Steak for Breakfast Podcast

Episode 427

On today’s (Friday 2 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering:    America reaction to Vice President, Kamala Harris being inserted to the top spot on the democrats ticket and we are tracking reactions We dive into the early numbers of a potential Trump v. Harris General Election matchup and how are voters are responding to the latest change to the presidential ticket Guests: In Order of Appearance  All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter)  Col. Rob Maness: (@RobManess) Retired USAF Colonel; Survivor, 9/11 terrorist attack on the Pentagon; Host, The Rob Maness Show   Website:   Theo Wold: (@RealTheoWold) Former Deputy Assistant, President Donald J. Trump    Website:   Steak for Breakfast:  SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts:   SUBSCRIBE on Spotify:   email the show:    Steak for Substack:   linktree:   MyPillow: Promo Code: STEAK at checkout  Website: Website:  Via the Phone: 800-658-8045    My Patriot Cigar Co. Enter Promo Code: STEAK  and save 25%   Man Rubs Enter Promo Code: STEAK15 and save 15%   Beard Vet Coffee Enter Promo Code: STEAK and save 10%   BattleBorn Coffee Roasters enter promo code: STEAK and save 20% off your first order   New Hope Wellness use this link or enter promo code: STEAK during intake for free consultation and $100 off your first order Call: 1-800-527-2150

1h 46m
Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

On today’s (Friday 2 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering: 


America reaction to Vice President, Kamala Harris being inserted to the top spot on the democrats ticket and we are tracking reactions

We dive into the early numbers of a potential Trump v. Harris General Election matchup and how are voters are responding to the latest change to the presidential ticket

Guests: In Order of Appearance 

All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter) 

Col. Rob Maness: (@RobManess) Retired USAF Colonel; Survivor, 9/11 terrorist attack on the Pentagon; Host, The Rob Maness Show




Theo Wold: (@RealTheoWold) Former Deputy Assistant, President Donald J. Trump 




Steak for Breakfast: 

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- Monkey, this is not nom, this is bowling, there are rules. - Hey, hey, hey, junior, America! (yelling) - Stake. - Four! - Bassist! - So stand by! - All right, everybody, welcome back to the "Stake for Breakfast" podcast. I'm Ro knows here with me. - Yo, if you're a first-time listener, welcome to the show. If you're a long-time listener, welcome back to America's fastest growing. And quickly becoming favorite political podcast. Second of two editions today, consequently, if you're hearing us first, just press pause, we'll see you in a bit. Go back and check out our first edition of the show today. We hosted the Newsweek Senior Editor at Large Josh Hammer, also the host of the Josh Hammer Show, and former TV journalist, Brittany Hopper. We touched on Joe Biden making it official, and how kind of America reacted to his announcement of not running for re-election, and then full comprehensive coverage and post-Rally analysis of Donald Trump delivering remarks to supporters in Charlottesville, North Carolina this week. We're gonna get this show kicked off, kind of gauging America's reaction to Kamala Harris now being inserted as the Democrat presumptive nominee. And it's kind of interesting to see the polling, and how it remains just about the same, a little bit of a bump in comparison to how Donald Trump was favored against Joe Biden. And then again, the media who may have shown a little compassion, empathy, and sympathy for Donald Trump following the assassination attempt on his life about two weeks ago up in Pennsylvania, has now completely segue to, they don't even know if Donald Trump was struck by a bullet, and he's still a threat to democracy. So no matter how bad Kamala Harris is, we need to all rally behind her, not we, us, but we, them on the other side. So, and you have some concerns though, on that kind of presumptive nominee portion. The stuff that Gavin Newsom has just started doing. - Oh, you saw, he did a little bit of knee bending and ring kissing the other day, you saw that? - Yeah, but also ordering to remove the homeless encampments, I know it was based on a larger court decision, but why would you do that, unless you were not trying to curry favor in the election season? - Exactly, and that's exactly what I was alluding to before you pointed it out. No, it's interesting now following a court decision, but in an attempt probably also to help clean up the disaster that Kamala Harris left behind in San Francisco. Gavin Newsom is going to be, at some point, removing homeless encampments from around the state. We'll see how widespread and effective that is. And the messaging via ads has already started to drop. Kamala Harris released her first campaign ad yesterday to a national market, let's check it out. In this election, we each face a question. What kind of country do we want to live in? There are some people who think we should be a country of chaos, a fear of hate, but us, we choose something different. We choose freedom. ♪ Freedom, freedom, I can't move ♪ ♪ Freedom, I can't be neutral ♪ ♪ Freedom, freedom, where are you? ♪ ♪ 'Cause I need freedom too ♪ The freedom not just to get by, but get ahead. The freedom to be safe from gun violence. The freedom to make decisions about your own body. We choose a future where no child lives in poverty, where we can all afford healthcare, where no one is above the law. We believe in the promise of America and we're ready to fight for it. Because when we fight, we win. So join us, go to and let's get to work. ♪ I'm a keeper running 'cause a winner ♪ ♪ Don't quit on themselves ♪ - That was, made my stomach hurt. - I take offense to a great many of the statements in that video. However, the highest level of irateness comes from no one is above the law, which what we've seen recently, all these ass javelins that were at the fucking capital, doing their own lefty insurrection, all of the charges dismissed. - Hamas for Palestine and all that other bullshit. - No, Hamas is coming. - Yeah. - What they wrote on the fucking Liberty Bell. Like, I don't give a fuck about either place. I don't care about Israel. I don't care about Palestine. I don't want us to be involved in either. - But. - But nothing, that's it. That's my fucking commentary. - Well, I'll accept that. You know, it's interesting to say the least, and this is gonna fall back on these people that are closely associated to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden that continuously allow these criminals, probably many who don't even belong in this country to continue to, you know, conduct many insurrections on the capital and go walk away scott-free. It's, you know, it's tough what we're up against. - If any of those people would have been Trump supporters, they'd be in jail for 20 years. - Slam dunk. And you know, you touched on the fact that the worst part of that campaign rollout video for you was the no one is above the law. The video portion of that and the montage they showed, which started out with the mugshot of Donald Trump and then scrolled through about 50 different images of him walking in and out of court, headlines off of major news publications, et cetera. That's gonna be the messaging right there. - Wait, is he a convicted felon? Didn't, did it all get thrown out or did he get hit with some of it? - Well, I mean, the sentencing has been passed to now mid September, but in the brief that was put out by Judge Marshant, that's if he's going to be sentenced based off of the Supreme Court ruling. - Yeah, so, I mean, will he be convicted? Is he currently a convicted felon? I guess that's what I'm getting at. What I'm getting at is we'll probably get a better answer of that in September, depending on how close the polls are. (laughs) There you go. The Trump team via their super PAC, MAGA Inc, immediately had a campaign rollout, counter production video, pushing back on the Harris for president narrative. Let's listen. - I am Kamala Harris. My pronouns are she and her. - You're considered the most liberal United States Senator. - Well, actually, the nonpartisan GovTrack has rated you as the most liberal Senator. (laughs) - You have any plans to visit the border. - We are going to the border. We've been to the border. - You haven't been to the border. - And I haven't been to Europe. I am in favor of saying that we're not gonna treat people who are undocumented across the border as criminals. That's correct. That is correct. - A lot of the signs that the rally you just held were people standing there saying abolish ICE. - Yeah, that, a position that you agree with. - We need to probably think about starting from scratch. - So, you support giving universal healthcare Medicare for all to people who are in this country illegally? - I am opposed to any policy that would deny, in our country, any human being, public health, period. (laughs) - Are you for defunding the police? - How are you defining to defund the police? - It's actually wrong and backward to think that more police officers will create more safety. - We need to get rid of money now. - Convicted, in prison, like the Boston Marathon Bomber, on death row, people who are convicted of sexual assault, they should be able to vote? - I think we should have that conversation. (laughs) I am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a Green New Deal. - I have all the supported Medicare for all. I was very happy to sign on to Bernie's bill and I give Bernie, frankly, a lot of credit. There's no question I'm in favor of banning for that. Do you ban plastic straws? - I know we should. (laughing) - I mean, you wanna talk about dropping the hammer? Even though I think I heard the noise in Kamala Harris' video right before the beat dropped, it was the same sound that Thor dropped the friggin' Stormbreaker hammer in Avengers Infinity War. Like, they definitely have to check on the copyright validity of that sound effect. But listen, when you talk about messaging and all of Kamala Harris' bad takes, policies, and things that she's tied her wagon to, whether it be physically with one of the people she came up politically with via the bedroom, or legislatively, she was the 51st vote to pass the Inflation Non-Reduction Act. She talked about eliminating the filibuster to get the Green New Deal passed, even though they did have some Republicans cross the aisle and pass that in the Senate as well. She's got a horrible record. She's got nothing to run on. She's never done anything positively for this country, except be a woman of, and it's up for debate, what color she is, and that's it, period. You know, that's made her way into a prominent position. She's got nothing else to run on, period. And it's gonna be up to us to continue to educate you guys on what exactly the messaging needs to be. You wanna talk about MAGA Inc and, you know, the War Room account that they have there. This stuff comes out within an hour of Kamala Harris' campaign video. Perfect way to combat it, and I hope, and that we continue to see a lot more of it. So she was down on the, well, I mean, she got out this week, and she's gonna be able to crisscross the country a little bit more adequately than Joe Biden has been able to do. She attended events at a historically black sorority and spoke to them. For a union in celebration or standing in solidarity with African-American hospital workers. She talked before the second largest teachers union in the country this week, and praised Randy Weingarten, who gives your kids the same curriculum as the one that she took over to Ukraine and implemented there, and kept our kids out of school for years, in some states, and in some cases as well. Set down for a transclusive on the set of the RuPaul show, and then filled up one-fourth of the gym in Battleground, Wisconsin, where she delivered remarks to, I guess, you wanna call them four supporters now, since they just found out she was the nominee recently, and they used a lot of the visuals from that, and believe me, they were fucking bending light and using smoke and mirrors to make it look like there was a crowd there. The same crowd noise that they pump in on the major, mainstream media news networks was the ones that they had pumped in for that commercial, everyone was chanting Kamala, that never happened. And again, this falls on the shoulders of the mainstream media, where for the first time this week, we saw them turn the cameras around and show how packed the arena was down in North Carolina when Donald Trump gave a rally in the middle of the week, you're gonna have to do the same thing for these people. It's the only way. I mean, you know, and for those on the Trump team or members of Congress who frequent this show, your guys staffers, you gotta be able to pass that messaging along up to the top. It's challenging the mainstream media when these candidates, Kamala Harris is out there on the campaign trail delivering remarks. You have to be able to pan around to the audience and show America. They just don't care about her candidacy and the messaging that she's trying to bring. But like I mentioned, she was out on the campaign trail. I did pull some of the clips so we can kind of get a gauge on where she's at, public speaking wise. She talked about kicking off her candidacy in this first event that she delivered remarks and again, Wisconsin, let's check it out. - Milwaukee, I wanna start by saying a few words and I could really speak at length, but a few words about our incredible President Joe Biden. (audience cheering) It has truly been one of the greatest honors of my life to serve as Vice President to our President Joe Biden. (audience cheering) Joe's legacy of accomplishment over his entire career and over the past three and a half years is unmatched in modern history. In one term, think about it. In one term as President, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents who served two terms in office. (audience cheering) And I know we are all deeply, deeply grateful for his continuing service to our nation. (audience cheering) And it is my great honor to have Joe Biden's endorsement in this race. (audience cheering) - I'm honest with you, I'm kind of retarded. - We're gonna be getting a lot of that. Over the course of the next four months, gang. You wanna know what Noah? You know the what in the actual fuck audio clip? There's actually been calls for it in our comments out on Twitter. They're saying, hey, somebody actually wrote, I don't care what your co-host said, you need to press that button more. (laughing) And then somebody tagged us in a post where someone was just using quantum retardery to kind of rationalize the case for Kamala Harris and they're like, "Stake for breakfast needs to use this." Soundbite that they have on their show in there. So I went and put it as the comment after, but yeah. Listen, this is the Swan song for Joe Biden in regards to Kamala Harris. I would be very surprised if they're together very much at all outside of, and how much do you think Joe Biden's actually gonna be allowed to speak at the Democrat National Convention? - Oh, I feel like if they let him do anything live, like I have a feeling DNC, if he does anything, he'll be remote and pre-recorded. Or he's just gonna have an epic health failure and it won't be an issue anymore. But I don't foresee him doing a whole lot of live shit because I feel like there's a potential for him to go rogue. - It's a good point, it's a good point. - 'Cause if he's really mad and salty about this, did you see the video where it looked like somebody was in the beast with him, like sitting next to him yelling at him, like motioning wildly and bobbing their head around? - Yup, yup, yup, scolding an old man, come on. - Yeah, I know why it's gonna be for you. - And again, we don't wanna continue to tell you guys that even though the Democrats do all these crooked illegal unconstitutional things, especially what's going on in real time right now at the entirety of their electorate, but they do do a really good job of projecting, deflecting and rejecting every single narrative you try to build about 'em because they tell you exactly what they're doing. Check this out. (crowd cheering) - So, Wisconsin, I am told as of this morning that we have earned the support of enough delegates to secure the Democratic nomination. (crowd cheering) (crowd cheering) And I am so very honored and I pledge to you, I will spend the coming weeks continuing to unite our party so that we are ready to win in November. (crowd cheering) - 15 million primary ballots right in the garbage. Yeah, that's wild. And nobody on their team is mad because they're not allowed to be mad at anything the party does. It's so 1984. - Yeah, it certainly is. And again, they're gonna start saying all of these things like now the polls are legitimate, even though all the ones that were showing Donald Trump exceeding double digits in some cases against Joe Biden over the course of the last few weeks were not, as they all continue to narrow in the mainstream press, they're gonna do the exact same thing with money. Remember, the Trump team was able to point out that they had lapped Joe Biden in May, June and July fundraising. And now Donald Trump has an enormous war chest, I guess, which has to be re-centered on Kamala Harris and her campaign now. And now she comes out and says all the people that were holding guns against Joe Biden said figuratively and refusing to donate money to the party apparatus until he got out of the race. Well, they've all come home to roost and to anoint her and to drop money on it. Let's check it out. (audience cheering) And we just had some breaking news. We just had the best 24 hours (audience cheering) of grassroots fundraising in presidential campaign history. (audience cheering) All right. And because we are a people powered campaign, that is how you know we will be a people first presidency. More like a pronouns first presidency. So it's funny how there's been some investigative work done on these donations. Apparently it was like $80 million over 72 hour periods since the announcement, which I mean isn't off the charts, but when you're looking into these act blue and DNC, they're supposedly grassroots. Apparently anyone within the Democrat party can donate money and it leaves like a placeholder, probably much like votes in the last election. And whenever there are mega contributions made, they can literally break up those dollar amounts and donate them on behalf of people who have namely donated to the party in the past. So if you do a one time donation, one time donation from NOAA, and you never donate again, Jeff Bezos comes in and drops $40 million into the campaign. They can take $100 off of that, affix it to your name and say that you were a small dollar donor. It's not a complete lie, but in that instance today is, and people are saying that this is some of the algorithm work that they've used to kind of see whenever these big money donations come in, how they're kind of spread and then disseminated amongst the American people as a larger grassroots campaign, which we all know is not true. - Yeah, no. - The actual people who traditionally vote Democrats are not dropping small dollar amounts on either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, and that's just a fact. And we heard in the campaign rollout video, what exactly the messaging is going to be? Donald Trump's the felon, she's the prosecutor. I think at some point in the very near future, they're going to see that this isn't working, it's actually really agitating a lot more Americans, especially closer to the center, than helping out her campaign. But if they're going to say that Donald Trump's the felon and she's the prosecutor in their commercials, they're going to say it in their messaging when out on the campaign trail, let's hear it. (audience cheering) - So as Leah told you before I was elected vice president, before I was elected the United States Senator, I was elected attorney general of the state of California, and I was a courtroom prosecutor before then. And in those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women, fraudsters, who ripped off consumers, cheaters, who broke the rules for their own gain. (audience laughing) So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump's type. (audience cheering) (audience cheering) - Did you hear her stop herself from laughing? - Yeah. - I'm gonna throw her out of time. (audience laughing) - And in this campaign, I promise you, I will proudly put my record against his any day of the week. (audience cheering) - What in the actual fuck? - Record? - Record? - Did you hear all those things that she said? Creepy corporate business dealings, people who sexually abused women, this, that, and the other thing, and all said that she knows Donald Trump's type. Listen, if I was a Trump campaign, that would be, if I was Donald Trump the person, I would immediately be suing her for defamation and doing all the things that Democrats do to Republicans all the time right off the bat. - Yeah. - Because a lot of these things were either thrown out or are still in court under the parameters of appeals and things of that nature. And some of them haven't even been brought to fruition and most likely won't be before the election. And for their messaging to be personal attacks in a race where Donald Trump supposedly can't use personal attacks, it's just really interesting to see. And thank God, that was the last one I've had of her. So that's what we're getting. That's what we're getting. Orange Man Bad is back. I'll challenge you on my record versus his. However, you're not allowed to cite anything from my record. You can, however, point out everything from his. We're gonna lie about donations. We're gonna hype up fake polls. Everyone's excited that they didn't get to vote for me and they can't wait to do it again for the first time on November 5th. That's essentially what they rolled out in the form of Kamala Harris this weekend. The bold strategy, Cotton. See if it works for him. Weirdest thing I thought of this entire Kamala Harris roll out cycle. All right, Noah. You know there was rumors right after Joe Biden was out and they were just going to immediately elevate Kamala Harris that there was some disdain from the elites within the party, especially the Clintons who did come out and endorse, I believe it was through Bill Clinton's account but both of them, you know, on behalf of the Clintons, we fully endorse this. But I heard the- - Facebook account? - I heard the Obamas were pissed, okay. And do you think it's weird that after like 72 hours, Barack Obama put out on his Twitter account this morning at 1.55 a.m. Pacific. So that's 5 a.m. Eastern, a video of his calling endorsement to Kamala Harris. Like it's a weird time. It's a weird time. Like I'm sitting on the couch last night watching a program with my wife and, you know, I'm just like- - It's like something you do and you want to bury the news over the weekend. - Yeah, and something, I literally got the headline breaking the Obamas endorsed Kamala Harris for president. So I thought, well, shit did it happen like yesterday and I missed it. So then I go and look and it's like a caption tweet, but the Barack Obama tweet is right under it and I click on it and it says 0.155, like 1.55 a.m. Pacific. So that's 5 a.m. in the morning on the East Coast. I don't know if they were trying to get the post out there. So all of the shows that were getting kicked off, you know, Fox and Friends first, and Morning Joe Douchborough and all those shows are gonna be nationally, you know, that'll be like a headline they roll with 'cause they probably all have notifications on for the former president. But I thought it was weird, you know, and believe it or not, the video itself of it going down, it was Kamala Harris talking on her cell phone like it was a speaker, but she had the mic pinned to her suit. So obviously it was fake, gay, end-staged. - Oh, I just thought of something. - Hmm. - Now the campaign slogan can be, "We did it, ho." (laughs) - I like it. I'm gonna talk to some of our AI experts and see if they can get on that one. Who might mean I'm talking to you? Let's listen in. - Yup. - Kamala. - Hello. - Hi. - Hey there. - Aww, hi, you're both together. Oh, it's good to hear you both. - I can't have this phone call without saying to my girl Kamala, I am proud of you. This is going to be historic. - And transparent? - We call to say, Michelle and I couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office. - Oh my goodness. Michelle practiced me so much to me. - We did it. - I'm looking forward to doing this with the two of you, Doug and I both. - Oh, I don't know why I'm just, I have the-- - I don't get now here being on the road. - You're getting twisted back when we go right now. - But most of all, I just wanna tell you, the worst you have spoken and the friendship that you have given over all these years. I mean more than I can express. So thank you both, it means so much. And we're gonna have some fun with this too, aren't we? - I don't think anybody's having fun with this one. - No. - Oh my goodness. So yeah, it's, after days of silence, you get the Obama endorsement, which they said was pre-recorded earlier that week, but they strategically waited for all the dust to settle to put it out on their social medias. I don't know how-- - You gotta be the strategic, it's important. - Yeah, I don't know how true that is, but I thought it was very interesting at the timing of it. And the only thing I could think of was inserting it into the news cycle right at the start of the business day. But besides that, not typically where you would have something like an endorsement for a candidate for president from one of the former presidents and prominent members of the party still. And I'm talking about both of those gentlemen, Michelle, Big Mike and Barack, Barry Hussein Obama, to drop their endorsement on Kamal Harris. The rage in Cajun, James Carville, who's been hyper critical of everything going on with Joe Biden, seems to be in a little bit better space, but also warned America as recently as today, we shouldn't just automatically assume that Kamalomania, that's what he called it. I guess after Trumpomania came out at the Republican National Convention. - You should, yeah, that's a stretch to try to compare those two. - No, like it's a thing, but when you talk about candidate validity, and I guess temperature when I'm using a meat thermometer, Kamal Harris is probably a little bit better luck than Joe Biden was, let's check it out. - As you warned against Democrats, anointing Vice President Harris as the nominee. You talked about wanting to see town halls all over the country with multiple candidates. That's clearly not gonna happen. Are you okay with what's happening? - 100%. And people have coalesced around the Vice President, I'm so with her, it's 100%. Two weeks ago, might've been a different environment is Powell Wilson said in politics a week is a year, so that was two years ago. But I am totally comfortable with delegates already coalesced around her, the donors are there. I think she's doing very well, and I'm glad to be 100% behind her. - And what Anderson Cooper was alluding to there in the CNN digital panel that they were hosting at the time was when James Cardville called for all those things like town halls and things leading up to the convention. That's when Joe Biden was refusing to get out and before the anointed Kamal Harris as the presumptive Democrat nominee. So they wanted people to literally start like a grassroots movement around the country of going and promoting their anti-Biden platform, which they would present to the electorate at the Democrat National Convention in Chicago in a few weeks. But that obviously never happened. And it seems like with the be stowing of blessings by the Obama camp to Kamal Harris, they've completed the complete steal of the Oval Office for the second time in less than one term. So interesting to see how that kind of happened. And when you talk about the insurrections like Noah had alluded to, a little bit earlier in the show, talking about the Pro Hamas radicals who keep taking over the Capitol and destroying property over Washington, D.C. Cash Patel was on the news last night and talking about the political insurrection that has happened in our country. He jumped on the Fox late edition with Trace Gallagher, great friend of Cash Patel. And I called it, he confirmed it, had an upper decker in with Zinnin live on Fox News. Hmm, let's check it out. - Hey, Juan, I wanna play some sound here. The chair of the DNC on this coronation. - The process has been fair. It's been open, it's been transparent. But if anybody's thinking about running, you're running against a sitting vice president. If you don't have that gravitas and she has it. - Yeah, forget the 14 million votes cast for Joe Biden Cash. - Right, let's call this what this is Trace. It's great to be with you. The Democratic Party of the United States of America has hijacked and committed straight thievery against 14 million Americans who casted ballots in the primaries all for Joe Biden in the name of resurrecting the democratic system they so enshrined in their daily ethos. They have literally committed political insurrection and hijacked the democratic process and they are saying to the American people, don't worry about it. It's actually still fair. We're doing everything above board. But there's no open convention. What do those 14 million people do? Their votes are completely discarded. They're not represented anymore in their states. Not to mention the fact that I'm glad President Trump's challenging the FEC find stuff, but all the states themselves have their own rules as to how delegates are awarded at the national convention and the DNC has just robbed every state party of that legal opportunity. So there should be some more legal challenges there too. - And they keep defending it. What do you make of the reporting that Joe Biden was really kind of bullied out of this thing, pushed out of it? The New York Post says the following the well orchestrated palace coup to stop the faltering president from seeking reelection had been in place for weeks as calls for him to bow out mounted Biden insisted he would continue the party bigwigs threatened to invoke the 25th amendment to the US Constitution. You talk about assaulting democracy, right, Cash? - I mean, this is straight skullduggery. They utilize the 25th amendment as an anvil of blackmail against the sitting president of the United States. And they completely distorted the purpose of the 25th amendment. I'm the first guy that's gonna tell you Joe Biden is not a great commander chief. He's terrible and he doesn't have the capacity to do it. And they went and used the 25th amendment to swipe out Joe Biden and said, if we don't get our way, we the Democratic Party are gonna come in here and instill our own new leadership system and we're gonna drag you out of Washington DC. This is a Democratic Party saying this after all the things they did to Donald Trump, after all the corrupt government people in DC, like Andy McCabe and Rod Rosenstein agreed to wear a wire against Donald Trump to invoke the 25th amendment. Who does it? The Democrats. It's the height of hypocrisy. It's a corruption cover playbook that can only originate Washington DC and the halls of the Democratic Party. - Yeah, I tell you what, anytime Kashab's health speaks on the DC swamp and the government gangsters, you best be listening. The guy is absolutely dialed in. He's been neck deep in the swamp for decades now, first as a federal prosecutor and then with all the multiple positions he held within the Trump administration. And it's not surprising to see the methodology they used to get there. You know, like I said, it's a shame. It's probably at some levels criminal, all the stuff that went on behind the scenes. You would hope for more people to come out and wanna divulge the truth or be the whistleblowers or spies for the other side, which is our side. But we're never gonna know how hot and heavy and hostile those negotiations into what transpired on Wednesday with Joe Biden essentially telling the country that he's quitting after for months and months before challenging anyone who not only questions his mental acuity, but physical fitness to run for re-election. And the sad part is they ran him out there, so ragged over the course of the last couple of weeks. It probably didn't help where he's at right now, physically and mentally, et cetera. But that's water under the bridge and it's a new day and we have a new target in Kamala Harris to focus all of our campaign messaging on and we have to do it. We absolutely have to do it. So, rep Pat Ryan, one of the weiners on the Democrat side is already getting excited for the Kamala Harris ticket. You know, there's been a lot of people floated over the course of the last couple of days on who would be an ideal vice presidential pick. I always thought, you know, somebody like Mayor Pete would be great because number one, he sucks. Number two, he's everything about the Democrat party that they love. He's got pronouns, he's not very masculine, even though he's a veteran, he's extremely gay. He chest feeds his adopted children with his partner. And all of the above checks a lot of boxes. But, you know, here's the deal. Mark Kelly from Arizona, my senator who's in his, I believe, second term now. So, you know, running out of political capital there. Bashir down in Kentucky, who is a Democrat in an essentially red state as the governor. Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania to have, you know, been questions raised. I think Josh Hammer kind of did a great way of framing it. His Jewish heritage is something that isn't very enticing to the national apparatus when it comes to the acceptance and tolerance of the Democrat electorate. And, you know, a couple others who, you know, more down in Maryland, who's the governor there. He's like one of the new rising black stars in the party. So, blah, blah, blah, whatever. I still think if the Democrats want to completely segue away from the way we do politics now and onto the bench, which is deep and even more progressive than anything they can promote in 2024 for 2028, that's Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, J.B. Pritzker. Probably Josh Shapiro, again, if he doesn't run as the counterpart to Kamala Harris, et cetera, may your Pete would be the viable alternative. You can kind of close the door on this entire generation and then move forward to the next election cycle. Don't have to worry about anybody complaining or pointing out the fact that they would have lost to Donald Trump in the election. But I guess we'll have to see over the course the next few weeks as we head up to the DNC who she decides to pick. It's weird. People within the House, in the Senate, and other major commentators are saying may your Pete should be the guy, but then everyone who's in the news and in commentary is saying it should not be may your Pete, which means there might still be a battle for how legitimate this regime is upon Capitol Hill right now. And in Washington, D.C., Joe Biden's cabinet, et cetera. And moving forward, do they want to just have Kamala Harris and dissidents themselves away from everything? Or do they burn somebody like Mayor Pete and then both her, well, yeah, I'm not going to correct myself. Both her and Kamala Harris will be done for 2028. Let's listen. - Kamala Harris has to pick a vice presidential running mate. It seems very quickly here. Who would you like to see her pick? I've heard Mark Kelly at Josh Shapiro possibly at the top of the list now. - I am and have forever been a Pete Buttigieg fan. I think he has just knocked it out of the park in delivering, on infrastructure, calling out airlines when they've settled. - He's currently very mad at Delta. - As are millions of Americans having recently flown myself. And he's just shown an ability to actually unify the country when that is just what people are desperately looking for. So I'd love to see him. - No, can you even remember any instance of when Mayor Pete unified the country over anything? Just over hating him. - That's true. Yeah, I've also seen Rep Clyburn, Benny Thompson, all come out and give sparkling reviews of Mayor Pete. Van Jones from CNN has also said he'd be a great pick. He brings, I guess, equal balance of masculinity and femininity to the ticket with him. As someone who chess feeds and is a veteran as well. But yeah, doesn't sound like anything we've promoted to you guys and how America is reacting to Kamala Harris has been positive. Which probably is the case. So when all else fails, what do you do? Even when attacking Donald Trump doesn't seem like it's making any dents or chinks in the armor, you hit him where it absolutely hurts. I don't know if you heard this one, Noah, but you're going to be pissed off only for a second and then happy again when I play this clip, check it out. - And just breaking moments ago, Brett, I want to tell you that the Secret Service is apparently now telling or asking the Trump campaign to stop doing their rallies outdoors. This is reporting from the Washington Post, just breaking in the last couple of minutes here. I can tell you that I asked Don Jr. about that at the RNC last week. If he was going to encourage his father to stop holding rallies outdoors, he said that his father would not like that at all. He loves those outdoor rallies. So we're still trying to work this story right now, but that's coming from the Washington Post, the Secret Service is now encouraging the Trump campaign to stop doing those outdoor rallies, Brett. - Yeah, fast. - Hey, feel about that, Noah? Hmm, I guess. No, that pisses me off big time. Well, I mean, I guess they can run with that fucking line of thought on it, I guess. I don't know. - Thank God we're in this timeline in the multiverse and Donald Trump is our candidate and the man for the hour. Just breaking today, which is Friday afternoon and via his official true social account, Donald Trump has addressed the question that's been ramping up in the media now for over a week. No, you're really gonna like this one. I think our listenership is two if they missed it. I will be going back to Butler, Pennsylvania for a big and beautiful rally, honoring the soul of Arby Lovid, firefighting hero, Corey, and those brave patriots who were injured two weeks ago. What a day it will be. Fight, fight, fight. Stay tuned for details, DJT. - I like it. - So not only is Donald Trump saying, fuck your narrative, I will continue to do my outdoor rallies. I'm doing one in the exact same spot soon where I was almost assassinated by a gunman. Yeah, I mean, best timeline ever. And it's just an awesome way to see Donald Trump respond to all of the negative press that is now getting thrown back his way again. So they've gone so quickly back to orange man bad, fell in bad, adulterer bad, sexual assault or bad, outside rallies bad because nothing else is affecting him. And Donald Trump just kind of pushes it back. He calls them garbage and he says, I will go to the exact same spot that had happened and do a bigger rally now, to honor the fireman, the father, the husband who lost his life and the other people who were injured in addition to make up for the rally that only lasted about 13 minutes to all the fans who were in attendance. So we're gonna leave it at that. - I bet that slope groove will be covered this time. - And the water tower so we can just distance ourselves from all of the conspiracy theorists, please, have a little drone work going on as well. - Like a lot of drones. And not like a assassin's drone. - We'll leave it at that as we're getting ready to jump in with retired U.S. Air Force colonel, Rob Manus, but before we do another check in with one of our partners. - It's an unpleasant truth that 42% of Americans are obese and 79% of Americans are overweight. That's practically one in every two Americans living day-to-day with every minute counting down to the end of an unhealthy existence. It's time to change that and make Americans healthy again. You've probably heard about weight loss injections that can help you get back into that right mindset and help curb those cravings so you can focus on what's really important. New Hope Wellness has changed thousands of lives and maybe it can change yours too. They are American family owned and operated with the goal of saving lives. With convenient telehealth options, you can speak to a licensed professional from the comfort of your own home and all products are delivered discreetly to your front door. Visit and start your journey to a better you. That's to get your free consultation and a hundred bucks off your first order. 1-800-527-2150. Make America healthy again. - All right, Joni is next on the show today. This is Big Friday Edition of the State of Records podcast. He's the retired U.S. Air Force Colonel. He also survived the terrorist attack on the Pentagon on 9/11. He's the host of The Rob Man and show and joining us again, Colonel Rob Man is welcome back. - Hey man, it's good to be back. - Always a pleasure to host you, sir. And we got a bunch of stuff to talk about. First thing I want to kind of jump into take the way back machine a little bit and touch on the RNC, you know? That seemed like one of the best, if not the best, Republican National Convention that I've seen in my lifetime. And, you know, it just looked like the messaging, the guest lineup, the selection of JD Vance as the Vice President, et cetera, all kind of just flowed. And by the time we hit the last day, it seemed like the America First messaging and the ticket with JD Vance and President Trump looked stronger than ever coming out. What do you think? - I completely agree, you know? And it's all because of Donald Trump's leadership. You know, my first convention was the 2016 convention. So my only experience is watching Donald Trump get the nomination for the Republican Party, but they were dramatically different experiences. You know, in the last one, President Trump really didn't have any control at all over the Republican National Committee or the Republican Party. He saw floor flight fights over the platform planics pretty aggressively. You saw attempts to not nominate President Trump in 2016. And in this one, you know, the president's taking control of the party. He's got his daughter-in-law as a co-chair. He appointed Michael Watley as the chairman of the RNC. He appointed Chris Lasavita who is, you know, the top advisor, a campaign manager type person on the campaign, but he's also the chief operating officer of the RNC now. So Mr. Trump has put that leadership team together and it's made all the difference in the world, man. There were no platform fights on the floor. There was a little bit of discussion and debate about the way it was done the week prior and leading up to it, but all of those appear to have been resolved at least for the moment so that we could have a unified Republican party. And that is the most fantastic thing that I saw is that across the spectrum, as you know, the Republican party has, we're a big tent unlike the Democrats. You had multiple perspectives on what it is to be a Republican across the spectrum from centrist all the way to what some people consider far right, but everybody that I talk to and I talk to a lot of people across that spectrum, they're all saying the same thing. We are passionate about this ticket and we are more than determined than ever to get Donald Trump and JD Vance into the White House and to lead the executive branch because our country needs it so badly. - You know, I think one of the biggest things that the Democrats have done over the course of the past week or so to kind of, I don't wanna say muddy the waters, but try and take the wind out of President Trump's sails. I mean, if you saw the speaking events he's done since the RNC, they've both been absolutely packed, they've been well received, the messaging is mixed and identifies to like you said, a very broad tent of American voters and the potential electorate out there. But I mean, you have to look into consideration, you know, Donald Trump survived the assassination attempt up in Pennsylvania, then he gets through the Republican National Convention, completes his ticket with, you know, nominating JD Vance to be his vice. And then you have this soft coup that's been run within the Democrat party for the greater part of the last six months or so. Kind of come to a head where Joe Biden bows out, Kamala Harris gets inserted in. And it seems like the media who, listen, it took three and a half years for the media to finally turn on Joe Biden. For anyone who thought when Kamala Harris entered the arena and would get very big endorsements behind her, you know, the Obama's the latest, but the Clinton's. A lot of people in Hollywood, the billionaire donor class like the Disney heiress, et cetera, that we're all coming back to say, okay, this is much better, this is fine. At least she could talk. You know, and want to legitimize this candidate. I hope everybody in our listenership, Colonel, you know, and I know you could probably attest to this, really has to take into consideration that the media is not just going to toss Kamala Harris aside like they did Joe Biden. They kind of worked in collaboration with the parties and entities that be behind the scene to get the result they want. That was him out when they saw after the debate he couldn't, you know, carry on and have a chance of winning in November. But here we are back at square one, just a hundred days out from election day. - Yeah, it's very interesting that the party that just drones on and on and on about protecting democracy has now installed a new nominee without any voting whatsoever. The voters are completely cut out of this process. The oligarchs controlling the party in Barack Obama forced Joe Biden out of the race. And now you see the media, I mean, the last 48 hours, they're smearing JD Vance every five minutes and they're trying to whitewash Kamala Harris's actual record. You know, the biggest indicator of that is the whole borders are whitewash, you know. Oh no, she was never the borders are. You're lying, you know, you know, the headlines going out, Donald Trump's falsely says, Kamala Harris is responsible for the border and the borders are, or Donald Trump says that Kamala Harris supported the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which she did, there's a tweet out there that says that. Then they play on words, you know, because they accused him of saying she donated to it. When she really didn't donate to it, but no, she was out there tweeting about it, saying, hey, get all our Black Lives Matter and Antepa terrorists out of jail with this, get out of jail free fund called the Minnesota Freedom Fund, to bail them out, you know. So the media is completely trying to do the washing machine on Kamala Harris and say that she's not soft on crime, that she's strong on the border and has done a great job. Oh, no, she really wasn't the borders are. So they're completely trying to walk away from these policies. And the president and JD are exactly right. And you gotta thank Chris, LaSavita and Susie Wiles for this 'cause they're leading the campaign. And Jason Miller and Stephen Chung, all of that team is staying on message. And the message is, these are disastrous policies for America and Kamala Harris has to wear those policies as their own because she's vice president of the United States under Joe Biden, the man at the top of what was at the top of the ticket. And now she is representing those policies. Stay on those policy messages, folks. And our policies are what's good for America. If we stay on those messaging and ignore all of this and continue to push the truth and the facts, I think we'll be just fine. - And to continue on that point, Colonel, don't you think it's best for the Trump team to also kind of marry her to Joe Biden's policies? I mean, they are a president, vice presidential pair, everything that's negatively affecting Americans, whether it's the economy, border security, crime, the broken healthcare and education systems, the failure that we've had geopolitically around the world, those have to all be tied to her because it's not like Kamala Harris is gonna come out and say, oh yeah, for the last three and a half years, I disagreed with Joe Biden, everything that he proposed behind closed doors and I would go in a completely different direction. That's not the way politics work. And for the amount of time that they have left, which is very short to kind of put a campaign together, I see them defending the failed foreign policies of this administration than them really being able to promote or capitalize on anything that she would potentially wanna do differently in a term where she was the president of the United States. - Yeah, she has to own those policies and more importantly, the campaign, we have to make her own those policies because they are her policies. Joe Biden and her are handcuffed together, so to speak, tied together at the hip on this and she didn't come out and disagree with Joe Biden, just like you said, and she was the borders are. I mean, my goodness, it's even in the congressional record that she is supporters are and it's an abject failure. I mean, that policy, not only does she own it as a Biden policy, she owns it as the failed leader that didn't do their job. So we've got to make her own those and I think we'll continue to do that. And even as importantly, continue to talk about the great policies of the Trump administration that are coming to play energy dominance, secure the border, the biggest deportation operation ever. Get the economy back on track, get inflation down, piece through strength policies instead of these endless war policies. Stop the killing, get focused on China to deter over them because they're our biggest adversary and get Europe focused on Russia and facing down that threat, standing on their own two feet and their money and their forces. And we can get there and get back to a peaceful, prosperous world, which is peaceful and prosperous for Americans and we'll see wages rise above the rate of inflation as inflation goes down. We'll get the debt down and get out of that difficulty and get back on track. And it's gonna be great. - You know, there's so many people on the Republican side. I see it online. I see it in the press that are kind of showing frustration over the course of the last 72 hours when this kind of materialized Kamala hair being the nominee and them starting to distance themselves away from Joe Biden. But if you look at the messaging that the media is pushing out there that Joe Biden said in his, I guess you could call it a fair will address to the nation, even though technically he's still the president through January of next year, where he said, you know, I'm leaving this white house and this country with the greatest economy with border numbers down, with safety in the streets, with lower prices of medication. They try to, you know, they are going to, now that Joe Biden's out and we hadn't, we enjoyed a little bit of good press. Unfortunately came on the heels of Donald Trump almost getting assassinated, but the strong messaging of the RNC, the fact that Joe Biden was such a good candidate and everybody kind of got a little bit complacent. Now on the media is right back to doing the same thing they used to do. Oh, maybe Donald Trump didn't get shot in Pennsylvania. Oh my gosh. Now they're going to go after this woman. This is the Donald Trump we always knew he would. We have to just buckle down and do the things that we've done for essentially the last eight years for the next hundred days and get this president and his vice presidential pick over the finish line. It's a big task for America first. It also includes a massive show out starting with early voting, which is beginning in places like North Carolina as soon as nowish all the way up through November. And, you know, we've had our eyes on the prize for so long just because we enjoyed a little bit of prosperity here, albeit coming out of some pretty dark moments. We do have to remember that, you know, the goal is to win in November and that's the only objective we need to achieve. Oh, absolutely. And we've got to run like we're 10 points behind. We can't be complacent at all even though things look really good, even against Kamala with the media trying to give her the bump in white washer record to make her look like something she has not. We stay on message and continue to do the things that we do, Donald Trump continues to be Donald Trump. With that slightly changed message, you know, his messaging in his speech Thursday night at the convention had a nuance to it that was dramatically different. And here's the basic essence of it that I saw in my opinion. And that is when he said, I'm running to be president of all the American people and I'm asking you to join me. That is the message that a great American president that doesn't see red or blue, but sees red, white and blue like I did when I flew over this country for 30 plus years in my airport's career. And like I still do today and most of us military people do today, that's the way we see the American people. And when we run for office, that's the American population that we're talking to. We're not necessarily talking to just partisans. And I think that messaging added to what President Trump and the campaign are already doing by focusing on the bad policies and our good policies is what's gonna win the day. But we've got to stay buckled down, get on the, get be active at the grassroots, get volunteered to be poll watchers, get trained, you know, give money to these ballot chasing operations that the EPA USA action is doing and that Cliff Maloney in Pennsylvania, the PA chase operation is doing it. Any other swing state like Nevada, where there's a ballot chase operation, get on board with it. If you live there, go volunteer to work for them. And we can win, you know, in Pennsylvania in 2020, we left 140,000 Republican mail-in ballots on the table and he only lost by 80,000 votes. So the votes are there. We just got to go get them and we got to stay vigilant and we got to stay focused and the focus is on eyes on the prize. Too big to rig, swamp the vote, whatever phrase you like that we've come up with, get out there and do it and run like you're behind. - I mean, you make so many great points, lots of ones that have come out of the Trump campaign. But I have to tell you, Colonel, I'm so glad we were able to catch up with you today because just for the last week since the RNC, we've been, that was my favorite line of the entire address that Donald Trump made. When he said, I'm not running to be the president of the Republican party. I'm running to be the president of all Americans. It's a segue that happens usually, either shortly before or coming out of the convention in all political cycles. I know it frustrates a lot of people 'cause they wanna see some of the most right policies and conservative policies promoted on the campaign trail. But Donald Trump also has to give that plausible alternative to why an independent or a traditional Democrat would wanna go to the ballot box and know that there's no money in their bank account that their kids are getting taught weird stuff in school, that it's not safe to walk on the streets. It used to be in some neighborhoods at night. Now it's potentially in any neighborhood at any time, anywhere in the United States. And all of the other issues that we're after mentioned that we talked about a little bit earlier. I just think that it's so huge that Donald Trump is able to kind of, he's widened the tent as much as he could, I think, in America first. And now that, you know, enticement for all other Americans to come in. I mean, listen, when you have two of the biggest labor union bosses speaking at a Republican National Convention in this day and age, there is something big happening. There is something shifting in this country. These guys at the top of these, you know, unions know that their workers are absolutely getting crushed. And, you know, Donald Trump and JD Vance offer the solutions that you so greatly laid out there. It was great catching up with you today, Colonel. We've got your website live linked in the show description. Tell our listenership about your show and where anywhere else they could find you. - Well, you can find the Rob Mayner Show. We're live Monday through Thursday at 3 p.m. Eastern for one hour and we are being broadcast on the World YouTube Network every day on the Rumble. You can find us there. You can find World YouTube just like that. The handle is on Twitter and, of course, Rob Mayner's on Twitter, get her truth and all those. And on Facebook at C-O-L, Rob Mayner's. - Absolutely fantastic. As it is any time we can catch up with the man, the myth, the legend, the retired US Air Force Colonel. Rob Mayner, thanks for joining us on the show today. Sir, have a great weekend. - Thanks, brother. God bless America. She was never actually border czar. - Borders czar, which was not something that was formally conveyed upon her. She's been labeled incorrectly by some members of the right as the border czar. - Republicans named her the border czar. - Republicans have always exaggerated what her job was at the border. - Republicans, again, have labeled over the border czar. - But that's not exactly what President Biden asked her to do. - She was never put in charge of the border. - That wasn't actually her task, not to secure it, but to address the underlying roots of migration. She was charged with leading the administration's efforts to address the root causes of migration. - The root causes of migration to the US. - The root causes. - Root causes. - Root causes, a root causes. - Root causes of immigration. - We also want to point out that right now, apprehension numbers continue to decrease in our country, especially over the last few months. - And I just want to note that border crossings have been going down. - And illegal border crossings are lower right now. - Migrant crossings continue to drop. - Border crossings are way down. - Border crossings are down. - All right, jumping back into the news portion of the show here. Last news segment on the back end of two big Friday editions of the State of Breakfast podcast. As always, an honor, a pleasure and just a great segment with retired US Air Force Colonel, someone who survived the attack on the Pentagon on September 11th, Colonel Rob Maynes. And if you guys missed it, the new DNC talking points dropped. No, what do you think? - Yeah, I would believe it. If, and correct me if I'm wrong, some of the same lips uttering that lie actually said borders are before. - The funniest part about it was? So the talking points leaked, someone leaked it to the press. And while every single one of those talking points were playing, it was a split screen with a highlight of the exact same words in the DNC talking points for Kamala Harris, so. - Have they merged them all together like the, this was a danger to our democracy when all the newscasters were doing that? - That was basically it on a little bit smaller scale 'cause it's a little bit less of a sampling than January 6th and the narrative that they had then. But you know, what we're gonna be doing now is looking, I guess the early version of "Inside the Numbers" of Trump versus Harris, we've got some polling that's just coming out. But again, it's been a little bit more than 72 hours since the announcement has been made official. And we really need to, you know, wait a couple weeks, probably before the DNC, before we start to get some accurate polling. One of the things that a lot of people have pushed back on as you heard in the DNC talking points montage there, the Kamala-tosh, is the fact that she was never pointed the borders are. Now, yeah, we all seen the language. We all remember how much the media dunked on her for years over the border crisis and her inability to do the job. Granted, she just used COVID as a little bit of a cover-up for a year. But after that, and for the last three, it's been an absolute shit show. I was able to find the clip of when her and Joe Biden had to sit down and he kind of tasked her with that. Let's listen in. - I think I've heard him. I've asked her the VP today because she's most qualified first to do it, to lead our efforts with Mexico in the Northern Triangle and the countries that need help in stemming the movement of so many folks stemming the migration to our southern border. So this new surge we're dealing with now started with the last administration, but it's our responsibility to deal with it mainly and to stop what's happening. And so, this increase has been consequential. And, but the Vice President's agreed among the multiple other things I've had in the meeting and appreciated it. Agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept returnees and enhance migration enforcement at their borders, at their borders. We're already talking to Mexico about that. She's already done that. We're gonna be dealing with a full team that we have to be able to deal with the problem here at home, but also to deal with it now in terms of your country. It's not her full responsibility and job, but she's leading the effort because I think the best thing to do is to put someone who when he or she speaks, they don't have to wonder about is that where the President is. And she speaks, she speaks for me, doesn't have to check with me. She knows what she's doing. And I hope we can move this along with it. So, Madam Vice President, thank you. I gave you a tough job and you're smiling, but there's no better capable of trying to move on. - How can you tell she's smiling? They're both wearing masks. - They're having the confidence in me. And there's no question that this is a challenging situation. As the President has said, there are many factors that lead President to leave these countries. And while we are clear that people should not come to the border now, we also understand that we will enforce the law and that we also, because we can chew them and walk at the same time, must address the root causes that cause people to make the trek as the President has described to come here. - Needless to say, the work will not be easy, but it is important work. It is work that we demand and the people of our countries, I believe, need to help stem the tide that we've seen. Gotcha, bitch! - So there it is, the previously unearthed video, which confirms that Joe Biden tasked Kamala Harris with the most senior level of overseeing the border crisis. And again, this comes, remember, back in 2021, this is on the heels of the erasure of everything that Donald Trump did for the border and the fact that there were over 4 million people waiting on the other side of the fence in the remain in Mexico policies and things of that nature that were able to pour in in the first wave of illegals that invaded this country. So if anybody tries to tell you that it never happened or she was never tasked with this or she wasn't a borders are, even though that language wasn't supposedly administered by Joe Biden as he anointed her the queen of the border there, you're always gonna have clips like this, I've got it saved in my videos. You can always reach out to the show via DM or email and I'd be more than happy to pass along so you could show it to your friends, family and loved ones. But yeah, seems like she was. Noah, what do you think? - Shit, what a joke. - Yeah. And you heard-- - The root cause is free shit. - Yeah, that's all it is. The root cause is free shit. And you heard out in those DNC talking points how poignant they were on trying to stress the fact that she was never anointed the borders are and they're you saying in language only. And we all know it's not true when you look at the bigger picture and what her job was via that press conference and for all the times that she's pushed back on it, she goes, "Well, I've been down to the Golden Triangle." And she just goes to the same places that all 100 of my orcas always visits in the third world. And this is where he sets up all the NGOs. - That's why she's even been to the Golden Arches. - Yeah. - She's seen the roof of every bedroom probably of every major personality in San Francisco though. - Ceiling? - Yeah, I tell you that much. But it's gonna be a joke. This is what it's gonna be. They're gonna use lingo and language and wording to try and get her out of being tied to these failures of the administration. And again, I'm gonna keep saying it's going to be up to us. We are tasked with not only just promoting the truth but explaining why it's important. So they don't get a free pass for the next 100 days. It's because Kamala Harris is a woman, how dare me? Or she's a woman of color, even worse. - What is a woman of color? What is a woman? - Don't ask Katanji Brown Jackson, our newest Supreme Court justice. And for all those years that Joe Biden hyped her up as the number one ranking black Indian woman, his words not mine. Now we're gonna see just how much traction that really has in America. Kamala Harris was actually condemned this week in the House of Representatives. It's the strongest of strongly worded letters outside of, I guess, censoring. By a 220 to 196 vote over her handling of the border. Six Democrats all in battleground states, some who are on the US Southern border in places like Texas voted with Republicans. That's Perez from Washington, Golden from Maine, Cuellar from Texas, Piltola from Alaska, Caravale from Colorado and Davis from North Carolina. So six Democrats voted with House Republicans to condemn Kamala Harris for the job that she's done, or lack thereof on the border. What do you think Noah? Kind of a moot point, does it make a difference? The borders are a thing? The condemning of it that the House of Representatives has it on record now that they feel like she's done less than average job of doing anything to secure our border. I mean, between her and my orcas, they're having a relay race of retardery. It's gonna be a photo finish. Former Congressman Lee Zeldin, who should be joining us again in the next week or so. I just touched base with his team before the show, but didn't finalize a date. He's been out kind of stumping on some of the things that America needs to take into consideration when Kamala Harris tries to use her fake border security record out on the campaign trail, it's here. You know, Kamala had a very important role inside of this administration with regards to the border policy and they, from day one, the moment that they came into office, they stopped construction of the border wall, they ramped up catch release, they got rid of Remain in Mexico, they got rid of Title 42 without a replacement. Kamala Harris was the person who was comparing ICE to the KKK, she wanted to defund ICE, she says coming into the country legally is not, is not a crime and all of this is her record that she has to own and when it's pointed out that she was the most liberal senator on GovTrack in 2019, then GovTrack gets rid of the website when the references made about how she was the border czar, which was all over media, then all of a sudden it gets wiped out and the same reporter in Axios who wrote the story in 2021 saying that she was the border czar is now writing a story saying that she was the border czar. (laughs) - That UGov page has been officially removed, I went and checked it says the page does not exist with the senatorial track record of voting and policies and legislation, Puster promoted by Kamala Harris while she was a senator, she was the most radical progressive by a lot and the page no longer exists, imagine that, weird, this is what they're gonna try and do, rewrite history in real time. And who knows how much it's resonating, but I could tell you what, there are a lot of people in the Democrat electorate who are very concerned with what's going on here. I saw a couple of focus groups and panels who would sit down with major news outlets this week, like MSDNC and talk about how, you know, just Kamala Harris's complacency and covering up Joe Biden's mental decline was enough to think in their eyes that she's not fit to be president of the United States. Let's hear some of this. - Who do you blame for President Biden being in office in this condition, who deserves the blame? - This close staff, they work with them every day. So I think that's what also makes me nervous about the vice president Harris. - Yeah, and talk about that a bit. - So yes, she's going to be in it, but she also helped keep him in where he's at right now. And if he really is as bad as what they've been saying, I think if he steps down as president and she steps into the presidency before the end of his term, it almost makes me question a little bit more why it didn't happen sooner. She's worked with him, she's been, to my understanding with him daily, or at least a couple of days a week, why hasn't this been brought to an attention? If she's willing to hide that type of information, once she's in office, now what she's willing to hide for herself. - That's a good point. It's the truth, if she's willing to cover this up, what is and she willing to cover up once she becomes president of the United States, you know, scandals like Joe Biden's mental acuity and cognitive decline and physical deterioration over the course of the last several years. It's something that's gonna be talked about for generations to come. But when you talk about real scandals, ones that could directly affect national security in the case of, you know, wartime or anything. You know, and if she knows how to play this game and she knows that the people calling the shots behind the scenes are the ones that actually move the ebb and flow of our nation, it should be a concern for a lot of people. Listen, I know there's one person in modern politics who doesn't play ball with the deep state and the billionaire donor class. And that is Donald Trump, period. There's been no one else in modern politics who won't. And even the people that, you know, promote that they do, whether they're in Congress or the Senate, I would say there's a few who are close to not having many ties, but you know, it's one of those things. Donald Trump just doesn't play ball with these people. That's why they wanted them out so bad. There was nothing they could hold over his head. Listen, now after being almost thrown in jail for 11 billion years, bank erupted and everything in between almost murdered by an assassination attempt. Like what else could you throw in front of him that he's going to like bite on? Nothing. So I think that Democrats are, they're in a bind right now. And, you know, even when it comes to the fact of all of her pronouns and coloriness and the fact that she's a female, like when you honestly talk to voters about it, they might be in for, okay, women president at some point. Someday maybe they do a lot of government dramas about it and things of that nature, but does this really have to be like what the trend setting gold standard will be moving forward in the form of Kamala Harris? Listen to this. - How do you perceive vice president Harris compared to President Biden in terms of competency and experience? - I think she's worse. - She doesn't even know what's going on at the border. - Right. - And that's what she was supposed to be doing, doing and then charge them. I mean, as a school teacher, if I did not do what I was supposed to be doing, you better believe my job would be in jeopardy. Well, it isn't, it not only was her job not in jeopardy, she was just handed a promotion. - Is there anyone that Kamala Harris could appoint as her vice president that you would find reassuring? Would make you consider voting for her? - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - I would know, RFK Junior way before. - Yeah, yeah, absolutely. - Yeah. And she's not the first woman to run for the presidency, Hillary Clinton. I'm assuming no one voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. So it's not necessarily gonna sway you to vote for a woman in office. - When do you think America will have a female president? - When there's a competent one, just I don't get a good feel for her. - I think she's an idiot. - Right. - Mary, why do you think that she's not that bright? - Because she hasn't done anything in the time that she's had. We don't know anything about her as far as her three years so far in the White House. - Man, that was brutal, huh? Ouch, yeah, yeah. - Man, it doesn't get any better for Kamala Harris when you look at the demographics or cross haves of people that they usually pan or two. Listen, you can't fuck up the economy and make everybody broke and make your streets less safe and schools teaching nothing but pronouns over the course of the last four plus years under Joe Biden and think that you're just gonna be able to waltz into an electorate and every black person on the planet is just going to bow down to Kamala Harris because she's a woman of color, hypothetically. So CNN was kind of leaning on these numbers. And again, Donald Trump doesn't need all of the blacks to come under the America First 10 to have an absolute trip to the woodshed in the upcoming November election. However, the numbers that he's drawing right now, which is in the high teens of the low 20s, is historic for a modern day Republican president. And it's something that not even CNN could hide. Let's listen. - Summer and all that jazz. So I wanna take a look at Trump versus Democrat margin, just remind folks where we were at the end of the 2020 campaign. Joe Biden won voters under the age of 35 by 21 points. What do we see with Kamala Harris? - Well, she's still ahead, but the margin here is significantly less than what we saw with Joe Biden back in 2020. She's up by just nine points. You may make the argument that was better than Biden was doing before he got out, but compared to that Democratic baseline, where Democrats have historically in presidential elections, at least this century, been carrying that young vote by 20 or more percentage points, she is way down from that. So if this is unique support among young voters, I would like to know what non-unique support is. Is it even worse than this? - Is she doing better than Biden wasn't? - She was doing slightly better. Maybe Biden was up by like six on average or five. This is maybe slightly better, but this is not game-changing stuff, Mr. Berman. - All right, what have we seen in terms of motivation? - Yeah, so the other thing is, we talk about vote choice, right? But let's also talk about motivation, right? Because it's not just who you would support, it's whether or not you'd come out to the polls. And this I think is rather interesting. Do Democrats say they're more motivated to turn out after Biden left the race? Well, we do see a significant portion of Democrats who say yes, 39%. The thing I was interested in was it disproportionately younger voters who said that they were more likely to turn out or more motivated to turn out. And what we see here is it's 42%. Not a big difference between 42 and 39%. So this idea, again, that the vice president has unique potential to dig in and get young voters to turn out, John, it's just not there in the numbers despite all the internet memes that are going around. - And that's the truth. Remember, Twitter's not real life. And when you start looking into the actual polling of what people were saying, no one's excited about this on the Democrat side. I mean, the most radical of the progressives are probably gonna be 'cause they could do their little witchcraft ceremonies over it and still never know the touch of a man. But the thing is, is that you couldn't have asked for a better, worse candidate to be inserted instead of Joe Biden to run up against Donald Trump. The gloves are gonna be off Donald Trump completely understands whether it's at stake. I have no worry about that. In my mind, whatsoever. I mean, he even so much, he posted this one on True Social yesterday. This is an article from the AP in 2016, Noah. California's Kamala Harris becomes the first Indian American US Senator. And here's the same outlet AP in 2020. Biden picks Kamala Harris' running mate, first black woman. So Donald Trump is trying to show everybody like, listen, they are gonna turn her in to whatever they think has a better chance of beating him in November. And you just can't be retarded about it. So I saw some polling that came out today. I believe this one is from Emerson Polling, Battleground States, first head to head since the announcement. Arizona Trump 49 Harris 44, Georgia Trump 48 Harris 46, Michigan Trump 46 Harris 45, Pennsylvania Trump 48 Harris 46, Wisconsin tied at 47. Another one that came out, National GE. This is from UGov. Trump 46 Harris 44, Kennedy at four, Stein at one, West at zero. So not much movement in the polls. There's no Harris bump if that's what people actually think is going to happen. We got the 538 from decision desk. And that's a collaboration of so many different polls. They put it in, make averages up. Trump 47 Harris 45, with three people on the ticket, Trump 43 Harris 40, Kennedy 5.2. And this is comparison to Trump 46, Biden 43. So essentially no change, it's about three points. And then still a little bit less than four points, which was Trump, Biden and Kennedy on the ticket. So yeah, I don't know what they're looking for and I don't know what they're expecting as well, but we're just gonna have to see, I know where the money's going right now. And the 2024 presidential odds from Polymarket has, Donald Trump had 63% chance to win the White House Kamala currently at 33%, 72 hours out of the announcement. And all right, no, right to me. Yeah, and I agree. So we're gonna have to see how this continues to play out again. I think the polls will be pretty much getting a good flow right before the DNC and then we'll have to see if she picks up any bump from there. Well, who or vice president is, this, that and the other thing you're all gonna go into account. So we'll just continue to play it by here, where we always do polls are dropping nearly every minute now and we'll bring in the numbers the best in real time as we do every time we record the show. Guys, wherever you're listening today, no matter what platform it's on, Apple, Spotify, Amazon, iHeartRadio, Samsung and everything in between. Make sure you're subscribed to the show, hit the fall button, subscribe, always gonna be free and fair, best commentary and analysis here on "Stake for Breakfast." And then check us out on social media, Twitter, get our true social, Instagram and TikTok is where we have accounts, find them, follow them, hit the notification bell and you'll never miss out on all the great stuff we've got going on down here at the show. Last thing I want to talk about today know before we jump in with former Trump deputy assistant, Theo Wold again. So did you hear about the debate drama that's going on right now? No, I don't think so. Okay, well they have the, you know, a September nine ABC in prime time, it was supposed to be Trump versus Biden. But here's the thing, you heard through a couple clips today, the Trump have already filed lawsuits with the FEC, so they've spent hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising and merchandise and rallies running a national campaign against Joe Biden. Now the Democrats have essentially illegally inserted a new candidate, well guess what? You can't run those same ads that have Joe Biden in it, now that Kamala Harris is the nominee. You can't take back the messaging about hammering Joe Biden from the campaign trail and the tens of millions of dollars, it takes to set up these rallies all over the country because you did it against Joe Biden, you can no longer use any of that footage and then there's all the merchandise, Trump versus Biden merchandise, that comes on behalf of the campaign that's now garbage. Well, Donald Trump said, you want to know what if this is the way it's going to be? I don't know if I want to do the ABC debate, I would rather figure out who the candidate is I'm running against first and once you guys do that, I'll invest my money in going against and eventually debating that candidate. It doesn't mean that Donald Trump's not going to debate Kamala Harris, they want to make sure that there's not like something set in stone now and then she gets overthrown at the DNC and winds up not being the candidate, so they have to start over from scratch again for a third time and now only like two and a half months outside of the election, it makes sense. - Yeah, but it would be so good to see Kamala just get obliterated. - It's going to happen. - She's a rapid imbecile. She has nothing and how would you interject that much laughing into a debate? - Oh my gosh. Well, here's an official statement from the campaign yesterday. Given the continued political chaos surrounding Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrat party, general election debate details cannot be finalized until the Democrats formally decide on their nominee. There is a strong sense by many in the Democrat party, namely Barack Hussein Obama that Kamala Harris is a Marxist fraud who cannot beat President Trump and they are still holding out for someone, in quotes, better. Therefore, it would be appropriate to schedule things with Harris because Democrats very well could still change their minds. Kamala Harris, before getting on a plane yesterday, wants the debates, let's hear her. - I'm ready to debate Donald Trump. I have agreed to the previously agreed upon September 10th debate, he agreed to that previously. Now it appears he's back peddling, but I'm ready. - Well, I am so not surprised to hear more lies from Kamala Harris. In fact, I just spoke to President Trump about this very topic today. He is committed to debating Kamala Harris. It will happen. - Just moments before we came on air, a newly released statement from the Trump campaign came out where they are hedging on the debates altogether, backing out of them for the time being with Trump's spokesperson saying, and I'm quoting now from the new statement, general election debate details cannot be finalized until Democrats formally decide on their nominee. - And again, this isn't a debate cycle against Donald Trump. Like they don't get to throw up who they potentially, you know, promoters, they're all stars in an attempt to see which one does better against Donald Trump than therefore can remain on the ticket as a Democrat nominee for as much as these outlets like CNN want to run with some stupid ass narrative, like he's backing out of the debates. You know, Kamala Harris took that video that we played the clip of at the start of this, you know, sound bite that we just played. And she said, whenever happened to any time, any place anywhere, where would happen to it? And it's just like, no, it's going to happen. No, you know it's going to happen. But again, when you talk about the investment that goes into this stuff, tens of millions of dollars, you're running a presidential campaign in the United States of America, you have to have some guarantees of who you're going to go up against, just because for the sole fact, like I said, you're not running an all-star team against Donald Trump to see who does better against them and therefore can be your candidate, you need to announce who your candidate is and put them up against the challenger. - Yeah, just hurry up already. It's absolute garbage and you want to know what, people are waking up to this bullshit, they understand it and listen, Donald Trump already says he wants to do multiple debates. He put out in a true social post, why should we only have to do two? We should do multiple in the standard format, one on domestic policy, one on foreign policy in a town hall format. She will never agree to that. She's going to get beat up just as bad as Joe Biden, but with a little bit more cackling. And in our last audio, clip of the week, I know we were told not to promote him because he has fake audience laughing and clapping and he likes to hear himself talk. But you sent me a clip of Bill Maher in my DMs this week and you want to know what? - I went and looked for a longer part of that clip and I actually found one where he admits he's not so hyped up about Kamala for president. Let's check it out. - Harris would be the first woman president, first black woman president and first Asian president, but I don't vote for who will be the first. I vote for who will win. And for whatever reason, Harris has never been popular. You can count the number of delegates he won in the 2020 primaries on one hand, as long as that hand has no fingers. (audience laughing and clapping) In three years, as vice president, she's been quieter than an electric car. (audience laughing) And like an electric car, your mega uncle can't explain why she fills him with homicidal rage. (audience laughing) She just does. Sometimes life is unfair. It's not fair that she's not popular. She's intelligent and accomplished. And in fact, wasn't put in charge of the border. And look at how, okay, bad example. (audience laughing) - Listen, I'm gonna give them the MAGO one 'cause it's probably true. - They get it. They get it though. They know, this is lipstick on a pig and it's purest form right now for the next more months for the Democrats. - But there's so many people that have written him off and immediately, just because he said things that went against the narrative. So there's a lot of people, it's like, yeah, it's good. It gets some of the normies who still watch him and stuff like that, but there's a lot of people that I'm surprised they haven't called him a right-wing extremist yet. - Yeah, and I know he's probably gonna get the peepee slap from the Obamas and the Clintons. He is friendly with both of them. He holds them in very high regard as well. And that is, unfortunately, with people in prominent positions like him, want to get back to and romanticize over it. It's those candidates who have charisma that can ruin the country but do it with a smile. Now, unfortunately, the Democrats have had someone who has done the exact same job but shit their pants and fell up the stairs at the same time, literally for the last three plus years. And then when they see an exit strategy that can essentially save their party and they put a complete fucking retard in there, like Kamala Harris, there's people who were unenthused about it. And Bill Maher is one of the ones that has the loudest voices and major platforms. That's talking about it, so we're gonna leave it at that as we're getting ready to jump in with Theo Wold and wrap up the second of two big Friday edition to stay for breakfast. But before we do that, one last check in with one of our partners. - Friends, I want to take a minute and talk to you about cigars. Whether you're on the golf course, fishing on the lake or doing some yard work around the house, our friend Alan has got you covered. He's launched the Patriot Cigar Company. The tobacco is handpicked in the fields in Nicaragua right next to where Mike Lindell picks his coffee beans. Cigars are hand rolled for each three years. You got a promo code stake here. You're gonna get 15% off your total order. Every order over $100 free shipping and a $10 gift card is included with every purchase., that's, a premium smoke for freedom loving patriots. All right, joining us next on the show today, this big Friday edition of the State for Breakfast podcast. He last served as the deputy assistant to President Trump. He's doing great things in the state of Idaho right now, welcoming back to the show, Mr. Theo Wold. Thanks for coming on. - Yeah, it's great to be with you. - Thanks for having me. - Always a pleasure when we can host sir and we've got a bunch of stuff to talk about. Listen, there were a lot of people, I think a lot of people close to President Trump who maybe didn't really think that what transpired over last weekend actually would happen. The deep state comes for their scalps. They were obviously done with Joe Biden after the performance he had and the debate and some speaking events like at the NATO summit, et cetera. And after long deliberating negotiations behind the scenes, I still can't wait to see the eventual details of this severance package. He is out as a Democrat nominee. Apparently he's going to serve the rest of his term, but it's just an unprecedented way to see someone who, well, hypothetically got 81 million votes three and a half years ago, can't even have enough political capital to get himself over the finish line in his first term. What do you think? - Yeah, I mean, I think that's exactly right, that really emphasizing this idea that there were numerous opportunities for Democrats to challenge Biden either in contested primaries or even in the run up to the nominating cycle for this presidential election. And they chose not to. And what we know now is that many of them, many of them were deeply aware of the president's profound physical and mental limitations coming in to this election. And in some instances, we're aware of it in the run up to 2020. And yet we're willing to play games, we're willing to hide the truth in order to defeat Donald Trump. And I think that's the main takeaway from the switch, right? Is this isn't about Biden's physical or mental limitations as far as his ability to fulfill the duties as president of the United States and commander in chief, that's neither here nor there for them. The main concern is, is he up to beating Donald Trump? That's what they were worried about. And so the switch is really about finding the candidate or the combination of candidates, depending on who Harris names as a vice president, who will have the most potency against Donald Trump come November. - Who at the moment is your big three when she's looking to tap a vice presidential pick? Obviously she's a woman. So it kind of narrows down the field. I know some people know, well, within the Democrat party, think they have some all-stars on their bench who are female. I just don't see a woman, woman ticket being what they want to run with in this day and age, maybe some point in the future. But you know, there are some senators, governors, and other people within the Democrat party apparatus, which are kind of being thrown around. And I want to get your, you know, take on who you think might be the top three. - Yeah, I think the names for your listeners to watch our Senator Mark Kelly in Arizona, Governor Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania and former governor of North Carolina, or I mean, he's still, but he's on his way out. A Roy Cooper, I think, you know, this year, Andy Beshear, the governor of Kentucky, I think he kind of played himself out of it the last 24 hours. He's so desperate. The whole press conference he held yesterday to just, for the sole purpose of mocking JD Vance's, you know, unfortunate joke about Mountain Dew consumption. That just looked too desperate and too grasping, even, I think, for the Harris people. I do think Shapiro is probably the one that makes me the most nervous. I think he's the one with sort of the greatest long term of viability for Democrats. He's someone to really keep your eye on for 2028. He's really hoodwinked a lot of moderate voters in Pennsylvania and convinced them that he is not a hard left radical. And if they choose Shapiro, it means they are going all in on contesting, you know, the blue wall, Rust Belt states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and I think a little bit off the playing field is Minnesota, but contesting those states and also trying to repair some kind of coalition with Jewish voters, despite the need to appeal to this growing radical Islamic faction in the Democrat party. That's a triangulation that they may try to pull off, but I really think the fact that Governor Shapiro is, you know, is a practicing Jew is going to be the major limitation for Harris. I don't think that her radical left will allow her to choose a Jewish governor to run with. So really, that kind of leaves Cooper in North Carolina or Mark Kelly. I think, you know, the whispers are, they really want to double down because of Harris's DEI profile in North Carolina as an attempt to track black voters there. I don't think they'll go for that. I think they're going to pick Kelly. I think despite the potential of, you know, leaving an open contested seat in Arizona, I think their view as Arizona is now light blue, blue state. They're not really worried about that being, you know, a Republican pickup. And Kelly essentially gives her the normalization profile that she's looking for, right? I mean, Captain America, an astronaut, scientist, the husband of Gabby Giffords, who herself was a victim of a, you know, attempted assassination mass shooting that killed Judge Rounds in Arizona. So that they'll neutralize the president's own storyline as being a victim of political violence. I think Mark Kelly is really the one to hone in on here. And he provides some regional balance for her, right? I mean, you know, Harris is a creature of, sure, California, but she's not a Westerner. She's a Bay Area, you know, political, who's no different than what you see on the East Coast. So Kelly gives her a little bit more gravitas within the Sunbelt. I think that's who they're going to go with. And I think that's the person to keep the eye on. - I completely agree with your list. It pretty much makes up the same as mine. I also had Andy Beshear as a wild card, also Mayor Pete. The only reason I would lean towards Mayor Pete, although he doesn't attractively and nationwide, really do anything to expand, you know, their electorate. If they're solely looking at getting through the next 100 days and maybe burning this era of where they're going with and where they plan on moving on heading into 2028, which would leave their entire bench complete, nobody has to worry about in a mayor quoting now, losing to Donald Trump and things of that nature. So I think it makes a lot of sense. You know, you make the argument for Senator Kelly. I can't argue with you. You know, there are a lot of things that Kamala Harris doesn't bring to the table in that area of the United States and unfortunately, he does. And it would be kind of a smart move for them, depending on what his political aspirations are, I guess, moving forward. I have to be taken into account as well. But it's something that we're gonna have to continue to track here as well. You know, and as America is getting, I guess, re-familiarized with Kamala Harris. I mean, she's been the butt of jokes for a long time. There was the Willie Brown stuff. Obviously, Montel Williams, her signature laugh, et cetera. But when it comes to, you know, national politics, her job as a Senator, her very poor and progressive voting record, and then the obscurity she's had, almost embarrassingly as Vice President of the United States, I think it's a tough sell. I mean, you know, and Theo, here's the thing. We talked about this offline a little bit. You know, the national media hasn't given Republicans a break for decades. And then we saw this little blip in the radar when Joe Biden, you know, had such an awful debate performance that you actually saw some of the news being conducted in a fair and partisan manner. And the only reason for that was, is they probably got the talking points from the bigs, the Clintons, the Obamas, the donors, et cetera. Listen, we don't want to deal with Joe Biden anymore, so let's all make him look as bad as possible. You know, now as we're getting ready to welcome Kamala Harris to the arena here and to be the big dog at the top of the Democrat ticket, the media's gone all in on erasing her poor legislative record, the awful agenda that she's carried with her, you know, promoting defund the police and DEI, you know, things pandering to the LBGT community, et cetera, things that can, you know, really hurt a national candidate. Now, we have to be able to take into account also, that Donald Trump was, you know, seems like the only person within the top of the Republican politics right now who's prepared for this, he's absolutely hammered her in interviews and at two rallies since she became the nominee. How do you see America responding to her now being placed and I guess inserted at the top of the Democrat ticket, it's funny how the party who always talks about Republicans are trying to destroy elections, essentially destroyed this entire election for the entire Democrat party and how America will respond over the course of the next hundred days. - Yeah, I think that's the essential question is how will American voters respond to this? Because what's obvious at this point, I think this is an inarguable thesis, is Kamala Harris is the most radical leftist nominee of any major party for the president of the United States in the history of the republic, period. That is inarguable. I mean, she is so far to the left, she makes Eugene McCarthy look like Jesse Helms. And what's more interesting is she, on issue by issue, she is to the left of Joe Biden and she is to the left of Barack Obama and even Jimmy Carter. So in order to make her palatable to your average sort of swing state, you know, blue collar worker in Wisconsin or moderate soccer mom in the ring counties around Philadelphia, they are having to erase and even obscure whole parts of her record either as state attorney general in California as a United States senator and then as vice president to Joe Biden. And that's the question, are Americans going to do their own work? Are they gonna do their research? Are they gonna track the things that she has said about releasing violent criminals from prison when she was state aging in California, about supporting, you know, the vast network of pro-immigration, pro-open borders, you know, Latino-focused interest groups, all of these things are out there. And as you know, I mean, the best indication of how they are lying about her record is go back and you can find the contemporaneous news accounts. They are all anonymous sources and we know exactly who they were from Harris's inner circle who were leaking to the press. We really feel like the vice president is being undermined and underappreciated by Joe Biden's inner circle, this group of white men who didn't really want her on the ticket for balancing for purposes. And of course, because of Joe Biden's express public pledge to select a black woman, we're forced to put her on the ticket, she's been given no major initiatives, she's not being allowed to really show her strength. And so what they do, they put her in charge of space council, which was a disaster. I mean, it's now just, you know, a historic meme, right, of her talking about space and her cackle laugh. And then they put her in charge of the illegal alien invasion of the country and the crisis in the southern border, both of which just in small, one in small scale, one in large scale, the media is now trying to erase as a fact of her own record. But go back and you can see these are the very things that her team wanted and when they got them, then the leaks from the inner circle of Harris's team were, well, you know, now they've given us some of the most difficult issues and they've essentially hung us out to dry because they know the immigration crisis, for example, is unsolvable. I think this is one of those classic moments where she wants to have it both ways, right? She wants the record to establish her bona fides as a national candidate who has done serious work. And then she wants to hide the record and say, no, no, don't evaluate it because it was never really a part of anything I did. That's gonna be up to the American people to really keep track of it. And to Donald Trump's credit, as you noted, he's already honed in on the sort of key messages in making sure that she doesn't squirm out from who she has been throughout her career in politics. Donald Trump can't do it alone, though. I mean, average Americans are gonna have to do their homework. And really, I mean, the Google machine is there. You can look it up. It's not ancient history. You can see what she said about the George Floyd riots, about COVID, about the origins of the COVID virus in China, about the wall, about immigration coming from the Northern Triangle. It's all there for you to see. You just gotta do your homework. - No, you certainly do. And listen, Republicans need to understand for as much of a good time as we had over the course of the last month and we'll take out the assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life is like the one honestly black mark that we've had since then. The media turning, the success of the debates, the widening of the tent that we saw in the RNC, the completion of the Republican national ticket when Donald Trump selected JD Vance to be. But here's the deal. It shouldn't, enjoying a little bit of success shouldn't lead America to get complacent, to get lazy because here's the deal. When you look at sports and you enter to the playoffs and then you get to finals, it's usually called peak season. And that's what we're in right now, 100 days until we go to the battle box in November. If you would ask any Democrat consultant, chief of staff, mega donor or political figure, if I can only give you one certain amount of time to completely level the field, you guys are at zero, zero score. And you have everything the Republicans have to offer and everything the Democrats have to offer and you have 100 days to do it. Would you rather that at the beginning of the election cycle or the end? This is a dream for them. They can, you know, we could go in a race as much as Kamala Harris is, you know, awful legacy as we want, but every single day that the people worry about staying focused on that stuff is another day we get closer to November. It's another day we can't ding her. Now you have the entirety of the donors, of the money, of the support within the party. You know, you have the blessings of the bigs, et cetera, all coming to fruition for Kamala Harris. It's gonna be very hard for Republicans to really make major dentists, but like you said, you have to go out and do the research, you have to continue to do the ground game in all these states where we're making such headway in. The polls, listen, America is wise to what's going on right now. And I think the only thing the Democrats may have stumbled on was getting in a collaborative effort with the media to go after Joe Biden because it showed, wow, politics looks so much different when both sides are almost telling the truth. And now they're going to see like, no matter what Donald Trump or any conservative figure says for the next hundred days, the media, all the political figures within the party, the donors, et cetera, are just gonna refute this stuff and say it's not true, even though we said, the evidence is all out there. So this is peak season for the election cycle. There is no time other than now to get involved. And it's like, not only do we have to play like we're 10 points behind, but we have to, you know, take into consideration what's at stake and that's essentially the soul of our country, what do you think? - Yeah, I mean, I think the only amendment I would make to what you've just said is just it's not a hundred days, right? And that's why this switch is so crucial for the left, for the media apparatus, which is early voting starts in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, 45, 52 days, right? So the positive media embargo they are running, this cocoon that they've constructed for Kamala, isn't just to sort of affect the summer doldrums and get the Democrats out of their tailspin. It's actually to give her a tailwind going into real voting. I mean, you know, any number of people, as we know from 2020 said, just in the Fetterman Oz election, if I had known what kind of condition Fetterman was in, and if I had known about some of his policies, I would have changed my vote. But unfortunately, I voted early and I voted in the hype campaign. The media was running for this guy before I even knew how radical he was. The same thing is set to happen again here on a national level because they are running, as I said, an embargo on the actual record. They're trying to create a hype machine that she is the future, that she is nothing, but positive and normal. And unfortunately, there will be real votes cast by Americans in this period right now that will affect the election without all of the facts being on display. - It's the most critical item of this entire conversation. Thank goodness for us at the top of our ticket we have Donald Trump. Listen, when it comes to taking on Kamala Harris, head to head, I have no doubt in my mind that Donald Trump's gonna be able to work her on the campaign trail, on the debate stage, probably in fundraising as he did against Joe Biden, et cetera, but here's the deal. It takes more than a man. It takes the movement behind him. He set that up for us to have success in November, but like you alluded to throughout the course of the last almost 20 minutes down, Theo, we really have a lot of work to do between now and then. Listen, as always, it's an honor and a pleasure catching up with you today, Sarah. We've got you our page at the Claremont Institute live link in the show description. Anyway, I want to check out on social media all the great work you're doing. Where can they find you? - At Real Theo World on X and just gave a speech at the National Conservative Conference like two weeks ago on the case for mass deportations. Encourage anyone to check that out on YouTube. - If you haven't seen it yet, it's an absolute banger this man last served as the deputy assistant to President Trump. He's doing a lot of great work for America First Now. Mr. Theo World, thanks for joining us on the show today. Sarah have a great weekend. - Thanks for having me again, guys, appreciate it. - What a busy, news week. Doesn't matter, I think we nailed it. If you enjoyed this episode of the podcast, I want to hear the now nearly 430 other editions of the show, you best be following us across every downloadable podcasting platform. Check us out on Apple, Spotify, iHeart, Samsung, Amazon. Or wherever you listen to your shows, make sure you're following and that we're downloading to your electronic device and then check us out on social media. Twitter, get our true social Instagram and Tiktok is where we have accounts, find them, follow them, hit the notification bells and never miss out on all the great stuff we've got going on down here at stake for breakfast. We want to thank all of our guests for coming in and sharing with us today. Hosted to Josh Hammer Show and senior editor at large news week, Josh Hammer, former TV journalist and now conservative commentator, Brittany Hopper, retired US Air Force Colonel and host of the Rob Manus Show, Rob Manus, and former deputy assistant to President Trump, Theo Wold. You guys all helped make. Stake, great again. Guys, we're heading into the weekend but never fret and don't fear. We'll be back on Tuesday with two all brand new editions of the show and we've got a great lineup coming in here, fresh off the RNC and looking to take on Kamala Harris and the Democrats, RNC Chairman Michael Wally will be joining us, a tandem of South Carolina Congress. We will Nancy Mason, Ralph Norman will be here and we will finally catch up with Florida Congressmen, Corey Mills. So on behalf of the pot team, I'm Roan. Thanks for listening. Have a great weekend and take care. ♪ Put your clothes on you're gonna bar it in line ♪ ♪ Go ahead and take the fish off ♪ ♪ Boss, you know that I got your plans ♪ ♪ Get the guns, the knives, the wind, your eyes ♪ ♪ But there's good body ♪ ♪ Well, you can't be ♪ Unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What we can see, what we believe can be, unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been.