Kindeiser Podcast

Chicken wings and the chair of death w/ Call Me Kyle

This week the boys touch on NFL contract extensions and argue about whose food taste is superior.

1h 26m
Broadcast on:
27 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

All righty, let's get after it. Welcome to this week's installment of the Kindizer Pod with Call me Kyle in my mom's basement, AKA the stew, live in action, boys or hives. - Definitely hyped, hopping on the new mics. We got the new mics rolling, the chair of death rolling around. - Yeah, yeah, so we got the, you know, what should we actually get like revenue coming in? We can get you a better chair, but right now you're gonna have to suffer with the chair of death guy. I didn't feel like bringing the other good one down here. And I saw like five years from now, I could get a chair, that's nice, that's all right. - Yeah. - I'll just stand for the next few. Now that we got these fancy ass mic stands, dude, I could fucking have the mic right up to my face. I could stand right up like I'm on the radio. - That'd be sick, dude, it'd be awesome. I mean, we're basically big time already, so. - I'm damn near deep-throating this thing, though, to get it fucking sound decent, but-- - Well, it is big and wide. - So you're probably into it anyways. - I'm not opposed to that. - I mean, you know, if this was actually like a live, like, you know, not live, but like, you know, we had actual visual, mind's pink, so it's pretty sick. - Yeah, nice big pink thing hanging in your face. - Yeah, to rousing me, I'm getting pretty, pretty horny over here. (laughing) - Man, so we had some interesting things happen. Honestly, even just today. To assign a contract extension. - Oh shit, he did? - Yeah. - Damn, I didn't even know about that, what the hell? - Yeah, it happened just like a couple hours ago. I don't remember the exact numbers on it. Let's pull it up though right now. So yeah, there's definitely gonna be... - God, I am so curious to hear what he got. Boy, am I curious to hear what he got. - $212 million. - For how many years? - The important part is the years and the guarantee. - Four years. - I don't see a... Where it says... Oh, reportedly the guarantee is $167 million. - I mean, that's insane. - Wow. - Is to a guy that's taking you to the promised land? - Well, I mean, okay, yeah, here in all fairness. So I mean, you said it was $160. - $767. - $767 is to a better than Daniel Jones. - Yeah. - I don't know what Daniel Jones guarantee is, but Daniel Jones is getting paid $40 million a year. So for Toa to make guaranteed, Toa's gonna make 40... What is that, 41 and a half? I mean, I'm fine with that. I think he's right. I think that's a good spot for him now. For, what was he said it was, four years, $212 million. I mean, now that outside to guarantee, I don't know if I think Toa's 100% worth $54 million, what was it, $53 million a year? - Daniel Jones is getting $92 million guaranteed. - Yeah, it sounds like chum change now. Two years ago, everyone was fucking... Two years ago, people were losing their shit over that. Now you see, fucking Toa getting signed for it and then getting that guarantee and Trevor Lawrence. Trevor Lawrence. - Yeah, he... - Yeah. - Props of the dolphins for not giving in, 'cause what is Trevor Lawrence getting like 50... He's getting like 55 million. - Yeah, we talked to him, we went over that last week. - Yeah, 55 million a year. So like, props of the dolphins for not being like, okay, well, if he's getting 55, we gotta give Toa fucking 58. - Yeah, I know. - 'Cause it's just gonna keep gassing everyone up. - Well, yeah, that's just like the way it goes. I mean, we'll see this... They see the trend and, you know, and in an all fairness, I feel like, yeah, if people are getting paid that and you're just as good or better, you should absolutely be getting money that's similar to that. - Yeah, for sure, for sure. That's why I don't know where the jags got off pain, Trevor Lawrence, 55 fucking million, dude. - I'm trying to find something. - Doesn't make sense. - I can't find it though, but whatever. No big deal. - That's wild. - No, it is kind of insane though, but again, like, I don't know if Toa's taking you to the Promised Land, but in any way, look at their... They're obviously set on this guy that this is... This is different, this is their guy. So, I mean, you have to give in and pay the money. - I definitely think he's a guy that could win a Super Bowl. I think Toa definitely has the talent and the talent around him to win a Super Bowl. - Yeah, absolutely. He's on an insanely talented team. - People keep talking about the fucking concussion thing and like, oh, he's the injuries, and it's like... Yeah, I mean, of course, anyone gets slimed on their fucking head twice. Like, you know, half the guys in the league don't get like fully knocked out concussed where the fucking fingers are curling off. - That would feel bad. - 'Cause they're just like... - And Amazon is showing it, too, do they? - Yeah, it was great. I love that. - And you're showing the replay all zoomed in and everything that was horrible. I don't mind seeing it. - I mean, I hate when they don't show injuries. - Yeah. - But I feel like they didn't need to show it on repeat 10 times. - Yeah. - Yeah, they definitely didn't know what was happening, which my first instinct, I don't know how, 'cause as they were talking, they were like speculating what was going on. I'm like, clearly he is out cold 'cause if you've ever watched, like obviously, if you've watched like UFC or anything, you see fucking... Guys get knocked out cold, they're fucking toes and shit curled, they're fucking... - Yeah. - They start like, yeah, dude. That was a definite sign of being completely concussed. There was like not much question to be asked there, but... - It's actually a great transition. That was good on you. - You want to touch on it? Let's just get on. I mean, you were obviously super hyped about it over this past weekend, we had the J-Paul fight. - Oh yeah, oh no, not super hyped, not super hyped. I like Mike Perry. I'm a big Mike Perry thing. - Yeah, Conor McGregor doesn't. That's why he fired him. - Yeah, that's all right. Conor McGregor can do whatever Conor McGregor wants, but except the fight and actually win 'cause he's awash. - He's won and four in his last five fights, I think. - Yeah, that's pretty bad. I mean, you know, the guy's... It is what it is. He had a good run. Obviously, he's one of the most entertaining, if not arguably, the most entertaining fighter of all time. - 100%. - Like whether you love him or hate him, he's absolutely an entertainer when it comes to fighting. So, I mean, I'll give him props there. But yeah, no, I love Mike Perry. I think he's an absolute fucking dog. And I think the fight went really well, actually. I mean, other than the fact that Mike Perry definitely got carried away with just eating fucking shots. He just kept standing right. Jake Paul landed about 16,000 left jabs straight to the fucking face. It was ridiculous, dude. I was screaming my head off him like, "Please, cut." It was like watching a fucking Rocky movie. Like, they're so unrealistic where he just stands there and gets punched like 80 fucking times, never puts his hands up once. It's like, "This is not boxing." It's so terrible. And Jake Paul, like, I mean, that fucking guy's a chump. He really is. - Yeah, I mean, he can't... The one time he actually fought... - He fought one real boxer. - One real boxer. And at that, and he lost. Yeah. And Tommy Fury's actually not even that good of a boxer. - No, he's not good, but he's not bad. - No, but he's an up and coming. - He's still a real fighter and you see. You know, he took him out to the shed and... - Yeah. He's a guy who's trained fucking boxing his whole life. It makes perfect sense. Like, and that's why I think... I think that's like a big thing that really affects, I would say it's hard to say 'cause like Francis and Ganu stepped into the fucking square with Tyson Fury and pieced him up. - Yeah. - And I mean, but he hasn't been doing MMA his whole life. And he did start training boxing when he first went to Europe. Like when he made it out of Cameroon and shit and finally made it to Europe. - Yeah. - He trained boxing for like, I want to say almost a year. Maybe it was like only six months. But nonetheless, he started training boxing. That was his first training style. So like, it was to kind of help them a little. - Yeah, he has background. So, you know, it's definitely gonna help. - But a guy who's like been training mostly. - I mean, you don't see like even UFC, there's a lot of guys that have stand up like strikers. That's their fighting style. So obviously he's gonna transition really well to boxing. - Yes, but also there is just the fucking constant threat. Like you can't, sure, you're worried about getting punched in the face, but like, yeah, you're thinking like, okay, here come, I'm gonna swing. And then now all of a sudden a guy's got you by the fucking hips and takes your ass down. And now it's a totally different game. Like it's just a different game even in stand up 'cause the threat of being taken down or being fucking leg kicked or head kicked or fucking kicked in the liver. I mean, there's just, it's a totally different game. - So obviously these guys are training. So they're eating these hits. But like, when you see videos of like people like getting leg kicked by a professional UFC fighter. - It's hilarious. - Dude, it hurts so bad. And then did you see like that article that came out? Like they put their knuckles and like petroleum to harden them? - What? - Yeah, I just saw that. - No, I never heard even, no. - Yeah, I just saw that. Like this couple of days ago, like two days ago, the apparently they do that. They soak their knuckles and petroleum to harden them. - I've never heard that. I mean, I don't know. I don't know, yeah, I mean, I'm taking your word for it. - Yeah, I'll look it up. That seems insane. I mean, yeah, they don't put it past them. - They are gonna do whatever they fucking, whatever they can do. But yeah, the Jake Paul fight was, you know, it's a Jake Paul fight. It was one of the better ones. I mean, I haven't watched all of them. - Jake was such a, he just, he's a fucking bitch. - Okay, so it's Tom Aspenal. Yeah, he soaks his knuckle and petroler every day. Because it would hardens them. - Tom Aspenal's a fucking monster. - Yeah, Tom Aspenal's an absolute monster. - It's about 20 minutes. He would do it, he'd dip his knuckles. And yeah, they'll harden them, that's what it says. - So if I soak my dick in petroleum for 20 minutes a day, I think we know where that's going, right? - Yeah, I mean, I think that would definitely help. You know, what else may be helped to get a, potentially get a sponsor, you know, like Blue Chew or something and, - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - With your struggles. - Yeah, dude. - I would. - That'd be sick. - Speaking of, today's sponsor, no. (laughing) - Not yet, but hopefully soon. We'll see if we can get more than 10 listeners or whatever. - Yeah, we're gonna have to evaluate the numbers and go ahead and send it on into all a bunch of different companies and just see what we can get going here. So hopefully our-- - If we can get one, make like 20 bucks, guess what? That's like, that's like a 24 rack for the boys. - 20 bucks is like, I could buy like a really long USB cord to actually get my cord to reach the computer comfortably. - It reaches fine. (laughing) - It reaches perfectly fine, look at that. - Yeah, but without having to like wrap it over you on your lap, like that, we get when it goes on the floor all the way over there, it stays out of the way. - It's no bother. It's okay. We're gonna get it all situated. We're gonna get an actual table. We're gonna get the studio set up looking good. Get it right, it'll be fine. - My goal is by episode five, we have everything we need. - Yeah, I mean, I'd say we should. You know, I guess all we really need next is just like, visual. - Yeah, I'm a very visual guy myself, so I do enjoy. - So you get the kind of guy that goes on Spotify and watches Rogan? - No, I don't, I do not watch Rogan actually 'cause I listen to most of my podcasts at work, but it is nice occasionally 'cause when someone's saying some really stupid fucking shit, I'm like, I need to see the dumbass that's saying this stuff. I need to see the idiot that's saying this. - Well, it's okay 'cause most of our listeners are people that we know, so they already know like, who's saying it and what we look like, but shout out to the one guy in Germany. - Yeah, yeah. - Germany, dude. - Don't forget, don't forget where he's from. He's from Germany, bro. - No, we got dudes in Germany, Belgium. - San Francisco. - Yeah, shout out San Francisco, hey. Third episode in a row, you're getting a shout out, man. Much respect to you, unless you're a female, I don't know. You could be a girl to here, so I don't know. - Props to that. - Yeah, I hope you enjoyed our talk over the 49ers last week and how much we were absolutely glazing the daylights out of 'em, you're welcome. - Yeah, and also the lack of any sort of information we had last week, we kind of really didn't state any facts. It was more of an opinion piece. - That's it should be, because this is my show. - Absolutely. - We're gonna give our opinions on whatever we want. And when it needs to be factual information, it'll be factual information. But for the time being, I'm gonna see whatever I want. I could say, Rex Grossman was the goat. And even if I'm wrong, it's my opinion. Hey, Rex Grossman has as many NFC Championship wins as Aaron Rodgers, so that says something. That he was just that good. - Yeah, that's facts. - So does Tom Brady. - What? - Tom Brady has as many NFC Championship wins as Aaron Rodgers too. - Oh yeah, well, okay. Here we go, getting to the fucking semantics of it. - It's not cement, it's just facts. - Yeah, it's the fucking bogus aspect. - How was that bogus? - You just compared, okay, you just basically compared Tom Brady to fucking Rex Grossman. (laughing) - Dude, they're dogs. I mean, what do you want me to be? (laughing) - Oh dude, do you know what we're speaking of? - I'm actually a nooner, would you? - I'm a nooner. - Yeah, I'm gonna get one of those. - You don't want one of these dudes? - I'm not really feeling inferior. I really don't even want this. I'm just like, my head still doesn't feel great. So hopefully this helps. - Why doesn't your head feel great, dude? - That's too sudden. - 'Cause of that fucking amazing concert you went to last night? - Yeah, it was kind of upsetting, but it's alright. - Talk to the people out there, dude. We were talking about music on the first one. - Yeah, I mean, I went to CRCP last night in Noblesville. You know, one of my favorite bands of all time and it was kind of a, they played for like a half hour. It was really, really rough, dude. And like, they only played like two songs that I personally think are good, because they played a lot of fun. Like their most recent album. And I think that album's absolutely garbage. I didn't like it at all. So it was a little upsetting, but you know, I didn't pay for the tickets. They were a gift, so it's okay. You'll have that, I guess. I don't know. Whatever, Anthony Key is still rocking that bullcough. That's pretty funny. I mean, he looks a little goofy, but whatever, he can do what he wants. He's Anthony Key, this. - Yeah, absolutely. - You know, people might get upset that they have so many songs about Maine or California. I don't know, somewhere in the middle. - Yeah, somewhere in the middle would be more like Iowa. - They sound like that, I don't know. They got that one song about Indiana. - That one song. - Yeah. - It's a good song. - Yeah, Danny, California. (laughing) - Dude, it's so funny how like they, exactly. I knew that's exactly why I asked you like, oh, they, you enjoyed like the 45 minutes, 'cause when we went like in 2016 to St. Louis to see him, and we went with like a whole group of friends and shit, and dude, we were all so fucking pumped. And obviously like, they played really great. Like they played really good. - Yeah. - They're really fun to see, and also it was one of my favorite bands ever. They're really fucking, it was awesome, but yeah, it felt like it was 45 minutes. I mean, it was like bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. - Dude, I was on court done. Like they are fucking get in, get out. - Like what the heck? I mean, when I went to the first time I saw him was actually at Lala, 2017 or? - Yeah. - Actually, I went with Stephanie, shot at Stephanie. We sat a, we were actually like front gate. Like we were right there in front of the stage, 'cause we stood in the same spot for 12 hours. - Oh my God. - As soon as it opened, like the gate's open to get into Lala, we sprinted to grab food, 'cause that was the only food we were gonna eat all day. And we knew that, and I'm like, that's fine. So whatever, it's fine. So we get there, and we're just standing there. My feet hurt so bad. And mind you, obviously they're the headliner, so again, they didn't start until like 10. And so we're standing there. It was wild though. I remember I saw some dude getting carried to the front to go to like, get help, because you super hammer, super messed up on something. Saw a dude in a wheelchair crowd surfing. - What? - Yeah, like they picked up this dude in a wheelchair in this crowd surfing. - Holy fuck. - It was so wild. - That's insane. What a life experience for that guy. I mean, how the fuck? - Yeah, it was awesome, dude. It was a blast. - That's sick. - Yeah, it was so- - That's actually fucking crazy. - We met Kyle Massey that night, too. - The dude in the house. - That's so raving? - Yeah. (laughing) - Dude, there's a piece of shit now, isn't he? - It's a fucking dude, it was horrible. So we're like walking and Stephanie's like, "Holy, holy shit, that's Kyle Massey." I'm like, "What?" I'm like, "Oh my God, it is." So like, we walk over there. You also think of Orlando Bloom, that guy's a bum. - No, he is a piece of shit, too. - Yeah. - But he's holding a box of connies. He's like, "You guys want a piece?" And we're like, "No, we're good." He's like, "Oh, Stephanie goes, "How did you like this show?" He's like, "Oh, it was awesome." But I was lit the whole time. I'm like, "Oh, well there goes my childhood." - Cool, dude. - I'm like, "Yeah, there goes my childhood." And he's like, "Well, I'm about to go to a party "with a bunch of my friends in the rooftop. "You guys want to come?" - Really? - Yeah, as fun as that sounds, no. - 'Cause damn, I turned down a party with Kyle Massey, huh? - We had to get back 'cause your mom was picking us up. We weren't driving. We didn't drive. - Yeah, you guys are probably really, yeah, 2017. Holy fuck. - Yeah, I mean, I just turned 18. '70 was just 21 or whatever. - Damn. - Yeah, that's right. Yeah, 20, say, "Fuck." - Yeah, it was unfortunate it would've been cool 'cause I think about it. It's like, who else would've been, honestly, there probably would've been a crowd that I would not have enjoyed, not that I think about it. It probably would not have been that cool. But whatever, I'm at Core in the House. I asked him how the White House was and he says, "Yeah, I never was actually never there." Yeah, I know, it was a joke. And he started laughing. That's when he invited us to the party. - Damn, nice. - Yeah, so you got him, you got you guys in. That's what happened. - Yeah, sick. - That was cool. - What's the craziest thing you've ever seen in the concert besides a guy? I mean, I don't know how you could top like a guy, fucking crowd surfing in a wheelchair. That might, that has to be it, right? - Yeah, no, that's definitely like, is probably the craziest thing I've ever seen. I had never really seen anything else, super nuts. I'm trying to think, no. I mean, I saw Ramstein one time, so that was not-- - What? - Yeah, I saw them in Open Air. - I saw them. - It was Breaking Benjamin, Corn, Disturb, and Ramstein. - You're saying Ramstein, you're, I'm supposed to be the white one here, dude. - Dude, you're calling him Ramstein. - How does he pronounce? - Ramstein. - I'm not from Germany, I'm Mexican. - I'm not from Germany. - Yeah, I know, you're saying it fucking, you're like this. I think we're switching roles here. - Ramstein, Ramstein. - What is it, Ramstein? - Yeah, there you go. - Whatever, dude. Again, I speak Spanish, I don't, I'm not German. But anyway. - Shout out, Germany. - Yeah, shout out. Dude, that's another, we're gassing up all of our listeners, man. You guys should all be hyped. But anyways, yeah, that was sick. That concert was nuts. - Yeah, I've heard that-- - I've heard it and watched a lot of their shit, too. - Dude, the pyrotechnics was insane. Who's so cool? That's sick. Yeah, I don't know. - I seen a guy have a seizure at a show once. It was a very small show. - Did it look like a really dark turn? - Shout out. Yeah, well, I mean, mine's definitely not as fun as yours. I mean, I've had fun experiences, obviously, but craziness-wise, I really haven't, I've seen a lot of crazy shit, but my memory's so bad that I couldn't probably remember most of them. But the one that really stands out was we're seeing, damn, it was down an indie at, fuck, I can't even remember the name of the venue, I'm drawing a blank. But yeah, we were standing in line waiting at merch. I think it was, we were seeing pigeons playing ping pong. Some dude literally like, right next to me in line, this guy just started having a fucking seizure. And we're like, what the fuck? And this, this, like, people were just like, started surrounding him, like, trying to help him and shouldn't have-- - That's so wild. - And they would light him on the stairs, like, and his dumbass fucking, clearly he was on some kind of drug, obviously. - Yeah, I mean, why else would you just seize? - Yeah, and he was losing, like, he was fucking, and the chick that was with him, like, his girlfriend or whatever, she's like, "He just needs orange juice, he just needs orange juice." - She's like, "I'm like, his motherfucker needs more "than orange juice, dude, like, what are you talking about?" - It was crazy as hell, dude. - Where were we that someone else just, oh, when we're at the socks game, remember, like, when the girls went up to the busy bar and they came back and the gas and dude was just in there seizing? - Oh, shit, yeah, that's right. - I was trying to think of, like, man, I was like, where else did that just recently happen? - Damn, we fucking missed out. - Yeah, we should have went to the busy bar. - Goddamn it. - Got campfire milkshakes. - Yeah, dude, I actually got one milkshake on top of about eight or 10 beers, and yeah, that's a good fucking combo for the night. - I mean, either way, I ended up throwing up at the end of the night. I believed in the panic stress, though, 'cause it was also, like, after I had woken up and, like, it was, like, 2 a.m., and I woke up and Beijing beef was came back up and-- - Damn, did I puke that night, too? Maybe not, I don't think-- - It was like way too much. I was like, yeah, I definitely need to, like, not do that. - Yeah, I felt like fucking shit, that's for sure. - Shout-out to the Sox for that game, too, out of, you know, one out of, what, 27 fucking times this year? They won a game and we were at one of those. Like, that's crazy. - For like, yeah. 53 games under 500 right now, I just saw. - Yeah, we are on track to, like, damn near tie the worst record of all time, which I'm not 100% sure who actually holds it, 'cause, like, if you go all the time, it always brings up, like, the cleave. It's like the 1897 cleave on the spiders. And realistically-- - The cleave on spiders, yeah. (laughs) - But they still played like 150 games, which was shocking, 'cause you would think back then, it was like, oh, they probably played like 120 or something like that. Like, no, they played like 150 or 152 games. So he's like, damn near the same. - I think that MLB should honestly shorten the season. - No. - I think it should go down to like 140 games and expand the playoffs. Like, give more playoffs. That's way too much play. Well, that's way too much playoffs, 'cause you'd have to open it up to-- - That's the most exciting thing. - Yeah, but you'd have to open it up to more teams, 'cause like-- - Yeah, that's what I'm saying, you'd have to expand it. Probably throw four more teams in there. - Yeah, but you got it. Like, you don't want to do that, though. - Why? - Because then shit teams fucking make it. 'Cause if you look at-- - Yeah, but then-- - If you look at the-- - Okay. - If you look at the structure of like-- - Cinderella stories. - Yes, Cinderella stories, yeah. Shout out Arizona Diamondbacks who fucking-- - (laughs) - Cinderella story came to a screeching halt in the actual "In the fucking World" series. - Well, I mean, the Rangers were it, like they were-- - Yeah. - They were bad dudes. - That was before people started questioning whether Adolas Garcia was on "Roids" or not. - He probably is. - The fucking human muscle. That guy is a muscle, he's a bicep, dude, he is a bicep. (laughs) And then this year, they're just not doing great. - Yeah, they're like-- - They're mid. - They're like the-- They're ranked, I saw like an MLB post or something, or ESPN, whatever, one of the new outlets. They posted like the top five MLB teams that should be Sellers and the Rangers were like number one. - Really? - Yeah. - As Sellers? I don't know about Sellers, you have the same fucking team. Why wouldn't you try and go back to back? They have the exact, and they got Max Scherzer back now. Why the fuck would you be Sellers? - The guy with two different color eyes. - Yeah, one of the most badass pitchers of all time. - Yeah, he's bad, dude. - It's a shame that that guy only has one ring. - It's okay. - It's kind of upsetting. I mean, I'm glad he got one. I'm fucking so glad he got one with The Nationals. That's a cool thing that he got it with The Nationals 'cause that team will never, I can't say never win another World Series. I can't go that crazy and talk that much shit, but like, that was a team that looked hopeless, dude. I mean, they dumped Juan Soto, they dumped Bryce Harper, like they fucking, they had a squad that could have, like they could have had a fucking squad over there. - They got squad. - They could have, and then they just kind of, they couldn't ever get shit done, and they were just like, yeah, fuck it. And then the year that no one's expecting, they just all of a sudden, like they, I mean, would they beat the Astros, right? Yeah, they beat the fucking, the Astros, the fucking Trastros, fuck that team. - Dude, speaking of The Nationals, they got no hit yesterday by dealing with Cs. - Oh, yeah, dude, all that's a fucking. - Yeah, what a transition. (laughing) - Yeah, we're getting pretty good with this whole podcasting thing. - Yeah, dude, yeah. Shout out, the fourth episode, no big deal. - Yeah, MBD. - Dude, honestly, though, I was like, it was so bittersweet, 'cause I'm like, obviously, you know, I love Dylan Cs, but it's sad to not see him on the solid side anymore. But whatever, he's actually on like a legit team that actually, you know, Garrett Crochet's your new Dylan Cs, dude. No, he's not as good as Dylan Cs, my opinion. I don't get me wrong, I love Garrett Crochet, he's legit. - For what he looks like this year, if he can improve, like if there's room, there's room for improvement with his game. - There's also rumors that they're gonna trade him away before the deadline. - There's rumors that are gonna fucking trade everybody, no one knows what they're gonna do, 'cause that team's a dumpster fire, and any move is on the fucking table at this point. But, I mean, they gotta keep somebody, and I imagine they, you have to keep him. He's your best pitcher. - Yeah, he's like our only pitcher. - He's like one of the best pitchers in the league. I mean, he doesn't get the credit he gets because he's on the fucking White Sox. - Yeah, it's terrible. - Yeah, it's a bummer, 'cause he's like, leading the league in strikeouts, isn't he? He's above Chris Salem's strikeouts. - I'm pretty sure. - Like, almost positive. - I mean, this is as of two or three days ago, I think I've seen. But I think he had 150 strikeouts, and Chris Salem had like 142 or something. I'm like, that's fucking wild. - Yeah, that's nuts. - That's wild, 'cause Chris Salem is on one this year. - Chris Salem's on it again. - Speaking another White Sox. - Another White Sox, yeah, dude. - You know who else? Fernando Tatisse was in our farm system, and we got rid of him. - Yeah, that's okay. - I mean, yeah, that's fine, 'cause he can't stay off a motorcycle, so. (laughing) - He should put a motorcycle closet in his contract. - Or steroids. - Yeah, I mean, whatever, he just, everyone's doing it, he just got caught. - Exactly, he's a dumbass. - Whatever. - Yeah, shout out to fucking, I don't know why I said shout out, but what I was gonna say about Dylan C's, did you see that, so it was kind of crazy. He almost threw a no-hitter like two or three years ago? - Yeah. - Two years ago? - He almost threw a no-hitter, right? - Yeah. - It was in the ninth inning with two outs, and Luis Arreas got a fucking hit. He hit one in the right field to break up the no-hitter. Luis Arreas, I believe, caught the final out, 'cause he's on the Padres now. He caught the final out of Criscale. Dylan C's his no-hitter, and fucking gave him the ball. He's the one that handed him the ball for his no-hitter. It's like, damn, that's kind of crazy full circle shit, like, that's sick. - You wanna know what such, like, angers me about that, though, is like, okay. - Bottom of the ninth, you are the last out this guy he needs to get. - Fuck you, I'm hitting a shit out of it if I can. - No, you're not. - Don't even go there. - No. - Don't even go there. I bunt it if I have to. Do not go there. - No, you're just a grease ball. - No, no, that's cornball shit. You're gonna fucking let a guy get a no-hitter like fuck it. - Yeah, it's sick, dude, I mean, why? - Why not? - If I made $35 million a year to do my job, and I was like, oh, for fucking three on the night, and I'm, or, oh, for four, or whatever, I mean, circumstance. - So, reading your money either way, you'll be okay tomorrow, he says, you got 161 other games, you'll get a hit. - Yeah, but what makes baseball is fucking rivalries. That's what makes all sports fun. Rivalries, hate on another person. I'm like, dude, you're telling me you're not pumped for like Raven's Chiefs after all that, especially obviously all that shit happened before the AFC Championship game last year with the fucking with Justin Tucker and the cheese and shit, when Patrick, fucking Patrick Mahomes, and all that, saying they're warming up, and Kelsey throwing the fucking kicking tee and all that bullshit. - Travis tells you such a bum, dude, I swear to God. Like, that was like, that like infuriates me. - No, that was Justin Tucker being a dick. He knew what he was doing. He knew exactly what he was doing. Yeah, practicing, but I mean, come on, they're fucking practicing right there. Like, this has been gone over. That's a, he knew what he was doing. If the cheese are practicing right there, he went over there. - Whatever. - He started it, but point being is like, rivalries like that is like what fucking starts it. That's what makes it so, I'm all for it. But guys throwing a no hitter, I'm trying. Dude, I don't know. I can't fucking, there's no way you could tell me. If you're not, if you're a competitive person, I am, and I'm a fucking die-hard competitive person, I might not be very good at most things. (laughing) - That's all right. - But I fucking try my ass off, and I, I will, dude, if someone is fucking beating my ass, it's like fucking playing bags, dude. If I'm losing 10 to nothing, I'm not gonna be like, oh, I'll just let this person get a fucking-- - Really different. - Someone gets a four bagger on you from a zero, zero start. You'd be like, oh, dude, they win at all four bags. I'm just gonna let them get the wash. Now fuck that, I'm gonna try it. - Not really different. Completely different. It's not even on the same planet. - Yeah, of course it's not, 'cause we're not talking fucking baseball, but if it was bait, I'm not gonna not try it again. - 'Cause that's like a historical thing. - Yeah, that's okay. - That was the second one in Padre's history. - Yeah. - And the last one came three years ago, which is crazy to think about. You think it would be like-- - Yeah, but that's 1916 or something. - Yeah, but obviously I haven't been around that long, but still. But that's not the Washington Nationals problem that the fucking Padre's have only mustered up two no hitters on how long they've been around. - I'm not saying it's a problem to say. You're already getting your cheeks smacked. What does it matter? - It matters 'cause fuck that guy. He's not on your team. - Whatever. I mean, either way-- - That's my opinion. I'm competitive. - I don't even know if you have a fuck. - I mean, no, I agree. I agree, like when-- - Someone did that. Who the fuck did that broke up a no hitter with a bun? And the guy threw the-- - Carlos Rodon. So I remember when Carlos Rodon threw his no hitter. - The guy tried to, like he slid into first trying to get-- - Yep, yep. - It's such a cheese ball. And Carlos Rodon almost did it twice in the same year, but then he got like the cheesiest. Oh, he hit my foot. He hit my foot, so I'm taking my walk. - That was another, yeah, that's another thing too. Yeah, I would lean into a pitch too to break up a fucking, I mean, technically it'd still be a no hitter if you hit a guy and you got on base, but depending on perfect game or whatever. 'Cause I mean, you could throw a fuck. There's a lot of options there. A lot of options on the table. - Yeah, but did you see that the Rockies hung 20? - Yeah, I absolutely did. Also speaking of the Rockies, this is one of the things I wanted to bring up, Cal Quantrell, that was pretty sick. - He's a good, good, good, good, good. - He's a good, good, good, good. - I'm fucking hot dude, I'm fucking catching for the Red Sox, but I don't know, wait. - What was the six moves? - Resource Maguire, yeah. - He was in the White Sox farm system. I'm pretty sure when he got caught. - Wow, so their farm system sounds really fucking good. I mean, you know, steroid use, guy gets caught jerking off in a parking lot. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, oh my God, dude. - Whoa, what the fuck. Couldn't even have been like a high-end place. - Why do I go, I got caught jerking off in the parking lot of a Gucci store or something. (laughing) - I mean, if you're going to do it, I might as well be Walmart. It's like, well, just another day. - Yeah, but what are you looking at when you're jerking off in a parking lot of Walmart? (laughing) What is there to offer at Walmart? - The thing too, you couldn't just like go home or like wait till you got home. Like, I just really need to crank when I'm right now. It's like, relax. What was wrong with you, bro? Yeah, go to a fucking gas station. - Go to the bathroom. Go to the bathroom. Go to the bathroom, go inside. - Can you imagine getting caught jerking off in a Walmart bathroom? That's worse. - That's much worse. At least you're in the privacy of your own car. You're not a fucking-- - Obviously, not private enough. - Well, I mean, you know, I wonder if he was like, I wonder what kind of car you think he's, I mean, he's a fucking baseball player. He's got money, but you think he was driving like a 2016 Hyundai Sonata, like just fish bowling, no tints. Just makin' jacket off in a parking lot. - I just like connected to Bluetooth. Just playing through the speakers. - Yeah, classic video, people were playing porn and shit and he's here, come on, I'm a fucking speaker. - What's that guy doing over there? (laughing) - Yeah, no, that's actually crazy. - Yeah, that is wild as fuck. I know, I could not fucking believe that they fucking dude. I seen that the other day. I'm like, we haven't come on. - Yeah, dude, yeah, that was insane. That is wild. That's another team that, boy, they sure are shit. - Shout out Colorado, that's a team that fucking lost in the game that we went to. - Yeah, that's the team that lost in the game that was. - It was, it was sick, wasn't it? - That was sick. That was amazing. - Again, full circle, full circle. - Yeah, everything comes full circle. (laughing) Just this week, I got caught jerking off in a Walmart parking lot. (laughing) Speaking of. (laughing) - Yeah, I actually got caught next week. (laughing) I'm really scared, I'm probably gonna be gone. Won't be on the show for like three years, but. And you also won't be able to come trick or treating at my house. (laughing) - Y'all have to announce myself. Come out with the red dot. Shout out Meghan's Law dot com. (laughing) - Shout out Lawrence Taylor. (laughing) - Shout out to the fucking last episode. (laughing) - Well, it's so cool. - Damn dude, holy shit, this is fucking shout out city here. - Yeah, we're on one today. - Might have to change the name of the pod. - Shout out pod. - Shout out pod. - Yeah dude, the whole episode is just shouting out people. (laughing) And fucked up events. Shout out to the guy crowd serving in a wheelchair that fucking nuts dude. Hopefully one day you manage to find this 'cause that's fucking wild dude. - I don't wanna listen to that. You are my spirit animal. - Oh yeah, no shit. (laughing) You are my spirit vegetable. (laughing) - I would say hopefully he's still kicking it, but. (laughing) - We know that's not happening so. (laughing) - Sorry guy in a wheelchair crowd serving at the Chili Peppers at Walla Palooza in 2017. - You could have been the guy that would-- - Shout out. (laughing) - You could have been the guy that was being carried by his buddies 'cause he was absolutely gone. - Yeah, exactly right. - I'd rather be carried as a champion that, I'd rather be carried as a champion because I don't have working legs as opposed to carried like a loser because my legs won't work 'cause I'm too far. (laughing) - Yeah, that's his fault. Shout out to probably like off like bad acid. The kid would stalk you and we were like, "Can I take the brown acid?" It is not acid. (laughing) - Oh man, you know, trust me, I've seen plenty of fucking morons like that at fish shows and dead in company shows. Holy fuck, I've seen so many morons like that. - That could imagine. - So that's what I mean. I can't remember all the crazy shit 'cause I, but I know I've seen like fucking stupid ass shit at shows. - Yeah. - I wish AJ was here, shout out AJ once again, throw back full circle 'cause he's been mentioned already. - First episode, we need to get AJ into stew. - Yeah, we do, definitely do. Yeah, I know he would remember probably more than I would even though his brain sucks too. He can't remember shit. Shout out fucking stoners, but. - Dude, I don't even know if it's just stoners. Like I feel like I've been like heard on the radio today so many people are like, my mind is I can't remember things. - I, I really, okay, so obviously I've been thinking about this a lot because like what I was telling you last week, like when we went out afterwards. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I've been thinking about that a lot like over the last couple of months and I really do think there's like, man, I don't know, it's like weird. I don't know if we go, we go to a fucking rabbit hole here talking about this shit. - Okay, actually, I've been toying with the idea. I think we should, you could mention it, like bring it up, but I think we should have like an episode a week that we like talk about things like this. - Yeah. - Let me say it 'cause you know, I try to keep one like more like sports heavy and then another one like, we're talking about aliens, we're talking Alex Jones, the water's turning, the frog's gay, like hell like that. - Dude, that shit always cracks me up. That shit always fucking cracks me up, but Joe Biden is dead and fucking dumb, man. That's fucking, just watch the video the other day where you saw how Joe Biden is dead early. - Yeah, I saw that on X. - All right, now we're gonna get canceled 'cause we're bringing up Biden's name, fuck. We're gonna get demonetized. - We're gonna get demonetized. - We're not monetized anyways, dude, we're not-- - Fuck you! (laughing) - In your face, bitch. (laughing) - But no, I was thinking about that. - I really truly like, I think like, there's some kind of like global consciousness thing going on. Like when I like, I feel fucking anxiety and shit and I feel like just, there's just like so much shit going on constantly and it's never bothered me. Obviously it's been going on for years since social media really fucking ramped up like within the last 10 years. - Yeah. - And I've never had a problem but like definitely now it fucking feels, it just for some reason, it feels like, not for some reason, for many fucking very obvious reasons, it feels like the world itself as a whole is on edge. Like it feels like every fucking thing is on edge. It feels like, it's like fucking-- - It's collapsing. - It's like wind biscuit. - I'm about to break. - Like everybody, everybody is like that right now. - Just shout out Fred Durst. - Yeah, shout out Fred Durst. - I actually was just listening to the limp biscuit 'cause it is pretty cool. God fucking idiot, I don't know what it is. - Wind biscuit, rock in the set. (laughing) - Shout out, 101.9, local station here, Chicago. - Q101, dude. - Nah. - You've done the shout out too. - Nah, that station sucks. - They're even around anymore? They put like indie music. - Oh sick, dude. Like it's my favorite. - Yeah, like coffee house rock and stuff like that. - Coffee house rock, that's a perfect way to put it, dude. That's a perfect way to put indie music. Coffee house rock, hey I fuck with coffee house rock, though hard, dude. - Like that's a shout out to me. - You a big yacht rock guy? - Oh yeah, of course I love the yacht rock, of course. - It's so set. - Okay, fucking, yeah, of course. - Limp biscuit, rock in the set. (laughing) - That should be how the pod starts off every time now. (laughing) Then again, he'll probably fucking come after us for money when we start making it. He'll take our $20. - Yeah. - He'll take our fucking-- - We're gonna fuck that broke ass fucking joke and gonna shit the loop for anymore. He'll take our $20. (laughing) - Damn, people are still talking about me. - That's awesome. (laughing) - Thanks Eminem. (laughing) - It's good stuff. Speaking of Eminem, Joe Burrow looks like Slim Shady right now. - Yeah, what the fuck is he thinking? I mean, I-- - He got bored, dude, he said he got bored. - He got bored, I'm tired, everyone talking about my hair and fucking blah, blah, blah. Hey, just play football. - The last time he did this, though, he went crazy. The last time he tired his hair this color, he went nuts. - When was that? - I think he was like in high school. - Yeah, he's in the NFL now. That's not gonna happen. (laughing) - Yeah. - Jamar Chase apparently talking about wanting a fucking contract and renegotiation. Did you hear that? 'Cause I just heard that today. - I don't know. He's-- - He's not gonna be extended yet, has he? - No, he just got signed, what? Last year? This year? So, did he-- - Sign an extension? I thought that was the problem. They weren't, oh, you're right, actually. - I think he signed, well, he was after last year. I don't know, 'cause it was that weird fucking interview when they, you know, when they asked him right in front of T. Higgins about how much money he was gonna make and how much money he's gonna ask for shit. And it was like, he's like, hey, bitch, shut up. - But I wanna say he, like, has been asking for more money. Am I correct or am I completely wrong talking out of my ass like a fucking idiot? - He's seeking an extension. He doesn't have an extension. I said I thought, 'cause that was a problem, is that the problem was that they have to pay T. Higgins. - Which they're not going to. They're already franchise tag T. Higgins. He said he wants to be traded. They franchise tag him. That's done and over with. He's stuck there for another year. - Well, yeah, that was the problem, though, that they, what were they gonna do? Paying T. Higgins to Marchese and Joe Burrow? - No, that's not happening. - And for, the Bengals aren't like this huge market, you know, like-- - They are growing. - They're gross to them. They are fucking growing. They put a good team together. - Yeah. - But now they offer a quality product. - Yeah, 100%. - They don't have fucking, they don't have fucking Andy Dalton anymore. Shout out to the Bears. - Yeah. - Good. - Oh yeah, how do we leave him a shout out last episode? We left that motherfucking loser off the list, the fucking Red Rocket. - Yeah. - God damn, dude. - He was fine. He was, all right, whatever. - I mean, but the Bengals, yeah. I mean, the product that they have right now is a team for entertainment purposes is fucking awesome, even though they just got rid of Joe Mix. And I'm curious, who the fuck is their running back? Who's their starting running back going to be? They're going to go with-- - Oh no, 'cause they got rid of fucking P-Rine too last year, right? - Yeah. - P-Rine go to the Jets? Was he on the Jets? - Dude, honestly. - Monge P-Rine, I think you went to the Jets. I could be wrong. - Maybe. - I honestly don't remember. We could look it up, but I'm not sure if that's important right now. - Yeah, that's definitely not important. That's totally just me. But yeah, the wide receiver market's blowing up. So obviously, CD Lam's not practicing 'cause he wants an extension. Jamar Chase is apparently sitting out practices 'cause he wants an extension, which is crazy. They're going to have to pay so much money now for wide receivers, it's going to be insane. - You know what's more insane when you think about the fact that those guys are choosing to sit out, which kind of, I mean, I get it from their point of view, 'cause obviously they put in the fucking work. But in the situations that are in, you look at Jamar Chase as Joe Burrow and CD Lam has Dak Prescott. - Dak Prescott's also bun, let me say that. - He's definitely not buns. The guy can fucking play his ass off. He can be really good. Obviously, the team, I mean, the team's really, they're fucking good, but for some reason, they're just choke artists. Again, shout out last episode. Just like I said, the Dallas Cowboys are the fucking LA Dodgers of football. - Yeah, 100%. - They're a stack team, really fucking good every year. Make the playoffs every year. And they just blow. - They brought Zeke back, so maybe the whole dynamic. - Yeah, Zeke's been eating too. That fucking spoon gesture that he always did, he's been fucking eating. - Maybe Tony Pollard will actually be relevant now, 'cause he wants to, you know, you're our guy, you're RB1. - Tony Pollard got traded. - Tony Pollard went too... - I'm gonna cut that, just cut that part. - That's okay, it happens, dude. - It happens, I say a lot of dumb shit, it's okay. - Yeah, that's all right. - But fuck, can I show you anything that I want? - Damn it, look it up. I can't remember who the fuck he went to. Who the fuck did Tony Pollard go to? - For some reason, my dumb-ass brain is telling me that he went to, like... - Fuck. - Let's see, let's see, let's see. - Tennessee, it's a Tennessee. - Yeah. - I think it's Tennessee. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, he's on. - Yeah, he went to Tennessee. - Oh, because the Titans don't have a running back anymore, they got rid of a... - Yeah, 'cause Derek Henry's on the fucking ravens, dude. - That's nuts. - But, oh. - Yeah, it's about to go crazy. - What I was getting at was the reason that like, it's gonna be super interesting to see what happens, and I get it, they're not on the same level. But, like, Jamar holding out, and CD Lam holding out, they both have franchise quarterbacks. Fuckin' Justin Jefferson, the Minnesota Vikings got dicked, honestly so hard by this being the year that they had to pay Justin Jefferson, who arguably the best receiver in the league. I mean, you could... - Yeah, I would say he probably is. - Yeah, I mean, obviously there's the toss-up between him and Tyreek. Like, they're the two, they are the two. Jamar Chase is up there, but I don't think he's... As of right now, I don't know if Jamar Chase is better than Justin Jefferson. Either way, Jamar Chase too, he's like, it's because Joe Burrow was injured, so... - Yeah, for sure, but even still, I mean... - All relative, all relative. - Yeah, it's all relative, but who? J.J. McCarthy. - Sam Darnold. - Sam Darnold and J.J. McCarthy are throwing to Justin Jefferson this year, and Justin Jefferson's got paid a fuckin' dickload of money. So how the fuck, so now you gotta look... - J.J. McCarthy's not good, dude. - No, no, I was totally... - He's not good. - Yeah, no, I agree. I totally agree. I mean, he's playing fuckin' college ball, dude. There's no defense. And Michigan was a fuckin' running team. - The team was a running team, dude. - Boy Quorum was on it. Boy Quorum carried that fuckin' team last year, and the way to year before. - He's a... Where did he go, where did he go, where did he go? - I don't know. Did he even enter the draft? - I don't know if he did. - Am I just completely wrong? - I don't know if he did. I only watched the first day, actually. - Let's see, let's see. - For the first time in my life, not gonna lie. But yeah, I just think it makes it a really crazy fucked up dynamic for those guys. - He went to the Rams. - He went to the Rams? - Yeah, he went to the Rams. - Damn, he went to fuckin' with the same color team. I mean, what the fuckin' same uniform? - He went to the Rams. - That's kinda sick, actually. Good for him. I hope he gets paid, I hope he makes his money. - But he's only five, eight. - Yeah. - He's five, eight, 214 pounds. - That boy, that's a bicep. - That's a thick boy. Yeah, that's a fuckin' thick ass boy. That dude's got a dude's back flying around. - Wow. - Yeah, he didn't, yeah, that's a... - I thought, yeah, okay. - But yeah, I just think that that's gonna make that really interesting. Like how the fuck, if you're the Bengals, like how do you go about paying, how do you go about extending Jamar Chase when you have like, okay, he's gonna be like, hey, J. Jetta got paid this, and he's got fuckin' Sam Darnold and J. J. J. McCarthy throwing in the ball. I have Joe fuckin' Burrow, and I've already proved I'm a top three receiver in the league. - They're gonna have to pay so much money. - And CD's gonna say the same shit. Like why wouldn't he? I mean, if he's stupid, not trying to get the same thing. - Jetta fucking opened that pocketbook. - He's got Dak, he's gonna have to. - Michael Parsons and CD Lam all at the same time. That need to get paid and should get paid. - What did Zeke get for coming back? - I don't think much. - Probably not. - I don't think really anything I think it was like- - Not as much as he would've got if he would've stayed with them. - Yeah, I think he was a little silly for that, but well, I think they already overpaid 'cause- - They overpaid the fuck out of him before that. - He got $55 million. - Yeah, they overpaid the fuck out of him before that. Well, it's hard to say overpaid 'cause I mean, he was, he had a moment. - Running back to her, like, you can find anywhere. - You can and you can't. The one thing is, is like the league is so past, let me know, that every running back kind of seems better. I don't wanna see, they kind of seem better than they are because they're so much passing that like, it's a little easier to exploit the run game almost. - Yeah. - Like so like mid tier running backs kind of get more into the higher end of running backs as opposed to like before where everyone was defending against a run constantly. You had to be a fucking elite guy to run the ball for, you know, a thousand yards a season. Now it's like, there's a multiple guys running for a thousand yards a season kind of, it's kind of, like dude, fucking Zeke Elliot and Tony powered. Two guys rushed for a thousand fucking yards on the same team, like that. - That insane old line. - Oh yeah, absolutely. Of course the old line plays into it, but like that was, that was like some kind of like old school shit, like those guys. - And people loved it. I mean, that was a great product. It was actually on the rock, dude. - I'm the fucking rock, I love it. I love that. - Yeah, I mean Smash Mouth football running down their throats. - Speaking of running backs and also speaking of shitty fucking quarterbacks, 'cause well, speaking of the Vikings, Aaron Jones is on the Vikings. - Yeah, yeah, he is. - What a interesting dynamic that team is gonna be, 'cause well, first off, didn't Jordan Addison just get arrested for like a DUI or some shit by myself after one of his rookie teammates was killed by a drunk driver? That's just a horrible look, dude. You can't be doing it, like that's so bad. - That dude looked so fucking incredible last year. - Jordan Addison is a stun. - Well, when Jefferson was out, I actually picked up Jordan Addison off of Waver's and he performed, like he-- - Yeah, I'm pissed. - I'm so pissed, this dude, Kevin, in my league picked him up and I was like, fuck. I had him as like a sleeper thing and it's funny, 'cause I had KJ Osborn the year before and then I was tempted to pick him up again, but he shit the fucking bed the year before. And I was so tempted to pick him up last year, 'cause one's Justin Jefferson went out and I'm like, "Okay, he's just as like a fucking bench guy." But, and I ended up not. I had a pretty good bench, but nonetheless, yeah. That again though, like another team that kind of weird that they like, they get Aaron Jones, who's a pass catching running back, which is good for a rookie quarterback. If J.J. McCarthy does get starts, props to them because that is smart. Aaron Jones is a fucking stud at running back, like a pass catching back. - He's pretty good out of the backfield. - Yeah, he's awesome dude. But it is weird that they have Aaron Jones and Justin Jefferson and Jordan Addison and who's the other fucking, and they got another really good rookie too. He fucking came up last year, right next to Jordan Addison. He was just as damn near just as good. - Let's look it up. Like I said, this is what he's doing. - He's gonna kill me. I can't remember his name. - I know who you're talking about. - It's Jordan Addison and Viking's Death Chart. Let's find out, let's find out Jordan Addison and man, I cannot remember. I cannot fucking remember. - Brandon Powell? - No, no, not Brandon Powell. Brandon Powell's kind of. They have TJ Hockinson. - Oh yeah, fuck yeah, they got TJ Hockinson too. I forgot about that, but they have a pretty stacked offense honestly. It wasn't Hockinson. - Surefield? - No. - Jalen Naylor. - No. - Lucky Jackson? - Lucky Jackson. No, it wasn't him. - Sure, yeah, I don't know. - Man, I wonder if he got traded. - As a rookie, highly unlikely. - Oh yeah, that's a good point. - Yeah, he's a fucking rookie. - See, I say dumb shit too, don't cut it out. - I'll stand with it, I'll stand with it. - Yeah, I don't know dude. - Damn, no shit. Okay. Fuck. - Well, Sam Darnell, it's QV1, he started actually out. - Yeah, he's definitely starting. He should, we talked, shout out last week. What, we were talking about Caleb Williams and a fucking getting, I would, I prefer a veteran should start over somebody. - Yeah, you're right, you're right. Which is why also, but shout out, San Francisco 49ers, whoever the dumb ass was, that said, Sam Darnell is the best person ever throw a football in the San Francisco 49ers. - Who said that? - I forget which fucking dumb ass reporter said that, but they actually said he threw the, he's the best thrower, he's the best thrower that's ever worn a fucking 49ers uniform. And it's like, man, you couldn't have picked a worse fucking franchise to take that stance with. - Why? You couldn't have picked a worse franchise. - Oh my God. Man, dude, is, Sean Watson cooked? I, okay, here's my opinion on Sean. I mean, I feel like he's got such a bad rap now, every time you look at me, just like, this guy's a scumbag. - He's fucked, he's fucked. - He's such a scumbag, you know? But he's gonna need to actually place, like, stellar football and do a lot to fix his, like, look. I mean, he's fine because he got paid, but like, yeah, I don't know, dude, like, I just think about like, is this guy done for, like, is he absolutely cooked? Like, what is Cleveland gonna do? They put themselves in such an awful situation with that. - Well, I don't know, I don't know why, I just thought about that randomly. And, yeah, I want, I personally think he might be. I'm just gonna say that. I personally think he is. - But yeah, so I've never been a big, I've never been a big DeShawn guy. It went, obviously, yeah, he was, before, even put it this way, even, well, I can't put it that way because it does pertain to him getting, you know. - Massages? - Yeah, massages, yes. Just massages, but it does have to do with that. But just his contract alone set him up for fucking failure because, man, you can't, because of what he was coming off of, like, missing an entire fucking year and all the bullshit that was going on with him with the massages. Like, and then he gets the fattest fucking contract in NFL history, like, man, you're just, you're setting the bar, it's like, dude, hey, how about we just come back and play some fucking ball? Let's get our head in the game, let's play, and this and that. And I'll give him props. Hey, I'm not a huge fan of him, he's good, he was good. I think he was really good, but I don't think he was worth what the fucking Browns gave him, for sure. But that game that they played against the Ravens last year where they were down, they were down, like, what, 21 points or some shit going into the fourth quarter, I think? And that was a game that he, that was a game he went out after that game. He fucking, they came back and tied it and either, I think they won, I think they ended up winning the game, but he came, he came back and the dude had, that's when he had the fucking, that, whatever that shit in your shoulder is, you know, one of those things in your shoulder, a lot of those things that make your shoulder do shoulder things, it was torn. A rotator cuff? I think it was a torn rotator cuff. He had a torn rotator cuff at fucking halftime, and he came out in the second half and literally fucking whitted on fire and brought the Browns back into the game. And I'm like, I'll give him props. That's when we got 33 to 31. - Yeah, 33, 31, yeah, that's it. That's it. - That's not gonna be 28 to three. - No, no, it was not 23, that was, yeah. Look at the, yeah, look at the stats at that game. That game was fucking nuts, dude. - The Sean Watson had, he went 20 for 34, 213 yards, one tuddy, one interception. - Okay, can you look at first half and second half stats? 'Cause his second half was fucking stupid based on just the fact that he was injured. - Yeah, let's find it. I'm sure he could definitely come up. Also on the bronze, absolutely own time of possession. - Yeah, dude, it was a really fucking awesome game. And that was in Baltimore. Also for the record, that was in Baltimore. - Correct. - 'Cause you are looking at that, but I mean, that was a crazy fucking game. And man, oh, it was a fun. Oh, really, I'm just stupid. - Oh, okay, so. Trying to find this, trying to find this, trying to find this. Team stats. A camera, whatever, I mean, not important. Whatever, no biggie. - I mean, he hasn't been like, horrible. - No, definitely not, like I said, I don't think he's bad, but he wasn't worth the money that they fucking signed him for. And I mean, if we're being fair, just like, man, I don't know what to expect from him. Like they just wanted, he was actually injured for a decent amount of last season too, wasn't he? - That was after that game. Okay, so he was done out of there. Yeah, after that game is when he came out. That's when, literally after the game is when they're like, oh shit, he had a torn fucking rotator cuff as of like the third quarter. And he, I don't know if you did you see the stats or not, but I couldn't find it. - Oh wait. - You know what, I bet you I could find it on here. - I'm what? - What was the date of that game? - It was, one second, I will find it. I think it was November 10th, is that what it said? - That sounds about right. - No, November 12th, sorry. - Hey, that's my birthday. Shout out me, dude. Shout out me, that's my fucking birthday. That was my birthday, dude, I watched a great game on my birthday. That's fucking awesome, what are the odds of that, dude? - That was actually sick, nice dude. - I wonder, damn, I can't, yeah, I can't go back on their fucking, it's all right. - That's a bummer, 'cause I really would like to know what he did in the second half specifically of that game, but nonetheless, he put the team on his back there and got him a fucking W on the road. - He also rushed for 37 yards, if that matters. - Mm-hmm, it's something. - Yeah, I mean, the Browns, man, I can't wait to see Nick Chub back. - I'm so excited for Nick Chub, bro. I'm gonna hope-- - Shout out, episode one. - I think we talk about Nick Chub in episode one, maybe. - Yeah, I mean, one of the two. But, dude, like, I really, like, he's such a dog. I love Nick Chub, I hope he comes back at the same. I mean, it's gonna be, it's obviously gonna be really difficult to do, because that has now happened twice to the same knee. - Yeah. - I mean, he was just squatting 580 pounds or whatever, so. - Yeah. - That's so crazy to think, dude. That's insane. - I can't barely squat fucking 180 pounds. (laughing) - I can barely stand up sometimes. (laughing) - Boy, that's me today. Holy shit, my back is killing me. - No, that's not gonna rough week. - It's all right. - It's a very rough week. - We'll get, uh, a drink's flown. - We're big, yeah, we're big chilling now, though, so we're good. - Yeah, we made it to the weekend. Along with all you guys, you guys all made it to the weekend. So shout out to our most recent sponsor, speaking of the weekend. - No. (laughing) - The weekend? - Oh, yeah, the weekend? - Yeah, nice, dude. - And we are, yeah, endorsed by the weekend, actually. - No, we're not. 'Cause he's satanic. - Is he giving us money, though? - Uh, I don't take it, but that's all right. - I'll take it. (laughing) - Um, man, I had something else. They completely went off track. Oh, did you see that fight at the chief's practice? - Yeah, Carl office, dude. - Yeah. - It was a fucking mad man, that guy's a monster. He gets overlooked by so many people. - That was kinda cool. I don't know, I thought it was kinda cool. Again, it just goes back, I think Travis calls he such a cheese ball. He just tries to, like, I feel like he just tries to act like a hardo. Like, he's definitely like that guy. Like, he's the hardo. He's the one that's working out of the gym, and he's grunting while like walking on the stairmaster. - The only reason I would disagree with that is 'cause the only reason you really fucking pay attention to him as much as you do. Like, the only reason he seems that negative is because he's in the spotlight now because of Patrick Mahomes. 'Cause before Patrick Mahomes, - Travis, he was still good. - Yeah, he was still good, but no one gave a fuck about Travis Kelsey's. - Not the whistle. - Weren't, like, good. - Well, I know, but that's my point when no one looked at him back then, I'd be like, he seems like a fucking hardass. Like, he looks like, yeah, it's kinda just a matter of like, maybe just a little bit of jealousy the guy's won three Super Bowls and they're in the fucking playoffs every year. And he's like, going down as one of the greatest tight ends of history. - Like, he just wants to be Gronk. - No, I definitely don't. - I think so. I mean, did you see like when they did the graduation and he's shotgunned to beer? - That was stupid. - He's a fucking dog. What are you talking about? - Travis, no, he's so corny. He's not Gronk. - What is shotgunning a beer if you do a Gronk? 'Cause Gronk is Gronk is a huge partier, huge partier. - You've never shotgunned a beer. - Yeah, but I'm not doing it on stage and I'm grabbing my diploma. - I would. - No, because you couldn't. Anyone else would have gotten in trouble. - Yeah, well, you could have done it. It just wouldn't have gotten good publicity. It wouldn't have gotten good publicity. It would have gotten bad shit, but I mean. - I mean, even though he wasn't even dragged in the comments, people were like, that's kinda weird, you're 33 years old, dude. Like, stop. - No one gives a fuck when, well, I don't know about it. No one gives a fuck 'cause I'm sure. There's people that fucking cry about everything. That's all really comes down to those people. - That's why we just switched these. They're just like, that's such a bad luck for Taylor. Like, Taylor's like, her boyfriend looks so weird. - That's a good point, yeah. - Yeah, I mean, there's always gonna be fucking haters. No matter what, there's always gonna be haters, so. - I just don't wanna, I mean, yeah, I mean, whatever. - Whatever. - He's a fucking dog. That guy's a dog, my point is he was on that team when they were fucking shit. So I give him like, hey, that dude is put in the work, whether or not he had a great quarterback. - Someone who I feel like does not get enough respect, and I'll say one of my favorite Chiefs players, Jamal Charles, dude, was so sick. He was so sick. - Jamal Charles gets it. He gets his respect from Chiefs fans for sure. - He gets it, yeah, he gets it for sure, but like. - He's kind of like reminds me of like Devin Hester. - Yeah. - Like, Bears fans are the ones that'll bring up Devin Hester every fucking time, no one else will ever really be like, oh, Devin Hester's a fucking Hall of Fame. - He was insane. - He is a Hall of Fame. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's a good transition. Next Thursday, Hall of Fame game, getting his jacket, getting his bust, or whatever, you know, the boys are gonna be, we have to watch that, because I also was reading. Matt Eberflu said that one good thing about like, he's noticed about like these first round draft picks or whatever, like QBs, they get a lot of pre-season reps. Like they're playing like 60% of the snaps. So he's saying basically expect to see a lot of Caleb Williams, which is also kind of scary because like, what if he gets hurt in like a meaningless game? - Which is why I think he's absolutely full of shit. And I don't think Caleb Williams is gonna get that much point in time. - I would get 60% I bet you. - I would be so surprised if I saw him next Thursday. - I bet you, he doesn't get a whole lot of playing time. I bet you Tyson Bajan gets all the fucking playing time for sure, because they're gonna be like, "Well this guy, he's gonna look good again." - 'Cause they were all up to dude, everyone was sucking his dick last year. - Dude, he's so good, he's so Tyson Bajan, might be our future. We should actually be starting over field. - Yeah, 'cause of his fucking Cinderella story. - He can't throw a ball further than 25 yards. - Yeah, I mean. - Shout out first episode, Nathan Peterman had to come in and throw a Hail Mary, and that was bad too. - Yeah, it was bad. I mean, but yeah, I bet you, they're not gonna, they don't want to risk Caleb Williams getting hurt. - Especially, they don't want to risk. - I do want to, he should get some reps though. - They're not gonna want to risk Caleb Williams getting hurt by a fucking third stringer. - By someone who might even be on the fifth of three, man. - Yeah, exactly, dude, like someone like that takes him out into fucking Joe Thysman's his leg and like the fucking-- - No, he's so bad, that would be cool. - He's gonna come out like Aaron Rodgers, he's gonna go four snaps into fucking first pre-season games to be more embarrassing. - Dude, did you see the top 100 Aaron Rodgers ranked 92 for the last year? - We went over that last episode. - Oh, did we? - Of course you remember that. I know I'm not reminding you of that. We went over that last episode 'cause we freaked out about how like, you know, we talked about it for 20 fucking minutes. We talked about it for 20 minutes. - We were definitely talking about the top 100 players of the 21st century. - Yeah. - I'm talking about the top 100 players at the NFL. - Oh, oh, you're talking about something different. Okay, no, so that's my bad. - Cut that out. - Yeah, this guy's trying to cook me. You gotta get him back. Keep him on his toes, boys. - I think dumb ass squared, that's two times. - Anyways, so every year the NFL releases like the top 100 players voted by the players. - No, I did. Okay, I know, yeah, I did hear about this yet. That's fucking, dude. - Dude, he was ranked 92. - That's two. - What are we talking about? I played eight seconds. - He's top 10. (laughing) - Okay, so it's what, it's top 100 players of the, what? - The like, last season. - In the NFL, like, and the players go in, like, right, like, they vote, like in rank. - Yeah, like, where they think these people should be. - How was anyone voting for Aaron Rodgers, number 92? - He didn't play. - I think he just gonna get put into it because he is. - Because he's Aaron Rodgers. - Technically, yeah, because he is one of the greatest fucking football players of all time. - Yeah, I get it. - He's gotta, like, get, but I mean, talking about getting into something with a bare minimum amount of work, like, hey, I made the top 100. - You started four fucking plays. (laughing) - Yo, that's kind of fucking crazy. And he'd be like, honeydicked everyone, like, I might be back my Christmas. - Yo, that's funny too, 'cause if he doesn't win another Super Bowl, it's just like all these, you know, like, people like, what, like, talking shit, like, oh yeah, fucking, he's got only got one Super Bowl, blah, blah, he chokes in the fucking championship game every year, blah, blah, and it's like, when people go back and like, you start arguing with people in sports, you're like, dude, he's a fucking, he's a back-to-back MVP, three-time MVP, fucking Super Bowl champion, 2023 top 100 players a year. Like, that shit didn't have like, 10 years from now, people aren't gonna fucking remember it again, that was the year he only played four snaps, but he did how good he was. - He was just, those four snaps were electric. - Straight up goofball shit, straight up goofball shit. Although, he deserves being the top 100. He fucking ran out on 9/11, playing for the New York Jets for the first time on a different team, carrying a fucking American flag. - So exciting. - Bro, for the first game of the season. - Was so hyped, absolutely so hyped. - Man, it would've been so sick. - It would've been cool if he survived at least a quarter. - I've never been more hyped for a season of football before last year. - Yeah. - Mostly because Aaron Rodgers is on the Jets. - I'm really excited for this, dude. I'm really excited this year. - I'm excited, too. I'm very excited. I cannot fucking wait for ball. I cannot wait for it. - Dude, again, this is the last Thursday without football until February. - Yeah. It's kinda crazy. - This past Thursday, because of the upcoming Thursday, Hall of Fame game, shout out. We're going, the boys again, we gotta have to do something. We're gonna have to watch that game. - I'm down. - I mean, we have to. - Head up the social club. - Yeah, we can do that. We can go to Twin Cheeks. - Twin Cheeks? - No shit, yo. We're just, I was just home with that fucking dump today. - Dude, what? I actually, the last time I was there, I got their wings. They were actually really, really good. - It's funny 'cause that's the only thing I've had there and it was one of the worst. I didn't even finish them. I didn't even finish them, dude. - What sauce did you get? I got actually, I got the Nashville hot sauce. - So lie. - Dude, it was so liey. No, look, they were the chewiest, most bone, like-- - Okay, just, that's the problem too. With my wings anywhere I go, I fry them twice. I want my wings extra crispy. Like my traditional wings. - Oh, I get bone with wings. - Yeah, I don't eat chicken nuggets, what's funny? - Yeah, that's fine, dude. I don't give a fuck here. I would prefer to not make a mess on myself, like with my hands and my fucking face. - Dude, what everything? - I'll eat 'em. I didn't know you were a lib. - Yeah, it's okay. - I didn't know you were soft. - That's funny, yeah. - I don't care, I never gave a fuck about that. Yeah, it's a funny fucking people. It's bone in, bone in, it's a fucking fuck that, dude. - No, I honestly like-- - There are places where I do like prefer, like say like, I'm going to Wingstop, getting boneless. - Beat-ups, boneless. Hooters, traditional. I think where else is traditional though. - God damn, I don't know if I've heard a worse line up of four places. It's worth a win. - I'm just saying, I'm just saying. - Oh yeah, okay, if I'm going to bridges, traditional. - It's a fucking win. - Like, I don't know, what do you want me to do? - It's getting worse. - I don't know, it's just getting fucking worse. - I'm just naming random places off the top. - I know, God places around us, so in case you haven't been able to notice, guys, we live in a fucking, pretty uneventful area. - Hey, where's Chicago all in? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. We have the Chicago White Sox who suck, the Bears who suck, the Cubs who suck, the Black Hawks who suck, the food that we were at. Yeah, Chicago food, Chicago food, fire. - We have Portillos and a Bono. - Yeah, that's true. - And a Chick-fil-A. - And we got White Castle, shout out to fucking White Castle. - White Castle does not have. - White Castle's actually fire. - If you guys don't know what White Castle is, if you've ever taken a laxative, just put onions on it before you take it. And that's basically it in a nutshell. - Dude, talk about the actual-- - Equivalent to fucking beat-ups, the last time I had beat-ups, dude, I shit my fuck. - Dude, okay, so actually they had to change something, 'cause recently, nothing affects my stomach, but recently, every time I got a beat-ups, it fucked you up. - Yeah, I'm like, like in Chappelle's show, when he's on the toilet, like launches off, that's me. - Straight up, dude. Yeah, that shit makes me sick to my stomach anymore. I've had beat-ups like one time in the last fucking year, and they fucked my order up last time I was so pissed. - Which one did you go to? - I went to the Crown Point one. - I usually go to Cheryl, but I went to Crown Point for some reason. - The Crown Point one's usually fine, though. I mean, whatever. - Yeah, usually, but I went Karen Mode on 'em, dude. My fucker. - Did you really? - Yeah, they shorted me on wings. And then I actually, 'cause I'm almost just too lazy. I'm like, if someone fucking, I'm like, I'm already at home. I'm not driving all the way to fuck back. It's eight o'clock at night. I'm like, I'm not trying to drive back and get, oh, that's my order, like, I don't care. So I just, but I was like, you know what? Fuck them, this is on principle now. Like, I was just like, God, fucking. So I called, and I'm like, yeah, you guys shorted me my fucking wings, like I just, like I didn't like go off, but I just like, played a casual. I'm like, you guys shorted me. I'm like, fucking six wings. I was like, oh, what am I gonna manager? It's kind of funny. I'm like, damn, dude. The kid's probably so scared. He's like, oh my God. Oh, God, no, someone's complaining. Yeah. It was kind of funny though, but yeah, fuck beat-ups. Fuck beat-ups, fuck hooters, fuck all those shit. Okay, where do you go for good wings? Twin cheeks, that was a perfect name. Where do you go then to get? I don't go anywhere for good wings. 'Cause like, honestly, there's really not a whole lot. Like, I will get wings at those places. Just 'cause it's, but like, when you like go like wing quality, those are fucking bottom, bottom of the-- What's the good wings? Okay, I will say this. The hooters are on us with trash. If you go to the hooters in Orlan Park, everything's better out there. It is so good. Everything's better. I was also thinking because that one's like actually like privately owned. It's not like a corporate brand, like location. Okay, yeah. I mean, it still picked you up saying that. That's all right. All right, I gotta take a leak guys. So we'll be right back. We're gonna pause this for a quick second. (clears throat) Vile. That was weak. So where do you go for good wings then? What would you, who would you say has good wings since obviously everyone's garbage? I know I'm trying to think of like really good wings that I've had recently. Yo, honestly, you wanna talk about fucking bone-in wings. Doc Smokehouse has fucking fire wings. The pig wings? That's the one that you're talking about? I don't think they're pig wings. I don't think they're-- They call them pig wings though. Yeah, they call, I don't, yeah, I see, so you can get their wigs on their menu and then you can get pig wings on the side with food. I don't know if they're the same fucking wings, but no, their wings are actually fire. Their wings are gas. Yeah, Doc's is just fireing. I love it. Okay, so there you go, like that's my point though. That's a good wing. That's a good fucking wing. I've got to take, not comparable though, because obviously those are smoked. They're made differently. They're not like a fried wing. Yeah, okay. Although I will say that does sound really good. To be honest, that sounds awesome now. I know. But do you know, like what I did one time actually, I was like, I brought him, like I got him home. And I like dipped them in barbecue sauce and tossed them up. I'm sorry, Buffalo sauce. Dude, it was so good. They're so good. That place is legit. Yeah, I love that place. I mean, power just went there like last week. That's how I, I think it was like two Wednesday, Wednesday. They have half off wings. Yeah, yeah, I did see that too. Yeah, thank God, 'cause that place is also very fucking expensive. Yeah, I mean, 34 dollar for 20 wings. Every barbecue place is just astronomically expensive. I guess it's just because of how much work they gotta put in to make the food, whatever though. And their beer selection and whiskey selection is insane. I love their beer selection. Yeah, so good. It is, it's quite hefty. It is 50 taps. All right, let's go come on. We're, can't go wrong there. Fried wings, where are you, where are you going? I really can't fucking think. Like I can't like actually think of a place. I know I've had like, I don't get wings super often. So that's kind of a big wing guy, I like wings. Like I like them too, but I just don't, I don't go to a lot of places where, you know who, you know who has really good fucking wings? 113 North. Never been there. So they have really good wings. Yeah, I've never been, I've heard the place is legit. I've had their fucking, they were like a honey habanero. Holy fucking shit, dude. I was, like a sweet, I, no, no. I mean, they were really, really fucking good, but holy shit. They just miss the sear my mouth. Pretty sure we just missed the taste of Crown Point. Yes, we did. Like last weekend. Last weekend. Yeah. Now, whatever. All right, all right. They're doing a lot of hometown talk here. Yeah, that's all right. I mean, they're getting down, down into it. People are gonna fucking find out a location based on this. Yeah, it just means that the Crown Point Square. The building for the registry is now released. You can get it at $6,000 a month. Yeah. Some dumb ass and you open another shit hole bar in that fucking spot. You can get another, like, you can get the historic liquor license too. You know what they should do? Someone should open up, like, what we don't have is like, someone should open up like a really shitty antique shop there. That's a great idea. We only have like six within, like, 20 feet. Dude, they're fucking ass. Me and Stephanie went into the new one. I don't know. I don't know. I don't go antiquing too, but I like going through them 'cause like, it's cool to just see like a lot of old shit that's occasionally you could find shit that's like super fucking rare. You know, it's just fun. Yeah, I mean, it is cool to see like antique circles. And like a lot of people do like homemade, there's like a lot of like homemade shit. They do like booths, I guess, at the one. But when we went to that new one, that fucking place sucked. And most of them. Which one is that? Where is that at? It's the old, what's that fucking, was that Stan's donuts, is that what it was? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The fucking donut place. That was like superhero donuts. It was like all comic books and shit. But yeah, that place sucked, shout out to them. That was fucking terrible. That place is, that building's cool though, 'cause they got like the bank vault. The building's cool, yeah. Okay, so they still incorporated it. The bank vault is actually a, what the fuck was in there? Oh, they have like a rip off Stanley Mugs for sale in the bank vault. (laughing) It's awesome. It's like a bunch of cheap corny-ass, rip off fucking nog off bullshit. But it was so cool. It'd be like, oh, nice bank vault. Yeah, because I remember the Firestone building's also an antique shop. Yes. And like four years ago, that was an actual shop. Like, mechanic shop still. Yeah, that's an antique shop. That corner one's an antique shop. There's an antique shop next to 12 islands. There's an antique shop next to prime. There's an antique shop on the other side, two doors down from the register. Are you mind taking this much? Is that a thing? That's what I mean. It's just like, it's crazy. I think it's just 'cause it's an old area that it's naturally like, oh, it's antique. Why? 'Cause it's all fucking hipsters and lame ass shit. That's just the thing, dude. Like that's such, what a kid. Hipsters out of the CP. What did you call that earlier? What did you call indie rock earlier? You called it something. Coffee house rock. Coffee house rock. Coffee shop rock. I know. There's a lot of coffee houses. Dude, it's a fucking dude. It's a hipster town. The sip is so mid, in my opinion. Yeah, the sip is a disgusting fucking dirty, old, shitty place. The building itself needs like renovation. They're all like that. They're all like that. Like you go in there and you sit on a fucking dusty ass chair. That's 52 years old. They got it from the antique shop next to-- No, legit, dude. And that's what it is? It's like a fucking potpourri of a place. It's a fucking disaster. It's just not, it's a million different colors. It's like rainbow colored inside. It's like pew green with red and yellow and brown and blue accents. There's fucking handmade paintings on the wall from the fucking three-year-old down the street that's selling it for $750. I mean, it's fucking nuts. That place is so fucking, and it stinks. It's old, it's musty. I fucking hate that place. They have really awesome smoothies though. Do they? Smoothies are fucking-- Have you ever been to produce zippo, next to ziggies? I've never been to produce depot. Dude, there's smoothies in there. Are fire. That place has been there forever, and it doesn't even exist. No one even fucking knows about it. Dude, that place is just like-- Their smoothies are insane. Do you go there and you get the chocolate peanut butter one? It is so good. And get it made with almond milk. It's awesome. That sounds good. Almonds don't have milk though. Yeah. I don't know. The last time I was eating almonds, I was looking for the tea, but I couldn't find it. Yeah. You're sucking real hard on the almond, dude. Almond juice, I should say. Yeah, almond juice, yeah. Man, oh, but yeah, talking about weird buildings, like square roots is-- You should be like a place where you buy coffins. That's what that building went for. I don't remember what the fuck it was before it was square roots. It was like, yeah, well, I know originally it was-- that was where the built coffins and stuff-- That entire side of the street's all new. Yeah, relatively. I mean, all the businesses-- Yeah, yeah, yeah. The only old thing there is like the fucking silver bullet and that just went out of business. Yeah, that's just close. So like, bye. Yeah. That's it, dude. That's why people are so butt hurt. They're like, oh, all the OG bars are gone. I'm like, all those places were shitholes, dude. That's why they're gone, because all the people that were going there finally grew up, and the young kids that are coming up now are too fucking pussy to go get out. Go out and get fucked up and try and get DUIs. I'd rather fucking vape and-- I mean, personally, I don't promote it. Go ahead. Like, if I'm heavily drinking, handing my keys-- [LAUGHING] Driving's too easy. You've got to make you a little more difficult. If you have a fucking half a brain in your head-- It's just a joke, dude. It's just a joke. Not actually. That's all, like, just hypothetical. I do it way more often than I should, for sure. But also, like, I don't-- I stop a fucking-- I'll get drunk, but I stop drinking for an hour before I end up getting in my car. Like, if I'm going to have to drive, like, yeah, I've never been DD once in my life. I've never been asked to be a DD once in my life. I've, like, just made the decision that it's going to be-- I'm going to be the responsible party here. So you just say, like, I'm going to have, like, four or five beers, and then I'll stop. Yeah, probably, like, six. Yeah, right. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. I'm not going to have 14 tonight. Yeah, I'm going to-- it's going to be a chill night. We're just going to put down a sixer. [LAUGHING] I'm going to take it easy tonight. I'm just going to drink a six pack of all tall. And then get behind the wheel. And they're all IPAs. Yeah, dude, shout out last weekend. Warm six pack of tall boy Bud Lights, dude. That was actually so bad. That was epic. That was fucking went down smooth, dude. Felt like I was-- like I said, it felt like I was 18 again. 10 years ago, one full decade ago, I was working at a pizza place drinking piss warm fucking Bud Lights out of the trunk of my Saturn, my 2002 Saturn, my very first car. Fuck get off work at, like, 132, 3 in the morning and just sit in the parking lot behind the place. And fucking just slam as many piss warm Bud Lights as I could before going home. And just lying in bed like, yeah, dude, I'm 18 and I'm drunk. That's so sick. By myself, fuck a fucking-- I'm so cool. I just got drunk by myself. It was sick, dude. It was sick. It was a good time. So that was a fun time last weekend. We had a good time last weekend. Yeah, I'd say it was quite eventful. It was fun. It was super chill. The vibes were off the absolute charts. It was cool. Afterwards, afterwards, for sure. After, like, we left social. Oh, yeah. After we left social, social was kind of-- It was a good, like, a-- I was kind of like a relaxing phase. Yeah, they were just kind of chilling. We need to get some grub, get the grub on. Yeah, I got with the fucking frozen fucking cheese. Microwave cheese curds that were frozen in the fucking middle. You might just have, like, bad experiences. Didn't I get boneless wings there? I got fucking-- I got the boneless wings there. They were fucking bad, too. I was pitching out the wings. They're fine, dude. They're fine. I don't know. They're like, dude, they fucking get the garlic cheese curds. They're usually so tired. I'm like, I've had them before, and I got them. They're so good. They're, like, literally microwaved. They were fucking-- I mean, that was crazy. Usually, they're so good. I enjoy them. That was so crazy. I've actually known-- I'm a big, big cheese. I fucking love cheese. So the best cheese curds I've ever had were at Monks in the Wisconsin Dells. Dude, that's unsurprising. At least it was in Wisconsin. I mean, they should-- They were so good. And the burger was fired, too. Shout out Monks. That was so good. I'm trying to think of where else I've had, like, really-- Oh, I love the cheese curds at Tavern on Main. Would do it the sriracha aioli? Oh, my god. Honestly, let's just listen to a food pot. Mid. Mid. You were not that good. Don't tell me that off-squares cheese curds are good. Those are horrible. They're not horrible. They're not horrible, but they're not the best, but they're not horrible. What they put on them is, like, why do you put all those nasty-- Oh, the peppers and onions? Yeah, that's gross. What? That's pretty good. The curd gets all soggy. No. Dude, that's what they put in. But it's got a light and crispy crust. Not that fake, thick, bullshit breading, like where it's-- it's literally frozen. That's why the breading on the fucking cheese curds are going to go someplace so thick, because they're frozen cheese curds. They're dog shit. I don't prefer the ones that-- I love the thin crust. Is that thin crust? You get a nice, light crunch, and then the cheese just jizzes in your mouth. All the grease from the cheese jizzes in you. Yeah, I want the high-quality cheese that, like, when you're biting down on it, and you still eat square. Where it actually is, like, fucking-- It springs back a little bit. Your jaw springs open a little bit. It's good. Yeah, that's fake cheese. That's why your jaw springs back. It's not supposed to fucking-- it's not supposed to be like you're chewing on a piece of rubber. Whatever, dude. Whatever. I don't care. I don't care. I'm chewing this fucking microphone a little bit. I'm going to be chewing on one of those cheese curds. [SQUEAKING] How do I think they're fine? I'm trying to think of work with us as good cheese curds that I-- you know who has the best fucking cheese curds? I don't know if I can say ever, because I can't remember everywhere right now, but if I could say, like, for sure, up there, and then my top three, and my current right now that I can remember, best ones, silver harbor brewing. I don't even know where that's at. It's in Michigan. OK. Silver harbor. Best cheese curds, best marinara, hands fucking down. I was like, I'm like, damn, I told Stephanie, shout out Stephanie again, I'm like, I could fucking-- I'm like, I might just take the marinara sauce like a shot right now. It's so fucking good. I mean, it's like so good. OK, so do you prefer marinara with your cheese curds? Fuck yeah, dude. Yes. This is-- wait, this is absolutely-- It's cheese, dude. Like tavern, they have the aioli and stuff like that. I do love that stuff, too. That's so good. I do love that stuff, but there's something about cheese with marinara. It's like you're eating a fucking mini pizza, everybody. Yeah. And pizza fucking rules. I'm just a huge fan of that sriracha aioli. Every time I go to tavern, I ask for extra with my buffalo chicken sandwich, which is dipped in that aioli. Yeah, damn, I'm getting full on hungry. Tavern, I'm getting hungry. I haven't been there in like three months. I've been to tavern. I've been to tavern, I mean, one time in my life. Dude, that place is so good. I love it. Got the cheese curds, and that was actually set to Stephanie. Specifically, we were both sad. This kind of fucking sucks. What are you talking about? We went to a-- I think we went to a before-- Raccoon taste. Raccoon taste. You guys-- That's actually the hardest. 100% the opposite. You have Raccoon taste, because you're eating trash fucking food. You're like, dude, who just has good boneless wings? I know. That's Raccoon. I don't get boneless when I go to fooders. That's Raccoon taste. That's like, oh, it's a traditional wings, whatever. It doesn't matter. Fucking wingstop, dude. Yeah, that's Raccoon food. That's Raccoon food. I'm a simple guy. That is koon food. The fucking-- the Raccoon food is real with wingstop, dude. I'm a simple guy. I like the simple things in life, and trash. They're good. You don't-- Raccoons. They love the simple things. You don't climb in a garbage tin. You don't need to pay $30 for cheese curds. They don't. For them to be good. No, absolutely not. I 100% agree. It shouldn't pay $30 for anything. I mean, I'll pay inflation's getting out of control. I'll pay-- I'll pay-- hashtag now upload it about-- I'll pay a-- I'll pay top dollar for a cut of meat, a good steak. I'll pay money for it. Dude, if you want to pay $30, I can give you my meat. I said I wanted a good big piece of meat. I can give you a mediocre cut of meat for about $10. Five big pieces. I give you a mid-tier white man level piece of meat for about 10 bucks. Dude, that's awesome. Damn, dude. We're getting rowdy now. Yeah, we are. You're talking about Dick's twice now. The first-- we started this pod. We're talking about how the mics-- Yeah, that's true. We're going to deep throat these fucking things. And then-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] We're damn near ending. We're in some more pod. Yeah, yeah. I'm going to get into some of our talk right now. We're going to talk about these sweet new mics we have. Yeah, I give these a little tap. It's almost like you're tapping the head of a dick. Oh, my god. Stop him. Stop. Oh, it's all over my face. [LAUGHTER] Oh, god. That's stuff. We covered a good bit here. We did. Might be time to just call it a night, huh? I think so. This was actually pretty good. Wait till next week? Yeah, I mean, we're going to come next week. We're going to have a lot of stuff to talk about. Again, Hall of Fame game. Getting very excited. Yeah, we'll get to talk about that. If you're listening, don't forget to leave a rate review. That would be much appreciated. Help us get spread out more throughout the algorithm. And if you're listening again, like coming back, thank you. And something's wrong with you. You might want to go see a doctor there. I don't know why you would want to come back and listen. But hey, keep on doing it. Yeah, definitely. If you enjoy this, you are a kind of people. Yeah, and we want to meet you and possibly make love with you. Hopefully what you said earlier about there being women listening to this podcast, baby. Oh, yeah, me too. No, that's so gross. Oh, yeah. Dude, totally. I'm not into that at all. No thanks. Grows. All right. We'll see you guys next time. Bye.