
722024 - 611 Crescent Dr Working Fire

Tue, Jul 2 8:00 AM → 9:33 AM Working Fire

Radio Systems:

  • METCAD - Champaign County, IL

Broadcast on:
02 Jul 2024
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I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. Yeah, I'm with the occupants. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. Yeah, I'm with the occupants. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. Yeah, I'm with the occupants. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. Yeah, I'm with the occupants. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. Yeah, I'm with the occupants. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. Yeah, I'm with the occupants. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. Yeah, I'm with the occupants. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. Yeah, I'm with the occupants. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. Yeah, I'm with the occupants. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. Yeah, I'm with the occupants. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. Yeah, I'm with the occupants. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. Yeah, I'm with the occupants. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. I'm going to turn it over to the building owners. Yeah, it's good, come here. We can shut down all the lines on the fire ground. Shut down all the supply lines, all the attack lines. Let's start picking up those. I'm going to shut down your line on three. You can bleed it out. Command 161. Go for command. We went everything down on three. We're going to pull the line out unless you get something else. I do not, you're done with this supply line coming over to 151. I don't know what else is coming off 151. There is anything. I'm done on three. An extended e-cardboard box has some important paperwork also. Copy. Is that in the same room that I'm in? That's correct. In a suitcase, small black bag. Copy. Can you get a better idea of where her passport might be? 103, 101. Command from 153. 153, guys. I don't know who you have. If you've got anybody on the floor, too, but there's a resident out here that's wanting to see if we can find her cat in room seven, black cat. Copy that. I'll get somebody on that. Black cat, green seven. Command 154 is in room seven. She'll take a look. Copy that, 154 is looking. It's on the fire ground. Let's meet over on the alpha side to do quick hot wash. All units on the fire ground alpha side for hot wash. Command 155 is completed and reached high full ready for assignment. 10-4, standby on deck. Yeah, I see you. 101, par. Par, Charlie's high. 102. Par with us. 103. Par. 104, I believe, went to station one and 130 just cleared the scene. And 171. 161, par. 161, west side, par three. 164. 164 is more alpha side. 151, par. 151 is on the west side. Par. 152. 152, par with three on the west side. 153. 153, par. West side. 154. 154 is par on the west side as well. 155. 155 is par with two on the west side. Engineer on the pump panel. 156. 156, par on three in the regional four room. One on the pump. Guard that, you're on the bell. Go ahead and come off for a recycle. All units on the fire ground, standby for a par. Command one, six floors off the roof. Copy that, one, six floors off the roof. 156, command. Go ahead. You get up there, do you need another unit to assist? We're good, we're just trying to pull off some of this insulation. It's over. Copy that. Command from 151. 151, go. 151's going to head back out and get new bottles again. 151's recycling. Copy that, 155's going to recycle. Command one, six floors. Guard. We did have some extension of the attic. Here's all the fires out now. We do have some trusses with a decent amount of burn on them. Copy that. There was a extension of the attic. Believe it's out. Some trusses are weakened. Be careful if they're out. Command one, five, five. Go ahead. We're out of the building to go to recycle change bottles. Last year to go for command. 161, it's recycled, ready for assignment. 10-4, you can stand by on deck. Command one, six-1. Command from 154. 154, go. The balcony's been taped off on the third floor. We've made the whole living room, kitchen area ceilings when exposed. Both bedrooms. We didn't see anything. We're both on the bell. One, five floors are going to come out and recycle. One, five, six are staying up on the third floor. Copy that. You've checked for extension. One, five floors on the bell. You're coming out, one, five, six out of the line. 101, 103 is the PIO back there. He is. The media's out here. Copy, I'll send him that way. Command from 151. 151, go. We have all the hot spots cooled down on the second floor. 10-4, and was there any fire on one, do you know? I do not know that. Will you make your way to one and see if the fire was down on the first floor as well? I don't believe it was. This PD was able to clear those units. 103, command. Command, Charlie Safety. Unfortunately, the only option is to kill the main, so we're going to kill the whole building. Copy that. The only option is to kill the whole building. Command, Charlie Safety. Charlie Safety, go. I have an electric here. What should I direct them to cut? All the apartments on this end of the building. 156, command. Let's go ahead. When you go up to three, one, six, and five poles, you can give one, five, four, some handful and ceiling. One, five, four, try the whole way. Command, 164. Go for command. We made a few hot spots over this third floor at Fire Department. I need to hold some more ceiling, try to stay in line with the balcony. Copy that. One, five, four, did you copy that? Can you repeat that? One, six, four, you want to repeat your traffic for one, five, four. And one, five, four, we need to pull some ceiling in the third floor. Fire Department, try to stay in line with the balcony. About 20 feet max, got a few hot spots, the attic looks like. This apartment is sealed all fours. It's important. Take it home to third floor balcony. Actually, let's do fire line tape instead. One, five, six, command. Go for one, five, six. Can you get a couple of cones and take them up to the third floor balcony? Let's make sure nobody steps on that. Command, 155, engineer for already traffic. Engineer, 155, with priority guard. Third floor, black balcony. As burnt out, members, it's got a pretty good sag in it. Be aware on the fire ground. It's very obvious. Copy that. All units on the fire ground. Be aware of third floor balcony and sagging. Be careful up there. Command from 156, engineer. One, five, six, engineer, go. I'm here with Amron Electric. Do you want a transformer killed or the individual apartment? I think we can do the individual apartments. You can also go ahead and strike the fire. Strike in the fire. Command, command. Go ahead, please. You can go and stop clock. Thank you. One, five, four has the line on floor three. One, five, four takes the line from one, six, one on the third floor. Command, one, five, four. One, five, four, go. Command, one, six, four. One, six, four, go. That is clear. It's not smoke, no fire. Copy that. That is clear. Smoke, no fire. You can go and come down off the roof. Thank you. Command, two, go. Last unit go for command. That's six o'clock. We're on the bell clock three. We have the first unit. Okay, everybody, run back off the front. It's off to you, so you run it. That goes it out. One, six, one's on the bell. Go ahead and leave it in the stairwell and make your way down. Recycle. We talked to you. We're going to switch up with one, five ones on one of the seats. One, five, five. You can go and work with one, five, one that's on their way to two. Make sure there's no fire in the fire room. Command, from one, five, you have no other silence. Negative. You can just go on deck. Command, from one, five, five. One, five, five, go. Secondary is complete on two. Copy that. Secondary is complete on two. Mecha, you can mark secondary is complete on the building. Master, sir. Last unit, can you repeat? Yeah, that was a two, six, one more stage behind one, six, one. Two, six, one, I think we've got a knock on it. You can go and clear. Sorry, and thank you. Command, from one, five, one. One, five, one, go. We have fresh bottles waiting assignment. Can you go to the fire apartment and the second floor? Make for sure we don't have any hot spots. Head into the two, second for hot spots. Command, from one, two, six, two, one. We're on the scene stage behind one, six, two, one. One, seven, one, go. We're on the bills. We've saturated that apartment pretty well. We've got to line out through those hallways. The hallways, clear and suitable. Copy that. One, seven, one is coming down to recycle. Command, from one, five, four. One, five, four, go. One, five, four has got the hose line on the outside outside. Wear recycled peanuts go somewhere. Make your way to floor three and take the hose line. Just check for fire conditions. One, five, four is going to third floor. One, five, five, command. Go ahead for one, five, five. Do you get the secondary completed? We're just finishing the fire room on the second floor. Break, it was kind of a harder condition, a lot of stuff to move. So, no, we're just starting in the remote apartments now. Copy that. Let me know when you get it. Thank you. Back at command. Go ahead, command. We have a building right here. Thank you. Perfect. Command with everyone. Back at command. Can you see if you can find any builder owner information? Get a solar responder. We're going to go ahead. Got it. We're 30 minutes in. We're still in the offensive mode. We've got a pretty good knock on at this point. One, six, four, command. I want you to go to the rough. Give me an inspection call. We'll take some more copies from the roof. Last unit for command. Go ahead. Command, one, six, one. Secondary completed on three. Nothing found. Copy that. Secondary is complete on three. Command, one, six, one. Command is one, five, three. Secondary is complete on one. Nothing found. Ten, four. You can go back on deck. Unit one, six, four. Command. Go ahead. You want to make your way to the car? One, seven, one. Can you have one, six, one. Give me a secondary of four, three while you're up there. One, six, one. They're on the way. One, seven, one. We got the line on the third floor for one, five, one. We got one, six, one with me. We got a bunch of silly, full, no obvious extension. Again, there was going to be fire if it's around. We're going to continue to wet some stuff down. We're pretty good shape. Copy that. One, seven, one. Have the line. One, six, one. You know need. We're out of the building as well. Are you available? I'm going to recycle real quick. Copy that. One, six, four is going to recycle. Command. One, six, four is out as well. One, six, four. Can you repeat? Was that traffic for one, five, five? That was. Can you give me a secondary on floor two? Copy. Secondary on two. Command for one, five, one. One, five, one. Go. I got one on the bell. We're going to head out. Recycle. Copy that. Give your line to one, seven, one, or one, six, one. Let me know who's taking it. One, five, three. Command. Go ahead. You're currently on deck on the left side, correct? Correct. I'm with Jeff right now. You want to give me a secondary on floor one? I want this secondary on one. One, five, five. Command. I don't think I'm really searching right now. Copy that. We do have a little bit of flame looking out above the stairs out here on the alpha side. Command, one, oh three. One, oh three, go ahead. We're going to keep one, five, three available back here. One, five, one has a three inch line with a positive water supply from one, five, four right now. Copy that. We seem to be getting a knock on it. Yeah, we'll keep them back here if you need their crew and I'll keep their engineer in case we need this water supply. Copy that. And make sure you can note primary or all primary is complete. That's interesting. Command, one, five, one. Go ahead. We got most of all the fire knocks. All three. Just pop it up. We got a fire knocked on three. Is there any extension into the attic? One, seven, one, five, one, engineer. Understand. Command, one, seventy-one. One, seven, one, go. Primary is complete on four, three. Primary is complete on the whole building. One, five, one. Get that light up here on the sort of floor. Not a pretty decent fire in that apartment. They're in there, went down some things now. We could use another assignment. Work with one, five, one. Make sure we don't have extension into the attic space. One, six, four, one, five, six. You're ready for water. Command, one, five, one, engineer. Is that 82-94 on scene on crescent? Correct. Enter you my second. Ambulance. Yes. Did you have a patient unit to evaluate? I believe one unit is already evaluating them. Command, one, five, three. We're at round barn and crescent. What do you need from us? One, five, three. I need you to come in from the north side, west side of the complex, and supply one, five, one. Command, 82, nine, four zone scene. Two to three quarters. Copy that, three quarter. Command, one, five, two. One, five, two. Go ahead. I have the occupants from apartment seven. They need to be evaluated by a medic unit. Copy that. I'll let you know as soon as I get one. Command from squadron zone one, engineer. Go ahead, squad. We have a three inch nurse line to 154 to 151 to give water supply. Copy that. Three inch nurse line from 154 to 151. Regular charge it when you're ready. Are you going to know? 151, engineer 151, and what's your water supply? What's your water level? No. 161, help 151, get to three. 151, did you copy that? Can you stretch to three? I'll get you water supply here shortly. Yeah, 151 copy, 10 to three. 151, did you copy that? Can you stretch to three? I'll get you water supply here shortly. Yeah, 151 copy, 10 to three. One, six, one. One, six, one. Go ahead. One, six, one. I heard you're available with 151. One, five, one. Copy that. Can we get 154 to handle the fire on two so I can have 151, make it way to three? Is that doable? Copy that 104, you want to take concurrence? Copy, I'll take concurrence. Make it 104, I'm available for concurring alarms. That's just it. Command 103, the supply engine for 151 will need to come in from the north. Back down in the parking lot from the north. Copy that. Command from 171. If 151 needs the line from 154 is now stretched to the second floor stairs, we can use that one. 171, go. Primary on two is complete, nothing's down, we're at three. Is that floor two or unit two? No floor two, Z. One primary is complete, nothing's down. Two primary is complete, nothing's down. We're on floor two. Copy that. We have a primary on first and second floor. Thank you. One, five, one engineer. Just verifying I heard you have a positive water supply. Negative, I do not. Copy that, you do not. Coming in from academics 156 just pulled up so they might be able to do that water supply. I've got them getting 164, my next engine will get 151. Sounds good. Just for your information command, the line off 151 is in the fire department. 151 command, engine 151 command. Second alarm, working fire, 611, crescent drive, 611, crescent drive and champagne. Engine 153, fire 261. The additional night can't respond for the second alarm working fire. Your channel science is going to be fire ground one. 611, crescent drive between John and round barn go to 314. Go for command. 151 is on the Charlie side of the building with a line off. They're going to need a water supply. Looks like crescent and round barn or crescent and John are the options. They'll need an engine to make that happen. Make head command. Start command. Can you go ahead and strike a second alarm? Yes, sir, sir. 151 charge. 151 here comes your water. Cleans? 171. 171 go. We've got fire in apartment number 7. The line is up here getting charged right now. We can handle it with that. Over 6 in this room. There's no options as it is here. Copy that. 6 has been searched and we have fire in 7. Command from squad local one engineer. There's a ladder to the third floor on the Delta side. Copy that ladder to the third floor Delta side. Crescent command 156. N2 third, John. 156 go. We're at country fair and John where you need us. I need you to back in from the south side and get a water supply for 164. 7 for back in from the south side getting water supply for 164. Command 103. Command is apartment 6, third floor. Go for command. I just had a resident come up and say apartment number 6 is not accounted for. Command 152. 171 command. Do you have fire on the second floor balcony? I just made a little way. A little way. Let me take you to a couple of apartments. Did you say you had a line on the way up here? 151 should be on the west side getting a line ready. Copy that ladder to. 164 command. Let's start raising a ladder here on the east side to these apartments on 2 and get searches so we can make sure they're clear. I can see active fire on 2. Command 171. 171 go. Water is smoking the whole way on 2. I don't see active fire. You'll probably get a fire on 2 for you if you don't have a line right now though. Negative. You really don't have a good angle on it. 155 can you start looking to see if you can identify a water supply for 164? You just found the third floor. You got heavy fire in the attic above you. Copy. Water supply 164 command. 164. He was re-opened up. Fire in the attic. Command from 155. 155 go. We got a water supply to 154 waiting for another assignment. Command from that 10 minutes. Copy everything. We're still in the offensive mode. Message for six. Command 151 here. We have a positive water supply. Copy that 154 as a positive water supply. Command 171. 171 go. I'm here on 1. It's clear. We're going to go to 2. Copy that. 171 go with 151. You're going to need a line of fire. Keep fire and flare it up. 154 you got to flare it up on 3 again. Command 102 go ahead. This is first floor fire. 102 you're breaking up. Can you repeat? 115 is on the scene. 152 you're hit. 101 is on the scene. Command 154 engineer we're at quarter tank. 454 engineer we got water coming here in a second. 101 you can just come up and observe. Copy. The copy 103 is on scene. Command 171. 171 go. CBD reports they cleared the first floor. We need a double check now do you want me to make my way to 2? Go ahead and double check that. Then you can assist 151 and 161 taking a line to 2. Copy that. You're going to stage over on the head over to the west side and team up with 151 and 171. I'm going to have 151 stretch a line. They'll need help getting it in place up to 2 and into 3. 104 west side. 103 on the scene. Command 161 to North. Command it looks like CBD is walking through the hallways on its first floor so I'm coming to this apartment. Did you say PD's on the first floor? That's right I just saw him walking through this apartment down here. Copy that. 171 I still want you to give me and I'll clear on the first floor and then make your way to 2. Let me know when you're done with 1. We got it. Check out 1 clear also 42. 154 you still got to act the fire on the second floor. Watch for your own water supply on your way in. Command 151 to North. 151 you want to go over to the west side and team up with 171. Command 155 on scene North. 155 get a water supply. Copy water supply. Command 171 we're going to go into the parking lot here on the west side. We're ready for the assignment. Let's see if you can work your way on the first floor and see if there's any extension. Command 154. 154 go ahead. Got a really good knock on the fire. It looks really extra at this floor. 154 you have active fire on the third floor still. You need to back up and hit 3. This man I'm going to pass the man to you. Copy you're off in the offensive mode. 4 we take safety. Copy safety. 164 let's start getting the ladder up. We're going to hide right in front of us. Command 110 we'll walk by 2 now. We do have fire from first floor to the third floor. We're going to say that off the side will be crossing drive. We'll be off in the offensive mode. 154 we commit. All 5-4 on the scene is the 3-story multi-family fire from the first to the third floor. We'll call that the alpha side. Press the command and off to investigate offensive mode. 4-4 down. It's the entire 3-story so far on fire. Net get went in and out. So we're going to fire 6-11, press on drive and campaign. Here's a 1-5-4, 1-5-5, 1-5-2, 1-5-1, ladder 1-6-4, ladder 1-6-1, squad 1-2-1, car 1-10, chief officers. You can't respond numerous calls. We're part of one caller saying it's balcony on fire and then we're saying the whole side of the building is on fire. Cross East John around Martin Road, your child assignment's going to be fire ground 1-6-11, press on drive, 0-300.