
washignton dc

Wed, Jul 10 8:13 PM → 9:43 PM Working

Radio Systems:

  • DC Fire and EMS

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2024
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and just this firing best years is complete they won't be coming up inside anymore let me know when you think you have the overall complete still waiting on Department of Buildings there's no rush also let me know if you need relief company inside yourself or truck court we're good right now we'll be coming out coming out come in commander you're into six MS-6 medical group demand we've had it is a three is a six tall three it's while one complete rear right through the next year all right car fire operations center command chief you have a representative from the Department of Buildings and Ralph with a 20-minute MTA Gabi thank you you got a line back there would you for saying that you might have better access for that roof area or they say it's still smaller yeah we got a line back here we'll take care of it MS-6 medical group we're ready for the next nearly to come to rehab they're making their way down 11 try that one more time engine 6-5 stand by to a re-enter our poor's going in now to assist with some exposed overall work they think they're kind of hot spot 6 copy car 3 roof go ahead power 3 root to command come on side Charlie if I can get an engine company when it gets done rehab to get in and a truck to pull the ceiling in a very rear for the second story we still got light smoke visible got our first Kathy's car 3 roots commands all officers on the fire ground report to the command post for hot wash once a hot wash is complete we're not holding your units you can pick up return to service all right we're going to continue to hold engine 6 truck 4 engine 16 tower 3 performative operations truck 4 you ready to report truck 4 ready operations to do agency engine 16 continue to hold you operations to units on the fire ground stand by for what we're gonna hold it's gonna be three engines and two trucks all right I might keep an extra in the company just for switching out manpower we'll go with three into three operations this is make sure no one absolutely no one is on an alphabrah role partners of the building on the interior from it all right operations all units operating on my street if you're operating on the interior structure do not operate on the interior structure in the alphabrah water business to the operation we still got a couple of hotspots on the Charlie Delta quadrant we got 13 and engine 23 went down tower 3 on the exterior with the line as well went from the top all right so what do you recommend we keep 2 and 2 chief recommendation 2 and 2 engine 2's wagon driver engine 3's wagon driver can you shut my supply down copy I got operation but yes sir you don't currently have any lines operating off of me is it all right if we shut our dual line operation down that's affirmative you can shut it down we had to put them in place just in case thankfully we didn't need them thanks for setup engine 2's wagon driver operations battalion 6 yeah can you just reconfirm with the units on the interior that what we discussed for what we're gonna keep just gonna continue to work and then we can start getting some of these companies through rehab and releasing them all right copy you're reporting no fire in the original fire building and no fire in the problem it's better and you have no companies operating in a rear are you you have companies back there or you were saying there's nobody operate nobody's operating right now I have company back here operations all units 9th street can really demon all units to can't afford Charlie divisions man stand by one Charlie division engine 13 I need you to report to division 2 to replace engine not major 13 coffee division Charlie come in correct utility vision come in an update rather one exposure it all opened in the rear the original fire building is all opened in the rear I have currently no companies operating thank you PMF yeah I saw that you set up the EMS group I just want to confirm that you have a new units yourself EMS 6 medic to name what's for that's correct how do you located it might be with rehab yeah we're located at night to be with rehab or don't keep this in a couple units at the stage all right I got as your 13 off or standing by on the outside all right ends 13 safety to air one's driver report to your piece operations to thank you EMS or EMS 6 air one you're not to move so they can get through now can you coordinate that since that's you're down there affirmative he is in problem yeah I'm down here operations safety rehab is on the scene at night can be be part of the vector save it up where'd you say rehab is gonna be sympathy all right when I've happened to come up 9th street into the shade behind squad one engine 90 man we need a relief company on vision two can be rescue rescue squad one accountability in location even alpha size out of cap by the cap operation operations to writ should be yourself engine four and truck nine side accountability location red feet inside there are a couple of operations truck 10 they're telling Billy truck 10 even sign out but I got into it you're reporting or even at the rehab unit 9th and P they're coming down there now all right I got we're trying to get that location all units on the far ground for rehab 19 P is a location of rehab continue with accountability operations engine two your accountability engine two even last unit and then three is even for every half unit division C I have yourself engine 16 engine 3 and engine 11 in the rear calendar bill and location also have 12 engine in the rear as well so be 12 11 16 engine tower 3 all accounted for in the rear all right I had 3 and rehab you're saying they're still in the rear right now yes all right we're trying to locate the rehab unit all advise when it gets on location all units we're in conduct accountability the time six going to start with you should be yourself engine 23 and truck four on division 2 of 1528 you can find your accountability location vision 3 even with 23 so four still be on outside confirm with them I got two members of truck six on division 2 and engine I either for even on our operations to rehab unit what's your location all units on the far ground standby for accountability operations to division C will look like we have any active fire still all right happy to see your engine 12 is reporting Bravo one exposure no expansion in the cocklift that's correct command division 12 report Bravo one exposure no extension of the cocklop Division C command division - just want to make sure I copy you you were requesting to come off SCBA and you had meter readings yeah but hey no so it means immediately except out of me what if I know I've been ready to come off the SCBA all right so you're reporting good meter anything's on the interior members can discontinue SCBA use vision to the operation safety officers the plan at all committee stand from off the SCBA 24-9 1-2 division to the operation we get a company to replace business 6 on the basis of our copy airway can you repeat that one more time please yeah what's your location of the area nice empty street request airway to what's your location operations to air one go ahead and give me that one more time squad one at the door open yes sir Bravo one primary first second third four minutes and a cop Bravo one primary first second and third floor night let's get the Delta one cleared well I'm going to raise you real quick first I think there's a problem with that command and division C I'm going to give you an engine company we'll pull engine 11 out of staging have engine 11 report to the Charlie Division for a place to our three Charlie Division copy 11 engine all right I got you guys what's up let's be following tonight operation five we have on camera primary first second third floor negative fire building we probably want to start our primary all right I copy the main fire building 1528 primary first second and third floor negative Charlie Division command command we need a truck to replace power three all right so we don't need any hose lines on the division three of the main fire building all right I got truck 10 on the outside I got truck 10 standby command to engine 2 Bravo one exposure clear all right I got you need truck down up there to us then opening up anything this is two and a half waiting just to be clear engine set truck four on the vision two you can redeploy into nine and your other truck company and hold them on the visual line so right now I'm going to enter you and there's a 6-8 in nine truck four or whatever truck okay I need to reconfirm everybody's location engine six and truck four or supposed to be on division three with you you're reporting they're on division two all right I got I checked for a cop command the truck 10 from staging for the side of the part of the bridge to command you still have a fair amount of smoke coming out of the Bravo exposure on the third floor if you don't know company up there engine 2's making the way up truck six a two location truck six roof that you've got to open up matter heat light smoke doesn't appear to be getting in the cock off at all okay copy truck six roof operations truck six our petite six I'm gonna give you division three of the main fire building right bill I'm going to keep division two right now it's your scene good to division two it's going to be engine nine and truck six you leave an engine six and truck four on division three operation so thirsty squad one for accountability we have an EA activation operations to the time six so you made this division three yeah I'm working my way up I need all companies I'm afraid no serious all right I copy working on the alphabravo quadrant to the building squad one had a display go off we confirm their members are okay I do where do you want all right I got engine two are you on the Bravo exposure yet yeah I mean I was wrong on the second floor first floor clear second floor please work my way to their floor all right I got division C from that fire escape is engine nine in a position to enter the number two floor that's correct I can enter the number two all right engine nine you take division two right now it's gonna be yourself on the number two floor time six has advised that there are holes in the number two floor so proceed with caution looks like visibility fairly decent from the exterior no smoke pushing out watch all your members time one to command you're only a second alarm we've got unit stages seventh and Rhode Island we're on tack channel zero six do you want us to handle staging yeah you fix stage engine two is the command delta one no the two is clear okay you check the third floor of delta one that's correct okay in your reposition and check Bravo one all three floors they got that building opened up command battalion six for an update I get in the second floor running way up to their floor on the second floor closest to the Bravo three wall significant holes on the floor all right I copy your report and holes on the floor the number two floor towards the Bravo exposure and we continue to operate we need to take any doors off and cover those holes we can continue to operate with a company from the time we operate we can stay away from that side of the floor okay let me know when you make the third floor Amanda Division C you got units operating on the interior now so hold off on in your rescue your hose line division C conference safety the command lasting safety engine 3s out of air coming out for rehab to be replaced on the number two floor and I copy engine 12 you report to side C replace engine three 12 copies straw six route to the G4 on delta 3 roof roof was stable can we get this opened up yeah charlie division command good charlie division it's an update in the rear I'm operating with three engine nine engine tower three 16 engine continuing to open up in the rear the main fire building and the Bravo exposure knock down all visible fire at this time I copy charlie division command operations to the tiny six would it be better to enter the structure from the charlie side with companies on that fire escape to the second and third floor or can you make access from division or side a you can make access from side a from the interior once you get this last bought off you give me the okay to win engine six we got a charlie ready okay they're pulling the last floor now I'm going to give you engine six truck four and squad two you'll enter the red really the fire building okay can we enter from side a for that interior attack okay you're reporting the last one now are you reporting we can enter from side a on the primary building the red brick building so in six operation I'm going to be on an exterior building side alpha truff in truck four since using the rest of the boards off you can get one interior company with a truck up telling Captain hold up on the super to get more water pressure from engine nine take any way I can drive to chief hold on on that super so we get more pressure on that in it Charlie division to tower 3 we need a boards off the Bravo exposure as well I have a couple your members doing that now why we're still working on the main part both also division C command during the business we have holes on the first floor in the rear entrance we have a company working off of a fire shape exterior into the second floor also have engine nine working in the exterior on the number two number two landing all right I copy hold on to number one floor all units continuing to operate from the exterior continue to operate your hose lines from the exterior as you gain access let me know when you've opened up the building so I want to command the interior of the building seems intact I know you're waiting on the boards to come off to get these boards we can take a line in and do our things all right I got you you're at the threshold you're reporting it looks good there I still want you to hold up do not enter the building answer to swag and driver answer three swag and drivers help water got in to the one room we got fired at it I can go into the second floor from the fire escape I can pull some of those down we can get the fire on that negative I do not want you entering the structure it's still boarded up on the front continue to operate your hose lines from the exterior I'll go it's closed off for stage nine Rhode Island we were just bad to work and fire and I think we're an additional hit on your box bless you in the company 12G we were dispensed with the work of fire in it but I think we're one above the work of fire for stage at nine Rhode Island all right in 12 I can choose wag in the command we got dual lines to the back of truck 4 you want somewhere else no you leave them there engine 4 RIT truck 9 just showed up truck 9 I'll be with you on Saturday's RIT I'd work up battalion 9 operations they're opening up here in the rear just building those have a basement and it appears that we have fire on all floors pressurize smoke coming from the use okay I copy command to engine 2 and you get the D1 exposure opened up you do have truck six major either working fire truck negative you're one of my decimal trucks reports you saw they copy saw they're 12 stops we were just had to work as iron and I think we're an extra engine you gotta sign the course a 9 it and he must flat light up 16 it engine 2 report to side A you're gonna be with division A engine 6 is your supervisor engine 6 your division A you have engine 6 yourself truck 4 and engine 2 16 come in come in 16 tell me what division it is I'm in charge of right now we're getting the boards off nobody's entering big a building policy your division C engine 16 command of division C correction supervisor division C you have engine 3 engine 9 and tower 3 all right copy division C built out fire on the first floor we're knocking down from the exterior okay you can operate your lines from the exterior also the green building we'll call that the Bravo one exposure the red brick building which is the primary fire building with the boards I need a let me know if either one of those at the basement deputy fire chief operations on the thing that's only for math that's a lot you'll be operate operations copies all units all units W far chief operations is on the scene you'll be assuming command I have operations engine 3 to see where you're working fire made it to the rear you want to stay back here and help 16-inch now last unit three engine where you're working fire I made it to the rear can we help 16-inch now we're the only one back here with them absolutely engine 16 you're gonna have division C right now it's gonna be yourself engine 3 and tower 3 engine 9 man we're in position in the rear to back up engine 16 a 90 to send out water all right engine 9 I got you're in the rear engine 16 you're gonna be the supervisor it's yourself engine 3 engine 9 and tower 3 division C 1530 1530 squad one need you to assist division A getting those boards off also give me a the green building give me an address on that one as a fix the command the green building 1530 engine 6 you're gonna be division A working with truck 4 while we get those boards off all right I got minutes before you got a roof report yet don't step on the roof but if you can let me know what you got coming through that'll be good engine 2 I didn't have you on the box what is your layout again battalion 6 foot of it do we're at 9th and P engine 2 fit to we have our own Hiker 9th and P Northeast corner all right copy and you two fifth do we have our own Hiker 9th and P Northwest Corner agent 16's in the rear with three stories smoke showing from the number two floor smoke and fire sound from the number two floor in the rear copy three stories in the rear fire showing from the number three engine is gonna be laying out from eight and P got an assignment chief yeah three reports aside ain't nearby then before let me know when you're at the front with the rip I got me continue to work on that building get those doors open up do not enter you got it for seen by the hydrant you and nine Cali engine four engine nine has engine 16's line up P and 9th same by we first on the front of it special after the time six you want to see that's a negative chief if you're vehicle we take I'm on the scene command post to be on side I'll be sitting on my street command 16 laid out 9th and P I got a free story middle of the road ordinary construction I got smoke showing in the top floor give me a vacant building our coffee that's why I move up engine six let's go with the vacant building policy okay they show all the doors off give me an update three continue and move up Patrick out three engine the chief I heard you put us in do you want us to continue for the working fire edge four copies six of the room on one foot rescue squad one for days I met to you come on in medic 3 you can go on service six as are high ground front medic 2 is Italian six we're at 11th and end closer than medic 3 6th and 8th northwest requesting to run a box all right you'll be coming in fifth do engine three you can make yourself a little engine two the tiny six tree up to two I'm in June 6 and just 16 engine four engine I engine three tower four correction truck four tower three battalion two six special operations the best is well my EMS six ambulance four medic three respond for a structure fire 1 5 1 4 9th street northwest car street of P Street P is like papa for reports of a building that's boarded up with black smoke cover from the top operating on section of 0 3 16 14