LET'S GET SEXY: Erotic Stories Deconstructed

Scent of Ginger: Chapter 9

Stripped naked on stage, in front of a watchful audience of scientists, Hannah is the centrepiece of the doctors "scientific" demonstration! Will she be able to cope with all those eyes on her as she's exposed and brought to orgasm in public? Will her performance be enough to boost the doctor's career prospects and transport him, from the dingy Ravenscourt Institution, and into a fancy European facility?

How will all this affect the questionable relationship between Hannah and the doctor? You'll have to listen to this sexy episode of Scent of Ginger - an erotic sex story written for the website by the author Case21 - to find out!

TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains BDSM themes, lots of kinky fetish type stuff and some elements of non-consent. There's also a bit of a general spooky, dark atmosphere which some may find disturbing... others, of course, may absolutely love that kind of thing!

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Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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Hello and welcome to Let's Get Sexy the podcast where I read an erotic story and you listen to it. How are you doing today? I'm all right. Yeah, thanks for asking beautiful weather this week up until this point It's been such a cold and dreary summer in the UK, but now finally it's a heatwave So full on shorts and t-shirts not a jumper in sight. I've even had some success on the slug front My latest weapon in the war on the slugs has been beer traps Basically, you bury half a can of beer in the dirt and the slugs are drawn to the smell of the beer They fall in the beer can and they can't get out So if they're in there, they can't be eating my plants. That's the idea and I tell you what it works I've had two full beer cans of slugs full of slugs So now with that and the weather we've had maybe there is a chance for my garden after all this year Anyway, I hope you're doing all right And I'm glad to have you with me for the penultimate chapter of scent of ginger chapter 9 Really, I can't believe how quickly this series has flown by and I hope that you've been enjoying it just as much as I have If you haven't listened to the other chapters in this series chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 Then I strongly suggest that you go back and listen to those ones first or you're gonna ruin the story for yourself For everyone who is up to date particularly those who are up to date on week one of this episode's release Let's get sexy gold medal wearers But also for silver medalists those people who maybe don't listen to the episodes as they're released But do at least listen to every episode eventually even if it's sometime in the future I will do a quick recap of what happened in the last chapter. I'll also issue a warning to any bronze medalists That's people who are listening to this episode before having heard the previous ones in the series I don't know why anyone would do that But there's always one isn't there and if that's you if you're that person with a bronze medal around their neck Then I'm gonna advise you one more time to go back to the beginning of this series and start with chapter one And the rest of us will just wait here for you to catch up Go away and listen to those chapters and we'll still be here waiting for you whenever you're ready Okay, great. See you in a little while then Okay, now they're gone. Let's get on with that recap Following Hannah's success in chapter 7 the doctor took Hannah up to his private room where he tied her to the bed posts and they had sex No need to really go into the details of that I think the more interesting parts of the chapter actually happened the following morning when Hannah learned from reading the inside cover of the book on the Doctor's bedside table that his name is actually theophilus ravens court and the doctor went on to explain that he's actually the illegitimate son of the Lord of Ravenscourt Manor Hannah's former master and that's how the doctor is able to be the person in charge of this institution It's built on land Which is owned by the Ravenscourt family and that means that the doctor is sort of beholden to the Lord of Ravenscourt Manor in ways Which sometimes make it difficult for the doctor to practice the way that he wants to practice The Lord of Ravenscourt Manor tends to use the institution as a bit of a dumping ground for his upper-class friends a place where they can hide away They're delinquent or fallen family members to avoid social embarrassment in high society And this means that the doctor has to take in people that he knows can't be cured or maybe shouldn't even need to be cured Like Countess C's lesbian niece and he longs for the freedom afforded to doctors working on the continent where the understanding of these things is more progressive Now that Hannah's passed all of the doctor's tests and proved to him that she has learned discipline She might well prove to be the doctor's ticket out of here And he demands that Hannah performs sexually in front of a panel of other Scientists so that he can demonstrate to them the efficacy of his treatments in the hope that once they see that They'll be falling over each other to offer him a cushy European job at a fancy European facility And although Hannah didn't really have a choice She has agreed to go along with his plan and that's where we left things at the end of chapter 8 Obviously as usual, I don't know what's gonna happen in chapter 9. I don't read the chapters ahead of time I like to be surprised and I like to give you my genuine first take on what we've just read when I discuss it in the second part of the podcast What I can tell you ahead of time are the statistics and the subtitles as usual with this story Unlike other stories there are two subtitles the first one is Hannah is the subject of a perverse Medical demonstration and the second one usually a little bit more enigmatic is extra mysterious this week because it's in I don't know if this is real Latin or if it's a sort of mock Latin, but the title is Lieentia sex you Alice Which actually sounds a bit like an erotic Harry Potter spell doesn't it? Anyway, this story has 4.1 thousand words. It's got a rating of 4.4 stars Unfortunately, just shy of what's needed for the H for hot rating But it has had 86,000 views 12 likes and there's one comment at the end Which will certainly take a look at before I start reading I want to thank you once again for downloading this podcast and to ask you to do me Just a quick favor that would really make a massive difference. That's right. You guessed it I'm going to ask you to like and subscribe to this podcast and leave a review if your podcast app lets you do that There are plenty of listeners tuning into this podcast every week But so few of them have left a like or a review or subscribed So I know there's still plenty of you out there with the opportunity to support this podcast in a way Which is totally free, but still makes a pretty big difference I've mentioned before I'm trying to grow the audience the target is 2,000 monthly downloads were about halfway there just over halfway and we can really do with the boost Invisibility that your engagement would give us so to everyone who's done those things either right now or in the past Thank you so much. I really appreciate your support If you do want to take it a step further then as always there's a link to the patreon page in the description of this episode But right now settle in for chapter 9 of scent of ginger You You You You There's a touch of it in your hair You feel the skin inside your dairy now You want to hide away with your buds but you can't afford to close man's lips You'll be too sweet on her own You tell the doctor you tell nothing wrong He's got a mess of them but I've held the taste of mine in that awful smell The scent of ginger The scent of ginger Then you're inside the scent of ginger The scent of ginger The scent of ginger I bowed to his will After I confessed my desire to him for what he did to me when we slept together Something changed I did not lose my mind and become his soulless slave Nor did I become a weaker or lesser woman but I did give my body to him And allowed him to craft my performance in ways that pleased him Because that was what also pleased me It occurred to me that no one had ever taken the time before to learn my physical and emotional responses so well He came to know my reactions to being touched or struck or slit as I came to know how he wished me to touch him In this way we discovered many different scenarios to please each other He learned for instance how it stirred me to be cained as I lay over his knee wearing nothing but a shift pulled up around my waist Each stroke of his rat and cane on my blush red bottom made me moan as much in ecstasy as humiliation Whenever he wished to excite me quickly and easily during the day to induce me to take him in my mouth or between my thighs He could always spank me this way first Since to any passing ear it simply sounded like I was getting the punishment that a mad disobedient girl warranted But in truth there was only the pretense of punishment between us now We both wanted it and knew each other's desire We played the roles of the intransigent patient corrected by the strict doctor in ways that almost parodied the reality that gave them birth He was also the first to discover during our games my perverse affinity for the operating table While these sessions began as genuine physical examinations in which he would draw my blood or measure my secretions His hawk's eyes could not miss the voluptuous shivers it caused me to be laid out on this metal surface before him Guiding me to place my feet into stirrups on each of the table He would spread my legs so that he might insert into my quivering sex or manner of instruments to open and prod into me All the while he would quote to me from the psychopathia sexualis case studies of women such as myself Who sought medical examination only to attain the highest possible degree of orgasm His descriptions alone sometimes were enough to make me flush but what he did to me excited me more In order to measure my reactions to his treatments he would expose me fully legs and lips spread wide And then run various instruments over my entire body He grabbed my breasts in calipers my nipples in finely graded clamps to record their increase He tried to induce currents in my abdomen with magnetized bars and tuning forks He ran long fine blades over my skin to test its sensitivity, teasing me until I begged him to sink them in Sometimes he cut me hard and sharp enough to cause me gushes of sweet elation but never so deep as to scar me He wanted my flesh pure and whole for my public display Finally he came to see that I needed to be stroked gently after my hysterical paroxisms as he called my climaxes Or else I would fall into melancholy withdrawal for days I needed him to bind my wounds as well as inflict them and he did it he did it all to me But did he do it all for me? I believe now that each cry I uttered each protest and sigh was a sign for him in a vast system of scientific meaning He wanted to know the truth of sex and to make me demonstrate it just so as a proof I only wanted him to read me deeply so deeply that he could satisfy me in the desire that nobody else would even recognize as sexual I hardly wish to call it that even now I certainly felt physical arousal and sometimes it was even excited by sexual congress But for me arousal was simply a sensation of my body I did not want to be defined by it as he wished to classify me but only to experience it as one among many pleasures In this way our aims were at odds though our bodies corresponded perfectly Ah well I digress I only meant to say that my training was intensified and these were some of the best times I spent in the clinic at Raven's Court As the weeks passed however our sessions together became less about play and more about practice for a very real test The formal public demonstration of my most intimate desires No no no the doctor slammed down the baton he had been running across my abdomen and I reached under me to lift my back high off the table where I lay This is how you move when you're having a heart attack you're practically on your tiptoes in desperation I've seen it a dozen times or more It's a classic hysterical arch-hatter you must demonstrate this for us Oh stop sir you're hurting me I protested Fine maybe that will get you to perform He pressed my back higher straining my neck till the bones rubbed together No no it's the wrong kind of pain oh let me be a moment and I'll try again to please you He dropped me throwing up his hands he paced across the theatre space he'd made out of the clinics main hall and sat down heavily in a red leather armchair I slid from the operating table and padded over kneeling beside him with nothing but a shawl around my shoulders After a long silence I dared to speak Sir please forgive my impertinence I'm trying my best to obey you but this practice this scenario it is false False he looked at me skeptically how so? You want me to pretend that I'm in the throes of desperation but it will never be genuine unless you're in earnest in your desire to hurt me unless you take your pleasure from it so that I can too I am sir I am ashamed and afraid when I think of exposing my body this way in public you have to make me want it with the force of your own desire I spoke quietly with my eyes downcast Then for the briefest moment I glanced up to him and whispered please my doctor make me want it I let the shawl drop bearing myself the doctor's eyes narrowed for an instant and I feared a misstep but then his wicked gleam returned Are you trying to provoke me my cunning actress you know what happens when you do that he reached for my left breast I closed my eyes as he pinched my softest tissues bringing my nipple to attention he caught the right with his other hand and drew my bowed body up I made a tiny sound in the back of my throat nestling up to his knee to place my hands on them in supplication but still we had come to an agreement over practice and presentation Sir I said softly when I perform in public why don't you do it to me for real not a script a live performance improvised Hmm he murmured in agreement his mouth buried in the side of my throat then suddenly he shook his head as if coming to his senses No it's impossible if I do it to you in reality they will see me for what I am in reality as well And what are you I asked his lips twisted as he deliberated over what to tell me do you believe he asked finally that I am as mad as yourself No certainly not I protested Ah but if it is a perversion to find sexual pleasure in receiving pain is it not then also a perversion to be aroused by giving pain as well Why logically yes I suppose the term for this is sadism after yet another wretched fanaticist a Frenchman no less He looked uncomfortable as he said this perhaps the first time I had seen him look so I see I said sitting back on my heels for a time thinking about this I didn't see him as mad or a criminal I did not see myself as mad either for that matter I simply saw us as exploring a new experience as one does when opening a new novel Perhaps there are no terms or categories in truth I suggested perhaps I'm not a masochist and you are not a sadist Rather we are people doing things together in so doing we're becoming something else than what we are each in relation to the other We are becoming otherwise the doctor laughed becoming otherwise you are frankly incoherent but you are correct in one matter What sir if I cannot enjoy this demonstration it will be hollow because it will lack the strength of conviction Therefore this is how it will be conducted listen well I sat up straight at the tone of his authority I'm your doctor you're my patient we will play this scene perfectly it will be the perfect imitation of a formal demonstration But during the entire display I will be fucking you in public in ways which the public does not even recognize You will not know in advance what I'm going to do to you you will do whatever I please and you may not stop me or contest my methods He must trust me unconditionally if you perform well you'll have the option to accompany me to my new clinic or seek your pleasure elsewhere as you will understood I bowed my head to hide the tremor of my lips as I replied yes sir very well there'll be no more empty rehearsal there will only be the final performance My hand trembles as I write these next recollections I cannot say whether it is anger or passion that shakes me but surely some combination of both because he did fill my request my desire He had made me want what he did to me before all of those people and yet he betrayed my trust he took me against my will even as I wanted it how to explain such a paradox It was a chill autumn evening much like the night he came to see me in my sick bed such a long year ago I waited in an anti-chamber just outside the theatre I could already smell the smoke of cigars from the room just beyond the door a thick masculine scent The doctor was already out there lecturing in authoritative tones that rose and fell as he emphasized first one point and then another The words feminine masochism and hysteria surfaced early on the phrases strict discipline and new procedure of induction release and restraint were to follow He was describing my treatment in detail they would know it all everything I had been through when they saw me my shameful desires would be written upon my skin for all to read Suddenly I could hardly fathom how I had agreed to this much less asked for it I turned seeking a way out of the room if I could just get into the hallway it would be easy to pull a man's long overcoat over my shift tuck my hair into a hat and slip away into the night I lay my hand upon the door knob in that very instant the rooms other door the one leading to the theatre was opened and an intern came in taking me by the arm I resisted for but a split second there was truly no escaping now I took a deep breath and then allowed myself to be led to my fate The front of the theatre where the doctor stood was brightly lit with many reflective lamps they could all see me plainly while I had only a hazy impression of a room packed with men Their eyes catching the glint of the light as they turned to look upon me I tried to walk proudly but under the weight of their gaze my step wavered as if they were physically driving me to and fro And here we have the subject the doctor pronounced stepping forward to take me from the intern he gave my arm a severe squeeze and it is firm touch I straightened obediently You will note first of all that the patient's body displays some of the dysmorphic features that mark her condition there is for instance some asymmetry in her figure particularly of the buttocks He turned me around and to my horror he raised my skirt under which I had worn no linens at his command bearing my bottom to the crowd there was a great murmur of interest among the men as the doctor pressed something cold and sharp edged in under my curves A metal rule I thought he gave each cheek a deliberate tap with the rule triggering memories of the times he had cained me and what had followed he was now saying something else but the rush of blood in my ears drowned it out My skirt dropped and he turned me around again by this time my eyes were firmly fixed on the floor I could not bear to look at that crowd in my humiliation the doctor however had other ideas he lifted my chin with the rule ostensibly to make some remark about my throat as an aberrant erogenous zone but in tilting my head up he forced me to look at the men When I saw them staring at me it was as if they could touch me with their eyes I felt each steady incisive gaze as a hand violating my body The doctor pulled down my collar to display my breasts but it was the many fingers of the assembled crowd that stroked me there my breath began to come faster and my heart was pounding Sensing this the doctor pressed his body imperceptibly against mine from behind so that I could feel between his legs a modest hardness growing he was signaling his desire to me he was making me want it Suddenly my own sex blossomed again aching to be touched I was at once elated and terrified of what would happen were he to expose me there revealing the wetness glistening on my thighs and that only made my pulse beat harder but apparently even a scientific demonstration knows some bounds of propriety The doctor did not or could not strip me completely before them instead he drew me to the operating table and had me lie down upon it gentleman he announced I will now demonstrate for you the new cure for this condition being developed in my clinic namely the course of induction release and restraint Gone are the times when we must think only of suppression of basic instinct in cases which are themselves aggravated by the suppression of animal energies expression followed by its management is the only effective cure He walked around behind the low table leaving the room a clear view of my figure then he took up a baton he told the room that it was an instrument used in my training to induce hysterical attacks when he touched it to my mouth I knew why it was made of ginger Soon my sensitive lips began to burn I parted them to lick when I could not bear it any longer and he slid the root in penetrating my mouth for just long enough to make me feel the heat The taste was pungent, overwhelming, already aroused I squirmed in fresh desperation he pointed out my spasms to the crowd who noted with interest my strong reaction to being touched with what looked to them like an ordinary wooden stick Now I will induce her to release her energies through a hysterical paroxysm he said please take careful note of the stages of progression here After this he reached down and pulled up my skirts again since I was in profile to the crowd some semblance of modesty remained however the doctor could see me perfectly from his vantage above me and a small wicked smile played over his lips to see the moisture that trailed between my legs As the ovaries and uterus are the seat of this subject's hysteria it is often necessary to manipulate them to induce an attack he explained He pressed the ginger against my belly and needed my flesh in rhythmic circles as he moved down from just under my navel to stroke each side of my abdomen Then he pressed lower to the base of my mound the cusp of my lips just where I thorough and divide Unable to help myself I thrust my hips up spasmodically and drove my clitoris against the ginger baton "Ah" I gasped my back arching hard "Yes, yes" the doctor said "we see here the beginning of the hysterical arch" or arctis or cell My fellow you may want to take this one it is of great scientific interest I had no idea of what he was speaking of until a loud crack sounded and I was blinded and overcome by the scent of black powder I jumped and twisted towards the sound through the spots in my eyes I could see a device mounted to a tripod a figure shrouded in black "Yes, it was a photography camera, my image had been taken, my shame preserved and perpetuated" I was paralyzed in my half-sitting posture at the thought of my image body printed and poured over, rifled and touched by innumerable strangers "Hanna, lie back down" the doctor whispered to me but I only trembled with tension Seeing this the doctor quickly gestured to an intern who scurried to fetch something He strolled out from behind the table apparently in full control of himself In order to calm the patient and induce a further attack we will now administer inhalations of amyl nitrate "Inhalations of what?" I hissed through my clenched jaw He reached a hand behind his back and held up a warning finger This chemical compound is known to increase blood circulation and induce relaxation of the smooth muscles particularly in the anus and vulva It thus has a profound effect on the hysteric I wanted to protest but his gesture silenced me The intern returned holding a leather mask designed to cover my mouth and nose with a sort of rubber breathing bladder attached at the front The doctor took it from him and walked back around the table I shook my head as he moved to put it on me but it was of no use He held me down and forced it over my face I tried not to breathe for long moments holding my breast until my chest felt like bursting but finally I had to give in With a great gasp I drew in a deep bitter breath and then another and another in hailing a noxious compound The effects of the drug were immediate and indescribable It was as if I were being flooded from deep inside my womb with hot currents that radiated outwards, filling and coursing through me My already slick vagina seemed to melt and expand at once The sensation spread through my anus, my abdomen and flickered into every limb making my toes curl and my fingers grip the sheets yet with a tingling, enovated weakness My head spun in freefall as my body soared, buffeted in turns by gusts of fury and euphoria Muffled inside the mask, my night voice broke from me wildly I never wanted this Theo, but I need it so badly, so hurt me, I'm always alone, but I need you to be with me You can't own me, but rule me, you can't love me, but fuck me, do it, do it, do it now The doctor talked over me continuously, masking my confession with his voice But he heard it, and as I begged for it, the doctor pressed his baton down onto my clitoris, taking full advantage of my helplessly compliant body At his will, my back arched high, as high as the perfect arch of the moon, so that I felt split wide open and completely exposed, inside out to the world I was shocked with chemical electric current into the shape of a new age, a new sexuality I could see before me for a hundred years and more His hands were on and inside me, the crowd was on and inside me I felt the entire assemblage as if they stood up, shocked by my erotic panic and pressed around me to penetrate every inch of my surface All the men and women of that country and beyond, they all wanted me like this, bared under their eyes, their hands, and I flowed in pleasure and thrashed in agony as this sexual torment was forced onto me by the world The doctor was opening me out in public, and it was the public that fucked me, hard The lights of the camera were flashing around me, like bomb blasts, burning their will to desire onto my skin "No, no, ah, please, ah!" I screamed, words falling into animal sounds At that moment, I swore the doctor thrust something massive into the fissure that was my body and pounded me so hard I convulsed, gushing with a force that tore through me until finally I lost myself in eternity Unfortunately, it was a short eternity, I came to again with another sharp scent in my nostrils, the scent of smelling salts waking me from a faint I opened my eyes to find myself still on the table, the mask was gone, to all appearance, I had not been violated by the watching crowd, or even by the doctor whose hands and clothing were as clean as ever The rush of the drug had passed, though I still felt a kind of twitching tingle in the muscles of my thighs, even that was fading As you can see, the subject is now in full possession of her faculties, having experienced a release she is capable of restraint Hannah, please, stand up and introduce yourself It was the first time he had spoken my name, or given me a direct order This I realized was my test, my public examination, having experienced such intense physical and emotional sensations could I still stand before a room of respectable men of medicine and conduct myself like a proper woman Slowly, I sat up on the table, my skirts had already been arranged, I slipped down off the edge carefully, stood and curt seed "Welcome to all our honoured and esteemed guests," I said in my mildest tones "My name is Hannah, I was once a maid servant at Raven's Court Manor, I had difficulties there with speaking and acting out in my sleep, which disturbed the household staff, now I'm a grateful patient of the doctor" Here I sought to obtain his permission with a glance Theophilus Raven's Court, under his care I have improved a great deal, I ask that you please support his continued efforts, and I wish you all a good evening I curt seed again, and nearly fell Seeing this, the doctor motioned to one of the younger, stronger interns, who took me from the theatre back into the anti-chamber The doctor did not touch me nor guide me out of the room himself He did not even so much as glance at me, and it was clear, he was finished with me The instant I was out, my tears began to flow "How could he be so cold?" I whispered, then more loudly "How could he?" I lashed out at the table, upsetting it, and the interns stepped forward to grip my shoulder The doctor requires you to lie down and calm yourself now, come with me "No, I must see him, now" He has ordered it, I don't wish to call the night watchman, but I will I struggled half heartedly, knowing there was no way for me to resist the intern's strength, but still trying to make things difficult He lock-stepped me to a wardroom, with many emptied identical beds, and strapped me down to the one nearest the door I heard his footsteps echo as he left me Then, against all expectation, he paused and returned He will come for you after the reception miss, I swear it There was a surprising compassion in his voice, I looked up and saw before me the horrified face of a young country man, not much out of his boyhood But I didn't want a country boy, I wanted my doctor "Send for him now, please, please" He will come, you must wait What choice did I have? It was always my part to wait 2B continued [music] There's a touch of it in your hand You feel the sting inside your every now You want to hide away with your thoughts, but you can't afford to close me and lose You know that you're swinging all night alone You tell the doctor you don't, nothing wrong [music] There we are, chapter 9 in the bag, and I can hardly believe that there's only one more chapter of this series left And it was an interesting penultimate chapter because it left us in a tantalizing state of uncertainty The big demonstration that we've been building up to for the last few chapters has come and gone, but clearly there's still more to the story So I'm excited to find out what is going to happen in the conclusion But for now, let's talk about what happened in this chapter and we'll start at the beginning with Hannah recounting the new dynamic which has emerged between her and the doctor Or at least recounting what she feels the dynamic is Maybe this is a bit glass half empty of me, but I'm still skeptical about whether the doctor might just be using Hannah for sex, yeah, but now also for his career advancement In any case, Hannah feels now as though they're just pretending to be patient and doctor, even though the reality is that they actually still are a patient and a doctor But for her, this has become a ruse to hide their secret affection for one another and the blossoming love affair between them Is there really a love affair though? Or is Hannah being naive and reading into the situation, projecting the emotions that she feels onto the doctor, imagining that it must be a mutual feeling? Objectively, has his treatment of her changed? Well, he's still controlling her and performing strange experiments on her body In fact, they seem to have become even more extreme, he's now strapping her down to the operating table and cutting her with blades until she bleeds gushes of sweet elation I'm not sure how I feel about that really Is she just giddy from loss of blood? The whole thing seems a bit spooky to me, a bit creepy Hannah notes that the doctor never cuts her deep enough to scar her and she says it as though it's a kindness born out of his love and compassion Yet at the same time, she's also aware that his other motive, and I'd argue that this is the more pertinent one, is that he doesn't want her to look too banged up for his big demonstration Possibly the biggest change in their dynamic, the main difference between then and now, is that the doctor isn't trying to hide or restrain his pleasure at or desire for hurting Hannah It's all out in the open and she's viewing her role in his treatments less as him doing it to her and more of them both doing it for each other One crucial improvement for Hannah is that she's managed to convince the doctor of the importance of aftercare following their painful BDSM scenes together So that at least seems like a step in the right direction Having said all that about Hannah's naivety, I will also say that I don't think she's entirely unaware of the reality of the circumstances Or of the chance that the feelings between them might not be entirely mutual She muses that he did it all to her, but then also wonders if he did it all for her And she does notice that his primary interest seems to be less about her and more about the scientific opportunity that their relationship provides to study both her body and her sexual behaviour In a way, she seems stuck in a limbo of purgatory between the cold, material evidence of the doctor's actions and her own wishful desire that a deeper connection has grown between them Perhaps it's a bit of cognitive dissonance which she's experiencing As she writes in this first section, she's kind of building up to what could become a realisation of this conflict, even admitting that their aims were at odds But before that concept is fully realised, Hannah interrupts herself and apologises for the digression Moving away from the painful track that her thoughts were following to a more literal description of the events of the demonstration Perhaps it's still too painful for Hannah to come to terms with a reality that she's still clinging to some denial about Even though this first part of the chapter does feel as though it's written from a position of knowing hindsight about the situation Moving on to the demonstration, I'm not sure that I understand the science behind it Is it even science that he's doing here? If this is a real experiment, then why does it require so much rehearsal? And why is he so obsessed with Hannah performing in exactly the way that he wants her to, rather than in observing her natural behaviour to the stimulus? He calls Hannah his cunning actress, so even he's under no illusions that this isn't all a facade to deceive his audience Even Hannah can see that there's something awry with his insistence that she act out the part of having an orgasm, rather than actually having one And the doctor's sloppy science doesn't get a pass just because of this story's historical setting The core principles of the scientific method had been long established by the 19th century, having begun to emerge at least 200 years earlier So I think that we have to assume that this doctor is just a bit of a hack If he really believed his own theories, then he wouldn't have to fake the outcome of the demonstration in order to fool the audience The whole idea of it being scripted at all flies in the face of the scientific principles that he claims to aspire to And I don't think there's anything scientific, even by Victorian standards, about this demonstration or the principles underlying it And that makes me wonder why the doctor wants so badly to move to Europe and work in facilities doing real research When it doesn't seem like he's got any particular commitment to science Even if he was able to fool these people and get the position, he'd be found out as a fraud and a charlatan almost at once When he fails to replicate his results with Hannah on any other patient Interestingly, one of Hannah's complaints during the final rehearsal is that the demonstration is so faked that she won't be able to get off She can't come if the doctor isn't hurting her for his own pleasure That's apparently where her pleasure comes from, the knowledge that he's enjoying punishing her Which I think is a slight development from what we had earlier in the story Where it seemed like Hannah was open to enjoying any kind of pain or suffering just because she felt she deserved it And it had more to do with her than it had to do with the person administering the punishment And if you ask me, then that change is probably down to Hannah having fallen in love with the doctor It hasn't been said explicitly, but I think all the signs are there, at least from her side Whether that love is requited or not, I think remains to be seen Going back to the demonstration, the other element of trickery is that the audience is deliberately misled to believe that the doctor is inciting Hannah's hysteria With an ordinary wooden baton, when it's actually the ginger root which is causing that reaction I'm not sure how the doctor was able to get a long enough piece of ginger to carve into a baton Or how he changed its color to disguise it, but if you ask me, the whole deception seems like a wholly unnecessary effort What would be the harm in being honest about the use of ginger? Is there some taboo about using it? Even more, I think I'm just frustrated with another element of fakery in this doctor's pseudo-scientific demonstration Putting together fake science just seems like a really shady and unethical thing to do And not just on the relatively microscopic level of it being unfair that the doctor's gonna get all the kudos for proving something that isn't actually true And that he's probably gonna get a new job off the back of this I think it's more that the other scientists who are witnessing this, the people who read about it in journals Who view the photos of it will probably try the doctor's bogus techniques with their own patients Putting them through a wholly unnecessary and painful course of treatment on entirely false pretenses The doctor claimed in the last chapter that he's deeply invested in the progress of scientific understanding But what he's doing here is only gonna cause setbacks And possibly waste years of research by other people on a scientific tangent that's based on a total lie Honestly, I hope he gets found out as a fraud Maybe that could be the way that Hannah gets revenge on the doctor I said I'd given up on that last week But maybe I wasn't entirely ready to abandon all hope After all, it's Hannah who knows that he's a fraud and now also that he's a sexual deviant too So she could really do him in if she wanted to Or if the doctor gave her any reason to Anyway, let's talk about the actual demonstration and ask the big question What is it and does it actually prove anything? So here we go, step one, Hannah's brought out and lies on the table Step two, the doctor pleasures her with the ginger baton Three, she gets too self-conscious to have an orgasm in front of the audience And particularly with the photographer taking snaps of her Number four, he forces her to take some amyl nitrate, which is basically poppers Five, after taking the poppers, Hannah has an orgasm and passes out And six, when she wakes up, she's able to speak politely to the audience I don't know what any of that is supposed to be proving The doctor acts like he's achieved the impossible That Hannah was incapable of being polite and compliant without first having an orgasm But we know that that isn't true, Hannah's perfectly capable of doing that And crucially, the demonstration doesn't show that she couldn't have addressed the audience in that manner before her orgasm I think it would have made much more sense as a scientific experiment If Hannah had come out onto the stage, foaming at the mouth and unable to control her behavior Then the audience could have seen that the doctor's stimulation and her orgasmic release Had made a difference in her behavior when she speaks to them afterwards But that isn't what happens There's no chain of events in this demonstration that shows that anything has changed There's nothing to show that the doctor's treatment has actually achieved anything And now that I think about it, even if we had seen Hannah in a frustrated state before the doctor's on stage treatment What would that have even proved? That an orgasm can cure horniness? Is that really so mind-blowing a revelation? Or maybe I'm thinking about this all wrong Maybe the demonstration itself is predicated on an understanding that anyone who behaves in the way that Hannah does i.e. who's able to have an orgasm when stimulated is a hysterical woman And so by default incapable of behaving respectively or of restraining themselves at any time So when the doctor makes her come, that's just so that the audience can see that she is in fact hysterical And the proof of his treatment over the last year, which isn't demonstrated here, is that even though Hannah is hysterical And we've all seen the proof of that now, she is able to speak to them courteously That doesn't exactly seem groundbreaking either But maybe there is a broad misconception that orgasms like the ones that Hannah has Loud, bone-shaking, spasming ones are the problem That women shouldn't be doing that They shouldn't be enjoying it so much damn them I'm not really sure what to make of it all, to be quite honest After Hannah's demonstration, she's ushered into the anti-chamber And is suddenly overcome with feelings of abandonment, a fear that she's displeased the doctor And their special relationship together is over I wonder if the way that Hannah's feeling is a kind of reflection of the lack of aftercare which she's had this time By now, Hannah's used to the doctor soothing her after his procedures and experiments But this time he has to maintain his distance so that he can continue his presentation The intern tries to reassure Hannah that the doctor will come back for her but she's convinced that this is the end And I wonder if it really is the end I guess I feel like it probably isn't I think the doctor is just busy with the presentation And he also can't be seen to care about Hannah too deeply He's got to maintain an air of scientific aloofness and a professional distance from his patient The benefit of the audience and also to keep up the illusion that he's just an objective scientific man Which we obviously know is false but he still has to keep up the pretense Even so, I do sympathize with Hannah And I think after that intense and probably traumatic experience It's understandable that she'd be feeling insecure and abandoned without his usual post-orgasmic reassurances The sudden outpouring of emotion could also be down to the sudden realization that the period of time at the institution Which she enjoyed the most Spending a lot of one-on-one sessions with the doctor is about to come to an abrupt end She's been working towards this moment for a long time and now it's finally come and gone So I think it's natural to be feeling a bit bereft There's also the potential realization that now she's passed this final test and performed in the doctor's demonstration That he just won't need her anymore She served her purpose And there's bound to be anxiety that he'll simply discard her now that he's got what he wanted And that's where we leave the chapter Poised in the limbo of unknowing that Hannah faces Lying alone in her cell and wondering if she's been betrayed if her heart will be broken And if the doctor really ever cared about her at all And what an interesting and powerful way to end the penultimate chapter of a story Because the demonstration we had this time could have so easily become the big climax that we've been building to all this time With nothing really exciting left for the conclusion But that's definitely not the case here And I think ending the chapter where we have is the perfect place to build even more anticipation for the final chapter next week I mentioned at the beginning that there is one comment And it's actually one from the author case 21 He's chiming in to just provide a little further reading on Victorian medical demonstrations George Diddy Huberman, the invention of hysteria, Charco and the photographic iconography of Sarpatrières And also Michelle Foucault, I think I pronounced that right Foucault, or actually I think it might be Foucault And their book, The History of Sexuality and Introduction, Volume 1, particularly pages 55 to 56 So if your curiosity has been piqued by this story and you want to know more about the real history behind All of the science that is discussed, then that's a great place to start your research If you've enjoyed this chapter of the story, then I want to suggest that you head over to And search for case 21 as an author, they've got 65 different submissions in their back catalogue available through their profile So if you head to and search for case 21 as an author, you'll find plenty to get stuck into If you do read any of their other work, then I want to encourage you to leave a like Leave them a 5 star rating and maybe even a supportive, encouraging comment I'm sure that they would appreciate that Thank you for downloading this episode of the podcast I hope that you enjoyed it, and if you haven't already, then I want to encourage you To beg you in fact, to like, subscribe, rate and review it All of 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spend on things to improve the setup even more Chiefly in terms of soundproofing, I think that's the next thing So if you love this podcast, if you listen every week and if you can afford it, I'd really appreciate your subscription I'll be back next week with the final chapter of "Sent of Ginger" I can hardly believe it, 10 weeks has gone by so quickly, another series almost in the bag But until then, I hope you have a great week If you feel like the whole world is fucking you, then maybe cut down on the poppers, and goodbye There's a touch of it, turn your hand You feel the stain inside your hair, tear it down You all have a way with your bullets, but you can't afford it, but you can't spend so much You'll be too sweet, all night alone You tell the doctor you don't, nothing wrong It's got a mess on your back, hell The taste of wine, that's all for this guy The "Sent of Ginger" The "Sent of Ginger" When you're inside, the "Sent of Ginger" You'll be too sweet, all night alone You'll be too sweet, all night alone You'll be too sweet, all night alone You'll be too sweet, all night alone You'll be too sweet, all night alone You'll be too sweet, all night alone