The Top Twenty

Riding the Wave | The Top Twenty Ep. 184 [07/18/2024]

Broadcast on:
21 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Every week “The Top Twenty” brings you the first 20 minutes – give or take – of “The Hard Rock Lunchbox”.

This week, DJ does girl push-ups.

Also on today’s show: running through horse trails, the Craving Strange livestream recap, YouTube and TikTok comments and MORE!

Music from: @TheNeonSkyline

This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox

Be social with DJ and Revel 9!

#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #ridethewave #wave #girlpushups #pushups #workout #running #horsetrails #cravingstange #livestream #youtube #tiktok #comments

Greetings and salutations members of the hard rock lunch box and of course viewers of the top 20. How are you all today? It is just past noon on what I'm hoping is going to be the end of a very long heatwave here in the northeast. It is July 18th, 2024, year of our Lord. Joke is never not funny to me. How is everybody doing? How is everybody faring this really kind of weird sort of midsummer situation that we've been all living in? My weekly therapy call started with a very funny clip this week. That clip is a really funny sentiment I asked how my guy was doing. He's like, "Oh yeah, nothing going on this weekend at all" and it's just a lot of stuff going on in the world. It's actually getting very difficult to sort of manage it and kind of just maintain the information that we all seem to be getting. The amount of holes in my information, rivalry, holes in my ears and my body, all that other growth stuff. I'm trying to confirm whether or not we are indeed transmitting. Let me just check with the chat here. Yeah. Cool. Alright. Everyone can hear me. I'm streaming. Awesome. Thank God. For small favors. I know regular listeners of the show know that every now and then it's a funny situation because I use the same area here. You can't see it. If you could just imagine a giant monitor in front of me and I got my laptop right here. But I'm on top of my old SoundCrap mixing board. I now use that as a desk because I love my SoundCrap mixing board. It's actually got literally like, it's a real mixing board. It's what I recorded. What would eventually become the she-cell smile is the last G.D.B. thing and the race of my diaries. It's also what I recorded the reality crush on and through but by that time I was already going into logic so I wasn't using the board so much anymore. But it's a really cool board. If you've never seen like a big mixing board, like next time you go to a local show or even like a major show, next time you go to a local show, just find the sound guy and take a look at the board. So what I have here is it's a 24 channel SoundCrap board and it's got all of its ancillary thing. So it's about, is that 3 feet? Maybe 3 feet wide. Anyway, that's not important. It's not what I'm here to talk about. I was saying that what happens is that this is also my pre-production studio. This is where I work on demos for the band and stuff like that. It's also where I'll track like real stuff like that's going to end up being on a record or whatever sometimes. I've been doing a lot more of that at our producers studio because it's just easier to work with him on those kinds of things but I kind of prep and practice something I want to talk about, prep and practice a little bit. So what happens is like there is very little I have to change to switch over from doing the box to being like a studio musician. In fact, it's roughly, if I do it the minimal way where I'm not turning on the monitors, if I do it the minimal way, it is literally just one button. It is one button and it is just simply in my, it's called the Samsung C-Control which is just what controls the room and stuff like that. And if I don't have this button set, then I'll hear myself but it will not transmit out to anything. That has happened a few times where I've done like this show and I just haven't turned it on or turned off. Which is actually funny because if you see on my pre-show checklist, this large-ass font right there that it's turned off the two-track A-HOTs, Samsung C-Control and that is basically just so I remember to do that so I can transfer it to all of these. But I will say I was a little bit worried because I knew I had been doing a lot of work, a lot of demo work in my pre-production studio here over the weeks so I just, just out of sorts. And it's funny because what I do is when I'm doing that, I put this microphone on the way. I put this microphone because this is only my podcasting microphone. So I put this all the way up here, it goes all the way up there and then I know if it's up like that, it's like a draw bridge. I know if it's up like that, then I have been doing demo work and then I have to be like extra cautious. I do not put it down until the show because that way I make sure. But that is ladies and gentlemen, what we call in the industry, a way to burn the top five minutes of your show and make it as absolutely boring as possible so that I can only go up from there. That's really, that's really what this show is all about, right? Like the show was, how bottom can we start so that we can just go the furthest maximus up? Yeah, that's weird. I'll stop hitting the applause button, because honestly, nothing I've said has been that funny so yeah. A couple of things to talk about. I am severely under the weather. Thank you for asking. I do not get sick all that often, but I just am a little worn down. I've been having a little trouble with sleeping, but I've also been pushing myself like way too far over the past, say, week or whatever and not really recuperating a lot of those resources. Plus, you know, my immune system is probably just like, "Hey man, what's with all these in 90 plus degree days, man?" And I've been outside like walking in all of it, like some pretty intense and I have to tell you, like I know people that do this understand this, but there is something about when you're like working out or, you know, like in an outdoor situation, not for work, not for work. Like I was talking to Waterbury yesterday, we were talking about like how awful it is to be outside sometimes and having to work. But I'm talking like when you're working out, like when you're basically like planning to go sweat, you hit this sort of, "Oh, I'm sorry, man. I can keep hearing my breath." I'm a little congested. It's really just like right all in there. Sorry. But when you're like going to work out and your intention is to go out and like get a good sweat on when you just sort of cross that threshold and you're like, "You realize your entire body is sweating, your entire body is moist, damp." And not damp because you're just old and gross, that's a whole other category according to John Mulaney and I fully support his theory on that. But like when you, I don't know, it's like when people like feel the burn and you get to the point where you feel the burn, it's like it's a really good thing. I know, I'm really sorry for being so gross. I mean, I know it's a different gross than normal, but I really do apologize because I can't be fun to listen to. I'll try and keep my wheezing to a minimum and then we'll just get to some music. But I know I've started, I've added pushups back into my, I hate pushups. I hate pushups because honestly, and you know, people are going to make fun of me when this gets posted, but like I can't do manly pushups, I just can't. I can do a lot of what they used to call the girl pushups in high school. I don't know how they do this stuff anymore with the president's physical fitness, but I always know there was like a differentiation between what the boys could do and what the girls could do and I feel like I can do like, I can do a few manly pushups and I can do them properly, like I know form is everything, like I can do those. And I get way more reps out of doing the ones where I like, I'm on my knees and stuff. And I've realized that like, that's not the correct form for somebody like me, like I should be doing real ones, but as I'm trying to build my strength back up, it's an important part for me to be able to just do more reps and actually just work those muscles and build on those muscles. And then once I get to like 10, I think once I can do like 10 like manly pushups and I'm not trying to be offensive, I'm not sure what the right thing to call it is like Native American pushups, like I don't I don't really know what to what to call them, but like please just understand, I'm just trying to explain this. Once I get to like 10, then I can kind of switch over to them because then I could feel that I feel like I'll be getting the reps and I'll actually be doing something. But it was funny. I added them back in to my workout routine because I really just paused on going to the gym for a little while. There's no reason why that is there's just mentally I'm just not in that space. I prefer just going walking, I've been running through the trails, I've been running through the horse trails and in West Hills, which has been a lot of fun lately because it's like sand and it's like really kind of hard and I play this little game with all the bugs that are there because if you go under a certain speed, like the flies will start like, you know, coming up to your eyes and stuff like that and bugs like jumping out at you, but if you are above like, I don't know, like a 3.8 mile per hour thing, the flies just kind of leave you alone or they follow you. Maybe there's a big trail of flies behind me. Maybe I'm a pig pen, I have no idea. But I've been enjoying that way more than anything else I've been doing lately. Sometimes I like going down to the age of these soccer fields and running the soccer fields. Like, I don't know, it's maybe it has something to do with the fact that I spend so much time in my life on soccer fields and near soccer fields that there's some sort of level of comfort. I know the other day when it was really hot, I was doing wind sprints down at the soccer fields and I was doing it intentionally to almost like make myself nauseous so I had like something else to focus on other than, you know, all the other moving parts that were going on in my existence and like, that's probably not the healthiest thing but I did have a good time doing it. So my whole point with all of that is, and then the push-ups and stuff, I did the push-ups after doing all those wind sprints and then I just, you ever like, work out to the point where you're like, that's, that's going to be a thing in the morning and there is something to that, like and I did that yesterday, I did some flies and push-ups which I know in my weekend physical state, now please, please understand that I used to be in much better shape about a year ago and I just gave up, I just let everything just crap the bed and now I'm paying for it and so I have to restart all this stuff, I'll definitely be able to do it all, I'm not, I have no worries whatsoever that I'll be able to do it, I just have to start somewhere and unfortunately I have to start lower than I wanted to so I was doing all that stuff and I woke up this morning and this entire range in my body is like, it's not on fire but it's definitely like planning a union strike or something like that because it's definitely like, but like, there is something to be said, when you reached my advanced age, now at the end of my life, when you reach my advanced age, what happens is that you get, you have body aches and pains for no reason, like just from living, like oh that hurts, like just because it does, like I, you know, I found a new bony protrusion in my chest the other day which is fun, like you know, so that's an old thing, that's, you know, that's gonna be rectified soon by a guy in a long hood and you know, a blade and stuff on the river sticks but like, you have body aches and pains that are a result of nothing, sometimes they're a result of just sleeping in the wrong position which sucks but when you have pain that you're like, that's why that is, it's because I did 30 pushups yesterday and I did all these flies and stuff like that, like there is a certain pride, is that the good word, like there's a certain pride in that, like that's a good ache and that's what I meant about like, feeling the burn which I felt like I started saying about 10 minutes ago, made no points whatsoever along the way and here we are, doing that. I wanted to talk about actually like weight and health and stuff just because there's been some notice on my particular situation and stuff like that and I just want to point out to everybody that I'm literally just fine, I'm just, I got to the point where I didn't want to be that point anymore and I have really just riding this particular wave to kind of just turn things around, there is nothing wrong with me mentally or you know physiologically or anything like that, I'm not sick other than this cold that I have, I'm just making some changes and there's a lot of other people like in our existence that are kind of in that spot and you kind of watch them sort of hit like this, nope I'm done doing this and you know it's good and I try and be supportive to each and every one of those people that are going through those things, I remember I was talking to Frank not all that long ago about changes like in food and stuff like that and he had said one of the funnier things that Frank had ever said to me, he's basically like he discovered spices, right like it's like yeah man that's half more than half the world eat and when you start replacing stuff like manes and butters and condiments and fat basically with spices then you really start dropping calories and when you really count calories which is something I hate doing but I've really just let myself to do it like I'm gonna do it again and I'm really just trying to teach myself one more time in this life what everything I eat calorically like what it means and what it stands for but I too am like a big believer in spices, I'm also a big believer in bone broth if you if anybody out there is looking for any sort of diet tips or fitness or health or whatever like I could not recommend kettle and fire bone broth more they are not a sponsor and it's fine because I don't care I have a several times a week I actually just had it before it is just it is such a good nourishing thing do be careful if you have histamine problems that's a whole other show but like it is just such a nourishing thing and what I what I do is I put like a little clip of an arable chili in there and I usually squeeze like two cloves of fresh garlic in there and I feel like it's just such an immune boost for me but it's my point is it's basically just broth right but like you can throw whatever you want I mean I know I've heard to talk about like you put hot sauce in there it feels really good I think they do that on two bears one cave I'm just I'm a big believer in pepper that arable chili and some garlic and I just like I feel like it's a really good kind of super immune blend but it's also like you know in a serving it's like 40 calories but it's like 8 grams of protein and it's like it's it's a good like if you're if you're doing intermittent fasting it's really good for stuff like that but anyway my point is is that spice spice is a really good thing and I've been using a lot of spices to sort of replace the condiments that I've been using and as a result it turns out if you don't have mayonnaise on stuff you just you know you basically save yourself like a thousand calories a day so that would be my health moment but I wanted to talk more about like how it's actually progressing and like what I'm finding to be successful for me like I'm not preaching anything because I've always said that like for every diet thing that you see or fitness or weight loss plan that you see out in the world there's somebody that it works for so all I can really ever do is like try and compile all that stuff like I know I was doing I was doing some bean diet for a while and it was just so interesting to me like the mechanics of it it did not work for me but I really did enjoy it but like just those kinds of things like there's there's so many things out in the world but I seem to have cracked my particular physiological code which was upsetting to be to be perfectly honest and that's something I was going to talk about but I do have other things to talk about today so I'm going to punt that for another just know that I'm physically okay I'm not sick or anything like that but thank you for anybody that's asked I appreciate that. So I do want to talk about the box and TikTok for a second but I want to take a quick minute and just highlight just and shout out to my boys in craving strange for their live stream on Friday night that they shot up blockhead studios in Farmondale a lot of people a lot of regular listeners of the box were there and it was great and it was it was just a wonderful wonderful experience I think for the band and for the people that were there and it really sort of highlight first of all let me just say like how absolutely fantastic the band performed that night I've seen craving probably no less than a few hundred times and that might have been one of the best performances I have ever seen them get there's a lot to be said for hey man this is real this is serious and being prepared for something and I feel like they all four of them took it incredibly seriously and all four of them did exactly what they needed to do to deliver and I think that deserves some applause because it's hard to do that kind of stuff like and make sure all four cylinders are firing all four cylinders the entire time for a show but I feel like they nailed it but I also want to point out and give a very big props to the audience I know I was having a big a good amount of fun like trying to be mass conductor in the audience and just I told I told Jimmy like I was going to do whatever I possibly could to whip up the audience now to be fair a craving audience does not need all that much to be whipped up whipped whipped up that's got to be something phrasing no phrasing it's got to be whipped up into some sort of frenzy craving has always had those kinds of shows they're very audience participatory people love those shows and they go for not only the band but the spectacle of being in the audience so it's a super easy thing to really just sort of whip people up even further but I want to point out just how absolutely fantastic the audience was the audience was loud they were responsive they were a part of the show they were a huge part of the show and it just sort of I guess reconfirmed everything that I believed about our little local sandbox and our little local scene like it's not something that I can do from the stage it's not something I've ever been able to do from the stage I just don't have that band I don't have that persona and stuff like that but I'm able to recognize it in other bands when they're able to successfully do this but it's a partnership right the band can do it but the fans have to be able to do it too and this particular shout out is just for everybody that was in the room that went as horse as I was just you know yelling and wooing and clapping and you know dancing and just being loud and being present and providing what I would consider to be the best possible audience response for that video recording so for all of you I'll probably have more to say about that as the date continues and I'm getting grosser now excellent but I did want to point out something and maybe talk about something because it'll be kind of funny I think it'll be kind of funny if I opt to post some of this stuff so I've told you over the past couple of weeks that like I use this AI generator to create some shorts for Instagram reels YouTube and it goes to TikTok too so the hard direct lunch box has its own TikTok I just I personally I'm not like on there posting anything like I do honestly I don't feel like I have any content to really offer that's like outside the box but I do want to you know every now and then like I want to keep the brand out there it's it's what I've been saying I wanted to do for a couple years and it's like the first step I've been able to do so when I when I go through the clip like it generates me like 20 clips and I can approve them or not or whatever so I feel stupid doing it and I've noticed that I've been doing it less and less and less but I do have to kind of step back up the reason I do it less is a lot of times the shorts don't make any sense because they're out of context I try like I try and keep stuff under under 60 seconds otherwise it doesn't pose to short on YouTube and very few people are watching the videos like I can I can put out a video and I'll get like 25 views on it I could put out a short and I'll get like 5,000 views on it so I'm aiming for the shorts but unfortunately the way I ramble a lot of times you can't get all that in a 60 second clip so a lot of times things don't make sense I get called out for that a lot which is fine and I just my comment is always like it's just a clip just check out the whole show or whatever but sometimes like some of the clip I don't think are going to be terribly explosive or comment worthy but apparently I'm wrong and I'm honestly I'm wrong about most things all the time if I'm learning anything in in the past couple years like everything that I thought I was right about I'm incorrect about so I'm wrong often and this is just another example of it and I just noticed that I was I wasn't on TikTok but I get notified when there's comments on videos so I noticed that I was getting a bunch of comments on something so I was feeling a sort of way yesterday so I just like hopped on to just see like what they were because honestly with the exception of Bill on YouTube I don't get a lot of good comments I mean although Bill's comments on YouTube are always really good because it's usually insightful and then we have some sort of conversation about it so it's like additive I feel like it's like he ever have like an appendix to a book or whatever like or like a prologue or I feel like that's what Bill and I do at the bottom and you're all welcome to join in on that conversation those those are on YouTube but usually if I'm getting a lot of comments on anything it's very rarely a good thing I know I did I think I told you when I had released the clip about Sweden or whatever and like apparently Sweden all of them got mad and like understandably so they were disagreeing with what I was saying which I actually really appreciated until I started getting called like names and stuff like that I'm like you could just correct me and stuff like that I and I said even in the comments there like I was reading from the Sweden government site like you know wasn't like I was making stuff up for my imaginary knowledge of Sweden I was just reading something from their site apparently that was wrong and I was like you might want to take that up with your Minister of Information because this is what it says but that's not it. So I had posted a clip that was basically talking about Trump's 34th colonies and I was saying like I don't know why people aren't but I mean honestly I know why some people aren't bothered by it because nothing's going to bother them about you know their candidate like nothing would bother them about their favorite football team either or their favorite baseball team like if their team got accused of cheating like if the what was it like the Patriots they got and choose of like accused of like deflating the ball or whatever and Patriots fans would like no no you know no information whatsoever just standing by their team and honestly me personally I find there to be some sort of admirable quality about that like yeah yeah stand by your team honestly stand by your candidate like I'm fine with that like if you're you know ride or die for Trump like fine that's that's completely fine and I fully expect you to do that but it's like I thought and I still think that anybody that gets convicted of 34 felony just even one felony like I don't necessarily know that that's somebody that I want to hire for a job and I know that because most job applications are have you ever been convicted of a felony like I think I was saying that I think it's true that you can't even serve in the armed forces if you haven't if you've been convicted of a felony and I thought that that should give some people some pause like really look into things and I didn't really think it through that obviously the true believers are not going to think that way and they'll be like fine he's got a felony big deal I'll vote for him anyway I believe in all these other things which to be perfectly honest I think is a fine way to be if you're fine with that felony or you don't think it's like I'm big felony then fine stand by your man by all means Tammy Winette or whoever that was was correct definitely stand by your man if that's the case but the best part for me was I did start I did start looking through the comments now on this particular clip on tiktok there's 26 legs but there's 68 I only made one well I could tell you in a minute but like of them like some of them were just so funny like there's one in here like so I talk about like the felonies is like can't call them that anymore the case was thrown out okay that's not true the case was thrown out in Florida that's the document case and Jack Smith has already peeled it the case in New York has not been thrown out it's actually there's going to be sensing I think they pushed it back to September at which point I'm sure president Trump or former president Trump will appeal because that's how the legal system works and I really I have no problem with that like we like we talked about this like you could not like the way things are like I had this in the second amendment debate right like I'm not a big fan of having a lot of guns in an area especially an area of like 8 million people like New York City you want to have them like in the middle of Colorado or Wyoming like I'm way more cool with that and but I also understand what the language is and I understand there's some discrepancy about like what pertains to like a militia and all that other stuff but the founding fathers were not idiots and they definitely did like try and you know split the difference a little bit and if you're ever curious about why the Constitution and the Bill of Rights look the way they do be the federal federalist papers because that will give you a lot of understanding on the thought process it's a lot of letters back and forth like between Hamilton and Madison and you know Adams and Jefferson like there's a lot of backstory as to how the final wording went into the Constitution and I feel like that's important so when it comes to the second amendment amendment like I said I'm not fond of so many people having access to guns especially while we're in this sort of weird mental health crisis state or whatever that we're in right now but it doesn't matter because it is what it says and I do believe that we have the right to bear arms and stuff like that even if I personally don't believe it but it doesn't matter because I'm an American I'm a proud American and I live in this country and those are the rules and laws of this country which is fine which is why I'm totally fine with you know President Trump's you know case in Florida getting thrown out and Jack Smith appealing that I'm totally fine with Trump's conviction in New York and him appealing that once the sentencing comes through because you have to get sentenced I think first because I think that completes it but again I'm not a lawyer any lawyer feel free to correct me on that don't call me any names I'm asking you to just correct me if I'm wrong on that so I'm fine with the way that our legal system works because it's the way our legal system works is there some weird stuff in it is there some stuff I don't agree with it of course but that is you want to affect change that affect change but complaining about the way that is and saying it's just not right or whatever or it's or it's you know like not real or valid it's just silly like it's it's the rule of law like that's that's something that we get to do here right we don't get to decide by like mass opinion like that's that's silly that's that's what American Idol is for so not not our legal system so that was that was the first one and then but then I get stuff like this like I'm getting like those thirty five thirty four felonies are absolute garbage that's why it doesn't bother us like okay but they are felonies like as defined by the statue like and it was very clear like you know the DA was like if he had just done one thing it was fine if he had just if he had just admitted the one thing it would also have been fine fine but unfortunately falsifying business records in furtherance of something having to do with campaign finance it's a felony I didn't make that rule like it's not something I did it just happens to be the law so they could be you know garbage but they are the rules so you know it's like you see those rules sometimes like you know you can't dance with a goat on a table on Sundays in Kansas like yeah it's just the rule we had that thing in Arizona when they were talking about how they were reverting back to some pre-civil war statute in the territory of Arizona because they had overturned Roe v. Wade and Arizona just didn't have a new law in the book so it became illegal immediately to have any abortion you know either incest rape or for the life of the mother and I think Arizona has gone ahead and fixed that but it was still the rule and I even defended the court at the time people were really mad that that was allowed to happen but it's the way that it goes like that is just the law and if you don't like the law then you should appoint people and you elect people that are going to change those laws that should be important to you you can't just be like that laws garbage because you know what laws garbage like having to drive 20 miles an hour in a school zone when you know that it's summer like I feel like that's garbage try explaining that to a police officer that police officer that pulls you over he's going to tell you it's the law and you were speeding it's kind of like that but there were just so many more of these things like from a garbage judge from a garbage jury from a garbage New York City it really doesn't bother me it seems to bother you a lot though yeah well I explain what my take on that was like somebody willing to commit a crime like that and falsify business records and furtherance of some campaign finance violations yeah I think that's something worth looking into it's it's not necessarily something that bothers me per se but I think it's certainly noteworthy but like when you're just like yeah it's a garbage judge garbage New York City like dude that just tells me how small minded you are like it doesn't really matter like it's how our system works it's jurisprudence it's trial by jury all those things happened all those things went down and that's just how it works like you can not like the outcome all you want like a lot of people didn't like the OJ Simpson outcome either but it was the way the law worked and that's sort of too bad I think you should be more worried about the fact that Ashley Biden's diary was proven factual I love that stuff misdirection is one of my favorite things like oh but he did it you know that's always just such a great thing like we stopped doing that when we were in third grade on the playground like if you're ratting out somebody well he did it for like that is just such a like just a childish response like keep it separate and I you know whatever Ashley's Biden's diary like prosecuted dude like it's super easy you're telling me there's no red states out there they can get this done I mean come on come seriously come on there's there's a lot Texas like the attorney general in Texas sued to like stop the certification of the Joe Biden election I'm sure if he wanted to bring a case against them with Ashley Biden's diary he would so stop bitching to me about it call up Texas and see if they'll handle your case and they're oh and they were misdemeanors that were magically turned into felons felonies that whole thing was bogus and will be overturned it's the law of the land and it was explained actually in very black letter law like it just it just kind of was so it wasn't magically turned into anything it was legally turned into something and again you can not like the law you want I suggest that you you know rally behind people that are willing to change those laws I think it's I think it's important if it is a bad law then it should be it should be off the books you know and then dude if you do something one time you get charged one time not 34 times this one I actually agree with I don't under like I understand there's 34 counts in an indictment like and I understand why that is because if you murder 34 people you get charged with 34 counts of murder not just one murder you do you know what I mean like I think in this particular case the 34 felonies is overkill in my head I consider it to be one felony it wasn't like 34 felonies and if I misspoke when I was talking about it I was saying like he was convicted of it and I feel like that is important it wasn't the number it could be one it could be a million I don't care it was the same offense as far as I'm concerned so I agree with you I can't read your name on this or it's Adam I think you're you're totally right there were not felonies it's all hogwash not true come on man garbage charges everyone sees this not everyone apparently trial was a scam by Democrats to stop Trump from running also not true like seriously like he violated something and he did pay that porn star to be quiet and like I guess that's a thing like I wouldn't have guessed that paying hush money and they did say that actually paying hush money itself is not a crime if he had just written a check like out of his personal checkbook apparently there's no crime there and that's good to know I mean I'm not paying anybody a hundred fifty thousand dollars in hush money be perfectly honest I don't have fifteen dollars to pay anybody in hush money but I did I do think that that's interesting like he had the option to do it completely legally and opted to not because he wanted to run it through the campaign the campaign funds which apparently is what makes it illegal there's a lot of rules on the book about on the books about like campaign finance because because there's been so much dark money over the years that they've added a lot of rules about what you can and can't do with campaign finance stuff we'll probably talk later on in the show about what just happened with Elon Musk and his like overdoubling down on conservative stuff and the amount of millions of dollars he's given and like everything he's doing on Twitter which is probably worth watching and stuff like that but anyway so this goes on and on if you're on TikTok I encourage you to check it out you know I think it was funny and basically the only kind I wasn't going to address any I address one person because one person did say say it was talking that this is a radio show or whatever and he was like it's a podcast genius and I'm like okay I explained to him because they probably wouldn't know but I was like first of all the name calling really pisses me off so if you don't know and you're ignorant just act with some civility because this is a radio show the hard work lunchbox is a live internet streaming radio show it's on every Thursday from noon to two if you want to check it out by all means do that what we're doing right here when I video the first 20 plus minutes of the show and holy crap is it late when I video that that is the video podcast that becomes the top 20 but what I'm doing when I'm speaking I'm speaking to a live radio audience this is a live radio show so I did comment back to him because I wanted to point out what a genius he wasn't and that's why I did that but I just like a comment about how I find it really funny how quickly people will abandon the rules of law and the laws of this country when it doesn't suit them I find that terribly problematic way more problematic than anybody that's been convicted of one felony or let alone 34 the fact that people just don't respect the rule of law when their team is on the defending end of it is just really really bananas and that really is something that should be checked you cannot like it all you want and you can be disgusted by jury verdicts all you want that's why we have appeals and we have you know appeals courts and supreme courts and all that other stuff to kind of hash that out if it is just a corrupt jury like that's what that's for and that's just fine because that's the way our system was set up is it perfect no but it is ours and I feel like it does deserve some respect and what I'm seeing out there is that everybody that doesn't like what happened all of a sudden throws their respect out the window and those are not exactly the best kinds of Americans because you need to love the way this country works and you need to love the way that it's been set up and you need to abide by the rules and laws of this land if you want to consider yourself a good American any of those things don't apply to you and you're not actively working to change them to make them better for all of us then you're just sitting there complaining and you're basically being the problem and that's unfortunate because there's a lot of the music so I'm sorry for talking way too long the top 20 has now become the top 40 and I'm basically ashamed of that so I'm going to get to some local music right now I'm going to go take some throat stuff to try and not no phrasing I'm going to take some throat stuff to try calm this fire down that's in my throat right now and then we'll get back to talking sooner probably rather than later but yeah let's get to some local music I feel like I've been playing this one a lot lately but it's okay because I really dig this one it's one of my favorites from the neon skyline they've got a show coming up on August 2nd and I'm doing musical I will not be in attendance because I will be over at nostalgia getting ready for my own show but yeah I fully expect you'll be able to hear this one from the stage at least once the next one. (upbeat music)