
Trump Rally Butler Pennsylvania Shooting Event

Sat, Jul 13 10:11 PM → 10:37 PM Multiply shots fired minutes after Trump takes the podium several persons at the rally shot two Med Flight Helicopters requested

Radio Systems:

  • ICORRS Inter County Regional Radio System

Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

[INAUDIBLE] EMS command, call the control. Is there any way to get a golf cart or a UCD down to the fencing in the VIP area for one person needs help getting out? Portable 13. 99 command from portable 13. Lifelights on the ground. 15, are we done in a minute? Chief 15. Can you come back down to the fairground market building medics request in a pulse lock? So I'll be that, let us know. Very soon. Lifelights that are a little busy right now, so they advised that medicsics remove the patient towards the hospital. I'm going to keep you on the call right now for the landing zone, but we may cancel you. 210 from Armstrong. Good. All right, there's just a verify threat there by the arena, correct? [INAUDIBLE] Lifelights 4, we are at the farm show grounds. The north side, you have wires, and we have cones set up. LD38, Lifelights 4. 56. LD38, Lifelights 4. The plan out of here, any cash would be any wounded, any kind of medical is going. They're going to rendezvous at the white trailer by the stage. That's what we'll head onto. LD38, Lifelights 4. Security room. Medical command from security room. 12, no, you're on your own. LD38, this is Lifelights 4. Command from the engine 12. Are we able to get any more cones back here? Medical command from security room. OK, just let me know. Medical command from security room. We have an aircraft yet and an ETA. Workin' on it. 210, two, three, Armstrong. Come in, make a left. You'll see where our emails are. Just come over here. 29, two. We're on the scene, may I? Director 99. Go ahead. One or two helicopters. Two. Go ahead. 1001, 1003. OK, keep them there. A distant form that we have a person that might have witnessed the event up in first date. 1001, 1002 from Director 99, emergency traffic. Team 12, or 3/2 from ETV 15. Receive, 832 is going to be taken out or proceed 12 to it. 12, right here, right here next to me. All right, Secret Service is making the white roof metal building, but a meeting point for any patients coming out of the crowd. That's what they're asking for, pick a point. Team 12, 2 from ETV 15. Yeah, you know, we have access to the red line. It's through the best of the red line. Go ahead. Command from ETV 99. Team 12, color, on fire off 5. Director 99 from 99, 21. 99, 2 is closer. They will be responding to the main gate. Other units are staging at base 2. Secret Service is requesting local police or state police to the polling tent at either half or downswing. Go ahead and send 994 over to the main gate. Stage at the point later. Receive, Engine 12 is moving to handle the elevator. 99, 21 from Director 99 on EMS. We're bringing two aircraft in. We're bringing two aircraft in. Behind the Brady Paul where we parked the vehicles this morning. Do you think you wanted aircraft back there? Lieutenant, you know what song we're on saying. First thing. Copy that. Yeah, we're bringing aircraft in behind. We're parked this morning. [INTERPOSING VOICES] We have-- we made the truck. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Did you trip our siren again? Affirmative. I changed the address of the landing zone. Team 12, 2, or Team 12 on Obsess. Go for Team 12, 2. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Command from Chief 13. I have another gunshot wound. It's red floor and in the rear. Go to Response 5. Lieutenant 12 from Command. Engine 12. I need you to move to the back line. Front line. You're going to be landing helicopters. First thing, thank you. 2, 10, Engine, Nordstrom. We're in route. 9, 8, 4, 4, stay route 85. Chief 3 to Armstrong. Chief 3 to gun. Chief 12, 2, negative on that. We're landing back here. Command. I have Secret Service requesting local police to the cooling pack beside the Apple Dumplings 101 from Engine 38. We need your engine in the back plot off of Brady. The land is helicopters. I believe the LZ is going to be the VA for data. Go ahead. Chief 12, 2. Chief 12, Chief 12, 2, from 101. Chief 12, Chief 4, and Life Flight 3. Both about 15 minutes each. They're both already in the air. Chief 12 from 101. OK, we're going to divert the aircraft. We're going to put them both to the farm show. Both on the side of the farm show. They'll be in the arena off of Brady Paul Road, between Brady Paul Road, the barns, and Meridian Road. We're going to get Chief 12 of this contact. All right, all of you who you need that are deployed are down in the vicinity of the sand. For you, sir. If you want to do it, or just bring that engine through my gear and I'll meet you up there, copy that. 2, 10, base, and I'll just do copy that JR. We're going up to the fire hole ground. Chief 12, Chief 12, where we've had access. We've got this. Behind the stands. Behind the stands or high in the stands? Copy that. I'll go up there and we'll do it up there. So fast at UPB for a female, there's an intense behind the stands. Good. Our P88 is advising to land it at the fire hole property. Chief 2, 10, 3, from Armstrong. 99, command for horrible 13. horrible 13. Tell the fire chief that's responding to land this at our fire hole property. Pete, that I had two channels selected. You got the guys bringing both, but if you only got one, bring the one that's got order on it. Hey, Dan, you want the rescue to attack? A. Armstrong, tell the chief to land this helicopter at our fire hole property. Repeat. Command, which EMS agency is responding to here? Director of 99, Medics 26, we have one patient that will be coming to per minor treatment. Other one will not be transferred. Chief, go ahead. Yeah, this gate is open. The field is accessible. We can use the one behind the old Roe Valley VFW. Mercy. Also, I'm going to be in route to the station. Get a truck. Mercy. Chief 3 to Armstrong. Director 99, from 99, 21, I have three units in route. Two units in route from base one and 99, four at base two. If needed. That's your safe. That's coming. I do. Affirmative to going around. OK, you do or you do not want us to go around to the other day. Medics, go ahead. Go ahead and fly whatever helicopter you have. Mercy, we are attempting lifelite 9, 26 minutes, or lifelite 5. I'm waiting on a call back. Armstrong, Medics 6. Director 99, 62-4, you want us to head around with Maria and her gate? 62-4, go ahead. We're sending three units right now. We're leaving one up at the EMS hub. That would be the baseball field you used for. Mercy. Is that by the water treatment plan? I'm going to check the gate at this ball field. It might be locked. We might be moving to the little lake field. She sent you three to Armstrong. Chief, go ahead. Medics 6 for Armstrong. Well, I'm 33. It's not a cage one. All right, we'll send an email that's around the Brady call from the main gate. Send them around. I'm right here with G13 right now and UTV 13. We'll be right here when they come in. All right, we'll. Ambulance Command, probably 10-3. The people down here from the Secret Service want all the ambulance to come in off the Meridian Road entrance. Call Valley, LZ1, Varro, Shannock, Park. Park Tech 6. Need you to get two aircraft to the VA. Two closest available aircraft to the VA, PSW. OK, we'll put them in the air to the VA. We have two additional ones on standby, and we're in communication with Director 99 about any further EMS updates. Copy that. We have our four staff. We're in TVAC and 62 is across the street, so we got five staff for you back at this point. We'll just hang with it for a moment. Receive. Baller control, 1-0-0-2. 1-0-0-2, go ahead. Director 99, baller control. Go ahead, baller. How many more additional units do you want us to start? Any ambulance that we're using for this patient down here at the stage, send them down. We start the satellite truck, so we can avoid the traffic. We're going to load them right here. We've got a free go ahead. Greg, what house is it? EMS command from Lieutenant 3. EMS command from G13. Copy, UCP 10. 10 to 1, 10 to 2, I'm bringing UCP 10. A farmer if they can come down, as long as they get to a crowd, they come through like so. I get a second GSW down by the command center, by the county command center. I need EMS for this location. All right, let me go around, wait a sec. Command 1-0-0-2. EMS command 1-0-0-2. Go ahead. 64, OK. Sorry, 62. EMS command from 62.4. We are staged across route 68 from the main gate, if needed. [INAUDIBLE] Main arrival departure, ALS unit. Has it already been dispatched? [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] All right, we'll have to have the EMS. G13. [INAUDIBLE] Have an ALS crew ready for us. We're going to be transporting to the main gate. How are you doing? >> EMS commands from 2013. >> EMS, helicopter, stay in mind. >> Very soon. >> H.N. Doc from TACMANS. >> Much good. >> So I decided to save medic units for a D.S.W. >> I'm strong medic, thanks. >> You're in check for helicopter, he did lose a substantial amount of blood, he's going to need blood replacement. >> Medic command from security room. >> 886. >> Dr. E15, we're out with it in the matter. >> We have UTVs heading outside the fence. That's where I wanted to go outside the fence. >> We want to talk to the outside defense on the west side. >> Just being an uplink on the outside of the fence, outside of the fence. >> There are UTVs in route. >> Medical commands from 10 to 1, we need a UTV to transport a patient right at the uplink. >> All the control, Chief 12-2. >> We need ESU, medic, ESU, medic to this stage. >> We're loading the gun job, we're going to bring it straight to the ambulance, clear the area. >> Any ambulance behind the fence. >> UTV that is engaging on the stage. We're getting another UTV, it's in for a safe area by the fairgrounds. >> We're receiving you another unit down the stage, gun job, we're UTV 99, GFW in the face. Command 2-13, I've got a gun for all units at the stage. >> Squad 10 behind you, behind you, squad 10, you've got to turn around. Squad 10 behind you, squad 10 behind you, scaring around, come on, go ahead. >> Medical to the backstage, medical to the backstage. >> Robbie, if you're trying to find a patient, she's right here behind you. >> Just clarify, we are on standby for medic 6, just want to clarify. >> Appreciate it, thank you. >> Go. >> Here you are in the medic command. >> We have a 4 for medic 6. >> Director 99 from the Emmet. >> Grandpa, where are you at? >> I am in the boss mic, I have 2 patients in here, tell me what I need to do. >> CMT called well, 2, any chronic one I think units. I have 2 in the boss, I have 2 in the boss. >> Gene, to the stage, CMT crowd is evacuating, crowd is evacuating, stay inside the building, we're evacuating the crowd, don't want to all units, be advised, we're evacuating. >> 134 is on scene. >> 18 12. >> All EMS crews, all EMS crews get inside buildings, they should hear inside buildings. >> G12, 3, let me know what you need. >> I got one down on the inside, medical crew, get in command, medical crew get in command. >> Shots fired for the blue water tank, blue water tank, that's right. >> Medical staff, come in the post, medical staff, come in the post. >> Control 7.6.2's in route to the hospital, primary.