The Top Twenty

Audio Illusions | The Top Twenty Ep. 185 [07/25/2024]

Broadcast on:
27 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Every week “The Top Twenty” brings you the first 20 minutes – give or take – of “The Hard Rock Lunchbox”.

This week, DJ is at the bottom of an overpass.

Also on today’s show: pulling songs out of the closet, the 100 bpm alley, broken windows policy and MORE!

Music from: @REVEL9

This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox

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Greetings and salutations, members of the hard rock lunch box and viewers of the top 20 has everybody doing today, I'm sorry I'm running super late. Nobody's fault in my own. Nobody's fault in mine, if I could just quote Zeppelin for a huge second. Just moving really slow and wasn't really paying attention to the time and that's completely completely on me. I don't want to say digestive issues, I'm not looking to gross anybody out right away. It feels like less of a digestive issue and more of feels like I swallowed like a large rock maybe or something. You can't see and it wouldn't matter anyway because you're not doctors but it just feels like I have just something sitting. You know I'm expression like sitting in the pit of my stomach like I feel like this is where that is and I feel like there's something sitting in the pit of my stomach. So that's what's going on today but it's actually just, it caused me to not sleep well in my cold to relapse a little bit in my chest and throat which is just so awesome. I'm so psyched about that. But also I am, so right, so very under slept. So I actually sat down to start the show and for the life of me I could not remember like how to turn on the recorder and stuff like that. So I have my checklist so I did all that so I'm sure I'm transmitting. But yeah so I'm just moving super slow today so I'm sorry. That's why I was late. Let's just start with some basic housekeeping. The new top 20 is out today from last week. It's called Riding the Wave. It talks about my stupendous ability to actually do girl pushups and I would put them up against probably not many girls because I'm sure they could do a better job at me. It's also worth noting to those of you keeping it up with my fitness adventure that those girl pushups in combination with some flies that I was doing on Thursday or Friday ended up doing like a slight micro tear in my shoulder which is just laughable and just sadly pathetic but as as it goes now that I've according to Mulaney as I've reached the end of my life I think that's just how it goes. And it actually ended up resulting in something kind of funny because sometimes I'll just walk down to the gym over by me that I belong to. And I've been adding like a slight jog in there so it's actually a little quicker now. It's about somewhere between like 22 and 24 minutes for me to get down there. So I did that but because and like an idiot by the way I hurt my shoulder and like an idiot I went and I just did flies and more presses anyway at the gym on Monday so I really hurt it. So I was like okay dummy let's just take a little time and let that kind of heal which is exactly what I've done. It's much better thank you for asking but so on Tuesday I was like I can't do that so I went down to the gym and I can't do I can't do any arm work like none not lads no row anything because it's really like it's deep in here. So I was like alright I'll just do legs. And I know this like I know this mentally like don't do legs it's not leg day if you're walking and jogging. I mean it is if you're an athlete but like I am no athlete right like my muscle enzymes are nowhere near off the chart but I end up doing leg day and I did some extensions I did some presses I did the kickbacks and curls and stuff like that. All of which was fine but I did and I can't show you because it's not that kind of show but I did what is known as the like a hip adduction which is when you basically have your legs kind of open and you squeeze in if you at home if you want to feel like this muscle if you go to like if you're sitting and you go to the direct inside of your thigh there's a muscle there if you don't have a muscle there you need to do more hip adduction. So I had done that and I did a light weight like not my even normal like you know 200 plus pounds I did a lighter weight than what my normal one was and everything was fine just you know I did my regular sets my 15-12-8 and then I left and like I said it's about 22-24 minutes from the gym so I'm like walking and then I'm jogging basically I'm doing is I'm I zigzag through the neighborhood that I have to cross until I get to old country and so I was just running I was jogging all the north south and I was walking on all the east west it's not super important it's just what I was doing but the time I got to my second jog I was able to feel that yes indeed I had just worked whatever muscle that was and then I was like oh okay so okay now bipedal transportation is getting incredibly more difficult and there was a point where I have to cross over North and State Parkway I have to go over and over pass to get to get back home and I got to the bottom of this over pass and started going up because it's held over pass and I took a couple steps in and I was like okay alright well I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it over this thing so now I'm debating whether or not I need to call myself an uber just to get over Northern State Parkway like hey man where you going like a right right there that's where I'm going like let me just jump on the hood of your car you can just bring me here is 35 bucks but I did not do that I tufted out because that's what I am and that's what I do not really but that's what I did and I got to the other side of it and I started walking and I I don't know if anybody else knows this feeling exactly but I've had this throughout my life for whatever reason whenever like there's this feeling I get in the back of my knee on the like the outside part the further to the outside the less medial part where it feels like there's a piece of scotch tape kind of just stuck there and just flapping so that started happening and I looked down to make sure that there wasn't and there wasn't there wasn't any tape on my knee whatsoever so the feeling I was feeling that tape flapping breaking sticking feeling was definitely inside so I was like this is what I'm gonna do now so I stopped jogging and I just kind of just walked it the rest of the way and I walked a little bit yesterday to and from one of my appointments and that was that was fine so I'm back I'm back on the men but yeah so that's what happens when you do too many girl pushups and if that clip doesn't make it into the beginning of next week's show I really I really don't know what will all right on my list I have forgotten to write down that we have a show August 2nd at nostalgia and that's gonna be fun people are actually really excited about that show which is great like I'm super happy for them like I have kind of mixed feelings about the show and the venue and stuff like that but I feel like I've been pretty I'm not slamming anything at all I just you know just as shows go like I find it it's in a different place I will say the band is using it and I think I said this last week before the band is using this is an opportunity to like pull some songs that they want to play out kind of out of the closet and stuff like that so to speak so there's gonna be kind of an eclectic mix in the set I think that's gonna be fun I think it's gonna be fine and I think we're gonna have you know a really good time doing it and that's that's really all that matters as far as I'm concerned like I said last time we're and I'll remind you next week we're on it 10 so and I'll try and find out more about the other bands the only other band I recognize is share the burden and I cannot for the life of me remember where we played with them but we definitely played with them but I'm I might be wrong about this but I'm pretty sure they were the band that I was talking about the time that when they got up on stage their opening song was like all right now we're gonna slow this down it's like slow slow this down like you you're coming from a dead stop like first of all everything should be like more than you know this you know you shouldn't be slowing anything down as your first song but like that's what they did and it definitely slowed everything down so remember if I think it was 89 North and I remember being like this isn't this is not and I could be completely arrogance on my part but I just never thought starting with a slow song is the way to go I mean even when I do slow start with slow songs they're usually at least you know hundred beats per minute or whatever which is basically all of or most of do no harm and a lot of where my writings at we in the band refer to a hundred beats per minute as the alley because it just seems to be where most of our songs go so like we can kind of we can kind of play in that in that sandbox and kind of have the same tempo so actually something is a set writer that I have to be aware of because you don't necessarily want all your songs in a row to be the same tempo I feel like there's a certain boredom that will befall you as a as a human being without having some sort of variation now there are all different songs obviously but like still so like we have to be careful because we really we've really float between like 96 and 104 like a lot so I have to pull out other songs that are just up tempo I mean as of right now keeping your is our slowest song at 88 beats per minute I actually wrote a new song I did not I don't have a I don't have all the lyrics to it because I kind of got is what I say like this I want to say really disenfranchised but that is absolutely not the word this what would be the word like if you're like become disillusioned with maybe that's better like a becoming I'm becoming under excited by it like I like the song and it feels like if I put it out like Shabelle would call immediately and be like hey man thanks for the new song but it's slower and I was like I don't necessarily know that I want to go slower which is whatever a lot of the newer songs like Tony Omaha in the upper like 170s and nothing at all is actually 200 but it's funny because even though it's a faster beat like it's a faster pace the groove on nothing at all is actually much slower because there's a it's it's basically an audio illusion not an optical it's an audio one and it just it feels slower than it actually is which is funny because Tony Omaha is like not our fastest song but feels like our fastest song and as I've said as I've said before it's always funny to me as I write faster songs or or heavier and harder songs to sing because then the songs previously that were faster or harder to sing all of a sudden are like this is so easy to sing I go through this I go through this with Steven Seagal and I go through it with inside because at the times that those songs were written they were the absolute hardest songs for me to sing both in tempo and both in like kind of great and strength to be able to sing them and now it's like I'll I'll bang out like inside and like I cannot believe this used to be such a problem and it was and you know I can say for sure Jimmy if he's listening will absolutely back me up that I do not do the vocal exercises every day like I'm supposed to so it's impressive that I'm actually still improving at my incredibly advanced age so that's that's super good news for me probably doesn't mean anything to you I was able to burn up about 10 minutes in the top 20 so that's pretty cool I I'm loathe to talk about like what's going on in the political world because I just like I definitely like I have mixed emotions about Biden dropping out of the race I don't know what the the temperature of the room is I haven't really talked to anybody about it surprisingly the only person I've really talked to about it in the community here is actually Waterberry we were talking a little bit about how he was saying that you know he just kind of thought like Biden was more of a figurehead than anything else to which I agreed that that was probably true but it's kind of always that way right like you can't it's not like the president like that was one of the things that Trump kind of ran into like Trump wanted to run the United States like he was a CEO and you actually can't do that that's why he kept violating stuff like the Hatch Act even though apparently it just doesn't matter I mean it is a law of land and kept violating it anyway multiple times but he wanted to run it like a CEO he wanted to run it like a business which honestly is not surprising and I don't even blame him for right it's his experience he's never run any kind of municipality so how he know how things get done I mean anybody that watches like New York City politics like it's funny watching Mayor Adams who I'm not a super fan of just basically do battle with the the city council which is effectively the Congress of New York City and they just but had constantly and it just it's so funny because very little is getting done in fact like a lot of the stuff is getting done when the city council overrides like you know Mayor Adams veto and stuff like that but I mean this ability is difficult because if like for example like Adams is trying to put in and wants to and I think it's going ahead with putting metal detectors in at some subway stations now they haven't even gotten the turn style jumper problem under control yet because the NYPD the undergrad division just simply isn't doing their job I mean they'll tell you that they don't have the resources to do it but I've also seen you know for myself I'm not doing anything right they the whole broken windows policy just doesn't really exist you see it all the time to like I was I was driving and it's not just New York City but like I was driving you know you recently that somebody blow by me like I was doing 70s so they must have been doing like 90 plus past a cop cop didn't even do anything nothing because like I don't know why cops aren't pulling people over for stuff like that but they just aren't or not always and I'm not all cops obviously I'm not I'm not anti-police I'm actually quite quite pro police I would like them to have more support but I would also like them to do their job and not you know this whole plan of like I'm just gonna just do the bare minimum so I get home safely in 20 years get a pension I think that's the wrong reason to be a police officer but that's a that's a whole different show so I was saying specifically about Mary Adams putting in the subway the the metal detectors to weapons going in the subways and he's getting all kinds of pushback but he he wants to do it and if he was CEO of New York City it would be done already you know I mean so so I understand that so anyway the conversation we're talking about how water barriers like you know it thinks that Biden is is more of a figurehead and my response or partial response or I don't even know what honestly I would call it was that you know basically most presidents at this point are or figureheads and their most important job is to put people in office and in those positions of power that are going to do good work and do good jobs now I've been kind of disappointed with a lot of the stuff that's gone on because for all of the projects that the Biden administration has put together and I think some of them have been grand I think there's a bit too many of them but I also think that there's a lot of other problems that are not being addressed properly by by by the cabinet and I don't you know mean to single out Pete Buttigieg but he is the secretary of transportation and I think what's going on with the airlines right now is absolutely reprehensible like we are not we are we're we're flying our airplanes like we're a third world country and I think it's about time the Buttigieg brought the full weight and force of the federal government down on companies like Boeing who don't even bother to attach all their doors anymore Delta who cannot seem to get out of their own way after this crowd strike thing and they're honestly horrible to their passengers anyway I mean I just I they overbook they they just they're late all the time I mean it's just it's unbelievable like all the stuff that they're doing and Delta is even having a problem right now because after the crowd strike thing like nobody was even communicating to the pilots like I don't know what you know about airplanes but pilots super important airplanes travel like it just I me part and this is just me personally I don't think I would get in an airplane that did not have a pilot now that's just that might just be me so that's that's something we don't we each have to make our own decisions based on that and so and that's my biggest concern it was my biggest concern with a new a second Trump presidency because he's he's got all that project 2025 nonsense going on and those are the people he's going to put in power and instead of before and I'll just remind you for context like he had thought five four three number three my lord he had five one two three four five five five times he had five five sorry sorry very Kyle Canadian distracted he had five members of his cabinet of which there aren't all that many referred to the Justice Department for ethics violations like that's a lot I mean they they the Republicans in Congress tried to impeach this the Secretary of Homeland Security Secretary and I guess they kind of did and then the Senate laughed at the House because it was just a ridiculous political stunt they were saying like he hadn't kept anybody safe and stuff and the Senate rightfully so just refused to go ahead and impeach him because the main reason we're having such a border crisis right now is because the Republicans refused to vote on their own bill after Trump was like don't allow them to fix the border during the Biden presidency it would be bad for us so when I talked about that at length Trump put himself and his candidacy ahead of the safety and security of the U.S.-Mexico border that's exactly what happened to the point where the dude that even wrote the bill was like I cannot believe my own party is not backing me on this incredibly smart border control bill but that's what happened if you want to know why the borders in such trouble right now it's the Republicans fault because they refused to vote on the bill to fix it it is not up to President Biden it's not his job he is the executor of those laws the fact that presidents keep using these executive orders quite frankly is a lot of BS but like it is not his job to pass laws it is not his job to fund these programs all he can really do is set an agenda of what he'd like and then basically sign or veto things that he doesn't it is up to Congress to protect our border and they flat out refused because Trump said it was going to be bad for his candidacy and if you don't think that's true then you are mistaken and you can look it up it is very knowable it is very provable they even took credit for it they were proud of doing it and if you want to watch some interviews with the guy that wrote that bill he'll tell you everything he needs so that's what I'm worried about I don't I don't know who's going to be running things and I think we all know under the Trump presidency he put in three super conservative Supreme Court justices that have changed the entire legal landscape of the country so that is how dangerous that kind of stuff is and there's no reason to think he would do it again if somebody else you know had to leave had to leave the bench so that's a thing so yes I think the president is pretty much always a figurehead he might be more of a spokesman he might be like George Clooney is for Nespresso but he is responsible for putting the people in that actually do the work and the job of this country and that is much more important to me because that is the stuff that trickles down to us you know like I think Trump will get in I think he'll force Jerome Powell either out or to lower interest rates thereby speeding up the economy because that's good for businesses but it's horrible for people like us because that will cause a recession a recession by the way that all Republicans predicted would be here and isn't we have inflation but it is still going down and we are not in a recession yep nobody can afford anything and that's called price gouging in corporate mismanagement but that's another show so I think I've talked enough I'm sorry I was late I do not want to do another 37 minute top 20 like I did last week by the way I didn't even post any clips from that show yet it was just so long and so massive I didn't even get a chance to go through it I might do that so if you're following us on TikTok or YouTube reels or YouTube shorts or Instagram reels I might get those out this week probably not but maybe so I appreciate anybody that follows this comments likes it shares it whatever I did stop reading some of the comments again they were getting because I just keep seeing the notifications come in and I'm like yeah just really not something I need to deal with right now I'm gonna try and get through my stomach issues and my overall anxiety issues and my overarching depression issues and play you guys some good local music for a little while if you're interested in such a thing I'm gonna start it with this one for me it was one of the most quintessential rebel nine songs of the razor blade diaries it never in my opinion got its due but that's okay I'm just the songwriter and I had a story to tell doesn't mean everybody's gonna like it but that's cool I'm cool but it's fine you. (upbeat music) (dramatic music)