
Easton MD HAZMAT Box

Wed, Jul 24 12:39 PM → 4:03 PM Hazmat box in Easton MD with mutual aid from Anne Arundel and Salisbury

Radio Systems:

  • Eastern Shore Maryland

Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
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We're going to stay in the same office as you've been. Good, man. You got to also down there to do a traffic. You guys can appreciate it, thanks. We got to hold in place the officer seemed to come and go. Okay. Also, how is Matt out of Solberg going to come down and turn around? Dan, we're at one thing clear, we might be able to move traffic if it's okay with you. Yeah, give me a second. Okay, so you're releasing the Wacomico Decon Unit? Okay, that's correct. Only four main rules in Solberg and NREL have nine units as well, VMS, the Mav. And you can move the ICP up to where I am. And the Decon Units from Solberg, but I have the Decon, correct? That's right, all the other Decon units from Wacomico, the engine packers, and any simple water supply here can be released for a hazmat leader. They're going to keep it with just the Solberg and NREL units, and they're just Decon and with small lines off the engines here. All right, it's got an update from the hazmat leader. Are you ready? Good. Okay, the vast majority of products have been removed and neutralized. They've got a little bit more work to do. They're going to send in a team of four, a future man run with two from Solberg to finish up. The initial entry team is in the Mav for rehab. They said it's not going to take that much longer to do it. I need you to contact the owner of the company for custom states. He can come, and once we're done, he can take up the only chemical zit. There's a rather Decon team aspect of ours. He can take care of it with just Solberg and NREL units on scene, and he said it's going to remove the EMS and ICP up to where I am. That'll be fine. Okay, zero, eight, three, eight. Zero, eight, three, eight. Wait a moment. Hang on. We'll have the alert time for this afternoon. Okay. Do they think they're going to mitigate with the second team? Do they think they're going to mitigate with the second team, or do they need to call on the resources? Now, from what they explained to me, I think the second team team will make quick work of it, and then they'll be done. Okay. Okay, so we're going to make 11.03 that they -- we're coming out, okay? The time staff is there. Yes, fine, 11.03. They've been Decon, so they're good. Command, first, enter team is out for. Command operations. Any copy of your message, can you repeat? Enter team is out. They have far. Enter team is out. Forward six, our copy. Okay. Copy. Chant your way in a week. Well, two PM. Command types, right? Good. You're in front of me. Okay, good. All right, so mitigating. It's probably going to take more than the initial entry crew. They're down to almost being over air. Second entry crew will finish mitigation, so we're still looking at a little bit of time. For closure and cleanup. Okay, I think I copy all of it. Well, they're going to have to send another crew in. Entering commander at almost bingo for their air, so they're going to have to start making their way back. And the second entry crew will have to finish mitigation. It shouldn't take very long before I understand, but we aren't going to have to switch our crews. Okay. Just let me know. We have the time staff that went in for us to actually -- And what the other two are going in under the time of entry and demanding. Yeah, that's right. I'll get a look away. Call the center for us. Go ahead, ma'am. No requirement of weather at this time. There's 30% chance of raining around two PM. Command, hold on. Command, guys. Can you give me an update on weather? We don't have any inclement weather coming. Same luck. Same luck as the vision command. Good. 94 to route to 1000 via the ferry for the transport for TSO. Copy. There's a command, hold on. MSB, DOT, use arrival location. Correct. Beautiful, I command center and longer service department. Okay. Thank you, ma'am. Command, guys. Copy. Great. We're going to take. Yeah, guys. Okay, they found additional product which is leak damage solving. And they're trying to mitigate contact with the quarry now. They're about 20 minutes on air. They're at 2700 remaining. They're going to try to finish mitigation without having a release crew on our TV update. Okay. Operations. The command tax ring. Command. I'll say Michael's a vision. Command. Command. Command. That's correct. Okay. You know the MSB trooper on the way. He's going to report to you. He arrived about five minutes ago. Okay. We're waiting for another TSO officer to secure the vehicle. 94 is ready for transport once that happens. Okay. Command. There's 94 transport. That's going to be a total of three patients. Once a million. Two for sure. When I haven't heard, was 94 from a transfer unit. That's great. We'll be transporting their economy now. They're going to take the ferry across. Copy. Two. One. Just the advice that traffic in Oxford is that it completes downfill from the ferry dock down to high street. Completely impossible right next. Okay. If you're not aware, current 94 is scheduled to be coming across here shortly. Bringing a deputy for evaluation. From the Bellevue site to the office site. I'll coordinate with you in the channel if you're going to be out there to try to get them through if possible. I can do my best. I mean, it's probably a bit better going in that direction. But everything heading into town is just downstill running. Copy. Good enough. Copy. You ready for an update? Yeah. Go ahead. The cancer team has found the one gallon vessel from erratic acid tipped over. It's been operated. It was reacting with metal inside the vehicle. No other chemical interaction that they found so far are going to process a neutralized unit. They're okay. And they're okay on air. They're still operating. Okay. Operations and command check. Good. We will be performing de-con on another subject. Okay. That's the sheriff's department for something. That's correct. All right. All right. Talk to the sheriff's department supervisor. From the 94, most likely for transport. But just give me an update when you can. Okay. Same other division of command. Command 99. Okay. That's 99. Command 99. Just come up to 5068 right now. Okay. Good. We spoke to Linda. MDE was notified at 0 9 14. Again. 0 9 14. Okay. Command. What time do you contact them? Contact her. Okay. Do you. Command. Say welcome to vision. You copied it. That's correct. They just say in a bar. Do they have a possible transport? They're just going to call us by way. I don't know if they have a possible transport yet. If you're close to they'll let me know. Yeah. I just got this from the sheriff's department supervisor. Just let me know what 94 is going to do. Thank you. Yes, 1000. Yes, I know. He is 94 to respond to this. Call as well. They're going to be on the. West end of the call. We need them to meet up with deputy. And travel address in 33. Yeah. Yeah, if I don't want working. I'm not going to say much of very short format this year. Then if I am just here, you know, if you say my PD. Just in case they have to come up with what you say. They have to. Try to come to Houston. Oh, my God. I don't want to be operations. But it's a firm that he's probably going to move the tack five. He's going to coordinate with the house manager. Thank you. Okay, man. Come on. Give me nothing. Oh, how's my usual team. Primary has not just going to make the initials to be in a window. We're going to be packing them up. We're going to use even one with our drone. How are we reconnaissance? More complicated. Nikon units all location. We're going to right now hold the assignment as it is. We need the other resources. I'll let you know. Just let me know if there is a medical call in the same local area. Okay. Okay. Okay. If we're going to have to let me know what the assignment is. If she's one of us, whatever. That's fine. You can help with the house, my group. Let the rest just let me know. What's their staffing? They're not providing the exact staff. And I believe they're just getting somebody getting the group together to respond. If they're dispatched. So it's not too good. It's a little better. The orchestra 911 is on the phone. Fairly. Chief one is inquiring if they would like their hazmat dispatch to assist with anything. Can you repeat? I got your message about this first department officer going to ER. Did you have any other message? That's negative. I had another channel in my ear. You have covered your message back. Okay. I'll send it to me. Good. Just for you to be advised. I got the MS-1 as advised. The ER about the second patient. And she is clearing with that. All right. I got the ER to notify. What was your other message? I'll send it to the van. Just wanted to advise you do to your extended operations. I'm going to try to get an engine transfer to your station. Okay. Okay, come in. She's going to be transported. She's going to be transported to them. She's not having any signs or symptoms whatsoever for any time. Okay. Also, second patients would be a surf department officer. She's being transported. She has deconned herself. She's not having any symptoms, but she's all the way to hospitals. That's total, too. She's being transported to her vehicle. Okay. Thank you. Come in, guys. I have the capability to notify the officer's ferry. To be on standby, just in case we have to do a medical transport, until this is mitigated, we'll use the ferry to go to call the officer's transport to go to the hospital. Okay. Come in. They've already been decided. There's a deputy down at the officer's talk. Command's on the center. Okay. We've probably got to do something private ferry, right? It's probably going to be a better way. But we'll figure out something. If we get a game plan together. Okay. Okay. Also, I don't know if the ferry's been notified in case we have a medical transport out of 94, 97. If it's safer than proceed past the vehicle, or they need to go to ferry route. They're probably going to have to go railroad road. If we definitely need a transport. Right now, I can't let them come past that vehicle at all. We have a Medicaid over there. That's negative. Trump 40, time for 75 and yourself. That's right. All right. Chief, I'll make you say my good road division. Okay, just let me know if you need any other resources which you need over there. You got a good eye on the vehicle. That's right. You got it. Chief, can you give me the rundown of units you have over there with you? I have Trump 40 and tank for 75 and CSO, just to turn back to the scene. Command 42. Command 12, sorry. If you can, make proper notifications to avoid chain lockers road at this time if you want to contact the radio station. And also the social media. Okay. Okay. And we're on a rusty spot for all type of. Can I run them? Yeah, good. And I got the rundown from the Anne Arundel County units and what units are going to be responding. However, they have not more people in the channel yet. They're just not just trying to make contact with them. We'll have them go to type 5 for the hazmat channel. They're providing the update that you have on me on our radio. Okay. I'm going to have a special offer to you. I'll make it 23 and 4. If you have the rundown, go ahead and give it to me. Okay. From their dispatch, hazmat 4. Rescue squad 4, hazmat 23. Rescue engine 23. PR 23. And the special ops chief 1. Inside Rantel, so who just put all type of. So how's my engine from back home ago? Okay. That's what type of 36 type of 20. If you want to pull off your blue to a little parking area there, that'd be fine. Otherwise what we need to. 12th and center 2. All walk on the phone units. Switch off the radio line 12 to type 5. Thanks for 20 on location. Okay. Thank you. Come here. Are you direct? Yeah. We'll get them on to type 5. Take a 20 stage right there. Can you switch off a real attack forward? We're going to put the hazmat team on a different channel. Not to do it yet, but let me know what's available so we can put them on a different channel. They can switch off right on track 5. Okay. You do have chart. Yes. Stay away now. You're with me now. I'm going to release here and then come up the scene. Yeah. You can release there. As you get close to the chief, you can just pull off of the shoulder. 10 more. Okay. All right. I think we're following that. We're clear. We'll be back to the rest of the world. Okay. You're going to call it command. You're going to call it command. You're going to call it command. We have from Doncaster to the scene. Clear all ball. Greater vehicle. Side short. Staged at Doncaster for traffic control. I'm going to call it command. Also bought in the phone. This is the phone coming truck. I do know it's chlorine in there. I know the others are not sure. Man told me. We have an update to Sal's variant and a rental. In a truck cargo truck. It's not a huge spill on the truck, but we don't know if it's mixed with any other chemicals. Right now it's contained to the truck. We do have an agent to mitigate the erratic acid, but we don't know. The acid is mixed with any other chemicals in the truck. Okay. Sorry, it's not a third of us all there. I have the cell phone number for the director. If you need it, their personnel just need to shelter on the campus. No need to shelter in place just on the campus. Okay. Command. We did notify hospital. That's correct. Amos one is also on location 1000 right now. Okay. So I want to know if I you want to see. Possible for possible for as my victim. This might be our only one right now. Okay, come in. I'll advise him if someone wants to know. Four or two to command. Not sure if any notifications are made to me, but I just had one truck come out of the driveway by the solar panels. Go around the truck and head back in the main entrance. 30, 30, 40. 30, 30, 30, 30. Ready, 30, 60, one. You 30, 60, again. Okay. First, please also. They can turn around. What's your status? Just myself. And I'm at Doncaster Road. I got the traffic turned around from Doncaster to the team. Okay. I'm currently with slides on the fellow and just fine. I'm sure where he is. Man, I'm following on the fellow. I'm coming to 74-1. Staff at a third. Okay. Welcome. Call of turn. I'll be ready. You're right. I can advise it as a erratic acid, which we're identifying as a DOT 1789-1789. ERG is 1-5-7. I'm sure of the container type. The container amount is 0-1 gallons. Unknown amounts, Bill. We did have a significant vapor cloud. Same appearance as full when I arrived. Okay. Patrick, 51, the location. Okay. Thank you. 51-0. Hi, Patrick. When you're good, close. Just make rental rent for it. I want to be kind of shy real quick and then we'll get you in on a really far. Yeah. Tell us now, too. Good. You have the chemical ID number. Okay. It's all very, very silly. One with one. Okay. I'm going to give back the end of 68 for that. Yes. Back up to 68. Will you let him out in his underwear? We're going to set something up to have a little property for him. All right. Just let him know. We're just going to spray it real quick. Be kind to him. Right here at end of 68. We're going to have to go off to end of 58. In your feet. Our standard job was exposed. And it's closed at all. With the justice closed. I want to make close. We have a skin because I want to decime or we should decime him prior to him. Get to that hospital. All right. I agree. If you need to be decined. What type of exposure was what was it on him? What is closed? What? Where do you leave? It goes to the hospital. I think it's a good thing. I think it's a good thing. I think it's a good thing. I think it's a good thing. I think it's a good thing. I think it's a good thing. I think it's a good thing. I think we're going to do a unified command. Okay. The phone calls are myself. We have more locations. Ready. I copy your message about NDE. Are you just notified at this time or would you like to represent it to respond? Notify them. They want to respond. Let them know. Don't do that. Yeah. We'll talk to them. Tell them to stop about 50 yards short of NDE 68. 10 or 75 responded with two. We acknowledged. T-60, the commander to message. Good. Okay. EMS is going to transport. They remove the victim's clothing. They don't believe that we're going to need to decon him before he enters. But if you want to sign an engine company to that at the ED just in case. You feel the system on the command. Go ahead. I'm getting the traffic turned around here. Doncaster and same Michael's road. If we could get law enforcement down here. There's nothing coming from St. Michael's on the east and side. That request was made earlier. It's all for you to make that request again if they haven't. All serve available. That's correct. T-60, one responding to your nervous. T-60, one respond with zero. Station six is a command. Go ahead. If you personally want the tanker or you want an engine. Start with the tanker. I'm sorry that's what's going to be for our road. But you're going to have to go down there and get turned around. Station six is a command. T-60 to command. How far are you on the case? Station four. Are you going to come on the command then? Chief 60 to command. Station in care of EMS. They're getting ready to leave the warm zone now. They have removed this clothing. And I have the guidebook number and DOT number if you need it for the product as according to the ERG. I got a guidebook number. It's guide 157. Yeah, DOT number 1789, 179. I'm going to head back to you. Hot zone is clear, all clear. We're looking at a four wheel box truck bay in conversion. Back door is open. Winds from the north to the south. So it's dripping across the roadway towards the word area. There's no need for evac. No exposures to people. And we're looking at a gallon. Zero one gallon container of meratic acid. I'm not sure if it has mixed with any other chemicals in the pool truck. Or what other chemicals are on board or what their situation exists. I recommend we keep doing the same plan as we talked about. All right. You come out here. We'll set up. See what we need to do. All right, Ben. On the phone with the chief. Listen to you. Full free. Okay. And I would recommend notifying MDE. I'm not sure if any product actually got out into the storms or corrects in the ditch. But we probably should notify them anyway. All right. Also if you make that notification. Hurry nine six one patient. Time your seventy five responder with two. It's kind of a tag or say about. Ninety three. I need you guys to move your unit back to the cold zone please. If you can get turned around. It's all set to command. It's all set. All right. In twenty and seventy for the tankers at this time. I'm going to go ahead and make sure you're aware DES one and EM one. As well as per a ninety six are responding. Ninety six will be your second medical name. Okay. Tell them when they get here coming to me. I'm going to put them on me before I'm running. They're going to stage air. Very nice. In twenty seven. This number five six four. Station twenty eight seventy. Time will go still in the area. Same. I was already really fine. You're nine zero. Four. Two. Two. One location. You're right. At least get a tank or two. So if you're going to thirty. Try twenty. And where will you have to go to all the center for right now. Okay. Okay. At this time. The only additional unit that we have in route is truck forty and utility sixty one. Do you want us to re alert the other stations or. Continue going down. All the time to see sixty one. I'm going to temporarily transfer command a six day three and target this patient taking care of you. You can go with him for messages. She's sixty one. She's sixty one. Guys are awful. They're going to get a patient was possible. Exposure. Miranda acid. There's going to be de-con that's seen. Okay. Okay. Okay. The driver's been exposed to the vapor of the mirado. This is a vapor of the miradic acid. He did confirm that it is miradic acid. We're dealing with a container of about zero one gallons. It has spilled. He's not sure how much is remaining of the product inside the container. He will be medical attention. And you have he and that's come up to me. They won't be in the hot zone if they come up to me and grab him and take him back to there for treatment. Okay. He's been exposed. And he's been exposed to his clothes. Haven't taken his clothes off. Down to his skivvies. I'll send that medication down. Yeah. That's right. He's doing it now. 12th Under the command. Command chief sixty one. Truck forty responding. 10-10-4. 10-10-4. 10-10-1. You guys have a hit and run. Truck forty responding to four, 15-2. One car back into another car and now that car is left. I see Sheriff's Department heading that way now. C-61 is leaving. Command go. Cool company employees here. With an agent to meet your live ashes. Yeah. That's going to be the PHO. With the vapor cloud, I don't want anybody entering the hot zone unless they've got vapor protecting material. I've got the driver of the truck here with me. He's going to need medical attention, not stand by. We're going to go until the center of it, hit and run. This response to box six, four, station thirty, four, ten, four, ten, four. Chemical spill in there. Area of same. Knuckles are in here. Really far in zero. I've already in box six, four. Station forty. Correct. Station sixty. Station forty. Station fifty. Has my box. Area of same. I was already everly far in zero fifty six. Additional response to. Box six, four. Station sixty. Station forty. Station fifty. Upgrading to the hazmat box. Area of same. Michael's already neverly far in. Key sixty one. Responding zero fifty three. Engine sixty eight. Responding zero forty nine. Pyramid ninety three. Responding zero forty five. Additional response. Local box six. For paramedic ninety three. Chemical spill in the area. St. Michael's road in a really far road. Zero eight forty five. Key sixty. Responding zero forty two. Local box six, four. Station sixty. Chemical spill in the area. St. Michael's in a really far road. [BLANK_AUDIO]