Cosmic Reality Podcast

SHUNGITE REALITY 6-11-24 - Skinwalker Ranch, Stargates.Smart Meters

“Shungite Reality Replay” Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph and Walt Silva discussing Skinwalker Ranch, Stargates, Smart Meters

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2h 0m
Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

“Shungite Reality Replay” Nancy Hopkins, Derek Condit, Mark Joseph and Walt Silva discussing Skinwalker Ranch, Stargates, Smart Meters

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Derek Condits with us, Walt Silver is with us. So we'll have a good time. Derek, you there and you want to say hi? Yeah, no, I'm here. I'm just saying good morning, everybody. Yeah, should be a good show. And Mark. Morning, Nancy. Morning, everybody. It's good to have you back. And Walter. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. And welcome to the show. Well, it sounds like we're going to have a fantastic good time. Well, well, we can't miss him. Okay, so where shall we start? We didn't quite get to where we will start. You want to start with Mark and his trip? Mark, do you feel like? Well, you have to say let's do that because I need at least five minutes to get onto my MacBook. So in case there's an internet issue. So yeah, if Mark, you're willing to go there first? Yeah, for sure. So I was gone for a couple of weeks. I went to some islands up in the Pacific visiting family, Shungiding Places. And this was partially answered last week. So maybe I can just read it. It's in the Shungai reality Facebook group. Let me see. I was asked. So the places I went to, it's, you know, coconut trees and banana trees, all that stuff. But what was really strange was there was a smart meter, you know, digital meter in every residence, even if it was like a straw hut, it still had a smart meter. And I had a close relative that for a while, I was getting long distance calls that this person was having a cognitive decline aside from having asthma and bronchitis. And so in the last time I was there was about 2016. And when I arrived there, I found out that her room had two smart meters and then a Wi-Fi router that was close in the other room, but close to where her head was at, you know, sleeping. So people can see the outside in front of the house where the two smart meters are. And then so I asked Derek to check it out. And he does offer private consultations at if people want to ask him the same things. But so what I did was, let me see, maybe I could just read what I posted. And let's see, can we run this through at your convenience so I can calibrate this while I'm overseas here? It'll give you updates on the podcast. That close relative has two smart meters outside of room working on getting it moved. But meantime, can you get a feel for the bed energy flow patterns into the room from there? And what I did was I posted a before and after, before without the stickers and after I placed the S4 scalar stickers at mysticalwars, the online shop. And where I placed them was, I mean, I showed the picture that was kind of behind the smart meter. And I'm glad that last week you guys covered that the field of, what we call it, field of effect of influence is about six feet, but then it was recommended to keep it within four feet. And I forget which sticker that was, I don't know if it was mentioned, but I did use the most advanced one that Derek had made. And so I put stickers aside from on the smart meter itself where, because I know if you put stuff on it, it would tend to get removed. So I put it where it couldn't be seen. And I did have the electrician come by, the local electrician come by and he said he would talk to his supervisors to see if it could be moved. But meantime, I did what I could. And then behind one of the smart meters is the fuse box and it put a sticker on the fuse box and then on the other side of the wall inside the house on both smart meters behind it. And so, let me see, I'll just read Derek's response here, because I posted the before and after pictures. He said it absolutely has a positive and beneficial effect after the sticker was added. I felt it through the photos. The initial energy was dense, this dense feeling. The energy is now moving and flowing more easily. So it's not hanging around in that space as much or as long now. It's hard, as you know, to stop excess energy. So it's often most beneficial to keep them moving. I'd also recommend some solid pieces of shunga in that space as well. Maybe nuggets on the carved piece, whichever is preferred. The wiring in the space doesn't have the best insulation either. If I lived there, I'd probably put shunga at rubber under my mattress sheet. So at night time, the excess energy keeps moving. So I'd already given shunga rubber pad in the sleeping area and also put an S4 magnet on the bed frame has wheels. So I put it on there. And then I added, because when you buy a rocks at Derek's shop, he puts it in like this purple translucent bag. Then I put nine rocks in about three of those bags around the room. And whenever Derek gets back, maybe he can check out the room and get a feel for where it is. But that was the big project. Oh, Derek. Okay. One check now so you can hear me okay. Didn't mean to interrupt you. Yeah. Okay. So any of what affects the person experience? It's a combination of things because she also had Mesmon bronchitis and I basically had her take this advanced oxygen therapy, which I think the site is called patient. I'll have to look at the site, but it was basically MMS. So it was chlorine, not chlorine, sodium, chloride, and citric acid, a mix of that. And that's basically the gym humble, what we call master miracle solution, chlorine dioxide. And so she's been taking medication for over 10 years and it just took two, three days of taking that mixture and then it started to reduce and then greatly reduce. And then, of course, the medication didn't do anything. She had, she, when I would talk to her on the phone, she'd be constantly coughing. And yeah, so now she's taken that mixture every day and it's like the cough is gone and the asthma bronchitis. She's sleeping better. Yeah. So it's like, what are these doctors doing? You know, getting her meds. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So your money. Yeah, exactly. We know the routine because, you know, they're heavily influenced by Western medicine and we know that whole thing. So I thought about doing also doing the like, well, you had recommended if you can't reach the cell towers, maybe put Shanghai powder in what you call it, water balloons and then throw that because surrounding the cell towers, which are everywhere in the city over there in the island, they have a wall. So that's another situation, but I just wanted to keep it local. And then in front of the house, I were a bunch of plants and I put three rocks in each of them. So maybe during the show, since people can see, actually see what I wrote there, I can check out how the room is where it's at. And yeah, that, you know, what is it? So this is the only person that you were able to assist or there were other persons in the island being assisted by the your help on the work of the stronger. Yeah, as far as severity goes, this person had the most decline out of all the relatives and family friends. And the turnaround was pretty fast. Thanks to your guys's help. And then other people, I just gave the Shanghai S4 stickers and I didn't really ask them how they were doing. But yeah, so but as far as this person, that's the most dramatic change in effect. Oh, and then I did have another one where before you go on, you said that she was having cognitive problems. Did that clear up? Yeah, maybe like like when I first got there, because I didn't, I did the MMS solution about a week after. And then the change was pretty dramatic immediately. And I guess so I didn't notice too much, but there was a big improvement, obviously afterwards. I think it's partly due to the oxygenation and then better sleep in the room. And another big one that happened was I have Walt's resonator and that connected it to the eagle. And so for six months, it was a dry season of just, it was harder than usual and no rain at all. And so pretty much the day I get there, there was this hard torrential rain and then from then on, you know, it was pretty cloudy regularly and the rain would be happening a lot more because the rainy season doesn't start till mid-June. So yeah, it was pretty cool kind of seeing these coincidence engineering happenings and manifestations. So yeah, Derek, I don't know if you're able to walk with it. No, that's the kind of weather that you were expecting to see or what, was it supposed to be wet or was it supposed to be dry for you for that particular time of the year? It's supposed to be dry. It doesn't go into the rain season until middle of June. So it was a little early and yeah, last time I visited, there was 2016, I don't remember hearing that heart of a rain. So that was pretty dramatic. And yeah, I didn't, what do you call it, set an intention for more rain. Maybe it was there subconsciously, but that's what happened. I guess when you get the resonator around an area, then it would, like you said, there's a balance that happens. Yeah, no, yeah. Derek, are you able to take a look at the room quickly or had a chance while I was? Yeah, I just brought up the image. I'm looking at the wall, the beige wall with the window on the left. And what I'll tell you, the first thing that grabbed my attention, even bringing up that wasn't even the room, because that's being less disrupted now, but it's what I had to go both my ears again, geez, outside of that space. So the biggest antagonist in that entire area is something going on outside. And that's a whole nother topic. But and then inside the space as well. But yeah, no, the shiny, I don't where you want to go on those different things. I was kind of eluding to there's something being, I'm trying to look right now since we're live in the show. Yeah, well, since you're pausing, let me add that in your shop. If you just type in sticker in the search function, you will see all the available shungite stickers. What I used was what is called the silver shungite scaler sticker. That's what I used. But you don't need to, because it's $20, people can just use the shungite silver smart sticker, which is $10. And so you don't need to go that high as far as, you know, if you want to calibrate your room and go with, use what I did as a template, the listeners, then you can just get the $10 smart sticker instead of the one that's 20 as an option. So yeah, Derek. Absolutely. Good point. As far as it's something being broadcast. So I know you weren't asking about that. But again, the first thing that grabbed my attention is that. So it'd be like if you were putting something else in front of me, it's something's going to height more than the others. And it was an outside interference. It's hitting, I don't know, that's a neighborhood or community area or what, but yeah, they're broadcasting something. Why does it have to have two meters? Yeah, exactly. Is it a single residence or is it a two or. Yeah, it's a single residence. Yeah. I must back. Why does a single residence have two meters for you? I'm looking right now. I'm looking at the outside and the only images or ones on Facebook, I'm looking at. So I see the outside meters at the one mark with the ERC on it. The sticker that says ERC. I don't even see the image. Is that the side picture? I'm now looking at it. Yeah. And I'm zoomed in and I now see. Yeah. Yeah. That's the one at the far left. Okay. And the one that's on the right. It looks exactly the same thing. But I put the sticker on this. There's like these two notches that are holding the thing. I put it at the bottom. Okay. Yeah. That's the biggest culprit right there. The one I'm looking, I can feel it tingling my whole head and face right now while I'm looking at it. So I'm talking about that meter that you see on the outside of the house. Kind of pointing towards, you know, some little apartments or whatever the heck's going on there. And then it's picking up what's they're broadcasting. So somewhere in the must be hills or mountains nearby because it's up a little bit high. Yeah. Okay. Behind, if you're looking at the picture, all those wires. So I don't know that direction. So but what I would do is, yeah, I mean, if you can shunk, I know you're already back here and all that. But we can hook people. Oh, that reminds me something. I'll get into a second. Shungai paint the place would be what I would do. If you can't paint the walls, make your own shungai room. Yeah, that's why based on what you wrote in the Facebook group, I took those nine rocks in each of the purple bags and put them in various places. I guess that wasn't enough or a great effect. But no matter what, that's a heightened area. Yeah, big time. Yeah. So then again, it's not everybody has access all this. But what I was saying just a second are going to tell everybody was, I'm going to make one pound, one pound packages of S4 powder. So shungai and S4 or shungai and silver blended that you can add to anywhere between two and five gallons of paint. The same amount and go for all of it. It'll be a little denser if you do the other online at a huge discount so people can make their own shungai rooms if they want to. And basically, they would do, just like we talked about in the show, add this package of powder, hopefully your local hard restore blended for you, but get it in the paint. I mean, you can always get a drill with a paint blender add onto it, just do it yourself. But that's the thing. And we're going to, so I was talking about that the other day, I'll post online relatively soon. Again, just cut a huge discount so everybody who's willing and wants to, you know, can make their own. It'll come with instructions. So it's be enough for an average room, maybe, you know, 15 foot by 15 foot, which would be probably a medium sized room. So that would be a good idea. And I don't know when you're going back there next, or if that's something you think they could do on their own if you sent them their, if I sent them their powder. Yeah, I mean, I'll certainly, yeah, so if anybody's, you know, listeners wanting to know how to create a shungai room or paint, then, you know, that that's great. And people can also listen to Sanji's interview from how many weeks ago in rumble or the cosmic reality site, because he has an S4 room. So, but, I mean, as soon as I'll be there is next year or the year after around the same time. And I did leave some, some rocks. So, and then the person that stays there also has a cosmic silver rock under the pillow and carries around with her that. So I think, no, there definitely affects you. So I'll give you a visual now, because when you said, you know, look at the room kind of thing. So of course, I proceed. And so when I look at it, and I'm remoting, we'll call it right now. And I did it earlier. I'll put it this way. So when I look at it, let me just get to the photo. And so I can make this a little bit easier on myself and be one moment. And there we are. Okay. So now, so for the listeners who are on their market share in an image on the shungai reality Facebook group, you scroll through, just go to the images option and you'll see a beige wall looks like maybe on a center box with a window. So, and you'll see real small on the right, looks like you taped up a whiskers, just the package that the stickers come in. So that's what I'm looking at. Okay. So interesting, you guys, every time I do this or tune in literally, and this is for the listeners as well, the tinnitus like symptoms of ringing in my ears just start going crazy. And it's literally just a thought in my head that turns that on. So I wish I could explain that more. I'm only babbling while I'm tuning into this. So the visual I'm going to try and give you guys when I'm looking at it. I guess one way to imagine it. So we're talking about energies or frequencies that are hanging out in a space. They're being Oh, I didn't tell you this part mark. They're excessive in there because they're penetrating going all the way through in that space. And then because of what's in the walls, they're reverberating around so they're being amplified as well. And not just in that space, but other ones in that area. So I don't know if it's a non insulated wiring thing going on in there. Maybe it's a yeah. Okay, so stuff like that could be causing that. So now I guess for everybody to visualize the energies of frequencies, think of like if somebody turned on a smoke machine or a fog machine, where it's just, you know, basically making a cloud in there and slowly moving around. That's somewhat what it looks like when I perceive the energies and get to see them in a space. And now after so that was kind of before it wasn't much movement, I guess you can say the pockets of harmful frequencies weren't being disrupted enough so they can just like dissipate. I don't even know if that made much sense. So after added shunga, I sometimes we use the analogy or the description of a fan. It's like a desk fan in your room, you turn it on, blows air, that type. When you add shunga, that's what it does to those. So now that cloud or smoke movement that's kind of slow, if you think about the haunted houses sort of thing, not just blasting it out, it's more of a slow pulsing thing. And those members still talking frequencies or energies, but in a visual of clouds, those clouds move around people. So when I see people walk into a certain space, let's say I go to a Walmart or something like that, and I tend to avoid those, but if I was, I can see these hazy clouds moving around and sometimes will have my ear again drawn towards a certain person. And then I can tune in from there, but now in this space, Mark, where we're talking about your family members, it's not holding form. So it's not that there's not frequencies or energies in there, but it's not able to stay cohesive and hold form. And that's why I recommend for, and everybody's an energy sensitive, by the way, whether they know what or acknowledge that or not, but that's why I recommend keeping shunga on your body in your aura, your bio field, so close to you when you can, so that because we're moving from A to B all day long, whatever that might be, and there's always energies. So you just want to moving so they don't kind of coalesce and stick to you sort of thing. So yeah, the energy is moving a lot better. It's like you have to, it's moving up, what is that? I'm going to look right now, because I'm a blast at the picture and it was just like moving up. So grab my attention. And ah, so there's stuff underground there too. That's interesting. So I don't know what, what again, I'm going to keep it real kind of guy, there's stuff underground everywhere, call it power lines, plumbing, who knows what. So then what we can do in our realities is keep those energies moving regardless where they come from. So yeah, no, it's it's moving, air flows going. And as long as they do what you've already said they're doing with the shungai, in this case, definitely around the bed. I don't know them. Yeah. So it's, no, it's beneficial. It didn't, it's again, totally blunt. It's not stopping. And nobody was saying that in the show either stopping those energies or frequencies from being perceived. So long story short, you could walk in there with various meters or gauges and read electromagnetic, you know, results from these different meters, but they're moving. So that's a good thing. So it's, you don't have to have a fair day cage when we're talking like a shungai room. So it is beneficial big time. I'm looking now at the person stop. Got a cat kind of freaking out next to me. They do stop. They do that whenever I do the whole remote thing animals do. And I don't know what that's all about. Let's look here and look in person. Nervous system. The oh, you mentioned MMS. Had you mentioned that fantastic, great idea and good for you for realizing that. That that wasn't a beneficial thing in that case. So no, that's all I really have on the room. It helps. So if you're, if somebody's in a really excessive environment, you know, it's not always the case where they have the option of moving. So yeah, do what you can by having a shungai. Derek, what it would help if you put either the paint or rubber or sticker even on the outlets, because those outlets have got to be bleeding in. That's probably why you've got a lot of activity there. But if you shung guide it, it's going to go through and bring the shung. It's going to activate a shungai field. Would that help? Yeah, but that's not even the biggest issue in this case. So no matter what that can help. So if you think of the visualization, again, of like a cohesive or held together smoke coming out of outlets, and I've played with this lots of times with meters and things and different ones, you can get closer to or further ways to get different readings. And believe it or not, people, the switches are worse than outlets. Sometimes your light switch are blasting off more. But again, no matter what, even if you don't in this case, even if Mark did not have something or something to put on the outlets wasn't accessible, it doesn't really matter because there's so much already going on there that when that smoke comes out of or frequency out of the outlets, it's not holding together as well as breaking up. So it's all. So there's lots of ways of doing it is kind of what I'm getting at. He's done enough to wear regardless. But yeah, no matter what, if you have an outlet behind your bed and this is for everybody, so everybody go pull out your beds, look behind it and see if there's an outlet behind it. Well, those shoot out and those frequencies, energies coming out of those all the time. So yeah, that's where you'd want to get shungai involved. A little, you know, baby plug you can paint with shungai rubber or paint. I'm not sure what we have available online for those anymore. Probably the outlet covers. But yeah, that's what I'd recommend for anybody really. So we could stick like me. Also another easier way is the shungai and silver S4 sticker, also $10 and put that near the outlet like tape it. Perfect. Right above or to the side or the bottom of the outlet plug, right? Yeah. And that it's during plastic. So just like you did, there's keep everything in this little plastic pouch and just tape it right over the outlet. And if you need using it, lift up the bag, but no, that's exactly what I do. You bring a little fan, they're dissipating the frequencies, absorbing, not grabbing them, filtering them, but breaking them apart. Can I ask you, Mark, around this environment, do you have a military facility or an airport? No, it's a residence area. No, talking about within 20, 30, 40 miles. Oh, the airport's about an hour away from the room. As far as military, I don't know. There's just tons of smart meters in every, I mean, all around every residence and then the cell towers like here. I don't know about military. I don't think so. There's antenna arrays around there somewhere. I can see those. Yeah. My question again goes back to why would they have the two meters on that house? Is it everybody that's got two or is it just that house? I didn't go house to house. And I thought that was unusual already, especially for one room. Like what? Because I told the people living there. If that was the situation where I was living, I would be telling them, are you trying to slow roast, cook me and slow torture me? Because I'm not living in the, you know, I wouldn't pay a rent for this kind of room. While you're going to say something? I wasn't. They are. They're turning on one of them. Yeah, probably Walt and I did at the same time. But yeah, one of them are broadcasting. It's not a power thing. They're really broadcasting. So, I don't know. You can call it test subjects. I mean, that's not the one. Broadcasting like a regular smart meter? I was due too. No, there is a regular smart meter is every 12 minutes or every 15 minutes. They have a, they broadcast and then they stop. But I don't know that is that the same for everywhere in the world? Or is this a new, a new thing that they're doing? I think it was just a different time frames. But what I'm actually talking about is the other meter that's not an actual, what we were calling smart meter. I'm looking at the family members one right now. That's not, it's not. Okay, one of them is, and they're in the whole neighborhood there, by the way, are they're being turned on. I don't know who's doing it. Why? But they're tuning of a, I'm going to have to go with an analogy of songs and stuff. So it makes sense. They're playing certain songs at certain times, you know, running frequencies and things through that area. And then I don't know what their greater plan is to see if they antagonize everybody, give them the sickness or blah, blah, blah. We've done this stuff all through history, but that's definitely happening there. Yeah, so it sounds like it's just like any, like the meters here, because I was sharing an article that these companies, sometimes they say like PG&E for California, Pacific Gas and Electric, they tell the public, "Oh, we're only pulsing it six times a day." And then when the court ordered at the actual document, it's thousands of times, like almost 10,000 times in a day. You guys know that that's visual too. Yeah, and those 10,000 times a day and all that, what they can do, they'll have, when they turn them on, they're going to pump certain frequency in there, they'll have it, I'll just go real quickly, turn on the camera, they can see that frequency. And they have this technology years ago in walls, certain police departments can put a device up to literally the wall of your house on the outside, and it's going to send a signal in, reverberate back, and they call it LIDAR, it's a blend of things, and it gives you a visual of what's inside. That's all they need to do is turn it into a visual and it's converting it. So yeah, certain frequencies in environment can be turned, just like a metal detector. Your metal detector would give you a visual. I mean, there's lots of underground, oh jeez, a type of radar, I'm forgetting right now. And actually they did it at that skinwalker ranch. We're going to talk about it a little while, Nancy. But yeah, another, it's a whole testing, they're playing with stuff. Not good. Yeah, thank you, Derek. That's, you know, thank you for that coverage. So people can, I like that, you know, this is out for free. People can download the show. And if you're going to recommend to show the people, like your smartphone podcast app type in Chiangat reality, come to this show. This is a template for people's rooms. I mean, where I live now, there's a smart meter, but it's also been taken care of. So yeah, thank you. And the other additions, as far as Chiangat goes, that's what I've been doing. And then the additions I mentioned. And if ever, the meters are able to be moved into the, you know, because they can't, they can't do digital analog, that's not happening. But if moving it to the other room where the person's not sleeping, when people aren't sleeping, then that's the other option. And, you know, for whatever reason, they rip off the stickers I left two extras. And so in my neighborhood, I guess, not, sorry, I don't mean to interrupt you, but I guess here they give the option when they went, when they came around the area, installing smart meters, I had to pay a little bit extra, because my meter is non, non smart meter. It's just regular reader meter. It doesn't broadcast anything and it's just regular. So I had to pay extra for that. I guess that not everybody has that option to choose the type of meter. Right. That's what I found out when the local electrician came to the house. There is another thing. So there's a guy named Cal Washington, which Nancy did interview years ago in Radio 5G. And people can look up his name on YouTube. And he has this thing of combating like 5G towers, vaccines, smart meters, and I forget the other thing. But you would basically be giving a notice of liability to these people who are doing this. And they would be paying, just listen to those interviews, but they would be paying for the damages of what's happening to people's health. Yeah, so that's another thing to get removed. So that will be the next step for most people. I think it's pretty international. They do have a membership, which is pretty cheap, $50 a month, but another option to check out. Nancy, you remember what Mark Steele called the word smart, the abbreviation? I can't find it here. No, I was trying to remember it the other day. It's surveillance is the first word, I think. Smart surveillance monitoring. I don't know, but it's a term that they use in weaponized electronics. And it ended up being, you know, on every piece of equipment that is doing what they want it to do, which is to surveil you, monitor you. It's crazy. No, I don't remember the acronym that run out of it. Yeah, I got it written down somewhere. I'll find that and then mention in the show. I don't know if you want to go on to the next topic, but otherwise, you know, my time away was good. Family friends, a lot of bad food eating, and then now back to my routine, which is good. Yeah. The tropical islands with the mangoes, coconuts and all that stuff. So, yeah, thanks for, thanks everybody for, you know, having a good show even last week was a really good show that you guys covered. We missed you. There was nothing to talk about, so we missed you. He was there because he asked us all those questions, so he was there. Who would have to show without you? What else? He asked. Oh, I got it. So, it's a secret, militarized armaments in residential technology. How about that? Whoa. So, say it again, secret, secret, militarized armaments in residential technology. I know there are a couple other different abbreviations, but if it's coming from Mark Steel, I think that's legit. And then the, I did share an article about that thing of the meter pulsing thousands of times a day. It's, what they are and what they do. So, between each word you do a dash, dot PHP. The Facebook has a group called EMF Warriors, and they don't like shungite for some reason. They're so over-aligned on meters. But that was how I found that page. Maybe I could do a little bit of the highlight. Regarding smart meters, these are the same waves that cell phones emit, but smart meters broadcast 24/7 at a power density 100 to 160 times that of a cell phone. Smart meters can record your electrical usage and find detail. Because of this, smart meters generate dirty electricity, as known as line noise, which is as harmful to health as the wireless radiation the meters emit. Analog meters do not require electricity to run. That makes them much more energy saving than a smart meter. Analog meters can't be hacked. Analog meters don't generate harmful dirty electricity, while most or perhaps all digital meters. Oh, yeah, so at least the California version, when the court ordered it to submit data on the actual number of transmissions, the utility had to admit that its smart meters transmitted 9,600 to 190,000 times per day. That's pretty crazy. The wireless radiation emitted by smart meters is known as radio frequency radiation, or RF, or microwave radiation. That's insane. I mean, you go to this place, it looks like paradise in some parts of the city. You take the best parts of the west and or forest parts and then put them in the city of smog and traffic and just like those crazy wires. Wires you saw in the picture, those are everywhere. And then even the relative who lives there didn't even know this whole smart meter thing. So how much less, and this is a person who's pretty health conscious, how much less other people in the area. So, yeah, I don't know how to do about the other residents, but maybe leave one of your resonators wall up there or something. I'll have to consult you on that. So it's new paradigm People can check that out and feel free to email him because his advanced shungite devices do go out hundreds of miles. But let me ask you now, Walt, since we're talking about it, considering the situation and the smart meters in every house in the cell towers, and what Derek was talking about, which of your resonators would you recommend for me to get? Because people have similar situations like here where I live. I mean, every house is a smart meter. Well, the problem is that I can't answer your question with just a simple bad answer. I have to douse. But every time the person comes to me and asking which device should I get? Should I get the AC power resonator? Or should I get the co-pono-pono resonator? I ask this person, I ask for what they need and the pendulum tells me yes or no. So it's not the same for everyone because everyone has a different need. I wish I could be more simple for you and tell you, "Oh, just get this now." If I did that, I'd be doing the service. I'd be lying to you. I'm telling you this when really you need something else. So that's the only thing I can think of. But unfortunately, there is only two choices. Well, there's three choices. There's the regular resonator, AC resonator. There's the one with glass, which has an even bigger field. And then there's the co-pono-pono, which is... So those are the three different units. And then just I would ask, I would just douse for the person, okay, what... Like it happened once sent for a resonator, and it turned out that what she needed was the glass-enhanced one because she described to me that her house was near a big tower, a transmission tower. So once I asked, she needed the glass one because the glass one had a bigger field. So it was more protective than a regular one. Okay, so maybe during the break or before the show's over, you would like... Or you could email me also whenever, but you basically said, hop on upon a resonator. I want to give the exact name on your site. Glass your hands, AC power resonator, and then there's the Rose Heart AC power resonator. Yeah, yeah. The Rose Heart doesn't have the, what do you call it, the correct glass inside. So it has a smaller field. Now, mind you, smaller field, we're talking about 300 miles. So the glass-enhanced one is like 500 miles. So if you want, it's more dense, it's a bigger field. Yeah, I wonder because you used to have in the site where there was the exact frequency of where Shanghai is now. And as you've covered years of the show, over time, Shanghai does increase as our consciousness is increasing. And so your resonators will also increase the field of influence too. Yeah, like for example, the Suri a resonator, the one that emits a frequency in tune with the sun. So it's tuning the same frequency of the sun. Okay, well, that's like 650 miles. I was surprised. I didn't expect it to be that larger. I just made, I made the measurements. And I didn't, I thought it would be like 500 miles. I thought, okay, this is just going to be like the glass-enhanced. And that's it. But no, it's even bigger. That was the Suri a resonator that had an even bigger field, so. Yeah, that's also in your catalog list. And that's the five-dimensional sun, is that right? Yeah, yeah. And people can read the description if they click on the word here. So hopefully before the show, you can give me an answer and help to kind of come full circle with helping people calibrate their own space too. Yeah. Cool. Anything else we should add on this topic or should we move on to the next? Well, Derek has some interesting anecdotes. If you want to change the subject. Yeah, yeah, I think that that's as far as I go with where I've been. Starting to begin. You put nearly 15 minutes. Nancy, are you back with us? Or did you unmute it? I didn't go anywhere. Okay. I'm here, I'm here. Okay, as long as we were, well, we've got the Hawaiian connection to the rocks, you were going to talk about this going to skinwalker and that sort of thing. You want to at least cover that and then maybe after the break, we'll get more deep into what's really happening there. But what I'm alluding to is the fact that in Hawaii, you're not supposed to take any of the stones from Hawaii. I think, well, it started out on one of the volcano, why can't I say that? Okay, you know, volcano. Yeah, but there is something about that, right? We were going to talk about it. Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah, and then next I remember, so also about my arm. So we'll get into that too, which ties into a session, remember, we talked about. But initially, what we were talking about, and Nancy was just bringing up the skinwalker ranching, was, yeah, I mean, you know, we've all heard the understanding about, you know, you don't remove anything from Hawaii, the rocks, and that's just a Hawaii thing. This is all over the planet. So even if there's a certain castle or a wall or wherever, it's an energy thing as far as removing and, you know, and even actually, people have robbed museums, and this is in modern days. I mean, all of this happens, you know, nowadays, and had such an impact on their life from it, not in a good way, that they became aware enough that it was tied to the object or item that they either, you know, lifted from the place or space and or stole, whatever the case is. And that's not for everything and anything, because I mean, a lot of these, like, shungite, okay, that's a rock, picked up from a space. So we can't, no, not that anybody is right now, but I've got to make the blanket statement, I guess it. We can't blanket statement everything by saying that. But yeah, there are certain areas that probably that wouldn't be recommended. Oh, he's one of them. And what we're talking about was Skinwalker Ranch was, and it's, okay, so I'm sure, like Nancy mentioned, everybody already knows about the Skinwalker Ranch, so we're not going to get into that whole story, I don't think, of what's going on. And it's not just the ranch, it's a heightened area. It's actually more than just a Mesa, but what they're focused on for this show is a ranch of, I don't know, a few hundred acres at best. But the stuff, the phenomenon, I sure, and the heck doesn't pay attention to some ranches, borders, or property lines. So it's all over and what's inside. So there's energy in those rocks. They've been heightened. And Nancy, I don't know how much in that you want to get on what's going on there, or the Skinwalker Ranch apart. We might as well just talk about it, instead of, you know, putting it aside, because I don't know that you've seen that they've actually been digging with a drill into the Mesa, and they get so far in, they've tried it from different angles, and they've tried different types of drills. The last one they had was super powerful, and it goes in, and it didn't go in very far into the Mesa itself, before the drill hit something that was causing it to take an angle. Okay, and because they're using water to cool down the bit, you've got this slush that comes out, and they collected that, and then put it through a sifter. And the first time they did it with a drill that wasn't as powerful, they got these chips, fairly good-sized chips, of some kind of a metal-looking thing. When they used the bigger one, it was almost pulverized, it was much smaller, but they still found it in there. And when they did an analysis on what this stuff was, I don't remember technically what it was, but one of the guys is an aerospace guy, and he said, "Oh my God," he said, "That's what they use to protect vehicles and space from the heat." So they're finding some really concrete pieces of whatever the puzzle is, so I just wanted to point that out. It's not just, "You're looking at, you tell me what you're seeing." It sounds like a protected material, so maybe what's underneath it is a chamber, or some kind, maybe there's a ship. Well, it's something like that, but while I want Derek to read it and tell me what he knows, he seems to know a lot about it. So I'm asking him, "What do you think it is, Derek?" And when I look at these things or see the TV show or whatever, or even if a person walks in front of me, I always get more input, be it visual, a download, physical sensations that lead to something else. So yeah, there's been more input on that, and I don't know anything. I'm nowhere near the end of the show, so I'm probably a season and I didn't know about it, a season and a half back from the end, so I knew about the metal fragments, but that's about where it cuts off. So anything passed out, I have no idea as far as the show goes, but when I was, you know me, I always like to call it perceiving. When I perceived the Mesa, I mean, yeah, there's a thing in there, and it's metallic, but when I look at it, it's not going to fly out. Other things will fly out, so I'm going to go kind of zoom in here. There it goes. It's, I guess we'd call it a device. It can hold a certain reverberation or frequency, so they'll use it as a portal. So that's why, and I saw in the show, they get the whole 1.6 gigahertz frequency range, turn it on from nowhere. It's the whole area that's doing it, so they're tuning that space, the Mesa, and around it to multiple densities or frequencies, and I'm not saying dimensions, so that if a craft is coming through or an entity and either way and go either way, an entity can either just walk right out or a craft fly because there's a merging of frequencies there. So it's like a blending of country radio and disco on that where you get that spot right between the two channels. If you listen to a radio and there's kind of a bleed or merge, they do that, force it, and then it's a blending of densities, and then they can manifest into this one, and that's where the skin walkers or dog creatures are holding, you name it, or UFOs, and what you're only seeing on the UFOs, they'll usually show you a white orb. So when I see a white orb, even if it's happening yesterday, in my office, I was doing a session, yeah, and even the clients get to see the orbs as well. It's not just an orb, that's the part of the, in this case, entity or craft if we're talking about those UAPs that manifest on the visual spectrum in this density. So when I look at it, there's a whole another thing there around it, or in getting printed to my personal thing in session, an entity. I get to see the person, or sometimes not, whatever it is there, and that's what others could do that too. You just pick up on the orbs and they don't focus on the orb, you're not going to see a little guy in there waving at you. It's just another field around that. So that's why I wanted to point out, when I saw the skin walker ranch shows, they see these, again, they're jumping back and forth from saying it's the UFO, meaning controlled, or what was the UAP, an identified aerofenomena, or kind of thing. But yeah, I can see what the orbs are. So that's, it's tuning, it's a sender and receiver. They're not traveling through a portal, they're just tuning into a different station. And then, I don't know, I don't know how it looks. Based on your feeling, is it somewhat dangerous or neutral? What? Okay, the entity is doing it and using it, or the thing itself, it's not both. Okay, well, the wave, that's how they travel the universe. They'll have it up in space, we'll call them portals, this, and the other, but they're tuning the frequency field, and then they match it with their craft or bio field, if we're talking about a single entity, and then they'll just tune in and walk through, and then you merge and focus in on the other one. So it's not harmful, you know, to do it, I guess. I mean, and who says they're just, in the way I like to speak, they're just entities, they're not good, bad, positive name, they're an entity. I mean, it's like spicy, I like spicy food. Well, some people hate spicy food. It's all perspective. So it's the reason I ask this question is because, unfortunately, we have dealt with negative entities. So, is it where your explanation is very clear? It is a portal of some kind. It's just, it makes you wonder, okay, they've been here for the longest time, they've been there for who haven't knows how long. Okay, what intentions do they have? So that's why I ask that question about being positive or neutral. Oh, you weren't wrong for seeing that, because I'll tell you in the next hour, when we get into it, the session where I mentioned a minute ago about, you know, my arm, and people, once you're talking about, well, that'll be the next hour, then we're going to get in some of the negative ones that do come through similar stuff. But yeah, so we'll go either way. Again, that's why I said entities. Yeah, okay, some are good, some are bad. I didn't see any, what I would call negative ones, while watching that show coming through. I saw curious ones, ones looking around. And by the way, most of them were human, human-noid, you know, it would be hard to tell us apart from them sort of thing coming through there. The ones in the UAP, I keep having to remember that UAPs, I'm used to saying UFOs. But so now I didn't know there's entities, there are critters coming through there. That's the thing too. So yeah, dog beings, that's all. Okay, let me interrupt you here. Are we talking about a Stargate? Yes, that's one way of putting it. It's always in the user. There's a tool. So it depends on the user using it. It can be called that. But yeah, transportation system, tuning field, there's no distance. You don't have to travel physically. You travel frequency. That's how we all remote view and telepathy, all of that stuff. We're traveling within frequency. You don't need to take your, your physical body can pass right in any spot. So I don't, you tune a space. That's why I can do the psychic thing anywhere. I'm gonna be driving my car, be in my office, but it doesn't matter. Same with them. But now to make it easier for a physical craft to come through. They, as far as I can tell, when I see it, they always have a, physical foothold on this side, in this case, the big metal, and it's got a hollow spot in it, in the Mesa. It's a star. Okay, I don't know the terms. I'd call it a big antenna of some kind. Yeah, but that's what it is. These star gates, and it's really interesting to me, because the Stargate phenomena through my lifetime has jumped up time and time and time again. And the movie Stargate, where they discover this thing in Egypt, it's all based on a true story. And the series itself was one of the, when they're doing the credits. Credit is given to the United States Air Force for their technical assistance. And this, you know, I mean, you can go back and you can watch those stories and stuff. But this Stargate concept. Okay, I got it. The Stargate concept would answer a lot of the questions that are happening around there. Because one of the things we talked about was the fact that they've got teeth marks on a cow, that the only teeth mark that makes that, you know, absolutely matches that image is a prehistoric, extinct wolf. But that wolf character has been seen here and there and around the place. And then you've got skin walkers that seem to be able to take the, you know, look like different things at different times. It's all bizarre. But these people could be go, these entities could be coming from one star gate that just happens to be tuned to that point. I think the lost. Do you remember that show? A family going over, I think a waterfall, boom, they're in dinosaur days and land a lot and do, I don't know how many people remember, there were aliens there, they were in a cave, I forgot their call, but little thing guys. And by the way, even on Fred Flintstone, there was gazoo or somebody like that little alien guy that would do some, I don't know if most people know that, or if that's one of the Mandela effect things. But Google it. So anybody that's questions that I'm saying, go look into it, say land of the lost, the original series, I don't know, 70s, maybe, all kinds of reptilian ETs bouncing around a cave and they're sat in the other with them. And then Fred Flintstones was a little, you know, ET UFO guy with antennas or something. But yeah, there's a reason they were all back in those days. Shoot, there's been gazoo. Because I knew it was something. I was like, because who's the thing you play in instrument? All about any of that in decades. So anyway, yeah, it's not random that that's why it was. Oh, the land loss thing, that's what it was. Yeah, I mean, okay, you can throw around the same word, just like energy frequency reverberation. Well, I thought, okay, portal vortex, stargates, this, and I hadn't seen stargates. So I need the movie, I don't know what they're doing, but I have seen images where it looks like a big archway with a bunch of symbols, is that in the other? Yes, that's a thing. And that's darn near exactly how some of them looked on the boats. The heck, the Vikings do that. They put the same stuff on the, and I don't know what I'm talking as far as the, I'll call it the spine of a ship. I'm sure there's another name for it, but it would be on that on the wood. And the wood would be from usually the other location, because or rock, that's how this all ties in. Same thing, a wood holds a frequency reverberation. And so then if they're wanting to go from A to B, that's just stick with the Viking story for a minute, that's one where they would do it, hold space in there. I'm sure there's got to be some show on this, or books, where they'd have their, whatever they called their and had no education, any of this, their, their magicians or whatever, they would, if they chanted, if they swung a certain object, they would hold space in the bottom of that ship around that frequency of the wood, and they would jump pockets of time. I don't know what you'd call it. So that's the thing. Again, somebody more educated than me can look into all that and figure out what they actually called it. But that's, well, and to be a totally honest, I don't even know if that's acknowledged. Derek, if I put some guy next to a target, what would happen? That's interesting. Well, let's see if I can get a visual on that and see what would happen on that. Ooh, it's pulling interest. And I don't even know. So a lot of listeners have no idea what I'm even doing, because we don't really say anything, but it doesn't matter. It's, I just put visualized, and anybody can do this, visualized a stargate, whatever that is, to someone, and then put a piece of shungite, and I put it down at the bottom right of it, and what it did was it got really heavy. It's like it's in all spaces at once. It's unusual. So I'm just going to read it. It is, or the silver shungite. I don't know, I just said shungite. No, just, I'm just shungitings. I put a shungite rock down there. It's interesting. It's like, yeah, holding the space in all, I don't know, I'd say densities. Again, the word dimensions gets thrown around. I'm not talking about a spatial point. I'm talking about a density, a frequency, just like, you know, blues, disco, rap, all that's floating around us all the time, just tuning your radio to it. And shungite covers all of those. So it's not disrupting it. It's just connecting. It's connecting. It's like, huh, I guess if you'd say it's like four layers, and I don't know what's going on, but when I look through the Stargate thing, there's like multiple, it'd be like walking out of waterfall, but walking through a layer, layer. And then, you know, it sounds like the Stargate story, because the Stargate story, they're involved with this. Okay, hold on. I can tell this is going to be a long response here. Let's just, let's just take a break. Okay, and we'll be right back. Sound like fun. I was muted. Perfect. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] The movement of the people is coming. Everything's going to be okay. [Music] The movement of the people is coming. It's never going to go away. [Music] [Music] [Music] Now's our time. Our time to work together. To create justice. To reach every person. [Music] The people are coming. It's never going to stop. [Music] [Music] And welcome back to Shungite Reality for June 11th, 2024. My name is Nancy Hopkins. With me is Derek Condant, Mark Joseph and Walt Silva. Okay, so when we ended the, took the break, Walt was going to discuss what was it? What were you starting to talk about? Shungiting Stargates. Stargates. Well, that's what we were talking about, but he started, he started on something else, but now that we've broken into the Stargate thing, I mean, as we were talking, you guys were talking, I'm thinking about it and I'm going like, you know, you have an awful lot of people that just disappear. I can remember this one. You can see his footprints going all the way to the middle of a frozen pond and then just disappearing. And then he showed up months later, you know, hundreds of miles away in Massachusetts. It was somewhere in the Washington area, and then he ended up in Massachusetts months later. Maybe they're walking through, I mean, maybe these are, maybe Stargates are something that you can make a device out of that you would then, you know, know where the Stargate is. But maybe these things are all over the place and minute your size. Does that sound reasonable? Yeah, and they get, they manifest and move. So yeah, that's a thing. And that's why, remember, it's all frequency or energy. That's why some of the Bigfoots that walk around, all of a sudden you see three tracks and then nothing, and they didn't just leap up in the air and land five miles away to hide their tracks. No, they went extra again. I have to, I guess, maybe coin a phrase extra or sub density. I don't know a lot to figure a way to turn that. But tune themselves out of focus or frequency enough from this, but they could still, that's the invisibility thing. You're you're reverberating so fast like a fan on your desk, the blades on it go invisible. You can't see them. They're just all of a sudden gone. And so you won't interact with the denser stuff here, be it footprints or whatever. So yeah, there are vortexes or again, vortexes, portals, you know, Stargates. It's a frequency point, a heightened energy place that's tuned. And if somebody's aware of it, even it's a personal animal. Yeah, they can. Oh, Mount Shasta's one. So somebody says, there's a door. If you put your, I've heard so many stories. If you say the magic words, you can walk into the mountain. Or there's a certain spot. You got to put your hand on when the moon is here. I mean, when you remove all the stuff, it's a there is that is a thing. But you have to hold a certain space around you if that makes sense to you have to have and how you do that is have certain understandings. I don't get too much into the teaching move here, but I'll go anywhere you guys want to go. But it's the more the person understands the more piffonies. Aha moments, things like that, that the realizations of just putting the pieces together of this reality that I'll just say, let's you hold additional frequencies in your bio field. Then this other stuff, like for, I guess me, for example, it heightened my metaphysical senses. I became more psychic. I became blah, blah, blah, and goes on from there. I'm not from learning magic words or, or meditating so long a day that did this out in the other, they were epiphanies or aha moments, realizations, like I said. And sometimes, oh shit, moments like, oh shit, that's a thing. What the, and then don't let it go. So for me, I did the psychic thing when decades go trying to prove it to myself because I knew my mom didn't others were doing it. Well, then all of a sudden when I, I'll say, guest, the next 20 songs on live radio in order, and then I have to hold on to that go, okay, well that's impossible, not. And then don't ever forget that, that now nothing should be impossible. And if you live that way, the stuff turns on more, if that makes sense. So animals will do it accidentally in some place. Waterfalls are a good spot, by the way, Nancy. I don't know if it has a whole moving or moving water thing with all that, but they're heightened that way too. As far as, go ahead. Well, Walt, did you have something to say? Yes, I wanted to mention that when Derek was able to visualize Shanghai with the, with the Stargate, it made me think of the series, Stargate, because part of the storyline in that series is that the aliens came to earth. And they were looking for a special mineral that was incredibly powerful, which, which is called Nakora. So it, it kind of reminds me special because different from all other minerals. The Stargate is a, is a special mineral, and Nakora was, is so powerful that you could build, you could build a power, a power generator made of Nakora. And in fact, as you follow the storyline, they found another version of that in, in, in some other planet that they called Nakwadira, which was even more powerful that it was so unstable. So, I can't help but notice that there's a connection between Shanghai and the Stargate. So, forgive me if I interrupt you. No. It's actually fascinating. I wonder if we can get some Shanghai to start skin water ranch. That's what we have. And that's going to be Shanghai graded and so is the areas in Sedona. We were talking about off of off radio earlier. Yeah, tell them about. And or remember the, I can get in one of the sessions I've had relatively recently about, well, that same thing. Go ahead. No, you want, let's do the session thing. I want to make sure that we actually get that in. And actually that ties all together because we're still talking portals vortexes. Things like that. So, well, actually, I'm going to be really vague. So all the listeners, I'm going to have to do it this way for just privacy reasons and things. So I'm going to make just some. Some of us, I was just straight up unbelievable. You should be on its own TV show that I get to experience. Either in missed squares or during sessions or or going from A to B sometimes. But one again, I'm going to have to pause a little bit because again, I got to cut out a lot of it. I had a session. Sometimes. I have clients that will have large energy issues, a lot of people dying around them quickly and unexpected ways. So not typical things. Just say it's extreme. And then they'll have sessions with them. Again, I'm having to jump. And they'll tell me about this I can talk about past practices they had. And here's where again, I have new education of training. I guess it'd be Satanism or I. If you guys know the terms, I'm not sure. Okay. Well, they would do certain things. So through this person's whole life, they were brought up this way with. Parts of ad clubs. Again, I got to do this because otherwise I'm going to start to have another issue and you'll see why I'm kind of being hesitant here. Because this one hit me physically. This was just last week. It's probably four days ago, I think. So this person was part of certain clubs through their whole life and they would do things like put anagrams on the ground and and have their. There again, I already know the words. Hold their space and do everything you can imagine from any horror movie you've ever seen or heard of. Okay, so that's a thing. Yes, people actually do that stuff. And then often they end up on the couch across from me and telling me about it and we're bringing it back up. So. Like I leave that part out too. So that was happening and that's why Nancy I was saying it kind of ties into the vortex because that's what they're doing. They were holding this group and this person was part of the group was holding such a space and doing those type of things. Yeah, entities can now do that density transition and these were totally different type of entities than we were talking about earlier from skidwalker ranch. That's why I was saying when Walt was maybe saying the good or negative things, I'm like, depends on your intent. You know, you can do it just depends. So in this case, it was not good. And the stuff I'm not getting to is literally in the news all over right now and lots of government agencies are involved. Again, I'm being really vague, but that's a thing. So I, gosh, I gotta figure out what I get. I'm going to maintain this. They turn the session because the client across from in. Was aware enough that she that they asked me to remove something. So I did that. And it's a member from my perspective to really work easily. I keep it in the energy perspective, if that makes sense. So I look, I can choose, I can choose how I perceive things and I'll go energy rather than entity. So I don't need to look at who the good or bad guy entity and there's no judgment involved me at this point during the thing. So I'll do it energy wise. And then, and I felt it when I. I thought that these like to be ignored going like it when you ignore them. Oh, that's a thing. Well, these probably would have been real happy if I ignored them, but I didn't. So I did an energy removal to care stuff. And then that, and again, I'm having to cut out such huge pieces here to unbelievable because again, I. It's probably another show in the future when this stuff pans out and it kind of gets to an end because certain people are still missing. I can say one was literally an assassin. So I mean, just again, it's like, what the heck Derek even talking about? It's, it's a TV show on its own. But the important part I was going to get to was this group and you can all already imagine the type of entities I'm talking about that they were messing around with was not happy. That I was able to clear her to the degree I did. So I started getting a kick back from them and happened. Oh, it couldn't have been three, four, five minutes at best after the session get person out. I'm done walking out and then all of a sudden now just think back here in 3D. So I'm in mystical wares. This was an in person session. And all of a sudden my left arm, I'm going to right now, just massive pain like a sledgehammer is being and there's nothing around me. I didn't fall. I don't have an old injury, nothing like that. And I barely make it into Jealous's front office. So just in the front of the store. It's taken everything I have at this point, not to like literally scream out loud because of the pain in my arm. And there's customers around everything. And I'm just kind of moving pretty quickly to get in there and have to sit down. So I'm so much physical pain that I can't even think. I couldn't even tell this was going on. She knew something was up because I'm holding my arm and my arm was. So I think my left arm, I was covering it just, oh, I don't know, four inches up my arm from the wrist is where the issue was. So I'm just like human instinct. And that's why we do that, by the way, is when we have an injury or something, your hand goes straight there because you have energy centers on your hand and you're actually affecting it. So that's why it's human instinct. And then I put my hand there. I'm covering it again, trying to get my bearings so I can even figure out what the heck is going on. And then I look so it's it's still massive pain by enough to turn on. We'll just say my sight to go. Okay, clearly a woo thing because nothing. I don't see a physical slam hammer being beat on my arm. And I look and all I get to see initially because I'm still looking through just like screaming pain is my arm. And it's being broken. It's literally like, how would you put it snapped downward, I guess. So if it went compound fracture, the bones would shove out through my top of my forearm. So just above the wrist there. And I can see that happening. And it was literally physically happening because I didn't know it. I think Jalissa was the first to get it. I moved my hand. And you could see it coming off of my that area. And I'm looking at it right now. It's completely flat. There's no huge lump there. And it was. I take it as I could be a little more accurate over an inch coming off of my arm where it was just instantly in front of her eyes physically just poking up swelling up. No bone poke through skin or anything. But it was being broken. And then I don't know what was shoving up through my arm. And that's what I fully realized. Oh, you know, I had to wear with all because I got a say a glimpse of what was doing was a group was doing it. Okay. So I got heightened. I'll be real blunt. They pissed me off. And I was able to gain consciousness enough. Meaning get my thoughts going to my head to focus on them. And then they get it stopping. And that's when I saw what was going on in the group doing it. And they literally if this lasted much longer before I tell you ended up doing in a minute. It had literally physically been broken on and probably compound bones poking out. It was it was insane. And then went around to the shungite room, which is just kind of a walk down a hallway kind of thing. And that's part I think I told Nancy a little bit about that. Once I got in there, because I'm thinking, you know, I need to get in there to, you know, catch my breath sort of thing and shut the door and instantaneously they were disconnected. And then I got to start working on my arm. And I happen to have a cosmic silver shungite six day, a huge one. Actually, I don't even tell people about it. And they're sitting in there in a little basket, rock, not get spot size of my fist. And again, I'm even in there just for people to be drawn to it. They'll go spot it and things like that. But anyway, grabbed it, put it on there. And then, yeah, within minutes, it's all healed. Everything's gone as we can all do. But that was a huge and a lot of this would make a whole lot more sense if I could actually tell you all the parts and pieces of this session and story that are still being investigated, by the way. But that's enough of it that I can get out. So some of the stuff. When we mess with it, absolutely can affect you physically. And that's, that's. I'll say it took I was a group like a alluded to or kind of said. And it's when it's severe enough where they can't get you to think about and focus. That's when it's an issue. Nancy, I don't know if you want any direction on any of that. We wanted to go. I'm just trying to remember why. Derek, I wanted to add stuff to that. So if people think this is unbelievable, I mean, there's a new book out by Tony Rodriguez interviewed in the typical skeptic podcast. It's pretty much the same stuff, just not as severe of like these projects, Stargate project, Grillflame. And then he was going on into like once they were able to harm people from a distance, you know, because that's the remote viewing government project, then they wouldn't even deeper underground. So there's another guy named Vance Davis on the common sense show where he was like part of the NSA and is able to do these sort of X-men things. And they were talking about the Red Witch in Russia where remote influencing this person was feared by the West, the U.S. that could could squeeze somebody's heart from a distance. And so Tony Rodriguez was talking about that, too, where you're having these psychic wars. So this is a whole level of, like you said, a TV show movie thing that these things do happen. I mean, as far as black magic goes, like my introduction into these kind of mental technologies, I went into things like as a kid, you know, like what's the most with the Catholic Church? What's the complete opposite? Because Catholic Church is as corrupt as crazy. So then what is the other side doing? And so as far as Satanism is concerned, like the more public one is the Church of Satan, which is about self worship and using the God within to manifest in the material world. And I never went into the stuff of communicating with the unconscious forces of the demons because it's an atheist organization. So obviously these bloodline families, Illuminati and whatever, go into deeper stuff like what Jesse's a boater talks about in interviews that there's far more intense stuff that goes back like Babylonian times and like they asked second, that kind of stuff. So what you're talking about is like I was going into those realms in my head. So, and like like we've been saying movies are just another form of soft disclosure. They tell you everything what's going on. It's after it's, and I'll tell you Mark. When I, and I'm not judging any of the, I call them all clubs. I don't get a date. Some people call them religions or the center. They're clubs. And I don't join any clubs never have never will won't start a club either. So again, no judgment and some people say well that clubs negative because they're doing this to be totally honest when I zoom out and look at it. And they're awful as shit. None of them know what they're doing. They're, they think they are. And remember I'm just blunt. That's the way it is. And again, whether they call it religion or a cult, the set, and most of the humans doing the thing are just acting. They're playing out. They really have no clue. And then yeah, often they stumble in stuff. So it's just, it's, it's just kind of a big mess from my perspective because I, again, I get to clean up the aftermath sometimes if they end up, you know, making it into my office and or remotely telling me this out in the other, it's unbelievable stuff. And then again, I look at it all from energy. Because remember, for the example, I like spicy foods. I like my hot sauce and peppers and stuff. Not everybody does. So they'd say that wasn't good or negative or bad or too much. So yeah, so anyway, that's those things are all over the place as far as portals and nothing was going to go tripping into one. Oh, an add on was something you said, Mark. Anyway, when, when you're doing this, oh, right, which or something, I don't know anything about any of that. Never heard of it. But when the entity on either end, I'll tell you it's stronger, which is how this group, because I acknowledged them, I focused enough, looked at them, tuned into them, saw them, they saw me, and then they did my removal thing. Okay. And yes, scientists would say, we quantum entanglement, we connected. And that's why the connection was even stronger. I didn't, I'll say, clean house enough after that one is where they were still hanging on. Then that one literally took the shungai rooms to say, get me off their station long enough to where I could do my work. I don't know how else to explain it sort of thing. No, that makes sense. So then, how do we, if for people who don't have a physical shungai room and involved in these, to a degree or whatever, psychic wars, how can one make a portable or makeshift shungai room like with the tools that you have in mystical areas. You have people do it all the time. It's your own bio field with a piece of shungai in your pocket, around your neck, on your wrist, whatever. That's your space. Your place doesn't matter. It can be anywhere. Again, I do the psychic thing anywhere. No problem. It's your space around you, the energy, the feeling, your frequency, or a bio field. So that's what people need to first focus on. And that's why, and this is a free video on YouTube, Mr. Cohere's YouTube channel called Inner Expansion, where I spell out the whole recipe of armor in yourself. That's the first thing. It's a therapeutic hygiene. We all take our bats and showers for our physical body, the stuff that gets on us there. 10% in reality. Well, 90% is energy. We can call it emotions and imagination to really make it one. Well, that's a thing. And it sticks to your other invisible part of your or bio field. So now you have to have the understanding of etheric hygiene. Well, we're talking emotions and imagination. That's how you affect it with your emotions and also placebo effect. That's how you affect these things. So then armor. And in that video I mentioned, if somebody's interested can hear later see it. It's a whole Bucky ball of love frequency, already in your heart chakra, expanding from there. So in split second, you're in an invisible container of love. That thought affects that medicine invisible metaphysical thing that thought your imagination. Well, so is your aura. So is your bio field. It doesn't mean it's not real. It means it's metaphysical. It's off the visual spectrum. So then use your tools. So that's the most important part, Mark, is you don't have to show them. Yeah, everybody does. I would imagine I'd invent an imaginary pair of pajamas and you closet made of shungite. So not rigid. So think of them. And then put it on. Literally the person having the intention of doing that affects their aura or bio field. So they can spin that imaginary thing any way they want as far as having it, but they need to have the thought. And then again, placebo effect realized, which is real, that it affects you. And you'll literally feel a shift, and it changes. And then use that as your therapy gene. So anytime you feel stressed, anxiety, depression, remember metaphysical, you can't go grabbing it. You can't jar stress. It's energy. And that's how we use our imagination emotions to affect that. Yeah, I want to do an add on to that, because there's this in the health space controversy about, we're going to cover this, I don't know, like a month or two ago of certain fabrics. So let me just read this because it does relate to what you're talking about. And I got this at the Twitter of at Barbara O'Neill. What is that? Two L's and then AU. All fabrics have their own frequency. Most clothes today are used by polyester, which has a frequency of 15, which is the same frequency as death. Also mixing fabrics together cancel each other out, making the fat, the frequency to zero. So this is a posting from back in June 10. Do not wear mixed fabrics. A doctor named Heidi Yellen did a study on fabrics, and this was the conclusion. The human body has a signature frequency of 100, and organic cotton is 100. Therefore, you don't want to wear a garment under 100 that's lower than the frequency of the human body. A sickly, nearly dead person has a frequency of 15, and materials such as polyester, rayon, silk, and spandex to register at a 15. Science proves that any fabric worn that has a frequency less than the 100, our bodies put a strain on us, which causes disease inflammation and other sicknesses. The only super fabrics are wool and linen, both measuring at 5,000, which energizes the body and helps fight disease. As for linen and wool, they have the highest atomic frequency signature of any fabric totaling 5,000, so when you combine the two together, they cancel each other out to zero. So, thoughts on that, and then also if we wear, I don't want to keep going to raw shunga because it's just so pervasive. So, if we wear like a S4, say resin, or the cosmic silver, well, what I just read not be consequential or matter because someone's wearing mixed fabrics or these deadly ones of rayon and polyester. You make good points with all the clothing because when we look at us as our physical being and our energy being to different things because you're not your body, that's a vehicle, of course. We're walking over talking organ device or organite device, that's a thing, and that's why these layers over layers and even multiple, by the way, if you wear a certain type of clothing, and then maybe put on a, and a lot of our clothes nowadays are straight up just made from plastic. Over that, and that's enough, you start using that visualization, it makes sense that, oh, we are an organ device, meaning a layering of materials, and sometimes we might want to be aware of which ones those are. And that's a good point because it actually elicits about me some bamboo t-shirts. So, there's lots of different alternates out there, but yeah, it definitely has an effect on what you do, and I don't have a specific breakdown because I kind of learn just like everybody else as far as what materials made of what, say how it goes. But yeah, there's some not good ones. Yeah, so what about hemp and bamboo, what's the, because I don't know if you've worn, what was it wool or linen compared the four, like supposedly, what was it wool and linen are the top, but then how was hemp, bamboo, and there's probably a few other ones in that same level. Well, it's not good for me, not at all, wool would not be, but others, it might be the hemp, the bamboo, all perfect, good. And again, I said me, so everybody's different. But yeah, it heightens me, so like even when I get in salt water or salt bath or something like that, it's mostly, oh, it's going to calm or relax you. But not this vehicle, I'll be heightened like you wouldn't believe, I mean, physically to all hear stuff, and then just pick up on, and literally right now me just imagining that sense and kind of put my arms up, nothing make you see me. Well, the whole room literally just teal in here, my ears went, that stuff all gets heightened when you think about it or acknowledge it. And then, yeah, again, so everybody's a little bit different, so there's no one answer, so salt baths, I'm not saying they're bad for me because they're great for removing energies. But I get really heightened and everything, so I'll try to drive after that. I'm going to see the woo stuff merging with the physical, I'm going to see an invisible thing shooting across the road so clearly that I'm going to, you know, hit the brakes sometimes. Well, that's not always a great thing, imagine how disruptive that can be, not being able to differentiate where my normal wave being is both blended, but I can tell what's what I make fun of is my vision or straight up visual. But no one I'm. So, so you're so far to be normal. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, and everything heightened so just a little add on here, caveat is, I've been heightening as well so it's not like you can stop so meaning you can always progress you can always become more heightened so for listeners. That means, well, I've never been psychic in this life BBS. Yes, you are already are you just don't realize it. And it is the thing you can expand. Again, I already said the magic trick that's epiphany's aha moments and how you get those. Listen to those stuff watch podcast read books be open, flush the BS, but keep looking at it all and eventually you're going to find in there your synchronicities your breadcrumbs. And then that's when you connect the dot your aha moments go, Oh, I see it's just a thought and goes from there. Real quick example before I told us too much, and I'll make fun of this study, and it's been done dozens of times across the planet in any country they put two plants again I'm going to really minimize this to plants on the table. Positive thoughts and energy towards one negative towards the other and you already know where I'm going with this. The one flour is the other one didn't. Well, nothing was involved in there, but thoughts from a person, nothing else. They didn't shake a sacred rattle at it or knock on wood twice. No, and the plants don't have ears last time I checked. It was literally an intention. So now that we all and we already knew that that was a thing study probably. We don't need to have to explain that to the F degree. We just have to take from it one of your aha moments in life. Oh, intentions a thing. It affects reality. You don't need to explain any more in that. Well, now use your intention, which is what your imagination. Same thing and then know that it's real again back to the placebo effect. You're given on the sugar cube. They're getting all excited that show your cubes going to cure the whatever and it does. No, their intention or imagination that it does did it. Now, then some people were going to, well, everything's your imagination. Well, huh? Hey, there's an idea. Now, affect it is you can manipulate your imagination. And that's how you use to interact with the metaphysical is having realizations like that. A neo in the matrix where he gets up, holds up his hands, all the bullets stop. They're not physical bullets. He's working the metaphysical to override that reality. That's a thing. And that's what they're showing in there. He wasn't like using X man magic to stop bullets. He had the bigger understanding. And with that, you can do more. I don't know how else to explain it, but anyway, we can jump wherever you guys want. Okay, I can add something. So you were talking meters in the first hour. And my annoyance is over aligned some meters with a lot of the bio hacker people. But what are the meters you recommend as far as going deeper into the clockwise counterclockwise and then the deeper energy stuff. And then also, there's a thing apparently where people show here's some guide affecting a microwave or something and they hold up the meter. But it's not the meter. It's their hand. I think that interferes with the reading. Is that a thing? Oh, absolutely. And I've done videos in Miss Gores where I'll go up. I'll put a meter on the table so I'm not touching it. I have the stuff next to do its thing. And then I have to watch my focus because my focus alone will affect it and others can as well. But when I get my hand up, absolutely. And it depends how much energy you're pushing at the time. But yeah, your hand will absolutely have an effect. Again, anybody just put the stuff on the table, get their hand near it or in between this, that and the other and you'll have an effect. OK, yeah, you see some of these videos that, oh, look, some guy turned the thing, the meter to zero. I was like, no, it's your hand. Yeah, I've got without the Shanghai. So I've zeroed it out. Then again, Miss Gores with just my hand. So without the Shanghai. So it all has an effect. Everything's frequency and energy. They're connected. And then how it gets stronger or less strong is by the humans intention again. So you can boost Shanghai just like boost in the plant. Imagine it. That's not, I'm not saying that lightly. That's no joke. I mean, that has literally been proven, not that we need it proved to us, but it's a thing. So we just need to realize it and not think you need to be a scientist to imagine something. You can definitely have an effect. And so in your relatives house every day, hopefully you get the individual to have realization that the, or if this is your own case at home, wherever I'm talking to you here. Armor your whole bedroom, your house, that whole Bucky ball thing I was talking about ran yourself. It's made of imagination. There's not exactly a size limit or an unlimited or a limited supply. So then, yep, put your car in a soccer ball of love, your house, your room, you're setting an intention. Anything outside of that frequency or intention isn't going to hold space. That's a thing. That's what I can others can to walk into a room and you all know this, you know, you're either that person or know the person. People can just feel them and they'll turn and they're not walking in the room smelly or making noises, you know, affecting another sense. It's an energy thing. They're holding space. And once you have that again, another realization on that one, you can affect it. So, and I feel that there's a lot when I try and do the opposite, meaning to go invisible, you know, make yourself energetically small and move from A to B so you don't get, you know, distracted or interacted with as much. And I'd say that because I'm usually in a heightened state, so it's hard for me to focus. I'm like, I just want to go. So, but anyway, yeah, we can all affect those things. Is there like a TV show or movie that comes close or even a book to you sharing this experience of your session? And I was saying, like, all these other people that I listen to podcasts, whatever interviews that, yeah, they're talking about the same thing is just to give the, I don't know, non-woo people a visualization or maybe like a springboard. What's like a book, movie TV shows that come close or somewhat close to the thing you were just sharing. Ooh, I'm trying to think. And if I even know, because I'm so busy, I haven't been able to watch or see or read much of it. Oh, that's true. Yeah. I'm literally kind of like not isolated by any means, but I'm still trying to think of something there. I mean, there's a movie that would fit you right. The movie has what the main actor is Robert Kolp and Gig Young are the two actors. And they're exactly what they're described and what they're dealing with in the movie. It's very interesting because they end up fighting a demon in a specific way. So that movie, in fact, when he told me the story of what happened, I was reminded of the movie. So it's from the 70s with Robert Kolp and Gig Young. So, I'll look for the title, because I can remember all I remember is the, who, one of the actresses was Majo Barrett, a nurse chapel from Star Trek, was in that movie. But it shows that particular scenario, where he fights, what do you call it, demonic entity. Oh, and I said, I truncated the story so much because literally it's an active investigation going on. So I can only say too much. So I'm alluding to things. But, oh, yeah, it was way more. And I'm even saying this stuff I saw and to be totally blunt. I don't want to tune back in to what I saw when I when she's telling. So the person in front of me, telling me the story, what's going on. Well, I wonder if it happened from when I did this kind of thing. Well, when they get into that, I mean, I get the whole visuals. I literally get to look off and I have to give a spiel before session because my site turns on around them and sometimes through them. The physical goes hazy in the metaphysical tunes in. I can't explain it really well. But I get to see the incident, the scenario, the thing going, if they're talking about a person, that person tunes in. And when that happens, it's like when you, right, anybody, we're like in a room alone and we feel somebody's looking at as we look around. That's because I get to see the person. All of a sudden, they do that. So I know that human or entity feels me. And sometimes they spin around and straight up look at me and I go, oh, there's an intuitive. They're aware that there goes from there. She was, was I get into there. Oh, yeah, I don't want to remember or tune back into the things they were doing because you got really specific and it was for years and I'll just tell you they were teamed up with the hills, angels, just a micro club down in LA and who knows where now. So just lots of interesting characters involved in this one. So, but yeah, and that's not even, I don't, oh, Nancy, the things people live for fun. Ooh, someone I can, but yeah, I know, because my reality podcast, I'm like, yeah, I can't give that story. And Nancy, you can maybe say if I should or not. But when I first moved to see Joe Wooley, 10 years ago, my property, I'm only going to say so much to you remember, I show up and there's NSA all marked vehicle CIA sheriff. I mean, name your three letter agency on my in my driveway out of five acres property and what we found in the bushes. Well, I don't think we really need to cover it. No, no, probably not in that one. But that was enough. Now you got people, now you got people mad at me because I said, no, let's not do it. But it was, it was a murder situation and he just happened to be. Oh, let's, yeah, let's get past that. Yeah. You know, it was, but it was all this. Yeah, I mean, all of a sudden you have everybody on top of you. Yeah, exactly. I know I didn't want to get in that part either. Yeah, it's just what she's saying. Everybody there is. So other part of the story of that house is quickly the individual that was living there is just a rentalizing for some time in between property. So it was a five acre farm in Seidro, Wooley, Washington, I had. And the owner that I found us out after I got the place died in the house beforehand. He sealed up all the power outlets in the house. Because his understanding, the government was listening to him through the power outlets. So he sealed them all up. So those all had to be replaced and done. And what I found out after getting in there, and that was neither here nor there to me. It was, we would hear a certain, this is the home of the podcast. Bang and just like they dropped a 50 pound boulder on the top of our roof at the same moment every single night. And of course, I'm out there. There's nothing there, but it happens and you feel it in the house. Animals too. And same spot. And then a little bit later on. I never timed it. There'd be a helicopter out there and then eventually after some time met the neighbors and they say, oh yeah, we don't know what's going on. But there's always this helicopter that. Fly. And it just hovers right there. So there's a bunch of 100 foot pine trees and cedar trees. It's a forest area. So we're not talking a cold to sack. I mean, we're on the side of a mountain just for, again, a visual. And it wasn't a, yeah, you hear that you go out there, hear the helicopter and all that. It wasn't a helicopter. It was, I don't know, some cloaking thing. There was a, what we would call a UFO is what we would see. And I don't know why the banging and never, I wasn't, this was again, I don't know how many years ago, before I was doing too much of this. So this was the stuff all happening around me when I was in that zone of perceiving more metaphysical and physical. And I didn't have any teachers or guides or gurus and I'll make fun of them to teach me stuff. So I was just kind of going at it and, you know, perceiving and realizing. So then all of a sudden, I would look at the hell in this case, helicopter, then I'm like, also my ears would ring a little bit more and it would morph, or I'd see something around it. So more so like that, like it would be, I don't know, like a yoke around it or something. It had some control of the energy around it to where it could manipulate what you saw or you saw nothing, which is why I was talking earlier Nancy about the skinwalker ranch, the UAPs they see, the white orbs, that is a whole vehicle thing there. That's just a heightened energy spot. They can't. My understanding of what's the mechanism behind that is that they're not so much cloaking. They're sending a signal into your brain that you're seeing a helicopter instead of what your eyes are actually 3D saving. Yeah, they're playing the freak again. The only word I have is frequency. I'm sure there's 20 words we really need to have to actually make that understandable and tangible, but they're tuning the space and time or energy around it to that of a helicopter. So that's what our physical senses are going to pick up on. Now, if you start perceiving metaphysically, well, then you see that you're moving vision turns on. You get big pulses of energy, you get the emotion there in my ears, ears start ringing, things like that. And then you get to see visuals if, you know, if you have messed with your third eye. Again, so many angles on this. I got to kind of stop, but it's all there for everybody. It's just what you're willing to see. I have people who came in a car load of people, five people saying, well, I drove out of Seattle and they're all family members. I looked up and saw this big triangle UFO, blah, blah, blah, but grandma sitting next to me saw nothing. And she was sitting right there and then it was five different people, different sites or visions. Yeah, and then I just get to hear the story. Like right now I can see it again, the UFO they described and everything and it comes back in. So then I'm like, and then I just put it pieces together. I'm like, well, grandma was too scared. So she shut down. So the who frequencies or energies didn't weren't allowed to enter her imagination. That's what a lot of this stuff needs to start. And then once you accept it, it becomes more of your reality. And literally becomes more tangible. And yeah, so anyway, I'm seeing some posts on there, or in text, in the chat room, I should say. Nothing. I just found the name of the movie. That reminded me of what happened to you. Spector. I'll have to look at that. And I said, I might be hard moving to watch being that old. Also, it was a TV series. Looks like yeah, I called the best care blah, blah, blah, blah, yeah, I'll Google it later. Is, is, is Roddenberry involved with it? And do you see his name anyway? Yeah, he's a, he's a producer of the film. But when you named his, that you named his wife as being in there, the one that you said was at picture, that's his wife. So you know that Roddenberry had information about the Secret Space Program and everything else. I mean, when we talk about the Secret Space Program, we're talking about the Star Trek universe. And it's apparently very real. I'm not sure one way or the other, to be honest. We have a Radio 5G show that's coming up tomorrow at noon time. And Mark and I, the first hour is with Christopher O'Connor, who spent 60 years with the Secret Space Program. It's really fascinating. So that's tomorrow at noon. And then Mark and I in the second hour, we kind of like comment on that and a lot of other things. There was a lot of Shungite in that, wasn't there, Mark? Yeah, I thought we talked about Matthew Rife and then Dr. Jerry. Yeah, Chris O'Connor, you already posted. Yeah, yeah. You're right. Right. That show I put up is a special show. That's right. Yeah. So what did we do? Matthew Rife, the relative of... Yeah, yeah, yeah. But the special show, you can find it in the archives. On this guy and hopefully I put the rumble, or I guess it was a YouTube, I'm not sure enough. It's already up. Yeah. And if you have a smartphone podcast app, that was one of the recent things that came up. Yeah, yeah. It's a fascinating rendition of, you know, just this Secret Space Program that's out there. I don't know why I jumped to that, but something made me jump to it. I guess because something made me jump to it anyway. So Matthew Rife is a great nephew of Royal Raymond, Royal Raymond Rife. It was his dad's brother. And it's fascinating to hear him just give you kind of like a family insight into Rife, which is somebody that we often cite as having a grill early in the 30s. In the 30s, all this happened, 1930s, that he had a real good substantial research into how vibrational energies can, you know, take care of cancer, for instance. Fascinating. Anyway, okay, so we've got like nine minutes here, eight minutes. Yeah, I'll keep it going. So the Rife interview is interesting because it's Celeste Solum that's interviewing him in the first hour. And then I also reference a recent interview of Rife, which is a cult of conspiracy where he talks about free energy, anti-gravity, his other friends. He talks to and how he protects himself so intel agencies don't get in this business. Back to practical things. So I tried to, when I was out overseas, I tried to put an S4 magnet on the air condition, but there's no metal to put the, you know, make it stick. So because you guys said that it can purify the air of the air condition air that comes in, let alone save energy. So can we just tape one of the S4 stickers on anywhere in the air conditions and if the magnet was there? Yeah, why not? Why can't you put a tape over the magnet? Yeah, that was the next step, but I thought it has to stick like metal to metal for it to have the toroidal thing and all that. As long as the magnet is on it, it doesn't matter that it's plastic. And also it doesn't matter where you put it as long as it's on the air condition unit, right? Exactly. Okay, I'll advise that then. That's good. I'm going to dispute that. I think that when you have the metal that you have a different, more expansive field, does it have an effect on the system? Yes, but the metal is intricate to the field, not only because of the magnet, but because it's more gone. So then Nancy, what would you recommend as the next step? Because there's no metal as far as I could access on the air condition itself. So what would be the next best thing to do? The field is still there. It's not as big as a full metal cabinet, but it wouldn't be there. It's there. It's there. You just have to, you know, attach it. But if you're going to go do that, then just put a sticker on it. It doesn't matter. If I want to maximize, I have the scalar S4 stickers, or it doesn't have to be that high. It could also be the regular S4. That's $10. Would it matter? This one? All you need on any of the electric systems. I mean, if this has got electronics in it, life and that sort of thing, then you need the S4. OK, but you can without them. See, if you've got the magnet in the metal, then you've got a secondary field happening. If you don't have that option, then you don't need to pay for the magnet. Just put a sticker on it anywhere. OK, and that goes back to the basic question back in 2014 where because your EHS, electro hypersensitive and the raw shung at itself is not enough at the time to alter the Wi-Fi. You needed the silver to feel better, an actual difference. So does that still hold true now where things like Wi-Fi, even the cell phones and then, obviously, smart meters, but let's just go with the bottom, which is Wi-Fi and cell phones. You're going to need the S4, not the raw, to make an actual complete turnaround, transmutation. I would say that's a safe decision, but remember, the shung at itself has been highly upgraded. And I really haven't looked at, you know, does that still happen? It seems to me like it's still happening. So I would say that, yeah, you have to have the cosmic silver on the S4 sticker, silver saturated shung at its sticker by Walt Silver. I mean, as much as shung at his gun out to people and these influencers promoting it, like David Avocado Wolf, Dr. Jane Ruby, Wi-Fi, et cetera, they, most of them, like 99% don't make the jump into the silver. Like, what is that? Or just take, it'll just take time for them to see that combining it with other things makes it more usable. I can't find it. Maybe they don't know a way to combine it for themselves. I don't know. Like the effect, because like you were saying, Derek, we're organ devices ourselves in antennas, so unless they can differentiate how one affects another, like, you know what I mean? Yeah, I mean, if they're not, so think like wine tasters as now is not everybody can be a wine tasted. They don't have that honed sense of taste or smell needed. Or maybe they're just not, you know, physically built to do such or something. So then, you know, how do you perceive the differences? You really don't know how to explain that one, but in that case, yeah, I guess the test would be, how does water's structural pattern look different from the regular raw versus the silver? Because I already have pictures of the silver from the as formatted on the fridge, how the ice cubes look, but then how does regular raw look with ice haven't done that part? So, yeah, in promoting Derek's store, you know, we have summer picnics, family get togethers for the July coming up, more or less. Sunkite honey as gifts, potluck, and then a lot of people are staying indoors because of the heat. And of course, people are sitting down most of the time and staring at a screen. So you put the s4 mag on their favorite chair or wherever they're sitting the most on some metal part and then that'll help to keep them stable. What do you guys think about that? That's not a bad way to get in that environment. I never thought about putting it on the chairs. I put it all over the place like on lamps. It's always some medical, even, you know, there's always some metal on a lamp and I always put the magnets on every lamp. Now, remember, I've been able to afford these because we were making them and some of them weren't, you know, perfect, so we weren't selling them, so I've got like throwaways. But so I have that ability to do that. But when you do that with the lamps, it's acting like an intensification of the Oregon concept. It's an Oregon device. Let me put it that way. Being fueled by electricity. Anyway, Derek, you want to say Adios to everybody? Yeah. Yeah. Thank you, everybody, for being here. I appreciate you all. Have a great day. And Walt. Okay, everybody. Have a super day today and we'll see you later today. Thank you. Well, maybe we'll see him later today. We might do a replay. Dolly's not feeling good to do the show. Okay. So I'm thinking I'm going to replay the Kingmine affair, you know, where we took care of the river and stuff. So if you're good with that, I'm good with that because I'm all threatening floodwater coming my way. Sounds like a plan. Mark, you want to say bye? Yeah, thanks, everybody. Well, let me know about the resonator second by that. Oh, well, oh, what do you want? My family. I'll just email you. Oh, okay. Email me. Yeah. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Thanks, everybody, for being here. And again, tomorrow we're going to be listening to some more about energy healing and a lot about Shanghai. So be safe, everybody. Thanks for being here. Oh, sorry. Wrong one. You've been listening to the Shanghai radio show produced by Cosmic Reality Radio. Thank you for being here. Be safe. Save on a Riley Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of a Riley Break Parts Cleaner for just $8, valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Riley. Auto Parts. [BLANK_AUDIO]