar systems. You know, what they think is gonna happen based on what's happening and what is going to happen, what they see happening. So when you look at those radar projections of the future, it's based on what they know. And so I'm looking at this thing and I'm going like, wow, that's a lot of rain, but it looks like it's gonna miss me because of what the radar was saying. So I don't even remember. I think it started raining sometime Wednesday. I don't remember because everything starts to get cloudy because what you're doing is, well, what I'm doing. I've been living in this house for 40 years. Now people say, why would you go through a flood? And initially, in the first 30 years, you'd get a flood every two, maybe three years and it would be more of an nuisance thing. You know, I'm talking about a flood where the water gets in the house. When I say flood, it got in the house. So you might have six inches, you know, six inches maybe. That was it. Sometimes, I remember one time it was only two inches and it was really irritating because then I had to wash the entire house, the spores. But when it comes in, initially it's brain water. And so it's not a big deal. You know, it just is water. And you know, you gotta get the, let it drain out and it drained out in a matter of hours because another weird thing about South Florida is that the flooding is very much affected by high and low tides. Because the water is going off of the state and which is actually a coral bed, a prehistoric coral bed that is essentially floating as far as anybody knows that I've heard. And it's attached to the United States. Well, I'm gonna tell you this story because it's just an indication of how utterly stupid people can be. So when I got here back in '71, shortly thereafter, they were starting construction on what was going to be the Florida Panama Canal type thing. They were gonna cut a canal right through the Northern part of the state. And so they didn't have to go around the state to, you know, boats and shipping and stuff to get to the Gulf of Mexico. So they started, they started digging and then all of a sudden somebody finally was able to make them pay attention to what was being said to them. Because in their minds, we're gonna dig this big hole and I mean, it goes down many, many stories. Well, the people that know the topography of the state said, if you do that, the state's gonna break off and it's gonna start floating. And, you know, to them, the engineers, I'm sure that sounded really stupid, but the facts are the facts and that's exactly what would happen. And I got really excited. I said, you mean we could get farther south and we're now, now? I'd just gotten there from Massachusetts. I could get a far away from Massachusetts and I could. And somebody said, oh, no, no, no, there's a Gulf stream. We would get caught up in the Gulf stream and we would end up in Nova Scotia. I said, oh, this is not a good idea. No, please don't do that. But they stopped. The whole thing was stopped, okay? So a couple of years ago, I started telling this story to somebody and it sounded so frickin' stupid to me that I started questioning my own memory, you know? And I'm like, did this really, and it wasn't, I mean, I didn't think in terms of going to Google and checking into it, it just didn't occur to me. It was just like sort of that passing thought, you know? Maybe I shouldn't tell this story because I'm not exactly sure now if it's true or not. I couldn't have made it up, I don't think, but you know, I go through this thing. But you know, the universe always answers your question. It might take a little time, but they always answer your question. And a few months later, my former boss and the grenade launcher manufacturing business, he and I were talking, he still was, I'm a no to a republic because he pays for my license and he drives all the way over here from, well, it's like a good 45 minutes, just for me to sign something, that he could get signed anywhere. But I think it's his way of keeping a connection with me. And we are good friends. I mean, we were friends when we were together in the business, but now we're good friends because there's no, you know, we like each other. And he starts talking about this, even knew the name of the project. And I said, I got so excited, I said, so it's true. And he said, you kind of looked at me like, yeah. And I told him, you know, they started doubting it because it was so stupid. And we did get into a bit of laughter about it. It was really stupid. But that's what this state is. It's a floating, basically floating coral. And the rivers from the north, they come down and they have turned, you know, kind of dug a cave all the way down the middle of the state where the water comes from Georgia and Alabama into Florida, in the underground, in the aquifer. So the aquifer is where we get our fresh water. But in addition to the river water, rain water is very important to keep that aquifer filled, okay? Now there's two reasons for that. There's a lot of people here drinking water or using water. But the other thing is, is the stability of the state depends on the aquifer being full. Because you've heard of some of these, what do they call them? Sink holes where all of a sudden there's a, the ground opens up and houses fall into them down here. It's a regular thing that happens, but that's because the water level is so low that the cave is essentially collapsing, okay? And because it doesn't have the pressure of the water holding up the roof, think of it that way. So the criticality of water in the state of Florida is, goes much beyond what people normally understand. But I live in a, on a piece of property where the water from the central area of the state, the Everglades, when it's overflowing, it would feed into a tributary, a small, small river, you know, that would then lead into a river called the Arch Creek. And because of flooding and trying, when all this was happening, this was 1920s, the ground here was so unbelievably good for growing. It was so, because it was always getting water and it was always getting swamp water and the nutritional value of the soil was unbelievable. The stories you hear about what kind of vegetables they were able to grow here was really impressive, especially back then. And so they wanted to maintain the, stop the flooding because they had these good agricultural places. But what happened was that when they died, well, they dammed up the tributary and moved it into sort of combining it with another tributary, that type of thing and to control the flooding. When that happened, the land still wants the water to come right straight through my property. It used to be the bottom of this tributary. And so I can't really bitch it while flooding out because I was the one that moved into this property, the natural flow of water and flooding, that was nature. So I'm kind of like, you know, the outsider moved into it. I certainly, well, I didn't ask for any of this, but I must have done it at a soil basis because, you know, the thing of it is is to think about all the water that is transversed this particular property. This property is magical, it always has been. - And it's shungite water, not just regular water. - It's shungite water. I have a quarter of a ton of shungite just in little piles on the property. So when it comes in, it's in a shungite environment and, you know, the floods make everything kind of magical birds, water birds to go, "Whoa, look at that new place we can land." You know, I've seen blue heron. A blue heron just landed right in front of me one time when I was going back to Sandy's house. And Sandy lives next door to me. She's just a little bit higher. She's not in that tributary place. She's a little bit higher. So she's, you know, normally safe. So anyway, back to the storm we've got. So this storm is coming through, but we were very, very dry. We were dangerously dry. And so the storm comes in. Like I say, I wasn't terribly concerned. The radar was showing it was gonna go north of me. But then it starts raining. And Wednesday, I went around this house and I was like putting things up on, you know, like milk cartons on a thing. I've been doing this so long that I've got a whole process. And I know where the water normally gets in there. I can put this here and it's normally safe and da-da-da-da. And then I took Shiloh over to Sandy's house because it was apparent to me that we were gonna, we were gonna go under. It was not going north, well, it was going north. I mean, we weren't gonna get as much as some places did. Some places in that same timeframe got 20 inches of rain in 24 hours. We got nowhere near that. It probably was eight inches here, nine maybe. So I know I'm gonna flood out. There's no doubt in my mind. So I get Shiloh over there and I said to Sandy, I said, I've got this bad feeling. I said, I feel like I have to go sleep at the house even though it's gonna flood out because I don't like what I'm seeing on the radar. Now what I was seeing, remember, I've lived here 40 years and I'm a kind of a science nerd and I love to look at the weather, especially these storms and how they work and it's fascinating to me. So I've looked at a lot of radar. And what I was seeing happening was that they were making the normal radar predictions but those predictions were not coming. It wasn't happening. It wasn't happening. Oh, statewide, 9/11 is out in Massachusetts. I just got a pop-up thing from Skype. Interesting. But the radars were off and because of that, now I really am getting concerned. Were they over-reporting or under-reporting? They were wrong reporting. It was like, you'd see a big blob of yellow coming in. Yeah, it goes from basically magenta into yellow. You got yellow, you've got flood waters coming in and the warnings were coming on the television. They were coming on the phones. It was morning, morning, morning for floods, low-layer areas. And it was like that thing that was supposed to be north of me is now on top of me. Okay, I can understand that. But when the thing didn't exist at all and all of a sudden erupts just about the time it's crossing the coast on the West Coast, that's not a normal feedback in looking at radars over all these years. So I was saying that the radars were not projecting what was really gonna happen. And 20 years ago, we had a flood. So you understand maybe what happens. It was the first time they ever used the term training. And what it meant was that they had a small storm and then they had another storm behind it and another storm behind it, another storm behind it. And this went on for eight hours or something. All these little storms were coming right at the, like they were on a railroad line and nobody had ever seen anything like this. Like I say, this is the first time they used the term training. And it gets really interesting here. So, but the amount of area that this particular 20 year old storm did, which was called the unnamed storm, that's what they officially named it was the unnamed storm 'cause nobody understood even where it happened, why it happened or how it got there. So you have these, like I say, these storms, but they were all running a mile and a half. That's all that was being affected, a mile and a half. - These were not natural, were they? - No, they weren't. But I didn't know about weather modification 20 years ago. It was known, I can tell you that at that time, they were already using it. But 20 years ago, you know, it was like, I think that the Hurricane David was not David, Andrew. The Hurricane Andrew, and I think 1996, I think it was somewhere in that area, maybe '92. But when that came in, that was the first time that I absolutely am positive that weather modification was used. Because-- - That was '92, yeah. - Yeah, '92. Because the storm, there was no storm. There was no, it was a tropical depression. And it was so weak that the weather forecasters, the meteorological people, stopped looking at it. And, you know, they're just looking at, I mean, you don't have the radars that you have now, okay? So they sort of kind of stopped looking at it. And then all of a sudden, they look at it and the damn thing had gone from a tropical depression to a category three hurricane in a matter of hours. And this thing, again, it was a very small area that was being affected compared to other storms. It wasn't one of these huge hurricanes. It had started like less than 50, I think it was about 150 miles off of the Florida coast. And it's a three. Well, within, I think it was less than 24 hours. This was right on top of us. And it was a category five. And when it hit, it did another weird thing. My street is three houses up as 149th street. And they believed that 149th street would be where it crossed into the state at 149th street. That was ground zero. And they're all freaking out because nobody's has had time to react to it. There's no emergency people, there's no prepping, there's nothing. And this storm, it was, it came in at night. And what happened was that this storm went from right at the beach, link at the beach, okay? As it's crossing the beach, basically, it stopped going straight and did, I mean, meteorological people were saying, and it jumped and went 20 miles south of 149th street. And the path that it took once it went across the beach and went across the entire state was, I think it was three miles wide, but it looked like it had been carpet bombed, like a World War II vision. Everything was gone. People in the area that got, hit said that they couldn't even recognize when they walked out of their, a lot of them, had tonkered down in a, I mean, the stories of miraculous protection of the people and the stories that came out during this time was unbelievable. But when they climbed, crawled out of the rubble of their homes, they had no recollection of, they couldn't figure out where they were. And people that tried to get back there, they may have had friends or they had a home there, they couldn't, there was no buildings, there was no street signs, there was no way to tell you where you were. That's how bad it was. And it was three years later, I went down to the Everglades, and there's a great place called Shark Valley that you can take a, like a little busy thing all the way through this area. It's amazing and you learn so much. But they have a tower. It's a three story tower during the trip. At the top of the tower, if you looked out, you could see, three years later, you could see the path of destruction straight through the Everglades. There's no houses there, there's nothing except, it's a swamp with grass and trees, but you could clearly see the path of Andrew through there. That to me, especially when I started to look at weather modification, there's no doubt in my mind that that wasn't their first attempt, well, they may have had other attempts, but that was their first weaponization of weather, in my opinion, that I know of. And-- - Do you know that they want to achieve fear? - They're just practicing well. - Oh God. - You know, maybe there was some other political thing that was happening, you know, because I feel you'd have to, you'd have to, I know the meteorological setup was for that, but not that much rain. I mean, the rain that was in this was, yes, the waters are hot, but there's still a tremendous amount of rain. And the fact that the radars were so off, I had to believe that there was, and plus the fact the energy felt like it. You get a feeling, there's another one, Irma, Hurricane Irma, was definitely being modified. And Sandy, who I don't even talk about this stuff with her, I'm over at her place, we're standing outside, Irma was around us, it was going, you know, blowing and carrying on, but her house in the particular place we were standing was relatively quiet, wasn't raining, and we weren't getting blown around. And I said to her, I said, does this feel natural? And she looked at me and she didn't say anything, she shook her head no. I think it kind of freaked her out. So they've been working on this for a while. Why would they want to do that to us now? Well, let me put it to you this way. There are a couple of places in the United States that are really irritating to, let's say, the cabal, the black cats, the nasty little bastards. And that's the state of Florida and the state of Texas. What have they been doing to Texas? They've been putting up all these fires. Go research the fires in Texas, they don't feel natural, they don't look natural, they are not natural. So they used fire to try to weaken the Texans because it costs millions of dollars to overcome what's happened. Nevermind the psychological damage that the Texans have for their state burning down. And what happens to people that are flooded out like this? So they attack Texas with fire and they attacked Florida with water. And I would love it if you could prove to me that that was not what happened. I would love it, you know, but I go for it. Somebody convinced me I'm wrong. So anyway, and so I messaged Walt and I messaged because I knew, well, I said to Sandy that night, I said, I got a bad feeling about this, I gotta go back to the house and thank God I did because there were things that started floating and the water got up to over about 18 inches and they started floating. Like I was in the back room, I came out into the living room and I see this big lamp that's on a wooden table that's solid wood, heavy thing. And all of a sudden the lamp starts to tip over like it's gonna fall in the water and I'm going like, that doesn't look right. You know, that momentary you can't figure, you don't, you realize there's something happen that doesn't seem right, but you're not quite panicky yet. And then I'm like, oh my God, it's gonna fall into the water and electricity. And oh my God, you know, 'cause this house is designed to go through floods. So all of the electric stuff is virtually three feet off the walls, everything goes through the ceilings and down the walls, but it's not in the water. This is, this electric system doesn't go down that low. So, and I got to the lamp just as it was, you know, about to tip into the water, caught it. Like, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. And now I got the table that's trying to float. And the reason it was trying to float was because it had, it was this table. That's, let's say it's, yeah, it's about three feet tall. And then you got the top of the table. Then there's a drawer. And then underneath that, there's like a storage space. Well, I had put a styrofoam container in there. It just fit perfectly. And I was putting in things that, you know, needed extra protection because I'm a prepper. So rice and stuff were in there, dry goods. But that styrofoam was enough. It started floating. And that's what was causing the, the table to float. So imagine me with this big lamp in one hand trying to get that styrofoam thing out, you know? Finally, I said, put the lamp down your pool and, you know, as I secured it. So it was up on the, another place. And now I'm trying to keep this table because I don't want the drawer to be in the water 'cause that's got all sorts of tools and stuff in it. You know, it's like, ah, nightmare. And it was just, I mean, it's comical. If you keep your sense of humor about you, it's like, oh no, now it's floating. Oh my God, look at that. Never knew that could float. I had a, I have a, well. I have a 50 gallon solid plastic with wheels container that I put a bag of dog food in and a bag of cat food. Total weight, 70 pounds. Never conceived it would float. And I just happened to go in the closet and all of a sudden I opened the door and out starts popping the, this bin. But it's in the water. It's already tipped over. But I saved, I saved the food. The bottom part of the dog food got wet, but when I haven't even opened up the cat food yet, doesn't look like it's hurt. But, you know, I mean, it was like all night long, things like this were happening. And then the rain stopped and, you know, it takes from the moment the rain stops, it'll take another two hours before the flood will stop getting higher. Because being low, all the rain that was all around me is now coming towards me. And, but thank God I was, I was here for that, you know? But then I started, then they started saying that the storms were gonna hit us and, oh my God, it was gonna be worse and worse and worse. And like I say, I had three feet of water in this house back 20 years ago and, so I know how high it can get. High it can get. And that freaked me out because the cats in the, in the back of the house, they got purchase that they could get up, you know, five feet off the ground. They got lots of high area and they've been through this, they're like, oh, not again. Oh crap, you know, but they're, they're cool. They're really cool. The two three cats that were sort of outdoor cats, they didn't have those purchase. I just did not anticipated it, you know? And so I had to rearrange, I had to get the big crate that I had in the back room out into the porch, put that up so, and I, of course I stopped by, by that time I was pretty near freaked out and thinking in terms of how deep can I get? And so I kept building it higher and higher. You see, I have like, I don't know 50, 60 milk cartons on this property, long story, but somebody, Peter, the one that comes, oh, it sees me all the time, Peter and Betsy, he goes to a place and does yard work for him. And they have a restaurant and just so you know, a side note here, the milk cartons, brand new milk cartons that bring them whatever they need for the restaurant are thrown into the dumpster. So every time he goes there, he's taken out as many as a dozen of these things, brand new, but it's cheaper to throw them away than take them back and washing them. So every time he comes down here, he brings me like 10 of these things and he's been doing it for a few years. And so I've got lots of these milk cartons. Well, did you, you know, not you seeing the milk cartons? They all like, you know, got holes in them, dude. They float. They like to float, as a matter of fact. And in fact, it takes an awful lot of weight on these to make them not float. And this was something I hadn't really seen before. So to make a, I'm making it kind of long here, but. - And people don't believe that you have an internet radio station. - But the thing of it is, is that it just didn't feel, it felt like we were under attack. And when I told Walt, I was going to suspend, I had to suspend everything because again, the water could have been affecting the electronics, the computers. I sat here in, you know, with six inches on the floor and done radio shows. I have a number of boots. And so, you know, no, what I wasn't going to have, you know, it couldn't be done. So I said something to him. He says, the eagle's not working. And I'm going, no, nothing's working. But that's all perception wise, you know, I mean, I. - Yeah, I was really worried about that eagle not working. She said, "Mom, I just need to hear about it." (laughing) - Well, the fact of the matter is, is that, the, okay, the eagle is designed to work with a natural ebb and flow of information, between the ground and the sky. When the ground says, gosh, I need some water, the sky says, okay, I'll make some water for you. But with all the electronics and all the other stuff that's in the air, that communication thing is not working. Which is why we have the eagle. Because it puts in a, an alternative route for the ground to communicate with the sky. In this kind of a situation, if you're just looking at it from the standpoint of how it works, the ground was extremely in a drought condition, dangerous drought condition. And that's the messaging that the sky would have gotten, okay? So it would have put some water out there. But when you're mucking with something that's not supposed to happen, and you're forcing mother nature to deal, or in this case, like the eagle to deal with something that's abnormal, you have to put your intention in it. - The whole thing was driven by shung it. - Yeah, but the intention was there. - But it still didn't work. - Yeah. - Initially. And so I was like, and I was kinda pissed off like in that, you know, no, damn thing didn't work. Every time I think it doesn't work, I find out why it didn't work. It didn't do what I wanted it to do. It did what was happening. So, but then Walter, and I want you to explain what you did, you told me you were gonna beam me with a scaler. Now at that time, they were projecting 18 more inches of water on my property in the next 24. And that would have put the water here up over three feet in the house. I don't think it could get higher than three feet because you're, you know, you don't have that much elevation difference. I knew it was possible at three feet when I was looking at 18 inches. And so I told you, "Nah, that was working." And then you put a scaler on it, and you just said that to me. And from then on, I never got any more water. It stopped raining. You're still in the scalar machine, so for your information, you're still there. - Well, I, there's much more to the story, but I believe that. I said, I almost said, don't turn that sucker off. But because, you know, they were projecting that this was going to go on for two weeks. - Oh God. - Yeah, that we were gonna have storms for two weeks. And I'm talking like the projections were 70%, 80%, 100%, 100%, 180%, 70%, you know, I mean, it was high up in the percentage of, you know, and you know, I'm going like, "How much rain can you probably put on this area?" Now, I feel really, really fortunate that something worked because I only got 18 inches in the house. But 18 inches in anybody's house that is not prepared for it is extremely damaging, extremely damaging. Because at 18 inches, you likely have lost your refrigerator, you have lost your dryer, you have lost your dishwasher. The washing machine may be safe, but maybe not. Depending on your water heater setup and where it was, you would have lost that. These people have lost everything. They would have lost their mattresses. The water, I'm not sure my mattress is okay or not because the water got right up. I have a bed to do, I got a high bed compared to others. And there's 18 inches under it, which was what was in the house. And that floor happens to be a little bit higher up. So it has a waterproof covering on it. Or I don't know if it was waterproof, but it's water repellent, cover on it. And at first, I thought that it had soaked up water. But today I went in there and I went like, ooh, maybe it didn't, maybe it was just the surface because certain things you forget, like make sure that the bed covers are up and get them off the sides of the bed because you don't know how it's gonna go. And I'd forgotten to do that. But I'm telling you, I feel so bad for the people that they haven't gone through this before. It's devastating. And you feel betrayed. You feel betrayed by the, you know, whatever gods and goddesses that you might believe in. It's, why is this happening to me? The animals are threatened. You know, one cat got out, I haven't seen him for a week. He's, he goes and lives with other people. I'm not really concerned about him. But, you know, it's just, it's a very tragic time. And I just feel bad for people that got hit worse than I did and weren't prepared. And I tell people, if you ever get in an environment where you think you're gonna flood, walk around your house, look at everything on the floor and say, six inches. If I had six inches of water in here, what would happen? And you're gonna be surprised at what you see, how much damage would be done with just six inches in the house. Then pick up everything you can. You know, take the electric cords up out of the water so they're not in the water. Disconnect everything you can. And your books and your photo albums and, you know, all this stuff that you're, even some of your furniture, you're gonna be in water with this chair. It's too low to the ground. Find some way of putting it up, all right? But prepare for that six inches. It's not gonna take you that much and it will save you a lot of heartache. And then after you're settled down, you can take six inches in this house, go back and look and see what would happen if there was 15 inches in the house. What would happen if it's 10? Start looking at it from that standpoint so that you know when it gets at this level, I'd better panic and get the rest of the stuff up. If you've got a plan, you're gonna be okay. But you gotta think your way through it from the very instant you start finding yourself in any kind of trouble. But I'm so familiar with the floods. And I know, I mean, the first flood I had, your mind gets scrambled. You can't think straight. Everywhere you look, you're under attack. Water is coming at you from all directions. It's like, just don't let yourself go there. Have a plan, plan, plan. And you don't have to execute it until you say, oh, I've gotta take this much time to do that, I better get on it. So anyway, and the other thing that's happened is the water went down much quicker, two days quicker than we would normally see. From Sandy and I've done this a lot of time. It got so deep that Sandy's septic tank, she lost it for about 12 hours. And that's the other thing, is that there's a lot of septic tanks through this area. And people are in their houses in a flood situation and they don't have a toilet. Now, and I told this to Dolly once, when she had a break in her, they couldn't use the toilet. The best thing you can do, is to get yourself like a bucket, somehow secure it. I have one of those camper things, those fold up chair things that you can use like a toilet. But the key to it is put kitty litter in it, because if you're just peeing in it and you know, it's liquid and all that, put kitty litter in it, and it does the same thing for you as it does for the cats. It absorbs the moisture. And you put a bag in it first, a plastic bag, and then you put the kitty litter in it, and then it's just a matter of grabbing the plastic bag and putting it at the garage. - Living in Florida sure is fun. - People say, well they don't say it to me because they think I'm stupid doing this. I explained to them, I said, look it. Yes, I float out. But when it's not flooding, it's paradise. - Yeah. - You know, and there's something, I would never move into tornado alley. That scares the hell out of him. You know, hurricanes, yeah, I mean, people pay the price for living here. I pay the price of having floods. But, you know, I mean, the entire floor and up the, it takes, in some cases, it goes all the way to the ceiling. In some cases, it goes up, you know, four feet. There's quartzite. Big slabs like the, you know, patio stones, big ones. It's all the entire floors have been covered in this. And also up the walls. So that is not gonna deteriorate from water. Yeah, throw us some water, we don't care. And all of the furniture in here is either metal or wood that will, you know, easily dry out. So I can have a lot of it. And I know I buy like the chair and the couch. I buy them so that I can lift them myself, 'cause I'm the only one here. So I can pick them up and get them on the milk cart. It sounds like your house is also quite capable of withstanding that long duration moisture because one of the things here in Minnesota, a lot of people are complaining about it, is that the house material, the materials that they're using to build their new houses, is in such poor quality that the houses barely 10 years old. And it's already showing signs of wear down. And in my case, my house was built in '53. And it's intact. It has no wear and tear. It can put up with several more decades, but recently made houses. They have the worst materials. So a lot of people are complaining about the house building, how, what it's come to here in this state. - This house, when they built this house, which has to be, it has to be at least 80 years ago. And it could be 100 years, okay? What they did was they put up a wooden frame, they put a mesh up, and then they covered the mesh with cement. So you'd say to yourself, well, that doesn't sound like a very strong structure. Well, no, it wasn't a very strong structure in the first 20 years. But concrete continually cures. You're the one that told me that. - Yep, yep, it does. - So it's been curing for 100 years. And you will go through three tungsten bit, you'll burn 'em up the hole in that cement. And I'm not exaggerating. I couldn't figure out why, why can't I drill a hole in this stuff? And then you told me about the curing and I went, and there was, oh yeah, there was this, I watched this great thing about the Hoover Dam, okay? Which was an insane, oh my God. If you ever see a history, I think it was on history, marbles, you know, world engineering marbles, and it was on the dam. They had to pour, they had to pour enough cement that it would fill two football field stadiums. That's how much cement they used in this dam, okay? - No. - Were you aware that they had to put so much cement that developed so much temperature that it had to be cooled. They were running. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, let me tell the story because what happened was that they estimated that to cool down the amount of cement that they had to make the dam with, it would take 120 years of curing or it was stable. So this crazy ass engineer that was like a nasty bastard, but also very creative. What they did was they built cages, square cages, and then they would pour the cement in the square cages. So it was like blocks of cement, but that's where they put the piping. He realized he had to cool it down. So he built a air conditioning building. I mean, this huge thing that fed, I think it's still on actually, that it fed the cold water through the pipes that were in these blocks and then connected to the next block and that sort of thing to get the temperature down quickly. I mean, it's like, oh my God, you look at this thing. But I laughed, I said 120 years for that kind of cement and I got a house that's got a probably a three inch layer on it, if that. Man, and this thing is, I mean, it's solid. It does not, a lot of time I've done carpentry and other work early in 30, 40 years ago. And I never went into a house where they were all 90 degree angles. There was always something settling, except this house. The original structure is all 90 degree, 90 degree. It has not settled and it's on a, oh my God, I don't know what they thought they were building out here. And this property, the actual property I'm on, was a plantation for pineapples. That's what it originally was. And then they put this slab in. Now, the slab, the house sits on this slab, but around the house, the slab goes out another 10 feet. So it's this huge slab, you know, I looked at it and they were the people and they were, what were they thought they were building? Well, then I had to do some septic work and we had to open up the cement, you know, chip it away so we could get to the sewer pipe was attached to the house. Walter, we had to go to the hardware store and get a bigger sledgehammer. (laughs) Right? But they had rebar in it and rebar is the metal that kind of gives the structure, you know, rebar. And normally what you see is maybe a half an inch rebar, maybe three quarters. This was an inch rebar in the cement. And, you know, I mean, I'm learning from the guys that I work or the guy that I was working with. Well, whoever built the house sure had other plans because I know that it's a bad memory but it happened. Somebody was doing magic, magic work in that house. It's just lucky that you found it and you got rid of it. But somebody was thinking in high terms at some point in the past. Well, yeah, I mean, because the property itself is full of vortexes, you know, we've done, I mean, I've had the shaman for the tail windians. He was here. The shaman for the Mikasuki local Indians, he was here. I've had some very powerful light workers who have been drawn to the property. It's tremendously energetic. And like I say, in the year, I had such a nice thing happen to me one day because I was out in the front and some lady was just traveling down the 8th Avenue and she suddenly stopped and she said to me, she rolled down a window and she said, "I just am so glad that I get to tell you "how much I appreciate the fact that you saved the trees." Wow. You know, because it's not just my acre, behind me Sandy and Steve also have a lot of trees. For a long time, Google, you couldn't see the house when you looked at Google's address thing. You couldn't see it, it was so covered with foliage. From the satellite to the street, you couldn't see it. But that's the flood story and I don't know. It's just life. It's what we get thrown at us. And it's not as bad as other places. You know, I mean, you have to realize that when it's not flooded, it's paradise. And it is. So anyway, Dolly, did you want to say anything about the flood or ask anything? Because, oh, oh, the best story I got out of this. She, Dolly, sends me a message. You'll get in the package for me Amazon tomorrow and I'm thinking, Dolly, you're kind of a dumb shit. They mean the flood waters because the place was so flooded. I mean, the traffic was all stopped in this area. And I'm going, she's not, if it's her Amazon, it ain't going to get there tomorrow, right? But damn, it did get there tomorrow. But the guy put it on the front fence and somebody stole it. Within 20 minutes, she messaged me. She had just gotten a notification and she says in her message to me, how did he balance it on the fence? And I'm like, I was there. I have a monitor out there. Anybody comes up to that gate, it tells me in the house, there's a, you know, none of that happened. But that's because he didn't go down the strip where you're entering. I mean, it's 10 feet from the front of the fence to where the gate is. And he never, in the mailbox is there too. He never went that far. He probably had no gloss. I don't know what the hell this is in his, so he sticks it on top of the fence. Like anybody driving by the three feet from the road, hey, there's an Amazon package. Let's take it. So she messages me. You know, like I say, it was about 20 minutes. I go out there, I see, no, we don't find it. And I don't even know what's in it. So I, and we start messaging back and forth and she sends me a picture of what she had sent me. She had ordered me and sent a raft. A blow up raft. And it's just like, I was like, oh my god. I mean, it was very upper pole. Yeah. It actually, there actually, you know, is a time where that may have been something I needed. Like if I had to actually take the cats out of the building, that would be perfect because you'd take their cat box and put it in the raft and then you'd pull it, you know, because I mean, when I was walking back and forth through the yard, I was up over my knees that was, you know, mid up the thighs. So you easily would have done it, you know, then. But within a short period of time, there's everything floats, everything changes. Every time I have to walk with a cane out there because you don't know what you're going to trip over because everything is, you know, there's no path anymore. It's clutter and stuff. And I'm not talking garbage. I'm talking about leaves and tree limbs and, you know, just the stuff that you got in my forest. And so it would probably not last very long. And she said she thought Shiloh would get in it. First off, Shiloh would not have gotten in it. And if he had, he would have busted that thing within a fraction of a second because he would have been all frantic. Like Doc was in the car, Dolly. You know, and that got out of the car for a while. - Oh, yes, that dog would not stop. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. - All right, all right, we don't have to hear it. But that's just, she does a great repetition of them. Oh my God. Anyway, we are at the halfway mark here. So how about somewhere-- - Well, I thought that breath was a perfect solution. I just, I didn't see your yard. So I didn't see all things. - Yeah, well, yeah, I mean-- - And I were both excited about it, but it didn't work. It didn't work. And I got my money back, so all good. - But I thought it was such a great story. - Yeah, and you'll get a different birthday for me. - But, you know, one of the things I had said to Sandy, was I said, Sandy, do you have any kind of a raft or anything? 'Cause when I was trying to figure out what to do with the cats on the porch type of thing, you know, I did think about that, and I knew I couldn't carry them. Trying to walk through that with a cat carrier, you know, I mean, it just wasn't going to work. And we still have a canoe. We have a canoe that we can, it's a bit, you know, it's kind of big, but you can pull out that canoe and we've used that canoe in the 120 years ago, myself and her husband, we got in the canoe and started canoeing all around the neighborhood. Over the roads, we were using the roads, but we were high enough off the roads, but, you know, and so we do have a canoe. I knew that, you know, push comes to shove. I do have that option, but I decided not to use it. And then one of the cats Larry escaped from, there's no way that he could have, but he did. - He's still not hoping. - No, he'll find somebody in the neighborhood that takes care of him. He's a real resourceful guy. I mean, the problem is when he comes back, he's normally pre-health problems because I think he might be immune deficient. So we'll see, we'll see what happens, but everybody else survived, so. Anywhere, somewhere over the rainbow. Yes, please, here we go. - And welcome back to the Cosmic Reality Show. It's June 18th, 2024, and I had to mute Dolly. - Oh my gosh, I just saw my unmute her. There you go, unmuted, you can talk now. - I just saw that I was not muted. - You mean, yeah. - So you muted me, right? - What? - You muted me, for sure. I did mute you, but you made yourself known. It's okay. - I'm sorry. - No, no, no, no, no. I mean, at one point, the first time I heard you, you said, "Amen." I thought, "Yeah, yeah, that's it, amen." Anyway, okay, now we've got some options here because Dolly, oh, over the rainbow. Dolly, Dolly has her list, but we also have a new Matthew Ward. - I still know Matthew. - Yeah. - You wanna do Matthew? Okay, but I don't wanna read it because I've been talking for so long. Walter, can you read it? This is Walter here. - I can try. - Okay. - Try it. - Okay, Walter has a hesitation because he still has brain glitches, but I think he needs to practice. - Oh, yeah. - You know? So, and you know, if something's, you know, jump in and do what you're not having a problem with. This is my attitude through life. You know, just, okay, you got a problem. Let's jump into it and see what we can do about it. And right now, I think it would be awesome for you to read the June 4th Matthew. And I'm going to put the link in the chat room here so that people can follow along if they would like. And you've got the link. I'm assuming I sent it to you earlier. - Yes. - Okay. - Love, Light, Origin, Operation, Souls, Characteristics, Universe, DNA, crystalline, cells, immunity, healing, vibrations, myriad expressions. With loving greetings from all souls at the station, this is Matthew. We have been asked how the guilty verdicts on all felony charges level of Donald Trump affect the progress of the light in that country. Although the trial has given to the political and legal analysts something akin to scandalous fodder to discuss, it won't loom larger than footnotes in universal history. Even Earth's energy field of potential will reflect activity on the surface only had a kickups when the verdicts were announced. So that's good news, darling. (laughing) - Yeah, yes. (laughing) - That is not to say very little of importance is happening in the country. There and elsewhere, even the strongest of souls are being buffeted by the surging energy during the last phase of the light versus dark battle. The darkness knows it is done for and the waves it is making in its last gasps are being countered by intensified light from myriad sources on on and off planet. You among them, dear brothers and sisters and your light is strong indeed, but your third density bodies are susceptible to bouts of fatigue and imbalance caused by clashing energies. Light is far more than the only weapon that can conquer darkness. Light is who you are, powerful immortal souls. Light is everywhere that exists in the universe. It is the life and consciousness of this universe. I ask my mother to please copy here messages as we go along. Whether the information is due to you or familiar, keeping it in mind will help you navigate the months ahead with self-confidence, peacefulness and optimism about the earth's future. The excerpt below are from illuminations for a new era and numerous messages. Susan speaks. Matthew, please tell me about divine light, Matthew. It is not as if taking taking divine onto light promotes it to lightest, mother. Simply light is divine. Light and its indivisible love component is creator source energy, the most powerful force in the cosmos and the very essence of life itself. Love light is creator and creation. Not only is it the life force of everything that ever has been created, it is the composition of souls. Its soul has its unique light streamers that identify it regardless of its spiritual involvement station where it is located in the universe or in a physical or etheric body or free spirit status. You are eternal beings of love, light and your energies high vibrations have been creating betterment on the planet during all the years that you have been here. Simply by being, you are that powerful, that influential. Only force simplicity of speaking do we usually say light or love. The words are interchangeable because light and love are the same energy. They may be seen, felt and expressed differently, but they cannot be separated anymore than two sides of a coin can be. You could say that light is the makeup of a soul and love is the capacity of a soul, but those cannot be separated anymore than the soul can be separated from its eternal linkage with God, the supreme being of this universe. And with Creator, the infinite, eternal, omnipotent and omnivcient, omnivcient source, oneness of all, omnivcient source, thank you. The light attributed to the sun actually is from God through the Christ at real realm, which is Creator's first expression of itself. Always Big Bang has been a misnomer. The beginning was completely silent as Creator, source, Creator, expressed itself as light. Creator, the ultimate being and supreme ruler of the cosmos, source from where everything in existence comes. Creation, its action and products in mortal souls. All in existence throughout creation is manifested and connected through the energy generated by the continuous flowing of light being directed and received. There is no beginning and no ending. There just is the oneness of all. Every soul is part of it and each has the capability and the choice to generate light or darkness. Light comes into this universe through its supreme being, whom you make all God, Allah, Jehovah, Jawe, or any other name. And everything is universally connected by and within this energy. This entire universe is light. Therefore, spirit, which is considered faith and science, which is considered fact, are one and the same. Light fluctuating at one frequency or another. The balance that maintains universal order is provided by systematic expansion and contraction. By constant motion of the light enables mind to perceive itself. Other people, the environment, everything seemingly visible in your world. A solid, whereas the universal reality is, everything you see is light fluctuating along an unlimited frequency band and producing vibrations whose range is also limitless. The high vibrations that are the driving force toward peaceful negotiations also are crumbling everything based in dark intention. Words emit vibrations and the vibrations of light, peace and love are among the highest. Via the universal love attraction or like attracts, like words, vibrations combined with like and go out into your world. Words and high vibratory ranges merge with the light. Low are drawn to energy streamers with dark attachments and words and missions intensify the source they join. Absorbing light, which is simply living in godly ways, is the body's best defense against the toxic elements and chemtrails on other forms of pollution. Light strengthens the immune system and helps to achieve and maintain the balance that promotes healthy bodies, minds and spirits. We cannot tell you how to discern if your cellular structure is crystalline, but we can tell you the transformation from carbon structure comes with light absorption and that comes easily as God told my mother is as simple as be kind. The important of carbon-based cells being transformed into crystalline cannot be overstated. Crystalline cells contain cosmic knowledge and enable bodies to retain viability in astral planes where earth is headache. Reception of light is the providence of the soul. Absorption of light is the providence of the body, which directs lights into its cells and has been programmed by the DNA to accept it. However, dark or scientifically negative speaking, negative energy attachments, blood light, thus preventing its entry into the cells and correspondingly negatively affect the DNA. It is through that blocking process the dark forces are able to make puppets of persons on earth whose intentions and free will choices are based in greed, ruthlessness, and lust for power. Those persons cannot produce light themselves to uplift their motives and deeds and that is why light from other sources must be sent to them. When it is sent in such abundance that you could almost call it love assault, it cannot be ignored because the energy surge is so powerful. That is why we urge you to send light to persons whose actions you regard as unconscionable or devocal. This is not condoning what they do or being indifferent to the suffering they cause and it certainly is not supporting their actions. What it is is understanding that darkness is not the enemy of light or the opposite of light. It is the absence of light and only by having that void filled with light can the darkness in people be overcome. The painful wounds of people and of earth herself have been caused by every form of what you would call evil, exposing it, literally bringing it to the light. It's necessary so that healing can come. Light, love is the only essence in the universe that can heal pain, whether in a single person or in a universal force field with such magnitude of darkness that you cannot begin to imagine. That is why it is vitally important to send light to people whose behavior and actions you regard as the testable to try and put light into their choices and activities. Burville or written please may or may not touch their conscience because that layer of the soul atrophies when its messages to the consciousness are ignored time after time after time and light reaching them at soul level is the only way to help them. It is truly that one to whom light is sent that may refuse it and just as true that only light's healing energy can eliminate hatred, violence, oppression, brutality and warring. Retaliation in kind will never do it. This is physics that governs this universe, universal law of attraction or like attracts, like that is in constant motion. Whatever energy is put forth in the collective consciousness of Earth's people shoots out to the universal mind, attracts like energy and brings that back to your world. When light love is in minds and hearts it brings more like to you and wars and violence stop. The power of light love is the key to everything. Please keep these foremost in mind when the ones still hidden behind their dark deeds are identified. Do not dim your light by focusing on punishing for them but rather think of them as what they are. The weakest links in the chain of oneness and send them the healing energy they need to uplift themselves and strengthen the chain for all souls. Matthew, it's hard for me to separate my thoughts about the people who are causing such terrible suffering from what they are doing. So I don't see how I can send them light much of us think of it as love. Mother, you would turn on a flashlight to guide someone at a darkness of uncertainty and anxiety onto a path where they are confident and secure with new. Those souls have lost their way and are fearful and floundered. Don't think of them as their deeds but rather what you want for the world. Think of kindness, healthfulness, justice and sharing. Think about all peoples living in peace and harmony and send those light filled thoughts to the souls and darkness. I thought that by loving people we automatically send light to them but now I'm wondering if there's more to it. You're right, the feelings of love for someone carry light to that person but you're also right in thinking that maybe more to it. So even though it is not necessarily what you understand, that you understand the sending process to be affected. I'll explain how it works. Light is within your spirit. The feeling you describe as lighthearted when something is giving you your joy or you're remembering something that was special to you. Think how you feel when one of your dogs comes to muzzle you or hear one of your favorite symphonies and see a beautiful sunset. It's as if your whole self is lighting up and that is what's happening. You're actually being filled with light simply by the experience. The light is coming from your soul, connecting with your mind and flowing through your body to produce lovely feelings or an inspirational aha. You didn't have to do a thing to get that sensation and whatever evoked it didn't have to make any special effort to create your feelings. Simply by your soul there's activity to the light. You get it. Light, let's call it love because that's what we're really talking about here. Passing from one person to another is no different in cause and effect but you may want to initiate it by focusing on someone. When you do instantaneously the vibrations in your thoughts and feelings reach that person. The energy flows from you along your thought form of intent and intensity. And the same measure of love that you send goes directly to the energy address you want to. There can be no false addresses because the intent and feelings are totally clear. The receiver won't consciously know this of course but the receiver's soul is aware of the delivery. Most simply stated, being receptive to the light enables spiritual clarity that transcends third density's limitations. Those include prejudice and hatred of differences, acting in greed, judging others for their choices, holding resentments or desiring vengeance, getting ahead of ruthlessness and cheating and lying, controlling others' lives and denying their free will, blindly following dogma or orders when instinct tells you, tells that they are not based on godliness. And the greatest of all third density's limitations is fear. Actually, all of those other negative emotions and actions I mentioned arise from fear. It's logical to think that by changing in some of those negative areas, I mentioned you are being light, receptive and growing spiritual. Positive changes certainly are progress but not to the degree you may think if you still feel fearful about personal or world situations. Special growth is learning to live without fear, learning to fully trust the unequalled power of love. As for everyday use of light, mother, let's say love here, in your world, love is boundless. Yet that isn't recognized even though the word is so commonly used. In simplest terms, love is God's sharing of himself with all his creations. Love is the healing force in the universe. Love is within the soul and needs only your allowance of those in it sensations of loving others and receiving their love for you. Love has no limitations, no boundaries to its capacity. In expression, love is treating others with kindness, fairness, honesty, compassion, healthfulness, caring. If love can be said to have ingredients, then those are some of the ingredients of Godly expressions in action. Knowing that you and God and every other of God's creations are inseparable is love, it is love. Knowing that earth is a sentient conscious life herself and respecting all her life forms is love. Realizing that no one can know others at soul level and therefore does not judge them, but rather does not condone an action seen as injurious is love. Listening to one's Godself is love. Living the kind of life that engenders loving self is love. Feeling joy yourself when you see it in others is love. Doing something that brings joy to another is love. Forgiveness of self and others is love. Sharing your resources with full heart is love. Doing good deeds without attaching expectations is love. Feeling peace of heart and mind is love. The quiet thrill of seeing a sunset or hearing a song word is love. And a smile is one of the simplest and most radiating expressions of love. In any of these instances and many others, you may encounter that instinctively you know, you know our love in action. You are manifesting your love for and of God, God. Mother, I don't think I've told you anything at all, surprising, but perhaps it is good to have some references as a guiding light in these times when darkness may seem to be overshadowing the magnificent abundance of love in your world. Thank you, mother, beloved brothers and sisters. You are powerful simply by being because you are integral parts of creator creation source, the supreme being of the cosmos and of the supreme being of this universe. That is why you eagerly volunteered and were chosen to help your Earth family realize that with love light, they can transform their third world, their third density world into a fifth density paradise, a marvelous goal to be with sure and in the continuum already a magnificent success. All beings in this universe honor you and support you with the power of unconditional love. Love and Peace, Susan Ward. - Well, now. - Did I mess it up a lot or did I? - No, no, no, it did very, very well. I mean, no, don't question yourself. I think you should listen to this again. The thing of it is, well, is that when I'm listening to this, I'm going like this so much coincides with the "Shungite Show" in that they're talking about the same thing, but it's different perspective. And I actually talked with our guests and as "Shungite Show", "Shungite Reality Show" will be on right after this show ends, if you've got the time to listen to it. It was a pretty amazing journey, but I also talked to him about 20 minutes after the show, so I'm not sure if that's when I had the conversation, but one of the things that we were talking about is this, he thinks that you should continue, excuse me, to go out and to learn things from different people. And I'm like, you got all the knowledge inside of you. You've just got to start manifesting it. Bring it in. And the two discussions, one that was a very 3D discussion, and this one, which is, somebody who's above all the clatter and the drama, giving a reading. And I was talking about the supreme source and the energy and why "Shungite" works and all of this, alluding to the same paradigm, let's put it that way. So no, you did a good job. Thank you for that. What did you think? - About the message itself, it's a very powerful message work because he's putting, he's not speaking of, just speaking of light and the attributes of it, but he's actually making an expression of light that it's not just what you just say, it's like, for example, one of the things that I always understood this, when we say this, for example, this unit produces a lot of light. Okay, we call, we say you use the word light, but it's electromagnetic, it's radiation. In reality, light is not the thing that you see coming out of the bulb and it's not, no, light is not an electromagnetic radiation. It's far beyond that. It is, well, to give you an idea, light is more, it's more complex than that, because, for example, when you, for example, Dolly can witness and have a conversation with Dave, for example. And she sees Dave as a being made of light, even though you don't say, oh, he's not using a flashlight, no. He's witnessing Dave for what he is, a being made of pure light. And it's not electromagnetic radiation, it's light. So it's funny that we call light electromagnetic radiation, but it's not that. It's beyond electromagnetic radiation. It's just that we call that light, but it's not light. - And what it is is luminosity, it's luminosity. It's that you are the light, you are the lamp, okay? And that's what we have to get to. We have to get to that energy level where we are the light, it's just who we are. And that's where we're going. And I highly recommend The Shungite Show because there's a lot more, if you're really into the deep entorology concepts of how material reflects in the energy fields, this is another example of it. You know, I did not read this. I saw it before the show, but I didn't read it. I saw it a couple of days ago, and I didn't read it. And then we had that show. And I told Nell's, I said, 'cause I'm trying to convince him that you don't have to go to anybody else, you've got all the information in you. And I told him after the show, I said, you gotta understand something, that at least 20 minutes of everything that I said, I had never heard before. You know? - That's how much you need to rely on other sources when it's already inside you. (laughs) - You just have to give it the opportunity to kind of like manifest, you know? And, you know, I mean, people say to me, you know, your memory and all this stuff, you know, I'm just, I'm hearing it for the first time too. And people don't realize that I pretend it's all for me, but no, you know, it's like, no. And then he got into the question of channeling. And I said, no, no, no, no, no, no, you're not channeling. You're giving your higher self the opportunity to express with you knowledge. - Yeah, that's what happens when you're not trusting yourself. - Yep. - You're always putting on someone else or someplace else instead of, look, I'm capable, I'm capable, I'm qualified, I'm not stealing anything from anybody. I'm just, it's coming out of me, like everything else on the universe. I'm the source and I'm showing this knowing. - You are lupus. - Yeah. (laughs) - Lovely, what do you have to say about this? - I really enjoyed Matthew. I don't know if I'm changing the subject, but, my mind is, that's not, Matthew was saying. He was saying everything I feel, but I can't say. My words don't come out right when I try to express what Matthew just said. You don't have to feel the love toward the other person you're sending to. Like the love blankets, you don't have to feel it so much because you know a love exists. You know they need the love and they need the light. And I pray, please God, I may not feel so loving toward this being, but please recommend a love blanket with everything else that this individual needs. I'm gonna take you back. So it's not, I'm not sending them my love, I'm sending them love. - Yeah, that's a human feeling that where we judge ourselves. Oh, I'm not loving enough, or I'm not, because we believe we have to comply with these conditions in order to be loving enough, in order to be valuable. And no, you don't need to complain to any of that. - Well, don't tell Walter, I just don't love this person. - No, that's why you're this. - Dolly, Dolly, okay, let me set up a little scenario for you. There's somebody who jumped in the water and is drowning. And you think to yourself, well, that was a stupid thing to do, you are a real idiot, okay? But you're still gonna throw them the lifeline. It's the same sort of thing. You don't need to like these people. You don't even need to love these people, but you have to think in terms of light and love and intertwined, okay? It's the same thing. - They need to show up. - You're just, yeah, you're just dropping them a lifeline. - Yeah. - Here's the energy that you need to get yourself straight, and I'm not waiting around for you to do it. - Yeah. - Yeah, that's a mistake that we made. We think expressions of love are equal to love. No, not really. You don't have to be constantly expressing that you, oh, I'm in love, I love people. I love everyone. No, you don't have to do that. You could be in a foul mood. It doesn't mean that you don't love them. Yes, that you're in a foul mood. But love doesn't, you don't ascribe to all these conditions. Some people, they think that if you want to be loving or you have to show that you're, no, you don't have to show anything. - Let me jump in here, because when I first met Walt, we did some initial radio programs with JP, and I named those the master magician, one and two. Okay, we did two shows on two different stations, the two biggest stations in the world. You know, 40, 50,000 people probably listened to those within this show. But why would I have called him the master magician? Why was I, boom, there's a master magician, because a magician or magic, somebody that wields magic, is manipulating energy. And that's what I saw in Walt, he manipulates energy. He does it by using all of his devices about all of the different concepts that go into these devices. He's actually manipulating energy in a 3D kind of dimensional concept, okay? But that's what we are, we're magicians. We can create light. You do not have to attach an emotion to it, because if you get to that point, you are basically vibrating in a loved frequency. And when you get to that point, all you have to do is think in terms of sending them a bolt of light. Here, you need some light, that's all. That's all, but we have to understand, it's an energy thing, it's what we are. We have to be able to manipulate energy, become magicians. Now see, that was something I'd never thought about before. - Oh, that makes you very useful. - I am you, ask a question, I'll get you the answer. But you can do that for yourselves, that's the thing, is that I'm no different than you are, but I was the one, if I had any kind of up on anybody, it's when I came here, I said, "Hey, I don't want any drama in my life. "You give me the job to do, I'll do it, "but I don't want to be messing around with mates, "and fate, and money, and all this stuff, "and I could live by myself, too. "Okay, it floods out once in a while, but that's fine." You know, it's like, I don't have any excuse for this. When I started out, I said no drama. And basically my life has been fairly drama-free. And other people, they go through all these dramas, it's distractions taking you off of the path. And- - So, are they what you came through, lived through the things of what you're drawing us? So that you could learn different things, and while you're learning the different things through these dramas, or dramas, you're also teaching some other people. And that's absolutely true, and that's the way it works. You know, like I say, in my case, and I think that you all are capable of doing this, there's a point at which you don't need any more drama-3D information. What you need to do is now tap into that other, I call it the Cosmic Library. You know, where all the information is held, and we all have access to it, just a matter for asking for the information. I think we're in a, and it goes into, I mean, I could talk for hours here, we don't have the time about how we're changing our energy frequency, and just like I said, the subconscious. You know, it's the consciousness of humanity that feeds into this super-consciousness. And that has been so saturated with people like us, and people that don't know anything about what we talk about with the woo stuff, but that absolutely are carrying that love frequency with them. You know, those-- - Case in point is your guest this morning. His thirst, he wanted to connect with people like him, and he was full of knowledge of information and love. He just needed to connect with someone like him. That's it. - Well, there's another story associated with that. In the 20 minutes after the show that I'm talking to him, right, and he is a talker. I mean, I'm a talker, but he is a real talker. And so he's talking and talking and talking, and then all of a sudden he stops, and he says to me, "Do you need a carpenter?" And yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I need to have a carpenter that will be able to work on making this building solid again. It's having problems. Not so much the main house, the 100-year-old house, but the add-on, and like, you know, I think the roof might be having a little bit of a problem too, but I need a carpenter. And he says, "Do you need a carpenter?" And anyway, I have the opportunity to be set to say to him, yes, yes, I do need a carpenter, and this would be really cool because I wouldn't have to deal with all the bullshit stuff that comes with, you know, somebody legally working. And I know the ins and outs of being able to build structures without permits. So, plus nobody sees me back here. So, yes, I mean, it's like, yes, I need a carpenter, and all of a sudden he shows up. But, and I told her, I was honest with him. I said, you know, I don't like drama in my life. I don't let people in my life. People come with a lot of garbage. I'm not saying all of this, but you know, there's a lot of garbage associated with it. And I know how important, the way I put it to him, I said, "We're all in the same book." Okay, when you, when you're gonna be born, you make a decision, and the decision is what story, what novel do you wanna, you know, go with? What storyline? Now, it doesn't mean that that's a set in concrete story. What it means is that the parameters of the things and the people that are there, that's the story you wanna participate in. And you know that every step of the way, every decision you make, can alter that book. But you have one mission, and that mission is to get to the last chapter. Because all of us that have been sent down here have the same last chapter, but you gotta get there. And so, in a lot of people's, I think all, I think probably all white workers are, you know, would do this. You say, "Okay, we're gonna go into this book." But if I make a mistake, and I'm going down the wrong path, you correct me. So you're going along, and you've got a family, and you've got money things, and all the stuff that comes with living, and all of a sudden, you have a near-death experience. And when you come back, you are not the same person. And so, you lose everything that you would build up, family, a business, everything goes away. And people go freaky over this. But it's really your own self saying, "Look, if I get on the wrong path, "you know, do something that puts me back "on the right path." And sometimes, and Shungite is very much a part of that, because the Shungite frequency actually keeps you on the right path. And that's why we talk about that smackdown that happens. You know, you get in the field of Shungite, it puts you back, it makes you attune to what you're real, you are, and your real mission. And so, people have, you know, they do. I've seen too many people, you know, have a breakup with their spouses or whatever once they get into Shungite, you know, immediately leave the job they were in. I mean, do some abrupt changes in their own lives, or it happens to them? Because they're being, it's not just their bodies being physically, you know, upgraded, it's a matter that you're now being corrected on the right path. So, something else I didn't know, Walt. - I've heard of it from Tobias. That's exactly what happened, because I don't know the year I have a terrible time of this has nothing to do with my stroke, because I was this way before anything. So, I'm used to that. But when I was listening to the Jeffrey Hoppe, who was always transmitting the knowledge from the, what do you call it, Tobias. And he called the people the Shombra. I don't know what the word means, but he tells them that the Shombra, they want people participating to that thing. But for many years, he kept talking. He would do these lectures. And what he was channeling this character, he's always been a biblical character to bias. And he was in one of the books of the Bible. And Tobias, a year came around when Tobias chose to incarnate. So, he stopped channeling Tobias, because now Tobias is a young boy. So, he's living life as a human. And as he went along, he would like one time, he would be describing the parents that he chose at another time. So, something along the lines of the what you said, he was spending a lot of time enjoying himself with physical activity. A lot of, he was enjoying a lot of physical activity, all kinds of physical activity, either swimming, or it didn't matter if it was physical activity, he was doing it, he was enjoying it. And the time came when he got hurt in an accident, and he ended up bedridden. He had to have some kind of operation on one of his legs. And he explained that it was an accident. This needed to be done to be, to get me to stop, because he was so focused on the physical activity, he was totally leaving his mission, he was ignoring his mission. So, they needed to put him back on track. And they needed to put him back on track, they had to disable him, not tremendously, but so much so that he would stop being so stuck on physical activity. - You know, so now, that's analogous to what's happening in the world today. Dolly, I want Dolly to have some time here. Is there something you'd like to talk about? - Think of anything other than I'm sitting here thinking, yeah, I'm hungry, and there's been good smelling food. - Oh, geez, that's why all of a sudden, I'm going like, I start thinking about, we bought some Chinese food last night. - Oh, not pizza. - No, Chinese food. And Sandy, when she packages it up, she packaged up mine, plus hers. And so, not only did I think about that, but then I began to think, okay, what do I have to do to get it in the oven? (laughing) So, we are definitely attuned here. - I am losing power. I have 35% remaining. When I disappear, I will disappear for until I get a new chord. - Oh, there's a problem with the power chord. And no, I didn't bring it. - Oh, I forgot to bring it. - That's the problem. (laughing) - Oh, Lordy. So, we got seven minutes. Was there anything on your list that you really wanted to cover? - There was the new story, I always liked that. - I don't think I got down to that. Good news. The whole story is in there. The links were connected, so I made them. - The owner of Crash Star, is that it? - Yeah, I haven't got there yet. - Let's see, I got it here. Let me put it up into the, okay. - Oh, I got it. - And this is of course, right here. I'm gonna put it in the chatroom. The link. - Three minutes. - Dog runs four miles to get help for owner who crashed car into Oregon Ruby. The owner of this pickup has one of his dogs to thank for his life. After a loss of control in the mountains of Oregon saw him turn over into a gene, injured but alive after his crash on US Forest Service Road 39. One of Brandon Garrett's four dogs ran to get help. According to a statement from the Baker County Sheriff's Office, the dog managed to negotiate four miles of wilderness and trails to make its way back to a campsite where some of Garrett's family had been staying. Now how would the dog find that campsite? It's not familiar to him anyway. He hadn't returned to camp that night. So they were already worried and on edge and the appearance of the dog confirmed their fears. Meanwhile, Garrett was able to crawl approximately 100 yards from the vehicle where he spent the night on dry ground. The rest of the party continued to search for him and family members located his vehicle on the morning of June 3rd, calling emergency services at this time. Members of the Baker County Search and Rescue Ropes team set up their rescue equipment and began the difficult path of reaching Garrett with help from the Forest Service's chainsaws which cleared their path to him. They loaded and secured him in a rescue bank scheme. He was connected to a high line rope system and pulled across the ravine where he was transferred to medical personnel who in turn transported him to the lifelite helicopter were airlipped to a regional hospital. His three other dogs were all unharmed. Yeah, I would have died of a heart attack being pulled across the ravine. Big bless his heart and see, with all their experience performing rescues and searches in the mountains, the rescue service member said that without Garrett's dog, there was a very good chance he would not have been found. It's a harrowing reminder that not all heroes wear cakes or clothes at all. Some have fur and bark. - That's a great story. But the reason that they can go that distance, I saw a documentary on dogs and their capability of smell. And he could smell the building because he knew those people's smell. You know, it's not like they're following and it's like every particle of everybody, you're always shedding skin. It leads a trail. And their sense of smell is so incredible. That's how they can do this stuff. - Yeah, that thank you for that. That was a nice way to end the show. - Yeah, you're welcome, I enjoyed it. - Yeah, so what do you got planned for tomorrow? - I'm going to find the best buy for a circuit city if they should have one here in Orlando. And we're gonna get a cord, a charger for my laptop. - Okay, then I don't know what else will do. Sherry's fun. He takes me around to different places. He'll probably end up at Disney, where they have all the shop Disney stores. - Right. - The shops and stuff. That's always a fun place to go. They got restaurants up the yang yang. And one of my favorite cooks has a restaurant there, Monique. I'm so excited about cheating. - He's on the cook shows, and she judges, and she won one more. - Well, it sounds like- - Chatting to all the cooks, she won there. Tournament of Champions for the cooks. - Awesome. So you- - As it makes there, and I want to go check it out. - Okay. And Walt, everything's good. With your mom, I mean, she's still progressing. - Yeah, now she's going to have to start doing exercises, because now that she has no pain in her legs, now she's going to have to start doing physical work. So they're going to take her downstairs to do the work on the machines, and little by little, you know, she's going to get out of there. - Okay, excellent. Will you give her our love? - Okay. - Let's see, Saturday, you're going to be with us, right? Dolly, shouldn't be a problem? - Hopefully not. I should have my computer up and right. I'll keep you apprised of it. As long as my computer's up, I'm running. I'm here. - Okay, be safe, everybody. Thank you for being here. ♪ Teaching, preaching ♪ ♪ The unknown, unknown, unknown ♪ - You have been listening to the Cosmic Reality Radio Show, produced by Cosmic Reality Radio. Thank you for listening. ♪ Choose your heart as a master ♪ Is your vehicle stopping like it should? Does it squeal or grind when you break? Don't miss out on summer break deals at O'Reilly Auto Parts. ♪ O'Reilly Auto Parts ♪ [MUSIC]